Report of the Chief Engineer TO THE UPON A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY AND A SYSTEM OF DRAINAGE FOR THE CITY OF MEMPHIS. SECOND EDITION. S. C. TOOK & CO., PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS. MEMPHIS. 1885. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. W. RICHARDSON HUNT, Chairman. J. J. MURPHY, Treasurer. W. B. GREENLAW. CHARLES JONES. R. D. BAUGH. D. PANTE. J. OVERTON, jr. ENGINEERS, CHAS. HERMANY, Chief Engineer. E. S. CHESBROUGH, Consulting Engineer. REPORT. Louisville, July 15, 1868. W. RICHARDSON HUNT, Esq., Chairman of the Board of Water-Works and Sewerage Commissioners for the City of Memphis, Tennessee: Sir—One of the first and leading considerations in the selection of abiding places for man, whether it he the cave of the savage, the hut of the barbarian, the cottage of the peasant, the camp of the soldier, the residence of the man of wealth, or the site of a large city, is the supply of an ample quantity of pure and wholesome water. Self-evident is this fact, and should he so completely within the comprehension of all persons as to render it superfluous to attempt any elucidation of the subject. Nature, however liberal, does not always make ample pro- vision for supplying the wants of man, inasmuch as springs, brooks and rivers are not sufficiently numerous to furnish water of suitable quality everywhere where man chooses abid- ing places ; hence his ingenuity or constructive ability is called into action, and wells are formed by excavations in the earth, from which water is obtained for limited numbers in localities more or less remote from natural water courses. In cities where large populations dwell upon comparatively small areas of land, this mode of obtaining water fails, both as regards quantity and quality. Upon the sites of many towns and cities, wells wholly fail to furnish water of suit- able quality ; hence rain-water cisterns, constructed under ground, and located in streets, courts, alleys, yards, base- ments, etc., into which that portion of rain falling upon the roofs of the houses, and not evaporated or absorbed, is con- ducted and stored for use. These modes of water supply are very expensive, considering the limited quantity and deteri- orated quality furnished. Take, for instance, the city of Memphis, with a population of 50,000, within the reach of an efficient public water sup- ply ; within this limit the present mode of supply is by means 4 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. of wells and rain-water cisterns, principally the latter ; the money invested in wells, cisterns, pumps, pipes and fixtures- with the attending annual repairs, at a very moderate esti, mate, cannot represent less capital than $300 for each and every house ; and estimating twelve persons as the average number to each house, the capital represented by the present water supply of Memphis would he $25 per capita, or $1,250,- 000 for a population of 50,000 ; while the quantity furnished is limited to the minimum, and the quality in every respect inferior. The city is, in this respect, situated similarly to all the other principal cities of the United States prior to their being provided with public water supplies, the sources of which being pure and far beyond the reach of the contaminating influences incident to densely populated districts. These cities, like your own, in times of sickness or epidemics, had the prevailing diseases to much greater extent and much more aggravated cases, by virtue of the fact that limited quantities of indifferent or bad water aided climatic causes in develop- ing and prolonging epidemics. In the city of Hew York, as early as 1798, while the necessity of a supply of pure water was already severely felt, Dr. Brown, in a report upon the subject in the same year, “ exhibits circumstantially the con- sumption of water as of a very small quantity (on account of the difficulty of procuring it), and subordinate quality ; he considers this as the cause of a variety of diseases and contagious disorders, especially the yellow fever, which had recently made great ravages there. Further, he blames highly the preference given by the inhabitants to the water in the Collect* and some wells, which by its freshness and the inter- mixture of carbonic acid pleases the taste, although partak- ing of the filth of men and animals, which sinks into the ground in streets, yards and stables, and then drains through the cemeteries before it reaches the pond. Thus the water in the Collect, as also in the wells, was rendered in a high degree unwholesome, in spite of its agreeable taste. He also considers the state of health of a populous city as depending * A pond supplied by a fine (?) spring. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 5 more upon the purity of its water than the quality of all the rest of its provisions together.” In the city of Philadelphia, as early as 1793 or 1794, Ben- jamin Franklin was, it is believed, the first who publicly called the attention of the citizens to the very important subject of watering the city from some other source than the wells then universally used ; urging that the afflictions from the ravages of contagious diseases rendered it necessary that a more copious supply of water should be procured, to insure the health, comfort and preservation of the citizens. This was just after the city had been visited by yellow fever. And in Franklin’s will, dated June 23, 1789, is the following clause : “ And having considered that the covering of the ground plot of the city with buildings and pavements which carry off most of the rain and prevent it soaking into the earth, and renewing and purifying the springs, whence the waters of the wells must gradually grow worse, and in time be unfit for use, as I find has happened in all old cities, I recommend that at the end of the first hundred years, if not done before, the corporation of the city employ a part of the hundred thousand pounds in bringing by pipes the water of Wissahiccon Creek into the town, so as to supply the inhab- itants.” Thus we perceive that the leading men of the cities of Hew York and Philadelphia (the latter now one of the healthiest cities on the face of the globe) were, three-quar- ters of a century ago, engaged upon the solution of problems exactly similar to the one now before the citizens of Mem phis, and long before the founder of Memphis had visited the Chickasaw Bluffs. And were the histories of other cities in this particular accessible to us, they would no doubt be simi- lar to the cases named. There are, however, many towns and cities in the United States which have not waited until dire necessity compelled the establishment of public water sup- plies ; but which, by a laudable enterprise, have established water-works as a means of enhancing their growth, offering inducements to capital, artisans and manufacttirers to locate in their midst, and thus secure an increase of permanent 6 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. wealth and population by fostering habits of cleanliness, health, industry and enterprise. View the subject in any light you will, it is full of interest and importance, and one in which the citizens should take the deepest interest; and it must he also self-evident to every property owner that the introduction of an ample supply of pure and healthful water into Memphis will do more toward building up the town and enhancing the value of property than any other improve- ment now contemplated. To sum up all the advantages from a properly devised pub- lic water supply, would require a lengthy dissertation upon the subject; we will therefore briefly enumerate some of the principal ones only. 1. It furnishes a better quality of water than is possible from wells and rain-water cisterns, and at a much cheaper rate for the same quantity than can be obtained by private or individual means of supply. 2. It encourages a liberal use of wholesome water by all classes, and thereby induces habits of cleanliness and com- fort, diminishes sickness, and in times of epidemics it has proved by the experience of other cities to be the greatest protection to densely populated districts. 3. By the constant command, at all hours of the day and night, of an unlimited quantity for protection against the ravages of tire, it reduces the risks for insurance companies, and with that the rates of insurance, and in this way perhaps more than in any other is a well-regulated public water sup- ply productive of pecuniary advantages, which annually amount to a very liberal percentage on the capital invested. 4. It invites settlement, and encourages the investment of capital in manufacturing enterprises, which by fostering productive industry tends to buildup the city in the elements constituting permanent wealth and independence. As the congregation of large numbers of human beings upon comparatively small areas has been shown to defile the spring and well-water, as also the rain-water, by causing it to* absorb in its flail the noxious gases which constantly arise from populous cities, as well as from the washings of the REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 7 roofs, consisting of an almost endless catalogue of articles prejudicial to health, thereby compelling a supply being ob- tained from a source beyond the reach of city defilement, it must not be concluded that with the procurement of pure water the evil is remedied ; not by any means ; it is only one of the effects which is obviated, for the evil itself continues to grow with the increase of population, until the earth or subsoil of the city is so thoroughly permeated with human excreta as to render a removal an absolute necessity; to accomplish which end capital and industry, under the direc- tion of the civil engineer, have constructed systems of sew- ers, through which, with the water from public water sup- plies and rains as vehicles, the refuse, etc., from dense popu- lations is carried to running streams and rivers, to be diluted to an extent which makes it harmless. Hence a system of thorough drainage, through the medium of sewers, is next in importance to a public water supply for a city as a means of preserving the health of its inhabitants. Tins is a subject upon the investigation, development and perfection of which the ablest statesmen, scientists and engineers of Great Britain and the continent of Europe have been engaged for years ; and in the United States, also, much attention has been given to the subject, although the literature or written experience in relation to it is quite meager. In a late publication* upon this subject the author truthfully remarks : “ The general standard of public morals always corresponds with the state of public health, the latter depending again upon abundance of food combined with a pure atmosphere and an unlimited supply of undefiled water.” And further: “ In nothing is the superior wisdom of the present Emperor of the French so manifest as in the undi- vided attention he, like the founder of his dynasty, pays to the sanitary, agricultural, industrial and commercial interests of his people, which thus manifestly proves that true states- manship finds its best allies in agriculture and public health.” This much, as prefatory, lias been deemed pertinent to the subject under investigation; and the results of an extended * Krepp’s London Sewerage. 8 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. survey and examination for a public water supply and a sys- tem of sewerage for the city of Memphis are herewith re- spectfully submitted. Upon the first visit to your city and its surrounding coun- try, ft was evident that a water-works and system of drain- age, comparing favorably with similar enterprises in neigh- boring cities, was neither a simple problem in engineering nor pecuniarily an insignificant undertaking for the city of Memphis, with its present population and wealth. Convinced in the outset of these facts, the duty of a thorough and extended investigation of the subject could not be confounded with hasty and ill-digested plans, however popular for the time being they might have proved. As to water-works, there are three general plans which present themselves as worthy of investigation and development. 1. A supply from Wolf River, taken at the most avail- able point above the town of Raleigh. 2. A supply from the Mississippi River, drawn at the first suitable point above the city. 8. A supply from the Mississippi River, taken in the vicin- ity of Ilatchie Lake. These different plans will be described in the order in which they have been named, with accompanying estimates of cost. First, however, it is deemed necessary to briefly state what have been regarded as the governing points in pro- jecting a public water supply for a city. These were, first,, the quality of the water, depending, of course, upon the nat- ural facilities enjoyed by the city to be supplied; second, the quantity required in a given time, depending upon present population and the prospective growth of the city, modified by climate and the business pursuits of its inhabitants; and lastly, the projection of the works on a general plan which will admit of being commenced and carried out in such a manner as to steadily grow with the growth of the city, causing at no time an investment of capital greatly dispro- portionate to the wealth of the city ; nor containing any branch the functions of which are limited by any cause, except the durability of the materials of which it is com- REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 9 posed. The compliance with this latter condition (next in importance to the quality of the water) the interests of Mem- phis rigidly demand; for no new project, of as much impor- tance as a public water supply to a city, is worthy of consid- eration, unless it is so designed as to admit of a systematic development with the growth of the city, and this is partic- ularly the case in the present undertaking, where everything remains to be done ; and consequently there can be no excuse for commencing any scheme which the present state of hy- draulic engineering does not pronounce nearest perfection. In commencing the surveys, the center line of Front Street was taken as a base line, from which the surveys were ex- tended as represented upon the maps, the measurements being made with 100 foot chains, with that degree of accuracy prac- ticable by this manner of determining distances; and in bal- ancing the surveys, by calculation of latitudes and depart- ures, they were proven to have been carefully made. The angles were measured with the transit, checked by the needle.. For the levels, the plane of reference or datum line adopted is the same as the one established by the City Engineer De- partment of Memphis, and is an assumed plane, one hundred feet below high water in the Mississippi at this point. Refer- ring to this plane, the top of the stone water table at south- east corner of the rope-walk in Navy Yard, reads 111.85* feet; the top of the stone water table at south-west corner of Exchange Building, reads 148.65 feet; and the center of Court Square, in center of inclosure around Jackson’s monu- ment, reads 151.8 feet. To this plane all the figures repre- senting elevations or difference of level upon the maps and plans refer. The levels made ,use of in drawing the maps and making the calculations were proven by repeated tests to have been accurately taken; and the elevations given upon the maps and plans all read plus plane of reference, the expres- sion adopted for which is, plus P. R., and so used throughout this report. Court Square being a locality well fixed in the minds of all citizens, it has been assumed as a point of refer- ence in describing the different localities referred to in the following report. * Reads in Mississippi Delta Survey, 46.26 feet. 10 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER - WORKS. Upon the commencement of these examinations, the opin- ion that the Mississippi River was the only source from which the city could obtain water of suitable quality was generally prevailing. Wolf River was looked upon by most of the citizens as being entirely out of the question, both as regards the quality and quantity of water available from that stream. To determine the question intelligently, specimens of water from these streams were taken in the months of June, July, August, September, and October, securing as great a varia- tion in these specimens as the changes in the rivers made practicable during this interval of time; also two specimens from Hatchie Lake, and one from a well in the longest settled portion of the city. These specimens were numbered from one up to ten, and, with these numbers as the only dis- tinguishing marks, sent to Prof. J. M. Locke, of Dayton, 0., who analyzed them, and whose able and lengthy report upon the analyses is herewith presented. REPORT OF THE ANALYSES OF CERTAIN SPECI- MENS OF WATER. Laboratory of the Western Military Institute, near Dayton, Ohio, I February 25, 1868. j To Charles Hermany, Esq., Chief Engineer of the Ciy Water-works, Memphis, Tenn.: Sir—Having had placed in our hands several specimens of water marked Xos. 1 to 10, inclusive, with the request that we analyze the same and report to yon the results; permit ns to submit the following report: Scientifically the analyses are important as showing the rela- tion between the waters of springs and rivers, and the geologi- cal strata through which It is evident that water taken from a river or other running stream will vary in its com- position according to the different stages of the stream from high to low water; but, as sometimes happens, one tributary will be locally in flood while the other streams are low, when it is evident that the composition of the water in the main stream will approximate that of the tributary furnishing the greater amount; but at the lowest stages of summer drought it may be assumed that the conditions are nearly uniform and con- stant, and that the results in different years will be nearly identical. Hence, when the work of analysis has been once REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 11 performed under these conditions, it can forever afterward he referred to as a standard of comparison. WATER AS A SOLVENT. We rarely think of water as an active chemical agent, while in fact its powers as a solvent are very extensive over all forms of matter, whether solid, liquid or gaseous. In some cases pure water dissolves a substance directly, as in the case of gypsum, while in other cases, in order to be- come a solvent, water must first combine with some other substance, as in the solution of limestone by first combining with carbonic acid. Pure water scarcely acts upon limestone, but that which has first absorbed fixed air (carbonic acid) will then dissolve one per cent, of limestone, and become what is called “ limestone water.” As heat will expel this absorbed carbonic acid, the limestone water when boiled loses one por- tion of its acid, and with it the power of any longer holding the lime in solution; it thus becomes milky, and the lime is deposited as a crust upon the inside of the vessel in which it is heated, as the tea-kettle or steam-boiler. As lime is a very common ingredient of waters in a limestone country, it be- comes an inquiry how the water acquires the carbonic acid by virtue of which it dissolves the lime of limestone ? It derives it in part from the atmosphere, but mostly from the soil, especially from the black mould formed by the rotting of leaves, wood, etc. Water passing through the decaying substance in the soil acquires carbonic acid, and then dissolves the first lime it meets with, holding it in solution as bicar- bonate of lime, or lime with a double portion of carbonic acid. Cold springs are often abundant in this dissolved lime- stone, but as soon as the water is discharged to the open air and becomes warm, as in the sun, bubbles of gas escape, and the water becomes milky by deposited lime. The streams in which this action goes on deposit a crust on the pebbles over which they run, and often cement the pebbles together. From the above it will be perceived that when the property called hardness of water is owing to the |»resence of bicarbon- ate of lime, it can be remedied by boiling the water, which dispels one-half of the carbonic acid, and the lime will then settle as a proto-carbonate of lime. When this hardness is owing to the presence of sulphate of lime (gypsum), an addi- tion of the carbonate of soda will precipitate the lime as a proto - carbonate of lime. The sulphuric acid, which was united with the lime, combines with the soda, whose carbonic acid has united with the lime. This property of water,to dissolve and become impregnated with various substances, giving to the natural waters of dif- 12 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. ferent localities different and characteristic properties, is the foundation of the following CLASSIFICATION OF NATURAL WATERS. First—Aqua Atmospherica, or atmospheric water, including’ rain, hail, snow, dew and frost. These are the nearest pure forms in which natural waters can be obtained, still they often contain foreign matter, derived from the atmosphere and what- ever may he floating in it. Second—Aqua Fluviatalis, river-water. The impurities of this vary much, according to circumstances, especially by the nature of the soils and rocks whence it is derived. Third—Aqua Fontana, spring and wel 1 waters. These are the chief sources of rivers ; but as the waters are supplied to them immediately from the rocks, the clays, the sands, and the soils where they are located, they are less pure than river- waters ; for, in their course, the waters of rivers deposit much of the foreign matter which they receive at their fountains. Fourth—Aqua Medicinales, medicinal or mineral waters. This name is given to such waters as are charged with such ingredients, and to such an extent as to produce peculiar effects on the human system. Sometimes they have a tem- perature unusually elevated, when they are termed thermal waters. Mineral springs have ever attracted great attention, and their analyses have been studiously preserved; but authors are faulty in not recording more of the analyses of river- waters in common domestic use. Fifth—Aqua Oceanian, sea-water. As all the saline matter contained in springs and rivers is carried more or less to the ocean, whence the water is evaporated or distilled into the atmosphere, to be precipitated at the heads of rivers in a pure state, leaving always the saline matter behind, the ocean may be supposed to be continually becoming more and more saline and concentrated. In some small seas or lakes having no- outlet, and around the earth is charged with saline matter, the water becomes highly impregnated, even to sat- uration, as in the case of some lakes in Persia, the Dead Sea, and the Great Salt Lake of America. From this view it appears that the dry land of earth is un- dergoing a perpetual washing and freshening by atmospheric waters ; and the materials carried into the ocean mechanically and chemically are, according to the doctrines of geology,, settled and crystallized into strata, ultimately to be raised up by some force of nature unknown to ns, and to form, in their turn, dry and habitable land. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER - WORKS. 13 This land would, of course, emerge saturated with all the oceanic salts, which must he dissolved slowly away by the streams and rivers which must he formed. By this up- heaval of strata from the depths of the ocean it is that the continued contribution of the land to the sea is restored, and that action which seemed to tend constantly to an ultimate extreme becomes a revolution returning into itself, and pre- serving an equilibrium which would otherwise unbalance the present condition of things. We have not yet discovered the laws of this revolution as we have astronomical periods, but no doubt those laws exist. SOME SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MODIFY WATERS. Well and spring-waters from large cities generally contain nitrates, which arise from the rapid oxidation of the nitro- genized organic matter. These nitrates in the water prevent the formation of any vegetable matter, the presence of which cannot be detected by the microscope, even after it has been long kept. According to Heinrich Bose, of Berlin, “the silicic acid (flint) which exists in water is probably, in most cases, one of the constituents of the organic substances, and it is partially owing to animalculae with silicious (flinty) coats (Bacillaroe and JVaviculce).” But some of the silica (flint) is most undoubtedly derived from the burning of vegetable matter on farms: the potassa and silica of the ash, fusing in combustion, become soluble, and are carried by rain-water precolating the soil into the springs, and thence into the rivers. In obtaining the results embodied in the following tables, the course pursued was to take a measured quantity of water (one quart) of each specimen, the solid matter held, mechan- ically suspended,was separated by filtration, dried and weighed, giving the amount of sediment to one quart. The clear filtered water was then carefully evaporated to dryness, leaving the mineral ingredients, which were collected and weighed, and reserved for future examination. In most of the cases separate portions of water were taken from which to determine the amount of some one ingredient, as one por- tion for the determination of the lime, another for the mag- nesia, a third for the sulphuric acid, etc. This course avoided any accumulative error which might arise from any slight impurities in one or more of the tests employed. This, in general, would have been the process most desirable to have employed in all cases, but a limited supply of several of the specimens required a different and more usual process 14 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER - WORKS. to be pursued, that of determining several constituents from the same portion of water; but the system of checks and counter-checks employed we deem sufficient to prevent any erroneous results, the employment of these checks being as essential to the conscientious analyst as to those who make the results of his labors the foundation of their own. As most substances combine in known proportions only, it is unnecessary to separate them in analysis in order to know the quantity of each of the constituents, these last being ascer- tained by calculation. Thus, when we obtain a given weight of proto-carbonate of lime, we know that the carbonic acid and the lime exist in the proportion of 22 to 28, and whatever may be the weight obtained, we separate it into two quanti- ties by calculation, which shall have the above proportion,, calling one carbonic acid and the other lime. With regard to lime it is a little more than one-half of the compound from which we estimate it, or in the ratio of 0.562 to 1. Silica, or flint, we procure in a pure state. Alumina, or clay, we also procure free from all combination. The mag- nesia in these examinations was determined in a compound of which is formed about only a quarter; i. e., the magnesia was in proportion of 0.253 to 1. The chlorine from a compound of which is constituted less than one-fourth. The sulphuric acid was estimated from a precipitate of sul- phate of baryta, which is slightly over one-third sulphuric acid. From this view of the subject it is evident that we can de- termine accurately a result imperceptible by the most delicate balance; as in the case of magnesia, if the precipitate be the one-thousandth of a grain, which is weighable, then the pure magnesia which it contains will be in the proportion of 1 to 0.253, or in the one-thousandth of a grain of precipitate there would be but twenty-live hundred-thousandths of a grain of magnesia, an amount not weighable. The balances employed by us were made by Robinson, of London, and the celebrated Oertling, of Berlin, both deli- cately suspended on jeweled suspensions and turning de- cidedly with the one-thousandth of a grain. To give some idea of the weight of this denomination, let a person take a fine human hair, cut off a piece an inch in length, and divide it into four pieces, each piece will weigh slightly less than the one-thousandth of a grain. ON THE USE OF LEAD FOR PIPES, CISTERNS, ETC. As the use of lead for pipes, cisterns, etc., in connection with water, is a subject of general interest, we beg leave to REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 15 introduce some remarks and practical suggestions upon the use of this metal. We find the use of lead for conducting water condemned by the Roman architect Vitruvius, who flourished in the age of Augustus, to whom his works on architecture were dedi- cated. Vitruvius says “ ceruse is formed, which is hurtful to the human body.” Galen also censures the use of lead pipes. There is hut little more than repetition of the above statements till the close of the last and the commencement of the present cen- tury, since which time science has unraveled the laws that regulate the actions of lead and water. Spring and river-waters which contain minute portions of neutral salts, form insoluble compounds with the lead, which would coat a cistern ; pure water dissolves the oxide of the metal which remains in solution until it is precipitated by the carbonic acid of the air as a carbonate of lead, but lead is not dissolved by pure water when the atmosphere is ex- cluded, as it furnishes the oxygen to form the lead into an oxide previous to the solution. The acetate of soda but imperfectly prevents the formation of the solution of the oxide of lead. When a hundredth part of the acetate of soda is dissolved in water, lead placed therein loses about one-fourth of what it would in distilled water in the same length of time. On the contrary, assenite of soda is a complete preservative when dissolved in the pro- portion of a twelve-thousandth part. Phosphate of soda and hydriodate of potassa are almost as effectual preservatives in the proportion of a thirty-thousandth part only of the water. It requires a two-thousandth of chloride of sodium (common salt) and a four-thousandth of sulphate of lime. Vitrate of potassa (nitre) is but little superior to the acetate of soda. When water contains a hundredth part of this nitrate, it almost entirely prevents any action; but if the quantity be reduced to a hundred-and-sixtieth, the loss sustained by the lead is fully a third of that dissolved in distilled water. Christison makes the statement that water, which contains a ten-thousandth or a twelve-thousandth of salts, may be safely conveyed in lead pipes, if the salts in the water be chiefly carbonate and sulphate ; that lead pipes cannot be safely used when it contains a four-thousandth of saline mat- ter, if this consists chiefly of muriates (chlorides). Water in leaden vessels is sometimes contaminated by the effects of the galvanic current, which generally requires the presence of two metals, viz., lead and the solder which is 16 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. msec! to unite it. This is probably a source of galvanic action in cisterns; also, the iron, copper, and brass rods and wires 'which are used therein. This electrical action may take place, even without the presence of another metal, by parts of the same pieces of lead, for example, being of a different quality, caused by more or less impurities, and thus acting as different metals. This will explain why sheet lead corrodes sometimes in spots when exposed to the air or water. Lead-lined cisterns, to contain water for culinary purposes, should always be filled nearly up to the top, and should not have lead covers; for the water is slowly evaporated and then condensed on the metal, thus covering it with distilled water, which dissolves the oxide, and, accumulating, drops into the cistern, carrying the dissolved lead with it. The equilibrium of the water can be easily maintained, where the cistern is supplied by a pipe, by using the common automatic ball and stop-cock. A re- markable instance of the above mode of poisoning is men- tioned by the Compte de Milly, in a paper read by him before the Academy of Sciences at Paris. About a year after having two leaden cisterns placed in his house to hold the water of the Seine for domestic purposes, he was attacked with severe and obstinate colic. This led him to examine his cisterns. He found that the sides, when they were occasionally left exposed by the subsidence of the water, and more especially the tops, were covered with a white liquid, which was con- stantly dropping into the water of the cistern, which gave decided evidences of lead. But the Seine contains such an amount of salts that it will not dissolve lead placed within it. Rain and snow-waters should never be retained in leaden cisterns, as such waters are of sufficient purity to dissolve the coating; nor should water collected from buildings cov- ered with lead be used for general domestic purposes. This was forcibly illustrated at Amsterdam, at the time such roofs were substituted for tiled ones in that city. The lead colic became general and committed great ravages. This was un- doubtedly caused by the water which was collected from the roofs for culinary purposes ; the same is mentioned as having occurred at Harlem. REMARKS ON THE SPECIMENS ANALYZED. As the various specimens previous to analysis were known to and distinguished by us only by the numbers attached to each package, we have so designated them in the various tables. bTo. 1.—This specimen of water contained a large amount of yellowish brown colored sediment, the greater portion of REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 17 which readily separated from the liquid by settling, but leav- ing the water of a yellowish tinge even after standing a long time. After filtration the water remained opalescent and of a yellowish green cast. The entire amount of sediment con- tained in one gallon, 20.31117 grains. No. 2.—This water contains a yellowish sediment amount- ing in a gallon to 3.55892 grains. After filtration it remains slightly opalescent. No. 3.—This specimen contained a gray sediment, a por- tion of which was very light and fiocculent, but readily sepa- rated by filtration; the water remained of a yellowish tinge, but perfectly clear. The sediment from this water was largely composed of alumina (clay), and the weight from one gallon=101.613 grains troy weight. No. 4,—This specimen was clear, with a dark brown sedi- ment which was very fiocculent, filtered freely, the filtrate being clear, but of a decided yellowish tinge. The sediment was small in quantity, there being in a gallon hut 1.2602 grains. No. 5.—Upon opening the package containing this specimen there was a decided odor of vegetable matter, which passed ofi‘ in a short time.* The water itself, however, was entirely free from all woody taste. When filtered, it was very clear and of a bluish tinge; the weight of sediment from one gal- lon=0.73633 grains. No. 6.—This specimen, on evaporation, yielded a residuum of a light brown color, readily darkening by a slight eleva- tion of temperature. The amount of sediment contained in one gallon=2.83214 grains. No. 7.—On opening the bottle containing this specimen there was a strong odor of sulphureted hydrogen, but after a short time all appearance of the presence of this substance disappeared. The water was very clear, containing but a small amount of sediment, there being but 0,1234 of grains to the gallon. After removing the sediment the water has a decided yellow- ish tinge. No. 8.—This specimen contained but enough sediment to render it slightly turbid, and is really made perfectly clear by filtering as it passes through the filter freely. The amount of sediment to the gallon being equal to 0.38893 grains. This specimen, it will be seen by reference to the tables, con- tains a smaller quantity of mineral or foreign matter than any other specimen examined, the amount not being greater, 18 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER - WORKS. and the substances such as will be found constituting the im- purities of the contents of many rain-water cisterns. Ho. 9.—On opening the bottle containing this specimen there was a decided smell of woody or vegetable matter. It contains sufficient sediment to render it turbid. The sediment in one gallon=0.9877 grains was very min- utely divided, and easily suspended, giving a whitish gray appearance to the water. Ho. 10.—This specimen was very clear, having a peculiar brilliancy that to the eye of the inexperienced would have indicated it as the purest, brightest water of the entire series examined, while in fact it contained the greatest number of mineral substances of all the specimens. OF THE TABLES. For the convenience of reference and comparison we have presented the result of onr analysis in the form of the accom- panying tables. The table marked No. 1 contains the results of the analysis of one quart of water of each specimen expressed in the decimal weights of the French. These are the actual weights obtained. This table is the basis from which have been de- duced by calculation or combination Tables Nos. 2 and 3. Table No. 2, deduced by calculation from No. 1, presents the quantity in troy grains of each substance in one gallon of water. Table No. 3.—After having determined by analysis the number and quantity, or “ what and how much,” of the vari- ous ingredients are contained in a given specimen, the analyst has gone as far as he can with absolute positive certainty; but as these substances in many cases combine with one another, it becomes a question, in what manner are they combined in the natural water? In doing this, although the analyst can- not assert that he is positively correct, yet guided by the chemical affinities of the various substances his combinations will most probably be correct. In Table No. 3 we have pre- sented the substances combined according to the best author- ities, and our knowledge obtained during their examination. JOSEPH M. LOCKE, JOHN LOCKE, m.d. TABLE No. 1. Contains the weight of substances in Grammes (1 Gramme=15.43402 Troy Grains) Found in one American Quart (1593.05 Grains) of each Specimen. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. Solid Matter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ' 10 REMARKS. 0.04500 0.07100 0.22950 0.20003 0.04370 0.17650 0.23035 0.03875 0.15640 1.24260 Lime 0.00444 0.00834 0.05639 0.04968 0.00810 0.05111 0.09215 0.00472 0.02953 0.02932 No. 1, Wolf River 0.04230 No. 2, Wolf River 0.00650 0.00778 0.00342 0.14254 No. 3, Miss. River 0.01822 0.03540 No. 4, Hatchie Lake 0.01645 0.01663 0.17559 No. 5, Wolf River Alumina 0.01075 0.02078 0-00584 0.00636 0.00457 0.00852 0.00547 0.00613 0.00805 0.04800 No. 6, Miss. River No. 7, Hatchie Lake Silicic Acid (Flint).. 0.02560 0.03446 0.03033 0.01732 0.01931 0.00750 0.01794 0.01267 0.00468 0.03552 No. 8, Wolf River 0.05497 No. 9, Miss. River Carbonic Acid 0.00348 0.00655 0.05145 0.04758 0.00637 0.05312 0.07240 0.00371 0.05205 0.14805 No. 10, Well in City 0.02468 0.02504 0.34609 Organic Matter 0.02919 0.02257 0.00535 0.03748 0.04222 0.01112 0.02264 0.21195 Loss 0.00083 0.00087 0.00867 0.00707 0.00055 0.00017 0.00040 0.00063 0.00857 Total 0.04500 0.07100 0.22950 0.20003 0.04370 0.17650 0.23035 0.03876 0.15640 1.24260 Analyzed by JOHN LOCKE, M.D. 20 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. Stable no. 2. Showing the Quantity in Grains of the substances contained in an American Gallon (58,372 Grains) of each of the Specimens. Solid Matter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REMARKS. 2.778124 4.383262 14.168435 12.349070 2.697867 10.896420 14.220909 2.392273 9.655525 7.671327 Lime Calcium 0.275108 0.514879 3.481299 3.067049 0.500062 3.155332 5.688981 0.291394 1.822894 0.181010 0.261144 0.880000 No. 1, Wolf River No. 2, Wolf River No. 3) Miss. River No. 4, Hatchie Lake No. 5, Wolf River No. 6, Miss. River No. 7, Hatchie Lake No. 8, Wolf River No. 9, Miss. River No. 10, Well in City Magnesia 0.401285 0.480307 0.211165 2.185254 Soda 1.124831 Sodium 1.015559 0.360539 Trace. 1.872456 Trace. 3.176322 1.523647 1.802076 0.535252 1.026671 0.392642 Trace. 1.069269 1.084024 0.296333 Alumina Iron 0.663663 Trace. 1.574271 1.282876 Trace. 2.127426 0.282134 Trace. 1.192124 0.525991 0.337697 0.378442 0.497067 Silicic Acid (Flint).. 0.463021 1.107545 0.782196 0.288920 0.217435 0.339363 0.913989 2.136624 1.308496 0.052909 Carbonic Acid 0.214841 0.404371 2.937403 1.545872 1.393383 0.436474 0.393259 3.279421 4.469693 0.229041 3.213080 Organic Matter Loss Total 0.051241 0.053710 0.330288 2.313869 0.033955 2.606497 0.010496 0.686505 0.024695 1.398001 0.039144 2.778124 4.383262 14.168435 12.349070 2.697867 10.893420' 14.220909 2.392273 9.655525 7.671327 Analyzed by JOHN LOCKE, m.d. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. TABLE No. 3. Showing the Quantity in Grains of the compound ingredients contained in an American Gallon (58,372 Grains) of each of the Specimens. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REMARKS. Chloride of Sodium. Chloride Calcium.... 2.539206 2.572543 2.757188 0.724604 0.439596 0.121569 No. 1, Wolf River No. 2, Wolf River No. 3, Miss. River No. 4, Hatchie Lake No. 5, Wolf River No. 6, Miss. River No. 7, Hatchie Lake No. 8, Wolf River No. 9, Miss. River No. 10, Well in City Trace. Sulphate Magnesia.. 1.925063 5.634521 3.736055 3.255215 0.441123 Carbonate of Lime.. Carbonate Magnesia Carbonate of Iron... Alumina (Clay) Silicic Acid (Flint).. 0.488949 0.919250 6.216605 0.842301 Trace. 0.360539 1.872456 1.802076 0.535252 5.476869 1.007890 Trace. 0.392642 1.069269 1.393383 0.436474 0.893321 10.158674 0.520435 1.753197 Trace. 0.663663 1.574271 Trace. 1.282876 2.127426 Trace. 0.282134 1.192124 0.330288 0.525991 0.463021 2.313869 0.033955 0.337697 1.107545 2.606497 0.010496 0.378442 0.782196 0.686505 0.024695 0.497067 0.288920 1.398001 0.031944 0.296333 0.217435 1.308496 0.052909 Loss and Soda Salts. Total Solid Matter... 0.051241 0.053710 2.778124 4.383262 14.168435 12.349070 2.697867 10.896420 14.220909 2.392273 9.655525 7.671327 Analyzed by JOHN LOCKE, m.d. 22 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. The analyses have demonstrated the fact that the univer- sally prevailing opinion with reference to the superiority of the Mississippi water over that of Wolf River is fallacious; and that instead of the water from Wolf River being inferior in quality to that of the Mississippi, it is proved not only far superior to it, but equal in purity to any public water supply in the United States. The following table, taken from Mr. E. S. Chesbrough’s report to the water commissioners of Chicago in 1861 (to which the analyses of the Mississippi and Wolf River waters with several others are added), will show the relative purity of waters supplied to or proposed for different cities. The table gives the quantity of solid matter in a wine gallon (equal to the United States standard gallon) held chemically in solution by the respective waters, and shows that Wolf River watei* stands third in degree of purity, Lake Cochituate and the Long Island streams alone being superior; whilst the Mississippi water stands Ho. 16 in the order of purity, limit- ing the comparisons to the public water supplies in the United States. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 23 Table No. 1. solid n one Hon ’ n ANALYZED City Supplied Source Grains of matter i U. S. ga 0 u 0 'V O By Whom c A £ By Whom Repeated and Remarks 1.85 Jervis & Johnson. Jervis & Johnson. W. J. McAlpine. W. J. McAlpine. 4.16 i-97 6 1852 1852 8 t 14 1 I"* S-8S t5-S9 9 1859 Jacob Houghton. 4.16 • 1859 Jacob Houghton. 1 77 6-74 6-75 13 1852 1848 Quebec, average.. St. Charles River Geo. R. Baldwin. 10.60 10.64 Elbe WELLS IO4.OO Average of several others 65.20 20.32 48.83 56.80 30.00 116.46 2-54 8-33 5-54 79-23 1.56 21.14 3.€2 Cleveland, O Cleveland, O Lake Erie Lake Erie, near shore 15 W.W. Mather W.W. Mather W.W. Mather 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 1852 Supplies Cleveland. Cleveland, O Cleveland, O Cleveland, O Charlestown, Ms. Well near old Theatre Well on Euclid Street, ) (Prof Cassel) J Average of 4 city wells.... W.W. Mather W.W. Mather W.W. Mather 1859 1845 5.00 6.32 I4.I7 IO.9O Dr, Jackson... Cambridge, Mass. Memphis, Tenn... Memphis, Tenn... Memphis, Tenn... Memphis, Tenn... Memphis, Tenn... Memphis, Tenn... Memphis, Tenn... Memphis, Tenn... Memphis, Tenn... Memphis, Tenn... 12 J. M. Locke... J. M. Locke... 1868 ) l6 1869 1868 > Average if.58. 12.35 14.22 2.78 4-38 2,70 2.39 7.67 1868 1868 Wolf River J. M. Locke... J. M. Locke... J. M. Locke... 1868 1868 f Average 3.06. Wolf River 1868 1868 ) Well J. M. Locke... 1868 24 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. It is thus manifest that in every particular the water from Wolf River is better and more suitable for the uses of a pub- lic water supply than that which could he obtained from the Mississippi. There is but one consideration which justifies a moment’s hesitation in making a choice from the two waters,, and that is the fact that the Mississippi water will arrive at a desirable degree of clearness by subsidence in two days, whilst that from Wolf River will require eight days, caused by the greater quantity of alumina in the latter, and the almost total absence of lime and salts ; which impurities in the Mississippi water, by chemical action, aid in producing a more speedy precipitation of its sediment. On this account a subsiding reservoir for clearing a given quantity of water from Wolf River, would have to be four times the capacity of one for clearing the same quantity of Mississippi water; making a difference in this particular in favor of the Missis- sippi water equal annually to the interest upon the difference in the costs of the respective reservoirs, which comparison will be rendered definite hereafter. To counterbalance this advantage possessed by the Mississippi water over that from Wolf River, we find, by referring to the analyses, that the maximum quantity of sediment per gallon contained in the Wolf River water is only 20 per cent, of the maximum quan- tity contained per gallon of the Mississippi water, and the average for the specimens taken 17 78-100 per cent. By sediment in the water is meant the impurities held median- ically in suspension independent of those held chemically in solution. The former can all be separated from the water before distributing it by subsidence or filtration, while the latter can never be disengaged from any water on a scale applicable to a public water supply, and must always go with the distribution and be consumed by the people. The anal- yses thus show that the average quantity of sedimentary matter contained by the Mississippi water is about six times the average quantity contained by the Wolf River water. The average quantity of sediment contained by the Missis- sippi water, as determined by these analyses, is 1-1661 of its own weight. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 25 This quantity corresponds very closely with the observa- tions and deductions of the Mississippi Delta Survey, from which the following table is compiled, with the addition of the quantities determined by Prof. J. M. Locke and Col. Henry Fladd. WATER TO SEDIMENT River Authority • Measurements Made. By Weight as By Bulk as Miss, at Carrollton Miss. Delta Survey.. 1,808 is to 1 *3,435 is to 1 For twelve months, 1851-1852. Miss, at Carrollton Miss. Delta Survey,. 1,449 is to 1 *2,753 is to 1 For twelve pronths, 1852-1853. Miss, at Columbus Miss. Delta Survey.. 1,321 is to 1 *2,510 is to 1 For nine months, 1858. Miss, at the mouth Mr. Meade 1,256 is to 1 For two months, 1838. For 1838. Miss, at the mouth Mr. Sidell *3,276 is to 1 *2,366 is to 1 Miss, at various places... Prof. Riddle 1,245 is to 1 For fourteen days, summer 1843. Miss, at New Orleans Prof. Riddle 1,155 is to 1 3,000 is to 1 For thirty-five days, summer 1846. Mr. Brown 528 is to 1 At irregular dates, 1846 and 1848. For three and a half flood mos., ’49. Miss, at Memphis Lieut. Marr 596 is to 1 1,132 is to 1 Lieut. Marr 2,950 is to 1 For twelve months, 1850-1851. 1 Average of three specimens, taken \ July 15, Sep. 18, and Oct. 7, 1867. Miss, at Memphis. Water-works Survey 1,661 is to 1 *3,156 is to 1 Wolf River, five miles'! above Memphis j Water-works Survey 10,000 is to 1 ( Average of four specimens, taken j June 13, July 11, Sep. 18, and ( Oct. 7, 1867. Miss, at St. Louis Water-works Survey 368 is to 1 In the condit ion of dried mud. Miss, at St. Louis Water-works Survey 94 is to 1 In the condit ion of soft mud. by assuming the specific gravity to be 1.9, which is nearly that of the natural deposit pf the Mississippi River. PROPORTION OF SEDIMENT IN RIVER WATER. 26 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. On page 148 of Mississippi Delta Survey Gen. Humphreys observes ; UA comparison of these different results leads to the belief that no material error will result from assuming that the sediment of the Mississippi is to the water by weight nearly as 1 is to 1500, and by bulk nearly as 1 is to 2900, provided long periods of time be considered.” Therefore, in this comparison between the two waters, it is proper to esti- mate the annual average quantity of sediment in the water from the Mississippi at this point at 1-1500 of its own weight, and that contained by the water from Wolf River at 1-9000 of its weight; and with these proportions, the deposits in the settling reservoirs, when the daily consumption reaches 6,000,000 gallons, would be 15 34-100 tons of mud from the Mississippi and 2 55-100 tons from Wolf River daily, which would require to be removed from the settling reservoirs periodically; and the difference between the respective quan- tities- named (12 79-100 tons) is against the Mississippi water. The manner of removing these deposits from the settling reservoirs will have to be determined by experience as well as the expense attending the removal. At St. Louis it event- uated in the filling up of the old reservoirs, and the building of a temporary one from which to supply the city while the old ones were being cleaned. To determine the question of quantity available from Wolf River, the stream was carefully gauged in the month of Octo- ber, when it was at its lowest stage for the season, and reported by the oldest residents along its banks to be at its lowest annual fall stage. The gaugings were made October 9, 10, and 12, 1867, at a point 4 54-100 miles above the town of Raleigh, directly opposite Station 447 of conduit line (see water-works map) ; and the average discharge during the time of these observations was found to be 8,636,775 U. S. gallons per hour, being equal to nearly eight times the mini- mum discharge of the Croton River supplying the City of Hew York. The sources of Wolf River are reported to be about sixty-five miles south-eastwardly from Memphis, and composed of a comparatively small number of springs, dis- REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 27 charging great volumes of sandstone-water. These state- ments are corroborated by the fact that for three months last fall, during the driest weather, the stage of the river did not vary six inches ; and also, by the analyses, showing com- paratively a small quantity of lime and a large quantity of silicic acid held in solution by the water. In deciding upon the scale or magnitude of the works, it has been assumed that simultaneously with the construction of water-works the city will also be provided with a system of thorough drainage or sewerage works; that the water supply should be liberal in quantity, and the use of it general; and that the growth and progress of the city of Memphis in the near future will be equal to that indicated as having pre- vailed heretofore. With these considerations as a guide, it is estimated that by the time the works can be put in suc- cessful operation a population of 75,000 would be within the limits of an efficient distribution; that two-thirds of this number would avail themselves of the use of the water; and that in this latitude, with the long periods of dry weather, with sewers to convenienly dispose of the water after having subserved the many uses and abuses to which public water supplies are generally subject, it would require sixty gallons per capita per twenty-four hours. At this rate of consump- tion, it would require for a water-consuming population of 50,000 inhabitants 3,000,000 gallons daily ; and to project the works upon a scale of twice this quantity, or 6,000,000 gallons daily, is not believed to be making any too liberal provisions for the future. In the following table is given the data per- taining to this point in other cities. It gives the average daily quantity per capita in the measure of the total quantity of water in gallons distributed for all uses—viz., domestic, manufacturing, fire protection, dust laying, etc.—divided by the total population, and also that portion of the population who obtain their supply of water from the public water supply exclusively. 28 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. Year Cities Each inhabi- tant per day. Gallons. Each consu- mer per day. Gallons. 1867 Charlestown, Mass 41.83 54.33 1867 Brooklyn, N. Y *47.10 1866 Cleveland, Ohio 22.35 24.26 1867 Detroit, Mich 48.46 54.47 Chicago, 111 50.00 Cincinnati, Ohio 1864 St. Louis, Mo * 54.1 1866 Louisville, Ky 16.81 73.96 1864 New York 62.00 * Approximate. Table No. 2. With the above named considerations, and the data from the statistics of other works above tabulated as guides, the supply for Memphis is designed of a capacity in the com- mencement of 6,000,000 gallons in twenty-four hours. Before describing any of the plans investigated, it will not be out of place to advert to the fact that a water supply for Memphis by means of artesian wells lias been suggested here- tofore, and found more or less favor with prominent men in the community. An artesian well, sending forth a constant stream of pure water, is a beautiful and interesting sight; and in the popular mind it is invested with a great degree of novelty. What is an artesian well ? Historically, it is so called from a mode practiced in Artois, a province in France, by boring for water. Technically, an artesian well is a mode for obtaining a spontaneous flow of water at or above the sur- face of the earth through the medium of a tube perforation of the earth’s crust, extending in depth until a body of water is reached, from which, by hydrostatic pressure, a portion is delivered through the tube at or above the surface of the earth. The most plausible theory explanatory of the flow ot water from artesian wells is their similarity to natural springs, there being in both contracted apertures from the surface of the earth to subterranean reservoirs full of water, and com- pressed by columns of this liquid. Through these apertures (natural Assures in the earth in the case of springs, and arti- REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 29 ficial borings in the case of artesian wells) the water escapes, seeking its level. The history of artesian wells, so far as they have been re- sorted to as a means of supplying towns and cities with water, is not at all encouraging, whatever may be their merits as means of obtaining limited quantities of water for private or special uses. The City of New York having for a period of sixty-three years endeavored to solve the prob- lem of procuring a public water supply, dating from July, 1774, with the proposition of Christopher Codes, to the in- corporation of a fourth company in 1827, “called New York Yell Company/'* finally endeavored to obtain a sup- ply by means of artesian wells, “ The company made several attempts to procure water, but being satisfied by their experi- ments of the impracticability of the undertaking, the enter- prise was abandoned." “The hope next embraced was that of artesian wells. Mr. Levi Disbrow had about this time succeeded, by boring to a great depth through earth and rock, in procuring a copious/ supply of good water at the Manhattan Reservoir, corner of Bleecher and Mercer streets. The diameter of this perfora- tion is eight inches; its depth 442 feet. A tube extends from the top to near the bottom in order to exclude the springs that may be met with in the descent, and of which the quality might impair that of the main supply. Mr. Dis- brow made several other borings, varying from 72 to 250 feet in depth. “ Encouraged by his success, Mr. Disbrow proposed to sup- ply the city by an artesian well and reservoir in each ward. But inasmuch as the product of these wells is limited, even supposing (what is by no means certain) that the multiplica- tion of them in different levels would not diminish the sup- ply and drain the sources of the more shallow to the deeper perforations, it seemed obvious that the cost of such an en- terprise, taken in connection with the uncertainty of the result as to the adequate supply, forbade the undertaking. Nevertheless, the corporation caused various perforations to ®See King’s Memoir on the Croton Aqueduct. t2Q,ooo gallons in 24 hours REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. be made in the public markets, and in Jacob Street in the- swamp. In this last, at the depth of 128 feet, a mineral spring was obtained, unfit for domestic purposes, but which for a time was supposed or represented to possess valuable medicinal qualities.’’ During the interval above referred to in the history of the New York water supply, nearly every available means was- resorted to, and all known mechanical expedients applied, all resulting, as did the artesian wells, in failing to meet the wants of the city; and it was not until a source of unques- tionable purity, guaranteeing an unlimited quantity, was chosen and made available by one of the most reliable engi- neering works, that the wants of the city were supplied. The City of Liverpool was supplied up to the completion of the Rivington Pike scheme, a gravitation water supply put in successful operation in 1856 by means of seven wells, furnishing in 1849 an aggregate quantity of 3,908,075 gallons per day, at an average cost of $11.13,* in the pumping de- partment alone, per million gallons elevated 100 feet; and in 1854, from the same wells, the cost was $9.29 per million gallons raised 100 feet high; in these costs, attendance or labor, coal, oil, tallow, etc., only are included, no allowance being made for wear and tear, depreciation of machinery, or interest on capital invested. Reduced to similar measures, O', e., the annual average cost at the pumping station in at- tendance, labor, fuel, oil, tallow, etc., per million United States gallons of water raised 100 feet high), the cost of pumping water at some of the principal pumping works in the United States is given in the following *See Hughes’s Treatise on Water-works, pages 146 and 147. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. Table IsTo. 3. City •>* Power Different level betwe’n source and delivery WHAT OF PUM PACITY REQUIR s g s ’ORTION PING CA- DAILY ED. < Cost per million gal- lons elevated 100 feet Order of economy Cambridge, Massachusetts 1866 Steam. 724 $18 02 10 Charlestown, Massachusetts 1865 Steam. 135 0.228 0.177 14 97 6 Hartford, Connecticut 1866 Steam. 120 16 34 8 Brooklyn, New York 1866 Steam. 161 6.440 0.380 12 84 4 1866 159 0.285 0-269 9 63 1 Fairmount, Philadelphia, Penn 1866 Water 1.000 0.605 2 00 0 Schuylkill, Philadelphia, Penn 1866 Steam. 115 0.414 0.290 13 00 6 Delaware, Philadelphia, Penn 1866 Steam. 112 1.000 0.806 22 00 13 24th Ward, Philadelphia, Penn 1866 Steam. 1.000 0.615 9 91 2 Germantown, Philadelphia, Penn... 1866 Steam. 0.272 0.215 23 10 14 Cleveland, Ohio 1865 Steam. 158 0.200 0.154 17 55 9 Cincinnati, Ohio 1866 Steam. 165 0.712 0.546 18 09 11 Louisville, Kentucky. 1866 Steam. 144 0.200 0.123 16 14 7 Chicago, Illinois 1865 125 0.540 0.354 12 20 3 Detroit, Michigan 1867 75 0.410 0.360 18 20 12 The results in this table are not given as being exact com- parisons between the cost of pumping water in the United States and the cost at the Liverpool wells, but simply as illustrative of the comparative cost between pumping water from wells and rivers or lakes. To make the comparison exact, there would .be required detailed knowledge of the cost of labor, fuel, etc., at each station, whereas the results in the table, as well as those for the wells, were calculated from annual aggregates. The city of Liverpool was supplied with good water from these seven wells for many years. They were located within a circle of three miles radius, but the quantity available from them, although they were frequently deepened by borings, was gradually decreasing ; and Mr. Stephenson, in a report in 1850 upon the Liverpool Water Supply, recommended an increase in the number of wells as the best means of perma- nently increasing the quantity. Notwithstanding Mr. Ste- phenson’s clear and able treatment of the question, the well system of Liverpool has been abandoned, and the city sup- plied with water by the Rivington Pike scheme, apparently 32 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. for no other reason than the greater security against a failure in the supply enjoyed by the latter plan. In the following table are given the distinctive features of some of the most noted artesian wells : Cl hrj 0 OS o 2 > K 13 O 5 P 2 rT ST* ft 5T P rT w ►T 0) in' in 2 in 4 3 5 S o £L z 3 in* *-* c/T o X > W T Crq 2 rT 3 a> r co CO > W O p P p IT. o i- 2. P X* i-i sr in' O p ? p o o p b o o p p to to H-l o on M to X 5 b Depth of Well a» © b 00 © r“f‘ p4 Diameter of Bore at CO CO ton CO © Bottom of Well s 2 Salt.. Salt.. ’ F resh § 2 Fresh Fresh Quantity of Water S- O 73 GO C5 GO to ioim £1 Temp’ture of Water r—1 Oi Length of Time in tc*-< f Boring Well 3 -c Elevation of Dis- charge plus or min. X 3 X in in S n O 'CO o o Ot CO © © " Surface of Ground r to CO p p o GC b co p b co © b b i—1 X 5° a> h-i cn Discharge per 24 hours in U. S. gallons o b o 5 o 5 ■P -te © p p to o b o b o b to 05 00 Total Cost of Well o o b CO © o o s o o o o o © ■te CO o CC Oi §5 • CO o © First Cost in measures CO o h-‘ C5 05 p o of 1,000,000 gallons CO b 00 in 24 hours o H-t a o o CO 00 © o o Table No. 4, REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 33 This table illustrates the highly experimental nature of the process in obtaining water by means of artesian wells. Out of seven successful wells, four furnish water unsuitable for domestic use. As to cost, the statements concerning the costs of the wells named are too indefinite, and the number of wells too small, to form any comparison with ordinary pumping works. Below are given extracts from a report* of the commission constituted in accordance with the proposition of the Senator Prefect of the Seine, by a decree of his Excellency “ the Minister of Agriculture, Commerce, and Public Works,” many of the observations and conclusions in which are as applicable to Memphis as they are to the city of Paris: Dated October 29, 1861. Instructed to examine the question ‘whether it be possible and expedient to provide exclusively by means of artesian wells for the supply and distribution of water for all public and private uses in the city of Paris.’ Monsieur the Minister—The commission that you have insti- tuted to examine if it be possible and expedient to provide exclusively by means of artesian wells for the supply and distribution of water for all public and private uses in the city of Paris, after careful examination, reports to your Ex- cellency that such is not its opinion. The commission is unanimous. Among its members there are none who are unaware of the importance of artesian water drawn from the green sand for the use of Paris. But among those who base upon it the greatest expectations there are none who are of opinion that it would be advisable to exclude the employment of other resources that nature or art has placed at the disposal of the Parisian people CONCLUSIONS. In conclusion, for the following reasons, the commission is of opinion that it is not best to provide exclusively by means of artesian wells for the distribution of water for all public and private services in the city of Paris. 1. The water-bearing stratum of green sand is not the exclusive property of the city of Paris. It can be operated upon at any distance or level by the proprietors of the soil. The works constructed by companies, associations, and indi- *A copy of which was furnished by E. S. Chesbrough, Esq. 34 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER - WORKS. viduals, however great or indisputable may be the capabilities ot this source, could absorb them and render them of very doubtful application to the municipal wants. 2. The phenomena and natural accidents, such as earth- quakes, that exercise little influence upon canals through which flow surface water, could, on the contrary, produce on channels for the passage of water at great depths a derange- ment of their course. Though such events may be rare, it is sufficient to know that once in twenty years their effect on the well of Grenelle has been observed, not to be willing to expose the city of Paris to receive suddenly and for entire months turbid water in all its reservoirs, or to submit to a diminution of one-half the product of its flowing wells, which, though it were but temporary, would not be the less serious. 3. The art of boring is not yet advanced enough by ex- perience in tubing very deep wells of large diameter, especi- ally in what concerns the green sand basis ; tubes in iron do> not last; copper tubes even, lined with tin, might fill the people with anxiety in times of epidemic; wooden tubes are uncertain; and wells not provided with tubes have not been thoroughly experimented with. 4. The water of the artesian source, which is of great purity, and which, so far as mineral substances are concerned, is better suited than all others for industrial and public use,, is very slightly aerated and tepid. It would be necessary, therefore, to cool and aerate it to render it useful for domestic purposes; and for this reason it would be regretted that it is- not a little richer in carbonic acid and carbonate of lime. 5 6. .... ...... 7. In conclusion, when we talk of supplying 2,000,000 inhabitants, it is prudent to assure ourselves of the simulta- neous use of bodies of water taken from various sources, in order to be always ready to quiet the complaints of the peo- ple. Water, as we have said, ought never to be suspected ; and, in case of the least doubt, the administration must be able to replace one water, though suspected without cause, by another which may possess the confidence of the consumers. Such, M. the Minister, are the reasons that have determined the commissioners to recommend to your Excellency not to adopt the plan of supplying Paris exclusively by artesian water. Your Excellency, before making a final decision, will agree, perhaps, with the commission that it is best to leave to time the solving of questions that are not sufficiently clear at present. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 35 I have the honor of being, with respect, M. the Minister, your Excellency’s very devoted colleague, Y. DUMAS, Senator Member of the Academy of Science. It lias also been suggested, and considerable importance given to it, that, as a means of obtaining clear water, large impounding reservoirs be formed in the Mississippi or Wolf River bottoms, which are subject to overflow from these rivers during flood stages of the Mississippi; that these reser- voirs be made large enough to hold a year’s water supply for the city of Memphis ; and that they be annually filled during high water. It was further claimed that from these reser- voirs the city could be supplied with clear water by pumping machinery elevating the water but once, and that through less- height than by pumping directly from the Mississippi, from the fact that by the latter plan the actual lift would vary with the rise and fall in the river, whereas by the former plan the settling reservoirs would be filled at flood height, and conse- quently save an annual average lift of about twenty feet in elevating the water for distribution. To determine the merits of this plan in a pecuniary point of view, a survey was made of a natural basin between Wolf River and the Hew Raleigh Road, upon Mr. K. G. B. L. Wynn’s plantation, a location for which some natural advan- tages were justly claimed. The most economical plan for a settling reservoir upon this site is represented in outline on Details Ho. 7. It could be filled only during the highest stages of the Mississippi; occasionally, perhaps, from floods in Wolf River. When filled by backwater from the Missis- sippi it would be a mixture of Wolf River and Mississippi water. A reservoir containing a year’s supply of water for Memphis, when the consumption reached 6,000,000 gallons daily, would have to hold 2,190,000,000 gallons, without any allowance for leakage or evaporation. It would have a water surface of 386£ acres, and for which the earth-work alone in the locality surveyed would be— Mucking, 479,305 cubic yards at 20 cents $95,861 OO Excavation, 8,795,439 cubic yards at 20 cents 1,759,087 80 $1,854,948 80 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. A sum quite out of proportion for a single branch of the pro- posed water-works; and that only for the earth-work, with- out any slope protection or influent and effluent chambers. Supposing the existence near Memphis of a locality—a level plain—for a reservoir of this capacity, built in the most eco- nomical form, circular, where the excavation would just make the embankment; it would require a water surface of 3811- acres, with 18 feet depth. The work in this conjectural case would be Real estate, 38 acres at $300 $114,360 00 Mucking, 297,938 cubic yards at 20 cents 59,587 60 Excavation carried in embankment, 667,000 cubic yards at 30 cents.. 200,100 00 Slope paving, 19,000 cubic yards at $11 209,000 00 Influent and effluent chambers 50,000 00 $633>047 60 It is thus manifest that pecuniarily a plan of this kind is in- admissible ; and were this not the case, in a sanitary point of view, it is doubtful whether it would be prudent to attempt in this latitude to store a year’s water supply in this manner ; but were all these objections overcome, or proved to be groundless, can the city of Memphis depend upon the Mis- sissippi’s rising annually to a height at which an impounding •reservoir of this kind could be filled ? Or, in the event of ac- cident to the reservoir, causing the water to escape (from which liability a reservoir in the Mississippi bottoms is not by any means exempt), where would then a supply of water be obtained, unless the pumping machinery is arranged for taking a supply directly from the river ? REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 37 WOLF RIVER PLAN. In looking to Wolf River as the source of supply, it is of course desirable to go beyond the backwater from the Mis- sissippi, in order to obtain the water from the live stream un- influenced by backwater. It is also important to avoid the impurities from the several branches of cypress and cane creeks, which drain an extent of territory of some 20,000 acres, nearly all of which is under cultivation, much of which will soon be suburbs to the city, and the drainage from which during low stages of Wolf River, in the latter part of summer and in the fall, would, and does now, prejudicially and seriously, affect the quality of the water. For these rea- sons it is deemed inexpedient to take the water from a point nearer the mouth of Wolf River than the town of Raleigh. At this point the surface of the water at ordinary summer stages is one foot and a half above high water in the Missis- sippi, and fifty feet below Court Square in the city of Mem- phis. To take the water here would require it to be elevated by pumping machinery at the start, as no dam of sufficient elevation can at this point be successfully constructed to bring the water near the city for being elevated and dis- tributed. In fact, nowhere along Wolf River, from its mouth to a point two miles north-east of Ridgeway Station on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, is it practicable to build a dam exceeding ten feet in height above low water, for the reason that a dam of greater elevation will bring the river out of its banks, and that the river with its bottom lands for eight miles above the town of Raleigh has a fall of only 33 48-100 inches to the mile, taking the general direction of the valley and the stream (course south 45° east), and by the exact meanderings* of the river, a fall of 15 44-100 inches to the mile; hence a dam ot greater elevation than ten feet would have to extend entirely across the valley, which latter. * The length of the river, measured upon its meanderings, which are confined with a strip of river bottom about 3350 feet in width, compared with the length measured upon the center line of said strip of land, is as 2xy7 is to 1. 38 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER - WORKS. at the narrowest places, is three-quarters of a mile wide; and for every foot above ten feet such a dam would flood an area of 172 acres of timbered bottom lands densely filled with un- dergrowth, the clearing up of which for a suitable storing or settling reservoir, and the construction and preservation of a reliable dam of this extent would involve an expense wholly inadmissible. Consequently, in order to bring the water from Wolf River, it must either be elevated by pumping machine- ry at the source, or taken at a point sufficiently far up stream to secure an elevation which will permit its being brought by gravity to a suitable locality for constructing a subsiding res- ervoir. This latter plan is, under existing circumstances, the best and most economical. In deciding, however, upon this plan for obtaining a supply of water from Wolf River, the following general plan presented itself, viz: To locate the pumping station immediately upon the banks of Wolf River, at or near the site selected for the dam presently to be de- scribed; the settling reservoir on the high ground between this point and Ridgeway Station on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad ; and to bring the water from the set- tling reservoir to the distributing reservoir through a brick conduit, located upon the dividing ridge between Wolf River and the Aonconnah Creek, This project was abandoned, however, without an instrumental survey of the route, and for three principal reasons. First, because the ground along the ridge is much more broken than in the valley where it is proposed to locate the conduit, causing the line to be more sinuous and the work heavier and more costly than in the valley, although the ridge line might prove a mile and a half shorter. Secondly, because this plan would reduce the eleva- tion of the flow line in the distributing reservoir (not any too high, as it will hereafter be proposed) some twenty feet; for no conduit could be constructed at a reasonable cost which would admit of being submerged, as it were, to a depth of twenty feet below the flow lines of the settling and distri- buting reservoirs. Hence cast-iron pipes would have to be used, which, being of equal capacity with the proposed con- duit, would be much more costly. And thirdly, because the locating of the pumping station upward of two miles from REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 39 •either railroad or water communication would involve an an- nual and constantly increasing expense for the delivery of fuel at the pumping works. For these reasons it was not •deemed necessary to make surveys of this route, although several reconnoissances were made. Dam.—The first suitable location above the town of Raleigh upon the river, where a dam ten feet in height will enable the water to be taken at the proper elevation for conducting it to the nearest site to the city, possessing the necessary natural features for constructing a subsiding reservoir, so lo- cated as to permit hereafter, whenever deemed necessary, to combine filtration with subsidence for rendering the water clear, is a point 7 3-10 miles above Raleigh, almost due east (S. 88° 86' E.) from the center of Court Square in the city, and 11 87-100 miles distant from the latter point. At this point the river is seventy-six feet wide at extreme low water, and one hundred and twenty feet wide when hank-full. Upon its easterly bank the bottom land is, on an average, ten feet above low water, and upon its westerly bank the land is twenty feet feet above low water. The extreme fluctuation of the river, from low water to flood height, is fifteen feet at this point, as determined from the flood of July 28, 1867, which is reported by old residents along the river as having been the highest within their recollection. Here it is pro- posed to build a dam across Wolf River (being on the farm •of Mr. Massey), with an elevation at the crest of 131.39 feet plus P. R., being 10 21-100 feet above low water in Wolf River, 31 39-100 feet above high water in the Mississippi at Memphis, and 20 4-10 feet below Court Square. The mate- rial of the river banks is clay, containing considerable fine sand, specific gravity about 2.1, firm and capable of retaining water in its natural condition. The bed of the river is sand, •of a degree of coarseness suitable for mortar. The structure proposed is a dam with a weir or overfall of two hundred feet in length, composed of timber, concrete, and cut-stone masonry, built in the following manner : First, to drive four rows of piles transversely across the stream, the two outside rows to be squared sheet piles, and the inside rows round bearing piles. Upon these piles, as supports for the easterly 40 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. portion of the dam, is to be placed a timber grillage, planked, for the commencement of the masonry, and for the wester- ly portion a timber crib, filled with concrete, upon which to commence the masonry of that portion of the dam facing the main channel of the river. The masonry is to commence six inches below low water, and he carried up to the eleva- tion named. Behind the crib and grillage, in order to secure the joint between them and the piling, is to be driven sheet piling; and behind the entire structure there is to he an earth embankment, to make the dam perfectly water-tight. (For particulars see Details No. 1, Figs. 1, 2, and 8, herewith sub- mitted.) Upon the easterly hank an embankment is to be raised four feet above extreme high water, and extending up and down stream, to prevent by-wash in times of high water. Above the dam the river banks are to he raised, wherever required, by levees, to compensate for the obstruction by the dam, and keep the river within its banks at all stages during which it now remains within banks. Gate-house.—Immediately above the dam, and upon the westerly bank of the river, is to he located the gate-house for admitting and regulating the flow of water into the conduit. (See Details No. 1, Figs. 4, 5, 6 and 7.) Conduit Line.—From this point, through a brick conduit, by the force of gravity, the water is to be brought from the river to the settling reservoir. The proposed line for the- conduit commences at the portal in the dam, thirty-seven feet up stream from the overfall, with a grade elevation at the flow line or soffit of arch of 131.39 feet plus P. B., being- on a level with the crest of the dam; thence S. 66|°, W, 111 feet to a point in the center of the westerly front of the gate- house ; thence S. E. upon a curve of 380 feet radius, 339 feet to tangent; thence N. 62° 26', W. 3911 feet on a tangent to beginning of curve ; thence north-westerly, upon a curve to right of 5731.4 feet radius, 2000 feet to reverse curve, cross- ing Echols Creek 5251 feet from the beginning of conduit; thence north-westerly, upon a curve to left of 5731.4 feet radius, 3000 feet to reverse curve ; thence north-westerly, upon a curve to right 5731.4 feet radius, 4500 feet to reverse REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER - WORKS. 41 curve ; thence north-westerly, upon a curve to left of 5731.4 feet radius, 2500 feet to change of curvature near Mrs. Ham- let’s residence; thence north-westerly, upon a curve to left (extending to a south-westerly direction) of 28,014 feet radius, to tangent 27,945 feet, crossing Big Creek at 17,836 feet, Macon Road at 22,901 feet, Cane Creek at 30,576 feet, Old Raleigh Road at 36,371 feet, and the Memphis and Ohio Rail- road at 38,904 feet from the beginning of the conduit; thence S. 69°, 40' W., upon a tangent 9300 feet to beginning of curve, crossing the several branches of Cypress Creek as designated upon the maps and profiles submitted ; then south-westerly, upon a curve to the left of 7163 feet radius, to change of curvature, 3268 feet; thence south-westerly, upon a curve to the left of 1348 feet radius, to tangent, 1000 feet; thence due south 758 feet to the center of the north wall of influent gate-house to settling reservoir; making the total length of the conduit 58,632 feet, or 11 1-10 miles. The line thus de- scribed is the most eligible one of a number of lines surveyed, and from its commencement follows the contour of the ridges and depressions which extend north from the dividing ridge separating the rain-fall between Wolf River and Honconnah Creek, at such an elevation as to make the work of excava- tion and embankment very light. (See Profiles 27os. 1 and 2.) The material through which the excavations are to be made is principally a mixture of clay and sand in the upper strata, merging into fine sand in the deepest excavations; all very compact, and will readily stand at a slope of J horizontal to 1 vertical in the excavations for the full length of time it would be required to stand for this purpose. The indications along the line are, that after the spring seasons little or no water would be encountered in the excavations. The prices in the estimates for the earth-work of the conduit are based upon the presumption that the excavations will be free from water. This presumption is justified by examinations of the wells along the line, in which the water-level was found below the line of the proposed work. The conduit is to be of brick, oval in section, 6 feet 3 inches in height and 5 feet in width. The lower portion is to be a semi-circle of 2| feet radius, and the upper portion a semi-ellipse of 7| feet major 42 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. by 5 feet minor axis, inside measurements. The shell is to he of brick, 9 inches thick, laid in two rings with hydraulic cement. This size for the conduit was determined not so much by the present demand for water in the city as by the dimensions requisite for conveniently passing through it for inspection and repairs, which works of this kind frequently require, and for which there is generally but a brief space of time allotted. The conduit, where located in excavation of 5 feet depth or greater, is to be built in the natural earth, excavated to conform to the exterior form of it. Wherever the excavation is less than 5 feet, the conduit is to be sup- ported laterally by brick-work, which, as the excavation diminishes, merges into a solid supporting wall, uniting under the conduit upon a bed of concrete as the conduit changes from excavation into embankment. Wherever the embank- ment exceeds 12 feet in height the supporting wall is changed from a solid to a cellular structure, consisting of inverted arches upon concrete, supporting brick piers thirteen inches thick, placed transversely with the conduit line and at inter- vals of 6 feet; these being again united by arches, upon which the conduit with its lateral supporting walls is to be built. (See Details Nos. 2 and 3.) The embankments are to be 8 feet wide on top, and to have slopes of 11 horizontal to 1 vertical; all the masonry to be of brick, and wherever exposed to be capped with stone coping. The sectional area of the proposed conduit is 24 7-10 square feet; it is calculated for a fall of 1-2000 or 3 168-1000 inches to the mile, with which area and inclination, when running full, it will deliver 12,398,000 United States gallons of water per twenty-four hours. The conduit is to be pro- vided with manholes, placed at intervals of half a mile, which are to facilitate inspection and repairs, and act as ven- tilators when needed ; it is to be provided with two waste weirs, one located at Cane Creek, the other in the influent gate-house at the settling reservoir, which is also to serve as an overflow to the reservoir. In addition to the waste weirs there are to be built in the invert of the conduit, as often as REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER - WORKS. 43 ■deemed necessary, or as often as the culverts and topography along the line will permit, cast-iron drains, to facilitate the removal of deposits which may accumulate in it. The creeks and branches are to he crossed upon culverts and arches. At the Memphis and Ohio Railroad, in order to preserve the bot- tom grade of the conduit, the crossing is to he effected by means of two lines of 48-inch cast-iron pipes, the flow line of the conduit or soffit of the arch being one foot above the grade of the road at this point. Settling Reservoir.—At the terminus of the conduit line, just described, the influent gate-house to the proposed set- tling reservoir is located ; the center of the house is IsT. 67° 03', E. 12,423 feet, or 2 35-100 miles from the center of Court Square in the city. The gate-house is so arranged as to dis- charge the water from the conduit into either compartment of the reservoir, discharge directly into the pipe-vault on the west side of the reservoir through a branch conduit through the dividing embankment, or divert the water when required, through a waste culvert into a branch of Cypress Creek. .(See Retails Ao. 4, Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 6.) The settling reser- voir is located at the termination of the conduit line, upon the low ground on the westerly branch of Cypress Creek, between the Memphis and Ohio Railroad and the old Raleigh Road. The construction of it upon the site proposed is so arranged as adapt it to combining the process of filtration with that of subsidence, at any time hereafter at which the wants of the public will demand filtered water, and the means of the city enable it to furnish the same. For accomplishing this the elevation of the water surface, when the reservoir is full, has been fixed at 128£ feet plus P. R. (being 23.3 feet below Court Square), while the drainage through the chan- nel of Cypress Creek can lie secured at an elevation of 106 feet plus P. R,, making a difference of 22| feet between the flow line of the settling reservoir and the drainage elevation of the filter-beds, in which difference of elevation, subsi- dence and filtration can be readily effected. For the present and near future wants of the city, the settling reservoir alone without filter-beds is proposed, and is to be used for storing 44 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. and settling the water from which to supply the city by means of pumping machinery. It is to be an earthen embankment reservoir; the basins or compartments of it are to be two in number, and formed partly by excavations and partly by embankments ; that por- tion of the storage capacity obtained by excavation compared with that obtained by embankment being as 1 is to 2, and all the earth required is contained within the area of the site. The embankments are to be made of earth, deposited in suc- cessive layers of such depths as the nature of the material and its condition at the time of working shall determine to be best. All the embankments are to have puddle-walls in the center, commencing two feet below the natural surface of the ground, and extending to within four feet of the top of the embankment; to be six feet wide on top, and increas- ing one foot in width for every ten feet in depth. The slopes of the embankments, inside and outside, are to be 8 horizon- tal to 1 vertical, to be protected on the inside with brick paving and on the outside with Bermuda grass. The dimen- sions of the reservoir were determined by the length of time required by the water from Wolf River to become clear by subsidence, which is about eight days during the winter and spring months of the year. With a consumption of six million of gallons daily, there would be required a reservoir with two compartments of 48,000,000 gallons each, the city being supplied from one while the water in the other is becoming clear for distribu- tion ; and as the water in a reservoir of this kind never is all available for distribution, the capacity of each compartment has been fixed in round numbers at 52,000,000 United States, gallons. Effluent Chamber.—In the division embankment, at its junction with the west embankment, is located the effluent chamber, to be built of stone, which is so designed as to per- mit the water to be drawn from the reservoir at any point from the surface to the bottom. From this chamber, by means of three 40-inch cast-iron pipes leading to the gate- house, to be located outside of the embankment, the water ■REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 45 is to be drawn. These three lines of pipe, with their stop- gates, are so disposed as to admit of one of the three being used for draining and cleaning one compartment of the res- ervoir while the other two supply the city from the other compartment, and vice versa. (See Details Xo. 4). Pumping Station.—From the gate-house on the west side of the reservoir, by the force of gravity through one line of 36-inch pipe, the water is to be brought to the pumping sta- tion, which latter is located near the Memphis and Ohio Railroad, X. 69J°, E. 9,880 feet, or 1 87-100 miles from the center of Court Square. At this point it is proposed to erect the buildings necessary to accommodate the pumping ma- chinery, such as pump, engine, boiler, coal-houses, and chim- ney. The kind of pumping machinery recommended for this particular locality is Worthington’s Duplex Pumping Engine. This machine is strictly a steam pump, consisting of two steam cylinders and two water cylinders laid horizontally in pairs, the piston rod of each steam cylinder extending to its water cylinder and working a water displacement plunger ; the steam and water cylinders being separated a sufficient distance to permit the requisite mechanical devices to be at- tached to each connecting rod between the steam piston and water plunger, for working the steam valves and air pumps ; the connecting rod of the right hand engine working the steam valves and air pump of the left-hand engine, and vice versa. The machine is self-contained and does not require expen- sive masonry foundations; it works horizontally; has the smallest mass of inert matter in the moving parts, being just sufficient for the safe transmission of the power ; and thus, in conjunction with its moderate velocity, reduces its liability to accidents to a minimum. The valves are multiform vul- canized rubber disks, strengthened by perforated cast-iron disks, the rubber seating upon grated composition metal valve seats; the receiving and delivery valves are disposed in sets vertically one above the other, and rise and fall vertically. In the economical use of fuel this engine compares favor- 46 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. ably with the best pumping engines in tbe country ; and in its daily performance it will give moderately good results* with perhaps less attention from skillful enginemen than any other kind of pumping engine now in use, being nearly auto- matic in its operation. It has been in use for a number of years, and there are at present in successful operation as fol- lows, to-wit: One pair at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; one pair at Greenwood Cemetery, Long Island; two pairs at Cambridge, Massachusetts; two pairs at Charlestown, Mas- sachusetts; one pair now being erected at Salem, Massachu- setts ; and one pair at Newark, New Jersey ; the last four named being each capable of elevating 5,000,000 gallons water per twenty-four hours. Wherever this pumping engine has been in use, it has given entire satisfaction, and, with tbe exception of the Cornish pumping engine, it has been duplicated a greater number of times than any other engine for water-works purposes, de- spite its recent origin. The buildings proposed at the pumping station consists of one combined engine, and pump-room sufficiently large (58 by 60 feet) to accommodate two pairs of engines; one boiler- house (53 by 60 feet) to accommodate two batteries of boilers;, one chimney equal in capacity to furnish draft for both bat- teries of boilers and coal-houses of dimensions suitable for the purpose. Two pairs of engines, forming two individual or separate ‘pumping machines, each capable of elevating 250,000 gallons of water per hour, or 6,000,000 in twenty- four hours, are embraced in the estimates, and recommended for this locality. Pump Main.—From the pumping station, by the power of the engines through one line of 24-inch cast-iron pipe, the water is to be delivered into the distributing reservoir. The line deemed best and proposed for the pipe is as follows ; Commencing at the pumping station, thence southwardly to Winter Avenue, 308 feet; thence westwardly along Winter Avenue to Boundary Avenue, 5115 feet; thence westwardly along the line of Winter Avenue extended to its intersection with the Raleigh Road, 2015 feet; thence along the Raleigh REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER - WORKS. 47 Road to its intersection with Third Street, 2129 feet; thence along Third Street to its intersection with Monroe Street,, 3604 feet; thence along Monroe Street to its intersection with DeSoto Street, 606 feet; thence along DeSoto Street to its intersection with Elliott Street, 3508 feet; thence along Elliott Street to its intersection with the Hernando Road, 648 feet; thence along the Hernando Road to opposite the dividing embankment of the distributing reservoir, 8389 feet; thence into the reservoir, 125 feet; making a total distance of 26,447 feet, or 5 1-100 miles for this line of pipe, which is to perform the combined functions of pump main, supply main, and dis- tributing main. As pump and supply main during the day,, while the pumping engines are at work ; as supply and dis- tributing main during such times as the engines are not at work ; or as pump and distributing and as supply and dis- tributing main at such times as the consumption of water in the city is greater than the capacity of the pumps. Under the first of these conditions, some of the water in the pipe passing through the city on its way to the distributing reser- voir is withdrawn by the branch or distributing pipes, and the city receives its supply direct from the pumps, whilst the remainder passes on to the reservoir; under the second con- dition, the engines being at rest, the current of water in the pipe is reversed, and the city draws its supply direct from the distributing reservoir ; and under the third condition, the city may, by the united capacity of all the branches from the main being in excess of that of the main itself, draw all the water delivered by the pumps as well as an additional quan- tity equal to the capacity of the reservoir end of the pipe ; having, in this particular case, the advantage of being sup- plied by two lines of pipe, which is an improvement incidental to this mode of distribution, arising from the pumping works being located on one side of the city while the distributing" reservoir is located on the other; and it thus fully compen- sates for what is at first sight considered a more expensive arrangement than the usual plans, viz.: pumping works and reservoirs being both on one side of the city. To make the maximum capacity of the pipe fully available, the lowest practicable route through the city has been selected for it. 48 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. > Distributing Reservoir.—The site selected for the distri- buting reservoir is on the highest ground embraced within the limits of the surveys made, and will enable the main- tenance of a greater head upon the distributing pipe than any other natural elevation within reach of the city or avail- able for the purpose. (See record of elevations in Table No. — in Appendix.) It is located on the west side of the Her- nando Road, between McLemore and Richmond Avenues, S. E. 13,050 feet, or 2 47-100 miles from the center of Court Square. It is to be an earthen embankment structure in two compartments, the united storage capacity of which, when tilled 20 feet deep, is equal to 43,332,500 United States gallons, making available a seven day’s supply of water when the city’s consumption is 6,000,000 gallons daily. The flow line or water surface, when the reservoir is full, is 220 feet plus P. R., and 68 2-10 feet above Court Square. The capacity of the basins is formed nearly entirely by the retaining embankments, but a small portion being obtained by excavation; and the material or earth to form the em- bankments is not contained within the area of the site, but must be obtained outside. The embankments are to be built up in horizontal layers of uniform thickness, the thickness of the several layers to be determined by the nature of the earth and its condition at the time of depositing it. All the em- bankments are to have puddle-walls in the center of them, to be protected on the inside slopes with stone slope paving, and on the outside with Bermuda grass. Within the intersection of the easterly and division embankments is located the pipe- vault, which communicates with the joint influent and efflu- ent chamber located in the division embankment. In this pipe-vault, by .means of a four-way branch pipe containing a check-valve, the pump main (which terminates here, and by reversing the current becomes a supply main) is made to discharge water automatically through the influent chamber at the level of the flow line into the reservoir, or draw water from it, through the intervention of the effluent chamber, from any level, for the supply of the city. (See Details No. 6.) The rhomboidal plan adopted for this reservoir, it will be perceived, is not the most favorable to obtaining a maximum Meirtpluis, Tertn,, September 1, 1885. Sir; The following has been prepared in consequence of the numerous letters of inquiry which have been received, as to the working of the Waring system of Sewers in Memphis; and, it is believed, contains answers to all questions hereto- fore asked. The city has a population of about 60,000, and occupies the summits and slopes on both sides of the valley, which is drained by a stream known as Bayou Gayoso. The main sewers are located on each side of the bayou, and as near to it as was found practicable. We have altogether about 40T9¥ miles of sewers, of which four miles are mains located along the bayou and dis- charging into the river by one outlet; the remainder are laterals draining into these mains, except about miles of sewers constructed before the present system was adopted, and discharging into the Mississippi by other outlets. The mains are ten, twelve, fifteen and twenty inches in diameter. Of the laterals, about 85 per cent, are six inches in diameter, and the remainder eight inches, except a few short lengths, which are ten inches. The mains for the most part are laid with a grade of two inches in one hundred feet, which is the minimum. The minimum grade of six inch laterals is six inches in one hundred feet. At the upper end of each lateral is located one of Rogers Field’s Automatic Flush Tanks, which discharges one hundred and twelve gallons in about forty seconds. This tank discharges its contents as often as it is filled, but it is believed once in twenty-four hours is sufficient. The system has man-holes, distributed on the mains. No surface or roof water is permitted to enter the sewers, the system being designed and proportioned for house sewerage only. The house drains are all four inches in diameter, and no trap is permitted on the main drain, each fixture being provided with a separate trap. The soil pipes are of cast iron, with lead joints, above the ground, and extend four inches in diameter above the roof. Each house drain is consequently a ventilator for the public sewer. For the purpose of removing the subsoil water, agricultural drain tiles are laid in the trench with each lateral, on the grade of the sewer, or below it, which discharge, not into the sewers, but into the bayou. Additional lines of tile have been laid in streets in which no sewer is located. 35T6T miles of subsoil drains. A large part of the trenching has been done by contract, but the pipes have been laid with hired labor. The prices last paid for excavating and back-filling are as follows: Trenches 6ij feet deep, 25c.; to 9 feet, 30c.; 9 to 12 feet, 45c.; 12 to 15 feet, 75c., per lineal foot. The pipe laying, including laying drain tile in the same trench, also the cost of the cement, sand, oakum and tile paper, is estimated to cost 7T cents per foot. The flush tanks cost complete about $45.00 each, including $10,00 royalty. The six-inch pipes, although draining houses on both sides, in some cases for a distance of three thousand feet, have never been overcharged, and have seldom been found running half full. No trouble has been caused by sewer gas, and the sewers are believed to be comparatively free from it. Some of the six-inch pipes have occasionally been obstructed by sticks, bones, etc., becoming fixed across the diameter of the pipe, all of which have been promptly removed, at an average cost of $13.50 each. Some deposits have been found in the mains, which have been rapidly and inexpensively removed by the passage of hollow metal balls through them. These balls are about three inches less in diameter than the sewers, and being lighter than water are pressed against the top of the sewer, and are rolled along by the force of the current. The velocity of the ball is less than that of the water, which in passing it is deflected against the bottom and sides of the sewer so as to thoroughly cleanse it. A portion of the mains have been cleansed ten times since their construction; the laterals not at all. Pipe laying was commenced about 20th January, 1880, and on July 1st of that year about twenty miles had been laid. The first house connections were made about March 1st of the same year. Hourly observations in the twenty-inch main, on 30th April last, showed the greatest depth of flow, 12| inches at 10 a. ra.; least depth, 8 inches at 2 a. m. On 13th of June greatest depth 14 inches at 11 a. m.; least depth, 10J inches at 4 a. m. Floats in the same sewer gave a surface velocity of 2T67 feet per second, the depth being inches. The following is a statement of the connections made with the system to date, but does not include those made with old sewers discharging by other outlets: Bath Tubs, ... . 472 Wash Basins, .... 423 Privy Sinks, .... 60 Flush Tanks, .... 192 Observation, 412 The system of sewers appears to give entire satisfaction both to the city government and citizens generally. NILES MERIWETHEE, Engineer In Charge of Sewers. Water Closets, .... 5,834 Sinks, 3,968 Urinals, 424 Cellar Drains, - - - - - 66 Man-holes, 54 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 49 storage capacity with the quantity of material in the em- bankments, the sides of it being made parallel with the streets between which it is located on account of the present and prospective value of the site. Distributing Pipe.—The principal line of distributing pipes proposed are as follows, viz.: One line of 16-inch pipe from the intersection of Third and Poplar Streets; along Poplar Street to its intersection with Front Row; thence along Front Row and Chickasaw Street, one line of 8-inch pipe, to the county jail; and along Front Row and Shelby Street to the intersection of Beale Street, one line of 12-inch pipe ; thence along Shelby street southwardly, one line of 10-inch pipe to near Butler Street. In addition to these principal lines, six (6) miles of 6-inch pipe and ten (10) miles of 4-inch pipe are proposed to be laid in such localities as will best ac- commodate the citizens. Also, one hundred (100) fire hy- drants, and fifty (50) of the street cisterns now in use, are to be connected with the distributing pipe for supplying the fire department with water. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED COST OF WOLF RIVER PLAN. For real estate, right of way, and land damages; grubbing, clearing, pumping, and bailing for Wolf River dam and conduit line $18,400 00 For Wolf River dam 75,166 60 For gate-house at the dam 29,441 00 For conduit line 709,041 50 For gate-house at end of conduit 16,435 00 For contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 84,848 41- - $933,332 51 For settling reservoir (two basins) 373,327 90 For buildings at pumping station 67,872 60 For two pairs pumping engines 100,000 00 For pipe system 505,886 60 For distributing reservoir (two basins) 349,009 10 Total cost of Wolf River plan $2,329,428 71 $287,424.50 of which need not immediately be pro- vided, as in the beginning of the works one basin in the settling and one in the distributing reservoir can be omitted 287,424 50 $2,042,004 21 50 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER - WORKS. MISSISSIPPI RIVER PLAN. In taking water from the Mississippi, it has been assumed that it would be imprudent, unwise, and exhibiting great lack of forecast to propose taking water from the river below the city, where it is charged with the drainage from the latter and refuse from the steamboats at the landing, render- ing the water unfit to he supplied to the city. When it is re- membered that this evil must eventually, with the increase of population in the city, assume formidable proportions, it must become evident that no plan proposing to take water from the river below the city can be at all considered. Con- sequently, the examinations have been confined to the river above the city exclusively, and have resulted in proposing pumping works east of Wolf River, in the vicinity of the cotton factory, and to bring the water from the Mississippi by means of an inlet pipe, laid from the river through the alluvial deposits, and underneath Loosa Hatchie and Wolf Rivers, to the pumping station. Inlet Pipe.—In erecting and maintaining pumping works taking a supply of water from the Mississippi above the city, there are two physical conditions, the adaptation of the pump- works to which will be found very difficult. The first of these conditions is the remoteness from the river at which reliable foundations for pumping machinery can be obtained, requiring a long conduit or inlet pipe for the purpose of bringing the water from the river to the pump well at the pumping station; and the second we find in the unsta- ble nature of the material through which such conduit or inlet pipe will have to be built and maintained in position, as well as kept clear from the immense deposits left by the water from the Mississippi, whenever favorable conditions to this end prevail. To meet the last named condition, and obviate the many difficulties which present themselves the moment you study the subject, a great many schemes by different per- sons have been suggested, such as floating pumping works with flexible shore or land connection leading to reservoir or REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER'-WORKS. 51 distribution, and thus obviate altogether the silting up or the constant removal by mechanical means of deposits to which an ordinary inlet pipe would be subject; to lay along the bed of Wolf Tiiver, from the Mississippi to the pumping station, a flexible conduit or inlet pipe, provided with a mouth or por- tal capable of being submerged or floated, and fitted with gates to exclude the water, for the purpose of removing at regular intervals the deposits constantly accumulating; or, having in view the constant changing of the river channel, and the cutting and caving of its banks, to construct a brick or stone masonry conduit which might, as it were, disinte- grate piecemeal as the banks are washed away, and not per- mit an entire stoppage of a supply of water; this plan omits making provision for the growth of the conduit in the event of bars forming at its mouth. Again, to sink at such point in the river channel as may be considered the least liable to change, by pneumatic process, an inlet tower of wrought iron, reaching a depth that will insure a reliable foundation; the tower to be filled with concrete from its base to a point near the line of low water in the river; above that point to be hol- low, and provided with gates at such intervals that will per- mit the water to be taken at all stages of the river near its surface. From the land side of this tower are to lead off two cast-iron inlet pipes, and extend through the alluvium to the pump wells at the pumping station, and to be fitted with al- ternate slip and flexible joints, so that, in the event of any of their supports being washed from under them, the pipes may adapt themselves to these changes by their flexibility and ex- tensibility, or to make the pipes continuous tubes of boiler plate between the inlet tower and the pumping station, sup- porting and securing them against lateral forces by means of piers formed of screw piles, and reaching to a depth not sub- ject to change by variations in the channel, and located at suitable intervals; the whole forming a double subaqueous conduit possessing a strength and stability capable of with- standing the current of the river in the event of the sur- rounding alluvium being washed away. To guard against the silting up of any of these pipes, it is proposed to secure a velocity of current through them while supplying the pump 52 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER - WORKS. wells that will prevent deposits being made. In the case of the flexible and extensible pipes, it is to be obviated by mak- ing their diameters and the depths of the pump wells at the pumping station, at the lowest stage of the river, hold such relations one to the other as will permit a velocity of current at which no sediment can accumulate in the pipe. In the ease of the flxed pipes, it is proposed to give them an incli- nation from the inlet tower to the pump wells that will insure sufficient velocity at the lowest stage of the river to prevent deposits. To make either of these expedients an effectual remedy against the silting up of the pipes, it would he neces- sary to provide each line with a stop-gate at the inlet tower, which being closed at intervals varying in the duration with the quantity of sediment in the water, and the pipes being drained by the pumping machinery, by then opening the gates, and flushing the pipes from the inlet tower to the pump wells, the deposit would be removed, and this operation, be- ing frequently repeated, would keep the pipes free from sed- iment. It will he perceived that in all these schemes there is an effort made to make the structures proposed independent of the changing alluvium in which they must he executed and preserved; and whatever merit any or all of them may pos- sess as mechanical expedients, it is doubtful if any of them come within the province of practical engineering; at least they are here not so considered. At this stage of the investigation of the subject, this ques- tion naturally presents itself: Why not eliminate from the problem one of the difficulties—the silting up of the inlet pipe—by locating the pumping machinery immediately upon the bank of the river, and dispensing with an inlet pipe all but an inconsiderable length, which could be kept clean by flushing, or which would keep clean by the action of the pumps, as is the case at the St. Louis pumping works ? This plan is considered practicable upon the assumption that the unstable and ever-changing banks of the Mississippi can have stability imparted to them by artificial means, such as stone rip-rap. The question how far above and below the pump- NEW SEWES OLD FLUSH TANKS Construction or Sewers SHOWING S.C.Toof & Cu Lit! i Tylt'tnplaLs Term REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 53 ing station must tlie rip-rap protection extend then presents itself; which being satisfactorily answered, there is still ano- ther of no little importance to be answered, and that is the preservation of the pump mains through the alluvium be- tween the pumping station and the bluff. This latter diffi- culty must ever be regarded as practically an insurmountable one by any means at the command of the city, from the fact that the main channel of the river has been (within the rec- ollection of gentlemen now residing in Memphis) between the bluff and the line which forms the present river bank; and that this will he the case hereafter is not at all improba- ble, when it is remembered that opposite the southern termi- nus of the bluffs, upon the east bank of Hatchie Lake, the Mississippi is now only 1700 feet distant from said bluffs, and annually encroaching (reported at a rate of 100 yards per an- num), whilst at the head of Hatchie Lake it is only 700 feet distant (see water-works map), Hatchie Lake having formerly evidently been the main channel of the Mississippi, and from present indications there are reasons to believe that it will again be its channel at a day not very far in the future. In such an event, the Mississippi would take a portion of the present channels of Loosa Hatchie and Wolf Rivers; and these streams, instead of discharging their waters through the common mouth opposite Commerce Street in the city, would debouch into the Mississippi at points respectively and approx- imately two and four miles above the present discharge. This would inevitably result in destroying at least a portion of the pump main, and leave the pumping works severed from the city in a condition which at this date baffles conjecture. It is obvious, then, that any plan contemplating a supply of water from the Mississippi at this point must provide for the contingency which may arise from a partial or total de- struction of, or rendering inoperative, its inlet conduit. It is, therefore, proposed to locate the pumping works at a point which, in the event of the inlet pipe from the Mississippi be- coming obstructed from any cause, will permit a supply of water being drawn from Wolf River through an inlet espec- ially provided for this purpose in the erection of the pump- 54 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. ing works; and in case the Mississippi should hereafter assume its former course, this special inlet would then permit a sup- ply being taken from it instead of from Wolf River. For the mouth of the inlet, a point N. 24°, W. 5525 feet, or 1.046 miles from the center of Court Square, has been selected, being upon the present low-water margin of the Mississippi. From this point the inlet will extend 48° 30', E. 3500 feet, through the alluvial deposits, and underneath Loosa Hatchie and Wolf Rivers, to the pumping station, located upon the blutf between the rolling-mill and cotton factory sites, being 1ST. 3° 45', E. 7475 feet, or 1.415 miles from the center of Court Square. The inlet pipe is to be a line of 48-inch cast-iron pipe; the individual pipes forming the line to be plain cast-iron cylinders, 48 inches inside diameter, 50J inches outside diameter, 12 feet in length each, and to be jointed by means of cast-iron sleeves and lead packing; the sleeve joint in this place being preferred to the socket plan of joint, on account of the former rendering the pipe line more flexible. The grade elevation for the top of the pipe has been fixed at 59 feet plus P. R., being one foot below what is reported extreme low water, and 8| feet below the lowest water in 1867. To guard against irregular settling of the pipe line, it is proposed to lay it upon a timber foundation, prepared by forming a platform 8 feet wide, composed of twelve 8 by 8- inch timbers, laid side by side lengthwise with the pipe line, and fastened to each other by drift bolts; this platform to be built as the excavation for, and the laying of, the pipe pro- gresses; upon the top of this platform, at intervals of five feet (making two to each pipe), are to be placed cross-timbers 8 by 8 inches and 8 feet long; these are to support the pipe and distribute the load. (See Details hTo. 11.) At the mouth of the inlet pipe the river bank is to be gra- ded, so as to make the slope of that portion of the bank which is above low water the same as the bed slope of the river below low water surface; to extend this up and down stream 250 feet each way from the inlet pipe, and cover the whole surface with rip-rap 2 feet in depth, commencing on the crest of the slope and extend it 300 feet into the river. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 55 Upon this rip-rap as a support, the river-end or month of the inlet pipe is to he placed, terminating with a quarter circle curve extending down stream, the lower end of this curve to constitute the mouth of the inlet, to he enlarged to 6 feet in diameter, and be fitted with suitable strainer, to be attached in such a manner as to permit its being removed for cleaning and replaced after cleaning. The inlet pipe is to he provided with two stop gates, one at the pumping station and the other near its mouth or river end; and at intervals of 100 feet throughout the entire line are to be placed T pipe, one end of which is to project verti- cally from the pipe, and he capped with suitable bonnets, containing each a manhole and cover ; and surrounding and over each one of these T pipe there is to he built a well extending above high water in the Mississippi. For the purpose of keeping the inlet pipe clear of deposits, it is proposed to connect it with the settling reservoirs, and, whenever found necessary, to flush it by sending a current of water hack through it into the river, and thus keep it clean. In the event of this plan either failing or being neglected, it is then proposed to remove the deposit through the T pipe communications with the line by manual labor. Against the closing up of the end of the inlet pipe by the formation of sand-bars there is of course no preventive ; for the rapidity with which bars are reported to form will defy any effort on the part of the city of Memphis to prevent them. Should the changes in the current of the river cause the formation of a sand-bar in front and over the mouth of an inlet pipe in use for supplying the city with water, the supply must of course in such a contingency fail. From the pumping station it is proposed to lay a second inlet pipe to Wolf River, for the reasons heretofore stated. The pipe is to be the same diameter, and laid in a similar manner through precisely the same material as the one to the Mississippi River; it will run due west from the pumping station 450 feet to Wolf River, and left in such condition as will enable it to he brought into service in case of accident to the one from the Mississippi. 56 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. Pumping Engines.—The pumping machinery is to consist of two Cornish pumping engines, each of sufficient capacity to elevate 250,000 gallons of water into the subsiding reser- voirs and 250,000 gallons into the distributing reservoir per hour; each engine is to work two pumps, placed vertically one above the other, the plungers of which are to be sus- pended from the pump-end of the walking beam by one and the same connecting rod, so as to make the strokes of the two plungers simultaneous and of equal length. The lower pump is to take its supply from the pump well in the engine- house, which is fed directly from the Mississippi by the inlet- pipe, and is to deliver its water through the intervention of a stand pipe into the settling reservoir, whilst the upper pump is to draw its supply directly from the settling reser- voirs by means of a supply pipe, and is to discharge its water also through a stand pipe into the pump and distributing main, and thence to the distributing reservoir. The lower of the two pumps is to be larger in diameter than the upper by a percentage which will compensate for the loss of water inci- dental to subsidence and filtration. The stand pipe is to be a double standing column, i. e., one inside of the other, with properly disposed branches and stop- gates for receiving and delivering the water in the manner designed; the annular space formed between the inner and outer pipe is to accommodate the lower pump, and the inner pipe the upper pump; the outer and inner pipe corresponding in elevation with the heights of the settling and distributing- reservoirs respectively. This unusual design of pumps and stand pipes is proposed for the purpose of obviating the ex- pense of two separate and distinct pumping works, which are ordinarily provided wherever the water has to be elevated, first for purification and afterward for distribution, which occurs wherever there are no elevations available possessing the requisite height to admit of building the subsiding reser- voir, the filter-beds, and the distributing reservoir con- tiguously. This concentration of the pumping machine- ry at one pumping station admits of the whole being conveniently managed and supervised by one individual. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. greatly reduces the first cost, can he managed more economi- cally, it promises in every way the most satisfactory results,, and is confidently recommended as being preferable to the- ordinary plan of two separate pumping stations. Settling Reservoirs.—The settling reservoirs are located K 8° 45', E. 7,700 feet, or 1.458 miles from the center of Court Square, upon the high ground between the Big Creek Plank- road and the cotton factory; they are to be earthen embank- ment structures, comprising three equal and separate com- partments, united by a combined influent and effluent cham- ber; the capacity of each compartment is 13,126,000 United States gallons. The flow line, or water surface, when the reservoirs are fully is 146 feet plus P. R., and 5 8-10 feet below Court Square in the city; the capacity of the basins is formed by excavation and embankment, the material or earth for the latter being all found within the area of the site, and composed of clay containing a small percentage of sand. The earth excavated to form the lower part of the basins is to be carried into the embankments, which latter are to be built up in horizontal layers of uniform thickness. All the embankments are to* have puddle-walls within the center of them, and are to be protected on the inside slopes with stone slope paving and on the outside with Bermuda grass. The ichnographical dispo- sition of the compartments of these reservoirs forms two sides and one angle of a hollow square; this arrangement was in- duced by the topography of the site, and to enable the con- struction of an influent and effluent chamber, united with a pipe-vault, in the common center where the embankments of all the compartments unite. The design of this structure is such as will permit water from the Mississippi to be pumped into one compartment by the lower pumps; water to be drawn from another for supplying the upper pumps; whilst the third- compartment, by means of the drain pipes, may be undergo- ingtheprocess of cleaning ; all passing simultaneously through one and the same structure. The three compartments of the reservoir can thus successively be brought, with the proper pipe arrangement, in communication with the inlet pipe for 58 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. the purpose of flushing it; with the lower or upper pumps for receiving or supplying water ; or with Wolf River for the purpose of disposing of the sediment accumulating from the water. (See Details Nos. 8 and 10.) The three basins jointly are designed to furnish 6,000,000 gallons of clear water per twenty-four hours, hy being used in the following manner: numbering the compartments 1, 2 and 3; then assuming that Nos. 1 and 2 are filled with water and No. 3 empty; and further, that the water in No. 1 has had time to become clear hy subsidence, whilst that in No. 2 is undergoing subsidence ; the pumping machinery is then started, delivering water from the Mississippi into compart- ment No. 3, and drawing it from No. 1 to deliver it in the city or distributing reservoir, until No 3 is full and No. 1 empty. By this time the water in compartment No. 2 has become clear or fit for distribution, and communication between the pumping machinery and compartments Nos. 2 and 1 being now established, the previous process will be repeated con- tinually in maintaining a supply of water through the reser- voirs. The settling reservoir and pumping machinery are relatively so located that in the event of its becoming neces- sary hereafter to filter the water in its passage between the two, all that is required is to construct the filter-beds, a site for which is especially left unoccupied. Pump Main.—From the stand pipe at the pumping station, through a line of 24-inch pipe, the water is to be delivered into the distributing reservoir. The line proposed for the pipe is as follows: Commencing at the stand pipe; thence southwardly to Bickford Street, 230 feet; thence eastwardly to the center of Second Street, 1055 feet; thence southwardly along Second Street to its intersection with Concord Street, 3515 feet; thence along Concord Street to its intersection with Third Street, 386 feet; thence along Third Street to its intersection with the Raleigh Road, 959 feet; thence the main and dist ributing pipes are to be the same as by the Wolf River plan. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 59 HATCIIIE LAKE PLAN So called because it contemplates locating the pumping machinery near Hatchie Lake. The surveys and examinations made for this project were induced and completed in deference to the general belief that the Mississippi was the only suitable source from which water for the city could be obtained, and to ascertain whether or not an inlet conduit could here be constructed, subject to less danger and fewer contingencies than immediately above the city; also for the purpose of getting an accurate survey and map of the river above the city, so that hereafter any changes taking place upon the easterly bank of the Mississippi can be definitely determined. This is now practicable from Fort Pickering for nine miles due north from it, by the aid of the water-works map herewith presented. By this plan it is proposed to take the water from the Mis- sissippi at a point X. 18£°, W. 31,925 feet, or 6.046 miles from the center of Cohrt Square, and thence conduct it north-east- wardly 1840 feet through the Mississippi bottom and under- neath Hatchie Lake to the pumping station, to be located upon the easterly bank of Hatchie Lake. The banks and bottom land of the Mississippi at this point are the same as they are immediately above the city, with the exception of being covered with timber and dense undergrowth. The inlet conduit proposed for this locality is in every way similar to the one recommended for the Mississippi River plan, and is subject to the same dangers and contingencies as the latter, with the exception of its length, which, being less, it would be less expensive to remove deposits in the event of its hav- ing to be performed by manual labor. Pumping Station.—The site selected for the pumping sta- tion is X. 15J°, W. 31,580 feet, or 5.981 miles from Court Square, upon the easterly shore of Hatchie Lake and at the southerlv terminus of the third Chickasaw Bluff. 60 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. The design and construction of the machinery and build- ings are in every way similar to those recommended for the pumping station near the cotton factory, with this exception : the machinery will have to be stronger, on account of the additional head due to the friction in 4.829 miles of pump main from the Hatchie Lake pumping station to where it meets the pump main from the pumping station of the Mis- sissippi River plan, which additional head, with a velocity of three feet per second, equals forty-six feet. Settling Reservoir.—The settling reservoirs are located in a valley, the sides of which form one-half of the retaining walls for the basins. They are 1ST. 13° 25', W. 38,000 feet, or miles from Court Square. Unlike the settling reservoirs near the cotton factory, it is proposed to construct these reservoirs in two compartments. The site favors this plan and permits the needed capacity for obtaining clear water more economically by the use of two compartments than by three, provided a number of years are considered. The flow line or water surface of these reservoirs, when full, is 138 feet plus P. R,, and 13t8q feet below Court Square in the city. The capacity of the basins is formed by three artificial embankments across the valley, the earth for the formation of which is to be taken from the side slopes forming the valley. The materials for and construction of embank- ments are similar to those for the reservoir proposed near the cotton factory. The influent and effluent chamber for these reservoirs is to be similar in design and construction to that of the reservoirs proposed near the cotton factory. The reservoirs are planned with a view to combining the process of filtration with subsidence whenever it may be de- sired. The united capacity of the basins is 144,000,000 gal- lons (see water-works map), which is large enough to furnish 9,000,000 gallons water daily. Pump Main.—The pump main is to commence at the pump- ing station; thence in a southeasterly direction to the old REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 61 Randolph Road; thence along said road to its intersection with the Big Creek Plank-road; thence along the said plank- road to the intersection of Second and Bickford Streets in Chelsea, and thence to the city and the distributing reser- voir by the same line as proposed in the Mississippi River plan. The crossings at Loosa Hatchie and Wolf Rivers are to be made with inverted cast-iron syphons, supported on and se- cured to timber platforms sunk beneath the beds of the rivers. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED COST. Inlet and river work $191,862 66 Buildings at pumping station 230,135 20 Pumping machinery 260,000 00 Settling reservoir 310,016 41 Pipe system 903,089 60 Distributing reservoir 349,009 10 $2,244,112 97 SUMMARY OF THE ESTIMATED COST OF THE THREE DIFFERENT PLANS. . Branches of Work Wolf River Plan Miss. River Plan Hatchie Lake Plan Wolf River acqueduct $933,332 51 $342,231 78 230,135 20 225,000 00 280,533 00 483,339 60 349,009 10 $191,862 66 230,135 20 260,000 00 310,016 41 903,089 60 349,009 10 Buildings at pumping station 67,872 60 100,000 00 373,327 90 505,886 60 349,009 10 Pumping machinery Settling reservoirs Pipe system Distributing reservoir Totals $2,329,428 71 $1,910,248 68 $2,244,112 97 Cost of Wolf River plan equals 1 22-100 times the cost of the Mississippi River plan. 62 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. CONCLUSION. In deciding upon the plan to recommend for adoption, the following comparisons between the different plans have been instituted: First. The quality of the water. Second. The facility with which the works, according to any of the plans, can be, from time to time, enlarged or ex- tended to meet the growth of the city. Third. The economy with which any of the works planned can be maintained and managed annually, in measures of an- nual interest upon cost, and of supervision, labor, repairs, fuel, and wear and tear. Fourth. The first cost of works according to the respective plans. With reference to the quality of the water, nearly all that is deemed necessary has been said in the forepart of this report. It is, however, proper to add that the water in the Mississippi will never be any purer than it is found at pres- ent; but on the contrary, the tendency is, with the settlement of the country, the growth of present and future cities upon its banks and upon those of its tributaries, the drainage and filth from all of which will be carried by it to the Gulf of Mexico, to continually render more and more impure its water; whereas, the supply proposed from Wolf River is at present pure to a degree eminently satisfactory, and is beyond the reach of any existing cause threatening to defile or render impure the water. The supply is proposed to be taken within fifty or sixty miles of the extreme limits of the catchment basin discharging its rain-falls through Wolf River, so that by the time future population in the counties or towns along its banks will cause the water to become impure, the popu- lation and wealth of Memphis will make it practicable pecu- niarily to extend the aqueduct to the head-waters of Wolf River, and be supplied from reservoirs receiving their water from small streams and gathering grounds so limited as to REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 63 enable tbe preservation of their waters at almost rain-water purity. This view of the subject may seem to look further toward providing for the future wants of Memphis than is at present necessary; but it is justified by the fact that all the natural water-courses in every country become more and more impure with the increase of population, and less suitable for distri- bution in densely populated cities ; and the best practice of hy- draulic engineering in its application to public water supplies, is to collect and store the water as near as practicable to the gathering grounds upon which it falls in the shape of snow and rain, and thence convey it artificially to the place of dis- tribution. The truthfulness of this is illustrated by the fol- lowing named examples of water supplies to towns and cities in the United States, where the water is collected and stored in reservoirs near the limits of the drainage areas supplying them, viz.: the Boston and Charlestown water supplies in Massachusetts; the Albany, Croton and Brooklyn water sup- plies in Yew York; and the Hartford, Ct., and Baltimore, Md., water supplies. The last two of these have changed within the last few years from taking their daily supplies from natural water-courses to storage reservoirs approaching the limits of the drainage areas supplying them with water. The Loch Katrine scheme, supplying the city of Glasgow ; the Rivingtown Pike scheme, supplying Liverpool; the Birming- ham water supply; and the contemplated change in the mode of supplying the city of London with water, are cases in point, and demonstrate the justice and propriety ofithis view of the subject. As to the facility with which the respective plans can be developed and extended to meet the growth of the city, there is not much difference between the Wolf River and Hatchie Lake plans. The Mississippi River plan, on account of the restricted area suitable and available for settling reservoirs and filter-beds, and because of the fact that these latter will soon be within a built-up portion of the city, this plan is less adapted for extension than the other plans, which are not subject to restricted areas suitable and available for this pur- pose. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. In economy of annual management there is considerable difference; the Wolf Elver plan being first in economy, the Mississippi River plan second, and the Ilatchie Lake plan third. The difference in the cost of carrying on works built accord- ing to the respective plans arises principally in the pumping department. The pumping machinery taking a supply from the Mississippi Eiver must be constructed to adapt itself to a variation of the water level in the pump wells of 40 feet, the extreme variation in the stages of the river. This requires costly foundations, and the machinery requires to be more massive on account of having to elevate the water on an av- erage 50 fifty feet higher than from the settling reservoirs of the Wolf Eiver plan; also because the water from the Missis- sippi Eiver will have to be elevated twice—first for purifica- tion, and second for distribution. This difference of cost in the pumping departments of the respective plans resolves itself into interest upon the dift'erenqe of capital invested in the pumping stations ; difference of annual repairs ; difference in attendance, labor, fuel, oil, etc., at the pumping stations; difference in the annual cost of removing the sediment left by the respective waters in the settling reservoirs, and the cost of elevating water for flush- ing the inlet pipes, which are approximately estimated as follows, based upon a daily consumption of 6,000,000 gallons: Wolf River Miss. River Hatchie Lake Annual interest upon cost of pump-1 ing stations at 10 per cent j Annual repairs per cent, of cost... •Cost of elevating 6,000,000 gallons \ of water daily per annum / Cost of removing sediment Cost of elevating water for flushing... Annual interest upon cost of re-1 mainder of works at 10 per cent. J $16,787 26 419 68 29,700 00 765 00 $45,513 52 1,137 84 43,772 83 4,602 00 500 00 $49,013 52 1,225 34 57,081 60 4,602 00 500 00 175,397 78 216,155 61 146,511 35 Total an’al cost for maintaining works $263,827 55 $242,037 54 $287,820 24 * In estimating the annual expenses in this branch of the projected works, the average cost for elevating water was determined from the data in Table No. 3, page 31 of this report. From this comparison of the costs for maintaining works projected according to the respective plans, it appears that REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 65 the Wolf River plan, although greatest in first cost, in the aggregate for maintaining it, it exceeds the Mississippi River plan only $22,000 annually, and in the pumping department it is much more economical. If to this difference in cost for maintaining the respective works the engineering difficulties in executing and preserving the inlet conduits of the plans contemplating a supply from the Mississippi, and the proba- bility of having to clean these conduits frequently by manual labor, are added, the result, in a pecuniary point of view, is in favor of the Wolf River plan. Were this not the fact, however, the present and prospective difference in the quality of the respctive waters would alone constrain the recom- mendation of the Wolf River plan ; and it is recommended as being in every way the best for the city of Memphis. Should the Mississippi River plan be deemed the best and be adopted, it is deemed proper to add here that before com- mencing the work examination by deep borings should be made, to ascertain whether a stratum of clay underlies the Mississippi River at this point, in which a work similar to the Chicago Lake Tunnel could be executed. If a stratum of clay were found, and a tunnel executed in it, such a work would be less liable to destruction than the inlet pipes, and would perhaps prove less costly; but would be more difficult to keep free from sediment either by flushing or by manual labor. Contracts for borings to determine the practicability of this project were made with several parties, but owing to the want of suitable fixtures and experience in this business the work was never performed. 5 66 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. SEWERAGE. The great diversity of opinion prevailing among eminent engineers, particularly among those who have made this branch of engineering a specialty, as to what constitutes a proper or the best system of drainage in given cases, must naturally cause considerable hesitancy before presenting a plan for artificially draining a city, the natural drainage of which is subject to such great variations and has become as objectionable as that of the city of Memphis. Any attempt at a system of drainage is always an effort to modify, improve, or supersede the natural drainage of the district to which it is proposed to apply it to such an extent as will, for the time being, subserve the wants or necessities of the people inhabiting the district. To what extent any system of drainage should be a modification, an improvement, or a supersedure of the natural drainage, must of course be determined separately for each individual case. The expres- sion natural drainage is here used in the following sense, viz.: the flowing off from the surface of a given district of urban and suburban territory by water carriage, available in natural streams of running water and occasional rain-falls flowing to these streams upon natural lines of outfall, a moderate por- tion of the constantly accumulating detritus, vegetable and animal matter, the refuse incident to population, and all cast- off matter whose specific gravity makes it practicable to rivers, lakes, bays, harbors, etc., where its offensiveness is mitigated by being mingled with large volumes of purer water. Hence it is manifest that as the topography, area, natural streams of running water, rain-fall, and population which obtain in different districts or cities vary, so should the system of drainage applied to them vary in the extent to which they are modifications, improvements, or supersedures of the natural drainage. The correctness of this principle is demonstrated in practice, inasmuch as the best existing sys- tems of artificial drainage give evidence of having arrived at whatever degree of perfection they now possess by passing REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 67 successively through the stages of modification, improve- ment, and at least partial supersedure of the originally exist- ing natural drainage. In some of the most densely populated cities the only traces visible of the existence of a former natural drainage are the lines of the main outfalls, which, to a greater or less degree, coincide with the natural lines of rain-water outfalls. Therefore, it is evident that the tendency of all systems of artificial drainage is inevitably in the direc- tion of the total supersedure of the natural drainage, in the sense in which the expression is here used; and whenever the design of a system of artificial drainage aims at or its development approaches a supersedure of the natural drain- age, it has applied to it the distinctive term of sewerage or system of sewers. As the topography of the sites of cities varies from almost unbroken plains to hills and valleys, so is the village or town population which forms the nucleus of the future city com- pelled to modify the natural drainage, in dedicating the land to public and private uses, by dividing it into lots, lanes, avenues, streets, and alleys. In this artificial division of 'the land, the controlling element is economy and the custom of endeavoring to make the figures of the lots, lanes, avenues, streets, or alleys similar to regular geometrical figures, which plan is generally applicable to limited areas only. This re- sults in fixing the general direction of streets, etc., favorably to a limited area without reference to drainage or the future extension of the plan over the adjoining land, and when addi- tions to the town are made, it is found pecuniarily impracti- cable to extend the plan first adopted. The additions are, therefore, laid out upon new plans, swung, as it were, from the salient hinging points of the original plan, and the ulti- mate plan of the city is systemless, in so far as it is applica- ble to an economical plan of sewerage. In the modifications of the natural drainage, by diverting the rain-fall from the roofs of the buildings and the lots into the lanes, streets, and alleys, and thence to the main lines of rain-water outfall or streams of running water, many of the smaller original lines of outfall are ignored and the water from rain-storms con- 68 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. oentrated upon lines along which the water-way is inade- quate, or along which the improvements will not permit the storm-waters to he discharged on the surface. Consequently, improvements in these main channels are required, which consist generally of underground masonry conduits for the disposal of storm-waters, and constitute the beginning of what is now termed sewerage. At this period in the city’s growth or development, sanitary considerations render im- perative the removal of fecal matter by other means than the ordinary privy or dry well system, which latter process so completely saturates the subsoil of a city with human ex- creta as to be productive of alarming evils. The original purity of running streams and spring and well-water is de- stroyed ; and the joint or complicated questions of removing storm-water, fecal matter, house slops, and the refuse from manufactories, as well as the preventing of natural streams of water from becoming poisoned with these substances, are before the municipal government. At this juncture the problem is generally referred to scientific men for solution. The English solution of it thus far, as developed in their general systems of town drainage, and described in general terms, has been to construct underground, generally along the center lines of lanes, avenues, streets, and alleys travers- ing the districts to be relieved, conduits of stone or brick masonry; or lay stone-ware pipes, holding such relations to the areas to be drained and to one another in the elements of diameter and inclination as to form a regular system. Into these all excrement, house slops, refuse from manufactories, and all cast-off matter which can be floated, are conducted by means of house or branch drains and street gulleys, and by the aid of an ample public water supply and occa- sional rain-falls, through these conduits into natural water- courses, to be diluted so far as to be inoffensive. This man- ner of disposing of city sewerage is called the water-carriage system. It is, with some exceptions, the general practice in England; and, so far as sewerage works have been designed and constructed in the United States, the universal practice. The mixing of fecal matter with water, and disposing of it through the sewers, was originally an incident to the London REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 69 sewerage,* but has since become an important integral part of this as well as of other systems of sewerage. It finds, however, little favor in the cities on the continent of Europe, and is obliged to encounter much opposition from some of the ablest scientists and engineers in England. It is con- demned on account of polluting the natural water-courses and depriving agriculture of a valuable fertilizer. The interest in agriculture increasing with population, and the progress in science, unmistakably indicate the ultimate abandonment of mixing human excrement with town sewage, and will sooner or later compel its general utilization in agriculture. Thus the fact is evolved, that originally sewers were de- signed to carry off rain-water only, to which the contents of surcharged cess-pools (dry wellsf in the United States) were in time added ; and ultimately the refuse waters from dwell- ings and manufactories, as well as the contents of water- closets, which superseded privies, were discharged by direct and special branches into the sewers. At the present day, in densely populated cities, where ample public water supplies make the water-carriage system practicable without the aid of rain-water, the question of separating the sewage from the is being discussed. Able and experienced engineers advocate the adoption of separate systems of drain- * Mr. Bazalgette, in a paper read before the Institute of Civil Engineers, March 14, 1865, gives the following statistics, page 28 : “ Up to the year 1815 it was penal to discharge sewage or other offensive matter into the sewers ; cess-pools were regarded as the proper receptacles for house drainage, and sewers as the legitimate channels for carrying off the surface waters only. Afterward it became permissive, and in the year 1847 the first act was obtained, making it compulsbry to drain houses into sewers. “As the population of London increased, the subsoil became thickly studded with cess-pools, improved household appliances were introduced, overflow drains from the cess-pools to the sewers were constructed ; thus the sewers became pol- luted, and covered brick channels were necessarily substituted for existing open streams.” t What are termed dry wells in the United States differ from the London cess- pools in this particular : they consist of excavated pits in the subsoil, sustained by pervious masonry lining, and are not intended to be cleaned out until the sur- rounding earth fails to absorb their contents; while the London cess-pools were constructed with impervious masonry linings, and were designed to be cleaned out at proper intervals. X See Mr. Bazalgette’s paper before referred to, page 34: “Is the rainfall to be mixed with the sewage ; in what manner and cpiantities does it flow into the sew- ers ; and is it also to be carried off in the intercepting sewers; or how is it to be provided for?” 70 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. age for one and the same city; that is, one system for rain-water and the other for sewage. The transportation of sewage, at first the incidental function of artificial systems of drainage for towns, eventually, with the increase of popu- lation, seems to have become the principal function, and evi- dences that thus far most of the existing systems of artificial drainage, if long periods of time are considered, are result- ants between expediency measures and scientific application of mechanical devices, combined with the technical knowl- edge evolved by experience in this branch of engineering. Without deeming it necessary at this point to advert to the general development of the various plans now under trial for meeting the wants of densely populated cities in this partic- ular, and which are the subject of much earnest discussion in the scientific and engineer’s societies and journals of the day, we will endeavor to devise the best application of the water-carriage system practicable in the present case, not ignoring, however, the value of a portion of the sewage as a fertilizer, nor the pollution of natural water-courses with sewage as being a great evil. The fact that here the land for agricultural purposes is too cheap, abundant and fertile, and the scope of agriculture too limited, to permit the expen- sive application of fecal matter as manure; that the further pollution of the Mississippi by the addition of the sewage from another city is a contingency altogether too remote for serious consideration ; and that the water-carriage system is the only plan that has hitherto promptly relieved densely populated districts of a serious evil, constitute the principal reasons for deciding upon its application. It is hut following natural examples, inasmuch as it is the order of nature to constantly refresh, wash, and drain the surface of the earth with pure rain-water, which, after the consummation of its many offices, is discharged through the natural water-courses, filled with impurities which it is destined to deposit in the ocean, from whence the water is again evaporated and returns to the earth in the shape of rain. In the case before us, the drainage of the city of Memphis, there is an area of 5,033 acres, one-fifth of which may be con- REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 71 sidered urban and four-fifths suburban territory, for which a system of drainage is to be devised. The surface of this ter- ritory is undulating, varying in elevation from 75 feet plus P. R.,the lowest point in the discharge of its rainfall through the main natural outfall, to 210 feet plus P. R., its highest point along the ridge forming the boundary of the water-shed or area to be drained. The greatest length of this district north and south is 22,000 feet, and its greatest width from east to west is 18,500 feet. The main channels through which the rain-falls are now discharged are Bayou Gayoso, Bayou Quimby, and Bayou Be Soto, with their minor branches. All the main channels extend from the dividing ridge north- westerly in an opposite direction to the course of the Missis- sippi, and unite in one main channel at Concord Street; thence north-westerly to Wolf River. They serve for rain-water discharges principally, and during the longest droughts they become, it is reported, entirely dry ; they were nearly dry in 1867. Ordinarily they discharge a small quantity of sipe and some spring-water, and are the receptacles of the entire drain- age of the city. They are, as may be expected, offensive dur- ing the greater portion of the summer, and are annually be- coming more so. In Bayou Gayoso the backwater from the Mississippi at its highest stage extends from its mouth at Wolf River up to Gayoso Street, and in Bayou Quimby from its junction with Bayou Gayoso up to Boundary Avenue—a dis- tance of 9,650 feet in the former, and 6,800 feet in the latter, measured along their meanderings. The average annual length of time during which the backwater from the Mississippi fills Bayou Gayoso as far as Concord Street to a depth of 6 feet is 130 days,* as determined from the stages of the river recorded in General Humphrey’s report. In 1867 it was 180 days. The inclinations of the beds of the bayous, measured upon their meanderings, are 0.0024444 for Bayou Gayoso, and 0.0025555 for Bayou Quimby. The total length of Bayou Gayoso, from Wolf River to its head, is 5 52-100 miles, with an inclination of 0.0056 to Gayoso Street, thence as above stated ; the length of Bayou Quimby from its junction with * In 1849, ir6days; in 1850, I39 .s c o Diameters of Sewers discharg- ing Sewage equal in volume to > G Areas drained re C/J £ volume to Q 0 w O In From cS rC Sc ■Sg s c *3 3 *3 3 £ 0 iS flj C$ o Uh 0 O u rt 0 W > .0 O S) 644 r 100.2 0.0006 f Poplar, New, Market,') < alley e. Third St., Win- > f Chester, alley e. Main J ■j (_ 102.4 820 | 97-9 0.0006 4-25 4-25 320 820 ■j 98.! 0.384 * 3i 820 ( ,m n 0.0036 it 3-o 3.0 2,330 i 118.5 1 98.2 \ 109.0 f 109.0 it 0.348 302 31 0.0046 it it 302 1,925 tt tt 0.0046 tt tt 302 700 tt tt | 97-5 1,792 3i 0.435 tt 3-o 1,792 2,705 1 1x6.5 0.002 tt 1,611 150 1 75-o j 7S-o 1 97-o 0.1 1,611 0.01116 tt 3-o 3-o 1,970 “ Promenade St. & alley n. of Auction St. 1,611 1 97-o Alley north of Auction St. 4-75 4-75 4-75 4-75 2,010 0.00149 Valley of Bayou Quimhy. 1,245 1,227 \ IOI.I 0.0009 Old Raleigh Road and Winter Av. ext Winter Avenue extended 4-75 4-75 1,245 2,020 ( 102.9 0.0009 Or its equivalent in cast-iron pipe with flexible joints. Table No. 8.—Summary of Estimated Cost—Plan No. 3. In Beale Street, from Mississippi River to Causey Street $691623 51 In Beale Street, from Causey Street to DeSoto Street 04 In DeSoto Street, from Beale Street to Gayoso Street l6 In DeSoto Street, etc., from Gayoso Street to Poplar Street 39.17° 12 In Poplar Street, etc., from Fourth Street to Concord Street 04 In Beale Street, from Desoto Street to 320 feet east of same 60 Along Bayou DeSoto from Beale Street to Wellington Street 16,595 48 In Causey Street, from Beale Street to South Street 19.467 80 Along Little Betty Bayou from DeSoto Street to Beale Street 13.153 80 Sewer draining northern district from Mississippi River to Boundary Avenue 96 .8 On O 00 fee- 41 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER - WORKS. 87 The outfall portions of all main sewers, for at least one hundred feet in length from the Mississippi, are to he cast- iron pipes with flexible joints. This will allow of a limited adaptation of the sewer lines to the changes constantly tak- ing place at the shore. The branch sewers to be used in Plan No. 3 are to be 36 inches, 27 inches, 24 inches, 18 inches, and 15 inches in diam- eter, and of the same drainage capacity as those proposed for Plan No. 2, with catch-basins and manholes of similar con- struction and arrangement. For the branch sewers no table of locations, diameters, inclinations, etc., is given, for the reason that the construc- tion of branch sewers is generally a piece-meal process, in which it is often the case that a much greater area is drained by a given line of sewer than if the entire plan was carried out at the beginning ; and therefore any table of dimensions applicable to the whole system would, in all probability, lead to bad results, unless all the different sewers were built simul- taneously, or at least approximately so. The dimensions of the branch sewers for the different subdistricts, being deter- mined partly by the manner of carrying out the system, is therefore left for decision at the time of construction. Upon the sewerage map herewith submitted is drawn a general plan of the system devised, showing the location and direction of the main and branch sewers of Plan No. 3. 2 025 lineal feet 36-inch sewers in paved streets, at *$6.852 • • $13,875 88 3 278 lineal feet 36-inch sewers in unpaved streets, at $5.693 .. 18 662 10 1 999 lineal feet 27-inch sewers in unpaved streets, at $5.108 210 07 7 522 lineal feet 24-inch sewers in unpaved streets, at $4.695 •• 35 317 54 8,355 lineal feet x8-inch sewers in paved streets, at $4.128 .. 34,485 72 18 754 lineal feet 18-inch sewers in unpaved streets, at $3.835 .. 71 920 70 12 366 lineal feet 15-inch sewers in paved streets, at $3.802 .. 47 013 12 33 821 lineal feet 15-inch sewers in unpaved streets, at $3.601 .. 121 802 18 88 120 Totals •• $353,287 31 * See detailed estimate in Appendix for mode of determining cost per lineal foot. Summary of Cost for Branch Sewers—Plan No. 3. By this plan it is proposed not to connect the street gutters generally with the branch sewers, but only in the paved 88 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. streets, and in such other localities where the accumulation of storm-water is too great to be readily discharged upon the surface. This will reduce the first cost by dispensing with many catch-basins, as well as the cost of keeping them clean; for so long as the streets are unpaved the catch-basins will he found very troublesome. The catch-basins thus omitted can he built as fast as the streets become paved. The inclinations of the streets of Memphis toward the respective bayous into which they drain are, as a general rule, so great as to promptly and harmlessly convey the water from rain-storms into the bayous; and there seems to be no good reason why this mode of disposing of the rain-water upon unpaved streets should not be continued for the present, particularly when it is ac- complished so economically. The crossings of the bayous with the branch sewers is to be effected with cast-iron inverted syphons. The plan, then, recommended for adoption is No. 3, the main outfall sewers of which are large enough to discharge sewage equal in volume to a discharge of one inch rain per twenty-four hours, and the branch sewers to a discharge equal in volume to one-half inch of rain per hour. The main sewers are designed to carry off all sewage and sufficient rain-vrater to occasionally flush them, and the branch sewers all sewage, and as much storm-water as is necessary to relieve the streets from surface water. Ordinarily the branch sewers are to discharge all their con- tents into the main sewers, and during heavy rain-storms partly into the main sewers, and the excess by means of over- flows or waste weirs into the bayous. The duration of ex- cessive rain-storms is generally very short, and the contents of the sewers nearly all rain-water, so that there can not be any harm in discharging the excess, which the main sewers can not pass, into the bayous and thence to Wolf River. Below is given a resume of the estimated costs of the respec- tive plans described. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 89 Table isTo. 9. DISCHARGING SEWAGE EQUAL IN VOLUME TO Plans Class 2 in. rain per hour 1 in. rain per hour ]/■£ in. rain per hour 1 in. rain per 24 hours No. 1.. Main Sewers $2,256,670 74 $1,484,605 92 $1,130,574 19 No. 1.. * Branch Sewers No. 2.. Main Sewers.... 1,507,655 50 1,087,617 68 801,281 80 325,261 16 No. 2.. Branch Sewers.. No. 3.. Main Sewers $280,960 41 No. 3.. Branch Sewers- 353,287 31 * None estimated. In order to determine the nature of the material in which the main sewers will have to be built, borings were made, which indicate that the excavations will he mostly in clay and loam, the greater portion of which was found dry and easily worked. The depth at which the tunnel proposed will have to be executed, indicates sand and water, perhaps quick- sand in some localities. But in the construction of the tun- nel (in Beale Street) the water and excavated material can both be removed by the force of gravity, and therefore more economically than if they had to he elevated. The grade elevation of the inverts of the branch sewers is lixed at twelve feet below the door-sills or lirst doors of the houses. This will enable the drainage of all cellars of ordi- nary depth, excepting such as may he located near the bayou lines; these, if connected with the sewers, will be subject to dooding from backwater during heavy rain-storms, such as will dll the bayous to dood height. But the subsoil drainage incidental to a general system of sewers, will, it is believed, make it superduous to make sewer connections to the cellars in Memphis ; and wherever it is not absolutely necessary, the cellars had better remain unconnected with the sewers, for the most carefully designed and conducted plans of sewerage occasionally dood cellars if connected with the sewers. The plan recommended for adoption is one of minimum dimensions, and therefore the least in drst cost. By minimum dimensions is meant the dimensions which the latest experi- ence has demonstrated to be ample, provided sewers are re- 90 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. garded (as artificial works must ever be regarded) as only approximately automatic in their functions, requiring con- stant inspection and the frequent removal of the many sub- stances improperly endeavored to be passed through them. In Great Britain and on the continent of Europe, experi- ence has demonstrated that improper substances admitted into sewers will obstruct them, no matter what may be their dimensions, and must be removed by manual labor. To effect- ually meet this evil, the earlier practice was to make all the sewers large enough to conveniently admit men, and pass through them, removing matter which should never have found its way into them. Sewers constructed upon this plan are costly to build and keep clean; they induce the admission of refuse which can not be removed by water, but which could generally be carted away much more economically from the surface at the points of accumulation than by being first unwisely forced into sewers, thence exhumed by the tedious and life-destructive labor of the sewer-scavenger, and then carted away ; calling into requisition a “ description of labor which it is improper for human beings to perform, and which ought to be forbidden, as being false in principle, and belong- ing to a low state of art, and as being ignorant or interested excuses for the avoidance of the trouble and expense of prac- ticable and efficient substitutes.” The later practice is founded upon the principle that it is more economical to 'prevent the admission of improper sub- stances (such as will not pass by water-carriage) into the sewers, by the intervention of catch-basins and police regu- lations, by keeping clean streets, alleys, courts, yards, etc., and by carting away the refuse as fast as it accumulates, than to admit and force everything into large sewers until they are full, and then remove it by the same ignorant and de- based service by which it was forced into the sewers. The recorded experience of the English hnd American engineers upon this subject, during the last ten years, demon- strates the correctness and greater economy of the later practice in this branch of engineering. REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. 91 In the Appendix are given detailed estimates of cost for the different plans for water-works and sewerage investigated. In conclusion, it is just and proper—indeed, a pleasure^— to state that to the assistant engineers, a list of whose names is hereto appended, the citizens of Memphis and the under- signed are greatly indebted for the efficient and faithful per- formance'of their respective duties. The undersigned also takes pleasure in acknowledging val- uable aid from a number of public-spirited citizens, promi- nent among which were Wm. O. Lolland, Esq., Captain G. W. Grader, James B. Cook, Esq., Colonel Minor Meriwether, Colonel J. L. Meigs, Colonel M. B. Prichard, Francis Foster, Esq., J. H. Humphreys, Esq., Major B. Wintter, and others whose names do not at present recur to memory. Respectfully submitted, CHAS. HERMAYY, Chief Engineer. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, \ Chicago, September i, 1868. / ■COL. W. RICHARDSON HUNT, Chairman of the Board of Water- Works and Sewerage Commissioners for the City of Memphis, Tenn.: Sir—Having, by visits to Memphis and Louisville, and by much personal conversation and correspondence with Mr. Hermany, made myself familiar with what he has done from before the commencement of the surveys for your water and sewerage works to the preparation of his plans and estimates, I fully concur with him in the conclusions at which he has arrived and the recommendations he has made in the forego- ing report. Respectfully submitted, E. S. Ciiesbrougii, Consulting Engineer. 92 REPORT ON THE MEMPHIS WATER-WORKS. ENGINEER CORPS. WATER-WORKS SURVEY. A. W. GLOSTER, In charge of Party. F. DE FUNIAK, Assistant. J. M. WRIGHT, Assistant. H. L. McCLUNG, Assistant. J. M. COTTON, Rodman. SEWERAGE SURVEY. NILES MERIWETHER, In charge of Party. A. J. MURRAY, In charge of Party. H. N. PHARR, In charge of Party. W. H. McCLINTOCK, Assistant. W. R. POWELL, Assistant. ED. FREEMAN, Rodman. R. FREEMAN, Rodman. L. C. GORDON Rodman. OFFICE SERVICE. F. DE FUNIAK, Draftsman. A. J. MURRAY, Draftsman. J. R. STUART, . • Draftsman. W. H. McCLINTOCK, Principal Calculator. J. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Calculator. CHAS. HERMANY, Chief Engineer. B. S. CHESBROUGH, Consulting Engineer. APPENDIX. WATER-WORKS. ESTIMATE OF COST FOR WOLF RIVER PLAN. Wolf River Dam. 15.000 c. y. excavation carried into embankment, 25c $3,750 00 50.000 c. y. levee embankment on Wolf River above dam, 15c 7,500 00 $11,250 00 840 lineal feet i2-inch piles, temporary dam, 20c $168 00 2,560 lineal feet 3 by 12-inch sheet-piles, temporary dam, 15c 384 00 160 lineal feet 10 by 10-inch stringers, temporary dam, 20c 32 00 2.500 feet stays (B. M.), temporary dam, 3c 75 00 Labor, temporary dam 500 00 1,159 00 Permanent Dam. 5,400 lineal feet i2-inch oak piles, 20c $1,080 00 3,600 lineal feet 12 by i2-inch oak sheet-piles, 30c 1,080 00 10,864 lineal feet 3 by 12-inch oak sheet-piles, 15c 1,629 6° 5,048 lineal feet 12 by 12-inch oak timber, squared, 35c 1,766 80 2,706 lineal feet 6 by 12-inch oak timber, squared, 20c 541 20 52.000 feet (B. M.) oak lumber, 3c 1,560 00 10.000 pounds drift and screw bolts and spikes, 15c 1,500 00 1,300 c. y. stone masonry, $30 39,000 00 400 c. y. concrete, $12 4,800 00 750 c. y. stone rip-rap, $8 6,000 00 200 c. y. rubble-stone paving, $9 1,800 00 Carpenter’s work and labor on wood-work 2,000 00 62,757 60 Gate-house. 2.500 c. y. excavation, 30c $750 00 1,760 lineal feet 12-inch piles, 20c 352 00 12.000 feet (B. M.) plank and stringers, 3c 360 00 50 c. y. concrete, $12 600 00 550 c. y. stone masonry, $30 16,500 00 6 metal sliding gates 5,000 00 1 set copper-wire screens 1,000 00 144 lineal feet 12-inch cast-iron drain-pipe, $3.50 504 00 3 twelve-inch stop-gates, $125 375 00 Superstructure of gate-house 4,000 00 29,441 00 Conduit Line—Earthwork. 154,200 c. y. conduit excavation, 25c $38,550 00 88.200 c. y. conduit back-filling, 20c 17)640 00 5,000 c. y. supporting wall excavation, 25c 1,250 00 116,600 c. y. embankment, 35c 40,810 00 98,250 00 Masonry, Brick, etc. 2.500 c. y. concrete under conduit, $10 $25,000 00 13.200 c. y. conduit supporting wall, $12 158,400 00 32,900 c. y. conduit wall, $12 394,800 00 Carried forward, $578,200 00 202,857 60 94 APPENDIX. Brought forward, $578,200 00 $202,857 60 250 lineal feet 48-inch pipe to cross railroad, $24 $6,000 00 37 c. y. ventilator or manhole walls, $12 444 00 365 c. f. stone coping and covers, $1.50 t 547 50 190 c. y. concrete for culverts, etc., $10 1,900 00 1,750 c. y- brick-work for culverts, etc., $12 21,000 00 1.800 c. f. stone coping for culverts, etc., $1.50 2,700 00 610,791 50 Gate-house and Influent Chamber at Settling Reservoir, n6 c. y. concrete, $10 $1,160 00 329 c. y. stone masonry, $23 7*567 00 59 c. y. brick masonry, $12 708 00 g metal gates, frames, gearing, and setting, $500 4,500 00 1 gate-house superstructure 2,500 00 16,435 00 Sundries. 24 acres grubbing and clearing, $100 $2,400 00 60 acres real estate, right of way, and land damages 10,000 00 Pumping and bailing. 6,000 00 18,400 00 , $848,484 10 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 84,848 41 Total cost of dam and aqueduct $933,332 51 Settling Reservoir—Estimate for Two Basins. 40 acres real estate, $300 $12,000 00 25,800 c. y. mucking, 20c $5,160 00 31.600 c. y. excavation carried into spoil bank, 20c 6,320 00 147,100 c. y. reservoir embankment in 6-inch layers and rolled, 30c 44,130 00 18,100 c. y. puddle-wall, 80c 14,480 00 28.600 sq. y. soiling and seeding slopes, 10c 2,860 co 4.800 sq. y. brick walks, 65c 3,120 00 500 c. y. sand under same, $2.50 1,250 00 7.200 c. y. inner slope dressing, 40c 2,881 00 7.200 c. y. inner slope paving (brick), $11 79,200 00 11,700 c. y. concrete bottom-lining, 0.3 feet in depth, $10 117,000 00 5,600 lineal feet common board fencing, 50c 2,800 00 16,300 c. y. ditching, 15c 2,445 00 281,645 00 Effluent Chamber Pipes and Stop-gates. 208 c. y. concrete, $10 $2,080 00 929 c. y. stone masonry, $23 21,367 00 423 lineal feet 40-inch effluent pipe, $23 9,729 00 3 forty-inch stop-gates, $1,500 4,500 00 2 twelve-inch stop-gates, $125 250 00 32 lineal feet 12-inch drain-pipe, $3.50 112 00 107 c. y. brick masonry, $10 I,°7° 00 16 c. y. concrete, $10 160 00 Gate-house superstructure 1,200 00 40,468 00 Conduit through Middle Embankment. 338 c. y. brick masonry, $12 $4,056 00 1,300 c. y. extra puddle-wall, 80c 1,040 00 900 c. y. excavation, 20c 180 00 5,276 00 $339,389 00 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 33,938 90 Total , $373,327 9° APPENDIX. 95 Settling Reservoir—Estimates for One Basin. 40 acres real estate, $300 $12,000 00. 13,900 c. y. mucking, 20c $2,780 00 90,000 c. y. reservoir embankments in 6-inch layers and rolled, 30c 27,000 00 11,200 c. y. puddle-wall in embankment, 80c 8,960 00 19,300 sq. y. soiling and seeding outer slopes and top of embankment, 10c 1,930 00 3.600 c. y. inner slope-dressing, 40c 1,440 00 3.600 c. y. inner slope-lining (brick), $11 39,600 00 5,850 c. y. concrete bottom-lining, 0.3 feet deep, $10 58,500 00 2.600 sq. y. brick walks, 65c 1,690 00 2.700 c. y. sand under same, $2.50 6,750 00 3.700 lineal feet common fence, 50c 1,850 00 14,700 c. y. ditching, 20c 2,940 00 iS3>440 00 Effluent chamber, pipe, and stop-gates, same as for reservoir, with two compartments 40,468 00 $205,908 00 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 20,590 80 Total $226,498 80 Pumping Station-Engine-house Foundation, etc. 3,000 c. y. earth excavated and carried into embankment, 30c $900 00 79 c. y. concrete in pump well and engine foundations, $10 790 00 679 c. y. pump well masonry, $23 15,617 00 129 c. y. engine foundation, $19 2,451 00 74 c. y. boiler-house foundation, $19 1,406 00 160 c. y. boiler-supporting walls, $19 3,040 00 40 c. y. concrete walls, $10 400 00 400 c. y. brick masonry, $12 4,800 00 908 c. f. water-table and coping, $1.50 1,362 00 43 c. y. concrete in chimney foundation, $10 430 00 90 c. y. stone foundation, $19 1,7x0 00 344 c. y. brick masonry in shaft, $15 5,160 00 $38,066 00 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 3,806 6o- $41,872 60 Engine-house superstructure and coal-houses 26,000 00 $67,872 60 Two pairs Worthington’s duplex steam expansive and condens- ing pumping engines, with boilers and all fittings complete; and capacity 3,000,000 United States gallons water, elevated by each pair in twelve hours, at $50,000 per pair $100,000 oo- Pipe System. 1,023 lineal feet 36-inch supply main from settling reservoir to pump- ing station, at $16 per foot $16,368 00 10,892 lineal feet 24-inch supply main from pumping station to the in- tersection of Third and Poplar Streets in the city, at $12 per foot 130,704 OO Carried forward, $147,072 00 96 APPENDIX. Brought forward, $147,072 00 7,041 lineal feet 24-inch supply and distributing main from the inter- section of Third and Poplar Streets to the intersection of Elliott Street and Hernando Road, at $12 per foot 84,492 00 8,389 lineal feet 24-inch supply and distributing main from the inter- section of Elliott Street and Hernando Road to the distrib- uting reservoir, at $9.40 78,856 60 $3x0,420 60 1,185 lineal feet x6-inch supply main from intersection of Third and Poplar Streets to intersection of Front Row and Poplar Street, at $6.20 per foot 7,347 00 3,760 lineal feet of 12-inch distributing pipe from intersection of Pop- lar Street and Front Row to intersection of Shelby and Beale Streets, at $4.10 15,4x6 00 2,500 lineal feet 10-inch distributing pipe from intersection of Beale and Shelby southwardly on Shelby Street, at $3 7,500 00 2,800 lineal feet 8-inch distributing pipe from the intersection of Front Row and Poplar Street northwardly on Front Row and Chickasaw Street, at $2.75 7,700 00 31,680 lineal feet (six miles) 6-inch pipe for general distribution, at $1.80 57,024 00 52,800 lineal feet (ten miles) 4-inch pipe for general distribution, at$x.2S 66,000 00 160,987 00 8 twenty-four-inch stop-gates put to place, at $450 3,600 00 2 sixteen-inch stop-gates put to place, at $260 520 00 12 twelve-inch stop-gates put to place, at $125 1,500 00 6 ten-inch stop-gates put to place, at $90 450 00 9 eight-inch stop-gates put to place, at $75 675 00 110 six-inch stop-gates put to place, at $50 5,Soo 00 145 four-inch stop-gates put to place, at $32 4,640 00 292 brick key vaults with cast-iron covers, at $12 3,504 00 —-— 20,479 00 100 four-inch fire-hydrants complete, at$100 10,000 00 50 foui-inch fire-cistern supplies, at $80 4,000 00 Total for pipe system $505,886 60 Hernando Road Distributing- Reservoir—Estimate for Two Basins. 24 acres real estate, $1,000 $24,000 00 10.800 c. y. mucking, 20c $2,160 00 45,600 c. y. excavation carried into embankment, 20c 9,120 00 29.800 c. y. embankment, 40c 11,920 00 130,300 c. y. reservoir embankment in 6-inch layers and rolled, 45c 58,635 00 26,000 c. y. puddle-wall in embankment, 80c 20,800 00 2.200 c. y. inner slope-dressing, 40c 880 00 4,600 c. y. rubble-stone slope-lining,0.85 feet deep, laid in cement, $14 64,400 00 3,500 c. y. broken stone under slope-lining, 0.65 feet deep, $8 28,000 00 5,900 c. y. puddle in bottom of reservoir, 0.65 feet deep, 80c 4,720 00 3.200 c. y. concrete in bottom of reservoir, 0.35 feet deep, $10 32,000 00 3.734 lineal feet stone-coping (0.75 by 3 inches) on top of slope-paving, $2.50 9,335 00 3.734 lineal feet iron fence on top of embankments, $2.50 9,335 00 Carried forward, $251,305 00 24,000 00 APPENDIX. 97 Brought forward, $251,305 00 $24,000 00 287 c. y. concrete under walks, $10 2,870 00 2,900 sq. y. brick paving, 65c 1,885 00 3,360 lineal feet common fencing, 50c 1,680 00 21.300 sq. y. slope-soiling and seeding, 10c 2,130 00 259,870 00 Influent and Effluent Chamber. 245 c. y. concrete, $10 2,450 00 689 c. y. stone masonry, $23 15,847 00 537 c- Y- brick masonry, $12 6,444 00 1,424 c. f. coping and flagging, $1.25 1,700 00 26,521 00 75 lineal feet 40-inch effluent and influent pipe, $23 1,725 00 45 lineal feet 24-inch effluent and influent pipe, $11 495 00 45 lineal feet 32-inch effluent and influent pipe, $16 720 00 1 forty-inch stop-gate . 1,500 00 , 1 twenty-four-inch stop-gate 750 00 1 thirty-two-inch stop-gate 1,200 00 1 forty-inch check-valve 500 00— 6,890 00 $317,281 00 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 31,728 10 $349,009 10 Hernando Road Distributing- Reservoir—Estimate for One Basin. 15 acres real estate, $1,000 $15,000 00 6,500 c. y. mucking, 20c ; $1,300 00 27.300 c. y. excavation carried into embankment, 20c 5,460 00 17,900 c. y. embankment, 40c 7,160 00 78,200 c. y. reservoir embankments in 6-inch layers and rolled, 45c 35,190 00 15,600 c. y. puddle-wall in embankments, 80c 12,480 00 1,100 c. y. inner slope-dressing, 40c 440 00 2,300 c. y. rubble-stone slope-lining, 0.85 feet deep, laid in cement, $14.. 32,200 00 1,750 c. y. broken stone under slope-lining, 0.65 feet deep, 80c 2,360 00 1,600 c. y. concrete in bottom of reservoir, 0.35 feet deep, $10 16,000 00 1.867 lineal feet stone coping (0.75 by 3 inches) on top of slope-lining, $2.50 4,667 50 1.867 lineal feet iron fence on top of embankments, $2.50 4,667 50 1,740 sq. y. brick paving, 65c 1,131 00 172 c. y. concrete under same, $10 1,720 00 12,800 sq. y. slope-soiling and seeding, 10c 1,280 00 2,000 lineal feet common fence, 50c 1,000 00 152,696 00 Influent and effluent chamber, pipes, and stop-gates, same as for two compartments '. 33,4n °° $201,107 00 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 20,110 70 $221,217 7° RECAPITULATION OF ESTIMATED COST. For real estate, right of way, and land damages; grubbing, clearing,pump- ing and bailing for Wolf River dam and conduit line $18,400 00 For Wolf river dam 75,166 60 For gate-house at dam 29,441 00 For conduit line 709,041 50 For gate-house at end of conduit !6,435 00 For contingencies and omissions 84,848 41 Carried forward, $933,332 St 7 98 APPENDIX. Brought forward, $933,332 51 For settling reservoir (two basins) 373,327 90 For buildings at pumping station 67,872 60 For two pairs pumping engines 100,000 00 Pipe system 505,886 60 Distributing reservoir (two basins) 349,009 10 Total cost of Wolf River plan 2,329,428 71 $274,620.50 of which need not immediately be provided, as, in the beginning of the works, one basin in the settling and one in the distributing reservoir can be omitted 274,620 50 $2,054,808 21 ESTIMATE OF COST FOR MISSISSIPPI RIVER PLAN. River Work and Inlet Pipe from Mississippi. Real estate and right of way $10,000 00 xo,ooo c. y. river slope grading, 20c $2,000 00 11,200 c. y. stone rip-rap, $5 56,000 00 58.600 c. y. pipe trench excavation, $1 58,6:0 00 58.600 c. y. pipe trench back-filling, 20c 11,720 00 3.500 feet cast-iron 48-inch pipe, weighing 2,117,500 lbs,, at 4c 84,700 00 292 cast-iron sleeves, weighing 153,300 lbs., at 4c 6,132 00 35 cast-iron bonnets for tee-pipes, with manholes, 51,625 lbs.,at 6c.. 3,097 50 46,880 lbs. lead for joints, 10c 4,688 00 252,000 feet (B. M.) lumber for bedding pipe, at $25 per $1,000 6,300 00 25,550 lbs. wrought-iron drift bolts for pipe platform, 15c 3,832 50 i cast-iron quarter circle bend and mouth-piece to inlet pipe, 20,- 000 lbs., at 6c 1,200 00 1 movable strainer 400 00 35 brick wells, 6 feet in diameter, 1,437 c- y-, at $13 18,681 00 974 c. f. stone coping for same, $1.20 1,168 80 35 covers for wells, of cast-iron, 40,000 lbs., at 6c 2,400 00 150 days’ pumping and bailing, at $40 per day 6,000 00 266,919 80 Inlet Pipe to Wolf River, 450 lineal feet, at the same rate per foot as the inlet to the Missis- sippi, $76 34,200 00 #311,119 80 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 31,111 98 $342,231 78 Pumping Station. 10,500 c. y. earth excavation for engine-house foundation, 50c $5,250 00 400 c. y. concrete, $8 3,200 00 5.600 c. y. stone masonry, $20 112,000 00 2,050 c. f. stone coping, $1.20...., 2,460 00 $122,910 00 9.500 c. y. earth excavation for boiler-house, 20c $1,900 00 I3S c- Y- concrete, $8 x,o8o 00 385 c. y. stone foundation, $18.... 6,930 00 840 c. f. stone coping, $1.20 1,008 00 10,918 00 Carried forward, $133,828 00 APPENDIX. Brought forward, $133,828 00 140 c. y. earth excavation for chimney foundation, 20c $28 00 70 c. y. concrete, $8 560 00 120 c. y. stone foundation, $18 2,160 00 256 c. f. stone coping, $1 256 00 3,004 00 350 c. y. brick masonry in chimney-stack, $12 4,200 00 $141,032 00 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent i4,io3 20 |i55,i35 2o Engine-house superstructure, and boiler and coal-houses 75,0°° 00 $23°,I35 2o Pumping machinery, embracing two engines, four pumps, one double stand' pipe, two batteries of boilers, and all needful appendages —• $225,000 00 Settling Reservoir Near Cotton Factory. 31 acres real estate, $1,000 Is1,000 00 10,700 c. y. mucking, 20c $2,140 00 3.600 c. y. surplus excavation, 20c 72° °° 84.400 c. y. excavation carried into embankment in 6-inch layers and rolled, 30c 25,32° 00 15,600 c. y. puddle-wall in embankments, 60c 9,360 00 14.400 sq. y. slope soiling and seeding, 10c t,44° °° 1.500 c. y. inner slope dressing, 40c 600 00 4.600 c. y. puddle in basins, 60c 2,760 00 2.600 c. y. concrete in basins, $8 20,800 00 5,coo c. y. rubble-stone slope lining (0.85'), $12 60,000 00 3.900 c. y. broken stone under same {0.65'), $6 23,400 00 3.900 lineal feet coping, $2.50 9>75° °° 3.900 lineal feet iron fence, $2.50 9>7S° 00 3.000 sq. y. brick paving, 65c 1,95° °° 300 c. y. concrete under same, $8 2,400 00 4.000 lineal feet common fence, 50c 2,000 00 $172,390 00 Influent and Effluent Chamber. 2.500 c. y. excavation, 20c 5°° °° 165 c. y. concrete, $8 t)32:> 00 600 c, y. brick masonry, $12 7>2°° 00 goo c. y. stone masonry, $20 18,000 00 5.900 c. ft. stone coping, $1.20 7,080 00 Superstructure 2,500 00 36,600 00 no lineal feet 40-inch effluent pipe, $25 2,750 00 3 forty-inch stop-gates, $1,500 4.5°o °° 55 lineal feet 20-inch drain-pipe, $12 660 00 3 twenty-inch stop-gates, $360 1,080 00 x,2io lineal feet 3-feet brick drain conduit to Wolf River, $5 6,050 00 15,040 00 $255,030 00 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 25,503 00 $280,533 °° 100 APPENDIX. Pipe System. 730 lineal feet 36-inch pump main from lower pumps to settling reservoir, $20.50 $14,965 00 780 lineal feet 40-inch pump main from settling reservoir to upper pumps, $24 18,720 00 100 lineal feet 40-inch pump main from upper pump main to inlet pipe, $24 2,400 00 7,370 lineal feet 24-inch pump and supply main from pumping station to the intersection of Third Street with Poplar Street, $12... 88,440 00 Balance of pipe system, same as by Wolf River plan 358,814 60 — $483,339 60 Distributing reservoir, same as by Wolf River plan (two basins).. $349,009 10 RECAPITULATION OF MISSISSIPPI RIVER PLAN. River work and Inlet pipe $342,231 78 Buildings at pumping station 230,135 20 Pumping machinery 225,000 00 Settling reservoirs 280,533 00 Pipe system 483,339 60 Distributing reservoir 349,009 10 $1,910,248 68 ESTIMATE OF COST FOR HATCHIE LAKE PLAN. River Work and Inlet Pipe. Real estate and right of way $6,00c 00 acres clearing and grubbing, $50 $112 50 10,000 c. y. river slope grading, 20c 2,000 00 u,2oo c. y. stone rip-rap, $5 56,000 00 30.800 c. y. pipe trench excavation, $1 30,800 00 30.800 c. y. pipe trench back-filling, 20c 6,160 00 1,840 lineal feet 48-inch cast-iron pipe, weighing 1,113,200 lbs., 4c 44,528 00 154 cast-iron sleeves, weighing 80,850 lbs., 4c 3,234 00 18 cast-iron bonnets, with manholes for tee-pipe, 26,550 lbs., 6c i,593 00 24,640 lbs. lead for joints, 10c 2,464 00 132,500 feet (B. M.) lumber for pipe platform, $25 per 1,000 3,312 50 13,432 lbs. wrought-iron drift bolts for pipe platform, 15c 2,014 80 1 cast-iron quarter circle bend and mouth-piece to inlet pipe, 20,- 000 lbs., 6c 1,200 00 1 movable strainer 400 00 18 brick wells, 6 feet in diameter, 739 c. y., $13 9,607 00 504 c. ft. stone coping for same, $1.20 604 80 18 cast-iron covers for wells, 20,500 lbs., at 6c 1,230 00 79 days’ pumping and bailing, $40 per day 3,160 00 168,420 60 $174,420 60 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 17,442 06 Total, river and inlet pipe $191,862 66 Building at pumping station same as for Mississippi River plan.. $230,135 20 Pumping machinery $260,000 00 APPENDIX. 101 Settling Reservoir. 29 acres real estate, $50 $I.45° 00 34,603 c. y. mucking, 20c $6,920 60 6.000 c. y. excavation carried into spoil bank, 20c 1,200 00 184,408 c. y. excavation carried into embankment in 6-inch layers and rolled, 30c 55,332 4° 17,346 c. y. puddle-wall in embankments, 60c 10,407 do 6,968 c. y. brick slope lining, $11 76,648 00 9,109 c. y. concrete in basins, $8 72,872 00 12,125 sq. Y- slope soiling and seeding, xoc 1,2x2 50 5.000 lineal feet board fence, 50c 2,500 00 227,083 10 Influent and Effluent Chamber. Masonry same as by Mississippi River plan 36,600 00 80 lineal feet 40-inch effluent pipe, $25 2,000 00 2 forty-inch stop-gates, $1,500 3,000 00 40 lineal feet 20-inch drain pipe, $12 480 00 2 twenty-inch stop-gates, $360 . 720 00 1,400 lineal feet 3-inch brick drain conduit to Bear Creek, $7.50 10,500 00 53.3oo 00 $281,833 10 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 28,183 31 Total settling reservoir $310,016 41 Pipe System. 1,860 lineal feet 36-inch pump main from lower pumps to settling reser- voir, $20.50 $38,13000 1,910 lineal feet 40-inch pump main from settling reservoir to upper pumps, $24 1 45.840 00 100 lineal feet 40-inch main from upper pump main to inlet pipe, $24.. 24,000 00 24,800 lineal feet 24-inch pump main from pumping station to the inter- section of Second and Bickford Streets, $13.50 334,800 00 700 lineal feet cast-iron inverted syphons for crossing Loosa Hatchie and Wolf Rivers, $20 14,000 00 Balance of pipe system same as by Mississippi River plan 467,919 60 $903,089 60 Distributing reservoir as heretofore estimated $349,009 10 RECAPITULATION OF ESTIMATED COST OP HATCHIE LAKE PLAN. River work and inlet pipe $191,862 66 Buildings at pumping station 230,135 20 Pumping machinery 260,1x10 00 Settling reservoir 310,0x6 41 Pipe system 903,089 60 Distributing reservoir 349,009 10 $2,224,112 97 102 APPENDIX. ESTIMATE OF COST FOR MAIN SEWERS. PLAN No. 1. Discharging1 Sewage Equal in Volume to Two Inches Rain per Hour. In Bayou Gayoso, from Wolf River to a point 20 feet N. of Gayoso Street: 37,128 c. y. excavation, at 35c $12,994 80 6,067 c. y. concrete, at $10 60,670 00 51,696 c. y. supporting wall, at $10 516,960 00 64,971 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 779,652 00 47 manholes, at $35 *>645 00 383,975 c. y. bayou fill, at 40c t53>590 00 1,525,511 80 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 152,551 18 $1,678,062 98 In Bayou Gayoso, from a point 20 feet N. of Gayoso Street to South Street: 43,326 c. y. excavation, at 35c $15,164 10 19,158 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 229,896 00 25 manholes, at $35 875 00 6,872 c. y. back fill, at 25c 1,718 00 11,005 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c 2,751 25 250,404 35 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 25,040 44 275,444 79 In Bayou DeSoto, from a point 20 feet N. of Gayoso St. to Wellington St.: 21,931 c. y. excavation, at 35c $7,675 85 6,954 c- y• sewer wall, at $12 83,448 00 15 manholes, at $35 525 00 7,354 c- Y- back fill, at 25c <,838 50 7,358 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c I>839 50 95,326 85 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 9,S32 69 104,859 54 In Little Betty Bayou, from Bayou DeSoto at Gayoso St. to Lauderdale St.: 5,637 c. y. excavation, at 35c $1,972 95 1,667 c- y- sewer wall, at $12 20,004 00 8 manholes, at $35 280 00 2,989 c. y. back fill, at 25c 747 25 1,589 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c 397 25 23,401 45 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 2,340 14 25,741 59 In Bayou Quimby, from Bayou Gayoso to Boundary Avenue: 18,174 c- y- excavation, at 35c $6,360 90 12,215 c. y. sewer wall, $12 146,580 00 17 manholes, at $35 595 00 13,354 c. y. fill, at 25c 3,338 50 156,874 40 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 15,687 44 172,561 84 $2,256,670 74 APPENDIX. 103 Discharging Sewage Equal in Volume to One Inch Rain per Hour. In Bayou Gayoso, from Wolf River to a point 20 feet N. of Gayoso Street: 29,606 c. y. excavation, at 35c $10,362 10 4,902 c. y. concrete, at $10 49,020 00 36,917 c. y. supporting wall, at $10 369,170 00 34,948 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 419,376 00 47 manholes, at $35 1,645 00 416,246 c. y. bayou fill, at 40c 166,498 40 1,016,071 50 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 101,607 15 $1,117,678 65 In Bayou Gayoso, from a point 20 feet N. of Gayoso Street to South Street: 31,991 c. y. excavation, at 35c $11,196 85 11,883 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 142,596 00 25 manholes, at $35 875 00 8,305 c. y. back fill, at 25c 2,076 25 19,188 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c 4,797 00 161,541 10 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 16,154 11 177,69s 21 In Bayou DeSoto, from a point 20 feet N. of Gayoso Street to Wellington Street: 18,393 c. y. excavation, at 35c $6,437 SS 4,214 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 S°,S68 00 15 manholes, at $35 525 00 8,846 c. y. back fill, at 25c 2,211 50 9,399 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c 2,349 75 62,091 80 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 6,209 18 68,300 98 In kittle Betty Bayou, from Bayou DeSoto at Gayoso Street to Lauderdale Street: 4,789 c. y. excavation, at 35c $1,676 15 861 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 10,332 00 8 manholes, at $35... a8o 00 3,082 c. y. back fill, at 25c 77° 5° 1,944 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c 486 00 13,544 65 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent *,354 46 14,899 11 In Bayou Quimby, from Bayou Gayoso to Boundary Avenue: 15,057 c- V- excavation, at 35c fs,269 95 7,373 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 88,476 00 17 manholes, at $35 595 00 8,207 c. y. fill, at 25c 2,°Si 75 96,392 70 Contingencies and omissions, xo per cent 9,639 27 106,031 97 $1,484,605 9z 104 APPENDIX. Discharging Sewage Equal in Volume to One-half Inch Rain per Hour. In Bayou Gayoso, from Wolf River to a point 20 feet N. of Gayoso Street: 22,226 c. y. excavation, at 35c $7,779 10 3,995 c. y. concrete, at $10 39,95° °° 25,189 c. y. supporting wall, at $10 ; 251,890 00 26,628 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 3*9,336 °° 47 manholes, at $35 1,645 00 448,580 c. y. bayou fill, at 40c 179,432 00 800,232 00 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 80,023 20 $880,255 20 In Bayou Gayoso, from a point 20 feet N. of Gayoso Street to South Street: 24,291 c. y. excavation, at 35c $8,501 85 7,576 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 9°,912 °° 25 manholes, at $35 875 00 9,831 c. y. back fill, at 25c ? 2,457 75 24,709 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c 6,177 25 108,923 85 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 10,892 39 119,816 24 In Bayou DeSoto, from a point 20 feet N. of Gayoso Street to Wellington Street: 14,262 c. y. excavation, at 35c $4,99* 7° 3,262 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 39,*44 °° 15 manholes, at $35 525 00 8,911 c. y. back fill, at 25c 2,227 75 11,572 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c 2,893 00 49,78i 45 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 4,978 15 54,759 60 In Little Betty Bayou, from Bayou DeSoto at Gayoso Street to Lauderdale Street: 4,045 c. y. excavation, at 33c $1,.415 75 673 c- y- sewer wall, at $12 8,076 00 8 manholes, at $35 280 00 2,933 C. y. back fill, at 25c 733 50 2,168 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c 542 00 11,047 25 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 1,104 73 12,151 In Bayou Quimby, from Bayou Gayoso to Boundary Avenue; 10,354 c. y. excavation, at 35c $3,623 90 4,369 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 52,428 00 17 manholes, at $35 ; 595 00 4,653 c. y. fill, at 25c 1,163 25 57,810 15 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 5,781 02 63,591 1 7 $I,I3°,574 19 APPENDIX. 105 PLAN No. 2. Discharging- Sewage Equal in Volume to Two Inches Rain per Hour- In Concord St. and Bayou Quimby, from Miss. River to Boundary Avenue: 900 feet cast-iron pipe, at $56 $50,400 00 86,030 c. y. excavation, at 40c 34,412 00 25,223 c. y. sewer wall, at $14 327,899 00 33 manholes, at $40 1,320 00 47,178 c. y. fill, at 30c 14,153 40 428,184 40 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 42,818 44 $471,002 84 In Bayou Gayoso, from Adams Street to Concord Street: 3,322 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 $39,864 00 16 manholes, at $40 640 00 117,172 c. y. bayou fill, at 40c 46,868 80 87,372 80 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 8,737 28 96,110 08 In Gayoso Street, from Mississippi River to Bayou DeSoto; 800 feet cast-iron pipe, at $56 $44,800 00 27,509 c. y. excavation, at 40c 11,003 90 5,026 c. y. sewer wall, at $13 65,338 00 7,050 c. y. ''sewer wall, at $18 126,900 00 691 c. y. fsewer wall, at $30 20,730 00 15 manholes, at $40 600 00 31,488 c. y. tunneling, at $1.75 55,104 00 6,781 c. y. back fill, at 25c 1,695 25 4,299 c. y. *back fill, at $1.75 7,523 25 1,195 c. y. bayou fill, at 40c .■ 478 00 334,172 10 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 33,4t7 21 367,589 31 In Bayou Gayoso, from Adams Street to Gayoso Street: 2,870 c. y. excavation, at 35c , $',004 50 1,509 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 18,108 00 13 manholes, at $40 520 oc 43,325 c. y. bayou fill, at 40c 17,330 00 36,962 50 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 3,696 25 40,658 75 In Bayou Gayoso, from Gayoso Street to South Street: 32,461 c. y. excavation, at 35c $11,361 35 15,899 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 190,668 00 22 manholes, at $40 880 00 3,070 c. y. back fill, at 25c 767 50 10,276 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c 2,569 00 206,245 85 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 20,624 59 — 226,870 44 Carried forward, $1,202,231 42 * In tunnel. fOf stone. 8 106 APPENDIX. Brought forward, $1,202,231 42 In Bayou DeSoto, from Gayoso Street to Wellington Street: 16,819 c. y. excavation, at 33c $5,886 65 6,745 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 80,940 00 13 manholes, at $40 520 00 ( 4,144 c. y. back fill, at 25c „.. 1,036 00 7,487 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c 1,871 75 90,254 40 Contingencies and omissions, io per cent 9,025 44 99,279 84 In Little Betty Bayou, from Gayoso St. at Bayou DeSoto to Lauderdale St.: 4,402 c. y. excavation, at 35c $1,540 70 1,744 c. y- sewer wall, at $12 20,928 00 8 manholes, at $40 320 00. 1,513 c. y. back fill, at 25c 378 25 1,498 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c 374 50 23>54i 45 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 2,354 15 25,895 60 1,327,406 86 From Concord Street to Wolf River; 409,656 c. y. bayou fill, at 44c 180,248 64 $1,507,655 50 Discharging- Sewage Equal in Volume to One Inch Rain per Hour. hi Concord St. and Bayou Quimby, from Miss. River to Boundary Avenue; 450 feet cast-iron pipe, at $56 $25,200 00 69,676 c. y. excavation, at 40c 27,870 40 16,655 c. y- sewer wall, at $13 216,515 00 33 manholes, at $40 1,320 00 34,738 c. y. fill, at 30c 10,421 40 281,326 80 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 28,132 68 $3C9>459 4® In Bayou Gayoso, from Adams Street to Concord Street: 1,704 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 $20,448 00 16 manholes, at $40 640 00 119,599 c. y. bayou fill, at 40c 47,839 60 68,927 60 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 6,892 76 — 75,820 36 In Gayoso Street, from Mississippi River to Bayou DeSoto: 400 feet cast-iron pipe, at $56 $22,400 00 22,476 c. y. excavation, at 40c 8,990 40 3,913 c. y. sewer wall, at $13 50,869 00 5,460 c. y. *sewer wall, at $18 .'. 98,280 00 444 c. y. fsewer wall, at $30 13,320 00 Carried forward, $193,859 40 * In tunnel. fOf stone. APPENDIX. 107 Brought forward, 8193,859 40 15 manholes, at $40 600 00 *9,735 c. y. tunneling, at $1.75 34,536 25 9,463 c. y. back fill, at 25c 2,365 75 3,121 c. y. *back fill, at $1.75 5,461 75 1,446 c. y. bayou fill, at 40c 578 40 237,401 55 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 23,740 15 $261,141 70 In Bayou Gayoso, from Adams Street to Gayoso Street: 1,914 c. y. excavation, at 35c... $669 90 1,186 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 14,232 00 13 manholes, at $40 520 00 44,744 c. y. bayou fill, at 40c 17,897 60 33,3*9 50 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 3,331 95 36,651 45 In Bayou Gayoso, from Gayoso Street to South Street: 23,431 c. y. excavation, at 35c $8,200 85 9,899 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 118,788 00 22 manholes, at $40 880 00 5,652 c. y. back fill, at 25c 1,4*3 °9 18,053 c- V- bayou fill, at 25c 4,5*3 25 *33,795 10 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent *3,379 5* 6* In Bayou DeSoto, from Gayoso Street to Wellington Street: 13,794 c. y. excavation, at 30c $4,827 90 3,994 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 47,928 00 13 manholes, at $40 520 00 5,161 c. y. back fill, at 25c 1,290 25 9,657 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c 2,414 25 56,980 40 Contingencies and omissions, io per cent 5,698 04 62,678 44 In Little Betty Bayou, from Gayoso St, at Bayou DeSoto to Lauderdale St.: 3,645 c. y. excavation, at 35c $*,275 75 883 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 *0,596 00 8 manholes, at $40 320 00 1,844 c- Y- back fill, at 25c 461 00 1,909 c. y. bayou fill, at 25c 477 23 13,130 00 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent *,3*3 00 *4,443 00 907,369 04 From Concord Street to Wolf River: 409,656 c. y. bayou fill, at 44c 180,248 64 $1,087,617 68 * In tunnel 108 APPENDIX. Discharging Sewage Equal in Volume to One-half Inch Rain per Hour. In Concord Street and Bayou Quimby, from Miss. River to Boundary Avenue: 300 feet cast-iron pip*/, at $47 $14,100 00 53,363 c. y. excavation, at 40c 21,345 20 9,928 c. y. sewer wall, at 813 129,064 00 33 manholes, at $40 1,320 00 28,433 c. V- Ah, at 30c 11,373 20 177,202 40 Contingencies and omissions, xo per cent 17,720 24 $194,922 64 In Bayou Gayoso, from Adams Street to Concord Street; 1,351 c- y- sewer wall, at $12 $16,212 00 16 manholes, at $40 640 00 121,099 c’ y- bayou fill, at 40c 48,739 60 65,591 60 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 6,559 *6 72,150 76 In Gayoso Street, from Mississippi River to Bayou DeSoto: 200 feet cast-iron pipe, at $56 $11,200 00 17,340 c. y. excavation, at 40c 6,936 00 2,354 c. y. sewer wall, at $13 30,602 00 3,334 c- y- ’•‘sewer wall, at $18 60,012 00 282 c. y. fsewer wall, at $30 8,460 00 15 manholes, at $40 600 00 11,936 c. y. tunneling, at $1.75 20,888 00 9,925 c. y. back fill, at 25c 2,481 25 c. y. *back fill, at $1.75 3,892 00 1,629 c. y. bayou fill, at 40c 651 60 145,722 85 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 14,572 29 160,295 14 In Bayou Gayoso, from Adams Street to Gayoso Street: 1,382 c. y. excavation, at 35c $483 70 890 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 10,680 00 13 manholes, at $40 520 00 45,573 c. y. bayou fill, at 40c 18,229 20 29,912 90 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 2,991 29 32,9°4 19 In Bayou Gayoso, from Gayoso Street to South Street: 17,627 c. y. excavation, at 35c $6,172 45 6,038 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 72,456 00 22 manholes, at $40 880 00 6,317 c. y. back fill, at 25c 1,579 *5 23,255 c. y. bayou fill, at 35c 8,139 25 89,226 95 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 8,922 69 98,149 64 Carried forward, $558,422 37 * In tunnel. tOf stone. APPENDIX. 109 Brought forward, $558,422 37 In Bayou DeSoto, from Gayoso Street to Wellington Street: 10,696 c. y. excavation, at 35c $3,743 6° 3,128 c. y. sewer wall at $12 37,536 00 13 manholes, at $40 520 00 5,864 c. y. back fill, at 25c 1,466 00 11,349 c. y bayou fill, at 25c -. 2,837 25 46,102 85 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 4,610 28 50,713 In Little Betty Bayou, from Gayoso St. at Bayou DeSoto to Lauderdale St.: 3,098 c. y. excavation, at 35c $1,084 3° 700 c. y. sewer wall, at $12 8,400 00 8 manholes, at $40 320 00 1,908 c. y. back fill, at 25c 477 00 2,139 c- y- bayou fill, at 25c 534 75 10,816 05 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 1,081 61 11,897 66 From Concord Street to Wolf River: 621,023 *6 409,656 c. y. bayou fill, 31440 180,248 64 $801,281 80 BRANCH SEWERS- PLAN No. 2. Fifteen-inch Sewers in unpaved streets; 34.300 c. y. excavation, at 30c $10,290 00 35,378 lineal feet 15-inch stone-ware pipe, at 90c 31,840 20 118 manholes at street crossings, $50 5,900 00 249 manholes along squares, at $35 , 8,715 00 238 curve junctions, at $1.50 357 00 34.300 c. y. back filling, at 30c 10,290 00 4.700 c. y. excavation, at 30c 1,4x0 00 8,093 lineal feet 12-inch stone-ware pipe, at 65c 5,260 45 4.700 c. y. back filling, at 30c 1,410 00 238 catch basins, at $130 30,940 00 106,412 65 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 10,641 27 Equal to $3,309 per lineal foot. $117,053 92 Fifteen-inch Sewers in streets partly paved : 13.500 c. y. excavation, at 30c 4,050,00 15,572 lineal feet xs-inch stone-ware pipe, at 90c 14,014 80 74 maSholes at street Crossings, at $50 3,700 00 92 manholes along squares, at $35 , 3,220 00 148 curved junctions, at $1.50 , 222 00 13.500 c. y. back filling, at 30c 4,050 00 3.318 c. y. excavation, at 30c 995 40 5,392 lineal feet 12-inch stone-ware pipe, at 65c 3,504 80 3.318 c. y. back filling, at 30c 995 40 148 catch basins, at $130 19,240 00 2,143 SQ- y. repaving, at $1.25 2,678 75 56,071 15 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent ■. 5,667 12 Equal to $4,003 per lineal foot. $62,338 27 APPENDIX. Two-feet Sewers in unpaved streets: 16.491 c. y. excavation, at 30c $4,947 30 13,055 lineal feet sewer wall, at $1.50 19,582 50 866 stone-ware slants, at 75c 649 50 41 manholes at street crossings, at $50 2,050 00 101 manholes along squares, at $35 3,535 00 75 curved junctions, at $1.50.., 112 50 16.491 c. y. back filling, at 30c 4,947 3° 1,424 c. y. excavation, at 30c 427 20 2,400 lineal feet 12-inch stone-ware pipe, at 65c 1,560 00 1,424 c. y. back filling, at 30c 427 20 75 catch basins, at $130 ; 9,75° 00 47,988 50 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 4,798 85 Equal to $4,043 per lineal foot. $52,787 35 Two-feet Sewers in streets partly paved: 25.367 c. y. excavation, at 30c $7,610 10 20,265 lineal feet sewer wall, at $1.50 3°,397 5° 1,348 stone-ware slants, at 75c 1,011 00 75 manholes at street crossings, at $50 3,7So 00 138 manholes along squares, at $35 4,830 00 149 curved junctions, at $1.50 223 50 25.367 c. y. back filling, at 30c 7,610 10 2.916 c. y. excavation, at 30c 874 80 5,364 lineal feet 12-inch stone-ware pipe, at 65c 3,486 60 2.916 c. y. back filling at 30c 874 80 149 catch basins, at $130 19,370 00 3,665 sq. y. repaving, at $125 4,581 25 84,619 65 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 8,461 97 Equal to $4,593 per lineal foot. $93,081 62 MAIN SEWERS PLAN No. 3. Discharging Sewage equal in volume to One Inch Rain per Twenty- four Hours. In Beale Street, from Mississippi River to center of Causey Street; 300 feet 36-inch cast-iron pipe, at $20.50 $7,150 00 6,329 c. y. excavation, at 40c 2,531 60 537 sq- y. paving torn up and replaced, at $2 1,074 00 5,470 c. y. tunneling, at $1.75 9,572 50 623 c. y. sewer wall, at $13 8,099 00 1,585 c. y. *sewer wall, at $19 30,115 00 10 manholes, at $55 55193 4° 980 c. y. back filling, at 30c 294 00 85 lineal feet cast-iron inverted syphon, at$ 12 1,020 00 1 waste weir 400 00 51 catch-basins, at $130 6,630 00 2,297 sq. y. repaving, at $1.25 2,871 25 3r,35o 65 Contingencies and omissions 10 per cent 3.r35 07 Equal to $4,128 per lineal foot. $34,485 72 Eighteen-inch Sewers in unpaved streets ; 19.934 c. y. excavation, at 30c $5,980 20 18,547 lineal feet 18-inch stone-ware pipe, at.'$ 21,329 05 65 manholes at street crossings, at $50 3,250 00 150 manholes along squares, at $35 ; 5,250 00 121 curved junctions, at $1.50 181 50 19.934 c. y. back filling, at 30c 5,980 20 2.197 c. y. excavation, at 30c > 659 10 4,122 lineal feet 12-inch stone-ware pipe, at 65c 2,679 30 2.197 c. y. back filling, at 30c 659 10- 207 lineal feet cast-iron inverted syphon, at $12 2,484 00 3 waste weirs, at $400 1,200 00 121 catch-basins, at $130 15,730 00 65.382 45 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 6,538 25 Equal to $3,835 per lineal foot. $71,920 70 JFifteen-inch Sewers in paved streets; 11.950 c. y. excavation, at 30c $3,585 00 12,286 lineal feet 15-inch stone-ware pipe, at 90c 11,057 40 47 manholes at street crossings, at $50 2,350 00 90 manholes along squares, at $35 3,150 00 84 curved junctions, at $1.50 12600 11.950 c. y. back filling, at 30c 3,585 00 1.520 c. y. excavation, at 30c 456 00 2,852 lineal feet 12-inch stone-ware pipe, at 65c 1,853 80 1.520 c. y. back filling, at 30c 456 00 80 lineal feet cast-iron inverted syphon, at $12 960 00 1 waste weir 400 oo 84 catch-basins, at $130 10,920 00 .3,072 sq. y. repaving, at $1.25 3,840 00 42,739 20 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 4,273 92 Equal to $3,802 per lineal foot. $47,013 12 APPENDIX. 115 Fifteen-inch Sewers in unpaved streets; 32.422 c. y. excavation, at 30c $9,726 60 33,332 lineal feet is-inch stone-ware pipe, at 90c 29,998 80 115 manholes at street crossings, at $50 5.75° 00 243 manholes along squares, at $35 8,505 00 233 curved junctions, at $1.50 349 50 32.422 c. y. back filling, at 30c 9,726 60 4.240 c. y. excavation, at 30c 1.272 00 7,955 lineal feet 12-inch stone-ware pipe, at 65c 5,170 75 4.240 c. y. back filling, at 30c 1.272 00 489 lineal feet cast-iron inverted syphon, at $12 5,868 00 7 waste weirs, at $400 2,800 00 233 catch-basins, at $130 30,290 00 110,729 25 Contingencies and omissions, 10 per cent 11,072 93 Equal to $3,601 per lineal foot. $121,802 x8 SUMMARY OF COST FOR BRANCH SEWERS-PLAN No. 3. 2,025 lineal feet 36-inch sewers in paved streets, at $6.852 $13,875 88 3,278 lineal feet 36-inch sewers in unpaved streets, at $5,693 18,662 10 1,999 lineal feet 27-inch sewers in unpaved streets, at $5.108 10,210 07 7,522 lineal feet 24-inch sewers in unpaved streets, at $4.695 35.3t7 54 8,355 lineal feet 18-inch sewers in paved streets, at $4.128 34,485 72 18,754 lineal feet 18-inch sewers in unpaved streets, at $3.835 71,920 70 12,366 lineal feet t5-inch sewers in paved streets, at $3.802 47,013 12 33,821 lineal feet 15-inch sewers in unpaved streets, At $3.601. 121,802 18 88,120 Totals... $353,287 31 116 APPENDIX. TABLE OF ELEVATIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL POINTS —IN— Memphis Water-Works and Sewerage Surveys. Locality Plane of Refer- ! ence. Court Square Flow Line Dis- trib. Reservoir Plus Plus Min. Min. Front Street and Mill Street 102.8 49.0 49.3 48.3 117.2 117.5 116.5 Front Street and alley south of Mill Street Front Street and Sycamore Street 102.5 108.5 Front Street and alley south of Sycamore Street 108.7 43.1 109.3 Front Street and Auction Street 114.5 37.3 105.5 Front Street and alley south of Auction Street 118.5 33.3 101.5 Front Street and Concord Street 122.4 29.4 24.9 97.6 93.1 Front Street and alley south of Concord Street 126.9 Front Street and Overton Street 131.2 20.6 17.3 88.8 85.5 Front Street and alley south of Overton Street 134.5 Front Street and Jackson Street 139.1 12.7 80.9 80.0’ Front Street and Commerce Street 140.0 11.8 Front Street and Winchester Street 141.0 10.8 11.7 79.0 79.9 81.1 76.8 73.7 Front Street and alley south of Winchester Street 140.1 Front Street and Market Street 138.9 12.9 8.6 5.5 Front Street and alley south of Market Street 143.2 Front Street and Exchange Street 146,3 Front Street and Poplar Street 145.7 6.1 74.8 80.4 Front Street and alley south of Poplar Street 139.6 12.2 Front Street and Washington Street 136.3 15.5 8.8 83.7 77.0 Front Street and alley south of Washington Street 143.0 Front Street and Adams Street 5.1 73.3 70.0 Front Street and alley south of Adams Street 150.0 1.8 Front Street and Jefferson Street 155.1 152.5 3.3 64,9 67.5 68.7 Front Street and alley south of Jefferson Street 0.7 Front Street and Court Street 151.3 0.5 Front Street and alley south of Court Street 153.5 153.9 1.7 66.5 66.1 69.8 72.8 70.2 67.8 66.0 60.6 57.6 61.4 77.6 72.8 61.6 Front Street and Madison Street 2.1 Front Street and alley south of Madison Street 150.2 1.6 4.6 2.0 • Front Street and Monroe Street 147.2 Front Street and alley south of Monroe Street 149,8 Front Street and Union Street 152.2 0.4 2.2 Front Street and alley south of Union Street 154.0 Front Street and Gayoso Street 159.4 7.6 10.5 6.8 Front Street and Hotel Street 162.4 158.6 Front Street and McCall Street Front Street and Beale Street 142.4 9.4 4.6 Front Street and Linden Street 147.2 Front Street and Pontotoc Street 158.4 6.6 APPENDIX. 117 Locality Plane of Refer- 1 ence Court Square Flow Line Dis- trib. Reservoir Plus Plus Min. Min. Front Street and Vance Street 164.4 12.6 Front Street and Talbot Street 161.9 10.1 58.1 158.4 6.6 61 6 Front Street and Trezevant Street 149.5 2.3 70.5 Front Street and Butler Street 150.5 1.3 69.5 Front Street and South Street 153.5 1.7 Alley east of Front Street and Mill Street 97,6 54.2 122.4 Alley east of Front Street and alley south of Mill Street. 99.0 52.8 121.0 Alley east of Front Street and Sycamore Street 100.8 51.0 119.2 Alley east of Front Street and alley south of Sycamore St. 110.3 41.5 109.7 Alley east of Front Street and Auction Street 115.4 36.4 104.6 Alley east of Front Street and alley south of Auction St. 115.8 36.0 104.2 120.0 31.81 inn n Alley east of Front Street and alley south of Concord St. 124.0 27.8 96.0 129.1 22.7 90.9 Alley east of Front Street and alley south of Overton St. 130.7 21.1 89.3 Alley east of Front Street and Jackson Street 141.4 10.4 78.6 Alley east of Front Street and Commerce Street 144.0 7.8 76.0 Aliev east of Front Street and Winchester Street 147.2 4.6 7->,8 Alley east of Front St. and alley south of Winchester St. 146.4 5.4 73.6 142.6 9.2 77.4 Alley east of Front Street and alley south of Market St. 147.6 4.2 72.4 1.8 70.0 Alley east of Front St. and alley south of Exchange St. 149.4 2.4 70.6 Alley east of Front Street and Poplar Street 149.0 2.8 71.0 Alley east of Front Street and alley south of Poplar St. 142.7 9.1 77.3 141.0 10.8 79.0 Alley east of Front St. and alley south of Washington St. 146.6 5.2 73.4 151.2 0.6 68.8 Alley east of Front Street and alley south of Adams St. 153.0 1.2 67.0 2.7 Alley east of Front St. and alley south of Jefferson St... 152.6 0.8 67.4 Alley east of Front Street and Court Street 150.6 1.2 69.4 Alley east of Front Street and alley south of Court St... 154.3 2.5 65.7 Alley east of Front Street and Madison Street 156.3 4.5 Alley east of Front St. and alley south of Madison St... 152.5 0.7 67.5 149.2 2.6 70.8 Alley east of Front St. and alley south of Monroe St 147.4 4.4 72.6 Alley east of Front Street and Union Street 149.7 2.1 70.3 96.7 123.3 Main Street and alley south of Mill Street 100.8 51.0 119.2 Main Street and Sycamore Street 103.3 48.5 116.7 110.0 41,8 110.0 Main Street and Auction Street 112.2 39.6 107.8 Main Street and alley south of Auction Street 115.0 36.8 105.0 119.8 32.0 100.2 Main Street and alley south of Concord Street 123.2 28.6 96.8 Main Street and Overton Street 127.5 24.3 92.5 132.5 19.3 87.5 Main Street and Jackson Street 137.1 14.7 82.9 Main Street and Commerce Street 141.5 10.3 78.5 118 APPENDIX. Locality U V o £ c3 C Plus Court Square Flow Line Dis- trib. Reservoir Plus Min. Min. Main Street and Winchester Street 14.1 n 6.8 Main Street and alley south of Winchester Street 14(i S 5.0 73.2 1 4.0 4 6.4, Main Street and alley south of Market Street 14 b 7 6.1 74.3- 14b 0 3.8 72 0 147 R 4.0 72 2 Main Street and Poplar Street 147 0 4.8 73.0' Main Street and alley south of Poplar Street 147 1 4.7 72.9 4.1 72,3 Main Street and alley south of Washington Street 149 4 2.4 70.6 Main Street and Adams Street 152 1 0.3 67.9 151 1 0.7 68 9 150 0 1.8 70.0 Main Street and alley south of Jefferson Street 148 6 3.2 71.4 Main Street and North Court Street 148.6 3.2 71.4 Main Street and Court Street 149.7 2.1 70.3. Main Street and South Court Street 152.1 0.3 67.9 Main Street and alley south of Court Street 152.1 0.3 67.9 Main Street and Madison Street 154.4 2.6 Main Street and alley south of Madison Street 159.5 0.7 67.5- Main Street and Monroe Street 149.6 9 9 70.4 Main Street and alley south of Monroe Street 146.4 73.6 Main Street and Union Street 144.1 7.7 Main Street and alley south of Union Street 145.1 6.7 74.9 Main Street and Gayoso Street 147.0 4,8 73.0 Main Street and McCall Street 149.6 9 9 70.4 Main Street and Beale Street 148.1 3.7 71.9 Main Street and Linden Street 142.7 9.1 77.3 Main Street and Pontotoc Street 142.8 9,0 77.2 Main Street and Vance Street 145.0 6.8 Main Street and Talbot Street 145.3 Main Street and Pluling Street 148.3 71.7 Main Street and Trezevant Street 154.2 2.4 Main Street and Butler Street 154.2 9 4 151.8 68.2 Main Street and South Street 139.7 12.1 80.3 107.9 43.9 112.1 Alley east of Main Street and alley south of Auction St. 109.4 42.4 110.6 Alley east of Main Street and Concord Street 110.9 40.9 109.1 Alley east of Main Street and alley south of Concord St. 116.5 35.3 103.5 Alley east of Main Street and Overton Street 121.5 30.3 98.5 Alley east of Main Street and alley south of Overton St. 124.2 27.6 95.8 131.4 20.4 88.6 Alley east of Main Street and Commerce Street 135.2 16.6 84.8 Alley east of Main Street and Winchester Street 143.6 8.2 76.4 Alley east of Main St. and alley south of Winchester St. 144.2 7.6 75.8- Alley east of Main Street and Market Street 144.3 7.5 Alley east of Main Street and alley south of Market St. 139.6 12.2 80.4 Alley east of Main Street and Exchange Street 143.5 8.3 76. b Alley east of Main St. and alley south of Exchange St... 148.7 3.1 71.3 Alley east of Main Street and Poplar Street 145.4 6.4 74.6- APPENDIX. Locality Plane of Refer- ence Court Square s ° u. h-3 o rtr Plus Plus Min. Min. Alley east of Main Street and alley south of Poplar St... 144.8 7.0 75.2. Alley east of Main Street and Washington Street Alley east of Main St. and alley south of Washington St. 141.7 147.8 10.1 4.0 78.3 72.2 149.5 147.5 2.3 70.5- 72.5 Alley east of Main Street and alley south of Adams St.. 4.3 Alley east of Main Street and Jefferson Street i Alley east of Main Street and North Court Street 142.7 145.1 9.1 6,7 77.3 74.9- Alley east of Main Street and Court Square 151.8 147.8 148.3 4.0 68.2 75 5 Alley east of Main Street and Madison Street 3.5 71.7 Alley east of Main Street and alley south of Madison St. 146.2 5.6 73.8. Alley east of Main Street and Monroe Street 144.3 7.5 75.7 Alley east of Main Street and alley south of Monroe St. 138.6 13.2 81.4 136.9 105.3 110.0 108.2 14.9 83.1 114.7 46.5 41.8 110.0 111.8 Second Street and Concord Street 43.6 110.4 113.9 118.0 124.0 128.6 136.2 139.3 41.4 109.6- 106.1 102.O' 96.0' 91.4 37.9 33.8 Second Street and Jackson Street 27.8 23.2 15.6 83.8 Second Street and alley south of Winchester street 12.5 80.7 142.3 9.5 77.7 82.0 138.0 140.2 145.1 144.4 13.8 Second Street and Exchange Street Second Street and alley south of Exchange Street 11.6 6.7 7.4 79.8 74.9 139.0 137.8 142.2 12.8 81.0 Second Street and Washington Street Second Street and alley south of Washington Sti'eet 14.0 9.6 82.2 77.8- 147.5 4,3 142.6 9.2 77.4 138.5 1 G €» 81.5 Second Street and alley south of Jefferson Street 142.4 142.4 9.4 9.4 77.6. 77.6- 148.7 3.1 71.3 146.1 5.7 73.9' Second Street and alley south of Court Street 146.1 5.7 73.9 143.6 8.2 76.4 139.5 12.3 80.5 137.4 14.4 82.6- 135.2 16.6 84.8 132.1 19.7 87.9 135.2 16.6 84.8 Second Street and Gayoso Street 138.7 13.1 81.3 136.6 15.2 83.4 104.3 47.5 115.7 Alley east of Second St. and alley south of Auction St. 108.8 43.0 111,2 Alley east of Second Street and Concord Street 100.0 51.8 120.0 120 APPENDIX. Locality Plane of Refer- ence Court Square 1. § Flow Line Dis- ? | trib. Reservoir Plus Plus Mil Alley east of Second St. and alley south of Concord St. 105 0 46 8 115 0 Alley east of Second Street and Overton Street 107 8 44 0 112 O Alley east of Second St. and alley south of Overton St. 110 0 41 8 110 0 6 Alley east of Second Street and Jackson Street 116 4 35 4 103 Alley east of Second Street and Commerce Street 119 3 32 5 100 7 Alley east of Second Street and Winchester Street 132 6 19 2 87 4 Alley east of Second St. and alley south of Winchester St. 137 6 14 2 82 4 Alley east of Second Street and Market Street 138 9 12 9 81 1 Wiley east of Second Street and alley south of Market St. 138 5 18 b 86 5 Alley east of Second Street and Exchange Street 138 0 13 8 82 0 Alley east of Second St. and alley south of Exchange St. 142 5 9 O 77 5 Alley east of Second Street and Poplar Street 140 7 11 1 79 3 Alley east of Second Street and alley south of Poplar St. 135 5 16 b 84 5 Alley east of Second Street and Washington Street 134 6 17 85 4 Alley east of Second St. and alley south of Washington St. 138 9 12 9 81 1 Alley east of Second Street and Adams Street 141 2 10 6 78 8 Alley east of Second St. and alley south of Adams St... 138 i 13 7 81 9 Alley east of Second Street and Jefferson Street 135 9 15 9 84 1 Alley east of Second St. and alley south of Jefferson M. 141 b 10 5 78 7 Alley east of Second Street and Court Street 146 4 5 4 6 Alley east of Second St. and alley south of Court St 149 0 2 8 71 0 Alley east of Second Street and Madison Street 141 5 10 • > 78 5 Alley east of Second St. and alley south of Madison St. 133 5 18 3 86 5 Alley east of Second Street and Monroe Street 131 5 20 b 88 5 Alley east of Second St. and alley south of Monroe St... 131 0 20 9 Q q8 1 DeSoto Street and alley south of Madison Street 120.2 31.6 99.8 DeSoto Street and Monroe Street 117 0 33 q 102 1 DeSoto Street and alley south of Monroe Street 115.7 36.1 104.3 *North DeSoto Street and Union Street 117.5 34 3 102 5 fSouth DeSoto Street and Union Street 117.6 34 2 109 4 DeSoto Street and Gayoso Street 120 8 31 0 qq 9 DeSoto Street and Beale Street.. 128 8 23 0 91 9 DeSoto Street and Linden Street 129.5 22 3 90 5 DeSoto Street and Pontotoc Street 135 0 10 8 85-0 DeSoto Street and Vance Street 133.5 18 3 86 5 DeSoto Street and Elliott Street 140 5 11 3 79 5 DeSoto Street and South Street 142.0 9^8 78!o '••DeSoto Street north of Union Street. ■)■ DeSoto Street south of Union Street. APPENDIX. 123 Locality. I Plane of Refer- i ence Court Square Flow Line Dis- trib. Reservoir Plus Plus Min. Min. 130.4 21.4 89.6 84.0 92 5 130.0 15.8 24.3 127.5 134.1 17.7 14.7 85.9 82.9 83.9 71.2 108.5 103.9 96.4 94.7 96.6 89.8 81.6 83.2 137.1 136.1 15.7 148.8 3.0 111.5 40.3 116.1 123.6 28.2 125.3 25.5 28.4 21.6 13.4 South Wellington Street and New Madison Street Wellington Street and alley south of Madison Street 123.4 130.2 138.4 136.8 15.0 132.0 19.8 88.0 131.0 20.8 89.0 83.9 87.6 Wellington Street and Pontotoc Street 136.1 132.4 15.7 19.4 156.2 4.4 63.8 122.8 29.0 97.2 Turley Street and Linden Street 124.2 126.8 27.6 25.0 95.8 93.2 151.5 0.3 133.5 18.3 Lauderdale Street and alley south of Adams Street 131.4 129.0 20.4 22.8 88.6 91.0 121.5 30.3 98.5 149.8 2.0 70.2 131.9 19.9 88,1 142.8 9.0 77.2 Lauderdale Street and Linden Street 150.6 140.4 1.2 11.4 69.4 79.6 148.9 2.9 71.1 142,0 9.8 78.0 146.8 5.0 73.2 150.3 1.5 69.7 132.2 19.6 87.8 139.6 12.2 80.4 157.3 5.5 62.7 139.4 12.4 80.6 143.0 8.8 77.0 148.5 2.3 71.5 152.9 1,1 67.1 152.2 0.4 67.8 138.0 13.8 82.0 105.9 45.9 114.1 117.2 34.6 102.8 116.8 35.0 103.2 125.2 26.6 94.8 Charleston Avenue and Old Madison Street 126.9 24.9 93.1 124 APPENDIX. Locality Plane of Refer- ence Court Square Flow Line Dis- trib. Reservoir Plus Plus Min. Min. Charleston Avenue and New Madison Street 140.5 11.3 79.5 High Street and Poplar Street 122.2 29.6 97.8 High Street and Washington Street 119.4 32.4 100.6 High Street and Adams Street 121.4 30.4 98.6 Hull Run Street and Market Street.. 122.3 29.5 97.7 Bull Run Street and Exchange t>t. extended 120.7 31.1 99.3 Bull Run Street and Poplar Street 121.8 30.0 98.2 Bull Run Street and Alabama Street 126.0 25.8 94.0 Auction Street and Raleigh Road 126.8 25.0 93.2 Quimby Street and Alabama Street 117.5 34.3 102.5 Quimby Street and Robeson Street 122.9 28.9 97.1 Hill Street and Alabama Street 121.4 30.4 98.6 Hill Street and Mosby Street 123.0 28.8 97.0 Hill Street and Robeson Street 115.5 36.3 104.5 Winchester Avenue and Alabama Street 126.2 25.6 93.8 Winchester Avenue and Mosby Street 129.3 22.5 90.7 Winchester Avenue and East Robeson Street 127.9 23.9 92.1 Winchester Avenue and West Robeson Street 125.8 26.0 94.2 Winchester Avenue and Bradford Street 126.3 25.5 93.7 Jones Avenue and Alabama Street 146.3 5.5 73.7 Jones Avenue and Hawley Street 140.8 11.0 79.2 Jones Avenue and Mosby Street 144.7 7.1 75.3 Jones Avenue and Robeson Street 147.0 4.8 73.0 Jones Avenue and Bradford Street 148.1 3.7 71.9 Boundary Avenue and Raleigh Road 129.1 22.7 90.9 Boundary Avenue and Bradford Street 120.7 31.1 99.3 Boundary Avenue and Robeson Street 128.5 23.3 91.5 Boundary Avenue and Hawley Street 142.8 9.0 77.2 Boundary Avenue and Poplar Street 152.1 0.3 5.4 67.9 62.8 Boundary Avenue and Adams Street 157.2 Boundary Avenue and Court Street 143.1 8.7 76.9 Boundary Avenue and Pigeon Roost Road 160.2 8.4 59.8 Kerr Avenue and Hernando Road 180.7 179.5 194.8 28.9 27.7 43.0 59.1 39.3 40.5 25 2 Kerr Avenue and Horn Lake Road Highest Point on Kerr Avenue Highest point on sight of distributing reservoir 210.9 9.1 Flow line of settling reservoir of Wolf River plan 128.5 23.3 91.5 Flow line of settling reservoir of Mississippi River plan. 146.0 5.8 74.0 Flow line of settling reservoir of Hatchie Lake plan.... 138.0 13.8 82.0 Highest point on bluff near Hatchie Lake 195.2 43.4 24.8 23.5 Memphis and Charleston R. R. track at White’s Station. 196.5 44.7 On water table N. W. cor. of Court-house in Raleigh 200.6 48.8 19.4 Highest point between White’s Station and Wolf River. 216.5 64.7 3.5 Low water in Wolf River, in 1867, at Talley’s Ferry Low water in Wolf River at Ferry below Wynn’s 71.5 80.3 148.5 77.5 74.3 142.5 Low water in Wolf River at New Raleigh Road 92.9 58.9 127.1 Low water in Wolf River at Raleigh Ferry 101.5 50.3 118.5 Low water in Wolf River at Macon Bridge 110.2 41.6 109.8 Low water in Wolf River where gaugings were made... Low water in Wolf River at Brooks’ Mill 113.5 38.3 106.5 117.9 33.9 102.1 Low water in Wolf River at proposed dam 121.2 30.6 98.8 APPENDIX. 125 Locality Plane of Refer- ence Court Square Flow Line Dis- trib. Reservoir Plus Plus Min. Min. Crest of proposed dam across Wolf River at beginning | of aqueduct f 13139 20.41 88.61 Tops of Mounds at Fort Pickering \ Waldran Avenue and State line road 185.5 186.8 157.6 177.3 33.7 35.0 5.8 25.5 34.5 33.2 62.4 42.7 Summit of highest hill beyond Big Spring on State | line road j Highest point on Survey out State line road, across to t Union Avenue, and through Union Avenue to Bonn- l dary Avenue j Bickford Street and Randolph Road 184.2 139.1 142.0 135.2 32.4 12.7 9.8 16.6 13.4 7.7 35.8 80.9 78.0 84.8 81.6 75.9 54.8 53.0 45.3 17.1 9?. 9 Randolph Road and New Raleigh Road Ridge line at crossing of Old Raleigh Road... Ridge line at crossing of M. & O. iTailroad Ridge line at crossing of Brinkley’s Avenue Ridge line at crossing of Bass Avenue Ridge line at crossing of Madison Street, extended Ridge line at crossing of Union Avenue Ridge line at crossing of Bayou Quimby line Ridge line at crossing of Pigeon Roost Road .. 138.4 144.1 165.2 167.0 174.7 202.9 196.8; 198.9 •>n.o 7 13.4 15.2 22.9 51.1 45.0 47.1 *3 O Ridge line at crossing of M. & C. R. R Ridge line at crossing of Hernando Road 21.1 14.3 30.6 27.7 46.9 48.4 51.3 53.7 Ridge line at first crossing of Kerr Avenue 189.4 37.6 192.3 40.5 173.1 21.3 171.6 19.8 168.7 16.9 166.3 14.5 Ridge line at second crossing of Kerr Avenue Ridge line at crossing of M. & T. R. R. Ridge line on entering Horn Lake Road Ridge line at Echivan Avenue Ridge line at west end of South Street -*- H >Ye s >s a 0 C5ng 0 E-S p'o p JL 3 P p 3. S o'? tr O £T 0 H > O Month OS CO T> 05 05 05 t-5 Ol Ol I t-t I 1 ►fetfeoc 2 ■fee 1—* O O Ot O O 1 0 1 1 I-* 0 o< Engineering H a OOOOO | OI I to 4-0 5 0 ooooolol 1 OIWO p O) ji Ol t—1 0 MCO | •—1 CO i CO CO 4— Oi 0 co 0 1 ic •—1 1 CO CO JNew Elush Tanks cr rf 4^ 1—1 to 1 0 05 co 1 oi^'aood OO 1 045-05 1 OlH OiOO c/q 0 O HH h-1 bO tO tO 4- Repairs of —1 O 00 to r-1 o< 00 1 oi O'OOOOOOIOOIOO 1 CC CO CO ■«—1 1 GO Q Oi GO Cl | 0 CO I GO -1 1 50 05 4-* 05 O 1 —1 >-< 1 45- to Pipes - CO 1 05<00500<0 oi 1 0 -t to Ol 1 Ot 0 i 0 o< H O g Op o» —J 1 —J 1 1 1 1 1 50 o< 1 o< O £ y5 bO 1 I ox I I I I 1 0 I 0 Repairs ot Sewers P Oi 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 o< 0 1 0 a> : o O T> s. a> 1C i i 1 05 ! 1 to ot 4-1 1 0 <5* CO 4-* I I 1 I IOI I GO 05 01 1 1 1 1 1 I45-I loool Stationery p M 4- w 0 OI to Ot 0 50 1 10 1 1 1 1 4- Trenching a> b 4 Ol 4 a 1C 1 4-1 I I | 4- * Ox 0 Ol 0 Ol Ol 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 a> 1C h-1 0 1 CO 1 i 1 1 1C 4— CO oc I CO 1 (X| | 1 | MOSCOtO Tools ■fee 00 1 0 1 Ot 1 1 I 1 Ol OI CO o< -w CO Ox o _ 01 cc tea ox C£> GO Ox Ox CO Ox — 1 I 1 CO Co J to 0 1 Ox CO 1 1 Ol 4* GO Oi Ox O 1 0 CO 1 1 O CO O 4 Cl —1 Repairs Unpaved Streets CO olool looootooo 05 bC CO 50 GO Oi Oi Ox Ci GO 50 | 05 -1 1 1 | Ol I I to I GO 1 4-05 1 1 |t-t| 1 tPOl Cleaning -1 0515001 1 lot! 10 -41 01 0 1 OtC 1 1 1 0 1 loo O' fe/i Ox ooo^oioootobcobb Total CO CO 4- O b co 4 1C GO 0 Cl 0 4 4 C1 0 "-1 01 0 O) M 10 C I Cl M K) M 00 4 COST OF MEMPHIS SEWER SYSTEM, 1882. * HI p § ?*? S3 O s- 0 H > f Month O 2 Q- r& *—i t—1 t—1 h-J 1 •v <"& CO 1—1 O O O GO tO 'I 1—1 CO tO 1—‘tO aL 3 £ Ol OO1OO1O1OOOOO1WO Engineering u 0 ooobooooobbo 5- 5 0 000000000000 a> 4^ o a> CD 1‘ Cn »—1 cn | | (OtOM o Cn “JOHOMO 1 1 COWOH New Flush Tanks • *73 h-* O h-i t—i H—1 I—11 I—1 House 0 05 tC 1—‘C004WWW4 4—0 to Cn ~-7 h-* 05 O Oi CO CO to O* k-4 00 O CO Ox Ol Oi Ol O GO tO GO M O tO 0 01 ox 0 O O Ol O 01 O O Ol Connections to CO CO to 1 to 1 l-* 05 to to I CO 4- 4h Oi "Lh Ot of° GC CO GO 4- 1 4- 1 h-i tO 4-* 00 1 tO CO >—1 | Ol | CO GO GO I O Miscellaneous g 01 00 1 ol oiooido 1 0 & CO _4 5^ CO O 1 1 | COM | MM 1 05 c/j n> CO I I GO I (4 C« 1 M Ol 1 ® Manholes 05 CO| I O I 03 4 I tOO I b Ox ol 1 0 1 0 0 1 d 0 1 0 M h-‘ »—1 00 tO^JC04^^-tOOt04-‘-‘Ot05 to 03 4^4^0105^0(05050100 Obstructions O CO Cn Ol Ol O IO CO 4- O l O l GO t3 Or OOlOOOOCflOOiOiOOl M CO 05 05 1—1 CO 4-* CO tO O' O' hj 1—1 m 4^ Oi0054*®X05K)i5iM050 T3 CO OM®aMO'OooooiOM New Lines 4^ Ol 4— GO O ‘—i GO O O CO IO CO IO —1 Ox OdOOOCiC h-* j hP -7 II 00 I 4-* CO 1 1 OO 05 tO tO Oi 1 Ol Ol O C Repairs of Paved D to Ol 1 | bobbin | boccM 1 1 0 0 0 0 Ox 1 0 0 Oi Oi Streets & n Cl -J tC H-* 31 Repairs of Sewers o o *T3 n t-r1 1 M®K) 1 1 1 O 00 05 1 /) o 3 b 0 | M05t0 1 1 1 0 cn Ol 1 I 0 0 Ol 1 1 loo 1 w 4* 1 1 1 I I H-* I 1 COCO 1 M I GO 1 1 05 1 1 n lbb|Oriboi |bcr| Stationery a> Cn 100101c1lool h-l CO C/J Cn 05 Ol 5.50 1.50 9.65 2.00 7.00 T renching -fee ■fcft 4^ to tO Oi 00 CO o •<1 CO CO CD I OOOCO M to 05 0 01 1 O CO 01 01 05 CO Tools 4h tC O -* 4* GO o co hh CD CO 05 I GO M 4- GO CD O K) tO to OCtCnol Cid'JOOOOi 05 CD Or O Cn 4^ tO GC Ox 1 o O hh1 Cl h-* 05 -4 C HO I Cleaning 4^ <1 CO O CO *7 GO 05 CD O 05 1 a> Cn O O O cn 01 0 CO to O t o - 7 I p 0 O C OOOO CI 0000 1 y* O COCDCOMCDbOHtOHMOKI Total 4- WCffi(Cii4HCKlOHi00054hC0 4h05000IC Op'OiOWOQMCOOC' COST OF MEMPHIS SEWER SYSTEM, 1883.