IODO-BROMIDE CALCIUM, COMPOUND. EIjIXIR IQEO-BRDffilDE OF CALCIUM. C0MF011 (For Internal Vue,) Medically used In Scrofula Scrofulous Abscesses and Swellings, and all diseases of the blood traceable to a Scrofulous diathesis; in Cancer and Cancerous Tumors, Caries or diseased bone; Bronchial and Throat Affections, Pulmonary Degener- ation, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, and Cutaneous Affections; in Neuralgia Rheu- matism, Piles and Deafness, and par- ticularly efficient as an Anti-Bil- ious Remedy to combat what is commonly called . “Liver Complaint.” PREPAREO ONLY BY Tilden dL Co., New Lebanon, N. Y., and 176 William St., New York City. ELIXIR I0D0-BRQMIDE OF CALCIUM COMPOUND. Component Parts.—Bromine, Iodine, Chlorine, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Sodium and Potassium. Medical Properties and Action.—Alterative, resolvent, tonic, anti-bilious, aperient and anti-scrofulous. This new compound, since its introduction to the profession nearly three years since, has been used in so diversified a number of cases with sucli uniform success as to rank it among the most potent alterative and anti-scrofulous remedies in use. The many cases in practice which have been reported to us, where it has signally asserted its therapeutical properties, justify us in offering it to the Medical Profes- sion as a remedy of superior potency, and one on which they can confidently rely to subdue, specially, that class of chronic cases of a scrofulous diathesis which the ordinary approved means so often fail to reach; and also in many instances success- fully to combat those pathological conditions on which a very large number of cu. taneous affections depends. Its action upon the lymphatic glandular system, caus- ing the reduction or absorption of glandular and other tumors has well attested claims. We can confidently advise its exhibition in that type of disease which be- comes amenable only to alterative measures. In our own experience it has proved a very happy agent to combat, in scrofulous subjects, Piles, Facial Neuralgia, Ca- tarrh, Caries, Necrosis aud Abscesses, where its exhibition was invariably attended with well marked tonic and aperient properties. We have no hesitation in pro- nouncing the combination of properties which it possesses as pre-eminently gratify, ing. A persistent use for months, though, will often be imperatively required. The following are among the many testimonials of its therapeutical efficacy, which have been forwarded us. Cincinnati Lancet and Observer, June, 1873. A NEW ALTERATIVE COMPOUND. BY J. R. BLACK, M. D., NEWARK, OHIO. The profession owes much to the Messrs. Tildes, of New York, for introducing, for its convenience, fluid extracts of the various medicinal plants in common use. Their disinfectant—Bromo- Ghloralim—is the best and most unobjectionable of which I have knowledge. As a deodorant, its power is really marvelous. I have at this time a case of cancer of the womb, with an extremely offensive discharge, which the Bromo- Chloralum, properly diluted and used as an injection, corrects ki a very effective manner. In the case, also, of a very old, bed-ridden lady, whose urine was discharged involuntarily, and which was of a very offensive ammonical smell—so that it was not possible to keep her bed free from its disgusting odor, until I directed the frequent use of this deodorant, and with the most satisfactory results. But it is not this preparation to which I wish to direct attention, but another one for internal use, which these gentlemen have ingeniously prepared. I allude to their “Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Compound.” But, at the outset, allow me to say that what I have written, and wish to write, is not from any desire to puff either this house or any of its preparations. To do this I have no sort of motive, but, on the contrary, the heartiest dislike. But when a physician feels himself a debtor to any one, for putting a convenient and excellent remedy into his hands, it would certainly be playing the part of a professionally “prurient prude,” not to feel himself free to make candid acknowledgment of the fact. The Component Parts of this preparation are stated to be bromine, iodine, chlorine, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and potassium. It is claimed, by a rival house, that the union is a chemical impossibility. But I do not know that the manufacturers claim that all these elements are chemically united, but only in solution. Almost the same union in a weaker and differently proportioned solution is not unfrequently met with in some mineral springs, as at Leamington, England, and in the Spa of Belgium. And this leads me to write what I have often thought, that as the curative virtues of some mineral springs are undoubted, why can not the same ingredients be concocted in a concentrated form for the con- venience of the physician in the labaratory of nature? It seems that the Messrs. Tilden have done this in an admirable manner in this Compound of theirs— perhaps more strongly alterative than what nature usually generates. By putting a half a teaspoonful of the “Solution” (not the Elixir) in half a tumbler of water, a draught is at once prepared, which might deceive the habitues of some mineral springs. The taste is slightly sharp and acrid, but these impressions on the palate are gone in a moment after swallowing. The primary effect, especially when taken in the morning before breakfast, is precisely that of some mineral waters—a quick, pleasant, aperient effect. This I have noticed on myself scores of times, and have had it reported to me by almost every one to whom I directed its free administration. The Therapeutical Properties of this compound have proved, in my hands, to be alterative, laxative, resolvent, and, in a minor degree, tonic. In the epidemic, which recently passed over the country, of influenza—popularly known as the epi- zootic—one of its most common sequel® in strumous subjects was an enlargement of the cervical glands. This I found to disappear in the most satisfactory manner under the use of the uIodo-Bromide Calcium Compound.” In fact, it seems to have, as its composition would indicate, a special effect on the glandular structures of the neck. Chronic irritation of the pharynx, and recent enlargements of the tonsils, art also promptly benefited by its use. In Some Cutaneous Diseases it is one of the most valuable of our prepara" tions. A young lady, very fair to look upon, was exceedingly annoyed by a mild yet obstinate spot of herpes on her face. Mercurial ointments, oil of cade, and other remedies of a like class, had failed to remove it. The “Solution” applied pure to the part affected, proved effectual, after only two or three applications. In Prurigo, its beneficial action is no less apparent. This affection, as all know, is often very obstinate, and a not uncommon effect of eating freely of Polygala Fagopyrum cakes, swimming in Darwin’s nectar. It is an annoying, disagreeable, and troublesome affliction. It is often as obstinate as lichen, which is so obstinate as to have received the name of seven-year itch—a disease which a fat old gentleman once assured me he had had seven years to a day. For the Removal of Prurigo, twenty drops of the “Solution” well diluted and continued for two or three weeks, will cure in almost every case. Such at least has been my experience. Excepting for children and adults of very fastidious taste, I prefer the “Solution” to the “Elixir.” It is more active, and when properly diluted, more readily absorbed than the “Elixir.” Considering that when it is deemed desirable to administer an alterative other than the mercurials, we are almost limited to the Iodide of Potassium, this preparation should be welcomed as a valuable addition to the list. It seems to be free from some of the objections appertaining to the Iodide; such as the occasional pro- duction of severe irritation of the Schneiderian membrane, frequent irritation of the stom- ach, and more or less of a general debilitating effect. It is a comrium expression of those who have taken the compound under consideration, and for appropriate disorders, that they feel better and more buoyant, w ithout having experienced In the least any un- pleasant effect, and this is more than can l>e said of the great majority of our remedies. Use of Iodo-Bromide Calcium Compound, in Catarrh. In a very ante ana instructive essay recently published by Walter m. Fleming, M. D., on Catarrh, and its relation to throat and lung diseases, the Iodo- Bromide of Calcium Comp., receives a most prominent position among the remedies to be applied for its relief. Quite recently, Dr. Fleming writes; “There has been place before the public a chemical preparation issued by Tildkn & Co., Chemists, New Lebanon, N. Y., that has proved itself of great value in this disease; the crude preparation is the Solution Iodo-Bromide Calcium Compound, the component parts of which are Iodine, Bromine, Chlorine, Calcium, Magnesium, Ferrum, Potassium and Sodium. This compound possesses the desirable qualities of alterative, disinfectant, stimu- lant, tonic, and resolvent, all of which are eminently qualified to prove serviceable, in the very disease in question. In its crude state, this preparation is irritant, and almost a caustic, consequently it requires large dilution before appljing to the delicate membranes of the nose, but when properly prepared, as is best indicated by the case for which it is required, it has already proved itself to be a most valuable addition to the list of reliable reme- dies. There is also an Elixir of the Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Comp., prepared by the same firm, expressly for internal use, consisting of the same component parts, and identical medical qualities. This preparation possesses all the desired advantages requsite, as a prompt and efficient alterative, tonic, and anti scrofulous remedy, partiularly indicated in ulcer ated and diseased membranes, caries of bones etc., (as may be nadily conceived by reference to its component parts). This agent is found to be eminently qualified to benefit this type at disease, and is doubtless one of the most reliable internal ar d con- stitutional remedies. These two preparations above, both for local and internal use, can hardly be surpass- ed, for the successful treatment of Catarrh.” In Scrofulous Abscesses, Caries, Tumors, Neuralgia, &c. Was called August 10, 1869, to P. V., set. 12, Irish, of a scrofulous diathesis. He had been under medical treatment for several months without appreciable re- lief. At the request of the attending physician I was summoned to take charge of the case. I learned that the boy was first attacked with pain and swelling in the hip, simulating acute rheumatism, which subsequently terminated in a large abscess, which required opening. Suffering intense, necessitating the constant employment of morphine in large doses for several weeks, the pain continued in violence, until abscess after abscess appeared, one on hip, one in groin, two on leg below the knee and one above—in all five. The draught upon the vitality of the system was so profuse and debilitating, that in a very shsrt time the patient had not strength sufficient to enable him to rise from the bed. The appetite be- came poor, the secretions scanty, which together with the insomnia and general cachexia, apparently foreshadowed speedy dissolution. My treatment was confin- ed to alteratives, such as Iodine, Iodoform, Iodide of Potassium, Carbolic Acid, (as a topic and internally) Arsenical preparations and the Phosphates—to tonics such as Elixir of Iron, Quinia and Strychnia, Chemical Food and Ferrated Wine of Wild Cherry, and of this class of remedies, the “Ferrated Wine of Wild Cher- ry,” manufactured by Tilden & Co., was the only agent which appeared to affect the system. This restored the appetite and thus far measurably benefitted my patient—though further than that the disease remained unchecked and my treat- ment abortive. The suppuration continued profuse and portions of dead bone were from day to day extracted. Several physicians of large experience saw the patient with me, though they suggested no alteration of the plan of treatment. At this stage of the disease, I read in the Journal of Materia Medica a notice of a new remedy, the “ Elixir of Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Comp.” highly commend- ed for its alterative properties and especially its power in combating scrofulous cachexia, &c. I wrote to Messrs. Tilden & Co., for and received a bottle by ex- press. I directed my patient to take one teaspoonful three times a day—the med- icine being rather agreeable he expressed a preference for it, rather than the reme- dies he had been using. Upon visiting the boy after a few days, I was surprised at the marked improvement observed in the appetite and general indications of the case. I advised him to continue its use, gradually increasing the dose. In one week’s time the mother calling at my office remarked, “ my boy is better.” During the day I saw the boy, and found the discharge was less profuse and had a more healthy appearance. Improvement continued uninterrupted; no more dead bone was observed after patient had been finally placed under the influence of this net® medicine. In one month’s time the boy was able to walk a half-mile from home. He is now nearly well. Since patient commenced taking * ‘ The Elixir of Iodo- Bromide of Calcium Compound,” I have given him no other medicines only as was necessary to correct the disturbed condition of the secretions; consequently the combatment of the disease must be attributable to the influence of the “ Iodo- Bromide.” I have since used this new agent in a large number of cutaneous diseases and am highly gratified with its effect. I consider it a valuable acquisition to our therapeu- tical agents and could not think of being without it. L. ROGERS, M. D. Scrofulous Abscesses, Impoverished Blood, Rheumatism Liver Complaint. J. B. Nobel, M. D., Booneville, N. Y.—I am using your Elixir Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Comp., with marked success, in a case of enlarged knee joint, and scrofulous abscess of the left hand, also, in another case of impoverished blood, with rheumatism and liver complaint. I have used it successfully, also, in two cases of erysipelas acute with diphtheria. I was sent for to attend a patient, suffering with a large scrofu- lous abscess thoracic and of the right hand. A skillful physician had treated the case for four months, but with very little benefit as all proper remedies had been given the patient. I at once gave your “Elixir Iodo,” and applied the solution externally for some days. The case is so far doing well, and I am confident of a full cure in a short time. I think it a better alterative than all others. In Scrofulous Swelling* and Ulceration.—W. B. Ansley, M. D., Apollo, Pa., writes:—“In regard to the Iodo-Bromide of Calcium, Compound, I will say, it seems to be all that we could desire. I will only give the outlines of one case out ol several of a similar kind that I have treated with this remedy. Robert J , aged 20,—English,—came to me for treatment, Sept 15, with scrof- ulous swelling and ulceration of the cervical, lymphatic glands, ol 18 months’ stand- ing. Two of these glands were discharging freely characteristic scrofulous pus, and some four others were much swollen, two of them seemingly just ready to break down, which they afterwards did. His history showed the disease to be hereditary. His general health was completely broken down, so that he could not follow his usual occupation, that of a sheet roller. He was placed on the following medicine: B. Elix. Iodo-Brom. Cal Comp., (Tilden’s.) Fluid Ext. Sarsap.,—aa., 1 Bi- gig,—Dessert spoonful 8 times daily. To the glands he applied ointment of Iodide of Cadmium. He was also directed to take as much out-door exercise as possible, and live on a nutritious diet, avoiding alcoholic stimulants. The first ten days he did not show any signs of improvement, bus from that time on he has improved steadily, continuing the use of the medicine, as originally prescribed, with but lew intermissions. He may now be considered cured,—the ulceration having healed and the enlargement entirely gone. He has resumed work, but will continue using the medicine as a precautionary measure. In closing I may add that he had been treated during the entire 18 months l>etore coming to me by some able physicians.” In a Cawe ot Scrofulous Abacesn.—Dr. M. P. Harvey, (Ontario, Canada) writes. “The Elixir Iodo-Bromide Calcium Compound is a magnificent remedy. I am using it with marked success in a case of Scrofulous Abscess in the upper part of the femur. I think more of this remedy than all the many alteratives I have noticed in med- ical journals for the last two years. ” In Old Affection* of Joint* and Bone*.— Gentlemen,—I take pleasure in being able to report the following case, showing the great value of the Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Compound, in old affections of the joints and bones. I was called some two years and a half since to attend a returned soldier, thirty years of age, his left leg was enormously swollen and paia ful, especially about the ankle. He was greatly emaciated and ansemic, had sympathetic or hectic fever. He was very low indeed and not expected to live by any one who saw him. He had been under the care of many physicians, the limb had been injured on board a transport ship by the fall upon it of a heavy box—I examined the ankle carefully and concluded to pass an exploring needle, and at once detected pus in several localities. Incisions were then made and free exit af- forded to the retained ill-conditioned fluids ; upon searching with a probe the tibia was found roughened and diseased in several sites—tonics and restoratives were given of Bark. Iron, Arsenic, &c. The success was not satisfactory—The patient gradually failed, his appetite gave way, diarrhoea set in, a cachectic state ruled the case, the man was utterly exhausted and there seemed to be no chance of his recov- ery. At this time I was induced to make a trial of the Elixir Iodo-Bromide of Cal- cium Comp., a teaspoonful was given properly diluted three times a day. The So- lution was also locally applied diluted with alcohol and water, four parts. The re- sult was very gratifying, my patient at once began to rally under the tonic and al- terative influences of the remedy—His appetite returned, also his color and flesh, the discharges lessened, the swelling abated and the pain and condition of the joint and bones improved—soon dead pieces of bone ceased to come away, and in two months he rode ten miles to see me; from that time he made a rapid recovery. He is now & stout, fleshy, strong man, and owes his life to the use of the Iodo- Bromide of Calcium Compouud. The joint is still somewhat impaired as to its free action, but the man walks very well and attends to the labors of the farm, and re- quires no further professional attention. I have only to say that I have great confidence in this remedy and shall continue to recommend it and use it in ill-conditioned affections of the bones and joints whether the results of accidents alone, or as connected with scrofulous or other ca- chectic states of the system. THEO. H. JEWETT, M. D., South Berwick, Me. Psoriasis and Scrofula.—Dr. Hebert, Brooklyn. I have used your Elixir Iodo-Bromide Calcium Comp., in quite a number of cases of Psoriasis and Scrofula with marked success, and I am recommending it to my medical acquaintances. Scrofulous Induration of the Nose.—By X. T. Bates, New Lebanon, N. Y.—Was called in February, 1872, to visit Mrs R., found her suffering from a troublesome tumor in the right naris, of some twelve months standing, so large as to disfigure the face, accompanied with intolerable burning and itching sensations it had obstinately resisted every method of medication to which she had been sub- jected, which I learned comprised both discutient topics and alteratives, and anti- scrofulous remedies. I suggested the use of several lotions and internal medicines, no one of which she appeared inclined to favor, remarking “It is almost needless for me to use that which has already been proven worthless in my case by faithful trial ; give me a new prescription.” I then advised : 5 Elixir Iodo-Bromide Calcium Comp., - - Oj. Take a teaspoonful one hour before each meal, after one week, increase the dose to two teaspoonfuls. This was sufficient to effect a cure, which I pronounce a peimaneut one, inas- much as there has been no return of her difficulty since its disappearance, nearly a year since. I have no hesitation in pronouncing the Elixir Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Comp., the most efficient and satisfactory anti-scrofulous preparation I have ever used, but the sphere of its usefulness is by no means confined to scrofula. Aside from this special usefulness it has an application as deversified as the term alterative* can make it. In Chronic Affections, Incipient Lung Diseases, nml Cancer of the Stomach.—I have used the Elixir Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Compound, with very corked success in many cases, and regard it as one of the best tonics and alteratives, in all scrofulous diseases, I have ever met with. I have used it with much benefit in cancer of the stomach, and other local diseases of a kindred nature with excellent results. I have also used it in many cases of incipient lung disease with marked success. In cases of chronic ulcers, 1 employ it internally, using the Bromo-Chloralum externally, applying it two or three times a day to the ulcerated surfaces, and uniformly with the best results; the improvement in all the cases has been rapid, and at this time bids fair to b# permanent. I regard it as a valuable remedy, one worthy of the attention of the medical profession. I think I was the first to use it in this part of the State, and have done so quite extensively, and feel sure, if judiciously prescribed in cases adapted to its use, it will seldom fail to accomplish all that is claimed for it. A. J. FULLER, M. D., Bath, Mb. Chronic Articular Itheuniatisin.—Dr. W. J. Gilbert,' Fremont, N. C. Your Elixir Iodo-Bromide Calcium has worked wonders in the relief of Mrs. C., who for the last four years has suffered from Chronic Articular Rheumatism of every joint in the body, rendering her perfectly helpless. To day with Solution of Iodo as a wash, and the Elixir internally, the hinges of the lower.|jaw have been un- locked, the elbow to flex, the joints of the lower which heretofore had resisted ever) medicine taken. I look upon the Elixir Iodo and Bromo-Chloralum as invaluable medicinal agents in the hands of the Profession. Piles and Scrofula.—Dr. Allen, Pella, Iowa, I have used your Elixir Iodo- Bromide Calcium with great success in the cure of Piles and Scrofula. In Chronic Irritable Ulcers.—Dr. S. H. Pottbk, of Hamilton, Ohio, •ays: Allow me to express my sincere gratitude for your offer to send me a quantity of the Elixir Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Compound. It has proven itself in every case a very valuable and potent remedy. I have been using it on a Chronic Irritable Ulcer on my own person arising from a severe contusion five years since. Singular as it seems nothing else promotes healthy granulations, nothing else can be tolerated, and yet this acts like a charm. Both internally and externally I hare found it more efficacious than any other medicine that an experience of forty years of devoted practice’enables me to select. Baltimore, Mu., Aug. 1st., 1872. In Bilioutt Disorder.—Gentlemen,—It afford* me pleasure to say that I hare derived the moet beneficial effects from the use of the Elixir of Iodo-Bromide Cal- cium Compound. I had been suffering with biliary disorder for a long time, and recently was salivated to such an excessive degree as to produce general derange- ment and great physical^prostration. The taking of but two ounces of the above mixture has produced a normal ac- tion of the liver and restored me to a healthy condition. Yours with respect, A. D. GREENTREE, 373 Franklin St. In Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis.—I take pleasure in reporting two cases of cerebrospinal meningitis, occurring in my practice, in which I found your new pre- paration, the Elixir of Iodo-Bromide Calcium Comp., of great service. The first was that of a boy aged 9 years, who was first taken with severe lancinating pains in the Cranium—extending down the back and to the limbs— followed by delirium—attended with the usual symptoms—pupils of eye alternately dilating and contracting—restlessness—pulse about 120—articulation very difficult. I gave him Quinine and Dover’s Powder freely, alternated with the Iodo-Bromide and followed up this treatment for several days—using Leptandrin occasionally to regulate the bowels, when the worst symptoms were greatly relieved. He could not however use his limbs—I persevered in the use of the Elixir for several weeks and finally had the satisfaction of witnessing my patient’s restoration to health. In the other case which was of the same general character, I administered the Elixir more freely in the first instance, using less of the Quinine and Dover’s Powder. All the symptoms subsided within three or four days. I am inclined to the opinion that the Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Comp., in conjunction with Quinine and Dover’s Powder will cure all such cases, and I take great pleasure in bringing those above cited to the notice of the profession through the columns of your valuable Journal. Very Truly Yours, E. TEFFT, M. D., Topeka, Kansas. Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis.—By L. Gile, M. D., anaan 4 Corners, N. Y. Having recently had my attention called to the Elix. Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Comp., particularly for its alterative and anti-scrofulous properties, I advised its use in several subjects suffering from Psoriasis, which came under my treatment dur- ing the past winter. Its medicinal virtues were so manifest as to substantiate all that is claimed for it regarding its efficacy in cutaneous affections, and having more recently noticed in a pamphlet issued by the manufacturers, a letter from Dr. Teflft, concerning its remarkable adaptation to “Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis,” I was readily led to make a thorough trial of it in several cases of the latter affection. Its use was attended with such gratifying results that I am constrained to regard it of suf- ficient importance to give in brief my experience, believing when properly used, it will prove an invaluable adjuvant in the control of this dreaded and painful malady Case 1.—J. M., male, aged 14. Suddenly stricken down, vomiting and diar- rhoea, lancinating pains in head and spine, tenderness, intolerance of light and sound, well marked tonic contraction of the muscles of the neck, pupils somewhat dilated, tongue dry and dark, pulse 120, and insomnia. Such was his condition when I first saw him. I at once put him upon the use of Quinine, Gelseminum and Yeratrum combined, sinapism to spine. The following day there being no per- ceptible change, I prescribed: 3 Elixir Iodo-Bromide Calcium Comp., - - | iv. Take one teaspoonful every four hours 3 Chloroform, Sweet Oil, aa § iii. Apply freely to entire spine on a piece of woolen cloth, and repeat as frequently as patient can comfortably bear. Improvement was manifest within twenty-four hours, tongue moist, pain less, and more rest, convalescence uninterrupted. Case 2.—L. M., aged 9, sister of J. M., train of symptoms almost identical, treat- ment the same with the exception that the Iodo was administered upon my first visit to patient, and the chloroform liniment freely applied. Result—symptoms marked- ly less severe, and recovery was rapid. Case 3.—Mrs. D., aged 00, was similarly attacked, though symptoms from the first mo.e alarming—Semi consciousness and hippocratic countenance. The gen- eral indications appeared to forshadow dissolution. Treatment the same. Result, improvement perceptible within 48 hours, though the recovery was somewhat less rapid than in preceding cases. In each of the above cases I continued the use of Quinia in large doses, and Veratrum and Gelseminum combined, as pulse seemed to demand. I have no hesitation in pronouncing the Elixir Iodo-Bromide Calcium Comp., an invaluable adjuvant in the treatment of Cerebio Spinal Meningitis, and am confi- dent that this statement will be corroborated by the experience of all physicians who may use it under similar circumstances. Deafness Caused by Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis.—Dr. J. A. Ingles, Monroe, 111. I used the Elixir Iodo-Bromide of Calcium in a case of deafness, caused by Cerebro-Spinal-Meningitis with excellent success. The case is improv- ing rapidly, patient is about ten years old, gave half a teaspoonfal in water three times a day. In Rheumatism and Piles.—Communicated by X. T. Bates, M. D. Was called January 6, 1872, to attend M. C., aged 50 yeara, of a scrofula-rheu* matic diathesis. He had been under treatment for rheumatism for nearly two yeara, by several physicians of eminence, who agreed as to the basic disease, but differed materially as to the complication. One diagnosed a cancer of the stomach, another scirrhous affection of the liver, another suspected malignant disease of the rectum, all overlooking the real dominant morbid action. During this time be had been confined to the bed, and gradually on the decline, until he finally lapsed into a con- dition in which he was barely able, unaided, to raise himself in bed. Appetite prior, countenance cachectic, occasional vomiting, foul breath, foetid odor in room, bowels confined, renal secretions scanty, much rheumatic heat in the bowels, and a distress- ing cough, which particularly set in at night, sometimes quite banishing sleep, while the mental depression quite equaled the physical prostration. He was also suffering from the bloody piles, and at the time of my first seeing him he remarked to me that he thought the piles were the one pre-eminent cause of his prostration. The odor of the room was very offensive and sickening, and to its malarial and nauseative influence I could but attribute one cause at least of his physical exhaustion and cachexia. Here the Bromo-Chloralum was called into requisition, and proved itself signally efficient in completely removing the odor and purifying the air. Hope en- tirely had deserted him of getting relief from the rheumatic fever, pain and siiffnese of joints, and he solicited only a cure for the piles, and the cough. Such then was the patient’s condition when be came under my treatment, and I must confess, that in consideration of the chronic character of his complaints and ability of his medi- cal advisers, that I had little hope of benefitting him. But having read in the “Journal of Materia Medica” the gratifying experiences of the Profession with the Elixir Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Compound, in both rheumatic and scrofulous affec- tions, and having myself used this “Compound ” with marked success in many con- ditions when I thought only an alterative was required. I thought here also to try its power. I consequently presented : R. Elixir lodo-Brom. Cal. Comp., f viii. Take one teaspoonful 3 times a day for 3 or 4 days, after which duplicate the dose; and for his distressing cough I prescribed: R. Syrup Tolu, Syrup Wild Cherry, aa l ii. Take one teaspoonful “pro re nata.” In one week’s time the cough was better, but in other respects his condition was unchanged. Nevertheless I continued the above treatment, and in about a month thereafter my patient began to experience considerable relief from the piles, and the system generally to recuperate. He has continued to improve, and now both the cough and the piles have succumbed, the rheumatic fever is less severe, the cachexia passing off, and his general strength great- ly improved. Even though the “ Iodo” may not be successful in dislodging and eradicating the rheumatism, in that it has but restored strength, and cured the piles, it has prov- ed itself a powerful and useful remedy, and a valuable acquisition to the “ Materia Medica. ” I have found the Elixir Iodo-Bromide Calcium Compound by far the most satisfactory alterative I ever used. Rheumatic Gout.—Letter from Dr. B. C. Powell.—It gives me pleasure to state that after a fair trial of your new preparations “Bromo-Chloralum”—andlodo- Bromide of Calcium Compound”—Elixir and Solution, I have found them fully de- serving all the encomium that has been so fully accorded to them. I have not the time at present, but will reserve for another occasion minute reports, of special cases —but desire simply to mention one instance of the successful use of the latter, in the treatment of Rheumatic Gout. An elderly German gentleman of this city, sought my advice while suffering from a severe attack of this painful and troublesome com- plaint. His feet, hands and arms, were very much swollen and puffy,—he was totally unable to use them. I prescribed the Elixir internally, at the same time directed the Solution properly diluted, to be used as a topical application. The symptoms gradually abated, and before the expiration of two months, he was restored to his usual good health. Its affect in this case has fully satisfied me of its claim to be classed among the most efficient anti-rheumatic remedies. Measles.—S. R. Nissly, Pemberton, Ohio, May 19th,’73. I have used the Iodo in all my measle cases, and more especially at that stage of the disease, when there were evidences of general Anasarca, or in other words a bloated condition of the countenance with a painful swellingof the glands of the throat and neck. I can not speak too highly of the diuretic properties of the Compound. I prefer it to any of the ordinary diuretics so generally prescribed in our days. It will recommend itself, and I think I can prescribe it every day for my patients with the hope of good and favorable results, Accept my thanks for your favor, with the assurance that I am determined to test the Compound to its fullest extent. Dunkirk, N. Y., Dec. 29th, 1872. Extract from Letter of Dr. P. A. Moiling,—“ I have used lately one-half dozen bottles of your most excellent Elixir Iodo-Bromdie of Calcium Comp, in chronic sore legs, and must confess, with an almost unequalled success in every case. I could send to you several pleasing testimonials.” Office of Japanese Embassy, Washington, D. 0. June 25, 1872. Letter from the Surgeon of the Japanese Embassy.—Dear Sir—I have much pleasure in stating that I have made a careful trial of the preparation which you forwarded to me known as the Elixir of Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Comp. I have found it singularly efficacious in the treatment of secondary Syphilis, a num- ber of severe cases having been lately under my personal observation. One case in particular attracted my attention not only from the length of time the patient had been suffering from the symptoms whieh were very severe, but also from the fact that a long course of the treatment usually adopted in such cases had utterly failed to make an impression upon the symptoms or to avert the pro- gress of this formidable disease. Two months ago I commenced using the Elixir Iodo-Bromide in this case. The patient, who is a young man of twenty-eight, then presented the following appear- ance.—A large number of obstinate copper colored eruptions were visible on the skin, over the face, arms, chest and limbs, and his muscular system was much emaciated, being also troubled with an obstinate cough and the expectoration of blood. The mucous membrane of the throat and tongue was covered with greyish ulcerations which had the effect of rendering the voice husky and indistinct; be- sides this the patient complained of loss of appetite and inability to sleep from severe darting pains in the joints and limbs. He had contracted an indurated chan- cre about five years previously which healed in about three months—had been suf- fering from secondary symptoms nearly four years and was very much depressed in spirits—afraid he could not get well &c. I thought this a good case for the trial of the Klixir and commenced giving it in teaspoonful doses 8 times daily, one hour after meals. As this dose did not disorder the stomach and appeared to increase the appetite, at the expiration of ten days I gave him two teaspoonfuls 8 times daily in a little water, and have continued it steadily ever since with the following results:—At the end of the first fortnight the patient was much improved in spirits, with increase of appetite and greater vigor in the digestive organs. There was likewise a marked diminution of the nocturnal pains, with diminished cough and expectoration. At the end of the first month, the cough had entirely disappeared and the pa- tient had excellent appetite, while the ulcers in the throat were showing a disposi- to heal. At the present time nearly two months have elapsed since the first exhibi- tion of the Elixir, and the patient himself says he is nearly well. He has improved greatly in health and strength—the spots on the surface have al- most entirely disappeared, and the ulcerated state of the mouth and throat has im- proved in a most remarkable manner. These excellent results I must attribute entirely to the Elixir Iodo Bromide Calcium Compound and I consider it the best medicine I have ever used in cases of this kind. I remain, Dear Sir, Yours Truly, ROBERT. J. SLOAN, M. D. Surgeon to Japanese Embassy, late Surgeon U. 8. Army. Use of Elixir Iodo-Broniide of Calcium Comp., in Deafness, re- sulting from Scarlet Fever.-By X. T. Bates. M.D.-During an epidemic of Scar- let Fever in B , Vermont, Mrs. W., was attacked by this malady and in the convalescent state discovered that her hearing bad became somewhat impaired. This impairment gradually increased until fears were entertained both by herseli and friends that she would ultimately lose her hearing entirely. At the suggestion of her husband whom I had previously treated for a similar disorder, she was in- duced to try the following prescription:— 5 Elix. Iodo-Bromide Calcium Comp., Oss. Sig.—One teaspoonful in half a wine-glassful of water, one hour before each meal. Improvement soon manifested itself, and in a few weeks a thorough cure was effected. Within a month I have had the pleasure of seeing this patient and was informed by her that she alone of several who were similarly affected had escaped permanent deafness—-a result to be attributed entirely to the use of the Elixir. Newark, Ohio, June 10, ’73. Scrofula.—Extract from letter of Y. Curtis Priest, M. D., “I have a very un- favorable case of Scrofula which seems to be making rapid improvement under your Elixir Iocfo-Bromide Calcium Comp. Indeed the parents of the child think it is working wonders.” G. A. Williams, M. D., Kampsville, Calhoun Co., 111., June 7, 1873 “Your Elixir Iodo Bromide Calcium Comp., is superior to any Alterative I have ever used, and I would not be without it under any consideration.” Scrofula and Necrosis.—Letter from Geo. W. Parr, M. D., Perrysville, Ashland Co., Ohio, May 24, 1873. “I get better results from your Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Compound in Scrofula and Necrosis, than from any other known remedy or combination of remedies.” Scrofulous Affections of tlic Face—A. M. Heist and, M. D. “I treated successfully a very obstinate case of Scrofulous Affection of the face, with Necro- sis of the superior maxillary bone, with the “Iodo-Bromide Calcium Comp.” in- ternally and externally. I have been using the “Iodo” for six months, with great success. Chronic Arthritis—Letter from A. T. Steele, M. D.,—“I have used the Elixir of Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Comp, in an old standing case of chronic arthri- tis, (inflammatory gout) and find that it does more good than all the remedies com- bined.” Inflammatory R lieuniatisin.—Paul F. Danci, M. D., Bonaghstown, Adam Co., Pa., May 19, 1873. “I am well pleased with the action of your “Iodo- Bromide of Calcium Comp.” having used both preparations in an inveterate case of sore leg. I have now another similar case on hand, and I feel confident of a successful issue. The case is Inflammatory Rheumatism, complicated with Scrofu- la, no doubt; but I have great faith in your preparations.” Inveterate P§orlasis.—D aniel E. Wells, M. D., Bristol, N. H. “Iam using your “Elixir and Solution of Iodo-Bromide Calcium Comp.” with very fa- vorable effects. I have one case of Inveterate Psoriasis of 18 years standing, which is being cured by their use. The patient’s skin instead of being complete- ly covered with scales has become as smooth as in his child-hood. Elixir lodo-BromiUe of Calcium Compound in Deuliietw.—By X. T. Bates, M. D. Accident first called my attention to the utility of this Compound in deafiaess, a little more than a year since, when I was called upon to visit a young man, a merchant, of sedentary life, who had recently returned from the West in so debilitated a state that it necessitated his entire relinquishment of business. It appears early in January, he contracted a severe cold, which seemed to exhaust its energy in the head, setting up acute otitis w’hich terminated in intensifying to a high degree the partial deafness to which he had been a victim for half a score of years, and in addition accompanying it with intolerable tinnitus aurium, and subsequently there was loss of appetite with much languor and debility in which every organ seemed to participate. He sought and obtained the best medical advice and was under treatment three months, during which time both the deaf- ness and atony were manifestly growing on him. Countenance becoming cachectic, appetite, strength and ambition constantly on the decline were grave indications which appeared rather to foreshadow early dissolution. His medical attendants finally urged both a change of clime and employment. Such were his physical condition and promises when he came tt> me for advice. Bearing in mind the several valuable elementary constituents of the “Elixir Iodo” and my former happy experience with this medicine in scrofulous subjects to combat Piles, Neuralgia, “ Sympathetic Catarrh,” Caries, Necrosis, and scrofulous abscesses, when I had employed it with very uniform success, I thought here to try its efficacy as an appetizer and general alterative, with little or no expectation of removing the cause of deafness which I diagnosed Scrofulous induration of the Tympanum. My prescription was: B Elixir Iodo Bromide Cal. Comp Oj. Take one teaspoonful in a half wine-glass of water three times a day, one hour before meals—after a week’s time increase the dose to two teaspoonfuls. I soon lost sight of the young man, and heard no more of him till after a period of four months when I received a letter from him wherein he requested a renewal of the'prescription I had previously given him, stating that it had been the means of affording him great relief, that while under my treatment, both his appetite and strength rapidly improved, spirits revived, and deafness appeared rather to succumb, and his general health so immeasurably improved, that he at length was enabled to resume business relations. But no sooner did his medicine become exhausted than his old symptoms recurred. He then consulted his family physician, who made several applications of Nitrate of Silver to the ear, and also subjected him to con- stitutional treatment, which was persevered in for a space of three weeks withoul any perceptible benefit. I immediately forwarded a duplicate prescription with the request that he should inform me from time to time of his condition. But I heard nothing direct from him until January of the present year, when I received the happy intelligence that he was enjoying a degree of health to which he had been a stranger for years. He had barely used the medicine two days ere he began to experience relief, and within an interim of three weeks, his hearing was restored almost completely. His own words are:—“I could hear better than any time within the past ten years.” My experience with the elixir in deafness has not been confined to the above recorded case, but I have prescribed it in four other cases, in only one of which did it disappoint me, and here the patient neglected to use it the length of timi required in a fair trial. In the majority of subjects even when it is potent to dis- arm and conquer the morbid processes which go to form diseased structure. regard a persistent use necessary, until from two to three pints of the “Comp.” have been introduced into the system. I shall contribute my further experience with it in similar cases. Fistula Sacci Lacrymalis.—G. H. Harcy, M. D., of Bellevue, Ohio, writes: "With regard to your Elixir, and Solution of Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Comp-, I can say they are most valuable remedies. Last winter a farmer friend of mine, who lives just out of town, came to my office saying he had a very sore eye; he had been to a number of physicians, but they had all refused to undertake to cure it. I ad- vised him to go to Cleveland and have an operation performed, he disliked very much to go and urged me to take it in hand. He removed the cloth from his eye, and I found the case was a far advanced Fistula Sacci Lacrymalis. My friend used to weigh 165 pounds, he now weighs 112, being subject to Dyscrasia Scrophulosa. I put him under the use of your “Elixir Iodo” internally as a general tonicum and stomachicum, externally I used your ‘‘Solution of Iodo Bromide of calcium in the manner in which it is recommended. In about six weeks his Fistula got well, and the tone of his system was improved. .Extract from Letter of Dr. C. S. Lacey.—“I wish to say one word in re- gard to two of your preparations, the Elixir Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Comp, and Bro- mo-Chloralum. I have used them in conjunction in tr< atment of chronic ulcers— giving the former internally, and using the latter externally—with very satisfac- tory results indeed. I have administered the Elixir Iodo Bromide Calcium, Comp., in Salt Rheum and other skin diseases with marktd success. Extract from Letter of J. JB. Nobel, M. D,—“I have used the Eliiir Iodo-Bromide of Calcium Comp., with excellent results in cases of cachexia—also in a case ot Liver Complaint, complicated with Rheumatism, when there was, more- over, a scrofulous tendency. I have prescribed it in Bronchial and throat affections with very gratifying success—and generally in all cachectic cases.” Scrofulous Ulcerations.—Richard D. Lee. Physician of Alms house, Har- ford Co., Md. “I have now under treatment, and almost cured the worst case of scrofulous ulceration I have ever met with. My treatment has consisted, in the use of the “Elixir’ Iodo-Bromide Calcium Comp.” iniernally, and the “Solution” of the same as a wash. Letter from Dr. John H. Haynes, Brainard’s, N. Y. Gentlemen—“I am trying your Ehx. Iodo-Bromide Calcium Comp., on an old la- dy who had been treated by at least a half score of physicians, without any benefit, but says that the “Iodo” is doing her good. Letter from Jno J. Hawkins M. D., Glascow Mo. At the suggestion of B. F. Powell, M. D., I was induced some time ago, to try your preparations of “Iodo-Bromide Calcium Comp.” ‘‘Elixir” and ‘‘Solution” also “Bromo-Chloralum,” and with very satisfactory results. They are getting to be al- most indispensable ; think you deserve great credit and commendation. B ro m o-C h I o ra I u m. 4PLBOBNT OORH.BSr»0]Srr>BNrOB. .Letter from I>r. J. N. Wilson, Sumner, Iowa; “I have given the Bromo- Chloralum a fair trial as a deodorizer and disinfectant, and found it worthy of al the praise that is given it. I tried it in a cellar where a foul smell existed and in a short time the air was just as pure and fresh as above. I have used it also with good results on cancer and sore-throat. Bronio-Cliloraluin in Chronic Oiarrlnea ami Ulceration of the Bowels.—Letter from M. V. B. Saunder Jackson, Mich.—Having had a very severe case of Chronic Diarrhoea, and Ulceration of the Bowels, under my care for several months, and not being able with all the usual remedies to afford only temporary re- lief, I resorted to injections of Bromo-Chloralum | i, warm water oj, immediate re- lief followed the first application; the patient had had ten or eleven passages dur- ing the night, and was very much reduced; but after using the above, there were no passages until the following morning, only three injections were given and those, two and three days apart: and three weeks from the first, the patient reports a perfect recovery. This was the only treatment used. Letter from 8. P. Hoyt, Elk Creek, Va.—One case with your disinfectant'‘Bromo- Chloralum” was somewhat remarkable. The corpse of Mrs. H., aged about 80 years, who had died in Kentucky, was brought in a metallic casket to this place for burial. Her friends desiring to view her face, had the coffin opened; the odor was so bad it was almost impossible to stay in the room. I was requested to use the “Bromo- Chloralum,” and in fifteen minutes there was not a particle of smell in the room nor any unpleasant odor from the corpse while it remained in the house, which was 86 hours before burial. It certainly exceeds anything of the kind I have ever known. Monticcllo, Jones Co., Iowa, May 80, 1878. Dr. N. M. Smith & Son;—Gentlemen.—Please allow me to express my sincere thanks for your timely suggestion of using the “Bromo-Chloralum,” manufactured by Tilden & Co., N. Y., I used it according to directions as found on bottle, amd found it perfect iu rectifying the effluvia arising from a corpse, with which I watch- ed last April. I have since recommended it to be used by a family in Delaware County, where the gentleman was being eaten up by a cancer. In both cases the rooms were so overcharged with stench, that it was impossible for the attendants to remain with them. I have attended both of the funerals of these persons, and there was not the least unpleasant odor arising in either case. As the “Bromo-Chlorolum” sends forth no odor of itself, it proves to be the most perfect deodorizer ever invented, and its inventors are deserving of all the praise that a health loving people can give. SAMUEL L. GARDINER. roil MALE HI