STANDARD FEES OF TMF. flGe&tcal association ot the district ot Columbia. ADOPTED JANUARY 12, 1897. First visit $2 to $10 Each subsequent visit 2 “ 10 Office consultation ' . . . 2 “ 10 Each consultation visit 5 “ 25 The attending physician is entitled for each meeting to 5 “ 25 Visit at night (night is understood to commence at 8 p. m. and end at 8 a. m.) 5 “ 25 Passing catheter or bougie 5 “ 15 Advice at night at physician’s house 5 “ 10 Visiting at an hour specified by the patient, the usuul consultation fee. Visiting out of the city, at the discretion of the phy- sician. For services to distant patients, in addition to ex- penses of travel, per day 50 “ 500 Detention in any case at patient’s house 5 “ 100 All eases of small-pox, diphtheria and scarlet fever, for each visit 3 “ 10 Case of gonorrhoea, each consultation (Cash) .... 5 “ 15 Case of syphilis, each consultation (Cash) 5 “ 25 Venesection 10 “ 25 Microscopic examination 5 “ 100 Examination of urine . 5 “ 25 Cases of obstetrics 25 “ 500 Operations for Caesarean Section, Symphyscotomy-Ex- tra-uterine pregnancy, High forceps,’ Version, In- duction of premature labor 100 “ 1,000 All obstetrical services (Cash). Operation for lacerated perineum 50 “ 300 Operation for lacerated cervix uteri 50 “ 300 Operation for removal of uterine tumors 100 “ 1,000 Operation for vesico-vaginal or recto-vaginal fistula . 100 “ 500 Ovariotomy or Hysterectomy 100 “ 1,000 Dilating or curetting uterus 50 “ 100 Operation for appendicitis 100 “ 1,000 Capital operation, as, for example, amputating large limbs, lithotomy, trepanning) excision of large tumors, operation for radical cure of hernia, for aneurism, extirpation of cancerous breast, ligation of large arteries, etc 100 “ 1,000 Abdominal Section, for relief of wounded viscera, such as bladder, spleen, intestines, kidney, liver or other organs 100 “ 3,000 Extirpation of tumors of minor importance 10 " 100 Opening an abscess 5 “ 25 Paracentesis abdominis 15 “ 100 Dressing recent wounds, etc 5 “ 25 For each assistant in surgical operations 10 “ 100 Adjustment of fracture of long bones 50 “ 500 Subsequent attendance at the ordinary rates, but each renewal of bandages or apparatus 5 “ 15 Reduction of dislocation }'25 to ?.5eratlons on the eye, nose, throat, or ear ... 5 “ 50 Administration of anaesthetic 10 “ 100 For letter of advice or written opinion ft “ 500 All certificates of life Insurance, insanity, etc 5 “ 25 For attendance upon court, in civil cases, per day . . 50 “ 300 For a jiost mortem examination, when ordered . . . 10 “ 100 For a |Mcst mortem examination in a case of legal in- vestigation 25 “ 500 For an examination involving a question of law in a ease in which the physician mav besubpoenaed, and In all eases in which the physician Is required to give a medical opinion before a Committee of Con- gress 50 “ 500 Otllee Instructions, 1100 per annum ; f 50 semi-annually in advance. W. P. CARR, M. D., President. J. R. WELLINGTON, M. D., Secretary. Regulation of the Medical Association. “ It is reoommcnded to the Members of the Assoc iation to pre- sent their aeeounls for professional services at the close of the attendance: and it shall be the duty of each Member to obtain a settlement from all his families at least once in three months, vis., tiie first of January, the first of April, the first of July, and the first of October.”