SOCIAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA. PAPERS OF 1875 MIND READING READ BEFORE THE ASSOCIATION MAY ifth, 1875. BY PROF. PERSIFOR FRAZER, Jr. The following is a list of the Papers read before the Associatic^f 1871. Compulsory Education. By Lorin Blodget. Arbitration as a Remedy for Strikes. By Eckley B. Coxe. The Revised Statutes of Pennsylvania. By R. C. McMurtrie. Local Taxation. By Thomas Cochran. > Infant Mortality. By Dr. J. S. Parry. 1872. Statute Law and Common Law. and the Proposed Revision in Penn- sylvania. By E. Spencer Miller. Apprenticeship. By James S. Whitney. The Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of Pennsylvania. By Francis Jordan. Vaccination. By Dr J. S. Parry. The Census. By Lorin Blodget. 1873. The Tax System of Pennsylvania. By Cyrus Elder. The IVork of the Constitutional Convention. By A. Sydney Biddle. What shall Philadelphia do with its Paupers? By Dr. Ray. Proportional Representation. By S. Dana Horton. Statistics Relating to the Births, Deaths, Marriages, etc., in Philadelphia. By John Stockton-Hough, M. D. On the Value of Original Scientific Research. By Dr. Ruschenberger. On the Relative Influence of City and Country Life, on Morality, Health, Fecundity, Longevity and Mortality. By John Stockton-Hough, M. D. 1874. The Public School System of Philadelphia. By James S. Whitney. The Utility of Government Geological Surveys. By Prof. J. P. Lesley. The Law of Partnership. By J. G. Rosengarten. .1 fethodsof Valuation of Real Estate for Taxation. By Thomas Cochran. The Merits of Cremation. By Persifor Frazer, Jr. Outlines of Penology. By Joseph R. Chandler. 1875. Brain Disease, and Modern Living. Dr. Ray. Hygiene of the Eye, Considered -with Reference to the Children in our Schools. By Dr. F. D. Castle. The Relative Morals of City and Country. By Wm. S. Peirce. Silk Culture and Home Industry. Dr. Sami. Chamberlaine. Mind Reading, etc. By Persifor Frazer, Jr. MIND READING. Often, on the surface of a stream of water which is rapidly flowing towards a narrow defile, a floating log will be carried so as to present its side to the current, and after bounding and rebounding on the obstructions, it will glide baf k in an eddy, to re-enter the channel again at some point higher up and renew its attempt at passage. Perhaps its branches and twigs spread out so much that its tran- sit is impossible except in one definite position, in which case it may thus be thrown again and again against the gorge and returned ; or it may be wedged for a time across the rivulet and remain a long time fixed stationary, until some fortuitous change in the conditions (such as the increase of the force of the water, the impact of some other floating body, etc.), finally accords it a passage. The case is very similar with many perplexing problems which have never ceased to occupy the attention of mankind—questions which the perennial flow of experiences, constituting the widen- ing river of human knowledge, have brought nearer and nearer to their elucidation, but which when almost within reach have been suddenly checked, or which some inconsistent newly acquired facts have driven back further from our ken than ever. Again and again have the ever-changing events of the life of civilization brought such questions back to the first barrier in ever-varied positions and relations. Some have yielded to the unknown forces which guide the general current and have been born into our knowledge. We say we know them, but how vastly many more remain as un- divined to-day as they were in the times of the Rameses, build- ing continually,—to carry out the simile just employed,—an indefi- nitely enormous raft like that famous one of the Red river, which may extend as far back into the unknown country which is the 4 Mind Reading. source of our developmental force as the placid sheet on which we float stretches on to the unknown ocean of our destiny.1 Such questions cannot he abandoned and disregarded by the common consent of mankind. They are integral parts of the whole net- work of existence. Organic nature struggles to evolve them by the force of man’s understanding, as the organs of the body are evolved by the processes of life. If this force be too feeble the embryo still remains—still seeks, by the irritation which its effort at development creates, a stimulus adequate to its disinthralment. In the history of the race, then, repeated reappearances of mysteries are so familiar as hardly to need citation. They are recorded under different names and in different phases, with all kinds of explanations and hypotheses, upheld with all degrees of of belief on the part of their chroniqfsrs—as a general rule their dogmatism and conviction of the truth of their own theories be- ing weaker in proportion to the recency of the age. The fact of these inevitable resurrections has an important bearing on human psychology, for it shows that the contemplation of these objects is a condition of mental existence. Among the most persistent of these revisitants of the pale glimpses of the moon is the idea of the active participation in the affairs of men of disembodied spirits, i. e. of men and women, minus all that we are positive that men and women possess. If may be said that no people ever existed, in a state of civilization enabling them to form any abstract ideas, to whom this notidn of spirits was not familiar in some form or other. The earliest records of our race present this belief, not in its incipiency, but in the full noon-tide of its existence. Wherever we turn we find this faith. It is almost common to our race, and this of itself inclines some conservative people to yield to it unquestioning acceptance. It has been often objected to the idea of the formation of the globe from a molten sphere, that the earliest known rocks, and therefore those which are chronologically the nearest to the 1 “Every day reveals to us new channels in the courses of nature; but as we trace them back to their source we find them to be the branches of one great current, which forces everything before it onward and straight forward into the universal ocean—the end of all things and the beginning of the new ; that great reservoir from which the elements of all things are derived and to which they all return,” etc., etc. Clark : “ Mind in Nature." Mind Reading. 5 original rock, are nevertheless of clearly sedimentary origin,2 and it may be similarly objected to any hypothesis which would derive a belief so ancient and wide-spread from a natural attempt of the human mind to classify all phenomena—even the uncom- prehended—that the very earliest information we have of our species includes as one of its most fundamental characters, the recognition of an unseen world peopled by intelligent beings; and moreover that in no instance, among the numerous savage tribes with which ethnologists have made us acquainted, do we find any exception to the rule. On the contrary, it may be said that so far from a state of doubt or disbelief in such a world being the normal condition of man, such doubt never exists among the people least removed by culture from our original state, and seems to require a considerable civilization in order to secure even a foot-hold. And yet the cultivated mind cannot help reflecting on the phenomena upon which these existences are predicated, and seek- ing to bring them under some still more general head with other phenomena satisfactorily understood, i. e., to push classification of phenomena to its limits. It is sufficiently admitted that the primitive worship of the unknown was a worship of an indefinite number of bad or good spirits, each of which had special control over one kind of force. The power of generalization whereby the superstitious barbarian connected together such different evils as famine, pestilence and war, and ascribed them to the agency of the same demon, is of far later growth than their reference to many unknown agencies. In fact, the culmination of this doctrine in the replacement of the thousands of gods of the Rig Veda by a select few, shows a con- siderable advance in intellectual culture, and an application of the principles of true inductive philosophy. The different degrees of power which the superhuman beings were supposed to possess were as various as the attributes by which they were known—from the almost infinite power of Brahma, and the very great power of Zeus, (limited however by his own human imperfections,) to the limited capacity for interference in 1 “ The alternations of argillaceous, cbloritic, and other schists with quartzites, limestones, gneiss, and the other azoic rocks, prove that all were once sediment- ary beds.” Manual of Geology, J. D. Dana. 6 Mind Reading. human affairs of the imps and elfs and the Mephistophilean Devil. In fact, tired of bowing his head in awe before the mute and motionless creations of his fancy, and yet too much the slave of fear to cast off their fetters altogether, a distinctly humorous vein was gradually introduced into human mythology whereby men were represented oftentimes as outwitting, subduing, imprisoning, sometimes chastising these superior intellects and forces. Such for example are the stories of casting out devils, wrestling with angels, banning witches and evil spirits by the sign of the cross and by horse-shoes, imprisoning the Devil in a charmed circle till he agreed to exercise his power for the advantage of the human gaoler ; cheating the Angel of Death ; bottling up the genii; com- manding the services of fairies by the possession of amulets, talis- mans, etc., etc. All these fables are are but the buds and leaves and twigs of a tree indigenous to man’s mind. Its original germ may be said to be an unfortunate tendency to self-deception, the last obstacle to progress which the master-mind in science succeeds in over- coming. The savage worships the wind because he cannot under- stand the cause of the force it exhibits. But though he cannot un- derstand the cause, he gives it a name, and this name becomes to him afterwards a living entity. The case is very parallel with the more subtle disputations of those metaphysicians who handle “consciousness,” and “will” as if each were a separate existence, independent of the body or of the other manifestations of organic life.3 3“ There is no force in the reason alleged by Descartes to prove the indepen- dence of our free actions by a pretended lively internal sentiment. It is as if the needle should take pleasure in turning to the north: for it would suppose that it turned independently of any other cause, not perceiving the insensible motions of magnetic matter.”—Leibnitz. “ En tout ce que je puis dire a ceux qui croirent qu’ils peuvent parler, se taire, en un mot, agir en vertu d’une libre decision de Tame, c’est qu’ils re- vent les yeux ouverts.”—Spinoza. * * * “ Abstractions were made from the concrete by the active mind; and the abstractions being thus converted into objective realities, were looked upon and applied as actual entities in nature.” “ Anaximander, looking into his own mind and finding an imbecility there, gave to it the name of the Infinite, and transferring it outwards was thenceforth quite content to pronounce it the true origin of all things; whilst Pythagoras, Mind Reading. 7 This habit of giving names to things we do not comprehend, joined with our prudent habit of propitiating the entire unknown under one general designation, in view of possible contingencies, may be safely considered the integral factors of all our supersti- tions—and of much more beside that is not generally included under that term. But on the other hand there is a numerous class of thinkers who will not consider problems the elements to the solution of which are not felt to be at hand. It is a charge, unjustly made to be sure, yet like all sweeping charges easy of expression, one which has come to be one of the rallying cries of the adherents of those isms which are excluded by scientific men from the catalogue of their fields of inquiry, that the latter are as much afraid of seeing phenomena as are the most fanatical upholders of mystery and faith. And it is true that certain classes of phenomena have been shunned by the orthodox from their general resemblance to cher- ished mysteries, and the fear that they may be explained by natu- ral laws now known ; and also by a scattering few in the army of science for fear that they cannot be thus resolved.4 Without entering upon the intensely interesting inquiries as to the origin and growth of ancient creeds and superstitions, either generally or in detail, it may be permitted to note at random a few circumstances usually surrounding narratives of unusual events. going still further into the unmeaning, proclaimed numbers, which are mere arbitrary symbols, to be actual existences and the origin of things.”—Mauds- ley : “ Physiology and Pathology of the Mind." “ In the common metaphysical conception of sensation as a certain constant faculty, what happens is this; the abstraction from the particular is converted into an objective entity which thenceforth tyrannizes over the understanding.” —Ibid. p. 91. “ Those who are metaphysically minded have done with idea, as they have done with sensation-, they have converted a general term, summing up a great number of various phenomena, into an actual entity, and thenceforth allowed it to tyrannize over the thoughts.”—Ibid. p. no. 4 There is some difficulty in understanding why those who are willing to accept all the Scriptural miracles without doubt or hesitancy, should join in pro- nouncing similar miracles, attested by apparently trustworthy sources, impossi- ble. There is a vagueness about the boundary which separates the time when miracles were from that when they were not possible, which such persons would do well to dispel. 8 Mind Reading. Probably each of us remembers being carried along spell-bound by the skillful narrator of some mysterious tale. The eyes are strained on the speaker, the features motionless, the breath held back that the movement may not confuse the ideas by sending two impressions to the brain. Our whole existence seems divided between the conscious act of learning and the unconscious print- ing off of the matter in the brain, as the telegraphic tremors of the auditory nerves keep the copy supplied. If the conclusion leaves the narration still a mystery, how solemnly we look. The mind wanders over and over the thread of the story, seeking egress from the darkness, and finding none, we move off slowly and reflect- ively, leaving the reverberations of the recital as a whole (and abstracted from its details) still resounding, though in feeble and feebler cadences, through the soul.5 Every such deep impression derived from a tale well told intensifies the emotional and stimu- lates the reflective capacities within us. Nothing is so captivating as mystery, provided we find our- selves ambuscaded by it, as it were, without having known it.6 To say that we cannot go far either in the direction of cause or effect without coming to the inscrutable, produces no more effect than to say that every one can look into infinite space from his door- step; but to find a mystery among the affairs of everyday life, is like discovering a fathomless pit in one’s cellar. In turning over the many compendiums of strange events which have been published, it is striking to observe that certain kinds of things usually happen together. The dead arise from their graves, generally about midnight, almost always habited in white. They glide without noise while in sight, but frequently are heard to tread heavily, clank chains, etc., when not within the field of view. They prefer dimly lighted chambers and 5 Moreover the sensation itself may persist for a while after the cruse of it has disappeared, as when an image of the sun remains after we have ceased to look at it, or the roar of the cannon abides in the ears after the firing has ceased. Such persistence of action in the ganglionic cell will serve to convey a notion of the condition of things when there is hallucination otherwisecaused.” Maudsley : “ Physiology and Pathology of the Mind," p. IOO. 6The passion of surprise or wonderfrom miracles being an agreeable emotion, gives a sensible tendency toward the belief of those events from which it is de- rived. Hume's Essays : “Miracles." Mind Reading. 9 dark copses, and almost always vanish before a bright light or the return of day. To be sure there are all sorts of ghosts, but this represents the normal, old-fashioned kind of apparition. Now, that the conditions which are favorable to the production of these spectres are just those which are unfavorable to the proper use of the sense of sight, by means of which we derive our princi- pal ideas of substance, is one which it would be difficult to explain, except on the theory that the climax of the mystery was to be sup- plied by the imagination. So strictly in conformity with the laws of our bodily organs are these conditions, that absolute darkness is almost as unusual aconcomitant of spectral visions as bright illumi- nation ; and the reason of this would seem to be that in the former case the whole burden of conceiving and maintaining the decep- tion falls upon the imagination, which in most persons and in most states it is incapable of accomplishing; whereas, the attention being really chained by an actual though ill-defined object, the imagi- nation fills out the details without difficulty. With the prevalence of traditions relating to this kind of phenomena—traditions which were perhaps first confined to the simplest modes of such manifestations, but afterwards became more and more elaborate —there is little difficulty in accounting for the uniformity of sur- roundings of these ghosts. What is called the association of ideas, and the physiological psychologist calls the “ intuitive motor resi- dua,”’ through acquired habit, must of necessity be responsible for this lack of variety. An unusual noise summons up a remembrance of the story of an unusual sound and its connected supernatural cause, though we may not be conscious of them. This mental action is similar to the effect of a pleasant taste to excite the appetite, and con- versely the appetite to call up visions of a delicious repast. The fact that the ghostly uniform is usually white suggests as reasons, first, that this is likely to be the color which most attracts the eye in feeble light; and, secondly, custom teaches us to ex- pect more dead men than any other class of visitants, because this can prove no alibis, and the robes of the dead are generally white. Midnight is the hour of appearance, because this period is farthest 7 Maudsley. 10 Mind Reading. from the day, a period when the bright illumination of objects leaves nothing to the fancy. It is not improbable that the origin of the idea that these objects glide without noise, may be partly due to the fact that to be far enough off to be indistinct they must be too far to be clearly heard; or else it may be connected with the gradual passage across the eye of an imaginary picture, as is the case in dreams. Countless numbers of inexplicable events are verified on unim- peachable evidence. These phenomena concern various parts of Nature, from those which affect the upper regions of the atmos- phere or interstellar space itself, sensible to a number of per- sons at the same time, and which are only connected with our consciousness through the medium of our observation, to those which interweave themselves inextricably with our subjec- tive existence, and whose very appearance bears some relation to the state of our physical being. The former kind we have no difficulty in agreeing about, though we may not be able to explain them ; and if those whose personal experiences have not permitted them to verify the latter, doubt their existence, or at least refuse to refer the cause to some stupend- ous power overreaching the universe, their action will be justified by the common practice of mankind. Thus various and contradictory opinions are held respecting the true cause of the Solar Corona, the Zodiacal Light, and even the Aurora Borealis; yet that the cause or causes of these phenom- ena are intimately connected with the laws of Nature already known to us, no one doubts. And even if the causes were other laws as yet unknown to us, no one would hesitate to believe the universality of the action. But the case is different when, start- ing with phenomena to the successful production of which certain individuals are necessary, we are asked to extend our belief in their cause to a different kind of existence from any that we know, and finally to accept a cosmogony as intricate, as arbitrary and as unsat- isfactory as any from which science is engaged in delivering us.8 8 See the “ Defense of Modern Spiritualism,” by Alfred R. Wallace, F. R. S., with a preface by Epes Sargent, Boston, 1874 (p. 52), where as one argument in favor of the doctrines of the Spiritualists, it is urged that they render the tra- ditions of primitive mankind literally possible. Should this be a ground in their favor? Mind Reading. 11 The epidemic of mesmerism and “electro-biology” had already spread over the country before spiritualism, and not only were the conditions under which the unexplained effects were produced allied to those of the later mystery, but the effects themselves nearly resembled each other. In both cases the means of com- munication were through a person who was peculiarly fitted for the exhibition of such phenomena (whether called subject or medium), and the success of the experiments depended upon the bodily condition of the person, the atmospheric changes, etc.; but the revelations were, if anything, a reading of the mind of one person by another. A very striking instance of the manner in which this power of clairvoyance is limited, was related to me by a gentleman of un- doubted candor and trained power of judgment. A young girl who was subject to epileptic fits® possessed the power, when in a state of trance, of describing distant events and places. Upon one occasion a lady, unknown to her previously, received an ac- curate and detailed description of the house in which she lived, the surroundings, interior, etc. In the course of the narrative the girl described a gentleman in the house whom the lady had no difficulty in recognizing as her husband. His movements were detailed, his departure from the house, the route that he took along the streets, etc. Finally he was declared to have entered a house, which from its position was recognized as that of the gentleman’s mother. He was said to enter a room and to have met persons there whose description tallied exactly with the appearance of the occupants of the housed In the greatest sur- prise the lady went home, anti on meeting her husband informed him that she had been enabled to follow him in his movements during that evening by the help of a clairvoyant. But on repeat- ing the description, he assured her that he had been in quite another part of the city. Nevertheless the impression had been sharply fixed in the lady’s mind that her husband had gone just where he was described to have gone. Here seemed to be one of those instances which are too numerous and well authenticated to discredit, where the ideas #Maudsley regards epilepsy as “in great part a true sensorial insanity.” Phys. f Mr. Brown, in a very satisfactory manner. During the course of an evening devoted to this kind of experimen- tation, the number of the unsuccessful attempts to find objects was exceedingly small. A gentleman having secreted an object during the absence from the room of Mr. A. E. Outerbridge, on giving the latter his hand was conducted directly to the spot where the object was hidden. The same gentleman having under the same conditions taken a circuitous route through the room, was con- ducted by Mr. Outerbridge over precisely the same route. Besides these ordinary tests, some were added of a very interesting character. Thus a person who had previously secreted an object while keeping his thoughts upon the locality where it was placed, held one end of a cane to his forehead, the other end being similarly held by Mr. Outerbridge. The object was found on two occasions with great rapidity. Another novelty was the discovery of a selected place by means of move- ments discernible in the hands of a person without any contact at all. The person who had selected the object held his right forefinger in front of him and kept his eyes steadily upon it, while his thoughts were firmly fixed upon the place. Mr. Outerbridge held his own finger at a short distance from that of the sub- ject, and kept his attention riveted upon it. After moving slowly over the floor for a few moments the place was discovered. In some remarks explanatory of these experiments, Mr. A. A. Outerbridge alluded to the fact that unconscious motion always follows in the direction of an object firmly fixed in the mind. This becomes perceptible in the motions of a subject’s hand to an operator who has had a little preliminary practice, and especially so if the guiding impulses are screened from the notice of him who makes them by voluntary 28 Addendum. motions of the hands made by the operator. The same is the case when any rigid object forms the connection between the operator and subject, as in the case of the passive subject, cane, etc. With regard to the last experiment, the unconscious guidance lies in the closing or non-closing of the interval between the two fingers. If the move- ment of the operator be in the right direction, the subject (if disposed to perform his part fairly) closes up the temporarily increased interval more rapidly than if the motion be in a wrong direction. The gentlemen to whose ingenuity we are indebted for this practical demon- stration of the theory heretofore noticed, are too well known to render any observations on this explanation necessary. As to the wire tests, various suppositions as to how they are attempted have been suggested to me, all of which are based upon the hypothesis that Mr. Brown is simply performing a trick, to which, on that account and for the rea- sons alluded to above, I must be excused for not referring. (a) Huxley says, in speaking of the hallucinations of a Mrs. A. * * *: “ For there can be no doubt that exactly those parts of her retina which would have been affected by the image of a cat, and those parts of her auditory organ which would have been set vibrating by husband’s voice, or the portions of the sen- sorium with which these organs of sense are connected, were thrown into a cor- responding state of activity by some internal cause.” (Elementary Lessons in Physiology, p. 273.) (h) The explanation that such selective action may take place by sympathetic vibration, as the vibrations of 4>ne tuning-fork are taken up by another in har- mony with it, is applicable only if we conceive the ganglionic cells of the cor- pora striatdT capable of any electrical tone, while each fibre to a cortical cell is capable of but a single one, and that the wave length of such tones is in some way altered by modifying the amount of the current, which latter must neverthe- less be supposed to pass from the ideational centres of one person to those of another, through all its transfers without change.