PRICE, 25 G£NTS. FIRST ANNUAL A BOOK OF REFERENCE FOR FAMILIES AND PHYSICIANS. - NEW YORK: J~. ZE3I_ VA.IL tSc OO. 1»»I. ACCIDENTS and EMERGENCIES AND HOW TO TREAT THEM. A Manual for the treatment of Surgical and other Injuries, Poisoning and various Domestic Emergencies in the absence of the Physician. By JOSEPH B LAWRENCE, Medical and Surgical Nune. 10 mo. Embossed Cloth. Price 73 Cents. Accidents and Emergencies. Accidents.—How to avoid them. Accidents on the water. Apoplexy. Asiatic cholera. Broken Bones—Fractures. Bleeding from the Nose, Cnt or Wound. Bnrns and Scalds. Catale psy—T ranee. Cholera Morbus. Clothes Catching Fire. Colics. Diarrhoea—Looseness of the bowels. Dislocations. Drowning. Effects of Cold—Frost Bites. Epilepsy—Epileptic Fits. ■PART OF CORTENTS.- Fish-hooks Crochet Needles, Thorns, Splinters, Etc. in the flesh. Fits -Convulsions. Foreign Bodies in the Gullet, Windpipe, Ear, Nose, and Eye. Lockjaw . Paralysis—Palsy Poisons and their Antidotes. Sea Sickness. Sprains or Strains. Suffocations. Sunstroke. Tooth ache—Pains in the Face and Ear ache. Wounds, of all kinds, including the bites of dogs, Snakes, Insects, etc. Index. U£T This hook should be in the possession of every head of a family, Nurse, Manufacturer, Conductor, Policeman, Sea Captain, If spit a l Steward, School Teacher, Druggist, etc. etc. This handbook has been compiled with the object of informing the general reader of what to do in cases of emergency, and how to do it, describing the symptoms in each case and giving a list of the principal poisons with remedies and an tidotes. The range of accidents is very wide--from a fish hook in the flesh to apoplexy and Asiatic Cholera, and from broken bnes and epilepsy. The prescriptions and rules are simple and intelligible.—Book Chut, New York, January, 1889. This book is the most convenient form in which all necessary information about the broper treatment of accidental injuries can be found.—News ,New York. June 23, 1889. It is a pook which has been prepared with much labor and care and is admir- ably adapted to the purposes for which it is designed. —Maryland Medical Jour- nal. “ What to do in Cases of Accidents and Emergencies,” is the title of a handbook of medical and surgical advice written for family and general use. —Star, New York, Jan. 6, 1889. This is one of the most useful books of this character which has appeared— Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal. Mr. Lawrence’s work is considered the best upon the subject. The book is a more than ordinarily valuable one.— The Medical Age. “ Aeccidents and Emergencies, and How to Treat Them,” is the title of a valu- able book.— World, New York, Jan. 13 1889. We regard Mr. Lawrence’s work as one of the most valuable which has ap- peared on the subject.—Michigan Medical News. For sale by all Booksellers or sent by mall post-paid on receipt of price. J. H. VAIL & CO., Publishers. 135 Eighth St.. New York. NEW YORK CITY. 1 NURSES’ BUREAU, 703 SIXTH AVENUE, Bet. 40th and 41st Streets, YORK. MRS. HARRIET L. CLUTK, late Superintendent of the Charity Hospital Training School, has opened a Bureau at the above Address, where com- petent Male and Female Trained Nurses can he procured at all hours. Robert Abbe, M.D., 11 W. 50th Street. Thomas H. Burchard, M.D., 7 E. 48th St. Bolton L. Bangs, M.D.. 127 E. 34th St. W. L. Baner, M.D., 38 W. 40th St. Thomas F. Cock, M.D., 18 W. 31st St. E. P. Fowler, M.D., 38 W. 40th St. Robert H. Green, M.D., 105 W. 71st St. James B, Gilbert, M.D., 23 W. 37th St. Charles Hitchcock, M.D., 57 W. 36th St. Hugh H. Hagan, M.D., 56 W. 46th St. George W. Leonard, M.D.. 107 W. 73d St. REFERS BY PERMISSION. Paul F. Munde, M.D., 20 W. 45th St. Fessenden N. Otis, M.D., 5 W. 50th St. Henry S. Oppenheimer, M.D., 49 E. 23 St. Edward L. Partridge, M.D., 19 5th Ave. Edward S. Peck, M.D., 53 W. 50th St. Jno. H. Ripley, M.D., 605 Lexington Ave. Chas. E. Simmons, M.D., 742 Lex’n Ave. E. R. Sturgis, M.D., 16 W. 32d St. Lewis L Seaman, M.D., 18 W. 31st St. J. Blake White, M.D., 941 Madison Ave. Brooks H. Wells, M.D., 72 W. 45th St. TELEPHONE CALL 1406—38th St. Calls Responded to at any hour, Day or Night. ARTHUR KREINBERG, AGENT for PROFESSIONAL Male $ Female Nurses AND . MASSAGE OPERATORS, 896 SIXTH AVENUE, Near 50th Street, NEW YORK. Wet Nurses furnished between the hours of 10 a.m, & 4 p.m. This department is under the direction of a competent female attendant. 2 NURSE REGISTER. EDWARD COSTELLO, Practical Masseur and Nurse, 152 EAST 39th STREET, HEW YORK. Trained in a Water - Cure and Massage Establishment at Malvern, England, in 1874. Refers to the following, by whom he has been employed : Drs. Gully & Firney, Water Cure and Mass- age Establishment, Malvern, England. H. F. Winslow, Winslow’s Asylum, London, England. Dr. W. H. Barlow, Surgeon General, Royal Infirmary, Manchester, England. Dr. Varrick, Surgeon General, New Jersey. Dr. C. C. Lee, 79 Madison Avenue. Dr, E. F. Doughty, 512 Madison Avenue. Dr. J. T. Metcalf, 149 West 57th Street. Dr. McLane Hamilton, 20 East 29th Street. Dr. Vedder, 690 Madison Avenue. Commissioner Fink, Windsor Hotel. J. H. Wright, Standard Oil Co. Ex-Governor Bedle, New Jersey. D. Crocker, Union Club. Robert Garrett, Esq., Baltimore. Eugene Kelly, Esq. R. Winthrop, Esq. Judge Blotchford. H. A. Grosby. And many others. Trained Male and Female Nurses supplied for all cases, City or Country, also Male and Female Massage Operators. Mrs. EUNICE A. CLARK, Chiropodist, Manicure ANI) Practical Masseuse, 216 WEST 531 ST, NEW YORK. Mrs. Marpret Henderson, Trained Nurse, 360 WEST 123d ST., NEW YORK. Gives Vapor & other Baths. Seven Vears’ Experience and References from leading Physicians. HENRY McCULEY, ZrST“CL:r?se:, 268 WEST 116th STREET NEW YORK. pin. Ettip sell, SCOTCH Trained Nurse, 131 WEST 60th STREET, NEW YORK. REFERENCES: Allan McLane Hamilton, M.D., 20 East 29th Street. Lewis Rutherford Morris, M.D., 39 West 36th. Street. NEW YORK CITY. 3 Matthew Paulsons Bureau : FOR : TRAINED, MEDICAL and SURGICAL Nurses * Massage Operators, 58 West 125th Street, Telephone Call, 617 X. NEW YORK. BY PERMISSION I REFER TO Dr. JOHN SHRADY, 149 West 126th Street. Dr. C. E. PHILLIPS, 61 East 120th Street. Dr. G. A. PETERS, 45 West 35th Street Dr. LEWIS A. SAYER, 285 Fifth Avenue. Dr. G. A. SPALDING, 248 Lenox Avenue, Dr. T. M. MARKOE, 20 West 30th Street, Dr. T. G. THOMAS, 600 Madison Avenue, Dr. G. T. METCALFE, 149 W. 57th Street. Vapor and other Baths given at Gentlemen’s own resident-#. Orders by .Rail promptly attended to. AFTER 10 P. M. RING JANITOR S BELL. Miss Bertha B. Bradley, TRAINED NURSE, : FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE. : 205 East 106th Street, NEW YORK. Jacque C. Arnous, SURGICAL, and MEDICAL NURSE. German and Mt. Sinai Hospitals. 225 EAST 76th STREET, NEW YORK. References: (.Dr. T. M. BULL, j Dr.G. A. KLETZSCH. Frank McNamara, 311 West 21st Street. Trained References : Dr. A. M. Hamilton, Dr. H. D. Noyes, Dr. M. K. Otis, Dr. Polk, Dr. Barrows, Dr. E. L. Keys and many others. Miss Adeline C. Rahe, Graduated Nurse 309 EAST 77tli STREET, NEW YORK. 4 NURSE REGISTER. Mrs. Margaret Whittington, 19 West 24th Street, NEW YORK. H ERMANN H USTER Murse * Masseur, 537 third AVE., Bet. 35th & 36ih Sts., NEW YORK Stephen K. Crowell, NURSE and MASSEUR, 328 West 48th Street, N. Y. Telephone Call, 1246 R—38th Street. MRS. LENA SICHEL, Experienced - Nurse, Confinement Cases a Specialty. 343 East 51st St., Bet. 1st and 2nd Aves., NEW YORK MISS M. RAXER, GERMAN ©RAINED HUI^SE, 200 EAST 77th STREET, Near Third Ave., ArElV YORK. William J. Norman, Professional Nurse, 328 West 48th St., New York. REFERENCES: R. F. Weia, M.D., A. L. Loomis, M.D., W. T. Hull, M.D., M. Stimson, M.D. MISS M. MCCLOSKEY, grained Ituvsc, medical, surgical, fever, and MATERNITY. 12 8 East lQth Street, NEW YOU K. Ulrs. E. F. SHUBERT, Practical Nurse, 305 EAST 12th ST., Nr. 2d Ave., New York. Mrs. Freda Hecht, EXPERIENCED MEDICAL AND SURGICAL NURSE, 328 East 73rd Street, NEW YORK. Joseph Guyot, WUIRSIE, 1662 PARK AVENUE NEIV YORK. NEW YORK CITY. 5 IMme. ANNIE LeMAY, 66 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK, ♦ MASSEUSE, (TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE). ALSO - MCE, OPERATION, (BY APPOINTMENT), RELIEF OR EMERGENCY NURSE, REFERS BY PERMISSION. Charles Fayette Tavlor, M.D., 201 W. 54th St. Vlaus R. Vedder, M.D., 690 Madison Ave. Thomas Addis Emmet, M.D.. 93 Madison Ave. Bache McEvers Emmet, M.D., 18 E. 30th St. [ohn Duncan Emmet, M.D.,91 Madison Ave. Sherman VanNess, M.D., 91 Madison Ave. E. P. Fowler, M.D., 38 W. 40th St. Leonard Weber, M.D., 25 W. 46th St. Henry M. Heinemann, M.D., 49 W. 57th St. Horace T. Hanks, M.D., 766 Madison Ave. J. H. Emerson, M.D., 81 Madison Ave. Fraser C. Fuller, M.D., 47 W. 50th St. Elizabeth M. Cushier, M.D., 53 E. 20th St. Francis P. Kinnicutt, M.D., 42 W. 37th St. Francis Delafield, M.D., 12 W. 32nd St. E. C. Seguin, M.D., 419 Madison Ave. Mvie. LeMay also teaches Massage. IJI1E1 JUGKSOH. Trained Nurse, 104 EAST 71st STREET, NEW YORK. Wl PI. CROWLEY, Professional Nurse, 161 E. 39th STREET, Nr. Third Ave., NEW YORK. Sixteen years experience in Private and New York Hospital. Twenty years practice in Manchester and London, England, and New York. Mrs. M. A. EDGAR, Practical Nurse, No. 321 EAST 88th STREET, NEW YORK. William Connor, Medical & Snrpal Nurse, No. 245 E, 39th STREET, NEW YORK. REFERENCES: Dr. De Carter, 114 East 85th Street. Dr. H. A. C. Anderson, 113 East 86th St. Ten years experience in Hospital and Private Family. 6 NURSE REGISTER. ADVERTISING RATES. Only Trained Nurses and Nurses that possess Experience and are recommended by Physicians in good standing will be inserted. Name, Address, etc Frejc. Extra Words per letter $ .02 NAME IN CAPITALS 25 Name in Bold Face Type 40 NAME IN BOLD FACE CAPITALS 50 Small Cards 50 Nurses and Business Card 1.00 Payable in Advance. One Page Advertisement at end of Book 5.00 Half Page Advertisement at end of Book 3.00 Quarter Page Advertisement at end of Book 2.00 Advertisement on Preferred Page extra 1.00 Payable on Publication of Register, Price 25 cents. SENT EVERYWHERE ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. J. B. LAWRENCE, 1662 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK. T H E NURSE REGISTER — OF — NEW YORK, CONNECTICUT AND NEW JERSEY. For the Year Commencing Sett. 1st, 1891. containing NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL MALE AND FEMALE NURSES AND MASSEURS. Medical Books and Periodicals issued for the Use and Int^bj^t-of Nurses. Libraries and Training Schools for Nurses. Published Under the Supervision of J. B. LAWRENCE, 1662 Park Avenue, New York. NEW YORK: J. 11. VAIL & CO 1891. 8 NURSE REGISTER. J\ IEL_ VAIL & CO., Successors to the Jobbing and Retail Department of ; , Wm. Wood & Co., MEDICAL PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS AND IMPORTERS. 835 EIGHTH STREET, NEW YORK. A Catalogue of Medical Books furnished on Application. Entered according to Act of Congress in the Year 1891, by Joseph B. Lawrence, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Mrs. Johanna Sellmann, X GERMAN >« TRAINED NURSE, 240 East 55th Street, HEW YORK. ALFRED NEWTON TRAINED Medical & Snriical Nurse, RESIDENCE, 455 SEVENTH AVENUE, Near 34th Street, NEW YORK. NEW YORK CITY. 9 PREFACE. The publishing of this the “Nurse Register” was undertaken with a view to supply a want which was supposed to exist td a con- siderable extent and which would serve as a ready book of reference whenever the service of a Nurse is required. ;; p; * . N ; . • • ' The names and addresses of Nurses (not midwives) that appear are without exception reliable, since a personal canvass was made to secure them. It is the sincere wish of the Editor that each succeeding edition will be an improvement to its predecessor. In submitting the “Register” to- the Profession the Editor hopes that his labor and unremitting care he has bestowed upon it, have resulted in the production of a “Register” which will be found to answer all the purposes for which it is intended. ■ _ v 1,662 FJark.Ave., Sept., 1891, 10 NURSE REGISTER. NURSES’ Pocket Case Containing i Scalpel, I pair Scissors, i Hick’s Thermoneter, i Thumb Forceps, i Female Catheter, 2 Probes. PRICE, S6.50 NET. TEMPATURE CHARTS. ANTISEPTIC DRESSINGS AND ALL REQUISITES EOR THE SICK ROOM CONSTANTLY IN STOCK. W. F. FORD SURGICAL INST. CO., 315 FIFTH AVENUE, Corner 32d Street. NEW YORK. DANIEL CROWLEY, Professional Nurse. 286 LENOX AVE., Near 125th St., New York. AGATA SAMUELS, Experienced Nurse, 317 E. 72(1 Street. Near 2d Avenue, NEW YORK. Tea Years’ Experience. References from leading Physicians and Private Fannlies. W. LESLIE BLAKESLEE, MENTAL. MEDICAL & SURGICAL Nurse & Massage Operator, 23 PLANK ROAD, WATERBURY, Conn. Graduate Mills’ Training School for Male Nurses, connected with Bellevue Hospital, New York. Telegrams Promptly Answered. Jnstin WoWfartl & Co.’s PHARMACY, 2002 THIRD AVENUE, Cor. of 110th St. NEW YORK. SURGICAL, INSTRUMENTS, BANDAGES, Antiseptic Dressings, Clinical Thermometers, and Sick Room Appliances, LIST OF ADVERTISERS. 11 MEDICAL PUBLISHERS. J. H. Vail & Co., 135 8th St. AGENCIES FOR NURSES. Arthur Kreinberg’s Agency, 896 Sixth Ave. Mrs. H. L. Clute’s Nurses Bureau, 703 Sixth Ave. Hansen’s Nurse Agency, 144 E. 32nd St. E. Costello, Nurses supplied for all cases. 152 E. 39th St. Matthew Paulson’s Bureau, 58 W. 125th St. Ellis’ Bureau for Nurses, 1309 Broadway. MALE NURSES. John J. Doyle, 329 E. 80th St. Alfred Newton, 455 Seventh Ave. Henry Bailey, 117 E. 77th St. Daniel Crowley, 286 Lenox Ave. William Connor, 245 E. 39th St. Joseph Lawrence, 1662 Park Ave. S. K. Crowell, 328 W. 48th St. William J. Norman, 328 48th St. Frank McNamara, 311 W. 21st St. Andrew Jackson, 104 E. 71st St. Jacque C. Arnous, 225 E. 76th St. Henry McCuley, 268 W. 116th St. Edward Costello, 152 E. 39th St. Matthew Paulson, 58 W. 125th St. W. L. Blakeslee, 23 Plank Road, Waterbury, Conn. FEMALE NURSES. Mrs. M. Henderson, 360 W. 123rd St. Miss B. B. Bradley, 205 E. 160th St. Mrs. E. Reid, 131 W. 60th Street. Miss A, C. Rahe, 209 E. 77th St. Mrs. E. F. Schubert, 305 E. 12th St. Mrs. Lena Sichel, 343 E. 51st St. Miss M. McCloskey, 128 E. 19th St. Miss M. Raxer, 209 E. 77th St. Mrs. W. A. Edgar, 321 E. 88th St. A. Samuels, 317 E. 72nd St. Mrs. J. Sellmann, 240 E. 55th St. Mrs. M. Crowley, 161 E. 39th St MASSAGE. Mrs. Annie LeMay, 366 Lexing- ton Ave. Stephen K. Crowell, 328 W. 48th St. Matthew Paulson, 58 W. 125th St. Mrs. E. A. Clark, 216 W. 53rd St. Edward Costello, 152 E. 39th St. Joseph Lawrence, 1662 Park Ave. Miss A. F, Leith, 17 W. 42nd St. Michael J. Foley, 407 Fourth Ave. Robert Schwabe, 211 E. 57th St. Hjalmar V. Barclay, 116 E. 53rd St. Walter Brunzel, 220 E. 10th St. W. K. Townsend 215 W. 55th St. Albert Langner, 337 E. 55th St. BOOKSELLERS AND IM- PORTERS. J. H. Vail & Co. 135 Eighth St. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. W. F. Ford, 315 Fifth Ave. J. Wohlfarth & Co., 2002 Third Ave. Paul Weber, DRUGGIST, 1880 Lex- ington Ave. PRINTERS. Michael & Strauss, 46 Vesey Street. 12 NURSE REGISTER. TELEPHONE CALL 602 X Calls Answered at any hour Day or Night. JOSEPH LAWRENCE, PROFESSIONAL NURSE and MASSEUR. 1662 PARK AYE., Near W]th Street NEW YORK. N. II.— Has had varied and extensive experience, in Hospital and in Privnffi I'nmilv JOHN J. DOYLE, MEDICAL AND SURGICAL NURSE, 239 East 80th Street, New York. REFERENCES: Dr. F. N. Otis, Dr J. B. Rus,9ell, Dr. L. B. Bangs, Dr. W. M. Polk. Dr. W. K. Otis, Dr. C. C. Barrows, Dr. F. R. Sturgis, Dr. M. A. Starr, Dr. H. F. Walker, Dr. J. B. White, Dr. A. B. Johnson, Dr. G. M. Swift, Dr. F. W. Murray, Dr. W. H. Flint, Dr. G. B. Fowler, and many others. HENRY BAILEY, Nurse and Massage Operator, 117 EAST 77th STREET, HEW YORK. PAUL WEBER, Wholesale and • Retail . Druggist, 1880 LEXINGTON AVE., N, W Cor. 117th Street, NEW YORK. NEW YORK CITY. 13 Female Nurses and Massage Operators in New York City, Recommended. A Adams, Sarah A., 110 W. 22d. Adams Louisa, 110 W. 22d. Adams Alla, 110 W. 22d. Allen Mrs. Maria, 144 E. 32d. Andrew Mrs. Jennie B., 1300 Broad- way. Austin Miss, 162 E. 37th. B Bachman Elizabeth Mrs., 1325 Sec- ond ave. Bachmann Mrs. Marie, 1341 Tre- mont ave. Ball Kate W. 114 Lexington Ave. Ball M., 137 E. 40th. Banett A. S., 366 Lexington ave. Banks M. S., 127 E. 31st. Bar Catharine. 974 E. 163d. Banscgel K., 137 E. 40th. Beattie Mrs. Anna, 209 W. 36th. Beck Mrs. Elizabeth, 314 W. 19th. Benedict Nancy, 35 W. 16th. Best J. A., 20 W. 12th. Birge Abigail, 914 Sixth ave. Bullock F., 366 Lexington ave. Body Miss, 122 E. 41st. Bowen Olive, 863 Lexington ave. Bowen J. M., 330 E. 56th. Bradley Bertha B., 205 E. 106th. Woman Hospital, 1888. Bradley S. A., 20 W. 12th. Bridgeman Loretta, 914 Sixth ave. Brodsky Rosa, 209 E. 111th. Brooks Frances A., 224 W. 22d. brooks F. A,, 35 W. 16th. Brosemer B., 221 E. 80th. Brown Carrie A., 243 W. 11th. Browning Mrs. Rose, 76 W. 50th. Burlaigh Mrs. J. 137 E. 40th St., -, - Burr Ella V., 110 W. 22d. c Cameron Mary, 314 W. 19th. Canfield Mary E., 233 E. 122d. Carpenter M. H., 22 W. 12th. Chaffey Mrs. Francis S., 114 Lex- ington ave. Chamber Sarah B. 114 Lexington Avenue. Clark Mrs. Eunice A (Masseuse), 216 W. 53d. Clark Anna B., 114 Lexington ave. Clark E., 137 E. 40th. Clarke K. M., 22 West 12th. Clute Mrs. Harriet L., 703 Sixth ave. Coesfeld Caroline, 2943 Third ave. Coleman Catherine, 110 W. 22d. Collyer Nillian. 314 W. 19th. Colton M., 137 E. 40th. Connally Mrs. Minnie, 137 E. 40th. Connor H., 137 E. 40th. Cooper Isabel, 863 Lexington ave. Coots Ida J., 127 E. 31st. Grad. Mt. Sinai Hospital, 1885. Costello Josephine, 159 W. 22d. Coursen Mrs. Augusta A., 2169 Second ave. CROMWELL M. L., 152 Lexington ave. Grad. Charity Tr. Sch. 1888. Crowley Mrs. M., 161 E. 39th. D Daly Mrs. Margaret, 144 E. 32d. Davis Ella T.. 131 E. 76th. Demston P., 20 W. 12th. Dodson Laura, 132 E. 28th. Doepp Matilda, 3430 Third ave. Drew Mrs., 102 E. 45th. DuBois Matilda, 127 E. 31st. Duff Henrietta, 559 E. 143d. DunwoodieMrs. Martha 73 W 12th. 14 NURSE REGISTER. Holmes Emma, 54 E. 81st. Howard Martha, 174 Lexingtou ave. Hungerford Jennie, 85 W. 16th. Hunter V., 22 W. 12th. I Ingles J., 866 Lexington ave. Irwin Ellen, 146 W. 16th. J Jacobs Mary Mrs., 88 E. 22d. Jaenel Mrs. Soppha, 861 E. 71st. Jarrett Mrs. Flora, 826 E. 85th. Jennings Mary, 868 Lexington ave. Janson Anna, 656 E. 151st. Johnston K., 22 W. 12th. Jones Matilda, 868 Lexington ave. Joss Rosaline, 122 E. 41st. K Kantz Eliza, 585 E. 149th. Kerr Cecilia C., 76 W. 50th. Ketcham Ida, 131 E. 76th. Keyfel Amelia, 20 E. 119th. Kileary E., 137 E. 40th. King Mrs. Mary A., 309 W. 134th. Kleinhaus Mary, 160 E. 36th. Kneelan F., 137 E. 40th. Knier Mrs. Eva, 322 E. 6th. Krum L. O., 152 Lexington ave. L La Forge Mrs. Jessie, 314 W. 19th. Lamb D. M., 152 Lexington ave. Laeurmann Mrs. Caroline 408 W. 50th. Leith Miss Alma F. (Masseuse), 17 W. 42d. Le May Mrs. Minnie (Masseuse), 366 Lexington ave. Lemmon J., 137 E. 40th. Livingston May E., 85 W. 88th. Loewy Mrs. A., 585 Lexington ave. Lyon Chareiet, 724 E. 12th. E Edgar Mrs. Mary A., 321 E. 88th. Ellis Miss, 127 W. 34th. Elmslie I., 137 E. 40th. Espent Miss, 122 E. 41st. F Fischer Mrs. Mary A.. 1404 Third ave. Fischer Anna H. C., 890 E. 161st. Fischer T. Mrs.. 1069 Second ave. Flandreau Mrs. Margare: E., 86 W. 134th. Foot Vina Z., 110 W. 22d. Forman Rose P., 110 W. 22d. Forman Grace, 110 W. 22d. Frasor Isabella, 137 E. 40th. Gallbraith Anna M., 914 Sixth ave. Garrison Elizabeth, 132 E. 28th. Gillett Nithe, 65 W. 12th. Gordon E.. 137 E. 40th. Graham Sarah J., 162 E. 37th. Green E. M., 110 W. 38th. Greenang Miss, 127 W. 34th. Greenfeld ReginaMrs., 338E. 117th. Guion Mary E., 127 E. 31st. Haile Edith C., 152 Lexington ave. H Hall M., 137 E. 40th. H«nd Marion E. Mrs., 314 W. 26th. Hankenson M., 137 E. 40th. Harris Flora, 110 W. 22d. Harris Pauline, 110 W. 22d. Harris Eliza Mrs., 231 W. 19th. Haseltine Mrs, Eleanor, 225 E. 88th. Hecht Mrs. Freda, 328 E. 73d. Henderson Mrs. Margaret, 360 W. 123d. Harlem Hospital, 1889. Hennis Anna, 137 E. 40th. Hilliker L. M., 628 E. 188th. Hitchcock M. C., 110 W. 22d. NEW YORK CITY. 15 M. Macaron Miss, 122 E. 41st. Macdonald Hattie E., 35 W. 16th. Maier Mrs. Louisa, 244 E. 79th. Mangan C. W., 345 W. 35th. Manter Evely, 35 W. 16th. Marsh D. T., 20 W. 12th. May Mrs. Bertha, 305 E. 81st. McCallum Mrs. J., 450 W. 57th. McCarthie Mrs. H., 127 E. 31st. McCarthy Mrs. J. J., 276 W. 38th. McCeery Miss, 122 E. 41st. McCloskey Martha, 128 E. 19th. McCollum Josephine, 132 E. 28th. McCord Hattie L., 132 E. 28th. McCormick Harriet, 233 E. 122d. McCotter H., 366 Lexington ave. McCotter, J., 366 Lexington ave. McIntyre Mary, 127 E. 31st. McKeon Florence, 159 W. 22d. McKown Lydia C., 131 E. 76th. Meehan Elizabeth, 142 E. 28th. Merritt Mattie, 127 E. 31st. Michel Mrs. Emma, 101 E. 122d. Middleton C. G., 214 W. 37th. Moesle Mrs. S., 159 W. 22d. Moody Charlotte E., 131 E. 76th. Morrison Mary, 863 Lexington ave. Mostow Ellen E., 114 Lexington ave. Mullhall Kate, 141 E. 40th. Munn Margaret, 35 W. 16th. Murphy Sadie, 260 W. 31st. Murphy Mary, 127 E. 31st. N. Nelson C., 137 E. 40th. Nicholas Martha, 914 Sixth ave. Nichols L. I., 22 W. 12th. Norton Eva, 127 E. 31st. o. O’Connor Sarah Mrs., 514 E. 14th. Ottmann Emma, 221 E. 80th. p. Pane Miss, 127 W. 34th. Pendleton Sarah, 146 W. I6th. Petto Sarah, 418 E. 80th. Pratt Mrs. Minnie, 110 W. 22d. Price Elizabeth, 35 W. 16th. Pokorna Barbara, 3491 Third ave. Poole M. E., 127 E. 31st. R. Rahe Adeline C., 209 E. 77th. German Hospital, 1888. Rasnussin Christina, 155 E. 33d. Raxer Mary, 209 E. 77th, Mt. Sinai Hospital. Reid Mrs. Elizabeth, 131 W. 60th. Remson Belle M., 35 W. 16th. Reynolds Virginia M., J37 E. 40th. Reynolds Frances, 247 W. 36th. Richardson Madge, 203 W. 34th. Robin Sarah, 110 W. 22d. Robinson L., 366 Lexington ave. Robinson S. C., 366 Lexington ave. Rogers Mrs. Harriet, 167 E. 53d. Rogers M. T., 203 W. 34th. Rorick L. M., 22 W. 12th. Ryan M., 137 E. 40th. s. Samuels Agata, 317 E. 72d. Saunders, 127 W. 34th. Scanlan Mrs., 122 E. 41st. Schmidt Elizabeth, 169 Forsyth. Schmidt Theresa, 3469 Third ave. Schubert Elizabeth F. Mrs., 305 E. 12th. Scranton Eliza P., 161 W. 34th, Sehmerder Julia, 131 E. 76th. Sellmann Johanna Mrs., 240E. 55th. Grad., 1883. Senil Miss, 132 E. 28th. Sevien Sophia, 127 E. 31st. Shalter Mattie, 314 W. 19th. Shannon M., 137 E. 40th. 16 NURSE REGISTER. Shearer K. E., 152 Lexington ave. Shiplen Mary E., 127 E. 31st. Sichel Mrs. Lena, 343 E. 51st. Siddy Margaret, 110 W. 22d Sinclair Fannie, Mrs., 137 E. 40th. Slayton Mary S., 116 E. 22d. Smith A., 366 Lexington ave. Sonneman Fride, Mrs., 127 E. 110. Sowarby Julia A., Mrs., 16 E. 119th. Spelman Ellen, 137 E. 40th. Stannard Miss, 126 E. 45th. STARKWEATHER BELLE A., 152 Lexington ave. Grad., 1884. Steward A. B., 22 W. 12th. Stewart, Miss, 203 W. 34th. Stevenson A., 137 E. 40th. Stierle Frances, 783 Elton ave. Swan Mrs. Edith E., 88 E. 111th. Sweeny Mary L., 131 E. 76th. Swift Eveline, 127 E. 31st. Swinney Christina E., 131 E. 76th. Sutliff C. B., 22 W. 12th. T- Terry Theodora E., 122 E. 41st. Thomasson A., 366 Lexington ave. Toylor Anna, 65 W. 12th. Trimper, Miss, 231 W. 23d. Turner Martha, Mrs., 237 E. 26th. V Valentine Estella, 174 Lex’ton ave. Vanlew Mary A., 131 E. 76th. Veitstrans Dora, Mrs., 328 E. 84th. Vernon Emily C., Mrs., 267W. 125th. Volek M., 866 Lexington ave. Von Brunn C., 221 E. 80th. Vosburg N. M., 152 Lexington ave. w Wagner Frieda E., 114 Lex'ton ave. Wallis, F. E., 22 W. 12th. Wakefield Maria A., 46 E. 22d. Wakefield Auna M., 46th E. 22d. Warncke Emily C., 48 W. 97th. Grad. City Hosp. Tr. Sch.,Boston, 1883. Watson Jane, Mrs., 127 E. 31st. Weise, Miss, 127 W. 34th. Westervelt, Miss. 65 W. 12th. White Mary T., 743 Lexington ave. White H., 137 E. 40th. Whited Anna, Mrs., 168 E. 120th. Whittington Marg., Mrs.,19W. 24th. Williams C. A., 137 E. 40th. Williams, Miss, 127 W. 34th. Willson Lettie, Mrs., 65 W. 12th. Wilson E., 137 E. 40th. Winget Elizabeth, 131 E. 76th. Wiltington Anna, 65 W. 12th. Woodruff Nellie,Mrs.,696 Ninth ave. Woolenberg Mrs.Martha, 330 E.63d. Wright Alice H., 35 W. 16th. Y Yokum Irene, 159 W. 22d. Yerex, Miss., 863 Lexington ave. NEW YORK CITY. 17 Male Nurses and Massage Operators in New York City, Recommended. A ACKERMAN HENRY C., 108 E. 120th. Arnous Jacques C., 225 E. 76th. B Bailey Henry, 117 E. 77th. Barclay Hjalinar V., (Masseur), 116 E. 53d. Brunzel Walter, 220 E. 10th. Water Cure j ( Movement. c Castello Edward, 152 E. 39th. Chapman Charles, 100 E. 30th. Chester John C., 250 W. 49th. Clements Albert G., 230 E. 26th., Grad. Mills’ Tr. Sch., 1890. Connor William, 245 E. 39th. Craven Francis, 167 W. 53d. Crowell Stephen K , (Masseur), 328 W. 48th., Tel. Call, 1246 R— 38th St. Crowley Daniel, 286 Lenox ave. Curran Martin W., 230 E. 26th. Grad.-Mills’ Tr. Sch., 1890. D Dickerson Wathron, J. 44 W. 37th. Doyle John J., 329 E 86th. E Ellis William H., 1309 Broadway. Evers Walter, 161 E. 53d. F Fancett Alfred, 152 E. 53d. Farrell John, 347 E. 36th. Foley Michael J., (Masseur), 407 Fourth ave. c Gabriel Louis, 1545 First ave. Geissinger Charles, 250 E. 77th. Guenther Louis, 931 Sixth ave. H Haertel Conrad, 210 E. 56th. Hannoch Julius, 231 W. 39th. Hansen Louis (Agency), 144 E.32d. Hill Cornelius M., 102 W. 37th. Howell William E., 233 E. 40th. Hubbard G. M., 170 Lexington ave. Huth Frank E., 100 E. 30th. J Jackson Andrew, 104 E. 71st. Jaenel Charles B., 361 E. 71st. Jordan Walter, 76 W. 50th. Jinks Michael, J. 444 W. 54th K t Karlsioe William J., 17 E. 59th. Keegan Michael, 210 W. 36th. Knudtsen John, 410 Fourth ave. Kramer Karl W., 817 Sixth ave. Kremberg Arthur, 896 Sixth ave. Kriska Adolph, 338 E. 76th. Kust‘*r Hermann, 537 Third ave. L Lacome Otto, 204 E. 70th. Langner Albert, (Masseur), 337 E. 55th. Lawrence Joseph (Masseur), 1662 Park ave. Tell. Call, 602 X. Grad. City Hospital Tr. Sch., Boston, 1883. Lewis John A., 208 W. 36th. Lowey Albert, 585 Lexington ave. 18 NURSE REGISTER. M McAuley Henry, 268 W. 116th. Me Namara Frank, 311 W. 21st. McQueery Henry, S., 113 W. 60th. Mott William D., 374 Second ave. N Newton Alfred, 455 Seventh ave. Norman William J., 328 W. 48th. P Paulson Matthew, (Masseur), 58 W. 125th. Tell. Call, 617 X. Petto Jacob, 418 E. 80th. Potter James, 434 Fourth ave. R Richter Oscar, 540 E. 117th. Roxlan Theodore, 4 E. 45th. Rutzel Andrew J., 234 E. 76th. s Scheller William, 202 E. 73d. Schffnbe Robert, Massage and Hydropathic Treatment, 211 E. 57th. Searles, W. G. 170 Lexington ave. Skelly James, 329 W. 43d. Strauss Jacob, 202 7th. T Townsend William K.,215W.55th. Massage and Electrical. u Unonius Carl, 17 E. 59th. V Vernon Joseph, 267 W. 125th. w Walters Adolphus A., 52 E. 30th. WINDROSS RICHARD, late of N. Y. Polyclinic, 610 Second ave. Wuhrmann Gabriel, 202 E. 73d. z Zaremba John F., 226 E. 26th. Grad. Mills Tr. Sch., 1890. NEW YORK CITY. 19 Mill’s Training School for Male Nurses, 433 E. TWENTY-SIXTH STREET. In connection with Bellevue Hospital. Under the Direction of the Commissioners of Charities and Correction. The managers of the Training School for Male Nurses have made arrange ments with the Commissioners of Charities and Correction for the giving in Bellevue Hospital of a two years’ course of instruction in nursing to men who may be desirous of becoming professional nurses. Those wishing to receive the course of instruction must apply to the Superintendent of the Male Training School for admission. Upon the recommendation of the Su- perintendent they may be admitted to the school for one month on probation. The acceptable age of candidates is from 21 to 35 years. The applicant must present a certificate from a responsible person and a physician as to his good- moral character and sound health. Applicants are received at any time during the year when a vacancy exists. During the period of probation the applicant must be in readiness to pass an examination in reading, penman- ship, simple arithmetic, and English dictation. This examination is to test the ability of the applicant to read aloud well, to write legibly and accu- rately, to keep simple accounts, and to take notes of lectures. This amount of education is indispensable for admission to the school, but applicants are reminded that men of superior education and cultivation, when otherwise equally qualified for nurses, will be preferred to those who do not possess these advantages. During the period of probation the pupils are boarded and lodged without expense to themselves, but receive no other compensa- tion. Those who prove to be satisfactory will be accepted as pupil nurses provided that they agree to remain two years in the school, and that they obey the rules and regulations of the school and of the hospital. The pupils will reside in the “ Home” connected with the school, and serve as nurses in the wards of Bellevue Hospital. The second year they will be required to perform any duty assigned to them by the Superintendent in the hospital or elsewhere. The pay for the first year is $12 a month, for the second year $15 a month. The instruction which is given is largely of a practical character, and such as, in the judgment of the managers, is best fitted to qualify the nurse for the successful exercise of his calling in future. Such of the pupils as complete the course to the satisfaction of the managers are subjected at its termination to an examination which is intended to test their general fitness for the work of nursing in private. If they stand the final test to the satisfaction of the managers, they are recommended to the Commissioners of Charities and Correction for diplomas and badges which certify to their having graduated from the school. The terms of the hospital year begin on the 1st of April and 1st of October. The course of instructions extends over a period of eighteen months, and is divided into three equal terms. The school consists of thirty-six pupils divided into classes who shall serve respectively £?s Junior Assistants, Senior Assistants and Head Nurses. Applicants for tuition in the Training School must be between twenty-five and thirty-five years of age, and possess a good common school education. They must produce certificates of good character, good health and physical capacity for the duties of nurses, and must make their application to the Superintendent of the hospital. If admitted, they will be expected to serve on probation for a period not exceeding two New York Hospital Training School for Nurses. 20 NURSE REGISTER. months, during which time they will receive board and lodging, but no com- pensation unless accepted as pupils, when they must sign an agreement to remain in the school, and subject themselves to the rules of the hospital for the full period of eighteen months unless failing of promotion. At the end of the term there shall be an examination of the graduating class, which being creditably passed, shall entitle its members to a diploma under the seal of the hospital. The promotions from the lower classes shall be under the direction and control of the Executive Committee. A monthly allowance of $10 for the Juniors, of $13 for the Seniors, and of $16 for the Head Nurses will be made. Board, washing and lodging will be furnished with- out charge. In sickness all pupils shall have gratuitous care. The instruc- tion will consist in part of didactic lectures relating to the general principles of nursing the observation and recording of symptoms, the diet of the sick, and the methods of managing helpless patients. Besides this, instruction will be given at the bedside in the various departments of medical and sur- gical nursing. Training School for Nurses, Mount Sinai Hospital. 850 LEXINGTON AVENUE. The course of instruction extends over two years. Application for admis- sion may be made at any time to the Superintendent. The most acceptable age for candidates is from twenty-one to thirty-five years. If admitted, they will serve one month on probation, during which time they will receive board and lodging, but no allowance of money unless accepted. If accepted as pupils, they must agree to remain two years, and will receive an allow- ance of $7 per month during the entire course. The course of training is practical nursing in the wards of Mount Sinai Hospital, and semi-weekly instructions by a professor of anatomy and physiology. Systematic instruc- tion is also given in a series of lectures by prominent physicians and sur- geons. Opportunities for obstetrical training are also afforded, and pupils are taught massage. Lessons are given in hygiene and in the preparation of food for the sick. At the expiration of two years, if the pupil passes a satis- factory examination before the Committee of Instruction, she is awarded a diploma. Bellevue Training School for Nurses, This school was established in 1873, and now has charge of all the women and children in the hospital and two male surgical wards. The course of training is very thorough, consisting of constant practice in surgical, medical and obstetrical cases ; also lectures by surgeons and physicians, lessons in bandaging, and cooking for the sick. Nurses are lodged and boarded free at the Home, 426 E. Twenty-sixth Street. The course of training is two years. The pay the first year is $7 per month, second year $12. After passing the final examination, a diploma and badge are given. Applications for admission should be made to the lady Superintendent at Bellevue or at the Home. 426 E. TWENTY-SIXTH STREET. NEW YORK CITY. 21 Libraries. Astor (Free), Lafayette pi , near Astor pi. Open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Aguilar, 106 E. B’way and 721 Lexington ave. American Institute, 113 W. 38th. Apprentice’s, 18 E. 16th. Bellevue Hospital, 350 volumes. City, Room 12, City Hall. Cooper Union (Free), Cooper Institute, Seventh St., cor. Fourth ave. Open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. First Ward, 135 G’wich. Free Library of St. Mark’s Memorial Chapel, 288 E. 10th. Free Library of the Five Points Mission, 63 Park. Gaelic Society, 17 W. 28th. Harlem, 2238 Third ave. Huebner Eleanor, 39 Attorney. Law Library of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, 120 Broadway. Lenox Library, 1001 Fifth ave, G. H. Moore, Librarian. Apply by postal for card of admission. Library of the Physicians to the German Hospital and Dispensary, 135 Second ave. Contains about 3,000 volumes of medical periodicals ; catalogue printed. Open from 2 to 5. Admission without charge on introduction from any member, which entitles to borrow books. Dr. Her- man G. Klotz, Librarian. Loan for ships, 74 Wall. Maimonides, 203 E. 57th. Masonic, 79 W. 23d. Medico-Legal Society, 57 Broadway. Works on medical jurisprudence. Dr. M. D. Field, Librarian. Mercantile Library Association of New York, Astor pi. 200,000 volumes (3,000 medical). Fees $5 per annum to all except clerks. Open from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. New York Academy of Medicine, 17 W. 43d. Free to the profession and to the public. Contains over 40,000 volumes. Open daily from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Dr. T. M. Cheesman, Librarian. New York Hospital Library and Pathological Museum, 8 W. 16th. Con- tains more than 18,609 volumes. Open to the medical profession for con- sultation from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Dr. F. P. Foster, Librarian. New York Historical Society, 170 Second ave. Library opens from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Admission by card from a member. Charles Ishan, Librarian. New York Free Circulating, 49 Bond, 135 Second ave., 251 W. 13th and 226 W. 42d. 22 NURSE REGISTER. New York State Medical Association, 64 Madison ave. This library con- tains 12,788 rolumes, accessible to the general profession from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m., and to the Fellows of the New York State Medical Associ- ation, and to the members of the New York County Medical Association from 9 a. m. to 11 p. m. daily. Dr. E. F. Arnold, Librarian. New York Law Institute, Room 116 Post Office Building. New York Port Society, 46 Catherine. New York Produce Exchange, Produce Exchange. Railroad Men’s, 361 Madison ave. St. Aloysius, 210 E. 4th. St. Barnabas, 38 Bleecker. Seamen’s Missionary Society, 21 Coenties si. University Law, 41 University Building. Washington Heights, cor. Tenth ave. and 156th St. Woman’s, 19 Clinton place. Young Men’s Christian Association, corner Fourth ave. and 23d St.. Open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. R. E. Poole, Librarian. Young Women’s Christian Association, Free Circulating, 7 E. 15th. Michael & Strauss, PRINTERS / STATIONERS, ACCOUNT BOOKS MADE TO ORDER, No. 46 VESEY STREET, Near Church Street, NEW YORK. NEWSPAPERS. BOOKS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, ETC. STATE OF NEW YORK. 23 Nurses and Massage Operators in New York, Recommended. B Betts Miss H., 89 Hanson pi. B’klyn. Borkhausen Miss, 144 Prince, Brooklyn. Brink Miss V., 851 Fulton, Brook- lyn'. Brintall Helen A., Syracuse. Buchanan Eliza, Oyster Bay, L. I. Butts Kate A., Wassaic. c Carson Julia A., 193S. 3d, Brooklyn. Chapman Mrs. H.. Binghampton. Cornell Miss, 346 Contlin,Brooklyn. D Denny Thomas, 145Pearl,Brooklyn. Duthweiler F., 132 Jefferson,B’klyn. F Finneron Agnes B., Mongaup Val- ley, Sullivan Co. Fitzharris Peter, 24 Verandah pi., Brooklyn. c Goodale Elizabeth E., N. Litchfield. Goodbridge Miss A. B., Tompkins pi., Brooklyn. Griffin Caroline, Barrytown. Grimstead Miss P. E., 455 Gates ave., Brooklyn. H Healy Miss, 36 Garden pi., Brooklyn. Hubbell Elizabeth, Buffalo. J Johnson Mrs., cor. Fulton & Waver- ly ave., Brooklyn. Jackson Miss, 52 Tompkins pi.. Brooklyn. K Kimball Mrs., 231 St. James pi., Brooklyn. Kinnie Mrs. Olivia, Rockport. L Love Julia E., Bellona. Luke Miss C. A., 71 Greene Brooklyn. M Meekerson Mrs., 321 St. Marks pi., Brooklyn. Merrit Clara, 255 Theodore, Stein- way, L. I. Moore Mrs. Endora, Elmira. Morcrief Mrs., 63 Jefferson ave., Brooklyn. Mowatt Miss, 36 Garden pi., Brook- lyn. McCurdy Cora B., Elmira. McIntosh Mrs., 32 Greene ave., Brooklyn. McKibbin Mary J., Newburg. McLaughlin Alice, Flushing, L. I. McVeilley Annie, Flushing, L. I. o O’Reilly Mrs. Mary, Glens Falls. P Payne Miss, 346 Clinton, Brooklyn, Pullen Lillie V., Flushing, L. I, Q Quackenbush Mrs., Stapleton, S. I. R Rielley Miss, 305 Chauncey, B’klyn. Riley Anna F., Sandy Hill. s Scott Mrs., 60 Rogers, Brooklyn. Seaman Miss H., 341 Bainbridge, Brooklyn. Sheldon Agnes M., Gadyville. Spicer Henrietta A., Glen Falls. T Thayer Alida Mrs., Danesville. Townsend Mary, Flushing, L. 1. w Webb Mrs., 89th, Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn. 24 NURSE REGISTER. Training-School for Nurses, CHARITY HOSPITAL, BLACKWELL’S ISLAND, N. Y. For Instructions in Medical and Surgical Special Nursing. The school is under the authority of the Commissioners of Charities and Correction. The term of service is two years. Nurses reside in the hospital and receive in addition to board and washing, the first year, $10 per month, and the second year, $15. The applicants must be over twenty years of age and under thirty-five, and must present a certificate from a responsible person and a physician, as to their moral character and health. Course of instuction consists in service in the surgical, medical, and “ special” wards of Charity Hospital, and in the lying-in wards of Maternity Hospital. In addition to this, lectures upon the various branches of nursing are given by the visiting physicians and surgeons and members of the house staff, and frequent exam- inations are held by the Committee on Training-School. Those wishing to receive this course of instruction must apply to the Committee on Training- School of Charity Hospital, upon whose approval they will be accepted as pupils in the school. At the expiration of two years, those who are fully qualified, will receive a diploma signed by the Medical Examining Committee and the Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction, setting forth that they are experienced and competent nurses. Number limited to forty-five. Training-School for Nurses, LONG ISLAND COLLEGE HOSPITAL, BROOKLYN, N. Y. The regular terms commence on the first of April and the first of October, but pupils will also be received at other times if vacancies exist. The course extends over two years, and includes all the branches of medical, surgical, and obstetrical nursing. The practical instruction takes place in the wards and the dispensary of the hospital The theoretical is given by the faculty of the college in a course of lectures anatomy, physiology, obstetrics, sur- gery, food, and medicine symptomatology and gymcology. Applicants for admission should be between twenty-five and thirty-five years ; they must serve one month on probation without compensation ; if admitted for the full course, they receive afterwards $9 per month for the first and $15 for the sec- ond year; also board, lodging, and washing, and in case of sickness, medical attendance free of charge. At the end of the full course a suitable diploma is given to the pupils if they creditably pass an examination conducted by the college faculty. The nurses lodge in a wing of the hospital especially con- structed for them. Miss Ida L. Sutliffe is the superintendent of the school to whom all applications for further information can be addressed. STATE OF CONNECTICUT. 25 Training-School for Nurses BROOKLYN, N. Y. The school was organized and commenced work on November 1. 1880. It is directed by a society incorporated by the State, consisting of twenty-seven managers who appoint a superintendent. Arrangements have been made with the Brooklyn Hospital authorities to afford a two-years course of train- ing, and the nurses are lodged in a separate building or “ Home” on the grounds. During the first year the Nurses care fot the sick in the hospital ; the second year, they are sent out to care for sick in private families. The nurses receive from the school $7 a month the first year, and $12 a month during the second year. There are at present—August—thirty nurses in the school. The Training School for Male Nurses, CHARITY HOSPITAL, BLACKWELL’S ISLAND, N. Y., Was organized in the Spring of 1887 and has twenty-five pupils. Managers, for 1891: Dr. James F. Ferguson, Chairman, and Dr. P. A. Morrow, to whom application should be made for admission. The term of service is two years. Orderlies reside in the Hospital and receive, in addition to board and wash- ing, the first year $12; the second year $15. At the expiration of two full years those who are qualified will receive diplomas certifying to their knowl- edge of nursing, their ability and good character, signed by the Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction, the President and Secretary of the Medical Board, and the Managers of the School. Nurses and Massage Operators in Connecticut, Recommended. A Ashley Maria L., Willimantic. B. Barrows Mrs. E. C., New Preston. Beeman A. E., New Preston. Beisiegel Kate, New Haven. Benedict Bessie, New Haven. Benham Cath. M., New Haven. BLAKESLEE LESLIE W., 23Plank Road, Waterbury. Grad. Mill’s Tr. Sch., 1890. Blakeslee Mrs. E. J., Wallingford. Bolton Emma, Hartford. Bowker Harriet P., New Haven. Brainard Vina A., Cobalt. Brown Adelaide, New Haven Bur Adele J., New Haven. Byrnes Lucia M., Norwich. c. Cheeney Adelaide M., New Haven. Chevalier Mrs. Theresa New Haven Coit Mary E., Norwich. Corigdon Josephine A., N. Haven Costello Nellie M., New Haven. Couch Harriet L., Norwich. Cunningham Mary E., New Haven. Curley Josephine, Mansfield. 26 NURSE REGISTER. D. Danaher Mary L., New Haven. Darrow Mary A., No. 1 Stumball St., New London. Demme Mary A., New Haven. Dibble Sarah E., Seymour. Dudley Hattie E., New Haven. E. Edwards Frances R., Windsor. F. Fleischner Mrs. Sarah, Darien. Fowler Mrs. Julia, New Haven. Fox Annie A., New Haven. Fuller Caroline, New Haven. c. Gates Mrs. Emma, Say brook. Goeckler Agnes D., New Haven. Goodwin Mary J., New Haven. Gregory Hattie E., New Haven. H Hall Martha T., Willingford. Hodge Maria T.«, New Haven. Hollister Edith E., Monroe. I. Ivers Frances E., Bridgeport. J. Jahn Alma L., Norwich. K. Keach Lottie E., Norfold. Kingsley Mary B., New Haven. L. Lancing Mrs. Mary E., Bridgeport. Lanfare Antoinette C., New Haven. Learned Anna C., New London. Lewis Mrs. Mary, Farmington. Loomis E., Enfield. Lyman Susan, Hartford. M. Manwaring Irene, Clinton. Marsh Mrs. Julia R., New Haven. Mercer Nellie N., New London. Mott H. Bella, Ansonia. P. Parmelee Mary, Cobalt. Payne Elizabeth, New Haven. Peck Josephine G., Plainville. Pilot Mrs. Katherine, New Haven. Riggs Carrie W., Wolcottville. Riley Mary, Fair Haven. Clark Ellen V., West Haven. Roberts Chloe, Winsted. Rohe Elizabeth, Ansonia. Pope Sylvia, New Haven. Rossiter Frances, North Guilford. s. Smith Mrs. Eva M., New Haven. Smith F. Emma, Norwich. Smith Mary E., New Haven. Snyder Hattie C., New Haven. Soltau Lillie, New Haven. Somers Elizabeth A., Waterbury. Strong Caroline A., New Haven. Surry Mrs. Bertha J., New Haven. T. Thomas Lillian F., Portland. Tomlinson Mary A., New Haven. Tuttle Alice, Plantsville. V. Voorhis Kate Van, Stratford. w. Washburn Emma L., New Haven. Wheeler Mrs. L. M., Huntington. Wilkinson Sarah, New Haven. STATE OF CONNECTICUT. 27 Training School for Nurses, HARTFORD, CONN. In connection with the Hartford Hospital. Twenty Pupils. Miss Flora Macrae, Supt., a Graduate of the Boston City Hospital. The Directors of the Hartford Hospital have made arrangements forgiving, at the Hospital, two years’ training to women desirous of becoming profes- sional nurses. Persons wishing to receive this course must apply to the lady Superintendent of the Nurses’ School ; upon her approval they will be accepted as pupils in the Hospital. Candidates must be over twenty-one and under thirty-five years of age. They must be of sound health, and must present, on application, a cer- tificate from some responsible person as to their good character. Applicants will be received for one month on probation During this month they are boarded and lodged at the expense of the Hospital, but receive no compensation if they leave before the expiration of this month or are found incompetent by the Superintendent. They will reside in the Hospital and serve the first year as assistants in the wards of the Hospital, the second year they will be expected to perform any duty assigned them by the Superintendent, either to act as nurses in the Hospital or to be sent to private cases among the rich or poor. Those persons complying with the foregoing conditions will be accepted as pupils by signing a written agreement to remain at the school for two years and to conform to the rules of the Hospital. • The pupils are taught to prepare food, together with drinks and stimulants for the sick ; to understand the art of ventilation without chilling the patient, both in private houses and hospital wards, and all that pertains to night in distinction from day nursing. To report to the physician accurate observation of the state of the secre- tion, expectoration, pulse,skin, appetite, temperature of the body intelligence (as delirium or stupor), breathing, sleeping, condition of wounds, eruptions, formation of matter, effect of diet, stimulants, or medicines, and to learn the management of convalescents. Instruction will be given by attending and resident physicians and sur- geons at the bedside of the patients, and in various other ways, also, by the lady Superintendent and head nurse. The pupils will pass through the different wards, serving and being taught, for one year. They will be supplied with board and lodging, and will be paid ($10) per month the first year, the second, ($14) per month. When the full term of two years is completed, the nurses thus trained, after passing a final examination, will receive diplomas, certifying to their knowledge of nursing, their ability, and good character. The graduates from the training school for nurses during the year have been : Miss Henrietta Willett, Miss Rilla J. Perry, Miss Ella E. Gibbs, Miss Alice M. Smith, Miss Delia N. Smith, Miss Jennie R. Field, Miss Harriett A. Lorber, Mrs. Addie, R. Young, Miss Martha J. Wilkinson, Miss Mary J. Barr, Miss Alma A. Robinson, and Miss Belle M. Snelling. 28 NURSE REGISTER. Training School for Nurses. Established in connection with the General Hospital in 1873, and having at present a Head Nurse, an Assistant, and Thirty two Female Pupils. Application for admission may be made at any time to the Superintendent. The Executive Committee of the Connecticut Training School for Nurses has made arrangements with the authorities of the New Haven Hospital for training women desirous of becoming professional nurses. The candidates must be over twenty-four and under forty years of age, and must present a certificate from a clergyman and a physician as to her good moral character and sound health. She will be received for one month on probation without compensation. Those fulfilling the conditions of the probationary month will be accepted as pupil nurses. They must then sign a written agreement to remain under the directions of the school for two years. They will reside in the Nurses’ Home and pass through the different wards of the Hospitai, serving and being taught for one year. During the second year of their con- nections with the school the nurses will be assigned the special duties in the Ho*spital to missionary cases in this city or to the care of patients in private families. They will be supplied with board, washing and lodging, and will receive during the entire term 200 dollars. When the full term is ended the nurses thus trained will each receive a diploma signed by a physician of the Committee, the President and officers of the School. W. LESLIE BLAKESLEE, MENTAL, MEDICAL AND SURGICAL Nurse and Massage Operator, 23 PLANK ROAD, WATERBURY, CONN. Graduate Mill’s Training School for Male Nurses, connected with Bellevue Hospital, New York. Telegrams answered promptly. STATE OF NEW JERSEY. 29 Nurses and Massage Operators in New Jersey, Recommended. A Anderson Margaret, Bernardsville. B Bentz Caroline M., Orange. Boese Henrietta, Orange. Brennan Kate, 47 William, Orange. Brocket Ellen B., Orange. Burnett Mary B., 25 Waverly pi., Orange. c Carmichael Miss, 25 Waverly pi., Orange Valley. Carroll Miss, 55 Westervelt ave. Plainfield. Clarke Lillian M., 25 Waverly pi., Orange. Costelloe John, 222 Third, Jersey City. Coy Mrs., 79 Elizabeth ave., Eliza- beth. D Day Hettie L., 25 Waverly pi., Orange. Deane L., 77 Auburn, Paterson. Decker Mary, Parsippany. Downie Elizabeth, 4(5Hill, Newark. Druge Beatrice M., 25 Waverly pi., Orange. F Freegans Jennie, Orange. c Gray Jane, Orange. H Hawkins Ellen, Orange. Herbert, Miss N., 305 Van Houten pi.. Paterson. Honeyman Helen B., Orange. J Jacobus Miss, 113 First, Elizabeth. K Kennedy Jessie, Orange. Kunz Christine L., 402 Garden, Hoboken. L Leddan Mrs. E., 102 First, Hoboken. Leland Mary M., Orange. Lemrow Mrs. Anna C., Center, Orange. Lyon.Florence E., Orange. M Moussette Marie, 40 Hill, Newark. o Ogden Miss S. P., 1152 Elizabeth ave., Elizabeth. Ogle Emily, Orange. Osborne Miss J., 152 Broadway, Paterson. P Powers Miss G. S., 82 Prescott court, Jersey City. R Ratel Mrs., 152 Second, Elizabeth. Roome James, Tenafly. s Saunders Susan F., East Orange. Stephen d’Arcy, 47 William, Orange. Stewart Mrs., 215 Marshall, Eliza- beth. Squire Marietta B., Summitt. Swatton Miss D. B., Arlington. T Tague Helen I., 25 Waverlv pi., Orange. Trimmer Luella, Orange. Tyler Emma L., 84 Clendenny ave., Jersey City. V Vernol Kathryn A., 263 Grove, Jer- sey City. Vernol Sarah A., 263 Grove, Jersey City. Victor Agnes, Orange. w Wallace Mary J., 25 Waverly pi., Orange. Wallace Jean D., 25 Waverly pi. Orange. Ward Eliza W., Newark. Whiting Frank J., Orange. Wilcox Emily F., Newark. 30 NURSE REGISTER. Training School for Nurses, Memorial Hospital. CORNER ESSEX AVENUE AND HENRY STREET, ORANGE, N. J. The Orange Training School Association has made arrangements with the authorities of the Orange Memorial Hospital for giving two years’ training to women desirous of becoming professional nurses. Those wishing to obtain this course of instruction must apply by letter to the chairman of the Committee on Nurses, upon whose approval they will be received into the school for two months on probation. The most acceptable age for candidates is from twenty-two to forty years. The applicant should send a letter from a clergyman, testifying to her good moral character, and from a physician, stating that she is in sound health. Applicants are received at any time during the year when there is a vacancy. Those who prove satisfactory wi. be accepted as pupil nurses after signing an agreement to remain two years and to obey the rules of the school and hospital. They will serve for the first year as assistants in the wards of the hospital; the second year they will be expected to perform any duty assigned to them by the Association, either to act as nurses in the hospital or to be sent to private cases among the rich or poor. Pupils receive six dollars a month the first three months, and twelve dollars a month for the remainder of the course. The teaching will be given by visiting and resident physicians and surgeons at the bedside of the patients by the Superintendent, and by such specialists as may be needed. Lectures, recitations and demonstrations will take place from time to time, and examinations at stated periods. When the full term of two years is ended, on passing an examination, each receives a diploma signed by the Examining Board. Training School for Nurses, Newark, N. J. This school gives a very thorough course of instruction to its pupils, ex- tending over a period of two years. Applicants are admitted whenever there is a vacancy. They must be between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-five, be possessed of good health and a fair English education. They must pre- sent letters certifying to their good moral character. The instruction con. sists of practical work in the wards, including the care of medical, surgical, obstetric and contagious cases. Lectures are given each year by medical members of the Board of Directors, and lessons in elementary anatomy, physiology, and later from the weeks’ Text Book of Nursing by the principal of the school. The pupils attend surgical operations and many post-mortem examinations. They are lodged, boarded and washing done, ar.d are paid the first year from f!8 to $10 per month, the second year from $12 to $15. In sickness all nurses are cared for gratuitously. They are allowed a vaca- tion of two weeks each year, and at the end of their course, after passing a satisfactory examination, receive a diploma. Address Principal of I raining School City Hospital, Fairmount Ave., Newark, N. J. NEW YORK CITY. 31 Medical Books, Periodicals, etc., Issued for the use and Interest of Nurses. Any Book in this list sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price. Allan, Notes on Fever Nursing ..... . $ .75 Anderson, Medical Nursing ......... 1.00 Bell, Notes on Surgery for Nurses. By Joseph Bell, M.D. 16mo. Cloth 1.00 Brennan, The Patient’s Record for the Use of Nurses and Physicians. By Agnes S. Brennan, Supt. of Bellevue Training School for Nurses. Small 4to, half leather. . . . . . . 2.00 Brown, The Invalids’ Tea Tray ........ .50 Bruen, Outlines for the Management of Diet ; or, the Regulation of Food to the Requirements of Health and the Treatment of Disease. By E. T. Bruen, M.D. 12mo, extra Cloth ..... 1.10 Bucknill, Care of the Insane ......... 1.00 Century of Nursing ........... .50 Coles, Nurse and Mother. A Manual of Monthly Nursing . . . 1.50 Cullingworth, A Manual of Nursing, Medical and Surgical. By Charles J. Cullingworth, M.D., Physician to St. Thomas’ Hospital, London. Third Revised Edition. With 18 Illustrations. 12mo. Cloth 1.00 Cullingworth, A Manual for Monthly Nurses. Third Edition. 32mo. Cloth 50 Dock, A Text Book of Materia Medica for Nurses. By Davinia L. Dock,-Graduate of Bellevue Training School for Nurse and Supt. Grace Memorial House. Cloth ....... 1.25 Domville, Manual for Nurses and others engaged in attending to the Sick. By Ed. J. Domville, M.D. Sixth Edition. With Receipts for Sick-room Cookery, etc. Cloth ....... .75 Fothergill and Wood, Food for the Invalid ...... 1.00 Fullerton, Obstetrical Nursing. A Handbook for Nurses, Students and Mothers. By Anna M. Fullerton, M.D., Demonstrator of Obstetetrics in the Woman’s Medical College ; Physician in charge of, and Obstetrician and Gynaecologist to, the Woman’s Hospital, Philadelphia, etc. 34 Illustrations. 12mo. 212 pages. Cloth. . 1.25 Getchell, Maternal Management ........ .30 Any of the above sent by 7nail post paid on receipt of price. 32 NURSE REGISTER. Graham, A Treatise on Massage—Theoretical and Practical : Its His- tory, Mode of Application, Effects, Indications, etc. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. By Douglas Graham, M.D. 8vo. Cloth 2.75 Graham, Recent Developments in Massage. 8vo. 18 pages. Paper . .25 Granger, How to Care for the Insane. A Manual for the Instruction of Attendants upon the Insane. By Dr. William D. Granger, State Asylum, Buffalo, N. Y. 16mo, cloth extra ..... .60 Hale, Management of Children in Health and Sickness. Second Edition .75 Hand-Book of Nursing for Family and General Use, by the Connecti- cut Training School for Nurses. Cloth ...... 1.25 Hartshorne (H), Guide to Medicine Chest ...... .75 Harris, The Nurse . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Hartshorne, Our Homes. Their Situation, Construction, Drainage, etc. By Henry Hartshorne, M.D. Illustrated. Cloth . . . .50 Henderson, Diet for the Sick ......... 1.50 Holland, Diet for the Sick ......... .50 Hood, Diseases and their Commencement. Lectures to Trained Nurses 1.00 Hufeland, Long Life. Art of Prolonging Life. By C. W, Hufeland. Edited by Erasmus Wilson. M.D. 12mo. Cloth .... 1.00 Humphrey, A Manual for Nurses. Including general Anatomy and Physiology, Management of the Sick-room, etc. By Laurence Humphrey, M.A., M.B., M.R.C.S., Assistant Physician to, and Lecturer at Addenbrook’s Hospital, Cambridge, England. 12mo. Illustrated. 242 pages. Cloth ....... 1.25 Keating, Maternity; Infancy ; Childhood. The Hygiene of Preg- nancy ; the Nursing and Weaning of Infants ; the Care of Children in Health and Disease. By John M. Keating, M.D. 12mo, extra Cloth 1.00 Lawrence, What to do in Cases of Accidents and Emergencies. Describing the Symptoms in each Case, and How to Treat Them. By Joseph B. Lawrence. 16mo. Cloth ...... .75 Lee, Tracts on Massage. Three Parts Ready. Each 30 Lincoln, School and Industrial Hygiene. By D. F. Lincoln, M.D. Cloth ............. .50 Luckes, Hospital Sisters and their Duties. By Eva C. E. Liickes, Matron to the London Hospital ; Author of “Lectureson Nursing.” 12mo. Cloth ........... 1.00 Mills, The Nursing and Care of the Nervous and the Insane. By Chas. K. Mills, M.D. 12mo. Extra cloth, ...... 1.00 Mitchell (S. W.), Nurse and Patient, etc. ..... .50 Murrell, Massage. Fifth Edition, Illustrated, ..... 1.50 Nursing (A Manual of). Prepared for the Training School for Nurses attached to Bellevue Hospital. By Mary Putnam Jacobi, M.D. and Victoria White, M.D. 16mo. Boards ..... .75 Any of the above sent by mail post paid on receipt of price. NEW YORK CITY. 33 Ostrom, Massage and the Original Swedish Movements. Their Applica- tion to Various Diseases of the Body. A Manual for Students, Nurses and Physicians. By Kurre W. Ostrom, frum the Royal University of Upsala, Sweden ; Instructor in Massage and Swedish movements in the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, and in the Phila- delphia Polyclinic and College for Graduates in Medicine, etc. Il- lustrated by Wood Engravings, drawn especially for this purpose. 12mo. Cloth ........... .75 Parvin, Lectures on Obstetric Nursing. Delivered at the Training School for Nurses of the Philadelphia Hospital. By Theophilus Parvin, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, at Jefferson Medical College ; Obstetrician to Philadelpia Hospital. 12mo. Cloth ......... .75 Poisons,which if taken, require prompt treatment ; their remedies and and antidotes. A Manual for the treatment of Poisoning and other Emergencies in the absence of the Physician. Cloth . . . .75 Post, The Nightingale Weekly. By Sarah E. Post, M.D. Per year . 2.00 Post, Massage Primer. By Sarah E. Post, M.D. . . . . . 1.00 Record for the Sick-Room. Designed for Nurses and Others engaged in Caring for the Sick . . . . . . $ .25 Per dozen 2.50 Schreiber on Massage. Translated, with authorization, by Walter Mendelson, M.D. In one octavo volume of 274 pages, with 117 il- lustrations. Cloth .......... 2.75 Suggestions for the Sick Room 25 Sumner, The Trained Nurse the recognized Organ of the Nursing Profession. By Annette M. Sumner . per No. $ .25; year 2.00 Taylor, Massage and the Movement Cure ...... 1.50 Temperature Charts for Recording Temperature, Respiraton, Pulse, Day, of Disease, Date, Age, Sex, Occupation, Name, etc. Put up in Pads, each . . . . . . . . . . .50 The Hygiene of the Nursery, including the General Regimen and Feeding of Infants and Children, and the Domestic Management of the Ordinary Emergencies of Early Life. Second Edition. En- larged. 24 Illustrations. 12mo, 280 pages. -Cloth . . . 1.00 Thompson, Training-Schools for Nurses. With Notes on Twenty-two Schools. By W. G. Thompson, M.D. 16mo. Cloth . . . .60 Wagner, Record and Temperature Chart, copyrighted. By Frieda E. Wagner. In Pad form of 100 ........ 1.00 Weeks, A Text-Book of Nursing, for the use of Training-Schools, Families and Private Students. By Clara S. Weeks. 12mo. Cloth 1.25 West, How to Nurse Sick Children. ....... .50 White, Medical Register. By William T. White, M.D. Cloth . . 2.50 White, Manual of Nursing ......... 1.00 Wilson, Practical Lessons in Nursing; Designed for the Use of Profes- sional and other Nurses, and especially as a Text-Book for Nurses in Training. By J. C. Wilson, A.M., M.D. 12mo. Extra Cloth 1.00 Worcester, Monthly Nursing. By A. Worcester, M.D. 12mo. Cloth 1.25 Any of the above sent by mail post paid on receipt of price. NURSE REGISTER. ELLIS' BUREAU FOR TRAINED MEDICAL AND SURGICAL NORSES, ESTABLISHED 1879. No. 1309 BROADWAY, South-west corner 34th Street, N6W York City. THIS BUREAU WILL FURNISH AT ALL HOURS, DAY OR NIGHT, FREE OF CHARGE, TRAINED MALE AND FEMALE NURSES, Male and Female Massage Operators. SELECTION OF GOOD WET NURSES. From 10 A. M. to -1 P. M. under supervision of Mrs. ELLIS. WM. If. ELLIS, T*ro/>. and Manager. WM. LI . ELLIS, Massage Operator. Works under Physician’s orders only. Selected Male and Female Massage Operators Furnished. 1309 BROADWAY. NEW YORK.