ftj(2ATaJf(a- &') ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS; SHOWING THE BEST METHODS FOR THE final Wins at $Iiriric% ALFRED C. GARRATT, M.D., FELLOW OP THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY. "BTDDY, — AND SEARCH OUT THE SECRETS OP NATURE." Stxrvty. &«cn& lEbitton, toitf) anottioius. BOSTON: TICKNOR AND FIELDS MDCCCLX. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by ALFRED C. GARRATT, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. ILECTROTYPED AT THE BOSTON STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY. PHIXTCD BY GEORGE C. BAND it AVERT. TO JOHN HOMANS, M. D., PRESIDENT OF THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY, MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY FOR MEDICAL IMPROVEMENT, AC, TO WHOM, DURING THESE YEARS OF MY PROFESSIONAL SPECIAL PRACTICE, IT HAS BEEN MY HAPPINESS TO LOOK AS A REVERED FELLOW OF OUR NOBLE ART, MY COUNSELLOR AND FRIEND: TO HIM, WITH FEELINGS OF ADMIRATION FOR HIS LIBERAL PRINCIPLES, PROFES- SIONAL INTEGRITY AND FORECAST, AND WITH NO LESS GRATITUDE FOR HIS EXERTIONS IN THE GENERAL CAUSE OF PUtrual S&tutue, THIS HUMBLE THOUGH ARDUOUS WORK IS GRATEFULLY DEDICATED. PREFACE. Medical Students : For you have I prepared this work on Electro-thera- peutics, including Electro-physiology, Electro-pathology, and Electro-diagnosis. It is aimed to be a plain, practical, and systematic work. Electricity and Vitality are now known to be intimately related. It is an acknowledged fact, that medical men, at least, are not as familiar with the links of that relation- ship as they might be, and should be. Electricity, in its different forms and manifestations, is as absolutely and minutely concerned, according to their respective " laws of action," in every life, with health, growth, disease, and struggle for the recovery from disease, and in death, as in the grand chemistry of inanimate nature, or in the greater and mightier forces of gravitation and planetary revolution. Vitality is more than Electricity. Life is electro-chemistry vitalized. This greatest force of nature, viz., Electricity, which also holds such varied and powerful influences over life, health, and disease, does assuredly command our more attentive study, in connection with other rational medicine. The progress of medical science, during the past half century, has brought us into new and closer relations with almost all other departments of physical science; but with none, however, in so intimate and indissoluble a manner as with this of Electricity. Hence it has come to pass, says De la Rive, that the study of Electricity, as it relates particularly to medical knowledge, and practice, has become an absolutely indispensable study for every one who practises, teaches, or in any way cultivates science, and wishes to be booked up to the age and day. So also of the trades, arts, and sciences; — to the pharmaceutist and chemist, as well as the natural philosopher; to the dentist and physiologist, as well as to the geologist; as much to the engineer and artisan as to the physician; — all, all have electric forces and phenomena to deal with, and consequently each has need of becoming familiar with them ; at least so far as they relate to the given trade or practice, he should be ena- bled to interpret them, to meet them, and to turn them to good account. The subject matter of this work, therefore, embraces more aspects than one. It presents you not only with ?. reliable and potent class of remedies, (together with the best methods for using them,) and fairly opens a field of improved treatment for many nervous derangements and diseases, but it also affords an instinctive phase of nature in growth, waste, and repair; in cause and cure, or disease and remedy, and of nervous phenomena in particular; thus throw- ing peculiar light on the whole range of the healing art. Indeed, it appears to me, that those who love, teach, or have to do with the natural sciences, or (1) mm 2 PREFACE. who wish " to know themselves," or the philosophy of our being, particularly if medical men, — I say, no such person can possibly study this subject without the profoundest interest and substantial improvement. Physicians, of all men, should be frank towards each other. More than other men, we are dependent upon each other for facts, from which, when sufficiently numerous, we must reason up to generalization, and thus slowly discover and establish the laws of nature, as the rules of our ethics, to comprehend life, disease, and death. Isolated phenomena or experiments, nay, even a life-long experience in medicine, is worse than unavailing, so far as it affects knowledge and improve- ment, if it is pursued only by a dogmatic routine, or in support of a foregone conclusion. Only the one thing in that case is clearly seen ; and that is, just what had always been expected,i( according to the creed." The reasonable means, or the successive steps to the end obtained, are entirely overlooked. Let this, therefore, be our caution. We must hold, that the uncompromising lessons of careful and practical induction should attend our every step, as special stu- dents in this interesting but intricate department of science and medicine; for no conclusion has ever stood the test of time, and gained general consent with the intelligent, that is not strictly in harmony with the laws of nature, and with the moral laws of God. The author, being profoundly convinced of the efficacy of electric currents as a remedy, capable of producing, often, a radical cure, especially in nervous affections, bespeaks a generous and impartial reception by our American medi- cal world, of what is already achieved for and in electro-physiology and electro- therapeutics ; i. e., as to what relates, in a scientific sense, to the medical uses of Electricity. When Physiology is usually treated of as a science, and presented as a part of the foundation of a thorough medical education, then, of course, it embraces the whole organic nature. All classes of organized beings and organisms have there an appropriate chapter, according to the mode of development, &c. But here we give place to one grand phase of physiology and pathology, as a some- what new, but soon to be realized, indispensable help-science to the heal- ing art. All medical practitioners may not wish to give their time and attention, personally, to the employment of any electric apparatus ; and but few may wish to make those diseases called " Neuralgies " and " Palsies " their exclusive practice ; but still, no one member of an educated medical profession can now- adays be uninformed in normal and abnormal nervo-electric phenomena (that is, in electro-physiology and electro-pathology) without discredit to himself and injustice to his patient. Pathology, young as it is, has been already admitted as an accredited wit- ness of very peculiar importance. But a few years since, and we know that there was no professor's chair for it in any of our medical schools. Now, who does not know that it is a very " law and testimony " ? Yet post-mortem and ocular pathology gives us but comparatively little insight into the devia- tions and lesions of the human nervous system. But, at this very weakest PREFACE. 3 point in all medical science, important yet delicate, elaborate and yet intricate as it is, Electricity comes to our aid and elicits, — has elicited, certain uniform phenomena, — already a "law and testimony," so far as ascertained, that can be derived from no other source. Significant facts like these do certainly de- mand of medical men a careful attention. Because we do not know more, or all, is certainly no good reason why we should not avail ourselves of what is already positively discovered. Much in this department of medical research will yet, ay, will soon, be accomplished; and brilliant will be the achieve- ments. The very abridged manner and immethodical style of the few works that have appeared in this country, or even in the English language, on the medical em- ployment of Electricity, have never yet enabled the medical profession generally, particularly that of this country, to seize upon these telling facts understand- ing^, so as to bring them to bear upon clinical practice. On the other hand, the more complete treatises on physics enter too much into detail on Electricity, in its own wide realm, as a force of nature, or as a physical force, or in specu- lations upon these, for persons who do not desire to make this their particular object of labor and pursuit. A systematic work on the medical and surgical uses of Electricity, containing clear and practical directions as to where, when, and " how," to employ Elec- tricity as a remedy, (embracing at the same time the condensed scope of those natural, accidental, as well as artificial electric influences that affect life and health,) has long been greatly needed; and of late flatteringly requested of the author, by many distinguished members of the most venerable medical associa- tion in America, to fill, in some degree, this deficiency in our medical literature. True, we have had published in this country some small, yet valued treatises on this subject—one by Dr. Golding Bird; another by Dr. W. F. Channing. But these pioneer works were rather " evidence and argument," to exhibit and convince of what has, might, and would be accomplished by the medical uses of Electricity, rather than.giving any philosophic and rational expose of the methods of doing it. Therefore what has been done by the agency of Elec- tricity, in the way of remarkable cures, empirically or otherwise, if the modus operandi is not also clearly given, is purposely excluded from this work. The author has aimed to confine himself to gleaning from the highest practical au- thorities, and the comparing of these with his own clinical experiences, then classifying and arranging the subject matter, so as to present the whole range of electro-therapeutics on a more systematic and scientific basis. Perhaps it is scarcely necessary to add here, (except to forestall unnecessary and detracting criticism,) that the author has unavoidably employed the ideas often, as also the language, of others. In a work like this, based as it is in natural science, with a limited special literature, every one must know is but the embodying of the best of all high authority, while but a portion of the whole is truly original. Our freshest knowledge has its origin in the teachings and well-known writings of the world's best philosophers; which, after being 4 PREFACE. applied in this department of medical practice, becomes, in part, but a modified transcript of the originals; but in another sense or part, and that the more practical, there is conceived to be a large share of originality pervading this whole icork, if the selecting, classifying, and adapting the information so vari- ously obtained to the very purposes for which it. was intended, so as to be more practical and useful, can be construed as originality. Is not this, in fact, (when we except accidental discovery,) the true basis of all scientific discovery and originality ? In fine, the author has perseveringly labored to gather what- ever is known on this subject, found in any language, that is practical; and that from the highest sources, and from first hands. Here he has been greatly favored by the kindness of Professor Scherb and Mr. Frederick Penard, in their readings and translations out of the Italian and German. The best of au- thorities have been consulted, and each has given his testimony on this part or that. From the writings of Galvani, Volta, Humboldt, Nobili, Marianini, Matteucci, Magendie, Becquerel, Marshall Hall, and Faraday ; from De la Rive, Duchenne, Middeldorpff, Remak, Todd, Alfred Smee, and Brown-Sequard; from these and others have we recorded individual researches of the most intrin- sic significance, as well as their individual opinions. But where quotations are made, they are duly acknowledged. Thus we find a rich field of facts for us, which have been accumulating in variety, and maturing by corroboration for the past half century. But the right or wrong interpretation of these facts, or their apparent conflicts, &c, we must leave for others to discuss. Success in prac- tice, not theory, is our aim. A work of merit, I feel satisfied, is not in the end injured by criticism, if fairly done; but this is too much to be expected every Avhere. The author, however, cannot be surprised. No one sees so well as himself how little he feels that he knows of the length and breadth of this intricate and extensive subject; although he may be permitted to add, that he has had the honor and the advantages of the personal instructions, conversations, correspondence, and encouragements of some of the most renowned philosophers and truly expe- rienced " medical electricians " in Europe; to which has also succeeded a cease- less tide of bedside experiences, exclusively in this special practice; and that also during the unavoidably protracted time occupied in the preparation of this work for the press. But to the subject directly: Careful and repeated observations of Electro- physiologic, pathologic, and therapeutic phenomena very soon leads us to dis- cover two prominent and distinct points of view. One of these comprehends the General Laws of Electricity, in this respect; the other view comprehends the results arising from the manifestation of "animal electricity" in living bodies, and the action of the various forms, and methods of application of electricity, upon these bodies, and their native currents. The facts and deduc- tions of the one require to be studied, to understand those of the other. Anat- omy and physiology, also, need to be viewed through this medium, as well as from other stand-points, in order to get a true stereoscopic view of the philos- ophy of life, the laws of disease, and the catastrophe of death. PREFACE. 5 Under the first division, then, we must become familiar with the different kinds of Electricity, as Natural Electricity; also Electricity as manifested by the disturbances of nature; also with Static and Dynamic electricity, so far as they relate to our subject. Hence both the natural and artificial sources of electricity, together with the general and specific laws that regulate the given transmission of this subtile agent through the different living tissues, in health, and in disease, must be successively passed in review. Next comes the early history of the medical and surgical uses of electricity, Atmospheric and Ter- restrial electricity, with Magnetism, Frictional Electricity, Galvanic and Electro- magnetic Currents, together with a description of all the apparatus for conven- iently producing and regulating the quantity or the intensity of currents; all of which must be clearly exhibited to be easily understood. This, therefore, will compose the first three Chapters of this work. Under the second division, as we may call it, we need to become no less familiar with the phenomena of Electro-physiology, in all its wonderful teach- ings, even from cell-life, electro-biology, — the nervo-electric batteries of human life, the effects of Atmospheric Electricity, — up to Animal Electricity, and the action of artificial currents, when directed for diagnosis, surgical and other remedial purposes. Diagnosis of diseases, and the Fundamental Rules for the rational employment of electricity in practice, must be seen in panoramic review. Then we examine the broad range of nervous affections, which are classed here under Hyperesthesia, as, exalted nervous action, and painful affections. And another large class, under Anaesthesia, as, diminished nervous action, and all paralytic affections. Next in order will appear the Spasmodic affections, Midwifery, Surgery, Dentistry; and then the special cases, as sus- pended animation, anomalous nervous derangements, in which some given form of electricity, or particular method of applying it, has been found most bene- ficial and successful. Such, and more, will occupy the seven other chapters of this work, which, as a whole, I designate as Electro-therapeutics, — all of which will be found illustrated with ample Cuts of Apparatus, on the one part, and fine Anatomical Cuts of the Nerves and Muscles, &c, on the other ; so as to be to the medical student as complete a work on this whole subject of which it treats as possible with our present knowledge, or as can be found in any language. Should life and opportunity be granted, the author proposes to prepare, at no distant year, a second volume, that shall be a counterpart to this — a sequel, embracing his clinical experiences, showing not only the results of purely electric treatments, but also showing the efficacy of the electric seance, in given cases, when combined; that is, simultaneously employed with the ordinary prescriptions of medicines. When I first directed my entire professional labors to this difficult depart- ment of special medical practice, (after having been engaged in the general practice of medicine for nearly twenty years,) to speak mainly in the words of another, — I did so with the fullest sense of their importance, in two relations: 1* 11 PREFACE. first, as they related to my own future career and reputation; second, as they related to the advancement of the healing art, and the immediate relief of a no small class of otherwise unreached, afflicted, and suffering persons. I was fully aware that my position, my views, and aims might excite misappre- hension, because the hitherto very general association of the empirical uses of electricity, with quackery, throughout the length and breadth of our country, would naturally lead to some erroneous verdict, at least until my true position might be directly and definitely defined. For these reasons, I am all the more happy to speak for myself this clay, as regards the legitimate practice of elec- tro-therapeutics. So that, on the one hand, in regular practice, no surgeon, no oculist, no spinal, or uterine, or urinary doctor, no orthopedist, or general practitioner shall imagine that I wish to interfere with their respective posi- tions, for which they have especially studied, and in which they are devoting their lives. On the other hand, let no wandering Arab of a boasting and quackish "Electro-pathist," Electro-physiologist, or travelling "galvanizcr" attempt to screen himself, by using my name and address, under any conniv- ance or sympathy, in any of the states, as has been done heretofore. But, on the contrary, the author feels assured that he is bringing to those same honorable men, who are engaged in special practice, through this department of medical -literature, and hence to the medical profession at large, in an availa- ble form, a tangible class of remedies; which are also of great importance in very many respects, (besides the general principles and definite rules here laid down for specific purposes,) that every logical mind will not fail to de- duce therefrom. But one word further. Our art is one art. Each branch is but a part of the whole, and simply, " epluribus unum." It is too late to be sticklers for creeds or isms, for pathies or systems; only let each be honest and in earnest in his pro- fessional sphere. The author is desirous that this should no longer be termed a " System" of practice, but merely the electric remedies, &c, and that we take special pains to eradicate those false notions from the minds of the people. I wish here to call particular attention to the fact, that almost no allusion is made in this work to the simultaneous employment of medicines with electric treatments. This is purposely omitted ; but it must not necessarily follow that it is to be omitted in practice, if we wish to gain the greatest possible amount of improvement for the patient in the least possible time. Indeed, it will often be noticed that a skilful use of electric currents will quicken the action, and heighten the effects of internal medicines. Often, cases will be presented that promise success only in this way. Again : like many other potent remedies now, as heretofore, employed in the treatment of diseases, electricity is greatly valued for its given effects, in cer- tain cases, by a small portion of the profession who have thoroughly investi- gated it, among whom are some of the most distinguished names; while another portion of the profession, equally respectable, think but little of it; and others there are who discard it altogether. But when it is shown that the PREFACE. 7 nerves, muscles, and many of the secretions can be more surely and more uniformly called into their natural action by means of electricity than by any other known agent, and that the degree and kind of that effect is widely dif- ferent, according to the form, quantity, or intensity of the electricity employed, and that again modified as widely, according to the methods of administering the dose at each seance, it is to be expected that the existing differences of opinions as to the healing power, or the manageable and remedial value of electricity, will be more nearly harmonized, and that on an intelligent basis. It must not be thought certain that the electric current exercises an in- working influence only on or through the nerves and muscles. It is, on the con- trary, my intention to aid medical men to become familiar with the idea, that all textures of the living animal body, being saturated, as they are, with the saline solutions of the blood and other secretions of the animal economy, are peculiarly accessible to the chemical and mechanical workings of the static, galvanic, and electro-magnetic currents; that these workings, as demon- strated by Dr. Robert Remak, do appear in the living human body, within ceHain limits — not simply as dissolving or chemically decomposing, (lytic,) so much as changing, (catalysis;) thus, in a degree, causing the nerves and muscles to be so largely influenced, because of their plumping up with more saline moisture, which, doubtless, enables the ultimate structure of all the organism to exercise more mobility in the fine molecules of their respective tissues for performing functional action. But after all, to my own mind, it is only by the most minute and slowly maturing experiences in the analogous workings of these currents in different living tissues, that insight and confi- dence can be obtained, which are so necessary for the rational application of electric currents for curing diseases. I trust this work will present a phalanx of facts, as well as many original, practical directions for obtaining physio- logical and therapeutical results, that will be found worthy of a candid atten- tion, and lead on to fresh researches in this inviting department of medical science. Finally, the author of this work has aimed by directness, thoroughness, and extent of practical research, thus presented by himself or by accredited au- thorities ; by ample plates of apparatus, and of anatomy; by great simplicity in style, and freedom from technicalities as far as possible, (also by term Ex- planations,) to present this whole subject of Medical Electricity in so clear and simple a manner as to be readily understood by any one of ordinary intelli- gence ; hoping it may invite into this hitherto neglected, but intensely inter- esting and profitable study of Electricity, as it relates to human life and health, to the cause and cure of disease, all ranks of the medical profession, as well as help to initiate the younger candidates for its labors and its honors, in years to come, to a still more rational view of diseases and their remedies; — to all of whom, or whosoever reads, it may prove an exposition of this subject at once elementary, practical, and substantial. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. Here, the author must acknowledge to " an agreeable surprise." When this work was about, to be put forth to the medical world, the publishers, judging from past experience of the sale of books on this and other special departments of medicine, expected only a limited sale. Hence the price per volume was to cover the expenses. But a few months have elapsed, however, and the whole edition of this large and expensive work is disposed of. From this time, therefore, the price will be reduced twenty-five per cent., that the entire medical profession in America may be induced to investigate, more fully, this view of physiology and pathology, of diseases and remedies, and to avail themselves practically of its great power for good in the healing art. It certainly does afford a neio stand-point, that is exceedingly instructive, to view the same old and familiar objects, to which all truly professional eyes are ever turned, and always love to look — viz., Life in health, and Life in dis- ease; besides showing other accessible points to the seats of some diseases, the na- ture of the work to be done, and affording the very means that can do it. Moreover, the Appendix " Xotes " now added, being a very plain key for the application of elec- tricity in a variety of cases, must prove of value to the practitioner. Pardon the author if he here reiterates, that Electricity, modified as it can be, when produced by the different kinds of scientific and philosophical apparatus, can assuredly be introduced into the domain of therapeutics with peculiar confidence, not as a specific, applicable in all cases to which we are called, and without distinction, but for certain cases, and in given conditions, as a reliable and pow- erful " means to a definite end," the effects of which can be foreseen, calculated, modified, directed, and controlled with as much precision, and even more pre- vision, than can most of our frequently-resorted-to remedies. Professional Brethren: It will be received as a favor by the author, if you will, at some time, forward to him your own experience, whether successful or other- wise, in the fair employment of any form of electricity. Please state your cases clearly and concisely as possible ; give the form of electricity employed, whether Bparks, shocks, aura, or current; the kind of current, whether primary or sec- ondary ; if primary, how many elements ; the method ; the electrodes used; the direction of the current; whether continuous, intermitted, or reversed; how often, and how many times; how long applied; how often the seance is repeated, as well as the whole number of sittings, and the length of time in the treatment; the amount of improvement, or cure, and how long confirmed; also, if I am at liberty to quote you in some future revision of this work. ALFRED C. GARRATT. No. 7 Hamilton Place, Boston, Mass. (8) CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Natural Electricity. — Its Characters. — Sources of Electricity. — Thales the first Discoverer. — Electricity at Rest. —In Motion. — Nature of Electricity. — Frank- lin's Theory. — Symmer's. — De la Rive's.—Thermo-electricity. — Thermo-cube. — Statio Electricity. — Dynamic Electricity. —Laws of Electricity. — Sparks and ■ Currents. — Atmospheric Electricity. — Franklin's great Experiment. — Sparks from the Clouds.—The Clouds. — Thunder Storms. — Fogs. — Relation of Elec- tricity to the Air and the Earth.—Aurora Borealis. — Meteorology. — Storms.— Storm Tables. — Atmospheric Hydrometer. — Difference between Electricity and Magnetism.—Weather Prognosis. — Lightning. — Safety from Lightning. — Effects on the Human Organism. — Effects of Atmospheric Electricity on the Human Organism. — As regards Births and Deaths. — Electric Changes the Cause of Epidemic Diseases.—Researches of Sir James Murray.......15 CHAPTER II. Early History of the Medical Uses of Electricity. — One Hundred Years ago.— Pliny. — Discovery of the " Leyden Vial." — First Trial of Shocks.—Treatise by Dr. Mauduit in 1778. — Electropathy advocated in 1802.— Electric Bath. — Med- icines placed in the Prime Conductor. — The prevailing Superstition of that Age. — History of the Discovery of Galvanism. — Early Medical Uses of Galvanic Electricity. — Animal Electricity. — Gahani's Frog. — His Xervo-electric The- ory. — Convulsions produced in a dead Frog. — Professor Volta's Views of the Phenomenon.—Views of Alexander von Humboldt in 1799. — Volta discovers the Pile. — Sir H. Davy's Researches. — Discussion between Galvani and Volta. — Dr. Aldini's Experiments. — Nobili's Researches. — Vallio's Researches. — History of Electro-physiological and Electro-therapeutical Researches. — Views of Ritter. — Researches of Marianini and Nobili. — Researches of Dubois-Rey- mond.—Researches of Matteucci and Becqueiel............65 CHAPTER III. Electrical Instruments and Apparatus for Medical Purposes.— Three Classes of Instruments.—Electricity from Friction. — Electricity from Chemical Action.— Electricity from Induction. — Electrical Machine. —Leyden Jar.—Dischargers, Insulators, &c — Galvanic Electricity and the Apparatus.— Volta's Pile.— Cruikshank's and other Batteries illustrated. — Galvanometer. — Galvanoscopic Fn>g. — Static Electricity as it relates to Medicine. — Electric Induction. —Di- rection of the Current.— Quantitv and Intensity. — Electric Heat. — Induction (9) 10 CONTENTS. Currents. — Discovery of Professor Oersted. —Discovery of Ampere. — The As- tatic Needle.—Arago. —Sir H. Davy. —M. Nobili. —Researches and Discov- eries of Professor Henry. — Researches and Discoveries of Professor Faraday.— Electro-magnetic Double Helix, with Clockwork. — Dr. Neef, of Frankfort-on- thc-Main, invented the Automatic Vibrator. — Faradaic Electricity. — Faradaic Currents. — Electro-magnetism illustrated. — The Electro-magnet. — Magneto- Electric Portable Machine illustrated. — A. great Variety of Electrodes illus- trated.— Current-breaker for Dentists'Use.............. CHAPTER IV. Electro-Physiology. — Electro-biology.— Cell Life. — Nervo-electrical Batteries of Animal Life. — Researches of Matteucci and Alfred Smee.— Minute Structure of the Nerve-fibrils illustrated. — " Hallerian Irritability." —Elementary Fibres of Muscles illustrated.—Electro-physiological Researches and Creeds.—Ani- mal Electricity as observed in Fishes. — The Eel and Torpedo illustrated.— Animal Electricity as observed in Animals and in Man. —Electro-physiological Laws as deduced by Marianini, Matteucci, Dubois-Reymond, De la Rive, Bec- querel, Marshall Hall, and Brown-Sequard.— The minute Terminations of Mo- tor Nerves in Muscle Fibres illustrated.—Laws and "General Principles" de- duced from Electro-physiology. — Electro-physiological Deductions of Nobili.— Volta's Experiments on the Frog. — The Effects of Heat and Cold on the living Animal Nervo-electric Batteries.—Osmotic Force. — Electrolysis and Catalysis. — Special Electro-physiology. — The Human Brain illustrated.—Effects of Elec- tricity on the Brain. — The Vital Spot. — The Spinal Column, Brain, and Spinal Cord, and the Sections of the Spinal Cord all illustrated. — Effects of Electricity on the Cord. — On the Organs of Sense. — The Ear and Auditory Nerve illus- trated.— Effects of Electricity on Seeing. — The Iris. — Hearing. — Smelling.— Tasting. —Effects of Electricity on the Sentient Nerves. —On the Motor Nerves. — On Mixed Nerves. — On the Sympathetic Nerves illustrated. — " Regions " of the Human Body.—Effects of Electricity on the Intestines, Uterus, and Secret- ing Organs. — Organs of Digestion illustrated. — Effects of Electricity on the Heart and Blood-vessels. — On the Blood and Fibre-cells. — Effects of Electrici- ty on the Muscles respectively, physiologically. — Muscles of the Face and Neck illustrated. — Muscles of the Back illustrated. — Muscles on the Front of the Body illustrated. — Muscles on the Side of the Body illustrated. — Muscle- fibres and Fibre-cells illustrated. — OZsophagus. — Effects of the Currents. . . 156 CHAPTER V. Methods for the Medical Employment of Electricity.—Precautions. — Methods for using Static Electricity. — Methods for using Dynamic Electricity, or Currents. — Methods with the Primary Current of Galvanism. — Methods with the Secon- dary Current of Faradaism.—Laws of Muscle Contraction as deduced by Dr. Remak. — Labile Electric Current Workings. — Stabile Electric Current Work- ings. — Volta's " Alternatives." —The " Tetanus of Ritter."— Polar Workings. — Intra-polar Workings. — Extra-polar Workings. — Polar Alternatives. — " Al- ternations of Ritter." — Labile Muscle Contractions. — Rules for managing the Seance. — Duchenne's Methods. — Faradaization. — Electro-chemical Baths. — Magnets as a Remedy. — JEsthesiometer for Diagnosis.— Electro-muscular Test. 280 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. Hyperesthesia.—Exalted Nerve Actions and Pains.— "General Principles" as regards Nerves in Health and Disease. —Sciatica. — Different Forms of Sciati- ca.— Sciatica as Type of other Neurotic Affections. — Rheumatism. — Gout.— Hysteria. — Muscular-hyperaesthesia. — Muscle-pains. — Cephalgia. — Rachial- gia. — Epigastralgia. — Pleuralgia. — Thoracalgia. — Cmlialgia. — Melyalgia. — Methods of Treatment. — Neuralgia. — Facial Neuralgia. — Tic-douloureux. — Otalgia and Odontalgia. — Neuralgia of Cervical Nerves.— Of Intercostal Nerves and Infra-mammary Pain. — Pains in the Loins. — Neuralgic or Hysteri- cal Affections of Joints. — Headaches and HeadVpains. — Rule for treating Neu- ralgic Affections with Electricity. — The " Painful Points " of Dr. Valleix.— Anatomy of Nerves in the Facial Neuralgic Region, and illustrated. — Anatomy of Nerves in the Occipitocervical Neuralgic Region, and illustrated. — The Pneumogastric Nerve and the Eighth Pair illustrated. — Anatomy of Nerves in the Ct rvico-brachial Neuralgic Region, and illustrated by several engravings. — Anatomy of Nerves in the Dorso-intercostal Region. — Anatomy of Nerves in the Lumbosacral and Abdominal Region, illustrated.—Anatomy of Nerves in the Sciatico-femoral Neuralgia Region, and illustrated by several engravings; thus giving the engravings and minute explanation of all the surface and superficial Nerves in the Human Organism that are liable to Neuralgia or Palsy, and are to be reached by the Electrodes............... CHAPTER VII. Anesthesia.—Diminished Nerve Action and Paralysis. — General Palsy.—Mus- cles of the Body and Limbs, anterior view illustrated. — Muscles of the Body and Limbs, posterior view illustrated. — Skeleton, Anterior View illustrated. — Skele- ton, Posterior View illustrated. —Paralysis.—Views of Marshall Hall, Todd, and others. — Electro-muscular Diagnosis. — Hemiplegia. — Early and late Rigidity, or Tonic Muscular Contractions from Brain Lesions. — Cases to illustrate.— The Electric Test.— Cases to illustrate.— Paraplegia. — Catalepsy.—Local Palsy.— Ana-sthesia.— Traumatic Paralysis. — Cases to illustrate.— Facial Palsy, two Classes. — True Facial Palsy, and Simple Paralysis of the Facial Nerve. — Lead Palsy. — Muscles on the Back of Forearm and Hand, illustrated by Engravings. — Rheumatic Palsy. — Muscles of the Hip and Thigh, and of the Front of the Leg, illustrated by Engravings. — " Spasmo-paralysis " in Childhood. — Drake's Apparatus for Withered Limbs and Distorted Spine, illustrated.— Muscles on the Back of the Thigh, illustrated. — Wasting Palsy. — Hysterical Paralysis.—Aphonia, or Loss «f Voice. — Treatment by Electricity..... CHAPTER VIII. Spastic Diseases. — Cramps. — Spasms. — Convulsions. — Views of Dr. Marshall Hall on the Spinal System. — His Trials with Electric Currents on Spinal Dis- eases.— Trachelismus. — Laryngismus Stridulus.—Physiology, Pathology, and Electro-physiology as Means of Diagnosis. — Researches of Wm. Flourens.— Of Professor Weber. — Spasm, Paralysis, and Spasmo-paralysis. — Epilepsy.— Views of Drs. Todd, Hall, and Brown.—Sequard on Epilepsy. — Asphyxia.— 1-2 CONTENTS. Tonic and Clonic Convulsions. — Exhaustion of Nerve Power. — Asthma and Angina Pectoris.— Chorea, (St. Vitus's Dance.)—Hysterical Convulsions.— Cramps, Hickups, and Tremblings. — Tetanus and Agitans. — Effects of Electric Currents as a Remedy. — Chills and Fever. — " Dumb Ague," Intermitting Fe- ver.— Diseases of Nervous Debility. — Treatment by Electricity.......r'83 CHAPTER IX. Midwifery. — Abdominal Viscera. — Secrttions. — Effects of the Electrical Cur- rent on the Uterus.—Professor Simpson's Views. — Nerves of the Uterus de- monstrated.— It is Reflex Action that affects the Womb. — Electro-physiology repudiates direct Excitation rur. Continuity or Contiguity. — Stimuli directed to the Mammary Nerves.—To the Intercostal Nerves.—To the Pneumogastric Nerves.— To the Spinal or Abdominal Nerves. — Prolapsus Uteri. — Introver- sion and Retroversion. — Amenorrhcea and Dismenorrhcea.—Electricity the only true Emmenagogue — Chlorosis.— Bowels.—Habitual Constipation.—Intestinal Atony in Old People. — A State of the Stomach and Bowels that yields imper- ■ feet Nourishment. —Flatus and Pains in the Bowels. —All amenable to Elec- tro-therapeutics.—Cholera.—Collapse Stage.—Spasms and Cramps. —Effects of Electric Currents on these Cases.— Breast-milk. — Dropsy. — Hydrocele. — Cancer. —Tubercle. —Consumption the Consequence of Loss of Flesh with Debility. — Curable by Electricity and other rational Means........606 CHAPTER X. Electricity in Surgery. — Electric Currents cannot produce complete and simple Ana-sthcsia.—Nervous Affections of the Eye. —Of Eye Muscles. —Black Spots. — Artificial Pupil. — Nervous Affections of the Ear. —Indolent Ulcers. —Elec- tric Moxa.—Electro-puncture for Aneurism.— Acu-puncture.—Un-united Frac- ture of Bone. —Electric Cautery. — Surgical Dentistry. — Faradaic Process in Tooth-extracting. - Smee's Portable Battery for Office Use, illustrated.— Upper and lower Jaws, showing their Alveoli and Teeth in Natural Position, illustrated. -Galvano-cautery for the Teeth. - Urinary Bladder and Renal Calculi.-Ac- tion of Narcotic Poisons, and Electricity as a Remedy. - Cases to illustrate. - \\ all-paper Poison...... _ .„ *................040 INDEX. Abdomen, affections of the, 620, 680. Abdominal viscera, effects of electricity upon the, 252, 607, 680. Abdominal pains and atony, 384, 608, 623. Action of narcotic poisons, 683. Acu-puncture and electro-puncture, 655. -3isthesiometer for diagnosis, 341. After-workings of the currents, 321. Agitans, or tremblings, 605. Ague and fever, 606. Althaus, researches of, 172, 248, 577. Alternations of Ritter, 211, 316. Alternations, polar, 315. Amaurosis, incomplete, 231, 336, 641. Amenorrhcca, treatment of, 286, 615. Ampire's discoveries, 135. Anasarca, treatment of, 635. Anaesthesia and palsies, 471, 521,525, 640. Aneurism, 651. Aneurism cured by electro-puncture, 651. Angina pectoris, treatment of, 402, 600. Animal electricity as observed in animals, (batrachian,) 182, 194. Animal electricity as observed in fishes, 183. Animal electricity as observed in man, 182, 188, 190, 195, 261. Animal electricity influenced by electric currents, 190, 192, 264. Aphonia, (loss of voice,) 576, 580. Apoplectic clot, 502. Apparatus and instruments, 97, 155, 664. Apparatus, electro-magnetic, 141. Apparatus, galvanic, 103. Apparatus, Drake's splint, 552. Armature of magneto-electric machine illustrated, 150. Articular cartilages, diseases of, 360. Astatic needle, 135. Asthma, nervous, 600. Atmospheric electricity, 25, 39, 41. Atmospheric electricity, effects of, on man, 38, 49. Atmospheric hydrometer, 34. Atomic polarity, 163, 193, 199. Atony of the bowels, 252, 608, 620, 629. Atony of the bladder, 255, 559. Atony of the liver, 254. Atony of the stomach, 252, 629. Atony of the uterus, 255, 608. Atrophy of brain and nerves, 557. Atrophy and progressive palsy, 561. Auditory nerves illustrated, 234. Aura electric, 102. Aura epileptica, 594. Axillary region illustrated, 275, 448. Bath, electrical air, 101, 384. Bath, electro-chemical, 339. Battery, Berzelius's, 107. Battery, Bunsen's, 110. Battery, Becquerel's, 107. Battery, Cruikshank's, 106. Battery, compound, 127, 129, 133. Battery, constant, 109. Battery, central and peripheral, 157, 191. Battery, Daniell's, 109, 111. Battery, dry perpetual, (and water,) 108. Battery, Garratt's Humboldt, 113, 115. Battery, Grove's, 110, 113. Battery, galvanic, 106. Battery, Pulvermacher's chain, 117. Battery, Recamier's poultice, 118. Battery, Smee's, 111, 113. Battery, Volta's pile, 105. Battery, Wollasto'n's, 107. Bells rung during thunder storms, 45. Biology, electro, 156. Bi-polar workings of the current, 230. (707) 708 INDEX. Bi-polarity of atomic matter, 163. Bladder, gall, effect of currents upon, 255. Bladder, method of electrizing, 338. Bladder, paralysis of, 2,3,5, 338, 671, 680. Bladder, stone in, dissolved by electricity, G7G. Bladder, urinary, affections of, 255,671,679. Blood diseases, 260. Bowels, affections of, 619, 680. Bowels, atony of, 252, 621. Bowels, constipation of, 620. Bowels, effects of currents upon, 252. Brain, apoplexy, 502. Brain, affections of, 486. Brain, base of, illustrated, 220. Brain, effects of electricity upon, 221. Brain, palsy and diagnosis, 407, 489, 500. Brain, softening of, 510. Brain, with spine, illustrated, 224. Breast milk and other secretions, 615,633. Cancer and tubercle, 637. Catalepsy, treatment of, 524. Catalysis and electrolysis, 218. Cautery, dental, 155, 673. Cautery, electro, 133, 155, 659. Cautery, galvano, 119,155. Cauda equina, the seat of neuralgia, 371. Cephalgia, 380. Cervico-brachial neuralgic region, 445. Cervical neuralgia, 444. Cervical neuralgic region, 445. Cervical plexus of nerves illustrated, 434. Cervical palsy, 268, 527, 519. Cervical rheumatism, 363, 368. Chills and fever, 606. Chlorosis and anemia, 616, 618. Choleraic diarrhoea, (atonic,) 629, 632. Cholera, collapse stage of, 629. Chorea, (St. Vitus's dance,) 601. Chorea, and palsy, 632. Chorea, treatment of, 631. Cilio-spinal region, 229. Circulation, effects of electricity upon the, 157. Circle treatment, 408, 430, 703. Clouds, 26. Clouds, thunder, 27. Ccelialgia, 384. Conduction, laws of, 123, 131. Conduction, resistance of, 124. Conductors and non-oonductors, 123. Consumption, 638. Contraction muscle, 506, 545, 555. Convulsions, clonic and tonic, 584. Convulsions, hysterical, 573, 605, 698. Convulsions, opening and closing of Volta, 175. Convulsions, puerperal, 604—612. Convulsions, traumatic, 604, 698. Convulsions, treatment of, 583, 605. Counter current of Volta, 207. Coxalgia, (hip-disease,) 411. Cramps, treatment of, 583, 604. Creed of Duchenne, 294. Creed of Galvani, 71. Creed of Haller, 166. Creed of Remak, 298. Creed of Volta, 72, 74, 173. Creed of the author, 345. Creeds and researches, 173, 345. Crural (femoral) nerves illustrated, 463. Crural neuralgic spots, 391, 469. Crural neuralgia, 470. Crural palsy, 546. Current, electric, test of direction, 120, 126, 136, 149, 191. Current, electric, proper in the frog, (cold-blooded,) 182. Current, electric, in man, 191. Current, electric, primary, (Galvanic,) 103. Current, electric, secondary, (Faradaic,) 139. Current, electric, of induction, 134. Current, electric, in living muscle fibres, 182, 192. Current, electric, in living nerves, 192. Current, electric, foot-board interrupter of, 155. Daniell's battery, 109. Death from failure of nerve force, 694. Debility, 388. Dental surgery, electricity in, 664. Dental surgery, electro-cautery in, 673. Dental surgery, Faradaic process in, 664. Dental pulp, to destroy the, 672. Dentist's electro-magnetic machine, 665. Dentist's galvanic battery for cautery, 111, 113. Dentist's electrode for cautery, 155. Diagnosis between different kinds of pal- sies, 341, 487, 504, 510. Diagnosis, electro-muscular, 448,504,510. INDEX. 709 Diarrhoea, choleraic, (atonic,) 629. Difference between primary and secon- dary currents, 151. Difference between Galvanism and Fara- daism, 151. Difference between electricity and mag- netism, 35. Digestion, organs of, illustrated, 253. Diminished blood circulation, 256, 321. Diminished muscle-action, 480. Diminished nerve-action, palsy, 471. Diminished respiration, 637. Diminished secretion, 252. Directors, poles, electrodes, 52—55. Direction of the current, 120, 126, 149. Directions to prepare the galvanoscopic frog, 120. Discharger, 100. Discovery of electricity, 67, 70. Discovery of the Leyden jar, 68, 134. Discovery of Galvanism, (primary cur- rents,) 70. Discovery of Faradaism, (induction cur- rents,) 134. Discovery of the voltaic pile, 72. Diseases, epidemic, caused by atmospheric changes, 53. Dolor-spinalis, painful spine, 371, 405, 409. Dorsal region illustrated, 267, 273. Dorso-intercostal neuralgic region, 454. Dorso-intercostal neuralgic points or spots, 391, 454. Down-running current, (outward or di- rect,) 180, 208. Drake's apparatus, 552. Drowning, to resuscitate from, 694. Dropsy, or Anasarca, 634. Dry pile for voltaic electricity, 108. Duchenne's electric machine, 293. Duchenne's method, 294, 331. Dynamic electricity, 23, 103. Dyspepsia, 381. Ear, external and internal, illustrated, 233. Ear, effects of electricity upon, 174, 234. Ear electrodes, 153. Ear, nervous affections of, 644. Ear, nerves of, illustrated, 234. Ear, prognosis by its external deformity, 236. Ear treatment of, 234, 646. 60 Effects of lightning upon the human or- ganism, 46. Effects of atmospheric electricity upon the human organism, 49, 64. Effects of heat and cold, 216. Effects of the currents, 318, 322. Electricity, animal, currents of, in man, 80,188, 191. Electricity, animal, in fishes, 183. Electricity, animal, in man, 182, 190. Electricity, animal, influenced by electric currents, 192, 195. Electricity, atmospheric, 25, 39, 41. Electricity, atmospheric, changes of, re- sults of, 25, 30, 39, 49, 53. Electricity, dynamic, 23. Electricity, early history of, its medical use, 65, 70. Electricity, effects of, on animal electric currents, 157, 192. Electricity, effects of, on the blood, blood- vessels, and heart, 256, 321, 402. Electricity, effects of, on the brain, 221. Electricity, effects of, on the contractile fibre-cells, 258, 277. Electricity, effects of, on the fibre-cells of muscles, 277. Electricity, effects of, on the intestines, 252, 256. Electricity, effects of, on the muscles, 265. Electricity, effects of, on the motor nerves, 198, 202, 242, 318, 326. Electricity, effects of, on the sentient nerves, 242, 230. Electricity, effects of, on the sympathetic nerves, 245, 256. Electricity, effects of, on the secreting organs, 252. Electricity, effects of, on the uterus and ovaries, 253, 402. Electricity, effects of, on the organs of digestion, 253. Electricity, effects of, on the organs of hearing, 234. Electricity, effects of, on the organs of sensation, 205, 230. Electricity, effects of, on the organs of sight, 231. Electricity, effects of, on the organs of smelling, 237. Electricity, effects of, on the organs of tasting, 238. 710 INDEX. Electricity, effects of, on the spinal cord, 226. Electricity, effects of, on the frog, 72, 177, 180, 192, 207, 209, 212. Electricity, Faradaic, (induction cur- rents,) 134. Electricity, Franklin's theory of, 18. Electricity, friction, laws of, 21, 98. Electricity, friction, medical use of, 122. Electricity, galvanic, (primary currents,) 103, 136, (secondary,) 137- Electricity, methods of use, 280, 327, 331. Electricity, natural, 15. Electricity, nature of, 18, 218. Electricity, static, 21, 65. Electricity, static, methods of use, 283. Electricity, thermo, 19. Electricity, thermo cube, illustrated, 20. Electricity versus magnetism, 35, 133. Electrodes, poles or directors, illustrated, 152—155. Electromc, with clockwork, illustrated, 140. Electrometer for testing currents, 121,177. Electro-biology, 156. Electro-cautery for hemorrhagic tumors, 96, 659. Electro-cautery for teeth, 672 Electro-chemical baths, 339. Electro-diagnosis, 487, 510. Electro-magnet, 137, 145. Electro-magnetic machine, 141. Electro-magnetic vibrator, 142. Electro-magnetic portable machine, 146. Electro-magnetic portable constant ma- chine for office, 665. Electro-magnetic currents, 141,184. Electro-muscular test and diagnosis, 265— 276, 289, 488. Electro-physiology, 156, 196, 218. Electro-physiological experiments, 166. Electro-physiological creeds, 173. Electro-physiological laws, 203, 218. Electro-puncture for aneurism, 651. Electro-puncture for neuralgia, 429, 655. Electro-puncture for un-united fracture of bone, 657. Electro-puncture for sciatica, 366,424,655. Electro-reflex action, laws of, 197. Electro-tonus, 88, 90, 192. Electrolysis and catalysis, 218. Electropathy, (in 1802,) 69. Electric air bath, 284. Electric aura, 102. Electric cautery, 133, 155, 659, 673. Electric changes the cause of diseases, 53. Electric conduction, 123. Electric conduction, (of the human body,) 123, 125. Electric currents, 83, 126, 218. Electric eel, 184. Electric fishes, 183, 187. Electric heat,. 132. Electric moxa, 117, 650. Electric relations of earth to atmos., 39 Electric test of paralysis, 510, 516. Electric sparks, 99, 287. Electric shocks, 67, 100. Electric torpedo, 184. Electrical apparatus and instruments, 97. Electrical battery, 106. Electrical chair and stool, 101. Electrical helix, 142. Electrical machine friction, 98. Electrical machine induction, 140, 146. Electrical slippers, 155. Epigastralgia, 381. Epilepsy, treatment of, 599. Epilepsy, views of Marshall Hall, 591,594. Epilepsy, views of Brown-Sequard, 596. Epileptic aura, 598. Exalted nerve action, pain, and hyperes- thesia, 344. Extra-polar working, 314. Eye, effects of electricity upon, 231. Eye, nervous affections of, 641. Face-ache, 365. Face and neck, muscles of, illustrated, 266. Face and neck, nerves of, 432, 436, 445. Facial anaesthesia, neuralgia, 433. Facial neuralgic region, points and spots, 432. Facial nerve (portio dura) illustrated, 433. Facial paralysis, what is not, 529, 531,533. Facial paralysis, in two classes, 531. Facial paralysis, true and simple, 534. Facial paralysis, treatment of, 422. Facial, Tri-, (5th pair,) illustrated, 436. Faraday's discovery and views, 139. Faradaic (induction) currents, 141, 335. Faradaization, Duchenne's method, 331. Faradaizing the bladder and rectum, 338. INDEX. 711 Faradaizing muscles, 331. Faradaizing nerves, 240, 424, 433. Faradaizing the diaphragm, 324, 337. Faradaizing the ear, 174,336. Faradaizing the eye, 336. Faradaizing the face, mouth, and throat, 335. Faradaizing the pharynx and larynx, 337. Faradaic process for tooth-extraction, 664. Faradaism differs from galvanism, 141. Fatty degeneration of muscles, 562. Femoral (crural) nerves illustrated, 463. Femoral (crural) neuralgic region, points and spots, 299. Femoral (crural) paralysis, 546. Fermentation, 204. First galvanic phenomenon on record, 175, 180. Footboard for current interruption, 155. Foot, nerves of, 468. Fracture of bones un-united, 655. Franklin's theory of electricity, 18. Friction electricity, 21, 23, 67, 97. Frog, current proper in the, 182. Frog experiment, 72, 180, 208. Frog, Galvani's, 72, 120. ' Frog, galvanoscopic, 120, 177. Frog preparations, 208. Galvani's discovery published, 71. Galvani's experiments, 72, 74. Galvani's frog, 72, 208. Galvani's theory of animal electricity, 71. Galvanism, (voltaism,) 70, 103. Galvanism, differs fromFaradaism,141,159. Galvanism, history of, 70. Galvanism, methods of using, 294. Galvanic apparatus, 103. Galvanic batteries, 106. Galvanic batteries, compound, 127, 133. Galvanic cautery, 119, 155. Galvanic chain of Pulvamacher, 117. Galvanic currents, (electricity,) 141, 151. Galvanic currents differ from Faradaic, 135, 141, 159. Galvanic poultice of Recamier, 118. Galvanic puncture, 651. Galvanometer, 121, 177, 191. Galvanoscopic frog, 120. Garratt's battery, 113, 115. Gastric affections, (nervous,) 619. General principles, 344. Geography of the nerves, (in regions,) 433. Goitre and glandular enlargements, 369, 634. Gout and neuralgia, treatment of, 373. Grapengeisser on medical electricity, 176. Grove's battery, 113. Gymnotus electricus, and electric fishes, 184. Hallerian irritability, 166, 198. Hearing, 234. Headaches, 380, 401, 417, 433, 440. Heart and blood-vessels, effects of elec- tricity on, 256, 321, 402. Helix, with clockwork, 140, 147. Hemicrania, 381, 401, 432. Hemiplegia, 494, 502, 511—516. Hernia, 682. Hip-joint disease, 411, 412. History of medical uses of electricity, 65, 70, 81. Holmes, Sir Edward's researches, 217. Humboldt's battery, 113. Humboldt's electro-physiological research- es, 75,117,177, 204. Hydrocele, 634. Hygrometer for testing atmospheric hu- midity, 34. Hyperaesthesia and pains, 326, 344, 378. Hypochondria, 351, 403. Hysterical affection of joints, 412, 572. Hysterical neuralgia, 376, 396, 402. Hysterical paralysis, 569, 571. Hysteria and its treatment, 374. Hysteria cough, 383, 397. Hysteria, with anaesthesia, 569. Hysteria, with hyperaesthesia, 374, 410. Incontinence of urine, 681. Indigestion, (nervous dyspepsia,) 402. Indolent ulcers, 648. Induction currents, (secondary,) 134, 141. Induction currents different from pri. mary currents, 133, 151. Induction currents, methods of using, 329. Inertia, 255, 610. Infra-mammary pain, 396. Inflammation, 261, 687. Influences from the state of the sky, 40. Instruments and apparatus, 97. Insulating stool and chair, 101. 712 INDEX. Insulators or non-conductors, 123. Intensity and quantity, 128. Intermittent fevers, 606. Intra-polar workings, 314. Inter-costal nerves, pains in, 396, 403. Iris, effects of electricity on, 232. Iritis, rheumatic, 229, 641. Irritability, Hallerian, 166. Irritability, nervous, 180. Jaws, upper and lower, with teeth, illus- trated, 669. Jaws, upper and lower, with nerves, illus- trated, 436. Joints, articular cartilages of, 360. Joints, dropsical affections of, 546. Joints, gouty affections of, 373. Joints, hysterical affections of, 412, 572. Joints, rheumatic affections of, 374. Kidney affections the cause of paralysis, 555. Kidneys, defective action of, poisons the nerves, 685. Kidneys, office of, to remove worn-out and excess of matter, 684. Labile and stabile working of the cur- rents, 310, 316. Labile contractions, 317. Labile current action on the nerves, 190, 194, 210, 232, 246, 316. Laryngeal atony, (see Aphonia,) 576. Laws of damage by lightning, 45. Laws of electro-physiology, 203, 210, 289. Laws of electro-pathology, 254, 260. Laws of electro-reflex actions, 197, 309. Lead colic, 540, 697. Lead palsy, treatment of, 539, 697. Leyden jar, 68, 99. Leyden jar of great length, (Atlantic ca- ble ?) 206. Leyden jar to give shock by, 99. Leyden jar, how charged, 98. Lightning, effects on the human organ- ism, 46. Lightning, forked and sheet, 44. Lightning, how it kills, (or cures,) 46. Lightning of the clouds, 43. Lightning, safety from, 44. Liver, torpor of, 619. Loadstone, 316. Locked-jaw, 583. Localized Faradaization, 331. Local palsy, 407, 525. Loss of voice, (aphonia,) 576. Lumbo-sacral and abdominal neuralgia illustrated, 457. Lumbo-sacral and abdominal neuralgia points and spots, 461. Lumbo-sacral nerves illustrated, 458. Lungs, consumption of, 638. Magnetism, 35, 133, 341. Magnetism different from electricity, 35, 133. Magnetism, electro, different from gal- vanism, 35, 133, 151. Magnetism, electro, methods for using,149. Magneto-electricity, 148. Magneto-electricity may be different from electro-magnetism, 147. Magneto-electric portable machine, 149. Magnets as a remedy, 341. Mammary and sternal region, 275. Marianini's researches, 82. Medical uses of electricity in early times, 69, 176, 656. Medical uses of electricity, galvanic, 70. Melyalgia, 385. Mercurial tremblings, 605. Methods for using different electricities, 287, 116—119, 240, 280, 328, 475. Methods for using static electricity, 283. Methods for using dynamic electricity, 287. Methods for using Galvanism and Fara- daism, 116, 117, 294, 322, 328, 329. Methods for using, as by Duchenne, 295, 323, 328, 331, 351. Methods for using, as by Remak, 301—308. Meteorology, 29, 41. Midwifery, 607, 703. Milk, secretion of, 633. Moxa, electric, 117, 650. Muscle about the hip joint, 544. Muscle atrophy or wasting, 562. Muscle cramps, 382, 601. Muscle contractions, 369, 372. Muscle conglomeration, 563. Muscle, effects of electricity on, 265. Muscle-fibre illustrated, 168. Muscle fibre-cells illustrated, 277. INDEX. 713 Muscle fibre of straight muscles, 200. Muscle motion explained, 162. Muscle on the front of leg, 546, 547. Muscle on the front of thigh, 546. Muscle on the back of thigh, 545. Muscle pains, 378. Muscle tremblings, 605. Muscular hyperaesthesia, 378, 382. Muscles of the face and neck illustrated, 266. Muscles of the back, (first layer,) 269. Muscles of the back, (second layer,) 273. Muscles on front of body illustrated, 275. Muscles on side of body illustrated, 276. Muscles on front of fore-arm, 525. Muscles on palm of hand illustrated, 526. Muscles of the whole body, 473, 474, 477, 478. Muscles on back of forearm illustrated, 540. Muscles on back of hand illustrated, 542. Muscau volitantes, 523, 642. Natural electricity, 15, 199. Nature of electricity, 18. Needle, acu-puncture, 653. Needle, astatic, 135. Needle, electro-puncture, 424, 653. Nerve, auditory, illustrated, 234. Nerve, facial, illustrated, 432. Nerve, facial, paralysis of, 534. Nerve, neuralgia of the tri-facial, 394. Nerve polarization, 200, 349. Nerve, pneumogastric, 351, 443. Nerve sciatica, (ischiatic,) 162, 200. Nerve, sympathetic, 247, 401, 410, 443. Nerve terminal fibrils, 162, 200. Nerve, tri-facial, illustrated, 436. Nerves, anterior tibial terminals, 469. Nerves, geography of, 433. Nerves in the facial neuralgic region, 433. Nerves in the occipito-cervicalregion, 440. Nerves in the cervico-brachial region, 445. Nerves in the dorso-intercostal region, 454. Nerves in the lumbo-sacral region, 457. Nerves in the sciatico-femoral region, 462. Nerves in the cervico-brachial region illustrated, 445. Nerves in health and disease, 248, 344. Nerves influenced by electric currents, 190, 192, 194, 210, 213, 232, 244. Nerves of the eighth pair illustrated, 443. 60* Nerves of the ninth pair illustrated, 445. Nerves of the lumbo-abdominal region illustrated, 457. Nerves of the lumbar and ischiatic plexus illustrated, 458. Nerves of the femoral (crural) illustrated, 463. Nerves of the sciatic, (ischiatic,) greater and less, illustrated, 465. Nerves of the brachial plexus illustrated, 448. Nerves of the bend of the elbow illus- trated, 449. Nerves on the front of the forearm illus- trated, 450. Nerves on the back of the forearm illus- trated, 451. Nerves, popliteal, illustrated, 463. Nerves, posterior tibial, illustrated, 467. Nerves, posterior tibial terminals, 468. Nerve-action diminished, 471, 403. Nerve-action exalted, 344. Nervo-electric battery,(the brain,) 160,216. Nervo-electric battery, effects of heat and cold upon, 216, 349. Nervo-electric currents in man, 191, 194. Nervous affections of the eye, 641. Nervous affections of the ear, 644. Nervous fluid or force, 199, 201, 219. Neuralgia, facial, 394, 641. Neuralgia, femoro-pretibial, 299. Neuralgia, intercostal, 396, 403. Neuralgia, infra-mammary, 396, 403. Neuralgia, law of treatment by electricity, 240, 421, 462, 475—479, 700. Neuralgia, occipital, 396, 401. Neuralgia of the eye, 641. Neuralgia of the head, 393, 417. Neuralgia of the heart, 402. Neuralgia of the muscles, (hyperaesthe- sia,) 378, 402. Neuralgia of the uterus, 402. Neuralgia of the skin, 401. Neuralgia of the periosteum of bones and teeth, 401, 419. Neuralgia of the ganglionic nerves, 351, 401, 410, 443. Neuralgia of the spermatic cord, 398. Neuralgia, thoracic, 381, 396. Neuralgia, two classes of, 390,427,421,429. Neuralgia treated by electro-puncture, 424. 714 INDEX. Neuralgia treated, 408, 421, 475, 655 Neuralgia, vesical, (bladder,) 402. Neuralgic points and spots in the facial region, 433. Neuralgic points and spots in the occipito- cervical region, 391, 440. Neuralgic points and spots in the cervico- brachial region, 391, 445. Neuralgic points and spots in the dorso- intercostal region, 391, 454. Neuralgic points and spots in the lumbo- sacral region, 391, 461. Neuralgic points and spots in the sciatico- femoral region, 391, 469. Nobili's researches, 83, 210. Observations meteorological, 29, 41. Observations of weather, 39, 42. Occipito-cervical neuralgia, 440. Occipito-cervical neuralgic region, 441. Occipito-cervical neuralgic points and spots, 440. Odontalgia, 395. 03dema, 635. Oersted's discovery, 134. Oesophagus, 279. One-way current of induction, 144, 149, 151, 241. Organs of sense, effects of electricity on, 230. Organs of digestion illustrated, 253 Osmotic force, 217. Otalgia, treatment of, 395. Pain from the electrode, 328. Pains, hyperaesthesia and exalted nerve- action, 344, 349, 402, 655. Pains, inflammatory, 352, 408. Pains, muscular, 349, 386, 402. Pains, neuralgic points of, 390, 438. Pains, neuralgic spots of, 390, 438. Pains, rheumatic, 386, 408. Pains, spinal, 371, 405, 409. Palsy, (paralysis,) 471, 480, 555. Palsy, (anaesthesia) of sensation, 521. Palsy, brain, 476, 488, 511. Palsy, facial, 531. Palsy, hemiplegic, 502, 510. Palsy, hysterical, 558, 569. Palsy, lead, 539, 542. Palsy, local, 525, 555. Palsy of children, 548, 568. I Palsy of vocal cords, (aphonia,) 576. [ Palsy, paraplegic, 517. Palsy, progressive or wasting, 561, 565. Palsy, rheumatic, 544. j Palsy, spasmo, 548, 591. | Palsy, spinal, 520, 527, 558. Palsy, traumatic, 526, 529. Palsy, wasting or progressive, 561, 565. Paraplegia, 517, 520. Paraplegia, hysterical, 558. Paraplegia, incomplete, 555. Paraplegia, partial or renal, 555. Paraplegia, rheumatic, 519. Paralysis, 471, 480,511. Paralysis, facial, of two classes, 531. Paralysis, facial, simple, 534. Paralysis from arsenic, (wall-paper,) 694. Paralysis, hysterical, 569. Paralysis, hemiplegic, 502, 510. Paralysis, lead, 539, 542, 694. Paralysis of sentient nerves, (anaesthe- sia,) 525. Paralysis of cordae vocales, (aphonia,) 576. Paralysis of auditory nerve, 231, 336, 641. Paralysis of the iris, 231, 641. Paralysis of the tongue, 580. Paralysis spasmo, in childhood, 584. Paralysis of the bladder, 680. Paralysis, paraplegic, 517. Paralysis, partial, from urinary disease,555. Paralysis, renal, 555. Paralysis, rheumatic, 544. Paralysis, traumatic, 526. Paralysis (prolapsus) uteri, 641. Paralysis, wasting progressive, 561. Pelvic bones, diseases of, 412. Physiology, electro, 156. Pile, voltaic, 104, 127. Pleuralgia, 383. Plexus, nerves of brachial, 448. Plexus, nerves of cervical, 432. Plexus, nerves of lumbar and ischia, 458. Plexus, nerves of popliteal, 466. Plexus, nerves of sciatic, (ischiatic,) 465. Pneumogastric nerve illustrated, 443. Points or spots of neuralgia, 390, 438. Poison, arsenical, (wall-paper,) 695. Poison, chloroform, 690. Poison, lead pipe, 695. Poison, narcotics, 683. Polarity of atoms, 163, 165, 191, 199. INDEX. 71J Polarity of nerves, 192, 200. Polar alternations, 315. Polar working of the current, 192, 314. Precautions in treatment, 280, 490, 499. Progressive atrophy, 562. Progressive wasting palsy, 561. Prognosis of disease from deformed ear, 236. Prolapsus of intestines, 621. Prolapsus uteri, recti and vagina, 614. Pulmonary consumption, 637. Pulsation, nervous, local, 406. Pulvermacher's chain battery, 117. Puncture, acu, 655. Puncture, electro, 651. Quantity and intensity of current, 128. Rachalgia, 380, 411. Ramollissement or softening of brain, 510. Regions of the human body, 251. Region of neuralgia, occipito-cervical, 440. Region of neuralgia, cervico-brachial, 445. Region of neuralgia, dorso-intercostal, 454. Region of neuralgia, lumbo-sacral, 457. Region of neuralgia, sacro-femoral, 462. Region of neuralgia, facial, 433. Repair and waste of the human organism, 164, 683. Researches of Aldini, 77. Researches of Arago, 45,134. Researches of Becquerel, 20, 40. R-esearches of Claude Bernard, 246. Researches of De la Rive, 19, 28. Researches of Dubois-Reymond, 88, 191. Researches of Faraday, 139. Researches of Galvani, 70. Researches of Grapengeisser, 176. Researches of Henry, 139. Researches of Marianini, 82, 84, 203. Researches of Matteucci, 87. Researches of Marshall Hall, 483, 496. Researches of Nobili, 80, 83. Researches of Oersted, 134. Researches of Pelletier, 40. Researches of Quetilit, 41. Researches of Ritter, 86, 178. Researches of Remak, 84, 92, 301. Researches of Sir James Murray, 54. Researches of Sir Charles Bell, 562. Researches of Volta, 72, 81, 173. Researches of Von Humboldt, 77, 80, 175. Researches of Valli, 76, 105, 174. Researches of Valleix, 391. Researches in electro-physiology, 81, 173. Researches in electro-pathology, 471, 583. Respiration, enfeebled, 637. Return-shock of lightning, 46. Retention of urine, 680. Rheumatic affections, 360, 385, 400, 469. Rheumatic affections, chronic cases of, 366. Rheumatic carditis, 602. Rheumatic iritis, 641. Rheumatic joints, 360, 373. Rheumatic nodosities, 362, 373. Rheumatic paralysis, (palsy,) 544,368,372. Rigidity, 506. Saint Vitus' dance, (chorea,) 601. Safety from lightning, 44. Secretions, effects of currents upon, 608, 633, 652. Seeing, 231, 641. Sensibility and irritability, 566. Sciatica, diagnosis and treatment of, 352. Shaking palsy, 605. Sir Humphry Davy's apparatus and ex- periments, 107, 136. Sir James Murray, researches of, 54. Seance, (sitting) 280, 328, 475. Sky, 42. Smelling, 237. Smee's battery, 41. Softening of brain, (ramollissement,) 510. Sources of electricity, 16. Spasms, 322, 583. Spasmo-paralysis of children, 548. Spasmodic diseases, 322, 584, 591. Sparks given or taken, 99, 284. Spastic affections, 322, 583, 591. Spinal column illustrated, 223. Spinal cord and brain illustrated, 224. Spinal cord, posterior view, illustrated, 225. Spinal cord, piece of natural size, 226. Spinal cord, effects of electricity upon, 226. Spinal curvature, 268, 552. Spinal diseases, 406, 411, 591. Spinal hysterical, 405. Spinal irritation, 455, 591. Spinal neuralgia, 406. Spinal rheumatism, 408, 411. Spots and points, neuralgic, 390, 438. (81 716 INDEX. Static electricity and instruments, 21, 97. Static electricity, methods of using, 283. Storms and meteorology, 30, 40. Stomach, nervous affections of, 381. Stone dissolved in bladder, 679. Stuttering, 603. Suffocation, (asphyxia,) to prevent death by, 690. Suppression of urine, 680. Surgery, dental, electricity in, 664. Surgery, dental, Faradaic process in, 665. Surgery, electricity in, 640. Sympathetic nerves (ganglionic) illus- trated, 217. Sympathetic nerves, effects of electricity upon, 245. Sympathetic nerves, neuralgia of, 351,401. Symme's two-fluid theory, 19. Tabes dorsalis, 561. Tabes mesenterei, 622. Tasting, effects of electricity on, 238. Team-electrodes, 519, F in Appendix. Teeth, 669. Terminal fibrils of nerves, 619. Tetanic affections, 583, 590. Tetanus of Ritter, 313. Thermo-electric cube illustrated. 20. Thermo-electricity, 19. Thorax, nervous affections of, 384. Thoracalgia, 384. Thunderbolts, 43, 45. Tic-douloureux, (facial neuralgia,) 394. Torpedo, and other electric fishes, 183. Toothache, 672. Transformation of tissues, 562. Traumatic paralysis, 491, 526, 529. Traumatic tetanus, 590. Tremblings in muscles and limbs, 605. Tremors or tremblings, (agitans,) 604. Treatment, circle, 408, 430, & Appendix. Treatment, Faradaic, 239, 328, 331. Treatment, Galvanic, 228, 239, 294. Trismus, 688. Tri-facial nerves, affections of, 394. Tri-facial nerves illustrated, 436. Tubercle and cancer, 637. Two-way current of induction, 144, 149, 151, 241. Ulcers, indolent, 116, 648. Ultimate cells of animal life, 154. Ulterior nerve filaments illustrated, 162. Un-united fracture of bones, 657. Up-running current, (inverse,) 180, 208. Ure, researches of Dr., 214. Urinary bladder, nervous affections of, 679. Urinary bladder, neuralgia of, 402, 680. Urinary bladder, paralysis of, 680. Urinary bladder, stone dissolved in, 680. Urinary bladder, to Faradaize, 338. Uterine nerves, 255, 609, 612. Uterine nervous affections, 402, 410, 615. Uterus, deviations of, 612, & Appendix. Valleix, the "painful points" laid down by Dr., 391. Valleix, researches of, 390. Venous and arterial blood, 164, 260, 683. Vibrator of electro-magnetic machine, 142, 145. Vicissitudes of weather cause of disease, 42, 49, 53, 64. Vital spot, 222. Vitality, 157, 199, 215. Voice, loss of, (aphonia,) 576. Voltaic electricity, 105. Volta's opposition to Galvani, 72. Volta's pile, (battery,) 104. Volta's researches, 76, 105, 174, 312. Vomiting, hysterical, 374. Waste and repair of the human organism, 164, 683. Wasting palsy, (not self-limited,) 665. Weather observations, 39, 42. OPINIONS OF THE WORK. Prom JOHN HOMANS, M. D. 129 Teemont Street, Boston, Nov. 5, 1859. DR. Gaeratt. Dear Sir : I am happy to learn your intention to publish a treatise on Electro-Therapeutics, or the medical and surgical uses of Electricity. Such a work, by an educated physician who has bestowed much time and labor on the subject, both in study and practice, setting forth the value of this often neglected and sometimes misapplied agent in the treatment of a large class of diseases, will supply a want long felt by intelligent medical men, and cannot fail to be well received. The division of the subject into the different chapters, as indicated by you, appears judicious. I am very truly yours, JOHN HOMANS. From "WALTER CHAINING, M. D. " This large octavo volume is illustrated abundantly by descriptions, and drawings of instruments, both original and selected; by anatomical sketches, and by cases in which electricity has been employed, together with the limitation of its uses. What has particu- larly struck and pleased us in our examination of Dr. G.'s work, is the patient minuteness which every where marks his treatment of his subject. Nothing seems to have been over- looked. It is a very valuable work." Prom EDWAED H. CLARKE, M. D., Professor of Harvard University. Boston, June 5, 1860. Alfred C. Garratt, M. D. Dear Sir: It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your work on Electro-Physiology and Electro-Therapeutics. I shall read it at my earliest leisure, and hope to derive equal pleasure and profit from its perusal. The subject of the Medical Uses of Electricity is one of great importance, and but little understood. I hope your labors may be the means, not only of enlightening medical men with regard to it, but of awakening the attention of other observers. Please accept my best thanks for your book, and may you long be enabled to pursue the path you have entered on..... Very truly yours, EDWARD H. CLARKE. Prom J. V. C. SMITH, M. D. Boston, June 15, 1860. Dear Sir : Your industry and profound attainments in the domain of that special branch of the medical profession to which your powers have been directed, as exhibited in the beautiful volume presented to me, must result most favorably for your scientific and literary reputation. It is a monument which your descendants, in after times, will contemplate with proud satisfaction. Very truly, I have the honor to be your obliged friend and servant, A. C. Garratt, M. D. J- v- c- SMITH. From the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. " This volume, dedicated to our friend John Romans, M. D., President of the Massachu- setts Medical Society, is a very full and elaborate contribution to the medicinal powers and uses of Electricity. Dr. Garratt has sought, in the best authorities at home and abroad, and in their original sources, the whole literary history of this important subject, and has 2 OPINIONS OF THE WORK. presented it after a manner which deserves, and we believe trill receive, the careful study of the profession. It is in works like this, which come directly out of the deep interest of the authors in their subjects, and from abundant experience concerning them, that a pro- fession gains useful and important light, which enables it to put them to the full test of practical uses. We close with quotiug the last paragraph of this very interesting and val- uable work: — " ' Medical Students : Our investigations in this intensely interesting field of medical lore must here draw to a close. Let us now congratulate ourselves and thank God for this day and opportunity of seeing understand in gly so much of this new phase of our noble art. I said to you in the Preface, that we were rich in the materials for a systematic work of this kind, and now say again, that we feel still burdened with the untold matter that so interests ourselves, and which we desire you to know. But the original bounds of this work are already far exceeded ; I therefore only will remind you, with a parting emphasis, of the beautiful aphorism of Dr. Altheus, (who, by the way, has written well on this subject,) that " it is not electricity that cures diseases, but the physician who may cure disease by the means of electricity." In a word, it is the method and skill directing this agent that gives the success.'" From the Louisville Medical Journal. " There is no similar work in the English language; therefore this treatise by Dr. Garratt will supply an actual want heretofore felt by the profession." From the Chicago Medical Examiner. " From a careful examination of its contents, we are confident that the medical profession will be under lasting obligations to Dr. Garratt. The work is both scientific and practical; a book which should be in the hands of every medical student; and no medical library will be complete hereafter without it." From the New York Tribune. " The special subject to which this volume is devoted is the medical and surgical uses of Electricity. The author has given many years to the study of the subject, and in prepar- ing this work at the suggestion of many eminent medical men in different parts of the United States, he has combined the results of his own clinical experience with those of the highest practical authorities. The volume abounds in statements of the greatest interest and value to the student of physiology, as well as to the medical practitioner, and is founded on a strictly scientific basis." From the New York Independent. " We can commend without hesitation, to professional men, a portly octavo (now lying before us) on the ' Medical Uses of Electricity,' by Alfred C. Garratt, M. D. This thorough and learned work is designed for ' medical students' —& phrase which designates a very large class, inasmuch as no good physician ceases to be a student in medicine till he retires from the practice of his learned and liberal profession. Dr. Garratt's book, if we mistake not, is the most comprehensive and systematic work on this subject in the English language." From the Philadelphia Enquirer. " Beyond all question, there is no work, British or American, on this subject, which, for exhaustiveness and logical acuteness of reasoning, can be compared with this large and valuable treatise. All our observation of late leads us to the conclusion that there is much importance in the subject which Dr. Garratt so learnedly discusses in this treatise.-" From the Cincinnati Journal of Rational Medicine. " The past month has been somewhat prolific in the productions of publications of interest to the profession; and among the most novel and important books, no one is likely to command more attention than a work on Electro-Physiology and Electro-Thera- peutics, by Alfred C. Garratt, M. D., of Boston. It is an elaborate and comprehensive prea- OPINIONS OF THE WORK. 8 entation of important scientific and therapeutic facts, too seldom even slightly understood by the profession. The publishers have done their part admirably, making this book a model one. The only objection that can be raised is, that they have made the book too good ; and that its expensiveness may limit its sale. Price $4.00." From the Louisville Medical News. " It is doubtless true that the great majority of specialists are the most consummate quacks, and it is equally true that from the investigations of other honorable specialists the cause of truth has been most illuminated. It is the part of wisdom, therefore, to discriminate between these two classes. It is very easy to determine to which of these classes the author of the noble work before us belongs. (Garratt on the Medical Uses of Electricity,) and equally easy to perceive that he is a gentleman of learning, and a profound and prac- tical thinker. A careful perusal of the work will convince any one, that judgment formed from the opinions or treatment of travelling or local electropalhists may be very unjust, and that there is a veritable potency in the modification of electricity for the treatment of disease, which we may not safely ignore. The author's propositions, and the scientific bases claimed for them, are modestly suggested. The work is published by Ticknor & Fields, of Boston. It is beautifully executed and illustrated, and if the profession be true to its own interest, another edition will soon be demanded." From the Georgia Medical and Surgical Encyclopedia. The work before us (Medical Uses of Electricity by Garratt) is one which we can recom- mend to our friends with pleasure, for by its study they will obtain both knowledge and profit. He treats this subject calmly, deliberately, and scientifically,—an honor to himself, and a credit to his country. This work should be in the hands of every student of medicine, of every practitioner in the land. If the profession is true to themselves, their own interests, and the interests of their patients, several editions will have to be issued to supply the demand. From the Medical and Surgical Journal, St. Joseph, Mo. " The author (Dr. Garratt) has produced a very valuable work on the medical and surgi- cal uses of Electricity ,• the first attempt at a complete and systematic work on this sub- ject, we believe, ever made in America. How striking the coincidence, that Boston, the first home of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, should produce this work! We regard this book as a great boon to the profession, and as furnishing information that a majority of medical men now require, and cannot longer, with credit to themselves, fail to posseoo. Royal 8vo., 700 pages, 100 cuts. Price $3.00." I^p" Whoever has an electro-magnetic apparatus, or a magneto-electric ma- chine, or a Galvanic battery, (primary current,) and intends using either of these for Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Paralysis, &c, should have at hand a copy of this work, which gives very plain and practical directions as to how, where, and when to employ electricity as a remedy with safety as well as success. [EsP By sending $3.00, by mail or otherwise, to Dr. A. C. Garratt, No. 7 Hamilton Place, Boston, Mass., the book will be forwarded free of expense. It may also be found at the bookstores throughout the country