FOR ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIC USES. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, By JEROME KIDDER, M.D., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. The following are a part, comprehending the more useful Electrodes manu- factured by Dr. Kidder, New York:— SPONGE-HOLDING ELECTRODES. No. 1. Sponge Holder. $1.25 0 rs o. i. Small Sponge-holder, rosewood handle, with sponge- clasp. n 50> Side-sponge to use under a No 3 Long Side Sponge-holder (length 14 inches), without Sponge. $2.00. Side Sponge-holder, with handle 14 inches long, shown with sponge attached. 5 Sponge-holder, with Inter- No. 6. The same. Small size. $2.00. D § inch, 50c. Sponge Clasps to attach to Sponge-holder. The last tour to be used only with llandles No. 2 and 6. A and 3 inch, $1.00 B and 2 inch, 75c. E Small pointed, 50c. C 1 inch, GOc. F Small conical, 50c. No. 7. Ear-Electrode to clasp small sponge. Now made with holes at point to sew on small sponge. $1.50. Another form of Ear-Electrode. $3.00. No. 8. Glass Eye-cup, to be filled with water only, or with sponge. $1.75. Ho 9 No. 10. Metallic Hollow Ball Electrode. 75 cts. ADJUSTABLE ELECTRODE TO BE USED WITH SPONGE UN- DERNEATH, WHICH MAY BE SEWED TO THE PLATE. Silver plated Universal Adjustable Electrode Plate, round 4$ ins. diameter.$1.25 “ Oblong, If x 2f 75 “ “ “ Hx4i 75 “ “ 2*x34 75 Strap for Adjustable Electrode, 19 inches long 35 “ 29 inches long 40 “ 37 “ “ 45 “ 47 “ “ 50 Hinged Copper Foot-Plate 1.25 Case of instruments, comprising Nos. 1, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15,16 and 18, with Universal Handle, in neat velvet-lined case 15.00 Metallic Brush for Anaesthesia. $1.50. ELECTRODES USED WITHOUT SPONGE. The same, shown with brush pushed within its cylinder for protection when not in use. No. 11. No. 12. Scourge, with fine tinsel brush for Anaesthesia. $1.50. No. 13. Insulated Throat Electrode. $1.50. No. 14. Silver-plated Tongue Electrode. $1.50. No. 15. Silver-plated Rectal Electrode. $1.50. No. 16. Uterine Elec- trode. $1.50. No. 17. Bell-shaped Uterine Electrode. $2.00. Silver Plated Vaginal Elec- trode. $1.75. No. 1& No. 19. Silver-plated Urethral Electrode, not insulated. $1.50. No. 20 Urethral insulated silver-plated Tip. $1.75. No. 21 Duchenne’s Double Vesical Electrode for paralysis of the bladder, and incontinence of urine. Open anil closed to apply one or both poles. $2.50. NEEDLES FOR ELECTROLYSIS TO DISCUSS TUMORS, ETC PRICE OF Steel Needle, gold-plated, not insulated, 2 inches long $1.00 Platina “ not insulated, 21 inches long 1.50 Steel “ insulated and gold plated, H inch long 1.50 “ “ “ “ “ 1J “ “ 1.50 “ “ “ long point, 2£ inches long 1.50 “ “ “ “ “ 3* “ “ 1.75 Platina Pointed Needle, insulated, 2 i “ “ 1.75 “ “ 4 “ 3f “ “ 2.00 “ “ “ “ long point, G inches long 2.50 These needles have a rounded head to be inserted by the thumb, and an eye to receive small metallic cord which accompanies each one, to be secured in a screw cup attached to a large metallic cord. Price of the large metallic cord, G feet long $1.00 “ same, covered with pure rubber .' 2.50 No. 22.—Handle for Platinum Knife, Loop and Coil Burners, with Knob and Spring for closing and interrupting the circuit. No. 23.—Handle for Cutting Loop where only one hand is at liberty; the other hand may be employed in holding some instrument, as the laryngeal or aural mirror. Burners and Cutting Loops for Galvano-Cautery. $4.00. Vulcanized Rubber Handle, with Slide, for drawing incandescent Platina Loop for excising Tumors without bleeding. $7.00. No. 24. Another form of Handle with Platina Cutting Loop. $4.00. Cutting Loop for Larvnx to be used with Handle No. 23. $2.00. No. 25, Burner for Larynx, to be used with No. 22. No. 26. No. 27.—Handles to each. Burners of various shapes to be used with the Han- dles. 22 or 23. DR. KIDDER SUPPLIES SUPERIOR PORMS OP CABINET BATTERIES, (Arranged witli the only perfect improved manipulators, at reasonable prices. ALSO, ALL FORMS OF EXTRA APPLIANCES, NEEDFUL IN ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIC PRACTICE. Besides the foregoing, Dr. Kidder supplies Laclanche’s Bat- tery at the cheapest rates; but this form, as it does not continu- ously sustain an active current, is not recommended except in practice where the practitioner seldom desires to use the galvanic current of the multiplied cell battery. The utility of the different qualities of electricity produced by Dr. Kidder’s Improved Faradaie Machines has been amply demonstrated, and has the sanction of all scientific men wlm have examined the subject. The nervous influence, founded in allotropic variations, wh ich are amenable to electrical laws, was exemplified by Dr. Kidder at the American Institute, with an apparatus which substantially represented an artificial nerve, and actually performed various functions of the nerves of a living body, and also discharged a loaded cannon by means of the said allotropic variation excited in a rod of cold iron. This experiment will be performed again by Dr. Kidder, at the American Institute, this Fall (1874), with apparatus occupy- ing a table next to the middle hall, a few steps beyond the great Fountain. TESTIMOWIAEjS showing the superiority of Dr. JEROME KIDDER’S ELECTRO-3IEDICAL APPARATUS. The Modified and Manifold Qualities of Electricity Vindicated and Sustained. OPINION OF PROF. DOREMUS. The following testimonial from R. Ogden Doremus, M. D., Prof. Chemistry and Physics in the N. Y. City College, and Prof. Chemistry and Toxicology, Bellevue Hospital Medical College, refers to the superior merits of Dr. Kidder’s Apparatus: College of the City of New York, ‘‘ Cor. Lexington Avenue and Twenty-third Street, “New York, August 9th, 1371. “Dr. Jerome Kidder: “ Dear Sir—Within the past few weeks I have carefully examined the con- struction of several forms of your Electro-Magnetic Machines. “ I find that they differ in philosophical principles from any I have before investigated, and that they possess, in addition, many mechanical improvements. “ By your ingenious modifications and combinations of the primary current of the Galvanic Battery, accomplished by passing it through helices of wires of dif- fering lengths and thicknesses, I find that the electric effects are materially altered in a manner not accomplished by any other machines. “ These variations I have tested by galvano-metric, galvano-thermic, and other scientific instruments. “ I have also experienced the varied effects produced upon the human system in my own person, and have witnessed the same in others, on applying the cur- rents of electricity from the various coils, and through conductors of graded lengths and sizes. “Thus the eye stimulated to appreciate various amounts of light without pain ; or slight pain may be experienced without so exciting the organ as to perceive light. By changing the flow of the mysterious agent, its influence may be felt at the wrist, in the forearm, or higher up near the shoulder, in addition to all the variations of frequency, direction, and power usually provided for in electro-inagnetic machines. “ I confess I was surprised at the agreeable nature of the electric current. Most persons dislike the peculiar sensations experienced from the ordinary machines, and, after a first trial, decline a repetition of it. All such would appreciate not only the bearable but the pleasant effects produced by your arrangement. “ Thus you have placed in the hands of the skilled physician most valuable modifications of a power which is destined to solve many of the mysteries of our organization, and to relieve many of the ills of life. “ In conclusion, I would state that your method of varying the Primary as well as the Induced currents surpasses all other devices I have studied, as tested by scientific instruments and by physiological effects. “ I most heartily commend its use to my medical brethren as the instrument fer research in this attractive field of medical inquiry. “ I have the honor to remain, “ Your obedient servant, “ R. Ogden Dorkmus, M. D.** From B. Silliman, Jr., Professor of General and Applied Chemistry, Tale College, New Haven. “Yale College, New Haven, Becember 23, 1863. “ I have seen and examined experimentally, on several occasions, the Electro- Magnetic Apparatus for medical use, as PATENTED by Jerome Kidder, of New York. This apparatus is capable of producing MODIFIED and MANIFOLD cur- rents. differing from each other, in respect of intensity and QUALITY of NERV- OUS and MUSCULAR effect, as well as in magnetic and electro-chemical power. “ I find Jerome Kidder conversant with the principles and varied phenomena of electro-magnetism, and familiar with the mechanical details required for their successful application, and believe that he may be safely trusted by medi- cal men with the construction of any form of electro-magnetic apparatus which they may need for their professional uses." “ Pkekskill, Sept. 22, 1871. " Jerome Kidder, M.D.: ' ‘‘My Bear Sir—Regarding the merits of your Electro-Medical Apparatus, after a trial of several years, I can corroborate most fully all the statements of Prof. Doremus relating to the modified and manifold qualities of the electricity developed by your apparatus, as not only experienced in my own person, but also in cases of numerous patients on whom I have employed it, as well as members of my own family, several of whom have received extraordinary benefit from its use. If its merits were sufficiently made known to the profession, I have no doubt it would speedily take the place of all other electro-magnetic machines hitherto employed. Y'our obedient servant, “ Charles A. Lee, M.D., “ Emeritus Professor of Materia Medica, University of Buffalo, N. Y.H From the Philadelphia Medical and,. Surgical Reporter, May 6, 1865. ‘ Unfortunately the application of electricity has been impeded by the want of proper instruments for the propagation of the peculiar currents demanded by the diseased function, and the rejection of those which would neutralize, if not destroy, the one which we desire to apply. Since Faraday isolated the peculiar current which bears his name, the above objection has been corrected, and there is now no more difficulty in applying this form of electricity, when indicated, than in the use of counter-irritation, etc., etc. Of course, many kinds of ap- paratus have been constructed for the purpose, and as we are constantly con- sulted in reference to this subject, we have given some attention to it, and think the result will be acceptable to our readers, of whom many are interested in this branch of therapeutics. The apparatus of Dr. Jerome Kidder, of New York, appears to combine the supposed excellences of its predecessors with certain advantages claimed as peculiar to itself by its inventor. The machine has six different qualities, and each of these is under the control of the opera- tor, so as to be made by tension more or less concentrated. These results aro ingeniously effected by combinations between the primary and the two or more secondary coils, wrhich are arranged in such a manner as to develop the requisitf variety desired. Its inventor is evidently conversant with the principles ant phenomena of electricity, and has, with no small amount of mechanical ingenu- ity, combined and arranged them in a form as compact as possible, and so simply done that any ordinary person will not fail to understand its application." Valentine Mott, M.D., for many years Professor in the New York Medi- cal University, until his death, in the summer of 1805, recognized the superior merits of this apparatus by the follow- ing testimonial: “ September 10, 1803. ! “ Electricity, as a remedial agent, is in-j vested with increased interest and im- portance, as the apparatus employed is more perfectly adapted to such use. Dr. Jerome Kidder, of this city, has labored successfully to produce a really superior Electro-Medical Apparatus. The ma- chine which he has brought forward, secured by Letters-Patent of the United States, has six currents, having each different qualities, as he has fully proved by magnetic, chemical, and physiological tests, whereby they plainly exhibit their difference of Magnetism, Galvanism, and Faradayism—the latter modified by tension, so as to be concen- trative or diffusive. And it is per- fectly controlled in power. These fea- tures, and also improvements to com- mand their perfect operation, constitute them among the useful auxiliaries in therapeutic practice. ” ‘ ‘ Dr. Kidder has undoubtedly sue • ceeded in producing the best and most appropriate machine of the .kind. Too much praise cannot be given to them, principally by reason of the various qualities of the currents they produce, the usefulness of which can only be doubted by persons unacquainted with the theory and practical uses of elec- tricity as a remedial agent. “P. H. Van der Weyde. “Late Professor of Chemistry, New York Medical College, Cooper Union, and Girard College, Philadelphia.” Useful Inventions.— “The employ- ment of electro-magnetism in medicine is beginning to assume a proper im- portance since the investigations of Mat- teucci, Du Bois-Reymond, and others have thrown a flood of light upon obscure nervous affections, and have led to a proper appreciation of treat- ment. That electro-magnetism is here- after to form no inconsiderable part of this treatment cannot be denied, and we must welcome any invention which tends to place this agency within the reach of the practitioner. “ KIDDER’S ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MA- CHINE is one of the most useful inventions of the kind with which we are ac- quainted. It has six currents, differing in their magnetic, electrolytic, and sen- sational effects. It is very portable,, and very easily kept in good condition. We have witnessed its frequent em- i ployment in various medical cases, and ! the results have convinced us that, in the hands of the judicious scientific physician, a large class of diseases are more amenable to such treatment than to any therapeutical means.”—American Medical Times. ‘ ‘ Having performed several cures which gave me infinite confidence in your machines, &c. * * * I am surprised at finding Electro-Magnetism so little advocated, etc. “Edwakd Schieferdecker, M.D., “Wittenberg, Mo.” “ I am in possession of one of your Electro-Vital Machines. I have used it for nearly two years, and find it to be the best remedial agent for nervous complaints that we have ever found. “Job Harmon, M.D., “Tipton, Indiana.” “ The machine has worked admira- bly. We have several kinds of ma- chines about here, but none give satis- faction equal to yours. “ L. D. Ross, M.D., “ Benson, Rutland Co., Vermont.” “ The battery that I purchased of you about a month since is working admira- bly. I have effected two interesting, if not remarkable cures with it already. “Dr. E. J. Groom, “ Bristol, Pa.” “ I have examined several different instruments, a French, and , and a very neat one with, etc., but I am satisfied that yours is the instrument, and will not undertake the cases on hand without it. “Very truly yours, “ L. R. Boyer, M.D., “ 209 Central Avenue, “ Albany, N. Y.” ‘ ‘ I have your machine in competition with several other makers, and use it daily in preference to all others. “H. P. Baker, “Odessa, Newcastle Co., DeL” These certificates of cures are published, not for the information of those intelligent physicians in New York and elsewhere who already know what the proper qxuditics of electricity can accomplish, but for those physicians who have not given attention to the therapeutic uses of electricity. Mr. A. J. Steele was marvellously restored to health by Dr. Jerome Kid- der’s Vitalizing Electro-Medical Appar- atus. Those in the West and in dif- ferent parts of the country who have learned of the wonderful cure of Mr. A. J. Steele, of paralysis, at the age of 54 years, and the remarkable restoration of physical elasticity, vigor and power of endurance which, as he averred, might well arouse the envy of the greater pro- portion of such of his young country- men who could boast of but half that number of years—should know that it was Dr. Jerome Kidder’s Six-Current Vitalizing Electro-Medical Apparatus which, by the Divine will, effected this important cure. Mr. Steele, while on a visit to New York in 1803, in his gratitude to Dr. Kidder, voluntarily gave him the follow- ing testimonial: — “ Dr. Jerome Kidder : “ Dear Sir—About the 1st December, 1863, my right leg was almost paralyzed, so that I could use it only with great difficulty. I learned from the physi- cians that it was an affection of the sciatic nerve; and electricity was the only remedy proposed by several phy- sicians, all of whom said it was a bad affair. After obtaining three or four operations with a physician, I heard of your machine through a neighbor. I purchased one, and the result with it is a cure of my leg by my own use of it. I feel very grateful to you for a machine that has been so beneficial to me. “ Very truly yours, “A. J. Steele.” “ Dr. Ktdder : “ Sir—After having tried five dif- ferent physicians for my wife’s health, but all to no avail, I was persuaded to purchase one of your Magnetic Ma- chines of Dr. Bryant, who was then stopping near this place, and it has been of such great benefit to her that I would not be without it for a thousand dol- lars. You may think I value it pretty high, but if you had seen my wife three months ago, and could see her now, you would think it would be a cheap ma- chine at a thousand dollars. “ S. C. Kennedy, “ Putnamville, Ind.” The occasional cerebral distress folio-w- ing1 a severe attack of congestion of the brain w/is so suddenly relieved by the proper use of the D electrode of Dr. Je- rome Kidder’s Electro-Medical Appara- tus, that the subject writes: “ The effect to me was like life from the dead ! * * * j I consider it a duty which I owe to suff er- ■ ing humanity, as well as to God, to write you these few lines. May God bless you in your work. “ I am your thankful and grateful ser- vant. ‘ ‘ Rev. R. W. Oliver, ‘ ‘ Prof. Divinity in the Prot. Ep. Semi- nary. Nebraska City, Nebraska.” “ I am highly pleased with its power to renovate the system. * * * My husband has great confidence in your battery. A large lump has been grow- ing on his neck for over 25 years, which has just been removed by electricity.” “Mrs. T. P. Hornbrook, “Wheeling, West Virginia.” ‘ ‘ I have been using your Electro-Medi- cal Apparatus with great success. I have practised 30 years on the Allopathic system and have seen nothing to equal electricity [in a large variety of cases]. I have used the instrument three weeks only, and hardly tell yet what it will do. “ Dr. A. T. Schryver, * ‘ Hollidaysburg, Pa. ” “ J. H. Calahan got the Battery for me last spring a year ago, which I think saved my life. I had the dyspepsia and liver complaint of long standing. “ Gideon Detweiler, “Wilmington P. 0.,Pa.” ‘ ‘ I have used your machine for about nine months. * * * This machine surpasses anything for therapeutical purposes known to man [where elec- tricity is indicated as the remedy]. “ N. W. Brown, “Middle Boulder, Colorado” “ We have one of your vitalizing Elec- tro-Magnetic machines, which we pur- I chased of Dr. W. N. Towndrow last win- i ter. It has done wonders for our mother, These certificates of cures are published, not for the information of those intelligent physicians in New York and elsewhere who already know what the proper qualities of electricity can accomplish, but for those physicians who have not given attention to the therapeutic uses of electricity. who has been an opium-eater for several years. She took, last winter, one-eighth ounce morphine every 24 hours for three months It lasts now (a bottle) 40 days by the help of the instrument. “ D. C. Barker. “Neosho, Dodge Co., Wisconsin.” Mrs. A. P. Brossett, of Williamsburg, reports her case : “ Had hemiplegia; could scarcely walk; great pain in nerves, and contrac- tion of muscles, drawing back the foot; numbness to the touch; knotty bunches in cords under the knee, with excruci- ating pains ; limb felt hot with fever, as recognized by her mind, while to the touch it was cold; veins in limb and also on forehead swollen, flattened wide, and black. Had three physicians, two of whom said they could do nothing for her, and one said electricity would not do in her case, because she was too ner- vous. Another physician advised the use of Dr. Jerome Kidder’s Electro-Med- ical Apparatus. Its use caused the veins to become normal, cured the pain, and relieved the paralysis so that she could walk well, and was almost en- tirely well.” ‘ ‘ I have suffered for the last 3 or 4 years with dyspepsia and its attendant consequences. I could find no relief by the ordinary way of treatment. I was induced to try the effect of one of your electric machines, and am glad to say, with the most successful result. It has cured me, and I have gained forty pounds in weight during the three months I have used it. “ J. S. St ANBURY, “ New Brighton. “ ‘ Staten Island. ” “ I was so that I could not move about from rheumatism. I had to be in a dark room from weakness and in- flammation of the eyes. I had soreness of the chest and coldness and stiffness of the legs and knees. Feet cold in summer when I had on two pairs of wollen socks—slept in summer in flannel blankets. Your Electro-Medical Appa- ratus has relieved me entirely. I have tried other forms of galvanic baths and electrical apparatus, but not with such favorable results as with yours. My servant girl was suffering terribly with neuralgia in cheeks, and was cured in 15 minutes by your machine, so that she has not had it since. “ C. R. Fich.” “ Hundreds of dollars would not pur- i chase it of me if I could not get J another, so much do I feel I owe to its j effects in restoring me to health and soundness of body. ‘ ‘ A. Malison, “ Pittsfield, Mass.” “ 1 have used the large machine sometimes regularly every day for seve- ral weeks together, but oftener at inter- vals of longer duration, and 1 have derived the greatest benefit, both as re- gards general health, and also more especially as regards a swelling about the joints of the left knee, which other remedies entirely failed to remove. By the continued use of the machine daily for about five weeks, the swelling i was entirely removed, and I have never j suffered the least pain. If it should be i of any consequence I would certify this | in a more formal manner. “ Yours, “ George Stranciion. “ Head Master of Grammar School at | Woodstock, C. W. ” i ' | “I bought of you. in November last, an Electro-Medical Machine, the Phy- ] sician’s Office size. I used it for asthma, j which I had severely. Not only has it benefited my asthma, but it has made a wonderful cure of polypus in my nose, removing polypus and nearly curing catarrh. I have used the apparatus six j to eight hours daily, or rather nightly, keeping the sponges on me during' sleep. ‘“Very respectfully, “ Andrew J. Goss, “ Collector of Customs, “St. Augustine, Florida.” “ Dr. Jerome Kidder: Dear Sir—I take the liberty of writing you a few lines in reference to your battery, which has done me so much good. Nearly two years ago I was at- tacked with amaurosis, or loss of sight. It was only partial at first, but got worse, till I became totally blind - I These certificates of cures are published, not for the information of those intett gent physicians in New York and elsewhere who already know what the proper qualities of electricity can accomplish, but for those physicians who have not givm atten tion to the therapeutic uses of electricity. . tried the best doctors in the Dominion, till I tried Dr. J. F. Danter, Goderich, Canada, who used one of your batteries, and with success. I have no difficulty in getting around now, and can see to write a letter, but can’t see the lines (paper not ruled. Dr. K.) I bought one of your machines and have been using it about six months. I think I will get my sight as well as ever in time. * * * I must tell you I was so blind, I could not see the sun in the brightest day. “ D. F. Savage, “ Oakwood, Mariposa, “Victoria, Ont.” “ New York, February 7, 1865. “ I would say that my wife has been fully cured of dyspepsia and general de- bility by the use of electricity from one of Dr. Jerome Kidder’s machines. “ E. Seeey, 55 Pike street.” H. Meshural, of North Haven, while in this city in the summer of 1863, had a severe attack of cholera morbus. The muscles of abdomen and lower limbs were affected with spasmodic cramps so severe that two men could not hold him; he had sunken features, blueness of hands and face, cold, clammy skin, and was almost pulseless. Electricity from Dr. Jerome Kidder’s Electro- Medical Apparatus was used for about thirty minutes, causing pi’ofuse perspi- ration ; also morphia and tannin ; i gr. of the former, and 2 grs. of the latter (suppository), were introduced into the rectum. Brandy was freely used, and beef tea. The patient recovered in a short time. Dr. George W. Miner, of this city, in alluding to this case, says : “ In my opinion the electricity, with the additional treatment, was the means of cure.” Mr. II. Lehmann, Croton Flour Mills, New York, had for eight years a swell- ing of the knee, which was called white swelling, and two out of three physi- cians who had been consulted had ad- vised amputation. He suffered severely, and had to lose from five to six days in stormy weather. He was advised a trial of electricity, and he was cured by four applications of Dr. Jerome Kidder's Electro-Magnetic Machine. Mrs. Wilber, Green Island, foot badly bruised, swollen; could not walk. A few minutes’ application of the current reduced the swelling and took the sore- ness away. M. Colburn, New York, afflicted for twenty years with rheumatism. For three and a half years could not walk ; came near losing the use of his leg from j paralysis. Was perfectly cured by the use of this apparatus. Case in Bellevue Hospital, in 1862. A German pianist, severely burned in both hands, cuticle nearly all destroyed, pain excessive, and nervous system much excited. One application removed the pain and quieted his system, and he j was well in a few days. James Sanders, Schenectady, N. Y., affected with severe dyspepsia, and was entirely cured by this machine. A. Roe, formerly at 27 Park Place, New York, suffered greatly from neu- ralgic rheumatism for five years, and could not walk; he said he could get j no relief, and despaired of a cure till he used this apparatus, which cured him in one month. “ February 13, 1865. S. C. Mack, Skillman street, near De Kalb Avenue, East Brooklyn, says : • ‘ Last summer I was afflicted with dys- pepsia, could eat but very little, and suffered greatly from nervous debility ; was very much emaciated ; could not sleep nights; had cold sweats, succeed- ed by flashes of heat ; my skin was a pale yellow. I had been under the treatment of four different physicians, and could get no relief whatever till 1 was advised by Dr. Palmer, of Brooklyn, to purchase one of your electro-mag- netic machines as my only means of cure. I did so, and found great relief in a few applications. I continued its use, aud in four or five weeks recovered my health by its means,” GREENVrLLE, Miss., Nov. 12, ’72. Dr. Jerome Kidder, New York, Sir:—I liave your $20 Apparatus. I have made a remarkable cure with it. I had the palsy. The Doctors all gave me up here. I went to St. Louis and upon my arrival the first thing I did was to purchase one of your Batteries. * * * The cure was almost com- pleted in tii ree days. An old man who had neuralgia for eighteen years, had taken some arsenic, attempted to commit suicide three times, the last time taking laudanum, at which time three doctors were in attendance, (the best in the country). As a last resort one of them called on me [to use the battery,] after the laudanum had been in him live hours. I applied the proper currents, prought him to life, and cured his neuralgia besides. * * * Yours truly, A. P. Keesecker. Manchester, Iowa, Jan. 19, ’72. Dr. Jerome Kidder, Dear Sir:—Allow me to state that for two years past I have treated Electro- pathically various forms of diseases,and have in the meantime used three differ- ent kinds of Elect ro-Magnetic Machines. * * * the No. 4 machine of Manf. Co. and your own which I have used on alternate trials with the No. 4 machine of the Mf’g Co. and find FOR CURATIVE EFFECTS the KlDDElt Machine to be superior on evert trial. ***** What would you charge for a Tip Battery, mounted for use ? I have seen and tried one of your 'J post Tip Battery machines, and prefer it to any other Electro-Magnetic machine that I have ever met with. “Respectfully yours, S. W. Green, M. D. Brooklyn, Dec. 19,1871. Dr. Jerome Kidder, Dear Sir:—I take great pleasure in acknowledging the valuable aid I have derived in the use of your El ectro-Med- ical Apparatus in my practice. Num- erous obstinate chronic cases which have come under my care for treatment and failing in all other methods of treat- ment, have either been permanently cured or greatly benefitted. I have used other Electro-Apparatuses, but without the same result as I have had since using those of your manufacture, and urgently advise them to the medi- cal fraternity at large. Yours, etc., N. Newton, M. D, Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 7, '73. Dr. J. Kidder, Dear Sir:— * * In the ten years’ experience I have had with different batteries, I must say that yours has giv- en the most perfect satisfaction. * * Yours truly, Drs. Sprague & Dutton. Cameron Mills, Steuben Co., N. Y. Dec. 9, ’72. Dr. Jerome Kidder, Dear Sir:—Your Electro-Medical Ap- paratus as it stood improved three years ago is familiar to me, and for which I have a decided preference to all oth- ers. Knowing your enterprise for tru- ly Scientific improvements, I address you this note that you will oblige me with your latest pamphlet circular of description with drawings, such as I have heretofore seen. Respectfully, Elijah Beckwith, M. D. Bristol, Tenn., April 28th, 1872. Dr. Jerome Kidder, New York, Dear Sir:—• * * * [ makes in- quiries about batteries ] My friend Co- hen, [Prof. J. Solis Cohen, of Philadel- phia,] wrrites me “ you can rely upon Kidcler—he is all right.” I am yours, &c., II. Y. Gray, M. D, Prarte House, Texas, Oct. 18, ’72. Dr. Jerome Kidder, Dear Sir:—I have your “ Improved Electro-Medical Apparatus,” office size, with full set of appliances since the summer of 1870. It has performed well and is all that jrou claim for it. I am respectfully, A. II. McFall, M. D. Jacksonville, Tenn., Jan. 16th, 1870. Dr. Jerome Kidder, New York, Dear Sir:—In a recent letter from A. D. Rockwell, I am advised that your machines for Electro-Thernpeutics, are ■ SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS IN USE'— What is the price of * * * ? Yours truly, . J. W. Collins, M. D. Box 219, Jackson, Tenn. All necessary forms or extra appliances for applying elec- tricity in special cases, always on liand to supply on appli- cation. “ 225 W. Chestnut St., “Louisville, Oct. 13th, 1871. “ Dr. Jerome Kidder : “ Dear Sir—I am using one of your Electro-Magnetic Machines with more satisfaction than any other I have ever used, and for years I have been fa- miliar with the best American, English, and French makers. I have advised many patients to obtain your machines, but not finding them on sale, they have bought in most instances greatly inferior ones. I wish to know, can you not es- tablish a depot here for the sale of your machines ? * * * * “ Yours truly, “E. S. Grant, LL.D., ' “ Orthopedic Surgeon.” “ Adairsville, Ga. “Dr. Jerome Kidder: • ‘ Dear Sir—The case (Infantile Par- alysis) for which I procured one of your Galvano-Electric Machines, has ma- terially improved by the use, and the i application of electricity to the para- lyzed muscles. Before it was begun, the inferior extremities were entirely pow- erless, without muscular development, or in any way under the control of the will. Now this patient can bear herj weight in the erect position, and walk a short distance if assisted by a friend, or can do so by herself if she has some- thing by which to balance. ***** “Very respectfully, “Your obedient servant, “ John W. Bowdoin, M.D.” “ Have been in the regular practice 14 years, but could not reach diseases [of many forms] as I now can with the use of the machine [Dr. Jerome Kid- j der’s Genuine Six-Current J. It is a new thing in this country, and met with opposition from the doctors at first, but seeing the effects they admit it. “Dr. W. G. Anderson, “ Fairfield, Iowa.” “Toronto, Canada, Nov. 14, 1871. “ Dear Sir—Some two years ago I purchased from your agent here one of your improved Induction Batteries, and have since obtained several with all your latest improvements, and must say that, although for twenty years I have been using all kinds of machines, I know of none equal to yours in the following respects: “1. Great simplicity. “2. Certainty of action. “ 3. N on-liability to get otrt of order, “4. A wide range of power, enabling you in a moment to obtain a current suitable for the most delicate operation, or a tension, or rather, I should say, t quantity and quality which enables yov to achieve any desired results. “ I remain, yours truly, “ H. Woodward, M.D. “ Dr. Jerome Kidder, New York.” “ The most complete instrument in I use. “ J. A. Lowe, M.D., “ Middletown, Pa.” I — ‘ I have made some of the most re- markable cures with this instrument that are known to men. “ G. C. Parmiter, M.D.” . “Oswego City, N. Y.” “ I have three of your instruments, and consider them superior to all \ others—in fact the only instrument adapted to general practice. “ P. J. McCort, M.D., “Troy, N. Y_” “ I have witnessed the most cheering results, and many have hailed it with joy for its happy effects. ••Dr. C. 11. Batten, “ Maysville, Ohio.” “ To say that it is the best apparatus , for the application of the various kinds of electricity yet invented, would con- vey but an inadequate idea of its pre- : eminent merits. “ Charles A Lee, M.D., “Professor of Materia Medica and ! Therapeutics, University of Buffalo, I N. Y.” !“Dr. Jerome Kidder: “ Dear Sir—I have one of your Six- : current Electro-Medical Apparatuses, which is of great value. Several years j ago I wore out the batteries of three common machines, and never realized much benefit from their use. but I have rarely ever used yours without seeing i benefit, and very much indeed. “ Dr. R. T. Warren, “ Thompsonville, Conn.” “ We should consider any well-read physician, who would dispense with this Valuable apparatus, as wanting in hu- manity knd indifferent to sufferings which he might quickly relieve by its use.”—Polylingual Journal, New York. “ With your medium-sized machine I took eight grains of morphine out of a young lady last night, who had swallow- ed it to destroy her life. It aroused her, after aril else had failed, in ten minutes, and this morning she is smart as usual. “P. J. McCort, M.D., “ Troy, N. Y.” “ I am very much pleased with the results I have achieved with the machine, and am anxious to make further trials with it. “Dr. Jas. Graham, “ Charlotte, N. C.” “ In the eyes of the public I am work- ing wonders with your instrument, and in many cases in my own estimation. “J. S. Winans. M.D., “ Rochester, Pa.” “ I have used four different batteries, but I would not give yours for them all. “ H. E. Bowles, M.D., ‘ ‘ Hammonton, N. J. ” 1 “ Dr. Jerome Kidder: *1 Dear Sir—The introduction of your Electro-Medical Apparatus among my patients has met with such general satis- faction that I am urged to furnish a number of them to families for their own use. “ Yours respectfully, “ O. T. Bunby, Jr., M.D., “ Deposit, N. Y.” “I have your six-current apparatus. * * * * I have effected cures with it that are truly wonderful, and I should be quite at a loss to get along with- out it. “ Dr. C. M. Mason, “ Fort Scott, Kausas.” ‘! I am quite satisfied with its work- ing. “ Prof. C. N. F. Peters, “ Litchfield Observatory, of Hamilton College.” “ I have found it not only equal to any other instrument in the market, but in many respects even superior.”—E. Ringer, M.D., 112 East 22d street, j New York. j “I use your machine in my practice, j and a magna res it is too. It will do } ten times more than you claim for it, if a man knows how to use it, which is I saying a great deal, considering how you ‘ biowed’ it though.”—Du. A. J. Cooke, Monroe, Wisconsin. [I did not blow it much. Dr. Cooke ; it went itself by the cures effected with it.—Dr. Kidder.] “ I am satisfied that you have reached a point, and developed combinations that far exceed, in a therapeutical as- i pect, the discoveries and combinations j of every other experimenter. They must, when understood and appreciat- ■ ed, receive the commendation of every member of our profession. ” — D. D. Smith, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women in the New ; York Homoeopathic Medical College. From P. H. Van der Weyde, M. D., formerly Professor of Chemistry at the New York Medical College. “January 19, 1062. “The modifications contrived in their construction make them very appropn- 1 ate for medical use, and in skilful hands perhaps the most effective of all I machines of this class introduced among | the public till the present day. ” All orders for Electrical Apparatus promptly tilled. Ship- ments made by express to all parts of the United States and Canada. Remittances should be sent by Draft on Bank, or by Post-Office Order; also, goods will be sent and the money col- lected by the Express Co., in which case the amount charged on the return will be added to the bill. All Apparatus warranted to work satisfactorily. Address, Dr. Jerome Kidder, N, E. cor, Fourth Ave. & nth Street, Opffliti til ETerett Hons#. NEW YORK. These certificates of cures are published, not for the information of those intdli- gent physicians in New York and elsewhere who already know what the proper qualities of electricity can accomplish, but for those physicians who have not given attention to the therapeutic uses of electricity. “Port Jervis, March 30, 1865. “ Dr. Jerome Kidder : “ Dear Sir—I have been afflicted for ten or twelve years with catarrh in its severest form. Had chronic dis- charges from the nose and throat of hard, stiff matter, and it became so severe that I could not speak a loud word for three weeks ; had to sit up in a chair at night; could not lie down, because my throat would choke up so that I could not breathe. All thought I must die in a day or two ; but I heard of the wonderful cures of your Electro- Medical Apparatus. I purchased one and used it, and was relieved so that in four days I could talk, and was able to at- | tend to business. At every application relief was obtained in a very few minutes, .and I am now almost well. The curing effects of your machine are most wonderful, and I would not be without one in my family for a thousand dollars. Respectfully, “ C. D. Cooper.” “ Bentonville, Arkansas, “ October 21st, 1871. “Dr. Jerome Kidder: “ Dear Sir—Under the advice of Dr. j Lewis Sayre, of New York, I purchased j one of your Electro-Machines of the j Family size, to use upon myself for paralysis. I have used it ever since, that is, every day about fifteen minutes. 1 am almost entirely well, though when I commenced using it I was so lame in my left side, that I could only eat with the right hand, and had to have help to get on my own clothes. * * * * I now have good use of all my limbs, and can do hard work, and stand it very well. I feel that your invention has saved my life and restored me to health. ***** “ Respectfully yours, “ James Foster.” A case of nervous debility appearing to be consumption. “ New York. May 19, 1865. “Dr. Jerome Kidder: ‘ ‘ Sir—I have been for four years afflicted with nervous debility and con- sumption. I was extremely languid and weak, so that the slightest exertion in walking caused pain in my elbows and suffocation in my lungs. My blood was almost colorless, my lips pale, and countenance ghastly. On consulting a physician he gave me no encouragement, said I had tubercles in my lungs, and did not wish to undertake the treat- ment. On recommendation of a friend I purchased and used your Electro- Medical Apparatus. After using it about four weeks I was much benefited, and after two months had gained twenty pounds in flesh, and my lungs were then strong, and the tubercles had passed away. Respectfully, “Mrs. Midler, “187 Hudson street.” Mrs. Miller subsequently died at Sara- toga of cholera-morbus. Mr. R. H. Mil- ler, now at 468 Broadway, will verify the above testimonial. Dr. Kidder does not recommend his electrical apparatus to cure seated con- sumption, but in many cases of debility, simulating consumption, a mild sooth- ing current, having the proper ratio of quantity and intensity, used with large-surface Sponge Electrode, proper- ly applied, will sometimes be very prac- tical encouragement to the patient. Dr. Kidder does not make presents to practitioners, and then put down their names as reference; but his business is sustained by having the only apparatus that satisfies the de- mands of advanced scientific practitioners. DR. KIDDER’S WORK ON “ VITAL RESOURCES,” Showing Important in PRESERVING YOUTHFUL VIGOR, HITHERTO NOT WRITTEN UPON, AND ALSO SOME OF THE MOST REMARKABLE AND INTERESTING CASES OF “PLURALITY OF PERSONALITY,” EXEMPLIFIED BY MENTAL AND ANATOMICAL PHENOMENA, will be sent to any address on receipt of tbe price, “Every intelligent mind must take a deep interest in the investigation of these strange phenomena, and feel a pleasure in seeing them brought within the pale of objective study. * * * His hook is a suggestive one and in the right direction.”—Philadelphia Medical and Surgical Reporter. “ It opens for the reader an insight into the plurality of individual personality, and of that latent inheritance which may be aroused to action. * * * * The conclusions which they [the examples] are made to reveal, favoring the proba- bilities of health and long life, if true, are so novel that they are worthy of your consideration.”—New York Physician and Pharmaceutist. “ Dr. Kidder has attempted in this book to establish a system which has the advantage of affording an easy explanation of some of the deepest mysteries of man’s existence. * * * Dr. Kidder brings forward a number of remarka- ble facts to sustain his ingenious theories on the subject, and to prove that their practical adoption will aid in the moral and physical improvement of the human race.”—New York Times. “ The work is singularly unpretending in its style, and contains a great deal of interesting information and useful advice, guided whereby there can be little doubt that men would be far stronger than they are.”—New York Evening Post.