J&JLwJuKJ*^ TiaIjuk. J-2^<£ -< < * * ENERAL TREATISE ON THE NATURE AND CAUSE OF DISEASE IN THE HUMAN BODY; TOGETHER WITH PROOFS OF THE EFFICAC VAUGHN'S VEGETABLE HTHONTRIPTIO MIXTURE, AS A GENERAL RESTORER OF THE SYSTEM, AND PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD. WITH NUMEROUS TESTIMONIALS OF THE MOST REMARKABLE CURES, In Cases of Dropsy, Gravel, Liver Complaint, Scrofnla, Scurvy Leprosy, Bleeding1 at the Lungs, Fluor Albns, Piles, Putrid Sore Throat, Erysipelas, Consumption, &c. BUFFALO: PUBLISHED AT THE PRINCIPAL AGENCY OFFICE, No. 183 Main Street. JEWETT, THOMAS & CO.—Printers. i GENERAL TREATISE, TO ALL AFFLICTED. Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture will completely cure the diseases, a list of which follow the remarks here set forth, and the Pro- prietor most earnestly desires a careful and sober perusal of the following pages which treat on the complaints. A long course of experiments upon the many and various diseases which mankind are afflicted with, has satisfied and perfectly convinced the inventor of this singular medicine, that, though presenting so many different features, all these complaints are but the offspring of the same great cause, and that to strike at the head of this numerous and complicated connexion of ills, would be to eradicate the whole family from the face of existence. . Fifteen years study of the Vegetable Kingdom, and the same length of time devoted to practical experiments, has at last produced a compound of strictly vegetable production, which combines the Great Remedy for all the ills which exist under so many complexions, to prostrate body and mind. There is but one great Disease, and the whole catalogue of complaints we read of, the various characters they appear in, all pro- ceed from this fountain head. Vaughn's Vegeta- ble Lithontriptic strikes at the body of the tree, and the branches wither and die; and thus it is that the Proprietor has the confidence to offer to cure any complaint which exists. Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture is a careful compound of twenty-two different arti- cles, and as it is represented strictly vegetable- A pleasant, yet most searching remedy ; and the first trial will prove its power; its reputation having increased in the few years since its intro duction to a degree hitherto unknown in all med- ical discoveries; the cures it has accomplished astonishing the community. With the firm conviction that no other remedy, so called, of the present age, is equal to this ; and that the theory of " one Great Disease only" is too firmly established to be overthrown by the bleeding, blistering, aaiputating,calomel-admin- istering, Faculty, who have so long with grave looks, Latin prescriptions, and gold headed canes, blinded and mystified the world. The Proprietor solicits a trial of his Mixture, willing to stand or fall upon its own merits; well satisfied that it will sustain the reputation it has already acquired. Take the mixture for the following complaints, and for any other disease which you may be affec- ted with':— Dropsy, Gravel, Suppression of the Urine, Strictures of the Urethra or Rectum, Inflamma- tion of the Bladder and Kidneys, Inflammation cf the Liver and Liver Complaint, Inflammation of the Lungs, Inflammation of the Bronchia. Inflammatory Rheumatism, Spinal Complaint. Female Diseases, Suppressions, Fluor Albas, Scrol'iLi or King's Evil, St. Anthony's Fire. Erysipelas, Ulcers, Scurvy, Leprosy, "Herpes or Tetter, Ring Worm, Barber's Itch, Itch, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Cancer, Fever Sores, Inter- nal and External Tumors, Venereal Syphilis, Rash, Fistula in Anus, Fisure in Anus, Influ- enza, Heartburn, Canker, Cholera Morbus, Indi- gestion, Neuralgia, Fever and Ague, or Chills and Fever, and all other Fevers, Inflammation of the Spleen, Catarrh, St. Vitus' Dance, Lumbago. Worms, Sick Headache, Palpitation and enlarge- ment of the Heart, Quinsy, Marasmus or wasting away of the System, Croup, Cough, Consump- tion, Piles, Jaundice, Gout, Rheumatism, Dispep- sia, all Mercurial diseases and Salivation, Leth- argy, Hysterics, Painter's Colic, &c. For any other known diseases this article will be found an active remedy, and should be in the family of every one. The Proprietor will not undertake to say one or twenty bottles will effect a cure; he does say, however, that if a trial is made, the first bottle will always manifest itself, and the sufferings of the patient will find relief; this is always the case, and no better evidence is to be offered of its virtues. In all cases, when taken and a cure resulting, do not immediately dispense with the use of the article; the cost is nothing, and a bottle or two after the patient is restored apparently, will only make " assurance doubly sure." , Read carefully the Pamphlet, preserve it, or give it to your friends, and by so doing you may be so fortunate as to cause many an eye to glisten with joy, which but for your kindness, might have been dimmed with the tear of sorrow and of mourning. Each of the above diseases are touched upon through the Pamphlet, and every certificate in these pages may be relied upon ; the parties anx- ious, personally to spread and magnify the vir- tues and healing properties of the Great Ameri- can Remedy through the Land. DROPSY CAN BE CURED. For nearly a century past it has been a com- mon and well received opinion that this terrible disease, when o#tce fairly seated, was entirely beyond the reach of Medicine and of medical skill. Indeed, the numerous cases which appear in the weekly bills of mortality in most of our great cities, would go far to strengthen the opin- ion. Of the numerous cases of Dropsy which have come under the ordinary course of medical treatment, there is scarcely an instance of a radi- cal Cure being accomplished after " tapping'' has had to be resorted to ; so well is this fact authen- ticated that this painful operation has come to be resorted to by medical men only as a palliative, or temporary /ct\f, and not with any hopes of radically curing the patient. A new era, ha3 however commenced ;—a rem- 4 GENERAL TREATISE edy has been discovered, and the Dropsy, hith- erto ranked among the incurables, can now be treated with perfect confidence of a sure and favorable result. The intelligent and reflecting person, may perhaps, smile at this confident assertion, and rank it among the impudent asser- tions of the thousand charlatanries of the day; it may be held to be an absurdity to pretend to have achieved a mastery over a disease which has so long baffled the research of the most eminent practitioners of the age—still, when the other great changes in the remedies, and medical prac- tice of the day are remembered—when the great fatality which attended the first treatment of the Cholera, and other epidemic diseases, and the subsequent discoveries and successful treatment of the same diseases is recollected, it is not to be wondered that any disease, hitherto accounted as incurable, as the Dropsy has invariably been, should at length yield to patient research and careful investigation. It is not, however, on mere scientific research and physiological demonstration, that the propri- etor of the present remedy has depended—it is to actual experiment, carefully observed during a long course of years, that he is enabled with confidence to offer it to the public, with a full confidence, that in no case, however desperate, will it fail of affording relief, and in most cases a permanent cure may with certainty be relied upon. He is aware of the prejudices which sometimes exist against what are termed Patent remedies—and this is heightened by the fact, that many of the nostrums of the day acquire a temporary reputation from a few cures performed by their aid, which are industriously circulated through the country—while at the same time if the number of failures of the same medicine producing the desired effect were published, pub- lic confidence in the all-healing panacea would be most wonderfully abated. It is the pride and satisfaction of the inventor of the Vegetable Lithontriptic, to be able to say, that during a course of fifteen years, he has been in the habit of administering his rem- edy, for the Dropsy, diseases of the bladder and urinary organs, that in not a single instance, to his knowledge, has it ever failed of producing a radical cure. Numerous cases have been under- taken, where the most eminent medical practi- tioners had exhausted their skill—and the pa- tients had been given up to hopeless despair- where the relatives and friends had been called in from a distance to pay a last and melancholy visit—fearful that the patient might expire pre- vious to their arrival—and where by the aid of this potent remedy health and happiness has been restored, and society enriched by the addi- tion of many years to some of its most valuable members. To those who have not been eye-wit- nesses of the influence of this most effectual cure, these relations might seem to border on the marvellous—it only remains to adduce testimony of such a nature as cannot be controverted. Still the evidence is to be found from the lips of any, f- "vj t***» wy I** »o unfortunate as to be afflic- ►~4 TTtt> tfai* di«*"a. In earns of Children are principally affected with it.^- Soap and water used freely, and the lightest dose of the Lithontriptic, which has in its properties the Maxdral.c.root, will cure in a short time, this complaint. _____ Disease of tkf. Spine.—Some diseases origi- nate in the spinal column, and affect it primarily, and as the nerves lead from" it to every organ and part of the system, it follows, that in almost eve- ry complaint it is more or less diseased symplcm- Cancer.—An ulcer of the very worst kin'' with an uneaven surface and ragged painful edges, which spread in a rapid manner, discharges a thin, acrimonious matter, whicli has a very fetid smell. The disease is confined to the glands and partic- ularly the breasts—now and then to be met with in the face, tongue, &c. Cancer is most generally met with in persons advanced in life—particularly women. The knife is the usual treatment, and it is astonishing that surgeons will continue to operate for'Cancers when they must positively know that instead of removing, it exasperates the disease and accelerates its growth. Sir A. Cooper, and other distinguished men, consider Cancer as a complaint connected with the Constitution, the blood, or the mass of fluids being of course con- taminated. Cancer should be taken hold of before it ulcer- ates, in order to attempt a cure with any degree of certainty—and though it may be arrested in its subsequent stages, it should'hot be allowed to proceed too far. A long and careful course of treatment can only save the victim of this disease. Strict tem- perance, abstaining from all intoxicating or stim- ulating fluids—and a course of this medicine, will be the only safety for the patient. The great purifying properties of this Lithontriptic will drive the poison from the system, but it must be followed carefully and strictly. Fever Sores, Tumors, &c, White Swkl- ■ lings, Diseases of the Joints,'&c, all pro- ceed from impure blood, and show that there is a scrofulous or morbid taint of the system—and therefore it is of primary importance that we commence at the cause of all this derangement of the system. Let the Lithontriptic which contains great alterative properties—as well as great cleansing, be taken four times per day, according to direc- tions, and when the blood is changed, the disease will leave the body. The Liver Complaint.—The state and qua'. ity of the bile must be attended to, in order to preserve health. The bile, in a vitiated state, or when not duly scented, is sometimes obstructed in the liver arid gall bladder, and becomes a source of dys- pepsia, constipation, and nervous complaints, Jaundice, &c. &c. &c. Beach, the great medical writer, says, one or two anti-bilious pills may be taken daily. The Lithontriptic being strictly vegetable, and containing great anti-bilious prop- erties, and great alterative properties also, will in GENERAL TREATISE. being the one great cause of this complaint, thd only safe and certain method 13 to commence by purifying the system—cleansing it from all the corrupt fluids which are the cause of all this kind of disease. When the blood is good, nature will cause no outlet to be made. Biles, fever sores, &.c, and this complaint also, will leave the sys- tem under a course of the Lithontriptic Mixture. A trial will convince any one of its purifying effects. act like a most magical medicine in this com- plaint. I have just at this time saved the life of a gentleman connected with one of the most influential newspapers in the State, who would have died without doubt, had he not found relief from this article. Thousands have found relief —and thousands will yet turn to this article after exausting their purses and patience, in search of health, through the means adopted by the Calo- mel giving Faculty Venereal Syphilis.—This is a most dis- tressing affection, and extends to every part of the system, and is*occasioned by a specific poison which is capable of acting both locally and con- stitutionally. Dr. Steward supposes this complaint to have originated in the camp of Israel—as may be inferred by reading the fifth chapter of Numbers. This poison is usually driven from the system by Calomel. The Lithontriptic is just as sure in its effects, and leaves no disease in the system—as is the case with Calomel. See directions on the bottle. Mercurial Diseases and Salivation.— The symptoms of this disease are too well known to need description. In another part of this pamphlet it has been alluded to ; I may remark however, that there is a soreness of the gums and mouth, loosness of the teeth, swelling, and some- times protrusion and inflammation of the tongue, constant and profuse discharge of saliva or spittle, wasting, &c. &,c. If those who give this poison to cure the disease are not " woful quacks," then I do not understand the meaning of the term " quackery." A strict attention to the directions which are on the Lithontriptic bottle, will purify the body from all poison of the Mercurial, or any other kind; and all diseases of the blood of any nature will be driven from the system, by this famous Vegetable remedy. I am constantly making cures of Fever Sores—obstinate eruptions, &c. &c, which for years have baffled all medical men, and all medical sprigs in the country. Theie is no purifier of the system in the world equal to this Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture. Fistula in Ano.—A most serious, loathsome, and troublesome disease, which is located in the vicinity of the anus and rectum, and appears in the form of abscess and sinous Ulcers, emitting a fetid discharge, with callous edges. The cau- ' ses of Fistula are numerous, such as costiveness, and relaxation of the bowels, derangement of the liver and alimentary canal, sedentary habits, high living, piles, &c. Henry the Eighth of England, died of this disease. Fissure of the Anus.—A fissure in the anus or rectum which, is exceedingly sore, and troublesome—it proves obstinate and painful. The common mode of treatment in these com- plaints is the knife. Another and sometimes successful method is the external application of different remedies—but the impurity of the blood Lethargy—is generally a symptomatic dis- ease arising from apoplectic symptoms, or a mor- bid state of the stomach, or some other complaint. The blood now shows its impurity by this symptom—drowsiness is a sure sign of the derangement of the system. Take the Lithon- triptic Mixture immediately, and check at the onset some disease of a more fatal character which, unless the remedy is resorted to, is sura to follow. Enlargement and Palpitation of the Heart.—This complaint is known by the fol- lowing symptoms: shortness of breath, particu- larly from exertion; pain, and a sensation of tightness or stricture of the chest; pain over the region of the heart; difficulty of lying in a recumbent position; sudden startings up. A little fatigued as walking fast or going up stairs, will occasion distress; the feet begin to swell, the Strength fails, the pulse sometimes intermits, countenance particularly around the mouth, assumes a pale haggard appearance, and some- times paroxysms of pain, which are very distress- ing ; in one of these, the subject of the disease is liable to be suddenly snatched away. The only medicine peculiarly adapted to this disease, is the Lithontriptic Mixture. Over 50 cures in this complaint alone, have been effected in two years. This disease is often the symptom of Dropsy or Indigestion. Heart burn.—An uneasy sensation about the pit of the stomach, attended with great anx- iety, difficulty of breathing, want of strength, inquietude, vomiting, coldness and trembling of the extremities. A gentle purge by the use of the Lithontriptic is all that is necessary to remove this complaint. Canker, Thrush or Sore Mouth.—Chil- dren are subject to this complaint. It appears in white ulcers upon the tongue, gums, and around the mouth and palate. When the disease is mild it is confined to these parts, but when violent and of long standing, it may extend through the whole course of the alimen- tary canal, from the mouth to the anus, and excite severe purgings, flatulencies, &c. Purgatives, of the Lithontriptic, will generally remove the worst symptoms of this disease in a few days, and a cure will be made by following it up. ______ Cholera Morbus.—A disease of the stomach and alimentary canal, vomiting and purging, GENERAL TREATISE. 1* severe griping, pain, cramp in the stomach, abdo- men, and extremities. It is prevalent in this climate particularly in hot weather. The cause of the Cholera Morbus is the action and stimulus of an acid secreted in the liver, or formed in the stomach and alimentary canal, which produces an irritation of the mucous mem- brane of these parts, the same as many kinds of poison, which cause the phenomena of the com- plaint. The Lithontriptic Mixture, used freely, has been very effectual in this complaint. A gentle cathartic is what I have ever found to be produced by this medicine, and in this complaint the Mixture has been truly beneficial. Neuralgia—Nervous Diseases.—Of all diseases incident to mankind, those of a nervous kind are the most complicated and difficult to cure. A volume would not be sufficient to point out their various symptoms. They imitate almost every disease, and are sel- dom alike in two different persons—or ever in the same person at different times. Tic Douloureux.—This is a Neuralgiaic complaint, effecting the nerves of the face, it attacks suddenly and very peculiar. The pain darts along the course of the affected nerves, and occurs in paroxysms of the most excruciating agony—succeeded by intervals or intermissions. It proceeds from debility of the whole nervous system. The best remedy you can obtain is a course of this Lithontriptic. It contains alterative prop- erties, and also, the celebrated mandrake root, so well known as a remedy for Neuralgia. St. Vitus' Dance.—This singular disease is characterized by a twitching and convulsive action of certain muscles, usually confined to one side of the system, and it affects principally the arm and leg. It is chiefly incident to young persons ot both sexes, but particularly those of a weak constitu- tion, or whose health and vigor have been impaired by confinement, or by the use of scanty and improper nourishment; and makes its attacks between the ages of ten and fifteen, occurring but seldom after. 1st—we must remove the exciting causes. 2nd—remove the constipated state of the bowels, and regulate their functions. And 3d—strengthen the system. The Lithontriptic Mixture possesses the rem- edy in a most perfect form, for this complaint- It combines the properties which act as a cura- tive agent for the different symptoms of the dis- ease, and as a whole will completely eradicate it. It needs only a trial to prove itself. Lumbago.—A species of Rheumatism, that is more particularly concentrated in the small of the back or the lower part of the spine. It cau- ses great weakness or pain, with difficulty of stooping, and often of walking. The treatment of Lumbago, is the same as that recommended for common Rheumatism. A gentle course of the Lithontriptic Mixture, which, while it acbi as a mild cathartic, will strengthen the system, and drive the cause of the complaint from the body. All kinds of Rheumatism has been relieved by this medicine. Worms.—There are many kinds of Worms found in the human body, but they proceed in a great measure, from similar causes—have nearly the same symptoms, and require the same method of treatment. They are seldom found, except in weak and relaxed stomachs, when digestion is bad. Seden- tary persons are more liable to them than the active or laborious. Calomel has been the ingre- dient, and is now, of all the famous nostrums for Worms—such as Worm Lozenges, Vermifuges, &c. But you have only to excite a healthy action of the digestive organs, to remove them. This Mixture will always remove them, and so- pleasant is it, that if children do not cry after it, as Peters says they do when taking his Lozenges,. they will certainly not cry while taking it. Headache—usually proceeding from a Dad state of the stomach, Indigestion, &c. &c. All stages of this disease, and that also, called sick headache, is removed by a gentle cathartic, which you will obtain by the smallest dose of this Mix- ture, say one table spoon full three times every twenty-four hours. Bathe the feet in warm ley water every night while suffering from it. This treatment and the medicine will give relief. Cough.—In all coughs, which to describe the symptoms of, would be superfluous, the Lithon- triptic Mixture is a well known remedy. Cough is often the precursor of Consumption, and should be attended to; the first symptoms should be checked, and not the least difficulty will occur in the complete cure of this complaint. Marasmus.—Emaciation, wasting of the body, &c. This is a disease which affects the young of both sexes. Sluggishness, lassitude on slight exertions, depravity and loss of appetite, wasting of the flesh, fullness of the features, paleness of the countenance, swelling of the abdomen, an irregular and generally a costive state of the bowels, swelling of the upper lip, itching of the nose, &c. &c. The Lithontriptic Mixture in mild doses, is one of the best medicines in the world, for this disease. Worms are often the cause of it, and they will be expelled from the system by the use of this remedy. ______ Quinsy.—This disease proceeds from the same causes as other inflammatory diseases, viz: an obstructed perspiration, or whatever heats or inflames the blood; it may also proceed from the neglect of evacuation. The complaint is some- times epidemic and infectious. The bowels' should be kept open, and the inflammatory symptoms of the throat will disap- pear with a few days use of the Lithontriptic Mixture. 14 GENERAL TREATISE. Croup.—Children are often seized with a great difficulty of breathing, which if not removed quickly, proves mortal. Children of a gross and lax habit are most liable to it. I have sometimes known it hereditary. Frequent pulse, quick and laborious breathing, with a peculiar kind of crpaking noise, mark its appearance, face flushed. After the remedies which should always be applied, viz : hot water bath and bleeding—a full dose of the Lithontriptic should be given. The inflammation and fever which attends this disease will give way, and the blood will be purified from all bad humor—to carry off. which, in this disease, a drain is often kept open by means of an issue. The Lithontriptic Mixture will, if given, obviate the use of-all issues. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion.—This complaint like the gout is no respecter of persons, from the prince to the beggar you see misery inflicted by this demon of human suffering, Indigestion. This disease is often found associated with a diseased state of the Liver, costiveness, great use of tobacco, spirits, a sedentary life, &c. The disease is marked by great irregularity of appe- tite, belching of wind, rising of sour and bitter acid into the throat, weakness of the stomach, sleep disturbed, bowels irregular, head confused. If the Liver is connected with this complaint, a dead pain will be felt on the right side, the urine will have a brick-dust colored sediment, pain in the shoulders, feet and hands get asleep, &c. To. restore the whole system to its healthy tone, take the Lithontriptic Mixture, as the directions indi- cate, and after restoration, a due regard to tem- perate habits in eating and drinking will preserve the system. The Lithontriptic in all Liver com- plaints, is singularly efficacious. At the first symptom of Dyspepsia, resort at once to it. Consumption.—This is a truly fearful mal- ady. Thousands are falling in the spring time of life by the untimely stroke of this most fatal of diseases. One of the first medical writers of this or any other country, thus speaks of it, " I have no doubt the period^ will arrive when this formi- dable enemy of the human species will be subdued by some common and simple plant belonging to the Vegetable kingdom, for I have always been impressed with a decided belief that our wise and beneficent Creator has placed within the reach of his feeble creature man, herbs and plants for the cure of all diseases but old age, and I wish to be distinctly understood tint i mean this disease of Consumption entirely uncon- nected with any other complaint, will eventually be cured by roots and herbs." . Then we have an opinion advanced by a medi- cal man some years since, and the proof is now before us. This medicine has in a great number of cases of Consumption, made complete cures, and the Proprietor has no hesitation to warrant in this as in all diseases of the blood, fcc, &c, a relief at the first trial. The article has never failed to effect a cure out of a hundred of instan- ces of trial. Symptoms of this disease need hardly to be written. We all know the hacking, hard cough, tightness across the chest, spitting of white frothy muCous-1—often blood, &.c, are seen; unfailing signs that the victim is doomed, unless some remedy is at hand. Arid what shall we seize upon. Ten thousand nostrums are for sale to sport with the case of the poor Consumptive; and he tries one to throw it aside for another; no relief having been found, he gives himself up to die. He need not die if Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic is given to him, unless old age car- ries him off. Too many proofs have been receiv- ed by the Proprietor to make him for a moment hesitate in making this astounding announce- ment. Yet facts are not to be controverted. Proofs strong as holy writ can not be laughed down, or frowned down. This medicine will cure all Consumptive cases, aud a3 long as the breath of life is in the patient, there is hope.— Do not then for a moment value one dollar, but go to the Agents and make the trial; you -will be satisfied that this article, at least, is no miserable trash to trifle with the hopes and fears of the poor Consumptive. Certificates we could publish if ncossary, but in this disease, so many forms does it appear in, that it would be no satisfaction to read, and the article, if tried, will be the only proof of its efficacy—it is pleasant—ran infant will ta"ke it—and'though active in its largest dose—in its smaller it is quite mild. No stomach is so weak that it cannot be taken. Bleeding and Blind Piles.—There are two kind of Piles, one is called Bleeding and the other Blind Piles. The Piles are small swelled tumors, of rather a dark appearance, usually situated on the edge of the fundament. AVhen there is a discharge of blood from these tumors when you go to stool, the disease is called Bleed- ing Piles; but when there is only a. swelling on the edge of the fundament, at some little distance up the gut, and no bleeding when you evacuate the bowels, the disease is called the Blind Piles. A mild dose of the Lithontriptic Mixture will in a few days remove this disagreeable complaint- It heals, and destroys the burning fever which is often felt. Let it be taken daily, in small doses, for a week or two, and vou will be rid of the Piles. Jaundice.—This disease turns the white of the eye, as well as the skin, yellow. The urine is saffron colored, and will stain a white cloth. Symptoms—excessive weariness— dry skin—itching pain oyer the body-s-breathing difficult—heat in the nostras—bitter taste in the 1 mouth—sickness at the stomach and vomiting. The tone of the system is completely restored by the use of the" Lithontriptic IVlixtUre, the directions to be strictly followed. Gout.—Too Atonic—the Retrocedenf, and'the - Misplaced.— Tl: > iirst, or Jltaniz, is marked by a , bad digestion; the patient is troubled with fiatu- • lency, loss of appetif;:, eructations, violent pains • of a spasmodic'natnre, nausea, dejection of spirits, and hypochondriacal symptoms. GENERAL TREATISE- 15 The second species is the Retrocedent. In this, the inflammation having occupied a joint, ceases suddenly, and is translated to some inter- nal part, such as the head, lungs, heart, or stom- ach. The Misplaced, is when Gout, instead of producing the inflammatory affection of the joint at all, seizes some internal parts, producing inflammation there, and giving rise to some symptoms which attend inflammation of those parts from other causes. Without discussing the cause of this painful complaint, or giving symptoms of the different species, I will state, that the best remedy, no doubt, is an extreme low diet, strict temperance, and good exercise. Doctors Chalmers, Musgrave and Grant, all agree however, in Emetics and Cathartics. The Lithontriptic Mixture as a powerful operator upon the blood, will reduce all inflammation of the joints, &c, act as a mild Cathartic, and has in almost every instance, relieved at once this complaint. ______ Hysterics.—The extremities cold—the sur- face pale—attended with chills. Physicians gen- erally are in the habit of bleeding—a bad prac- tice however, and always aggravates the disease. Put the feet, and body if possible, in a ley bath, weak however—and take of the Lithontriptic Mixture. Painter's Colic—The cause of this Colic is the inhalation of vapours arising from a decom- position of lead, or frequently handling some of its chemical preparations; hence Painters and Glaziers are often attacked by it. The symptoms are pain in the pit of the stom- ach—slight sickness—thirst—costiveness—quick pulse. After a short time the whole region of the belly is highly painful to the touch ; the intes- tines exhibit symptoms of violent spasms, &c, and at last terminates in Gangrene, which des- troys the patient. By administering the Lithon- triptic Mixture, the irritating and acrid agents which are in the intestines, are dislodged and driven from the body. The warm bath is of great service. Keep the bowels free by the use of the Lithontriptic, and take it as the directions on the bottle indicate. Cessation of the Mj:\ses—(Commonly call- ed Tune of Life).—That period of life at which the Menses cease to flow is a very critical one.— The stoppage of any customary evacuation, how- ever small, is sufficient to disorder the whole frame, and often to destroy life itself. Hence it is that so many women fall into chronic disor- ders, or die about this time. Few nredicines are to be taken in this state of the system. Your bowels must be moved by mild doses of this medicine, which will cool the system and allay dangerous irritations. A table spoon full of the Mixture three times per day. one will contradict ; and that the derangement of the blood—the more or less impurity of it, will effect the- whole system, we well know, and thus we state that the great cause of the various derangements of the system, though presented in so many different features, known by characters at complete variance with each other, yet we fully believe that diseased Blood will produce all these symptoms, and that by producing a healthy action of the blood, we can drive the whole mul- titude from the human body, and restore man's frame to health. No one will for a moment question the assertion that all inflammatory dis- eases can be acted upon through the blood, and this character of disease will embrace a large pro- portion of the entire catalogue. All Eruptive diseases, those of the skin, &c, are only reached through the blood ; external applications are only temporary in their relief, if they relieve at all. Fevers are checked by the proper action THE ONE GREAT DISEASE- The one Great Disease—is no new theory : l from the earliest times down to the present day, it has found its advocates. The doctrine of the one grand cause of all the various diseases which have ever afflicted men being seated in the Blood, and only there, is not easily controverted. We know that the principle of life is the blood, as we take from the body this fluid, so we diminish our strength, which as new blood again forms we regain. We know that by the slightest puncture of a needle into a small vein, we introduce a virus or poison which innoculates our whole system, the blood alone carrying it into every part of our frame. Mineral and Vegetable poisons act upon the blood only—it becomes coagulated, or watery, and life ceases. That life alone, depends upon the blood, and not the more solid portion of man's frame, no one will dispute. That health alone depends upon the blood, we can not believe anv 16 GENERAL TREATISE. upon the blood. Nervous complaints are remo- ved by alteratives which act thus; and indeed the prevailing opinion of the Medical men tnroughout the world, we believe, to be that, the entire array of this army of afflictions can be dis- persed if we can only find out the Universal Remedy. Common sense teaches us that some remedy must exist, and we naturally ask, where are we to look for it ? Not among minerals, for reason at once abhors the idea of receiving M our stomachs a mineral, and we at once with firm faith turn to the Vegetable world, satisfied that it must exist there. The dumb beast, taught by instinct which never misleads, at once goes to •the vegetable for a panacea. The uncivilized son of nature, the wild Indian, has his vegetable Temedy, and we believe that there Providence has placed an antidote for every ill. The laws of nature being immutable, no acts of ours could change them, therefore, no primary disease can exist now, which had no existence in the beginning. In the beginning, Providence placed in the earth the Great Remedy for the one disease, that of the blood, and no new order of Vegetables have been created to keep pace* with the multitude of diseases which man by a course of direct opposition to the law of health, has produced for his own affliction, therefore, we have only to resort to this great Panacea, to give health to the principle of life which is the blood, and the renewed and vigorous system will show the Theory to be as solid as the rock of Ages * As a proof that all the misery which is known under the various medical terms can be alleviated, and removed by the treatment we now advocate, we point you to Consumption, a complaint which Physicians pronounce incurable, and no doubt it Js, under the system they pursue; but post mor- tem examinations have shown that this disease pf the lungs, which, it has been said medicine cannot reach, has been arrested and cured, even after one third of these organs of respiration had been eaten away ; the lungs have been found per- fectly healed, and the subject probably had lived on in health for years, and died of some other complaint New we do declare that this cure was made by some Vegetable Agent through the blood, which flows into the lungs. We know that medicine will not reach the lungs as food does the stomach, yet the blood will take it up, and carry it there, we firmly believe, and it would be unnatural and impossible for us to think other- wise. If then, Consumption has been cured, the stumbling block in the path of this doctrine is removed, and we go on boldly to assert that by commencing at the blood we can drive every ves- tige of disease of any kind from the system. The list of complaints which you will find in the first pages of this pamphlet, are to be cured by this treatment, and any other disease, we care not what, can be cured if the medicine we offer you is taken with a full determination to test its abil- ity. We ask you to keep it in your house, it will never come amiss. What is the value of one dollar or two—or fifty, even, to be compared with ill health Disease robs riches of all their worth. It is indeed an aggravation to have the means of purchasing happiness, and not the ability to enjoy it. Health without money is a far greater source of comfort than money without health. The Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture has now been introduced over an immense section of coun- try, during the past two years, and the Proprietor can say with confidence and pride, that it has been his good fortune to relieve many hitherto, incurable diseases—to return happiness to thou- sands—and though making no pretensions as regards his invention, he believes that he has had the honor to place before the world one of the Greatest Panaceas of any Age. For himself, he asks a fair remuneration, which he fully believes he shall receive. For his Mixture, he asks only a fair trial from those who know not its virtues—satisfied, that when once known, it will • never be doubted. The certificates he begs leave to say are genuine—and the parties will reply to any letter which may be forwarded to them, post paid, gladly lending their agency in every way to forward and increase the reputation of this justly family article, and gladly inducing the poor sufferers to rely as they did upon its virtues—and satisfied that they also, will find relief. GENERAL TREATISE. 17 TESTIMONIALS. IN FAVOR OF THE EFFICACY OF VAUGHN'S VEGETABLE LITHONTRIPTIC. With these pages the proprietor thinks is pre- sented the most incontrovertable mass of testimo- ny ever offered in evidence of the curative pow- ers of any Medicine. These are no trumped up certificates from out-of-the-way places—no abor- tive attempts to palm off' mere alleviation for actual cures. But here is the genuine grateful testimony of his own fellow citizens, in favor of the all-powerful medicine: They are residing among us and can be consulted at any time, and the Proprietor earnestly solicits all who may be afflicted to call upon any of the persons mention- ed here, and satisfy themselves by actual observa- tion of the potency of his preparation. CASE OF SCROFULA—TERMINA- TING IN GENERAL DROPSY. An entire and radical cure. Mrs. EMORY TAUNT, of Buffalo, from early age was afflicted with Scrofula, which was pre- scribed for by various Physicians with but little success : About ten years since her disease assu- med the form of General Dropsy, or Anasarca,— her limbs at times so swollen as scarcely to be able to move about—her abdomen, and indeed every part of the body so swollen as to present a most frightful spectacle ; rest at night was almost denied her, from the difficulty of lying in a hori- zontal position. The best Physicians both in this city and at the East, were applied to, and attended her for years, but without any radical effect. The symptoms continued to become more aggravated and human patience seemed entirely exhausted—palliatives were resorted to only with the hope of smoothing a passage to the grave which- seemed inevitable and speedy. In the month of July last, she was induced to try the effects of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontrip- tic—about one bottle and a half of the large size was taken before she appeared to receive any relief—at that time the swellings began to decrease, her appetite to return, and her generBl health rapidly to improve. She has continued the use of the medicine until she has used seven of the large sized bottles, and «he is now in the 3 enjoyment of excellent health, better indeed than she has enjoyed for any time previous. I certify that the above statement of my wife's cure is true in every respect—myself, and in fact most of her friends and relatives had considered her case hopeless. I had employed the best Physicians both here and at the East, and had been told by some that her case was beyond the reach of ordinary medicines. And from the length of time she had been afflicted, together with the alarming nature of her symptoms, I was induced to believe the statement correct. To the use of Dr. Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic r as- cribe her cure, which I believe has been complete, and I sincerely advise all who are affected to try its powers. EMORY TAUNT. Buffalo, Nov. 5, 1845. Mr. and Mrs. Taunt, both cheerfully invite all who may be afflicted, to call at their dwelling on Niagara street, where-they will be happy to testify further in relation to the wonderful pow- ers of this medicine prepared by Dr. Vaughn. CASE OF BLEEDING OF THE LUNGS. I, SILAS WOOD, of Buffalo, have for upwards of nine years been afflicted with Bleeding at the Lungs, which has continued with greater or less violence during the whole time: At times I have been so completely prostrated from loss of blood and general debility, as to be obliged to keep my bed for weeks. I have employed the best Medical Practitioners and resorted to various specific medicines without experiencing any relief. About four months since, I was advised to try Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic— at the time I was confined to my bed—and had just previous, had so severe an attack of Bleeding at the Lungs, (while on a visit at a Friend's house) as to cause me to faint from utter exhaus- tion—and so completely was I prostrated that I had to be conveyed home in a carriage. I took the Lithontriptic, and on the third day after, I was enabled to rise from my bed and walk up- wards of a mile. Since that time I have not been troubled with any return of the Bleeding at the Lungs, and my general health is helter than I have enjoyed for years. I consider Dr. Vaughn's Lithontriptic as a most invaluable medicine, andt 18 GENERAL TREATISE. designed to be productive of immense good to the human family. SILAS WOOD. Buffalo, Oct. 21, 1845'. CASE OF LIVER COMPLAINT. Certificate from C. A. Wilson, Esq.,/w many years Commercial Reporter of the Buffalo Com. Advertiser. Dr. G. C. Vaughn: Dear Sir :—Frequent interrogatories are put to me by my friends, as to what cause they may attribute my improved appearance and near res- toration to health. To them and to you, thus publicly, 1 have no hesitancy whatever in answer- ing. A severe attack of liver complaint, constant pain in the side, and consequent prostration of the whole system, reduced me very much, and by many I was supposed to be in the incipient stages of a Consumption; but if so, the efficacious and healing qualities of your medicine has eradicated the disease, and given me promise of a full resto- ration to health. I think it possesses rare medi- cinal qualities, and if this slight testimonial of re- gard of its worth, is of the least importance, you are at liberty to use it. Respectfully Yours, C. A. WILSON. No. 375 Michigan St., Buffalo. disease continued to increase upon her until she was obliged to keep within doors, and at times was confined to her bed; her limbs were at times so much swollen as to require bandageing. She was attended by her family Physician here, who did not hesitate to pronounce it a confirmed case of Dropsy. Various prescriptions were recom- mended by him without producing any good effect;—the symptoms only continued to grow more alarming. Some time since she commenced the use of Vaughn'3 Vegetable Lithontriptic; irt a very short time her appetite returned, and after taking the second or third of the large size bot- tles, the swellings began to decrease, and she was enabled to take exercise, indulged in frequenl walks, and was enabled to attend to the ordinary household affairs with perfect ease ; she has con- tinued the use of the medicine and has received most important benefit from its use, and is of opinion that it is one of the best medical agents known in the treatment and cure of Dropsy. I certify that the above statement of my wife's case is correct, and I am firm in my opinion that without the aid of the Lithontripic she would not have been living at this time. She had tried every remedy known without any success, and Dr. Vaughn's Medicine is the only one which has even reached her case. DANIEL KENNY. Buffalo, Nov. 12, 1845. CASE OF BLEEDING PILES. I, LEVI H. WILLIAMS, Police officer of the town of Black Rock and for many years a resi- dent of Buffalo, have for a great number of years been afflicted with the Bleeding Piles, which at times was so severe as to totally incapacitate me from following business of any sort. About a year since I was attacked with Scarlet Fever and upon my recovery from that I was attacked with a Scrofulous eruption upon the crown of my head, and soreness of both the eyes, which increased to such an extent as to nearly deprive me of sight; indeed, at times I could not read at all—the Piles at this time troubled me severely, and my situa- tion was most wretched. After having tried most of the Pile medicines, together with many of the Purifying specifics advertised, without relief of any kind, I was advised to try Vaughn's Vegeta- ble Lithontriptic. I did so, and after using two of the large sized bottles in about four weeks, I find myself a new man : the scrofulous eruption on my head has entirely disappeared, and my eye sight is returned, the Bleeding Piles are cured, and I am now enjoying better health than I have for any time during the past ten years. The operation of the Lithontriptic appears like magic; it is pleasant to the taste, and its beneficial effects still more pleasant. I sincerely hope all who may be similarly affected as I have been, will not hesitate to use this all-healing balsam. November 18, 1845. LEVI H. WILLIAMS. CASE OF ERYSIPELAS OF TWELVE YEARS STANDING. I, WILLIAM HOLMES, Police Constable of the City of Buffalo, have been for upwards of ten years subject to attacks of Erysipelas. At times it was so violent as to confine me entirely to the house, my body presenting almost one entire sore from head to feet. I have taken various medi- cines, and had the assistance of some of our best Physicians, but the best effect obtained was mere- ly a temporary relief'for but a short time, when the disease appeared to break out with redoubled violence. About six months since I commenced taking Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic. The effect of the medicine at first was not as rapid as I had been led to believe would be the case. I persevered however in the use of the medicine, and at this time believe myself to be nearly cured of this terrible disease. My skin has become en- tirely smooth, and presents a healthy, natural color, very different from its appearance after having been temporarily patched up in former times. The effect of the medicine has been to purify my system general 1 v. WILLIAM- HOLMES. Buffalo, Nov. 19,1845. CASE OF GENERAL DROPSY. Mrs. CATHARINE KENNY, wife of Mr DANIEL KENNY, tailor of this city, has been afflicted for a long time with general Dropsy ; the CASE OF INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. Mrs. LOCKMAN, a German Lady, residing at No. 284 Pearl street, has been for some time afflicted with inflammatory Rheumatism. About three weeks since, she was attacked with a vio- lent fever, which, in conjunction with the rheu- matism, had nearly reduced her to the verge of GENERAL TREATISE. 19 death. At this time the Lithontriptic was admin- istered to her in doses of a table-sp:>on full every four hours. She experienced relief within a chert time after commencing its use, and within two weeks she was entirely cured, and is now'in the enjovment of good health. ELIZABETH LOCKMAN. Buffalo, Nov. 18, 1845. CASE OF PUTRID SORE THROAT! HIRAM A. VAUGHN, of the city of Buffalo, was attacked at, Detroit, in the month of July, IS 15, with a Scrofulous sore throat; attended with swelling of the neck to an immense size. \ Ie was attended by several of the best Physicians 'here, but obtained no relief; the symptoms con- tinued to grow worse, his expectoration was diffi- cult, and masses ti thick fleshy matter were void- ed in the r.ct of spitting. Upon his return to Buffalo he procured a bottle of Vaughn's Vegeta- ble Lithontriptic, which afforded him relief im- mediately, lie lias taken about three bottles of the large size, and is now in the enjoyment of good health. The swellings have entirely disap- peared. HIRAM A. VAUGHN. Buffalo, Nov. 12, 1845. CASE OF SCURVY LEPROSY, OF EIGHTEEN YEARS STANDTNG. GEORGE P. BAKER, aged 23, son of George W. Baker, of Aurora, Erie "County, N. Y , when about four .'ears of age, was attacked with the Scurvy Levirosv, which continued gradually to increase upon him until about 'J months since —during which time he had the advice of some of the best practitioners of the country. At times, during the progress of the disease, he has been in so terrible a situation as to be totally incapacitated from labor or exertion vf any kind. Indeed, to such a frightful extent had the disease progressed that he presented so horrid an appear- ance as not to be recognised by his intimate ac- quaintances !—the entire surface of the skin being covered with thick scabs or scales, which often ram' off in pirr.es of upwards an inch .square.1 __and to such an extent had the sores progressed on every part of the body, legs, arms, and the fice, r.s even lo prevent the eyes from being closed at night. Two seasons were spent by him at Avon Springs, without receiving any radical benefit. Most \of the popular purifying medicines of the day have been resorted to without receiving any benefit. About four months since he applied to the pro- prietor of Vaughn's Vrgetaui.E Lithontrip- tic with the hope of obtaining relief. So dread- ful wns the spectacle presented by him at the time that the proprietor was even doubtful of the prooriotv of his taking the medicine—his face, haii'i.t. arrl ortns presented one entire scab.' eean-isd frisiiifollv with large cracks or fissures, and the patient aooeared to be entirely beyond the reach of medicine, lie commenced, how- ever, t,iking the, Lithontriptic, and by tiie time l.e had taken four of Ih; largo sized bottles the scabs had entirely disappeared, the skin had assumed the natural and healthy appearance, and lie was enabled to go about his ordinary avoca- tions;—all of which he ascribes to the use of the Vegetable Lithontriptic. The above statement of my case is substantially correct and it is with the utmost gratitude and cheerfulness I render my testimony in favor of the wonderful effects of this remarkable medicine. GEORGE P. BAKER October, 25, 1845. I certify that the above statement of my son's case, is correct in every essential particular:— for upwards of nineteen years he has not been able to attend to any labor of moment, and my- self and family had given up all hope of ever see- ing him restored to permanent health. To the use of Vaughn's Lithontriptic we ascribe this wonderful change, and we merely advise all who are afflicted to try the effects of this almost miraculous curative. G. W. BAKER, of Aurora, Erie Co., N. Y. Erie County, ss : GEORGE P. BAKER and GEORGE W. BA- KER, the persons named in the foregoing certi- ficates, respectively, came before me, this 21st day of October, 1845, and being duly sworn, say, and each for himself says that the facts stated in the foregoing certificates sinned by them respec- tively are true, as therein stated. T. BURWELL, Judge of Erie Co. Certificate of P. M. Vosburgh, Esq., Surro- gate of Erie Comity, N. V. I certify that I formerly resided in Aurora,and have been for years acquainted with the son of Mr. Baker, whose ease is stated above—it was the general opinion of all his friends and relatives that young Baker was entirely beyond the reach of medicine^—such a horrible spectacle did he present at times that it was deemed advisable to prevent him from appearing in public. The cure that has been effected certainly appears to be one of the most wonderful in the annals of medicine. I have seen Mr. Baker since his recovery—his skin is smooth and presents as healthy an appear- ance as any one in the enjoyment of sound health —and to the use of Vaughns Vegetable Li- thontriptic, may be fairlv as°ribed his re- covery. P. M- VOSBURGH. Certificate from Hon. P. P. Stt.vens, first Judge of Erie County. I have been well acquainted with ?.Ir. Georcra W. Baker, the father of the young man, whosa extraordinary cure is mentioned above. 1 have seen the young man frequently both hefore and since his recovery, and believe the statement of his cure to be correct. FREDERICK P. STEVENs, Fir.;t Jud-ja of Erie Co. to GENERAL TREATISE. Certificate of I. V. Vanderpoel, Esq. I have been acquainted with Mr. Baker, whose remarkable cure by Dr. Vaughn's Vegetable Li- thontriptic is the subject of general remark in the community. I had seen him just before he commenced taking the Lithontriptic, and cer- tainly a more deplorable object, scarcely, if ever presented itself than was young Baker at this time. I have seen him several times since his recovery, and were the living evidence not before me, I could not credit the existence of so remark- able a cure. Dr. Vaughn is well known as one of our most respected citizens, and I am happy to learn that the success of his medicine is commen- surate with its merits. I. V. VANDERPOEL. Buffalo, Nov. 18, 1845. CASE OF AFFECTION OF THE HEART. Mrs. JOHN SEWARD, residing at No. 47 Chippewa street, has been for a number of years sorely troubled with Palpitation of the Heart, attended with difficulty of breathing, general debility, &c, with sensation of water about the heart—presenting every appearance of Hydro- thorax, or Dropsy in the chest. The attacks of palpitation of the heart were often so severe as to confine her to the bed for weeks—and so much was her general health and strength reduced by the disease, that her life was despaired of. Her Physicians had repeatedly declared there was no help for her, and she herself confidently believed that her time was short on the earth. At the solicitation of a friend who had witnessed the marvellous effects of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithon- triptic, she was induced to try it; and after taking about three of the large sized bottles, during a period of about three months, she finds her health wonderfully improved ; the palpitation has entire- ly ceased, her strength is rapidly returning, her cheeks once more present the glow of health, and there is every demonstration of a rapid recovery. This statement of my wife's cure, taken down at our mutual request, is perfectly correct, and we feel pleasure in contributing our mite toward the mass of testimony accumulated in support of the wonders of this medicine. We gratefully shall remember Dr. Vaughn to the latest period of our lives, and cheerfully invite all afflicted to try his medicine. NANCY SEWARD. JOHN SEWARD. Buffalo, Nov. 18, 1845. ANOTHER CASE OF DROPSY. Extract of a Letter from Rev. John W. Vaughn, of Alc.ott, Niagara Co. N Y. " About, your medicine, my Lydia, is so smart that wre shall certainly continue the use of it. When she first commenced taking it, she felt very weak and thought it was doing harm, but since that time she has rapidly improved, and is now anew creature; she is now in better health than she has been for six years past. I think her liize. has sensibly diminished, and I have full faith in the medicine—much more than my wife, who had long since made up her mind that nothing could save her. However, for the last two weeks she has been enabled to do all her own house- work, and yesterday did up a two weeks washing. If you have the medicine at Lockport, please write and let me know.*' Yours, &c. JOHN W. VAUGHN. CASE OF HYDROTHORAX—OS DROPSY IN THE CHEST. Mrs. Scott, a widow Lady, living on Carolina street, was attacked about a year since with Dropsy in the Chest, accompanied with all the symptoms of this terrible disease, in its worst form—difficulty of breathing, #a dry hacking cough, palpitation of the heart, and a general swelling all over the body—targe cysts or sacks of water had accumulated on various parts, and when first applied to by the Proprietor she pre- sented as deplorable a spectacle as could well be imagined. For some time she had been attended by the best Physicians in this city—she however experienced no relief, and her symptoms only grew worse—for months she had not been able to enjoy a comfortable night's rest. She commenced the use of the medicine about four months since and experienced relief almost immediately after taking it. The swellings decreased, her appetite was restored, and she was in a fair way of recov- ery, when, by imprudent exposure, she took cold and experienced a relapse,- arid having neglected to use the Lithontriptic, her former symptoms returned in an alarming degree, and her life was despaired of. At this time the Proprietor again called upon her and recommended the use of the Lithontriptic, which she again commenced tak- ing, and in less than four weeks after, the disease gave way under its mighty power. The swelling began to decrease, the water to flow freely through the natural channels, her strength returned, and she is now able to be about and attend to her housework. The various Physicians, several of the first standing in this city, who attended her had given her up entirely, told her it was impos- sible she could live, and advised her to prepare for death. Still by the aid of this sovereign rem- edy she is now in a fair way to enjoy many years of health and happiness, and she invites all who are incredulous as to this statement to call on her and satisfy themselves. I certify that this statement of my disease and cure is correct, and my brother, who resides with me, unites his testimony to mine in evidence of the remarkable cure effected by Vaughn's Vege- table Lithontriptic. DANIEL O'RAFFERTY. ROSANNA SCOTT. Buffalo, Nov. 20, 1845. CASE OF SPINAL COMPLAINT- ATTENDED WITH THE BLIND PILES. Mrs. Lock, residing at 157 Franklin-street, has I been afflicted with a spinal complaint attended GENERAL TREATISE. 21 with violent pain in the side, for upwards of ten years :—to such an extent had the irregularity of the spine proceeded as to cause her to be bent nearly double at times, and to be totally incapa- citated from walking, or to attend to any ordinary house-work. In addition to this, she has been severely afflicted with the Blind Piles. At Utica and Johnstown, (at which places she formerly resided) she has had the most eminent Physicians attend her but without the slightest success. To such an extent was she afflicted, that she was not able to bear the weight of an infant. About one month since, she commenced taking the Lithon- triptic, and in less than two weeks she began to experience radical relief; the pains in her side subsided, and she is now enabled to walk erect, and take long walks about the city. Her general health is materially improved and the blind piles entirely cured. To the.use of the Lithontriptic she gives the whole merit of the cure—as she has been repeatedly given up by some of the best regular Practitioners in the State. She invites all who may be afflicted with similar complaints to call on her, when she will be happy to explain further in relation to the merits of this extraordi- nary medicine. HELEN M. LOCKE. The above statement of my wife's case is per- fectly correct, only it is not stated as bad as it actually was. I never supposed that she would be relieved after having been given up by the various Physicians I had employed. I hope that all who are diseased will try the effects of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic. NATHANIEL LOCKE. Buffalo, Nov. 13, 1845. ' REMARKABLE CASE OF DROPSY. Berlin, Oct. 24, 1845 To whom it may concern : I hereby certify, that my wife Nancy, has been troubled with Dropsy for the last five years, during which time she has been constantly under the Doctor's care until about six weeks since, and has tried every remedy, without receiving any relief. It was evident to all that she could not continue to live but a short time in the situa- tion she was. " A drowning man wiU catch at straws" says the proverb, and having seen your medicine advertised, we concluded it would do no harm to try it. In less than four days after she commenced taking the medicine, a radical change was observed in her feelings, and she began sensibly to mend. She is now taking the third bottle, and has rode between forty-five and fifty miles this week—and she believes that she shall be entirely cured. She has not been able to lie down to sleep in a horizontal position in ten months until this week—and has not been able to ride out in five years, until after commencing the use of this medicine. We can truly say, " this medicine hath done wonders" for U3. We givo our testimony in the fulness of our hearts, as a small token of gratitude towards Dr. Vaughn, the inventor of this truly excellent medicine. We have never seen him, nor had any correspon- dence with him, but we sincerely hope all afflic- ted will do as we have done and find relief. OLIVER MAIN. NANCY MAIN. REMARKABLE CURE OF DROPSY. Mrs. Susannah Holbrook, an aged Lady, residing in the town of Hamburgh, Erie Co., was attacked with dropsy about eighteen months since —had the best medical talent in the county— various remedies were suggested and applied with no success, the disease continued to gain on her until the first of September last, at which time she was so bloated from the chin to the soles of her feet that it was almost impossible for her to lie down—had no appetite, and could not sleep at night without the use of opium—experienced great difficulty in voiding urine; a council of Physicians was called, and it was their unani- mous opinion that Mrs. Holbrook could not live three weeks—she herself heard the opinion and coincided with it. At this time Mr. Lemuel Wasson, formerly Sheriff of this county, hap- pening to read the advertisement of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic, called and procured a bottle, which Mrs. Holbrook commenced taking —before she had used half a bottle, the urinary organs returned to their natural and healthy ope- ration—the dropsical swelling decreased, and before she had finished taking one bottle the bloating had entirely gone down—her appetite was good, and for the first time for nearly a year, she was enabled to enjoy a good night's rest.— She continued to use the Lithontriptic until she had used up two bottles, when she wa3 perfectly cured. It is now over four months since she has left off the use of the medicine, and she now enjoys better health than she has done for years previous—and ascribes her recovery solely to the use of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Her son, Mr. Marston Holbrook, of Ham- burgh, confirms the above statement in every essential particular. Mr. C F. S. Thomas, of Buffalo, at the request of the Proprietor, called upon Mrs. Holbrook, and took down from her own lips the above particulars. STATE OF NEW YORK, ss. > Erie County, City of Buffalo. $ CALVIN F. S. THOMAS, of the City of Buf- falo, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that the facts set forth in the statement in relation to the cure of Mrs. Susannah Holbrook, of Ham- burgh, as published in the handbills of Dr. G. C. Vaughn, above, are substantially the same, as communicated by Mrs. Holbrook in person, on the 11th of February last, and further says that at that time Mrs. Holbrook was apparently in the enjoyment of good health, and had not the least appearance of Dropsv. CALVIN F. S. THOMAS. Sworn before me, this 25th day of March, 1845. > T. BURWELL, Judge Erie Co. Courts. $ 2.2 GENERAL TREATISE. CASE OF ANASARCA—OR CEL- LULAR DROPSY. Cured after Tapping had been resorted to EIGHT TIMES,* and over 60 gallons of tauter drawn from the patient. The case of Mr. Varian, whose certificate is given below, presents one of the most extraordi- nary instances of the curative powers of Medicine, to be found on record. Mr. Varian's disease was Anasarca, or Cellular Dropsy—he had been afflicted for a long lime, and at length was indu- ced to resort to the useless and dangerous opera- tion of tapping—which infliction was repeated no less than eight times—at intervals of about two weeks—the water accumulating to a greater amount after each successive tapping; so great was the discharge of water that Mr. Varian was induced to have a silver tube made to be inserted in the orifice made in his side, and thus ke'ep the water constantly running—this, however, he was forced to abandon after a short time, as inflam- mation set in—and would have probably proved fatal. During the eight times Mr. V. was tapped, he estimates that upwards of SIXTY GALLONS OF WATER was taken from him.' After every means had failed, and when his physicians had pronounced him incurable—and he himself believ- ed there was no help for him—a friend suggested the trial of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic. A sensible change was observed after the use of only one bottle—and continuing to follow the directions strictly as given by the Proprietor, after the us,e of only eight bottles, he is a sound and healthy man, able to attend to any occupation, and ready and willing to testify to the virtues of this incomparable medicine. " This is to certify that in the month of March 1843, I was taken with Dropsy, which increased to an alarming degree, so much so that in the space of six or eight months, I had at least a barrel and a half of water taken from me; my complaint was, I supposed at that time, past all cure; the doctors having pronounced my case hopeless. About this stage of the complaint, I heard of Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic. A friend stated to me that I should find relief by using it. I took it, I must say, with but little hopes of a cure ; but to my astonishment, the first bottle acted like magic ; the watei was then accu- mulating to a great amount in my system—but upon using the medicine, the enlargement of my body ceased; the water passed off by its natural channels, and now, after having used some eisjht bottles, I find myself able to attend to my busi- ness, and feel confident of a complete restoration to health. " HENRY VARIAN, " A Men, Erie Co. N. Y." Buffalo, May 29, IS 11. CASE OF FLUOR ALBUS, AND IRREGULARITY OF THE MENSES. Miss-----, of West BloomMd, N. Y., has been severely afflicted with fluoralbus, or whites, together with irregularity of the menses for up- wards of twenty years. She had tried every remedy of the day—after having exhausted the skill of the most eminent Doctors in her neigh- borhood—but without success. To such an ex- tent had the disease proceeded, that she was often confined to the house for months. Having tried all the most popular remedies of the day without success, she was entirely skeptical in regard to receiving any benefit from the Lithontriptic, and > would not even buy it from the agent until she- had consulted with the Proprietor. She then com- menced the use of this medicine, and before she had used one bottle experienced such important relief that she was induced to send for two bot- tles more, and expresses her entire confidence that she will be completely cured. She is now better than she has been for years, and is contin- uing the use of it with unabated success. Further particulars of this extraordinary case will be given on application to the Proprietor. THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY, known as " Vaughn's Vegetable Lithon- triptic Mixture," can be resorted to for any disease which is known to have existence—be- cause the peculiar properties it possesses acts upon the blood, and impurity of the blood is always the cause of the derangement of any part of the system. Upon this principle tho Proprietor coines before the public, and as long as his article will by its action upon, and its con- trol over such complaints, as here enumerated, and specified to have been cured, so long will he continue to hold up his article a3 the " Only Remedy" which it is safe to trust. Other vege- table remedies are advertised, and other men have offered to cure upon the same principle, but " dead men's" certificates have proved the falsity of their statements. Forgery and base corruption have been resorted to, and when one single genuine name has been affixed to some slight cure at head quarters, you have seen the1 same certificate in every newspaper from Maine to Georgia, showing the value of real names- when they could be produced. The Proprietor has hundreds, which will appear from time to time in the advertisements. If you, Rtaler, are an invalid, resort to this medicine, and send your letter that it too may be made known to some suflerer who needs still more proof to be convinced that Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture is a valuable, and life-saving medicine Dose for an adult, one table spoon full four times per day. In cases of Dropsy the dose must be increased to that degree sufficient to move the bowels four times per day, and in all cases the bowels should move freely once a day. ■ Children one \ear old, one tea spoon full three times per day—and when older, increase at dis- cretion—-no bad result can follow an over dose, but it should not be given if not necessary. The medicine is pleasant, and what is very singular, it rarely creates nausea. Price, large si/.e, 12 oz. bottle. One Dollar.— Extra large size, 30 oz., Two Dollars. So you will see that the dollar size, though large enough to try the article, is not the cheaper, as the two dollar bottle is by far the least expensive, hold- ing (3 oz. more than two of the smaller bottle9. GENERAL TREATISE. 23 IMPORTANT NOTICE. All who contemplate taking the medicine, will- please to read this paragraph previous to a commencement. The first effect generally discovered, is a most singular sensation throughout the system—some- times numbness of the limbs, often a burning, or heating sensation about the system internally ; sometimes extreme nausea, faintness, an increase of weakness—if in case of Dropsy, the system seems to fill up and the patient to grow worse for a day or two—in diseases of the blood, such as Scrofula, or an eruptive disease, the skin grows worse in appearance, and in all complaints the patients are notified of the active properties of this most singular remedy by various and differ- ent symptoms which appear for the worse. Such however is not the case, as after this crisis has passed, and the remedy has grappled with the disease—no matter of what nature—a gradual, healthy tone will have commenced. And the entire change which the body and mind under- goes, is a demonstration of the wonderful com- pound upon which this work treats. If you would prove the truth of what is stated regarding the curative powers of this medicine, do not losa patience if it takes many bottles to give you the state of health you seek ; the constitution differs so materially, that where one would require but four bottles, another would require a dozen or even double that number, and if health is at last regained, as it must be if a trial is persisted in, the cost of 50 bottles is of no moment. In all general cases, the. large sized bottle will give most extraordinary relief—no matter what the com- plaint may be—in a very large number of cases the action has been thus almost immediate, and very few exceptions to this has ever occurred. {JCJ- Be careful that you are not imposed upon. Every bottle has the words " Vaughn's Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture," blown in the glass,—the written signature of " G. C. VAUGHN," on the directions, and " G. C. Vaughn, Buffalo," stamp- ed on the cork. None other are genuine. Pre- pared by Dr. G. C. VAUGHN, and sold at the Principal Agency, No. 183 Main street, and by reputable Druggists throughout the Union. (jCr" Put in strong bottles, each bottle contain- ing full directions for the use of the Medicine.— Price for 30 oz. bottles, $2. 12 oz. bottles, $1. LIST OF AGENTS, Propriethu's Office, 183 Main street, Buffiilo, N. Y. Dr. G. C. Vaughn—(to whom all communications must be post paid)—manufactured and sold Wholesale and Retail. Wholesale Agent for the city of New York, Wm. Burger, Wholesale Druggist, 50 Courtlandt stieet. UTTiW I'OHS. Avon,—Tsaac Wells. Auburn,—Richanl Steele. Albion,—Dr.'s Nichorson & Paine. Amsterdam,—J. \V. Sturtevant. Akron,—E. M. Adams. Attica,—Dr. A. P. Curtis. Alexander,—Afimli-.i &. Dirstine. Adams' Centr•■, —Davis & Bliss. Adams,—J. H. Whipple. Aurora,—Silas Ad-niis. Byron,—H. Hale. Batavia,—Win. Seaver &'Son. Barre Center,— B M >tison. Ballston Spa,—J as- W. Horton. Boonville,—Deuglas & Owens. Borodma,—T. '1. Sanderson. Brockport,— I'hos. R. Roby. Buffalo,—Hollister*& Co. " Coleman & Co. " L. S. Revnolds. C. C Bristol. " Wm. Williams. Clyde,—J. G. Hood. Cayuga,—E. H. Waldo. Cazenovia,—Jno. Fairchild. Canastota,—N Fay". Cooperstown,—Philp Roof. Cortland,—David Bradford. Clinton,—Chas. Barrows. Cherry Valley,—Jas. B. Dunlap. Canajoharia,—D. VV. Erwin. Constableville,—Miller, Duff& Co. Clarence,—Smith & Bailey. Churchville,—11. Hall. Carthage,—H. Farrington &. Son. Canandaigun,—H. 0. Hays & Co. Dryden,— liushnell & Dwight. Erieville,—George R. Parmclee. East Pembroke,—Wright & Ellicott. Elba,—J. & D. Verplanck. Elbridge,—Alonzo Wood. Fayetteville,—Wm. Parker, Jr. Fonda,—J. N. Webster. Farmersville,—E. Chester. Fort Plain,—J. H. Babcock. Frankfort,—W. R. Stevens. Geneva,—Luther Kelly &, Co. Hampton,—E. P. tfrown. Holley,—R. W. Gould &, Co. 24 GENERAL TREATISE. Homer,—George Cook. Herkimer,—Williams & Hopkins. Hamilton,—John J. Foote. Ithaca,—0. B. Curren. Jordan,—W. Richards. Lyons,—Sanford & Sisson. Lowville,—A. Davenport. Le Roy,—J. G. Barber. Lima,—Dr. D. D. Dayton. Lansingburgh,—Jas. N. Lowrey. Little Falls,—J. N. Gray. Log City,—J. L. Ford. Madison,—Root, Taylor & Co. Martinsburgh,—Dr. J. N. Sturdevent & Co. Mohawk,—L. L. Merry. Macedon,—Henry Reed. Marcellus,—Isaac Bradley. Mexico,—James S. Chandler. Mendon,—M. R. Woodbury. Manlius,—Dr. H. Nirns. Morrisville,—Tabor Potter. Medina,—Smith Vibbard. Newark,—Artemas Doane. New Woodstock,—Philetus Lathrop. Ovid,—G. D. McLaffertVi Oswego,—George Dilworth. " Mead & Cassington. Oriskany,—D. C. Balis. Port Byron,—Chas. Hamilton. Penn Yann,—John H. Lapham. Palmyra,—F- M. Smith. Pittsford,—Caleb Nye, Jr. Pulaski,—Jones & Clark. Pennfield,—H. C. Harvey &. Co. Rushville,—Leander Reddy. Rush,—Crosby & Dauchy. Rochester,—Post & Willis. " L. B. Swan. Richfield Springs,—A. R. Ellwood. Remsen,—C. C. Ray & Co. Richfield,—J. D. Vaughn. Rome,—Bissill & Leonard. Scuvler's Lake,—Harp &, North. Schenectady,—Dr. Andrew Truax. Salina,—David Brace. Spencerport,—C Church & Co. St. Johnsville,—J. k. A. L. Averill. Scottsviile,—Dr. F. M. Edson. Springville,—Dr. H. Hubbard. Sodus,—A. M. Winchester. Sacketts Harbor,—J. & D. S. Kimball. Saratoga Springs,—E. J. Huling. Seneca Falls,—Jas. Osborn. Spafford,—A. M. Roundy & Co. Scott,—Dr. P. H. Vanshaick. Skaneatelas,—John Snook, Jr. * Trumansburgh,—B. Allen. > * Troy,—John L. Thompson & Co. Utica,—j. E. Warner &, Co. Vernon,—James Turner. Vienna.—McGee Caldwell. West Winfield,—G. D. Foster & Co. Waterville,—J. W. & W. B. Stafford. West Troy,— Larcome &. Tucker. Waterford,—John Higgins. Williamson Corners,—Betsy Hoxie. Woolcott,—B. M. Underhill. Watertown,—J. N. Smith. West Bloomfield,—Win. A. Pilsbury. Weedsport,—Alonzo L. Smith. Waterloo,—Thos. McClintock. P]ErVlV§Yff.VAIVIA. T. W- Dyott & Sons, 132 North Second street, Philadelphia, General Agents for the Middle and Southern States. CATVA1DA. William Lyman & Co., Wholesale and Retail Agents for the Lower Province; St Paul street, Montreal. Beamsville,—J. & J. Osborn. Brantford,—A. Higinbotham. Grimsby,—Lewis & Ford. Hamilton,—John Winer. Jordan,—Wm. Merton. Niagara,—Jas. Harvey. Stoney Creek,—Mathew Carroll & Co. St. Catherines,—Jas. Harvey. Toronto,—S. F. Urquhart. ISI>IAIVA. Covington,—Jas. G. Hardy. Danville,—J. W. L. Matlock & Co. MICHIGAN. Detroit,—John Owen \. Co. G. & J. G. Hill. Marshall,—A. 0. Hyde. FIASSACHrSETTS. Thomas P. Chase,-----street, Boston, Gene- ral Agent for the State, to whom all letters must be post paid. DEPOT DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE SALE OF THIS ARTICLE. THOMAS P. CHASE, GENERAL AGENT for t}ie State of Massachusetts, Corner ot Clinton and Commercial Streets, Boston. [LT ALL LETTERS TO THE AGK.VT MUST BE POST PAIU. JJi ALSO FOR SALE BY Mrs. E. KIDDER, General Wholesale Dealer in Drugs and Medicines, Wo. 100 Court-Street, Boston.