PATHOGENESIS OF MYRICA CERIFERA. BY EDWIN M. HALE, M. D., Prof, of Materia Medica, etc., etc., etc. DETROIT, MICHIGAN : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT DR. E. A. LODGE'S IIOMCEOPATHIC PHARMACY, a l WAYNE STREET, BETWEEN EARNED STREET AND JEFFERSON AVENUE. 1868. PRICE, 15 CJE3STXS. MYRICA CERIFERA. {Bay berry.) PATHOGENESIS OP MYEICA CEEIFERA. Analogues.—Asarum canadensis, Acidum benzoic., Berberis vulgaris, Bromine, Ckimaphila, Cornus circinata, Cubeba, Eryngium aquaticum, Eupatorium oromaticum, Hydrastis can., Ilepar sulphur, Kali bichromicum, Lachesis, Mercurius iodatus, Spongia. The Myrica belongs to a group of remedies of which Hepar sulphur is the typical member. It has many points of analogy with other medicines belonging to that group, while it holds relationship to members of others. A close study of its symp- toms will show these points of resemblance. The Bayberry has been in common use in the practice of the people, and the so-called “ Botanic ” physicians, ever since the settlement of New England. The Eclectic school hold it in high estimation in many diseases. It remained for the Homoeopathic School to investigate its powers and uses in a rational manner. The first notice of this medicine in our literature was in the second edition of “New Remedies,” where its botanical description and medical history was given, and two extended provings by Dr. L. Walker. The next public mention of the Myrica was made in the second volume of “ Publications of the Massachusetts Homoeo- pathic Medical Society.” This consisted of a “Report of the Committee on Materia Medica,” made to that Society in 1864. This report consists of provings made by Dr. H. L. Chase, Dr. Charles Cullis, Dr. C. Wesselhceeft, Dr. F, H. Krebs, Dr. J. E. Linnell, and two women. Some of these provings were made with the mother tincture, others with finely-pulverized bark. Eight provings have been made of the Myrica, The following 6 pathogenesis of myrica cerifera. pathogenesis is composed of the symptoms thus obtained, also from a few fragmentary provings, and accidental symptoms, observed by Dr. H. P. Hale and Mr. Chapman (Chemist). All the symptoms recorded appear to be reliable and trustworthy. The curative symptoms were obtained from reliable persons, and from the results of my own observation and use of the remedy. This pathogenesis, although not as complete as could be desired, is full enough and sufficiently suggestive to be the basis of its use in the selection of the remedy. That it will prove a valuable medicine, we do not doubt, if it* is carefully selected and used in proper doses. The cures made with the Myrica have, up to this time, been made with the crude drug and the lower attenuations ; no experience of its use in the higher potencies has yet come under my notice. Without attempting to theorize in relation to its special affinities, the Myrica appears to me to act principally upon the mucous membranes. This is a general action, and seems to extend to its remotest and minutest ramifications. I believe that nearly all its symptoms arise directly or indirectly from this action. Explanation of Signs.—A symptom in italic indicates its apparent importance, or prominence in the provings. The words “ in” “when,” u with,” 11 it,"1 etc,, italicised, indicate the special relation of two or more symptoms. The sign indicates a simple pathogenetic symptom. The sign “ * ” indicates that the symptom has been verified by a cure. The letters (v) or (vvv) indicate that the symptom has been verified by one or more provers. The sign “ ° ” is prefixed to a curative symptom or group of symptoms not found in the pathogenesis. The letter (t) indicates that the cure was made by the topical appli- cation. The pathogenetic symptoms are all numbered after the usual plan. MIND AND DISPOSITION. 1 .Deficient concentration of mind on any subject.(v) 2 .Gloomy, terribly depressed, despondent, (vv). 3 .Indifference to everything—even to friends. 4 .Condemned himself for imaginary faults. PATHOGENESIS OF MYRICA CERIFERA. 7 5 .Irritable, with constant desire to find fault. He thinks himself better than any one else.(v) HEAD. 6 .Dull, heavy aching in the forehead and temples, on leaking in morning, (vv) 7 .Pain in the head, ivorse when stooping or moving about. 8 .Headache, with pain and stiffness in the nape of neck.(x) 9 .Headache, with throbbing in the temples.(v) 10 .Headache in morning, with aching in small of theback.(v) 11 .Dull, heavy feeling over the eyes, followed by stricture across the nose. 12 .Soreness of the scalp to the touch. 13 .Pain in back part of head, right side. 14 .Heaviness in back of head, with pressure in nose. 15 .In the top of the head a sensation like foam rising in any- thing fermenting. O O 16 .Chills running over the top of the head, with tightness of the scalp. 17 .Empty feeling in the head. 18 .Headache, with drowsiness, also with ringing in the ears. 19 .Pressure and dull pain in forehead and vertex, with throb- bing, synchronous with the pulse. SENSORIUM. 20 . Vertigo, with drowsiness. 21 .Vertigo, with rush of blood to the head, on stooping, fol- lowed by full, oppressive headache in right side. 22 .Vertigo with nausea, and with yawning. EYES. 23 .Dull pain in the eyes and head. 24 .Smarting in the left eye.(v) 25 .Eyes feel swollen. 26 .Yellowness of the sclerotica, with congested appearance. 27 .Eyelids heavy and swollen.(v) 28 .Both eyes feel sore, with flushed face. 29 .Sharp pain in the left eye. 30 .Left eye sore and looked inflamed, in morning. 31 .Heaviness in the eyes. 8 PATHOGENESIS OF MYRICA CERIFERA. 32 .Aching in right eyeball, with quivering in the eyelids. 33 .Smarting in both eyes, with feeling as of sand in them, and difficulty of closing the lids.(v) 34 .Hot feeling in the eyes, they tire easily on reading. EAR. 35 .Ringing in the left ear.(v) 36 .Ringing in both ears, with slight vertigo ; also with press- ure about the head.(v) NOSE. 37 .Sensation in the nose, as if he had catarrh. 38 .One painful pimple on the nose. 39 .Pressure in the left side of the nose.[v] 40 .Constrictive feeling across the nose. 41 .Severe coryza, in the morning.[v] 42 .Aching, excruciating feeling in the posterior nares. 43 .Tenacious, offensive mucus in the nose. °Fcetid, bloody ozoena. FACE. 44 .Pressure in the malar bones. 45 .Yellowness of the face (jaundice). 46 .Itching and stinging: in right side of face. 47 .Burning in the face, with sensation of fullness.[v] 48 .Creeping sensation, as of crawling insects on the face. 49 .Fullness about the face and head, with throbbing. MOUTH, TEETH, ETC. 50 .Tongue furred, with bad taste in mouth and nausea.[v] 51 .Tongue thickly coated, dirty white or yellowish.[v] 52 .Saliva increased, with heartburn. 53 .Dryness of the mouth and fauces. 54 .Darting pain in the articulation of jaw, right side. 55 .The whole buccal cavity, even the roof of the mouth, was coated with an adhesive coating, difficult to detach, tvith offensive breath and foul tasfe. °Aptha3 of the mouth, [t] °Tender, spongy and bleeding gums. stomatitis. PATHOGENESIS OF MYRICA CERIFERA. 9 THROAT. 56 .Soreness of the throat in the morning. 57 .Sensation as of a foreign substance in the throat, requiring it to he frequently cleared, with painful deglutition, in the afternoon, [v] 58 .Constricted and rough feeling in the throat, it feels swollen, [v] 59 .Constant desire to swallow, from a sense of constriction in throat, [v] 60 .Stringy mucus in the the throat, detached with difficulty. 61 .Throat and nasal organs filled with an offensive, tenacious mucus, detached with difficulty. 62 .Dryness of the throat. 63 .Dry, sore feeling in the pharynx, as when one has taken cold, succeeded by difficult deglutition. 64 .Semi-lancinating pain in right side of the throat, near the tonsil. °Ulceration of the fauces. °Aphthous tonsillitis. TASTE AND APPETITE. 65 .Taste hitter and nauseous. 66 .Taste foul, with offensive breath, 67 .Feeling of fullness in the digestive organs, as if food was slowly digested. 68 . Craving, unnatural appetite, with feeling of fullness in the stomach, as after a hearty meal.[y\~\ [primary] 69 .Appetite for breakfast impaired. 70 .Complete loss of appetite, but with a feeling of fullness and repletion in the abdomen, [v] [secondary] 71 .Strong desire for acids. GASTRIC DERANGEMENTS. 72 .Nausea, followed by heavy headache. 73 .Empty eructations, relieving the pressure in the stomach for a short time only. 74 .Heartburn, with water-brash. HEPATIC SYMPTOMS. 75 .Dull pain in the region of the liver. 10 PATHOGENESIS OF MYRICA CERIFERA. 76 .Complete jaundice, with bronze-yellow skin, loss of appe- tite ; fullness in the stomach and abdomen ; scanty, yellow, frothy urine ; loose, mushy, clay-colored (or straw-colored) stools, destitute of bile, much debility, and drowsiness almost amounting to stupor.0 [This jaundice was not relieved by Podophyllum, Leptan- dra, Nux vomica, Arsenicum, or Mercurius dulcis, but was speedily removed by Digitalis -jtg-th dil.] Black jaundice.” STOMACH AND ABDOMEN. 77 .Distress in the stomach after dinner. 78 .Acidity of the stomach.' 79 .Severe pain in the stomach. 80 .Weak, sinking, feeling in the epigastrium, approaching nan* sea, increased after eating, relieved by rapid walking, [v] 81 .Vomiting, with heat in the stomach. 82 .Severe griping pains about the stomach, followed by 83 .Empty eructations, [v] 84 .Stinging, cramp-like sensation in left prm-cardial region, under the ribs. 85 .Griping pressure in stomach, extending to a place to the left of the navel. 86 .Grumbling pain in the bowels, in afternoon. 87 .Griping pain in bowels, at night, followed, in the morning by loose stool, with tenesmus. 88 .Colic-like pains in umbilical region, in a small spot, with accumulation of flatus,and passage of offensive flatus, [v] 89 .Constant, unusual rumbling in abdomen, above the navel. 90 .Griping pain in region of umbilicus, with rumbling. 91 .Weak, faintish feeling about the bowels, as when one has diarrhoea. * The icteric symptoms of Myrica are undoubted. Dr. Walker proved the drug under my own observation, liy reference to the two provings made by him, it will be seen that during the first proving he had “ drowsiness, with heavy frontal morning headache, yellowness of the eyes, scantiness of urine, and light-colored faeces,”—all the premonitory symptoms of jaundice. At this point the medicine was suspended, and the above symptoms disappeared. At the next proving the same symptoms recurred, but this time were kept up by the action of the drug until complete jaundice obtained. This jaundice, I believe, was owing to suspended secretion, and not to obstruction. Had the latter condition been the cause of the jaundice, critical discharges of black, tarry matters would have been noticed,whereas, in this case, the fasces, undei the action of Digitalis, gradually resumed a healthy color and appearance, and the same change occurred in the condition of the urine. Jaundice appears to be a secondary effect of Myrica ; conse- quently when used as a curative agent in that disease, the lower attenuations will be best indi- cated. II. PATHOGENESIS OF MYRICA CERIFERA. 11 STOOL AND ANUS. 92 .Loose stool, after dinner, with pain and tenesmus. 93 .Sensation as of approaching diarrhoea, followed by small, costive discharges and giiping, colic-like pains. 94 .Constant discharge of flatus when walking. 95 .In a. M. felt as though diarrhoea would occur, followed by weakness about the bowels, with urging and pressing, without stool. 96 .Constipation, after previous loose stools. 97 .Soft, copious, papescent stool, attended by tenesmus and cramp-like sensation in umbilical region. 98 .Urging to stool, with no other result than the expulsion of a great amount of flatus. 99 .Excessive flatulence, in r. m., with frequent rumbb’ng, as if diarrhoea would set in. [v] 100 .Stool nearly natural in consistency, but lighter colored. 101 .Loose, light-colored stool, grooving lighter-colored daily,until it became ash-colored and destitute of bile. ° Chronic diarrhoea. °Diarrhoea of consumptives. SEXUAL ORGANS. MALE. 102 .Amorous dreams, with emission of semen (this never occurred to the prover before.) °Chronic gonorrhoea. Female—(None yet obtained). °Leucorrhcea, excoriating, foetid, thick and yellowish, [t] (of several years’ duration.) URINARY ORGANS. 103 .Sharp, plunging pain in region of the left kidney. 104 .Difficulty of urinating ; the bladder seemed to lack con- tractive expelling power. 105 .Copious flow of limpid urine, [v] [primary effect] 106 .Urine deposits a light-colored sediment. 107 .Light-brownish-colored sediment. 108 .Urine darker than usual,—grows darker every day, until it is a deep broAvnish-yellow. [secondary effect] 109 .A pinkish-brown sediment in the urine. 12 PATHOGENESIS OF MYRICA CERIFERA. 110 .Scanty, high-colored urine, saturated with the coloring mat- ter of the bile. 111 .Frothy, high-colored urine—(froth yellow). RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 112 .Smarting in larynx and trachea. 113 .Pain in the left lung. 114 .Dull pain in right lung, middle lobe, lasting a few minutes. 115 .Constriction in the chest when lying on the left side in bed, with such increase of the impulse of the heart that its pulsations were audible. 116 .Sharp pain in the region of the heart. °Cough, very much aggravated bjr talking. °Tickling cough, at night, on lying down. °Cough, with profuse expectoration. °Chronic bronchitis. BACK AND NECK. 117 .Dull, aching pain in lumbar region, all day.[v] 118 .Dull pain under both shoulder blades. 119 .Sensation of warmth along the whole spine, particularly between the shoulder blades. 120 .Pain in the back of the neck.[vv] 121 .Dull dragging pain in small of the back.[v] 122 .Pain under left scapulae. UPPER EXTREMITIES. 123 .Lancinating pain in left axilla. 124 .Pain (tearing) in left arm, between shoulder and elbow.[v] 125 .Pain in third and little finger of left liand.[v] 126 .Severe pain in shoulder and arm, extending to little finger. 127 .Right arm felt lame and heavy, particularly about the wrist joint. 128 .Dull aching pain in all the extremities. LOWER EXTREMITIES. 129 .Soreness of the muscles of both thighs. 130 .Trembling and aching in calves of the legs; worse in the left. 131 .Sharp, shooting pain in right thigh, followed by a similar pain in left thigh. PATHOGENESIS OF MYRICA CERIFERA. 13 132 .Sharp, piercing pain at the inner side of left knee joint. 133 .Soreness and pain in the left tendo-Achillis, worse on pressure and motion. 134 .Severe pain midway between the knee and ankle, a little outside of the tibia; a contractive pain, with soreness to the touch, changing to a burning ; worse on motion. 135 .Pain in the hollow of the right foot. 136 .Burning in the soles of the feet. 137 .Bruised pain in heel of left foot. 138 .Coldness of lower extremities, with pain from knees downward. SKIN. 139 .Itching and stinging sensation on the skin of the face, neck, shoulder, fore-arm, and right leg. 140 .Persistent itching in different parts, worse near the point of insertion of the deltoid muscles, in both arms. 141 .Itching of the face, giving way to creeping sensation, as of insects. 142 .Yellowness of the skin of the whole body. SLEEP. 143 .Bestless night, with tossing about. 144 .Waking with dull frontal headache, [vv] 145 .Waking in a gloomy state of mind, unrefreshed. 146 .Sleep disturbed at night; bad dreams and frequent waking. 147 .Drowsiness, with and after headache.[vv] 148 .Falls asleep in her chair, in the daytime, (an unusual occurrence). 149 .Dreams of enormous bugs, which attacked his head, and which he killed with much difficulty. 150 .Sleeplessness, with exhilaration of nervous system, in evening. FEVER, PULSE AND HEART. 151 .Warmth along the whole spine, especially between the shoulders, followed by chill, gentle perspiration, more perceptible over the dorsal vertebrae. 152 .Chilliness upon going out of doors, with aching pain in the lumbar region. 14 PATHOGENESIS OF MYRICA CERIFERA. 153 .Severe chill, with quivering sensation in calf of right leg. 154 .Feverish acceleration of the pulse, attaining its height about 4 o’clock. 155 .Excited, feverish feeling, alternating with chilliness, at 10 o’clock P. M., wi}h pain in the lumbar region. 156 .Feeling of feverishness, while the pulse was at 60. 157 .Pulse 51, feeble and irregular. 158 .Impulse of heart’s action increased, but the number of pulsations diminished to sixty per minute, (ordinary pulse 75 to 80). 159 .Increased pulsation, and audible beating of the heart when lying in bed, on left side. °Night sweats—in phthisis, GENERALITIES. 160 .General malaise, and feeling of unfitness for duty. 161 .General languor, with depression of spirits. 162 .Weak, sick feeling; every kind of exertion was irksome. 163 .Shifting pains. 164 .General muscular lameness and soreness, affecting chiefly the lower limbs. 165 .Staggering gait, with confusion of thought and purpose in the head. °Great debility. CONDITIONS. Worse by the warmth of the bed—disturbing sleep. Better when moving, and in open air (gastric symptoms). Left side predominantly affected. The headache worse when stooping or moving. 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