"W ■7 : \« 'AV .•'/ r?i » u «vi M^ ^rwra* o> .^> . DOW'S -FAMILY MEDICINE, IllVa]ld S TVTmimil distinguished man, LORENZO DOW JliraiiU 3 lYlclllUcU. who in science had no rival; in piety, re- —»"«*— ligion and morals, no equal. He died in „. TO THEAFFLICTED. Georgetown, D. C. on the 2nd day of Fib- We, the Subscribers, having made ruary, 1834, worn out in serving God, yet free use (in our own families) of he lives in usefulness to his fellow beings LORENZO " DOW S (U. S. PateBt) by leaving for the afflicted and distressed, FAMILY MEDICINE, one of the best purgative medicines ever Do certify, That it is very gentle and ^ed by the human family. It appears sure in its operation as a cathartic, and that that hardly-anything short of inspiration it possesses a peculiar quality to remove cou'd have led to the discovery of such a obstructions in j,he stomach and bowels, remedy, so wonderful in its effects on the and in carrying off bad humors. And it js following disease*: Indigestion and its co;? well adapted to females in a debilitated or constants; such as torpor of the liver, stom- declining state* forasmuch as it does not acn» bowels, spleen, panchreas &c; togeth- vveaken the patient, (although taken fre- cr Wltn a^ bilious complaints, nervous quently,) but restores the stomach to a pro- weakness, headache, habitual costiveness, per tone by assisting • the digestion, and &-C. It cleanses the blood and purifies the thereby exciting the appetite, &c. fluids; and is most admirably adapted to (Signed,) PETER GRIFFJN, all female complaints such "as colds, &c. DANIEL BURROUGHS, The Patentee is so well known, that it Minister of the Gospel, needs no comment to inspire public con- Wm. C. BOON, fidence. Hundreds of certificates might JOSEPH BRIDGEMAN, be offered, but it is deemed unnecessary, DAVID CHAPJl/AN, as a perfect reliance is placed in any thing SAJtfUEL SHEPARD, that would be offered to the public bv that JONATHAN PAGE..- Celebrated man, for Jie had nothing but Hebron, Sept. 8ih71819. tjrtsgood of mankind at heart. The Uni- I Certify, That the subscribers to the ted States prescribed no limits to his zeal within certificate of recommfindntjon a»a-hii- indwptrT and nseTTmTr*^—ttrmtk*s\\i