CHARTER, Constitution and OF THE Jlntlson €cnarty, N.J., PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY. A cl op to cl -Aiuril 5tliy 1871. Jersey (fity 1S71. CHARTER, (Konstitutton and Bn-J’aii’fi Hudson County, N.J., PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY. -A-clojoteci St In, 1871. Jersey (fiiy. 1871. CHARTER OF THE QP aihological ,-§> o c i e { y. STATE OF NEW JERSEY. An Act to Organize a Society to be known as the “ Hudson County Pathological Society.” l. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That L orenzo W. Elder, John B- Burdett, Frank E. Noble, Isaac N. Quimbv, John Kudlich, John M. Cornelison, John Q. Bird, Emanuel Bock, A. Geer Avery, Frank Geisler, Ernst J. Lowenthal, Josiah Hornblower, Charles H. Yerrington, Edward P. Buffett, James F. Morgan, their associates and survivors, be and are hereby created a body corporate under the name of the “ Hudson County Pathological Society;” That said corporation shall have power to purchase, hold, convey and encumber such real estate and personal property in the County of Hudson, as may be necessary for the object of its corporation; That it may sue and be sued, make a constitution and by-laws, and have all powers incident and necessary to carry out the provisions of this charter. 2. And be it enacted, That the said society shall have power to found and maintain a museum for the preservation and exhibition of specimens illustrative of the various diseases incident to the human body. 3. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of illustrating disease or demonstrating any fact in Pathological Anatomy, the said Society, or its members, at some proper place, to be select, ed, may dissect such body or bodies, or parts thereof, which they may properly obtain, as may be necessary for the above purposes. 4. And be it enacted, That such society may elect, as its officers, a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other officers as may be determined on from time to time ; That the term of office and duties may be defined in the consti- tution and by-laws. 5. And be it enacted, That the objects for which this society is created are the advancement of the science of medicine, the instruction of its members in pathology and diagnosis of disease and the treatment thereof, and the preservation of rare and valuable pathological specimens. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect imme- diately. Approved February 22, 1871. 4 5 State of New Jersey: I, Henry C. Kelsey, Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a | ( s j true copy of an act passed by the Legislature of this State, and approved by the Governor, the twenty-second day of February, A. D., 1871, as taken from and com- pared with the original now on file in my office. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my official seal, this first day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. HENRY C. KELSEY. Resolved, That this Society adopt the Constitution and By-Laws of the New York Pathological Society, with such alterations as may be deemed necessary to meet the re- quirements of the Society. (SonslUuHon, ARTICLE /. NAME, MEMBERS. This Society shall be known as the Hudson County Pathological Society of N. J. and shall consist of Active and Honorary Members. ARTICLE II. The objects for which this Society is created are the advancement of the science of medicine, the instruction of its members in pathology and diagnosis of disease and the treatment thereof, and the preservation of rare and valuable pathological specimens. OBJECTS. 'AR TICLE III. officers. Its officers shall be a President, a Vice-President, Record- ing and Corresponding Secretaries, a Treasurer, and an Editor of the Transactions; and their term of office shall be one > year. 8 ARTICLE IV. The President, or, in liis absence, the Vice-President, or, in his absence, a chairman pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and shall have a casting vote. He shall preserve order, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Society. He shall also appoint all Committees authorized by the Society, unless otherwise specially ordered. THE PRESIDENT. ARTICLE V. THE RECORDING SECRETARY. The Recording Secretary shall preserve minutes of the proceedings of the Society, and shall receive all histories, reports of committees, and illustrations of specimens presented, and shall deliver the same into the hands of the Editor of the Transactions within six weeks after their approval. He shall issue notices of the meetings of the Society, and notify, in writing, members elect of their election, and of the require- ments of the By-Laws. • ARTICLE VI. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to conduct all Foreign Correspondence and perform such other duties as the Society may from time to time direct. ARTICLE VII. 9 THE EDITOR AND COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION. The Editor of the Transactions shall collate from the mate- rial specified in the preceding Article such portions as may appear to the Committee on Publication of sufficient value to merit publication, and shall arrange them for the press, but the Society shall decide upon their publication after the Editor shall have submitted the estimated costs. In these la- bors the Editor may be assisted by the Committee on Publica- tion, which shall consist of the Editor, the Recording and Corresponding Secretaries. ARTICLE VIII. The Treasurer shall take in charge all funds; collect all dues; keep an account of all receipts and disbursements, and pay all just demands. At the Anniversary Meeting he shall render to the Society a particular and correct statement of his receipts and disbursements during the immediately preceding year. He shall report, at said meeting, the names of all members in arrears of dues, with the respective amounts of their dues. THE TREASURER. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSION AND ETHICS. ARTICLE IX. The Society shall annually elect three of its members as a Committee on Admission and Ethics, to whom all nomina- tions for membership, and questions relating to Ethics shall be referred. ARTICLE X. 10 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT. Any funds that may be necessary to defray the annual ex- penses of the Society shall be raised by a tax upon the mem- bers, in accordance with a vote of the Society, at the anniver- sary meeting. ARTICLE XL This Constitution shall take effect immediately. Amend- ments thereof can be adopted at the anniversary meeting only, the proposed amendments having been submitted to the So- ciety, in writing, at the preceding stated meeting. A vote of three-fourths of the members present shall be necessary for their adoption. AMENDMENTS. Cl 1*>£. St> ARTICLE I. MEETINGS. The stated meetings of this Society shall be held at three p. m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, excepting July and August, during which months no meetings shall be held. Special meetings may be called by the Secretary, at the request of the President or on requisition signed by five mem- bers. ARTICLE II. The order of business at the stated meetings shall be : 1. Reading the minutes of the preceding meeting. 2. Report of the Committee on Microscopy. 3. Reading by title the Contributions of Applicants for Ad- mission, with brief oral description of the specimens. 4. Presentation of Specimens with written or oral histories, with remarks thereon. 5. Executive Session, at which shall be presented : a. The minutes of the previous executive meeting ; ORDER OF EUSINESS, STATED MEETING. 12 b. The Report of the Committee on Admission and Ethics; c. Any other executive business. 6. Adjournment. ARTICLE 111. ORDER OF BUSINESS. ANNIVERSARY MEETING. The order of business at the executive session of the anni- versary meeting, which shall be held on the first Wednesday in April, shall be: 1. Reading the minutes of the previous executive session. 2 Report of the Treasurer, and determination of the annual tax. 3. Annual Report of the Committee on Publication. 4. Annual Report of the Committee on Admission and Ethics. 5. Election of Officers, Committee on Admission and Ethics, by ballot of majority of the members present. ARTICLE IV. COMMITTEE ON MICROSCOPY. The President shall annually appoint a Committee on Microscopy which shall consist of three members of the Society. 13 ARTICLE V. QUORUM. Five members shall constitute a quorum for the ordinary business and seven for the executive business of the Society. ARTICLE VI. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION. The requirements for admission to membership in this So- ciety shall be : 1. That the applicant be a licensed physician in good standing. 2. That he present, through a member, a specimen of morbid anatomy, accompanied by a written history of the same suitable for publication, or a paper on some subject which has been the topic of discussion ; either of which shall be accom- panied by a written application for membership. 3. That he receive the assenting ballots of two-thirds of the members present. ARTICLE I'll. MEMBERS ELECT. A member elect shall not be entitled to the privileges of membership until he has paid the initiation fee, and signed the Constitution and By-Laws, nor shall an election be valid longer than three months, unless these conditions are fulfilled. This shall not apply to Honorary Members. 14 ARTICLE VI11. The initiation fee shall be three dollars. When a candidate shall be elected to membership of the Society at a meeting, within the calendar year subsequent to the first meeting in February, the annual tax first required of such member shall be that of the year succeeding the year of such election. INITIATION FEE. ARTICLE IX. RESIGNATIONS. A resignation of membership shall not be accepted unless iresented in writing, and after payment of all dues. ARTICLE X. REVISION OF CONTRIBUTIONS. A member desiring to revise the history of his specimen, after it has been placed in the hands of the Editor, may receive it for that purpose, but must return the same to that officer within two weeks. ARTICLE XL UNPAID DUES. All questions of indebtedness of members to the Society shall be referred to a Committee consisting of the President, Treas- urer and Recording Secretary, with power to act, or to report to the Society for its action. ARTICLE XII. 15 DISCIPLINE. All questions of Ethics shall he adjudged in accordance with the Codeof Ethics of the American Medical Association. There shall be three degrees of discipline, viz, Admonition, Suspension and Expulsion. A charge against a member for violating the aforesaid Code of Ethics, shall be made in writing signed by the member making the charge, inclosed, sealed and simply en- dorsed “Charge against a member,” handed to the President and by him submitted to the Committee on Admission and Ethics. The Committee shall furnish any member of the So- ciety, against whom a charge may have been preferred, with a copy of the same, notify said member and his accuser to appear before them, take testimony, and hear defence. Whenever the Committee on Admission and Ethics is pre- pared to report upon a charge against a member the Secretary shall be required by them to notify the Society to that effect. For admonition, a majority vote of the members present shall be sufficient ; for suspension, a two-third vote of members present shall be necessary ; for expulsion, a three-fourths vote of all members present shall be requisite. ARTICLE XIII. These By Laws shall take effect immediately. They maybe suspended at any meeting, but amendments shall be subject to the same requirements as those prescribed for amendments to the Constitution. AMENDMENTS. JDfFICERS AND pOMMITTEES. For the year 1871, President, L. W. ELDER, Vice-President, J. B. BURDETT, Secretary, F. E. NOBLE, Corresponding Secretary, JOHN Q. BIRD. Treasurer, I. N. QUIMBY, Editor. E. P. BUFFETT, Committee on Publication, E. P. BUFFETT, F. E NOBLE, JOHN Q. BIRD. Committee on Microscopy. E. P. BUFFETT, I. N. QUIMBY, JOHN O. BIRD. Committee on Admission and Ethics, A. G. AVERY, JAMES F. MORGAN, JOHN KUDLICH. A A 1ST OF /VlEMBERS. Corrsoted to November, 1H71, A. G. Averv, C. W. Barriackie, Jno. £). Bird, q E. P. Buffett, Jno. B. Burdgu^ G. L. Brooks, Jno. M. Cornelison, L W. F.ldcr, Frank Geislcr, VV. W. Gibbs, W. J. Hadden, Chas. Hasbrouck, S. Hasbrouck, |osiah Hornblower, Thos. Johnson, ■ K-iikkr, A. Kirsten, [no. Kudlich, H. Kudlich, }no. Lochner, Krnst J. Lowenthal, James H. McDowell, James F. Morgan, Frank E. Noble {•t—U>.,_ I !*<. R. Maitland Petrie, Isaac N. Quimbv, Chas. H. Ycrrington. JA EMBERS. A. C. Post, New York City Wm. Darling, “ John H. Hinton, “ “ Charles A. Budd, “ “ Martyn Paine, “ “ ( H. D. “ E. R. Peaslee, “ “ C. R. Agnew, “ Henry Draper, A. B Mott,