THE METRIC DOSE BOOK. GIVING THE Minimum and Maximum Doses of Old and New Drugs by the Gramme System. ALSO, CONTAINING A Table of the Metric System as Applied to Medicine. And a Therapeutical Synopsis of the Principal Neiv Drugs. BY U EDWARD D. IIAEL, MEMBER CF THE MASS. ftAE&C* L'-dCT^TETY. BOSTON: A. T. BLISS A CO., PRINTERS, S7 WAT~kTT~S^jI>/1> 1879. APPROXIMATE . EQUIVALENTS. Troy Weights. Gramme Weights Troy Weights. Gramme Weights Grain ]/% eql’s .008 Ounce i eql’s 31*1 “ .016 4 “ 124. K “ .032 5 “ i55- i “ .065 6 “ 186. 2 “ •r3 7 “ 217. 3 “ ' r9 8 “ 248. 4 “ •26 9 “ 279. 5 “ •32 10 “ 311* IO “ •65 12 “ 373- T5 “ '97 20 “ 1.29 3° “ 1.94 40 “ 2-59 50 “ 3-24 Drachm 1 “ 3-89 “ 5-83 2 “ 7*75 3 “ 11.66 4 “ I5-55 6 “ 23-3 Hall’s Metric Dose Book. 4 APPROXIMATE 'EQUIVALENTS. Fluid Measukes. Cubic Centimetres. Fluid Drachm I.84 i 3-69 2 7-38 4 14.76 Fluid Ounce i 29-5 2 59- 4 118. 8 236. I 2 354- 16 472. 24 7°9- 30 886. 32 944. FLUID MEASURE. Grammes. m or gr. i == about 06 f 3 “ 3 i = 4 oo n “ i i = 32 oo Hall’s Metric Dose Book. 5 Phs. in writing 1 grain .06 gramme instead of <165 gramme, prescribe less than one grain; but the deviation is on the safe side. The use of the decimal line instead cf points pre- vents error. Cubic Centimetres (C. C.) used for grammes (Gins'), causes an error of 5 percent, excess. APROXIMATE MEASURES. Teaspoonful i fluid drachm—5 grams water. Desertspoonful 2 “ TabFespoonful fluid ounce—20 “ “ Wineglassful 2 “ “ Teacupful 4 “ “ Tumblerful 8 “ “ Whenever it is desired that medicine be taken in drops the dose can be approximated by the follow- ing table. 1 Minim of Ether and ethereal solutions eql’s 2E? to 3 drops. Tinctures, alcoholic solu- tions and volatile oils to 2 or 2 ]/? “ Medicated wines 1 to 1 ]/2 “ Water and aqueous solutions to 1 “ In the following Table new remedies and new pre- parations are printed in italics. 6 Hall’s Metric Dose Book. M Grammes. in. Max. ACIDUM. Arsenicum, OO5 008 Carbolicum, Choloric Dil. l °5 2 20 Gallicum 20 1 Hydriodicum Syrupus 4 8 Hydrobrom icu ?n Hydrocyanicum Dil. 2 10 4 3° Muriaticum Dil. 25 1 Nitricum Dil. 25 1 Phosphoricum Dil. 25 2 Salicylicum 25 1 Sulphuricum Arom. 5° 2 “ ' Dil. 5° 2 Tannicum 10 1 ACONITA. Extractum °3 06 Radicis Tinct °5 25 aether. Spts. Comp. 2 4 “ Nitrosi 2 4 ALOES SOCOTRINA 10 5° et Myrrhse Tinct. 4 8 Hall’s Metric Dose Book. 7 Grammes. Min. Max. ALUMEN 25 2 AMMONIA. Aqua 5° I Bromidum 25 I Carbonas 25 I Carbazotate 003 06 Chloridum Murias 25 I Valerianas 10 5° AMYL NITRAS 10 3° ANTIMONII et POTAS- SAi TARTRAS 002 10 Vinum 5° 4 APOMORPHIA HYDRO- CHLORATE 01 02 ARSENICUM. Liq. Potassae Ars. IO 5° ARGENTI NITRAS OI5 r5 ASSAFCETIDA 25 1 ATROPI.E SULPHAS 001 002 8 Hall’s Metric Dose Hook. Gramme Min. Max. AURI CHLORIDUM et Sodii Chloridum A VA CA VA. FI. Ext. 25 3° BELA FRUCTUS. FI. Extr. 4 8 BELLADONNA °5 15 Extr. 01 °3 FI. Extr. x5 25 Tinct. 25 1 25 BISMUTHI SUBNITRAS 25 1 BOLDO FOLIA 06 20 Ext. FI. 06 30 BRAYERA 10 20 BRYONIA 5° 2 BUCHU EXT. FL. i 2 'Finct. 4 8 CACTUS GRAN DI- FLORA. FI. Ext. °5 *5 CALC11 BROMIDUM i 2 Io did'inn ‘5 25 Hall’s Metric Dose Book. 9 Grammes. Min. Max. CALCIS LIQ. 30 60 Lactophosphas 4 8 CALUMBA 5° I Tinct. 4 8 CALENDULA 3° I Ext. FI. 5° 1 5° CAMPHORA °5 3° Aqua !5 20 Spts. 25 2 Monobrotnata 10 25 CANNABIS INDICvE EXT 01 06 Tinct. 25 1 CANTHARIDIS TINC T. 25 1 CAPSICUM 06 3° Tinct. 5° 2 CARDAMONI TINCT 4 8 Tinct. Comp. 4 8 CASCARA. FI. Ext. 2 4 CATECHU TINCT. 2 8 CERII OXALAS 08 ! 20 CHENOPODIUM 1 2 10 Hall’s Metric Dose Book. Grammes. Min. Max. CHLORAL HYDRATE 5° I 50 Butylicum >5 5° CHIONANTHUS VIR- GJNICA. FI. Ext i 2 CHLOROFORMUM 25 2i Tinct. Comp. i 2 CIMICIFUGA x * 25 FI. Ext. i 1 25 CINCHONA. Tinct. Comp. 4 8 Quinia (salts of) °5 1 5° COCA. - FI. Ext. 2 4 Vinum 8 I COTO 3° 50 Ext. FI. 50 1 25 COLCHICUM 10 5° Ext. Rad. FI. 10 5° Rad. Vinum 5° 2 Tinct. 25 1 25 COLOCYNTHIS 10 3° Ext. Comp. 25 2 Grammes. Min. Max. CON11 EXT. °5 ' 15 Conia Bromohydrate OOI OI 03 COPAIBA IO 4 CROTONCHLORL, (Chloral Butylicium) *5 5° CREASOTUM °5 25 CROCUS 2 5 2 CUBEBA 5° 8 Oleum 5° 2 Tinct. i 8 CUNDURANGO FI. Ext. i CUPRI SULPHAS OI 2 20 CURARE ( Woorara) 005 OI DAMIANA 25 1 FI. fext. 5° 1 DIGITALIN 001 002 DIGITALIS °5 10 Ext. 03 IO Tinct. 5° 2 Hall’s Metric Dose Book. 11 12 Hall’s Metric Dose Book. Grammes. Min. Max. DROSERA. FI. Ex. 25 5° ELATERIUM 0 0 Ol °5 ERGOTA 25 1 El. Ext. 5° 4 Vinum 4 12 ERYTH ROXY LON— vide Coca. ERGOT OE CORN vid. Ustilago EUCALYPTUS. FI. Ext. 4 8 FERRI ARSE NIAS 003 004 Carbonas Saccharata 25 1 Citras 25 1 et Ammonii Citras 3° 1 et Ammonii Sulphas 25 60 et Ammonii Tartras 5° . 1 et Potassii Tartras 25 1 et Quiniae Citras 25 5° et Strychniae Citras °5 10 I Iypophosphis 25 5° Iodidi Syrupus 5° 4 Hall’s Metric Dose Book. 13 Grammes. Min. M IX. FERRI ARSENIAS OO3 OO4 Phosphas 25 5° Pyrophosphas 10 30 Subcarbonas 25 1 Cliloridi Tinct. 50 2 FERRUM DIAL YSA- TUM 2 4 Redactum 06 3° FUCUS VESICULOSUS Ext. El. i 4 GAMBOGE 06 3° GELSEMII Ext. FI. 10 25 GENTIANS EXT. 15 5° Tinct. Comp. 4 8 GERANII FI. Ext. 2 8 GOSSYPII RAD. FI. Ext. 2 4 GRINDELIA 25 5° FI. Ext. 50 1 GUIACI TINCT. 4 8 Tinct. Comp. 4 8 Ammoniata Tinct. 4 8 14 Hall’s Metric Dose Book. Grammes. Min. Max. GUAR AN A 5° 1 I FI. Ext. 5° I HAMAMELIS FI. Ext. 4 8 HELLEBORUS 3° 1 Ext. 3° 5° Tinct. 2 4 HYDRARGYRI CHOLRI- DUM CORROSIVUM 005 01 Mite °3 1 Iodidum Riibrum 004 01 hydrargyrum cum CRETA *5 5° HYOSCYAMI EXT. 10 25 Ext. Alcoholicum 10 25 Ext. FI. 3° 60 Tinct. 5° 2 IODINII TINCT. ' 25 1 Tinct. Comp. 5° 1 IODOFORMUM 06 *5 IPECACUANNA 06 2 Ext. FI. 25 1 Pulvis Comp. 30 5° Hall’s Metric Dose Book. 15 M Grammes, n. Max. IPECACUANNA 06 2 Syrupus Vinum I 3° 8 i JAB OR AND I FI. Ext. 25 5° JALAPA I i 5° Ext. I i 5° Pulv. Comp. 5° 2 Tinct. Resina 2 25 8 5° JUGLANDIS EXT. I 2 KAMALA 4 8 Tinct. 4 8 KRAMERIA. Ext. 25 i Ext. FI. i 2 Syr. 2 4 Tinct. 4 8 KINO 5° i Pnlv. Comp. 25 i Tinct. 4 • 8 LOBELIA 06 2 5 Acptum i 4 16 Hall’s Metric Dose Hook. # Grammes. Min. Max. LOBELIA 06 • 25 Tinct. 5° 4 LUPULINA 25 5° FI. Ex. 60 I! Tinct. 5° A, MAGNESII CARBON AS 5° 2 Sulphas 15 3° MATE FI. Ext. 5° 1 5° MORPHIA (salts of) 008 03 Liq. Acetatis 5° 1 5° • Sulphatis 4 8 Hydrochloratis 5° l\s° MOSCHUS 5° 1 MYRRHA 25 1 Tinct. x 4 Aloes et 4 8 NUX VOMICA 06 25 Ext. °3 10 Tinct, 5° 2 Strychnia (salts of) 001 005 (.ENOTHERA BIENNIS FI. Ext. 1 2 Hall’s Metric Dose Book. 17 Grammes. M n. M; IX. OLEUM ANISI IO 3° Cajeput IO 5° Camphor® IO *5 Cari °5 5° Chenopodii 25 5° Copaib® 5° 80 Cubeb® 5° I Morrhu® 8 Phosphoratum 25 *5 5° Ricini 4 Rut® 06 3° 25 Sabin® IO 5° Santalum Album 3° 1 Terebinthin® 25 4 Tiglii 03 IO OPIUM °3 IO OPII ACETUM 25 60 Ext. °3 06 Pulv. Ipecac. Comp 25 1 Tinct. 5° 2 Camphorata 5° 4 Deodorata 5° 2 Vinum 5° 2 18 Grammes. Min. Max. OPII ACETUM 25 6o Morphia (salts of) 008 02 PEPSIN 5° 8o PHOSPHORUS OOI o°3 PILOCARPUS vid. JABORANDI. PLUMBI ACE PAS 06 IO Liquor PODOPHYLLUM 5° i Ext. 5° i Resina OI 03 PODOPHILLIN OOI °5 POTASSJE LIQUOR 5° 4 POTASSII ACETAS 5° 2 Bicarbonas I 4 Bitartras 2 I 2 Bromidum 5° 4 Carbonas 5° 2 Chloras 5° 2 Citras 1 4 et Sodii Tartras 4 16 Hall’s Metric Dose Hook. Hall’s Metric Dose Book. 19 Granynes. Min. Max. POTASSII AC ETAS 5° 2 Iodidum IO 25 Nitras 5° 2 Permanganas °5 10 PRUNUS VtRGINIANA I 3 Ext. FI. I 4 Syr. 2 4 PULSATILLA 20 3° Ext. FI. 06 20 PROPYLAMINA i5 25 QUASSIA I 2 Ext. 06 10 Tinct. 2 4 QUINI/E SULPHAS 06 1 Valerianas 20 3° QUINIDLE SULPHAS 06 1 RHAMNI SYRUPUS 2 ,4 Frangulce Ext FI. 2 4 RHEUM I 2 RHEI EXT. 5° 1 Ext. FI. 5° 1 20 Hall’s Metric Dose Hook. Grammes. Min. Max. RHEI EXT. 5° 1 Syr. 2 8 Tinct. 2 30 Vinum 4 8 SABINA 30 5° SANGUINARIA 30 2 Tinct. I 8 SANTONINUM °3 10 SCAMMONIUM 5° 1 Resina 25 5° SCILLA 06 20 Acetum I 25 4 Tinct. 5° 2 Syr. 5° 4 Syr. Comp. 25 2 SCUTELLARIA 25 ' 1 SENEGA 5° X Ext. FI. I 2 Syr. 4 8 SENNA Ext. FI. 4 8 et Rhei Tinct. 8 32 Hall’s Metric Dose Book. 21 Grammes. Min. Max. SENNA Syr. 4 I 2 SODII AC ETAS i 2 Bicarbonas 25 2 Boras 25 2 Ethylate Hyphosulphis 5° I Sulphas i 4 Sulphocarbolas IO 1 SPIGELLE Ext. FI. 4 8 STRAMONII Fob 06 10 Ext. 03 06 Sem. °3 06 Ext. 01 °3 Tinct. 25 1 STRYCHNIA SULPH. 001 005 SULPHUR 2 r5 TARAXICI Ext. FI. 4 5 TOLUTANUS Syr. 2 4 URTICA DIOICA FI. Extr 1 2 22 Hall’s Metric Dose Bo&iy. Grammes. Min. Mi X. USTILAGO MAID IS 25 50 Ft. Ext. 25 5° UYA URSI 20 40 Ext. FI. 2 8 VALERIANAE Ex. FI. 2 8 VERATRI VIRIDIS Ex. FI. 06 20 Tinct *5 25 VIBURN AM PR UNIFO- LIUM 1 2 Ext. FI. 2 4 XANTHIUM SP1NOS- 25 5° UM Ex. FI. 25 5° ZINCI PHOSPHIDIUM 005 01 Sulphas OI5 2 Valerianas °5 10 ZINGIBER 50 2 Tinct. 2 4 THERAPEUTICS. ACID CHLORIC DIL. has been successfully used in diphtheria and has proven of considerable value as a tonic where digestion is impaired. Often administered in combination with Tincture Chloride of Iron in diphtheria and with Rhubarb or in'atonic dyspepsia. ACID HYDRIODIC. In those cases in which Iodide of Potassium is found to disagree or to occa- sion unpleasant symptoms, Hydriodic Acid has been found useful as a substitute, producing the desired effects with a much smaller dose. In bronchitis, chronic or sub-acute catarrhal dis- ease, asthma, goitre and adipose tumors, good re- sults have been observed from its use. • Usually administered in form of Syrup. ACID HYDROBROMIC exerts a specific ac- tion in hysterical conditions connected with ovarian excitement, also in the vomiting of pregnancy. It is further claimed to prevent the unpleasant effect of Quinia. ACID SALICYLIC has been administered with very remarkable success in acute rheumatism. AMMONIUM CARBAZOTATE has. been employed with good effect in anarmia, intermittent and malarial fevers, in doses of .01 to .06 gms. and in whooping cough in doses of .003 to .01 gms. 24 Hall’s Metric Dose Book. APOMORPHIA HYDROCHLORATE administered subcutaneously to induce vomiting. AVA KAVA has been recommended as a remedy for gonorrhoea. Administered twice a day, before or af- ter meals. P RUC I US. Used as an astringent in diarrhoea and dysentery, which it appears to relieve without inducing constipation. BOLDO FOLIA. Tile properties attributed to lloldo are that it acts as a stimulent to digestion and has a marked influence on the liver. It has been used in cases of atony of various organs where the patients have been unable to tolerate quinine. CACTUS GRANDIFLORA. Sedative and diu. retie; especially useful in diseases of the heart, pal- pitation, angina pectoris, cardiac neuralgia, rheuma- tism, etc. CALCIS LACTOPHOSPHAS. i.actophos. phate of Lime has proven itself of great value in the treatment of rickets, fractures, scrofula, dyspepsia, anaemia, chlorosis, etc.; in phthisis as a valuable adjunct to Cod Liver Oil; in disorders of nutrition in nursing mothers, etc. CAMPHOR MONOBROMATE. used in Hysteria. CASCARA SAG RADA, a laxative. Hall’s Metric Dose Book. 25 CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA. An aperi- ent, alterative and diuretic. COCA. This drug is a powerful stimulant to the nervous and muscular systems. It has been used with excellent results in dyspepsia and gastralgia, in the debility following typhoid fever, and in aniemic conditions. CO I O. The advantages claimed for Coto or Cota Bark are its tonic and specific action, without narcotism, in the treatment of diarrhoea, expecially when of a tuberculous character. It has been found particularly beneficial in infantile diarrhoea, and in those cases in which opium cannot be safely or conveniently admin- istered; also in the colliquative sweats of phthisis. It is said further to have the advantage of stimulat- ing the appetite. CUN DURANGO. This is used as a remedy for cancer and various chronic diseases of the blood. CURARE, has been used successfully, in cases of Hydrophobia. DAMIANA. This drug is said to possess powerful tonic and aphrodisiac properties. In small doses it seems to have a specific effect on all the organs of the pelvis, giving increased tone and activity to all the secretions of that vicinity. DROSERA has been used in whooping cough, spasmodic asthma and bronchitis. 26 Hall’s Metric Dose Book. FERRUM DIALYSATUM. Dialysed Inn may be considered the nearest approach vet made to the form in which iron exists in the blood. Being deprived by dialysis of nearly every trace of acid, it is almost tasteless; it exercises the tonic effects of iron without producing constipation or blackening the teeth. FUCUS VESICULOSUS has been extolled as a means of counteracting obesity. Administered in the morning, fasting. GRIN DELIA ROBUST A said to have a speci- fic influence upon asthma and other spasmodic affec- tions. GUARANA has achieved a most remarkable success in the cure of sick-headache and of pain about the temples and region of the forehead. It has also been found a verv valuable remedy in some stomach affec- tions, in pain or distress arising from weak diges- tion, in rheumatism, and in the various forms of sim- . pie or persistent diarrhoea which result from eating indigestible or irritating food. J A BO RANGE A powerful febrifuge; also admin- istered with pleasing results in anasarca and (edema f MA 1 E. The action of Mate, like that of all other caffeic substances, is upon the nervous system. It has been proposed as a remedy in debility and in various derangements of the nervous system. IIall’s Metric Dose Book. 27 (ENO 1 HERA BIENNIS is considered a mild sedative, adapted to such cases of respiratory or gas- tric trouble as involve a morbid sensitiveness, either in the laryngeal, pulmorjary, or gastric branches of the pneumogastric nerve. It has been suggested as worthy of further trial in whooping cough, spasmodic asthma, etc. PULSATILLA has been recommended and used in catarrhal affections of the eyes, nose ears, throat, air- tubes, the gastro-intestinal and urinary organs. Also in dysmenorrhcea. RHAMNUS FRANGULA-a gentle laxative. SODIUM ETHYLATE or CAUSTIC AL- COHOL. By absorbtion of water from the tissue, the Ethylate is decomposed into caustic soda and alcohol, thus producing caustic action by the soda, coagulation by the alcohol, and prevention of decom-. position of the dead organic substance. It may be conveniently applied hv means of a pointed glass rod or a clean quill, cut like a pen aud newly trimmed for each application. SULPHO-CARBOLATE OF SODA. A specific for the prevention and treatment of scar- latina and diphtheria. URTICA DIOICA. Diuretic and astringent, and reputed of great value in spontaneous hemorrhage of 'nearly every variety, especially uterine hemorrhage. 28 Mall’s Metric Dose Book. USTILAGO MAIDIS (ERGOT OF CORN) . Proposed as a substitute for Ergot of Rye. VIBURNUM PRUNI FOLIUM has been found useful in preventing miscarriage, in various affections incident to pregnancy, and in painful men- struation. XANTHIUM SPINOSUM. Recommended as a specific for hydrophobia. The treatment should be commenced before the disease is developed and con- tinued for several weeks.