FORMULA LIST WITH NOTES or W. II. Schieffelin & Co.’s SOLUBLE > Pius and Granules, Doses, Tables of Diseases and Remedies, the Metric System, etc. NKW YORK, Dec., 1882. ESTABLISHED 1794. Lawrence &. Schleffelin, 1794. Jacob Schleffelin, 1799. J. Schleffelin & Son, 1803. H. H. Schleffelin & Co., 1813. Schleffelin, Brothers & Co., 1849. W, H. Schleffelin &. Co., 1865. Preface. 3 PREFACE. This little volume is designed as a convenient pocket book of memofanda for the use of physi- cians. It is specially devoted to our Soluble Pills and Granules, and notes concerning them. In pre- senting it we beg to express our obligations to the profession for their favorable opinion of our prep- arations, as evinced not only by the direct expres- sions of leading physicians, but by the equally gratifying demand lor our goods which has recently necessitated the extension of our laboratory facili- ties to double their former capacity. This substan- tial tribute to the uniformly good quality of our goods we shall endeavor to merit in the future as in the past. The materials employed in manufacturing any of our goods are the best that the market affords. It is undoubtedly true that the drug market of the United States has advanced rapidly of late years in the superior quality of imported, as well as domes- tic, crude as well as manufactured goods, and we believe that now our country is at least equally as well supplied in that direction as any other. This satisfactory condition of our market has been brought about by the intelligent efforts of leading American importers and manufacturers, and no one need now experience any difficulty in securing the very best of drugs and chemicals provided he is willing to pay a just price for them. The recent enactment of a law to prevent the adulteration of medicines and the sale of adulterated or inferior 4 Preface. drugs in the State of New York, which we hail with great satisfaction, will tend to still further elevate the quality of American goods. In that class of pharmaceutical preparations which exhibits medicines id elegant and palatable form, without the least sacrifice of quality, uniform- ity, or accuracy, American pharmacists are doing excellent work. Our Soluble Pills and Granules belong to this class of preparations, and have been exceptionally successful owing to their intrinsic merits. Suggestions relativq to modifications of, or addi- tions to our list, and information concerning the experience of physicians in the use of our Pills and Granules, are respectfully invited and will be re- ceived with thanks. Our Pills and Granules can be procured from any of the leading druggists in the United States, or ordered direct from us. When desired, they can be sent by mail. We furnish samples on application, and shall he pleased to send price lists or formula lists to any address. Pills will be made to order in accordance with formulae furnished us, and estimates given of the cost. We have made large quantities of pills in accord- ance with the Metric System for the Government, and are prepared to make any preparations to order according to that system. W. H. Schieffelin & Co. New York. Contents. 5 rABLE OF CONTENTS PASS. Preface, 3, 4 Testimonials, 6-11 Note on Soluble Pills and Granules, . . 12-14 List of Soluble Pills and Granules, with Form- ulae, Doses and Notes, .... 15-49 Therapeutic Classification of Remedies, . 60-52 Index of Diseases and Remedies, . . . 53-65 Rules for adjusting doses to different ages, . 66 Vial cases for Physicians, with cuts, . . 67-78 Metric Weights and Measures, . . . 79-86 Advertisement, 87 6 Testimonials. Our Pills received the First Award at the Inter- national Exhibition at Sydney, New South Wales, in 1879-80, and the same Exhibit was afterwards sent to the International Exhibition at Melbourne, Australia, and again received a First Award. The fact that they had been exposed to a long sea voy- age, and that nearly two years had elapsed from the time the pills were made, to the close of the last exhibition, proves conclusively the perfect protec- tion afforded by our coating against atmospheric influences. See p. 6 to 10. The following extracts from letters also testify to the unexampled keeping qualities of our Pills and Granules in trying climates. “ Your Pills and Granules have stood a test before which everything else has failed—our summer heat.” A. R. PLATT, M.D., Medical Officer, Mar- itime Customs, Chinkiang, China. “ The pills have been here nearly three months and I am glad to be able to say that with a few ex- ceptions, they are quite uninjured; to all appear- ance as good as the day they were made. I think you may justly congratulate yourselves on your success; for if anything can injure a coated pill, a sea voyage and the India climate are sure to do it.” Dr. J. W. SCUDDER, Vellore, Madras Presi- dency, India. “I am very much pleased with your Soluble Coated Pills. Our professional men here all appear highly pleased with the pills, especially our district medical officers to whom they will be highly useful in their outlying districts.” Dr. JULES ESPINET, Port of Spain, Trinidad. “ I am greatly pleased with your pills and have re-orderea them in much larger quantities.” Dr. E. E. MITCHELL, Rangoon, British Burmah, India. We would draw your attention to the following extremely important notice our preparations re- ceived in the August number of the Edinburgh Medical Journal. The world-wide reputation of thin Journal makes such a notice of great value : “ W. H. SCHIEKFEI.IN & Co.’s SOLUBLE PlLLS AN» Granules (New York).—We have been favored with a case containing one dozen bottles of these pills and granules, and we have no hesitation in highly coinmi-nding them to the notice of the profesdon. The pills are perfectly globular, and finished with a beautiful nicety surpassing anything we have before witnessed. They are covered with a thin, transparent coating, which is perfectly tasteless and easily soluble in the mouth or stomach. This coating is so thin that it does not add materially to the bulk of the pill, and being transparent, discloses to the eye the exact color and appearance of the pill-masses, and thus tends in no small degree to prevent one pill being mistaken for another. This coating appears to be quite sufficient to protect the pills from atmospheric influences, and to pre- serve the soluble condition of the mass. All pills should be sufficiently consistent to maintain tneir globular form, and yet sufficiently soft to melt in the stomach. These two conditions are possessed in a remarkable degree bv Sohieffelin’s Pills and Granules. Another excellent property possessed by many of these pills is their small size, many of them being x'eru small, such as those containing morphia, digitalin, etc. They prepare a pill containing ‘crgotin,’ their 3-grain pill representing 15 to 17 grains of ergot. This pill is a valuable addition to our armamentarium. The firm of W. II. Schieffe- lin & Co., of New York, holds the highest place among American pharmaceutical chemists, and consequently the quality and quantity of the vari- ous ingredients can be perfectly relied on. The price or the pills is very moderate, and quite within the reach or the great majority of patients. The case was accompanied with a ‘Formula List, with Notes,’ giving the composition of each pill and the price. For perfection of finish these pills excel any pills we have ever seen, and we believe they require only to be known to the profession to be extensively prescribed.” Testimonials 7 8 Testimonials. PARIS EXPOSITION, 1878, The only highest “Recompense” awarded to Pills. MEDAL OF SUPERIORITY, American Institute, New York, 1879- Testimonials. 9 FIRST AWARD. Sydney, New South Wales, 1879. SILVER MEDAL Melbourne, Australia, 1880. 10 Testimonials. THE ONLY SILVER MEDAL. The Highest Recompense Awarded to Pills. PARIS, 1878. FIRST AWARD. Sydney, New South Wales, 1879. MEDAL OF SUPERIORITY. American Institute, New York, 1879. FIRST AWARD. Melbourne, Australia, 1880. SILVER MEDAL Matanzas, Cuba, 1881. The Only “AWARD OF MERIT” for Pills alone at the International and Sanitary Exhibition London, England, 1881- Testimonials. 11 At the INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL AND SAN- ITARY EXHIBITION, LONDON, August 1881, we were awarded THE ONLY “AWARD OF MERIT” FOR PILLS ALONE. Only Award for Pills, Brighton Health Con- gress, Scientific and Sanitary Exhibition, De- cember, 1881. W. II. Schieffelin & Co. 12 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s l»tr % Habttnf JPrriJasstm We ask your attention to the following advan- tages, which we claim are possessed by our Soluble Pills and Granules. 1. The materials used in their manufacture are invariably of the finest quality. 2. The various pills contain precisely the arti- cles designated in their formulas. No costly mate- rials being omitted, or replaced by others less expensive. 3. The materials are not in any case supplied short weight to meet'competition. 4. —All materials are weighed with scrupulous exactness. The accuracy of the subdivision accom- plished by our machinery is unattainable in extem- poraneous dispensing. Pills made to order on physicians’ prescriptions, ban be divided with only approximate exactness, and to make correctly only a few granules at a time in minute subdivisions is an impossibility. With us the liability to error is reduced to a minimum, for the chances of mistake in one skilled person making 5000 pills at once, as against one hundred persons making collectively the same number, are as one to one hundred. 5. —Our pills are coated while soft and are not injured by heat at any stage of the process of man- ufacture, so that vegetable or organic matters are not charred nor are volatile principles lost. Soluble Pills and Granules. 13 There is but one coating, which Is an inert, soluble compound, dissolving upon the tongue in all cases almost instantly, entirely tasteless, perfectly transparent and colorless, thus disclosing to the eye the exact color and api>earance of the pill-masses. (The resinous sul>-coating frequently found in coated pills of course impairs their solubility). In our transparent coating is secured a highly important advantage over pills on which opaque coatings, like sugar, etc., are employed, for in such coatings Pills of Quinine, Bin.-Iod. Mercury, Iodo- form, Cathartic Comp., and all others have pre- cisely the same outward appearance, while with our coating, each pill has a distinctive color: the Quinine Pill is white; the Bin.-Iod. Mercury, red ; the Iodoform, yellow; and the Cathartic Comp., if the U. S. P., is a rich brown, or if the “ Improved,” black. 7. Our coating, therefore, affords an almost infallible safeguard against mistakes in substituting one pill for another, either in putting up or in dispensing. In addition to this, the uniformity in shades of the characteristic colors of the various pills, furnishes conclusive evidence of the perfect dissemination and subdivision of the materials used. 8. Our pills are of minimum size, the coating being so thin as not to materially increase their bulk, while it is entirely sufficient to protect them from atmospheric influences, and to preserve the soluble condition of the mass. 9. The excipients employed are such as are best adapted to permanently secure a soft soluble condi- tion of the mass, so that with the protection afforded 14 Soluble Pills and Granules. by their coating, the action of the pills is surer and more speedy than that of uncoated pills not freshly made, and equally as prompt and thorough as that of those freshly made, while they possess the advan- tages over pills not coated that they can be swal- lowed without taste, and that substances like Proto-Salts of Iron, Phosphorus, etc., are effectually protected from oxidation. 10.—The perfection of finish which our pills and granules present, attests unequivocally the superior skill and care and the fine machinery used in their manufacture. Conscientiously appreciating the responsibility involved in manufacturing goods of this character, we employ every safeguard against error that thought and experience can suggest, and assure the profession that they may prescribe these pills with as much confidence as they would those made by their most trusted pharmacist or by themselves. Very truly, W. H. Schieffelin & Co., 170 and 172 William Street, New York. LIST OF Soluble Pills and Granules MANUFACTURED BY W. H. Schieffelin & Co., NEW YORK. ABERNETHY’S, Pulv. AloesSocot., 2 grs. Pulv. Ipecac., 5-6 gr. Pil. Hydrarg., 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyami, 2 grs (DOSE: 1 pill.] ACIDI ARSENIOSI, 1-60 gr., 1-50 gr., 1-40 gr., 1-30 gr., 1-20 gr. IDOSE: 1-iO to 1-20 prnln.] Th* araaniou. arid uaad la oar fraaulai li warrantad to ba pura, and Ita aubdWIaion abaotutaly accurata. Be particular to order Schieffelln'a Pilla. 16 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s [DOSE : 5 to 20 grains.] ACIDI SALICYLICI, 5grs. Salicylic Acid can not be given in a liquid form or in powder without causing an exceedingly disagreeable irritation in the throat and fauces. To remedy this evil, Salicylate of Sodium and other salts of the acid have been used ; but the free acid has a decidedly stronger ns well as a different medicinal effect. None of the many efforts made to present Salicylic Acid in a form unobjectionable to the patient have been successful, except the Coated Pill. Our Soluble Coated Pills are, therefore, a most eligible form in which to give it, the coating being an effectual protection against the disagreeable, bitter taste and irritating effect of the acid in the mouth, while the contents of the pill are at once liberated in the stomach. Whether or not the irritation produced on the mem- branes of the stomach by a pill is greater than that produced by the acid when simply suspended but not dissolved in a thick mixture, made with syrup, is, however, a question which deserves consideration. The pure white Salicylic Acid is the kind used in our pills. ACIDI SALICYLICI ET MORPH. SULPH., Acidi Salicylici, grs. Morph. Sulph., 1-12 gr. [DOSE: 1 to 8 pill..] Morphine has been found a very desirable addition to Salicylic Acid in the treatment of painful rheumatic affections. ACONITI>£ (Duquesnel’s Pure Alkaloid), 1-480 gr., 1-200 gr. * [DOSE : 1-480 to 1-200 grain.] This crystallized Aconitia is very much more powerful and uniform in effect than the amorphous alkaloid previously known. It has been thoroughly tested by eminent physicians of New York City, and found so much more reliable that we propose to use no other hereafter. It is found that 1-200 grain is the largest Be particular to order SchlefTelin’ii Pills. Soluble Pill, and Granules, 17 quantity •*fr to administer u a commencing adult doee, which may b« repeated at Intervals of two or throo hour* until numb- net*"1s produced, when tho remedy should bo stopped or inter milted. Its effects In Neuralgia are said to be surprising. The startlingly powerful character of thla remedy, however, should sever be loet sight of, and It ought not to be employed except under the watchful care of the attending physician. Remedial treatment in case ot an overdose consists of the hot bath, mustard to the epigastrium, and cnemata of oil of turpentine, laudanum, and nutriment. Be sure not to use the pure Alkaloid in the large dotes in which the amorphous “aconitin” is occasionally employed 1 ACONITI RAD. TINCT., U. S. P.,...!4 min. [DOSE ■ 1 to & Milt. 1 ALOES, U. S. P., Pulv. Aloes Socot., 2 grs. Pulv. Saponis, 2 grs. ' DOSK : UutWf, 1 to 8 pills; Purgmtlfo, 6 pills.] ALOES COMP., U. S. P. (Gentian Comp.), Ext. Gentian®, % gr. Pulv. Aloes Socot., % gr. Pulv. Khei, \% grs. Ol. Canii, 1-8 gtt. [DOSE: 1 to 4 pills.] ALOES ET ASSAFCETID/E, U. S. P., l’ulv. Aloes Socot., 1U grs. Pulv. Assafoetkl®, I1* grs. Pulv. Saponls, lHigrs. | DOSE : 2 to & pill.. | lie particular to order SchleflVlin’s IMlIx. 18 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s ALOES ET FERRI, 'Pulv. Aloes Socot., )4 gr. Ext. Conii, )4 gr. Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 gr. .Pulv. Zingib. Jam., 1 gr. [DOSE: 1 to 3 pllla.[ ALOES, HYOSCYAM1, NUC. VOM., ET IPECAC., Pulv. Aloes Socot., 2 grs. Ext. Hyosc.vami, 1 gr. Ext. Nuc. Vom., 4-15 gr. Pulv. Ipecac., 1-6 gr. [DOSE : l*or 2 pill«.] ALOES ET MYRRHA, U. S. P., Pulv. Aloes Socot., 2 grs. Pulv. Myrrh., 1 gr. Pulv. Aromatici, )4 gr. [DOSE: 3 to C pllla.] ALOES ET NUCIS VOMICA, Pulv. Aloes Socot., 1)4 grs. Ext. Nucis Vom., )4 gr. [DOSE : 1 or 2 pllli.] ALOES, NUCIS VOMICA ET BELLA- DONNA, Pulv. Aloes Socot., V/> grs. Ext. Nucis Vomicse, )4 gr. Ext. Belladonnse, Fol., % gr. [DOSE : 1 or 2 pllla.] ALOIN, 1-10 gr., 1-5 gr., gr., 1 gr. [DOSE : 1-10 to 2 graina.] Be particular to order SchiefTelin’g l’ille. Soluble Pills and Granules. 19 ALOIN ET STRYCHNI/E, Aloln, l-5gr. Strychnia;, 1-00 gr. [DOSE! lor2 pills.] ALOiN, STRYCHNI/E ET BELLADON/E, Aloln, 1-5 gr. Strychnine. * 1-60 gr. Ex! Fol. Belladonnas, % gr. ALTERATIVE, [DOSE i 1 pill.] Ext. Onioc. Comp., itu grs. Pulv. Kliet, grs. Pit. Hydrarg., 1 gr. Ol. Cuirui, 1-40 gtt. [DOSE t 1 to 3 pills.] AMMONII PICRAT. (Carbazotat.;, MkTmHk 1 gr. Plcrato (or Carbaiotatr) of Ammonium Is said to bo a prompt febrifuge as wsll as a to 1c. Doing Is best administered In tbs form boro presented. [DOSE : 1-4 (a I (rain.] ANDERSON’S (Scots', Pulv. Aloes, Barb., Pulv. Saitonis, 1 Milv ('(ilocviith.. Pulv. Gambogiw, Ol. Anisi, 3grs. [DOSE i 1 to 6 pills.] ANTI-BILIOUS (Vegetable), Ext. Ooloe. Comp., 2V$ gin. Kes. Podophylli, $4 gr. [DOSE i 1 to 4 pills.] He particular to order SrhleflVlin'N rill*. 20 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s ANTI-CHILL, Chinoidine, 1 gr. Ferri Ferrocyan., 1 gr. 01. Pip. Nig., 1 gtt. Acid. Arseniosi, 1-20 gr. [DOSE : 1 or 2 pills.] ANTI-DYSPEPTIC, Stryehniae, 1-40 gr. Ext. Belladonnae, Foh, 1-10 gr. Pulv. Ipecacuanliae, 1-10 gr. Pil. Hydrarg., 2 grs. .Ext. Coloc. Comp., 2grs. ANTIMONII COMPOSIT/E (Plummer’s), [DOSE: 1 or 2 pills.] Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., gr. Antimonii Oxysulph., J4 gr. Pulv. Guaiaci Resina:, 1 gr. [DOSE: 1 or 2 pills.] ANTI-PERIODIC, Cinchonidiae Sulph., * .] ASSAFCETID/E, 2 grs., 4 grs. Tb. SMsftetlda pills of tha U. S. P. ar. 4 (rain pills. ASSAFQETID/E COMP., Pulv. Assaf(»tidep, 2 grs. Kerri Sulph. Exsic., 1 gr. [DOSK i 1 or 2 pill..] ASSAFCETID/E ET RHEI, Ptilv. Assafeetidai, 1 gr. Pulv. Rhei, 1 gr. Ferrl Redact., 1 gr. [DOSE ! 1 or a pill*. ] ATROPI/E, 1-100 gr., I CO gr. [DOSE l 1-100 to 1-00 grain. ] Often preferred to the drug—Belladonna—on account of Its greater uniformity of character. BISMUTHI SUB-NITRAT., 3grs.,5grs. [DOSE: 2 to la grains.] CAFFEI/E CITRAT., 1 *r. [DOME : 1 to 6 grain*.] CALCII SULPHID., 1-10 gr.. }4 gr., Hi gr., 1 gr.. 2 grs., 3 grs. [DOSE | 1-10 to .1 IT rain..] Tbit salt, which under ordinary circumstaiH ♦*» rapidly spoilt, keeps well lu the Soluble coaUd Pill. CAMPHOR/E, «*r. [DOSE: I to 10 grains. 1 CAMPHOR/E ET HYOSCYAMI, Camphortr, 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 gr. [DUSK : 1 or 2 pill..] Be particular to order SchlelTelln’s PI1U. 22 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s CAMPHOR/E, HYOSCYAMI ET VALERIAN/E, Camphor®, 1 gr. Ext. Hyosoyami, 1 gr. Ext. Valerian®, J4 gr. [DOSE : 1 or 2 pills.] CAMPHORS ET LUPULIN, Camphor®, Vyn, grs. Lupulin, • 1 gr. [DOSE : 1 pill.] CAMPHOR/E MONO-BROM., 1 gr., 2 grs., 3 grs., 6 grs. [DOSE : 1 to G grains.] CATHARTIC COMP., U. S. P., Ext. Coloc. Comp., grs. Ext. Jalap® Pulv., 1 gr. Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., 1 gr. Pulv. Gambogi®, J4 gr. It is highly important that the best quality of Comp. Ext. Colo- cynth and other ingredients be used in making Comp. Cathartic Pills. Comp. Ext. Colocynth (so called) may be bought in market at prices below the first cost of the raw material for its preparation. We believe that in such caces one of the most important ingredients (Resin of Scammony), being very expensive, is either omitted altogether or represented by ordinary Scammony as a substitute, or the quantity used is graded to the price at which the finished ex- tract is to be sold. All the extracts used in our pills are manufactured in our own laboratory, and are warranted to be, not only in strict conformity with the officinal requirements, but also of carefully selected materials. [DOSE: 1 to 3 pills.] CATHARTIC COMP., U. S. P., Be particular to order Scliieffelin’s Pills. Soluble Pills and Granules. 23 CATHARTIC COMP. (Improved), Ext. Colocynth, Comp., 1J4 grs. Ext. Jalapa-, % gr. Res. Podophylli, % gr. Res.Leptandrae, % gr. Ext. Hyoscyami, Y gr. Ext. Gentianse, Yi gr. 01. Menth Pip., 1-40 gtt. [DOSE : 1 to 3 plUs.] CATHARTIC COMP. (Vegetable), 'Ext. Colocynth, Y gr. Res. Podophylli, Y gr. Pulv. Res. Scammon.,54 gr. Pulv. Aloes Socotrin.,lJ4 grs. Pulv. Cardamomi, 1-9 gr. „ Pulv. Saponis, % gr. CERII OXALATIS, lgr.,2grs. [DOSE : 1 to 3 pills.] CHINOIDINE,-- 1 gr., 2 gra., 3 grs. [DOSE : 1 to 3 grains.] [DOSE : 2 to 30 grains.] CINCHONA BARK SALTS, Quinise Sulph., J4 gr. Cinchonidise Sulpli., }Z gr. Quinidise Sulph., Yi gr. Cinchoniee Sulph., Y> gr. [DOSE : 1 or 2 pills.] This combination contains the most valued alkaloids derived from all the important varieties of Cinchona Bark. CINCHONI/E ALKALOID, 2 grs. [DOSE : 1 to 30 grains.] Be particular to order Schieffelin’s Pills. 24 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s CINCHONINE SULPHATIS, 1 gr., 2 grs., 3 grs., 5 grs. [DOSE: 1 to 20 grain..] CINCHONIDI/E ALKALOID, 2grs. [DOSE : 1 to 20 gralna.] CINCHONIDI/E SALICYLATIS, 2^grs. [DOSE : 2)4 to 10 grains.] “in severe neuralgic and rheumatic pains, have found it to be the beat remedy that we have tried.”—Prof. Victor C. Vaughan, in “Physician and Surgeon,” March, 1881. “ In a case of intense intercostal neuralgia, one pill (2)£ grs.) every two hours through the day, and occasional use of Morphia, perfectly relieved in four days. Have administered it in rheuma- tism with similar excellent results. “I am led to believe it one of the best preparations ever offered to the profession.”—Robert C. Kenner, M.D., Victor, Ark., “Louisville Med. News,” Feb. 26, 1881. CINCHONIDI/E SULPHATIS, l/< gr., 1 gr., 2 grs., 3 grs., 4 grs., 5 grs. [DOSE: 1 to 20 gruliu.] CINCHONIDI/E ET CAPSICI, Cinchonidise Sulph., 1 gr. Pulv. Capsici, J4 gr. [DOSE : 1 to 3 pills. ] CINCHONIDI/E ET CAPSICI, Cinchonidiee Sulph., 2 grs. Pulv. Capsici, % gr. CINCHONIDI/E COMP., [DOSE ! 1 or 2 pills.] Cinchonidise Sulph., 1 gr. Ferri Redact., 1 gr. Acidi Arseniosi, 1-32 gr. [DOSE : 1 pill, 2 or 3 times n day.] B« particular to order Schiefftlin’a Pilla. Soluble Pills and Oranules. 25 CODEI/E, 1-16 gr., gr. [DONE : X to 2 froliii.] COOK’S, Pulv. Aloes Soc., 1 gr. Pulv. Rhei, 1 gr. llydrarg. Cblor. gr. Pulv. Sapouis, J4 gr. IDOSK i 1 to < pi lb.] COPAIB/E COMP., Pulv. Culieba1, 2 grs. Pll. Copalb®, 1 gr. Kerri Sulpli. Exsic., U gr. Terebinth. Venot., xj gr. [DONE : 2 to 6 pills. ] DIGESTIVE, Pepsin, Pur., 1 gr.' Pancreatin Sacch., 1 gr. Ext. Mnlti. 1 gr. Calcli Ilypophospit., 1 gr.. I DONE: 1 pill.) DIGITALIN, PUR., i-ioogr„ i-00gr. [DOSK: 1-100 to l-ao grain, j Digitalin ii one of the moat variable preparations in the market, and hence tha conflicting atatamenta concerning ita properties. No alkaloid haa aa yet been discovered in Digitalia, tha Digitalin, so called, being a mixture of several substances. As made by the officinal process of the U. S. P. 1870 It is very unsatisfactory. F<*r the sake of the greatest uniformity practicable we invariably use Merck’s well-known product. DIGITALIS, PULV. FOL., «gr. DIGITALIS, TINCT., H min. [DONE : 1-2 to 2 grain*.] DIGITALIS COMP., Pulv. Digitalis, 1 gr. Pulv. Ncillae, 1 gr. Pulv. Potass. Nit., 2 grs. [DOSKi 1 pill.] He particular to order Srhleffoliu'g Pills. 26 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s DINNER (Chapman’s), Pulv. Aloes Soc., 1 gr. Pulv. Rhei. 1 gr. Gum. Masticli, 1 gr. [DOSE : 1 pill soon after dinner.] DINNER (Dr. Hall’s), Pulv. Aloes, Barb., 1 gr. Sapon. Pulv., 1 gr. Ext. Glycyrrh., 1 gr. Theriacae, 1 gr. DINNER (Lady Webster’s), [DOSE s X or 2 pills.] Pulv. Aloes Soc., 2 grs. Pulv. Gum Mastich., >4 gr. Pulv. Rosee Gallic®, 14 gr. ELATERII VIR., 1-30 gr., MOgr. [DOSE : 1 or 2 pills before the meal.] [DOSE : 1-30 to 1-10 grain.] We have retained these granules on our list because there is still a demand for Elaterium. We would, however, invite attention to the greater reliability of the White Elaterin (the active prin- ciple of Elaterium), which we now offer. ELATERIN ALB., 1-100gr., 1-20gr. [DOSE: 1-100 to 1-20 grain.] EMMENAGOGUE, Ergotin, 1 gr. Ext. Hellebori Nig., 1 gr. Pulv. Aloes Soc., 1 gr. Ferri Snlph. Exsic., 1 gr. 01. Sabin®, J4 mln- [DOSE : 1 to 8 pills.] “ERGOTIN ” (Ext. Ergot*), i gr., 3grs. [DOSE: 1 to 6 grains.] The demand for our u Ergotin 99 Pills has been very great. We have manufactured for a long time this Ergotin, which is more properly speaking a carefully prepared aqueous extract. Ke particular to order SrhicIVeliu's fills. Soluble Pills and Granules. 27 Hit “ Ergotin n of lh. market la of wrorai kind., anil goner ally unreliable. Our 3 grain pill effectually represents 15 to 17 grains of Ergot. ERGOTIN COMP. (Dr. Clement Godson'. Ergotin, 3 grs. Ext. Camiab. Indices, 1-6 gr. Strychnia;, 1-60 gr. [DOSE i 1 or S pill..] This pill was recommended to us hy Dr. Godson of London, who uses It largely In his extensive obstetrical practice ; he speaks very highly of Its great value, saying that the Strychnine increases the activity of the Ergotin, while the Indian Hemp tends to alleviate pain. EXTRACT. BELLADONN/E FOL., Mgr-, V\ gr-,Mgr- EXTRACT. CANNABIS INDIC/E, K fir-, Mgr- [DOS! i 1-8 to I-i rnln.] [DOBKl 1-4 to 1 grain.] The commercial extract of Cannabis Indlca Is so variable that It should never be used. Our pills contain the officinal extract made by ourselves from the Pennine “Ounjah,” which is the only Can- nabis Indlca recognised by the U. S. Pharuiacopcela. EXTRACT. CASCAR/E SACRAD/E, Vgn., 8 gra. (DOSE OF TIIE EXTRACT : As a laxative, 2 to 4 grains; as a Cathartic, 0 to 14 grains. ] Th. Extrmrt of Rhunnut Purthlsns (" Cucarm ”) which U the pre |*ration used In these pills, Is a very popular laxative. The hark of Rhamnus Frangula, which Is so extensively used in Europe, probably differs little, If any, In Its properties, from the hark of Rhamnus Purshiana. The Frangula l*rk, which Is not ready for use until about two years after Its collection, Is not read- ily obtained of satisfactory quality In the market, and hence the Cascara Sagrada, which is much more uniform in quality, Is also more reliable. EXTRACT. COC/E. Roe Extract. Erythroxyli. Be particular to order Sehleflfolln’s rills. 28 "W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s EXTRACT. COLOC. COMP. U. S. P., J4gr., 3 grs. [DOSE : % to 5 groins.] See remarks upon Extract Colocynth Comp, and Resin Scam- mony, under head of Cathartic Comp. EXTRACT. COLOC. COMP., BELLAD. ET HYDRARG., Pil. Hydrarg., 3 grs. Ext. Coloc. Comp., 2 grs. Ext. Belladon., Fol., 1-6 gr. [DOSE : 1 or 2 pills.] EXTRACT. COLOC. COMP., BELLAD. ET NUC. VOM., Ext. Coloc. Comp.. 3 grs. Ext. Belladon., Fol., J4 gr. Ext. Nuc. Vom., gr. EXTRACT. COLOC. COMP., ET HYDRARG., [DOSE s 1 or 2 pills.] Ext. Coloc. Comp., 3 grs. Hydrarg. Pil., 2 grs. [DOSE: 1 to 3 pills.] EXTRACT. COLOC. COMP., HYDRARG. ET IPECAC., Ext. Coloc. Comp., 2 grs. Hydrargyri Pil., 2 grs. Pulv. Ipecac., 1-6 gr. EXTRACT. COLOC. COMP., ET HYOSCYAMI, LOOSE : 1 to 3 pills.] Ext. Coloc. Comp., 2% grs. Ext. Hyoscyami, 1% grs. LDOSE: 1 pill.] He particular to order ScliielTelin's rills. Soluble Pills and Granules. 29 EXTRACT. COLOC. COMP., HYOSC. ET HYDRARG., Pil. Hvdrarg., 2 gin. Ext. Colne. Comp., 8 grs. Ext. llyoscyami, 1 gr. [IIONK : 1 nr a pill..] EXTRACT. COLOC. COMP., HYOSC. ET HYD. CHLOR. MIT., Ext. Coloc. Obmp.. 8 grs. Hydraiv- Chlor. Mlt., 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyaini, 1 gr. I honk : 11. a pin*.] EXTRACT. DAMIAN/E, 3grs. [DOSE : I I* 9 praln..] EXTRACT. DAMIANS, NUC. VOM. ET PHOSPHORI, Ext. Damian®, 2 grs. Ext. Nucis Yomicw, gr. Phosphor!, 1-100 gr. [HOSE : 1 or 2 pill..] EXTRACT. ERYTHR >XYLI (Coca\ 1 gr., 2 grs. [DOSE : 1 to 6 grains. | Owing to the alleged j>ower of thla substance to relieve or prevent muscular fatigue, the attention of the medical world has been largely directed to It. It is undoubtedly a valuable and powerful nervous stimulant. EXTRACT. EUCALYPTI CLOBULI, 2grs. [DOSE: 1 (• 4 gratae.] EXTRACT. FUCI VESICULOSI, 2grs. [ DUSK : * to 10 (train..] Ue part ir til ttr to oriler SrhiefTelin'e HI Hu. 30 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s EXTRACT. CELSEMII, Hgr., l gr. [DOSE : % to 3 grains.] EXTRACT. GRINDELI/EROBUST>E,3grs. [DOSE: 3 to 12 grains.] EXTRACT. GUARAN/E, lgr.,3grs. [DOSE: 2 to 10 grains.] Our 3 grain pill represents 9 grains of Guarana. EXTRACT. HYOSCYAMI, X gr., l gr. [DOSE : 1-2 to 2 grain..] English Hyoscyamus leaves ok the second year’s growth are used in the preparation of our extract, being lar more reliable thun any other now in the market. EXTRACT. JABORANDI. See Extract. Pilo- carpi Pennatifol. [DOSE: 1-4 to 1 grain.] EXTRACT. NUCIS VOMIOE, H gr., K gr. EXTRACT. OPII, Hgr., J4gr., 14 gr., 1 gr. [DOSE : 1-8 to 1-2 grain.] Aqueous Extract of Opium is practically Opium purified from Its inert impurities and from a portion of its Narcotine. It is preferred to crude Opium on account of its greater freedom from Narcotiue, which is said to cause headache, nausea, etc. EXTRACT. PILOCARPI PENNATIFOL. (Jaborandi), 1 gr.,234grs. [DOSE: 1 to 10 grains.] Physiological experiments made by Dr. Merkel correspond with those made previously by Dr. Riegei, and prove Jaborandi to be an energetic diaphoretic and sialagogue. Be particular to order Schieffelin’s Pilla. Soluble Fills and Granules. 31 EXTRACT. SUMBUL, i gr. [ DOSE i lor 2 pills.] EXTRACT. VALERIANS, igr.,8grs [DOSE: 10 to 80 grain.. ] FELLIS BOVINS, Sgrs. Fel. Bovini, 3 grs. Zingib. Jam. Pulv., 1 gr. [DOSK i 1 to a pills.] FERRI ARSENIATIS,- ...l-30fcr., MSgr., [DONE : 1-20 to 1-2 grain.] , DOSE i a to 10 groins. ] FERRI CITRATIS, 2grs. FERRI CITRAT. ET STRYCHNIA, Ferri Citrat.. 2 grs. Strycliiiiui Citrat., 1-50 gr. JIIOSK i 1 or a pills.] FERRI COMP., U. S. P., Pulv. Myrrh®, grs. Ferri Sulnh. Exslc., gr. Sodii Carbonatis, 94 gr. [DONE i 1 or 3 pill..] FERRI DIALYSATI l*r.,2grs. [DONE t 1 to & grain..] FERRI IODIDI (Blancard’s Formula), igr. [DOHK t 1 to S grains. ] “ Hlanrard’a Pill* ” art coated with resin, and there can be no doubt that our soluble coating is a vast improvement upon them. lie particular to order SchieflTeliu's I’ills. 32 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s FERRI LACTATIS., lgr. [DOSE: 1 or 2 grains.] This Ferrous Salt is by many considered one of the best forms ir which iron can be administered. FERRI PHOSPHATIS ET STRYCHNINE, Ferri Phosph., 2 grs. Strychnia}, 1-60 gr. [DOSE : 1 pill, 2 or 3 times a day. | FERRI PROTO-CARBONAT. (Vallet’s Mass.), 2 grs., 3 grs., 5 grs. [DOSE : 2 to 10 grains.] FERRI REDACTI; lgr. 2grs. [DOSE : 1 to 5 grains.] Quevenne’s Reduced Iron still continiusto ,jj a favorite form of administering this metal. FERRI TARTRAT. ET POTASSII, . .lgr. FERRI VALERIANATIS, K gr., 1 gr. [DOSE : 1 or £ pills.] [DOSE : 1-2 to *J grains.] FERRI ET QUINI/E CITRATIS, 1 gr , 2 grs., 3 grs., 5 grs. FERRI, QUINI/E ET STRYCHNI/E, [DOSE : 1 to 10 grains.] Ferri Redact., 1 gr. Quinise Sulph., 1 gr. Strychniee, 1-60 gr. [DOSE : 1 pill, 2 or 3 limes a day.] Be particular to order Schieffelin'i* l’llls. Soluble Pills and Granules 33 FERRI, OUINI/E ET STRYCHNI/E CITRAT., Ferri et Quinia> Citrat., 2 grs. Strychnia) Citrat., 1-60 gr. [DOSE : 1 pill, t or 4 Metre a day.] FERRI, QUINIlE ET STRYCHNI/E PHOSPHAT., Ferri Phosphat., 2 grs. OuiniaB Phosphat., 1 gr. Strychnin' Phosphat., 1-60 gr. FERRI, QUININE ET STRYCHNI/E PHOSPHAT., |l»OSE I 1 or 2 pill*, 2 or * time, a day.] Ferri Phosphat., 2 grs. Quinia' Phosphat., 1 gr. Strychniaj Phosphat., 1-30 gr. 1DONE t I pill, 9 or t tint re a day.] Two form, of thl. pill aro prepared, containing respectively 1-tW (r. and 1-30 gr. Strychnine. FERRUGINOUS tBIaud’s', Ferri Sulph., 1)4 grs. Potass. Carb., 1)4 grs. [DOSE : 2 to i pills./ FERRUGINOUS iBIaud’s), Ferri Sulph., 2)4 grs. Potass. Carb., 2)4 grs. [I*OSE s 1 to 3 pill..] Thaa* pllli »r. admirably adapted for th« auimllation of iron, •• the ingredients react upon each other to fonn Protoxide of iron, which, owing to the protection afforded hv the soluble coating, remains unaltered until freed for acliou by the stomach juice*. U« particular to order Srhleflelju'* 1’ilU. 34 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s HEIM’S (Niemeyer), Quiniae Sulph.. 1 gr. Pulv. Digitalis, Fol., gr. Pulv. Ipecac., )4 gr. Pulv. Opii, J4 gr. [DOSE ! 1 pill, 3 times a day.] HOOPER’S Pulv. Aloes Socot., 24-25 gr. Ferri Nulph., 12-25 gr. Ext. Hellebori Nig., 6-25 gr. Pulv. Myrrh., 6-25 gr. Pulv. Saponis, 6-25 gr. Pulv. Canellfle Albae, 2-25 gr. Pulv. Zingib. Jam., 3-25 gr. HYDRARGYRI PIL. (U. S. P„), gr., 1 gr., 3 grs., 5 grs. [DOSE : 1 to 8 pills.] [DOSE : 1 to 15 groins.] These pills, % and 1 grain, are put up to accommodate physi • cians who prefer to give this remedy in smaller doses, frequently repeated. HYDRARGYRI CHLORIDI CORROS.: (Corrosive Sublimate), 1-60 gr., 1-50 gr., 1-40 gr., 1-30 gr., 1-20 gr., 1-12 gr. [DOSE: 1-00 to 1-0 grain.] HYDRARG. CHLORIDI MIT. (Calomel), J4 gr-, H gr., 1 gr., 2 grs., 3 grs., 5 grs. [DOSE : 1-1 to 10 groins.] HYDRARC., CHLOR. MIT. ET OPII, Hydrarg. Chlor. Mit., 2 grs. Pulv. Opii, 1 gr. [DOSE i 1 pill.] lie particular to order Schieffelin’s Pills. Soluble Pills and Granules. 35 HYDRARG., CHLOR. MIT. ET RHEI, Hydrarg. Chlor. Mlt., Ifj gr. Ext. Rhci, t,; gr. Ext. Coloc. Comp., gr. Ext. Hyoneyumi, l-ogr. IIMISK i 1 to 8 pills. ] HYDRARG., CUM CRETA., Kvr. [WO*E t t to 10 gralue.] HYDRARG. IODIDI RUBRI, 1-SBgr., 1-16gr. [DOM-. 1 1-26 lo l-H rroln.] HYDRARG. IODIDI VIRID., 1-0 gr., 1-6 gr., V4gr., gr. [DOShi 1-H lo 2 ] Theta detlrabfe alterative remedies caiiMt In* |fi\en in n more •ate, pleasant, effective, ttcurtto, and i*uavtiitnt form than it her# oflitrad. Prot. Iodide Mercury it converted into Bin-lodlde by Iodide Potataluni; they ahould not therefore be given together. HYOSCYAMI/E ‘Pure, Crystallized Alkaloid', -i-awgr.. i-au) gr.. i-mo gr.. i-*)gr. [DOS! l 1-300 Is 1-100 KT>ia.] IODOFORMI, itfr. I MONK < 1 or 2 itrnliu. ] Thlt it doubtleat the inoal convatianl forui in which Iodoform >‘«tt be administered. IODOFORMI ET FERRI, Ferri Redact., yuevenues, I gr. Iodoforml, 1 fr. [BOSK : 1 to 3 pill., 3 time. » Sulph., U gr. Kxt. Hyoscyami, xgrs. Camphor®, 1 gr. ■(A'* [DOSE ■ 1 pill.] MORPHI/E COMP. (Dr. Hubbard’*), Morphia* Sulph.. 1-6 gr. Ext. Hyoscyami, 2 grs. Camphora\ 1 gr. (B' [DOSE i 1 pill.] He particular to order Sehleffelln'i Pills. 38 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s MORPHI/E COMP. (Dr. Hubbard’s), MorphiaeSulph., Jdgr. Ext. Hyoscyami, 2 grs. Camphorae, 1 gr. ■(C) [DOSE! 1 pill.] NEURALGIC (Dr. Gross’), Quiniae Sulph., 2 grs MorphiaeSulph., 1-20 gr. Strychniae, 1-30 gr Acidi Arseniosi, 1-20 gr. Ext. Aconiti, Fol., J4 gr. [DOSE : 1 pin.] NEURALGIC (Dr. Gross’), without Morphine. NEURALGIC (Brown-Sequard’s), [DOSE 1 1 pill.] Ext. Hyoscyami, % gr.' Ext. Conii, % gr. Ext. Ignat. Amarae, 14 gr. Ext. Opii, gr. Ext. Aconiti Fol., % gr. Ext. Cannab. Ind., J4 gr. Ext. Stramon., 1-5 gr. .Ext. Belladonnas, Fol., 1-6 gr.. [DOSE t 1 pill.] OPII, PULV., H gr., Y\ gr., )4 gr. [DOSE; 1*8 to 1 grain.] OPII, U. S. P., .'—1 gr. [DOSE : 1 grain.] OPII ET CAMPHORS, Pulv. Opii, 1 gr. Camphoric, 2 grs. [DOSE i 1 pill.] OPII, CAMPHOR/E ET ACIDI TANNICI, Pulv. Opii, J4 gr. Camphorae, 1 gr. Acid Tannici, 2 grs. [DOSE ! 1 or 2 pills.] Be particular to order SehiefTelin’v Pills. Soluble Pills and Granules. 39 OPII ET PLUMBI ACETAT., Tulr. Opii, hi gr. Pluinbi Acet., 1 J-a grs. [DOSE i 1 or a pi I Is. | PEPSIN SACCHARAT.,’ [DOS* I a to to Sraln».| hi gr-. 1 Kr-. 2 grs., 8 gis., 5 grs. Our Saccharated Pepsin la warranted lobe pure, and equal in digestive power to aay other which has come to our notice. Ton parUof this Pspsln dissolved In 150 parts of Water and 3 ports of Hydrochloric Arid will dissolve 190 to 160 parts ot Coagulated Egg-Albumen at 104* ¥., In a few hours. PEPSIN ET BISMUTHI, Pepsin Sacch., 2 grs. Hismutlii Sub. Nit., 3 grs. [dose i a or t pill*.] Combinations of Pepsin and Bismuth are to generally used that they are found on almost every lUt of pharmaceutical preparations. Owing to the fact, however, that both agents are difficult to keep to- gether In permanent solution, one requiring a somewhat acid mens- truum, while the other, on the contrary, demands a neutral or an al- kaline one, liquid preparations of Pepsin and Bismuth are certainly theoretically If not practically Inconsistent and unsatisfactory. In our Soluble Pills, however, the two remedlee ere blended in their pure and unaltered state, as they never ran be in any liquid preparation. PEPSIN, BISMUTHI ET STRYCHNI/E, Pepsin Sacch., 8U grs. Hismutlii Sub. Nit., 2tZ grs. strychnia1, 1-60 gr. [DOSE iltrl pill*.] Th.r. ar« f.w rombln.tioni mor. popular than this fn the Materia Medlra, and there It no form more euitable for It than the one we here peanut. See the note under Pepaln and Diemuth, above. He particular to order Srlile(TVIin'* 1*1 11k. 40 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s PETROLEI COMP., Petrolei, 1 gr. Picis Liquid*. 1 gr. Strychni® Sulpli., 1-100 gr. Magnesi® Carb., U> gr. Ol. Gaultheri®, 1-10 gtt. [DOSE : 1 to 3 pills.] PHOSPHORI, 1-100 gr., 1-00 gr., 1-50 gr., 1-25 gr., 1-20 gr. In our pills the Phosphorus is incorporated with the other ingre- dients while in solution so as to effect a uniform and thorough diffusion. The Phosphorus is perfectly protected from oxidation, which may be readily ascertained by cutting one of the pills, how- ever long It may have been kept. At the same time the excipients with which the Phosphorus is mixed, sufficiently dilute the mass to prevent the degree of irritation which is liable to follow when amass strongly charged with phosphorus comes in contact with the mucous surfaces. Hence the several Phosphorus Pills, though each contain- ing small and different quantities of the active ingredient, are all of a medium size. [DOSE: l-too to 1-20 groin.] PHOSPHORI COMP., Phosphori, 1-100 gr. Ext. Nucis Vomicae, Y\ gr. [DOSE : 1 or 2 pills.] It will be observed that we prepare two forms of this pill, one containing 1-100 gr., the other 1-60 gr. of Phosphorus, the quan- tity of Ext. Nux Vomica being the same gr.) in each. PHOSPHORI COMP., [DOSE : 1 pill.] Phosphori, 1-60 gr. Ext. Nucis Vom'cae, J4 gr. PHOSPHORI COMP., WOSE : 1 to 2 plll«.] Phosphori. 1-50 gr. Ext. NuxVom., 14 gr. Be particular to order Schieffeliu’s l’llls. Soluble Pills and Grannies. 41 PHOSPHORI ET FERRI, Phosphori, 1-100 gr. Kerri Redact, 1 gr. [DOSE : 1 lo S pill!.] PHOSPHORI, FERRI ET NUCIS VOMIC/E, Phosphori, 1-100 gr. Kerri Phosphat., gr. Kxt. Nucia vomica!, gr. pose ■ 1 to 8 pill*. | PHOSPHORI, NUCIS VOMIC/E ET CANTHARIDIS, Phosphori. 1-50 gr. Pulv. Nucis Vomic®, 1 gr. Concent. Tinct. Canthar., 1 min. PHOSPHORI ET STRYCHNIA, .pose ri pui.y Phosphor!, 1-50 gr. 8 try oho., 1-60 gr. PILOCARPINE MURIATIS, Her [ DOSE t 1 or a pill*.] [DOSE i 14 to 1-4 a rain. ] The Hydrorhlormt# (Muriate) le the meet eligible of the Salt* of the Alkaloid of JahorandL PIPERIN COMP., Piperin, W gr. Hyd. Chlor. Mit.. gr. IDOSK t 1 or 8 plIU.] PODOPHYLLIN 'Resinae Podophylll), H JO--, M gr., b, gr., lgr. Plperfn te believed to b# on# of the beet adjuvant* of calomel. [DOSE i 1-8 to 1 grain.] Us particular to order Sehleffrelin'i Pill*. 42 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s PODOPHYLLI (Dr. E. R. Squibb’s), Resin® Podophylli, gr. Ext. Belladon., Fol., y gr. Capsici, y gr. [DOSE : 1 or 2 pills.] PODOPHYLLIN COMP., Resin. Podophylli, y gr. Ext. Hyoscyami, % gr. Ext. Nucis Vomicae. 1-16 gr. PODOPHYLLI COMP. (Dr. Janeway’s), [DOSE : 1 or 2 pills.] Resinee Podoph., y gr. Pulv. Aloes, Socot., 1 gr. Ext. Belladon., Fol., J4 gr. Ext. Nuc. Vom., y± gr. [DOSE : 1 pill.] PODOPHYLLIN ET HYDRARG., Resin. Podophylli, y, gr. i Pil. Hydrarg., 2% grs. 1 [DOSE : 1 pill.] PODOPHYLLIN ET LEPTANDRIN, Resin Podophylli, % gr. Resin Leptandr®, 1 gr. [DOSE : 1 or 2 pills.] POST PARTUM (Dr. Fordyce Barker’s), Ext. Coloc. Comp., 1J4 grs. Hyd. Chlor. Mit., grs. Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-3 gr. Ext. Nuc. Vom., 1-6 gr. Pulv. Aloes, Soc., 1-6 gr. .Pulv. Ipecac., 1-6 gr. [DOSE : 1 pill.] QUINI/E ARSENIATIS, l-i6gr„ [DOSE : Mft to 1-8 grain.] Re particular to order Schieffelln’s Pill*. Soluble Pills and Granules, 43 QUINI/E BROMIDI, M gr., 1 gr., 2 grs., 3grs. [DOSKi 1 to le graiue.) ** Bromide of Qninia” (or, more properly speaking, Hydrobro- mate of Quinine), Is so extensively used that we have placed these pills on our list for the convenience of physicians. QUINI/E MURIATIS, 14 gr., 1 gr., 8 grs., 8 grs., 5 grs. [DOSK . 1 to 20 train..] The Hydrochlorate of Quinine (commonly called “ Muriate of QuinineM), Is far more soluble In water than the Sulphate, the former requiring only parts, while the latter salt requires nearly MOO parte (see Nat. Pisp.). Another advantage Is, that it is In com- bination with the particular acid natural to the stomach, and necessary for digestion. QUINI/E SALICYLATIS, 1 gr.. 2«grs. IDOSKt 1 to lj grains.] QUININE SULPHATIS, U gr., M Kr., 1 gr., 2 gru., 3 grs., 4 grs., 5 grs. [DOSK i 1 to 20 grains. | Notwithstanding the recent large Increase in the use of the cheaper Alkaloids of the Cinchona Barks, notably the Ctnchonidlse and Qulnidun Sulphates, due to their lower cost, we are of the opinion that the time has not come to determine finally whether U..yara to be accepted by the medical profession as satisfactory substitutes for Sulphate Qutnle. We would be glad to hare any of our Soluble Pills subjected to intelligent test, but as the medicine most in demand in pilular form Is Quinine, we particularly court a critical examination of our Quinine Pills, and desire that they be subjected to the test either of analysis or of therapeutic effect.* This scrutiny Is Invited with confidence, as we Invariably use blenched Sulphate of Quinine, of the best brands, In full and exact weights, and because the eminently satisfactory results following their administration have called forth so many cordial and entirely unsolicited commendations, both verbal and written, from physi- cians. •The following process of analysis Is at one# simple and reliable Remove iho coaling from pills representing say twenty grains of Quinine. Separate Quinine from excipient by rubbing the pills in a B* particular to order Kchlrffrlin'ii IMIU " 44 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s mortar with two ounces water, until a perfectly smooth mixture is obtained, and then dissolving the quinine salt by aid of a few drops of dilute Sulphuric Acid and filtering. Precipitate the Quinine by treating the filtrate with Aqua Ammonise in excess, and pour upon a filter. After the liquid has passed, wash the precipitate left on the filter, hv passing one ounce of water through it. Drv it on the filter by gentle heat. Subject ten grains of it to the TEST FOlf QUININE, pub- lished in the U. S. Pharmacopeia, as follows: “ When ten grains of the salt are agitated in a.test-tube with ten minims of officinal Water of Ammonia, and sixty grains of Ether, and allowed to rest, the resulting liquid separates into two trans- parent and colorless layers, without any white or crystalline matter at the surface of contact.” Any such matter floating there would indicate the presence of Cinclionia, Cinchonidia, or Quinidia. OUINI/E BISULPHATIS, Her., }4 gr., 1 gr., 2 grs., 3 grs., 4 grs., 5 grs. [DOSE: 1 to 20 grain..] Quinine Bisulphate contains a little over B9 per cent, of the pure alkaloid. It is soluble in about 10 parts of water, being the most soluble of the several quinine salts now used in medicine. Its ready solubility would probably make It more promptly active than the Quinine Sulphate. It requires, however, 25 per cent, more of the Bisulphate than of the Sulphate to represent the same amount of alkaloid. OUINI/E VALERIANATIS,.-H gr., 1 gr., 2 grs. OUINI/E, ACIDI ARSENIOSI ET NUCIS 'VOMIC/E, [DOSE : 1 to 3 grain*. ] Quinise Sulph., 1 gr. Acidi Arseniosi, 1-00 gr. Ext. Nucis Vomicae, J4 gr. [DOSE ! 1 or 2 pills.] OUINI/E, ACONITI ET MORPH. (Crosby’s Fever), 1 Quinian Sulpli., grs. Ext. Fol. Aconiti, 1-0 gr. ( Morphia; Hydrobrom., 1-20 gr. [DOSE ! 1 or 2 pills.] lie particular to order Scliielfeliu’g 1*11 Is. Soluble Pills and Granules. 45 OU1NI/E, ALOES ET STRYCHN. COMP. 'MIT. (Hubbard’s), Quiniae Sulph., 1 gr. Pulv. Aloes Soc., }4 gr. Piperin., 34 gr. Strychn. Sulph., 1-50 gr. [DOSE : 1 pill.] OUINI/E, ALOES ET STRYCHN. COMP. FORT. (Hubbard’s), Quiniae Sulph., 134 grs. Pulv. Aloes. Soc., % gr. Piperin., % gr. Strychn. Sulph., 1-40 gr. [DOSE : 1 pill.; QUININE ET ALOES, Quiniae Sulph., y± gr. Pulv. Aloes Socot., 34 Sr- DOSE : 1 pill. QUININE ET CAPSICI, ]DOSE : 1 to 3 pills.; Quiniae Sulph., 1 gr. Pulv. Capsici, 34 Sr- OUINI>E ET CAPSICI, Quiniae Sulph., 2 grs. Pulv. Capsici, J4 gr. [DOSE : 1 pill.] QUININE COMP., Quiniae Sulph., 1 gr. Ferri Redact, 1 gr. Acidi Arseniosi, 1-32 gr. [DOSE : 1 or 2 pills.] QUININE ET FERRI, Quiniae Sulph.,1 gr. Ferri Redact., 1 gr. ;dose : 1 pill.] lie particular to order Schieffelin’s Pills. 46 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s QUINI/E COMP. ET EXT. TARAXACI, Quinine Bisulph.. 114 grs. Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 2 grs. Acidi Arseniosi, 1-24 gr. Ext. Taraxaci, 114 g1-s- QUINI/E ET FERRI CARBONAT., [DOSE : 1 pill.] Quinine Sulph., 1 gr Ferri Carb. (Vallet's Mass), 2 grs. QUINI/E, FERRI ET NUCIS VOMIC/E, [DOSE : 1 or 2 pills.] Quinine Sulph., 1 gr. Ferri Carb. (Vallet’s Mass). 2 grs. Ext. Nucis Vomicne, J4 gr- [DOSE : X or 2 pilb.] QUINl/E, PHOSPHORI ET FERRI, Quinine Sulph., 1 gr. Phosphori, 1-100 gr. Fern Carb. (Yallet’s Mass), 1 gr. [DOSE : 1 or 2 pills.] OUINI/E, PHOSPHORI, FERRI ET 'NUCIS VOMIC/E, Quinine Sulph., 1 gr. Phosphori, 1-100 gr. Ferri Carl). (Vallet’s Mass), 1 gr. Ext. Nucis Vomicse, J4 gr- [DOSE : 1 pill.] QUINI/E, PHOSPHORI, ET NUCIS 'VOMIC/E, Quinine Sulph., 1 gr. Phosphori, 1-60 gr. Ext. Nucis Vomicse, gr. [DOSE i 1 pill.] Be particular to order SchlefTelin’s Pills. Soluble Pills and Granules. 47 QUINI/E, PHOSPHORI ET NUCIS VOMIC/E, Quininr* Sulph., 1 gr. l'ho«phoH, 1-50 gr. Ext. Nucis Vomica?, gr. QUININE ET STRYCHNI/E, [DOSE : 1 pill.] (Juinin> Snlph., 1 pr. Strychnia*, l-tv> gr. QUINI/E ET STRYCHN. COMP., j DOSE : 1 «r 2 pill..] Quinia* Sulph., 1 gr. Ferri Redact., 1 pr. Strychnia*, 1-20 pr. Acidi Arseniosi, 1-30 pr. [POSE i 1 pill.] OUlNIDI/t SULPHATIS, J*gr„ lgr., 2 grs., 8 grs., 4 grs., 5 grs. [DOSF: 1 to 20 grains.J For result* of com para tlv* therapeutic trials of the sulphates of Qitlnidlns, Quinine, Cinchouwiine, and Cinchonine, see the report of the Com mission appointed by the Government of Madras, India, fh 1 »»>6. referred to in Fluckl|jer k Hanbury’s Pharmaco. graphia, from which it would appear that said Commission found the relative curative powers of these salts In malarial fevers to rank In the order in which they are named above. RHEI, PULV., [POSE : 1-2 to 10 grain*. ] RHEI COMP., U. S. P., Pulr. Rhei, 2 prs. Pulv. Aloes Socot., prs. Pulv. Myrrh., 1 pr. 01. Men'th. Pip., 1-lOgtt. [POKE i 1 u 4 pill..) lie particular to order ftchleffelln'a Pills. 48 W. H. Schieffelin & Company’s RHEI ET HYDRARCYRI, Pil. Hydrarg., 2J4 grs. Pulv. Rhei, 1 gr. Sodae Carb. Exsie., ]4 gr. [DOSE : 1 or 2 pills.] RHEI ET SODII CARB., Pulv. Rhei, 2 grs. Pulv. Sodii Carb. Exsic., 1 gr. [DOSE: 1 to 3 pills.] RHEI, U. S. P., Pulv. Rhei, 3 grs. Pulv. Saponis, 1 gr. RHEUMATIC, [DOSE : 1 to B pills.] Ext. Coloc. Comp., 1U> gr. Ext. Colch. Acet., 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyami, % gr. Hyd. Chlor. Mit., gr. [DOSE : 1 to 3 pills.] SALICIN, 1 gr., 2 grs., 3 grs. 5 grs. [DOSE ? 2 to 30 grain*.] SANTONIN, 1 gr., [DOSE: 1 to 5 grains.] SANTONIN ETHYDRARC.CHLOR.MIT., Santonin, 1 gr. Hyd. Chlor. Mit., 1 gr. One of the most prompt and successful remedies for Intestinal worms. [DOSE : 1 pill.] STRYCHNI/E, 1-100 gr., 1-60 gr., 1-50 gr., 1-40 gr., 1-32 gr., 1-30 gr., 1-20 gr. [DOSE: 1-100 to 1-20 grain.] STRYCHNI/E SULPHAT., 1-200 gr., MOOgr. [DOSEs 1-100 to 1-20 groin.] He partirulnr to order Schleffelin's Pills. Soluble Pills and Granules. 49 STRYCHNI/E COMP., Strychnlsr*, 1-100 gr. Phosphor!, 1-100 gr. Ext. Cannabis Ind., 1-16 gr. Ginseng, 1 gr. Ferri Carb., 1 gr. TONIC 4 gr. DUSK : 1 to S pill..] TRIPLEX (Dr. Francis’*, Pulv. Scaminonii, Virg., 11-5 grs. Pulv. Aloes Hoc., 1 1-6 grs. PiL Hydrarg., 11-5 grs. 01. Tiglli, 1-80 min. Ol. Carui, \\ min. Tinct. Aloes et Myrrh., q. s. [DOSE : 1 or S pill..] ZINCI OXIDI, lgr.,2grs. [IMht : 1 to 1U |ruin».j ZINCI PHOSPHIDE i-i2gr.,i-0gr.,Hrr.,«gr. [DOSE i 1-12 to 1- 2 grain. ] ZINCI PHOSPHIDI ET NUCIS VOMIC/E, Zinci I’hosphidi, 1-10 gr. Ext. Nucis VomioB, *4 t>r- [DUSK l 1 lo $ pill..] ZINCI VALERIAN ATIS, H gr., * gr.,1 gr. DOSE l 1 In i grain.. ] lie particular to order SrhielTeliu'a Pill* 50 Ther. Classification of Remedies. Therapeutical Classification of Remedies, Alteratives Antimony; Arsenic; Ferri Iodidmn; Mercury; (Leptandrin; Podophyllin). Anodynes—Aconite; Aconitine; Atropine; Bella- donna ; Camphor; Cannabis Indica; Conium; Gelsemium ; Lupulin ; Hyoscyamus; Ilyoscy- amine; Morphine; Opium; Stramonium. Anti-Anaemics—Iron preparations; especially eligi- ble are the Carbonate (Vallet’s and Blaud’s), Lactate, Oxalate, and Reduced Iron. Anti-Emetics—Belladonna; Bismuth; Cerium Ox- alate. Anthelmintics—Kousso ; Santonin; Calomel. Antiperiodics—Arsenic; Cinchona Alkaloids. Antispasmodlcs—Asafoetida; Atropine; Belladonna; Camphor; Cannab. Indica; Conium; Hyoscya- mus ; Hyoscyamine; Pil. Aloes et Asafoet.; Sumbul; Stramoniinn; Valerian ; Valerianates ; Zinc Oxide ; Zinc Valerianate. Aperients—See Cathartics. Aphrodisiaca—Belladonna; Pamiana; Phosphorus; Nux Vomica. Astringents—Ergotin; Tannin; Lead Acetate. Cathartics— Mild: Belladonna, Ox-gall, Nux Vomica; Fran- gula; Cascara Sagrada. Active Aperients: Aloes, Colchicum ; Jalap; lep- tandrin ; Podophyllin. Drastics, or Hydragogues : Camboge ; Colocynth ; Elaterium; Calomel; Scammony. Ther. Classification of Remedies. 51 Cholagogue—Mercury; Podophyllum. Diaphoretics—Antimony; Belladonna; Camphor; Colchicum; Pulv. Ipecac, et Opii. Diuretics— Belladonna ; Cantharides; Colchicum; Co(>aiba; Cubeb; Digitalis. Kcbollcs—Ergotin. Emetics—Tartar Emetic; Mercury Subsulphate. Emiaenavogues—Pil. Aloes et Myrrhse ; Ergotin with Ilyoscyamus; Reduced Iron. Ilirmatliilcs—Iron preparations. Hypnotics-Cannabis Indica ; Codeine; Conium; Ilyoscyamus ; Hyoscyamine ; Lupulin ; Mor- phine; Opium; Sumbul. Lax at Wes—.See Cathartics. .Narcotics—Belladonna; Atropine; Conium; Can- nabis Indica ; Ilyoscyamus ; Lactucarium ; Morphine; Opium; Stramonium. Purgatives—Sec Cathartics. Sedat Wes— Digitalis; Acetate ; Veratrum VI- ride; Physostigma; Aconite; Aconitine; Atro- pine; Belladonna; Camphor; Cerium Oxalate; Colchicum; Conium ; Hyoscyamus; Hyoscya- mine ; Lactucarium; Morphine; Opium; Mono- bromated Camphor; Bismuth; Cerium Oxal- ate ; Zinc Oxide. Soporifics—See Anodynes. Stimulants— Hepatic: Aloes; Ipecac; Rhuharb; Sod. Rali- cylate. Intestinal: Calomel. Hepatic and Intestinal: Colchicum ; Colocynth ; Jalao ; Leptandrin ; Podophyllin; Scammony. 52 Ther. Classification of Remedies. Spinal: Cannabis Indica ; Cantharides; Ergotin ; NuxVomica; Phosphorus; Strychnine. Stomachic: Asafcetida; Capsicum; Piper. Stomachics—Cinchona Alkaloids; Gentian; Guara- na; Lupulin; Nux Vomica; Rhubarb; Strych- nine. Suiloriflcs—See Diaphoretics. Tonics— Stomachic: Cinchona Alkaloids; Pil. Aloes et Ferri; Guarana; Lupulin; Nux Vomica; Salicin ; Strychnine. Nervine: Arsenic; Cerium Oxalate; Strychnine. Blood Tonics : Iron preparations. Vermifuges—See Anthelmintics. Index of Diseases and Remedies. 53 INDEX OF DISEASES AND REMEDIES. This table may serve as an aid to the memory. F.very table of this kind must necessarily be subject to the discriminating judgmentof the practitioner, there being such radical differences of opinion as to the merits of this or that remedy in the varying phases of the several diseases. In fact, although the data here are all obtained from the highest authorities, we purposely omit to name these authorities, in order that the table may not l>e used except to refresh the memory. It is further to bo particularly noticed, that the list includes almost exclusively such remedies as are presented by us in the form of Soluble Pills and Granules, its chief object being to suggest the extensive usefulness of these. Abscess: Calcium Sulphide. Adynamia: Digitalis; Iron; Nux Vomica; Pil Ferri et Aloes. After-Pain*: Camphor ; Gelsemium. Ague: (See Intermittent Fever). Alcoholism: Cinchona Alkaloids ; Lupulin ; Nux Vomica); Zinc Oxide. Amaurosis: Ergot; Phosphorus ; Strychnine. Amenorrhcta; Aconite ; Aloes ; Arsenic ; Ergot ; Iron ; Iron Arseniate ; Iron Iodide ; Pil. Aloes et Ferri ; Pil. Aloes et Myrrhm ; Pilulie Ferri Co. ; Blancard's Pills. 54 Index of Diseases and Remedies. Anaemia: Arsenic ; Iron ; Iron Arseniate ; Iron, Quinine and Strychnine ; Pepsin ; Phosphorus. Aneurism : Ergot; Veratrum Viride. Angina Pectoris: Arsenic; Morphine; Opium. Aphonia: Atropine. Ascarides: Ferri Iodidum. Ascites: Elaterium ; Pilocarpus. Asthma: Arsenic; Belladonna; Caffeine; Grin- delia ; Hyoscyamus ; Morphine ; Opium ; Pilo- carpus ; Quinine ; Strychnine ; Zinc Oxide. Biliousness: Aloes ; Colocynth ; Podophyllum ; Rhubarb ; Cathartics ; Mercury ; Pil. Rliei Co. ; Antibilious Pills ; Coloc., Blue Pill and Ipecac ; Cook's Pills : Triplex Pill, etc. Bladder, Debility of: Strychnine. Bladder, Irritable: Belladonna ; Camphor ; Hyo- scyamus : Pil. Copaiba; Co. Bladder, Catarrh of: Belladonna; Pil. Copaiba; Co. ; Quinine. Boils: Arsenic ; Calcium Sulphide. Bright's Disease: Digitalis ; Ergot; Iron ; Pilo- carpus! Bronchitis, Acute: Aconite ; Morphine with Qui- nine ; Pulv. Ipecac, et Opii; Tartar Emetic. Bronchitis, Chronic: Arsenic; Camphor; Digi- talis ; Iron; Iron, Quinine and Strychnine; Myrrh ; Opium ; Pil, Galbani Co. ; Pulv. Ipecac, et Opii; Salicylic Acid. Cancer: Arsenic ; Conium. Catarrh: Aconite ; Belladonna ; Morphine ; Pulv. Ipecac, et Opii; Quinine. Index of Diseases and Remedies. 55 Cerebral Anaemia: Asafcetlda ; Camphor ; Iron ; Nux Vomica; Phosphorus ; Strychnine : Va- lerian. Cerebral Congestion: Arsenic; Cathartics ; Col- chicum ; Elaterium ; Elaterin ; Gelsemium. Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis: Aconite ; Ergot; Gel- semium ; Opium ; Quinine. Chlorosis: Arsenic ; Iron ; Iron Arseniate ; Iron Valer. ; Nux Vomica ; Pepsin ; Pil. Ferri Carb.; Strychnine. Cholera: Camphor, Opium. Chordee: Belladonna ; Caffeine ; Camphor ; Col- chicum ; Lupulin ; Opium. Chorea: Arsenic; Asafcetida; Camphor; Camphor Monobrom. ; Cerium Oxalate ; Conium : Hyos- cyamus ; Iron; Iron Arseniate; Morphine; Nux Vomica ; Opium ; Physostigma ; Strychnine ; Valerian ; Zinc Oxide ; Zinc Sulphate ; Zinc Valerianate. Cirrhosis: Arsenic. Colic: Asafcntida ; Guarana ; Morphine ; Opium. Constipation: Aloes ; Arsenic ; Asafcetida : Bella-' donna ; Gamboge ; Colocynth ; Elaterium ; Ela- terin ; Jalap; Nux Vomica; Pil. Alces Co.; Pil. Rhei Co.; Physostigma; Podophyllum ; Cathartics ; Aperient Pills ; Podopyllin with Ext. of Bellad. ; Strychnine. Convulsions: Belladonna ; Monobromated Cam phor; Opium ; Physostigma ; Veratrum Viride. Cough: Belladonna ; Camphor; Cannab. Ind. ; Codeine.; Grindelia; Ipecac. ; Morphine; Opium; Stramonium. 56 Index of Diseases and Remedies. ;Croup • Hydrargyri Subsulphas ; Quinine. Debility: Iron ; Iron, Quinine and Strychnine; Phosphorus : Pil. Aloes et Myrrhae; Quinine. Debility of Digestive Organs: Ignatia ; Iron ; Iron Phosphate ; Iron and Strychnine ; Nux Vomica ; Pepsin: Strychnine. Delirium Tremens: Caffeine; Camphor Mono- brom. ; Cannabis Indica ; Digitalis ; Opium , Valerian ; Zinc Oxide. Diabetes Insipidus: Ergot; Iron Sulphate, Dried ; Valerian ; Zinc Valerianate. Diabetes: Arsenic ; Calcium Sulphide; Iron ; Jab- orandi; Nux Vomica ; Opium ; Strychnine. Diarrhoea : Bismuth ; Caffeine : Camphor ; Ce- rium Oxalate ; Ergot; Guarana ; Iron Sulph., Dried; Lead Acetate ; Mercury with Chalk ; Nux Vomica ; Opium ; Opium and Camphor ; Opium, Camphor and Tannin ; Opium and Lead Acetate ; Pulv. Ipecac, et Opii; Quinine ; Sum- bul; Strychnine ; Tannin; Zinc Oxide. Diphtheria : Belladonna ; Salicylic Acid. Dropsy: Arsenic ; Calomel; Gamboge; Colchicum; Colocynth ; Digitalis ; Elaterium ; Elaterin; Nux Vomica; Pilocarpus. Dysentery: Arsenic; Bismuth; Ergot; Guarana; Lead Acetate; Nux Vomica; Opium; Pil. Plumbi c. Opio; Pulv. Ipecac. Co.; Quinine ; Sumbul; Strychnine ; Tannin. Dysmenorrhcea: Aconite ; Arsenic ; Belladonna ; Camphor; Ergot; Gelsemium ; Iron; Lupulin ; Nux Vomica; Opium; Phosphuruit; Valerian; Zinc. Index of Diseases and Remedies. 57 Dyspepsia : Aloes; Arsenic ; Bismuth ; Camphor ; Cerium Oxalate ; Iron ; Nux Vomica; Pepsin', Pepsin and Bismuth; Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine ; Quinine; Salicin ; Strychnine ; Anti- dyspeptic Pills. Eczema: Arsenic. Enteralgia: Arsenic ; Atropine ; Belladonna. Epilepsy: Arsenic ; Atropine ; Belladonna; Cam- phor, Monobromated ; Cerium Oxalate; Conium; Hyoscyamus ; Hyoscyamine; Lithium Bromide; Morphine ; Quinine ; Quin. Vaier.; Stramonium ; Strychnine; Valerian; Zinc Oxide; Zinc Va- lerianate. Epistaxis : Digitalis ; Ergotin ; Tannin. Erection : Camphor ; Digitalis ; Monobromated Camphor. Eruptions: Arsenic ; Calcium Sulphide; Cerium Oxalate ; Mercury ; Pil. Antim. Co. Erysipelas: Aconite; Belladonna; Gelsemium; Iron ; Quinine ; Tartar Emetic. Erythema : Belladonna ; Quinine. Fever: Aconite; Belladonna; Calomel; Digitalis ; Gelsemium; Opium; Pulv. Ipecac, et Opii; Salicylic Acid; Tartar Emetic; Veratrum Viride. Flatulence: AsafoBtida; Nux Vomica; Pepsin; Pliysostigma. Gastralgia: Arsenic ; Atropine ; Bismuth ; Mor- phine ; Nux Vomica; Opium; Pepsin; Strych- nine ; Zinc Oxide. Gastric Catarrh: Arsenic ; Atropine ; Caffeine ; Lead Acetate. 58 Index of Diseases and Remedies. Gastric Ulcer; Arsenic ; Atropine ; Bismuth; Lead Acetate ; Opium. Gastrodynia: Aconite ; Cerium Oxalate; Stramo- nium. Generative Organs, Lack of Tone of: Belladonna, Iron, Nux Vomica; Phosphorus; Strychnine. Gleet : Ergotin ; Iron. Gonorrhoea: Cannab. Lnd.; Colchicum; Pil. Co- paiboe Co. Gout: Aconite; Arsenic ; Cannab. Ind. ; Colchi- cum ; Ilyoscyamus ; Lithium Bromide ; Opium; Pulv. Ipecac, et Opii; Veratr. Vir. Hcematuria: Ergotin ; Quinine. Haemoptysis: Digitalis; Ergot; Lead Acetate ; Pil. Opii et Plumbi Acet. Hcemoi-rhage: Digitalis ; Ergotin ; Lead Acetate ; Nux Vomica. Haemorrhagic Diathesis : Digitalis ; Iron ; Nux Vomica; Quinine. Haemorrhoids: Aloes; Aloes and Iron; Ergot; Nux Vomica ; Podophyllum. Hay Fever; Arsenic ; Atropine ; Belladonna; Cam phor; Cannabis Indica ; Nux Vomica; Quinine; Salicylic Acid. Headache: Arsenic; Caffeine ; Cannab. Ind.; Digi- talis ; Ergot; Guarana; Mercurials; Monobrom. Camphor; Morphine; Quinine; Quin. Valer.; Zinc Valer. ; Cathartics. Heartburn : Bismuth ; Pulv. Ipecac, et Opii. Heart Diseases: Aconite; Digitalis; Ergot; Hyo scyamus; Iron ; Lead Acetate ; Opium; Quinine; Veratr. Viride. Index of Diseases and Bemedies, 59 Hepatic Diseases: Calomel; Colehlcum: Elaterium: Elaterin ; Leptandrin ; Mercury ; Pil. Rhei Co ; Podophyllum. Herpes : Iron Arseniate ; Zinc Phosphide. Hoarseness: Belladonna. Hypochondria: Arsenic ; Asafoetida; Caffeine; Hy- oscyamus ; Iron; Nux Vomica; Opium ; Phos- phorus; Strychnine; Valerian. Hysteria: Arsenic ; Asafcetida; Atropine; Mono- brom. Camphor; Morphine; Valerian; Zinc Valerianate. Impotence: Phosphorus; Zinc Phosphide; Iron Arseniate; Ergotin; Cannabis Indica; Nux Vomica; Strychnine. Indigestion : Aloes ; Bismuth ; Ignatia; Leptandrin; Nux Vomica; Pepsin; Pepsin and Bismuth; Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine. Inflammation: Aconite; Belladonna; Calomel; Digitalis; Gelsemium; Opium; Pidv. Ipecac, et Opii; Tartar Emetic ; Veratrum. Viride. Insomnia: Atropine; Belladonna; Camphor and Lupulin ; Cannabis Indica; Ilyoscyamus; Ily- oscyamine ; Lupulin ; Monobrom. Camphor; Morphine; Opium ; Phosphorus ; Pulv. Ipecac, et Opii; Tartar Emetic. Intermittent Fever: Arsenic ; Cinchona Alkaloids ; Chinoidin ; Iron ; Nux Vomica* Opium ; Salicin; Salicylic Acid ; Anti-Chill Pills ; Anti-Periodic Pills. Iritis: Atropine; Belladonna; Calomel; Hyoscya- mus; Quinine. Jaundice: Aloes; Arsenic ; Belladonna ; Cathar- tics ; Mercury ; Ox-Gall; Podophyllum; Quinine. 60 Index of Diseases and Remedies. Laryngismus Stridulus: Conium; Quinine ; Mer- cury Subsulphate. Laryngitis: Aconite. Lepra: Arsenic. Leucorrhcea: Arsenic; Ergotin; Iron; Iron Ar- seniate. Liver, Diseases of: (See Hepatic Diseases). Liver, Enlarged: Conium. Tjocomotor Ataxia: Conium; Hyoscyamine ; Phos- phorus ; Zinc Phosphide. Lupus: Arsenic; Iron Arseniate ; Phosphorus. Malaria: Arsenic; Cinchona Alkaloids; Chinoidin ; Gelsemium; Iron. Mania: Camphor; Cannabis Indica ; Conium . Digitalis; Duboisine ; Ergotin ; Gelsemium ; Hyoscyamine ; Iron ; Monobromated Camphor; Physostigma. Melancholia: Arsenic: Caffeine; Cannabis Indica; Iron ; Opium. Meningitis : Aconite; Atropine ; Belladonna ; Cal- omel ; Digitalis; Gelsemium; Opium ; Tartar Emetic. Menorrhagia: Aloes and Iron; Arsenic; Cannabis Indica ; Digitalis; Ergotin ; Ipecacuanha; Iron. Menstruation: Iron; Myrrh. Menstruation, Painful: Ergotin ; Hyoscyamus. Mercurialism ; Belladonna; Hyoscyamine. Metritis : Ergotin ; Calomel; Opium. Migraine : Atropine ; Belladonna ; iCaffeine ; Coca; Ergotin; Guarana. Mumps: Pilocarpus. Myelitis : Ergotin. Nausea in Pregnancy : Cerium Oxalate ; Pepsin. Index of Diseases and Remedies. 61 Nervousness .• Arsenic; Asafoetlda ; Caffeine ; Cam- phor ; Guarana; Valerian. Nervous Debility : Phosphorus ; Strychnine. Nervous Diseases: Iron ; Phosphorus ; Quinine ; Strychnine; Valerian ; Zinc Oxide ; Zinc Phos- phide ; Zinc Valerianate. Nervous Excitement: Hyoscyamine. Nervous Irritation : Camphor; Cannabis Indica. Neuralgia: Aconite ; Aconitine; Arsenic ; Atro- pine ; Belladonna ; Cannab. Ind.; Conium ; Gel- semium ; Hyoscyamus; Hyoscyamine ; Iodo- form ; Iron ; Iodoform and Iron ; Morphine ; Opium; Phosphorus ; Physostigma ; Quin. Valer.; Salicylic Acid ; Strychnine; Vera- trum Viride; Zinc Valerianate; Brown-Se- quard’s Neuralgic Pills ; Gross’ Neuralgic Pills. Night-Blindness: Physostigma ; Strychnine. Nocturnal Emissions: Belladonna ; Atropine. Nymphomania: Camphor ; Conium ; Monobro- mated Camphor. Pain: Aconitine; Atropine; Cannabis Indica; Hyoscyamine ; Morphine ; Opium. Palpitation of Heart: Aconite ; Cannab. Ind. ; Hyoscyamine; Monobromated Camphor ; Vera trum Viride. Palsy: Nux Vomica ; Strychnine. Paralysis: Atropine; Belladonna; Conium; Ergo- tin; Hyoscyamine; Monobromated Camphor; Nux Vomica; Phosphorus ; Quinine ; Strych- nine. Pemphigus: Arsenic. Peritonitis: Aconite ; Calomel; Morphine ; Opium. 62 Index of Diseases and Remedies. Perspirations : Atropine ; Belladonna; Duboisine ; Zinc Oxide. Pharyngitis: Aconite ; Aconitine ; Atropine ; Bel- ladonna. Phlegmon : Calcium Sulphide. Phthisis: Aconite ; Arsenic ; Belladonna ; Cam- phor ; Conium; Digitalis ; Iron ; Iodoform; Iodoform and Iron; Lead Acetate; Opium; Quinine ; Heim’s Pills. Pleurisy: Aconite; Digitalis; Opium, Pilocarpus; Quinine. Pneumonia : Aconite ; Calomel; Ipecac. ; Opium ; VeratKum Viride. Poisoning by Atropine or Belladonna: Morphine; Physostigma. Poisoning by Calabar Bean : Atropine ; Morphine. Poisoning by Hyoscyamus : Morphine. Poisoning by Opium or Morphine; Atropine ; Bel- ladonna. Poisoning by Strychnine: Atropine ; Belladonna; Camphor ; Morphine ; Opium ; Physostigma. Polyuria: Ergot; Opium; Pilocarpus; Valerian. Psoriasis : Arsenic ; Iron Arseniate ; Phosphorus ; Salicylic Acid. Ptyalism : Belladonna. Puerperal Fever : Quinine. Pupil, to Contract the: Physostigma; Pilocarpus ; Opium. Pupil, to Dilate the: Atropine ; Belladonna ; Du- boisine ; Hyoscyamus ; Stramonium. Purpura: Iron; Iron, Quinine and Strychnine; Nux Vomica. liemittent Fever: Cinchona Alkaloids Calomel. Index of Diseases and Remedies 63 Rheumatism: Arsenic; Antimony, Cannab. Ind., Colchicum ; Conium ; Iron : Lithium Bromide ; Mercury; Pil. Antim. Co. • Salicylic Acid with Morphine; Veratrum Viride. Rheumatism, Acute ■ Aconite ; Digitalis; Iron; Llth ium Bromide; Quinine; Salicylic Acid with Morphine. Rheumatism, Chronic: Colchicum; Lithium Bro- mide. Rubeola . Aconite ; Quinine. Scarlet Fever: Aconite; Atropine ; Belladonna ; Digitalis ; Quinine. Scrofula : Conium ; Iodoform; Iodoform and Iron; Iron; Mercury; Phosphorus; Quinine. Skin Diseases: Antimony; Arsenic; Calcium Sul- phide; Conium; Iron; Iron Arseniate; Iodo- form; Iodoform and Iron; Mercury; Phos- phorus ; Quinine; Pil. Antim. Co. Sleeplessness: (See Insomnia). Spasm: Atropine; Belladonna; Camphor; Conium; Morphine ; Opium ; Strychnine. Spermatorrhoea: Arsenic; Atropine; Belladonna; Digitalis ; Ergotin ; Iron ; Iron Arseniate ; Mon- obrom. Camphor; Nux Vomica. Spinal Irritation: Ergotin ; Strychnine. Spleen, Diseases of: Arsenic; Ergotin; Iron; Quinine. Sunstroke : Atropine ; Belladonna ; Morphine ; Opium; Quinine. Suppuration : Calcium Sulphide ; Iron ; Quinine. Sweating : Atropine ; Belladonna ; Pilocarpus ; Pulv. Ipecac, et Opli; Quinine ; Zinc Oxide. 64 Index of Diseases and Remedies. Syphilis : Arsenic ; Conium ; Iron ; Iodoform ; Iodo- form and Iron; Iron Iodide ; Iron, Quinine and Strychnine; Mercury; Opium; Phosphorus ; Pil. Ant. Co.; Quinine. Taenia: Kousso; Santonin. Tetanus: Aconite ; Atropine ; Belladonna ; Cannab. Ind. ; Gelsemium ; Hyoscyamine ; Iron; Mor- phine ; Opium ; Physostigma; Strychnine. Tonsillitis : Aconite ; Mercury; Quinine. Tremor, Mercurial: Hyoscyamus; Hyoscyamine- Tuberculosis: Mercury Biniodide. Tumors : Arsenic ; Atropine ; Belladonna. Tympanites: Asafcetida ; Strychnine. Typhoid Fever : Antimony; Atropine ; Belladonna; Bismuth ; Calomel; Camphor; Digitalis; Mer- cury ; Quinine ; Salicylic Acid; Sumbul; Tartar Emetic. Typhoid State ; Camphor; Opium ; Valerian. Uraemia: Colchicum ; Elaterium ; Elaterin ; Pilo- carpus. Urine, Incontinence of: Atropine; Belladonna; Ergotin ; Iron Iodide; Strychnine. Uterus. Rigid : Antimony ; Atropine ; Belladonna ; Tartar Emetic. Venereal Excitement: Camphor; Digitalis; Mono- bromated Camphor. Vertigo: Quinine; Quin. Valer.; Valerian; Zinc Valerianate. Vomiting: Arsenic; Atropine ; Belladonna; Bis- muth ; Cerium Oxalate; Hyoscyamus; Ipecac.; Nux Vomica ; Opium ; Quinine ; Strychnine. Index of Diieasee and Bemedies. 65 Vomiting of Pregnancy: Atropine ; Arsenic; Bel- ladonna; Bismuth; Cerium Oxalate; Nux Vomica ; Pepsin; Pepsin and Bismuth; Pepsin, Bismuth, and Strychnine; Strychnine. Whooping Cough: Atropine; Asaf(Btida; Bella- donna ; Qelsemium; Lead Acetate; Monobro- mated Camphor; Zinc Sulphate. Worm*: Calomel; Camphor; Kousso; Santonin; Strychnine: Valerian. 66 Table of Doses. TABLE showing the ordinary mode of adjustment of the dose to suit the age of the patient. The ordinary average adult dose being represented by 1, the several doses at different ages may be set down as follows: AGE. DOSE. 1 to 3 months, A 4 to 12 “ A 1 to 3 years, i 4 to 5 “ i 6 to 8 “ i 9 to 12 “ i 13 to 16 “ i 17 to 20 “ l 21 to 45 “ l 50 “ :j GO to 70 “ 8 80 to 90 “ i 100 “ Vial Cases for Physicians. 67 VIAL CASES FOR PHYSICIANS. For the convenience of physicians who carry a supply of medicines with them, we annex a descrip- tive price-list of Vial Cases. No. Each. 1 contains 4 tWdrVhm Vlali, for lha Voot Pocket $0 60 9 « 6 1 ** Vlali, lor the Veet Pocket 50 2 6 2 " “ Wrapper Cut, Soft Red Morocco. 1 00 4 “ a t tt Vials, on one tide 1 00 1 • 2 Vials on one side, and 9 Pocket* for Powders on the other tide, of the beet Russia Leather 9 50 • f 4 ftlaes-Swppered Vial* on one side, and Pocket on the other, Stiff Ends, Dark Morocco 9 00 7 •* 10 1 * VhlU Viale, etiff ends 1 *5 • 10 ftlaae-Stoppered Vials on one side and Silicate Paper on the other, Metallic Ends, Dark Morocco 9 95 9 * i» < Vials, Wrapper Case, stiff ends 1 60 10 •* 19 9 44 ftlaas Stoppered Vials, Well Ground, Metallic Ends, Soft Red Morocco... 9 95 11 i»* 44 Vials, Silk Folds, Soft Seal Leather, a fine Pocket Case 9 75 19 * ie s Vials, of best Russia Leather 9 75 IS is a Vials, Soft Red Morocco 9 00 14 *4 1 aud 16 1-drachm Vials, S folded, 9 Pockets, Soft Red Morocco $9 50 11 10 4 44 and 14 9-drachm and 98 1-drachmVials, 2 folded, Soft Red Morocco * 50 4 ** 10 9 and 1 4 drachm Vials and 9 1-ounce Glass-Stoppered bottles, upright case 9 60 it 10 2 and 14 l)f-drachm Vials, Wrapper Case, Metallic Ends, Soft Red Morocco... 9 60 68 Vial Case3 for Physicians. 18 contain* 15 2 dr’chm Long and 30 1-drachm Short Vials, Wrapper Case, Metallic Ends, Soft Red Morocco $3 00 19 “ 12 2 41 Glass-Stoppered and 10 3-drachm Corked Vials, Metallic Ends, Soft Red Morocco 3 00 20 « 8 4 Glass Stoppered Vials and 10 2-drachm White Vials, Minim Glass and Pocket Spatuh}, stiff ends 3 50 21 “ 10 3 tl Glass-Stoppered and 15 2-drachm Corked Vials, Stiff Ends, Dark Morocco 2 60 22 “ 1C 3 “ Glass-Stoppered, 12 2)<-drachm, and 15 2-drachm Corked Vials, two Pockets, Metallic Ends, Dark Morocco 3 50 23 " 12 4 44 and 24 2-drachm Vials, Buggy Case, good Morocco, with handle 5 00 24 BuKBy Cue, Dark Morocco, contains 8 1-oz., 12 4-drachm, 15 and 15 1-drachm Corked Vials, and Elastic Loops for Surgical Instruments 7 00 25 Buggy Case, Dark Morocco, contains 8 1-oz., 12 4-drachm, and 24 2-drachm Corked Vials, and space for sundries, dimensions 4% x 2 x 4% inches 7 00 26 B"Kgy Case, Red Morocco, Very Compact and Well Pro- tected, containing 8 Glass Stoppered, 10 1-oz., 12 6-drachm, 8 4-drachm, and 10 2-drachm Corked Vials ; the rows of vials are arranged to fall back and show the labels on the next 1 1 00 Vial Cases for Physicians. 69 a. Contains 6 8-drochm vials; wrapper case; soft red morocco. Size, 4x2%xl inches. 8. Contains 10 8-drachm glass-stoppered vials on one side, and silicate paper on the other ; metallic ends; dark morocco ; Size, inches. 70 Yial Cases for Physicians. 9. 9.—Closed. Contains 12 3-drachm vials ; wrapper case; stiff ends. Size, Inch. Vial Cases for Physicians. 71 15. ('ontalns 10 4-drachm. 14 2-draohm. and 28 1-drachm vials, 3 folded, soft red morocco. Size 8>4X inches. 72 Vial Cases for Physicians. 19. Contains 12 2-drachm glass stoppered and 10 3- drachm corked vials; metallic ends; soft red morocco. Size, inches. Vial Cases for Physicians. 73 21. Contains 10 3-drachm vials, glass stoppered, ami 15 2-drachm corked vials; stiff ends; dark morocco. Size, inches. 22. Contains 10 8-drachm £ lass-stoppered, 12 2^ drachm and 15 2-drachm corked vials; two pockets; metallic ends; dark morocco. Size, inches. 74 Vial Cases for Physicians. 24.—Open. Contains 8 1-oz., 12 4-drachm, 15 and 15 1-drachm corked vials, and elastic loops for surgical instruments ; dark morocco. Size, inches. 24.—Closed. Vial Cases for Physicians. 75 25.—Open. Contains 81-oz., IS 4-drachm and 242-drachm corked vials, and space for sundries; dimensions, inches ; dark morocco. Size, 1 inches. 76 Vial Cases for Physicians. 25.—Closed. Vial Cases for Physicians. 77 26.—Open. Rf-d morocco; very compact and well protected, containing lH»-oz. glass-stoppered, 10 1-oz., 12 6- drachm, 8 4-drachm and 10 2-drachm corked vials ; the rows of vials are arranged to fall back and show the labels on the next. 8ize, inches. 78 Vial Casc3 for Physicians. 26.—Closed, Metric System. 79 SCHEME OF THK METRIC SYSTEM. PREPARED FOR W. H. Schieffelin & Co., BY OSCAR OLDBERG, Phar. D. The Metric System of Weights and Measures is exceedingly simple, as will here be seen. It does not consist of a number of foreign names and terms, as many suppose. The terms Meter, Liter, Oram, Are, etc., and the prefixes milli-, centi-, deci-, deka-, hekto-, kilo-, and myria-, are, in fact, no part of the Metric System at all, and could cer- tainly be ignored if other names and numerals are found preferable. The essential characteristics of the Metric System are these only : 1st, That it rests upon a basis of a constant of nature (the measure of a ten-millionth part of the quadrant of the earth;) 2d, that it is harmonious throughout, so that the units for the measurement of surface, volume, and weight, all bear the simplest relation possible to the unit of length, which is the basis for all; and, 3d, that it is decimal, so as to correspond with our Arithmetic. The prefixes used in the Metric System are nothing but numerals; Milli- means 1-1000 ; Centi means 80 Metric System. 1-100 ; Deci- means 1-10; Deka- means 10; Hekto- means 100; Kilo- means 1,000, and Myria- means 10,000. The only prefixes used to any great extent in medicine and pharmacy are kilo-, centi- and milli-. The author has become convinced that, in order to make the simplicity and superiority of the Metric System apparent, it is necessary to drop at once all its superfluous and hard words, and to Americanize it to suit our practical requirements. In plain English, then, “ ten grams” is an easier expression than “1 dekagram,” and means exactly the same thing; “ one hundred liters” is easier to understand than “ 1 hektoliter,” and it means precisely the same; and 1 “cent,” or 1-100 Gram, and “1 mill,” or 1-1000 Gram, are respectively simpler expressions than “ 1 centigram” and “1 milligram.” 1 Meter is equal to 89.370432 English Inches. 1 Liter is equal to 1.056717 Wine Quarts (or about 34 United States Fluid Ounces). 1 Cubic-centimeter is equal to 16.231 United States Minims. 1 Cram is equal to 15.43234874 Troy-grains. Physicians and pharmacists use only weights and fluid measures. The following contains all that is essential of the Metric Weights and Fluid Measures; 1 Kilogram, equal to 1,000 Grams. 1 Liter,’ equal to 1,000 Fluigrams. Metric System. 81 As 1 United States Fluidrachm weighs very nearly 1 Drachm (really only 57.047 troy grains) it is cus- tomary to use the terms “drachm” and “flui- drachm,” “ounce,” and “fluidounce,” almost in- discriminately, thus saying “an ounce of water” when a a fluid ounce of water is meant, etc. In the Metric System “one Liter of water,” and “one Kilogram of water,” is actually the same quantity; and “one Gram of water" is just “one C'ublc-Centl- meter of water.” It is, therefore, exceedingly con- venient to drop the term cubic-centimeter, and to give to it the name Fluigram instead, so as to show at once the intimate relationship between the Gram and Fluigram. For all practical purposes in medicine and phar- macy, it is perfectly proper to ignore the intermin- able fractions given above in comparing the metric units with those of the old system. The difference is in fact so insignificant that it would be absurd to suppose that any therapeutic objection exists against ignoring it. Thus, the metric units com- pare with the old units, and vice versa, as follows:— 1 Gram is equal to 15 troy grains. 1 Troy-grain is equal to A Gram. 1 Fluigram is equal to 15 minims. 1 Minim is equal to A Fluigrams. Or, 1 Drachm is equal to 4 Grams. 1 Gram is equal to Y\ drachm. 1 Fluidrachm is equal to 4 Fluigrams 1 Fluigram is equal to y± fluidrachms. 82 Metric System. If now the centigram be called a “ cent,” and the milligram a “mill,” and if we call the tenth-part of one Fluigram a “ fluidime, ’ we will then have a» Americanized Metric System of Weights and Meas- ures, such as it will be very easy indeed to learn, viz:— 1 Kilogram equal to 1,000 Grams. 1 Gram equal to 100 cents, or 1,000 mills. WEIGHTS. 1 Liter equal to 1,000 Fluigrams. 1 Fluigram equal to 10 fluidimes, (or 100 flui-cents or 1,000 flui-mills). MEASURES. (As 1 fluidime is equal to only U. S. minim, a smaller unit for fluid measures would be useless). 1 Cent is equal to about 1-6 troy grain. 1 Mill is equal to 1-64 troy grain. In writing metric quantities it is most convenient to spell and abbreviate as follows:— Spell: Abbreviate': Meter (not metre). Liter (not Litre). Cubic-centimeter (not metre) C.C. Gram (not Gramme) Gm. FIuigram (not Gramme) fGm. Fluidime fD. Metric System. 83 1. To convert Troy-grains into Cents (centigrams): Multiply by 6. 2. To convert Cents (centigrams) into Troy-grains: Divide oy 6. 3. To convert Troy grains into Mills (milligrams): Multiply by 60. 4. To convert Mills (milligrams) into Troy-grains: Divide by 60. 5. To convert Troy-grains into Grams, or Minims into Fluigrams: Divide by 15. 6. To convert Grams into Grains, or Fluigrams into Minims: Multiply by 15. 7. To convert Drachms into Grams, or Fluidrachms into Fluigrams: Multiply by 4. 8. To convert Grams into Drachms, or Fluigrams into Fluidrachms: Divide by 4. Physicians desiring to write Metric prescriptions, might readily remember that: RULES FOR CONVERSION. 1 Troy-grain is equal to 6 cents. 1 Drachm is equal to 4 Orams. 1 Troy-ounce is equal to 30 Grama. 1 Minim is equal to 1-15 Fluigram. 1 Fluidrachm is equal to 4 Fluigrams. (1 Drop is equal to about % fluidime). The average “ Drop ” is about 0.05 fGm. A. Teaspoonful is about 5 fGm. A Desertspoonful is about 10 fGm. A Tablespoonfnl is about 20 fGm. A Wineglassful is about 75 fGm. 84 Metric System. TABLES . OF APPROXIMATE EQUIVALENTS. (A.) Apothecaries’ Weights (and Measures). Metric Weights Troy Grains (or Minims). (and Measures). 1-500 0.124$ (or i) Mill. 1-400 0.16 (or i) it 1-300 0.20 (or J) It 1-250 0.25 (or i) II 1-200 0.32 (or §) It 1-100 0.65 (or §) II 1-64 1 II 1-50 1.3 Mills. 1-40 1.6 II 1-32 2 II 1-25 2.5 II 1-20 3 II 1-16 4 It 1-12 5 II 1 I . 8 It i 1 Cent. i 1.50 Cents. § 2 II 4 3 II § 4 II 1 4.50 II l 6 II 14 10 II 2 13 Metric System. 85 Apothecaries’ Weights (and Measures). Troy Grains (or Minims). Metric Weights (and Measures). 15 Cents. 3 20 4 25 5 80 8 50 10 65 15 1 Gram (or Fluigram). 80 2 Drachms (or Fluiilrachms). Grams (or Fluigrams). 1 4 2 8 4 16 6 24 Troy Ounces (or Fluid Ounces). 1 30 2 60 3 90 4 120 6 180 8 240 Troy Ounces (or Fluid Ounces). Grams (or Fluigrams). 10 300 12 360 16 600 (Ti.) Metric Weights (aud Apothecaries’ Weights (and Measures). Measures). Grains (or Minims). 1 Mill, A 2 Mills, A 86 Metric System. Metric Weights (and Apothecaries’ Weights (and Measures). (Measures). Grains (or Minims). 3 “ a 4 “ A 5 “ A 6 “ A 8 “ 4 10 “ (or 1 Cent), 4 15 “ (or Cents), 4 20 “ (or 2 Cents), 1 3 Cents, 4 4 i 4.50 “ i 6 1 10 14 15 24 20 3 30 5 65 10 1 Gram, 15 2 Grams, 30 3 45 4 Drachms (or Fluidrachms). 1 5 li 6 14 8 V 2 10 24 15 4 30 “ 8 W. H. Schieffelin & Co., Importers, Exporters, Jobbers and Manu- facturers of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, AMD Pharmaceutical Preparations, NEW YORK. Imported and Indigenous Drugs, Staple Cherai cals, Foreign and Domestic Medical Preparations, Fine Essential Oils and Select Powders, New Phar- maceutical Remedies: Mediterranean, Bahama, and Florida Sponges; Druggists’ Sundries, Novel- ties, and Fancy Goods. PURE DRUGS. Agents for Gardner’s Special Pharmaceutical Preparations, Swaim’s Panacea, Moller’s Purest Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, Beranger’s Apothecaries’ Scales, Cooper's Reversible Pill Machines, Gradu- ated Evaporating Dishes, McElroy’s Patent Glass Syringes, Swift’s Drug Milla, Swift’s Tincture Presses, Sarg’s Transparent Glycerine Soaps, Page’s Patent Vaporizer and Vapo-Cresoline. manufacturers of STANDARD PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, Including Fluid and Solid Extracts, Elixirs, Syrups, Ointments, and SOLUBLE COATED PILLS, COMraUINO ALL THE orrICINAL FILL* OK THE rHAUEACOKZA, Unequalled in regard to Purity of Composition, Solubility of Coating, Uniformity in Size, s and Perfection of Form and Finish.