THE MEDICAL REPOKTH HEALTH. Whatever injures health, is a draft on life which death cashes, and summons you to a final account, then sends you to the grave. To enjoy life, preserve health. To earn a living, preserve health->-for what good can any one do when sick or dead? To attain any kind ot eminence or greatness, preserve health. To acquire knowledge, pre- serve health. To secure any or all the legitimate ends of life—phyai- oal, intellectual or moral, preserve health. Finally, to de good, read this and hand it to your neighbor, perhaps you may save a friend from the grave. FISTULA. CURED AT LAST OF AN INVETERATE FISTULA IN ANO. I first applied for relief to Dr. Stone,' of New Orleans, from thence I went to a distinguished surgeon in the city of New York, who operated upon me, with the knife, for the moderate sum of one hundred and fifty dollars; but when I arrived in Louisville, Ky.. on my-way home, it broke out again, worse than ever, numbering some eight orifices, and my health rapidly declining. 1 then visited a distinguished Surgeon of Lex- ington, who. after examining my case, refused to treat it. I was then advised to call upon Dr. Hulce, who has in a few weeks cured me, in a mild, entirely safe, and pleasant way, without the knife or caustic. Let any one suffer as much, or spend as much money as I have to find a doctor that can positively cure ia all cases, and no mistake, (as Dr. Hulce was never known to fail,) and he will appreciate my motive for this notice. J- K. KEARNEY, Madison c»uniy, Mi$a. P. S. My case is well known at the Broadway Hotel, Lexington, Ity. J" K" K November 28. 1863. ( 2 ) NO MISTAKE! Dr. Hulce can, without doubt, certainly cure "Fistula," and diseases of the rectum, and no Mistake. He has cured mc in a short time of fistula and two distressing,pile tumors, without the knife oi caustic. I walked about every day during his treatment of my case. COL. JAMES MORGAN, Phoenix Hotel, July 10, 1854. Proprietor of Harrodsburg Hotel. P. S. I will state for the benefit of the alllicted, that I saw a gen- tleman at the Broadway Hotel, who had been operated upon with the knife by an eminent surgeon in Louisville, but, instead of improving, gradually grew worse, and had been confined to his bed four months. He is now doing well under Dr. Hulce's treatment. J. M. Mr. Editor: Believing it to be my duty to lend my influence for the benefit of the afflicted, 1 wish to make public through your paper, that I have suffered immensely with that terrible disease called "Fistula in Ano," and have been doctored for ihc same by some twelve or fifteen of the most learned and popular doctors in Cincinnati, Louisville, and other places. One physician, noted for the cure of fistula, (then living in Louisville,) put in three ligatures, which produced immense pain, and cut out in about six months, leaving a frightful chasm. which healed after a time, but alas! to my great mortification, and dis- tress, the disease broke out in the same places, making some nine holes, and involving the entire rectum. In this dilemma 1 learned through a person similarly afflicted, that Dr. Hulce had never been known to fail of curing fistula; and feeling grateful for the information, and having been treated by Dr. Hulce some four weeks, and judging from past experience, I feel prepared to state that I do not believe that Dr. Hulce has an equal in the world, his treatment being exceedingly mild, pleasant, and entirely safe. I believe that Dr. Hulce's discoveries in the cure of fistula alone will im- mortalize him. I might add, for the benefit of some, that Dr. Hulce is a learned, scientific and eminent physician, worthy of all confidence. Also, that he treats all forms of. diseases hitherto considered incura- ble, with a success truly astonishing. Tho afflicted alone can fully appreciate my motive fov this notiep. WILLIS PEAK, Pkamu: Hotel, Juli) ~\ i;:.r>4. , of Warsaw, Ky. Mr. Editor: I wish to say to the alllicted, through your valuable paper, that I was operated upon with the knife for the cure of the "'Fis- tula" by an eminent surgeon in Nashville, which in a short time broke out again. In this condition I learned from a reliable source that Dr. Hulce had never been known to fail of curing this disease, and from the advice of a learned physician, I was induced to visit Dr. Hulce, who has cured me in a short time, in a new, mild and pleasant way. I walked about every day and enjoyed myself in a remarkable decree; so did all of Dr. Hulce's patients that I saw there, many of whom had been treated by various classes of popular and learned physicians. One patient had been cut with the knife eleven times. Another had ( 3 ) been burnad with caustic and tormented in an incredible manner by two doctors a longtime, and was nearly ruined by them. Others had been treated by the celebrated Dr. Bodenhamer, and the disease broke out again! But Dr. Hulce's plan and cures were acknowledged by all to be new. infinitely better, milder, and in all respects superior to any known. In fact, Dr. Hulce's discoveties have the power of disarming Fistula, Piles, Ulcers, and, in a word, all diseases of the rectum, of all their terror! One fact worthy of notice is. that all here praise the honesty of their family physician who advised them to go to Hulce and be cured, while, onthe contrary, all condemn in strong terms those who opposed their being cured until cough commenced, thereby rendering the disease more stubborn, or those physicians who attempt- ed to cure a disease thev did not understand. T. J. WHITE. Broadway Hotel, Lexington, Sep. 23.1854. of Franklin, Ky. Mr. Editor: Having been cured of a very bad Fistula in Ano by Dr. Hulce, and from the cases I know he has cured, tkere is no longer a doubt of his ability to cure Fistula and diseases of the-rectum, in a superior, entirely safe, and effectual manner, without the knife or a day's confinement, R. J- DIDLAKE, Lexington, September 9, 1854. Proprietor of Broadway Hotel. Q^-We call the attention of our readers to the certificates of Col. R. J. Didlake, proprietor of the Broadway Hotel in this city, and of Mr. White, of Simpson county, Ky., in regard to cures of Fistula in An; performed by Dr. Hulce, of this city. The certificates of these gentlemen, besides many others which have been heretofore published m this paper, show that Dr. H. is entirely successful in his treatment of this disease, and the afflicted will doubtless profit by the information. Dr. H. was recently a Professor in the Memphis Medical School, and is a gentleman of scientific attainments.—Lexington Observer 8f Rtp. Mr. Editor.—I wish to say to the afflicted, that having suffered some four years with 'fistula in Ano," and from improper adviee neglected it, under the erroneous opinion mat if cured it would settle upon my lungs, until about six months since, when I was admonished by a dis- tressing cough and the rapid decline of my health, that the disease was bein«s •jpen or separate, and the stools pass off involuntarily thretsgb life,* eondition infinitely worsp than death. SIX OBJECTIONS To THE COMMO.N LUMTUR8 PftAC- TICE. 1st. Pushing the finger up the bowel, also the probe and varioo* kinds of instruments to introduce the ligature which produces de-lay. vexation, and in most instances excessive pain. * 2d. Impossibility to put a ligature in all the crooked pipes. 3d. Eight or ten months frequently elapse* before the ligature cuts through the bowel. 4th. A hole is frequently made with a sharp pointed knife or probe to introduce the ligature. 5th. The ligature does not remove the fistulous poison from the blood, or rectum, hence disease of the lungs may follow this practice, 6th. The ligature does not, in many cases, prevent the return of the disease.—Remember the last two!—Nos. 6 and f>. CAUSTIC PRACTICE. This is too barbarous,painful, and uncertain, tor »uy e-nilghteo*d person to submit to. Comment, therefore, is unnecessary. To this list might be added an incredible number of cures, but the above and the following is deemed sufficient for any rational being, via: George Harrison, son of J. O. Harrison, Lexington, Kentucky, J. Crighton; Lexington, Kentucky, Mr. Proctor, Lexington, Kentucky, J. Turner, Lexington, Ky.. Col. H. Sayers, Kentucky, Mrs. D------, of Cincinnati, Miss T----. of Covington, Kr., Mrs. R----, of Woodford county, Ky., M. McCanu's black woma», Mr. Freeman's black man, who had heen operated upon with the knife "seven times, R. Sharp, Ruddle's Mills. Ky., Milton Scearce. Bourbon county, Kentucky, 6tc» PILES RADICLLY CURED. Ma. Editor:—Having been cured of Piles of longstanding, by Dr. Hulcs. I wish to say to the afflicted, that no one need to suffer with that distressing complaint, as I feel satisfied that Dr. Hulce can effec- tually cure anv case in a few days. Lexington. Ky., October 6, 1854. y ' K. LEGRAND. 4DDENDA. Aim, the cure of Col. Charles Buford, formerly oi Scott ceunty. Kentucky, at the Phoenix Hotel, Lexington, April 10,1854. ( 6 ) Also, D. Demmitt, Merchant of Danville, Ky., at Broadway Hotel, and Mrs. L----.of Fayette, &c. &o. CANCERS CURED. Mr. Editor:—Having suffered with a Cancer which had eatoffonp side of my nose and lip, which Dr. Hulce, in Lexington. Ky., has cured, without knife or caustic, and from the numerous cures by Dr. H. (after cancers had been cut out by noted Surgeons;) also failures by Dr. Newton and others; I am induced'to say to the afflicted, that Dr. H.'s internal medicine removes the cacerous virus from the blood, while his external medicine kills the cancer and its roots, like the girdling of a tree kills the tree and its roots. J. L. ODEN, of Mt. Sterling, Ky. Broadwaj Hotel, Lexington, Ky., Sept. 9, 1854. 0^-1 know Mr. Oden, and he is fully entitled to belief. His case and its cure, 1 am also familiar with. R. J. DIDLAKE. Broadway Hotel, Lexington, March 20, 1855. Mr. Editor:—Please say to the afflicted, that for some tims past I have been troubled with a cancer, which Dr. Hulce has cured. P. S.—I know of the cure of Mr. Oden, and several other cases. GEORGE NORTON. Lexington, Ky., Feb. 6th, 1855. DROPSY. Mr. Editor:—Dr. Hulce having cured my black woman of a very bad case of Dropsy, after others had failed, I feel disposed to let the afflicted know where they can be cured. SUSAN N. COOKE. Lexington, October 10, 1854. DYSPEPSIA. Mr. Editor:—Having suffered all the horrors of a miserable dis- peptic, and finding no relief from the most popular doctors in Lexing- ton, 1 appljed to Dr. Hulce, who has cured me in an exceedingly mild andpjeasaht way. When I commenced with Dr. H., 1 only weighed 109 pounds, I now weigh 145. W. C. NICHOLS. Lexington, K., October 9, 1854. Alss, the eure of Mrs. Settle, of complicated Dyspepsia, who had been doctored by three of the most noted Physicians in Louisville, and finally abandoned as hopeless. She is now enjoying excellent healthl Reference,—C. Settle, Foreman in Louisville Journal Office. .r. , BLINDNESS. Mr. Editor:—My daughter had, for a time, weak eyes, and her health declining; and finally she became entirely blind. I employed the most distinguished Surgeon in Louisville, who doctored her faith- fully for four months and a half, and then said she must die. I then ( 7 :) employed Dr. Hulce,* whe has effectually restored her health and cured her eyes. ISAAC DICK. Jefferson-st., near Depot, Louisville, Sept. 10, 1849. 0^?~P. S.—This is a remarkable cure. Mr. Editor:—Dr. Hulce has cured my daughter of Scrofulous Blindness. She is now the very picture of health. W. F. ROSE. Lexington, May 1ft, 1854. PARALYSIS. Mr. Editor.—This day 1 examined Mr. Timons, whom 1 advised to go to Dr. Hulee, said Timons having entirely lost the use of his arm. Dr. H. has effectually restored the use of his arm. D. J. HOCOTT, M. D. June 8th, 1853. ULCERATION OF THE KIDNEY AND GRAVEL. Mr. Editor:—By this the affieted may know that Dr. Hulee has cured me of Ulceration of the Kidney and Gravel, after Proff. Mussey, of Cincinnati, and others, had fiailed. J. NIXON. Lexington, June 20, 1854. CHRONIC DIARRHEA. Mr. Editor:—Having been redueed to a mere skeleton by Chronie Diarrhea, which had baffled the skill of the very best Physicians, I have, through the mercy of Providence, been once more restored to health by Dr. Hulce. The afflicted will readily appreciate this notice. Lexington, July, 1854. COL. R. H. HANNAH. 1. The afflicted should remember that the sooner disease is eradi- cated from the system, the better in all cases, without a single excep- tion. Alas! have not many valuable lives been lost by negfect; the patient having crossed the curable line. , 2. Let no one be discouraged simply because others have failed to cure them. See (upon this subject) the experience of those who have given their certificates. 3. It is a well established fact, that "Fistula" kills by the transla- tion of the virus or matter (through the circulating medium) to the lungs, or some other internal organ. Hence, the absolute necessity of curing, "without delay," the fistula, and removing the fistulous virus from the blood. 4. Dr. H. relies as much upon constitutional as local means, in the eure of fistula, as well as many other diseases, heretofore considered merely as local affections. Furthermore, his medicines never depress or enfeeble the patient. 0^7=-N. B.—Bronchitis, diseases of the Lungs, Scrofula, Liver Com- plaint, Rhumatism, and several other diseases, must be treated in the spring and summer or fall months, or during warm weather. Persons < e ) <■ .■ ^ with either of these complains usually suffer most in eold, damp, aa< variable weather, at whieh tiro* they seek relief, but let it**, remem bered, a cure cannot be effected during cold weather. Acute diseases are generally cured' by the efforts of nature and the aid of the Physician, but when a disease becomes seated, it requires * thorough and complete knowledge of the laws that govern the huma; fabric; also, the nature and stage of the disease, in-order .to remove n in a permanent and safe manner. ■ *& .. , ;-^A •'■■The reader will please recollect, therefore, that upon this principle, Dr. Hulee treats all forms or kinds of diseases, no'matter where they are loeated, or by what name known. The names or diseases of women cannot, with propriety, be re- J ported. lodeed, to publish all the certificate* of the various diseases t and cures performed by Dr.. Hulce, would require a book. This* much, however, is written,Hand the names and residences given of some of the most reliable and trust worthy men. D. H.'s suecess is well known in Lexington at the Broadway Hotel. and at the Phoenix Hotel, and also to the citizens generally. Lexington is a healthy city, with ample facilities at the Hotels _nd Private Boarding-houses to accommodate those.who may wish to«*"sit the place. !f itj. Br. H.'s offis-e is on Main-street, nearly "opposite th« Phoenix Hotf!. v .to*./.i/ ADDENDA. 1,0" The following is added for the beneffit of those whe are not person, ally acquainted wit)) Dr. Hulce: ryy/t \ ouioui j-iin -'-isti- i h«»if Louisville, Nov. 10. 1849. I . - I take great pleasure in introducing Dr. Hulce to the public, as s r Physieian and gentleman, in all respects worthy of confidence.'/*. M..oft -. vw, Rev. E; STEVENSON. .11/ tfv H i\ JU Agent Methodist Book concern Louisville. t take much pleasure is stating that I know Dr. Hulce a* an able and scientific physician, worthy »f all confidence. .ij; *i< .v/. D. J. ALLEN, JttlySt, I8fi£. wi Agent Methodist Book conbern, Memphi? Also, similar recemmendaiions from -• ■ Rev. ISAAC EGBERT, '"or Rev. S. J. ANDERSON, Be*. B. H. CAPERS, Rev. JOHN FINLAY. Rev. JAMES L. CHAPMAN. Rev. ROB'T. FRAZER. ».-;> r- Rev. J. H. GRAY, Rev. D. W. GARORD irfj Ot (utU!b-»H! ilJSu.Jji'J ,i »!■> ,,,. ^1i£»»30fl (Kiiil-iM.d Silt ,*0 1 .it' ^ • II;. -'ill (S»IJc ■.,: / MKlit'ittii idl HAil i;.-; • -''-- --'--^ ' • ---.\-t- — ®^a MIL©!- Is permanently locatedJnJiOuisviUe, Ky. OFFICE on Fifth Stoet, between Main and Market. * jjy Professional hours from 8 to 12 A. M. and 2 to 4 P. M.