THE INFLUENCE OF HOMOEOPATHY UPON S U RG Eli J. Wm. Tod Helmuth, M. D., New York. Of the names most distinguished in the records of surgery the majority are those of great chirurgical artists, rather than of scientists. Thus, when passing in review the illustrious names in surgical literature (with a few such exceptions as Paget and Billroth) we find, that it is the operating surgeon, the bold, fearless, dexterous and ready man, who acquires great reputation as a surgeon; and it is the records of these brilliant operations, that confer upon him enduring fame. Yet the surgeon who cures his cases, by the internal admin- istration of medicine, given according to fixed and definite scientific laws ; who, casting aside his instruments and mechan- ical appliances, can remove a cancer, or cure a hydrocele, or dissipate a fibroid, or cure a fistula by medicinal agencies, is actually a more scientific man, and a more thorough surgeon, than he who brilliantly operates, or dexterously manipulates. In order to limit the scope of this paper to its proper field of inquiry, it is proposed to avoid the discussion of operative surgery excepting when necessary for comparison, and all mention of recent surgical performances, no matter how successful or brilliant. The object, at present, is mainly to show, that, since Homoeopathy has been introduced to the medical profession, it has exerted a definite and controlling, and in some instances a very' remarkable power over the so- called surgical diseases. world's homoeopathic convention. |2 Perhaps, the majority of the members of our school are not aware of the array of facts that might be cited to the credit of homoeopathic therapeutics; but to those who care to make the inquiry the facts will show, that since Hahnemann in 1796 published his essay " On a new principle for ascertaining the remedial powers of medicinal substances," to the present year (1876), cures of many surgical diseases have been effected, which, if collated and properly arranged, would fill volumes. In a paper of this kind, therefore, it cannot be expected, that mention should be made of all, or even a majority of the homoeopathic surgical disorders. For this reason, the author has thought best to select but two of those affections generally considered incurable by allopathic authorities, and to ascertain if, in these diseases, there be any superiority of our own, over the older methods of treatment; to consider the facts as briefly as possible ; and finally to present for reference statistics of a few of those surgical affections, which have been reported from time to time, in our periodicals, as cured by homoeopathic medication. Having narrowed the limits of our investigation to the diseases in question ; having selected them as a test by which to demonstrate the beneficial effects of homoeopathic treatment in surgical diseases ; the matterat once becomes one for nicety of judgment and discrimination. The end to be attained is one of no mean import to our school; the vantage ground, if gained, gives a superiority so great, that its occupancy must not be pronounced, until the position is certain and secure. To this end therefore, the chief points to be ascertained are: That the diagnosis of each case, as far as can be learned has been correct ; that the record of treatment is reliable ; that the persons making such records have not had their judgment biassed by mistaken enthusiasm, too im- plicit reliance in the action of drugs, or desire to make an effective report; and finally to discover whether, in the old school literature, cures of equal importance can be adduced. Again, it must be born in mind, that many, even the most dangerous, surgical diseases, have spontaneously recovered. Aneurisms and ovarian tumors have been cured by the vis 3J HOMOEOPATHY IN SURGERY. medicatrix naturae; tremendous abscesses, opening into the intestines, have saved life; dislocations and uterine displace- ments have been reduced by accidents. It is by giving to these points that consideration which justly belongs to them, that homoeopathy will receive its fair share of honor, and only that which legitimately belongs to it; for presumptuous assertion, not substantiated by facts, must result in discredit and downfall. In my own surgical practice, I have not effected very many cures of well developed surgical diseases, by the internal ad- ministration of homoeopathic medicines. Perhaps in the majority of cases, I have not given the medicines sufficient trial, because I have known that the knife, ligature, or other mechanical means, offered more speedy, if not more perma- nent relief; and perhaps I have not searched with sufficient care for the appropriate homoeopathic medicine. That I have, in many instances, tried to accomplish such favorable results, and after months of perseverance been obliged to resort to operative surgery, is a fact that I must proclaim at the outset. On the other hand, I have seen some remarkable cures of most severe surgical affections, which have convinced me that the properly applied medicines will act; and that many of the reports of such cures in our literature are worthy of attention and study. Without further delay therefore I shall direct attention to cancer. Professor Gross, speaking of the curability of this scourge, says : " All internal remedies of whatever kind and character, have proved unavailing. The vaunted specific of the empiric, and the enchanted draught of the honest but misguided enthusiast, have alike failed in performing a solitary cure ; and the science of the nineteenth century must confess with shame and confusion, its utter inability to offer even any rational suggestion for the relief of this class of affection." * Scarcely less strong are the words of Mr. Moore,f who writes : " No remedy is at present known to have a specific power of eradi- cating cancer, of neutralizing its taint, or altering the nature * System of Surgery, Vol. I , p. 257. f Holmes System of Surgery, Vol. I., p. 593. London, 1871. world's homceopathic convention. [4 of its growth. Scarcely less, in our present ignorance of the causes from which it springs, are we in a position to rely with confidence on any means for obviating its outbreak." M. Thomas Bryant says, in his late work :* " The general treatment of cancer resolves itself into the improvement of the general health, and the nutrition of the body by hygienic means ; good nutritious diet, and tonic medicines. No medi- cine has any special influence on the disease." It is not necessary to multiply quotations on this subject from the allopathic authorities of to-day; and I may remark, that the three that have been given, were not selected on account of any peculiar force of expression, but were those that first came to hand in consulting the works for the facts in the case. We may turn then with some feeling of satisfaction to our own literature ; although, at the outset, we must regret that while throughout our periodicals there are many cases of "cancer" reputed cured, in very many of these, the specific variety of the disease is not diagnosed. Cancer is, by the majority of surgeons, considered as a generic term, and has several important species. To group the scirrhus, medullary or encephaloid, melanotic, epithelial and osteoid, as "cancer," and in the report of a case to omit to diagnose the variety, is not sufficiently precise; leads us astray in our ideas; has a tendency to throw distrust upon our records, and gives us but little information for the treatment of subsequent cases. For instance, in a " Report of the Homoeopathic Institute of Leo- poldstadt,t there is a case of "cancer of the 'womb." The va- riety of the disease is not mentioned, whether epithelial, scirrhus, vegetating epithelioma, or other. Bryonia removed the severe pains and Belladonna was given for the uterine tenesmus; " the discharge diminished, and became less fetid, sleep and moderate appetite were established, and the patient felt so much stronger, that she wras enabled to undertake a jour- ney." Such a record really counts for nothing in the establish- ment of the superiority of homoeopathic treatment. Many such * The Practice of Surgery, p. 738, London, 1872. f British Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol. XIX., p. 144. HOMEOPATHY IN SURGERY. ulcerations are temporarily arrested by hygienic influences, and the tonic system of treatment, as it is called, of the Old School. This case is merely selected, as one from many, that are found in our literature, and can only be accepted as indi- cating that relief fora cancerous ulcer was obtained. So again Dr. Bayes* speaks of a case of " cancer of the lip" (probably ulcerating epithelioma), which was arrested ; cancer of the left breast, in which the tumor had almost entirely disappeared ; and an " open cancer of the left breast," which from the size of a half crown diminished to that of a pea. These and many cases that might be cited prove conclu- sively that there are certain medicines employed hoimeopathic- ally that can arrest "cancerous" formations, but it is, as before stated, much to be lamented, that more precise diagnoses have not been given in each case. The chief among the medicines referred to in Dr. Bayes paper is Hydrastis can. I have used it frequently with excellent success; and from cases of my own, may affirm, that its efficacy in cancer is chiefly in the epithelial variety; also that its action in other forms of the disease is correctly indicated 1 y Dr. Bayes, who says : " My experience has thus led me to infer, that the remedial sphere of Hydrastis is confined to the arrest and removal of scirrhus in its early stage and chiefly when its situation is in a gland or in the immediate vicinity of a gland." We have other reports, however, which are more conclusive. The remarkable case of Field Marshal Radetsky I is one that it is fair to set down as a cure of encephaloid of the eye. So also we find that Dr. IIuglies has a most excellent case, quoted from Petroz, in which a woman under the care of Dr. L. Herminier had a suspicions ulcer of the tongue, involving the parts deeply. The doctor distrusting his own diagnosis, sent her to Professor Mardolin, who returned the following: " Cancerous ulcer, no chance of cure but from operation ; and this is impossible, for the base of the tongue is involved." This case, which was probably one of epithelioma, was cured by * British Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol XIX., p. 150. f British Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol L, p. 147. Being a series of letters which appeared in the Hom. Zeitung, July, 1811, by Dr. Hartung. | Therapeutics, p. 219. world's homceopathic convention. [6 the Hydrocyanate of potassa Bo of a grain at a dose, repeated every fourth day. Eighteen years afterward there had been no relapse. Stapf * reports a most interesting ease of fungus htematodes oculi, which was completely cured. Belladonna'0 removed the excessive photophobia and inflammation in six days : Calcarea carb., cleared the cloudiness of the cornea ; Lycopodium", Se- pia36 and Silicea13, removed the fungous growth. The cure was complete. Muhlenbein f gives also a case of the same disease, so diag- nosed by several allopathic physicians and an experienced surgeon, in which Belladonna36, one drop at intervals of a week, for four weeks, together with Nux vomica, Euphrasia and Aconite, completed the cure. Dr. von Vietiunghoff| among his cases, which will be found, in the annexed statistics, has recorded a case of encephaloid of the breast which is interesting. The pain was relieved by Bella- donna3 and Bryonia3 in alternation. Phosphorus30 and Ilepar30 also in alternation, materially improved the character of the discharge ; Arsenic30 caused separation and discharge of tumor. After persevering with the latter for several months, the cure was perfected. Other cases of this variety (encephaloid) of cancer are found throughout our Dr. G. M. Pease, in a short and practical paper on " Can- cer," mentions three cases, in two of which operations had been performed; and these are merely noted here, inasmuch as being under the carbolic-acid treatment, one was alive five years, the other four years after operations had been performed. The third, however, a case of liwwatoul cancer, located on the right cheek, and extending to the ala of the nose, was cured * Archiv fur die Ilomoeopathische Hilkunst. Vol. VII. f Loc cit (both these cases are recorded in Dr. Jean's Homoeopathic Practice.) | British Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol. XVII., p. 53. g British Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol. XXVI., p. 658. Dr. Quin's case in the Annals, Vol., I p. 177, quoted by Hughes.-Fungus haematodes, Dr. Hughes, British Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol. XXVIII, p. 795. j| Transactions of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, 1872, p. 590. 7] HOMCEOPATHY IN SURGERY. by carbolic acid internally and externally with no return in three years. Dr. A. G. Beebe* gives a case of melanotic cancer, cured chiefly by Carbolic acid and Sanguinaria, the former for the specific disease, the latter for gastric disorders. During the first three weeks of treatment, the tumor was reduced to the size of a pin's head, and all suffering relieved. Ultimately there was complete recovery. Dr. Leon f relates a case of carcinoma uteri which had not recurred after three years. The medicines were : Arsenic., a dose night and morning for one week; Coniuni* night and morning for one week. These medicines were continued four months in alternation, with an occasional dose of China as an intercurrent for haemorrhage. We must turn now to the consideration of Dr. Bayes' es- says,| written especially with reference to the use of Hydras- tis can. in the treatment of cancer; and for brevity's sake will merely introduce his table appearing at the end of his second paper. He also includes in these statistics, Dr. Bradshaw's $ cases offering additional testimony to the beneficial effect of the " Golden seal." These papers certainly show (although the percentage of cures is small) that this medicine does possess more or less influence over the disease; but when the question arises as to the comparative efficacy of homoeopathic treatment com- bined with surgical operations, I think it may be shown that a better result is obtained with the knife, than without it. Of the following twenty-three cases, six are diagnosed as scir- rhus; thirteen as cancer (ulcerated or otherwise); one as fungus luematodes; and three as cancerous tumors. The results of the treatment are as follows: three were cured ; in six others there was " improvement; " in three " arrest of development; '' and in six relief from pain was noticed; while again in five others "no effect " was produced. It would be interesting to * Medical Investigator, Vol. XL, p. 549. f United States Journal of Ilomoeopathy, Vol. I., p. 41. | Hydrastis can. in Cancer, B J. If, Vol. XIX ; also loccit. Vol. XX., p. 1. | A Few Remarks on Hydrastis, B. J. H., 1861, Vol. XV1IL, p, 598. world's homoeopathic convention. rs the operating surgeon to ascertain how mug the three cases remained cured; and, if in any there was a recurrence of the Dr. Bayes' Table. Case 1 J bf Sex. Disease. Location. Result. 1 41 Female. Scirrhus. Breast. Cured. 2 42 do. Tumor. Ovary, right. Relieved. 3 it; do. Cancer. Right breast. Much improved. 4 77 do. do. do. Arrested. 25 do. Scirrhus. Cervical glands. Much improved. 6 55 do. Hard nodulated turn. Do. sum of foot. Almost cured. 7 15 do. Scirrhus. Breast. Pain relieved. 8 50 do. Ulcerated cancer. Left breast. Greatly improved. 9 37 do. Cancer. do. Cured. 10 4s do. do. Right breast. Pain relieved. 1 1 38 do. Tumors ("cancerous). Both breasts. Much improved. 12 48 do. Scirrhus. Os uteri. No effect. 13 56 do Cancer-ulcerated. Os uteri, vagina and rectum. do. 14 12 do. Scirrhus. Uterus do. 15 60 do. Fungus haematodes. Right thigh. do. 16 22 do. Cancer. Left breast. Cured. 17 50 do. Ulcerated cancer. do. Relieved. 18 50 Male. do. Lip. Arrested and improved. 19 40 Female. Carcinoma. Left breast. Relieved. 2o 58 do. Scirrhus. do. Arrested. 21 10 do. Ulcerated cancer . Os and cervix uteri. Slight and temporary relief. 22 60 do. do do. No relief 23 37 do. do. do. Arrested disease, at what time the symptoms were developed. Until this point be clearly settled, the vexed question as to the ex- pediency of operative interference with the knife, cannot be satisfactorily determined. Few operations for cancer, espe- cially of the lip and mamma are not followed by a more or less complete exemption from the disease, from one, two, or even three years; but even then the conscientious surgeon would scarcely be justified in announcing a complete cure of the affection. This phase of our subject brings us directly to the consideration of the cases of Marsden and MacLimonts,* in which the " enucleation treatment " was adopted. In the ten cases they record the subsequent histories of the patients have not been given ; obviously from the many difficulties sur- rounding dispensary and hospital practice. In placing these * B. J. IL, Vol. XXL p. 616. HOMCEOl'ATHY TN SURGERY cases in this essay, they must be considered in a measure op- erative; as Nitric acid, Chloride of zinc, Hydrastis in powder and tincture, and Stramonium ointment would scarcely be called by the pure homoeopathicians, homoeopathic medicines, especially when in combination and applied locally. Yet, the success of these applications may in a measure be attributed to constitutional treatment with medicines exhibited according to the law of Similia; and such being the case, does not the op- erator, whether with knife or caustic, who, throughout the en- tire duration of the case (before, during and after operative measures), prescribes homoeopathically for the presenting symp- toms, possess a most decided superiority over those who rely chiefly on hygienic and general constitutional treatment ? In other words, does not homoeopathy even here, exercise a ben- eficent influence upon operative surgery? The answer may be given in the affirmative. In June, 1873,* I reported to the New York Homoeopathic Medical Society, fifty cases of cancer, and since that period have operated with knife and the enucleating paste on fifteen others. I am glad now to give further results. It is needless to say that the patients have, always, while under my super- vision, been taking those homoeopathic medicines which ap- peared indicated. In order to be more accurate, I shall omit mentioning any of the more recent cases; because a sufficient time has not elapsed to convince me of their cure. I will merely state, that five of the fifteen have died between the date of my last report and the present. One of the cases was scirrhus of the breast; one advanced epithelioma of the penis; one scirrhus of the parotid, in which, I may say, that I think electrolysis did decided harm; and two, encephaloid of the mamma. Of the fifty cases I then placed upon record, five of the epithelioma cases are now alive; in one instance, eleven years having elapsed since the treatment; in another, eight years ; and both of these were locally treated by Marsden and MacLimont's paste. Another has lived four years, and is at present enjoying good health. Three years have elapsed since * New York Journal of Homoeopathy, Vol. I., p. 146. world's homceopathic convention. 10 another was operated upon, the patient being well; and the fifth also has survived five and a half years. A sixth case might also be reported as cured, as the patient died of gall- stones two years after the operation. Of the encephaloid of the mamma subjected to the knife, four survived ; the longest time elapsing being four years. Two have died. Of the scir- rhus, of which twelve were operated upon with the knife, one is alive seven years after; one, six years; one, five years. The others I have been unable to hear from in time to report in this paper; although I have made many attempts, by letter and otherwise, to ascertain their condition. These reports have been made as concise as appears consist- ent with the importance of the subject. Many quotations of cures have been omitted, which may be found in the statistics at the end of this paper; but it is to be hoped that sufficient facts have been given to prove, that in a disease, considered beyond the reach of medicine by the Old School, well directed hom- oeopathic medicine can and has effected cures; and that when operative interference becomes necessary, the beneficial influ- ence of homoeopathic medication cannot be denied. It may entirely eradicate the cachexia, or postpone the recurrence of the disease. It would be ridiculous, however, even with this knowledge, to make the broad assertion, that all cases of can- cer may be cured; or, that return after extirpation is never to be expected. The facts remain, that cases are and have been cured, and such facts encourage every surgeon, in his endeavor to select the proper homoeopathic medicine, and avoid, if pos- sible, the performance of operations ; and still further, if the knife is deemed necessary, or the caustic treatment seems ad- visable, ne has certainly in the homoeopathic Materia Medica, agents which will assist him to prevent recurrence and allevi- ate suffering. Looking at the matter with these proofs before us; endeav- oring to view the testimony as impartially as we are able, and referring to the written opinions of the best allopathic authori- ties of to-day ; it may safely be claimed that homoeopathy has exerted a most beneficial influence over this department of surgery, whether the knife be employed or internal medicines exhibited. 11] HOMCEOPATHY TN SURGERY. OVARIAN TUMORS. In the treatment of non-malignant tumors, homoeopathy can show a decided improvement over the methods of cure which are generally adopted by Old School practitioners ; indeed the majority of these formations have to be submitted to the knife in allopathic hands. When the members of our school shall have become better acquainted with the physiological action of drugs, and with the histological conditions, which call for the exhibition of cer- tain medicines, as lately pointed out by Dr. von Grauvogl; when " organopathy," as Dr. Sharp has it, has been more care- fully studied; there can be no doubt that much greater suc- cess will be obtained than heretofore. But here the question arises as to the most rational method. Is the knife, when em- ployed for the removal of smaller non-malignant tumors, locat- ed in parts not especially dangerous, to be preferred to the use of internal medication ? In considering this question, it must be remembered that in operative surgery, even in the minor operations, there are always certain risks to be encountered from anaesthesia and tetanus, which can not be adequately counterbalanced by the length of time, and slight inconveni- ence to the patient, required for internal medication. More- over, should the latter fail, recourse may then be had to opera- tive surgery. Therefore, even in the non-malignant, innocent, bland, or benign growths, preference should be given to med- ical treatment. I am convinced of this fact the longer I live, and am very willing to plead guilty to having, on many occa- sions, "cut out" a tumor immediately, without giving inter- nal medication any trial whatsoever; although, in many, very many instances, with the most satisfactory results. In passing to the consideration of those tumors in the treatment of which the least satisfactory results are acknowledged by the allopathic school, viz., cystic tiiMors of the ovaries ; it may be remarked that adeoma of the breast, fibroids of the uterus and other parts, bony tumors, and even aneurisms are reported cured by hom- oeopathic medicines statistics). In speaking of the latter, I exclude those cases treated with Bromide of potash, Gallic world's homoeopathic convention. [12 acid and Iron, which have been reported from time to time, be- cause I believe these may be better understood, when the true physiological action of medicines is more accurately ascertained, and refer only to cases which are reported by those who cer- tainly have, or ought to have, sufficient skill to make a correct diagnosis. The cystic tumor of the ovary, is acknowledged to be be- yond the reach of allopathic medicines, and such acknowledge- ment comes from the highest gynaecologists at home and abroad. Professor Simpson* thus speaks to his students: "For my own part, let me state at once, I have no belief that any drugs or medicines ever removed a cystic multilocular growth or dropsy of the ovary ; I would almost as soon expect to remove by them, a foot or a hand, or any integral part of the normal body. In any exceptional cases, where internal medicines have appeared to diminish ovarian tumors, you may rest assured that a primary error in diagnosis has been committed ; and, that the supposed ovarian growth was a meteorismic tumor of the abdomen or ascites, or a specimen of some of those other maladies of a curable type, that are often enough mistaken for ovarian disease." Thomas I writes, " After a carefid search through the rec- ords of the subject, one is forced to the conclusion that an ex- tremely small number of cases exists, substantiating the possi- bility of the accomplishment of absorption by these means." Peaslee,+ whose scholarly work is without doubt the most carefully and exhaustively prepared of any on this subject after collecting eleven cases, speaks thus: "Admitting, in- deed, that they were actually cures by medication (as I do not think them to be), we must then offset these eleven, against the many thousands of cases in which all medical treatment has utterly failed. . . . There is no known remedy which can be at all relied upon for the cure of ovarian cysts." It is unne- cessary to go further-space forbids-but attention may be * Clinical Lectures on Diseases of Women, p. 237. f A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Women, p. 667. J Ovarian Tumors : their Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment, p, 193. 13] HOMOEOPATHY IN SURGERY. called for a moment to the expression " no known remedy," in the latter quotation. It will be observed that the singular number is used, and it is a "key-note" to the reasoning of the allopathic physician. To designate a disease as an " ovarian cyst," and set down opposite thereto a remedy for it, would be ridiculous indeed. .Herein lies the advantage of the hom- eopathic physician, that he prescribes for the totality of the presenting symptoms in each particular case, changing his medicines as the symptoms vary, and thus is enabled to effect a cure. In 1855, I reported a case of ovarian cyst which was cured chiefly by Apis mel.; other medicines being given from time to time, as the symptoms indicated. In those days compara- tively little was known regarding these tumors, but I believe this to have been a genuine case and a genuine cure. I have lately known of another case, in which I was consulted, and which is really so interesting that it gives me pleasure to give it in full. This, for several reasons: 1. Because it has never been published; 2. Because I know there was no mistake in the diagnosis; 3. Because the pressure of the foetus did not cure it, as is suggested in other somewhat similar cases; 4. Because several tappings were resorted to at different times. The case occurred in the practice of Dr. Baldwin, of Engle- wood, who has furnished me the following letter, at my re- quest : " Dear Doctor : I first saw Mrs. II. J. D., aged 28, during confinement, September 18, 1872. Delivered of a healthy child, without any difficulty. When I came to handage her, found her still as large as at full term, from dropsical effusion. This was the first intimation to herself or her physician that there was anything abnormal, whatever pain or discomfort she had suffered being attributed to the pregnancy. In consulta- tion with Dr. McVickar, of New York, and Dr. Banks, of Englewood, the case was diagnosed ' ovarian dropsy.' " On October 20th following, with Dr. Banks, I removed, by ordinary paracentesis, with trocar in median line, five and a half gallons of fluid, thicker and darker than I have com- WORLD S HOMCEOPATHIC CONVENTION. [14 inonly seen in ascites. So highly albuminous that heat and acid rendered it semi-gelatinous. Prescribed Apis, and in a short time she recovered her usual health, without immediate return of dropsy. " About August 1, 1873, the patient again complained of stinging, burning pains in region of right ovary, with tender- ness on pressure and motion, with cessation of menses. Re- sumed Apis and afterward, for varying symptoms, Arsenicum, Conium and Platina (also Phytol.). The abdomen again en- larging, examination revealed both pregnancy and dropsical effusion; which last accumulated very rapidly till the size of the patient was enormous. For fear of possible miscarriage, I delayed operation till after the seventh month of gestation; and on March 10, 1874, drew off, by the aspirator, four and a half gallons of fluid. Six weeks later, she was delivered of a large, healthy boy, with an entirely normal labor. In the in- terval between the last operation and her confinement, the fluid had again accumulated more rapidly than ever, and con- tinued to do so with constant stinging, burning, sore pains, until the 21st of August, when nearly four gallons of fluid were again removed by the aspirator. The effusion, however, continued, and, in consequence of a severe cold, a general peri- tonitis developed with great severity, and for two or three weeks the patient was in a very critical condition. Recover- ing from this (Belladonna, Bryonia and Mercur., were the principal remedies used), her condition, about the 1st of Janu- ary, was as follows: An accumulation of fluid about the same as when I withdrew three and a half gallons; the abdomen being fully as large as in pregnancy at the sixth month. A rapid, irritable pulse, thirst, general prostration, able to sit up only part of the day, loss of appetite, pain and tenderness in right ovarian region, and the water rapidly accumulating. At this time I consulted with yourself with reference to ovari- otomy, believing it her only chance. While awaiting your visit, 1 made one further prescription, viz., Iodine8 dec., given three or four times a day. Decided improvement was manifested within a week. Pain much relieved, appetite and strength improved, and no increase of fluid, as shown by meas- 15] HOMEOPATHY IN SURGERY. urement. Under the continued use of Iodine alone, the im- provement was rapid and continuous. Absorption of the fluid took place, and within a few weeks not a trace of it remained. All treatment was discontinued, and on the 1st of May the patient for the first time in a year, was able to resume house- keeping, and has, to this day, remained in perfect health. "You will have noticed that Hempel quotes a case of cure of an ovarian cyst with Iodine water containing one forty- eighth part of Iodine. One marked peculiarity of my case is its complication with pregnancy, the safety of operation with aspirator during advanced pregnancy (you will remember it was by your desire I used it), and the perfectly normal deliv- erance. " Synopsis. September 18, 1872.-Confinement and discov- ery of dropsy. " October 20, 1872.-Operation and withdrawal of five and a half gallons of fluid. "August 1, 1873.-Renewal of disease with commencement of pregnancy. " March 10, 1874.-Operation and removal of four and a half gallons of fluid. " April 22, 1874.-Confinement. "August 21, 1874.-Removal by aspirator of nearly four gallons. Renewal of disease, which continued till about the 1st of January, when Iodine was prescribed ; and entire recovery by May 1st. " Very truly, your friend, "D. A. Baldwin." In recording this case I may refer to one in my own prac- tice. It was one of simple cyst. There was some obscurity in diagnosis, and I sent her to Dr. Atlee, of Philadelphia, to verify the case. This he did. The lady was pregnant; I tapped her and drew off about two gallons of fluid with the aspirator. She was delivered of a healthy child. The tumor refilled. She was put upon strict diet, and Staphysagria, Iodine, Apis, Bryonia, CaulophylL, were used as the symp- toms indicated. I examined her on the 18th of March last, and found but the slightest trace of the tumor. WORLD 8 HOMOEOPATHIC CONVENTION. 116 For further very interesting records of cures, the reader is referred to the remarkable cases of Drs. Black, Hughes, Bayes, Wesselhoeft, Miller and others, in the statistics. It was my intention to select some other cases for examina- tion from diseases of the bones, and especially in enchondro- matous affections, showing the action of homoeopathic medi- cine on these tissues; but I lind that too much space would be occupied by the recital of individual cases, 'which can be found properly arranged in the statistics at the end of the paper. Merely, then, as examples of the beneficial influence that the law of similia has exerted in surgical science, two grave diseases have been selected for comment and comparison. These affections are at the present time acknowledged to be the least amenable to internal medication, by the best allo- pathic authorities; and yet have been, without doubt, cured in a radical and satisfactory manner by homoeopathic treat- ment. These cures being established, further comment in other individual cases is unnecessary. Reference to the sub- joined statistics will give, at least an idea of what has really been effected by homoeopathy for surgery, and may serve as an incentive to further trial with homoeopathic medicines be- fore the knife is resorted to. This may be bad for the operat- ing surgeon, but good for suffering humanity; it may allow "the art" to languish, but it will elevate "the science." In conclusion I would say that, though for a number of years I have made surgery a specialty, and have been a lecturer, teach- er and writer thereon; yet, until I actually commenced look- ing into the subject of this paper, I was unaware of the great good homoeopathy has accomplished. The result has done me service in many ways. It has inspired me with new hopes for the future of homoeopathic surgery; it has strengthened my faith in the action of dynamised medicines, and has opened to me a wider field of research and inquiry. And I hope that it may stimulate others in a similar direction. Aneurism, abdominal; Secale2'0; cured.-U. S. Med. Inves- tigator, vol. i., p. 48, Dr. Pease. ANEURISM. nj HOMCEOPATHY IN SURGERY. Aneurism of right common carotid, near innominata ; Bella- donna'00 ; cured.-U. S. Med. Investigator, vol. i., p. 124, Dr. J. C. Morgan. Aneurism carotid; Lycopodium1' dil., one drop three times a day ; tumor almost disappeared; both legs normal size ; en- tire recovery.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xxviii., p. 787, Dr. Hughes. Aneurism popliteal; Secale1 internally twice or thrice per day, lotion of Chlorate potassa, afterward Belladonna and Arsenicum'; entirely cured of aneurism but subsequently taken by his friends and put under allopathic physicians for subsequent ailments of which he died.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xxviii., p. 787, Dr. Hughes. ANUS, DISEASES OF. Ani prolapsus, intestine blackish and painful to touch ; Mer- curius ; cured.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 25. Ani prolapsus; Eliza Thomas, aged four; fomentation in solution of alum; Nux vom. every two hours ; relief and improvement; incomplete report.-Helmuth's Clinic, p. 46, Dr. Helmuth. Anus, fissure of; prescribed Hamamelis', one drop three times a day, then Cocculus' in the same dose, lastly Arseni- cum6 twice a day; a permanent cure; no indication whatever of a return.-Dr. Hughe's Therapeutics, p. 284. Anus, mucous tubercles of; Thuja tinct. ; complete cure.- U. S. Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. i., p. 57, Dr. Kellogg. Caries of femur and hyperostosis radii; Sepia'0 and, after six weeks, Nitric acid'"; cured in nine weeks.-Jeane's Prac- tice of Medicine, p. 56. Caries of maxillary bones ; Mercurius sol.", Nitric acid", Si- licea", Causticum", Calcarea", Sulphur", Belladonna" and Sepia"; Mercurius sol. and Causticum proved the most useful ; complete cure; dead bone came away.-U. S. Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. i., p. 718. Caries of Maxilla ; Silicea", four globules night and morning for fifteen days ; after this Silicea" and Silicea' in alternation, BONE, DISEASE OF. world's homceopathic convention. [18 one globule night and morning; complete cure ; dead bone expelled without the aid of instruments.-U. S. Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. i., p. 720. Caries of maxilla; Mercurius sol.*0, four globules in tea- spoonful of water, one night and morning; toward the close, Mercurius sol."'; complete cure.-U. S. Journal of Homoeo- pathy, p. 720. Caries of inf. maxilla ; R. L., aged 23 ; Mercur. sol.' ter die., Mercurius sol.12 bis die, Sulphur*' one dose bed time, Arsenic.12 ter die; pain lessened by Mercurius sol.; burning feeling relieved by Arsenicum. After discharge of abcess Phos- phorus' ter die causes ulcer to heal; continued well for five months then returned with cheek much indurated and very painful, administered Silicea12 and 13 bis die, subsequently Sac. lactis for six days, Silicea3' every alternate night; thorough cure, no symptom of return of disease.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xix, 523, p. Dr. Markwick. Caries inferior maxillary ; 1. Aurum mur.' pulv. xx., 2. Calcarea carb.' pulv. xx. powder every night for one week of No 1.; then, after one week's intermission, every night from No 2 in same way ; in three months perfect cure effected.- American Homoeopathic Review, vol. iii., p. 112, Professor W. T. Helmuth. Caries ossium digitorum ; Silex; cured.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p 57. Caries of temporal bone, a sequel of scarlet fever; boy aged 6, left side of cranium arrested in its growth and consid- erably smaller than the right; Fluoric acid, administered. After the employment of Fluoric acid attack came on in an aggravated form but never returned ; left side of cranium grad- ually increased in size until the inequality was too insignificant to be perceptible.-Dr. Hughes' Therapeutics, p. 480. Caries tibiae from an insect bite six years before with large ulcer; Asafcetida' in one drop doses ; caries removed and ulcer healed in thirty-six days.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 51. Caries of supra-orbital arch; Mercurius sol.*0, Silicea'0, Au- rum30, Mercurius sol.300 and Sulphur; speedy cure.- U. S. Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. i., p. 720. 19; HOMCEOPATHY IN SURGERY. Caries tibia*; Silex, Asaf., Calcarea carb., Mezereum, Silex repeated, Spirit sulph. and Nitric acid ; cured.-Jeane's Prac- tice of Medicine, p. 57. Caries of maxilla upper, from Nitrate of silver; Mercurius corrosives* ; slow but perfect recovery.-IT. S. Journal of Homoeopathy, p. 313, Dr. Mitchell. Caries of dorsal vertebrae; child aged 5; tried Rhus, Coc- culus, Sulphur, Bryonia, Ipecacuanha, Arsenic., and Mercurius viv., without perceptible effect; prescribed Lachesis30 dil., two doses; marked improvement immediately after Lachesis was administered ; dyspnoea and thirst nearly removed after four days treatment with Lachesis ; restored to normal condition except muscular weakness.-British Journal of Homoeopathy 1864, p. 480, Dr. C. Wesselhoeft. Distortio spinalis with great protuberance of the abdomen, pain in head and eyes, strabismus, etc. ; Belladonna10 in one drop doses ; entirely cured m two weeks.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 54. .Distortio spinalis, with chronic hydrocephalus; Calcarea carb., Ipecacuanha, Silicea; complete cure.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 55. Distortio spinalis with tetanic symptoms and dysuria; Cicuta, Staphysagria and Sulph. ; the Cicuta removed tendency to tetanus, Staphysagria stopped dysuria and Sulph. cured deform- ity in eight weeks.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 57. Exostosis on frontal, parietal and occipital bones ; Phos- phorus30 gtt. j, frequently repeated; cured.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 56. Exostosis from Mercury ; Belladonna12; much better.- Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 54. Exostosis syphilitica and caries with other symptoms of tertiary syphilis; Aurum* dec. trit, in scruple doses; two doses per day for ten days, then one dose every six days for three weeks; completely cured in less than five weeks; no return at the end of three years.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 54. Fracture of cranium, depression of both plates of skull ; applied Calendula externally and internally ; cured.-Trans- world's homceopathic CONVENTION. [2(> actions American Institute of Homoeopathy, 1874, p. 17, Dr. E. C. Franklin. Fracture of sup. maxillary ; Calendula locally ; Aconite for fever; Silicea and Hepar during suppurative process ; entire restoration.-Transactions American Institute of Homoeopathy, 1871, p. 17, Dr. E. C. Franklin. Depression of both tables of skull with fracture of occipital bone; wound dressed with Calendula; Aconite given during febrile reaction, Hepar, Silicea and China for general purposes ; rapid recovery.-Transactions American Institute of Homoeo- pathy, 1874, p. 18, Dr. E. C. Franklin. Fracture of cranium and protrusion of brain ; cold applica- tion of Hypericum to injured parts, Arnica internally every hour, followed subsequently by Aconite and China; reac- tion in eight hours; entire recovery in two months after injury.-Trans. Amer. Inst, of Hom., p. 19, Dr. E. C. Franklin. Fracture of femur with non-union of bone; Calcarea phos.30, dose morning and night; cured in three weeks.-Western Homoeopathic Observer, vol. iv., p. 225, Dr. Willard. Hyperostoses femoris; Arnica, Lycopodium30 and Silex; cured.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 56. Hyperostosis of foot; Lycopodium80, Silicer84, Mezereum84, and Ledum ; cured.-Ibid, p. 55. Hyperostosis of humerus throughout its entire length; Dulcamara80, Staphysagria80, Phosphorus30, Sulph.'; cured in eight weeks.-Ibid, p. 55. Hyperostosis of radius; Asafoetida in large doses; then Pulsatilla18; to counteract this, Mezereum', Silex18and Calcarea carb.30; finally Lycopodium30; bone regained natural size; joint became'perfectly movable. General health improved ; scurfiness of skin removed by Lycopodium.-Ibid, p. 53, Hyperostosis tibiae; Cinchona18, two pellets at a dose, Asa- feetida", Mezereum', Silex81, Sulph.'; improvement for seven- teen days under Cinchona; Asafoetida diminished the swell- ing and softened the skin ; after 51 days a slight thickening of the skin alone remained which the Sulph. removed.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 52. 21] HOMOEOPATHY IN SURGERY. Necrosis following periostitis: complete atrophy; Calcarea carb.8, one dose a day for a few days, then at longer intervals; subsequently Silicea, Sulph., Phos., Phos. acid, Mercur., Mer. hyd. and Rhus; cloths kept constantly wet in cold water; im- provement prompt; no pain after three days; foot assumed healthy appearance in a few weeks; discharge of healthy pus and fragments of bone for several months; limb now of natu- ral size and perfectly well.-Philadelphia Journal of Homoeop- athy, vol. iii., p. 482, Dr. Williams. Necrosis, acute, of inferior maxillary; J. Walsh, aged nine; Mercur. prot. iod.'°, two grains night and morning for one week; parts syringed bis. die, with Lister's solution Carbolic acid; considerable improvement; treatment continued ; cured. -Helmuth's Clinics, p. 171, Dr. Helmuth. Necrosis, three cases ; Silicea30; quantity of pus diminished in less than three days; pus, which was before very offensive, became entirely inodorous.-U. S. Medical Investigator, vol. i., p. 228, Dr. Win. P. Armstrong. Necrosis of bones of arm and forearm from a blow four months before ; Arnica, Silex, Calcarea carb., Spirits of sulph. and Colocynth; Arnica relieved the pain; Silex, Calcarea carb, and Sulph. effected a cure; Colocynth removed stiffness of joint.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 57. Necrosis of metatarsal bone with ulcer; limb resembles case of elephantiasis ; Arnica15 dec., three globules internally every morning, fasting; Arnica tincture, ten drops in a pint of rain- water as a lotion; considerable relief as to pain and ability to use the limb; ulcer remained unaffected. Prescribed Mercur. cor.8 dec. trit., one grain in eight ounces of clarified rain-water; oedema of limb arrested by Bellad.30 dec., three pellets, fasting; for fetor Carb, veg.15 dec., three globules every morning fast- ing; Phos. acid3, same dose, Sepia30 dec., one grain, Sulph30 dec., one grain ; entire cure and rescue of limb from amputa- tion.-American Hom. Review, vol. iii., p. 233, Dr. Hornby. Necrosis of tarsus ; Calcarea carb.; separation and painless discharge of dead bone.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 55. Necrosis of tibia; Silicea5 300, taken every other night alter- nately ; change for the better in less than a week; spiculse of world's HOMCEOPATHIC CONVENTION. [22 bone thrown off every few days ; complete cure in six months. - U. S. Medical Investigator, vol. i., p. 228, Dr. William P. Armstrong. Periostitis; R. W., aged 36, never had syphilis; no fever; all functions of body healthy, but unable to walk; right limb much swollen ; prescribed Veratrum album3, every three hours; limb to be packed in cotton wadding; in seven days limb restored to normal condition not a trace of swelling or pain.-British Journal of Homceopathy, 1864, p. 645, Dr. W. Huber. Cancer of right breast; woman aged 46; cancer treated with Hydrastis, mother tincture, and Nos. 3, 6 and 12; indi- gestion and other constitutional ailments treated with Arsenic., Conium, Spongia, China, Nux vom., etc.; cured; tumor very much decreased, though still adherent to the skin.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, 1862, p. 5, Dr. Bayes. Cancer of right breast; woman aged 77; tumor unattached to either skin or ribs; a small, hard tumor (movable) just above the clavicle; Hydrastis from 30th dil. to mother tincture in- ternally ; lotion of tinct. Hydrastis gtt. x, aq. dis. 3 xvi, twice per day ; tumors have not increased, pain much diminished, health excellent.-Ibid, 1862, p. 5, Dr. Bayes. Cancer of left breast; woman aged 22; Hydrastis can.; tu- mor entirely disappeared.-Ibid, 1861, p. 150, Dr. Bayes. Cancer, open, of the left breast; woman aged 50 ; Hydrastis can.; tumor reduced to size of small pea.-Ibid, 1861, p. 150, Dr. Bayes. Cancer. 1. Malignant tumor of right breast, size of duck's egg; Hydrastis6 in drop-doses; thorough cure in about six weeks; pain at once relieved.-Ibid, 1863, p. 639, Drs. Mac- Li mont and Marston. 2. Tumor in left breast; Hydrastis both externally and in- ternally for two months; immediate cessation of pain and ultimate dispersion of tumor, with no indication of return.- Ibid. 3. Cancer in left breast, and neck of womb, ulcerated and CANCER. 23] HOMEOPATHY TN SURGERY. nodulated ; Hydrastis internally as a lotion to the breast and an injection to the womb ; swelling disappeared from breast, discharge ceased, pains gone, and ulcers cleansed and cicatriz- ing.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, p. 642, Dr. Bayes. 4. Large hard tumor in left breast; Hydrastis ; ten days afterward a plaster of one-third paste and Stramonium oint- ment ; improvement; inflammatory action having set up, de sisted from local treatment for twenty-four hours, and substi- tuted Aeon, and Bellad. with a lotion around circumscribed parts; removed 17 ounces of diseased tissue by application of acid; patient fully recovered in less than three weeks.-Ibid., p. 643. 5. Similar case and treatment with exception of substituting Arsenic, for Bellad.; tumor size of a large orange; thorough cure effected in two months; entire restoration to health and spirits; freedom from pain.-Ibid , p. 645. 6. Cancer of left breast, movable tumor; Hydrastis1 dec.; complete cure in two months.-Ibid., p. 647. Cancer of right breast; woman aged 48; tumor stony- hard and adherent to subjacent tissues; Hydrastis, commenc- ing with 30th running down to mother tincture in five-drop doses; Hydrastis had marked influence in relieving pain ; size of tumor stationary, but patient subsequently died from pleu- rodynia and neuralgia.-Ibid., 1862, p. 8, Dr. Bayes. Carcinoma of left breast; married wemm aged 41 ; Arnica', pilule twice a day ; indurated scirrhus ; perfect cure ; inflam- mation subsided ; Hydrastis' gtt. iv, Sacch. lac. gr. xx. dissolved in half a pint of water; Arnica and Hydrastis alternately ad- ministered in increased quantities; tumor disappeared; to take away slight pain remaining, Conium'" gtt. iii., Sacch. lac. gr. i. every third night.-Ibid., 1862, p. 2, Dr. Bayes. Carcinoma uteri; Arsenicum9 dose night and morning for one week, Conium' night and morning, one drop for one week; these two remedies were rotated thus for four months with an occasional dose of China for haemorrhage; perfect cure; no return three years afterward.-U. S. Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. i., p. 41, Dr. Leon. Carcinoma uteri, chlorosis and menstrual derangements; world's homoeopathic convention. L24 medicines used, Cocculus, Crocus, Ferrum met., Pulsatilla and Secale; chlorosis yielded to Pulsatilla; only two cases re- quired Ferrum met., and one Natrum mur.; in cancer of womb Secale of most service.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, 1864, p. 402, Leopoldstadt Hom. Hospital, 1861. Cancer of digestive organs; Madam , aged 48, had at- tacks of abdominal pains and cramps which finally became fixed in the pit of the stomach ; on first attack prescribed .Aconite, Arsenic., China, Lycopodium, Nux vom. and Sulph.; on second attack, Ipecacuanha, which relieved her; on third attack, Ars.2 dec.; on fourth attack, Ars.2 dec., gtt. vi in aqua tablespoonful every quarter of an hour; on this last at- tack vomited up pieces of colloid cancer; Arsenic, was con- tinued in higher potencies for two months ; has had no attack since.-Ibid., vol. xvii., p. 65, Dr. von Viettinghoff. Cancer, encephaloid (subacute); Mrs. E. B., aged 30 ; Bella- donna', Bryonia', Phos. Ilepar ; under these remedies there was little improvement, Arsenic. ; under Arsenic, tu- mor separated into many pieces, one piece size of hazel-nut was removed ; cured.-Ibid., p. 66. Cancer of face; Arsenic." dil.; the lower dilutions of the same drug were afterward used ; cure in four months ; no re- turn.-U. S. Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. i., p. 717, Dr. Ley- det. Cancer of face; Kali chlor, applied with compresses every two or three hours, dissolved in distilled water in the propor- tion of one to six, and afterward one to twelve ; in eight days the corroded parts were almost healed ; in fourteen days a clear demarcation formed between the ulcerous and healthy skin ; in three weeks the base of the ulcer sloughed off, and in five weeks a fair, smooth, white cicatrix formed ; permanent cure.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xxv., p. 518, Dr. Bosch er. Cancer, hsematoid, on right cheek, extending to ala of nose; Carbolic acid externally and internally ; entirely removed with- out operation ; all traces removed within two months.-Tran- sactions American Institute of Homoeopathy, 1872, p. 389, Dr. G. M. Pease. 25] HOMOEOPATHY IN SURGERY. Cancer, melanotic; Carbolic acid and Sanguinaria for three weeks, the former for the cancer, the latter for the gastric dis order merely, at intervals; during the first three weeks tuber- cle reduced to size of a pin-head, and all pain stopped ; ulti- mately complete recovery.-Medical Investigator, vol. xi., p. 549, Dr. Albert G. Beebe. Cancer, open, of left breast; woman aged 50; Hydrastis; Hydrastis occasionally suspended when depression of heart's action present; when brought under treatment, bed-ridden and believed to be in articulo-mortis ; so far recovered as to be able to pursue her daily employment in housework.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, 1862, p. 6. Cancer, scirrhus of the breast; treated with lotion Hydras- tis, and Arsenic.6 pilule twice a day ; suffering from phthisis, for which Bryonia, Phos., etc., were prescribed ; pain in breast removed ; patient still under treatment.-Ibid. Cancer, scirrhus in the antrum highmorianum; Mrs. Eliza- beth B., aged 53; the remedies were first Arsenic., Silicea and Sulph., next Nux vom., Carbo ligni, Lycopodium, Calcar, carb., third series, Ipecacuanha, Pulsatilla and Aurum ; the intercurrents were Asafoetida, Lachesis and lodium : the scir- rhus never gave way till Aurum12 was given, two globules for a dose, night and morning for three weeks; perfect cure.- Ibid., vol. xvii., p. 59, Dr. von Viettinghoff. Cancer, scirrhus ; Arsenic.3 repeated every eight days; cured. -Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 348. Cancer, scirrhus ; Belladonna12, one dose repeated at the end of fourteen days with smaller dose ; cured.-Ibid. Cancer, scirrhus of breast; Conium, Chamomilla and Coni- um locally; improvement under both Conium and Chamo- milla, finally cured by the Conium locally.-Ibid. Cancer, scirrhus of the uterus ; Magnesia mur. ; cured.- Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 348. Cancer, scirrhus of lip ; Nux vomica18 gtt. j, Conium12 gtt. j ; Nux was followed by great improvement, Conium completed cure by tenth day.-Ibid., p. 350. Scirrhus, induration of cheek ; Sil.20, six pellets in two ounces of water, tablespoonful every other day; completely remQved. -Ibid.,p. 351. • world's homoeopathic convention. [26 Scirrhus, induration of left breast; Mrs B., aged 21, Pul- satilla 3%, Belladonna3 Bry.3 alternating, Mercurius sol., Ar- senic. 2%, Conium 3%; cured.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xvii., p. 70, Dr. vo*n Viettinghoff. Scirrhus, induration of the breast; Mrs. H. J., awed 50. (rave Arnica to antidote the camphorated oil which had been used; prescribed Conium ; gave Puls. 3'0, Belladonna | for shooting pains under arm; improved.-Ibid, p. 71. Scirrhus of mammae ; Mrs. S. Everit, aged 53 ; Arsenic, Belladonna ; much improved, the tumor lessened ; patient considered herself well enough to cease treatment; came again claming to be as bad as ever, having brought it on by drinking. Improvement this time slow.-Ibid, vol. xvii, p. 68, Dr. von Viettingoff. Cancer of the stomach ; nurse, aged 52 ; Arsenic., Kreasote ; subjective symptoms much relieved by Arsenic.; vomiting diminished by Kreasote but never entirely disappeared,-Ibid? 1861, p. 134, report of Homoeopathic Institute of Leopold- stadt. Cancer in the uterus; Mrs. D. aged 56 ; Nux vom., Sepia, Pulsatilla, Bryonia, Kreasotum, Sulphur, Carbo anim., Thuja and Arsenicum; disease was of too long standing and too deeply ramified to be cured, but under the action of Sepia, Thuja, Carbo anim. and Arsenicum, pieces of decomposed cancerous tumor came away from rectum and vagina.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xvii.. p. 64, Dr. von Viettinghoff. Cancer, uterine ; Mrs. F. B. M., aged 70 ; the ground work medicines were Sepia and Silicia, next Magnes. carb., Sulph., Caust., Lycopodium; in third place, Pulsatilla, Arsenicum, Belladonna. Other medicines were given to rectify accidental occurrences ; so much improved as to be able to walk for two hours as exercise.-Ibid, vol. xvii., p. 57, Dr. von Viettinghoff. Cancer of womb; menstruation ceased five months since ; in its place a continuous foetid discharge with labor-like pains; profuse urination ; Bryonia removed the severe pains within six days. Belladonna reduced these pains to mere trace of irritation ; diminished quantity and fcetor of discharge and abated urwency of stool and urine ; headache entirelv wave 271 HOMOEOPATHY TN SURGERY. way, sleep and moderate appetite established ; cure nearly established.-British Journal of Hormeopathy, 1861, p. 144, Homoeopathic Institute of Leopoldstadt. 1. Condylomata, specific ; warty excrescence behind the glands, Tartar, emet. ; complete cure in five weeks. British Journal of Homoeopathy, 1861, p. 428. 2. Urethritis ; Tartar, emet.; complete cure. Ibid. Cancerous tumor of breast; Conium, one pill a day, after- ward increased to four ; complete cure. Philadelphia Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. iv., p. 377, Dr. Cade. Tumor in cervical gland, left side of neck; Calcarea carb.30 gl. iij, Sacch. lac. gr j every third night, Calcarea carb.' pilule every night on which powder not taken ; great improvement Calcarea earb." pilule every other night. Hardness remaining with occasional shooting pain, Hydrastis can., three pilules every night; swelling much reduced and generally better. Suffers from indigestion ; repeat pill Hydrastis and Nux vom." pilule twice per day ; pain ceased and no increase of tumor. British Journal of Homoeopathy, 1862, p. 6, Dr. Bayes. Tumor on dorsum of foot, size of walnut ; woman aged 55*; Hydrastis can.3 pilule bis die.; tinct. Hydrastis can. 3 ij, aqua dis, jss, t° be rubbed in every night. After six months treatment, reduced to size of a pea. No indication of return.- Ibid., 1862, p. 6, Dr. Bayes. Stony tumor in the left breast; woman aged 37; tumor movable, size of a large filbert, somewhat nodulated ; lancin- ating pains ; Hydrastis" pilule twice per day, afterward Hy- dras. tinct., a third of drop three times per day. Intercurrently a few doses of N ux vom. for dyspeptic symptoms; tumor became painless, and gradually diminished ; thorough cure ; neither pain or induration remaining.-Ibid., p. 8, Dr. Bayes. Two knotty tumors in right breast, size of hen's egg, and one in left breast; Hydrastis in increasing doses, and Hydrastis lotion ; great and rapid improvement. Tumor reduced to size of walnut. Steadily gaining health and strength ; still under treatment.-Ibid., Dr. Bayes. Stony enlargement of os uteri ; Miss H., aged 48 ; Hy- world's homceopathic convention. [28 drastis* 12 ; lotion 3 ij, mother tincture, to ~ viij water; lotion gave much pain and was discontinued. Hydrastis produced no effect; Arsenic, iod.' substituted with rapid change for better in all symptoms. Cold infusion of Hydrastis as an injection to relieve pain ; still under treatment. Ibid., 1862, p. 8, Dr. Bayes. Fungus luematodes oculi ; Belladonna30, Cal. carb.12, Lycopo- dium12, Sepia30, Silex12, Calcarea carb.18; Belladonna removed the excessive photofolia and inflammation in six days; Calc, carb, at first aggravated, but afterwards removed cloudiness of cornea ; Lycop. lessened size of fungus, as did also the remain- ing remedies; the cure was complete.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 187. Fungus hsematodes oculi; Belladonna28 gtt j, at intervals of a week for four weeks, Nux vom., Euphrasia and Aconite ; com- plete cure. Idid., p. 190. Cauliflower excrescence of uterus, about six inches in cir- cumference ; internal administration of Hydrastis subsequently using paste to reduce the fungoid growths ; general health greatly improved ; marked diminution of vegetations growths, and at close of six weeks almost level with surrounding healthy structures.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, 1863, p. 648, Drs. MacLimont and Marston. CALCULUS. Calculi, renal; citrated borate of Magnesia, a knifepointful ter in die; temporarily relieved by Nux vom., soda water and Wildung water; renal calculi passed readily away; all traces of disease pissed away within seven days; no relapse within five subsequent weeks.-Ibid., vol. xxiv., p. 688, Dr. Becher. Calculus, renal and gravel; citrated borate of Magnesia, about as much as would stand on the point of a knife, every two hours; pain and urgency of micturition completely disap- peared ; quiet sleep; brown cylindrical stone passed out with urine, one line long by half a line broad ; complete cure.- Ibid., p. 687. Cephalalgia from pressure on brain ; Arnica3 dil. three times a day ; cured in three days without trephining or other instru- 291 HOMGSOPATHY IN SURGERY. mental interference.-U. S. Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. ii., p. 124, Dr. Bloede. DROPSY. Dropsy ; Arsenic.13 cent., six drops in a wineglass of water, two drops every three hours, afterward changed to 30th cent.; the lower dilutions made not the slightest impression on the disease; rapid improvement, however, resulted on the admin- istration of the higher potency ; entire cure resulted within eight weeks.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xxv., p. 511, Dr. D. Whitney. Dropsy, general; woman aged 27 ; face, abdomen and limbs all involved ; unable to lie down for fear of strangulation ; death imminent; administered Arsenic.8 one drop every six hours, subsequently every night and morning ; after first few doses general improvement apparent; in four weeks a com- plete cure.-Ibid., vol., xxiv., p. 671, Dr. Haustein. Dropsy, pericardial; X., X. aged 40 ; first prescribed Ar- senic.' dec. and Ipecacuanha' alternated every two hours; sub- sequently Apocynum can. 6 one drop, Mercur.' dec. trit, one grain every three hours, increased to two drops every two hours; but slight relief from first prescription; Apocynum can. so improved all symptoms that he is enabled to do light work and sleep comfortably, which he had not done for many years.-Ibid., vol. xxiv., p. 329, Dr. J. D. Craig. Hydrothorax and anasarca ; prescribed Apocynum can.; pa- tient aged 80 ; marked improvement, and arrest of symptoms in forty-eight hours.-Ibid., p. 325. GANGRENE. Gangrene, traumatic; Lachesis6 one dose; process arrested in a few hours; cure complete.-U. S. Journal of Homoeop- athy, vol. i., p. 57, Dr. Dake. Gangrene, traumatic; Lachesis200 one dose; stopped and healthy action set up in two days, after Arnica, Arsenic, and Secale had failed to give relief.-Tlahnemannian Monthly, vol. ii., p. 29, Dr. Gilchrist. Gangrene, traumatic, from burn; Lachesis6 one dose; pro- world's homoeopathic convention. [30 cess stopped, and cure effected without delay.-U. S. Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. i., p. 61,.Dr. Dake. Gangrene, traumatic, from compound fracture; Lachesis' one dose ; process stopped in six hours ; all traces disappeared in two days.-Ibid., p. 60. Goitre; congestion of thyroid gland; first gave lodium, Calcarea carb, and Rhus, afterward Apis meh16 30, swelling as large as a goose-egg; [odium and Calcarea carb, alleviated but did not cure; Apis mel. reduced the gland to its normal size within two weeks.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, 1865, p. 674, Dr. Poulson. 1 Simple goitre; lodium1 dec.; cured in two months.- Ibid., vol. xxv., p. 180, Dr. J. Kidd. 2. Goitre, simple and hard ; Iodine, mother tincture ; cured in six weeks.-Ibid. 3. Goitre in girl aged 12, of weak constitution, lod.1 dee. six drops ter in die; cured in six months completely.-Ibid. 4. Cyst in thyroid; after using Iodine internally and exter- nally, for two months, and Spongia tost, for six months; cured by injection of Iodine; entire disappearance of tumor and perfect cure.-Ibid. 5. Goitre, exophthalmic; Belladonna1 dec., five drops ter in die, after failure of both Iodine and Iron ; permanent cure in five or six weeks. Ibid. Goitre; under allopathic treatment at first without improve- ment ; began with Sulph., afterward Calcarea, then pil. lod., externally lod.1 dec., Bellad. for headache, Mercur. sol. for purulent discharge; all symptoms gradually vanished; goitre entirely gone, not to return.-British Journal of Homoeop- athy, vol. xxviii., p. 390, London Hom. Hospital. Goitre ; Calcarea carb.' trit., one dose daily for ten days; Calcarea carb.' gtt. vi, in aqua, tablespoonful morning and night; after one month appetite had improved, but swelling remained ; in nine months was entirely cured.-Western Hom. Observer, vol. iv., p. 178, Dr. Bourgeoise. Goitre, size of hen's-egg; Calcarea carb.3 trit., dose every morning for twelve days ; three months after Calcarea carb.3', later Calcarea carb.100; at the time the last medicine was given the tumor was so small as not to be noticeable.-Ibid., p. 179. 31] HOMOEOPATHY IN SURGERY. Goitre of size of hen's-egg, which interfered with respira- tion; Mercur. prot.12, one powder every night for two weeks; Mercur. prot.3 during day, with 12th at night; Mercur oint- ment grs. j to adepis locally; very marked improvement during first two weeks; results from this time unknown.- Hahnemannian Monthly, vol. xi., p. 164, Dr. Blakely. Goitre ; Staphysagria and Lycopodium in alternation, with frequent intercurrent remedies ; complete cure.-Ibid., p. 404, Dr. Ricket. Haematocele, pelvic; Camphorand stimulants; nonfluctuat- ing tumor displacing posterior wall of vagina ; applied ice and cold Arnica lotions externally, gave Arnica internally, and subsequently substituted Hamamelis, five drops mother tinct- ure inwardly, and Hamamelis 3 ss to 3 xxj as a lotion for the abdomen ; peritonitis treated by Mercur. corr.3 dec. and Bella- donna3; first remedies had little or no effect; Hamamelis caused an instant improvement, though only partial in its op- eration ; Hamamelis1 dec. and Sacch. lac. absorbed fluid part of the blood, contracted the haematocele, and the uterus par- tially righted itself; eventually after subsequent miscarriage all symptoms with tumor entirely disappeared.-British Jour- nal of Homoeopathy, vol. xxviii., p. 250, Dr. J. L Newton. H3SMAT0CELE. HAEMORRHAGE. Haemorrhage from bowels; Lachesis'0, two doses, afterward Lachesis2 and subsequently Lachesis10000, Nit. acid'0, afterward 200th, lastly Natrum mur.500 ; Lachesis and Nitric acid had but temporary effect, the attacks continually returning; Nat- rum entirely subdued and eventually eradicated the disease.- Transactions American Institute of Homoeopathy, 1873, p. 410, Dr. W. Gallupe. Haemorrhage from stomach and bowels ; two cases: 1. Ar- nica1 dec, Ipecac.3 dec., Nux vom.3 dec. and China2 dec ; 2. China in drop doses every three hours ; Arnica was given for vomiting of blood; China in both cases for the anaemic condi- tion ; Nux vom. for the constipation ; and Ipecac, for removal world's HOMOEOPATHIC convention. [32 of nausea and tendency to vomit; the drugs answered all ex- pectation, affording prompt relief and ultimate cure in each case.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xxviii., p. 555, Dr. Shuldham. Haemorrhage of uterus; Mrs. G. aged 35; recurred every eight days; Puls., Phos., Mill., Ham. and Lyeop.; Natrum mur." and Calcarea carb.16 in alternation, one drop every morn- ing, and finally Apis mel.s'° in No. 1 globule; first-named remedies had only temporary effect, bleeding from womb re- turning worse than before ; Natrum mur., Calcarea carb., etc., arrested haemorrhage and reduced tumor ; Apis mel.3 30 in No. 1 globule effected a permanent and entire cure in about four weeks.-Ibid., 1865, p. 674, Dr. Pouson. Haemorrhage, uterine post partum; 1. Secale every half hour ; Ipecac.30 to arrest haemorrhage ; excellent recovery.- Transactions American Institute of Homoeopathy, 1874, p. 12, Dr. M. Friese. 2. Haemorrhage, uterine post partum; no external haemor- rhage ; Secale, Pulsatilla and Belladonna; complete recovery. -Ibid. 3. Haemorrhage, uterine post partum; Glycerine and Car- bolic-acid ointment once a day ; Caulophyllin thrice internally ; immediate relief, cure anticipated in about three months.- Ibid., p. 28, Dr. E. L. Cook. Haemorrhage, uterine ; two cases ; Bellad.200 in water, a dose every half hour; labor at sixth month; cured without band- age, tampon, cold water, or any other appliances; first case, complete recovery in three days ; second case, thorough resto- ration in twelve hours.-Ibid., 1872, p. 230, Dr. M. P. Jack- son. Haemorrhage, uterine; Crocus'00 given at increasing inter- vals for forty-eight hours; retained placenta, spontaneously discharged; thorough cure.-Ibid., p. 203, Dr. J. II. Wood- bury. Haemorrhoids, acute: 1. R. S. aged 20; nine drops tEscu- ]us in three ounces of water, dessertspoonful three times per day; 2. Mrs. F. aged 60 ; one drop every four hours ; HAEMORRHOIDS. 33] HOMCEOPATHY IN SURGERY. both cases completely cured.-British Journal Homoeopathy 1865, p. 485, Dr. Hughes. Haemorrhoids; two cases, existing in first case for twelve years, in second case for whole period of adult life ; JEsculus hip? three drops in water twice per day; first case cured by one small bottle ; second case cured in two w'eeks.-Ibid., p. 347, Dr. F. A. Bailey. Haemorrhoids ani coecae; Sepia 2; entire and permanent disappearance of symptoms.-American Hom. Review, vol. iii., p. 88, Dr. B. Fincke. Haemorrhoids following parturition ; Nux vom. in repeated doses ; cured.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 261. Haemorrhoids of several months' standing ; Phosphorus for some time, then Ammon, carb.30, one pellet dissolved in four ounces of water, teaspoonful daily; Phosphorus did no good ; Ammon, carb, cured in five weeks.- Ibid., p. 260. Haemorrhoids, with fissure of anus ; Muriatic acid3 gtt. ij; cured. -Ibid. Haemorrhoids, fifteen months; Graphites and Petroleum; after Graphites slight relief of brief duration ; Petroleum cured in four weeks.-Ibid., p. 262. Haemorrhoids; Sulphur, gr. ; homoeopathic aggravation at first, then complete cure.-Ibid. Haemorrhoids; Aconite12 gtt. j, Sulphur3 gr. j; cured.- Ibid., p. 263. Haemorrhoids, with painful fissure in anus ; cured by Paeonia3 5 drops, bathing the parts every two hours. At same time administered on alternate days Sulph.30, Nux vom.12 to remove the haemorrhoids; Haemorrhoids disappeared on the fifth day and cicatrization complete. In fourteen days all trace had disappeared.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xxv., p. 54, Dr. Ozanam. HERNIA. Hernia incarcerata ; Nuxvom. ; cured.-Western Homoeo- path ie Observer, vol., iv., p. 226, Dr. Cserno. Hernia incarcerata ; Nux vom.; cured.-Ibid. Hernia, incarcerata; Nux. vom.; cured.-Ibid. Dr. Syon- tagh. world's homceopathic convention. 34 Hernia, strangulated, which had resisted every effort at taxis; Nux vom.', a powder every fifteen minutes afterward Nuxvom.1'; Nux'promptly relieved ; Nux3* relieved subse- quent constipation, no relapse yet (five months after).-U. S. Medical Investigator, vol. i., p. 393, Dr. Cranch. Hernia, umbilical, congenital; Nux vom.4600', Calc, carb.,86'", Fincke, one dose ; slight relief at first from Nux, but soon aggravation ; Calc. carb, cured the child completely.-Hahne- mannian Monthly, vol. ii., p. 546, Dr. C. C. Smith. HIP DISEASE. Hip disease; Miss II. M., aged 24; prescribed four powders of Nux vom." (equivalent to four pellets), then five powders of Sulph., each 3% as above, Rhus tox.30 Nos 1, 3, 5, 7 ; Sacch., lac, Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8 ; immediate relief in stomach and bowels, pain and irritation about chest and left side and general health much improved, could walk with ease at last report.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xxiv., p. 308, Dr. W. Gallupe. HYDROCELE. Hydrocele; M. Grouard, aged 49 ; injection of Iodine water; size of tumor, 26 by 15 centim. ; cure within fifteen days.- Ibid., I860, p. 450-457, Dr. lielot of Rouen. Hydrocele ;-aged seven years ; treatment internally three globules 12th dil. of Rhodod. chrys., night and morning every alternate three days. Externally: R. Rhodod. chrys. 3 ij, Aquse font., 3 vi; appl. mane, nocteque, after fomenting the scrotum; complete cure.- Ibid., 1860, p. 351, Dr. Hastings, Cheltenham, England. Hydrocele; injection of Iodine water; P. Fountain, aged 32, size of tumor, 20 by 15 centim. ; diminution in tumor at end of ten days to one third its size; entire disappearance at close of mouth.-Ibid., p. 450-457, Dr. Helot of Rouen Hydrocele; Lecointra, aged 62, transparent tumor as large as ostrich egg, same treatment, entire cure ; in fifteen days tumor reduced to one third. No inflammation; at the end of two months thorough cure, no indication of return.-Ibid. Dr. Helot of Rouen. 35] HOMOEOPATHY IN SURGERY. Hydrocele; P. Constantine, aged 63, tumor large, acute inflammation. Entirely cured by same treatment; in six weeks tumor reduced to one third ; two weeks later, cure complete. -Ibid., 1860, p. 450-457, Dr. Helot of Rouen. Hydrophobia, spontaneous; Hydrophobin'1' dose at close of every spasm ; Mercur. viv." for soreness and muscular rigidity; effectual and positive cure.-Transactions American Institute of Homoeopathy, 1874, p. 461, Dr. (). P. Baer. Hydrarthroses of knee-joint; Rhus tox.* dose every three hours for rigidity of limb ; Bryonia" and bandage for reduction of swelling and pain, and pneumatic aspirator for extraction of dropsical accumulation ; thorough cure and no symptoms of return.-Ibid., 1874, p. 153, Dr. R. E. Caruthers. Ovarian enlargement; Kali bromid. trituration, a grain night and morning, subsequently Apocynum, Apis and Arse- nicum ; every trace of enlargement gone, abdomen normal in size and appearance.-Ibid., vol. xviii., p. 787, Dr. Dudgeon. [?] JOINT, DISEASES OF. POLYPUS. Polypi, "nasal," twenty cases; thorough cure from absorp- tion with Bichromate of potash ; inflammatory action sets in within three or four days of application which subsides in about forty-eight hours, and results in the partial or total disappear- ance of the polypi; relapse very infrequent.-British Journal of Honueopathy, 1863, p. 170, Dr. Fredericq. Polypi "nasal," Kali bich', three times per day in pilules; for itching eruption Sulph.', Kali bich. 1 dec. trit., to be used as snuff once a day. Attack of coryza treated with Merc, sol.6; polypi considerably reduced by use of Kali bich. ; nasal symp- toms entirely cured ; could breath freely through both nos- trils ; eight months treament.-Ibid., vol. xxviii., ]. 356, Dr. R. D. Hall. Polpus nasi, treated with Calc.20 ter die ; syringed with Liq. calcis; complete cure.-Ibid., vol. xxviii., p. 356, Dr. R. D. Hall. . Polypus, nasal ; Calc. carb. 2 dec. trit., 1 grain daily lime world's iioakeopatuic convention. |36 water; after three months treatment polypus entirely disap- peared, nose in normal condition.-Ibid., vol. iv., p. 545, Dr. R. I). Hall. Polypus, nasal; Calc, carb.*, Staph.1 in alternation a half hour before each mieal and at bed time. No improvement, Teucrium1 three times a day caused the polypus to disappear ; complete and permanent cure.-U. S. Journal of Homoeopa- thy, vol. ii., p. 491, Dr. Richards. PYELITIS. Pyelitis; treated first with Bryonia, and afterward with Bellad.1 twice or thrice per day, which effected a cure; Bry- onia gave but slight relief; the improvement under the use of Belladonna was striking, every symptom being gradually but permanently subdued; health, strength and physical functions entirely restored.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xxv., p. 384, Dr. Watzke. RANULA. Ranula; large number of tumors of size of walnuts; had been frequently incised with but temporary relief; Thuja, Nitric acid in alternation twice, Ambra and Calcarea carb.; Thuja and Nitric acid did but little good ; Ambra diminished tumors considerably, and Calcarea carb, completed the cure.- Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 335. Ranula of two years' duration, growing; Lycop., Staph, and Mercur., Mezereum30; first three remedies did no good, but Mezereum removed tumor in eight days ; frequent return ,each time removed by Mezereum; finally completely cured.-Ibid., p. 335. Ranula of large size; Mercur. ; speedily cured.-Ibid., p. 335. Surgery, plastic; amputation averted by use of calendula, wounds ragged, torn and bleeding profusely; middle finger which was nearly severed, placed in apposition and bandaged in cotton saturated with Calendula; Calendula3 internally every two hours, six pellets; pain eased, united completely and hand entirely restored to normal condition in four months. -British Journal of Homoeopathy, 1864, p. 511. 37] HOMEOPATHY TN SURGERY. Synovitis, acute, and pulmonary haemorrhage; administered Arnica liniment first, then 40 drops American tincture \ erat. vir. several times per day outwardly, at same time grain-doses Calomel1 dec. trit, every four hours ; no relief from Arnica ; immediate and marked relief to pain and swelling on applica- tion of Verat. vir. ; an excellent recovery.-Ibid., vol. xxv., p. 256, Dr. George Moore. Extensive ovarian cyst; , aged 50; prescribed China' three times per day, a small portion of a drop in a powder of Sacch. lac.; for asthmatic affection Cannabis sat.1 di]., one drop in a teaspoonful of water every four hours; constipation treated by Sulph." at intervals of two days; Hall's Iodine water constituent parts; chloride of Sodium, Calcarea carb.. Magnesia, Iodine and Bromine; 16 ounces contains chloride of Sodium 112.0412 grs.; chloride of Potassium, .0499 grs.; chloride of Ammonium, .0330 grs.; chloride of Calcium, 2. 9330 grs.; chloride of Magnesium, 2.6220 grs.; iodide of So- dium, .0607 grs.; iodide of Magnesium, .2849 grs.; bromide of Magnesium, .5176 grs. ; eight days continuance of the China produced a very advantageous change in the digestive system, spontaneous action of bowels and normal pulse ; difficulty of breathing and cough considerably diminished by Cannabis; much greater activity in stools and increase of urine; size of abdomen diminished more than two inches in circumference under use of Cannabis, therefore prescribed three tablespoons- ful of Hall's Iodine water (about ?'g of a grain) at each dose; eight days' treatment produced livelier action in kidneys and outer skin ; the abdomen gradually and perceptibly slackened, becoming of a doughy consistency; after four weeks' treat- ment abdomen reduced to normal condition and size, urine in- creased to natural quantity.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, 1862, p. 588, Dr. Hirsch, of Prague. Ovarian tumor; married, aged 42 ; Hydrastis can.", glob, iii., Sacch. lac. gr. j, two powders on every third night; Acon- ite tinct., gtt. viii, Sacch. lac. gr. xxiv., dissolve in half a pint of water, tablespoonful twice per day ; Rhus tox.', gtt. vi, lod.*, gtt. vi, Sacch. lac., gr. xx, in half a pint of water; Mer- cur. sol.', Mercur. iod.1, grs. ii, nightly; cured in two months. -Ibid., p. 5. world's HOMOEOPATHIC CONVENTION. 138 Tumor, ovarian; Apis mel.; entirely removed in a short time.-Philadelphia Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. iv., p. 103. Tumor, ovarian; Pulsatilla30, Arsenic.30, Lachesis30, Sulph.30, Calcarea carb.30, Aurum30, Mercur. viv.30 and Sepia30, one at a time in accordance with the totality of the symptoms; cured in two years; tumor entirely removed within three years from beginning of treatment.-Ilahnemannian Monthly, vol. ii., p. 50, Dr. J. II. Payne. Tumor, ovarian, of large size ; case pronounced hopeless by allopathic physician ; Bellad.30, Mercur. viv.30, Arsenic.35, Apo- cynum30, Pulsatilla30, Lachesis30 and Sulph.3', in aqua, dose every four hours at first; cured in live months; tumor gradu- ally disappeared.- Ibid., p. 51. Tumor, ovarian; case pronounced beyond the help of sur- gery even by several consulting allopathic physicians; Can- nabis30 30°, Pulsatilla200, Mercur. viv.'00, Arsenic.200, Apis mel.30 20°, Lachesis 30 20°, Apoc.30 and Sulph.200 ; amelioration of gen- eral symptoms in four weeks, but tumor at first seemed to grow larger; complete removal in nine months; Apocynum had the most decided effect of any one remedy in removing tumor, Arsenic, and Apis mel. next.- Ibid., p. 53. Tumor, ovarian ; Bry., Lach., Sulph., Apis me].20 two doses, with subsequent repetition ; Bryonia, Lachesis and Sulph. did no good ; Apis mel. removed tujnor in three months.- Ilahne- mannian Monthly, vol. ii., p. LSI, Dr. C. Wesselhoeft. Tumor ovarian ; Arnica200, Colocynth200, Cham.200, Lach.200, and Lach.4000 ; very small and may be inflammatory , perfect cure.-Ibid., vol. vii., p. 406, Dr Miller. Fungus on gums ; Staphysagria, two doses ; cured.-Jeane's Practice of Medicine, p. 239. Ulcer of coccyx, infundibuliform; six months duration; cured by Paeonia3 three times a day, both internally and as a lotion ; in eight days cicatrization was complete.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xxv., p. 54, Dr. Ozanam. Ulcer of great toe, five month's duration; cured by Paeo- nia3 internally and externally ; complete cure.-Ibid. Ulcer of back of foot, from tight boots; Paeonia* internally and externally; patient unable to rest sufficiently, therefore cure delayed; took ten days.-Ibid. 39] HOMOEOPATHY IN SURGERY. Ulcer of anterior surface of tibia; cured by Paeonia'2 1 tinct. internally; cicatrization complete at end of month, no bandage or other appliances used.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xxv., p. 54, Dr. Ozanam. Ulcer of breast, four months standing; Paeonia* externally and internally ; complete cure.-Ibid., p. 59. Ulcer on left side of neck, embracing shoulders and both axillae ; cured by Chelidonium ina jus, sixty drops ter in die ; found that, while the freshly-expressed juice could be obtained, the healing and cicatrization was satisfactorily rapid, but when not procurable a corresponding delay in progress occurred; entire cure.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. xxv., p. 229, Dr. Buchmann. Ulcer, chronic, of right leg, ten years' standing; serpiginous character; prescribed Paeonia* to mother tincture; curedin two months ; ten months elapsed and no return of disease. -Ibid., vol. xxvi., p. 57. Dr. Ozanam. Ulcer, fistulous, of breast; suspended by long strips of adhe- sive plaster ; prescribed internally ten drops of Phytolacca1 four times a day; externally half an ounce of tincture to eight ounces of water to be syringed into fistulous canal ; in one week all the ulcers except one had closed, though the gland will never return to its normal condition; the ulceration per- manently arrested.-Ibid., vol. xxi., p. 203, Dr. E. M. Hale. Ulcer, fungus of lower arm; Silicea*; healed in less than three weeks.-Philadelphia Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. iii., p. 271, Dr. Williams. Ulcer, irritable, on shoulder, two inches in diameter ; Sulph.2 and Vaseline as an emollient; complete cure in eight days.- U. S. Medical Investigator, vol. i., p. 393, Dr. Cranch. Ulcer, perforating, of the stomach; man aged 6.0; great emaciation, hsematemesis and dyspepsia present; administered Arsenic, and Nux vom.; recovered his health completely; strength and appetite nearly restored ; has attained 78 years of age, with only slight relapse.-British Journal of Hoimeop- athy, vol. xxiv., p. 657, Dr. Watzke. Ulceration, malignant, of the nose; cured by Kali bich.; Arsenic, previously administered, but failed to arrest ulcera- world's homceopathic convention. [40 tive process; prescribed Kali bich.3 externally and inter- nally, which instantaneously produced a marked change from ulceration to healthy granulation which continued and in- creased to entire recovery.-Ibid., p. 304, Dr. C. Ransford. Ulcerated leg, varicose veins; Pulsatilla tinct., tive drops in a pint of water externally and internally; Pulsatilla16 dec. three globules every night at bedtime; limb restored to its natural condition ; health robust and perfect.-American Horn. Review, vol. iii., p. 233, Dr. J. Hornby. Ulceration of seat, from decubitus; cured by Paeonia'; cica- trization and cure complete in ten days.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, vol xxv., p. 54, Dr. Ozanam. Urethra, stricture of; Berberis, after many medicines had been given without effect; speedy cure.-Hahnemannian Monthly, vol. vii., p. 402, Dr. Miller. URETHRA, DISEASES OF. WARTS. Warts, more than seventy on the hands; prescribed Natrum muriat.34, in sixteen powders of sugar of milk, one each day; entirely cured within ten days.-American Homceopathic Re- view, vol. iv., p. 549, Dr. Bojanus. Warts, malignant; Arsenicum', six globules dry on tongue ; only one dose given; complete cure in ten days; no return one year afterward.-IT. S. Journal of Homoeopathy, vol. i., p. 43, Dr. Leon. Warts on face, fourteen in number; Thuja30 300, with tinct. externally, Calc, carb.300, six globules every morning for one week, Calc, carb.30 '; under Thuja a few warts disappeared ; but more made their appearance; Calc, carb.300 improved general health, Calc, carb.30, six warts disappeared ; Calc, carb.6, all re- maining warts disappeared within month.-Western Homoeo pathic Observer, vol. iv., p. 181, Dr. Bourgeois. Warts on the face, large number; Calcarea carb.; warts all dried up and dropped off.-Ibid.,p. 161, Dr. Bourgeois. Warts on the hands; Thuja30 18 for two months and Thuja tinct. locally, Calcarea carb. ; no result from Thuja ; warts 41] HOMCEOPATHY IN SURGERY. began to drop off after first dose of Calcarea and after two months treatment all disappeared.-Ibid., vol. iv., p. 181, Dr. Bourgeois. Warts on hands, of many years standing; had been removed several times by caustic; treatment, Thuja6 dec. every morning internally, and Thuja tinct. applied morning and evening with Nux vom.' twice or three times a week for two weeks. Next two weeks Nux as before ; continue Causticmn12 dec. internally and Causticmn3 dec. externally in place of Thuja and so con- tinuing, alternating as above ; no diminution in size of warts for six months, but general health began to improve. Between six and seven months warts began decreasing in size and grow- ing white and shriveled. By the end of the ninth month the hands were perfectly smooth and all signs of warts gone.-U. S. Medical Investigator, vol. i., p. 234, Dr. John F. Wage. Warts on hands and face ; treatment same as in last case ; at the end of four months all traces of warts had disappeared.- Ibid. WHITLOW. Whitlow (or panaris); lady aged 30, right fore-finger; con- centrated Nitric acid applied for about two minutes; im- mediate relief and gradual and entire subsidence of both swelling and pain ; entire cure within four days.-British Journal of Homoeopathy, 1863, p. 218, Dr. J. Ilirsch, of Prague. • Whitlow (or panaris) of middle finger; young man similar remedy and result.-Ibid. Whitlow (or panaris), aggravated case; girl aged 11; Silic.2* and Hepar2 trit. ; in eight days entire cure.-Ibid. Wounds, gun shot, near os pubis and femoral artery; pre- scribed Urtica urens, six globules in half tumbler of water and four globules Sulph.20; complete and permanent relief to pain. Temporary loss of power in limb alone remaining.-American Homoeopathic Review, vol. iii., p. 462, Dr. I). F. Wells. Wound on surface of tibia down to calf ; Lachesis200 in 3 of water, dose every half hour; cured.-Ibid., vol. iv., p. 556, Dr. T. F. Allen. Poisoned hands; Lachesis200 every hour; complete cure in ten days.-Ibid. PLEASE RETURN THIS SLIP, WHETHER THE ARTICLE IS WANTED OR NOT, AND SAVE US TROUBLE AND EXPENSE DR. A. E. FOOTE MINERALS ano BOOKS MEDICAL, AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL, ETC. 1317 ARCH STREET PHILADELPHIA, PENNA., A.