AN ACT To amend “ an act to regulate the practice of Dentistry within the State of Louisiana, and to protect thfe people against empiricism in regard to the same/’—Approved March io, 1880. Section First. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Louisiana : ThacSection first of Act No. 32, approved March 10th, 1880, entitled “ an act to regulate the practce of Dentistry within the State of Louisiana, and to protect the people against em- piricism h regard to the same,” be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: That from anc after the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the prac- tice of fentistry in Louisiana, unless such person shall have obtained a certificate from a board of examining dentists, duly authorized by law to issue such certificates; or shall have graduated and obtained a diploma, after a regular course of instruction, from a reputable dental college, chartered under the authority of some one of the United States, and then not until such di- ploma shall have been approved and certified by the board of examining dentists created by said act, approved March 10th, 1880; and all certificates of approvals of diplomas issued for the practice of Dentistry in the State, under this act, shall be registered within fifteen days from their respective dates, with the Secretary of State, who, for such registry, shall be en- titled to receive the sum of one dollar from the holder thereof. Section Second. Be it further enacted, etc. That section seventh of said act, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows : That any person who shall, in violation of any of the provisions of said act, approved March 10th, 1880, and of this act, practice Dentistry in the State of Louisiana, shall be liable to pros- ecution, and on conviction, shall be liable to a fine of not less than fifty dollars, nor more than t/iAc h u;•/ df ed d o 11 a r s ; one half of the fine to go to the informer, and die other ‘|ialf, In Aqua) proportion, to the Louisiana State Dental Society and to the school fund of the parish in which tlie fine is recovered ; provided, that nothing in this or the original act shall apply to regular * physicians or surgeons. Section Third. Be it further enacted, etc. Tl at section eight of said act, approved March 10th, 1880, be and is hereby repealed.