7?©*-PLEASE put this in your pocket and read it at your LEISURE 'ELECTRICITY i AND 5 GALVANISM AS I’ < REMEDIAL AGENTS FOR DISEASE BY DR. S. Tu. HENDRICK*. ✓ * * OF THE ||f |[nstitute, eutic energies in Electricity anti Galvanism, and cures arc occurring under his treatment of patients who have been pronounced incurable by the most distinguishc 1 practitioners. Numerous and explicit testimonials of unimpeachable character may be read in the following pages in addition to many in the Doctor’s possession. Invalids in the city who prefer it, may arrange to receive treatment at their own residences, while others from a distance may find at the Institute all the comforts and attentions of a refined home. No charges are made for consultation. TO THE READER.' Physicians have for many years recognized the virtues of Electricity as a remedial agent, and have, even while experimenting on patients without a knowledge of the laws governing its action, produced cures unexpected even to themselves—cures that have astonished and challenged the whole medical world for a solution. But on further investigation of their experiments they have had failures,'as the same success seldom attended their efforts ; and from this fact the use of Electricity has been looked upon as uncertain. Many people lost confidence in it, and thought that if relief came from it at all it was a matter of chance rather than certainty. The reason for all this doubt and uncertainty arose from the unpardonable recklessness and hap-hazard manner of application by physicians, of this mysterious agent They have used it without the slightest diagnosis, and without knowing the different effects of the two polarities upon the human body. Electrical applications should only be made by physicians who can make a correct diagnosis by Electricity, and understand the distinctive influences of the two polarities and their operation on the system. When its operations are thoroughly under- stood, the case properly judged, and the applications scientifically made, there can be no uncertainty or doubt about the results that will follow. Our successful practice in its therapeutic administration and thorough knowledge of its operations, find no uncertainty in its effects when used as an agent to arrest and overcome disease. 2 Our most searching investigations have placed ELECTRO GAL- VANISM upon the list of positive curatives. Disease is no longer con- sidered an enemy at war with the human system, a something to be cast out or deadened within the body, but a remedial effort—Nature—strug- gling to establish an equilibrium of the electrical forces of the body. This more enlightened conception of disease, is accompanied with a decrease of confidence in drug medication, and a disposition on the part of physicians so confine themselves to a more rational method of treat- ment. Recent progress in the scienee of ELECTRICITY, and its applica- tion in medicine, have caused medical men to take new interest in the science of Electro-Therapeutics and study to become acquainted with its value in all the varied conditions of acute and chronic diseases, anil also to become acquainted with the improvements being made in the different apparatus for its application. Individual cases and different diseases indicate the application of different modifications of Electricity • hence a necesssity of a knowledge of the nature and use of the various kinds of machines. The longer they pursue their investigations of this masterly agent the more they are convinced that it is fast taking the place of all other plans of treatment in great variety of chronic, nervous and functional diseases, especially those due to a decrease of nervous and vital power, and concede that no remedies are so well adapted for these many diseased conditions as those applied externally. A great error, with even some of the most eminent medical men, lies in placing too much confi- dence in theories that are identified with drug medication. That medicine does little more than assist Nature, eminent phy- sicians will admit, and some of the most noted and successful among the profession bring to their aid Natures’ greatest recuperative agent, Elec- tricity, a method that has both science and common sense to recom- mend it. Electricity is now considered indispensable as a therapeutic agent, and properly applied is the only positive remedial and curative agent known. Common sense would indicate that this agent, which is employed by 3 Nature in all her vital processes, might be well relied upon to correct the derangement and supply the losses in the human frame. We are among the earliest workers in the field who commenced this investigation. From the first our object was to devise means for supplying the patient with mild, continuous Electricity, that could be controlled at the will of the physician. In this it will be perceived that our method was closely analagous to Nature, which does not act by sudden shocks, but by imperceptible forces continually operating. We do not claim to have discovered any new agent or element, but we do claim to have discovered the laws governing the action of Electricity and its effects on the human system. This discovery consists, first, in determining the condition of the body by an electrical diagnosis ; second, the specific action of Elec- tricity on the body ; third, the distinctive influence of the two currents, the inward and the outward ; lastly, the scientific application of these two currents to diseased states of the body, treating each state according to its requirements and the fixed laws which govern the action of Elec- tricity. From this it will be seen that our method of applying Electricity is no guess-work, but based upon scientific principles that have been tested by us in thousands of cases which have been cured in Philadelphia, Chicago and New York. HENRY de KRAFT, M. D., 467 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. 4 GALVANISM vs. ELECTRICITY. We have many inquiries by persons anxious to learn somewhat of Electro-Thera- peutics before placing themselves under Electro Galvanic treatment, asking What is the difference between Galvanism in contradistinction to Electricity as a reme- dial agent, and for information regarding the class of diseases most successfully treat- ed by Electricity, and also to what diseases the Galvanic treatment were most ap- plicable. For the benefit of our readers we will state that Electricity is divided into two distinct parts. We define it as follows: . s Electro-Magnetism and Electro-Galvanism. That which is understood as Electro-Magnetism, or Electricity, in medical use, is the primary and second- ary Farradaic currents and their modifications, generated by the Electro-Galvanic Machine, and is developed by the action of diluted sulphuric acid on the metals platina and zinc, which gives the interrupted or vibratory current—one of great therapuetic and diagnostic value. Franklin discovered electricity. Galvani dis- covered its final action on animal life. Volta discovered the chemical electric action of metals. Farraday discovered that a current of Electricity traversing a conducting wire will excite a current in an adjacent wire The current thus excited has been called the Fairadaic or induced current, in order to distinguish it from the Galvanic or direct battery current. All electrical currents and also all modifications are most powerful and efficacious in a large class of diseases, especially those due to a decrease of nervous or vital powers. Galvanism, although a form of Electricity, is generated by different chemical agents, which gives us a continuous current without vibration, while the electrical currents and their modifications give the interrupted currents. Galvanism is produced from a battery consisting of carbon and zinc elements, porous clay cups, and a battery fluid, which is a solution of two different acids and alkalies, and by the mutual action of the chemical agents and metals upon each other a powerful current of great intensity and caloric efforts is generated, which is called Galvanism, from Professor Galvani, of Bologna, Italy, who first observed the mani- festations of this fluid or principle, which has opened a new field of investigation leading to still finer research. By the use of Electro-Galvanism we come into a broader and higher sphere of medical practice, and it has been discovered that dis- eases that cannot be controlled by Electricity yield readily to Galvanic applications. The great advantage of the Electro-Galvanic in continuous current is, that it gives no shock, is gentle in its action, yet positive in its effect, bringing relief in a large number of diseases where the use of the Electro Magnetic or interrupted current could not be advisable. 5 ELECTRICITY IS A SPECIFIC AND A CURATIVE FOR ALL FORMS OF NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL WEAKNESSES, AND GENERAL DEBILITY, SUCH AS : Prostration and debility from overwork. Irresolution, Low Spirits, Mental Gloom and Despondency. Languor, Weakness, Easy Fatigue from mental and physical labor Weakness of Memory, difficulty of recalling names or dates. Incapacity for mental application. Lameness, Weakness, or pain in the Back or Loins. Loss of Nervous Power and General Tone of the System. Weakness from loss of Vital Fluids. Involuntary Vital Losses at stool or during uriaation. Involuntary Vital Losses at night during dreams. Weakness of the Organs, with deficient or feeble powers. Weak or Failing Powers, and threatened Impotence. Diseases of the Brain and Nervous System : Congestion of the Brain, paralysis, fiemiplegia, insanity, neuralgia, epiliptic fits, hysteria, nervousness, palpitation of the heart, lockjaw, St. Vitus dance, etc. Diseases of the Eye and Ear : Ophthalmia, iritis, amaurosis, cataract, cross-eye, impaired vision, deafness, paralysis of the ear, roaring in the head. Diseases of the Respiratory System : Swelled tonsils, throat diseases, aphonia, or loss of voice, cough, consumption in its first stage, influenza, asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, intercostal and chest rheumatism, stc. Diseases of the Digestive System : Dyspepsia, colic, constipation in all its forms, diarrhoea, dysentery, diseases of the liver, spleen, and pancreas, cancerous affections of the stomach, flatulence, piles, prolapsus ani, etc. Diseases of the Urinary and Genital System : Dropsy, gravel, diabetes, inflam- mation of bladder, suppression of urine, scalding urination, and all kidney complaints, seminal weakness, and impotence, from whatever cause, are in every case effectually cured by our treatment. GALVANISM IS A SPECIFIC FOR THE FOLLOWING DISEASES : Catarrh, Fever and Ague. Cutaneous or Skin Diseases: Eruptions, generally scrofulous sores, sore head, tetter, leprosy, boils, carbuncles, ulcers, salt rheum, pustular affections, making their appearance on the face, syphilis, etc. Diseases of the Fibrous and Muscular System : Acute and chronic rheumatism, dyspepdc and rheumatic gout, stiff neck, lumbago, white swellings, synovitis, hip disease, curvature of the spine, cancers, tumors, polypus, contracted and rigid mus- cles, sciatica, etc. GALVANIC BATHS Our GALVANIC BATH is superior to the Voltaic pile as used by us in the early days of our practice, and which suggested belts, bands, and other appliances that lose their effect as soon as they become dry ; whereas, in the Galvanic Bath the whole surface of the body is treated alike, with the electrical current that charges the water and envelopes the patient, seldom failing to give instant relief; being mild and continuous, it is congenial to the natural currents of the human system, soothing nerv- ous irritation and equalizing the circulation, quickening the two-fold movement of assimilation and disassimilation ; and aside from its medical virtu&s it is agree- able and invigorating, and gives great satisfaction, far above all other curative ap- pliances. 6 THE BRAIN. The Brain, the seat of all nervous power, has direct sympathy with the stomach and liver ; it derives its nourishment from the blood,'and is particularly liable to disorder from deranged digestion. Any defect in the functions of those organs, or impurity of the blood, is immediately felt by the brain. Hence we have the dis- tresing headache that so unfits one for all mental occupation or social enjoyment, fol- lowed by inflammation, perhaps by fevers, which consume our vitality ; or we have neuralgia with its excruciating paroxysms or lacerating pain, or from want of proper nerve power that should be derived from healthy blood, we may have paralysis or palsy affecting the muscles, in which the control or use of one or more of the limbs is lost; or the unsteady, excitable state, chorea (St. Vitus dance), with its spasmodic twitching, trembling action of the muscles ; or in milder cases, nervous weakness, to start and uncontrollably tremble at sudden appearances or sounds, to be exhilarated to hilarity or depressed in spi its. Electricity properly applied upon the first indication of derangement of the stomach or loss of balance of the positive and negative forces ot the brain, the great electrical reservoir of the !>ody, .will stimulate organic action, equalize the circulation of the blood and nervous fluid, and we have health, which consists in an equilibrium of the electricity of the system. The Blood, upon which the whole system depends for sustenance and support, derives its nourishment from healthy chyle, the product of healthy digestion. As it is important that the blood, the grand source of all the functions, the foundation of muscle, bone and tissue, and life of nerve, upon which depends the welfare of our physical existence, should be pure and healthy, the digestion should be perfect. If, on the contrary, the digestion should be imperfect, the chyle elaborated in small quantity and full of impurities, corrupting the blood, which is almost immediately ob- servable in the offensive odor of the breath, the furred tongue, the feverished fullness of the head, headache, oppressed breathing, lassitude, and depression of spirits. The liver becoming overtaxed with the excess of impurities, and losing its natural stimutants, becomes enervated, torpid and congested, thus adding fuel to the flame, by withholding by its inaction one of the most important aids to purify the blood. Co-existing with this, there is irritation of the kidneys, producing increased secretion, and dark-colored, offensive urine with much sediment, passed with more or less scalding and frequent desire. The prespiration is offensive, the skin is rough and itchy, with troublesome eruptions ; the blood depositing impurities until the system is impregnated with a poison that corrupts and festers the whole body. The blood is vitiated and loaded with impurities in such diseases as Inflammatory Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, Constipation, Syphilis, Postulous Affections, Salt-rheum, Tetter Scrofulous Sores, Boils, Ulcers and Eruptions generally, and the cause is directly traceable to Imperfect Digestion, Malarial Poison, or Infectious Blood Poisoning. Our success in curing Blood and Skin Affections through the current generated by our powerful Galvanic Batteries, enables us to say, We have a safe, sure, and never-failing remedy for Vicious Blood troubles from whatever cause, even Second- ary Blood Virus (Syphilis) and Mercury can be eliminated from the system by the Galvanic Current, which penetrates every part of the body, neutralizing and eradi- cating the poison, strengthening and purifying the blood, and at the same time im- parting new life and vitality to the system. Every disease associated with an impoverished condition of the blood and nerv- ous prostration, will receive from this treatment immediate and permanent benefit. Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Consumption or Scrofula in any of its forms ; Catarrh, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, all yield to the regulating, stimulating and invig- THE BLOOD AND SKIN AFFECTIONS. 7 orating action of this potent remedy—ELECTRO-GALVANISM. During the period of convalescence from the debilitating effects of fever, this treatment is without a rival, and is the safest and best tonic ever discovered. EVIDENCE. We select the following evidence to show the reader that Electriciy and Gal- vanism in our hands will cure the worst forms o disease. These expressions are from well-known and highly-respected citizens of New York and elsewhere. New York, April 20, 1880. Dr. S. L. Hendrick de Kraft, 467 Fifth Avenue, New York : Dear Sir—I feel confident that Electricity is a most valuable remedial agent, and when cientifically administered will eradicate from the system many diseases which cannot be reached by any other process. Judging from its effects upon my- self, and from the speedy relief I have witnesssed in others, I am convinced your Elec- tro-Galvanic applications are based on scientific principles and are productive of great good. CHRISTOPHER MEYER, 617 Fifth Avenue. ASTHMA. Asthma is a paroxysmal affection of the respiratory organs, characterized by great difficulty of breathing, tightness and oppression of the chest, and a sense of im- pending suffocation. In some cases the laborious breathing is accompanied with a wheezing sound and constriction in the throat, and with cough and expectoration. The causes producing this state of the system are many, but we find the most promi- nent to be paralysis of the diaphragm. Our treatment in almost every case of this dis- tressing malady gives instant relief, followed in a short time by a perfect cure. Catarrh is a disease of the air passages, producing headache, pains over the eyes, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. It also yields to our treatment readily. New York, April 19, 1880. Dr. S. L. Hendrick de Kraft, 467 Fifth Avenue, New York : My Dear Sir—During the last autumn I found myself very ill from a protract- ed disease of the chest, attended by great difficuly of breathing and a severe cough, which gave every appearance of verging into confirmed Asthma. These symptoms, and the anxiety of my friends, induced me to seek medical aid, and I put myself un- der a course of treatment, the chief feature of which is the system of GALVANIC BATHS, which has given your Institute a great and deserved celebrity. By your advice I took no medicine whatever, but regulated my diet scrupulously by your di- rections. Under these circumstances I commenced taking the baths daily, under the kind supervision of yourself and wife. The symptoms of my case were directly al- leviated, and after the first few days I began to feel the beneficial effect of your treat- ment. By degrees the harrassing cough grew milder, and, with the pain in my chest gradually disappeared. My general health was greatly improved, and I became stronger and in a more satisfactory state of health than I have known during the last three years. For this great improvement I am indebted entirely to your course of treatment and professional attention, and have great pleasure in recommending your establishment to persons who require medical aid. Truly yours, ANN S. STEPHENS, 145 E. 63d Street. A CASE OF LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA. 343 Fifth Ave., New York City, June 5, 1882. Dr. H. de Kraft : My Dear Sir—Seven or eight years ago, my health failing, I consulted my family physician. He diagnosed my disease as Locomotor Ataxia, but was unwilling to treat it without confirmation of his opinion from;a specialist, and referred me to Professor William A. Hammond, who, after a careful Examination, de- clared the diagnosis correct. I was under treatment until 1881, at which time I was compelled to surrender my business, as I was unable to walk more than a block or 8 two, after which I was compelled to rest for hours. My disease was progressive, and learning from medical works that there was no cure recorded of any well-defined case, I despaired of recovery. A fortunate circumstance directed my attention to your method of Electric AND Galvanic treatment, to which 1 resorted as a “ forlorn hope.” My first exper- rience was far from encouraging, for after a series of twelve treatments, I found my- self apparently enfeebled and further than ever from recovery, and determined to retire from your professional care. Happily your explanations convinced me that my symptoms were actually encouraging; and so reassured, 1 continued faithfully under your treatment until I can now say with a grateful heart that 1 am virtually restored to health, can endure without fatigue any reasonable amount of exercise, enjoy a healthy appetite with sound and refreshing sleep, and have gained 16 pounds to my normal weight before the development of my disease. 1 gladly place this testi- monial of my experience at your disposal, with the hope that it may inspire other sufferers with courage to seek your invaluable treatment, and with my own confi- dence in its astonishing resources for the cure of obstinate and obscure diseases. Gratefully yours, W. D. WANN. THE VOICE AND VOCAL ORGANS—A NEW EXPERIENCE. Stamford, Conn., June 29, 1882. My Dear Dr. de Kraft—I was directed to your office by a very fortunate accident several weeks ago in seaich of relief from ailments which had for years baffled the “regular practice.” I had suffered a severe strain or mechanical injury in the lower vertebrae of the spine, which affected the spinal chord, and threatened serious complications of a cerebral nature. This condition also developed a constant predisposition to lumbago of a peculiarly painful character. Added to this I was much prostrated by nervous shock and tension, so that I found difficulty in discharg- ing the simplest duties of my profession, and had much reason to dread an early and absolute breaking up of my system. Your treatment has relieved, and I believe radically cured most of these com- plications, and I AM practically rejuvenated, and experience the elasticity and vitality of twenty years ago. What remains to be done in my case lies outside of pharmacy and medication. Incidentally I have experienced one great surprise and benefits I had neither an- ticipated nor hoped for. I refer to the astonishing curative and restorative power of your treatment in all that concerns the VOICE. Incessant teach;ng, preach- ing and lecturing for thirty years had nearly destroyed the quality and timbre of my voice, and left the vocal chords and the entire bronchial system in what seemed hopeless decrepitude. I am now daily astonished at the renewed resources, ring, freedom and volume of my voice, and experience a pleasure and comfort in its use long unknown. I am professionally familiar with vocal culture and hygiene, and have given close attention to most that has been written on this subject, and have suffered my full share of excoriations, cauterizings, and other inhuman expedients in use among practi'ioners, but You have given me first BELIEF, and I am certain that your treatment is just the safe, quick specific so earnestly needed by singers, lectu- rers, clergymen and other wrho habitually over-work the vocal organs. There are voices worth preserving—of constant service in the world—all the while giving out. I wish I could bring them within healing reach of your Bethesda GEO. T. RIDER. BRIGHT'S DISEASE. This disease appears in two forms, named acute and chronic, the latter being most fatal in its results; statistics showing that at least two-thirds of the individuals attacked with Acute Bright’s Disease recover, whilst those in the chronic condition, if they do not succumb to the disease itself, are carried off by some of the many com- plications with which this form is most always associated. Acute Bright’s Disease —Symptoms.—Acute Bright’s Disease is usually ushered in with chilliness or shivering, headache, nausea, vomiting, pain in the liack and loins, stoppage of perspiration, oppression in the chest. When fairly established, the symptoms are easily recognized. The countenance is pale and puffy, with heavy, stupid expression ; the body and limbs are dropsical, though not always ; there is generally much fever, appetite gone, thirst excessive, the skin is dry and its whole 9 surface blanched and tumefied ; a dull pain in the loins, and the region of the kid- neys are usually tender on pressure ; the urine is of a smoky color, in some instances, a dark drown, like porter, and, upon standing a little while, will deposit a flaky sediment like the settlings of beef tea. It is albuminous, and the natural odor lost, there being a faint, unpleasant smell. The desire to urinate is more frequent than in health. Chronic Bright’s Disease.—This is the most fatal form of the disease. It is always preceded by disorder of the digestive organs, involving the liver, which be- comes congested and inactive. The morbid growth in, and ulceration of the kid- neys, arise from the imperfect action of the liver on the blood, which in consequenee is loaded with impurities, which, being deposited during the circulation, fester or currupt the organ or tissue most susceptible of its influence. Thus we have in some, disease of the kidneys, in others, tuberculous deposits in the lungs, farming consump- tion or cancerous, or scrofulous tumors, carbuncles, boils, and a host of skin diseases, all of which can be traced to imperfect digestion either directly from the stomach or its associate organs. The principal symptoms of Bright’s Disease are albumen in the urine with deposits, frequent desire to urinate, pallor and sallowness of the complexion, and shortness of breath, dropsical effusions, though oftener absent in this form than in the acute form. ELECTRICITY and GALVANISM has proved itself the greatest remedy known for the treatment of this painful and fatal disease. We therefore commend it again and again with all honesty and sincerity. For it must be remembered that all diseases are but the results of an electrical disturbance or change of polarity, and by Electricity the health functions may be saitialized and the lost balance restored. The afflicted are invited to call and wit- ness the wonderful results of this mysterious agent. CASE OF MR. JOHN KING, CURED OF BRIGHT’S DISEASE. Dear Sir :—For several years I have been afflicted with Kidney Disease which I contracted by colds, induced by privations incident to army life. Last winter I became much worse, and my case was decided to be Bright’s Disease. My sufferings were intense. I was treated by eminent physicians, and used the various remedies for this dreadful disease with no profit until, through the advice of my friend, Mr. Edward Brazil, Steward of St. Cloud Hotel, I commenced to test the efficacy of your mode of using Electric Galvanism. This afforded me a positive cure. If this statement is of any value to you, please do me the favor to use it, and let me feel that I am conferring a public benefit in helping to make known the wonderful curative power of your Galvanic Bath and Electro-Magnetic treatment for kidney and kindred troubles. Yours truly, JOHN KING, 83 Read Street, New York. CONSTIPATION. This stubborn malady, only aggravated by drugs and medicines, readily yields to Electric treatment. Obstructions of years standing are frequently removed in a few applications. But there are cases of this affection occurring in persons who all their lives have been dosed with cathartics and whose bowels seldom or never act with- out a dose of purgative medicine. In such cases the persistent use of Electro-Mas- sage for a few weeks will seldom fail to restore healthy peristaltic action and a moral condition. CONSTIPATION AND SEVERE DYSPEPSIA. Dr. Henry de Kraft, 467 Fifth avenue, New York : Dear Sir :—For some three years I have been greatly afflicted with dyspepsia and obstinate Constipation. I could eat nothing, however plain my diet, without giving me immediate pain. I had fullness of the stomach, heartburn, a sinking sensation, with pain at the pit of my stomach ; and to rid myself of these difficulties I took medicine almost daily, without benefit. "When I consulted with you I had but little hope of permanent cure ; but ere I tried your treatment one month I felt like an altogether different being, and after continuing treatment three months my health rapidly improved, and is now better than it has been for five years. Digestion is uninterrupted. In view of the benefit I have received from vour treatment, I am constrained to recommend it to all who are afflicted. DANIEL PFAFF, 317 Sixth Street, N. Y. 10 CANCER.—Cancer is so well understood that no description need be given. It has been considered incurable by all schools of medicine. We have performed promi- nent cures by Galvanism in many instances. Where the disease is not too far pro- gressed, the Galvanic battery can be used to destroy the diseased growth, and by general application of Galvanism to the whole body, by means of Galvanic Baths, the blood can be purified from all cancerous humors, and patient effectually cured. Tumors, swellings, etc., yield to Electricity. By the action of that agent they are speedily absorbed, neutralized and dispersed. CATARRH and BRONCHITIS.—Catarrh in the head is one of the chief causes of bronchial and lung diseases. The inflammation, spreading to the throat, produc- ing bronchitis, which, if not arrested, communicates its influence to the lunb .; then follows softening and suppuration and discharges of tuliercles or small tumors. Our treatment WILL CURE Catarrh. It has cured it when all other remedies had failed. It will afford relief almost immediately, and of the many who have tried it there has not been a single case that has not iieen benefited. As to the efficacy of Electro-Galvanism in the cure of this disease we have the endorsement of every C;rson who has been treated. Many cases of consumption arise from Dyspepsia and iver Complaint ; the nutritive processes act imperfectly and the respiratory organs become diseased in consequence. Electricity applied according to our method purifies the blood, quickens the circulation, decompses and throws off tuberculous deposits and stimulates the nutritive functions to build up the system that has undergone decay. CATARRH. Dr. de Kraft, Dear Sir :—I take the liberty of addressing these few lines thank- ing you for the great benefit you have afforded my son Charles, age 17, who has suffer- ed from Catarrh since he was five years of age. 1 am entirely satisfied, and take great pleasure in recommending any one suffering from that disease. Yours, respectfully, • A. F. DRUMGOLD, 313 West 27th Street, N. Y. DYSPEPSIA—Cause and Cure—Dyspepsia is caused generally by eating irregularly, or by eating too much and overloading the stomach, eating too fast and not properly masticating the food, or eating too often and not giving the food time to digest. It sometimes comes from the brain being overworked, suspending digestion. Eating heartily in the evening, and taking no exercise after, will bring on disease. Cheerfulness promotes digestion. Anxiety retards it. The seeds of Dyspepsia may be sown in childhood. To overload a child’s stomach, or to force it to to eat when there is no desire for nourishment, or to give rich and indigestible food, or to let it eat between meals, will impair its digestive powers, and later in life it will almost certaintly become dyspeptic. This treatment has been found on trial to be the most admirably adapted of any known agent to meet the wants of a torpid, enfeebled or crippled digestive function that in one form or another accompanies Scrofulous, Consumption, Bright’s Disease, Diabetes, Chlorosis, Cholera Infantum, all forms of Uterine troubles, Carcinoma, Syphilis, Rheumatic Gout and all diseases of a malarial and miasmatic origin, together with all forms of chronic disese. CURE OF DYSPEPSIA AND NERVOUS DEBILITY. New York, April 29th, 1880. Dr. S. L. Hendrick de Kraft, 467 Fifth Avenue, New York : Dea Doctor :—I wish to bear testimony to the benefit I have received at your hands by the application of the Electro-Magnetic and Galvanic treatment. I nave been troubled for several years with Dyspepsia and Nervous Debility produced by severe nervous shock—loss of property and friends. I tried various prescriptions and remedies with little or no good. I thought there was no relief for me. But after taking your treatment for six weeks I found I had a good degree of strength and uniform good health. All this I attribute to your kind and persevering efforts for the restoration of my health. Mrs. EDWARD L. HENRY, 51 W. 10th St. N. Y. 11 Dr. S. L. Hendrick de Kraft, 467 Fifth Avenne, New York Dear Sir.—I desire to add my testimony to the beneficial results I have ex- perienced from the use of Electro-Galvanism as applied by you for Dyspepsia and Nervous Debility. I had the usual distressing symptoms accompanying these troubles when I placed myself under your care. Almost immediately I felt the effect of your treatment, and of the end of three weeks there was a very marked improvement in my digestive organs, while at the same time my general health was greatly ad- vanced. All who have tried your treatment have the same high opinion of its merits as myself. Yours, very truly, PAUL GERHARD, 36 Beaver St., New York. Starkville, Herkimer Co., N. Y., March 1, 1880. Dr. S. L. Hendrick de Rraft, 467 Fifth Avenue, New York : Dear Sir—It is with the most pleasurable feelings that I beg to acknowledge the great benefit I have derived from your treatment. For upwards of twelve months I had suffered from a severe disease of the stomach and digestive organs. I could not retain any quanity of food in the stomach and was in almost continuous and violent pain, and so weak as to be scarcely able to walk. The circulation of my blood was irregular, sometimes causing headache and coldness of the feet; at other times a burning sensation in the body. I had despaired of ever being well again, but having been strongly recommended to try your Electro medical treatment, I did so, and am happy to say, with the most favorable results. The effect of the first eight Galvanic Baths greatly relieved me, and now after taking them three weeks I can digest my food, and have greater bodily strength than I have known for months. I feel confident that a future trial of your treatment will restore me to usual health. Yours sincerely, MRS. MARTHA COUNTRYMAN. ICTERUS OR JAUNDCE. Diagnosis.—Yellow skin, clay-colored faeces, highly-colored urine, loss of appetite, languor, constipation, dull pain over the liver, induration, or organic disease. Causes.—Obstruction in the bile ducts, pregnancy, the too frequent use of quinine and arsenic in intermittent fevers, ardent spirits, and all other preventa- tives to the free and natural action of the liver. JAUNDICE WITH SPASMODIC GASTRALGIA. Dr. Hendrick de Kraft, 467 Fifth Avenue, New York : For many years I was a sufferer from a distressing form of Dyspepsia, which in- creased in severity every year. Prominent among a multiplicity of distressing symptoms were attacks of Spasmodic Gastralgia, varying in duration and intensity, and becoming less amenable to treatment. I was subject to paroxysms of excruciating pain, with nausea, frequent vomiting and jaundiced skin of deepest hue, and a terrible burning, itching sensation over my whole body. My urine was a greenish black color; also had constipation, with a loss of appetite. I had had the best medical aid, taken remedies without number, but received no permanent benefit. I had become almost hopeless as regards a cure for my many ailments, when I was persuaded by my father, Mr. Alexander Hall, to try your Electro Galvanic treatment as a last resort. I can- not speak too highly of your management of my case or of the kindly and careful nursing I received while at your house. Your ability and conscientiousness as a physician need not be spoken of, and the faithfulness of your assistant physician is beyond all praise. I feel a great desire that invalids suffering from disease from whatever cause, should know the amount of suffering relieved by your pleasant mode of treatment, and realize that in no other way can the care, time and money devoted to their cases bring such beneficial results. I have, in writing this letter, only feebly expressed what all the patients who have been under your kind and in- telligent care must feel. Sincerely yours, MRS. ALEX. SMITH, Starkville, Herkimer Co., N. Y. 12 SYMPTOMS OF DISEASE OF LIVER. A sense of fullness, weight and fatigue, with more or less soreness in the right side ; constipated bowels, clay-colored stools ; sometimes they are black or green, and scalding in their passage. There is a great depression of spirits, headache, nausea, a yellow complexion, and uneasiness of both nund and body. Numerous and complicated as are the above symptoms, they always arise primarily from a disordered stomach, of which they are the sympathetic action. The widespread prevalence and extensive complications of disordered digestion has induced us to turn our attention to the subject, and after deep study and thorough investigation of Electricity and Galvanism in its application to diseased organs, we have found that it had a specific action on diseases of the stomach and bowels. Our mode of treatmenl by Electro-Galvanism is agreeable to receive, mild but searching in its application, the effects of which are always reliable. It tones the stomach from its exhausted condition, with its secretion of gastric juice impaired and inactive, to a condition of perfect health, with the appetite natural and the digestion good. Elec- tro-Magnetism also has a specific action on the liver, arousing it when torpid and inactive to healthy action, and so controlling its circulation as to remove all dis- order and promote a healthy secretion of bile to purify the blood and regulate the bowels. Hoboken, N. J., Junes, 1881. Dr. Hendrick de Kraft, 467 Fifth Avenue, New York : Dear Friend—For many years I had been troubled with Liver Complaint and nervous prostration, suffering intensely at times. I could obtain no relief until a friend advised me to try a course of you Electro-Medical treatment. After a trial of several weeks I find myself entirely cured. Many of my acquaintances have also been most successfully treated by you for various diseases which had battled the usual resources of the healing art. All who try your treatment will find a remedy •excellent in every case, and successful where success is possible. I am gratefully yours, MRS. E. FORREST, No. 10 Hudson Terrace, Hoboken. CHRONIC INTERMITTENT FEVER. Dr Hendrick de Kraft, 467 Fifth Avenue, New York : Doctor—I take great pleasure in recommending your system of Electrical and •Galvanic treatment, it being what, as I suppose, nearly every complaint of the human system would need, viz.:—In purifying the blood, for the blood is the life and strength -of all living creatures In my case, as you are aware, after having suffered severely with the mo t malignant form of malaria from about June until October, 1880, when, after trying all sorts of remedies and medicines, was recommended to your treatment, and you know how very much I was run down in lxxlily strength, and by your good treatment for about two months, my blood was restored to its former purity, and I have enjoyed the best of health since. I have often 1 ’ght that if President Garfield had l>een given your kind treatment he would never h c had any of those chills that he died with, and that the poison would have been taken out of his blood, which seemed to be the thing most needful in hi3 case. Wishing that all who may suffer as I have, would put themselves under your treatment, I am yours truly, J. W. BAI.HNTINE, 10 John Street. This affection, says an eminent writer on diseases of the nervous system, when -not directly the result of some physical cause interfering with the integrity of the nerve in which the pain is situated, is almost invariably due to a depressed state of the nervous system. Its very existence must be received as an evidence of deficient physical stamiur, and that the nervous system is not dnly nourished. The remote factor may be malaria, syphilis, rheumatism, gout, or some other cause capable of devitalizing the organism, and, as a consequence, that of the nerves. NEURALGIA. 13 CASE OF WILLIAM I. FULLER OF HONESDALE, PENN’A. Treated for Indigestion, Neuralgia and Nervous Debility. Dr. S. L. Hendrick df, Kraft, 467 Fifth Avenue, New York : About twenty years ago I was permanently injured in the region of the left lung, and soon after large abscesses formed in the lung, and my general health was greatly impaired by the drain upon it at this time. Last fall, while suffering from severe Nervous Pain, Indigestion and Debility, I placed myself under your care for treatment by Electro-Galvanism. The result has been that the Neuralgic Pains are not so severe or frequent, and the digestive powers improved, and the debility has given place to a degree of strength which enables me to undertake any reasonable amount of exercise without ill results. Very truly, WILLIAM I. FULLER. Dr. S. L. Hendrick de Kraft, 467 Fifth Avenue, New York : Dear Sir—Before I came under your treatment I had been for many years a severe sufferer from Neuralgia, and although resorting to all imaginable treatments, I found no relief, and in disgust I concluded not to try any further medical advice. Upon being advised by a friend who has been cured by your treatment of Rheuma- tism, I concluded to make a last trial. I must confess that after taking your applica- tion for a month I found great relief, and now, being five months under your treatment, I find myself entirely cured from Neuralgia I am to-day as well as ever in my life, and I cannot say enough in praise of your treatment. I am yours, greatfully, H. HENSHOBER,:io4 Second Street, N. Y. CASE OF MR. H. HENSHOBER. NERVOUS DEBILITY. A depressed, irritable state of mind ; a week, nervous, exhausted feeling ; no energy or animation ; confused head ; weak memory ; often with debilitating in- voluntary discharges, the consequences of mental overwork, excesses or indiscretions. This Nervous Debility, and it always finds a sovereign cure in the proper application of Electricity. The recuperative power of this agent as a restorative is truly astonish- ing. It tones up the system, arrests the discharges, dispels the mental gloom and despondency, restores vitality, and rejuvenates the entire system. Perfectly reliable, and not only for the young and ardent, but for the overworked and debilitated or those past middle age. Dr. S. L. Hendrick de Kraft, 467 Fifth Avenue, New York : Dear Sir—I am impelled by gratitude to acknowledge the great good your treatment has done me. Mine was a severe case of Nervous Debility. I had nervous depressions, sinking sensation, low spirits, with intense nervous, irritable feelings, so that I could not sit still; dull, heavy, dizzy feeling in the head, twitchsng in my limbs, palpitation of the heart These and many other symptoms have been so in- tense and persistent as to disqualify me for business. By your Electro-Magnetic application I have been restored to health, and with great confidence in your medical skill I can reco nmend your treatment to others similarly afflicted. Yours respectfully, GEO. FOOSE, 112 Fourth Avenue. CASE OF MR. GEO. FOOSE. PARALYSIS AND MUSCULAR CONTRACTION. Paralysis occurs whenever the motor nerves are separated from the nervous, centres by any injuring cause, or by any modification of texture impairing their sen- sibilities. With a destroyed nerve, paralysis is incurable, but in cases of its disease only its functions can almost wholly be restored by Electric treatment. We have made many astonishing cures in such cases. 14 CASE OF MR. FREDERICK POTHS, OF NEW YORK. Remarkable Cure of Muscular Contraction. Dear Doctor—I was cured of Muscular contraction of the neck, of over four years standing. My head was drawn over to the left side and rested on the left shoulder, and the muscles on that side of the head and neck were so contracted and rigid that I had no power to lift it from that position, and was obliged to give up work and make it a business to rid myselfof this terrible deformity. I was mercurialized, blistered, cupped, all of which prostrated me so that I could not leave my lied. In that condition my distress was such that death seemed desirable. My family urged me to try the water-cure treatment. I went to an institution and remained six months. My general health was somewhat improved there, but the muscular contraction was no better. Shortly after my return I met one of my old physicians, who asked me if I had tried Electricity. I told him I had, but received no benefit from it. He then told me to go to an Electropathic physician, one who made a specialty of treating diseases by Electricity atone. He thought that it was the only remedy that promised the least hopes of success in my case. On inquiring for a physician ot that kind I was recommended to you, and was told that in connection with Electricity you used •Galvanism with great success. I called on and consulted with you, and you gave me great encouragement to hope that my local trouble could be removed through the agency of Electricity and Galvanism. I commenced treatment at once, and am happy to say with the most astonishing and beneficial results, and can also add, while at your Institute I have been an eye witness to other equally astonishing cures of other diseases. F. POTHS, 160 Houston Streot, N. Y. All cases of Rheumatism are caused by imperfect action of the kidneys, liver and and skin, and their inability to throw off poisonous substances, uric acid, etc., from the blood. The Galvanic, or direct battery current, acts on these diseases in the most beneficial way, modifying local circulation, allaying the inflamation and quiet- ing the pain. We have cured persons who have been rheumatic for upwards of twenty years, deformed and distorted, and whose joints were drawn out of shape from this disease. We can refer to numbers that we have cured of this painful •disease. RHEUMATISM. INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM OF LONG STANDING. CASE OF MR. H. R. CHAPMAN. • Dear Sir—I am at some loss to express my opinion of your treatment of dis- ease by Electro-Galvanism, and to recommend it to the afflicted as I should like. I was inflicted with Inflammatory Rheumatism for several years. It always attacked me on taking cold, and was most rapid in its seizures. My sufferings were excrucia- ting during every attack, which were qnite frequent, ana, as may be supposed, I used many different medicines, as my necessities urged me. Instead, however, of getting better, I grew worse, with turns of great suffering and misery. My spasms of pain were so severe I felt like tearing myself with excessive agony. As you well know my case was one of great severity. My whole system suffered. I had a ■general constitutional disturbance of all functions. About this time my attention was called to your Institute by some cures effected by the agency of Electricity and Galvanism. I resolved to place myself at once in your hands for treatment. I began to feel the effects of the application in three or four days, giving me ease and comfort, and lessening my pains. Within a few days I became so much betttr as to take exercise, and continued gaining my general health, and my pains gave way. After pursuing faithfully the course recommended by you, in three months I found myself a well man ; and with feelings of gratitude I say that your remedy with me, has had the most happy effect, freeing me from my old complaints, and my general health is better than it has been for years. I believe, judging from my own situation, and from remarkable cures 1 have witnessed on other invalids I have recommended to you, who have tried numerous remedies and various physicians without benefit, that your Electro-Galvanic appliances are a specific for all Rheumatic and Kidney affections, and do most confidently recommended it to all persons af- flicted with most painful diseases. H. R. CHAPMAN, 744 Sixth Avenue. 15 EVIDENCE OF MR. SIMEON TINGUE, N. Y. Aged 70. Treated for Chronic Rheumatism and Gout. Dear Doctor and Helping Friend :—I called after treatment to let you know how well I was and how much better I felt, being relieved from that stiffened Rheumatism and excessive pain, by your Electric Baths and Electric treatments. When I came to you under the influence of my son, for relief, I had little confidence m your mode of treatment, for one reason—you made no large demonstrations in hand bills, or even a sign at your door, but merely told me you could certainly relieve me and make a well man of me ; and you have done it, so far as I can know myself — and it is wise to know thyself. When I came to you I could not raise my right hand to my head, my knee, hip and shoulder on the right side, were almost entirely worthless; the left was riot so bad.. I was under your treatment from the 15th of December until the 8ta of January, 1879. The new capitol of the State was to be inauguarated, and that was my birthday. I was then seventy years old, and I wished to be there. But the weather was so stormy and the railroads blockaded that it was almost impossible for the members of legislature to arrive in time. That week, bth, 7th and 9th of January, I was so badly oft I kept my bed for two days, and in about two weeks from that time was fully relieved, and have not felt the least symp- toms of it since, and when there is a storm brewing 1 do not feel the soreness in my system, as was usual. My system was a barometer, in the sudden changes of weather, before taking your Electric Baths. Now I have only to say to those who have Stiffened Rheumatism, do not miss to try Dr. de Kraft’s treatment. SIMEON TINGUE. MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM. Electro-Magnetism is a remedy unapproached in all cases of Muscular Rheuma- tism. The most brilliant results have been accomplished in cases of Lumbago and other Rheumatic affections, even though of long standing. I can honestly say that the effects of this mode of treatment of this form of disease, has surpassed my most san- guine expectations. CURED OF ARTICULAR RHEUMATISM AND MALARIA. Dr. de Kraft, 467 Fifth Avenue, N. Y.:—I am satisfied that the superiority of your treatment over all other remedies consists in the careful and judicious applica- tion of the electrical currents, and the perfection to which you have brought your electrical arid galvanic applications to diseased states. I am grateful to you for the great interest you took in my case and know that your electro-galvanic treatment has done everything for my relief, taking me from misery and suffering to the enjoyment of robust health. I refer to the chronic arti- cular rheumatism which affected my knees. My knee joints were stiffened and very painful, making a creaking noise on walking or going up or down stairs. I was also suffering from malarial and liver trouble, accompanied by an exanthemous rash. My troubles disappeared under the influence of your treatment in less than twenty-four applications. MRS. H. R. DIXON, 24 Park Place. STATEMENT OF J. D. BUNERY—TREATED FOR LUMBAGO. Dear Doctor de Kraft :—You are so well known in relation to all subjects connected with Medical Electro-Galvanism and Electricity that any advice or in- struction or Therapeutical work on the application of this wonderful agent, from so authorative a source cannot fail to command attention from the practitioner and the public, a very large part of whom are now fully alive to the value and importance of this medical agent in all its forms and modes of application. I have visited many of the leading health institutions both in this country and in Europe, and can truly assure invalids suffering from disease in any form, that nothing more complete exists in New York or elsewhere than Dr. de Kraft’s Electro-Magnetic establishment, No. 467 Fifth Avenue. New York City. His Electro-Galvanic Baths 16 are too well-known, and their efficacy in all cases of secondary symptoms, simple and mercural, Rheumatism, articular and muscular. Concretions, Liver Complaints, Obesity, Nervousness, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and other diseases, is too well- known to need a word from me. 1 can say from experience that the Electro-Chemi- cal Bath is most soothing and comfortable, and generally afford simmediate relief to the patient, and may in all cases, either acute or chronic, be tried without the least danger. I have myself not only been radically cured of Lumbago, but have also been instrumental in seeing many of my friends cured of various diseases, which have baffled the skill of drug medication. I will conclude by saying to invalids, Go, and judge for yourselves. Very truly yours, J. D. BUNERY, No. 10 Hudson Terrace, Hoboken, N. J. CHRONIC ARTICULAR RHEUMATISM. Although not giving the rapid and brilliant results that we invariably get in Muscular Rheumatism, yet it yields well to faithful and persevering treatment ap- plied either generally to the whole surface of the body (by the Galvanic Bath) or by local application to the parts affected. RHEUMATIC GOUT. CASE OF MR. J. H. HILDRETH, WILKESBARRE, PA. I have been a great sufferer from Rheumatic Gout, of a most aggravated char- acter. Most of my limbs, especially the joints, were greatly swollen and enlarged. I suflered at times the most excruciating pain. My liver was torpid, and my com- plexion sallow. In this condition 1 was advised to try your Electro-Galvanic treat- ment. I commenced treatment at once by taking one of your Galvanic Baths, which acted with the l>e1. R. Dixon, 24 Park Place, cured of Malaria and Kheumati-in. Rev . Geo. Rider, Stamford, Conn. C. r. l’rothinghain, 52 F xchange PI ice. O. II. Springer,- Starkville, N. Y. Peter B. Moyer, Frey's Bush, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Drumgold, 313 W. 27th St. A;. W. Simmons, 1252 Broadway. M. P. Browning, M.D., 135 8th St. Wm. Halsey, M.D., Hanover, or Duck’s Hotel, Hoboken, N. J. II. H. II. Larkin, M.I)., Battle Creek, Mich. Wm. Hecks, 82 Putman Ave., Brooklyn. II. R. Chapman, 744 6th Ave., N. V'., cured of Inflammatory Rheumatism. II. Heri-hober, ior Second St., N. Y., cured of Neuralgia' Daniel Pfaff,~ 3.17. Sixth Street, N. Y., ' cured pfl)y*pq>-ia. Frederick Poths, 160 Houston St., cured of Muscular Contration. George Foose, 112 Fourth ave., N. Y., cured of Nervou Debility. Mrs. Jacoby, 5 Washington Place, cured of Uterine Disease. Mrs A. C. Prantice, 68 Madiso 1 Ave. Robert McDonill, 225 9th St., Brooklyn. Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, 145 K. 63d St., cured of Asthma. Mrs. Edward L. Henry, 61 W. 10th St. Win.. J. Fuller, St. Cloud Hotel. Menzo I Hefendorf, 206 Broadway. John Tingue, 361 Broadway. John H. Rand, St. Cloud Hotel. Henry Hirsch, 23 Maiden lane. Ruiu -' M. Brundige, 879 Broadway. F. S. Selover, 213 Washington St. David Tilton, 34 Harrison St. Patrick Daily, Manhattan Beach. Gibert F. Smith, Fort Plain, N. Y. I. R. Creene, 99 Henry St., Brooklyn. Win. If. Breeden, 114 Duane St. J. 1). Bunery, 10 Hudson Ter., Hoboken. Win. F. Waldron, 330 Broadway. < hristopher Meyer, 617 Fifth Avenue. Alex. Hall, Starkville, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Mrs. Forrest, 10 Hud. Ter., Hoboken. 1 >avid Stevenson, 39th St. and 10th Ave. H. S. 10 John St. ('has. Fisher, 417-427 W. 28th St. Joseph T. Chattelleia, 592 Broadway. Paul F. Gerhardt, 136 Beaver St. Mrs. Joseph Yeomans, 39 Remsen Street, Brooklyn. John S. King, 83 Read St. Ale*. Smith, Starkville, N. Y. J. H. Sawyer, Wilkesbarre, Pa. C. W. James, 255 Pearl St. J. 11. Hildreth, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Miss Paulin Scheible, with W. S. Alman, 172 Fifth Ave. Mr-. Joseph Chattelliea, 450 F. 84th St. J. W. Ballentine, 10 John St. l>r. Thomas J. Brooklyn. C. A. Cappa, Conductor Seventh Regi- ment Band, 25 Union Square. C. I.. Bliss, 68 Madison Ave. Mrs. E. G. Barrows, 64, 66 Broadway.