i {M\mm ill •i'! 1 W ,,/!!? 1|: IM'1 Iifi)IOAL EKOCi; mhl:-. ,,iil.i.-^1trf,.i„>.,fa&lasifct|g." A -X. ■7 —■"■ MEDICAL RECORD PRIVATE MEDICAL STATISTICS. PEEPAEED USDER THE SANCTION OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND OF THE BIOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIBNCBS. HENRY HARTSHORNE, M. D., ONE OF THE RECORDING SECRETARIES OF THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OP PENNSYLVANIA J RECOEDER OF BIOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT OF ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, AC. <4iB PHILADELPHIA: C. J. PRICE & CO., BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS & IMPORTERS, No. 33 South Sixth Street above Chestnut. 1859. At the annual meeting of the Medical Society of the State oi Pennsylvania, held at Westchester, in May, 1857, the following Resolution was adopted: Resolved, That this Society recommend to the different County Medical Societies of the State the adoption of the accompanying plan for a uniform method of recording and reporting the amount of disease, as well as of mortality, occurring within their limits each year. Trans. Med. Soc. Penna., 1837, p. IS. The accompanying Record is published under the immediate direc- tion of a Committee of the Biological Department of the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia. By a resolution, adopted November loth, 1858, the committee was authorized to express the approval of the Department of these forms, and to request the co-operation of Physicians in collecting statistics in accordance with them. WILLIAM A. HAMMOND, M. D., ) HENRY HARTSHORNE, M. D., > Committee. J. J. WOODWARD, M. D., ) PRIVATE MEDICAL STATISTICS. The main purpose of this Record is, the registration of the exact number of cases of every disease, occurring to the practitioner, in each month of the year. The plan adopted is believed to be so simple and convenient, as to require very little time or trouble in its use: while the aggregation of such statistics, in the hands of Committees of Medi- cal Societies, &c, might become exceedingly useful. The classification employed has been chosen on the ground of conve- nience and brevity, rather than of scientific completeness. On the line opposite to the name of each Disease, a mark, 1, may be made for each case, at the time of the first visit. It will be seen that there is a page for every month, to record the more acute and ordinary affections ; While there is a record every three months only, of those of a more infrequent character. Tables are also to be found, at the close of the book, for Obstetric cases; and arrangements for noting the number and date of occurrence of cases of Cholera, Yellow Fever, or other special epidemics. Mor- tuary tables are also provided for: and blank pages are occasionally inserted for particular Notes and Remarks. Only those who wish to record full details of special cases, will require an additional Note- book. JANUARY. Under Under Five 20 years, years. Over 20 years. Male. "3 a Died. brain, Inflammation of.. " Croup, Inflammatory,... i 1 1 i i i i i 1 , l i i i i i " Quotidian.. " Tertian.... " Quartan ... I i i ; 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I | i I i Whooping Cough....... --1-- i 1 1 ! 2>ilClf ;t. < i -----:------' NOTES AND REMARKS. FEBRUARY. Under Five years. Under 20 years. Over 20 years. Male. "3 a at Died. Brain, Inflammation of.. 1 i ! I i i 1 i i 1 Croup, Inflammatory,... l 1 i I I I | i : 1 1 | 1 " Quotidian.. " Tertian____ " Quartan ... 1 1 1 ' 1 i | i ] i 1 1 ' 1 1 j | | 1 i 1 Puerperal Fever........ i 1 1 1 1 ! 1 i 1 1 1 I l_ . 1 1 ! 1 1 III Whooping Cough....... 1 1 --- I 1 1 I ! i . MARCH. Under Five years. Under 20 years. Over 20 years. Male. Female. Died. Brain, Inflammation of.. 1 | i Croup, Inflammatory,... 1 ---- i ... --- 1 f 1 " Quotidian.. " Tertian___ " Quartan ... 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 Pneumonia............. --1-- Primary Syphilis....... 1 1 1 1 I 1 i 1 i 1 1 i ---------------------------------------'--------------------------------■----------------------------------------- JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH. Under Five years. Under 20 years. Over 20 years. Male. "3 a a> Died. I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 i 1 ! I 1 i 1 1 | j Hernia, Strangulated.... 1 i i 1 1 1 , 1 1 I Scurvy................. 1 i i | i i ■ i , ------ i i --------------------_j-------------' . NOTES AND REMARKS. APRIL. Under Five years. Under 20 years. Over 20 years. Male. "3 a Died. brain, Inflammation of.. i 1 1 1 1 Croup, Inflammatory,... 1 1 1 i _ .___ 1 i i 1 | 1 1 i , | I 1 1 " Quotidian.. " Tertian___ " Quartan ... i i 1 1 1 ' / i ---'------ Primary Syphilis....... ■ 1 1 i 1 ) i i i ' 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 ' .._ NOTES AND REMARKS. MAY. Under 1 Under ! Five I 20 1 y^ars. j years. Over 20 years. Male. 5 Died. £ ! 1 brain, Inflammation of.. 1 1 1 i Croup, Inflammatory,... i 1 1 1 1 i 1 j i 1 i 1 " Quotidian.. " Tertian .... " Quartan ... i | ' I i — 1 1 1 1 ' ii ' ■ — ■ -; V 1 ' i 1 1 1 i | i 1 1 ' a NOTES AND REMARKS. JUNE. Under Five years. Under 20 years. Over 20 years. Male. 6 a Died. 1 brain, Inflammation of.. i i i i 1 i 1 i- 4 Croup, Inflammatory,... i 1 1 i 1 i i i i 1 1 i ' " Quotidian.. " Tertian.... " Quartan ... i i 1 1 ■ 1 % | L f 1 1 1 -----H 1 ^~^^^^^™ NOTES AND REMARKS. I ! i ._ APRIL, MAY, JUNE. ----1 Under Five years. Under 20 years. Over 20 years. Male. if Died. ; I 1 i 1 I --- ---- "i ! i i l i \ i i --'i a Hernia, Strangulated___ Hydrocephalus......... 1 1 1 Intussusception......... ----1--------- ! ' l Orchitis................ i i i i -----,----- 1 i ■ 1 .. . 1 1 Secondary Syphilis..... ■ 1 ;----' ' —,----------------------------- Tapeworm............. i Tumors................ i Ulcer .................. i "i ------------- -------------!-------..... JULY. Under Five years. Under 20 years. Over 20 years. Male. j 2 § Died. brain, Inflammation of.. Colic................... i I Croup, Inflammatory,... i I 1 l 1 1 1 ' i Delirium Tremens.....•. 1 i I i i 1 i " Quotidian.. " Tertian___ " Quartan ... i 1 t 1 | : i Pneumonia............. 1 1 : Primary Syphilis....... ; : i | i 1 i i ! 1 1 i 1 1 > 1 i . 1 NOTES AND REMARKS. AUGUST. Under Five years. Under 20 years. Over 20 years. Male. "3 a Died. brain, Inflammation of.. Colic................... Concuss, of Brain....... Croup, Inflammatory,... 1 1 1 ; i I i i Delirium Tremens...... i | i , i i i i " Quotidian.. " Tertian___ " Quartan ... 1 i 1 , 1 i I 1 1 Primary Syphilis....... i Rheumatism........... i i i i i i 1 1 --- NOTES AND REMARKS. SEPTEMBER. Under Five years. Under 20 years. Over 20 years. Malo. "3 a In Died. 1 brain, Inflammation of.. 1 Colic................... 1 Croup, Inflammatory,... 1 1 1 | Delirium Treineus...... 1 1 1 ' 1 i " Quotidian.. " Tertian___ " Quartan ... ! 1 Primary Syphilis....... Puerperal Fever......... i i , i 1 i i Whooping Cough....... 1 1 1 1 -----------J. -----L NOTES AND REMARKS JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER. Under Five years. Under 20 years. Over 20 years. Male. 6 "3 a pin^ C.mgh....... ■--------------- 1 OiherDiae.sei.......... ----------------------■—------------ . NOTES AND REMARKS. .-----------------------------------------. OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER. Under i Under Five 20 years, years. Over 20 years. Male. "a S Died. 1 1 / 1 1 " 1 --- ! - 1 * --- 1 l — 1 i i 1 , 1 1 1 Hernia, Strangulated___ 1 1 | 1 1 1 ] 1 | I Secondary Syphilis 1 \ 1 1 i 1 1 j.-., 1 Spinal Irritation........ --1----- 1 1 1 ! Ulcer .................. i i i r t 1----------------------!--------------- -------- \ OBSTETRIC CASES. JANUARY. Cases of Puerperal Convul- sions..................... Hemorrhage before Delivery. " after " Stillborn Children—males ... " " —females Deaths during Confinement.. Vertex Presenta...... Occip. anter.......... " poster......... Breech presenta...... Foot " ...... Arm " ...... Placenta " ...... Cord " ...... Manual Delivery..... Instrumental Delivery Males................ Females............. White Colr'd 1 | | 1 | 1 FEBRUARY. Case:/ of Puerperal Convul- sions..................... Hemorrhage before Delivery. " after " Stillborn Children—males ... " " —females . Deaths during Confinement.. Vertex presenta......i Occip. auter..........I " poster......... Breech presenta...... Foot " ...... Arm " ...... Placenta " ...... Cord " ...... Manual Delivery..... Instrumental Delivery Males................ Females............. MARCH. Cases of Puerperal Convul- sions..................... Hemorrhage before Delivery. " after " Stillborn Children—males ... '■ " —females . Deaths during Coufluement.. Vortex presenta...... Occip. auter.......... poster......... Breech presenta...... Foot " ...... Arm " ...... Placenta " ...... Cord " ...... Manual Delivery..... Instrumental Delivery Males................ Females............. --- OLSSTETKIC CASES. APRIL. Cases of Puerperal Convul- Vertex presenta...... White] Coir'd 1 Foot " ...... Cord " ...... Manual Delivery..... Instrumental Delivery Hemorrhage before Delivery. " after " Stillborn Children—males... " " —females . Deaths during Confinement.. i i i 1 ' 1 1 J 1 MAY. Cases of Puerperal Convul- ; Vertex presenta...... Hemorrhage before Delivery. " after " Stillborn Children—males ... " " —females.. Deaths during Confinement.. Cases of. Puerperal Convul- Foot. " ...... Cord " ...... Instrumental Delivery JU NE. Vertex presenta...... Foot " ......' Instrumental Delivery / ' Hemorrhage before Delivery. " after " Stillborn Children—males... " " —females. Deaths during Confinement.. ' OBSTETRIC CASES. JULY. Cases of Puerperal Convul- sions. Hemorrhage' before Delivery. " after " Stillborn Children—males ... " " —females.. Deaths during Confinement.. Vertex presenta...... Occip. anter.......... " poster......... Breech presenta...... Foot " ...... Arm " ...... Placenta " ...... Cord " ...... Manual Delivery..... Instrumental Delivery Males................ Females............. White Colr'd AUGUST. Cases of Puerperal Convul- sions ..................... Hemorrhage before Delivery. " after " Stillborn Children—males... " " —females.. Deaths during Confinement.. Vertex presenta...... Occip. anter.......... " poster......... Breech presenta...... Foot " ...... Arm " ...... Placenta " ...... Cord " ...... Manual Delivery..... Instrumental Delivery Males................ Females............. SEPTEMBER. Cases of. Puerperal Convul- sions__......'............. Hemorrhage before Delivery. " after " Stillborn Children—males... " " —females. Deaths during'Conflnement.. Vertex presenta...... Occip. anter.......... " poster......... Breech presenta...... Foot Arm " ...... Placenta " Cord " ...." Manual Delivery..... Instrumental Delivery Males...............* Females.......... '' OBSTETRIC CASES. 0 Cases of Puerperal Convul- CTO BER. WhiteiColr'd | Hemorrhage before Delivery. " after " Stillborn Children—males... " " —females. Deaths during Confinement.. Foot " ...... Cord " ...... Instrumental Delivery ttBER. N( Cases of Puerperal Convul-Hemorrhage before Delivery. " after " Stillborn Children—males... " " —females.. Deaths during Confinement.. d: Cases of Puerperal Convul- )VE] Instrumental Delivery i BCE1 i i StBER. Hemorrhage before Delivery. " after " Stillborn Children—males ... " " —females.. Deaths during Confinement.. Instrumental Delivery --- CHOLERA, EPIDEMIC, MONTH OF___________ ____ .. NOTES AND REMARKS. 1 2 3 4 5 « 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 26 1 2? 28 1 29 , 30 |n YELLOW FEVER, MONTH OF__________ NOTES AND REMARKS. 23 29 30 31 YELLOW FEVER, MONTH OF___________ NOTES AND REMARKS. _2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J10_ 11 12 ii ii 15 16 il 18 20 21 22 23 ^4 25 26 27 2S 30 MONTH OF NOTES AND REMARKS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 MONTH OF NOTES AND REMARKS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CAUSES OF DEATHS. DEATHS IN THE YEAR. 1 i 1 Under 1 year. 1 to 5 years. 5 to 20 years. Over 20 years. January. February. 1 ___________1 March. ! i , Inflammation of Brain i April. May. June. July. August. 1 j i Phthisis Pulmonalis.. 1 \ September. ---- i October. November. ---- 1 i t ' 1 1 ---- | I 1 December. j GENERAL SUMMARY. SUMMARY OF CASES, IN IS MISCELLANEOUS REMARKS. ) » t. MISCELLANEOUS REMARKS PRACTICAL QUERIES. 1. Of what diseases have you seen and treated the greatest number of cases during IS ? 2. What diseases have, during that year, caused the greatest num- ber of deaths, in your practice ? 3. What diseases have caused the greatest number of deaths in proportion to cases ? 4. Do these results differ much from those of the year preceding ? 5. What epidemics have prevailed under your observation, in IS ? 6. Have you seen, in 18 , nay fatal case of variolous disease, in a vaccinated person ? 7. Has any special treatment appeared to be of use, in your prac- tice, in 18 , in Malignant Scarlatina ? PRACTICAL QUERIES. 8. Have you seen any proof, in 18 , of the contagion of Puerperal Fever ? 9. Have you seen any evidence, in 18 ,of the extension of Ty- phoid Fever by personal contagion ? 10. Have you observed, in 18 , any facts which throw light upon the origin of Yellow Fever 1 11. Have you ascertained the existence of any local peculiarities, in the soil, water, &c, where dysentery has prevailed in your prac- tice, in IS ? 12. Has any substitute for Quinia been successful in your hands, in 18 , in the treatment of Autumnal Fevers? 13. Is there any local cause of disease, in your vicinity, which might be removed or destroyed? 14. Is the aggregate health of your locality increasing, or diminish- ing, according to your experience ? ■.'■|i':i ir-. it1,:,:'■";?'-ii' ■iV!,!!!.il!:i:;ii!!:'.1i.ik! ir. !;■:;.'• v-A-ii ifiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiU8 i^;K'!:;;, "i jiM #:K'1 £ Jiil:!: i'lii^iiil-liiiii^ilvf :i':i:fi:in!l ,,^^ ,i ir; fl.;,i. i J&M....., „!;;..• MHITHti I' !ii'i|ii;4"!:l:iiiM-i:lL|l!iS!ii!ii 'r. ili'lv -nil" !:.ii I i!!H::',::■:' X