INFILTRATION. THE NEW PROCESS Jjratrktimt uf peat for Jfoofr, INVENTED BY , > JOHN MORGAN, F. R. C. S. L, rrofessor of Anatomy in the Boyal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 7 And Patknted in toe Uktted States, September 27th, lJ&L-.i.r ^. y/' NEW YORK: ^V^#k J. O. SEYMOUR & CO., STATIONERS, 9 & 11 NASSAU STREET. 6 5.' V65; t_ r . < 0k., --V?--^V^ ^^~^^tt l*;-^£'~ 0^-^^-^^9^^^^~^^- INFILTRATION. THE NEW PROCESS FOB THE Jjreserktimt of peat for Jfofffo, INVENTED BY JOHN MORGAN, F. It. C. S. L, Professor of Anatomy in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, NEW YORK: J. O. SEYMOUR