J)AV/5 (£\) & & esufltfifij * ^£&&.-V.?. fl+f' I \ \ *.1 * ,v >*< \ *u "\. S ■*'; >« t.«V: 2rM*4* «J# J/fa**t*&**-n LESSONS IN BOTANY, DESIGNED FOR THE USE SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES. PRECEPTOR OF WESTFIELD ACADEMY. • 42? • "V % 3 Site" / WitntRsVa, mass, PUBLISHED BY J. D. HUNTINGTON. <♦ '• . HARTFORD . H. & F. J. HUNTINGTON. 1829. f DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS, to wit: • District Clerk's Office. BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the thirtieth day of July. AD. 1829, in the fifty fourth year of the Independence of tbe United Spates of America, Emerson Davis of the said District, has deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, towit: '■' Lessons in Botany, designed for the use of Schools and Acade- mies. By E. Davis, A M. Preceptor of Westfield Academy." In Conformity to the Act of the "Congress of the United States, en- titled ■' An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned :" and also to an Act entitled " An Act supplementary to an Act, entitled, an Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and 13ooks to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies during the _ times therein mentioned; and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." » JNO. W. DAViS, Clerk of the District of Massachusetts. PREFACE. This small Treatise is designed to bring down the principles of Botany to the comprehension of chil- dren and youth. Those books that explain botan- ical terms are so voluminous, and so mixed with other matter, that they are unmeaning to youth- ful readers; books that describe plants either include all in a very extensive or very limited region, and consequently contain comparatively few known to an individual. The writer has learned by long ex- pcrience,that youth become discouraged when these books are put into their hands, from the seeming difficulty of the undertaking, and has prepared this book to remove the obstacle. He has given concise descriptions of all the leading botanical terms and arranged them under their appropriate heads. He has annexed descriptions of about 100 plants which may be found in every neighborhood. After the scholar has become acquainted with the terms as defined in the lessons, let him take a plant, turn to the description of it, which may be found by consulting the index of popular names, and compare the parts carefully with the description. After having gone through with this book, it is be- lieved the scholar will be able to use advantageously the Manuals of Torrey and Eaton. Or if he choose to stop here, he will know what botany is, and will have learnt that plants are curious specimens of work- manship, exhibiting clear marks of mechanical con- trivance, worthy of him who said " let the earth bring forth two classes distinguished by the cotyledons. If the seed h-T.^e 'oe cotyledon it belongs to the monocotyle- donous • Iiss if two to the dicotyledonous. G.—The Receptacle or that part which supports the - th ■ sir is the seventh essential organ. There are th e kinds of receptacles. 11 1. Proper receptacle which supports one single flower, as the stem supporting a peach, a cherry, or rose. 2. Common, which supports many flowers, as the broad plate of the sun flower, or the small white head of the dandelion remaining after the seed has blown away. 3. Rachis, or the slender stem running through a head of rye or wheat. 4. Columella, a central column supporting the seed, as a cob in an ear of corn. 5, Spadix, a central column to which the seed is attached, but extending some distance above it, as in the wild turnip. Remarks.—We have now taken a view of the seven primary organs. By the stamens and pistils plants are divided into classes and again into or- ders ; by the other five organs, orders are subdivid- ed into genera. The genera are furthermore di- vided into species by characters drawn from other parts of the plant, hereafter to be described. LESSON IV. Plants are divided into twenty two classes, which will now be explained. 1st Class includes plants whose flowers have one stamen. 2d, Class includes plants whose flowers have two stamens, as lilac, sage, penny-royal. 3d, Includes plants whose flowers have three stamens as flower-de-luce and most kinds of grass. 4th, Includes plants whose flowers have four stamens, as Patridge berry, Teasel. dc^vood. 5th, includes plants whose flowers have five stamens, as violet, potatoe, currant. 12 6th, Includes plants whose flowers have six stamens, as Solomon seal, and asparagus. ?th, " " " " seven stamens, as Horse-chesnut. 8th, " " " " eight stamens, as maple, cranberry. 9th, " " " " nine stamens, as sassafras, and fever bush. Uth, " " " " ten stamens, as whortle berry, and garden pink. 11th, " '* " " from twelve to twenty stamens standing on the corol, as purse- lane, snake-root, and house-leek. 12th, " " " " twenty or more stamens standing on the calyx, as thorn- bush, apple,plumb. 13th, " " " " twenty or more stamens standing on the receptacle, as pop- py, peony or pina, cowslip. 14th, " " " " four stamens two long and two short, as balm, thyme, horehound, 15th, " " " " • six stamens, four long and two short, as mustard, cab- bage, turnip. 16th, Includes those plants whose stamens are united by their filaments in one set, as crane bill, holly-hock, mallows. 17th, Includes plants whose stamens are united by their filaments in two sets, as pea, bean. 18th, Includes plants having compound flowers, that is, many flowers in one common calyx, as sun- flower, dandelion, daisy. 19th, Includes plants whose stamens stand on the pistil, as orchis and ladies-slipper. 20th, Includes plants wbose stamens and pistils are in separate flowers on the same plant, as oak, ehesnut, birch, walnut. 13 21st, Includes those plants whose stamens and pistils are in separate flowers, not on the same plant, as willow. 22d, Includes all cryptogamous plants. Orders—The orders, into which the first thirteen classes are divided, are distinguished by the num- ber of pistils. If the plant have one pistil it belongs to theirs* order, taw to the second, three to the third, if more than seven to the thirteenth order. The li- lac has two stamens and one pistil, and is of the sec- ond class first order. The violet has five stamens and one pistil, and is of the 5th class 1st order.— Wood sorrel has ten stamens and five pistils, and is of the 10th class and 5th order. The 14th class has two orders, first, seeds naked, second, seeds covered. The 15th class has two orders, first having pod- like capsules, as wide as they are long, second pods much longer than they are wide, as cabbage. The 16th, 17th, 19th, 20th and 21st classes have their orders distinguished by the number of stam- ens. A plant having^?ve stamens with their fila- ments united in one sett, belongs to the 16th class and 5th order. If there be five stamens standing on the pistil, the plant is of the 19th class, 5th or- der. The 18th class is divided into five orders. 1st, has all the flowers perfect. 2d, has the disk flowers perfect, ray pistillate. 3d, - ray neutral. 4th, has the disk standi)ate, ray pistillate. 5ih has the flowers all perfect, and each has a calyx. The 22d class is divided into 6 orders, or fami- lies of plants. 1st, Pilires, ferns, or brakes. ,2d, Musci, or mosses. 3d, H: pntirae, or liverwort. 4th, Algae, or sea weed. 2 14 5th Lichenes or lichens, growing on earth and wood, 6th, Fungi, or mushroom, toad-stool. LESSON V. The seven primary organs which have already been described may be called generic characters, be- cause by them the genera of plants may be deter- mined. There may be many species of the same genus, as there are many species or kinds of oak and pine trees, of roses, of currants and of violets. The characters, by which species are distinguished from each other, may be called specific characters. Specific characters are derived from^e sources, Leaves, Inflorescence, Stems, Roots, and Appen- dages. A.—Leaves.—The leaves of plants are deciduous falling oft' in autumn, or evergreen continuing through the winter, as pine and hemlock. Leaves may be considered in regard to their situ- ation, position, insertion, form, surface, margin, and termination. 1. Situation.—Leaves are radical that grow out from the root as plantain ; the radical leaves are often totally different from the stem leaves. They are alternate when situated on opposite sides, at about equal distances above each other ; scattered when irregularly situated ; opposite when one is one side of the stem, and the other over against it;— whorlcd when several leaves come out forming a circle about the stem. 2. Position.—Leaves are erect when they ascend as grass ; horizontal w^ien they make right angles with the stem ; recurved when they bend downT ward ; two ranked pointing in two directions ; de- cussate pointing in four ; unilateral pointing in one direction. 15 3. Insertion.—Leaves are petioled, when support- ed by a stein ; sessile when without a petiole ; pel- tate when the stem is attached to the centre of the leaf instead of being at one end, as nasturtion ;— clasping when the leaf is not only sessile, but half surrounds the stem ; perfoliate, when it wholly sur- rounds the stem ; sheathing as in grass and grain ; decurrent when the edges of the leaves run down the stem, as mullein. 4. Forms.—The more common forms of simple leaves are the following ; ovate, having the shape of an egg, as cherry ; ob-ovate differs from ovate in having the stem at the small end ; cordate heart shaped as lilac leaves ; ob-cordate, differs from cordate in having the stem at the small end, as wood sorrel ; oval or elliptical, Avidest in the middle and tapering at each end ; oblong very long oval, as chesnut ; orbicular round, as water lilly; kidney-form in the shape of a kidney bean ; linear, long, and all the way nearly of the same width, as grass leaves ; lanceolate, having the shape of a lance, long, tapering, as peach ; hastate, in the shape of a spear, as common field sorrel ; arrow form, hav- ing the shape of an arrow ; palmate, somewhat in the shape of a hand ; pedate, having the shape of a bird's foot. Of compound leaves the following forms are more common. Ternate, composed of three little leaves, or leafets, as clover ; Biternate, is when a stem is divided into three branches, and each branch has three leaves; quinate, composed of five small leaves, as five-finger; sometimes there are seven or nine, as in elder, sumach, and are said to have three or four pairs with a terminal leaf; pinnate, like a goose quill, having the little leaves on each side of fhe stem entirely distinct from each other, as in some ferns; capillary, like asparagus ; pinnatifid differs *'rom pinnate in this, the little leaves are not whol- 16 ly separated from each other; interruptedly pinnate, like potatoe. Remarks.—A leaf may have a resemblance to two simple forms, as it may be ovate, but too long in proportion to its width, and then might be called oblong-ovate, or the small end may taper out like a lance and then it is ovate-lanceotate. The end of a leaf of grass is often lance-form and then it is said to be linear-lanceotate. Thus by combining the terms already mentioned, all forms of leaves may be described. The syllable sub is prefixed to botanical terms, when it has only a partial resemblance to its true form, as if a leaf be a little notched on each side of the stem it is stud to be sub-cordate ; sub-ovate means somewhat ovate. LESSON VI. [Leaves continued.] 5. Margin.—Every child probably has observed that the margin, or edges of leaves differ from each other. Serrate is when the leaf has a margin like the edge of a saw, the teeth all inclining towards the small end of the leaf, as the leaf of the cherry. elder; crenate, a scolloped leaf; toothed, teeth erect not inclining towards the small end of the leaf; lobed as an oak, or maple leaf; gashed, or cleft when the leaf is split more or less deep as butter cup; Spinous having prickles on the margin, as the leaf of the thistle ; runcinate, the teeth or divisions inclining towards the petiole ; revolute, when the margin is rolled out ; involute, margin rolled in ; ciliate having a row of fine hairs standing "on the margin ; entire, margin perfectly smooth. n 6. Surface.—Pubescent or downy surface, covered with fine soft hairs'; hairy or pilose, hairs longer and more scattered than when pubescent ; silky when the hairs are long, thick and pressed to the leaf having the lustre of silk ; woolly when the hairs are thick and curly, as mullein; smooth when free from hair, pubescence ; glaucous, of a sea green colour ; nerc<:d when the veins run tne whole length of the leaf; veined when the veins branch variously f'nm the midrib, as apple tree leaves ; veinless without veins or nerves,-asthe float- ing leaves of water lillies- 7. Term'nation.— Obtu-*-, when the end is round- ed or blunt ; atut> wien it comes to a sharp point ; fir '-.ii'iint.;',when it terminates in a jhan> point which in- lines to one side ; e?norginai-r when there is a notch in tiie end of the lea*' R'-hiarks.—Many of the terms here applied to lea.es are applied to other parts of > plant. Stems ar«' pubescent, pilose ; the calyx may be lanceolate, ovate, serrau , or ' iaate ; petals may be orbicular, obtuse, eniarginate. B.---Lfir>->'vscrncL—inflorescence signifies the manner in which flowers are situated upon a plant. Flowers are situated in ten different ways. 1. Whorled, or verticillate, when the flowers en- circle the stem, as horehound, motherwort. 2. Raceme having a main stem, with small stems branching from it, each supporting a flower as currants. 3. Spike, having a main stem with flowers resting upon it, as a head of rye or wheat. 4. Head, growing in a globose form, as clover. 5. Fasciae, a tuft of flowers on little stalks va- i ionslv connected and subdivided, as Sweet-Will- iam. 18 6. Umbel, is composed of several stalks diverging from a centre and nearly equal in length, forming a level top, as caraway, fennel, dill. 7. Cyme is composed of several stalks diverging from a centre, and each branch variously divided, but forming nearly a level top, as elder. 8. Corymb is composed of several stalks not di- verging from a common centre, but branching out on different parts of the stem and forming a level top, as yarrow. 9. Panicle is an irregularly subdivided cluster, as oats and many kinds of grass. 10. Thyrse is a very dense, close panicle, as lilac. LESSON VII. C.—Stems.—The stems of plants are various. 1. Caulis or tidge, is the stem that elevates the leaves and flower above the ground, as the trunk of a tree or a rose bush. It is annual in all kinds of grass, perennial in trees and shrubs ; it may be simple, as a holly-hock, or branched as in trees ; leafy having leaves on the caulis, or naked; upright as trees; twining as hops ; climbing as peas, gourds, and grapes ; creeping as black-berry vines ; it may be round, or angular being four or five sided ; hairy or bristly. 2. Culm is the stem of grass and grain, and is jointed. If the plant be bent at the joints it is said to be geniculate. 3. Scape is a leafless stem growing from the root supporting a flower, as in the dandelion. 4. Peduncle, is a leaf growing from the caulis, or branches supporting a flower. If it^|be a small stem proceeding from a main peduncle, it is called a pedicell, as the small stem to which a currant is attached. lb 5. Petiole is the stem which supports a leaf. A leaf without a petiole is said to Le sessile. The petiole of some leaves is flat and thin, so that the leaf is in constant agitation, as poplar leaves. 6. Frond is a stem with its leaves as ferns or brakes. 7. Stype, is the stem which supports a toad-stool. D.—Roots.—A root serves to fix and to convey nourishment to the plant. Roots are distinguished into six kinds. 1. Fibrous, consisting only of thread-like branch- es, as the roots of grass. 2. Creeping, a root running along under the sur- face of the earth, about the same size in every part, as mint and gold thread. 3. Fusiform, or tap root, as a carrot or parsnip. 4. Tuberous, or knobbed root as Potatoe, having knobs growing along upon the branches of the root. 5. Bulbous, a globose root from which the stem immediately grows, as an onion ; in the onion it is laminar, in the white lilly scaly, and in some plants solid. 6. Granular, consisting of rounded grains attach- ed to each other, resembling a string of beads, as the root of sorrel. E.—Appendages.—Of these there are seven kinds. 1. Stipule, a leafy appendage attached to the petiole of a leaf, as willow leaves. 2. Bract, a leafy appendage attached to a flow- er, or its peduncle, often colored. • 3. Thorn, a prickle growing out of the wood, as thorn bushes. The thorn often disappears if the plant is cultivated in a rich soil. 4. Prickle, growing from the bark as on rose- bushes, and never disappears by cultivation. 5. Sting, a coarse hair covering the stem and leaves of nettles and some other plants. It is tub- 20 ular and discharges a poisonous fluid which produc- es a violent itching in the flesh. 6. Gland, a very small tumour or knob at the base of a petal more commonly discharging honey. 7. Tendril, spiral or coiled, growing on (limbing plants as peas, melons, grape vines, to aid them in climbing. Sometimes the petioles of a leaf wind round a limb to support the plant. LESSON VIII. Definitions of Terms not belonging to the preceding Divisions. Axillary signifies that the flower, tendril, or bract grows in the angle between the leaf and stem, or branch and stem. Aigrette, or egret, is the name of a hairy, feathery substance to which the seed of some plants is at- tached, as the down of dandelions and thistles. Glabrous signifies a surface perfectly smooth, as an apple, the upper surface of an oak leaf, and the stem of pinks. Subulate, awl-shaped and is applied to leaves, as of hemlock, to petals and appendages. Androgynous, having stamens and pistils in differ- ent flowers on the same plant. Annual is a term applied to plants, that grow up, hear seed, and die the same year ; as potatoes, strawberries, and grasses, are annual plants, called also herbaceous. Rye, onions, beets and carrots are called biennial plants, because they do not bear seed till the second year, and then die. Apple trees, chesnut trees, &c. are calJed peren- nial, because they continue to bear fruit many years. 21 Names of classes used in Botanical boolw. The 1st class is called Monandria. The 2d - Diandria. TJie 3d - Triandria. The 4th - - Tetrandria. The 5th - - Pentandria. The 6th - - Hexandria. The 7 th - - Heptandria. The 8th - - Octandria. The 9th - - Enneandria. The 10th - - Decandria. The 11th - - Dodecandria. The 12th - - Icosandria. The 13th - - Polyandria. The 14th - - Didynamia. The 15th - - Tetr adynamia. The 16th - - Monadelphia. The 17th - - Diadelphia. The 18th - - Syngencsia. The 19th - - Gynandria. The 20th - - Monoecia. The 21st - - Dioecia. The 22d - - Cryptogamia. Names of the orders of the first thirteen classes >ised in Botanical books. The 1st order is Monogynia. The 2d Digynia. The 3d Trigynia. The 4th Tetragynia. The 5th Pentagynia. The 6th Hexagynia. The 7th Heptagynia. The 13th Polygynia. The 14th class has two orders. 1. Gymnosr^r- tna, seeds naked ; 2. Angiospevma, seeds co ;ed. The 15th class has two order-. 1. Si'iculosa, pods as wide as they are long. 2. Siliquosa, pods long, as cabbage. ■>•> The 16th, 17th, 19th, 20th, and 21st classes, tin- names of classes are taken for orders. The first order in each of these classes isMonand- ria, second Diandria, &c. LESSON IX. In this Lesson I shall proceed to bring together some miscellaneous remarks upon the physiology of plants. The sap is water having earthy substances dissolv- ed in it ; it is absorbed by the roots, ascends in the wood, enters the leaves, where it gives off oxy- gen and absorbs carbon, descends in the bark, and deposits each year a layer of wood. If the leaves be stripped from a plant in the spring, the sap cannot pass from the wood to the bark, and consequently the plant will not grow any that year. Plants change their specific characters and ap- pearance by a change of soil and climate. The generic characters are for the most part unaltera- ble. The Nasturtion, in New England is an annual plant and herbaceous, in the torrid zone, woody and perennial. Corn raised in a cold country will come to maturity if planted in a warm, earlier than that which is habituated to the soil; hence corn brought from Canada to Mass. is very early corn. Trees are largest in the torrid zone and diminish in size as you depart from the equator. The larg- est trees on the earth are found in Africa, on the banks of the Senegal, called Baobab. The fig trees of Malabar are fifty feet in circum- ference ; the cedars of Lebanon, and the chesnuts of Mt. ^Etna are thirty feet. The manner by which seeds are dispersed over the surface of the earth is no less interesting than wonderful. Some plants are very generally difl'us" ed, others are limited to a small territory, and oth- ers are common to all countries in the same zone. Field sorrel and white clover spring up wherever man lixes his habitation. ri'he Baobab is limited to \frica—Cotton, Rice and sugar cane are the pro- ductions of warm climates. The native plants of South America are found on Western Africa, and in some of the western countries of Europe. Their seeds are such as float on water, and remain in it for a long time without injury. It is supposed the seeds swam across the Atlantic, and rooted them- selves in a foreign soil. Those seeds which have egret attached to them, as thistles and dandelions rise and float in the atmosphere. There is one plant in Europe the seeds of which were borne by the wind from the American Continent. Birds and other animals disperse seeds. The age of perennial plants is very various.---- Oaks live it is supposed from 600 to 900 years. The age of plants therefore varies from one day, as mush- rooms, to 900 years. Decay in many plants commences at the cen- tre, or heart, hence trees live often a long time af- , ter they become hollow. Pines and evergreens of this class generally exhibit the first symptoms of de- cay externally, the heart is most incorruptible. The longest lived trees grow in a soil moderately dry. The buds of plants contain the leaves and usu- ally the flowers. A German botanist analysed a bud about the size of a pea from a walnut in the spring, and found the envelope to consist of about 20 scales, this was lined with a coat of soft down, in which was rolled up the embryo of 25 leaves and 60 flowers. This envelope of scales and down is to protect the embryo leaves from the cold of winter. 24 DESCRIPTION OF PLANTS. Class II.—Diandria.—Order I.—Monogynich Syringa.—Corol I-petalled, salver form, capsule 2-celled ; inflorescence a thyrse. Officinalis, a shrub ten feet high, leaves sub-cor- date, glabrous, acute ; flowers in May. Lilac. Veronica, calyx 4-parted, corol wheel form, capsule obcordate ; inflorescence a raceme. Serpyllifolia, leaves ovate crenate, smooth, three to six inches high ; grows about houses and by the road side, flowers in May. Speedwell. Hedeoma, calyx 2-lipped, upper lip three tooth- ed, teeth lanceolate, corol 1-petalled, labiate, 2 stamens barren. Pugileoides, leaves oblong remotely serrate, flow- ers axillary, peduncles short, strong scented ; flow- ers in July and August. Pennyroyal. Salvia, calyx tubular, striate, corol one petalled labiate. Officinalis, leaves lance ovate, rugose, crenulate, mucronate, flowers in July. Sage. Class III.— Triandria.—Order I.—Monogynia. Iris, Calyx a spathe 2 or 3 leaved, corol 6-prr- ted, alternate divisions reflected. Stigmas 3, cover- ing the stamens. Virginica. Stem two edged, many flowered, high- er than the ensiform leaves, stigmas shorter than the inner petals, capsules oblong with furrowed an- gles. Wild-Iris. Pumila, stem 6 inches high, scape one flowere'd, leaves lanceolate, glabrous ; petals, oblong, obtuse. Dwarf flower de-luce. Order II.—Digynia. Secale, Calyx a glume 2-valved, two or many flowered, opposite, glumes linear, lanceolate. 25 Cereale, glume scabrous ciliate, scales of the ca- lyx narrow, awns long and reverse prickly, inflor- escence a spike. Rye. Avena,—Calyx a glume two-valved, many flow- ered, corol valves with a twisted awn on the back. Sativa, inflorescence a panicle, calyx two-seeded, seeds smooth, cultivated, discovered first in the isl- and of Juan Fernandez. Oats. Sorghum, Florets in pairs, one perfect, with a three-valved corol, sessile ; inflorescence a panicle. Saccharatum, branches of the panicle somewhat whorled, spreading; seeds oval, glumes covered with soft hair. Introduced from the East Indies. Broom-corn. Vulgare, panicle compact, oval, seed naked sub- compressed, glumes black. Coffee-corn. Class IV.— Tetrandria.—Order I.—Monogynia. Dipsacus, Involucre, or common calyx many leav- ed, proper calyx one leaved, superior ; seed one, crowned, corol one-petaled. Fullon-m, receptacle chaffy, inflorescence an ovate head ; leaves sessile, serrate ; calyx hooked. T-ascl. Houstonia, Calyx four-cleft, corol salver-form, tube short, capsule two-celled. Coerulea, stem erect, setaceous, cauline leaves ob- lanceolate, peduncles one-flowered, elongated. ------ Venus' pride. Class V.—Pentandria.—Order I.—Monogynia. Symphytum, corol one-petaled, tubular, upper part inflated, throat closed with subulate rays. Officinale, leaves ovate sub-lanceolate, decurrent, rou«h, hairy, flowers white. Cumfrey. Vf.rbascum, corol wheel form, five lobed, some- what irregular, stamens declined, hairy ; capsule two-celled. T':ap-u<, leaves decurrent, both sides wooly ; in- florescence a cylindrical spike, corol yell >w. Mullein. 3 26 Ipomoea, corol funnel form, with five folds ; stig- ma a globose head, capsule three-celled. Purpurea, leaves cordate, entire, peduncles two to five flowered, divisions of the calyx lanceolate, capsules glabrous, corol purple. Morning glory. Solanum, calyx permanent, corol wheel form, five-lobed, anthers thick, partly united ; pericarp a berry. Tuberosum, stem angular, leaves interruptedly pinnate ; root tuberous ; first found in S. America. Potatoe. Capsicum, corol.wheel form, berry inflated, an- thers converging ; calyx angular. Annuum, stem herbaceous, peduncles solitary. Red-pepper. Viola, calyx five-leaved, corol irregular, with a horn behind, five-petalled inferior, anthers attached by a membraneous tip. Tricolor, stem angular, branched ; leaves oblong, deeply crenate, stipules deeply pinnatifid, grows in gardens. Garden-violet. Cucullata, glabrous, leaves cordate, serrate, roll- ed in at the base; scapes one-flowered, of the length of the petioles, petals bent obliquely, side ones bearded. Blue-violet. Blanda, glabrous, leaves cordate, flattish, remote- ly serrate, scape of the length of the leaves ; pe- tals beardless, lower longer than the rest, marked with blue stripes. White violet. Ribes, corol five-petalled, superior, stamens stand on the calyx, berry many seeded. Rubrum, racemes nodding ; corol flat, petals ob- cordate, leaves obtusely five lobed. Currant. Floridum, racemes pendant ; leaves punctate both sides, calyx cylindric, bracts longer than the pedicels. Black-currant. Triflorum, spines sub-axillary, leaves three to five lobed, gash toothed, peduncles three flowered, pedicels elongated, berry glabrous, pale red. Goose-berry. *N 27 Order II.—Digynia. Carum, corol five-petalled, petals carinate, em- trginate, inflorescence an umbel, involucre l-leaf- ed, seed striate. Carui, stem branched, leaves with ventricose sheaths. Carraway. Order V.—Pmtagynia. Linum, calyx five-leaved, corol five-petalled infe- rior, capsule five to ten celled. Usitatissimum, leaves of the calyx ovate, acute three-nerved, petals crenate, leaves lanceolate, al- ternate, stem simple. Flax. Class VI.—Hcxandria.—Order I.—Monogynia. Tradescantia, caylx inferior, three-leaved, co- rol three petalled, filaments with jointed beards, capsule three celled. Virginica, erect, leaves lanceolate, elongated, flowers sessile, inflorescence umbel-like, pubescent, grows in gardens, flowers blue. Spider-wort. Hemerocallis, Corol six-parted, funnel form, calyx none, stamens declined, stigma small. Flava, leaves broad, linear, keeled, petals flat, acute, nerves of the petal undivided, grows in gar- dens and door-yards. Day-lilly. Lilium, corol inferior, liliacious, six petals with a line from the middle to the base ; stigma undivid- ed. Canadense, leaves remotely whorled, lanceolate three-nerved, nerves beneath hairy, peduncles ter- minal, in threes nodding. Yelloiv-lilly. Philadelphicum, leaves whorled, lance-linear, stem about two flowered, corol erect, petals spreading. Red-UVy. Tulipa, corol liliacious, stigma thick, capsule ob- long, three sided. 28 Gesneriana, stem one flowered, glabrous, flow- er various colored, erect, petals obtuse leaves lan- ceolate. Tulip. Class VIII.—Octandria.—Order I.—Monogynia. Tropoleum, calyx four or five cleft, colored, spur- red, petals four or five ; nuts leathery, sulcate. Majus, leaves peltate, petals obtuse, some of them fringed, stem creeping, grows in gardens. Nasturtion. Order II.—Digynia. Polygonum, calyx inferior, five parted, colored, corol none, seed one, angular, covered with the ca- lyx ; stamens and pistils vary in number. Orientale, flowers in crowded spikes oblong, leaves ovate, stem erect, five or six feet high, stip- ules rough haired. Ragged sailor or prince's feather. Fagopyrum, Inflorescence a pnnicled raceme, leaves cordate, arrow form, stem erect. Buck-wheat. Class IX.—Enneandria.—Order I.—Monogynia. Laurus, Calyx none, corol resembling a calyx four to six parted. Nectary with three two-awned glands surrounding the germ. Drupe one-seeded. Sassafras. A small tree sometimes 25 feet high, frequently only a shrub. Leaves entire, or 2 and three lobbed on the same plant, glabrous, or pubes- cent. Flowers in umbels, yellow. The bark of the root very fragrant, very common along fences, and around old fields. Flowers in March, before the leaves put forth. Sassafras. Benzoin, leaves obovate, lanceolate, pubescent un- derneath, flowers in clustered umbels ; bark has a spicy taste, grows four to eight feet high, on the margin of rivulets, flowers in March. Spice-bush. 29 £lass X.—Decandria.—Order I.—MonogyniU. Ruta, Calyx five parted ; petals concave ; re- ceptacle surrounded by ten nectariferous dots ; cap- sule lobed. Gravcolcns, leaves compound, leafets oblong, terminal one obovate, petals entire ; grows in gar- dens. Rue. Kalmia, calyx five-parted ; corol wheel-salver- form, with 10 cavities containing the anthers, form- ing ten horns underneath ; capsule five-celled. Latifolia, a shrub from three to eight feet high, leaves perennial glossy, entire, oval, long petioled, corymbs terminal with viscid hairs, flowers in April, leaves generally supposed to be poisonous. Laurel. Angustifolia, a shrub one or two feet high ;— leaves oblong, obtuse, sometimes rusty beneath ; flowers in small lateral corymbs, of deep rose color. Sheep-laurel. Vaccinium, calyx 5-toothed, corol pitcher form fiv3-cleft the divisions reflected, filament inserted on the germ with the corol. Resinosum, leaves slender, petioled, oblong-oval, obtuse, entire, bedewed with resinous dots; racemes lateral ; pedicels short ; berries black. II'ark-whortleberry. Frondosum, leaves oblong-ovate, obtusish, entire glabrous ; pedicels long, filiform, bracted ; corol ovate bell-form, about three feet high, berries large and blue. Blur whortleberry. , Dmnosum, branches, leaves and racemes a little hispid; leaves oblong-obovate.acute at the base, mu- cronate; racemes bracted, pedicels short axillary, sub-solitary. Bush-whortleberry. Order II.—Digynia. SAroxARiA, Calyx inferior, one-leafed, tubular : uorol caryophyllous, capsule oblong, one celled. 30 Officinalis, leaves lance-ovate, 12 or 14 inches- high ; grows in gardens and by the road side. Soap-wort. Dianthus, Calyx inferior, cylindric, one leafed with scales at the base, corol caryophyllous ; cap- sules cylindric, opening at the top. Barbatus, flowers fascicled, scales of the calyx ovate subulate, equalling the tube : leaves lanceo- late. Swcct-William. Plumarius, flowers solitary, scales of the calyx sub-ovate, very short and obtuse, petals many-cleft, thr :>at of the corol hairy. Single pink. Ca-yophyllus, flowers solitary; scales of the ca- lyx sub-rhomboid ; petals crenate, beardless. Carnation pink. Order V.—Pentagynia. Oxalis, calyx five-leaved inferior; petals five, cohering by the claws ; capsule five celled, five cor- nered, opening at the corners ; five stamens short- er than the others. Stricta, stem erect branching, peduncles umbel- liferous ; leaves ternate, obcordate ; petals obovate. Yellow wood sorrel. Class XII.—Icosandria.—Order V.—Pentagynia. Pyrus, calyx five-cleft, superior ; corol rosaceous, pericarp a pomum, five-celled many seeded. Communis, leaves ovate serrate peduncles corymb- ed ; there are several varieties. Pear. Mains, flowers in sessile umbels, leaves ovate-ob- long, acuminate, serrate, glabrous ; many varieties. Apple. Cydonia, flowers solitary, fruit tomentose when young, leaves ovate entire. Quince. 31 Order XIII.—Polygynia. Rosa, calyx urnform, contracted at the throat 5- cleft, petals 5, seeds numerous, hispid fixed to the sides of the calyx within. Srmpcrfiorcns, germs ovate oblong, tapering to both ends, germs and peduncles hispid, stem prickly. Monthly rose. Alba, germs ovate, glabrous, or hispid, leafets ovate, villose beneath. White-rose. Damascena, calyx half pinnate, germ ovate, tur- gid, bristly, stem and petioles prickly, leaves downy beneath. . Damask rose. Burgundica, germ sub-globse, leafets ovate, pub- escent beneath, corol small, red. Burgundy rose. Cinnamonea, germs globose, germs and peduncles glabrous, leafets oblong. Stems cinnamon color. Cinnamon rose. Rubus, calyx five-cleft, inferior ; corol five-pe- talled ; berry composed of pulpy grains each one seeded. Trivialis, stem procumbent, petioles and pedun- cles hispid, with prickles recurved ; leaves ternate or quinate, oblong, oval, acute, unequally serrate, pedicels solitary, elongated, petals obovate. Creeping Blackberry. Villosus, pubescent, hispid and prickly ; leaves ternate or quinate, ovate-oblong, hairy both sides : calyx short, acuminate, racemes lax. High blackberry. Strigosus, rigidly hispid, leafets ternate, oval, at the base obtuse, white downy beneath, flowers ax- illary, solitary peduncles and calyx hispid. Red raspberry. O'cidentali^, branches and petioles glaucous and prickly ; leaves ternate, sub-lobate and doubly" ser- rate, downy beneath ; petioles terete. Black raspberry. 32 Fragaria, Calyx inferior ten-cleft ; corol ro^ /saceous ; receptacle ovate, berry-like,'caducous. Vesca, calyx of the fruit reflexed, hairs on the petioles spreading, on the peduncles close pressed. Garden strawberry. Virginiana, hairs on the petioles erect, leaves ternate, serrate, glabrous above. Wild strawberry. Class X.IY -Didynamia.-ORDER I.—Gymnosperma. Nepeta, Calyx dry, striated ; corol with a long- ish tube, under lip of the middle division crenate, stamens approximate. Cataria, flowers in whorled spikes, leaves petiol- ed cordate, tooth-serrate. Cat-mint. Hyssopus, corol with the under lip three-parted, stamens strait, distant. Officinalis, flowers whorled, racemes one way, leaves lance-linear. Garden hyssop. Nepetoides, spikes whorled cylindric, leaves sub- oordate, ovate, acuminate. Giant hyssop. > Mentha, corol nearly equal four-cleft, broadest division emarginate, stamens erect, distant. Viridis, spikes oblong, interrupted ; leaves lance- olate, serrate, sessile ; stamens longer than the co- rol. Spear mint. Piperita, spikes obtuse, leaves sub ovate, petiol- ed, stem glabrous at the base. Pepper mint. Satureia, calyx tubular, striate ; corol with di- visions nearly equal; stamens distant. Hortensis, peduncles axillary, somewhat in a cyme, leaves lanceolate entire. Summer savory. Montana, peduncles sub-one-sided, segments of the calyx acuminate, mucronate. Winter savory. 33 Class XV.— Tetradynamia.—Order I.—Siliculosa. Lepidium, calyx spreading ; corol regular ; sili- cic emarginate, cordate or oval; cells one-seeded ; valves carinate. Sativum, leaves oblong, many cleft. Pepper grass. Virginicum, radicle leaves pinnatifid, cauline ones lance-linear, sub-gash-serrate ; grows about houses. Wild pepper grass. Thlapsi, calyx spreading, silicle emarginate, ob- cordate many seeded ; valves resemble two boats, keels outward. Bursa-pastoris, hirsute, silicles obcordate ; radi- cal leaves pinnatifid. Common in April. Shepherd's purse. Order II.—Siliquosa. Brassica, calyx erect, converging ; partition ex- tending beyond the valves of the silique ; seed glo- bose. Oleracea, *oot caulescent, terete, fleshy ; leaves smooth glaucous, repand and lobate. Cabbage. Rapa, root orbicular, depressed, fleshy, radical leaves rough, cauline ones smooth. Turnip. Raphanus, calyx closed, setose ; silique terete, not opening by valves. Statious, leaves lyrate ; silique terete, two-celled One variety has a fusiform root, and another sub globose root. Radish. Sinapis, calyx spreading, corol with, strait claws.; partition extending beyond the valves of the sil- ique. Nigra, silique glabrous, three sided, somewhat smooth, close pressed to the stem. Common mustard. Alba, silique bristly shorter than the two-edged beak ; leaves pinnatifid, irregularly toothed. Yellow seed mustard. 3* 34 Class XVI.—Monadelphia.—Order XIII.— Polyandria. Malva, calyx double, outer one three-leaved, inner one five-cleft ; capsules many, one seeded. , Rotundifolia, leaves heart-orbicular, obsoletely five-lobed, stem prostrate ; very common. Low malloios. Sylvestris, stem three feet high erect ; leaves seven lobed acutish, peduncles and petioles hairy : flowers red. Malloivs. Crispa, stem erect tall, leaves angular, crispid ; flowers axillary, glomerate. Curled mallows. Althaea, calyx double, outer one 6 to nine-cleft; capsules many, one seeded. Rosea, stem erect ; leaves rough, cordate, five to seven angled, crenate. Holly hock. Class XVII.—Diadelphia.—Order ~K.-Decandria. Pisum, calyx with divisions leaf like ; banner protruding two folds ; style compressed, carinate villose above. Sativum, petioles terete ; stipules round and cre- nate at the base ; peduncles many flowered. Pea. Phaseolus, keel stamens and style spirally twis- ted together, legume compressed, kidney form. Vulgaris, stem twining, racemes solitary, shorter than the leaves, peduncled inpairs ; legumes pendu- lous. From the East Indies. Common pole bean. Nanus, stem erect smooth ; bracts larger than , the calyx ; legumes compressed, rugose. ------ * Bush bean. Class XX.—Monoecia.—Order III.— Triandria. Zea, Staminate flowers, calyx glume two-flower- ed, awnless, corol glume awnless. Pistillate flowers, calyx glume two valved style 1, long filiform, seed immersed in an oblong receptacle. Mays, leaves lance-linear; entire, keeled. Indian corn., 35 Kutrep to JJojmlac mines. Apple, . j i.30 liiack Currant, 26 Black Whortleberry, 29 Black Raspberry, 31 Blue Whortleberry, 29 Blue Violet, 26 Burgundy Rose, 31 Bush Whortleberry, 29 Buck Wheat, 28 Bush Bean, 34 Broom Corn, 25 Catmint, 32 Caraway, 27 Carnation pink, 30 Cabbage, 33 Coftee Corn, 25 Comfrey, 25 Cinnamon Rose, 31 Creeping Blackberry, 31 Curled Mallows, 34 Currant, 26 Common Mustard, 33 Damask Rose, 31 Day Lilly, 27 Dwarf flower de-luce, 24 Flax, 27 Garden Violet, 26 Garden Strawberry, 32 Garden Hyssop, 32 Goose Berry, 26 Giant Hyssop, 32 High Blackberry, 31 Hollyhock, 34 Indian Corn, 34 Lilac, 24 Laurel, 29 Low Mallows, 34 Mallows, p.34 Monthly Rose, 31 Morning Glory 26 Mullein, 25 Nasturtion, 28 Oats, 25 Pear, 20 Pea, 34 Pennyroyal, 24 Pepper Grass, 33 Pole Bean, 34 Peppermint, 32 Potatoe, 20 Quince, 36 Ragged Sailor, 28 Red Lilly, 27 Rue, 29 Radish, 33 Red Raspberry, 33 Red pepper, 26 Rye, 25 Sage, 24 Sassafras, 28 Sheep Laurel, 29 Single pink, 30 Soapwort, 30 Speedwell, 24 Spearmint, 32 Spiderwort, 27 Spice Bush, 28 Summer Savory, 32 Sweet William, 30 Shepherd's purse, 33 Teasel, 25 Tulip, 28 Turnip, * 33 Venus' pride, 25 36 White Rose, p.31 White Violet, p.26 Wood Sorrel, 30 Wild Iris, 24 Winter Savory, 32 Yellow Seed Mustard,33 Wild Strawberry, 32 Yellow Lilly, 27 Wild Peppergrass, 33 NOTE.—Words employed in describing plants not defined in this book may be found generally in Dictionaries of the English Language. Every plant in Botanical books has two names, the first is the name of the genus, the second of the species. Here the name of the genus is printed in small capitals, the species in italics. Plants must be examined when in full blossom, for then the stamens and pistils can be counted.— They maybe dried and kept for any length of time ; a book of dried plants is called Herbarium. They are prepared for an herbarium by spreading them flat between coarse papers, covering them with a board upon which is placed a stone weighing 501bs. They should be taken out and exposed to the air daily until they are thoroughly d1"1' f y, £jj^feS£$ 1ft 4c*1 GOT, BOOKS AND STATIONARY, ff»' MfFor the accommodation of Schools and Ac»ide-ln, •^/miee J; D. H. will publish in a few weeks, a small, Vtl? .q. . •■ m BOOK OF QUESTIONS, ' * ,# jde>ig«ed to lead the young mind to conteii plate/jt« iarjtdijxpre.-s iruvonds," thatnpnblanee&.qud dijt'i <;»"»-M^ }c«i Vh Natitrat Ohjrjcfa and to citliiYftie'&w • '-'^rv-r^ ; ''ftiug arid inqui^tive turri of mind.—By the tuithor oijH' ltfL< <: > in Botany." ■\-<< FOR SALE AS >VE\ Be' quality o1' Writing Inkjfri Bott Jftk-v|, ^powder, Iiik,stands VVriting Book*u Writ .* *Vii-('/ !!^Per (d" ,ill kinds, Gilt Letter and Note l^nper.^**. | vl'/and Blank Books of \ arious kindc-^.'illiuin . a ,goMu\ kassortment. tt' ■,