LIN N/EAN Sot.Of P/WS _ <^C-T r&>*Af/%*^*-~f j \ / ^ lYl 'WW- ■v"ir i CELEBRATION AT FLUSHING, OF THE BIRTH-DAY OF LINN^US, er THE XEW-XOT&IL ttRAKCH 6F THE / V ^ LINN^AN SOCIETY OF PARIS: AS REPORTED TOR THE NEW-YORK STATESMAN. OFFICE OF THE STATESMAN. May, 1824. CELEBRATION OF THE 24th may, 1824. Pursuant to previous arrangements, the se- cond celebration of the birth-day of Linnaeus, by the New-York Branch of the Linnaean Socie- ty of Paris, took place this day at the village of Flushing. At 8 o'clock in the morning, the President and members of the Society, accom- panied by a numerous and respectab e party of ladies and gentlemen, comprising much of the beauty, taste, aad fashion of the city, embarked ou board the new and elegant boat Linnaeus. Among the distinguished strangers, who joined the party, were Mr. Worthington, late Gover- nor of Ohio, the Swedish Consul, and Le Ray de Chaumont. The Rev. Mr. Penneveyre, Rev. Dr. Wainwright, Rev. C. Jones, Rev. Mr. Brientnall, and several other clergymen of this city, were also present. The boat left the wharf, with her banners in- scribed with the name of Linnaeus,waving in the wind, and to the tune of Clinton's Grand Ca- nal .vlarch, by a full and excellent band of mu- sic, who enlivened the passage up the sound with a number of national airs. We never witnessed a more serene and charming day.— Skies, fields, woods, and waters wore the bril- liancy and tnildnes of May, and were in fine keeping with the smiling countenances and light hearts of the festive throng. In about an hour and a half, the boat arrived at Flushing, and the party, debarking to the sound of music, proceeded to the spacious and airy hall at Peck's Hotel, which was tastefully decorated with garlands and festoons, composed of the rarest and richest flowers of the season. At the last celebration, this apartment was in a rude condition ; but it is now completed, and furnished with all the appurtenances, to render it a neat andcommodfous assembly-room, which will accommodate several hundred persons. Here, at about ten o'clock, commenced the ex- ercises of the day, which were opened with a con- cise and appropriate address, explanatory of the objects of the institution, and the nature of its celebrations, by the Hon. De Witt Clinton, President of the day. The Secretary, Dr. Elijah Mead, then read extracts from the minutes of the last meeting of the association, by which it appeared, that among other transactions it was, on motion of Mr. Clinton, unanimously resolved, that Mr. Elliott, a distinguished naturalist of South Caro- lina, Professor Silliman, of Yale College, and Dr. Hosack, of this city, be recommended as honorary members of the Parent Society at Pa- ris ; and that Dr. Joseph Bloodgood, of Flush- ing, and Dr. J. Van Rensselaer, of New-York, be associated with the branch as resident mem- bers. The Secretary also read a note from Mr. Jefferson, dated the 17th instant, addressed to Doctors Mitchill and Pascalis, in his own hand writing, in which, after reciprocating their kind recollections on the approach of the anniversary of the great Father of Natural History, he says in his happiest manner, and with great force and beauty:—" It would certainly be a great enjoyment to be present and to participate with his worthy disciples of the society of New-York, at their celebration of his birth : as that pros- pect, however, recedes from my view, another advances with steady and not distant steps, that of meeting the great naturalist himself, and of assuring him in person of the veneration and af- fection with which his memory is cultivated here: in the mean time I must be contented with testifying to you my cordial concurrence in these sentiments, and to add those of my great respect and consideration for the society and for yourselves." An extract of a letter was likewise read from Judge Davis of Boston, an honorary member, in which he regretted his inability to partici- pate in the pleasures of the day, and in those exercises which have a tendency to promote the cultivation of natural science in our country, in its best form, chastened by a regard to the pre- cepts and example of the illustrious sage, whose birth-day was to bo commemorated by festive rites. Dr. Pascalis, President of the New-York Branch, then gave a succinct account of the transactions of the parent society, since the last anniversary, adding a few remarks on the im- portance of natural science. At the conclusion of the exercises in the hall, the company formed in procession, and moved to the Linnaean Garden, at the entrance of which they were politely received and welcomed, by the proprietors, the Messrs. Princes, who con- ducted them through walks, bordered with 4 Celebration of the Birth-day of Linntsus. trees, shrubs, and flowers of every variety, and beneath triumphal arches hung with wreaths, to an arbour in the highest part of these exten- sive grounds. A temporary rostrum, sufficient- ly spacious to accommodate the members of the society, was erected expressly for the occasion. Here a variety of interesting exercises took place, interspersed with music from the band, stationed among the shrubbery of the garden. Dr. Akerly pronounced a brief, classical, and appropriai e eulogy on Linnseus,a copy of which we shall endeavour to publish hereafter. He was followed by Dr. Mitchill, who gave a bota- nical disquisition on the plants of the Alps, specimens of which were before him, accompa- nied with biographical sketches of Haller, and other eminent naturalists. Among the rare plants exhibited, was the Grecian 01ir«, as also specimens from the tomb of Virgil, and the Colisseum. The association of these plants, with the grandeur of Alpine scenery, and with the classic ruins of Italy, rendered his remarks not only instructive and amusing, but in a high degree poetical. Dr. Akerly presented speci- mens of a variety of native plants, from this and other states, accompanied by an exposition of their botanical character. I. Clizbe, Esq. read an ode, full of the inspiration of poe- try, written for the occasion by Mr. J. R. Suter- zneister, of Kingston, Ulster county. A fine bust of Linnaeus, copied from a coin, by an artist of this city, was crowned with a splendid chap- let of flowers, by one of the young ladies, and a poetical chant, composed for the ceremony of the coronation, by another young lady of the company, was recited. After the exercises had closed, the party se- parated into groups, and amused themselves until the hour for dinner; some in promenading through the alleys and alcoves of the garden, overshadowed by treee, and in one place by a beautiful copse of the magnolia grandiflora, in full bloom ; and others in walking about the village, and catching the rural prospects, which at several points it presents. At three o'clock, the company, greatly augmented by the arrival of the second boat from the city, and the whole amounting to the number of aboutjive hundred sat down to a dinner served up in handsome style, by Mr. Peck, in a spacious saloon, con- structed purposely for the celebration. The Rev. i\r. Braintnall, of this city, after the guests were sS&ted, invoked " that all-gracious Being, who clothes the lilies of the field, and crowns the earth with his goodness, to give his blessing, with +h» manifestation of his-bounty ; and when the flowers of life shall have faded, the day of festivity passed, and the shades of night set in, to giant an admittance to that Eden, with songs of everlasting joy in the heart, where the flow- ers never wither, and to that table, which shall never be removed." Taste, pleasure, and fes- tivity reigned at the convivial board, enlivened at intervals with favourite airs by the band. Af- ter the cloth was removed, the following, among other sentiments were drunk, accompanied by remarks from some of the gentlemen, which \fe could not distinctly hear: / By the President of the day. The immortal memory of Linnaeus. / By Dr. Mitchill. The Ladies—the patrones- ses of the arts and sciences, and governesses of the men all the wbidd over. By Dr. Pascalis. ^StHMit De la Cepede, Pre- sident of the Linnaean Society of Paris. By Dr. Akerly. Thiebaut de Berneaud, per- petual Secretary of the Parent Society. By Dr. Mead, Sec'y. Desfontaines—The distinguished Naturalist, and late Vice-Presi- dent of the Parent Institution ; may his fame be as lasting as Atlas, on whose summit he de- lighted to botanise. By Dr. Torrey. The memory of Muhlen- burg, the American Linnaeus. By Mr. Gahn, the Swedish Consul. The American guardians of the memory of Linnaeus ; equally entitled to the gratitude of his admir- ing countrymen, and to the grateful estimation of the civilized world. By the Vice-President of the New-York Horticultural Society. The interesting and beautiful system of vegetable physiology, which owes its origin to the penetration and wisdom of the sage of Upsal, whose birth-day we cele- brate. By Gov. Worthington, of Ohio. The State of New-York. By Gen. Mapes. Our sister State of Ohio late a forest, now a free and independent com monwealth, represented at this festival by her late Governor, Thomas Worthington. By Dr. Brown. The New-York Branch of the Linnaean Society of Paris—A scion of a lux- uriant plant.—May its growth exhibit to the world, that the soil into which it is transplanted, is not inferior to that which nourishes the pa- rent stock. By John Low, Esq. The Quercws of New- York—The poisonous ivy has attempted to wither its leaves, and the insidious mole to un- dermine its roots ; but it will flourish, rooted in the affections of all who respect talents and virtue. By Dr. Ives. The memory of Benj. Barton, the father of American Medical Botany. After the President of the day had retired his health was drunk with six cheers, and the band struck up the Grand Canal March. One of the company gave—" Our guest, Tho- mas Worthington, the late Governor of the state of Ohio;" which was echoed with applause. The health of the young* lady, who crowned the bust of Linnaeus, was drunk after she had retired, and a compliment to "mine excellent host," concluded the dinner. The festivities of the day were closed by a ball, which, we understand, was attended by a numerous and fashionable party, who amused themselves with cotillions during the evening No accident occurred to diminish the pleasures of the celebration ; and every one, who is suS. ceptible of deriving enjoyment from the charms Celebration of the Birth-day of Linnxus. o df nature, from rural scenery, from the treasures of science and literature, from taste and senti- ment, from the smiles of beauty, and the inno- cent recreations of the mind, must have return- ed highly gratified with this delightful excur- sion. tfubslance of the remarks of Mr. Clinton, Presi- dent of the day,at the commencement of the ex- ercises. It is perhaps proper, and it certainly cannot be deemed exceptionable, to introduce the pro- ceedings of this day by an exposition of the cau- ses of its celebration. This day is the anniversary of the birth-day of Linnaeus, one of those illustrious men who have enlightened the world. Natural Science, which comprises a definition and investigation of all the material substances that exist, wheth- er in an organic or inorganic shape,has, from the earliest periods, engaged the attention and, em- ployed the faculties of philosophers. Some of the most beautiful and sublime images and il- lustrations in holy writ, are derived from this source: and Solomon, who is pronounced to be wiser than all men, spoke of " trees from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall: He spake also of beasts and of fowl and of creeping things and of fishes." This enumeration em- braces almost all the principal objects of Natu- ral History. The most eminent Naturalist of Greece was Aristotle, and of Rome, Pliny. The works of the latter particularly are a trea- sure of useful information, although disfigured by the interpolations of fiction, After a long night of Gothic darkness, the rays of knowledge again gladdened the earth : an inquiring spi- rit went forth, and vast collections of useful in- formation were made; but they were for a long time in a state of chaos and mingled with fable. The transcendent merits of Linnaeus consist not only in enlarging the sphere of Natural Science, but in devising a system by which an object could be recognized from the description, and in arranging all known substances, whether an- imate or inanimate, in their appropriate classes, orders, genera, and species. From that period, Natural History assumed its due rank in the scale of usefulness and estimation ; discovery has been heaped upon discovery; and every region of the globe has been explored to aug- ment the riches of science and to increase the cabinets of naturalists. The Systema Naturae of Linnaeus, like all other human works, is not without its imperfec- tions ; and he has heen followed by these dif- ferent descriptions of scientific men. One class was opposed to the system on the ground that it offered nothing worthy of approbation and was either intrinsically erroneous or greatly inferior to the old arrangements. Another class, allured by the glory which surrounded him and desi- tous of establishing equal if not superior claims to celebrity, has gone on to multiply theories and systems, to degrade the science by nominal and spurious discoveries, and to darken it by barbarous nomenclatures. A third class has with a profouud reverence for its great master, endeavoured to correct his errors, to supply his deficiencies and to push his discoveries and im- provements to the utmost verge of practicabi- lity. The result of these various enterprises of genius and science, has, upon the whole, been very propitious, but such great confusion has notwithstanding occurred, that another Linnaeus is required to extricate the student and the en- quirer from the perplexities which surround their walks, and bewilder their progress. Some of the most distinguished savans of France, sensible of these embarrassments and difficulties, and desirous of concentrating their powers in a common focus for the promotion of science, have established a Linnaean Society, of which the illustrious La Cepede is President. The name, which they have adopted, evinces their preference for the system of Linnaeus. They have already published interesting works, have sent enlightened apostles into different parts of the globe, to communicate and to ac- quire information, and they have established scientific colonies in both hemispheres. The society now convened, is a branch of the insti- tution of Paris. Several distinguished de- votees of science now present, are members, and Mr. Jefferson is an honorary associate, and has taken a warm interest in its prosperity. In order that due homage might be rendered to the me- mory of Linnaeus ; that the most animated in- centives might be applied to the advancement of knowledge, and that the road to the temple of natural science, might be adorned with the offer- ings of genius, brightened by the smiles of beau- ty, and cheered by the pane gyrics, the natal day of the Philosopher of Sweden, was selected for a grand celebration, which should unite in- nocent amusement and solid instruction, and produce impressions propitious to the progress of the natural sciences. With this view we have now assembled; and if any of the ceremo- nies of the day shall not be strictly in unison with the prevailing taste of this country, let it be understood that the ritual is prescribed by the parent institution. And, as the object is to please all, without offending any, it is hoped that our proceedings will not in any respect be viewed as a frivolous display or as ostentatious pageantry. The votaries of science in all parts of the civilized world, are now crowning the tomb of Linnaeus with the laurels of glory, and offering up thanks to the source of all light, for having devoted such a master spirit to the illumination of a benighted world. The place, which I now occupy, would be more suitably filled by some who are present, who have made greater advances in science, and who have reflected honour on their coun- try, by their acquisitions and investigations. But I have been induced to appear in it, Dot from any ambitious aspiration after distinction* or any idle devotion to show, but from the sug- gestion of my associates, that it might be of 0 Celebration of the 1 service to the cause of science : and such an in- timation from a quarter so respectable, I can ne- ver pass over with neglect. Many of the hours which I could spare from the pursuits of an ac- tive life, and from the studies immediately con- nected with my public avocations, have been devoted to natural science ; and the enthusiasm which I cherish on this subject is justified and enhanced by every contemplative view and every elaborate investigation. What a spacious field of inquiry offers in view ! What a wide unbounded prospect lies before us! What ever-during honours must the various departments of Zoology prepare for the fortunate investigator! The bound- less regions of Botany will furnish on every ex- ploration chaplets and garlands of glory. Re- searches into the mineral kingdom, will pro- duce treasures of renown more valuable than the gold of Ophir or the diamonds of Golconda. The genius of philosophy has not yet penetra- ted the depths of geology—nor proceeded far beyond the alphabet or the horn-book. Theo- ry has followed theory, and speculation has sup- planted speculation. The imagination has been consulted more than the judgment and the airy castles of hypothesis have dazzled the fancy without enlightening the understanding. After a vast accumulation of facts, and perhaps a long afflux of time, some Bacon or Linnaeus will rise up and change it from romance into science. Chemistry sprang from the crucible of the al- chemist, like Pallas, from the head of Jove ; and even the erroneous movements of scientific in- vestigation, will finally contribute, by a heaven- directed impulse, to the cause of useful know- ledge. With these annimating prospects, with these exalted inducements, let us proceed to the du- ties of the day, ever bearing in mind, that sci- ence is honour, and that knowledge is power— and that all their ways are ways of pleasant- ness, and all their paths are peace. Abstract of the transactions of the Linnasan Society of Paris, with remarks by Dr. Pas- calis. Ladies and Gentlemen :—On a former anniversary of the birth-day of the illustrious Linnaeus, the celebration of which was graced by a respectable assemblage of our fellow-citi- zens, I communicated in the name of the Linnaean Society of Paris, the urgent motives that impelled the learned of Europe to unite themselves, for the purpose of encouraging and promoting the study of the natural sciences. To this intent they have upheld and recom- mended to the world the system of Linnaeus, as a most satisfactory and trustworthy guide, ea- sily susceptible of amendment where defective in particular parts, and in its general outline inimitably perfect, simple, and comprehensive. It was calculated, that to forward the aims of a society, having for its object the acquisition of knowledge and the extension of information, would b-i a welcome duty to all who were called on to assist. The Linnaean Society, therefore, tirth-day of Linncnus. enlists into its ranks, from every civilized na- tion, the observers of nature, whether distin- guished as enterprising explorers, or learned collators of her productions, or philanthropic and philosophical inquirers into her arcana. By the combined efforts of such a society, advances will no doubt be made, such as no body of indi- viduals, in any one nation, could hope to ac- complish. It now devolves on me to give you some ac- count of the transactions of the Parent Institu- tion, for the year that has elapsed since I last addressed you ; from which you will perceive what acquisitions have in that time been ob- tained ; to which valuable stock it would be easy for this country to contribute, with honor and credit. The first on the list is a full and extensive Flora of the Greek Archipelago, and the shores and islands of the Euxine. Those countries, so long under the semi-barbarian power of the Crescent, have never, until now, been botanic- ally explored since the days of Hippocrates, and of the Grecian botanist Theophrastus,save par- tially, by that great patriarch of the natural sciences, Tournefort; he who at the risk of his life, descended into the grotto of Antiparos. The interesting task has now been accomplish- ed by M. Dumont D'Urville, of the French Na- vy ; in less than two years he has carried his researches through more than thirty-six islands and districts. Fortunately, M. D'Urville was perfectly acquainted with the names and de- scriptions of the plants recorded in Grecian lite- rature ; and therefore in arranging them under their technical heads, he has affixed to each its own Hellenic denomination, such as it is given in ancient classical writers. M. D'Urville has also discoverod in the Bosphorus more than forty species and varieties of hydrophytes, one fourth of which are new. Another achievement of the Linnaean Society in the first year of its existence, is a complete and clear system of classification for the mosses. However humble that kind of vegetation may be deemed, however superfluous the attention bestowed on it may appear to>an idle or super- ficial spectator, it has nevertheless attracted the patient and sedulous inquiry of Linnaeus, DiUe- nius, Hedwig, Bridel, De Candolle,„Schwaegri- chen, Micheli, Vaillant, Adamson, Hill, Meese, Schreber, Haller, and many others, who by their investigations gradually rendered it evident that mosses possessed a system of fructification simi- lar to all other plants, as discovered by Linnae- us. It was left to Palissot de Beauvais to clas- sify them. In mentioning the name of Beau- vais, I cannot help remarking that by a singu- lar coincidence, he like Plumier, Feuille, Mag- nol, Michaux, &c. all celebrated botanists, tho' natives of Europe, perfected in this country their acquirements in their favourite science. As it is a satisfaction to trace where the foot- steps have trod of the man of signal celebrity, I may mention that it was Beauvais who first ar- ranged in scientific order the Museum at Phila- delphia in the year 1794. With the help of magnifying glasses, he ascertained inthemos- Celebration of the Birth-day of Linnaeus. 7 ses, their roots, stems, foliage and organs of fruc- tification, of which he has given no less than 700 magnified delineations. The organ of fruc- tification called the cup, exists in all mosses, and presents only five variations or characteris- tic differences; consequently, five classes, which are subdivided into forty-five genera, receive all known mosses. His splendid work on this subject has been published by order of the Lin- naean Society of Paris, and, of course, is in our possession. Another essay of interesting import, occurs in the Linnaean transactions; it is an attempt to ascertain the nature and properties of the deli- quescent or melting plant, Tremella Nostoc of Linnaeus. It is often found in summer, after rain, on the gravel walks in gardens ; it presents a greenishjjnembranous covering, containing a jelly, in which a number of long, slender, ar- ticulated filaments are perceptible. The plant disappears as the weather grows dry, leaving only a thin and apparently inorganic mem- brane, which, however, on being soaked with water, nearly resumes its former appearance. It was first regularly mentioned in 1672, by the Academy of Sciences in Paris, who then held conferences. I cannot now enter into a minute detail of the numerous authorities that have described it, and commented on its singular pro- perties ; suffice it to say, that at least ten wri- ters of eminence since Par acels us have recognized it. Magnol called it, Muscusfugax membranaceus pinguis. The Alchymists and Cabalistsdefined it a manna from heaven, a secretion of the stars ; Slellarum purgatio : in fine, the quintescence of th-firmament, the flower or the leaf of heaven : Cceliftos Ccelifolium. Linnaeus named it Tre- mella nostoc; but since his time, some have ranked it with the Alga among plants, others with the Polypi among animals, until the fol- lowing facts have been communicated to the Linnaean Society, concerning this extraordinary production. According to the situations in which it is placed, whether on the sea-shore, on gravel, stones, mosses, low grounds or walls, &c.; it changes its shape and affects the form of diffe- rent Lichens; as it metamorphoses itself, it assumes polypous filaments endued with spon- taneous and rapid motions in every direction from the right to the spiral line ; when mace- rated for eight days in water, it resolves itself into a mass of globular animalcules; and when submitted to chemical analysis, it gives water, mucus, a gummy substance, a portion of greasy matter, and a small proportion of carbonate and phosphate of lime, and muirate an J sulphate of potass. The Tremalla Nostoc, is accounted the link between the animal and vegetable king- doms. I hasten to mention another important essay relating to a new article of fodder for sheep. Our colleague, the indefatigable Thiebautde Berneaud, some time since, discovered, through his familiar acquaintance with ancient classical authors, that many of them often adverted to a certain plant as peculiarly the best for the nourishment of that precious animal, so useful to man. The Hebrews called it, achu, the Greeks, hpha, and the Latins, ulva palastris. Among those three nations, large flocks of sheep were considered an invaluable treasure; and they devoted to them great care, changing their pasturage with the seasons. They managed them attentively not only for their flesh, but for their fleece, which, with the addition of gold and the Tyrian dye, composed even the priestly vestments and the regal mantle. As the ulva paluslris was so highly esteemed by them, it was a desideratum to ascertain to what known plant its qualities and name might be referred. There was a serious objection in the way of this investigation, because the ulva palustris was designated as a swamp or marsh plant, while it is well-known, that such affect, with violent diseases, the fleecy and tender animal in ques- tion, which cannot thrive in low humid mea- dows, but prefers hills anddiy plains. It there- fore seemed almost futile to seek a proper fod- der among aquatic vegetation; but M. Thie- baut, guiding his research by the general cha- racter of the Graminece, that of being the natu- ral and safe food of the sheep, sought in that genus for a species corresponding in qualities with those ascribed to the ulva. From the joint testimony of Cato, Virgil, Pliny, Varro, &.C it appears that the ulva was limosa, grow- ing in muddy ground; levis, of delicate and light foliage; viridis, of a bright green colour; glauca, garnished with an ear of a whitish green hue; mollis and grata, soft and pleasant in texture; fluminea and palustris, growing on the brink of running water or in marshes, where it may be cultivated. These attributes are all peculiar to the Fesluea fluitans seu natan&, which is termed by the English manna grass; by the French, grtmil or polish manna ; by the Swedes mannagryn; a grass not only greedily sought after by all kinds of cattle, but even by ducks and swine. When dried, it is employed for stuffing matrasses, and making seives and baskets. It was used to sleep upon in the early times of Rome by the hardy and indigent Ro- mans. Its seed, small and millet-like, furnishes an aliment to the poor in Sweden and Poland. It is raised in the north of Europe^ to make rich gruel. Besides employing it for fodder, the ancients used it for the same purposes .as the moderns. The ulva palustris is therefore the Fesluea Jluitans. The learned dissertation of Mr. Thiebaut, has already excited attention in this part of the world, and measures have been taken to ascer- tain whether the Festuca fluitans is indigenous, or if not, to procure it from Europe for the be- nefit of American farmers ; who, by the aid of this valuable grass, may turn, to the advantage of their flocks, the most unfavourable situations into productive pastures. -Several other in- structive reports attest the success of the first year's labours of the Parent Society ; but, lest I should encroach on the hours you may wish to devote to rural festivities, I shall only enume- rate their titles. There is a disquisition on the 8 Celebration of the Birth-day of Linnotus. nutrition of plants, and the particular functions of the pith and neck of the root, which will be highly acceptable to agriculturists aud horticul- turists. Another is a dissertation on the ab- sorbent.* of the roots, and on the elementary substances, to them susceptible of absorption. Another is a handsome oxposition of the lec- tures of Theophrastus, who lived 350 years be- fore the Christian era ; it gives his systems and opinions on the physiology of plants, from which it appears that he entertained the belief, that the flower was the seat of fecundation. Ano- ther is an account of the cultivation of the grape by the Greeks, and their various process- es of making wine. They preceded the Ro- mans in this; but both nations had different modes, which still exist through France, Italy, and the South of Germany. While the Parent Society have done so much to extend the empire of useful truths in Botany and Husbandry, our fellow-citizens, who have twice attended our invitation to this festival, and kindly encouraged our exercises with their presence, may justly inquire whether we our- selves have contributed in any degree to these advances in knowledge, and the practical ap- plication of the natural sciences. They may ask this, more especially, as so many botanists and philosophical observers, whether natives or foreigners, have already given this country a deserved repute by their scientific labours. It is humbly hoped that that portion entrusted to us will not be allowed to degenerate : the ho- nour of membership conferred by the. Parent Society, summons us to exertion, and must ex- cite our emulation with those abroad, confra- ternity with worthy associates at home, and call our attention to what remains to be accomplish- ed on this side the Atlantic. In the mean while we may congratulate ourselves on being able to hold the anniversary of our patron-spirit in st> interesting a spot as this, in the midst of so splendid a collection of plants,—an establish- ment, which is the work of three generations af the same family, and which, by the number and selection of its specimens, surpasses every other in the United States ; for the oldest, that of the brothers Bartram, and the garden of William Hamilton, in Philadelphia, were by bo means equally select and extensive. Our variable climate, which from season to season, goes through a range of ninety thermometrical degrees, affords this spot incalculable advan- tages for rearing, seasoning, and naturalizing trees and shrubs from every other clime and zone. Of these advantages, the proprietors have so skilfully availed themselves, that they may be said to have made their garden the standard of the progress among us, of botanical knowledge, and agricultural improvements, both so mutually dependent on each other. Among our Linnaean members, their fellow- citizens will recognise the author of the excel- lent Geology of New-York and the Hudson; that of the Flora of this and the adjacent states, others of the annals of the Lyceum, and him to wl^om we are indebted for the botanical historv of America, as read before the Historical So- ciety of New-York, in 1813. Our colleague the author of this last performance, which should obtain a place in tue library of every American lover of nature, has left no depart- ment of its kingdom unexplored or unscruti- nized; his unceasing labours and extensive con- tributions, already compose so large a collec- tion of writings and specimens, that they seem almost beyond the reach of memory. The dis- ciples of natural philosophy and the fine arts, both at home and abroad, are alike tributary to him, whose authority is courted, even by the highest candidates for fame. Ladies and gentlemen, the zealous efforts of a few in religion, in politics, in philanthropy, or any of the moral virtues, can create a public spirit in a commnnity that will extend to every member ; thus, by the frequent contemplation of the works of nature, and by the study of its productions, there arises in the mind another moral excellence, which is most congenial to the duties of man to the Almighty Ruler of the Universe : for a knowledge is attained by which we become possessed of invaluable treasures, of food, clothing, materia medica, and all pos- sible materials that industry can convert to our use and comfort. It is a subject of congratu- lation to notice, on this occasion, that such a public spirit has happily pervaded a great sec- tion of our most respectable citizens. (HF The rest of this communication, being of a local character, is omitted. Eulogium on Linnaus, by Dr. Akerly. Ladies and Gentlemen—You are assembled on the present occasion by invitation of the Linnasan Society, to participate in the felicities of a day, set apart for a rural treat, a fete champetre in which the young and the old, the gay and the serious may unite with pleasure and satisfaction. The time and the place arc auspicious for the exercises with which you are about to be entertained. The society hath drawn you from the noise and bustle«f our commercial metropolis,"(UMfccity of New-York) that you may the better enjoy yourselves with the beauties of the surrounding country, and the delightful village of Flushing. Here you will be refreshed with the vernal #ale gently wafted over the flowers of May, whioh have ex- panded into fragrance from the warmth of an approaching sun and the genial showers of April. In the language of the Aborigines, this then is the season of blossoms. Here you will see trees and shrubs and plants, putting forth flowers and foliage abounding in variety, fra- grance and beauty. To the proprietor of this noble establishment, (Mr. Wm. Prince,) we are indebted for the liberty of celebrating the day in his garden, where the beauties of nature are collected and exposed to the admiring gaze of the beholder. Here the young and the gay may rejoice amidst the treasures of Flora, while the aged and the serious will contemplate the benignity of the Creator, in providing so much for the enjoyment of his creatures. Celebration of the Birth-day of Linnams. 9 But why, it may be asked, are we assembled OB this day, (24th May) in preference to ano- ther ? Because it is the anniversary of the birth-day of a great man, whose memory is re- vered, and whose name will not be soon forgot- ten. Greatness is a relative term ; when applied to inanimate objects, it has reference to magni- tude ; when to intellect, it relates to the capa- city of the mind t'j conceive, to arrange, and to execute great undertakings. In this sense of the word, Lmnaeus was a great man. His mind Was capable of conceiving, arranging, and exe- cuting. He did conceive, arrange, and execute a work of the greatest magnitude ; and none have excelled him in the labours he performed. This is the anniversary of his birth-day; aud it is one of the agreeable events of my life, that, on this occasion, it hath fallen to my lot to be his eulogist. There are numerous methods of exercising the understanding, and there are various ways in which the human mind can developethe greatness of its conceptions. The Iliad aud the Odyssey or Homer, give evidence of the great- ness of their author. The /Eneid of Virgil, will convey to future generations the grandeur of his conceptions, and the greatness of his mind : his fame will survive the Trail monument which covers his remains ; and Virgil will be known long after his tomb shall be overrun with weeds. Demosthenes and Cicero were great in the Fo- rum, while Alexander and Ctesar were great in the field of battle. Greatness of mind hath been displayed in peace an .1 in war, in the ca- binet and in the field, by land and by sea, as well as in the arts and sciences. In the latter, our Franklin induced the thunder from the clouds, and turned it away innocuous, (Eripuit coelo fulmen.) Our late and lamented fellow- citizen, Robert Fulton, executed the greatness of his conception-, by applying the power of steam to the propulsiou of vessels, and his name will descend to posterity with the great men of the age. Solomon was a great man, not so much from the fact of his being a sovereign, as from his superior wisdom aud extensive know- ledge. It is recorded in holy writ, that " He spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springfth out of the wall : he spake also uf beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes." (1st Kings, ch. 4, v. 33.) From this record, it would ap- pear, that Solomon was extensively acquainted with natural history, but his writings on the subject have been lost in the lapse of ages The greatness of Linnteus consisted in his en- larged and compreheusive view of all the ob- jects of creation, generally embraced under the subject of natural history; and he penetrated into the arcana of nature with such a scruti- nizing eye, that no one hath excelled him in these investigations. The application and ex- tent of natural history will be best understood by contrast Civil history embraces and treats of the go- vernment of man and his various changes and states of existence : Natural History of all other animals and things which teud to the wel- fare of mankind. The one relates to man only ; the ot*her to every thing which administers to his comfort. Civil history teaches us the cha- racter of our own species and the relation we bear toother human beings, while natural his- tory embraces a more extensive field and makes us acquainted with all other objects of creation whether animate or inanimate. To these nu- merous subjects did Linnaeus apply himself, and from his profound view of the works of creation he produced his Syslcma Natures (or system of Nature) which collects and disposes in systema- tic order all that has life and organization. He attempted also to arrange inanimate and inorga- nic matter by producing a sy. tem af mineralo- gy founded upon the crystalline figures of bo- dies. In this, however, he failed, and Bergman who was his cotemporary demonstrated that a true knowledge of minerals was only to be ob- tained by means of chemistry. The multiplici- ty of the pursuits of Linnaeus prevented him from making a thorough investigation of the subject of crystallography, Which has since been so ably developed by the Abbe Hauy. His attempt however, to found a system upon the crystalline forms of minerals, is a proof that his penetrating mind discoverer! something peculiar in their crystals, which by the subsequent in- vestigations of another great man, hath since been brought to light. With the exception of mineralogy, Linnreus investigated all the subjects of natural history more thoroughly, and elucidated them more correctly than any preceding or succeeding au- thor. On some particular subjects, there have been since his decease, addition* and improve- ments; but as a whole, his plan of arrangement, his system, is the most perfect, and he must be considered as the greatest naturalist that the world has ever produced. Natural history consists of two parts, arrange- ment and description. Arrangement is useful to assist the memory, by grouping together such objects as have natural and resembling features, and thus methodising the whole works of crea- tion. This systematic arrangement introduces light-to the subject, and enables the investiga- tor of nature, to see them in their proper places and relations, and thus to form a just idea of the symmetry and harmony which prevail throughout. Description belongs to individual objects or particular species, and is engaged in the detail of those qualities which belong severally to each, and whereby every one is distinguished from another. Description is therefore the counterpart to arrangement, inasmuch as the latter is engaged in tracing the resemblance be- tween natural tfbjects; and description is em- ployed in pointing out their differences. Ar- rangement takes a wide and general view of the whole subject, while on the contrary, descrip- tion limits itself to the narrow confines of a single thing. It is possible for a person to be 2 10 Celebration of the Birth-day of Linnaus. acquainted with arrangement, and to be almost wholly unacquainted with description, and such is the kind of knowledge ordinarily possessed by those who only glanee over systematic books. It is also possible for a person to be conversant in description, without being acquainted with arrangement, and such is the condition of those untutored observers, who, with much curiosity and good opportunities, observe the productions of nature for themselves, without having looked into books at all. Neither of these characters will form a complete naturalist; the former possesses only general views, the latter is but a man of detail. In order to become great and accomplished in this, as well as iu other branches of human knowledge, it is necessary, that cor- rect general views, and an acquaintance with particular subjects should be united in the same person. These qualifications were eminently combined iu the subject of our eulogium. In zoology, or the natural history of animals, and in Botany, or the history of the vegetable creation, we take Linnaeus as our guide—not because he is in all respects perfect, but beca ise his system is preferable as a body to that of any other naturalist. Brisson has attempted to im- prove his ornithology,or history of birds—Count de la Cepede to new model his arrangement of amphibious animals—Sir Thomas Pennant, to alter, in some respects, his Icthyology, or histo- ry of fishes—and Professor Fnhiicius, to arrange the insect tribes, in a manner widely different from that of the Swedish naturalist. In botany too, the natural orders of Jussieu, aud other in- novations, have been made without destroying the merit of the Linnaean system, which, to those who have examined it, gives evidence of the greatness of the mind that conceived it. Although Linnaeus was more of a systemalist than a narrator at large, yet he was not deficient in the necessary qualifications to produce cor- rect descriptions. The Count de Buffon, who was his cotemporary, despised system, but is celebrated as the entertaining and elegant model of descriptive writing, a quality which also emi- nently belonged to Pennant. The latter., how- ever,generally adhered to the Linnaean arrange- ment, while the former pursued none, though he attempted to establish one upon the sagaci- ty of animals in a descending series from man. Linnaeus divided animals into six classes, and subdivided the classes into orders,genera, and species. He did the same with plants, and his system of botany, particularly distinguished as the se-xual system, contains twenty-four classes, and these classes are also subdivided into orders, genera, aud species. By the aid of such a system^ the works of ■creation may be easily examined by the student of nature, who must be led to admire the wis- dom aud design of the Supreme Being ; and in- stead of uniting with the Epicurians of ancient or modern times, in attributing all things to chance, he must unite with Thompson in strains of devotion, and declare, '* These are thy works, Almighty Father, Parent of good." The great man to whom we are indebted for this system of nature, and many other works on natural history, was a native of Sweden. He was born in 1707, in the village of Rashoolt, in the province of Smoland ; and died in 1778, in the 71st year of his age, leaving, in his works, a legacy of inestimable value to succeeding ge- nerations. Such was the illustrious man, whose likeness you see depicted in the bust before you ; and the Linnaean Society have here, a^d thus deter- mined to celebrate his birth-day/and hold him up to the admiration of our countrymen, and the respect of the civilized world. Dr. MiichiWs Communication to the New- York Branch of the Lmnaan Society. Mr. Presideivt—The arrival a few days ago of a collection of Helvetic and Italian plants from Berne in Switzerland, through my correspondent the famous Brunner, and my fel- low citizen, the enterprising Wagner, enables me to present you some of the vegetable pro- ductions of those countries. The whole herba- rium amounting to several hundreds of species, is here on the table ; but instead of opening and displaying them all to your view, a task of days and a study for months, I shall enumerate a mo- derate number that are remarkable for their lo- calities, and show a few that are memorable for their association, or some other circumstance. Berne, you recollect, is the name of a city and a Canton, situated among1 or near the highest mountains in Europe ; and associated with that distinguished region,the Canton deVaud. With- in its precincts, the Institute of Pestalozzi at Buckse'e, attempted an improved organization of primary schools ; and the establishment of Fellenbergat Hofwyl, taught the method of de- riving from the soil, the greatest amount of pro- duce with the smallest expense, time and la- bour. From the terrace of the Cathedral, the stu- pendous Alps arrest the eye. On a clear even- ing, they appear with their utmost magnificence and splendour. The milder scenery consists of romantic mountains, craggy rocks, gloomy fo- rests, verdant meads, and the chequered works of agriculture. I shall suppose we are making excursions hence to several places; and along the banks of torrents, I pick up the changeable saxifrage; from the road oide. a purplish grass ; aud from an enclosure, the famous Bear-grape ; and ga- ther from their respective stations around, the picturesque anemone; themountain-cress ; and the deep blue linaria ; while the Bartsia, the Arabia, aud the Ophrys invite cropping,that they may embalmed for this exhibition. The ravines and glens of the Vallais, as visit- ed, have sent their Artemisia, their Ctllis, and their Centaury, to grace the present festival, and as these were not rare, numerous or beauti- ful enough, the spartium, the ononis, the Del- phinium, and the Veronica associate themselves into a bouquet for a similar purpose. Mount Sempronius sends from his frigid sum- Celebration of the Birth-day of Linnasm. 11 M»t, the hardy Luzula, and from his shaggy sides, the yellow Reseda, the swarthy cytisus, the nairy fern, and a number of his verdant occu- pants. The Col de Balme begs you to look at his Kumex ; and the heights of Savoy intreat your favourable notice of their Stalice. VVho has not heard of the elevated and fow- ling ridge of the Great Saint Bernard ? But wno, until now, ever knew that he furnished li- beral and elegant supplies to a "fetechampetre et botanique." Two species of Carex, two of Juncus, and one of Trichodium, show that he supports grasses, plants of the utmost importance to man and beast; and a Senecio, a Sisymbrium and a Pedicularis, prove that he sustains other plants remarkable for their foliage anJ flowers. Nor are we yet at the end of our trips. Here you see the Nar.los and the Gnaphalium ga- thered upon the lofty Hahnenmoos, on the 4th day of July, the anniversary of fredonian in- dependence, 1822.—This charming little umbil- liferous vegetable, comes skipping to you from the Coldes Fours, and the Pine and the Rho- dodendron have broken their connections on Mount Jura, to show themselves here to-day. One expedition more and I shall have done. How can I be silent of Mount Blanc, who ele- vates his front nearer to the skies than any other European land? His fearful and difficult elevation has been approached by a Macneven and a Van Rensselaer. Beyond the narratives of these and other intrepid and intelligent visitors, something remains to be told. More than a hundred plants from Chevoz and Ferret, two of his most dis- tinguished vallies, are now before you. They may be examined without fatigue or cost, with- out danger from presipitation into icy chasms, or from interment under snowy avalanches.— Nymphs of Flora! or in other words, lovers of Bo- tany ! examine, (as the politicians say) what the budget contains. Take under your observance, the articles or items one by one, and report from a fair sample of a part, the opinion you entertain of the whole. From this ground, the anthericum, the uvularia, the antirrhinum, the ranunculus, the anthyllis, the osmonda, the primula or prim- rose, and the astragalus, appear as a select com- mittee, authorized to represent the rest. Here they all are—I meditate a pause—but the aphthous liverwort, and the pigmy willow, seize me by the skirt, and command me to listen. Their embodied spirits, though unseen by you, are clothed in human forms. What is your will say I, cryptogamic and phanerogamous crea- tures, that you thus interrupt me in the face of this respectable and fashionable company? They utter, (or I am so rapt, that as far as I can com- prehend their meaning, I seem to hear them utter these words,) " say something, director of the destinies, that becomes the magnitude of Haller's character, or you shall be frowned up- on by posterity ; inasmuch as you neglect this illustrious man, your successors shall cover you with oblivion." Mercy on me ! answer I, as I wish to be remembered, let me remember others;" and thus I vent, like an impromptuary, my recollections and feeliugs :— "In speaking of Berne, I should be inexcusable if I omitted the name of Albert Haller, one of its most distinguished citizens, and one of the mott illustrious men of his age. The Bernese are proud of the trophies contained in their ar- senal, as well as of the imposing number, fine condition, and orderly distribution of the arms and warlike stores. They show vith exulta- tion the statue of William Tell, who with uu arrow, is reported to have shot from the top of his son's head the apple placed there by Gover- nor Grisler, and by that means saved his life ; and by the same act laid the foundation of the Helvetic revolution. '• Haller wae born in this city, during the year 1709. The accounts of his display of genius, and apt.'.ude to acquire knowledge, are as re- markable as perhaps any upon record. Before five years of age, he was accustomed to write down all the new words he had heard during the day. Soon after, he formed for his own use, rules in grammar, arithmetic, and other scien- ces, and at nine had composed for the same pur- pose a Greek and Hebrew Lexicon, a Chaldean Grammar, and a Historical Dictionary, from Bayle and Moreri, containing more than two thousand lives. At ten he wrote a satire in Latin verse against his tutor, a mau of provok- ing harshnessand severity ; and he early com- mencedthepractice,whichhecontinued through life, of always reading with a pen in his hand, makjng extracts of every thing memorable in the work, and adding his own opinion of it. This was the foundation of his immense literary and biblical collections. "Having after the death ofhisfather decided on the medical profession, the reason he gave for it was, that he thereby might gratify his de- sire to study the works of nature in creation without restraint. He studied in Tubingen, un- der Duvernoy and Camerarius; in Leyden un- der Boerhaave, Albinus and Ruysch ; in Eng- land he was noticed by Sloane, Douglas, and Cheselden ; in France he studied anatomy un- der Le Dran ; and at Basle mathematics under Bernouilli. Here, where the Bauhins, John a'nd Caspar had resided, and where Stahalin lived, he projected the plan of his great work on the Botany of Switzerland. To collect materi- als for which, he between 1728 and 1731, tra- versed in various excursions the mountainous tracts of Vallais, Savoy and Berne. These he published at Gottingen,in 1742, under the title of the Enumc.ratio mclhadica Slerpium Htkcli- carum indigenarum, in a large folio volume, with a sublime frontispiece, and a dedication to Frederic Prince, of Wales. He did not howe- ver survey these scenes with the eye of a natur- alist only ; they roused in him the spirit of poet- ry. His verses on " the Alps," and several other compositions written in his twenty-first year, exalleM his name high in the ranks of German literature. He is considered as one of the first who proved to the Ge^nans the rich- J <■} Celebration of thcBirth-day of Linnceus. ness, sublimity and harmony of their poetical language. Some of his publications on botany and anatomy, having gained him considerable and merited reputation abroad, King George II. of England, invited him to the Professorship of Botany, Anatomy and Surgery in the Universi- ty of Gottmgen, in his Electorate of Hanover. There his career was marked by industry, abili- ty, usefulness, and renown. After seventeen years service, in that capacity, he returned to Berne, where he became a magistrate, a mem- ber of the Council of two hundred, a superin- tendent of the salt-works; and was employed in various situations, academic, forensic,politic- al and ecenomical. His health and resources held out until the year 1777, when he died at the age of 68, leaving the fame of one of the best informed men in Europe. His acquain- tance with books was wonderful; his memory prodigious. The writings aud compilations he has left, are rich and honourable monuments of his extraordinary diligence, acquirements and talents. But I must desist, as I am only men- tioning him incidentally, and not writing his life. Yet, if I should make an additional re- mark, it would be that Haller is more worthy of the imitation of young men, who aspire to literary, professional, and scientific glory, than most of the examples the world affords." Charming is the prospect of Italy when view- from the Alps; more interesting is the exhibi- tion it makes from the nearer and humbler Ap- penines. Piedmont, fertile in plants, offers you as specimens of her ample and diversified her- barium, the saxifrage, and the Sisymbrium.— They invite your attention to the south. Let me beg your indulgence, while I pluck a few flowers, as I travel along. See here the elegant gaaphulium sta-chas, from the moun- tains ; the pretty dianthus alrorubens, or purple pink, which grew by its side ; and the neat achilka agerala, or single-stemmed milfoil, pluck- ed from the same neighbourhood. Observe, I entreat you, how beautiful they all appear in death! Tuscany is under an alluring cultivation.— You shall be gratified by a sight of a lew of its productions as we go. The Thrasymene lake offers you a tall aquatic grass ; and the Alban lake, a specious flowt conceived the idea that the Vinegar of Wood possessed peculiar antisep- tic principles, from which he was led to use it in the preservation of meat, and afterwards in the preparation of mummies. Availing himself of Professor Meineke's studies, Mr. ^totze an apothecary at Halle, made a varie- ty of experiments, by wnich he so far verified his predecessors' discoverie , and so completely puri- fied the acid as to render it fit for the table, that he obtained a prize on that account from the Royal Society of (jottingen. From this period down to 1818, the Vinegar of Wood was generally regarded as a distinct acid ; but Fourcroy, and other French chemists, ha- ving analyzed it, they pronounced it to be the same as the acetous, or common vinegar, differing only in the flavor. The name of Pyroligneous Acid has since been giveu to it from the circum- stance otits being oblaiued by the destructive dis- tillation. In England and France the manufactory of this acid is carried on to a considerable extent, and is there used in families as a substitute for vine- gar. When it first comes from the still, it is of a dark colour, possessing a strong acid, aud slightly astringent taste, with an empyreumatic smell— After remaining at rest for some days, the sub- stance which causes the dark appearance, and which is of the qualities of tar, subsides, and the acid then resembles .Madeira wine in colour, and is comparatively transparent. Before Pyroligneous Acid, however, can be used for the table, it must be frequently dif.illed to free it from the volatile oil which occasions the peculiar flavor attending it in its original state— The most effectual method to render it pure, is to mix it with sulphuric acid, manganese, and common salt, when running it through the still— These frequent distillations increase its strength so much that it cannot be used for domestic pur- poses, until it is mixed with a large proportion of witter. Some of the acid, thus purified, has late- ly been imported into this country, and is found to answer all the purposes to which vinegar is usu- ally applied. Pyroligneous Acid is well known in Great Bri- tain of late years, as an article of commerce—It is there distilled for the uurpose of obtaining the acid to dye, and the charcoal for manufac- turing gunpowder, which is always in'equest.— The common estimate is that a ton of nut wood yields about 100 gallons of acid, 400 lbs. of char- coal, and 12 gallons of tarry substance. This acid is also extensively used, in this and other countries, in the preparation of white lead. The powerful manner in which it acts on the metai in its original state, must always induce the manufacturers of this article to prefer it to all other acids. It is likewise understood, that leatlter may be tanned bv the Pyroligneous acid, in a much short- er period than by the ordinary process, and that the leather thus manufactured, is equal, if not superior to any imported. But the most valuable use to which this acid mav be applied, if that of curing meat of every dc/cription, so as to preserve it from flies andirom putrefaction in hot weather. It ha3 been ascer- tained by innumerable experiments, that it con- tains the same properties of preserving animal matters as smoking them by wood does; and th \t theoniv difference in using it and drying by the present mode, is merely in the application. In the one case, the meat is acted on during the dis- tillation of the acid while the wood is burning iu the smoke house; in the other, the acid, already formed, is applied by immersion, or by the brush. Since the experiments of Mr. Stotze at Halle, several successful applications of the acid, in this way, have been noticed in the English journals. Two specimens of meat were, some months ago, exhibited at a meeting of the Philosophical Socie- ty, Whitehaven, which had been prepared with the acid on 7th September 1819. One of the pieces had been taken to the West Indies to try the effect of the climate, .and the other was hung up at home. After the lapse of fifteen months, (i. e. January. 1821) they were lasted by all the members of the Society, and found to be pre- fectly sweet, fresh, and fit for use. Our journals also have mentioned instances where the acid has been used in the preparation of meat, and the result has been equally satisfac- tory. But nothing has appeared, of a positive nature, m either coutitry, by which the mode of applying it could be distinctly understood. In one instance, the acid was put into the tub after the meat had been sufficiently saturated with the pickle, and in another it was not applied until after it was removed from the tub, and had huug in the open air for a day or two. The quantity of the acid used has likewise been differently es- timated according to the different modes of pre- paration which have been adopted. With the view of satisfying myself on the sub- ject, I caused six pieces of beef usually selected for smoking, and weighing about 15 lbs. each, to be cured with salt, saltpetre, and sugar in the or- dinary way, and whpn they had been about four weeks in the pickle, ihey were taken out, and hung up for 24 hours ; after which they were moistened, by a brush, with nearly a quart of the acid. In a few days they had all the appearance of smoked beef, and, when cut in slice?, no differ- ence whatever could be discovered between them in flavor or taste. Some hams and tongues, prepared in the same manner, showed a similar result In point of economy, the difference in the two modes is very striking. The expence of smok- ing a hundred weight of meat, is 37 1-2 cents; the cost of the acid for the svinie quantity, is only 6 cents. But what is of still greater importance is, that w.ien moat returns from thp smokehouse, it generally vveiuh? about a third less then when sent thither. Prepared with the acid, no diminution in the weight takes place ; while the juices of the beef and hams, which are dried up by the fire of the sm^ke house, arc en- tirely preserved in the new process. Add to '.hi*, that in using the acid there is no danger of-the meat being changed, or of its passing through the nands of persons who may not be altogether atten- tive to cleanliness—considerations which a?e o." no small importance to thee who are careful :n regulatihg their household affairs. 16 Celebration of the Birth-day of Linnaus. Accompanying this communication is a piece of beef prepared by me about two months ago, and a part of the acid used by me on that occa- sion. The beef has been fully exposed during the whole of that period, and although the wea- ther has not been so warm as is usual at this sea- son, I have no doubt that it is unassailable by putrefaction or bv flies in the hottest part of the year. When sliced and broiled, it relishes as well as the best beefsteak. The acid is in the same state in which it was when it first came from the still. It is divested of its colour by subsequent distillation; but as this deprives it of its essential oil, the cause of the smokey flavor given to the meat, any alteration in its present state must diminish that flavor, and, probably, materially affect its anteseptic quali- ties ; consequently render it unfit tor curing meat. 1 have been assured, that fish may he preserved for any length of time by the Pyroligneous acid. This appears extremely probable. Salmon, shad, and herrings are cured in smoke houses in the same way that meat is cured, and there seems no reason to doubt that the acid would produce a similar effect. It might also be used to preserve beef and pork for a considerable period, without the trouble and expence of salting. New York, 20th May, 1824. GEO. HOUSTON. Substance of the remarks of Mr. William Ro- bert Prince, introductory to a toast given at the Linnaan Festival. Such has been the pressure of numerous avo- eations, for some time past, that, desirable as it was to me, to tender my offering at the shrine of the immortal father of botany, still I have not been enabled to contribute to the exercises of the day by any scientific communication ; and I rise at this moment unprepared te enter into any elaborate remarks, bat with a soul filled with the diversified sensations, which such a day, such a celebration, and such an assemblage are calculated to inspire. Sir, I feel an inex- pressible pride and pleasure, on seeing here, eoneentrated, the most splendid'talents, not only of our own country, but of regions far remote. Little did our great patron, whose nativity we this day celebrate, when he was developing the mysteries of nature, and when his efforts were ridiculed by many of his contemporaries, anti- cipate that his name, by its talismanic influence, would excite the plaudits of every clime, of every country, and of every age. Who could ■have supposed, at the period in which Linnaeus lived, that in less than a century, we should be able to enumerate in the vegetable kingdom, above^sixteen thousand species, whose peculia- rities are accurately defined and recorded ?— And what heartfelt gratification does it not yield to the bosoms of Americans to know, that above four thousand species of those described, are* natives of our own country ; and that each year affords large accessions to the number ? Can that country be said, with tigith, to be unfavour- able to the expansion of intellect, which can boast its full share of vegetable productions; a country watered by the mightiest rivers, and bearing within its bosom, internal seas of im- mense extent ? Can mau degenerate in a clime, the grandeur and majesty of whose scenery, commands the admiiation of the world ? Does genius fail to expand amid the sublimities of na- ture ? Science banishes from the mind all pre- judice, and bids us look upon every country with liberal feelings. Permit me, therefore, to offer, Mr. President, the following sentiment: Genius and science, the birthright of everf country. The Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley: by a young Lady, and given as a sentiment at the Linnman festival. O gracious power,from whom all goodness flows! Long may thy flame within my heart be known: Like Sharon's Rose, with ruddy tints that glows, Like the vale's pride, may it thy lustre own, And give its fragrance unto thee alone : And aye thy holy word with love adore ; Then for the future hope, the past atone, Till when all pain be past and peril o'er, It bloom with life renew'd, on Eden's promis'd shore. Errata.—Some feiv errors have escaped notice, which the reader is desired to correct.—- In Mr. Clinton's A Idress, 4th line of the 2d paragraph, for deflnition, read " description." In the 3d line of the 3d paragraph, for these, read « three." In the 25th line of the 4th pa- ragraph, after panegyrics, insert" of Worth." In the 1st line of the 7th paragraph, fo.r offer.*. substitute " appears." \ r.