jpigniftrance of ihc |]r;u*sii‘ifolir JjJjWmnr. BY FKANK DONALDSON, M. D. Read before the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, Annual Session, April, 1874. of the Lurmur. By FRANK DONALDSON, M. D. Professor of Physiology and Hygiene, and Clinical Professor of Diseases Chest and Throat, University of Maryland. I propose detaining the Faculty a few minutes with some re- marks upon a point of analytical diagnosis in connection with disease of the heart. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PRAESYSTOLIC MURMUR. Some years ago (in 1867), a case came under my observation, which made me question the explanation, which I had adopted on the authority of Barth and Roger, Walshe and Flint, of the sound which was described first by Fauvel in 1843, and then by Grisolle as the praesystolic murmur, afterwards by Dr. Gairdner of Edinburgh as the auricular systolic murmur, and by Dr. Austin Flint, Sr., as the mitral direct murmur. These authorities claimed that this sound was heard just preced- ing the ventricular contraction, and was caused by the systole of the auricle forcing the blood into the ventricle, through a diseased and contracted auriculo-ventricular orifice. The case was of a man 64 years of age, of grossly intemperate habits, who came to the Baltimore Infirmary with symptoms of advanced heart disease—great dyspnoea, a small contracted pulse, heart much hypertrophied, with a murmur of a rasping character, heard loudest between the second and third ribs at the base, not extending up the carotids, but down toward the base, and com- pletely obliterating the second sound of the heart. The murmur was audible after the apex-beat and the systole of the ventricle, and was followed by the pause of the heart. The first sound of the heart was normal. The diagnosis seemed clear and unmistakable, and was recorded 4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FRAESYSTOLIC MURMUR. as insufficiency of the aortic orifice, by means of which the arterial blood was forced back into the left ventricle. The heart being-obliged to contract more frequently, so as to supply the organism with the proper quantity of blood, the mus- cular walls had become from this extra work enlarged, and thus, as the great dullness over the praccordial region indicated, there was compensating hypertrophy. For a time this increased size and force of the central organ accomplished the usual role of the heart, but the disease increas- ing, the individual suffered more and more, until shortly after admission into the hospital he died, suffering intensely from cardiac apnoea. The post-mortem showed atheromatous degeneration in the aorta above the semilunar valves extending to the sacks of Valsalva, and causing adhesion of one of the semilunar pouches of the aortic orifice to the wall, so binding it down that that portion of the orifice was unprotected. Thus, at the rebound of the artery the blood was partly sent back into the ventricle. The second sound could not be produced, and the insufficiency of the valve was evident. Th us far the diagnosis was correct, but on examining the mitral orifice we found, to our surprise, that it was reduced by thickening at its base to about the size of one-quarter of an inch in diameter. Yet during life, there was no abnormal sound preceding or during the ventricular systole. With such a contraction of the left auriculo-ventricular orifice, ought we not to have had a decided praesystolie murmur ? The whole heart, auricle and ventricle, was enlarged and increased in force, and yet there was no murmur produced from the passage of the blood through an orifice so re- duced in size ! I could not help questioning the received opinion as to the significance of the so-called mitral direct murmur. As it is a physical sound, heard at a particular period of the heart’s action, the physical cause which was said to produce it being present, it ought to have been heard, but it was not. Since this case I have been much interested in the articles that have appeared at different times, discussing the mode of produc- tion of this sound. I have had several cases in which I have heard this sound immediately preceding the impulse of the heart, SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PRAESYSTOLIC MURMUR. 5 or apex beat and the first sound of the heart. Although I have tried, I have never been able to get a post-mortem demonstration of the cause of sound. Yet I have insisted in my clinical teachings that I believed it was not caused by the passage of blood through the mitral orifice, but by intra-ventricular disease—not by stenosis of the orifice, but by abnormal friction within the ventricle. Before I give in detail the grounds, physiological and patholo- gical, upon which I base this opinion, I would refer first to cases which have been recently reported by others, where, notwithstand- ing there was found the post-mortem lesion of great contraction of the orifice, yet there was discoverable during life no praesys- tolic murmur. I will first give the facts bearing upon the point in discussion, and then deduce my conclusions as to the explanation of those facts. This abnormal sound is heard over a limited area, recognised as the mitral area. The position of its audition is limited ordi- narily above by the third rib, and below by the middle of the sixth intercostal space. Its rhythm or relation to the several phy- siological acts is easily recognised. During the period of the heart action, we have the ventricular systole synchronous with the apex beat and the first sound, the ventricular diastole synchronous with the second sound ; next, the period of cardiac rest, as it is called, but during which the blood is pouring into the cavities of the heart, on the right side through the venae cavae and coronary veins, on the left through the pulmonary veins; and lastly, the systole of the auricle, which is quick and sudden, and consumes two-tenths of the time of the heart’s action. This last period in the heart’s labor is apparently the moment when we hear this mur- mur. It is distinguishable immediately before the first sound, and has been regarded as produced by the column of blood passing through the constricted mitral orifice. We have mentioned our own case, and now briefly give those which have been observed by others. Hope, as far back as 1842, reports a case of a man named Christian Anderson, where the mitral orifice was so contracted that it would only admit the little finger, yet there was no murmur during life preceding the first sound. In his report he adds, “ I 6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PRAESYSTOLIC MURMUR. have frequently known a contraction of the mitral orifice to the size of only two or three lines to occasion little or no murmur.” Mr. Prescott Ilewett has described a case in which the mitral orifice was reduced to the size of a quill, and during lifetime no signs of diseased heart were exhibited. Dr. James R. Learning reports the following case in the New York Medical Record: “ Mrs. B , 23 years of age, native of New York, widow, called Dr. S , in April, I860, for advice as to cardiac trouble and swelled feet. The Doctor found on examination a systolic murmur over the base of the heart, more distinct over the aortic valves, gradually disappearing to the right in the course of the aorta; there was also a diastolic murmur. “ Diagnosis.—Aortic obstruction and aortic regurgitation with hypertrophy of left ventricle. There were also casts in the urine, and albumen. She became dropsical, her condition gradually grew worse, and she died in September last. “I saw the case with Dr. S , in May, and found no different conditions than those already discovered. There was no mitral murmur of any kind. The specimens here presented show Bright’s small kidney of advanced disease. The heart is hypertrophied mostly in the left ventricle; the aortic valve is thickened at the base of the curtains ; shortened to incompetency—so far agreeing with the diagnosis. But the mitral valve presents the most notable feature. There was no sign of disease of this valve during life, and yet it is damaged in a very peculiar manner. It is thickened by lymph deposit; its color white, opaque ; the edges of the cur- tain are adherent, and the orifice is narrowed down till it will barely admit the tip of the index finger; and the whole valve extends down into the cavity of the ventricle like a funnel. The chorda? tendincao were shortened and thickened by lymph deposits, and the musculi papillares were thickened and lengthened. But everything was symmetrical, viz., the funnel-like condition of the valve, the hypertrophy of the cardiac walls, of the musculi papil- lares, and of the colnmme carneae. With perfect conditions for producing a mitral direct murmur, it was absent.” Dr. Stokes, in his work on diseases of heart and aorta, relates two cases of extreme contraction of the mitral orifice found after 7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PRAESYSTOLIC MURMUR. death, bat where during life there had been no murmur audible, even to his practised ear. Dr. Waters, of Edinburgh, in the second edition of his work on diseases of the chest, just published, in the sixth chapter, writes of the praesystolic murmur. While he gives the received opinion, that it is caused by stenosis of the mitral orifice, he details cases in which lie shows there was no connection between the sound and the lesion. He speaks of them as exceptional cases. Ilis first case is where he heard a loud systolic as well as a praesystolic mur- mur. At the autopsy there was found insufficiency and slight contraction of the mitral orifice. In his second case there was no praesystolic murmur whatever, although the autopsy showed a constricted mitral orifice, only admitting the tip of the index finger. Next follow the details of four cases of extreme con- traction of the mitral orifice, where during life there was no prae- systolic murmur audible. He candidly adds: “ I have given you instances sufficient to prove that great constriction of the mitral orifice may exist without there being any murmur pro- duced by the passage of the blood from the auricle into the ven- tricle, and therefore that you must not look for a mitral diastolic or praesystolic as a constant sign of obstructive mitral disease. My belief is that this murmur is far more frequently absent than present, even when there is great obstruction at the mitral orifice.” Dr. Waters accounts for the presence or absence of this murmur as depending on the greater or less vigor with which the auricle contracts. We have now given ten cases beside our own where examina- tion after death showed the lesion which ought to have produced the sound during life, but did not do so. Dr. Waters says truly,