Editorial. 183 LIST OF PHYSICIANS REGISTERED IN THE CLERK’S OFFICE OF THE COUNTY OF ERIE We have taken great pains to prepare a complete list of those who have complied with the New Medical Law. Comment is unnecessary at this time. We shall take occasion to refer to this subject in a future number of the Journal. Name. Graduate of Date. Abbey, Emery C ..Eclectic Med. College, Phila. Pa..... ..April, 1863. Abbott, Frank A ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo ..Feb. 1866. Armstrong, J. Stone.. ...Jefferson Med. College, Phila ..Mar, 12, 187-. Abbott, George ...Buffalo Med. University Allen, Jabez ...Castleton Med. College, Vt Appleby, H. T ...Erie County Homoeopathic Med. Society... Allen, Daniel W ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo Brown, George L ...Harvard Med. College, Mass Brecht, F. E. L ...University of Buffalo ..Feb. 22, 1S72. Briggs, Albert II ...Med. Department University of Buffalo Banta, Rollin L ..Med. Department University of Buffalo Brayton, Samuel N... ...Coll, of Phys. & Surg. New York City ...Mar,, 1861. Beals, Herbert J ...N. Y. Homoeopathic Med College Barker, Arthur M ... ..Med. Department University of Buffalo Boardman, John ..University of Pennsylvania Bartow, Bernard ...Med. Department University of Bnffalo Bailey, Daniel A.. ... ...Med. Department University of Buffalo ..July, 1865. Barnes, Edwin R ...Long Island Coll. Hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y... Brooks, Abel D. ..Eclectic Med. Coll, of the City of New York,May 28, 1872. Brooks, A. J Baethig, Henry ...Albany Medical College ...Hahneman Med. College, of Philadelphia.. Barrett, Willian C.... ..University of Buffalo ...Feb., 1880. Bisseli, Elias L ...University of Michigan Bidaman, Weston D...University of Buffalo Bull, Louis A ...University of Buffalo ...Feb. 25, 1879. Bull, A. T ...N. Y. University, Medical Department .. Mar., 1848. Berkes, Mary ...University of Buffalo ...Feb. 22, 1880. Burt, Franklin ...Coll, of Phys. and Surg. of Ontario, Canada...May 21, 1878. And University of Toronto Bartlett, Frederick W..New York Medical College Bonnar, John D ...University of Trinity College, Toronto ...May, 1878. Bourne, C. W ...Castleton Medical College, Vt Boies, Loren F ...Med. Dept. University of Buffalo Broardt, Peter ...Homeopathic Med. College of Erie Co..... ..Dec. 6, 1876. Burwell, Geo. N ...University of Pa., in Philadelphia ...April, 1843. Blakely, Isaac C ...Licensed by University of Buffalo Colton, Henry E ...Cleveland Homeopathic College Crane, Lucien D .. Licensed by Eclectic Med. Coll, of Genesee Valley District Crittenden, S. C ...Medical College, Pa 1857. Clothier, Wm. P ...Med. Dept. University of Buffalo ...Feb, 23, 1875. Curtiss, Alexander M..Pulte Med. College, Cincinnati ..May 24, 1877. Homeopathic Medical College. ..Feb. 28, 1878. Cronyn, John L. C.... ...Med. Dept. University of Buffalo ...Feb., 1876. Cronyn, John ...University of Toronto State Censors of N. Y 184 Editorial. Name. Graduate of Date. Crane, Ory Philo ..Eclectic Medical Society of the Genesee Val- ley District •June, 1879. Cary, Charles ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo • Feb., 1875. Colyer, Charles W.... ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo .Feb, 1862. Champlin, Chas. G.... ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo .... Feb. 24, 1880. Campbell, Robert E. ..University of Michigan Mar. 25, 1866. Clark, C. G ..University of Michigan 13,1864. Callahan, Thos. H.... ..Eclectic Med. Coll, of Philadelphia, Pa •Jan. 21, 1863. Daniels, Clayton M... ..University of Buffalo.. .Feb. 25, 1880. Dagenais, Alphonse.. ..Victoria University, Canada ..May 10, 1867. Diehl, Conrad.. ...... ..University of Buffalo • Feb., 1866. Davidson, A. R ..Med, Dept. University of Buffalo .Feb 1878. Dorland, Elias T ..University of Michigan 24, 1854. Dye, John H ..Eclectic College of N. Y. City .Feb. 29, 1873. Dayton, Charles L ..Buffalo Medical University i853- Devening, Daniel.... ..University City of N. Y. Med. Dept . Mar. 6, 1846. Daggett, Byron H.... ..University of Buffalo • Feb., 1867. Danforth, W. A ..Rush Med. College, Chicago, 111 .Feb. 3, 1869. Dayton, L. P ..Geneva Med. College .Feb., 1846. Dorr, Samuel G ..Buffalo Med. University 1875- Denny, Mrs. Louisa.. . Victoria College, Kingston, Ont 10, 1845. Dambach, John ..Buffalo Med. College .Feb , 1868. Erb, Peter ..University of Michigan ..Mar. 26, 1879. Ellwood, Henry S.... -.Med Dept University of Buffalo .Feb , 1868. Elliott, Justiq C ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo , Feb 1851. Earl, W. C ..Bellevue College, N. Y .Mar. 3, 1864. Eisbein, David ..University of Buffalo ..Feb. 26, 1878. Farrington, Edwin PI..Buffalo Med. College .Feb, 27, 1867. Bellevue Med. College .Feb. 28, 1875. Fowler, Joseph ..Med, Dept. University of Buffalo .Feb 25, 1873. Foster, Hubbard A... ..Med. Dept. Harvard Univ. Boston. Mass 8, 1877. Frost, Henry C ..Cleveland Homeopathic Med. College .Feb. 11, 1874. Farrington, D. H ..Buffalo Med. College .Feb., 1863. Folwell, M. B ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo .Feb., 1867. Gould, William ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo .Feb, 27, 1850. Granger, William D. ..Bellevue Hospital Medical College -Mar , 1879. Gay, Charles C. F ..Berkshire Medical Institution 1846. Gail, Win. H ..Medical Department University of Buffalo... .Feb., 1864. Greene, Joseph C ..Albany Medical College .June 12, 1855. Greene, S. S ..Medical College of the University of N. Y... Mar., 1864. Gueso, Carl H.. ..Buffalo Medical University .Feb. 25, 1880. Grove, Benjamin H... ...Medical University of Buffalo .Feb , 1880. Greene, Walter D ..University of Buffalo ,Feb 26, 1878. Gigolsky, Bernhard... ..Konigsberg Hospital, Prussia .Nov. 13, 1871. Gipple, F. M ..University of Buffalo .Feb. 25, l88o. Hancock,Alexander S ,Toronto School of Medicine .Apr. 25, 1868. College of Phys. and Surg., Ontario, Canada.Aug. 30, 1878. Hubbell, Alvin A ..University of Buffalo .Feb. 23, 1876. Hoffmeyer, John A... ..Medical Department University of Buffalo... .Feb. 25, 1880. Haberstro, Joseph.... ..Medical Department University cf Buffalo... .Feb , 1880. Hoyer, Frederick F.. ..Medical Department University of Buffalo... .April, , I849- Hauenstein, Jno ..Geneva Medical College, State of N. Y •Jan., 1844. Howard, Charles F... ..Medical Department University of Buffalo... Feb., 1878. Harrington, D. W.... ..Medical Department University of Buffalo... .Feb., 1871. Harvey, C. W ..Medical Department University of Buffalo... 1838. Harvey, Leon F ..Jefferson Medical College, Pa ..Medical Department University of Buffalo... .Mar., 1859. Hill, John D .Apr., 1849. Hartwig, Marcell ..Fred. Wilhelm’s University at Berlin, Prussia l873- State Censors of the State of New York 1879. Editorial. 185 Name. Graduate of Date. Howe, Lucien ..Royal College of Surgeons, England ..July 23, 1873. Bellevue Medical College, Long Island.... 1872. Hurd, S. Wright , ..Hahnemann Med. College of Philadelphia.. ..Mar. 10, 1880. Hoxsie, A. C ..Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College.... ...Feb., 1864. Hopkins, H. R ..Medical Department University of Buffalo,. ..Feb,, 1867. Hebenstreit, Robert.. ..Medical Department University of Buffalo.. ..Feb., 1872. Halbert, John S ..Buffalo Medical College ..Feb., 1872. Hill, Clayton L ..Buffalo Medical College ..Feb., 1864. Heinemann, J. D .Cleveland Homeopathic Hosp. College ..Feb. 17, 1875. Henderson, Sallie B.. ..College of Phys. and Surg , Buffalo, N. Y... 26, 1880. Hoyt, Horace ..Buffalo Medical College 48. Johnson, Thomas M . . Buffalo Medical College. .Feb., 1861. Jackson, W. H ..South Carolina University 4» 1873. Johnston, E. E Krug, Tulius F ..Buffalo Medical College ..Medical College of Indiana, 26, 1880. Kilbourne, H. S Department of Butler University 1, 1878. ..University of Michigan 1865. Kenyon, William B.. King, J. E ..Homeopathic College of Philadelphia 1874. ..University of Buffalo 1847. Krombein, Louis E.. ..Buffalo Medical College i860. Kenyon, Lorenzo M. ..Homoepathic Medical College of Missouri.. ..Feb , 1871;. Keene, Jos. W.'. ..Med. School of Harvard University ..June 27, 1878. Kamerling, Andrew. ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo, N. Y , 1864. Lanigan, John A ..University of the City of New York ..Feb., . 1876. Little, Edward ..Med, Dept. University of Buffalo ..Feb., 1862. Long, William E....... ..Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital College... ..Feb. 23, 1880. Lothrop, Thomas ..University of Michigan ...Mar. 2?, i8;8. Loomis, Horatio N... ..The Faculty of the Medical College at Fair- field, Herk. Co., N. Y 1828. Lynde, U. C ..Buffalo University 1859. And Jefferson Med. Coll 1866. Lothrop, Benj. L ..Bellevue Hospital Med. College.... ..Feb., 1872. Lewis, Geo. W ..Med. Dept. University of New York 1850. Lewis, F. Park ..Puelte Med. College 1876. Lou See On ..Lou Com Chong, a duly designated authority in Canton, China, July 28, in the 34th year of the reign of Ton Kong, Emperor of China McGill, W. D ..H. H. College, Cleveland, O 25, t88o. McNeil, Dugald ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo 20, 1871. Myers, Reuben S ..Med. Dept. University of Vermont ...July 1, 1875. Mynter, Herman ..Med. Society of the State of N. Y 1, 1875. McPherson, Geo W. ..University of Michigan .. 28, 1866. McMichael, L. D Meisburger, Wm Miller, John G ..Eclectic Med College of Philadelphia, Pa.. ..University of Freiburg, Germany ..Jan. 23, 1868. ..University of Buffalo , 1876. Moody, Mary B ..University of Buffalo 1876. Mixer, S. F ..Med, Dept. Yale Coll, and Phys. and Surg. N. Y. City ..Mar., 1847. McDonald, Samuel.... .Buffalo Med. College 23, 18SQ. Miner, Julius F - Albany Med. College 26, 1847. Mackay, Gustavus E. ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo 23,1866. JdcCrea, Philip A ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo 1875. Marcley, James J .Coll, of Phys. and Surg., N. Y. City ..Feb., 1873. Matzinger, Charles.... .University of Wein, Germany 17, 1830. Murray, William D... ..National Med. College 1859. Murray, Henry B ..Bellevue Hospital Medical College 1868. Moore, Samuel H • College of Phys. and Surg., New York 14, 1867. Nichell, Henry • Medical Department University of Buffalo.. ..Feb. 25, 186 Editorial. Name. Graduate of Pate. Nott, S. E. S. H .Castleton Medical College........ 1S44. O’Connell, Patrick M, ..Missouri Medical College... . Mar. 2, 1877. Osborne, Nehemiah... .Buffalo University .Feb., 1863. O’Brien, Edward C.W..Buffalo Medical College ..Feb., , 1867. Osborne, F. G •Buffalo Medical College .Feb., ’68 or ’69. Pynchon, Edwin • Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, O .Mar. 2, 1876. Pohle, John D. A .Cleveland Medical College . .Feb. 2, 1880. Peterson, Frederick..., ..Med. Department University of Buffalo Feb 1880. Potter, Samuel • Academy of Medicine, Vt .Nov. 12,1836. Pierce, Franklin D.... .Univ. of the City of N. Y , Med. Dep’t .Feb. 19, 1878. „Feb. 24, 1869. 1876. Packwood, W. J .Buffalo Medical College ..Feb, Pennell, Ezra .Buffalo Medical College .Feb. 27, 1867, Parker, L. P. L ..Buffalo Medical College ..Feb. 22, 1854. Phelps, Wm. C .Med. Department University of Buffalo .Feb. 22, 1866. Pierce, Ray V .Eclectic Med. College of Cincinnati, O .Feb. 15, 1865. Petsch, Charles F .Cleveland Homoeopathic College .Feb 1870. Pettit, John A ..Buffalo Medical College 24, 1874. Parnenter, W. L .Homoeopathic College of Cleveland, 0 , Feb 12, 1873. Rowe, George G .University of Toronto 10, 1879. Ring, Charles A .Med. Department University of Buffalo .Feb. 26, 1878. Rochester, Thomas F..Med. Dep’t University of Pennsylvania Feb 1848. Richmond, Ira .New York Medical College . June , 1856. Rogers, Henry W ..Buffalo Medical College .Feb. 25, 1880. Retel, Casper ..License by College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Buffalo, 25 years’ practice and 2, 1880. candidated for graduation Ring, William ..University of Buffalo ..June l6, 1847. Rouse, M. D Stumpf, Daniel B ..Med. Dep’t University of Pennsylvania , 1866. .Cleveland Homoeopathic College .Feb , 1876. Schade, Louis C. F.... .Licensed by the Medical Society of the State of New York •July 22, 1876. Shaw, Merrill II .Medical College at Geneva, N. Y 1839. Stanley, Fred. G ,N. Y. Medical College, New York City I86l. Stockton, Chas. G .Med. Department University of Buffalo .Feb., 1878. Sisson, Perry .American Health College, Cincinnati, O .Ort,, I876. Storck, Edward University of Michigan , I854. Searles, Macy B .Buffalo Medical College .Feb. 23, 1869. Simson, J. R ..Horn. Hosp. College, Cleveland, O .Feb., l88o. Stearns, George R .N. Y. Homcepathic Medical College Feb, 28, 1878. Smith, Lee Herbert... ..University of Buffalo 1877. Slacer, William H .Medical University of Buffalo ,.Feb. 22, 1873. Storck, Eugene E ..Medical University of Buffalo Feb 1878. Strong, Phineas H ..Albany Medical College > 1839. Samo, J. B .College of Phys. aad Surg., New York City...Mar. 28, 1832. Sonnick, P. L ..University of Wurzburg, Germany . 1853. Smith, James S ..University of Buffalo 25, 1862. Seymour, Abby Janet..Hahneman College, Chicago, 111 . 1873. Sloan, James ..Medical Department University of Buffalo... .Feb. 22, 1870. Sweetland, Fred W.... ..Medical Department University of Buffalo... .Feb,, 1878. Strong, Orville C ..Medical Department University of Buffalo... . I87I. Sperry, M. M .Licensed by S. W. Wetmore. 1880. Shaw, M. B ..Buffalo Medical College 1866. Stevenson, James D.G.44 years’ practice, of which over 30 years has been in Buffalo, Erie Co., JN. Y Tyler, Clarence A .Western Reserve College, Hudson, O 12, 1874. Turner, A. F .Cleveland Homeopathic Hosp. Coll., O . 1875. Thoma, L. Otto .Med. Department University of Buffalo, .Feb 1870. Tobie, E .Geneva Medical College, N. Y • Feb. IO, 1855. Reviews. 187 Name. . Graduate of Date. Treffehn, H ..University of Halle, Prussia 1846. Thompson, Justin G.. ..University of Michigan 27, 1861. Turver, W. W ..Bellevue Hospital Med. College, N. Y ..Mar. , 1879. Hochschule ..Dec., > 1877. Taylor, T. B ..New York Central Med. Association , 1878. Volker, Louis C ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo ..Feb , 1877. Van Peyma, W ..University of Toronto ..April, 1850. State Curators of N. Y , i860. Van Peyma, J. W.. . ..University of Goningen, Holland 1841. Von Schulenberg, E ..Coll, of Physicians & Surg., Buffalo, N.Y... ..Feb. 20, 1880. Vaughn, Frank O .. . ..Buffalo Med. Univ. State of New York ..Feb. 25, 1880. Van Peyma, P. W — ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo ...Feb., 1872. Walsh, John J ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo ..Feb. 25, 1871. Weet, Elroy Sabin.... ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo ..Feb. 24, 1874. Wyckoff, Cornelius C..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo ..June, 1848. Wiggins, D. B . P. M. College of Cincinnati, O ..Feb, 16, 1846. Wetzel, Charles H.... ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo ..Feb., 1876. Walton,JohnTompkins,University of Pennsylvania'at Phila., Pa.... 29, 1856. Willoughby, Matthew..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo ..Feb., 1867. White, Russel J...... ..New York Eclectic Medical College ..Feb. 4, 1875- Wenz, Julius ..University of Buffalo ..Feb. 21, 1865. Wetmore, Samuel W. ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo ..Feb., 1862. Warren, Samuel H... ..Buffalo Medical College ..Feb. 25,1880. Wall, Charles A ..University of Buffalo ..Feb., 1879. White, James P ..Jefferson Medical College of Phila 1834. Wage, John F ..Detroit Homeopathic College 12, 1874. Willet, Phebe Wolsey, C. F ..Col. of Phys. and Surg., Syracuse, N.Y... ..Ten years’ Practice and Candidate for ...June 28, 1876. Graduation Col. Phys. & Surg., Buffalo,.., Wende, Ernest ..Med. Dept. University of Buffalo ..Feb. 28, 1876. Waldruff, E. C ..Buffalo Medical University ..Feb, 1880. Whitten, Clarke ..American Medical College of St. Louis ••Jan. 30, 1874. Zielinski, Jacob ..Possen Medical Institute, Possen, Prussia..., 1864. A Treatise on the Practice of Medicine. For the use of Students and Prac- titioners. By Robert Bartholow, M. A., M. D., LL. D., Prof, of Materia Medica and General Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College of Phila- delphia, etc. New York: D. Appleton & Co., i, 3 and 5 Bond street. 1880. This work of 850 pages octavo, is one that we can honestly and do most heartily recommend. The writer is well known as the author of a work upon Materia Medica and Therapeutics, one highly valued, but not more justly so than the present treatise. The author has had a large experience in the study and treatment of disease, and this is his apology for adding another to the already long list of text-books upon practice- Reviews. 188 In his preface he reviews the special privileges enjoyed by him- self in the study of disease. “ Serving as an officer of the Medical Staff of the United States Army in Kansas, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Minnesota, and during the war of the rebellion at Washington, Nashville, Chata- nooga, Baltimore, etc., followed by an extensive practice (private and hospital) of sixteen years, at Cincinnati, I may justly claim to have enjoyed large opportunities for the clinical study of the diseases of the North American Continent. With one or two unimportant exceptions, I have had personal charge of the maladies treated of in this work, and have made them the subject of clinical demonstration and post mortem investigation, either privately or in public lectures.” While being well pleased with the work in every respect,we wish particularly to indicate our appreciation of the author’s views upon treatment. He says : “ The reader will find that I have no sympathy with the therapeutical nihilism of the" day. * * Indeed there is no department of the subject in which it seemed to me so necessary to express positive opinions.” Another great advantage is found in the fact that the later dis- coveries in Pathology have been incorporated. In this respect the treatise is fully up to date and very com- plete. Both to student and practitioner we once more strongly and unreservedly recommend this work. The Transactions of the Medical Association of the State of Missouri. This is not a large volume, but contains among its papers one or two of special merit. The president, in his address, on “ Medical Ultraisms ” indulges in some hard hits at the expense of the gynaecologists, but in general it is marked by strong common sense views. From the report of the committee on medical education, it appears the schools in that portion of the country are being subjected to healthy criticisms, which in some instances, at least, cannot but prove beneficiaL^..-?--