£.LV£HHOR^T^)t^ A NT LYASES ^m DF THE Hydrant, and Well Waters of the City of Troy, PRESENTED TO THE BOARD OF HEALTH Fob the Year Ending March 1st, 1858, By PROF. "WIVC. bldbriiorst. ......■■'■ I Ml III——— Members of Common Council. LYMAN R. AVERY, President. MARTIN I. TOWNSEND, Secretary JOHN M. BOGARDUS, LEONARD SMITH, ANGUS CAMPBELL. Health Inspectors Ast't City , WILLIAM CUTTER, Cotnmisiioners. \ I WILLIAM BIGGART WITH REPORT OF HEALTH OFFICER ON THE SAMI PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. 1 H O Y , N . Y . : KROM OKOROK ABBOTT'S STEAM PRESSES. ai3 RIVER STREET 1 8 :. 8 . ANALYSE.S OP THE Hydrant and Well Waters of the City of Troy, PRESENTED TO THE BOARD OF HEALTH, For the Year Ending Marjih 1st, 1858, By PROF. WM. BLIDIEBKOBST- ( % LYMAN R. AVERY, President. | MARTIN I. TOWNSEND, Secretary. Members of Common I „„„.„..., CounctV. "j J0HN Ml B0GARDUS, | LEONARD SMITH, [ ANGUS CAMPBELL. ( Health Inspectors.. Ass't City j » WILLIAM CUTTER, Commissioners. \ f WILLIAM BIGGART. WITH REPORT OF HEALTH OFFICER ON THE SAME. PRINTED BY-,OR^Fr6'r? ,ftip BOARD. I. T/ \ -5 l'y6f6m TROY, X . Y . : FROM GEORGE ABBOTT'S STEAM PRESSES. 213 RIVER STREET. 18 5*. Gentlemen .—Members of the Board of Health : In accordance with a resolution passed by the Board, I sub- mit the following Report of Prof. Eldcrhorst on tho chemical characters of the Hydrant water and of two of the most popular city wells, with such observations as have the most important bearing upon their respective value for domestic purposes ; and are, in my judgment, best calculated to call the attention of the public at largo to the great difference in their purity and health- fulness. The examination of the hydrant water was made in July 1856, by order of the Board of Health of that year, ft was at first contemplated to make a more extended examination, by subjecting the water to analysis during different seasons of the year and at different points of its course. The Board of Health, however, was unwilling to take the responsibility'of the additional expenditure, and, on referring the matter to the Common Council, that honorable body thought the information already obtained amply sufficient for all practi- cal purposes, and declined authorising a continuance of the investigation. It may be questioned whether it would not have been wiser to analyze at least the springs from which by far the largest por- tion of the water consumed is derived ; as such analysis might have shown a degree of additional purity at the source, which would have suggested and justified, at some future day, the conveyance of the water directly from the fountain head, thereby rejecting the contributions, superficial, alluvial, and pastweal, « which it is suspected of receiving in its course. Be that as it may, the examination so far as carried was thorough and satisfactory, and it pleased the Board of the current year to order the analysis of two, of the city wells, that citizens and the hydrant water might have the benefit of a compar- ison. The number being limited to two it was natural and seemed most proper that those should be selected in which the largest number of consumers are most interested, and hence the selection of the wells at the junction of North Second and Jacob, and at the corner of Fourth and Ferry Streets, though it is very much doubted whether they are not among the most favorable, if not the most favorable specimens of their class. L. R. Avery, Esq., Chairman of the Board of Health. Sir: In compliance with the wishes of the Board of Health, I have instituted a chemical examination of the hydrant water, and of the water of the two wells, corner North Second and Jacob Streets, and corner Third and Ferry-sts. Having completed the analyses, I beg to submit to the Board the following results: ERRATA Page 19. lino lt> from top, read affections for ' afflictions." Page 19, line 10 from bottom, read these tor 'these. Pact.. 25, line 21 from top, read derangements for' arrangements." Pace 26, line 15 from bottom, read pure for 'poor." Page 31. line 7 from bottom, read vesical for ' vertical." Pan,. 31. hut lino, read loved for 'lived.' In tables on page 28. read LnmU-th «/«/ Southwork, Southwork and Kent, instead of 'of.' Ac. EXAMINATION OF THE HYDRANT WATER, The specimens of water which I operated upon, were col- lected in the last days of July, 1856. The fall of rain during the preceeding days of the month, had been as follows : Fall of rain on the 3d of July, amounted to 0.69 inches.* « " 4th " " 0.06 " " " 8th " " 0.04 " " 9th " " 0.02 " " 12th " " 0.86 " " 15th " " 0.04 " « " 21st " " 0.01 " " " 22nd " " 0.02 " This amount of rain is smaller than that of the months of June, May, and April, of the same, or any of the preceeding six years, whence we may infer that the water chosen for examina- tion was in a state of considerable concentration, or, in other words, that, under ordinary circumstances, it will contain less fixed matter than found by the subjoined analyses : Samples of the water were taken from the following locali- ties : The specimen, marked A, was taken on the 30th of July, from the reservoir, at the south end of the arch, very near the point where the main pipe runs off. The specimen, marked B, was taken on the 31st of July, from a pipe near the hospital, foot of Fourth Street. At this point one of the iron main pipes terminates, and the sample of water taken from this spot may be considered as in a state of maximum impurity. ' 'These dates I owe to the kindness of Dr. T. W. Blatchford, from whose regis- ter they have been taken. b" The specimen, marked C, was taken on the 29th of July, from the hydrant of the chemical laboratory, in tho second story of the Academy building, on State Street. The specimen, marked D, was taken on the 30th of July, from the pond near the road leading to Oakwood Cemetery, above tho reservoir. A portion of the water C, was employed for a qualitative examination. 600cc were introduced into a flask, and reduced, by boiling, to about 300cc; the water became slightly turbid, but, by resting, clear again, the precipitate settling to the bottom and sides of the vessel. The liquid was separated from the pre- cipitate by filtration, and the following tests applied to the filtrate: It is perfectly neutral to test papers. Chloride of barium gave, after a few minutes standing, a slight precipitate, which did not dissolve in hydrochloric acid— proving the presence of sulphuric acid. Nitrate of silver gave a ready precipitate, which did not dissolve in nitric acid—indicating the presence of chlorides. Oxalate of ammonia gave a precipitate soluble in hydro- chloric acid, and insoluble in acetic acid—showing the presence of lime. The filtrate from the last precipitate, upon the addition of ammonia and phosphate of soda, gave no precipitate. The precipitate, which was deposited from the wafer on boiling, was dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid. It dissolved perfectly, (with the exception of a little organic matter,) with effervescence—showing the presence of carbonic acid. The solu- tion was tested with the following reagents : Ferrocyanide of potassium imparted to the liquid a greenish blue color; after about sixteen hours resting, a very slight blue precipitate had formed—-indicating the presence of a trace of iron. Ammonia gave a very slight, flocculent precipitate, of dirty white color—showing the presence of alumina or phosphate of lime, tinged by iron. 7 The filtrate from the last precipitate, gave, with oxalate of ammonia, an abundant precipitate—indicating lime. The filtrate from the last precipitate, upon the addition of ammonia and phosphate of soda, gave a crystalline precipitate —indicating the presence of magnesia. By a separate experiment, executed in the manner described below, (see quantitative determination of the alkalies,) the pres- ence of soda was shown. All well and river waters contain a certain amount of organic mattei. The quantity is usually too minute to exercise any inju- rious effect on the system, and in this case, also, its presence cannot be readily detected by means of the usual reagents; but if the quantity of organic substances increases, and especially of organic matter in a state of decomposition, it seriously influ- ences the system, and becomes, at the same time, detectible through chemical reagents. I subjected the four different speci- mens of water to the test proposed by A. Dupasquier, (Ann. de Chim. et de Pharm., 3 ser., vol. xiii., p. 164-168,) which consists of heating the water to ebullition with addition of a few drops of a neutral solution of terchloride of gold. If the water con- tains not more than the usual amount of organic matter, the color of the liquid (a pale yellow,) is not perceptibly changed, but if much organic matter is present it changes, according to the proportion of the impurity, to brown, violet, blue. Since the presence of lime interferes with the result, it is necessary to add, after boiling, a few drops of hydrochloric acid, in case the water under trial should contain a salt of lime as a constituent. Of each of the waters A, B, C, and D, 50cc. were mixed with 15 drops of a solution of terchloride of gold, heated to ebulli- tion for two minutes, allowed to cool, and a few drops of hydro- chloric acid added. In the waters B and C I noticed a slight bluish tinge after ten minutes' resting, in A and D only after half an hour's resting; the tinge of B was deeper than that of C of A deeper than D; so that with reference to their purity, dependent on the presence of organic matter in a state of decom- position, they range as follows: D (the purest,) A, C, B. In all these cases, however, the color was so slight, that I could only discover it by placing the liquids in long and narrow glass-tubes, and looking through the whole length of the tube against a sheet of white paper. s I would here, again, call attention to tho fact that these specimens of water were collected alter a long continued drought, and in the summer season, both of which circumstances favor, according to Forchhammei, tho presence of organic matter in natural waters. This chemist found, by a series of observations, that the quantity of organic matter in wafer is greate.-t m sum- mer, and disappears for the most part as soon as the water freezes, and is also diminished by rain. The result of this examination, therefore, shows clearly that i' no objection whatever can be raised against (he use of I he hy- drant water as far as its organic impurities are concerned. Qttaiitilalii'e Analysis. Quantitative analyses wero made of the waters A and 15. He fore stating the analytical results, I shall give a short 'expose' of the method pursued. Tho water was filtored, to fret; it from all mechanical impu- rities. The total amount of lixed ingredients was then deter- mined by evaporating a certain volume, usually 300n\,* to dry- ness over a water-bath; the residue was then dried in an air- bath at a temperature varying from 110° C. to 120° (-., until tho weight became constant; the weight having been ascertained, the capsule containing tho residue was heated to a low redness until all the organic matter was destroyed ; it was again weighed, and the difference between the first and the second operation expresses tho amount of organic matter. Another portion of the water is used for the determination of the chlorine, silicic acid, and the bases. The water is acidu- lated with a few drops of nitric acid, and evaporated to dryness; it is first heated over the flame of a spirit-lamp and finally in a sand-bath. The dry residue is digested with dilute nitric acid and the silica, which has become insoluble, collected on a filter, and weighed. Tho filtrate is precipitated by nitrate of silver, and thus the chlorine determined as chloride of silver. From the filtrate the excess of the silver is removed by hydrochloric acid. The filtrate is precipitated by ammonia, which throws down the iron, alumina, and phosphate of lime; they are col- " 3785 cubio centimeters=1 Gallon ; 1 gramme = 15.434 grains. 9 lected on a filter, and weighed. The filtrate is precipitated by oxalate of ammonia, which throws down the lime ; the oxalate of lime is collected on a filter, dried, and ignited; it is, thereby, converted into the carbonate, which is weighed. From the fil- trate of the last operation the magnesia is precipitated by phos- phate of soda. A third portion of the water is concentrated by evaporation, acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and precipitated by chloride of barium; the precipitate, consisting of sulphate of baryta, is weighed and thus tho amount of sulphuric acid determined. A fourth portion of the water is concentrated by evapora- tion, mixed, while hot, with an excess of hydrate of baryta, filtered; from the filtrate the excess of baryta is removed by a mixture of ammonia and carbonate of ammonia y the filtrate from this operation is neutralized with hydrochloric acid, evap- orated to dryness, ignited ; the residue is mixed with a little water and pure oxide of mercury, evaporated to dryness, and ignited ; the residue is treated with hot water, filtered, and the filtrate evaporated to dryness; the residue consists of alkaline chlorides. Operating in the manner just described, the following re- sults were obtained: ANALYSIS OF WATER A. Grammes. I. 300cc. evaporated to dryness over a water-bath, gave, of total residue,..............................0.0381 The residue upon ignition, lost,................0.0072 II. 2500cc. gave, of silica,............................0.0147 " " of chloride of silver,................. 0.0055 =0.00136 grammes chlorine. " " of alumina and phosphate of lime, with a trace of iron,....................0.0062 " " of carbonate of lime,.................0.1984 =0.1111 grammes of lime. " " of phosphate of magnesia,............ 0.0326 =0.01188 grammes of magnesia, 2 10 III. lOOOcc. gave, of sulphate of baryta,...............0.0J.J3 .^.0.0082 of sulphuric acid. IV. lOOOcc.gave, of chloride of sodium,*..............." 0.0102 =0.004 grammes of sodium. On calculating the several numbers thus obtained for equal volumes of water, most conveniently for 3785rr.= l gallon, and converting the French grammes into English grains, we obtain the following values for the single ingredients : Grains. Total residue...............................7.4376 Organic matter,............................ 1.4014 Leaving of fixed residue,..................6.0362 Chlorine,".................................. 0.0318 Sulphuric acid,............................. 0.4785 Silica,.....................................0.3434 Alumina and phosphate of lime,f.............0.1447 Lime,..................................... 2.5962 Magnesia,.................................0.2762 Sodium,...................................0.2392 ANALYSIS OF WATER B. Grammes. 1. 300cc. evaporated to dryness over a water-bath, gave, 0.0425 The residue upon ignition, lost,............*.. . 0.0103 II. 3200«r. gave, of silica,............................0.0184 " of chloride of silver,................. 0.0023 =0.00057 grammos chlorine. •' of alumina and phosphate of lime,f..... 0.0051 " " of carbonate of limo,................. 0.2240 =0.1254 grammes of lime. " " of phosphate of magnesia,............ 0.0952 =0.0346 grammes of magnesia. III. lOOOcc.gave, of sulphate of baryta,................0.0230 =0.0079 grammes of sulphuric acid. IV. lOOOcr. gave, of chloride of sodium,................0.0110 =0.0043 grammes of sodium. * It was ; ^nd, on examination, to be free from i\uy perceptible quantity of chloride of potassium. With traces of sesqiaoxide of iron. 11 The respective amounts calculated for one gallon, and ex- pressed in English grains, we have: Grains. Total quantity of residue,................... 8.2755 Organic matter,............................2.0000 Leaving of fixed residue,.................. 6.2755 Chlorine,.................................. °-0103 Sulphuric acid,.............................°-4615 Silica,.........................■...........°-3358 Alumina and phosphate of lime,..............0.0922 Lime...................................... S-2895 Magnesia,.................................. 0.6312 Sedium,...................................°'2469 ANALYSIS OP WATER C. Grammes. 300cc. evaporated to dryness over a water-bath, gave,.. . 0.0390 The residue upon ignition, lost,................ 0.005o Equivalent in a gallon to Grains. Total quantity of residue,....................7-5933 ^. • 4.4. ' . . 1.0695 Organic matter,......................... Leaving of fixed residue,..................^.o^z The organic matter, occurring in spring water, exists usually in the shape of organic acids which are in combination with the alkalies. After evaporation and ignition the latter exist as equivalent carbonates. If there is not enough of the organic acids to combine with the whole of the alkalies, the excess is found in combination with chlorine. The sulphuric acid com- bines by preference, with lime; the excess of the latter base exists as carbonate, as is also the case with the magnesia, none of this base having been found, as above stated, in the water after ebullition, but only in the precipitate. Tho lime and mag- nesia exist in the water, more properly speaking, as bicarbonates; on boiling, one equivalent of carbonic acid is driven out and the monocarbonates are precipitated. According to this scheme, the composition of the inorganic residue of the above waters is as follows: 12 In one gallou^3785cc. of Water A. Water B. Grains. Grains. Chloride of sodium,..................... 0.0524 0.0143 Carbonate of soda,......................0.5037 0.6233 Carbonate of magnesia,..................0.5800 0.9255 Carbonate of lime,..............•........4.0380 3.5116 Sulphate of limo,....................... 0.8134 0.7845 Silica,................................. 0.3434 0.3358 Alumina and phosphate of lime, with traces of sesquioxide of iron,................0.1447 0.0922 6.4756 6.2872 Organic matter,......................... 1-4014 2.0000 Total of solid matter,....................7.8770 8.2872 As determined directly,.................. 7.4376 8-2755 A fair average composition of the water is probably ob- tained by taking the mean of the analyses of the three different specimens. Then we have in one gallon of Water A. Water B. Water C. Mean. Solid residue,............- 7.4376 8.2755 7.5933 7.7688 Inorganic,................6.0362 6.2755 6.5238 6.2785 Organic,................. 1.4014 2.0000 1.0695 1.4903 The following little table will show at a glance the value of the Reservoir water (water A,) compared, with other waters in this country, used for the supplies of cities. 100000 parts of water contains: Solid residue Inorganic,.. Organic,... . 12.7500 7.8500 4.9000 9.4170 7.2938 2.1232 a o o o * CD c! u o O C3 '3 a 4 a cs < 18.4800 18.7100 5.3400 5.3560 12. 11.3265 2.9000 3.0560 14.5200 10. 7.3735 2.4400 2.3000 3.9600 2. 0 2.3004 The Reservoir water is, therefore, superior to the water used for the supply of New-York and Albany, about equal in quality to that of the Passaic river, near Newark, N. J., and lit- tle inferior only to the Schuylkill water. * Analyzed by Prof. Silliman, Jr. i Analyzed by Prof. E. M. Horaford. 13 EXAMINATION OF THE WELL WATERS. The two wells, tho water of which the Board of Health desired me to analyze, are situated, the one at tho corner of North Second and Jacob Streets, the other at the corner of Third and Ferry Streets. The water for analysis was taken on the 6th ■of August, 1857. The qualitative analyses were conducted in the manner described above for the examination of the Hydrant water. QUALITATE ANALYSIS OP WATER PROM WELL COR. NORTH SECOND AND JACOB STREETS. Carbonic acid, silica, sulphuric acid, chlorides, lime, magnesia, alumina with a trace of sesquioxide of iron, soda. , Nearly lOOOcc. of the water-fwere concentrated by evapor- ation, reduced to about 10cc, and the concentrated solution mixed with a few drops of sulphuric acid and solution of indigo; on applying heat to the mixture, it became decolorized. Another portion of tho concentrated water was mixed with an equal volume of concentrated sulphuric acid, and a few drops of a solution of protosulphate of iron added, the liquid assumed a brown color—indicating tho presence of nitric acid. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OP WATER PROM WELL CORNER THIRD AND PERKY STREETS. Carbonic acid, silica, sulphuric acid, chlorides, lime, magnesia, alumina with a trace of sesquioxide of iron, soda. This water does not contain nitric acid; and in neither of the two could phosphoric acid be detected. In determining the quantitative relations of the different ingredients, I pursued essentially the same course as that des- cribed above, with this difference that one portion of the water 14 served for tho determination of the silica and bases, another for the determination of the sulphuric acid and chlorine, and a third for the determination of the alkali. The followincr results were obtained: 'to Water from Well corner North Second and Jacob Streets. Grammes I. lOOcc. at 20°C, evaporated to dryness over a water- bath, gave, of total residue,.................. 0.0-H; j The residue upon ignition, lost,............... 0.0107 II. 2000cc. at 27^0., gave, of silica,....................0.0J62 " of carbonate of lime,........0.2381 =0.1333 grammes of lime. 2000cc. at 27°C, gave of alumina with a trace of sesqui- oxide of iron,....................... 0.0142 u " of phosphate of magnesia,................ 0.0247 =0.009 grammes of magnesia. III. lOOOrc. at 27°C, gave, of chlorido of silver,........ 0.2932 =0.0725 grammes of chlorine. " of sulphate of baryta,.................... 0.1025 =0.0352 grammes of sulphuric acid, IV. lOOOrc. at 27°C, gave, ofchloride of sodium,....... 0.1*930 =0.07588 grammes of sodium. On calculating the several numbers thus obtained for 3785rr. =1 gallon of water, reducing them all to an equal temperature. (=27°C.) and converting the grammes into grains, we obtain the following values: Grains. Total residue,............................. 27.1208 Organic matter and nitric acid,.............. 6.239*1 Leaving of fixed residue,.................20.8815 Chlorine,................................. 4.2350 Sulphuric acid,............................ 2.0558 Silica,.................................... 0.4723 Alumina with sesquioxide of iron,........... 0.41.'io Lime,.................................... 3.8915 Magnesia,.........*........................ 0.2623 Sodium,.................................. 4.4326 15 Water from Well corner Third and Ferry Streets. Grammes. I. lOOcc. at 22°C, evaporated to dryness over a water bath, gave of total residue,..........<...........0.0483 The residue upon ignition, lost,..............0.0066 II. 2000cc. at 28°C., gave, of silica,...................0.0172 of alumina, with a trace of ses- quiox. of iron,............0.0019 " " of carbonate of lime,.........0.3606 =0.2019 grammes of lime. " of phosphate of magnesia,.. .. 0.0449 =0.0163 grammes of magnesia. III. lOOOcc. at 28PC, gave, of chloride of silver,.......0.2244 =0.0555 grammes of chlorine. lOOOcc, at 28°C., gave of sulphate of baryta,...........0.1477 =0.0507 grammes of sulphuric acid. IV. lOOOcc. at 28°C., gave, of chloride of sodium,......0.1975 =0.0078 grammes of sodium. The quantities calculated, as above, for one gallon at 28°C, and expressed in grains, we have : Grains. Total residue,............................. 28.1259 Organic matter,........................... 3.8063 Leaving of fixed residue,.................24.3196 Chlorine,................................. 3.2411 Sulphuric acid,............................ 2.9633 Silica,.................................... 0.5016 Alumina with sesquioxide of iron,........... 0.0554 Lime,.................................... 5-8869 Magnesia,................................. 0.4769 Sodium,.................................. 4.5329 (Grouping the single constituents together according to their relative affinities, on the principle exposed above in the analyses of the Hydrant water, we obtain the following rational expression for the composition of the inorganic residue of the above waters: 16 In one gallon^ :l7S.r>cc. of water from Well cor. N. 2d W.'ll cor 3d. »ud Jacob sts. Grains. Chloride of sodium,...................(i"J'15 Carbonate of soda.................*---4.5868' Chloride of magnesium,............... 0.0230 Carbonate of lime,.................... 1.38 18 Sulphate of'lime,..................... '''■1!) ,S Silica,..........................;•••- ()-47f Alumina with traces of sesquiox. of iron, 0.413(i Organic, matter. 20.1 SOS . 6.2393J and Ferry sts. Grains. 3.945*» 6.870^ 1.1325 6.S0S2 5.0376 0.5016 0.0554 21.3521 3.K063 Total of solid residue,..................26.4261 28.1584 As determined directly,................27.120S 28.125!) Tho well-water contains, therefore, nearly four times as much solid matter iu solution as tho hydrant water, and must be considered in every respect inferior to the latter. The difference is more especially perceptible in the amount of soluble chlorides (mixed in one case with nitrates,) and fh the large quantity of lime. The following little table, which needs no commentary, will show at a glance the comparative purity of tho waters. -WATBR FKOM- Contains, of the following substances, grains in one gallon: ric a p< (Q Total residue,........ Organic matter, (and n acid,)................. Leaving of fixed residue, Chlorine,.............. Sulphuric acid,......... Silica,................. Alumina (and phosphate of lime,) with iron,...... Lime,................. Magnesia,......... Sodium,............... 7.4376 1.4014 6.0362 0.0318 0.4785 0.3434 0.1447 2.5962 0.2762 0.2392 8.2755 2.0000 6.2755 , y leading to tho more rapid destruction of vessels and boilers in which they form. Of such importance was this matter considered, that a few years since the Hudson River Road caused a partial analysis of our hydrant water to be made, before deciding whether to look to that, or some other source for their boiler supply. Another objection, and the principal one, to this deposition of lime from boiling water, is found in the fact that in cooking, 19 a large portion of the lime so deposited is left on the surface of the vegetables or meat in the pot, and is hence taken directly into the stomach. It is not easy in the experience of individuals to show that this is the occasion of disease ; but, as water contributes to most of the transformations which occur within the body, it is reason- able to suppose that any constituent, which interferes with its solvent power, will modify materially its effect, not only in the processes of digestion, but in the more subtle, and equally im- portant metamorphoses, which are constantly taking place, by its aid, in every living tissue. Experience establishes the cor- rectness of these views. It is well known to medical men that stone and gravel are vastly more common in lime-stone regions like Kentucky, than in other sections of our country, where softer waters abound; and it is even apparent to the ordinary observer, that persons, in whom afflictions of the kidney are once estab- lished are remarkably sensitive to the difference which exists between our hydrant and well waters, in this single element of hardness. Mr. Youat in his well known work on the Horse observes that " hard water drawn fresh from the well will assur- edly make the coat of a horse, unaccustomed to it, stare, and it will not unfrequently gripe and otherwise injure him. Instinct, or experience, has made even the horse himself conscious of this ; for he will nover drink hard water if ho has access to soft; he will leave the most transparent and pure (?) water of the well for a river, although the water may be turbid, and even for the muddiest pool." This stareing is an effect which Simon says is " analagous to these skin-diseases of the human subject which are apt to occur from the impairment of the digestive, functions." Let the ladies take heed. If tho foregoing were tho only objections which could be brought against the use of the well water, they would be suffi- cient, one would think,'to lead human beings to imitate the wisdom of the horse; but there aro more important differences than the simple one of hardness, differences which, there is reason to believe, have a powerful influence in determining the fearful contrast between the mortality of town and country. 20 The following table, abstracted from the report of the Reg- istrar (icueral of Knglnnd for 1853, and derived from Hie returns of the 10 years 1843-52, will show how great this contrast may become. January, February, March,.. April, May, June........... July. August, September.. . .j October, Nov., December,... j The Year...............I It is of course not pretended that water is the loading cause of this difference. The occupations of men ; the ventilation and drainage of streets and dwellings; the crowded condition of the poor, and the destructive habits which poverty and ignorance, and the thousand evil examples of large- cities engender—are all elements which go to make up the difference between tho mortal- ity of town and country. But there are many facts which tend to prove that the quality of the water consumed is an element of great power. There is a large class of persons who are of the opinion that they do not need the aid of chemists or doctors to tell them whether the water they have been accustomed to drink for years is wholesome ; and who will listen to no arguments calculated to disturb the ignorant prejudices which their own exemption from positive sickness may have fostered. To such, the fol- lowing facts arc submitted as a possible remedy for their mental blindness In the Report of the Health Officer of London for the year from September '49 to September '50 is an analysis of water ;- drawn from the pump near the church in Bishopsgate street, and selected as exemplifying the general composition of the shallow well-water of the city of London, when the well is situ- ated near to a burial-ground, as is frequently the case with the parochial wells." -AVKHA..K ANNUAL NUIW UJT.R OF !>' nthi to cvimv ID DIM) iii-ixms living in towns 69 6-2 63 61 2f>S Deaths to every 10,000 pprHiirm living in Uio COUNT 11Y. Liven (k'slroynl by llio iiiHltcru whirl) aro po/stiii* In hciiHPA, BlrcclM mid Htri'iuiiH, I'M I referlilizli)« ;««- i„rps. iii flHiln. .r)(i i:: 52 m 46 17 1!) 15 203. 55 51 By an analysis, an imperial gallon of the water gave— Carbonate of lime,........................... 28.97 " of magnesia,....................... 2.61 Sulphate of lime,............................ 17.85 Chloride of sodium,.......................... 16.95 Nitrate of potass,............................ 12.40 " of soda,.............................. 1.50 " of magnesia,.......................... 4.92 " of ammonia,.......................... 4.61 Silica,...................................... 0.80 Phosphate of lime,...........................traces Organic matter,.............................. 90.01 " The quantity of alkaline and earthy nitrates in this water is very remarkable. These salts are doubtless derived from the decomposition of animal matter in the adjacent churchyard. Their presence conjoined with the inconsiderable quantity of organic matter which the water contains, illustrates in a very forcible, manner the power the earth possesses of depriving the -water that percolates it of any animal matter it may hold in solution ; and moreover shows in how complete and rapid a man- ner this process is effected." " In this case the distance of the well from the church-yard is little more than the breadth of the foot-path, and yet this short extent of intervening ground has, by virtue of the oxidizing power of the earth, been sufficient wholly to decompose and ren- der inoffensive the liquid animal matter that has oozed from the putrifying corpses in the churchyard." We are moreover told thatu the water from this well is perfectly bright, clear, and even brilliant; it has an agreeable soft taste, and is much esteemed by the inhabitants of the parish." In the report of the next year Dr. Simon further remarks concerning the same pump water : i; You will, perhaps, remember that in my account of one cele- brated city pump, which sucks from beneath a church yard, 1 showed you ninety grains of solid matter in every gallon of its water. In virtue of that wonderful action which earth exerts on organic matter, the former contents of a coffin, here reappear- ■)o ing in a spring, had undergone so complete a change as to be insusceptible to further putrefaction; tho grateful coolness, so much admired in the produce of that popular pump, eh idly depending on a proportion of nitre, which arises in the chemical transformation of human remains, and which being dissolved in the water gives it, T believe, some ro frige rent taste and slight diuretic action. Undoubtedly this water is an objectionable bev- erage in respect of its several salino ingredients ; but my present object in adverting to them is rather to illustrate an anlerioi danger which they imply. Their presence indicates a compari tive completion of the putrefactive process, effected by the uni- form filtration of organic solutions through a porous soil. Let that soil have frequent fissures in its substance ; or let its thickness be scanty in proportion to the organic matters to be acted on; and the water, imperfectly filtered, irould run off foul and I'UTKKSCENT. Now this risk, more or less, belongs to all pumps within fhocity of London. Tiny draw from a ground excavated in all directions by sewers, drains, cess-pools, gas-pipes, burial pits. The immense amount of organic matter which infill.rales the soil does undoubtedly, for the greater part, suffer oxidation. and pass into chemical repose;, but in any particular ca.se it is the merest chance, whether the glass of water raised to the mouth shall be fraught only with salino results of decomposition—in itself an objectionable issue—or shall contain organic refuse in the active and infectious stage of its earlier transformations. Some recent cutting of a trench, or breakage of a drain in the neighborhood, may have converted a draught which before was chronicaly unwholesome, into one immediately perilous to life. Such facts ought to be known to all persons having custody of pumps within urban districts ; and it ought likewise to be known that this infiltrative spoiling of springs may occur to the distance' of many hundred yards." The history of the Bbhopgatc pump shows the fallacy of popular judgment concerning the value of water when the senses are alone relied on. The nitrate of ammonia present gave m apparent softness to water far harder than any which our city wells contain ; and the brilliancy and cool taste and re|Vi„e,ent eftect were due to the unusual amount of carbonic add -as and nitrates, the direct result of organic decomposition. BuU. have 23 not made this long quotation merely to show the fallacy of popu- lar judgment on hygienic or medical questions; the faith which hundreds have in sugar, in water, in the inspiration of seventh sons and of — Thompson, is, to sensible men, abundant proof of this ; but the remarks of Dr. Simon are to a great extent as ap- plicable to our city wells as they are to those of London. We have not, it is true, the fat grave-yarcls as a gathering ground, but we do have nice privies by the hundreds, and three year's familiarity with their whereabouts has satisfied me that they are not injured by any superabundance of sewerage. The public and private wells make the only draughts upon them, and I see no reason why the debris resulting from the wear and tear and daily decay of the living body, should furnish material differing much from the final decomposition of the dead. Indeed, I have often queried whether the boasted coolness and undoubted grate- fulness of some favorite water, was wholly owing to the depth of the well; or whether it might not have a relation,rather, to the direction from which it came—a relation which the inter- vening ground would render unsuspected by the senses, unless in Limes of high water ; when an anxiety might be excited for some luckless cat to subside with the unnoted subsidence of the river. I5e that as it may, there is no doubt of the surface origin of the chlorides and nitrates of our avcII waters, and that the contribu- tions from the offal in our alleys and the sinks and privies in our yards, add largely to the bulk of these constituents. There is no doubt also that these constituents, in connection with the large quantities of lime, are productive of more important disorders than the calculous diseases before alluded to. It is in the recollection of our oldest living physicians, and it was a subject, of frequent remark by the late revered Dr. Rob- bins, that affections of the bowels were much more common, particularly among children, before the introduction of the hy- drant water, than they have been since its general use. Some of this improvement is doubtless owing to the more frequent use of the bath and sponge, which naturally accompanies the unbound- ed hydrant supply, and is as naturally neglected when cleanli- ness is to be obtained only by a visit to, and manual exercise upon, the pump. If any doubt that simple cleanliness has so im- portant an influence on health, let them bear in mind the fact 24 that even a washed hog will f.itten more than a dirty one in the proportion of 5 : .'$. When such is the effect upon an organiza- tion which instinctively returns to wallowing in the mire, what may reasonably be expected of its importance to those in whom cleanliness is next to godliness ( But we are not dependant on conclusions drawn from loose analogies, for a reason 'for the faith within us.' We have the positive testimony of the same physicians to the died, that strangers, visiting us, were formerly subjected to attacks of diar- rhea, dysentery, and eholera-morbus, us they are now on visiting Canada, or journeying on the .Mississippi. We have also the con- current, testimony of physicians in other cities, both in this country and abroad, where tho water has presented the same chemical characteristics as our own. Trot. S. II. Douglas, of the University o{' Michigan, in his report to the Hoard of Water Commissioners of Detroit, says: " In addition to the above im- purities, [chlorides,] the wells of Detroit, being dug in a clay s,,il and usually in back yards, would bo liable to contain organic mat- ter in tho process of decomposition. This would be particularly the ease during the warm season, when sickness is most likely to prevail. The use of water containing this organic matter would predispose to disease, and materially aid in the spread of epi- demics. No doubt a careful examination would show that, dur- ing the prevalence of the (-holera, that disease was most, fatal. and prevailed to a greater extent, among those using the water of the wells than among those in the habitual use of the river water." " 1 have also been informed by Urol. Uabner, of Chi- cago, that this disease has been observed to be most fatal in that city in those districts where well water was used, although the most high, and apparently the most healthy. Tin- lower dis- tricts, containing such quantities of surface water ami lilth as entirely to preclude the use of well water, wore supplied with water from the lake by carts, and were comparatively free from the disease." I have italicised a portion of the preceding remarks that the similarity of the conditions to our own, might be noted The last fact also, is a striking one when coupled with the ,,ow" well settled law, that the lower the level, i. e., the more moiV 25 (generally,) the greater the mortality. The Professor continues: " Again, the city of Sandusky is situated on a clay soil, underlaid by a limestone, and is supplied with water mostly from wells dug in this tenacious clay. The water must not only be highly charged uMh lime and other earthy salts, but likewise contain large quanti- ties of decaying organic matter, derived from surface drainage. I am fully of the opinion that the fearful ravages of cholera in that city may be, in a great measure, attributed to the use of im- pure water." " It is a well established fact, that, in the city of Cincinnati, of all persons who used the water of certain springs, during the prevalence of cholera, not one escaped fatal attacks of the disease." These last quotations suggest the consideration of another great objection to the well-waters, and that is their alarming tendency to aggravate the mortality of epidemic diseases. This effect is after all but the expression of their ordinary influence, acting upon systems under the grasp of some powerful poison, and determining by its aid the issue of the struggle between the contending forces of life and death. If it were possible to determine accurately their effect in shortening life, by their insidious induction of dyspeptic arrange- ments, of bowel diseases, and of kidney diseases, and, through these, in laying the foundation for scrofula, consumption and all other constitutional affections, it is doubtful whether it would not be found that the mischief caused by their persistent action in ordinary seasons, is greater than that effected in times of pes- tilence. But cholera and typhoid fever, in reducing the powers of life to the verge of dissolution make the before unappreciated influence of local causes strikingly apparent, and thus the most skeptical becomes convinced of the effect of dampness, bad ventilation, bad water, defective sewerage and similar insidious excitants of disease. Some of the foregoing quotations might be appealed to as adequate proof,, in themselves, of the pernicious effect of certain kinds of water and, presumptively, of the unhealthy character of our well water, which are shown to chemically resemble them. But knowing the difficulty of removing old impressions, partic- ularly when confirmed by the apparent experience of years, I 4 2(> submit a few additional facts derived from the Reports ol the Registrar General of England for 185:5 and 1851, for the loan of which I am indebted to the kindness of Dr. Drinsniade In the report for 1853 we find the following: "Tn Newcastle-upon-Tyne with a population of S9I50 m is;>l, the mortality from cholera has raised flic deaths by all causes from 038 to'2085 ; in Gateshead from 374 to 77 I in three months. The epidemic poison was no soonor introduced into the region than it, as it were, exploded and destroyed nearly •2000 lives. " In neither of the previous epidemics was any such sudden destruction of life observed. Is the present epidemic—so quick- ly following tho epidemic of 1848-19—of a different and more fatal character f. or arc there local circumstances, independently of the nature of the epidemic, that account for the desolation that now surrounds Newcastle-upon-Tyne? These; important ipiestions can, it is evident, only be definitely answered by careful inquiry info all the circumstances; but enough has been elicited to justify us in refusing to admit at present that the epidemic is in its nature more destructive than its predecessors ; while it yields an awful sanction to the hygenic law, which pro- hibits the use of inferior wafer." 9 "The Superintendent Registrars of Newcastle and Gateshead, in reply to inquiries which the Registrar General has made, state, and have forwarded documents showing, that from the 5th of July last, the town which had been supplied before with salubri- ous water,_ was supplied largely "from the impure sources of the Tvne, in tho vicinity of the sewerago of the town.' " "The fact cannot bo questioned that the water with which Newcastle-upon-Tyne was supplied in 1848-19 was compara- tively poor; and that in 1853, when the calamitous loss of life was recorded on the registers, the city was supplied with water containing a strong solution of tho contents of the sowers. The same effect was the result of the same cause in Hull in 1819. And other examples may be cited in which the converse hap- pened as at Exeter, when the inhabitants, after having suffered severely from cholera in 1832, obtained purer water, and escaped its ravages in 1848-49." [ - The precautions to take against cholera, in regard to water, are well stated by Dr. Snow; and they are of so simple a nature that, considering all ths facts, no person can prudently neglect them. J ' "Water into which .sewers flow, or which is navigated by persons living in boats, or which is any other way contaminated bu the contents of drums or ccss-pooh, should be cnlircli/ disused " ' 27 " No person to test the value of such a rule would ever have proposed that a large town which was supplied with good water, and escaped with no considerable loss in a previous epidemic, should on the eve of another epidemic do all that is here forbid- den. What no sceptical philosopher would have dared to propose as an experiment, what no haughty conqueror ever con- demned the inhabitants of a subjugated city to endure, this fine English town on the Tyne—the centre of the coal trade—of intelligence of every kind, and of engineering knowledge—has lone and suffered. All the excreta which are thrown into the * streets or water-closets, are washed down the acclivities of the streets into the river ; the fermenting mass is driven up and down by the tides, and has thence since July been pumped by the engine at Elswick all over the town through the wrater pipes for dolnestic uses ; it has been used for ablution, it has been wrashed over the floors, it has been drunk as a beverage by many of*the children and the wives, as well as large numbers of the higher and middle, as well as the working men of the town. This sad fact in the history of Newcastle will be remembered when the loss of 1500 lives, by which it was followed, is forgotten." Should it be urged that the foregoing is an extreme case and one from which it is hardly fair to reason when discussing the comparative value of our hydrant and well waters, I remark that analyses shows that the water in question differed from our hydrant water, principally in the same manner as our well water does, and in some respects, not so much, while in none does it but a trifle more.* From the Report of 1S54 1 abstract the following items. It appears that to determine the influence of water in the cholera in 1853 a circular was addressed by the Registrar General to the Secretaries of the several Water Companies supplying London, and in the Weekly Return No. 47, November 10, 1853, the gen- eral result wTas thus summed up : " From the returns received from the Water Companies it appears that cholera finds London, as regards water, in the situa- tion in which it left it. This holds true with reference *Dr. Robert Dundas Thompson found the Newcastle water " to contain a quan- tity of organised matter mechanically diffused through it to the amount of 4,50L! grs. per gallon. Of this 0.545 grs. was destructible matter; the remaining 3.957 grs. consisted of silicious forms resembling the shields of infusorial animals or diatomaceons plants. Dissolved or finely diffused in the water he further found 2.68 grs. per gallon of organic matter. The water likewise contained 1.18 grs. per gallon of chalk, and 7.3 grs. of muriate and sulphate of soda and sulphate of mag- nesia. The total solid contents were 15.662 grs. per gallon. This water was, it is said, filtered, but the process is not described by the Water Company. L>8 to all except the Lambeth Waterworks Company, who changed their source of supply nearly two years ago from Lambeth to Thames Ditton; and from a table subjoined it will bo seen that the results of the present epidemic in the districts supplied by that Company, as compared with some others, are rather more satisfactory than they were in 1849, an improvement which, it is hoped, in the further course of events will be maintained.'1 Water Companies. East London,...... •Lambeth, of South- work,........... Southwork,....... ♦Southwork, of Kent,........... Sources ol supply. The river Lee at Lee Bridge,.. The Thames at Thames Ditton, aud at Battersea. The Thames at Battersea,..... The Thames at Battersea,..... The Ravensbourne in Kent, and ditches and wells. Kg. of Districts supplied ohiefly by tho respective Companies.______ 'PopuTiVtiTiTT enum orated 1851. 434,694 " 346,363 118,267 17,805 Deaths from Choi,,. n> IH wmka «n,liwi Nov IB, IH63 ~" J24 I9M IO0 18 Deaths to 100,000 Lnhabt'nts 5S, 85 J 01 Part of the table only is given. "It is believed that through nearly the whole of this Table the'impurity of the waters with which the inhabitants of tho several districts are supplied is in nearly a direct proportion to the mortality from cholera." " The influence of the water became more evident; and was discussed in the supplement to the Weekly Return, (Dec. 3d, '53,) from which the following Table is taken." Part of Table only extracted. Sources of supply. Aggregate of Districts su pplied by the respective Companies. Deaths to Water Companies. Population in 1851. Urutlin JfOin 1 l,o|,,a in 14 w:,k, .Titlinj, Nov a>. IS53 100,000 inhabt' nts ♦Lambeth, of South- The Thames at Thames Ditton, and at Battersea. The Thames at Battersea, The Ravensbourne in Kent, and ditches and wells. 434,694 346,363 118,267 17,805 162 220 121 19 37 64 102 107 ♦Southwork, of Kent............ '• After correcting the above Table and the Tables of chol- era 1848-9, for the effects of elevation, it is found that a lar"-e residual mortality remains, which is fairly referable to the impu- rity of the water ; for it is least where the water is known to be sweetest—greatest where the water is known' to be most impure." * " * * * * *In these cases the same districts are supplied by two different companies. 29 " The cholera broke out again in 1854, the effects of the bad water were watched during the epidemic ; and the general re- sults of a special inquiry are thus described in the Weekly Return, (Oct. 14, 1854.)" INFLUENCE OP THE WATERS OP LONDON IN THE MORTALITY OP CHOLERA. "The present epidemic of cholera in London, presents a favorable opportunity for determining the influence of waters of various degrees of impurity, in the mortality of cholera : " In the report of the epidemic of 1849, the following gene- ral results have been obtained." '" In the six districts which are supplied with water taken from the Thames at Kew, by the Grand Junction, and at Ham- mersmith, by the West Middlesex, 15 in 10,000 inhabitants died from cholera; and the mortality ranged from 8 to 33."' ' " In the twenty districts supplied by the New River, the East London, and the Kent Companies, with water from springs from the Lee and the Ravensbourne, 48 in 10,000 inhabitants died of cholera, and the mortality ranged from 19 to 96." ' ' " In the twelve districts which are supplied with water by the Lambeth, the Chelsea, and the Southwark Companies, from the Thames, between Battersea and Waterloo Bridge, 123 in 10,000 inhabitants died of cholera, and the mortality ranged from 28 to 205." ' ' " In the second group of districts, cholera was three times as fatal; in the third, eight times as fatal as it was in the first; one, three, and eight, express the relative virulence of the epi- demic in the three conditions. The density of the population was greatest in the central group, and nearly the same in the first and third groups." ' "■' A part of the excessive mortality is referible to the de- pression of the ground in the twelve districts." "The Lambeth Company, which, in 1849, took its supply from the Thames at the part where the water is most impure, has, since January 1852, drawn its water from the Thames above the tidal flow, and has thus afforded an opportunity for ascertain- ing the effects of this great improvement." " It was observed in the first eruption (1853,) of the present epidemic, that the mortality was diminished in districts which were partially supplied by that Company. (Suplem't to Weekly Return, No. 19, 1853.") [Before quoted.] " On October, 13, 1853, a circular had been sent to the London Water Companies, and the replies of all except the Lam- [30 beth Company, showed that their new works and improvements , V x Af i • ,1 «,,»■ nu Hiev were onlv bound, undei had not then been carried out, as tin \ \\f '* J •»^ . ' .„-- „ theactof Parliament, to complete them m 18»o, 1N>0 oi ir>.>'. " The Southwark Company which now supplies the most impure water, stated, however, that though the Act allowed three vcars from August, 18;V2, for the execution of the ne v, works," the contracts for the whole having been made immediately after the passing of the act, and being now (Or ober,) ,n a rapid course of fulfilment, the works will be completed and in option one ■ year within 'the time prescribed," that is, in September 18o4. -Tho hopes of the Company, notwithstanding their efforts , on the approach of the cholera, were defeated, the officers in- ■ formed Lord Palmerston, by a concurrence of various causes, , and the impure water of the Thames is still supplied by this Company." " Bermondsey, one of the south districts of Loudon, is ex- clusively supplied with the impure water, and the deaths b\ cholera are already more numerous than they were in ('8-19 ; while in the parish of Lambeth, which is supplied by the South- wark Company, and partly by the Lambeth Company, I no mor- tality is much lower than it was in 18-19/' DEATH FROM CHOLERA. Districts. In theyear IS4H. In the 14 weeks md'g Oct.' 54. Bermondsey, 734 829 Irani both, 1,618 90-1 " Hut the pipes of the two Companies, which were once in active competition, oil en run down the same streets, and through the same sub-districts, are supplied with the pure and the im- pure water." " Dr. Snow, who has devoted much time to the investigai ion, having procured from this office the addresses of the persons who (lied of cholera in Kensington and some other sub-districts, states, as the result of an inquiry from house; to house where the pipes of the Lambeth Water Company, are intimately mixed with those of the Southwork Company, that in the seven weeks ending Aug. 25, of 600 deaths from cholera, 475 have happened in houses supplied by the Lambeth Company ; 13 in houses sup- plied by pumps, wells, and springs ; 8 in houses which derived their wrater from the Thames and from dilehes." " The Kegi tuns on I he nouth side of London wore instruc- ted to inquire in all cases of death by cholera, whether the house- in which the patient was attacked, was supplied by the South- wark, the Lambeth or the Kent Companies, or with water from pumps, wells, ditches or other sources. The inquiry was attended 31 with difficulty, as the information could not be obtained from Hospitals or Workhouses, and the informants, and the house- holders themselves were often ignorant of the source of the sup- ply, as the water rate in the worst districts is paid by the landlord. The information was thus not obtained in 766 out of 3805 instances; but it was stated that in 3039 instances, 2284 deaths occurred in houses supplied with the impure Thames water, 294 in houses supplied by tho Lambeth Company with the purer filtered water. The disparity was observed week after week in the progress of the epidemic." " The total number of houses supplied by jtho Southwark Company is stated to be 40,046 ; by the Lambeth Company to be 26,107 ; consequently there were in six weeks, 57 deaths in every 1000 houses supplied with impure water, and 11 in every 1000 supplied with the less impure or comparatively pure water." Quotations similar to the above, might be multiplied, but 1 will merely add, that subsequent more extended examinations, made .by the Board of Health, fully sustained the conclusions arrived at by the Registrar General. The foregoing quotations prove clearly, first, that a slight difference in the degree of purity in water, where there is even none in kind, made a marked difference in the mortality, and it is a very significant fact, secondly, that the assistance of the Kent Company, which received its supplies from the Ravensbourne, ditches, and wells, was a positive injury to the Southwark Com- pany, (as is seen in the tables,) although the portion of its sup- plies drawn from the Ravensbourne was doubtless purer than the whole of the water of the Southwark, drawn from the Thames at Battersea. These pages have been appended to the report of Prof. Elderhorst, in the hope that the facts they embody, may disabuse some well-meaning, but mistaken citizens of the prejudices which cause them to cling so fondly to the old family wells. There are now lying before me four versical calculi, inanimate, but eloquent mementos of the strong attachment to the waters of a favorite well, which was felt by one who in turn taught me to reg ard them as inferior only to those of the smitten rock. They are also testimonials of years of suffering; and of a life ended before the allotcd term, which, without their presence, would still have gladdened the hearts of those who lived it. 32 We cannot estimate the amount of pain, or number the les- sened years, or calculate the proportion of infant deaths, which are strictly due to the steady use of well instead of hydrant water; but we can avoid the occasion o\' all these ; and wo may be assured, that the expense incurred will ultimately be borne by the nurse, the druggist and tho family physician. The foregoing facts vindicate the wisdom of whatever steps may be taken to improve the condition of the hydrant water, and suggest the propriety of extending its distribution as far and as rapidly an means will permit. They point also to the time when the Jaw will here, as it does in England, expect Boards of Health to com- pel landlords to provide proper water and abundance of it, when procurable, to their tenants, holding, in regard to the rights of property, that " life, too, is a great property;" that while a per- son takes rent for lodging " ho shall not give fever for an equiv- alent ;" and " in his dealings with the ignorant and indefensive poor, cannot be suffered to estimate them at the value of cattle, to associate them in worse than bestial habits, or let them for hire, at however moderate rent, the certain occasions of suffer- ing and death," WM. P. SEYMOUR, Health Officer. Troy, Feb'y 18, 1858. I take this opportunity of expressing my obligations to Ueorg* S. Avery, C. E., of Cross River, N. Y., for the loan of a valuable collection of documents'on the water supply, sewerage and other sanitary measures of different cities-subjects to which he has devoted particular attention. \y p g