ON THE FUNCTION OF THE MALPIGHIAN BODIES OF THE KIDNEY. V By 0. E. Isaacs, M.D., DEMONSTRATOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK. READ FEBRUARY 4, 1857. In March last I read a paper before the Academy of Medi- cine upon the Structure and Functions of the Kidney. It may, perhaps, be remembered, that at that time I took occasion to dissent from the opinions of Mr. Bowman (whose views have been so generally adopted by the profession), not only with respect to the nature of the venous plexus, &c, but also in regard to the structure and function of the Malpighian coil or tuft. I then concluded, that instead of merely " separating water from the blood, while the urea, lithic acid, salts, &c, are separated by the epithelial lining of the uriniferous tubes from the blood of the venous plexus, which surrounds them " these tufts, on the contrary, were actively engaged in secreting , several of the proximate elements of the urine. This view was deduced from the following facts: 1. That the urea, lithic acid, and salts of the urine have been found to exist in the blood of healthy animals. That in various diseases, and especially after extirpation of the kidneys these substances are found, in large proportion, in the blood. It is, then, proved that they pre-exist in the blood, and are merely separated from it in the kidney. 2. The renal artery which supplies the kidney must neces- 438 On the Function of the sarily contain these proximate elements of the urine, and as the Malpighian tufts are placed upon the terminal twigs of this artery^they must consequently enter the tuft. A glance at the structure will lead inevitably to this conclusion. 3. Most diuretics enter the circulation and can be detected in the urine. They can arrive at the kidney only through the renal artery, and consequently must enter the Malpighian tuft. It would be too tedious and unnecessary to mention the various substances which, after having been absorbed, and having entered the circulation, have been found in the urine. I will only refer to a few which have been given by authorities: salts of iodine, bromine, sulphur, arsenic, antimony, mercury, copper, silver, lead, iron, mineral and organic acids and their salts, as the acetates, citrates, tartrates, &c, &c.; the balsams, cubebs, garlic, turpentine, asparagus, &c.; ajso quinine and morphine, &c, &c. Urea, when given internally, acts as a powerful diuretic. 4. According to Mr. Bowman, the Malpighian coil or tuft lies naked in the capsule of the uriniferous tube ; which is a proof that it does not separate the complex proximate elements of the urine from the blood, but merely water, the coil or tuft being, as he says, " a bare or naked system of capillaries." Now I have conclusively demonstrated, by various processes, that the Malpighian tuft or coil is covered by oval, nucleated cells, which are differently affected by chemical reagents from those which line the capsule, and consequently have a different organization. The Malpighian tuft is evidently, then, a gland- ular structure, every way adapted for the separation of the proximate elements of the urine. 5. In opposition to the view that the Malpighian tuft is merely for the separation of water from the blood, it may be stated, that in serpents, alligators, turtles, &c, the Malpighian bodies abound throughout the cortical substance, and in some of these animals, throughout the whole structure of the kidney, yet their urine is secreted in the semi-solid state. It is not easy to reconcile this view with the theory that the Malpighian tuft merely separates water from the blood. 6. In the kidney of a patient who had been jaundiced for Malpighian Bodies of the Kidney. 439 several years I ascertained the presence of the coloring matter of the bile in the capsule of the Malpighian tuft, and in the commencement of the uriniferous tube. By the application of a drop of nitric acid, the Malpighian bodies exhibited the usual changes of color which are seen when this acid is brought in contact with bile. I therefore concluded, that in this case the coloring matter had been separated by the Malpighian tuft, passed into the capsule, and downwards into the uriniferous tube. 7. Within the last three months, I have performed several experiments upon animals by introducing into the stomach and intestines various coloring matters, capable of being absorbed, entering the circulation, and passing into the kidney. My object was to ascertain whether they would be detected in the uriniferous tubes alone, in which case it might be supposed that they were separated by the epithelial cells of the tubes from the blood of the venous plexus, as believed by Mr. Bow- man ; or whether they would be found in the Malpighian body as well as in the tubes, when there would seem to be no doubt that the Malpighian tuft separated the coloring matter, which had then passed into the capsule, and so on into the uriniferous tubes. Being very anxious then to ascertain what parts of the minute structure of the kidney would be found to be engaged in this process of separation or secretion, I performed the fol- lowing experiments. In all of them the animals were put under the influence of sulphuric ether, so as to produce insen- sibility during the operation: No. 1. I opened the abdomen of a dog, and tied both ure- ters ; a ligature was then placed on the ileum, near its entrance into the c lithic acid, which were situated in the calyces of the kidney. On making thin sections of the organ, the Malpighian bodies were of a yellow color. Some portions of the tuft were of much deeper color than others, and seemed to contain reddish yellow masses. I endeavored, by using different powers, to ascertain whether these deeper-colored parts were crystalline, or had any determinate form, but could not succeed, after repeated at- tempts, in resolving this question. The tubes were not remark- able. I added a minute portion of dilute nitric acid to thin sections, under the microscope, and gently heated the speci- men over a spirit-lamp, and then exposed it to the vapor of ammonia; then gently heating it again, placed it under the microscope. The Malpighian bodies had become of a deep red, and some of them of a beautiful purple color. I tried these tests repeatedly with the same result. Generally, the tubes were not at first affected; but on further application, many of Malpighian Bodies of the Kidney. 449 them assumed a red or purplish red color. I made compara- tive tests with sections taken from the kidney of a cat, and also from that of a sheep, testing them in the same manner. In these trials, however, the Malpighian bodies were either ren- dered of a dirty brown color, or lost their color, being entirely blanched. I made somewhat thinner sections of the child's kidney, and on gently heating them with water and a little nitric acid, effervescence took place, exactly as when lithic acid is heated gently with nitric acid. On then exposing the speci- men to the vapor of ammonia, or on adding a few drops of it, and applying heat, a purple or reddish purple was produced. Shall we infer that this was purpurate of ammonia, and if so, that as the lithic acid was thus found in the Malpighian body, it has the power, and does really separate it from the blood ? I shall content myself at present by simply stating the facts, and also my conviction that further researches in this direction will probably settle the question. I removed the kidneys from a subject who had died of aneurism of the aorta, and whose urine had deposited the lithate of ammonia to a very great amount for a few days previous to his death. In examining one of these kidneys, I found the Malpighian bodies greatly congested, and of a dark red color. I then injected the renal artery of the other kidney with two ounces of water to half a drachm of nitric acid. This kidney was then laid aside for twenty-four hours. I examined thin sections of it under the microscope, but could not discover any deposit in the tubes or in the Malpighian bodies. I placed a drop of diluted nitric acid upon a thin section, heated it very gently over a spirit-'lamp, and then exposed it to the vapor of ammonia. On placing it under the microscope, the tubes and Malpighian bodies were both of a reddish and reddish purple color. I made comparative tests with thin sections from the fresh kidney of a cat, but in this case the color was entirely destroyed by the application of the above reagents. I made some experiments to ascertain the effect of highly stimulating diuretics upon the secreting structures of the kidney. No. 29. On the 24th of January I injected half an ounce 450 On the Function of the of nitrate of potassa, dissolved in three ounces of water, into the small intestines of a cat. Ligatures were applied as in the preceding experiments. This animal lived thirty-six hours. The mucous membrane of the intestines was very much in- flamed. The Malpighian bodies were very red and much congested; many of them were ruptured. The intertnbular plexus was greatly congested. The mucous membrane of the bladder was pale. No. 30. On the 21st of January.I injected into the oesopha- gus of a cat half an ounce of tincture of cantharides, mixed with three ounces of water. This animal lived eighteen hours. There had been no symptoms of excitement of the genito- urinary organs. The Malpighian bodies were intensely red- dened, and some of them were ruptured. The venous plexus was very much congested. There was no inflammation of the stomach or intestines ; on the contrary, their mucous coat was pale, but that of the bladder was inflamed. No. 31. January 2nd I injected six grains of phosphorus in three ounces of olive oil, into the duodenum of a cat, a liga- ture having been placed above the opening into the intestine, and another on the ileum, just above the ileo-ccecal valve. After an hour, there occurred great frequency of respiration and circulation, paroxysmal efforts to bite at objects, and catch- ing and sparring (as it were) with the paws, in the most ferocious manner. Gradually, great prostration and insensi- bility came on, with dilatation of the pupils. She died three hours and a half after the operation. The mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines was very pale. The Malpighian bodies were greatly congested, and some of them were ruptured. The intertubular plexus was much congested. All these parts were of a most brilliant red color, so that one of my friends remarked that " the specimen of the kidney, under the micro- scope, seemed to be in a blaze of fire." The kidney had a strong odor of phosphorus. No. 32. On the 30th of January I injected a grain and a half of phosphorus, dissolved in an ounce and a half of olive oil, into the small intestines of a cat. This animal lived fifteen hours. The Malpighian bodies and venous plexus were very Malpighian Bodies of the Kidney. 451 red and much congested, but not so much as in the subject of the preceding experiment. The bladder was slightly con- gested. In neither of these animals in which phosphorus was injected was there any symptom of excitement of the genital organs. No. 33. On the 2d of February, at 6£ p.m., I injected an emulsion of one ounce of spirits of turpentine, beaten up with an egg, and three ounces of warm water, into the oesophagus of a cat. Four hours after, she seemed to be greatly pros- trated, and was found dead the next morning. There was no inflammation of the stomach or intestines; the bladder was pale, and contained urine, which had the odor of turpentine. The kidneys were greatly congested ; the Malpighian bodies filled with blood, and of a violet red, or rather a purple color. Many of them, as well as the small arterial twigs upon which they are placed, were ruptured. There was also much conges- tion of the venous plexus. The foregoing experiments then demonstrate the influence of powerfully stimulating diuretics on the Malpighian bodies and the venous plexus. Let us now review the facts and arguments which thus far throw light upon the function of the Malpighian tuft: 1. That it is not for the purpose of merely separating water from the blood is proved by its distribution throughout the substance of the kidney in some animals whose urine is semi- solid. 2. The proximate elements of the urine exist ready formed in the blood. 3. These elements can only reach the kidney through the renal artery, upon whose minute terminal branches are placed the Malpighian bodies. 4. It has been shown that the Malpighian tuft is covered by peculiar oval nucleated cells. This glandular structure seems to be, in every respect, well fitted for the separation of these substances. 5. The action of diuretics upon the Malpighian tuft. 452 On the Function of the 6. The actual separation by it of coloring substances, as demonstrated by these experiments. 7. The existence of the coloring matter of the bile in the Malpighian tuft and capsule. 8. The facts here adduced relative to the presence of lithic acid in the Malpighian tuft, and its detection by chemical tests. 9. From all these considerations, it seems that we are justi- fied in concluding that the Malpighian tuft separates from the blood most of the proximate elements of the urine. 10. Any element of the urine which is not secreted by the Malpighian tuft is then probably separated by the epithelial lining of the tubes, as is generally believed. This may also occur with certain foreign substances, which have been intro- duced into the circulation, and which the Malpighian tuft refuses to separate. It is possible also that certain constituents of the urine may be separated from the blood both by the tubes and the Malpighian bodies. All the facts, however, adduced in this paper, lead to the conclusion that it is to the Malpighian body that we are to attribute the principal agency in the secre- tion of the urine. I may here mention some interesting facts which were observed while making these experiments. The ferrocyanide of iron or Prussian blue, and indigo, are both insoluble sub- stances, and are only held in suspension when mixed with water. Inasmuch, however, as they were absorbed and taken into the circulation, we must either suppose that they were rendered soluble by some substance met with in the intestinal canal; or else, contrary to the general opinion, that it is not necessary for a substance to be soluble in order to be absorbe'd, pass into the circulation, and then be separated by the kidney. As I had ascertained that animal charcoal, an exceedingly insoluble sub- stance, could be found not only in the kidney, but also in the hepatic cells, and in the minute vessels of the spleen, I deter- mined to try some experiments with other substances well known to be insoluble. No 34. On the 26th December I removed the left kidney of a cat, and placed a ligature on the right ureter. I then Malpighian Bodies of the Kidney. 453 injected a mixture of very finely pulverized metallic bismuth into the stomach and intestines, using ligatures as usual. The cat died sixteen hours after the operation. The Malpighian bodies and tubes were of a light grey and of a steel grey color, resembling the impalpable powder of metallic bismuth. No chemical tests were employed to ascertain its presence in the kidney. No. 35. I caused a book of gold-leaf to be very finely ground with sulphate of potassa. This salt was then washed away by water; the finely-powdered gold was then diffused through water by agitation in a vial, and then poured into the small intestine by means of a funnel, passed through the small opening in the duodenum. At the same time the left kidney was removed, and a ligature placed on the right ureter. The dog lived twenty-four hours. There was considerable perito- nitis, with effusion of pus and coagulable lymph. There was also some inflammation of the mucous membrane of small intestine, and hemorrhage into the ileum. The Malpighian bodies were of a yellow color, the tube somewhat darkened. I could not satisfy myself that gold existed in the kidney by examination with the microscope. 1 also tried the method by incineration, both with the kidney and the liver, but could not detect gold in either organ. No. 36. I ground up a book of gold-leaf with powdered glass into an impalpable powder. This powder was washed repeatedly with water to separate the siliceous portion, and the gold was mixed up with a solution of gum-arabic and injected into the oesophagus of a dog. The animal was killed about six hours after injection, but I could not detect gold in the kidney. No. 37. On the 5th of January I removed the left kidney of a cat and ligated the right ureter. I then injected finely precipitated copper, in an impalpable powder, into the stomach and intestines, using ligatures in the usual manner. This cat died in three hours. The intestines were slightly, the stomach intensely inflamed. I could not detect the copper in the kid- ney, either by the microscope, or by the method of incineration in a porcelain crucible. No. 38. On the 30th of January I injected three drachms 454 On the Function of the of finely precipitated copper into the oesophagus of a dog, and secured a brass pipe in it with a stopcock. Twenty hours after I injected the same quantity, suspended as before in water. He was killed two hours afterwards. I incinerated one of the kidneys, in a porcelain capsule, with nitric acid; but, testing, could not detect a trace of copper. Neither was I satisfied from the appearances under the microscope that this metal was present in the kidney. No. 39. On the 2d February, I injected into the oesopha- gus of a cat three drachms of metallic antimony, ground down to an impalpable powder and well agitated with water at the moment previously to throwing in the injection. The animal was killed five hours afterwards. Many of the tubes were of a steel-grey color. My young friend, Mr. Henry Draper, kindly tested one of the kidneys for me in the laboratory of the Uni- versity, but could not detect a trace of antimony in the kidney. I therefore consider this experiment as a failure, and also that all the other experiments with metallic substances were unsatis- factory, and that the fact of their absorption and entrance into the kidney has thus far not been demonstrated in these instances. I may here mention that the introduction of coloring mat- ters into the kidney of animals by means of absorption from the intestines and entrance into the circulation, is a valuable means of facilitating the investigation of the structure of these organs The effect of stimulating diuretics is also of great assistance in this respect. It seemed to me also that by ligaturing the abdominal aorta a short distance above its bifurcation a larger amount of blood would thus be thrown upon the kidney with the effect of congesting the Malpighian bodies and venous plexus. Being unable, from sickness and other causes to carry out my design, I requested my friend Dr. J. S. Goule'y, whose anatomical zeal and acquirements are deserving of the highest praise, to perforin this operation, the results of which we exam ined together. I beg leave here to express my sincere thanks to him for his skillful and valuable assistance in nearly all of my experiments. Nos. 40,41,43. I condense from Dr. Gouley's notes of Malpighian Bodies of the Kidney. 455 three operations upon cats and dogs, in which he ligated the aorta, twice reaching the artery by an incision through the abdomen and once through the lumbar region, without wound- ing the peritonaeum. The symptoms, after tying the aorta, in these three cases, were great acceleration of the heart's action —pulsations so frequent that they could not be counted, no pulsation in the femoral arteries, paralysis and coldness of the inferior extremities, gradually increasing coma and diminished frequency of respiration. On dissection, the heart was dis- tended with coagulated blood; lungs, slightly congested; liver, nearly normal; kidneys, very highly congested. Thin slices of both organs showed, under the microscope, the Malpighian bodies enormously distended with blood; so much so', that on looking at a very thin section with the naked eye, they could be plainly distinguished. Under the microscope, the tortuous ves- sels of which the tufts are composed could be perceived more beautifully than in an artificial injection. Small vessels could be seen sending branches on each side, terminating in the well known round ball, all filled to their utmost. The venous plexus was also very highly congested. The intertubular vessels were very distinct, being intensely congested. Three or four of these specimens have been preserved. I may here remark, that the injected state of the vessels resulting from this operation greatly facilitates the investiga- tion of the structure of the kidney. In connection with this congested state of the Malpighian tufts and venous plexus, it may not be uninteresting to refer to the operation of Sir Astley Cooper for ligature of the abdominal aorta, in which case there was suppression of urine for more than twenty-four hours. In conclusion, it may be well to consider what new facts or deductions have been stated in this paper: 1. It has, I think, been conclusively established, by numer- ous experiments on animals, by repeated and careful observa- tions under the microscope, and by chemical tests, that colored substances are separated from the blood by the Malpighian body. 2. That the coloring matter of the bile is also separated by it from the blood. 30 456 Function of the Malpighian Bodies of the Kidney. 3. From the facts recorded in this paper, it is very pro- bable that it may also separate lithic acid. 4. That a new means of unravelling the structure of the kidney is afforded by such experiments. 5. The peculiar action of excessively stimulating diuretics has been demonstrated by their effect on the minute structures of the kidney. 6. The influence of ligature of the abdominal aorta in throwing an increased afflux of blood upon the kidney, and causing great congestion of its minute vessels and capillaries. 7. Incidentally, some interesting facts have been stated relative to the absorption of substances generally considered to be insoluble. ADDENDA. My friend, Dr. Geo. T. Elliot, examined with me this day, March 24th, 1857, the kidneys of a patient who had been under treatment for paralysis from lead for the last seven months in Bellevue Hospital, and who died of tetanus. I made a drawing of the epithelial cells, both of the straight and convoluted tubes, which, under the microscope, exhibited with the greatest clearness and distinctness the same ^appearances as seen in Plates 1 and 2 of this paper. I received from my friend, Dr. Geo. A. Peters, the kidneys of a child three months old, who died with convulsions, the urine having been suppressed for fifteen hours. The Mal- pighian bodies were very much congested, and of a dark red and purple colof. The intertubular plexus was also much congested. I have also noticed that the kidneys of other patients who had died from suppression of urine were in a similar condition. This, taken in connection with the influence of stimulating diuretics upon the internal structures of the kidneys of the inferior animals, and the effect of ligature of the abdominal aorta in producing a similar result, would seem to show the importance of local depletion and counter-irritation in cases of suppression of urine and retention of urea in the blood, and the necessity of avoiding diuretics, or at least of using them with great caution. The successful result of this mode of treatment in such cases is in accordance with the views expressed in this paper relative to the physiology and pathology of the Malpighian bodies and venous plexus. END OF THE FIRST YOLCMI. INDEX. Alga Chocolate and Biscuits, Report on, by the Section on Public Health and Legal Medicine, . Amputation of Thigh, and subsequent amputation of hip-joint, followed by perfect recovery, by W. H. Van Buren, ..... Anaesthesia from Chloroform in Surgical Operations, on the importance of, by Valentine Mott, ..... Aneurism and Ligature of left Sub-Clavian Artery, case of, attended with peculiar circumstances, by V. Mott, . Appendix, containing Minutes of Committee appointed to examine into em- ployment of injection into bronchial tubes, etc., .... Atelectasis of the Lungs, by S. Conant Foster. 369 123 85 159 251 349 Badly-united Fractures of the Thigh, cases illustrating treatment of, by G. Buck, ••••..... 191 Barker, B. F., on Treatment of Puerperal Convulsions, . . .273 Bronchial Tubes and Tubular Cavities of the Lungs, on injection of, by Horace Green, ....... 203 Buck, G., Casaof Croup in which Tracheotomy was successfully performed, 117 On Treatment of Badly-united Fractures of the Thigh, . .191 Chloroform, on the purity and use of, by J. T. Metcalfe, . . . 139 Precautions necessary m Administration of, . . 148 Mode of Administration of, . . . . . 151 Means to be used when Anaethesia is carried too far in use of,. 152 Cholera Infantum, Prize Essay on, by James Stewart, . . . 285 On Etiology of, . . . . . .287 General Phenomena of, . . . . . . 297 Morbid Anatomy of, ..... 299 Pathology of, . . ■ . . . . 301 Semeiology of, . . . . . _ 315 Treatment of, ...... 320 Convoluted Uriniferous Tubes, on termination of, . . . 403 460 Index. Croup, Case of, in which Tracheotomy was successfully employed, by G. Buck, 117 Earle, Pliny, Historical Sketch of Institutions for the Insane in the United States, . • • • • • • .9 Foster, S. Conant, on Atelectasis of the Lungs, . . . .349 Fractures of Thigh, Treatment of Badly-united Fractures of, by Guedon Buck,..........191 Gardner, A. K., Report of Committee on Comparative value of Milk from Slop of Distilleries and other Food, . . . . . . 31 Green, Horace, on Injections of Bronchial Tubes and Tubular Cavities of the Lungs, ......... 203 Griscom, John H., on Hospital Hygiene, . . . . . .167 Hospital Hygiene, illustrated, by J. H. Griscom, . . . .167 Injection of the Bronchial Tubes and Tubular Cavities of the Lungs, by Horace Green, . . . . . , . . . 203 Institutions for the Insane in the United States, Historical Sketch of, by P. Earle,.........9 Isaacs, C. E., Researches into Structure and Physiology of Kidney, . . 377 On Function of Malphigian Bodies of Kidney, . . . 437 Kidney, Researches into the Structure and Physiology of, by C. E. Isaacs, . 377 On Function of the Malpighian Bodies of, by C. E. Isaacs, . 437 On Fibrous Matrix of, by C. E. Isaacs, . . . .418 Laceration of the Corpus Cavernosum Penis, commonly called Fracture of the Penis, by Valentine Mott, ... . . . 99 Majority Report of Special Committee on Paper of Dr. H. Green on Injection into Bronchial Tubes and Tubular Cavities of the Lungs, . . . 228 Malpighian Tuft of Kidney, Conclusion as to its connection with the Convoluted j Uriniferous Tube, ....... 401 Body, Conclusions as to functions of, . . . 407 Bodies of the Kidney, on the functions of, . . . 437 Metcalfe, J. T., on the Purity and Use of Chloroform, . .139 Milk, Comparative Value of, from Slop of Distilleries and other Food, Report of Committee upon, by A. K. Gardner, . , . . .31 Solidified, Report on, . . . , .179 Minority Report of Special Committee on Paper of Dr. H. Green on Injection into Bronchial Tubes and Tubular Cavities of the Lungs, . . .268 Mott, Valentine, on the Value of the Seton in Ununited Fractures, . . 71 On the Importance of Anaesthesia from Chloroform in Surgical Operations, . . . . # ... 85 On Laceration of the Corpus Cavernosum Penis, . ' .99 Case of Aneurism and Ligature of Left Subclavian Artery, attended with peculiar circumstances, . . .159 Index. 461 Puerperal Convulsions, on Treatment of, by B. F. Barker, . . .273 Diagnosis of from Epilepsy, . . . • .275 Causes of, ....... 275 Treatment of, . . ' . . . . .278 Report of Committee on Comparative Value of Milk formed from the Slop of Distilleries and other food, . . . . . .31 On Solidified Milk,......179 Majority, of Special Committee on Paper of Dr. H. Green on Injection into Bronchial Tubes and Bronchial Cavities of Lungs, ........ 228 Minority, of same Committee, on above Paper of Dr. H. Green, 268 On Alga Chocolate and Biscuits,..... 367 Seton, on the Value of, in Ununited Fractures, by V. Mott, . . .71 Smith, Ashbel, on the Diagnosis of Yellow and Bilious Fevers, . .51 Solidified Milk, Report on, . . . . . . .179 Special Committee, Majority Report, on Injection into Bronchial Tubes and Tubular Cavities of Lungs, . . . ... . . . 228 Minority Report on same subject, .... 268 Stewart, James, Prize essay on Cholera Infantum, . . . .283 Structure and Physiology of the Kidney, Researches into, by C. E. Isaacs, . 377 Thigh, Badly-united Fractures of, Cases illustrating treatment of, by G. Buck, 191 Tracheotomy, Cases of, by W. H. Van Buren, . . . . .109 Van Buren, "W. H. Cases of Tracheotomy, ..... 109 Amputation of Thigh subsequent to Amputation at Hip-joint, . 123 Yellow and Bilious Fevers, on the Diagnosis of, by Ashbel Smith, . .51 I I