7 Js~#&fek li>~, & INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS, DELIVERED AT THE College of fjlptiaos anfo burgeons, N E W YORK, OCTOBER 16, 18 5 5. JXO. C. DALTON, JUN. M. D PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY, AXD MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY. 2.^37^ NEW YORK: JOHN J. SCHROEDER, MEDICAL BOOKSELLER, BIBLE HOUSE, ASTOR PLACE. 1855. At a meeting of the Class of 1856 and 1856 held Oct. 17th, Mr. Jno. Ros< Shiell in the chair. The following resolutions were adopted: 1st. To appoint a committee to wait upon Prof. Dalton and solicit the manu- script of his Introductory Lecture, delivered Oct. 16th. 2d. That Messrs. Eug. Peugnet, Geo. F. Shrady, and Jno. T. Crook be ap- pointed the Committee. Agreeably to the resolution, the following correspondence was entered into. Dear Sir : • We, the undersigned, a Committee appointed by the Class, would respect- fully solicit in their name, your permission to publish your Introductory Lec- ture, delivered last evening. We remain yours, respectfully, GEO. F. SHRADY, JNO. T. CROOK, EUGENE PEUGNET. To Prof. Jno. C. Daltox, Jin. New York, Oct. 11 th, 1855. Gentlemen: Your polite note requesting permission to publish my recent Introductory Lecture has been received. The only return I can make for the honor you do me, is to comply with your request. Such as the Introductory is, I place it in your hands, and remain, Your obedient serv't. JNO. C. DALTON, Jin. To Messrs. Geo. F. Surady, Jno. T. Crook, Eugene Peugnet. New York, Oct. 18th, 1855. At a subsequent meeting, Mr. Walker in the chair, the report of the Com- mittee being read. It was resolved, that the same gentlemen take charge of the publication. ADDRESS. Gentlemen,— We welcome you to this School of Medicine. No profes- sion or association of men are united by more numerous and important ties than the medical. None feel more constantly and fully the close connection that results from common pur- suits and common duties. And, nowithstanding the accidental differences and estrangements that must occasionally result from conflicting personal interests,'—I suppose there is no one among us who would not, at any time, meet a stranger with more interest and cordiality for knowing that he also was a physician. That name is itself a title which at once com- mands our especial regard ;—and it naturally follows that just in proportion to the respect we are glad to pay to it and its legitimate bearers, is the just aversion with which we regard any one who assumes it falsely, or who degrades it by unworthy practices. You will see at once, then, that you who have come here to commence or to continue the study of medicine, must be regarded by us with feelings of no ordinary interest. You have selected, for your occupation and pursuit through life, the profession to which, years ago, we devoted ourselves. You are preparing yourselves to enter on the same field of activity which we now occupy, and you will hereafter become fellow laborers in it with us. The character and position, therefore, of the profession to which we belong, will certainly be affected in no slight degree by the kind of spirit you infuse into it. It will be elevated or depressed according as your disposition, your qualifications, and your acts tend to elevate 6 ADDRESS. or depress it. I need not say how much your future personal standing in the brotherhood of physicians, and the influence you are to exert on the profession itself, will depend on the manner in which your preparatory studies are directed, and on the spirit and degree of activity with which you pursue them. This period of your pupilage must be regarded as the most important of any in respect of its influence on your professional character. When once you have passed through it, its influence is exerted, for good or bad, and cannot be nullified or easily counteracted. It cannot be lived over again, nor its deficiencies, if it have any, supplied. Xot only will the number of medical facts you learn here depend on your own diligence and the faithfulness of your teachers,—but what is of still more consequence, your future style of thinking in medical matters, and the manner in which you are hereafter to observe and examine medical phenomena will depend, in a very great degree on the mode in which your studies are now to be carried on, and the train of ideas with which you are now to become familiar. It is no more tban natural, then, that we should regard you, who are joining the ranks of the students of medicine, with peculiar interest; and that we should feel the importance of your understanding, as early as possible, the character and requirements of the study you have undertaken to pursue. There is probably but little occasion for me to speak of the worth and dignity of the medical profession. If you were not already sensible of these, you would not have chosen it for the occupation of your lives. Still it may not be out of place here to say that further acquaintance with it will not disap- point the expectations you have formed. I do not know any profession whose membei's are more.thoroughly and sincerely attached to it than the medical;—there are few where they are so much so. We sometimes, it is true, hear medical men complain of the unpaid drudgery they are obliged to perform, and the unjust slights and misconceptions to which they are subject; and sometimes, disheartened by tbe bluster and pre- tensions of some ephemeral but successful impostor, they for- ADDRESS. 7 get, for the time, that the Profession of Medicine has a dura- tion in the past and a security in the future, that raise it above the level of temporary disaster, and protect it equally from the passing attacks of ignorance and dishonesty. And whatever may be said of the practice of medicine by the dis- appointed or the over-sensitive, all will agree that its study, as a worthy pursuit for vigorous and cultivated minds, has no superior in the whole field of knowledge, open to human investigation. Its antiquity cannot be estimated. Among the civilisations which may have flourished before the commencement of Egyptian and Indian records, and then disappeared from the earth like the extinct mastodons and mammoths, there is little doubt that systems of medicine, more or less complete, perished at the same time with other evidences of refinement and cul- tivation. Whenever, since then, the human race has made any intellectual progress, Medicine has always received its due share of attention. The greatest and most ancient of Epic poets that history knows* does not think it beneath the dignity of his verse to do homage to the worth and calling of the physician. Throughout the classical periods medicine was cul- vated by the most active and intelligent of the times, and when the darkness of a Gothic night settled down over the face of Europe, it was preserved from destruction in the literature of the soberand studious Arabs. Since then, no science has had brighter ornaments or more devoted followers. Following Hippocrates and Galen, Celsus and Pliny and Avicenna, have come Morgagni and Malpighi, Spallanzani and Vesalius, Ambrose Pare, Harvey and Hunter, and Boerhaave and Bichat and Laennec. Do you think that such minds as these can have labored in turn for two thousand years in the field of medical research without leaving us a legacy worth inheriting? The subject that occupied them, enriched, as it is, by their suc- cessive accumulations, cannot certainly be unworthy of culti- vation by us. * 'hrpd$ yap dvr,p iro\r\> naturally destroyed in the circulation; and' that when the alkalescence of the serum, from any cause, was insufficient, all the sugar could not be destroved by it, and therefore accumulated, producing the condition of Diabetes. He observed, in this instance, what took place in the test-tube, and from that inferred what took place in the blood—forgetting, by some inconceivable fatality, the essential difference between a solution of caustic potass, at the temperature of 212°, aud the slightly alkaline blood, composed of twenty different ingredients, at the temperature of 100°, and circulating in the vessels of the living body. His conclusion was worthless, as the expression of a physio- logical fact, for the simple reason that, in the body, the sugar is not boiled with caustic potass, but is subjected to other influences. The destruction of sugar by boiling potass, on which he based his theory, is a purely chemical fact, of a certain degree of importance, and extremely interesting to know ; but it is not a physiological fact, and he was not, as he supposed, studying Physiology. Lot us not, then, commit the mistake too commonly inade^ of taking it for granted that things will be in the body as they are in the test-tube and crucible. We cannot tell whether they will be so or not, until we look and see. If we persist in regarding the organised frame as a furnace or a filtering-jar, and its actions as identical with combustions and liltrations, we may amuse ourselves with introducing into Physiology an imaginary simplicity, but we shall make no progress in positive knowledge. If we wish to study the structure and growth of sea-weed, we do not look for it in fresh water. If we wish to study the functions and pheno- mena of life, we must search for them in the living body, and ADDRESS. 21 in the living body alone—take them as they are, and not com- pare them with other things which are dissimilar. Pathology is the natural history of disease. It is the study of the unnatural phenomena of the living body pro- duced by the operation of morbid influences. It is almost a truism, then, to say that we must first be acquainted with the natural processes, before we can understand their deviations. But beside this we must study independently the deviations themselves, without attempting to deduce them from the na- tural phenomena. Physiology throws no light on pathology. It is very true, as I have already said, that it is a necessary preliminary, and if we try to get on without it, we shall suc- ceed only in wasting our time. But it is a necessary prelim- inary only. It brings us up to the threshold of pathology; —it does not carry us over it. The pathologist must study the body in disease, just as the anatomist and the physiologist have studied it in health. His means and methods are the same, his subject only is' different. There is no organ or function of the diseased body which is not subject to his scru- tiny ; no solid or fluid that he is not to dissect and analyse. All this is to be done without reference to any future and dif- ferent order of studies. The disease is first to be investigated without the least reference to curing it. It is to be studied as a natural phenomenon, like the eclipses and the spring-tides. I cannot too much ask your attention to this fact, for it is one that has exerted, and is exerting, much influence on medical science. There is no particular in which the medical profes- sion have made more rapid and satisfactory improvement during the last twenty years than in their way of thinking on this point. Physicians are now awake to the necessity of knowing something: about the disease in its natural, undistur- bed course, before they undertake to treat it. Formerly, a sick man was a man who required to take medicine. Fever was defined to be something that demanded bleediug and sulphate of magnesia ; and, in the mind of the student, cholera infantum was instantly associated with calomel or hydrargyrum cum creta. Physicians, however, began to see at last that 22 ADDRESS. this was a confused and unsatisfactory method;—and that the smoke of this senseless cannonading blinded their own eyes* and really prevented their seeing what they might have learned by simply keeping still. Then pathology began to take its proper place as one of the departments of medicine. Medical men soon comprehended that diseases have a natural history, like the different ages of man, or the different species of ani- mals. They originate at certain times, in certain places, under certain conditions. They announce themselves by cer- tain symptoms, insidious or violent. They pursue a certain course, steady or fluctuating, tedious or rapid. They are liable to certain accidents, relapses, and complications. Many of them terminate in a certain number of days, or weeks, or months. A few are as deadly as poison, some imply no dan- ger to life,—most of them are distinguished by a certain pre- ponderance of the favorable or unfavorable chances, which are now in a great measure estimated for each one. These are the topics which will occupy you as pathologists. AVe must recollect, also, that what we mean by a disease is only a morbid condition of the functions, as health is a natural condition of the functions. It is these functions, therefore, the active phenomena of the diseased body, which deserve and require our attention; and not any imaginary force, or entity, which will always necessarily elude our observation. There is no such thing as a pneumonia, properly speaking. A man with pneumonia is a man whose skin is hot, whose pulse is rapid, whose lung is inflamed, whose respiration is hurried, and whose expectoration rusty and adhesive. Pneu- monia, so far as its derivation is concerned, means inflammation of the lungs. But inflammation of the lungs is only one of the morbid conditions under which the patient is laboring.__ There are also the alterations of the pulse, the temperature of the skin, the secretions, &c. You will say, perhaps, that these are secondary, and all dependant on the inflammation ; —but that is the very thing of which we are ignorant__ whether the alterations referred to are so dependent on the inflammation, or whether they are all dependent, inflammation ADDRESS. 23 as well as the rest, on some other cause, not yet known to us. The name, pneumonia, which we give to this collection of morbid conditions does not represent anything positive. It is simply an intellectual artifice, by which we keep these con- ditions associated in our minds, and are enabled conveniently to communicate them to others. Do not suppose that these are fanciful distinctions, interesting to the metaphysician, but of no practical importance to the medical man. They are real distinctions, of the first practical importance. That they are real we can see at once, by referring to the history and nomenclature of various other diseases. Dyspepsia, for example, means only a collection of symptoms, the most con- stant and prominent of which is a disturbance of some kind in the process of digestion. No intelligent physician supposes it really to represent any distinct disease. Every one knows, on the contrary, that it comprehends several different morbid actions, of which one may have its seat in the stomach, an- other in the duodenum, another in the jejunum, and a fourth, perhaps, in the ileum. AVe are not yet sufficiently acquainted with the distinctive characters of these affections, to give them their proper titles; and it is therefore from our ignorance, and not from our knowledge, that we name them all Dyspepsia. Before Laennec and Louis lived and wrote, all inflammatory affections of the thoracic organs were known by the name of inflammation of the chest;—simply because physicians were unable to distinguish them during the life of the patient.— Now, with better means of diagnosis, we know the difference between pleurisy, pericarditis and pneumonia. But shall we stop here, and rest satisfied, thinking we have followed the thread to its termination? Yes,—if we believe the term " pneumonia" means something positive and definite, and ex- presses the real character of the disease. But not so, if we take it for what it really is,—a word, used for the sake of convenience, and nothing more. AVe always find that the simpler departments of medicine, preceding in the natural course of study the more complicated, are actually farther advanced than they at any one period of time. Thus, ana- 24 ADDRESS. tomy is now more complete than physiology,—physiology than pathology,—pathology than therapeutics. And as pathology itself has two parts, one corresponding to anatomy, the other to physiology, it is not surprising that its anatomical part should be the more complete of the two. The actual changes that go on in disease,—the unnatural combinations and decompo- sitions, we know little or nothing about. AVe do know some- thing of the alterations in the constitution, i. e. the anatomy, of the fluids. AVe know that in some diseases the blood has more fibrine than is natural, in others less globules. In some that it contains an abundance of sugar, in others that it is deficient in salts. But we are much better acquainted with the altered structure, or the morbid anatomy of the solids. These, being more easily examined than the fluids, naturally first received the attention of pathologists ; and in this par- ticular our knowledge is already remarkably complete. As the alteration of the solids, then, in color, consistency and texture, is apparently the most essential element of disease with which we happen to be acquainted, we naturally derive our nomenclature, whenever it is possible, from these data of morbid anatomy. AYe have consequently induration and soft- ening of the brain, pulmonary tuberculosis, cancer, local and general, gastritis, nephritis, hepatitis, etc. AVe call a disease pneumonia, because in it the lung has undergone the inflam- matory induration. But in all probability there are other changes, particularly in the constituents of the blood, dating anterior, perhaps, to the pulmonary inflammation, which are not yet understood, but which are certainly indispensable to a real knowledge of the disease. These will also be under- stood in time, as pathology continues to advance, and then we may hope to learn something of those active changes, those disturbances in the continuous movement of union and decom- position, of nutrition and disintegration, incessantly going on in every solid and fluid of the body, that really constitute the essential processes of disease. We come at last to Tiierapeitics. or the cure of disease. ADDRESS. 25 This is the end and aim of all our studies, the goal of all our exertions. We are to learn to accomplish this by every means and appliance in our possession. And as these means and appliances consist largely of medicines, vegetable and mineral, our first care is to study these medicines by themselves, so as to become thoroughly acquainted with the instruments we are to use. This branch is Materia Medica. —Men have always had, and always will have an instinc- tive faith in the power of drugs. This power is not to be questioned. Drugs will excite or depress the nervous energy. They will paralyse or irritate the muscles. They will modify profoundly the nutrition of the whole body or of particular parts. One, rubbed on the skin of the forehead, will dilate the pupil. Another, taken into the stomach, will depress and retard the movements of the heart. Another, introduced gradually into the system, will produce a pustular eruption about the face and neck ; and a fourth will relax the extensor muscles of the hand, and send neuralgic pains through the trunk and extremities. Nothing is more natural, then, than to believe that substances which act so powerfully on the healthy frame, may be used to advantage in modifying the processes of disease. But we must in the first place, learn their physical and chemical properties, their commercial history, the adulterations to which they are subject, and the means of detecting them. It is particularly indispensable> too, to know their action on the healthy body, in different quantities, and under all the varying conditions of age, sex, temperament and constitution. Once thoroughly acquainted with our instruments, we can then passto the study of their use. In commencing Therapeutics proper, we are more deeply sensible than ever of the necessary connection and enchain- ment of the different departments of medicine. AVe have arrived now at the most complicated ; and we see how all the others form a basis upon which it rests. AVe know the struc- ture of the healthy body, and have studied its active pheno- mena. AVe understand to a certain extent, its morbid actions: and we are familiar with the effect of drugs on it in a state of 26 ADDRESS. health. Now we are to study the mode in which these drugs modify its morbid actions, so as to bring them back to a healthy condition. Plainly, this is a problem, complicated though not inextricable; and one which demands that we should bear constantly in mind all the necessary preliminaries. Keeping these in view, we proceed farther on, to the study of Therapeutics by themselves. The results, again, of this study must be worked out by direct observation, and cannot be deduced from any knowledge previously acquired. AVe must, it is true, know the action of drugs on the healthy body; because, without such knowledge, our direct study of their action on the morbid functions would be blind, and lead to no definite result. But this direct study is not the less indispens- able. Because a particular drug produces atrophy in a healthy organ it does not follow that it will produce atrophy in that organ when inflamed; because the actions on which it operates are different in the second case from what they are in the first. Therapeutics, then, presents no exception, in this respect, to the rule that governs the other departments. We see the necessity, also, in Therapeutics, of regarding the disease as what it is, viz.: a group of morbid actions only,—and of studying the effect of drugs on these morbid actions. Otherwise we shall run the risk of mistaking the value of certain facts and methods, and of making them use- less or injurious, when, properly estimated, they might have been sources of advantage. Take, for instance, the numerical method, at one time so much in vogue as a means of investi- gation—valuable if confined to its legitimate objects, but a source of error if it be taken, as it sometimes is, as an unde- viating formula, by which all questions in Therapeutics are to be settled. According to this plan, to learn how to treat pneumonia, we collect a thousand, or, if possible, five thou- sand cases of it, and count the results of a certain mode of treatment; adopting or rejecting it accordingly. This would all be right if "pneumonia" were really the subject of our study in any particular case. But it is not. The subject of ADDRESS. 27 our study is a particular group of morbid actions, and it is upon these our treatment is to operate. Do not suppose, be- cause two men have inflammation of the lungs, that they are necessarily in the same condition. And if they are not in the same condition, the effect of drugs upon them will be different. Let us attend, then, to the real actions of disease, and not be misled by a name which only represents them. Otherwise we shall be obliged, as the French would express it, to take our pay in words, and the realities will es- cape us. We see, then, why it is that so much judgment and cau- tion are required in the practice of Therapeutics, and why the careless observer is liable to so many mistakes and disap- pointments. Medicine is said to be an uncertain science, and the action of drugs variable. That, however, is not the case. Under the same conditions, a drug will always have the same effect, just as surely as the sun rises and sets. It is the condi- tions which vary in different cases, and these conditions re- quire to be distinctly understood and compared with each other; for in no other way can we arrive at any definite result. You will find, in continuing the study of Therapeutics, that physicians at the present day give but very little medi- cine, in comparison with what was customary many years ago. This is not, as I have already intimated, because they have lost, in any degree, their confidence in the power of drugs, but because they have become convinced that the pre- vious methods of investigation were, to a certain extent, erroneous, and not likely to produce a satisfactory result, so long as every unknown disease was at once attacked with a multitude of unknown remedies, the operation of which tended rather to perpetuate our ignorance than to dispel it. Now, retracing our steps so far as they have been made in a wrong direction, we are endeavoring to attain the same end by a different and more practicable route. We now feel the necessity, on undertaking the care of a patient, of making 28 ADDRESS. our diagnosis, clear—complete, including every circumstance that shall throw light on the actual condition of the patient. This is, at present, the most important work that the practi- cal physician has to do; and it is his way of doing it that more than anything else distinguishes the good from the infe- rior practitioner. That done, his next object is to be sure and not injure the sick man by unnecessarily meddling with him, or by allowing him to be exposed to accidents and im- prudencies that would tend to aggravate his original difficul- ties. Beyond that, he uses few drugs, because what he does employ he wishes to use in an understanding manner, and with his eyes open—not blindly, or at hap-hazard. Such, gentlemen, is the plan we are to follow in the course which begins at present. I have occupied your time in discussing it somewhat in detail—being fully convinced that the method according to which scientific studies are to be pursued, far from being a matter of indifference, is of real and practical importance. A good method will do much to simplify and facilitate the student's labors; a bad one will certainly be the source of delay and perplexity. Especially necessary is it to have a distinct idea of the true direction and limits of ourstudy in any particular department, so that we may not be led to demand of it more than it can accomp- lish, or apply it to purposes for which it is not appropriate. Nothing now remains for me to say but to repeat the wel- come with which I commenced, both to vou who will engage with us in the labors of the coming winter, and to those also who have come here this evening to encourage us by their presence, and to testify their interest in the great science of Medicine. These halls, which for eighteen years have been devoted to the pursuit and teaching of that science, are about to be abandoned now for a more convenient and appropriate situation. The Institution that occupies them, however, while changing its locality, will in its character remain the same. That Institution claims to be catholic and liberal. Devoted to no clan, or sectarian idea—jealous only of move- ADDRESS. 29 ments that threaten the purity and dignity of medicine—its highest ambition is to represent the feelings and maintain the interests of the Profession. May it continue in the same ambition. And may it always remain hereafter, as it always has been, in character as well as in name, the College of Physicians and Surgeons. •