INDEXED v A NEW METHOD OF CURING DISEASES, Immediately, Simply, and Radically, BY JOSEPH GERHARDT, No. 398 MARYLAND AVENUE, NEAR THE CAPITOL, WASHINGTON, D. O. " Beware of false prophets!" " Ye shall know them by their fruits." " A 'good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth fgood fruit.1' Happy is life, such as Nature, benevolent Nature, bestows on mankind, uncorrupted by disease, but enjoying health, the nat- ural condition of the human body. And when that condition has been disturbed by folly or by accident, either internally or externally, even then our most benevolent mother, Nature, is able and ever willing to restore health, if we only aid her with proper means in her mysterious and wonderful operations, which we cannot conceive, but admire in their beneficial results. Of these means for restoring health there are two kinds—natural reme- dies or medicines, and artificial remedies or operations, made with instruments, the use of which requires more or less skill in the hands of the operator, besides a certain experience or knowl- edge how and when it shall be used judiciously, or else the very best remedy, or the most skillful operation, may have a fatal result. Frequently both kinds of remedies, a natural one and an artificial one, are combined with great advantage in restoring health, or rather in restoring life, which is, without health, often worse than death. Such an instrument, indeed a real " HEALTH AND LIFE RESTORER," invented in 1849, is in the possession of the undersigned, Joseph d-erhardt, who is most experienced and skilled in using it, and /j'f- lO J .'1 who has radically cured many persons residing in this city, some of whom have given him their unequivocal testimonials with their names, for having been radically cured by him of their several diseases mentioned therein. (See the last page.) His charges are most moderate, and payable only after the successful result, viz: a complete cure. The following cases, more than 200, he can show to have been all successful, viz: complete cures, besides 400 more. SLIGHT DISEASES CURABLE BY APPLYING THE ''HEALTH AND LIFE RESTORER." Rheumatism in the neck, shoulders, or between the latter, in the back, about the spine, in the arms or the legs. When there is no fever connected with it, the cure is often suc- cessful in a few minutes. Rheumatic toothache. Rheumatic pains in the ears, &c. Headache. Stiffness of the limbs. Acatalepsy, or incapability of comprehension, caused by over exertion or exhaustion of the brain in studying, &c; a sickness usual with learned persons, authors, editors, &c, but easily cured, provided the patient be not too old, or otherwise weakened by sickness. Cramps or spasms in the feet, calves, loins, or in the fingers, in consequence of writing, playing musical in- struments, &c. Sleeplessness requires about two weeks' appli- cations, but never fails to be cured, even with patients of many years' suffering. Worms are killed or expelled in about twenty-four hours, without any internal remedy. Hypo- chondria (hysterics) cured with great success, particularly in persons sickened with much medicine. Brands, (Stigma,) hitherto supposed, to be incurable, are easily caused to disappear entirely. Baldness of the head is cured by "restoring" the growth of the hair. Scrofula, ("King's Evil,") tumor or swelling of the glands, requires generally a long time, great experience, and careful treatment, for a radical cure. Tet- ters, scabs, &c, dry or moist, (humid,) when suppressed or driven back into the body, become dangerous causes of severe diseases, of which they appear as the indicators of sickly matter in the body; yet this bad matter can easily and entirely be taken from the latter, viz: "health and life restored;" but such a cure requires also time, experience, and care, like that of scrofula. Itch, also often suppressed or driven back into the body by mercurial medicines and unguents, thus frequently causes dangerous diseases, that break out in ten, fifteen, or twenty years as incurable ones, while its cure, in due time, can so easily and radically be done by using the " Health and Life Restorer." Measles, (nettle-rash, purple fever,) are cured immediately and without danger of reappearance. Grippe is cured more easily than the four preceding diseases, while 3 hitherto it was usually met with the most disagreeable emetics, ipecacuanha, &c, and other tormenting remedies. Pains of the uvula, (glottis,) in the throat, connected with rheumatic pains in the neck and with hoarseness, are very soon cured. Rheumatic cough cured easily and radically, better than with any of the numerous medical remedies, which in the best case only alleviate the evil, without removing it, and disturb the action of the stomach by too much sweet substance turning sour in fermenting. Whooping cough, a particular complaint of -children, is worse than the foregoing, as it often causes hernia, and even death, when allowed to degenerate and inveterate by neglect; otherwise it is also easily and radically cured in a short time, notwithstanding the vulgar belief that it must "duly rage" for nineteen weeks before it can be stopped. Ca- tarrh (rheum) of the nose, easily cured by a single prompt ap- plication of the same remedy. Rheumatic inflammation of the eyes also immediately cured by its double application. Affections of the stomach, indigestion, belly-ache from rheuma- tism, &c, in the like manner. Diarrhoea, caused by the stomach's catching cold, likewise. Catarrh of the bladder likewise, with some modification. Colic, or gout of the bowels, is instantly cured, as if it were done by magic, and after a second application no return of the disorder is to be feared. Benumbing, or benumbedness of limbs, likewise. In- cubus, a fantastic, phantomlike, and very disagreeable feeling, in consequence of partly stopping the circulation of the blood, similar to the precedent case, but spasmodically affecting the whole body, is entirely cured by one single application. Vomiting is stopped and cured by repeated applications. Pim- ples in the face are soon removed, with their causes, and al- together cured. Gastric fever and gastric dispositions, dis- turbing the actions of digestion, are likewise cured, whereby an equal activity in the whole body is re-established. Jaun- dice, a disease originally caused by a want of the absorption of bile in the liver, in consequence of cold or relaxing of the latter, or by gastric impurities, &c, the skin or eyes appearing yellow, - is usually cured by one single application. Yellow fever, a bad relative of the foregoing malady, is very common in low, warm and swampy, moist, or wet countries, particularly near the sea coast; this pestilential disease, originating in an excess of blood absorption caused by the great heat of the sun in summer time, is likewise immediately and radically cured, perhaps by one, but certainly by two or more applications of the infallible " Health and Life Restorer." Pimples, little abscesses at eye-lids, are easily cured. Locked-jaw (trismus) is directly cured by several applications. Fevers, (intermitting,) chills, &c, originating generally near stagnant waters, ponds, pools, swamps, &c.,have 4 their principal seat in the back and the belly, frequently degene- rating to dropsy, consumption, and other dangerous diseases, require careful and many repeated applications to be totally re- moved from the body, but they are as curable as any of the above-named maladies. Asthma, (phthisic,) and all other com- plaints of the chest and lungs, if treated in due time and with proper care, can more or less easily be mastered and cured by a sufficient number of applications, particularly necessary when spasms are therewith connected. Flatulency, (wind in the stomach,) mostly caused by constipation, is cured without diffi- culty by repeated applications. Congestion of blood to the head, generally connected with cold feet, require for a radical cure great experience and care, with many repeated applications, and can at least be limited, if not entirely removed, when caused or accompanied by different other disorders. Atony, looseness of the bowels, requires many repeated applications, to be continued with great perseverance when it is chronic. Atony, looseness of the liver, likewise. Atony, looseness of the kidneys, like- wise. Atony, looseness of the milt, (spleen,) likewise. Nausea marina, or sea sickness, can not only be cured, but even pre- vented, by timely applications before persons embark for a sea voyage; so that the "Health and Life Restorer" is the only reliable preventive remedy against that horrible disease, which begins with giddiness, vomiting, and fainting, continues some- times for several weeks uninterrupted, and even grows fatal in the death of the sufferer. Heart-burning (acid stomach) re- quires only some repeated applications for being radically re- moved. SEVERE DISEASES CURABLE BY APPLYING THE "HEALTH AND LIFE RESTORER." Nervous fever. Encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain. Bilious fever. Mania, or depression of spirits, likewise curable, except when it is caused by natural defects or deformation of the skull; at least these applications have more and better effect than any or all operations and contrivances usual in lunatic asylums, &c. Epilepsy, (fits,) a horrible disease, that may originate in the blood, or in the bones, or in the nerves, is easily and immediately cured, provided it be not of a chronic charac- ter ; in which case it requires a proportionably long time for a radical cure, with great experience and care of the operator. Excessive corpulency or fatness, like the preceding case. Pu- trid fever, likewise. Rhachitis, English disease, (fits,) chil- dren's complaint, scrofula, double limbs, spinal affection, &c, likewise. Chlorosis, paleness of the face, caused by foul blood, &c, (cachexy,) inflation, laxity, &c, likewise. Palsy, paraesis, or paralysis of limbs after being struck with apoplexy, (not to 5 be confounded with lameness in walking,) requires frequently a treatment of several months by an experienced and careful ope- rator. Deafness, (not innate or hereditary,) or defective hear- ing is curable by repeated applications. Indurations, or obdu- rations, (hardening of the skin,) likewise. Lymphatic tumors, or encysted tumors, hitherto curable only by painful operations cut with the knife, are without pain and without danger cured by repeated applications. Asiatic cholera. This dreadful epi- demic disease, by which the skin loses all its elasticity, and the whole body is affected with a doughy laxness, accompanied by most painful spasms, diarrhoea, and vomiting, is undoubtedly and most wonderfully cured by the admirable remedy, which in this particular case deserves most appropriately to be called: "Health and Life Restorer;" requiring, however, the utmost precaution on the part of the operator, concerning his self-pro- tection and preservation against infection by this dangerous malady. Gout, (arthritis,) chiragra, podagra, acute, chronic, complicated, or simple, is in every case curable, but requires great experience and care of the operator. Tape-worms are killed or expelled by repeated applications, without any difficulty. Apparent death, suspended animation, (asphyxia,) fainting, swoon, syncope, tetanus, or tetany, and other similar cases, such as drowning, suffocation, &c, are all curable by timely and care- ful applications, repeated as often and as long as there is any hope for success, while they can never do any harm or make a case worse than it was before the application, but may prolong the life of the sufferer as much as to make his last will. Here is a proper opportunity and the right place for some reflections concerning " Apparent death," suspended animation, asphyxia, or syncope, in which cases the most unfortunate suf- ferers are often buried alive ! only in consequence of semi-bar- barous ignorance or indolence of the surviving relatives or friends, but nevertheless most cruel and unnatural for human beings. Authorities, magistrates, and police officers, should at least try to prevent such dreadful misdeeds, by requiring all corpses to be left unburied for several days after death; that is to say, after the pulsation and respiration of the patient have ceased to be perceptible as usual, which to ascertain requires the utmost attention and care of competent persons, aided by proper contrivances and arrangements for that purpose. But even such usual precautions may be of no avail in extraordinary cases of this kind; for instance, that of tetanus, or tetany, a state of benumbedness, which, according to the laws of human nature, may last for two months in succession, without any perceptible pulsation and respiration of the sufferer, whose life still con- tinues, albeit in a very small degree, but sufficient to the most horrible effect of being buried alive! Only one hour of life after 6 thus disentransing, in a tomb-prison, without issue and rescue? must exceed in agonizing torments a whole long life of misery, suffered at least in the open air. Who knows how many human beings have thus been buried alive? ! But now all such inex- pressibly dreadful occurrences can be prevented by the applica- tions of the peerless "Health and Life Restorer " to the bodies of the apparently dead persons. If these applications, succes- sively repeated during several days after the supposed death, remain without effect and success, then, bnt only then, there is no more any reasonable doubt of actual death. Hemorrhoids, originally and partieularly caused by catching cold in a sudden change from a hot or a warm temperature to a cold one, in draughts of air, &c, not so generally by a sedentary life, &c, as it has hitherto been often supposed or alleged by many persons; but more frequently by using hot spices and strong medicines in great quantities. These evils are immediately lessened by one application, but most effectually and radically cured by repeated applications; provided that the sufferer's body be not otherwise weakened or sickened, in which case the cure is consequently delayed. Scarlet fever is a dangerous malady, affecting particularly the skin, over which it spreads in red spots, (not elevated pimples,) as eruptions from the blood. The morbid matter is very volatile, acting infectiously, particu- larly on children, and often fatally in a few moments. Hitherto most all who were attacked by this malady succumbed to their terrible sufferings, or became victims of its unavoidable succes- sor, dropsy. Now, both scarlet fever and dropsy are certainly eurable, requiring, however, great care, particularly against any and every draught of air, even the slightest, to which the patients must not be exposed during their perspiration; this being the principal action and condition of the cure, effected by an in- creased porosity of the skin, which increase is obtained through the instrumentality of the " Health and Life Restorer," again infallible in this case by a timely and carefwl treatment, as it is in other cases. Inflammation and consumption of the head, of the wind-pipe, (the latter disease being a degeneration of the former, which, cured, cannot be succeeded by the other,) are to be treated with great care by an experienced operator to effect a radical cure. Croup, (angina,) and all other similar diseases of the throat, are immediately and radically cured by timely re- peated applications. Scorbute, or scurvy, and all other similar diseases of the mouth, the palate, and the tongue, are entirely curable by repeated applications. Pollutions, &c, caused by enania, or onanism, can certainly be stopped and cured by re- peated applications, but only after those causes have entirely eeased, which passive or negative improvement is greatly aided by such applications.. Gnania, &c.,. ought to be justly con- 7 sidered as a disorder rather than as a vice, at least with chil- dren of unaccountable or incompetent age; but its consequences being so ruinous to health, eventually even to that of a succeed- ing generation, and often fatal to life, all should be done, not only to cure it, but also to prevent its return or repetition, by copious applications of the all beneficent " Health and Life Re- storer." Cancer; a disease supposed and declared by medical science to be " incurable," that is to say, at least by the poison- ous remedies of the latter, but which is not incurable if properly and timely treated by judiciously repeated applications of the only remedy for so many other evils. Cancer appears in three phases: 1. C. scirrhus; 2. C. occultus; 3. C. apertus; of which the first and the second allow greater or smaller chances of success in curing, but the third is rather doubtful, though not entirely hopeless. At all events, nothing is made worse by any of such applications. Dysentery, whether bloody or watery, although a severe and dangerous epidemic malady, frequently fatal, is materially a catarrhal inflammation of the bowels, and therefore evidently curable by a few repeated applications. Apo- plexy. Hitherto persons with thick and short necks, big heads, and large shoulders, fat and short bodies, were generally sup- posed to have a tendency to attacks of apoplexy; now, whether this be so or not, such dispositions or tendencies, or their con- sequences, are removed and cured at all events by timely appli- cations, as mentioned under palsy, paraesis, or paralysis. Som- nambulism is treated and cured like incubus. Dropsy is soon and radically cured by repeated copious applications all over the back. Pulmonary consumption, or phthisic, affections of the breast, lungs, &c, by which the body undergoes continually a material decrease in its weight, after having grown incurable by long neglect; but if repeated applications, made too late for curing the evil radically, cannot save the lives of patients, at least they prolong them and relieve their sufferings much better than usual medical remedies. Vitus' dance, being of an epileptic character, requires the same treatment as epilepsy. Incontinency of urine, or inability to hold the latter, in consequence of laxity of the bladder, is certainly and radically cured by repeated ap- plications. Dysury, another disorder of the bladder, likewise. Stone or gravel affections of all kinds are either positively pre- vented or radically cured by copiously repeated applications. Chilblains (perniones) are the results of the concentrated de- structive action of frost upon the flesh, similar to that of con- centrated heat produced by the convergent sunbeams going through a burning-glass. The usual applications upon these painful sores, and upon the back, will entirely heal them in a short time. Small pox or varioloids can be drawn from the blood and body by the application of the " Health and Life Re- 8 storer," which, it is hoped, will soon be used instead of vacci- nating them with a morbid matter into the blood and body;; whatever may be maintained or pretended in favor of the latter operation as a preventive from the very same epidemic itself,. small pox. Here is no room to comment upon and to dicuss or to dispute about that .scientific paradox, vaccination,, which has even mis- led some persons of " scientific " learning to the crazy proposi- tion to vaccinate syphilitic matter into healthy persons, as a pre- ventive from syphilitic disease for these persons 1 and why not also. as a curative remedy for the latter! Craziness cannot be brought to reason by the proved fact, that since Dr. Jenner's vaccinative discovery, during these fifty years of all small pox absorbing vaccination, the fatal scourges of scrofula, tetters,, itch, and syphilis, with many other diseases, have been more prevalent than before that very much boasted and praised dis- covery among the population of Europe.. Reasonable people will consider what is better; to pour poison or other morbid matter into the blood and body, or to draw it from the same j which is done by the wonderful " Health and Life Restorer." Syphilis, a loathful, venereal disease, worse than the small pox, requires even greater experience, care, and prudence, than the latter, in its treatment, for a successful cure. Hydrophobia, or hydrophoby, (canine madness,) which according to recent ob- servations is materially caused by spasmodic disorder, may be prevented or cured by " health and life restoring " applications, wrell worth to be tried at least in such most dreadful cases, where all other remedies have hitherto been unavailable; unfor- tunately, however, no precedent exists in this case with the said applications, except their effectuality concerning spasms in general. Hemorrhagy, or blood-vomiting, is most effectually cured by careful and repeated applications. Suppressed men- struations (menstrual or monthly courses) likewise. Miserere, a horrible disease, in which the bowels are in a spasmodic condition, is caused by an entire inactivity of the skin under an increased concentration of heat, so that the excrements must be ejected through the mouth by vomiting! That spasmodic condition of the bowels being mastered and cured by applying the " Health and Life Restorer," and thus re-establishing the activity of the skin, the whole misery of the sufferer is stopped and turned into the joy of convalescence. Mortification, or sphacelus, the decaying spot of a limb, &c, can at least be limited by applying around it the " Restorer " once or twice, (in a larger circumference for the second time,) so that mortification be prevented from ex- panding or spreading over a greater surface. There is no pre- cedent of curing or preventing mortification. Amaurosis, (op- ticus,) "incurable blindness" according to medical science. 9 hitherto in practice, but nevertheless curable by the judicious applications of the " Health and Life Restorer," provided that the patient be not over fifty years of age, that he have not lost any blood, or only little of it, by bleeding, &c, nor swallowed too large quantities of strong nerve-exciting and decaying medi- cines. Inflammations, suppressed eruptions of the skin, and other similar evils, are curable by more or less applications of the " Restorer," as a most excellent, practical, and convenient stimulating remedy in a great many cases not named in the fore- going numerous statements. REMARKS ON THE FOREGOING CASES. Acupuncture, bleeding, cupping, leeching, &c, are no reme- dies for " restoring" health and life to patients, who in the most favorable cases are only relieved in their sufferings, which they do not and cannot remove and cure radically. In order to show and to prove theoretically—what practically is proved by actual cures—that the " Health and Life Restorer " is entirely free from all charlatanism or charlatanry, (humbug,) a few digressional remarks will sufficiently explain on what prin- ciples the theory of these " restoring " cures is founded. One of the first conditions of health in the human body is the porosity of the skin which surrounds that body; porosity mean- ing perforation with pores or infinitely small holes, through which the perspiration or transpiration of the body takes place, so that porosity constitutes the really vital activity of the skin. These pores are so small and so numerous, that even defective mi- croscopic investigations show, that in one square-inch of the human skin there are more than one thousand pores, viz: 1,024. Supposing the area of the body or the skin of an up-grown per- son to contain 15 square-feet, or 2,160 square-inches, the whole number of pores all over the former amounts to 2,211,840. (1,024 by 2,160.) The porosity of cork is 1,139 times greater than that of the human skin; viz: one square inch of cork has 1,166,400 pores, according to microscopic investigations. "Pore" is expressed in German by the word "Schweiss- loch,^ meaning "sweat-hole," very properly; as perspiration, transpiration and sweating are the same, each pore is a passage through which the human body perspires, or transpires, or sweats. Whenever these passages are partially obstructed, the body is sick; when entirely shut up, it cannot live—it must die; in other words: when the skin ceases to be porous, it cannot per- form its vital activity for the body in allowing the latter to per- spire, of which the consequences are sickness and death, if that vital porosity is not in time "restored." A man, who did not know this, paid for his ignorance very dearly with his life.. He would represent a living golden statue, 10 and caused himself to be gilt, viz: covered with gold leaves, or beaten gold, pasted all over his skin. Gold is, of all metallic substances, next to platina, the least porous, or it has no po- rosity at all, as much as this can be ascertained by practical experiments. The very thinnest beaten gold leaves or films, of which fourteen millions would make up a thickness of one inch only, have no pores visible through microscopes; therefore, not the least perspiration can pass through a single cover of gold leaves. That man, having entirely shut up all the pores of his skin, and thus destroyed its activity for perspiration, died in consequence of being gilt—guilty of suicidal ignorance, which cost him his life. More or less guilty likewise are those persons who neglect to keep open the pores of their skin, or, in other words, who do not take proper care to preserve their natural and necessary perspi- ration or transpiration for the benefit of their health and life by bathing frequently, not only for the sake of cleanliness, but also for that of rubbing or brushing their skin to keep its pores open. However, it is not only by neglect or uncleanliness, but also by other causes, by catching cold, &c.,that porosity of the skin and perspiration or transpiration are disturbed, interrupted, or destroyed; the consequences of which are felt in rheumatic pains, &c., or other more dangerous evils; then, if or as it is impossible im- mediately to re-establish that indispensable perspiration or tran- spiration by reopening the closed natural pores of the skin, ar- tificial ones must be made immediately, or at least as soon as possible, which is most effectually done by applying the "Health and Life Restorer." This remedy, or instrument, whatever it may be called in connection with the method of curing diseases thereby, was invented in 1849. The inventor, who is not even originally a "theoretical" or "scientific" physician, but a practical hu- man " Health and Life Restorer," has personally treated from June, 1849, till June, 1856, during seven years, not less than 24,000 cases, and seven-eighths of these with complete success; viz: 21,000 cures have been completed in seven years by him alone! through the instrumentality of his invention, the " Health and Life Restorer." All this can be substantiated, and the ef- fectuality of the latter practically proved by the undersigned, Joseph Gerhardt, publisher of the present pamphlet. If re- quired, he will also give the full names and the particulars of the following cases and cures, of which the great number allows herein only the initials and abbreviations, on account of the limited space in this little pamphlet. . Abbreviations: am, amaurosis ; ap, application(s) ; c, cured; d, day(s); dis, disease, disorder; er, eruption(s); h, hour(s); H and L R, Health and Life Restorer; imp, improvement(s); 11 inf, inflammation(s); 1, left; m, month(s); o, old; r, right; rh, rheumatic, rheumatism; scr, scrofula, scrofulous; w, week(s) : y, year(s). CASES AND CURES CONTINUED. Mrs. K. D. W., in I., 0., 40 y o, rh eye dis; c by 1 ap. Mrs. G. H., in I., 64 y o, megrim, gout of the head, one-sided headache; c by 2 ap. Miss G., 10 y o, her daughter, severe glandulous dis of the eyes, spasmodically closed, partial blind- ness; c by 8 ap. Mrs. K. H., in I., 62 y o, inf of the eyes, partial blindness; c by 9 ap.' Mr. L. E., near B., 38 y o, pains in his back and chest, weariness, &c; c by repeated ap in 3 m. Miss M. W., in K., B., 23 y o, rh pains in her back and r shoulder, toothache; c by 2 ap. Mr. H. P., in L., B., 42 y o, the very first person to whom the H and L R was ap in 1849, megrim, gout of the head, or one-sided headache, for some y half of the time confined to bed; c by 2 ap; 1853, toothache, c by 1 ap. Miss A. M. G., in K., B., 18 y o, for some, y gout, all her body swollen, stiff limbs for 6 m; c by 4 ap. Mr. P. S., in K., 32 y o, since his childhood glandulous eye dis; c by 9 ap. Mr. A. H., in B., 34 y o, megrim, gout of the head, or one-sided headache, sleeplessness ; c by repeated ap in 7 m. Mrs. K. M., in K., for 7 y, gout, unable to walk; c by repeated ap. Her son, 12 y o, for some y, nervous con- vulsions, hard breathing; c in 1 h. Mr. M. R., in K., 34 y o, for 18 y pains in his back, upper parts of his arms, for 7 y, sore eyes, unable to see well; c by 8 ap. Mr. A. K., in K., R., 47 y o, for 8 y eye dis, partial blindness, swollen and closed eyes, covered with thick films, shunning the light, cold feet; c by repeated ap in 4 m. Mr. B. S., in K., R., 55 y o, rh dis of the eyes, 4 w blindness; c by 13 ap in 4 m. Mrs. M. R., in W., 63 y o, since her childhood glandulous eye dis ; c by re- peated ap in 3 m. Mr. K. T. W., in H., P., S., 24 y o, severe rh in his r eye, big abscess on its 1 side, inf for 4 w; c by 3 •ap in 3 w. Mr. H. F., in N., V., B., 20 y o, for 5 y, very hard hearing; c by 6 ap in 9 w. Mr. J. N., in F., K., 46 y o, violent pains in his back and spine, unable to sit or stand upright; c by 6 ap. Mrs. L. S., in B., 37 y o, for 10 y, pains in her 1 side, bad stomach, apprehensive of cancer; c by 10 ap. Mr. A. P., in L., B., 19 y o, rh dis in his 1 eye, bloody, red, and grown small and purulent; c by 1 ap. Mr. N. M., in B., 16 y o, eye rh; c by 5 ap. Mr. M. K., in E., N., R., 18 y o, born with a cataract in his r eye, beginning blindness of his 1 eye; c by 14 ap. Mr. M. K., in E., N., R., 18 y o, for 2 y, nervous eye dis, his r eye almost blind; c by 4 ap. Mr. F. W. B., in K., B., 21 y o, severe rh in his arms; c by 1 ap. Mrs. M., in R., B., 50 y o, 2 indurations, as large as hen's 12 eggs, on the fore-part of her head; c by 3 ap. Mr. M., in R., her husband, severe eye dis, likewise. Mr. W., in B., 40 y o, induration as large as a walnut, growing larger, over his eyebrows; c by 1 ap. Mr. J. B., in B., 28 y o, big in- veterate induration on his chin; c by 7 ap. Mrs. S., in B., 48 y o, for a long time, hysteric afflictions; c by 2 ap. Mr. F., in B., 75 y o, being the oldest patient, whose gout was cured in 1850, by the ap of the H and L R. Mr. W., in P., 59 y o, severe gout, big ossifications in several parts of his body, gouty hands; c by ap repeated every 10 d during 5 m. Mr. J. H., in F., 48 y o, reduced by palsy and medical treatment to the appearance of a skeleton; cured by repeated ap during 6 w. Mr. P., in D., 44 y o, for some y, severe gout, bending his spine so that his body was crooked into a strange spherical form, placing his head between his knees, and confining him to bed for several years; imp by 2 ap to walk again with two crutches, by 9 ap to do so with a stick, thus con- tinuing till his malady was removed. Miss E. G., in P., 17 y o, a bad scab on her head, after being suppressed produced pus- tulous abscesses in her face, deforming and discoloring it; c by 10 ap. Mr. J. H., in O., R.; 34 y o, for 3 y, er all over his body, repeated violent pains in his back, which always grew worse when those er decreased; the latter being caused by pre- vious suppressed itch; by 1 ap of about 50 strokes all over his back the er were almost entirely removed; c by 5 ap in 14 w. Mr. J. W., in P., 61 y o, gout in his back; c by 2 ap. Mr. P. W., in P., his son 34 y o, violent rh pains all over his back; c by 4 ap. Mr. H. W., in P., another son of Mr. J. W., 18 y o,scr eye dis, innately short-sighted; c by 10 ap. Miss S. B., in D., B., 24 y o, for 16 y, rh eye dis; c by 2 ap in 2 m. Mrs. K. T., (S.,) in K., 28 y o,for 3 y, rh eye dis, pains in her back; c by 6 ap in 11 w. Mr. C. S., in L., 13 y o, for 1 y scr eye dis, his 1 eye almost destroyed by the medical treatment of Dr. S., in B.; c by 12 ap in 3 m. Mr. J. N., in B., B„ 56 y o, for 2 y, cancer of the stomach, treated without any success by several physicians, who gave him up, much vomiting, reduced to a skeleton, unable to get up when sitting; imp by 1 ap; c by several ap. Mr. J. S., in P., 48 y o, great rh pains in his back, 1 hip-joint, sleeplessness; c by 1 ap. Miss C. W., in R., 21 y o, for 6 m, cold, fever and ague; c by 1 ap. Miss K. F., in S., E., 31 y o, rh in her back and arms, treated in vain with cupping and bleeding, by Dr. W.,in M., and other physi- cians, for 2 y, tetters from suppressed itch; c by 7 ap in 10 w. Miss B., 18 y o, a daughter of Mr. B., in D., B., for several y, lame and stiff in all her limbs, their joints much swollen, unable to move; c by 10 ap. Mr. T. L., in B., 45 y o, hemorrhoidal lis, rh, cupping and medicines without success; c by 5 ap f 18 in 7 w. Mr. H., in B*, 66 y o>for many y, gout^ great pains in his r shoulder, many physicians' cuppings and medicines with- out success; c by 3 ap. Mr. G. B., in B., 70 y o, invalid, lame, crooked back; c by 6 ap in 2 m. Miss B., in B., his niece, croup; c by 1 ap. Mr. B., K*, in B., 38 y o, for many y, violent rh dis of his eyes*. spasmodical contractions of his hands and feet, cupping, bleeding, fontanels* &c, all in vain, vital capacity much reduced; c by 8 ap. Mr. K., in K.* 50 y o, gout, hemorrhoidal dis ; c by 1 ap. Mr* C* J.* in R., R., 14 y o, big scr indurated spots on his eyes; c by 11 ap. Mr. A. J., in R., R., his brother, scr rh dis in his 1 eye; c by 1 ap. Mrs. T., in B., 30 y o, laughing-fits, great pains; c by 4 ap. Miss B., in B., 36 y o, hysterical sufferings; c by 3 ap. Mr* W. M., in B., 25 y Oj hard hearing, gout in his head; c by 10 ap. Mr. C. S., in B, 23 y o, rh liver dis ; c by 12 ap- Miss C. K., in B., 28 y o, gout in her head, great pains, deathly paleness ; the latter was removed by the 3d ap, but, as she was a laundress* ironing a great deal of clothes, the dampness re- sulting therefrom delayed her cure, which required ap repeated every 10 d during 10 m. Miss S* K.* in B., 40 y o, her sister, also a laundress, whose occupation had caused to her a dropsical dis, her 1 leg being much swollen, with er of a caustic moisture, causing a red inf, particularly in changeable weather, no menstr. for more than 1 y, all medical remedies in vain; c by repeated ap in 10 m* Mrs. A* M., (C.,) in E., 69 y o, severe rh eye inf, unable to open her r eye; c by 2 ap. Miss K. F., in C.^ 26 y o, rh pains in her back and shoulders, sore eyes; c by 3 ap. Miss M. M., in C.< 28 y o, hard hearing* scr (king's evil) at her throat, scr swellings, her arms and hands paralysed for 6 y; c by 5 ap. Mr* P. J. S., in E.* 30 y o, rh pains in his back and r side, his skin marked with thousandfold cuppings and bleedings, all as unavailable as a great many medicines ; c by reapeated ap in 10 m. Mr. S., in B., similar case, but with additional hard hearing ; c likewise* Miss K. H., in B., 23 y o* inf and weak eyes of scr origin. Under Dr. H.'s treatment she lost the sight of her r eye, and all the medical remedies of the clinical institution at B. could not save that of her 1 one, which was, however, g by repeated ap ; while the latter restored at least the natural shape of her r eye* which had been entirely deformed* Mr. J* Z., in O., R., 17 y o, scr eyes, blindness ; c by 5 ap in 18 m. Mr. H. B., in B., B., 40 y o, rh cough, many abscesses in his back; much imp by 6 ap, continuing them for a radical cure. Miss K. P., in L., B., 18 y o* rh inf of her eyes; c by 1 ap. Miss A. M. S., in C* 16 y o< since her childhood, which had affected her knee-joint for 5 y and caused a continual wound, great swelling of her leg with apparent caries; e by 11 copious ap in 15 w< Mr* P. S., in K., 38 y of 14 for 1 m pains, paralysed r arm; c by 2 ap in 9 d. Miss S. S., in B., 24 y o, toothache, headache, pains in her back; c by 1 ap. Mr. K„ in B., 53 y o, paralysis in his back; c by 3 ap. Mr. S. W., in B., 38 y o, hypochondria, vertigo; c by 13 ap in 3 m. Mr. H. K., in B., 23 y o, for 18 m, nervous dis ; c in 3 m. Mr. C. B., in W., B., 36 y o, rh in his back, 1 hip-joint, paralysis ; c by 5 ap. Miss M. E., in V.- R., 25 y o, for 3 y, bad er on her head ; c by 7 ap in 3 m. Mrs. W. M., in E.3 75 y o, cramps in her calves, speechless paralysis; c by 1 ap. Mr. H. M., in E., her son, 30 y o, inveterate chest dis ; c by 1 ap. Mr. R. in B., 52 y o, for 3£ y, severe rh in his whole body, violent headache, sleeplessness; c by 3 ap. Mr. S., in B., eye dis, partial blindness, beginning am; after a fruitless medical treatment of 4 m by Dr. F., in C, c by 1 ap. Miss E. B., in B., 30y o, for some y, rh paralysis in her hands, head- ache, nervous dis; c by 9 ap in 13 w. Miss G. W., in B., 16 y o, for some y, headache, vertigo, eye dis ; c by 4 ap. Mr. A. W., in W., 46 y o, for 10 y, hard hearing, vertigo, cold feet; c by 2 ap. A boy, C. B., 8 y o, son of Mr. J. B., in B., innate * weakness in his r side, spine dis ; c by 3 ap in 7 w. Mrs. W. E., in B., 62 y o, gout, severe pains in her r arm-joint; c by 1 ap in five minutes! July, 1852. Mr. A., in B, 68 y o, big copper-red nose (not from drinking); c by 1 ap. Mrs. B., in B., 37 y o, for 12 y, severe nervous rh headache, cold feet, con- gestion of blood to her head ; c by 3 ap in 3 w. Mr. J. T., in B., maimed in his r side and his back by falling 1 story deep; greatly relieved by 12 ap. Mrs. S. L., in L., 28 y o, gouty contortions of her arms; c by 2 ap. Miss M. B., in W., A., 23 y o, rh in her whole body, affecting periodically her eyes and her chest, causing asthma, salivation; c by 2 ap in 1 m. Mr. M., (of B.,) in B., 49 y o, rh hand dis ; c by 1 ap. Mr. H. E., in B., 28 y o, gout in his back and fingers; c by 1 ap. Mr. H. W., in B., 30 y o, rh pains in his 1 arm, paralysed and immovable ; c by 1 ap. Miss M. D., in B., 25 y o, rh nervous headache, weak stomach, pains in her back, cold feet; c by 6 ap in 15 w. Mrs. M. J., in M., R., 51 y o, for 20 y, gout, stiff and swollen limbs, hands, knees, and feet; c by 8 ap in 3 m. Mr. A. U., in S., 51 y o, gout in his head, cold feet, violent pains in his temples ; c by 2 ap in 10 d. Mrs. K. S. (M.) in H., 27 y o, rh, weak stomach, violent vomiting; c by 3 ap in 3 w. Mr. W. P., in B., 32 y o, cancerous tetter (lupus) in his face; c 45 ap in 15 m. Mrs. M. A. K., in E., 63 y o, gouty pains in her 1 shoulder and hip-joints; c by repeated ap. Miss V. S., 22 y o, for 6 m continual, and for 3 d very violent, tooth- ache ; c by 1 ap. Mr. J. K., in B., 17 y o, severe scab on his head; c by repeated ap in 5 m. Mr. A. K., in V., B., 18 y o, weakening and lanking (decaying) of his r leg; c by repeated 15 ap in 2 m. Mr. P. S., in S., 15 y o, for 11 y, scr inf of his eyelids; c by 10 ap in 3 m. Mr. I. A., in E., 30 y o, scr dis, rh pains in his back and 1 side; c by 6 ap in 16 w. Mr. H. S., in E., 47 y o, for some y, very severe dis of his eyes, red and blind; c by 4 ap. Miss G. K., in C, 15 y o, partial blindness, beginning am ; c by repeated ap in 4 m. Mr. A. P., in R.,53 y o, since his childhood, eye dis, partial blindness, total in his r eye for 11 y, very weak body; c by 6 ap. Mrs. M. B., in E., 38 y o, rh pains in her whole body, for 4 d, violent toothache with locked-jaw; c by 1 copious ap. Mr. J. P. N., in K., E., 37 y o, for 7 y, chest complaint, hoarseness, expectoration; c by 6 ap. Miss M. M., in E., 22 y o, congestion of blood to her head, causing headache; c by 3 ap in 4 m. Mr. A. W., in B., 28 y o, stomach dis, heart throbbing, gout in the back and spine, inf of the throat. Miss C. S., in R., B., 16 y o, for 7 y, catar- act (total blindness) in her 1 eye, for 2, w, beginning blindness in her r eye; c by 9 ap in 3 m. Mrs. M. S., in R., B., 64 y o, scurvy and headache for many y; c by repeated ap. Miss C. N., in S., 44 y o, for 4 y, numerous scaly copper-red er in her face, and on her hands, from previous itch ; c by 12 ap in 4 m. Miss R. B., in B., 18 y o, for 13 y, a large swelling 1 inch thick on the r side of her skull, her r eye blind, squinting, spotted, with inf; c by repeated ap in 14 m. Mrs. B., in L., R., 35 y o, scr rh eye dis, her r eye covered with a film, partial blindness; c by 7 ap in 2 m. Miss L. S., in B., 23 y o, for 2 y, rh in her head, eyes swollen and spasmodically closed; c by 5 ap. Mrs. C. S., in C, 44 y o, for many y, nervous apoplec- tical weakness, caused by 67 bleedings ! followed by a great corpulency and difficult respiration ; c by ap every 10 d in 6 m. She declared that she had never been, during 20 y, as healthy as after using the " Health and Life Restorer." P. T., a boy 3 years old, son of Mr. H. T., in L., was born with epilepsy, and so weak in his spine, that he could neither sit nor stand ; his eyes were quite distorted, his limbs decayed, and his legs useless for walking. Whenever his will was in the least op- posed, his great excitability would cause him to fall into epilep- tical fits, frequently for a whole day. No physician would even undertake the attempt of curing the little sufferer ; nevertheless, he was entirely cured by only three applications of the " HEALTH AND LIFE RESTORER." ' Remark.—About 600 cases and cures could thus be stated by the undersigned, if it were necessary for his purpose, and pos- sible in this little pamphlet. He is ready to give any informa- tion concerning cases not herein mentioned, or to explain what- ever be proper to inspire confidence in his remedy. 16 CONCLUSION. Persons residing at Washington City cured by the " Health and Life Restorer" of JOSEPH GERHARDT, No. 398* Maryland Avenue, near the Capitol, Washington, D. C. 1. Mr. Thomas McGrath, at the Capitol building, of rheu- matism in the whole body. 2. Mr. Charles Werner, at his Hotel, Pa. Avenue, near 6th Street, of gout in the feet. 3. Mr. Bannerman, N. W* corner of 9th and E Streets, of rheumatism in the whole body* 4. Mr. John Buechler, at Mr. Klomann's Hotel, 7th Street, between D and E Streets, of rheumatism in all the limbs. 5. Mr. F. Sellhausen, tobacconist and manu- facturer of cigars, 7th Street, between G and H Streets, of con- gestion of blood to the. heart and head. 6. Mrs. Sellhausenj mother of Mr. F. S.,, of cramps in the calves* 7. Mrs. Hoch- stetter, 4£ Street, Island, of toothache. 8. Mrs. Hasslinger, of toothache. 9. Mrs. Napp> 4£ Street, Island, of toothache. 10. Mrs. Genau, Capitol Hill, of rheumatism in the back and limbs. 11. Mr. John Fries, Pa. Avenue, between 18th and 19th Streets, of pains in the sides, chest and heart. 12. Mr* Wolfsteiner, boot and shoe maker, 8th Street, near Pa. Avenuej of rheumatism. 13. Mr. Oswald Dietz, of congestion of blood to the head and of weak eyes. 14.. Mr. C E. Ehmann, at J* Gerhardt's Hotel) of sprain in the right ankle, with severe in- flammation and great swelling. 15. Mr. Trautmann, black- smith, at the Capitol building, of rheumatism and a stiff hand* Besides these 15 persons, there are many others whose names could have been added hereto for the same purpose* Persons suffering under diseases are earnestly invited to call or send their addresses to the undersigned, who will promptly attend to their cases, making no charge unless their cures be effected* JOSEPH GERHARDT, At his Hotel, No. 398 Maryland Avenue^ Near the Capitol) Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON, D. C, &TJELL & BLANCHARD, PRINTER* 1858.