A Collective Investigation as to the Influence of Albinism upon the Eye. The undersigned wishes to gain all the information obtainable as to the condition of the eyes of albinos. Physicians who have had albinotic patients are earnestly requested to forward answers to the inquiries made below. In the interest of science it is desirable that the answers be accurate, but wliere this is impossible, any information whatever, even if no more than the name and address of an albino, will be gratefully received. To aid correspondents a blank form is appended, which may be filled out and forwarded. 1. Name and address of physician or correspondent furnishing information, 2. Name and address of albino, 3. Male. 4. Female. 5. Age, 6. Occupation, 7. The heredity question : Is there any evidence of intermarriage of relatives in ancestors,or of albinism having existed in any ancestor? If so, give details. 8. Are any brothers or sisters albinos? If so, give details of each case on a separate sheet. 9. Type, degree, etc., of general albinism as to hair, skin, etc.: 10. The mental and physical condition of the patient as compared'with that of non albinotic brothers and sisters, or with that of the general average of people in like circumstances, etc.: 11. The ocular condition, refraction, etc., of non-albinotic brothers and sisters : 12. The refraction and ophthalmologic examination of the parents: 18. Refraction of the patient (accurately as possible): 14. The visual acuteness : 15. The photophobia: how troublesome? lessened by glasses, etc.? 16. The nystagmus, its character, rapidity, etc.: 17. The iris and pupil, as to transparency, mobility, etc. : i 18. The ophthalmoscopic examination : 19. Other details as to the condition of the eyes not specified above: 20. Changes as to the character of the ocular symptoms in the past; e.g., has the nystagmus increased iu rapidity, has the visual acuteness, the photophobia, etc., changed with increasing age, etc.? 21. Remarks: Address DR. GEORGE M. GOULD, * 119 South 17th Street, Philadelphia. * Note.—Forms will be furnished on application, and necessary expenses incurred by correspondents, such as for postage, etc., will be paid.