THE CONSTITUTION OF THE V jHagfcalen ifcowtg, 'if ^ of r; PHILADELPHIA/^ \, PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY. 1809. THE CONSTITUTION, &c. TO aid in restoring to the paths of virtue,—- to be instrumental in recovering to honest rank in life those unhappy Females, who, in an unguarded hour, have been robbed of their innocence, and sunk into wretchedness and guilt, and being affect- ed with remorse at the misery of their situation, are desirous of returning to a life of rectitude, if they clearly saw an opening thereto—the subscri- bers, believing it to be their duty to endeavour to afford them the necessary aid, do agree to form themselves into a society for that purpose ; intend- ing when sufficient funds are in their hands, to procure them an asylum, where they may be pro- tected and employed, until their virtuous resolu- tions are confirmed into habit; and in the mean 4 through the divine blessing, be enabled to do—For which end they adopt the following Constitution,viz. Art. I. This institution shall be called the MAGDALEN SOCIETY—and consist of the members who shall sign the constitution, and pay to the treasurer at the time of such subscription, and on the first day of each year afterwards, one dol- lar, forthe support of the institution. But no person shall become a member after the stated meeting to be held in the fifth month (May) next, who has not been chosen by the electing committee (here- in after mentioned) nor then, until he has signed the constitution, and paid to the treasurer one dollar as aforesaid. And if any person neglects paying his annual contribution for three successive years, af- ter being duly notified thereof, he shall cease to be a member. II. The officers of the society shall consist of a president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary, who shall be annually elected by ballot at the sta- ted meeting in the second month (February) ex- cepting that the first officers and committees shall be chosen by nomination at the stated meeting in the fifth month (May) next. 5 III. The president, or in his absence the vice- president, or in the absence of both, a president chosen for the time, shall preside in all the meet- tings, and subscribe the acts of the society. In all questions where they may be an equal division of voices, the presiding officer shall have the casting vote.-^-It shall be the duty of the president, and in case of his absence from the city, of the vice-pre- sident, to call special meetings of the society, when he shall judge it necessary, also when the standing committee shall request him. IV. The secretary shall keep fair minutes of the proceedings of the society. V. The treasurer shall give security for the faith- ful discharge of his trust, and account for all the monies of the society paid into his hands, and for all their monies expended, to a committee to be appointed for that special purpose at the stated meeting in the eleventh month (November) of every year. He shall pay no money but to the or- ders of the society, or of its standing committee. He shall receive donations and legacies for the pur- poses of this institution—which he shall enter in a book to be provided for that purpose. c VI. An electing committee often members, se- ven of whom shall be a quarum, shall be annually elected at the time of choosing the officers of the society. This committee shall have the sole power of electing new members; but they are to choose none, who have not been previously nominated at a stated or special meeting of the society, nor until one month after such nomination shall have taken place. VII. A standing committee shall also be annu- ally elected at the same time, to consist for the pre- sent of six members, four of whom are to be a quorum; who shall meet at least once a month ; and as much oftener as they shall find needful. The duty of this committee shall be to afford the advice and assistance necessary to those unhappy females whose benefit is the object of this associa- tion, for which purpose they shall have power to draw on the treasurer for such sums as shall be necessary, and may be in his hands; and when the contemplated asylum shall be procured, they are to be managers thereof. They shall keep regular minutes of all their proceedings, and lay them be- fore the society at each of its stated meetings. VIII. The stated meetings of the society are to 7 be held on the second third day (called Tuesday) in the second, fifth, eighth and eleventh months (February, May, August and November) at such place as shall be agreed upon by the society from time to time. Fifteen members must be present to be competent to do business. IX. No addition to, or alteration of this consti- tution shall be made but at a stated meeting, when there are at least twenty members present, and which has been proposed at a stated meeting. Philadelphia 11th of 3d month [March] 1800. The following amendment of the Constitution, was adopted on the 10th of the 11th month, ('No- vemberJ 1807. THE Standing Committee from and after the next annual election of officers of the Society, shall consist of nine members, five of whom shall be a quorum, who shall exercise the same powers and authority, and perform the same services as the present standing committee is authorized to do and perform by the existing Constitution.