PATENT SOLA'ff GAS AND GAS APPARATUS, PATENTED BY JAMES CRUTCHETT, OF WASHINGTON CITY, FOE. j ! LIGHTING CITIES, BLOCKS OF BUILDINGS, HOTELS, CHURCHES, I i PUBLIC HALLS, RESTAURATS, STEAMBOATS, MILLS, ! FACTORIES, AND PRIVATE RESIDENCES. < For General Rights, apply to the Patentee. For Rights in Rhode Island and Connecticut, apply to Calvert, Dawes & Burr, Providence, R. I. For Rights in the State of New York, apply to John Skirving, Esq., 35 Walker Street, New York. For Rights in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont, apply to the Massachusetts Gas Company, Boston. For Rights for the Western States, apply to the Solar Gas Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. TWASHI\GT«.1V G AS LIGHT COMPANY. Wlproprietors of Crutcl.eU's patent for makimr « Solar il... ?a8' mu ant,c"jati°n • t a charter by < on»res. (whirih ?^,heCOmn"Ue/forthe I,istriot of ColumbiaVpro^e £ form a company for lighting with iras thprftv/fw. f® I ton, the Capitol, the public tn7la?n|*Ld£•"*& £"#£* I z~l" MWM to'* by themselves, tor liirhtinir rmKiio n« pvtmenteaiut private establishment* g * pMl° De" ktSfitaSWl? J?**8 wf" be "J*'"* "" ">• 'Oth instant, .'ht££e »km»