ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AN!) BYTAWS OF THE ' ' ' MASSACHUSETTS Medical Benevolent Society. INSTITUTED 1857. INCORPORATED 1871. Additional Act Amendatory to Same, 1892. BOSTON: THOMAS GROOM, & CO. PRINTERS. 1892. ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AND BY-LAWS OF THE MASSACHUSETTS Medical Benevolent Society. INSTITUTED (1857. INCORPORATED 1871. Additional Act Amendatory to Same, 1892. BOSTON: I— THOMAS GROOM, & CO. PRINTERS. 1892. OFFICERS. President. H. W. WILLIAMS, M. D. Vice-President. D. W. CHEEVER, M. D. Secretary. ROBERT AMORY, M. D. Treasurer. WILLIAM L. RICHARDSON, M. D. Trustees. G. E. FRANCIS, M. D. R. C. GREENLEAF, M. D. W. S. BIGELOW, M. D. BENJAMIN E. COTTING, M.D. FRANCIS MINOT, M. D. AMOS H. JOHNSON, M. D. JAMES C. WHITE, M. D. J. COLLINS WARREN, M. D. F. W. DRAPER, M. D. MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. At a meeting of the Boston Medical Book Club in Decem- ber, 1.856, a committee was appointed to formulate a plan for an association for the relief of destitute physicians or their families. At a subsequent meeting, held in Boston on the 19th of March, 1857, certain physicians formed themselves into an association for the above purpose, and adopted Articles of Association and By-Laws to carry into practical effect the above-named purpose, under the name of the Massachusetts Medical Benevolent Association. Articles oe Association. Whereas, it sometimes happens that worthy members of the medical profession become reduced in circumstances, we, whose names are underwritten (all being residents of Massachusetts), do hereby associate ourselves as a body corporate, for the relief of such, especially, as become mem- bers of this Society, or of their families, should they need' assistance ; and of such other members of the medical pro- fession or their families as may be deemed by the suitable objects of its beneficence. > The name of this association shall be the “ Massachusetts Medical Benevolent Society.” It shall be located in the city of Boston. Under this organization the list of subscribers was in- creased from time to time so as to include physicians resident in Massachusetts, and social as well as business meetings were held, so that the list of subscribers grew to a large number, among whom were the most prominent of medical practitioners. One of the earliest resolutions provided for the adoption of a custom and precedent of the Societ}r that the first three names on the list of Trustees shall not be renominated for election, but shall be.considered as retiring from office; but they shall be eligible for election after one year. On May 8, 1871, the Massachusetts Medical Benevolent Society was organized under the following special Act of incorporation : — 4 (Kommonforalllj of Passacl^usrtts. In the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. An Act to incorporate the Massachusetts Medical Benevolent Society. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Gen- eral Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: — Section 1. George C. Shattuck, Henry W. Williams, George H. Lyman, their associates Francis Minot, Hall Curtis, William W. Wellington, Charles E. Buckingham, Stephen Salisbury, Luther Parks, Richard L. Hogdon, B. E. Lotting, N. B. Shurtleff, William F. Munroe, Augustus Shurtleff, George J. Arnold, A. D. Sinclair, D. H. Storer, Edward Wigglesworth, Buckminster Brown, William Ingalls, Jonathan Ware, Francis H. Brown, John P. Reynolds, Charles H. Allen, Samuel H. Hurd, Charles E. Vaughan, Tappan E. Francis, Daniel W. Jones, William L. Richardson, Calvin Ellis, Anson P. Hooker, and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Massachusetts Medical Benevolent Society, to be located in Boston, for the purpose of affording pecuniary assist- ance to members of the medical profession, their widows and chil- dren, with all the powers and privileges and subject to all the duties, restrictions, and liabilities set forth in the sixty-eighth chapter of the General Statutes, and all acts and additions thereto. Sect. 2. Said corporation may hold real and personal estate not exceeding in value the sum of fifty thousand dollars. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. May 4, 1871. Approved. William Claflin. At the above meeting the Act as aforesaid was unani- mously accepted. (fommcmtocaltlj of Hlassatljusttls. In the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. An Act to authorize the Massachusetts medical benevolent SOCIETY TO HOLD ADDITIONAL REAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE. Chapter 72. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Gen- eral Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : — Section 1. The Massachusetts Medical Benevolent Society, in- corporated by chapter two hundred thirty-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred seventy-one, is hereby authorized to hold real and personal estate not exceeding in value the sura of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved March 17, 1892. October 27, 1892. At the annual meeting the above ad- ditional Act was unanimously accepted. BY-LAWS. I. All persons admitted to this Society, shall, at the time of their admission, be members of the medical pro- fession, or the wives or widows of such. II. Persons desirous of membership shall be nomi- nated to the Council in writing, through the Secretary or President, by two or more members, at least one month previous to an Annual Meeting. Each candi- date shall be voted for on a separate ballot, two nega- tive votes excluding the candidate. The names of candidates elected by the Council shall be reported to the Society for confirmation, at the annual meeting. in. Any member may withdraw from the Society upon paying all subscriptions due from him, and giving to the Secretary a written notice of his withdrawal. A member shall forfeit the right of membership if his dues remain unpaid for thirty days after notice of delinquency from the Treasurer; unless excused from payment by the Council. But he may be restored to this privilege by the Council, upon payment of all arrearages, with interest thereon. Any member shall forfeit the right of membership who in the opinion of three-fourths of the Council shall be deemed guilty of conduct unworthy and unbecoming an honorable physician and member of this Society. IY. Each member shall sign an obligation promising to conform to the By-Laws of this Society; shall pay on admission five dollars; and two dollars annually thereafter, at or before the annua] meeting. If any member shall pay twenty-five dollars in one sum, or for the term of twenty years shall have paid MEMBERSHIP. 6 his annual assessments, he shall be regarded as a life member, and at his option shall be exempt from all subsequent assessments. V. The donation of fifty dollars or more at one time, shall entitle the donor to be inscribed among the Bene- factors of the Society. MEETINGS. VI. The annual meeting of the Society shall be held on the last Thursday in October, at such hour and in such place within the city of Boston as the President or the Council shall appoint. No other meetings of the Society shall be held, except as hereinafter provided. Ten members shall constitute a quorum. No mem- ber shall vote by proxy. A majority of the members present shall decide all matters and questions, except such as relate to the abrogation of any of the By-Laws of the Society, in which case two thirds of the mem- bers present shall concur. At the Annual Meeting shall be chosen, by ballot, a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and also three Trustees, who shall serve for three years, and such additional trustees as may be required to fill any vacancies which may have occurred during the previous 37ear by resignation or death in the Board of Trustees. For one year after the expiration of his term of years, a Trustee shall not be eligible for re-election. These officers shall meet and act together as one Board, to be styled the Council. Of this Board, five members shall constitute a quorum. VII. The President shall preside at meetings of the Society and the Council, and appoint Committees when not otherwise ordered by the meeting. In his absence his duties shall devolve upon the Vice- President. OFFICERS. 7 VIII. The Secretary shall keep fair and true records of the doings of the Society and of the Council, to be always open to the inspection of members. He shall notify the Treasurer of appropriations authorized by the Council, shall present at the Annual Meeting a list of all persons receiving aid from the Society during the year, and perform such other duties as may be required of him. IX. Bond, with such surety as shall be satisfactory to the Council, maybe required of the Treasurer before he enters upon the duties of his office, conditioned to render just and true accounts when thereto required by the Council or the Society, to account for and deliver to any person or persons appointed to receive the same, all such property, effects, and evidences of debt, as shall have been entrusted to his keeping, and to perform all the duties of his office with fidelity and skill. He shall pay all sums authorized by the Council, and shall present, at the annual meeting, a report of the state of the finances of the Society. X. The Council shall meet on the last Thursday in October in the city of Boston. They may fill all vacan- cies which shall occur in their Board during the year. The President, or any three of the Council, shall have authority to call special meetings of the Council, or to convene the whole Society upon any business in which this charity may be interested, giving at least ten days’ notice of said meeting of the Society. XI. The care of the funds and the distribution of the charities of the Society shall be committed exclu- sively to the Council, who shall have power, whenever they think proper, to invest any portion of surplus income as capital, and may, as occasion shall require, resume said additional capital and distribute it as CARE OF FUNDS. 8 income. All the receipts of the Society for five years from the time of its organization, shall be reserved as a Permanent Fund ; and until this Fund shall amount to fifty thousand dollars, all sums received for life sub- scriptions, and all donations and legacies, when not otherwise directed by the donors, shall be added thereto, and be invested to the best advantage, and only the accruing interest distributed. XII. Money belonging to the Society shall be loaned only upon note or obligation of the borrower with two sufficient sureties ; or first mortgage upon productive real estate in the city of Boston, or of pledge of the debt, stock, or scrip of some town, city or county in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or of the debt, stock, or scrip of said Commonwealth, or of the United States, at a safe rate, not exceeding ninety per cent of the par value, or such other securities as Savings Banks in this Commonwealth are allowed to invest in. And the Treasurer shall use his best en- deavors to obtain payment of all debts which shall not be duly paid when by the contract they become payable, or security therefor. XIII. No member of this Society shall, either as principal or surety, become a debtor to the Society for a loan of any of its funds or effects. XIV. The aid of this Institution shall be granted for the relief of those only who are or have been mem- bers of this Society, and their families ; and of other members of the medical profession who are or have been inhabitants of the Commonwealth of Massachu- setts, their widows and children. XV. Any member who shall become a Benefactor of the Society, or the widow of any such member, shall be entitled to receive the interest of the sum thus given by him (but nqF the arrears of interest), as an KELIEF. 9 annuity, wtienever, and as long as his circumstances shall, in the opinion of the Council, be such as to en- title him to claim said annuity. XVI. The income of the Permanent Fund shall be devoted, in the first place, to the payment of any an- nuities which may be allowed by the Council; and- secondly, may be distributed, with other revenues of the Society, to suitable objects of relief, at the discre- tion of the Council, not exceeding thirty dollars at one time to one person. The total amount of annuities shall in no case exceed the income of the Permanent Fund. XVII. Xo annuity shall be granted to any physi- cian, or his widow, if they shall be under sixty years of age, except under peculiar circumstances. But an- nuities once voted shall not be withdrawn, except on account of misconduct in the recipient, or because this assistance is no longer deemed necessary. All annui- ties shall be subject to annual revision by the Council. XVIII. No permanent grant shall be made to any party except upon proof of good moral character, and, if granted, it may at anytime be withdrawn upon proof of intemperance, improvidence, or immorality ; it be- ing the intention of this Society to devote its funds to the relief of distress arising from misfortune and not from misconduct. MODE OF APPLICATION FOR RELIEF. XIX. Any person applying for relief must fully state the circumstances which render assistance neces- sary ; and must be recommended, from personal knowl- edge, by two well-known medical men, one of whom must be a member of this Society. ALTERATION OF BY-LAWS. XX. These By-Laws shall not be altered, unless the proposed alteration shall have been submitted to the Council and by them approved. 10 The following form of application for aid must be filled out, signed, and sent to the Treasurer or Secretary or President of the Massachusetts Medical Benevolent Society: — FORM OF APPLICATION TO THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. Date of Application Full Name, Age, and Address of the j Applicant. Where graduated, date of Graduation, and the places where the Applicant has practised. Whether single or married; if married, the number and ages of the Children (if any), and their means of support. If before relieved by the Society, how often, and to what amount on each occasion. Present means and sources of income from Salary, Annuity, Pension, or other provision, and the amount. Name, Age, and Address, if the applica- tion is made by a widow, or in behalf of the orphan of a physician. Cause of present distress CERTIFICATE, To be signed by two physicians, one of whom must be a member of this Society. We certify that we believe the declarations made in the above form of application to be strictly true. LIST OF MEMBERS 1892. Abbot, S. L 90 Mt. Yernon St. Abbott, S. W. (Life .... Wakefield. Amory, Robert 279 Beacon St. Appleton, William 74 Beacon St. Atwood, F. S 130 Federal St., Salem. Ayer, J. B 53 Mt. Vernon St. Baker, W. H 22 Mt. Vernon St. Bancroft, G. A South Natick. Barnes, H. J 429 Beacon St. Beach, H. H. A 28 Commonwealth Ave. Bigelow, W. S 60 Beacon St. Bixby, G. H 2 Orchard St., New Bedford. Blake, C. J 226 Marlboro’ St. Blake, J. G 1330 Washington St. Blood, R. A 39 High St., Charlestown. Boardman, W. E 18 Huntington Ave. Bolles, W. P “ The Warren,” Warren St., Rox. Bowditch, H. P Pond St., Jamaica Plain. Bowditch, V. Y 719 Boylston St. Bowen, J. T 14 Marlboro’ St. Bradford, E. H 149 Newbury St. Briggs, F. M 15 Charles St. Brigham, PL H 19 Boylston PI. Brown, F. H. .• 75 Westland Av. Bryant, W. S 1 Charlesgate, East. Buck, H. M. (Life) Mayberry, West Virginia. Buckingham, Edward M. . . . 53 Worcester St. Bullard, W. N 89 Marlboro’ St. Burrell, H. L 22 Newbury St. Bush, J. Foster 651 Boylston St. Cabot, A. T 3 Marlboro’ St. Carlton, C. A 12 Federal St., Salem. Chadwick, J. R 270 Clarendon St. Ciianning, Walter Brookline. Cheever, D. W. (Benefactor) . 557 Boylston St. 12 Conant, W. M 252 Newbury St. Cook, C. H Natick. Coolidge, A. (Life) ..... 81 Marlboro’St. Coolidge, A., Jr 81 Marlboro’ St. Cotting, B. E. (Benefactor) . . 76 Bartlett St., Roxbury. Cowles, Edward McLean Asylum, E. Somerville. Curtis, Hall 2 Spruce St. Cushing, E. W. . . . . . . 168 Newbury St. Cushing, H. W 399 Boylston St. Cutler, E. G. (Life) .... 214 Beacon St. Cutter, E. J. (Life) . . . . Leominster. Davenport, F. H 372 Marlboro’ St. Derbv, Haskett 182 Marlboro’ St. Draper, F. W 304 Marlboro’ St. Dunn, VV. A 60 Chambers St. Dwight, Thos 235 Beacon St. Edes, R. T. . ' Adams Nervine Asylum, J. P. Edson, P. O’M 249 Warren St., Rox. Ela, Walter 62 Brattle St., Cambridge. Elliott, J. W. (Life) .... 75 Marlboro’ St. Farlow, J. W 234 Clarendon St. Faulkner, G. (Life) Greenough Ave., Jamaica Plain, Fitz, R. H 18 Arlington St. Folsom, C. F 15 Marlboro’ St. Folsom, Norton 19 Berkeley St., Cambridge. Forster, E. J 440 W. Chester Park. Francis, G. E 79 Elm St., Worcester. Francis, T. E. (Benefactor) . . Brookline. Gannett, W. W 274 Marlboro’ St. Garland, G. M 227 Newbury St. Gavin, M. F 546 Broadway, S. B. Gay, G. W 665 Boylston St. Gerry, E. P Everett St., J. P. Gilbert, D. D 308 Boston St., Dorchester. 13 Goss, F. W 217 Warren St., Rox. Graham, D Hotel Pelham. Green, C. M. (Life) 78 Marlboro’ St. Green, J. 0 182 Marlboro’ St. Greene, J. S 1107 Washington St., Dorchester. Greenleaf, R. C Lenox. Greenleaf, R. W 561 Boylston St. Greenougii, F. B 10 Charles St. Hale, J. L Brookline. Harrington, C 57 Orchard St., Jamaica Plain. Harrington, F. B 201 Beacon St. Harrower, D 9 Elm St., Worcester. Hastings, W. H. H 284 Marlboro’ St. Haven, G 92 a Pinckney St. Haven, H. C Nahant. Hay, G 383 Marlboro’ St. Hayden, D. H. (Life) .... Red Cross Ave., Newport, R. I. Hayward, George 381 Beacon St. Hayward, G. G 165 Newbury St. Heard, J. T. (Life) 20 Louisburg Sq. Hildreth, J. L 37 Brattle St., Cambridge. Hodgdon, A. H. ..... . Dedham. Hodgdon, R. L Arlington. Hodges, R. M 408 Beacon St. Hodges, W. D 6 Gloucester St. Holmes, O. W 296 Beacon St. Homans, John 164 Beacon St. Homans, John, 2d 184 Marlboro’ St. Hooper, F. H. (Life) .... 85 Beacon St. Hurd, S. H. . Skaneateles, N. Y. Inches, C. E 386 Beacon St. Ingalls, William 780 Beacon St. Jack, E. E. . . 437 Boylston St. Jack, F. L . . . 437 Boylston St. Jackson, H 309 Marlboro’ St. Jaques, H. P Milton. Jeffries, B. Joy 15 Chestnut St. 14 Jelly, G. F. 69 Newbury St. Johnson, A. H 26 Winter St., Salem. Jones, D. W 236 Clarendon St. Kemble, Arthur 85 Federal St., Salem. Knapp, P. C 33 Marlboro’ St. Knight, F. 1 377 Boylston St. Lamb, W. D Southbridge. Lamson, J. A 58 Temple St. Langmaid, S. W 373 Boylston St. Lawrence, R. M Lexington. Lovett, R. W 379 Boylston St. Mack, William (Life) .... 21 Chestnut St., Salem. Mahion, H. E 5 Sparhawk St., Brighton. Marion, 0. H 22 Harvard Ave., Allston. Mason, A. L 265 Clarendon St. Maynard, J. P Dedham. McCollom, J. H 12 Newbury St. Mead, J. A. Watertown. Minot, Francis (Life) .... 65 Marlboro’ St. Minot, J. J. (Life) 188 Marlboro’ St. Mixter, S. J 180 Marlboro’ St. Monks, G. H 399 Boylston St. Morrill, F. G 181 Beacon St. Morris, M. A 308 Main St., Charlestown. Morse, H. L. (Life) 112 Marlboro’ St. Munro, J. C 367 Boylston St. Nichols, A. H 55 Mt. Vernon St. Nichols, J. T. G 63 Brattle St., Cambridge. Oliver, F. E 27 Brimmer St. Oliver, H. K 12 Ashburton Pi. 15 Oliver, J. P 102 Beacon St. Osborne, G. S. ... . . Peabody. Otis, W. J 267 Beacon St. Perry, A. P Gordon St., Jamaica Plain. Pierce, M. V Milton. Pigeon, J. C. D 130 Warren St., Roxbury. Porter, C. B 5 Arlington St. Post, A 16 Newbury St. Prince, Morton 71 Marlboro St. Putnam, C. P. . .* 63 Marlboro’ St. Putnam, J. J 106 Marlboro’ St. Quincy, H. P Harvard Medical School. Reynolds, E 130 Marlboro’ St. Reynolds, H. V 744 Dudley St., Dorchester. Reynolds, J. P 107 Pearl St. Richardson, M. H. (Life) . . 224 Beacon St. Richardson, W. L. (Life) . . 225 Commonwealth Ave. Rotch, T. M 197 Commonwealth Ave. Rowe, G. H. M City Hospital. Sabine, G. K Brookline. Scudder, C. L 94 Charles St. Saers, G. G 89 Charles St. Sears, H. E. (Life) 86 Beacon St. Shattuck, E. C. (Life) .... 135 Marlboro’ St. Shattuck, G. B 183 Beacon St. Shattuck, G. C. (Life) .... 6 Newbury St. Shaw, B. S 28 Marlboro’ St. Shaw, H. L 431 Boylston St. Sherman, T. E 25 Rutland Sq. Shreve, O. B 29 Chestnut St., Salem. Shurtleff, A Brookline. Sinclair, A. D 35 Newbury St. Slade, D. D Chestnut Hill. Sprague, F. P 229 Commonwealth Ave. 16 Stedman, C. E 6 Monadnock St., Dorchester. Stedman, H. R Roslludale. Stedman, Joseph 80 Elm St., Jamaica Plain. Stevens, C 7 E. Newton St. Stevens, E. H 162 North Ave., Cambridge. Stevens, G. B 444 Warren St., Rox. Stevens, W. S 7 E. Newton St. Stone, A. K 220 Clarendon St. Stone, L. R Newton. Strong, C. P 258 Beacon St. Stuart, J. H 236 Clarendon St. Sumner, A. M 336 Beacon St. Swan, C. W. 79 Worcester St. Swift, J. B 11 Gloucester St. Swift, W. N New Bedford. Tarbell, G. G 274 Marlboro’ St. Taylor, E. W 134 North Av., North Cambridge. Thorndike, A. ...... 101 Beacon St. Thorndike, P 80 Marlboro’ St. Tilden, G. H Boston. Townsend, C. W 61 Chestnut St. Townsend, G. J South Natick. Tuck, Henry (Life) 346 Broadway, N. Y. Tucker, E. G -92 Charles St. Underwood, G. L 643 Tremont St. Upham, J. B 56 Broadway, New York. Vaughan, C. E 8 Garden St., Cambridge. Vermyne, J. J. B 2 Orchard St., New Bedford. Vickery, H. F 263 Beacon St. Wadsworth, 0. F 393 Boylston St. Walton, G. L 199 Marlboro’ St. Warren, J. C 58 Beacon St. Washburn, G. H 302 Marlboro’ St. Watson, F. S 80 Marlboro’ St. 17 Webber, A. C 777 Main St., Cambridgeport. Webber, S. G 146 Marlboro’ St. Weld, C. G. (Benefactor) . . . 6 Commonwealth Ave. Wellington, W. W 71 Inman St., Cambridgeport. Wells, Frank ... . . Chapel Station, Brookline. Write, J. C. . 259 Marlboro’ St. Whiting, J. S 100 Main St., Charlestown. Whitney, W. F. (Life) .... 228 Marlboro’ St. Whittier, E. N 647 Boylston St. Wigglesworth, Edw’d (Benef,r), 188 Beacon St. Williams, C. H. (Life) .... Chicago. Williams, F. H. (Life) .... 23 Marlboro’ St. Williams, H. W. (Benefactor) . 15 Arlington St. Williams, J. L. (Life) .... 1 Mt. Vernon St. Withington, C. F 255 Warren St., Rox. Wood, E. S , . . Harvard Medical School. Woodward, S. B. (Life) ... 72 Pleasant St., Worcester.