EXPERIMENTS ON TIIE LARYNGEAL NERVES AND MUSCLES OF RESPIRATION, ETC., IN A CRIMINAL EXECUTED BY HANGING. By W. W. KEEN^U^ LECTURER ON ANATOMY IN TI SCHOOL OF ANATI^iK LECTURER ON PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY IN TIIE JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE, ETC. [Read February 3, 1875.] In January, 187o, Dr. S. Weir Mitchell called my attention to a paper by Dr. George Johnson, read before the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, Dec. 8, 1874 {Med. Times and Gaz., Dec. 19, 1874, |). 700), “On the Laryngeal Symptoms which result from pressure of Aneurismal and other Tumors on the Vagus and Recurrent Nerves.” In this paper Dr. Johnson quotes two cases of bilateral palsy of the larynx observed during life by the laryngoscope, in which the post-mortem showed that the vagus and recurrent nerves of one side only, and not on both sides, were compressed, and he expressed the belief that “pressure on one recurrent nerve, which is an efferent motor nerve, will cause direct unilateral palsy of the larynx, but cannot cause either bilateral spasm or bilateral palsy; pressure on the trunk of the vagus, involving its afferent fibres, may cause both bilateral spasm and bilateral palsy of the 98 KEEN, larynx.” The reason for this bilateral action he con- sidered to be the intimate connection between the nerve nuclei of the two sides, so that, according to Broadbent’s hypothesis, each nucleus possesses bi- lateral activity. Dr. D. Powell stated that he had obtained similar results in the dog, but called atten- tion to the difference that existed in different ani- mals, and that faradization of the recurrent in the cat produced abduction of the cords, and that Dr. J. Reid had produced bilateral spasm in the dog on gal- vanizing one recurrent only. Some years ago Dr. Mitchell had discovered the remarkable chiasm in the recurrent laryngeal nerves in the Chelonia. He had sought it in the cat and rabbit, but had not found it. lie had not, however, examined the dog, and these statements of Dr. John- son, coupled with Dr. Mitchell’s former discoveries, prompted the proposal that I should assist him in a few experiments to determine the facts in the dog, and the probabilities in man, of a chiasm of the minuter fibres of the recurrents, which, though not demonstrated anatomically, might yet be proved phy- siologically. A few days later, by the courtesy of Dr. F. F. Maury, I was invited to be present at the execution of Frederick Heidenblut, and it occurred to me that here was an opportunity to test the question on man himself, instead of the dog. Accordingly it was ar- ranged that Dr. Carl Seiler should make the laryn- geal examinations, while I dissected the nerves and faradized them, according to directions drawn up by Dr. Mitchell. I was also assisted by Drs. Maury, Butcher (the prison physician), T. H. Andrews, EXPERIMENTS ON THE LARYNGEAL NERVES, ETC. 99 T. G. Morton, and Kirkbride, and Messrs. Garrett and Biddle, medical students. Heidenblut was hanged at 10.45 A. M., January 20, 1875. Alter hanging half an hour, his body was cut down and carried into a small room near by, when I dissected the left vagus and recurrent laryngeal nerves as low down as possible in the neck (being very careful not to cut any branches, or injure them by the forceps, etc.), and slipped a small piece of pure india-rubber cloth under each, as an insulator. The body was then placed in a chair, and the attempt made to observe the vocal chords in the ordinary way, but the mechanical disturbance caused by the rope, and the tenacious mucus which had gathered in the larynx, made this impossible, so that I was com- pelled to open the larynx between the thyroid carti- lage and the hyoid bone by a very small opening, just large enough for the mirror, when an excellent view of the chords was had by Dr. Seiler. Repeated faradization, both with weak and with strong cur- rents, and galvanization with from four cells up to •forty, of the recurrent and also of the vagus, pro- duced decided movements of the left chord only, and none of the right. I applied the two wires directly to each nerve, so that no other part should be in- volved, as might be the case if sponges were used. By these means I simulated the irritating action of a tumor as nearly as possible, and I found on later careful dissection that none of the fibres of the vagfus were probably injured, and the cerebral circuit broken. The knot in the rope had been tied under the left ear, the head was thrown to the right, and thus the main injury to the soft parts was on the 100 KEEN, right side. The right sterno-mastoid muscle was cut completely in two, its two ends being held to- gether only by the connective tissue of its sheath. The left was only bruised. The vagus was not, so far as I could perceive, mechanically injured on either side. The superior laryngeal nerve was not mechanically injured, nor cut by opening the larynx. The hyoid bone was broken on both sides at the junction of the body and greater cornua. The verte- brae were neither broken nor dislocated, a condition I have verified in two other cases of judicial hanging. The definite conclusion to be drawn from the ex- periment is that no chiasm of the inferior laryngeal nerves exists. No reflex motion was observed in the larynx, but the mechanical violence in such a mode of death is so great, and yet its effects may so easily escape observation, that, I think, as yet, no rigorous conclusion can be stated until other similar experi- ments are made, in which this source of error is absent. At 12.10 P. M., having finished with the larynx, I proceeded to experiment on the muscles of respira- tion, a subject I had long desired, to investigate. I first dissected the left phrenic, and insulated it with rubber, as before. I tried both wires to the nerve, but neither with the eye nor with a tape measure en- circling the chest at the ensiform cartilage (marking 291 inches), was the slightest movement observed. I tried then a wire to the nerve, and with a sponge followed the border of the diaphragm, and then with both sponges to the diaphragm ; but in no instance did I obtain the least response, either with the con- stant or the interrupted current. No reason could EXPERIMENTS ON THE LARYNGEAL NERVES, ETC. 101 be assigned for this failure to respond. Further dis- section of the nerve showed everything normal and apparently uninjured. I then proceeded to the intercostals. Probably no other muscles have been so variously interpreted as to their action, whether the inferences were drawn from theory as to how they must act mechanically, from direct dissection on the human body, from vivi- sections on the lower animals, from experiments on the dead body, or from faradization on the living. The most noteworthy modern observations are by Hutchinson (Todd's Cyc.Anat. andPhys. “Thorax”); Beau and Maissiat (Archiv. Gen., 1842); Sibson (Philos. Trans., 184(i); Traube (Beitray. zur Exp. Path. u. Phys., 184(i); Donders (Ilandb. tot der Natuurk. van der Gezond. J\Iensch., Utrecht, 1853); Ludwig (Lehrb. der Physiol., ii. 308); Budge (Die Wirkuny der Intercost. Muskeln), and Duchenne (Phy- siol. des Mcmvements, 1807, p. 041). The variety of opinion is seen in quoting these and other authors, as follows:— 1st. Both the intercostals are inspirators. Borelli, Senac, Boerhaave, Winslow, Haller, Cuvier, Budge, Duchenne. 2d. Both are expirators. Vesalius, Diemer- broeck, Sabatier, Beau and Maissiat, Longet (though he is in doubt). 3d. The externals are expirators and the internals inspirators. Bartholin. 4th. The externals arc inspirators and the internals are expirators. Spigelius, Vesting, Hainberger, Marcacci, Hutchinson, Donders, Ludwig, Flint, 102 KEEX, Huxley, Marshall, Sibson (the last four especially, however, with modifications). 5th. The internals and externals are both expira- tors and inspirators. Mayer, Magendie, Bouvier, Burdach, Cruveilhier. 6th. They act together, but in one part of the chest are both inspirators, and in another both expirators. Behrens. 7tli. They are neither expirators nor inspirators, but simply mechanically form a part of the chest- wall. Van Helmont, Arantius, Neucranzius. No one, however, that I can discover, has before faradized the dissected muscles directly on the re- cently dead body, as in this instance. At 12.26 P. M. I dissected oft* all the other mus- cles, and exposed the intercostals from the median line to the line of the axilla, and applied the inter- rupted current by two very small wet sponges, from the first intercostal space to the eighth. I first ap- plied them to the intercartilaginous portion of the internal intercostals, and found that they all raised the cartilage below them. The external intercostals were then faradized, when the upper rib was pulled down very markedly, while the lower was just per- ceptibly raised. The depression of the first rib was very slight, but, as each external intercostal was ex- amined in turn, the movement increased from the first to the seventh (the last four were not examined), while the elevation of the rib below varied but little. By means of hooks the fifth rib was fixed, and after- ward the sixth rib, and the fifth external muscle fara- dized, with the same result as before. In order not to confuse the action of the external with that of the EXPERIMENTS ON THE LARYNGEAL NERVES, ETC. 103 underlying internal intercostal, nor the action of the intercartilaginous portion of the internal with the remainder of tlie internal, the external intercostals in the fourth, fifth, and sixth spaces were now carefully dissected away, and the internal muscles faradized from the cartilages to the axillary line, and in each case with very slight depression of the upper rib and marked elevation of the lower rib. Hence the con- clusion was irresistible that the internal intercostals are inspirators, and the external expirators. I am aware of the imperfections of the observations. Nearly two hours had elapsed since death had oc- curred; the posterior half of the muscles was not examined, only three of the internals were examined where covered by the externals, no rigorous measure- ments were taken of the range of movement, etc.; but so far as they go they seem to warrant the con- clusion already stated, and to point out the road to the proper method of determining decisively the ac- tion of these muscles. Having but little time for further observation, I examined carefully but one muscle of the face. All had as yet perfectly retained their electro-muscular contractility. I placed one pole on the seventh nerve, and passed the other small sponge in the median line of the face, from the hair to the tip of the nose. I then placed one sponge on the middle of the nose, and passed the other up and down the middle line. At no point did I get any upward movement of the frontal muscle in its middle portion, but from just between the eyebrows down'to the middle of the nose, the pyramidalis nasi always pulled the skin down. Subsequent dissection showed a well-developed 104 KEEN, EXPERIMENTS ON THE LARYNGEAL NERVES, ETC. pyramidal is and no interruption in the fibres of the occipito-frontal on the forehead, in the median line. I am disposed, therefore, with Mr. Darwin (Expres- sion in Man and Animals, p. 190), to regard the pyra- midalis nasi as the direct antagonist of the central portion of the occipito-frontal, and vice versa. I would also take occasion to point out what im- portant results this new method of investigation— the faradization of the muscles on the recently dead— promises to yield. In the living it is almost impossi- ble to obtain the action of one muscle alone, espe- cially in the face, where the emotions, pain, amuse- ment, etc., involuntarily arouse the action of other muscles. In the recently dead the results will be far more accurate, and therefore for the anatomist, the artist, and the physiologist, they are of the greatest interest and importance.