Medical Reports ON PHTHISIS, PNEUMONIA AND ALLIED DISEASES. INTRODUCTORY. Having been frequently solicited, by the medical friends and advocates of the Meat-Juice, to make known to them, and to the practice generally, such results as have been had from the employment of the preparation in special cases; it has been determined to meet this requirement by issuing a series of brochures, containing medical reports, regarding the use of the Meat-Juice in various directions. From a large body of testimony, therefore, there has been selected for reproduction, in the following pages, authoritative evidence concerning the value of the Meat-Juice, as a nutrient, in the treatment of Phthisis, Pneumonia and Allied Diseases. In acknowledging the many obligations under which I have been constantly placed,—through corre- spondence and otherwise,—I beg that there shall be no abatement in the interest by Physician and Sur- geon in offering me suggestions regarding any fur- ther usefulness of the Meat-Juice;—or, in tendering me other valued reports of cases. For, it has fre- quently occurred that hints vouchsafed me by one observant practitioner have constituted answers to 2 INTRODUCTOKY. the inquiries of another,—and, reported eases illus- trating the nutritive power and energy of the Meat- Juice,—as in the prolonged sustaining of life,—have been found to fulfil a great desire. I hope and believe that the form in which these and other reports will be submitted, may be acceptable to the busy practitioner. Should he,—upon an examina- tion of the testimony presented,—wish to be put in possession of any other evidence from the use of my product, and, in a different direction; it will be my pleasure,—when advised,—-to furnish it; or, to respond to such inquiries as he may prefer to make. Respectfully submitted to the Medical Profession. Medical Reports ox VALENTINE'S MEAT-JUICE AS A NUTRIENT IN PHTHISIS, PNEUMONIA AND ALLIED DISEASES. CHARACTER VALENTINE’S MEAT-JUICE. Valentine’s Meat-Juice is the pure juice of the best beef,—concentrated. Extracted from the flesh by a special process, it holds all of the important soluble constituents in an unchanged condition; the albumen, along with haemoglobin, being preserved unaltered in the solution. It can be retained and digested without an effort, arrd absolutely, by the most delicate stomach. When a highly concentrated and energetic nutrient is demanded, in an emergency, the Meat-Juice can be prepared immediately, merely by the addition of cold water,—one teaspoonful in two or three tablespoon- fuls of water. That the Meat-Juice may be relied on, for its power and safety in restoring and sustaining the sick, and in maintaining the convalescent, is made to fully appear from the endorsements of eminent physicians and sur- geons of Europe and America, who have thoroughly and critically tested it with their patients. STATEMENTS Made at the request ff Medical Profession. The -use of the Meat-Juice does not interfere with the administration of any medicines, but it would not be advisable to mix acids or alcoholic liqucfrs with it, as its character may be altered and its nourishing qualities impaired. Take the Meat-Juice, therefore, a short time before or after remedies* The use of hot water with the Meat-Juice changes its character and impairs its value. The use of seasoning for the Meat-Juice has been wholly abstained from, leaving to tho medica adviser all directions in this respect required for the sick. Whenever the stomach, from irritability fails to retain either food or medicines, the Meat-Juice may be employed to prepare that organfortheir reception. The time for using the Meat-Juice, besides during illness,—just before or after meals; on rising in the morning with a feeling of debility; or, on retiring at night and not disposed to sleep. To take the Meat-Juice, rendering it a grateful drink, use cool water with it, or, if desired, crushed ice. The Meat-Juice may be warmed over a water bath to the temperature of 130° F.—but, as this re- quires great care, heating it should be done only when absolutely necessary. Where cod-liver oil is objectionable to the taste or STATEMENTS. 7 the stomach use the Meat-Juice in it, as it commends the oil to acceptance and digestion. The Meat-Juice may be administered with Arrow- root or Corn-Starch, by preparing the mucilage in the usual way, and then stirring the Meat-Juice into it, after it has cooled down to 130° F. A very pleasant and inviting Jelly may be made for the sick with the Meat-Juice, by dissolving gelatine in water, and adding the Meat-Juice. Chicken broth will be improved by the addition of Meat-Juice. "When the condition of the sick justifies a change from the Meat-Juice to the use of other diet, stale bread crumbled in the preparation renders it savory, while it constitutes a safe advance toward solid food. In the administration of the Meat-Juice by enema the directions are the same as when taken by the stomach, except that the quantity should be larger. The Meat-Juice can be used hypodermically. The Meat-Juice has now for years been subjected to the heat, and to the fluctuations of different cli- mates without change in its character. CASES OP PHTHISIS. Dublin, Ireland. A gentleman under my care for advanced Phthisis, about a month ago refused all treatment, as he be- lieved he was dying and that I could do nothing for him. He was so ill that he could not leave his bed and refused all kinds of nourishment, as he said him- self it was useless. I thought it an admirable oppor- tunity to try Valentine’s Meat-Juice, and after considerable difficulty induced him to take one bottle. I can truly say that in a couple of days he appeared to be a new man and was able to get up and carry out gaseous rectal injections, which he had discontinued for sometime in consequence of his extreme debilit}7. That it tided my patient over a few days of con- siderable depression associated with extreme debility I have no doubt, and, as I believe it is a valuable preparation I hope on future occasions to give it a more extended trial. CHARLES H. ROBINSON, M. D., Fellow and Examiner in Materia Medica, Royal College cf Surgeons. Member of the College of Physicians. Lecturer Ledwich School of Medicine. St. Louis, Mo. I tested Valentine’s Meat-Juice in a case of Incip- ient Consumption. I found it reliable and a valuable preparation, and have since prescribed it with good results and cheerfully recommend it to the Profession. 0. F. POTTER, M. D. 10 PHTHISIS. London, England. Valentine’s Meat-Juice has been found by me to be beneficial in many cases of Phthisis and Atonic Dyspepsia; relieving the stomach of that irritability caused by solid food,—with its consequent decompo- sition. I have great pleasure in recommending it to the consideration of those who have many cases of Phthisis under their care. M. CURSHAM CORNER, Vis. Med. Officer, Tower Hamlets Dispensary, and Lying-in Hospital, Shadwell, London. Tallahassee, Florida. My experience with Valentine’s Meat-Juice lias been sufficient to convince me of its superiority over all other beef preparations for the sick and invalid. I was aware of the popularity of the preparation at the North, having seen it in the hands of Northern invalids visiting Florida. I have used the Meat- Juice principally in Pulmonary Diseases, but it is equally efficacious as a nutrient in all cases where a supporting treatment is necessary and concentrated food is indicated. GEO. W. BETTON, M. D. Michigan Asylum for Insane,) Kalamazoo, Mich. f We have tested Valentine’s Meat-Juice in the case of a lady suffering from Phthisis, with a very capri- cious and irritable stomach. In this case it was taken with evident relish, and well borne by the stomach. PHTHISIS. 11 As regards its flavor, it is certainly in marked and agreeable contrast with many concentrated prepara- tions of meat. E. H. YANDEUSEN, M. D., Medical Superintendent. Home for Consumptives, \ Philadelphia, Penn.] Valentine’s Meat-Juice lias been of great service to ns in cases where the patients were unable to take solid food and refused ordinary beef tea. The great advantage in my experience has been that Phthisis and Fever Patients prefer cold drinks; and, as your preparation is best administered cold, I can cordially recommend it as the most superior article of the kind I have had in use. W. S. HEATON, M. D. London, England. Valentine’s Meat-Juice has been very serviceable in two cases of Phthisis, complicated with severe Haemoptysis. I found, in both cases, the great ad- vantage of being able to administer the Meat-Juice in iced water. In one case, the patient took nothing else for nearly a fortnight. GEORGE PADDOCK BATE, M. D., F. R. C. S. Darkehmen, Germany. I consider Valentine’s Meat-Juice the most pal- atable of all yet known meat preparations. It was taken with great relish by all my patients, for whom 12 PHTHISIS. I prescribed it, and invariably with a very decidedly reviving and refreshing effect. The first case in which I used it was with a child of two years, suffering from sevei'e Inflammation of the Lungs, the patient being extremely emaciated. Under the influence of the Meat-Juice the child’s strength soon returned, the expectoration came more freely and the child soon recovered. Further, I saw the remarkable influence of the preparation in the case of a man suffering with Lingering Consumption. He was subject to sudden attacks of intense prostration, which could not be relieved by wine or by peptic preparations, as the patient had an aversion to both. A few teaspoonfnls of Valentine’s Meat-Juice restored his strength in the most surprising manner.' After this I tried the Meat-Juice in two cases of Gastro-Duodinal Catarrh, in which cases all food previously given had been im- mediately rejected; but Valentine’s Meat-Juice seemed to be the only nourishment which was retained in the stomach without creating nausea. The last case which I have to report was that of a lady who suffered from fatty degeneration of the heart, accom- panied by frequent attacks of prostration and mental depression. Upon my recommendation, she ordered the Meat-Juice and is now using it with much relish and great benefit. My conviction, supported by ex- perience, is that Valentine’s Meat-Juice is an excel- lent nourishment in all cases of prostration, in which it becomes necessary to administer to the patient the most powerful nourishment in the most concentrated form. Dr. Med. H. C. SALOMON. PHTHISIS. 13 Johnshayen, Scotland. I tried Valentine’s Meat-Juice in a case of Disease of the Throat, when solid food could not be taken, and have much pleasure in informing you, that after watching carefully its effect on the patient I found it to be a great strength sustainer. It also imparted, every time it was administered, a comfortable, exhila- rating feeling, which lasted a considerable length of time. I am of the opinion that Valentine’s Meat- Juice is a most valuable preparation especially so to all who suffer exhaustion from severe disease; and is certainly destined to take a high place in therapeutics. DAVID SMITH, M. D., L. E. C. R, L. E. C. S. Rostock, Germany. I have employed Valentine’s Meat-Juice with several patients who suffered with dyspeptic symp- toms, Consumption of the Bowels as well as Tuber- culous Lungs. The Meat-Juice was well retained by all of them, calculated to stimulate the appetite, and conveys the impression of being an easily assimilated dietetic article. Dr Med. L. SCHEEL. Philadelphia, Penn. I prescribed Valentine’s Meat-Juice to a lady suffering with Phthisis Pulmonalis. She was very emaciated and suffered terribly with indigestion, as an annoying complication, making it impossible for her to eat or even smell meat in any form, even beef tea nauseating her. She greatly enjoyed the Meat- Juice and digested it well. I am now using the pre- 14 PHTHISIS. paration for a babe ten months old, which after get- ting over an attack of congestion of the brain, followed by summer complaint, contracted a severe cold, resulting in Catarrhal Pneumonia, complicated greatly by mal-assimilation of food, vomiting and anorexia, etc. So great was the little sufferer’s disgust with food that she could not be induced to take more than a gill every twenty-four hours, in consequence of which she became so weak in her exhausting disease that it seemed that she must slip from our fingers at any minute. I mixed the Meat-Juice with milk and liquor and injected the mixture at regular intervals into the rectum, feeding besides milk with lime water and liquor by mouth in such minute quantities as the baby would willingly drink. Almost immediately the baby improved, fought her lung trouble with greater strength and at the present moment her condition seems very encouraging, although she is by no means out of danger. LOUIS VON COTZHAUSEN, M. D., Ph. G. Leith, Scotland. In a case of Phthisis Pulmonalis, in which I used Valentine’s Meat-Juice, the patient liked it and was able to take it with benefit when, owing to Diarrhoea, she could not take ordinary beef tea. It is palatable, pleasant and easily prepared. GEO. M. JOHNSTON, M. D., M. B., C. M. St. Louis, Mo. It is with great pleasure that I testify to the great good resulting from Valentine’s Meat-Juice. It PHTHISIS. 15 gives new hope, strength and life to the debilitated Consumptive patient, old or young. Without doubt it is invaluable. There is no preparation of beef equal to it. T. P. DAVISON, M. D. Glasgow, Scotland. I have used Valentine’s Meat-Juice mj-self and found it in every way a satisfactory preparation. It has all of the virtues-and none of the unpleasantness cf raw meat extract. I have used it in cases of great debility arising from Pulmonary Disease, Diarrhoea, etc., and have always found it a most valuable article of diet. The fact that it is a highly concentrated food, requiring no preparation beyond a little cold water, renders it most convenient for use in a sick room. C. W. STEWART, M. D., Surg. Anderson College Dispensary. Jedburgh, Scotland. I have used Valentine’s Meat-Juice in several cases of senile debility and D3’spepsia of Phthisis with very satisfactor\r results. WM. BLAIR, M. D. Bremen, Germany. In cases of Acute Lung and Heart Diseases, where the patients have no appetite Valentine’s Meat- Juice does excellent service. It gives appetite and strengthens without troubling the stomach, and in this respect it stands superior to all others. Dr. MAX SCHAEFFER, Practising Physician. 16 PHTHISIS. London, England. I prescribe Valentine’s Meat-Juice largely and have done so, for the last three or four years, very greatly to the benefit of my patients and my own satisfaction. I always fly to it if out of sorts myself or if any of my family are ill. It certainly helped one of my little boys considerably when suffering with Tubercular Meningitis, as he could not take anything else in the shape ot nourishment. WM. OWEN, M. D., M. R. C. S. London, England. I find Valentine’s Meat-Juice especially beneficial and nutritious to Consumptive and Debilitated per- sons. J. C. ROBERTS, M. D., L. B. C. S., M. B. C. S., A. M. Chiswick, England. I have used Valentine’s Meat-Juice in a case of Phthisis with Haemoptysis, and it appeared to revive the patient in a marked degree, and to act as a cardiac tonic. JAMES TILY, M. D , L. R. C. P. Delgany, Ireland. I can with every confidence after fair trial recom- mend Valentine’s Meat-Juice in cases of debility, and have found most satisfactory and beneficial results from its use by those laboring from Pulmonary Consumption. H. P. BROWNE, F-R. C. S. K, M. K. Q. C. P. I., L. M. Medical Officer and Medical Officer oj Health, Delgany Dis- trict, Raihdown Union, Surgeon R. 1. C. and Admiralty Station, Greystones. CASES OF PNEUMONIA. Boston, England. In two very serious cases, I have tried Valentine’s Meat-Juice, with satisfactory results. One, was that of a professional colleague of mine; who was nearly dead, from a severe attack of double Pneumo- nia ; I believe that his recovery was mainly due to the restorative powers of the Meat-Juice; along with large doses of stimulants. The other case was a hos- pital patient, who could retain no form of nourish- ment, until I tried the Meat-Juice with ice; which suited admirably, and kept the patient alive. I shall always use Valentine’s Meat-Juice in serious cases, in future. A. MERCER ADAM, M. D., L. II. C. S, Surgeon Boston Hospital. Chester, England. I have tried Valentine’s Meat-Juice on several severe cases of Pneumonia, and other diseases; and, it has appeared to sustain the strength well, at criti- cal times. I shall most certainly recommend it. ALFRED MACPHERSON, M. B., C. M., House Surgeon, Chester General Infirmary. Liverpool, England. I administered Valentine’s Meat-Juice to mv- little boy, (age four years,) who had an attack of Catarrhal Pneumonia. Half a teaspoonful, in a tablespoonful of water, was given four or five times a 18 PNEUMONIA. day; and, an extra dose on exhaustion after exertion in coughing, or being at stool. The stimulating and strengthening effect was very evident; and, he has made a speedy recovery. Taking into account, the palatabletiess 1 the number of doses in what appears to be a small bottle; the price; and, above all, the ex- cellent effects of the Meat-Juice; I am oound candidly to say; that, it is in my opinion the best of such pre- parations, which, I have yet employed. ARCHIBALD D. MACDONALD, M. D., C. M. Banbridge, Co. Down, Ireland. I have had recently under treatment, two very serious cases; in which, I believe, very great benefit resulted from the use of Valentine’s Meat-Juice. The first, a case of persistent and inveterate Hiccough, lasting over fourteen days, with very short intervals of freedom. It was ushered in by congestion of mucous membrane of stomach and considerable Hasmatemesis with alarming prostration; the result of a chill, in an old, gouty patient, aged 86 years. For two days, he had very little other nutriment than Valentine’s Meat-Juice,—which he liked,—and, I believe, it sustained the vital powers, and tided him over a period of very great danger. He is now quite recovered. The second, was a case of extensive Pneumonia of the right lung, in a middle-aged lady; with chronic tubercular mischief, and a cavity in the apex of the lung. The latter had been more or less dormant for several years, but, a severe wetting and chill had induced the Pneumonia and lighted up the old mischief; and, there was very great prostration for several days. The Meat-Juice suited her admira- PNEUMONIA. 19 bly; it was found most agreeable and invigorating; and, gave a wonderful fillip to the vital powers; and largely helped the patient out of a very critical con- dition. JOHN HAWTHORNE, M. D., L. R. C. S. Baltimore, Md. I have recently used Valentine’s Meat-Juice with one of my children who was extremely ill with Pneumonia complicated with persistent vomiting. As usual it was very successful and the child is now well. I consider it the best preparation of meat that can be offered to the Profession. GEO. G. BREWER, M. D. London, Eng. I have used Valentine’s Meat-Juice with admira- ble results in severe cases of Pneumonia and aggra- vated Dyspepsia. I quite regard it as a sheet-anchor in my practice. GEO. M. BIRD, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. New York, N. Y. Valentine’s Meat-Juice is especially useful in cases of continued fever and Pneumonia in very young children, when all other nourishment is refused. A. S. D10SSY, M D. Manchester, Eng. My little boy was suffering from extreme prostra- tion due to Pneumonia concurrently with acute 20 PNEUMONIA. Bright’s Disease. Fortunately the Meat-Juice reached me at the time and I was surprised at the stimulating effect of even the first dose. I think it a very valuable remedy in great prostration and one that children take very well. C. HOLMES, M. D., L. E. C. P. Ardmore, Ireland. I tested Valentine’s Meat-Juice in a case of great debility after a severe attack of Pneumonia and found it a most valuable preparation. J. W. WILLIAMS, M. D., M. Ch.t Med. Officer of Health and Med. Officer Ardmore Disp. Windermere, Eng. I have used Valentine’s Meat-Juice in several cases of Gastric Ulcer, and given in acid water I con- sider it invaluable. I have also given it in cases of Pneumonia with the best results. If I had an attack of either of the above diseases I would not be with- out it and would consider it my sheet-anchor. THOS. DOBSON, M. D., M. R. C. S. Newry, Ireland. I used Valentine’s Meat-Juice in a case of infan- tile acute Pneumonia with the most satisfactory results. I believe it to be the best preparation of meat I have used. J. H. LIGHTBOURNE, M. D., L. R. C. S. J. CASES OF BRONCHITIS. Rugby, England. I have tested Valentine’s Meat-Juice in my own case acute Bronchitis subsequently Pleuritis super- vening. My responsible duties not permitting the rest and care needed, my illness and debility have continued almost up to the present date, my recovery having been, however, greatly aided by Valentine’s Meat- Juice. I can most conscientiously aver that of all the meat preparations, of which I have any personal or clinical experience, I know none for invalids at all comparable with. Valentine’s Meat-Juice as to nutritiousness and appetizing flavor. I cannot con- ceive it possible for any meat-consuming person, how- ever fastidious his tastes, whether in health or disease, to dislike the flavor of Valentine’s Meat-Juice, and it is no less nutritive than savory. In all maladies, in which a fluid meat diet is admissible, this most excel- lent preparation may undoubtedly be administered with decided benefit. I shall certainly feel it incum- bent on me to recommend its administration in all cases and conditions, wherein suitable and obtain- able—from having myself derived such marked benefit from its adoption in an all but lethal case. T. OSBORNE WALKER, M. R. C S., L S. A., dc. 22 BRONCHITIS. London, England. I have much pleasure in testifying to the excellence of Valentine’s Meat-Juice. I have used the prepa- ration for some years, and have had many patients living upon it entirely, for varying periods. In one case of extreme exhaustion from Bronchitis, an old lady patient of mine 84 years of age recovered her strength and lived upon Valentine’s Meat-Juice for 6 weeks, taking no other nourishment during that time. It is palatable, easily digestible and being so concentrated, can be administered where a larger bulk of fluid is impossible to be retained. It is in every re- spect most useful and all that is claimed for it. A. G. BATEMAN, M. D., &c., Honorable Secretary Therapeutical Society. New York, N. Y. I have used Valentine’s Meat-Juice with patients suffering from Bronchitis, weak stomach and Peri- tonitis, and the results were very satisfactory. J. M. FENWICK, M. D. Munich, Germany. I have personally used Valentine’s Meat-Juice, as well as employed it with the best results in several cases in my practice. It is especially suitable for those having fevers of any kind, particularly in infectious diseases, which are mostly accompanied by loss of appetite; as well as in all sickness, in which from still other causes, the acceptability of nourishment is im- paired ; as through troubles in swallowing (Diphtheria, Angina, Stenosis of the .^Esophagus); as well as with BRONCHITIS. 23 chronic patients and convalescents, who suffer from the greatest loss of appetite. The extremely palat- able preparation is readily taken with wine or in water or in soup and acts as an easily-digested dietetic article of restorative effect. DR. G. YON HOESSELIN, Royal Staff Physician. SPECIAL NOTICE. In the production of the Meat-Juice the best material is used, intelligent and experienced labor is employed, and there is every assurance that the purity and identity of my product will be maintained and continued, The Meat-Juice is put up in bottles of only on' size and form—a two-ounce, oval, amber-colored bot tie. This bottle has two labels; on one of them is printed my signature; and on the other my “ Trade Mark,” and the directions for using the Meat-Juice. The Meat-Juice is sold from the Works, in thi city, in quantity only; but, it may be obtained fron the druggists, wholesale and retail, throughout the United States and Canada; the countries of Europe and South America, and China,Japan,and Australia, MANN S. VALENTINE, Proprietor of Valentine’s Meat-Juice, Richmond. Virginia, U. S. A. VALENTINE’S MEAT-JUICE. ESTABLISHED 1871. BY MANN S. VALENTINE, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, U. S. A Valentine’s Meat Juice Co., Medical reports on... Meat-juice W6 P3 v.7481 box 644 no. 11 Condition when received: The pamphlet thread was broken and a center gathering (pp. 11-16) was unattached. The cover was tattered and tom along the folded spine edge. Repairs had been carried out using animal glue at some time in the past. Glue extended the full length of the folded spine edge and extended into the left border of the illustration page (the last page) such that the pamphlet could not be opened to that page without breaking the paper. Conservation treatment: In preparation for exhibition, the 25 page pamphlet was submerged in a series of baths using deionized water conditioned to pH 8.0 using a combination of ammonium hydroxide (Nasco) and calcium hydroxide (Nasco). During the process, the old adhesive largely dissolved. The third bath was conditioned using only calcium hydroxide. The paper was allowed to dry thoroughly between each of three baths. As a result, a minute amount of alkaline reserve (calcium carbonate) was amalgamated and precipitated in the sheets. After treatment, the papers were lighter in color and the acidic content was lower. The pamphlet was rebound with linen thread using preexisting sewing stations. Conservation carried out by Rachel-Ray Cleveland NLM Paper Conservator 10/ 2006