DRAFT OF A Bibliography of the Liquor Problem IN ITS RELATIONS TO ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, POVERTY, AND CRIME SUBMITTED TO THE COMMITTEE OF FIFTY Nov., 1894 BY Francis A. Walker, E. B. Andrews, Z. R. Brockway, E. R. L. Gould, J. F. Jones, Carroll D. Wright, Henry W. Farnam, Sub-Committed. 3 FHE LIQUOR PROBLEM IN ITS RELATIONS TO ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, POVERTY, AND CRIME. American Temperance Union : Reports of the Executive Committee. Appleton: Temperance Home. Boston, 1876, 320 pp. Pub- lished for the benefit of the Home. A record of work. Arnot, Rev. W.: The Criminality of Drunkenness, with the consequent rights and duties of Society in regard to the Criminals. Transactions of National Asso- ciation for promotion of Social Science, 1859. i860, 45 1-456 PP- Beecher, Lyman : Six Sermons on the Nature, Occasions, Signs, Evils, and Remedy of Intemperance. L. R. Marvin, Boston, 1828, 107 pp. Beecher, W. J.: Statistics of Temperance. North American Review, V. 141, pp. 154. Beggs, Thomas : The United Alliance and Permissive Bill. Transactions National Association for the Pro- motion of Social Science, 1862. 1863, 452-457 pp. Birmingham, Rev. J. : Memoir of the Rev. Theobald Matthew, with an account of the rise and progress of temperance in Ireland. Milliken & Co., Dublin. Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1840, 83 pp. Blair, Henry William : Temperance Moveinent, or the Con- flict between Man and Alcohol. William E. Smythe Co., Boston, 1888, 583 pp. Boies, Henry M. : Prisoners and Paupers. (Chapter XL) G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1893, 318 pp. Bowditch, Henry I. : Intemperance in the Light of Cosmic Laws. U. S. Brewers’ Association, New York? 1888, 47 pp. From the 3rd Annual Report of State Board of Health of Mass. 4 U. S. Brewers’ Association : Up to Date, a Review of some Important Phases of the Drink Question. N. Y., 1888-1892, 155 pp. Brooks, John Graham : Brandy and Socialism ; The Gothen- burg Plan. Forum, December, 1892, pp. 514-526. Calderwood, Rev. Henry: Shops for the Consumption of Intoxicating Liquors vs. Shops for the sale of such Liquors. Trans. National Association for pro- motion of Social Science, 1863. 1864, pp. 447-452. Carpenter, George B.: Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors in Health and Disease. Prize Essay. Crosby & Nichols, Boston, 1851, 261 pp. Clark, George Faber: History of the Temperance Reform in Massachusetts 1813 to 1883. Clarke and Carruth, Boston, 1888, 268 pp. A list mainly of the vari- ous temperance societies and clubs. Collins, A. M.: Prohibition vs Personal Liberty. St. Louis. Collins, Bailie William : The Restriction of the Liquor Traffic in relation to the Diminution of Drinking and Drunkenness and Crime, as illustrated by the Forbes Mackenzie act. Trans, of the National Associa- tion for Promotion of Social Science, 1874, pp. 922-930. Crafts, W. F.: What the Temperance Century has made Cer- tain. N Y. Crust, R. N.: Liquor Traffic in British India ; or has the British Government done its duty l Triibner & Co. London, 1888, 56 pp. An answer to Archdeacon Farrar, and Mr. Samuel Smith, M. P. Dorchester, Daniel, D.D.: Liquor Problem in all Ages. Phillips & Hunt, N. Y., and San Francisco, 1888, 728 pp. Morrison, William Douglas: Crime and its Causes. Son- / nenschein & Co., London, 1891, 231 pp. Observe particularly page 64 and seq. This work does not deal particularly with crime and its relation 5 to alcoholism, belt incidentally there are many references made to that subject in its pages. Dow, N. : Result of Prohibitory Legislation. North Ameri- can Review, 1882, 11 pp. Elliot, Rev. Henry L. : What are the principal causes of crime, considered f rom a social point of view l Trans. National Association for promotion of Social Science, 1868. 1869, pp. 324-337. Fanshawe, E. L.: Liquor Legislation in the United States and Canada. (Report of a non-partisan inquiry on the spot into the laws and their operation, at the request of W. Rathbone, M. P.) Cassel & Co., London, 1893, 432 pp. Faxon, Henry H.: Extract from the Public Statutes of Massa- chusetts, containing the laws regulating the sale of Lntoxicating Liquors. Boston, 1883, 149 pp. Godkin, E. L.: Temperance Cause. Nation, V. 39, p. 258. Granhan, Frederick W.: On Certain Causes tending to the Lncrcase of Crime. Trans, of National Associa- tion for Promotion of Social Science, 1859. i860, pp. 456-466. Gustafson, A.: A Foundation of Death. Boston. Guthrie, J.: Temperance Physiology. New York. Hargreaves, William, M.D.: Our Wasted Resources; the Missing Link in the Te?nperanceReform.. National Temperance Society and Publication House. New York, 1876, 201 pp. Hargreaves, W.: Alcohol and Science. New York. Hargreaves, W.: One Hundred Years of Temperance, 1785- 1885. New York. Harrison, W. G.: Certain Effects of Alcohol in relation to life insurance. American Public Health Association, Reports, Vol. 2, 3pp. Henderson, Charles R., A.M., D.D.: An introduction to the Study of the Dependent, Defective, and Delinquent Classes. Heath & Co., Boston. 1893, 277 pp. 6 There is but little claim made to originality in the production of this book, but the massing of authorities on the subject of drunkenness and crime is quite good. Hey wood, Ezra H.: Social Ethics: Free Rum, the conceded Right of choice in Beverages and required Power to Decline Intoxicants promotes rational Sobriety and assures Temperance. Co-operative Publishing Company, Princeton, Mass., 23 pp. Hill, Frederic: Crime: Its Amount, Causes, and Remedies. (Chap. IV. Drunkenness as a cause of crime.) John Murray, London, 1853, 443 pp. Houston, Arthur: Intemperance : some of its Causes, Conse- quences and Remedies. Trans. National Associa- tion for the Promotion of Social Science, 1861. 1862, pp. 482-484. Hunt, Mrs. Mary H.: Scientific Temperance Instruction in Schools and Colleges. American Report, Oct. 1888. Department of Scientific Temperance Instruction in schools and colleges of the United States and World’s W. C. T. U. W. S. Best, Boston, 1888, 60 pp. Iles, George: Liquor Question in Politics. Society for Po- litical Education, 330 Pearl Street, New York, 1889, 27 pp. Jewett, Rev. Edward H., D.D.: Two-wine Theory discussed by 286 Clergymen on the basis of Communion Wine. E. Steiger & Co., 25 Park Place, New York, 1890, 176 pp. Labourt, L. A.: Recherches sur /’ intemperance des classes laborieuses. Guillaumin et Cie, Paris, 1848, 36° pp. Low, George J.: Papers on Prohibition. U. S. Brewers’ Association, New York, 1887, 79 pp. (Against Prohibition.) MacDonald, Arthur, M.D.: Abnormal man. Bureau of Education, Circular of Information No. 4, 1893, 7 445 PP- This volume is a collection of reviews of the most important works which have ap- peared on the subject of abnormal man. It contains a bibliography of 238 pages, which is very complete. Manley, J. J.: Temperance Refreshment House movement. British Almanac Companion, 1880, 38 pp. Meath, Earl of: Diminution of Drunkenness in Norway. Nineteenth Century, Dec. 1891, pp. 933-938. Mitchell, Dr. Kate: The Drink Question, Its Social and Medical Aspects. Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1891, 254 pp. Morel, Jules, M.D.: The Porphylaxis of the Degenerate Criminal. The Monthly Summary, July 1893. In this paper the writer specially considers the extent of dipsomania among degenerate crimi- nals, and the parents of such criminals. Morel, Jules, M.D.: The Treatment of Degenerative Psycho- sis. American Journal of Insanity, October 1893, 16 pp. This is a very worthy paper, and although it treats only incidentally of alcohol- ism, it is one which should be carefully read. Morton, C.: Great Evil of Health Drinking. Johnathan Robinson at the Golden Lion, in St. Paul’s Church yard, 1684, 127 pp. Mudie, John: Mistakes of Prohibitionists. U. S. Brewers’ Association, New York, 1889, 64 pp. (Against Prohibition.) Newman, Prof. F. W.: On the Drink Traffic. Trans. National Association for Promotion of Social Science. 1869, 1870. Norikoff, O.: Te?nperance Movement in Russia. 19th Cen- tury Magazine, Vol. V, 12, p. 439. Page, Rev. Thomas, M.A.: Earnest Appeal to the Nation at large on the Mischievous Effects of Beer Houses. Seeley, Burnside & Seeley, London, 1846, 111 pp. 8 Palmer, A. B.: Temperance Teachings of Science. Boston. Parish, J.: Alcoholic Inebriety from a Medical Standpoint. Philadelphia. Parsons, G. F.: Influence of Liquor Sellers in Politics. Atlantic Monthly, V, 58, 404 pp. Peek, Francis: Social Wreckage. William Isbister, Lon- don, 1883, XIII, 279 pp. Chapter III, pp. 63-107 relates to The Licensing Laws and Intemper- ance. Pike, L. Owen: History of Crime in England. (From Roman Invasion to the present time.) 2 Vols. Smith, Elder & Co., London, 1876, pp. 539-719. Rand, W. H.: Alcoholic Drinks, Stimulants, and Narcotics ; a hand-book for common schools. Sentinel Printing Company, Keene, N. H., 1884, 47 pp. Rathborn, W., and Fanshawe, C. L.: Liquor Legislation in the United States and Canada. Report of a non- partisan inquiry on the spot, into the laws and their operation. Cassell & Co., London, 1893, 420 pp. Reforms : Their Difficulties and Possibilities. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1884, XIII, 229 pp., Chapter XII, pp. 171-194 deals with the Temperance Ques- tion and its relation to Crime. Pitman, Judge Rob. C.: Taxation of the Liquor Traffic. Princeton Review, September, 1878, 14 pp. An argument against taxation, 1st, because it does not regulate the traffic ; 2d, because the emolu- ments arising from taxation are inadequate to the mischief produced by the traffic. Rogers, R. V.: Drinks, Drinkers, and Drinking. Albany. Samson, Dr. G. W.: Divine Law as to Wines. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, 1885, 598 pp. Scott, Benjamin, F. R. S.: Chamberlain of City of Lon- don. Intemperance and Pauperism. Trans. Na- tional Association for Promotion of Social Science, 1861. 1862, pp. 485-491. 9 Sterns, J. N.: Footprints of Temperance Pioneers. New York. Thomann, G.: Inebriety and Crimes. N. pub., New York, 1889, 90 pp. Thomann, G.: Nations Drink Bill, economically considered. U. S. Brewers’ Association, N. Y., 1888, 29 pp. Thomann, G.: Liquor Laws of the United States, their spirit a?id ejfect. U. S. Brewers’ Ass’n N. Y., 1885, 256 pp. Thomann, G.: Colonial Liquor Laws, pt. 2 of “ Liquor Laws of the U. S., their spirit and effect.” U. S. B. A., N. Y., 1887, 202 pp. Thomann, G.: Second International Temperance Congress, held at Zurich, Switzerland, in 1887, U. S. B. A., N. Y., 1889, 59 pp. Thomann, G.: Alleged Adulterations of Malt Liquors, the whole truth about them. U. S. B. A., N. Y., 1886, 3° PP- Thomann, G.: Effects of Beer upon those who make it and drink it. U. S. B. A., N. Y., 1886, 46 pp. Thomann, G.: Solution of the Temperance Problem proposed by the Govt of Switzerland. U. S. B. A., N. Y., 1885. Thomann, G.: Real and Imaginary Effects of Intemperance. A statistical sketch, containing letters and state- ments from the Superintendents of 80 American Insane Asylums, the history of 500 inebriates, the history of 671 paupers, and statistics of Drunkenness. U. S. Brewers’ Ass’n, N. Y., 1884, 167 pp. Thomann, G.: System of High Licenses j How it can be made successful. U. S. Brewers’ Ass’n, 1885, 36 pp. Thomann, G.: Some thoughts on the Lnternational Temperance Meeting held at Antwerp in September, 1885. U. S. Brewers’ Ass’n, New York, 1886, 41 pp. 10 Weeden, W. B.: Prohibitory Liquor Laws, Morality of. Roberts Bros., Boston, 1875, 223 pp. Wells, Hon. David A., LL.D.: Our Experience in Taxing Distilled Spirits. Princeton Review, March, July, and Nov. 1884. A good history of the taxation of distilled spirits in the United States, with observations upon the financial results and moral influence of such taxation. Good. Whittaker, T. P.: Drinking System ; its effect upon national prosperity, and the rate of wages. Macmillan’s Magazine, V, 33, 1876, 8 pp. Wittenmyer, A.: History of the Woman's Temperance Cru- sade. Boston. Weiselgren, Dr. Sigfrid: More about the Gothenburg system. (A critical review of Mr. James Whyte’s pam- phlet ; “ The Gothenburg and Bergen public-house systems.") P. A. Norstedt & Soner, Stockholm, 1893, 39 PP- Willsie, Charles: Eye-Opener, or evil fruits of the prohibitory law in Kansas. Charles Wilsie, Wellington, Kans., 1890, 90 pp. Wilson, G. R.: Drunkenness. Swan, Sonnenschein & Co., 1893, 340 pp. A truly excellent work, and par- ticularly the chapters on etiology and pathology of alcoholism. It contains a genealogy of the “ Phultain ” family, which is very similar in principle to that of the “ Jukes ” by Dr. Dugdale. Wright, T. L.: Inebriism. Columbus, Ohio.