CONSTITUTION AM) GENERAL REGULATIONS m & OF THE DISTRICT NIEDIC1L SOCIffl OF HUNTERDON COUNTY*N: J., * WITH i TABLE OF FEES, RATES OF CHARGES, LIST OF MEMBERS, AND THEIR POST OFFICE AdflRESS. PRINTED AT THE “TRUE AMERICAN” OFFICE, TRENTON. 18 6 9. CONSTITUTION AND GENERAL REGULATIONS OF THE DISTRICT MEDIC1L SOCIETY OF HUNTERDON COUNTY, N. J.,- WITH TABLE OF FEES, RATES OF CHARGES, LIST OF MEMBERS, AND THEIR POST OFFICE ADDRESS. PRINTED AT THE “ TRUE AMERICAN ” OFFICE, TRENTON. 1869. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. Name. This Society shall be known and distin- guished by the name of “ The District Medical Society for the County of Hunterdon, State of New Jersey.” ARTICLE II. Meetings. Sec. 1. The stated meetings of this Society shall be held on the third Tuesday of April and of October. Sec. 2. The hour of meeting shall be 12 o’clock M., and five members shall constitute a quorum to transact business. 4 ARTICLE III Officers. Sec. 1. The officers of this Society shall be a President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary and Treasurer, each of whom shall be chosen annually, by ballot, to serve for one year, or until others are chosen. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Presi- dent to preside at all meetings, and preserve order. He shall call special meetings when he considers it expedient, or when applied to for that purpose by any two of the members, and cause notice thereof to be given by the Secretary. Sec. 3. In the absence of the President, the same duty shall devolve on the First Vice President, and in his absence upon the Second Vice President, and both being absent, the Society shall elect a President pro tern. Sec. 4. The Secretary shall attend all meet ings, and shall enter the proceedings of the Society in a book to be kept for that purpose; shall give timely notice in such manner as is 5 practicable to the members of all regular as well as extra meetings of the Society. He shall also keep a record of all persons returned to him by the members of this Society who have removed from their bounds with medical bills unpaid, and give due notice to the mem- bers of such delinquents. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Trea- surer to take charge and keep a correct account of all moneys belonging to the Society, to- gether with the receipts and disbursements, and shall exhibit a statement of the funds once in every year, or oftener, if required, and shall deliver up to his successor all books and papers, with the balance of cash or other pro- perty in his hands. lie shall preserve for the benefit of the Society, all donations and other moveable property committed to his charge, and shall keep an exact list of the same, to- gether with the names of the respective donors. ARTICLE \Y. Members. Sec. 1. No person shaft be admitted except 6 upon petition signed by himself, and recom- mended by some regular member of this Society, made to the Secretary at a regular meeting, to be read in presence of the Society ; and the election shall be by ballot, at the next stated meeting, the vote of three fourths of the members present necessary for admis- sion. Sec. 2. Members of the Medical Society of New Jersey residing in tho county shall in no case be construed to submit to this delay, but shall, upon their request, be enrolled as mem- bers. Sec. B. Every member shall, upon his elec- tion, and subscribing to the Conslitution and By-Laws, pay a fee of two dollars, and shall also pay to the Society at each stated meeting, the sum of one dollar. Sec. 4. Any member absenting himself from the Society for four successive meetings, or failing to pay bis dues and assessments for the space of two years, unless prevented by sick- ness or other sufficient cause, shall have his name stricken from the roll of the Society. 7 Notice of his delinquency shall be given him by the Secretary, if practicable. Sec. 5. All moneys collected at the stated meetings from members, and the fees of ad- mission, shall be placed in the funds of the Society; and after paying the current ex- penses, the surplus shall be appropriated according to the will of the Society. Sec 6. No moneys can be drawn out of the Treasury, except by order of the Society, and certified by the President. ARTICLE Y. Order of Business, &c. Sec. 1. The order of business shall be— I. Calling Roll. II. Reading and adopting of Minutes of last meeting. III. Petitions for Membership. IV. Balloting. V. Reports of Committees, &c. VI Reading of Essay, and discussion of the medical subject proposed. 8 VII. Miscellaneous Business. VIII. Collection of Dues and Assessments. IX. Election of Delegates. X. Election of Officers. XI. Adjournment. Sec. 2. Tbe exercises of tbe Society shall be to receive and collect information on tbe different subjects relative to medical science; and an Essay shall be read before the Society at every stated meeting by one of the mem- bers appointed by the President at a previous meeting. GENERAL REGULATIONS. Sec. I. Every member when about to speak, shall rise and address the Chair, and shall not be interrupted whilst speaking, unless de- clared to be out of* order, an appeal being made to tbe President. Sec. 2. No member shall speak more than twice on any one subject, unless by special permission from the President. 9 Sec. 3. No member shall be suspended or expelled from this Society, except by a vote of three-fourths of the members present. Sec. 4. It shall be considered dishonorable and worthy of censure for any member of this Society to hold professional intercourse with quarks and irregular bred pretenders to medi- cine, illegal practitioners, or expelled members. Sec. 5. The members of this Society shall make returns to the Secretary at the annual and semi-annual meetings, of all persons re- moving from their bounds leaving bills unpaid, and the same shall be entered upon a record kept by the Secretary for that purpose, and open for inspection at all times. Sec. 6. Any member of this Society who shall be called upon to attend any family or person who has been accustomed to employ any other member of this Society, shall not attend such family or person until his or their medical bills have been paid, and a receipt of the physician produced, unless satisfactory reasons can be given. Sec. 7. The table of fees and rates of 10 charges of the Medical Society of New Jersey, and that adopted by this Society, shall be considered the criterion for regulating and determining pecuniary considerations for pro- fessional services rendered by the members of this Society in their respective locations. Sec. 8. The Code of Ethics adopted by the “ American Medical Association” shall be the “ rules” regulating the governance of mem- bers of this Society, and shall form part of their By-Laws. Sec. 9. This Society shall have power to elect honorary members, the proportion of whom shall never exceed in number the third part of the members of this Society. Sec. 10. These By-Laws shall not be altered or amended, except such alteration or amend- ment proposed shall be submitted to the con- sideration of the Society at a previous stated meeting, and three-fourths of the members present shall be necessary to ratify the same. TABLE OF FEES AND RATES OF CHARGES For Professional Services, adopted by the Hunterdon County District Medical Society, at Annual Meeting, May, 1864 and 1868. GENERAL PRACTICE. Ordinary visit . $1 00 Mileage 25 Remaining a'l night 3 00 Consultation 5 00 Second visit 3 00 Third and every additional 2 00 Advice in office 50 to 1 00 Advice by letter $2 00 to 5 00 Opinion on question of jurisprudence in Court or out 5 00 to 20 00 Visit, &c., after 10 P. M 3 00 to 5 00 Certificate for Life Assurance 1 00 to 3 00 Certificate for Beneficial Societies 1 00 Dividing gums 50 to 1 00 Leeching 2 00 to 5 00 Vaccination . 1 00 to 3 00 Cupping 1 00 to 5 00 Venesection 50 to 2 00 12 Examination of Chest $2 00 to $5 00 “ “ Womb 3 00 to 10 00 “ “ Rectum 3 00 to 10 00 “ “ Eye 1 00 to 5 00 “ “ Ear 1 00 to 5 00 Chemical Analysis 1 00 to 10 00 Application to Throat 50 to 5 00 “ Rectum 1 00 to 5 00 “ Womb 1 00 to 5 00 “ Eye and Ear 1 00 to 5 00 “ of Galvanic Battery 50 to 5 00 Introduction of Seton 2 00 to 5 00 Excising Uvula 1 00 to 5 00 “ Tonsils 3 00 to 15 00 Opening Abscess 50 to 5 00 Gonorrhoea (in advance) 5 00 to 20 00 Syphilis 10 00 to 50 00 Administering Enema 1 00 to 2 00 Post mortem 10 00 to 20 00 If subject is exhumed 30 00 to,50 00 Use of Stomach Pump 5 00 to 25 00 Imperforate Anus, &c 10 00 to 30 00 MIDWIFERY. Ordinary case, with visits not exceeding three 5 00 to 20 00 Preternatural or instrumental 10 00 to 25 00 Attendance in cases of Abortion 5 00 to 15 00 SURGERY. Wounds and Sores 1 00 to 10 00 Sutures with Silk 1 00 “ “ Silver Wire 2 00 13 Fracture of Humerus $10 00 to 25 00 “ Ulna and Radius 10 00 to 25 00 “ Lower Jaw 10 00 to 25 00 “ Clavicle 10 00 to 25 00 “ Wrist 10 00 to 25 00 “ Femur 25 00 to 50 00 “ Leg 25 00 to 50 00 “ Fingers 5 00 to 10 00 Dislocation of Shoulder 5 00 to 15 00 “ “ Elbow 5 00 to 15 00 “ “ Lower Jaw 5 00 to 15 00 “ “ Clavicle 5 00 to 15 00 “ “ Wrist 5 00 to 25 00 “ “Hip 25 00 to 50 00 “ “ Fingers 5 00 to 10 00 Amputation 10 00 to 200 00 Introducing Catheter 3 00 to 5 00 Operations upon Eye and Ear 1 00 to 25 00 Removal of Tumors 2 00 to 25 00 Operation for Hernia 3 00 to 50 00 Trephining 20 00 to 75 00 Assistant Surgeon to charge half fees. MEDICINES. Advice and Prescription 50 to 2 00 Single dose of Medicine 25 to I 00 Mixtures, Solutions and Tinctures, per oz. 25 to 1 00 Hlisters 25 to 1 00 Ointments 25to 'l 00 Pills, per dozen 25 to 1 00 14 Powders, per dozen 25c. to $1 00 Quinine and Morphine Powders, per doz. 75c. to 1 50 All medical bills to be presented every six months, or oftener, at option of Practitioner. Any number of visits made in n day to be charged at the usual rates, since cases requiring such frequent visits must involve more than ordinary responsibility, and many of the visits must be made at inconvenient hours. LIST OF MEMBERS, With their Post-Office Address. JOHN P. SCHENCK Flemington. J. A. GRAY OWr. Flemington. H. B. NIGHTINGALE Flemington. G. R. SULLIVAN Flemington. SAMUEL LILLY Lambertville. J. H. Lambertville. T. H. STUDIFORD Lambei tvillo. GEORGE H. LARISON Lambertville. M. D. KNIGHT ..Little York JOHN LEAVET Baptisttown. N. B. BOILEAU Periyville JOHN BLANE Perryvillc. M. ABEL Quakertown. C. W. LARISON Ringoes. I. R. GLEN Reaville, WILLIAM S. CREVELING Stanton. I. S. CRAMER Sergeantsville. HENRY SMITH Neshanie. LEVI FARROW Middle Valley. JOHN LINABERRY Mountaiuville. 16 ASHER RILEY Milford. WILLIAM RIBBLE Milford. li. B. MATTHEWS ugi UtH, C. R. COWDRICK Frenchtown. J. TODD Lebanonvillo. O. S. 8PROW L Stockton. JOHN Q. BIRD Everettstown.