CO*>«l»MT J3SMH H.HNITT & CO 187$ Wit cstchoi of wit, si firs of firs. A CARD. We present our thanks for the liberal pat- ronage hitherto bestowed on our Prepara- tions. They have stood the test of time and competition, established a universal reputa- tion for purity and efficacy, and won the highest awards for their Lo7«Usoii boo If the oil of foroigo idsranont. Tot Holiday Promt! — Bttraftt'i rngnnt Colo fra* W»t«r STANDARD QUALITY wherever exhibited. We shall maintain the standard quality and excellence at any cost, and trust that their merit and attractiveness will continue to elicit the favor of the public. We refrain from decrying other manufac- tures, but, owing to the unprincipled habit of many, in recommending inferior articles, which may afford them larger profits, we caution all persons to observe that our name accompanies the wrapper and label of all of our Standard Preparations. Our name is also blown in the glass. 1870. JOSEPH BURNETT 4 CO. Be what you geem to he. Silver Medal3 ' AWARDED Joseph Burnett & Co. (Being tho Highest Prises,) FOR THEIR STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS —AND— COLOGNE WATER. International Exhibition, PHILADELPHIA. To Burnett’s Preparations is awarded the pala.—Home Journal. The greatest reputation is often only an embarrassment. BOSTON. NEW YORK. The awards for the Extracts were piven for their “ quality, strength and purity." The awards for the Cologne were piven for “its richness, delicacy, and care in compound- ing" / CINCINNATI. ST. LOUIS. 1 Confidence bestows success. BURNETT’S COCOAINE Prevents the Hair from falling. 79 i K Eh £ a s 3 CQ 79 ;S $ <5 "3 S S Jan. 1 2 3 4 July 1 2 3 4 ft ft « 7 8 <) in 11 6 7 ft «) 10 11 12 12 l? If 15 16 17 18 13 14 1ft 16 17 Ift 10 in 20 21 22 23 ’4 23 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Feb. 26 27 28 21) 30 31 i Aug. 27 28 29 30 31 i 2 2 3 4 ft 6 7 15 3 4 ft 6 7 8 9 9 1(1 11 12 13 14 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 March 23 24 25 2b 27 28 ...1 1 24 31 25 26 27 28 20 30 2 3 4 ft 6 7 8 Sept. 1 2 3 4 ft 6 (1 1(1 11 12 13 14 in 7 ft 0 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 10 2(1 21 22 14 IS 16 17 1ft 10 20 23 30 24 31 25 26 27 28 20 21 28 22 20 23 30 24 25 26 27j April 1 ? Oct. 1 2 3 4 6 7 ft 9 10 11 12 ft 6 7 ft 9 in 11 13 14 Ift 16 17 1ft 10 12 13 14 1ft 16 23 17 24 1ft 2 ft 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 10 20 21 22 27 28 20 30 26 27 28 20 30 31 May 1 Nor. 1 4 ft b 7 ft 9 10 2 3 4 ft 6 7 8I 11 P IS 14 15 16 17 (i 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 16 11 2C 21 22 21 ‘M 10 17 18 10 2(1 21 June 25 2b 27 28 29 30 31 Dec. 23 30 24 25 26 27 2ft 29 1 2 3 4 ft 6 7 i 2 3 4 5 6 8 f) 1C 11 12 11 14 7 ft SI 1(1 11 12 13 15 lb 17 18 U ?( 21 14 in 16 17 Ift 1! 20 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 30 28 29 30 31 Ealliston is good for all diseases and eruptions of the skin. Defile not your mouth with impure words. BURNETT’S STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS, For Cooking Purposes. 2 Drive thy business or it will drive thee. CHANGES OF THE MOON IN 1879. Jan. rot. Mar. April May June Full Moon 7 G 8 G 5 4 Last Quarter h 13 11 13 12 11 New Moon 21 20 22 21 £0 19 First Quarter £9 28 30 29 28 26 Cocoaino dresses, -without greasing,, dryieg or stiffening the hair. Burnett’s Standard Preparations are for salo everywhere. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Sec. Full Moon 3 1 Last Quarter 19 9 8 S 6 6 New Moon 18 IT 13 15 13 12 First Quarter 23 24 22 £1 20 19 Full Moon 31 29 29 £8 28 ECLIPSES. In the year 1879 there will be three eclipses? two of the Sun und one of the Moon, but none of them are visible in the 1 nited States. 1. An annular eclipse of the Sun January 21, visible in S< th America and South-eastern Africa. • v. An annular eclipse of the Sun, July 18, visible in Africa and South-western Asia. III. A partial eclipse of the Moon, December 27-28, visible in the Pacific Ocean. PLANETS IN 1879. Mercury may be seen, under favorable circumstances, about the following dattf: Before Sunrise. Jan. 1(5. May 14. Sept. 8. Dec 28. After Sunset. March 20. July 20. Nov. 20. 3 Articles of real merit are worth their cost. V*nus will he visible in the evening until it3 infeiior conjunction, Sept. 23, being at its contest biilliuncy Au- gust It). It is visible alter Sept. 13 hi the morning, i cach- ing its greatest brilliancy October .'0 end being at its greatest western elongation Decembers. Macs will be visible In the mornin-j until November 12, and iu the evening the remainder or the year. Jupiter will be visibloin tho cvcnirg until February 7, and iu the morning until Augui 180, then in the evening for the icinuinderof tho year. It is in quadrature June 1 and November 1U, when it is in the constellation Aqua- rius. Saturn will he visible in the evening until March! 0, then in the morning until Octobers, end in the cve ninp the rest of the year. It will remain in the constellation Pisces. Uranus will he visible in the morning until February 20,then in tho evening until August27,then in the morn- ing tho rest of the year. It remains in tho constillution Leo. Neptune will be visible in the evening until April ft), in tho morning until N ovember 2, then In the evening the rest of the} car. It will be in the Constellation Ari< s. Uraneis ct reposition is within reach of the naked eve, if its place is v eil known. Neptune can bo seen with the aider an operuglnss. Tor the benefit of who might care to eco Uranus, the following vre its positions: Burnett’s Standard Preparations are endorsed by connoisseurs. A virtuous and good lifo keeps off wrinkles. n. A. Deo. North April 1 12M.' Mil v 1 J2»ir June 1 I2»b' These posi'inns laid down en nny star mop, will locate th 1 planet with reference to the neighboring stars, end then it inav be found easily with ru opera glass, and when found ran bo seen 1 y the unaided c> e. In the some way the position ot Neptune will enable tho possessors of good glasses to sec it. I ts positions arc: R, A. Dec North- 1 \P \! Mnrcli 1 ]-« 2T July 1 ) vw August] 13’ 41/ Lent begins March 2. Easter Sunday is April 17. 4 /God helps those who help themselves—Franklin.’ WGU7IGE OE EIi0WEI^. WHAT THE FLOWERS SAF. Softly she treads, as if her foot were loth To crush the mountain dew-drops, soon to melt On the flower’s breast; as if she felt That flowers themselves, whate’ci their hue, With all their fragrance, nil their glistening, Call to the heart for inward listening. Wordsworth. Low price seldom commends an article; good quality always does.—Burnett. Burnett's Preparations. —Their quality commends them. FLOWERS. SENTIMENTS. Acacia .. Concealed love. Acacia, Rose ..Friendship. Acanthus .. Arts. vdonis Vcrnalis . • Sorrowful remembrances. Agnus-Castus .. Coldness; to live without love. Agrimony ..'1 hankfuluess. Almond ..Hope. Aloe . .Religious superstition. Althaea .. Consumed by love Alyssum, Sweet. . .Worth beyond beauty. Amahmth ..Immortality VmnryllU. ..Splendid beauty. Ambrosia ..Love returned. Anemone ..Expectation. Anemone, Garden ..Forsaken. Angelica . .Inspiration. Apocynum (DrzRanc).. ..Deceit. Apple ..Temptation. Apple-Blossom ..Preference. Arbor-Vitas ..T nchanttine friendship. \rbutus. Trailing ..V clcomc. Arum .. Ardor. \sh . .Grandeur. Ash, Mountain .. Prudence. Aspen d ree ..Tin mentation. [grave Asphodel ..My regrets lollow you to the Auricula .. Avarice. Auricula Avarice. And greedy Avarice bv him did ride, Upon a camel loaden nil with gold: Two iron coffers hung on either side. With precious metal full ns they might hold; And in liis lap an heap of coin he told : For of his wicked pelf his god he made. And unto Hell himself for money sold.—Spenser. Azalea Romance. 5 Promise little and do much. There is no disease so dangerous as the want of common sense. Undertake nothing without thoroughly considering it. COCOAINE U\\£BES7- I AND CHEAPEST HAIR DRESSING IN THE WORLD.I It soften* the Ilair when harsh and dry. It soothe* the irritated scalp. It afford* the richest lustre. It prevents the liuir from falling off. Jt promotes its healthy, vigorous growth. It is not grea-y nor sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It kills dandruff. 6 FLOWERS. Bachelor’s Button SENTIMENTS. Balm Balm of Gilead Balsam Barberry Basil Bay-Leaf. Beech Bee Ophrys Bee Orchis Bell Flower . .. Gratitude. A maid is like a floweret sweet.—Catullus. Never marry but with love, nor love without reason. With flowers as soft as thoughts of budding love.—Wade. Bell Flower. Gratitude. The tears into his eyes were brought, And thanks and praises seem’d to run So fast out of his heart, I thought They never would have done. I’ve heard of hearts unkind, kind deeds With coldness still returning; Alas 1 the gratitude of men Hath oftener left me mourning.—Wordsworth. Belvidere. Wild (Licorice).I declare against you. Bilberry Birch Tree Black Bryony Bladder-Nut Tree l!lue-Bottle Centaury... .., Delicacy. Borage Box Briers Broken Straw Broom Buckbean Bugloss Burdock Buttercup Cactus Calla Lily Cat.LA Lily. Feminine Beauty, On woman Nature did bestow two eyes, Like heaven’sbrightlamps, in matchless beauty shining, Whose beams do soonest captivate the wise And wary heads, made rare by ait’s refining. Robert Greene. Calycnnthus ..Benevolence. Camellia .. Pity. Camomile .. Energy in action. Candytuft . .Indifference. Canterbury Bell . .Gratitude. Cape Jasmine Gardenia.. ..Transport; Ecstacy. 7 t 'ffjLj:, > ■j' vr // ZOJ BURNETT’S Superior Extract of Vanilla. PERFECTLY PURE, TRADE MARK. BURN ETT’S SUPERIOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick. Popular Caterers and Confectioners use Burnett’s Cooking Entrants. Some are very busy, yet do nothing, Lemon. Celery, Nutmeg, Peach, Orange, Cinnamon, Rose, Vanilla, Nectarine, Cloves, Ginger, Almond. Five sizes: small, quarter-pints, half-pints, pints and quarts. THE SUPERIORITY OE THESE EXTRACTS CONSISTS IN THEIR Perfect Purity and Great Strength. They are warranted free from tlie poisonous oils and acids which enter into the composition of many of the factitious fruit flavors now in the market. They are not only true to their names, but are prepared from fruits of the heat quality, and are so bii»Lly concentrated that a comparatively small quantity only need be used. mapurACTt'kkit* a«o rnoraiKToas, JOSEPH BURNETT & CO. BOSTON. d)o not remove the wrapper from this Bottle milll you are ready to u*e its contents. Fine Flavoring Extracts are injured by exposure to light and heat, and should he kept in a dark, cool place. 8 A thing of beauty is a joy forever.—Seats. FLO WEBS* SEXITI1XEKTS. Cardinal Flower Carnation. Yellow Catchflr CSilcnc), Red.. Catciifly, White Cedar Cedar of Lebanon Celandine Celandine. Futurcjoy. Long; as there's a sun that sets, Primroses will have their [lory i Long as there are violets, They will have a place in story s There's a flower that shall bo mine, 'Tis the little celandine. Wordsworth. Flowers cf beauty, penciled by tho hind of Cod.—Pollok. Of earthly good3, ths test is a good wife.—Sunanidos. Cherry-tree . Good education. Chickwccd . I clinir to thee. Chicory . Frugality. China Aster . I v. iil think of it. China Pink . Aversion. Chrysanthemum, Rose... . I love. Chrysanthemum, Atrhite.. • Truth. Chrysanthemum, \cllow. . Sliehted love. Cinquefoil . Beloved child. Cinquefoil. Belovedchild. Six feet in earth my Emma lay i And yet I loved her more, For so it seem’d, than till that day I o’er had loved before. Wordsworth. Clematis . ..Artifice. Clover, Red ...Industry. Coboea ...Gossip. Cockscomb ... Foppery | Affectation. Colchicum Coltsfoot ...Justice shall be done you. Columbine ...Folly. Columbine, Purple ...Resolved to win. Columbine, Red ...Anxious. Convolvulus, Major ...Dead hone. Convolvulus, Minor ...Uncertainty; Night. Corchonis ... Impatience of absence. Coreopsis ..Love at first sight. Coriander ...Uiddcn merit. Corn ..Riches. Cornelian Cherry-Tree... ..Durability. Coronilla ...Success to your wishes. 9 A pound of care will not pay a pound of debt. KZKEDY I A s 2 . ” ™ Ml A E°SE • ?:--r-’.^H^Elt- “ f0f o?9 Dnu,ed . h >b» .1 tr» zfirz ailEti-:"" .„t te. •ynpl:’:*? -i; t*"r«',4!,;, *tess£- r o-**%*s sSSters* 2 r„,d " "”'0' Bu**ett 2*co”01 -—7V jy.i Bo.# Burnett's Standard Preparations are leading articles of trade. Burnett's standard and fashionable Cologne Water.—Chicago Tribune. 10 Betray no trust: divulge no secret. FLOWERS. SENTIMENTS Cowslip Cowslip. Pensiveness. My pensive Sarah 1 thy soft cheek reclined Thus on mine arm, most soothing sweet it is To sit beside our cot, our cot o’ergrown [myrtle. With white-flower’d jasmine and the broad-leaved (Meet emblems they oi Innocence and Love), And watch the clouds, that late were rich with light, Slow-saddening round, and mark the star of eve Serenely brilliant—such should wisdom be— Shine opposite. Coleridge. A guilty conscience needs no aocuser. Cowslip, American ... You are my divinity. Cress, Indian .. Resignation. Crocus .. Chccriulncss. Crown Imperial Currants .. .You please me. Cypress Cypress and Marigold.. ... Despair. Daffodil., .. .Chivalry. Dahlia . ..Forever thine. Daisy, Garden ... I partake your sentiments. )) iisy, Michaelmas .. .Farewell. Daisy, Hod..... ... Beauty unknown to possessor. Daisy, White . .Innocence. Beware of jealousy. Daisy, White. Innocence. 0,6hc was innocent! And to be innocent is Nature’s wisdom: The fledge-dove knows the prowlers of the air, Fear’d soon ns seen, and flutters back to shelter. O, surer than suspicion’s hundred cyce Is that fine sense which to the pure in heart, By mere oppugnancy of their own goodness. Reveals th’ approach of evil. Coleridge. Daisy, Wild Dandelion Daphne Mezereon. [wise. Daphne, Odora other- Dead Leaves Diosma Dittany . .., Dock Dodder Dogwood, Flowerin g(Cornus) Am I indifferent to vou? Ebony Eglantine Elder 11 Beligious contention is Satan's harvest. We pronounce Burnett’s Preparations excellent.— Australia News. A perfect hair-dressing —Burnett's Coooaine. Is superior to all Animal Oils in the following particu- lars : It is a cooling Vegetable Oil,— Animal Oils are heating. It has great penetrating affinity for the human skin,— Animal Oils, as bear's gi'case% have little cr none. Its rapid absoption leaves little residue on the surface,— Animal Oils do not possess this peculiarity in any great degree. It does not quickly become rancid,— Animal Oils do. It imparts glossiness by its penetrating power, rather than by outward lustre,— The contrary is true with regard to Animal Oils. Premature Loss of tiik IIaik, which is so com- mon nowadays, may be entirely prevented by the use of BURNETT’S COCOAINE. It ha* been used in thousands of cases where the hair was coming out in handfuls, and has never failed to arrest its decay, and to promote n healthy and vigorous growth. It is at the same time unrivalled as a dressing for the hair. A single application will render it soft and glossy for several days. 12 7 Still, gentle lady, cherish flowers.—Catullus. 1 FLOWERS* SENTIMENTS Elm Elm, American Elm, Americas. Patriotism. The land wo from our fathers had in trust. And to our children will transmit, or dicr This is our maxim, this our piety s And Gi d and Naturo say that it is just. Wo read tho dictate in the infant's cyet In tho wife’s smile, and in the placid sky t And, at our feet, amid the silent dust. Of them that were bcibic us. ■Wordsworth. Ealliston will prevent and remedy the kites of mosquitoes. Ho that knows not when to he silent knows not when to speak. Endive ..Frugality. Epig®aRepena(Mayflo\7er)Budding Beauty, Eupatorium Delay. Evening Primrose ...Inconstancy. Evergreen .. .Poverty. Everlasting (Gicpliclium). Never-ceasing remembrance. Filbert ...Reconciliation. Fir-Tree ...Elevation. Flax .. • I feel ycur kindness. Flora’s Fell ...Yen arc without pretension. Flowering Reed ...Confidencein lleavcn. Forgct-mo-not, ...True love. Foxglove ...Insincerity. Fraxincllc. ...Fire. Fritillnria (Guinea-hen Flower) Persecution. Furze ...Anger. [plagues itself. Fuschia .. The ambition of my love thus FiiKchia, Scarlet ...Teste. Gardenia ...Transport; Ecstacy. Gentian, Tringcd ... Intrim ic worth. Geranium, Apple ...Present preference. Geranium, Ivy ...Ycur hand for next dance. Geranium, Nutmeg.... ...Iexpect r. meeting. Geranium, Oak ... Lady, deign to smile. Geranium, Hose ...Prcicrcncc. Geranium, Cilver I.caf. ...Recall. c o ...Lasting beauty. Gillyflower. Lastin'/ Iccaity. Enough of rosc-br.d lips, and eyes Like harebells bathed in dew s Of cheek that with carnation vies, And veins cf vide t hue : Earth wants net beauty that may acorn A likening to frail flowers t Yea, to the stars, if they were born For seasons and for hours. Wordsworth. 13 j For the dressing-room—Burnett's Toilet Sets. A good look supplies the place of a companion. Do good whenever yon can, and forget it. Are used and endorsed by the best Hotels, Confection- ers and Grocers throughout the country. They are perfectly pure, and of great strength—the cheapest and the best—and arc for sale by the trade generally in every principal citv and town in the United States, Canadas, and British Provinces, as well as in many other foreign countries. Highest Awards at the Centennial deposition, at Louisville, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago, Boston, ami New York. Testimony of Popular Hotels. “ Pre-eminent?}/ superior.” Parker House, Boston. “ 7he neplus ultra." Union Hall, Saratoga. “ The best in the world." Fif th Avenue Hotel, N. Y. *4 Used exclusively for years" Continental Hotel, Fhila. “Far superior to any." Bigi;s House, Wash n. 44None compare wi:h yours." Burnet House, Cincinnati. 44 We find them the best" Southern Hotel, St. Louis. 44 We vse them exclusively." Sherman House, Chicago* “ Far better than any other." Russell House, Detroit. 44Find them excellent." Occidental Hotel, ban r rancisco. Testimony of Prominent Dealers. 44 The best in use." S. S. Pierce & Co., Boston. 44OrowinQ in favor." Acker, Merrall & Condit, N. i • 44Strictly standard." Parkf: Tilford, N. i • “We sell no others" Jordan Stabler, Baltimore. “Have adopted them exclusively." J • S. Peebles’Sons, Cin. 44Give universal satisfaction." David Nicholson, St.Loula. 44 The very lest." Rockwood Bros., Chicago. “Always up to the standard." G.&R. McMillan, Detroit. "Give entire sat is faction." Thompson Black’s Son & Co., Philadelphia. 14 A soft answer turneth away wrath. FLOWERS. Gladiolus SENTIMENTS. Gooseberry Goosefoot Grape Burnett’s Cccoaino for the hair is world-noted.—Home Journal. G R a i*E. Charity. Farewell, Farewell I but this I tell To thee, thou wedding-guest,— He prayeth well who lovcth well Both man and bird and beast: He prayeth best who lovcth best All things both great and small; For the dear God who lovcth us, He made and lovcth all. Coleridge. Industry ia fortune’s right hand, and finality her left. G rass. Utility. Guelder Rose (Snowball)..Winter. Harebell Grief Hawthorn Hope. Hawthorn. Hope. Hope rules a land forever green : All powers that serve the bright-eyed queen Are confident and gay : Clouds at her bidding disappear : Points she to aught ?—the bliss draws near, And Fancy smooths the way. Wordsworth. P" T t' Heart’s Ease Heart’s Ease. Purple... Heath Heatii. Solitude. Thrice happy he who by some shady grove, Far from the clamorous world, doth live his own ; I hough solitary, who is not alone, But doth converse with that .Eternal Love. O, how more sweet is Zephyrs* wholesome breath, And sjghs embalm’d, which new-born ilowers unfold, i nan that applause vain honor doth bequeath 1 How sweet are streams, to poison drunk in gold ! Drummond. Helemum Heliotrope, Peruvian Hellebore 15 Lazy folks take tho most pains. Nothing imparts such a softness and lustra to tha hair as Cocoaino. Oriental Tooth Wash is an excellent detergent after caching. Unrivalled in Richness and Delicacy of Perfume, In Quarter and TlaJf Pints* Pints and Quarts. In Basket style, cork and class stoppers. Without effort on our part, it has, in r. brief time, at- tained a large and constantly increasing sale, confirming the opinion oftho best judges, that it is superior to any foreign or domestic. Highest Awards at the Centennial Exposition, at Louisville, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago, Boston ami New York. 6t. 1’aul. June £7, 1677. Messrs. Joseph Burnett fc Co., Boston. Gentlemen,—For years I have handled tho leading foreign and domestic Colognes. For fine fragrance i na deliracy of perfume I venture to pronounce Burnetts Cologne superior to any made at homo c r abroad. b EDWARD II BIGGS. Ciiicaoo, June 13,1677. Gentlemen,—Our sales in your C logne c:o ttcr.dily Increasing. Its superior quality has won for it many rd- mirers, who. with u , pronounco it for real frcshncBS and delicacy equal, if not superior, to any foreign Cologne, ROCKWOOD DROS , 10J Noith Claik Elrcct. Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa., June £0, IMS. Gentlemen —While traveling abroad last year, yc took your Cologne with u«, and after testing i even 1c f the best •• German," found none Suffolk, Lsglasu, May 2,1S70. $ Messrs. Burnett & Co., Boston, Mass.: Gentlemen, — When a resident on your side of the water 1 was in the habit of using your preparation for the hair, called Cocoaine. I brought some home with me, when on a visit, which was used by some of the members of my family, and so much approved, that on my return to America 1 sent them back a small stock of it. My family nre now quite ont of it. Wo want some badly. 11 is the best thing ever used, and, could it be- come generally known here, the sale would bo immense. Bleuse inform us if you have an agent in .England. 1 remain, gentlemen, truly yours, XL B. II. JAPAN. “ Tommy.” the young Japanese beau who has made himself so popularin this country,has been using Bur- nett's celebrated “Coeoaine,” ana likes it so well that he has sent the following; order. Accompanying the order was a full-length photograph of Tommy: New Yoek, June 27,1SC0. Joseph Burnett & Co., Boston: 1 use some of your Coeoaine. it is good. X wish for twenty or thirty bottles and take to Japan. * TATB1SU ONOJEKO (Tommy.) 39 Love and trust but few.—Shakespeare. POSTAL INFORMATION. Postage on letters to any part of the Vnited States, lor each 1-2oz. or traction thereof lets. Drop or l.ocal Letters, 1-2 OZ. or fraction thereof. .2 •• Postal Cards, regardless of quantity 1 ct. Circulars, lor local delivery by carrier in city, when mailejl. for each circular 1 “ Newspapers (except weeklies) each (transient)....! '* Weekly newspapers, for each mince or fraction thereof I “ Burnett's Standard Preparations are received Trith. universal favor. Payable at any Money Order Post Oflce'in the country. DOMESTIC MONEY ORDERS, ILike provision toi vast in tine cf plenty. For $14 or less 10 ets. $14 to $30 14 ets. For »"0to»tn 20 ets, $40 to $40 24 ets. CTS. Australia, via Snn Tran- cisci Austria 4 Alrica, W. Coast 14 Argentine Conlcderu- tion, liritish Mail 14 Aspinwul! 4 Brazil. liritish Mail 1 ) Belgium 4 Bolivia 17 Bahamas .2 llcrmuda 4 ISiinnah '■> Cape of Good Hope 14 Ceylon 10 Costa Iticn 4 Cult 4 Chili 17 Canaila .*1 Denmark 4 Egypt 4 Ecuador 17 Prance 4 Greece 4 Germany 4 Great liritnin and Ire- land 4 Ilivtl 4 Holland 4 Hawaiian Kingdom 0 FOREIGN POSTAGE. CTS. lions Rons !<• Italy 4 Jamaica 4 Japan 4 Mexico 10 Netherlands., 4 Newfoundland 4 New South Wales.. 12 New Granada 4 Norway y... 4 Nova Scotia 8 Panama 4 Paraguay... 27 Peru..... ’. 17 Poland 4 Porto Hiro 10 4 Knr.i i 4 Sweden 4 Shanghai 4 Spain 4 San Domingo 4 St. Thomas 10 Switzerland 4 Singapore 10 St- Helena 27 Siam, via Ban Francisco. |o Turkey 4 Turk's Island 4 Venezuela 10 40 A good conscience is the best law. At the Special Term, April, 1859. Pierre PONT, Justice, the following decision was given: “ It appeared before me, upon the trial of this cause, that the plaintiff, in November, 1856, compounded, from Cocoanut Oil and other ingredients, a mixture to be used upon the human hair; that he devised a name never before used, by which to mark his said compound, to wit:—the name or word ‘ Cocoainethat he forthwith published in all his circulars, and in all the principal newspapers of the country, and especially in the city of New York, where the defendants reside, that he had adopted the above-mentioned name or title as a ‘ Trade- Mark,’ to secure the public and the proprietors against imposition, and that all unauthorized use of this trade- mark would be prosecuted. * * * * “ About two years after the first introduction of this article by the plaintiffs, the defendants, residents of the city of New York, commenced the sale of a somewhat similar preparation, put up in bottles not unlike those of the plaintiffs'. »**•*» “ The proof is clear that the plaintiff had, for nearly two years, advertised his mixture in nearly every news- Saperin this city, and had published in the same papers lat he had adopted the word * Cocoaine' as his Trade- Mark. The defendant was himself a witness, and he did not suggest that these notices had not been brought home to his knowledge ; the conclusion is irresistible, that he was aware of their publication, and he inten- tionally adopted ‘ Cocoine ’ as a close imitation of ‘ Co- coaine,’ and for the purpose of deriving profit from the simulated trade-mark. “ The plaintiff is entitled to judgment, and an injunc- tion must issue.” NEW YORK SUPERIOR COURT. Alas, the gratitude of men I —Wordsworth. Boom hero for honest poverty. NEW YORK COURT OF APPEALS. At the July Term, 1867, Davies, Chief Justice, the following final decision was given: — “Upon the facts found by the Court,the right of the plaintiffs to the relief granted is clear. The plaintiffs have adopted, appropriated, and used a certain trade- mark. This has become their property : and for its protection the plaintiffs are entitled to invoke the aid of courts of justice. We have the ascertained fact that defendants are using a spurious imitation of the plain- tiffs’ trade-mark. This they cannot be permitted to do. “ The judgment of the Superior Court of New York was correct, and should be affirmed, with costs.”