(%Ajyuhru (Q./i. DR. BROWN'S REPORTS OF CASES BOSTON ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTION. I I Jfe/UK+rvu (4>ftJ REPORTS OF CASES BOSTON ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTION, HOSPITAL FOR THE CURE OF DEFORMITIES OF THE HUMAN FRAME. BY JOHN B. BROWN, M.D. Re-published from the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. ?Li:^Aiiy. * BOSTON: PRINTED BY D CLAPP, JR. 18 4 4. PREFACE. I herewith present to the public a few specimens of the Orthopedic art. They are but few, but enough to show what may be done by judicious treatment in relieving deformities of the human frame. Notwithstanding the light which has been thrown upon this subject within a few years, and the prevalence of belief in the beneficial effects of proper treatment, few practitioners, who have not given particular attention to the subject, are aware that such distortions can be made, so nearly, to approximate sym- metrical conformation. The art of orthopedy is not of recent origin. It was practised a hundred years ago—in the eighteenth century—but the discovery (of recent date) that tendons could be divided with impunity, gave new life to this most useful, but which had become obsolete, art. The word Orthopedy, or Orthopaedy, (the English spell it with a diphthong) is derived from the Greek—orthos, straight; and jj««'.s, child; straight child (or young person). The term is now extended to the art of curing deformities in general. Much of the success that attends the practice of orthopedy at the present day, may be attributed to the increased experience in mechanical treat- ment—the scientific adaptation of mechanical means to the cure of defor- mities, upon anatomical and physiological principles. From time immemorial, no age has been exempt from pretenders to cure club-feet, spinal distortions, &,c. &c. These pretenders have mostly con- sisted of quacks and machine-makers, who knew nothing of anatomy and physiology. Regular surgeons, finding the uncertainty, difficulty and fre- quent impossibility, of curing these deformities, had relinquished the prac- tice of orthopedy to these ignorant men, who applied such means as their cupidity and stupidity might suggest. The practice of orthopedy is a dis- tinct branch of surgery, as much as dentistry, or the profession of the oc- ulist or aurist, and should be practised exclusively. It certainly requires all of any one man's mind to treat these deformities judiciously. It would be better for the profession and for the public at large, if the duties of the profession were more divided and subdivided; for the same reason that the mechanic arts are carried to a higher state of perfection in proportion as their distinct branches are made the exclusive objects of attention by indi- viduals. It is reasonable to suppose, that an individual who gives his ex- clusive attention to any one subject, will make greater progress in it than one who devotes his attention promiscuously to a variety of subjects. Deformities of the human frame cannot be conveniently and judiciously treated, except in a Hospital or Institution expressly devoted to this object. It is not for the interest of any general practitioner of medicine and surge- IV PREFACE. ry, to be at the expense of furnishing himself with the variety of apparatus (some of which is very expensive) required in treating these deformities. Then, again, ho might not always have at command suitable mechanics. I have been obliged to keep two or three first-rate mechanics constantly in employ, for several years, in making, altering and repairing apparatus. The Orthopedic Institution at Paris, under the direction of Dr. J. Gue- rin, has nearly a hundred thousand dollars invested in apparatus. The Boston Institution has a considerable amount, and is constantly increasing. Some have asked why this class of patients could not be treated at the Massachusetts General Hospital. The answer to this is, that there would be an impropriety in patients of this description being mingled with the patients who usually resort to that useful Institution, suffering under all kinds of disease. Then, again, they have not the accommodations, as it regards room. Should they put themselves in readiness for a suitable orthopedic establishment, they ought to erect two buildings, one for males and one for females, with a gymnasium attached to each. These ought to be furnished with every variety of apparatus for correcting every variety of physical deformity ; and then a skilful surgeon should be hired to give his whole attention to this business, with two or three mechanics under his direction. As well might they comprise under their wing, the Eye and Ear Infirmary, and set up the business of dentistry. These are no more remote from the object for which the Hospital was founded, than orthopedy. It requires a peculiar combination of talent to practise this branch of business with success, and he who possesses the most of the pre- requisite qualifications, will meet with the greatest success and do the most good in the community. Deformities of the spine and chest, and their deviations, variations and improvements, are not so easily delineated on paper as those of the limbs, and would be attended with more expense. I have not, therefore, given any engravings of this description of patients. My patients, however, with curved spines and deformed chests, are quite as numerous as those with deformed limbs ; and if I may be permitted to express an opinion, I should say the treatment has been quite as successful. There is one fact, in connection with this subject, which I wish to state, and which I am led to suppose is not generally known in the community, viz., that physical deformities occur much more frequently among the poor than the rich. This is more particularly the case in deformities of the limbs. From my experience, I should say seven tenths of this descrip- tion of deformity happen among those unable to pay the expenses of being cured. How can a given sum of money do so much good, in any other way, as appropriated to the cure of these deformities ? JOHN B. BROWN, M.D. CASE OF CLUB-FOOT AND CURVATURE OF THE SPINE, TREATED AT THE BOSTON ORTHOPEDIC INFIRMARY. December 9, 1840, Miss A. E., aetat. 25, daughter of a distinguished clergyman, now deceased, placed herself under my care. She has varus congenitus of the left foot, of the third degree. The temperature of the limb is lower, and the foot smaller than the other. The leg is also smaller, and an inch and a half shorter than its fellow. The tarsal bones are loose and easily moved on each other. She is constitutionally slender and delicate, and has not enjoyed good health from infancy. The spine is badly curved, in consequence of her irregular manner of walking; and the sternum hollowed in posteriorly, so as to impede the free action of the lungs and heart. She has frequent palpitations, and labors for breath, par- ticularly on going up an ascent, or making a hurried effort of any kind. 16th. Divided the tendo-Achillis, and the tibialis anticus, in the pre- sence of Dr. J. Mason Warren, and applied my apparatus, as usual, on the same day. 17th. Has had no pain, and rested well. 26th. Removed the dressings for the second time. Found the punc- ture made in dividing the tendo-Achillis, somewhat inflamed, and had a festerino- appearance. The ankle was slightly swollen. Applied empl. plumbi, and bandaged the leg. 27th. Found the appearance of the puncture much as yesterday. The orifice was open, and not healed as usual by the first intention. In doing this operation, 1 made use of a knife, in breadth not more than the twelfth of an inch, but the integuments were more divided than usual when I use the tenotome. Probably some air was admitted. 29th. On removing the dressings, found the orifice not healed, and discharging a thin, ichorous matter. The skin was inflamed around it, and the integuments adhered to the tendon. Applied court plaster, 2 10 bathed the limb with camphorated spirit, and bandaged the foot and leg. At night applied a poultice made of sol. acet. plunibi and bread. 31st. Appears much better. Inflammation has subsided, and the parts look more healthy. Jan. 5th, 1811. There is some (edematous swelling of the ankle, but the orifice has closed. Continued bandages and spirituous solution. 20th. Put on a boot. She is to wear this during the day, and apply the apparatus at night. May 23d. It is now nearly five months since Miss A. E.'s foot was operated upon. She lias walked very well, and occasionally in the streets, for the last two months ; and for a longer time about the house. The foot is nearly normal, and she begins to think about taking measures for correcting the curvatures in the spine. On minute examination. I find she has four lateral curves. The upper one extends quite up to the os occipitis. She inclines her head to the right, and is in the habit of resting it on the right fore-arm and hand ; the elbow being supported on a table, chair, or any convenient article that may be near her. The greatest curvature is situated about the middle of the dorsal vertebrae, with its convexity towards the right side. The devia- tion here is two inches from the mesial line. The right shoulder is ele- vated. The right scapula projects, and there is very considerable excur- vation of the ribs on this side. I asked her if she was willing I should cut her back. She unhesitatingly said yes. Dr. J. C. Warren, my friend and brother-in-law, was called in consultation. He advised to an operation. May 23th. Divided this day the longissimus dorsi, the sacro-lumbalis, and trapezius, in the presence of Dr. J. Mason Warren and Dr. J. V. C. Smith. There was very little blood lost in the two operations, and she bore them with that cheerfulness and equanimity which so strongly mark her character. While in the act of dividing the muscles, she was asked if it hurt her. She smiled, and said " a little—not much." A compress was applied and secured by a bandage. 26th. Slept little last night, owing principally to the compress, which was rather thick, and the tightness of the bandage. Removed the ban- dage and compress, and applied a common poultice, moistened with tinct. opii. She suffers no inconvenience from the division of the trapezius. Afternoon of this day, she is now quite comfortable ; has slept considera- ble; still feels some dull pain in her back. Recommended, if it con- tinued, 25 drops of tinct. opii at night—also sol. sulph. magnesia. 27th. Slept well. Says she has no pain, but a weary sensation in her 11 back. Laid four hours on the extension plane this morning, without its causing the least uneasiness. 2Sth. Slept well. Suffers no pain or uneasy sensation in the back or neck. In fact, the division of the trapezius has occasioned no inconve- nience whatever, from the first. She has moved her head with perfect freedom. There is a slight tenderness in the back on pressure upon the parts where the muscles were divided. 31st. Has had no pain since last date. Has spent most of the days on the extension plane, and a part of each night. Back much improved. June 15th. The back continues to improve daily, but she complains that in walking her foot inclines on the outer side. On examination, I find that the foot has outgrown the shoe of the boot, and consequently the foot is cramped and twisted, which causes the weight of the body to rest too much on the outer marginal surface. I regret that I had not known this circumstance before, as it might easily have been prevented by substituting a suitable boot. She has now been walking for some weeks in this cramped condition of the foot. 18th. Think it best to re-divide the tibialis amicus, and the abductor propius policis pedes, and re-apply the foot-apparatus, which 1 did. July 1st. Miss A. E. wore the foot apparatus nearly a week, without attempting to walk ; after which she had a boot made adapted to the im- proved state of the foot, and sufficiently long, since which she has taken her usual walks, with perfect ease to herself, and with the sole of the foot resting naturally on the sole of the boot. Sept. 6th. The foot is almost entirely restored. It is now fourteen weeks since the operation on the back. She has passed one week of the time in the country. With this exception, she has very steadily pursued a course of orthopedic means to bring the spine into a normal shape. The neatest deviation now is only one fourth of an inch from the mesial line. She has gained over an inch in height, and her health has very much improved. Notwithstanding the various operations on her foot and back, and the various mechanical means she has made use of, she has been regularly gaining flesh and strength; and her health is in every re- spect much better than when she came to Boston. She is still continuing orthopedic exercises. John B. Brown. Boston, Sept. 13, IS 11. CASE OF PES EQUINUS ACQUISITUS OF RIGHT FOOT, TREATED AT THE BOSTON ORTHOPEDIC INFIRMARY. John Gates Trulan, of Andover, Mass., set. 14, was placed under my care by his father, Hugh Trulan, Esq. June 15th, 1841. The heel is elevated to the fullest extent, and can- not be brought down by the hand, on account of resistance of the tendo- Achillis. The knee is contracted to sixty degrees from a right angle with the thigh. The whole limb, and particularly the foot, is twisted inward. There is a slight convexity of the tarsus externally. The weight, as he walks, rests upon the extreme end of the metatarsal bone and joint of the little toe (see fig. 1). For a further description, I refer to the history of the case below, sent me by his father. 14 Aug. 10th. He threw aside his crutch, and walked anywhere about the city. Au was about six years of age when 1 brought him to Dr. Brown. Respecting the treatment of the case, I need to say nothing, except that the surgical operation occasioned no more pain than the prick of a pin or the opening of a vein with a lancet. After the heel-cord had been sepa- rated for a few weeks, it was necessary to part two others on the instep, and after a time others; but after the first operation, the lad had so little fear or dread of another, that he requested me to let him see it done, and while the operation was performing he looked on as atten- tively as the operator, without wincing—not because he is insensible to pain, or has uncommon fortitude, but simply because the tendons having no sensibility the cutting of them did not hurt him. The cords being severed, the foot was placed in a boot very ingeniously con- structed, so as to bring a slight pressure upon the protruding points, and at the same time turn the whole foot and limb towards their proper posi- tion by such slow degrees as to occasion no suffering. In a very few days the boy was walking, much better than he had ever done before, and for the first"time without any pain ; and since that time he has con- tinued to improve slowly. The process of recovery must necessarily be slow. Now, after about twenty months, there is nothing in his gait nor in the appearance of his limb to indicate that he was ever deformed, except that it is much less in size than the other. But as it is rapidly developing, the disparity in this respect will soon disappear. For a thousand times the amount the cure has cost, I would not have had him grow up with the deformity, because I have seen in other instances the inconvenience and the suffering which it occasions. If this meets the eye of any person who is afflicted in the way my son was, or the eye of parents who have children thus deformed, my ob- 27 ject will be accomplished if it induces them to go, without delay, fear or doubt, to Dr. Brown for a cure. It is cruelty, of which no parent ought to be guilty, to suffer a child to grow up with such a deformity, when a cure can be obtained at so cheap a rate as it can now be; and it is almost equal cruelty to effect a cure, as in some instances has been done, by ma- chinery alone, extending the cords by force, and crowding the bones into their places against the action of the tendons. By relieving the contract- ed tendons, and then, with proper apparatus, gently and slowly pressing the protruding parts into their places, and inclining the limb or member to its proper place and direction by degrees, a cure can be effected with less than an hundredth part the suffering that will result from either of the other courses. I mention the name of Dr. Brown as the proper person to call upon, because I have seen the patients of four surgeons of three different cities, and none of them except Dr. B.'s had apparatus at all suited to the purpose. Some were suffering severe pain from theirs, some will de- rive no benefit from the operation, and I have seen but one that will pro- bably be cured ; and that because, being an infant, it has the hand of its nurse for a boot to keep it in its place. Any surgeon can separate the cords well enough; but the cure depends more upon the machinery that is afterwards used, than all things else. I have reason to presume that there is none in the country to be compared with that invented and used by Dr. Brown. Yours> &c- Saratoga Springs, N. Y. April, 1812. Chaincey Eddy. PES EQUINUS VARUS. To the Editor of the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Sir—I noticed in No. 14 of your Journal, a communication from the Rev Chauncey Eddy, dated Saratoga, N.. Y., giving a representation of his son's case of club-foot; and happening to have in my possession the casts of the foot referred to, I take the liberty of sending you a wood-cut of the same, to be inserted in the Journal. I will observe that when Mr. Eddy's son first came under my care, there %vas no mo- tion of the ankle-joint. Such was the rigidity of the muscles, that the tibia and fibula did not move on the astragalus. Now the motion is as free as in the other foot. Mr. Eddy says, in his communication, «• INow it is about twenty months," &c. It is true, that from the time his son 28 entered the Infirmary to the date of Mr. Eddy's communication, twenty months had intervened; but it may, perhaps, be well to observe, that the lad had spent three fourths of that time at his father's residence in Saratoga, N. Y. It is unnecessary to occupy your pages by giving a minute detail of treatment. Suffice it to say, that those tendons'which restrained and kept the foot fixed in its unnatural position, were divided, and some of them more than once. In the above cut, fig. 2 represents the foot as it was before the lad w brought to me for treatment; fig. 1 shows it as it now is. Boston May 23, 1842. j0HN. R Brqwn> CASE OF PES EQUINUS VARUS, TREATED AT THE BOSTON ORTHOPEDIC INFIRMARY. The following case is remarkable only on account of the age of the pa- tient—being the oldest ever operated upon for the cure of club foot, either in this country or in Europe. The case of a gentleman in Boston, set. 55, which I reported in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal about two years ago, was then, I believe, and still is, the oldest on record previous to the one I now shall concisely describe. Mrs. Smitb, of Boston, aet. 73, was attacked with hemiplegia, the left side being affected. She partially recovered the use of her arm and leg. Certain muscles, however, were permanently contracted, and remained >o after a lapse of two years. These were the flexors of the fingers, the gastrocnemii, and the tibialis anticus. The fingers were so much con- tracted (and still remain so) as to keep the hand nearly closed; still she has the use of the arm. By the contraction of the gastrocnemii and the tibialis anticus, the heel was elevated and the foot turned in towards the other, forming that species of club-foot called pes equinus varus, of the second degree. When she attempted to walk, which she could only do by assistance, the weight of her body came upon the outer margin of the anterior portion of the metatarsal bone of the little toe. This became very sore. She had, besides, constant pain in the whole of the foot, which had existed for two years. She consulted Dr. Gay, her physi- cian, Dr. Z. B. Adams who had attended her during Dr. Gay's absence in Europe, and Dr. Bigelow. They stated to her they thought favora- bly of an operation, and advised her to consult me, which she did. My only doubts were whether, at her advanced age, and in her feeble state of health, the tendons would unite, if divided. I, however, made up my mind that dividing the tendons would relieve the pain, from which she had been a constant sufferer two years ; and again, that if the ten- dons never united, 1 would put on apparatus which would enable her t^ 30 walk much better than she then did. Accordingly I divided the tendo- Achillis and the tibialis anticus, in presence of Dr. Gay and Buckminster Brown. I applied my usual apparatus. In a few days the pain in the foot was relieved, and in the course of a fortnight entirely left her. The tendons are united, and she walks with ease. Her health has improved, and she has gained flesh, as is remarked by all her acquaintance. Fig. 2 represents the foot as it was eight weeks ago. Fig. 1 represents it as it now is. It will be perceived, in this drawing, that the leg makes an acute angle with the foot. This is done to show that the ankle-joint has its free and natural motion. Tt is a mistaken notion that a foot is cured, when brought in a parallel line with the leg, laterally, even if it can be flexed to a right angle with it. It may appear very well as the patient stands, but very awkward when he walks. We all make an acute angle be- tween the foot and leg every step we take, and particularly in going up an ascent. A person would make awkward work in going up Mt. Wash- ington with feet which could only be flexed to a right angle with the leg. The fact is, a person who can merely flex his feet, so as to bring them at a right angle with the leg, must turn them in, or out, every step he takes, in order to give the propelling power forward ; and it is most natural to turn them in. Hence it is that feet which have been cured in this way (and many such have been reported) will, after being walked upon a short time, revert to their pristine obliquity, or nearly so. The importance of the free use of the ankle-joint, and the necessity that the foot should be capable of forming an acute angle with the leg, have not been noticed by writers on the cure of club-foot with sufficient emphasis; and, in fact, I do not recollect any author who has mentioned it at all. 31 January \2lh, 1844.—Since the above (and I state the case in illus- tration of the position that no foot can be properly cured where there is not a free use of the ankle-joint, and also of the futility in most cases of attempting to cure club-foot by mechanical means alone), I have been called upon to operate on a lad 11 years old, who is said to have been cured about five years ago by mechanical means, and by one Valentine Brown, a mechanic in VVoburn, Mass. He supposed the boy cured. He had him under his care over a year. The parents also supposed the boy cured, as the foot was in front of the leg, and straight. On ques- tioning them, however, they said the heel was not brought down, and the foot could not be brought up to more than a right angle with the leg, if so much—consequently the lad could not walk naturally ; for, as I have previously stated, an acute angle between the leg and foot is necessarily formed every step we take. As he walked and propelled himself for- ward, the foot turned in; and the more he walked, the more it turned in. In addition to this, the contracted tendons, which had been stretched, did not elongate in proportion as the leg grew, and the consequence was, the foot resumed its former mal-position—and so I found it. I was told of a young lady, belonging to the same town where this lad resides, who had a club-foot, and who was factitiously cured in the same way, about the same time, and by the same individual. She is now, I understand, " in statu quo ante bellum." J. B. Brown, M.D. PES EQUINO-VARUS ACQUISITUS AND CONTRACTURE OF THE KNEE JOINT, Successfully treated at the Boston Orthopedic Institution, or Hospital fox the Cure of Deformities of the Human Frame. Sept. 30, 1841. John Kilby, Esq., of Dennysville, Maine, placed his son, a lad about 13 years old, at the Institution. The following account of the case and treatment is copied from my Note Book. This lad has not walked without a crutch for many years. The left knee is contract- ed to an angle of 30 degrees, beyond which it cannot be extended. The foot on the same side is more deformed than any one I have met with. If it was separated from the leg, and the toes broken off, no one would suspect what it was, or for what purpose it was made. When the ante- rior part of the foot is placed upon the ground, the heel is elevated four inches. The anterior part of the foot is twisted inwards, in a very unusu- al manner. The astragalus is very prominent, being subluxated upward and outward. There is no motion in the ankle-joint. The cuboidal ex- tremity of the metatarsal bone of the little toe projects outward to a very unusual degree. All the metatarsal bones oblique inwards. The sole of the foot looks upwards, the foot being turned nearly upside down. The toes are turned back, so as to be nearly in contact wiih what ought to be the top of the foot. The little toe presses back against the metatarsal bone of the toe next it. There is a thickening of the integuments on the outside of the little toe and the upper side of the metatarsal bones of the toes next it, marking the point on which the body rests, when the foot was placed on the floor. This day, Sept. 30, divided the tendon of Achillis and the flexor lon- gus policis pedis. There was not a drop of blood. My son, Buckmin- ster Brown, was present, and aided me in this, as in all the subsequent operations on this foot and leg. It would be tedious, and is unnecessary, to go through with a loog, de- tailed,' daily record of the treatment of this case. Suffice ,t to say, that 8 34 the tendon of Achillis was divided five times; the long flexors in the sole of the foot, three times; the abductor policis pedis, twice; the plan- tar fascia, the biceps flexor cruris, the semitendinosus, and the semimem- branosus, each once. The apparatus for leg and foot, used at this Institution, were apphed to this case. It was not until after the fourth division of the tendon of Achillis, that 1 was able to reduce the subluxated astragalus. I could then with my thumbs press it into its place, and even make an indenta- tion where the greatest prominence had existed ; but this bone had been so pinched and wedged in, that it was not sufficiently developed to fill the space nature designed for it. It was difficult to retain k in place. By perseverance, however, the foot and leg were brought to the state of per- fection represented in fig. 2. Fig. 1 represents the foot and leg as they were when the lad came to the Institution. Fig. 2 represents them as they were when he left. A DEFORMED CHILD SUCCESSFULLY TREATED AT THE BOSTON ORTHOPEDIC INSTITUTION. The following account of this case is copied from my note-book. September 14, 1843.—Wm. Willis, Esq., with Mrs. Willis, child and nurse, arrived from Portland, Me. The child is a boy about 5 months old. He exhibits the following singular deformities. Both hands are permanently flexed and pronated (see fig. 1). The wrists are partially dislocated. All the fingers, and the thumb of each hand, are contracted. The thumbs are sub-luxated by the preternatural contraction of their abductor muscles. The shoulders are curled in towards each other, so as to leave only the space of one inch and three fourths between them, measuring across the breast, in front, from one to the other. The left thigh is permanently flexed, on the pelvis, to an angle of 45 degrees, and the left foot is clubbed. The right foot is also club- bed (double varus of the 3d degree). The right leg is completely twisted round, so that the calf and heel are in front—the foot looking di- rectly back. The tibia is on the outside, and the fibula is on the inside of the leg. The knee-pan is felt in the ham. The whole lower leg, and all the apparatus by which it is naturally moved, are completely re- versed. The knee can be but slightly bent. The body and head of the child are symmetrical, and the countenance intelligent. The child is the offspring of healthy parents. No deformity can be traced on either the paternal or maternal side of the family. The grandfather, on the ma- ternal side, is the Chief Justice of the State of Maine, Ezekiel Whit- man, LL.D.; and on the paternal side, Benjamin Willis, Esq., of Boston. The father, Wm. Willis, Esq.* is a prominent lawyer of Portland, Me. There is no reason to suppose that the deformity of this child is in any 9 38 way hereditary. The mother was alarmed, previous to his birth, by the discovery of her own house being on fire, in the night, which burnt to the ground. She imputes the mal-formation of her infant to this cause, and perhaps not without reason. 19th.—Divided the palmaris longus, in the right hand. Also the ten- dons of the long flexor muscles and the abductor pollicis pedis in the right foot; and the tendons of the long flexors in the left foot; and put on an extemporaneous apparatus upon both legs. This consisted of a metallic belt, extending round the back and resting on the hips, with uprights on each side, extending to the feet, with joints corresponding to the joints of the leg; and so constructed as to turn out the left foot and leg, and turn in the right foot and leg. This was made of malleable iron, so that it could be easily bent to any necessary angle, and still stiff enough to sustain the position in which it was placed. Drs. J. C. Warren, Hay ward, Townsend, Z. B. Adams, Homans, Fisher, Perry, the lamented Wiley* Lane, J. Mason Warren, and Lewis, saw this patient before treatment commenced. The case was evidently looked upon as one which offered very little hope of relief. Still, no dis- couragement was thrown in the way of any judicious efforts which might be made for the restoration of the child. 23d.—This is the fourth day since treatment commenced. The child w;h quietly asleep in half an hour after the operation on the 19th inst. The leg is nearly restored to a natural position. The knee-pan is now in its place, instead of being in the ham as it was four days a^o. October H.—Divided the abductor pollicis, in the left hand, which very much liberated the thumb. December 4.—The child has now been at the Institution about eleven weeks. It is plump and healthy. It will return home to-morrow, about as straight in its limbs as most children. The only difficulty to be ap- prehended is the one I stated to the parents, when 1 first saw the child, viz., that there may be a deficiency of nervous influence ; and that the muscles, in consequence, may not have their full and complete action. It is to be hoped, however, that by perseverance in a judicious course of treatment, the nerves will be excited to a healthy action, and that the muscles will perform their appropriate functions. It was a subject of regret to me, that the medical gentlemen who ex- amined this child, when it was first brought to Boston, could not have seen it again immediately before it left; but circumstances prevented. . Wiley has aince decerned, leaTing a character worthy of i; 39 Dr. Window Lews was the only one of them who saw it immediately (and I believe on the day) before it was taken home. As the transforma- tion was so great as to be in danger of staggering the credulity of some, 1 have requested him to state the facts, as they appeared to him on his first, and also upon his second, examination. J. B. Brown Boston, Feb., 1844. Fig. I. Fig. 2. Fig. 1 represents the child as it was when it came. Fig. 2 represents it as it was when it left. I witnessed, with the greatest interest, the happy termination of the above case, as I visited the little patient in his very deformed state, which is accurately described by Dr. Brown; and although aware of the great success of orthopedic surgery, I did not anticipate that so much could have been effected. The cure is complete as regards the position of the extremities, and eminently shows the judgment and skill of the operator. Winslow Lewis, Jr. BOSTON ORTHOPEDIC IS">STITUTiOSf, 0 R Hospital for the Treatment of Deformities of the Human Frame. This Institution has been in successful operation about seven years. Very many can tes- tily to the benefits they have derived from it. The treatment of club-feet, crooked limbs, wrv necks, (TKVATriiKs, and other affections of the bpine and chest, comprise the principal objects for which it was founded. A House, in a healthy situation on Mt. Vernon, in Boston, is especially devoted to the treatment of curvatures and other affections of the spine. This is furnished with every appropriate variety of apparatus for correcting these deformities, and restoring symmetry to the back and chest. An experienced matron superintends this Institution, and is always in attendance. Patients board any where in the city that is most convenient and agreeable to themselves. They attend at tin- Institution forenoon and afternoon, and devote about the same number of hours each day that are usually appropriated lor schools. The treatment adopted at this Institution is in conformity with that which has been for some years, and is now, so successfully made use of in France, England and Germany. JOHN B. BROWN, M.D., Surgeon, OlRce 65 Belknap Street. Consulting Surgeons.—John C. Warren, M.D., Professor of Anatomy in Harvard Univer- sity. Geo. Hayward, M.D., Professor of the Principles of Surgery and Clinical Surgery in Harvard University. J. Ma»on Warren, M.D., S. D. Townsend, M.D., and Winslow Lewis Jr., M.I). These gentlemen render their advice and aid gratuitously whenever it is desired. There is a Library in the Institution, for the benefit of the patients, and from which they are at liberty to take books free of charge.