Publications of The Johns Hopkins Hospital. THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL REPORTS. Volume I. This volume is now in press. It will contain the studies from the Pathological Laboratory. It will be edited by Dr. W. H. Welch, Professor of Pathology and Pathologist to the Hospital. Volume II. This volume is now complete. It includes 570 pages and 28 plates and figures. It will be furnished, bound in cloth, for $5.00. Its contents are as follows : MEDICAL REPORT FOR 1890, I. Price 50 Cents. I. On Fever of Hepatic Origin, particularly the Intermittent Pyrexia associated with Gallstones. By William Osler, M. D. II. Some Kemarks on Anomvlies of the Uvula, with special reference to Double Uvula. By John N. Mackenzie, M. D. III. On Pyrodin. By H. A. Lafleur, M. D. IV. Cases of Post-febrile Insanity. By William Osler. M D. V. Acute Tuberculosis in an Infant of Four Months. By Harry Toulmin, M. D. VI. Rare Forms of Cardiac Thrombi. By William Osler, M. D. VII. Notes on Endocarditis in Phthisis. By William Osler, M. D. VIII. Tubercular Peritonitis. By William Osler, M. D. IX. A Case of Itaynaud’s Disease. By H. M. Thomas, M. D. X. Acute Nephritis in Typhoid Fever. By William Osler, M. D. MEDICAL REPORT FOR 1890, II. XI. The Gynecological Operating Room and the Antiseptic and Aseptic Rules in Force. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. XII. The Laparotomies performed from October 16,1889, to March 3,1890. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D., and Hunter Robb, M. D. XIII. The Renort of the Autopsies in Two Cases Dying in the Gynecological Wards with- out Operation. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. XIV. Composite Temperature and Pulse Charts of Forty Cases of Abdominal Section. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. XV. The Management of the Drainage Tube in Abdominal Surgery. By Hunter Robb, M. D. XVI. The Gonococcus in Pyosslpin.v. By Howard A. Kelly, M D. XVII. Tuberculosis of the Fallopian Tubes and Peritoneum. Ovarian Tumor. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. XVIII. General Gynecological Operations from October 15, 1889, to March 4, 1890. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. XIX. Reportof the Urinary Examination of Ninety-one Gynecological Cases. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D., and Albert A. Ghriskey, M. D. XX. Ligature of the Trunks of the Uterine and Ovarian Arteries as a Means of Checking Hemorrhage from the Uterus, etc. By Hoavard A. Kelly, M. D. XXI. Carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri in the Negress. By J. Whitridge Williams, M. D. XXII. Elephantiasis of the Clitoris. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. XXIII. Myxo-Sarcoma of the Clitoris. By Hunter Kobb, M.D. XXIV. Kolpo-Ureterotomy. Incision of the Ureter through the Vagina, for the treatment of Ureteral Stricture. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. XXV. Record of Deaths following Gynecological Operations. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. REPORT IN GYNECOLOGY, I. REPORT IN SURGERY, I. XXVI. The Treatment of Wounds with Especial Reference to the Value of the Blood Clot in the Management of Dead Spaces. By William S. IIalsted, M. D. XXVII. A Case of Chorea Tnsaniens, with a Contribution to the Germ Theory of Chorea. By Henry J. Berkley, M. I). XXVIII. Acute Angio-Veurotic Oedema. By Charles E. Simon, M. D. XXI X. Haematomyelia. By August Hoch, M. D. XXX. A Case of Cerebro-Spinal Syphilis, with an unusual Lesion in the Spinal Cord. By Henry M. Thomas, M. D. REPORT IN NEUROLOGY, I. Price 50 Cents. XXXI. Amoebic Dysentery. By William T. Councilman, M. D., and Henri A. Lafleur, M. D. REPORT IN PATHOLOGY, I. Part I (containing the first four papers named above) and Part VI, Report in Neurology (containing the papers numbered XX VII-XXX, inclusive, above) can still be furnished sepa- rately. The other papers can be furnished only in the complete bound volume. Volume III is also now ready. It includes 766 pages and 69 plates and figures. It will be furnished, bound in cloth, for $5.00. Its contents are as follows : I. Papillomatous Tumors of the Ovary. By J. Whitridqe Williams, M. D. With two plates. II. Tuberculosis of the Female Generative Organs. By J. Whitridoe Williams, M. D. REPORT IN PATHOLOGY, II. Price $2.00. [over! [The Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, Vol. III.] III. Multiple Lympho-Sarcomata, with a report of Two Cases. By Simon Flexner, M. D. With two plates. IV. The Cerebellar Cortex of the Dog. By Henry ,1. Berkley, M. D. With one plate. V. A Case of Chronic Nephritis in a Cow. By VV. T. Councilman, M. D. With one plate. VI. Bacteria in their Relation to Vegetable Tissue. By H. L. Russell, Ph. I). VII. Heart Hypertrophy. By Wm. T. Howard, Jr., M. D. REP OR T IN PA THOLO-G T, III. Pr ice $2.00. VIII. The Gynecological Operating Room. With two plates. IX. An External Direct Method of Measuring the Conjugata Vera. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. With three plates. X. Prolapsus Uteri without Vesical Diverticulum and with Anterior Enterocele. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. With live figures. XI. Lipoma of the Labium Majus. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. XII. Deviations of the Rectum and Sigmoid Flexure associated with Constipation a Source of Error in Gynecological Diagnosis. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. With one plate and fifteen figures. XIII. Operations forthe Suspensionof the Retroflexed Uterus. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. With four plates. XIV. Potassium Permanganate and Oxalic Acid as Germicides against the Pyogenic Cocci. By Mary Sherwood, M. D. XV. Intestinal Worms as a Complication in Abdominal Surgery. By Albert L. Stavely, M. 1). XVI. Gynecological Operations not involving Coeliotomy. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. Tabulated by A. L. Stavely, M. D. XVII. The Employment of an Artificial Retroposition of the Uterus in covering Extensive Denuded Areas about the Pelvic Floor. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. With seven figui es. XVIII. Some Sources of Hemorrhage in Abdominal Pelvic Operations. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. With five figures. XIX. Photography applied to Surgery. By A. S. Murray. With five plates. XX. Traumatic Atresia of the Vagina with H ematokolpos and Haematometra. By Howard A. Kelly, M. 1). With four plates and two figures. XXI. Urinalysis in Gynecology. By W. W. Russell, M. I). XXII. The Importance of employing Anaesthesia in the Diagnosis of Intra-Pelvic Gyneco- logical Conditions. Demonstrated by an Analysis of 240 Cases. By Hunter Robb, M. D. With eight plates. XXHI. Resuscitation in Chloroform Asphyxia. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. With two plates. XXIV. One Hundred Cases of Ovariotomy performed on Women over Seventy Years of Age. By Howard A. Kelly. M. D., and Mary Sherwood, M. D. XXV. Ablnninai Operatio is performod in the Gynecological Department, from March 5, 1890, to December 17, 1892. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. XXVI. Record of Deaths occurring in the Gynecological Department from June 6, 1890, to May 4, 1892. Volume Z"F[1894] is now in progress. Subscription $5.00. REPORT IX GYNECOLOGY, II. Price $3.00. The Hospital Bulletin contains announcements of courses of lectures, pro- grammes of clinical and pathological study, details of hospital and dispensary practice, and abstracts of papers read and other proceedings of the Medical Society of the Hospital, reports of lectures, and other matters of general interest in con- nection with the work of the Hospital. Nine numbers will be issued annually. The subscription price is $1.00 per year. Volume V is now in progress. Volumes I, II, III bound together in cloth. Price $5.00. Volume IV, in cloth, $1.00. THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL BULLETIN. DESCRIPTION OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL. John S. Billings, M. D., LL. D. Containing 56 large quarto plates, phototypes, and lithographs, with views, plans and detail drawings of all the buildings, and their interior arrangements— also wood-cuts of apparatus and fixtures; aiso 116 pages of letter-press describing the plans followed in the construction, and giving full details of heating-appar- atus, ventilation, sewerage and plumbing. Price, bound in cloth, $7.50. HOSPITAL PLANS. Five essays relating to the construction, organization, and management of Hospitals, contributed by their authors for the use of The Johns Hopkins Hospital. These essays were written by Drs. John S. Billings of the U. S. Army, Norton Folsom of Boston, Joseph Jones of New Orleans, Caspar Morris of Philadelphia, and Stephen Smith of New York. They were originally published in 1875. Price, bound in cloth, $5. Subscriptions for tlie above publications may be sent to Tiie Johns Hopkins Press, [OVEK,]