MONOGRAPH ON DIOSCOREA VILLOSA AND I DIO SC OREIN; * THEIR PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS, TOGETHER WITH THEIR USE IN DISEASE. BY A. M. CUSHING, M. D., LYNN, MASS. DETROIT, MICH.: PUBLISHED AT DR. LODGE’S HOMEOPATHIC PHARMACY, 51 WAYNE ST., BETWEEN LARNED ST. AND JEFFERSON AVENUE. PKirK. Ir. took 20 drops of the tincture; distress at stomach; had to unfasten my clothes; both knees weak; tightness across the upper part of the chest. January 1, 1868.—Sleep full of lascivious dreams; hurried desire for stool, driving me out of bed early in the morning ; loose, watery stool, with shuddering, but no pain; both knees weak; discharge of very offensive flatulence from the bowels; constant desire for stool; bad smell in nose; dull pain in right temple; numbness and tingling of the fingers on right hand. At y a. m., soft, siimy, light colored stool. At 12 m., took 10 1)1 OS CORE A VILLOSA. 5 drops of the tincture. At 4 p. m., hard grinding pain in right knee. At 6:40 p. m., knees weak and tremble when walking; distress in bowels, with some desire for stool all the evening; rumbling of bowels, and passing large quantities of flatulence. At 10 p. m., distress at stomach; hard grinding pain in right thumb first joint; cutting pain in fore finger of right hand. At 10:45 p. m., took 10 drops of the tincture. Hard, sharp pain above the left nipple, through the lung, lasting several minutes; dull pain in right temple; constant excitement of genital organs, w ith fre- quent erections night and day. January 2.—In morning mouth dry and bitter; pain in left lung, above the nipple; pain in the stomach and At 12 m., took 10 drops of the tincture. For two or three days past,'my nerves have been uncommonly steady. At 10:30 p. m., took 10 drops of the tincture. On going to bed distressing pain in epigastrium, extending into the bowels, lasting a half hour; restless, cannot sleep; eyes smart and sore. January 3.—In morning mouth dry and bitter; heavy dis- tressed feeling in bowels; during forenoon bad smell in nose. At 2 p. si., burning sensation in left lung, in region of nipple. At 5 p. si., sharp pain in right temple. At 7 p. si., sharp pain in right thumb; during evening, sharp pain on inside of right knee; knees weak; pain in lumbar and sacral region; pain in center of right lung. January 4.—In morning mouth dry; fauces feel sore as from a cold. At 8 a. sr. took 20 drops of the tincture. All the fore- noon felt as if I had a bad cold; bones ache; pain in right temple and right lung; am chilly and back aches, but have not been exposed to a cold in any svay; all the afternoon and even- ing pain in back of head; throat feels sore, but is not on swallow- ing; pain in right lung; dull pain in back, hips and legs; right side worse; severe, sharp pain in left hand and fingers; am chilly, yet sweat easily; mouth dry; several severe chills during the evening; restless all night; chilly, then perspire, but no fever, no thirst; in night, sharp pain in region of the heart. At 2 a. m. stool driving me out of bed in a hurry. January 5.—In morning dull headache; throat slightly sore; feel weak; heavy, brown coating on tongue; laid in bed till noon; during afternoon, dull, heavy pain in back of head and shoulders; frequent sharp pain in bones of fingers, one linger at 6 DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. a time, sometimes one, then another; pain in knees and ankles; leel decidedly sick ; in tlie evening, after fisting nearly 24 hours, severe pain in the stomach after eating only a little light food, hut passed oft while eating; sharp, twisting pain in the left hypochondrium ; (lull, heavy, grinding pain in tin' region of the liver quite severe; irritation of fauces; pain in left inguinal re- gion ; l ight eye sore. January G.—In morning mouth dry and hitter; tongue coated heavily hrown ; hard pain in liver; sharp pain in left hypochon- drium ; back quite lame in lumbar region, also sacral region • stomach feels badly; am chilly; bowels natural; buzzing in ears ; soreness in left inguinal region, extending down the sper- matic cord, producing or accompanied by nausea ; both eves smart, right one worse, most on edge of upper lid ; hands feel weak; right leg from knee and foot feels numb and weak; pain across the back in region of the liver; aching pain in left hand ; knees weak; dizzy, inclined to go to the right when walking; left knee painful; both eyes smart badly; sexual desire greatly diminished; not the least appearance of lueinorrhoidal tumor. January 7.—In the morning mouth is dry and bitter; tongue is coated ; eyes are sore and smart, and are gummed up; sharp pain in the liver, extending to the nipple; dull pain across the back in the region of the liver; knees weak. At 8:30 a. m. sharp pain in right knee. At 10 a. m. pain in left hypochondrium. At 1 p. m. pain in left hand and right knee ; knee seems sore and is aggravated by walking; occasional cramping pains in back side ot legs, worse above the knees; itching in left internal ear; dull, stupefying pain in both temples, as if from severe pressure, re- lieved by pressure, but when ( he pressure is removed the pain returns and is more and sharp; tip of tongue sore; itching over right scapula, the first for a number of days; tearing pain in right knee; dull pain in left hypochondrium. January 8.—In morning mouth dry; pain in both temples; knees weak; throat irritated. At 11 a. m. discharge of bright blood from left nostril; itching of rectum ; pain below the right tonsil, extending to the right ear, quite severe; during afternoon and evening throat quite sore. January 9.— In morning month dry, throat better. At 11 a. m. throat and right ear quite* painful; pain in right hand; itch- ing over left scapula then over right ; in evening burning at stomach; right eyelid sore all day. January 10.—In morning mouth clammy; dull pain in left temple. At 7 a. m. took 25 drops 1st decimal dilution ; right eye sore on both lids, but does not look sore. At 9 to 9:30 a. .\r., smarting and stinging of fauces. At 1 p. m. chilly, as though I had taken cold, when sitting by a hot stove. At 5:30 p. m. sharp, cramping pain in pit of stomach, followed by raising, belching and gulping enormous quantities of tasteless wind, for fifteen minutes, followed by hiccough and discharge of flatulence from DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. 7 the bowels; hiccough, with simultaneous, involuntary discharge of flatulence from the bowels, with shuddering, after a light sup- per; burning and smarting at the stomach all the evening; both eyes smart badly; sharp pain in right knee; left knee quite lame for some time, then the pain left, and the left ankle was painful ; diminished sexual desire; genitals cold ; fullness at the stomach; sharp pain in corn on second toe of left foot. At 10 p. m. took 25 drops of the 1st decimal dilution; pain in knees; burning at stomach. January 11.—In morning mouth bitter and clammy; tongue feels as if it was burnt on the sides; eyes sore, lids stuck to- gether; back, in region of liver, so lame it is almost impossible to turn in bed, relieved by moving around the room; soreness of sacral region; distress and burning at the stomach. At 7:30 a. m. took 25 drops 1st dilution; knees weak; frequent pains in right knee at head of tibia. Cramping pain in right sacral region; several times during the day, chilly, as if taken cold; occasional pains in knees; stinging in fauces; during evening, sourness and burning in stomach; posterior fauces sore and smart, and look as if the skin had been peeled off; eyes sore and smart; water runs from right eye, and smarts so bad I have to keep it closed most of the time; sharp pain extending from epi- gastrium to left nipple ; dull pain in right temple; itching over both scapula ; genitals relaxed and cold ; bad smell in nose. At 11:30 p. m. took 25 drops 1st dilution. January 12.—In morning mouth dry, and bitter and sore; eyes sore and gummed up; pain in left knee; pain in region of heart, with faint feeling. At 1 p. >r. pain in left hand ; knees weak ; difficult walking; eyes sore; water runs from right one, and is troublesome. At 5 p. m. took 50 drops 1st dilution ; dur- ing distress and fullness of stomach, had to unfasten my clothes; burning at stomach; eyes smart; posterior fauces dry and smart. At 8 a. m. look red; hard pain at angle of lower jaw, right side; twisting pain in left temple ; much sneezing every day. At 9:30 p. m. took 50 drops 1st dilution; dull pain in liver. January 13.—In morning mouth dry and bitter; saliva runs from mouth when asleep (never had this symptom before to my knowledge); eyes stuck up and sore; knees weak; pain in re- gion of heart. At 7:30 a. m. took 50 drops 1st dilution; at 8 a. m. hard pain in right knee. At 2 p. m. sharp pain in left temple; right knee weak and lame. At 2:15 p. m. right elbow painful. At 2:30 dull pain in both temples. At 3 p. ir. sharp cutting pain in liver; pain in left wrist, as if sprained. At 8 p. m. burning and smarting of fauces; from 10 p. .u. to 11 p. m. eyes smart and feel as if some large smooth substance was in them; at 12 mid- night dull, tearing pain in right hip, hindering walking. January 14.—In morning mouth very dry and bitter; pain in region of liver; during forenoon right knee weak and painful; both ej-es feel as if some foreign substance was in them, worse at 8 DIOSCOKEA VILLOSA. times, right one worse. At 7 p. m., sharp pain in left hypochon- drium and right elbow; tip of tongue sore ; at 5 r. m. sharp pain at epigastrium. At 7:30 r. m., sharp pain at epigastrium. At 8 p. m. sharp, severe, twisting, darting pain in left, side, commenc- ing just between the axilla and extending to the nipple and about the ninth rib, and deep into the lung, almost arresting breathing several times. At 8:30 r. m. posterior fauces very dry. At 9. r. xr. left leg feels numb and heavy as if asleep; sharp stitching pain in left axilla; stinging pain in fauces; grinding pain in both knees and right elbow. At 10 p. m. eyes smart and feel as if lull of sticks. At 10-30 p. m., took 25 drops 10th dilu- tion. January 15.—In morning mouth dry yet full of slimy, sticky mucus; hurried desire for stool, driving me out of bed; loose, offensive stool; sharp, deep pain below the left axilla, arresting breathing; knees weak; sharp deep pain below the left axilla, arresting breathing; knees weak; sharp pain in upper front teeth; stomach feels badly. At 7:45 a. m. took 25 drops 10th dilution. At 10 a. m. sharp pain in region of heart; occasional sharp pain in region of heart; occasional sharp pain in knees; constriction of glottis, as if I was choking, or something swollen or tied around my throat; sharp pain in dorsal region. At 2 p. m. sharp pain in right knee; itching over both scapula; pain in dorsal region ; burning itching of left leg, outside near the ankle; throat dry. At 7 r. m. itching over right scapula; pain in dorsal region. At 8 p. m. right leg numb and heavy, as if asleep, knees very weak ; itching over both scapula, worse on right. At 8:30 p. \r., posterior fauces sore. At 9 p. m. fauces dry and sore, swallowing difficult; both knees painful; a twist- ing pain in right temple. Left ankle lame and painful; hacking cough from tickling low down in throat; belching of wind, but the throat is so dry that it stops the wind. At 10 p. m. took 25 drops 10th dilution; pain in left hypochondriutn; cramping pain in both knees. January 16.—In morning mouth dry and bitter, tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. At 10:30 a. m. took 25 drops 10th dilution; a little bruise on right knee caused so much pain I did not notice other symptoms or pains. At 8 p. m. sharp pain in middle of left radius ; pain in right hip; sharp pain in left hypo- chondrium; sharp pain in right hypochondnum. At 9:30 p. m. took 50 drops 20th dilution. January 17.—In morning mouth dry, back lame; pain in right elbow and right hand ; pain at epigastrium; pain in both elbows. At 7 a. m. hard pain in right temple. At 7 a. m. hard pain in left temple. At 9 a. m. pain in both temples, aggra- vated by walking or stooping; dreadfully offensive stool, it caused a faint sensation ; I had to go into the open air; relieved in open air. DIO SCORIA VILLOMA. 9 January 18.—In morning mouth dry and sore; tip of tongue sore ; pain in* both sides of the head ; dorsal region quite lame, goes off by motion ; sharp pain directly over the eyes. At 1. r. >r. dull, heavy pain directly over the right eye, extending to the temporal region ; roof of mouth sore. At 9 p. m. left leg goes to sleep easily; cramping pain in back side of left leg, midway from hip to knee; same kind of pain in same place right leg; itching over both scapula, worse on right; both eyes sore and smart, right one worse. At 10 p. m. took 100 drops 10th dilu- tion ; sharp pain in both temples; pain in liver after lying down in bed. January 19.—Awake in morning quite early, with pain in bowels; sharp pain in hypochondrium with urgent desire for stool, driving me out of bed ; severe stool with a great deal of straining and burning in rectum ; immediately after retiring to bed a pain in the bowels, with desire for stool, relieved by rub- bing my bowels with my hand; an hour and a half later a hur- ried desire for stool, with small loose stool, with much straining and burning in rectum and shuddering; an hour and a half later another stool with less pain and less straining; burning at the stomach; dull pain in top of left shoulder; itching over lower portion of left scapula knees very weak. January 20.—In morning mouth bitter. At 8 a. ar. sharp pain in center of right lung; cutting pian in hypochondrium; cutting pain all through the bowels; sharp pain over the right eye; the right knee which w*as bruised three days ago is quite lame and painful, but no more painful than the left; eyes full of tears in the open air; cannot see plainly ; both knees weak ; pain in both temples ; nose stopped up. January 21.—Before breakfast hard aching pain in epigas- trium; sharp pain in right elbow. At 2:30 p. m. sharp pain in left temple. At 10 p. m. violent itching over left scapula and left side; hard, aching pain in the back central portion of right lung. January 22.—Dreamy sleep; three loose stools; knees are weak ; intense itching of palm of right hand. At 3 p. m. pain in left temple ; itching of right nostril; itching over left scapula ; distress at stomach, belching of wind ; sour burning at stomach; sharp pain in stomach; cramping pain in right hand; left knee painful; sharp pain in left “ tendo-Achilles,” that made me hold my breath. At 10 p. m. took 25 drops of 20th dilution. January 23.—In morning mouth bitter and dry; tongue sticks to the roof ot my mouth ; hard pain in back portion of left lung ; both knees weak and painful; sore feeling at stomach ; both knees painful. At 2 p. u. took 25 drops of 20th dilution. After taking the medicine the mouth feels smooth and is very bitter, even to cause shuddering; three very offensive, bilious stools. At 5:30 r. .u. left ankle very painful, could not sit still; sharp, twisting pain in right temple; both knees painful; sharp 10 DIOSCOREA VIL LOS A. pain in left hypochondrium; right hand painful; itching of rec- tum; sexual desire all gone; genitals cold and relapsed; no erections for many days ; sharp pain in region of heart; hard pain in region ot stomach ; loud rumbling in the bowels for several days; knees so weak going down stairs is quite trouble- some, worse than going up stairs, the pain is at the head of the tibia ; left ankle weak ; head dizzy and inclined to go to the right; pain in temple; pain from over right eye to occiput; balls of wax fall out of the right ear; sensation in front of both ears, as if I would vomit; eyes smart. At 10:15 p. m. took 25 drops of 20th dilution. January 24.—In morning mouth dry and bitter; back lame; knees weak and painful; dull pain in right temple ; discharge of very offensive flatulence from the bowels.. At 2:30 p. m. tongue feels as if burnt. At 2:30 p. m. took 50 drops of 20th dilu- tion ; severe itching over right scapula; itching between the scapula; both eyes itch and smart badly at the same time; pain in region of liver; knees weak and painful; hard pressing pain just over the internal angle of the right eye; severe itching, commencing over the right scapula and extending over the whole body, worse outlie arms; front under teeth sore and painful. 10 p. m. took 25 drops 20th dilution; sharp, sore pain in right axilla,; sudden itching over right scapula; pain in left ear; pain in left then right inguinal region ; strong itching of left ankle then right, on front side. January 25.—Tn morning mouth bitter; feels as if it was burnt; knees weak and painful; hips lame. At 7 a. m. took 25 drops 20th dilution; knees weak; diarrhoea in afternoon, each stool smaller than the preceding one; stools loose, slimy, with straining and pain in rectum. At 7 p. m. discharge of large quantities of flatulence from the bowels. At 7:30 p. m. hard pain through the back, central portion of right lung; itching over both scapula; pain in region of heart; pain at head of left fibula into the knee. At 9 p. m both knees so weak it is difficult walk- ing; sharp pain over left eye; dull pain in right temple ; burn- ing in stomach; dull pain in back of head. At 10:35 p. m. took 25 drops 20th dilution. January 20.—In morning month bitter and very dry; wring- ing, twisting pain in hypogastriuin; dull pain in head; eyes smart; burning in stomach and left hypochondrium. At 3 p. m. sharp pain in right lumbar region. At 3:30 p. m. pain in right temple. At 4:30 p. m. both knees painful, right one worse. At 4:45 p. m. took 25 drops 20th dilution. Soon after taking tin* medicine, violent sneezing with dizziness. At 0:30 p. M. cough caused by irritation of right side of throat; hard pain in top ot left shoulder; knees weak and painful, most pain in inner and posterior side of right one; severe itching over right scapula, slight over left; also, on right hip and left thigh and left hand. At 7:30 p. m. sharp, twisting pain in left temple, with dull pain DIOSCOR EA VILLOSA. 11 in right. At 9 p. m. feel chilly and bad; a small place on hack- side of left thumb, midway between first and second joint, very painful, but no redness, swelling, nor soreness to the touch. January 27.—In morning mouth dry and bitter. The place on thumb has been quite tn ublesome and is this morning, and hurts me badly, still it is not sore to the touch nor swollen; back, in lumbar region quite lame and painful; worse on right side ; cutting pain in bowels; hard pain in rectum ; faint offen- sive stool, almost impossible to endure it a minute; knees weak. At 2 r. m. sharp pain in left eye, arti obliged to close it, relieved by pressure ; right hip lame every day, as if the gluteus muscles were too short, aggravated by walking, relieved by rest; pain over the eyes, sometimes one sometimes the other; sharp pain over right eye ; left thumb painful all day, but no soreness nor redness; itching of left internal ear every day; very uncomfort- able itching over right scapula ; itching over left scapula ; sting- ing itching of left leg, below the knee; itching of various parts of the body and limbs; sourness of stomach. At 10:45 p. m. took 25 drops of the 20th dilution. January 28.—At 3 a. m. mouth dry and bitter; back lame ; dull pain in both sides of the head, in front and behind the ears; pain in left leg below the knee ; right leg lame whole length ; stomach sour; pain in left arm ; bowels feel distressed all day, with fre- quent discharges of flatulence ; frequent desire for stool; itching over scapula; itching of rectum; stomach sour. At 10:30 p. m. took 25 drops 30th dilution, followed by cramping pain in the stomach, bowels and legs; bad, faint feeling after going to bed. January 29.—In morning mouth dry and bitter; very offen- sive stool. At 10 a. m. severe pain in middle of right tore-arm. At 1 p. m. hard, sharp pain in right temple. At 2 p. m. incli- nation to cough, from irritation deep in the throat; itching of right eye ; knees so weak I have to place my hands upon them to rise from a seat; twisting sensation in region of gall bladder; feel dizzy. At 0 p. m. hard pain in left hand ; pain in left elbow ; pain in region of liver ; violent itching over right scapula ; itch- ing of various parts of the body and limbs; very sharp pain just above the heart, below the nipple; pain in right hand. At 10 p. m. dull pain just below the left nipple; dull pain in left forearm. At 10:15 p. m. took 25 drops 30th dilution; itching over right scapula; knees week; continued inaction of the gential organs; cramping pain in the stomach, bowels, arms and legs after going to bed; hard, dull pain in head ; impossible to sleep for some time ; severe, sharp pain in right knee. January' 30.—In morning mouth bitter and clammy ; pain in bowels ; hard pain in left temple and fore-arm; pain in bone of left leg, below the knee. At 9 a. m. griping pain at navel; sharp pain in left lumbar region, aggravated by stooping, hindering motion ; sharp pain in left leg hindering walking; lumbar region 12 DIOS COIi KA VILLOSA. lame all day, worse on stooping or pulling, (holding my horse ;) knees very weak and painful; pain in right thigh. At 9 i\ xr. violent itching of palm of right hand, for a minute, this symp- tom occurred several times, which 1 did not note; sharp pain over right eye ; hard grinding pain in right hand. At 9:30 i\ xi. biting, itching over right scapula; itching over both scapula; hard pain in centre of left lung, back side. At 10 i\ m. took 25 drops 30th dilution. January 31.—In morning mouth bitter and clammy; hard boring pain from forehead to occiput; pain in knees ; back very lame ; inclination to cough. At 8 a. m. violent attack of cough- ing from tickling low down in throat, can but just get my breath ; cannot walk; frothy expectoration, it seems to come from the head; severe pain at lower end of sternum; when coughing, the cough gives such a pain at lower end of sternum that I can hardly move, followed by a hard pain in front of right, then in both ears, as if the head would burst; profuse, frothy expectoration, that seems to come from the head ; sour burning at the stomach. At 2 p. m. pain over right eye. At 2:30 itching over both scapula; sudden stinging pain in right tonsil. At 5 p. m. sensation as of a bee sting on outside of left ankle ; pain over right eye. At 8 p. pressing pain from front to back of head, as if I should become unconscious; very strange feeling, head inclines to fall back- ward ; hard, dull pain in left hvpochondriuin; head feels heavy, with pain between the eyes and both sides of the head near the top of the ears. At 9 p. xr. dull pain in forehead ; sharp pain over right ear; hard, grinding pain in upper portion of right tjbia; constant watery discharge from left nostril; itching over right scapula ; pain from nose and forehead to occiput; want to keep the eyes closed; sharp pain in left ear; head feels heavy, resting my head on my hand it seems as if it would crush the head, it is so heavy; feel inclined to cough, from tickling in my throat; knees weak, left one worse; twisting, cramping pain in left side, below the axilla; belching of wind; hard, drawing, darting pain in left inguinal region ; hard pain through the right lung, just belew the nipple, as if it would arrest breathing, but is relieved by a deep inspiration; sore, darting pain in left inguinal region ; no sexual excitement; eyes smart. February 1.—In morning mouth dry and bitter ; pain in the bowels early in morning: pain in head; knees \*eak ; itching over both scapula all day and evenig. At 9 p. m. both eyes smart; dull pain in left thumb; hard pain in right wrist; left knee painful. February 2.—In morning mouth slimy and sore after eating ; cramp in right leg, back side; pain in right temple; pain in left lung; pulling pain in left inguinal region; itching over both scapula; pain in both knees; violent itching between shoulder blades, in evening. At 9 p. M. a very sharp pain through the left side of chest and little above the nipple and towards the DIOSCUREA VILLOSA. ' 13 sternum, arresting breathing; stinging, itching over and between the scapula; gums and roof of mouth sore. February 3.—In the morning mouth dry and bitter; roof of mouth sore ; hard pain in head ; cramping pain in knees; knees weak; itching over both scapula in the evening, worse on the right. February 4.—In the morning mouth dry and sore ; cramping pain in both knees, on back side; cramping pain all day in right thigh, back side, the muscles seem too short, it is painful when walking; itching in both ears in the evening; burning, itching over both scapula, worse on right; stomach slightly sour with burning. February 5.—In morning mouth dry; pain in bowels ; pain in head and legs much better; almost irresistible desire for stool while eating breakfast and dinner; during the day several small dark, offensive stools; sudden desire for stool, at 8 p. m., two evenings in succession, with small stools and much flatulence; in- voluntary discharge of slimy mucus from the anus. February 6.—In morning mouth dry and slightly sore; eyes itch ; head, knees and legs nearly well, but pain in bowels. Fre- quent desire for stools; some diarrhoea; much rumbling in bowels. At 12 midnight, while urinating, sudden desire for stool, with loose stool. February 7.—In morning mouth dry and bitter; pain in front part of head, it all went over the right eye, then disappeared ; in forenoon pain in epigastrium. At 1 r. m. hard dull pain in right temple; frequent discharge of flatulence from bowels with pain m bowels, and almost constant desire for stool; the pain is mostly in the hypogastric region. February 8.—Frequent desire for stool all day. At 2:30 p. m. sharp, twisting pain in region of liver; in the evening the eyes smart; itching between and over both scapula; cramping pain in left hypoehondrium; left eye aches. February 9.—Hard aching pain in inside of right knee several times during the day ; cutting pain in region of liver ; in evening cutting pain across hypogastric region ; slight pain in left ingui- nal region; one stool to-day and no pain in bowels or head; itch- ing over right scapula in evening. February 10.—Slight pain in knees and itching over both scapula; eyes smart; all slightly. February 11.—Symptoms same as yesterday, with bitter mouth. February 12.—In morning mouth dry and bitter; occasional pain in joints; for two or three days, a faint distressing sensa- tion as if it comes from the heart. February 13.—Feel languid and bad; in evening very dizzy and dull pain in head; eyes smart, left one worse. 14 DIO SCORE A VIL LOS A. February 14.—In morning, dull, dizzy headache; during the day various slight pains. At 10 p. m. pain on under side of right great toe, as if a pin was driven into it, it made me jump and shake the foot; all the evening dull cramping pain at head of left fibula. February 15.—At 11a. m. cramping pain in right knee, so severe I could not go 14) stairs without pulling myself along with my hands. February 16.—Early in the morning sharp pain in region of heart, arresting motion; a lame pain in left hypochondrium for a half hour, aggravated by motion; in the evening eyes itch and smart. February 17.—At 8:30 a. m. sharp pain in right eye. February 18.—In morning mouth dry and sore, during the forenoon ; eyes troubled me but little to-day. February 19.—Have noticed no symptoms to-day that T could attribute to the medicine unless it was a sharp pain in right temple fora half minute at 9 p. m ; for several days later I had occasional pains in head, knees, etc. SECOND PROVING, BY A. M. CUSHING, M. D. August 18, 1868.—At 10 a. m. took 50 drops of the 10th dilution. August 19.—Early in morning burning in epigastrium and left hypochondrium, and across the dorsal region; pain in both knees on going up stairs. At 10 a. m. sharp pain in angle of lower jaw, left side; eyes smart and so weak could not read quite coarse print; pain between the eyes and over right eye all day, so severe in the afternoon I could not endure it, and had to resort to medicine in order to attend my patients. One dose of Glo- noine 3d, relieved it in a few minutes. August 20.—At 4 a. m., when walking, a sharp, severe pain on inside of left knee, after walking a little ways the pain all went to the inside of the right knee, at the head of the tibia. August 21.—At 21 and 5 a. m. pain in under side of left fore arm. At 7 a. m, pain in calf of right leg. At 6 p. m. right knee quite painful when walking. August 22.—At 11 p. m. took 50 drops 10th dilution. August 23.—At 11 a. m. very sharp, cramping pain in right tendo-Achilles. At 3 p. >1. cramping distressed pain in left hypochrondrium ; cramping pain in right knee. At 5 p. M. cut- ting pain just above left elbow. At 10 p. m. took 50 drops 10th dilution. August 24.—At 6 a. m. dull pain in lumbar region ; lame- ness of dorsal region; distress at left hypochondrium. At 6:30 a. m. grinding pain at angle of lower jaw, left side ; cramping, aching pain in left spermatic cord, extending to the testicle; 15 BIOSCOREA VILLOSA. both knees weak and painful; tickling low down in the throat; causing a deep cough ; pain in both temples. At 10:15 sharp, cramping pain in right tendo-Ac'hilles ; pain in both knees ; pain in left elbow. At 12 m. itching of rectum ; pain in both temples, worse in right; diarrhoea. At 9:30 r. m. lumbar region quite lame. August 25.—At 11:15 p. M. took 50 drops 30th dilution; in 20 minutes distress across and in upper portion of chest, pro- ducing difficult breathing, relieved by a deep inspiration. August 26.—At 8 a. m. dull pain in both temples; mouth very bitter and dry; sharp pain in right knee. At 5 p. w. sharp pain in front part of left knee; hard, dull, aching pain in both sides of head, above and front ot the ears. At 9:30 p. m. sharp pain in right temple; left knee painful. August 27.—Pain in left temple. At 4 p. ir. sharp, grind- ing pain in right metatarso phalangeal joint, which soon disap- peared, and soon appeared on top of foot and leg, half way to the knee, lasting some time; biting, stinging of the tip of the tongue. August 28.—At 6 a. m. hard, rather sharp pain in the left temple; pain on both sides of the head, feels as if a band was tied around the head, head feels cold; sharp pain in right knee, both knees painful; elbows painful; after supper, griping pain below the umbilicus. At 10 p. m. sharp pain came suddenly in outside of right foot, then in leg up to the knee; itching over right scapula. August 29.— Early in the morning, sharp, cutting pain in lower portion of bowels; hurried ddsire for stool, driving me out of bed; loose, mushy stool; in 20 minutes desire for stool, with straining, but no stool: halt an hour later soft, dark stool; chilly during forenoon; pain in right temple, pain and diarrhoea relieved by Veratrum album 2nd; in evening, violent itching of internal cornea of left eye; for one week had occasional sharp, cramping pains in legs, mostly near the right knee, also, a sharp, cramping pain very often in left portion of left hypochondriac region and right side of right hypochondriac region. September 5.—At 10 p. m. took 50 drops 10th dilution. September 6.—In morning mouth dry and bitter; worse after eating; during day frequent cramping pains in both hypo- chondriac regions. At 9 p. m. sharp, squeezing pain in right temple. At 10:30 p. m. took 50 drops 10th dilution; eyes sore. September 7.—Pain in both knees, in both hypochondriac and in the back. September 8.—Pain in right shoulder; pain in legs; pain the in knees; itching over right shoulder; eyes sore; very chilly after going to bed. September 9.—In morning mouth dry and bitter; sharp pain right lumbar region; sharp cramping pain in back side of right 16 DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. knee, extending down back side of leg; dull, aching pain for several days in right groin, much worse to-day ; extends down on inside of leg and makes me quite lame; both knees painful; jumping pain in left upper teeth; sharp, darting pain behind left ear, extending in front of ear and to angle of jaw ; dull pain in both temples; darting pain in teeth on left side. September 10.—In morning, sharp pain in right temple and over right eye, occasionally darting through to left temple; sharp pain in left heel; mouth dry and bitter; soreness in right groin nearly all gone in the morning, but worse on moving; darting, cramping pains in various parts of the body and limbs; sharp, cramping pain in left knee at 10 p. m. September 11.—Eyes have been sore for several days, feel as if some large, smoothe substance under the upper lids. September 12.—At 7 a. m. sharp twisting pain in left occipi- tal region, relieved by rubbing. At 9:30 p. m. took 75 drops of 15th dilution. September 13.—Awoke in the night with a faint, numb feel- ing, sitting up in bed increased the faintness, lying down in- creased the numb feeling; lying upon the back and pulling the hair in front of both ears for some time relieved it. At 7 a. m. sharp, cramping pain in right elbow. At 0 p. m. lameness of lumbar region; sharp pain in epigastrium, relieved by sitting erect; right knee lame and painful; hard pain in left temple and angle of jaw; scrotum cold and moist; penis cold and no erec- tions for several days. September 14.—At 2 a. m. sharp, darting pain in right heel; darting to the body, soon passing off, leaving a hard pain in right knee; in morning eyes smart and look red. At 8 a. m. urgent desire for stool with sharp cutting pain in umbilical region extending to the rectum, with shuddering during stool, and chilly after stool, 32 hours after taking the medicine. (The discharges from the bowels occurred usually about 32 hours after taking large doses of the dilutions higher than the 7th or 10th). At 8:45 sharp pain over right eye ; desire for stool. At 12 m. hard aching pain in right knee, relieved entirely by one dose of Iris versicolor 3d. For two days no symptoms appeared, then for one week had frequent, hard, cutting pains in epigastrium, some- times very severe, also, sharp pains in right temple and right knee; almost constant itching of the rectum. At one time it seemed as if the old piles cured by the first proving would return, but fortunately did not. September 24.—At 2 p. m. took 50 drops 15th dilution; in five minutes took 10 drops Camphora 3d, to see if it would anti- dote the Dioscorea, but it seemed to increase rather than dimin- ish the effect. For half an hour felt sick at the stomach; during the afternoon had sharp pain in the bowels and temples; a very sharp pain in left occipital region; during the evening severe DIOSCOREA VILLOSA. 17 pain in the bowels with discharge of large quantities of flatu- lence. September 25.—Early in the morning, urgent desire for stool, driving me out of bed ; during forenoon, severe pain in occipital region, worse on right side; pain in temples; dull pain in the bowels; after dinner, dull pain in head, worse on back side; in evening, sharp cutting pain in bowels, aggravated by walking ; times a very severe, cramping pain in right occipital region. At 11 p. m. pain in right temple ; cramping pain in left knee, posterior side; lumbar region quite lame, with pain in left ingui- nal region. September 26.—At 9 a. m., when walking, a severe, cramping pain at head of left fibula, was very painful, hindered me from walking. Occasionally in the forenoon and quite frequently in the afternoon, a severe, cutting, cramping pain in epigastrium, with a faint feeling as if a diarrhoea would come on, very dis- tressing, extending to near the umbilicus; dreadfully troubled with incarcerated flatulence; dull pain in back of head ; knees weak and painful; back painful and lame ; bowels feel sore, aggravated by walking. September 27.—Bad, distressed feeling in stomach all day, at times sharp and cutting, worse by stooping, at times had to walk around the room to get my breath ; very bad after riding or walking, when sitting down ; pain in head, cramping pain in knees; knees weak and lame; stools almost white. September 28.—Very frequently during the day, a dreadful, sinking, cramping, cutting sensation at the epigastrium and upper portion of the bowels, relieved by standing erect, or by pressure, almost arresting walking or breathing; sensation as if a diarrhoea would come on; could taste food for ten hours after eating ; knees weak and painful; genitals cold and almost insensible; no erections for many days; dreadful distress in stomach and bowels; had to resort to medicines to attend to any business. PROVING OF DIOSCOIIEIN. BY A. M. CUSHING, M. D., LYNN, MASS. Male, 38 years, nervo-lymphatic, dark brown hair, grey eyes, bordering on blue, complexion about medium. I use neither tea, coffee, tobacco, nor liquor; am well and happy. Three years since, I had a severe attack of hemorrhoids, which left one tumor on the right side of rectum, that always protrudes at stool, and has to be replaced, and is quite troublesome. This tumor slowly but wholly disappeared during the proving. I am also inclined to have little pimples, with dark heads, over the face; these also nearly all disappeared during the proving. The preparations used were the three triturations, were each triturated with pure sugar of milk, one hour. All the preparations were made on the decimal scale. The tourth was made with distilled water; the fifth with equal parts of distilled water and alcohol; the others with pure alcohol; except the largest doses were made one-half pure water, to avoid the stimulating effects of the alcohol. November 11.—While making first trituration, irritation of nasal passages and sneezing; then irritation of fauces, and hack- ing cough; later, violent itching of both eyes; then smarting of eyes, right eye worse. At 9 r. m. took 5 grains 1st decimal. November 12.—At 7:30 a. m. took 5 grains; stool darker than usual. At 5 p. m. took 5 grains; at 8 P. m. took 5 grains; at 10 p. m. took 5 grains. November 13.—At 6 a. m. awoke with sweetish taste in mouth, uneasy feeling in epigastrium, and dull pain on both sides 19 PROVING OF BIOS COREIN. of right leg, below the knee. At 7:30 a. m. took 5 grains, fol- lowed by burning of left tonsil and left side of throat. At 11 a. m. burning, then itching, of left tonsil; at 12 m. took 5 grains; at 2 p. m. took 5 grains; at 7 p. m. took 5 grains, burning of fauces; at 9 p. m. sharp, but not very severe, pain between epi- gastric and umbilical regions, relieved by standing erect; at 9:30 p. m. dull, stupefying pain in temporal region, both sides; at 10 p. m. took 5 grains, followed by smarting of fauces, and dull, dizzy feeling of head. November 14.—Dark stool. At 7 a. m. took 5 grains; at 11 a. m. weakness of right knee; at 2 p. m. pulling pain in front of both ears, as precedes vomiting; at 4 p. m. weakness of right knee; at 0 r. m. weakness ofvight knee, tongue sore on side,near last molar tooth, making talking difficult; at 10 p. M. took 10 grains. After taking medicine, discharge of water from left nos- tril and smarting of fauces, chilly over left scapula, smarting of internal angle of both eyes, right one worse; itching of internal ears; ears feel stopped up; violent itching of left ankle on front side while walking. November 15.—At 6:30 a. >r. took 10 grains; at 6:45 sharp pain in left hypochondrium; at 7:30 a. m. chills on back, com- mencing over left scapula; at 3 p. m. took 10 grains. During the evening irritation of fauces, with inclination to cough; knees felt weak. At 10 p. m. took 10 grains. November 16.—At 6 a. m. left knee weak; at 7:30 a. m. took 20 grains, followed by pain in front teeth, and burning of mouth and fauces; at 10:30 a. m. pain in middle of left fore-arm, be- tween ulna and radius; at 12 m. twisting pain at epigastrium; at 2 p. m. dull, confused feeling in head during stool; at 10 p. m. sharp pain of short duration darting through the liver; at 10:30 p. m. took 20 grains of second trituration. November 17.—At 9 a. m. took 20 grains; at 10 a. m. pain in right lung, opposite or at the side of the nipple very sharp, re- lieved by pressure; at 5 p. m. pain in right knee, at the head of the tibia, relieved by motion ; weakness of right knee aggravated by walking; continued walking cured it. At 5 p. m. violent itching of the left ankle when walking; sharp pain in epigas- trium, relieved by eating; sharp pain in both temples, not aggra- vated nor relieved by riding, walking, nor shaking the head. At 9:15 p. m. took 40 grains; at 9:30 p. M. sharp pain in left hypo- chondrium, at angle of ribs; at 10 p. m. sharp pain in epigas- trium. November 18.—At 6 a. m. sharp pain in epigastrium. At 7 a. m. took 40 grains. At 7:30 a. m. sharp pain in left temple, with nausea and chills, beginning on back, worse over left scap- ula; during forenoon pain at epigastrium. At 11:30 a. m. sharp 20 PROVING OF DTOSCOHFIN. pain through right lung, at the side of the nipple. At 12 m. took 20 grains. At 12:30 dull pain in left shoulder; afternoon left knee weak. At 5 r. m. sharp pain in lower portion of right lung, commencing in the back and darting through to the front. At 8 p. m. took 20 grains. At 10 p. m. took 40 grains 3d attenu- ation. At 10:30 p. m. sharp pain at epigastrium. November 19.—At 2:30 a. m. sharp pain at epigastrium, extend- to left hypocliondrium, lasting one hour. At 3 a. m. faint feeling ing, came near syncope; aching pain in right lung. At 2 p. m. took 40 grains; dull, drawing pain in right leg, from hip to knee on inner and hack side. At 5 a. m. pressing pain in left liypo- chondriutn; violznt itching of right ankle on front side, extend- ing over the joint while walking. At 8. p. m. took 40 grains. November 20.—7:30 a. m. took 40 grains. At 11:30 a. m. sharp pain in left lung, outside and parallel with the nipple. At 2 p. m. took 40 grains. At 3 p. m. sharp pain in left lung, in re- gion of nipple. At 5 p. m. sharp, sore pain in epigastrium. At 0 p. m. numbness of left hand and arm to the elbow, as if asleep, continuing several minutes, worse at the little finger. At 7 p. m. tearing pain through the scapula and lung; irritation of larynx and inclination to cough ; hard pain at epigastrium ; pain in the right knee at head of tibia; deep cough; dull pain in head, seems to be deep in center of head ; during afternoon dull, lame pain in lumbar region, extending down the hips to the legs. At 8:45 p. m. sharp, severe pain in left cheek or lower portion of temporal region, followed by dry cough ; dull pain in right leg, whole length, on back side, worse at buttock and heel; sharp pain at epigastrium; severe pain at middle of left fibula; belch- ing of large quantities of tasteless wind, relieving the distress at the stomach for a minute. At 10 p. m. severe dull pain in the back of neck, extending to back of head and both shoulders, worse in left. At 10 p. m. took 40 grains. November 21.—In the morning month bitter and sticky; tongue dry and stiff at sides; soreness and pain at epigastrium; pain below right hypocliondrium and at the left of umbilicus ; nausea with chills ; hard, aching pain at head of right tibia ; throat sore and am hoaVse. At 7 a. m. took 40 grains; numb- ness of left hand and pricking pain in fore finger; pain through left scapula and lung. At 8 a. m. hard, aching pain in lower third or left forearm, ulna side, extending to little finger. At 8:45 a. m. dull, grinding pain in middle of left forearm, quite severe; severe, deep seated pain in left occipital region; sharp pain in region of right nipple, hindering breathing. At 12 m. dizzy while eating; sore place on left side of nose quite painful, but no redness nor swelling. At 5 p. m. violent itching of front side of right ankle, while walking on the street; tip of tongue sore while eating. At 5:30 p. m. hard, aching pain in middle of forearm ; itching of wrists. At 6:30 p. m. hard, dull pain in middle of right forearm, returned at intervals during the evening. At 6:45 arms PROVING OF DIOSCOREIN. 21 and hands numb ; dizzy. At 7 p. m. hard pain at head of right tibia, extending into the knee joint; belching of bitter tasting wind. At 10:45 p. m. belching of wind and pain in left knee. At 11 p. m. took 80 grains. November 22.—In morning mouth bitter; aching pain at epi- gastrium and left hypoehondrium ; severe pain in first joint of right thumb ; deep and dry cough in the morning. At 8:80 a. m. dull pain through right scapula and lung; faint pain at the umbilicus, extending to epigastrium; hard pain in the bones of right leg, below the knee. At 8 a. m. pain in first joint of right thumb ; hard, grinding pain in left elbow. At 9 a. m. pain in first joint of right thumb continues. At 10 a. m. sharp pain in right lung; sharp, digging pain in left temple; hard, grinding pain in first joint in right thumb; pain in bones of left forearm. At 8. v. m. hard pain in right arm between elbows and shoulder. At 5 p. m. pain in the right thumb; pain in the left scapula, through the lung; dull, hard pain in left lumbar region; digging pain in the left hypoehondrium; pain in the left left arm below the elbow ; hard, aching pain in right lung, and in right knee; during afternoon pain in penis and left testicle. At 7 p. m. took 80 grains; during the evening, belching of bitter, sour wind. At 10:45 p. m. weakness of right knee; when walk- ing am dizzy and inclined to go to the right; in evening pain and soreness of left inguinal region and inguinal glands. November 23.—In morning, on waking, mouth bitter; left knee weak and painful. At 9:30 a. m. pain in right lumbar re- gion; swelling, soreness and pain of left inguinal glands. At 11 a. m. hard, sharp pain in region of gall bladder; weakness of right knee. At 1 p. m. left knee painful on inside, have felt it for two or three days; pain and soreness in left axilla; hands feel weak. At 8 p. m. took 25 drops of the 4th dilution. At 5 p. m. violent itching of left ankle when walking; cutting pain in left lung. At 2:30 pain in left forearm. At 4 p. m. discharge of bright red blood from left nostril, followed by one dark clot and spitting of blood. At 7 p. m. pain in first joint, of left thumb. At 7:30 p. m. pain in bones of both forearms; pulling pain in the occiput; pain in first joint of right thumb. At 8 p. >r. sharp, deep seated pain behind right ear. At 9 p. m. boring, aching pain in right little toe; corn on second toe of left foot very pain- ful and is sore; cutting pain irf left scapula; pain in left great toe; left inguinal region very sore; very sharp, severe pain in right little toe; relieved by pressure; hard pain in middle of right tibia; pain in middle of left ulna; pain in left knee, as if out of joint, and could not move it, but is relieved *by motion; dull pain in epigastrium; right knee weak and painful; sharp pain in region of liver, through to back; pulling pain in left occi- put, causing a stupid sensation; hard, sharp pain in right temple; pain in back and right side of throat, causing a choking sensa- tion; trembling, with faint feeling at stomach; pain in right 22 PROVING OF DIOSCOREIN. elbow, then right knee; soreness on left side of nose better, but sore on top and right side. At 9:30 p. m. very sharp, darting pain in left temple; hard, aching pain in both temples ; sharp pain in right hand; aching pain in left scapula,* through the lung; pain in middle of left humerus, quite sharp; belching of wind, slightly bitter, causing or accompanied by shuddering; left inguinal region quite sore; sharp, darting pain in rectum ; itching ot various parts of the body and limbs; hard pain in right elbow; strong smelling perspiration on scrotum and pubes, quite uncommon; (lull pain in right lumbar region; chilly in a warm room; bad sick teeling at epigastrium, as of undigested food. At 10:45 p. M. took ‘25 drops fourth dilution; pain in re- gion of liver, and am chilly. November 24.—In morning nasty, sticky mouth; sharp pain in left hypochondrium; pulling pain in left occiput; pulling pain in right shoulder; faint feeling at epigastrium, partially relieved by raising wind. At 8 a. m. took 25 drops fourth dilution ; dis- charge of very offensive flatulence from the howels; one corning into the room, thought the gas was escaping; it had a coppery odor; after breakfast, head feels tight, as if squeezed; a dull, pressing pain in front ot both ears; a dull, pressing pain in both temples, relieved at once by pressure; sharp pain in right thumb; pain in left popliteal space, hindering walking; pain in right thigh; dtdl pain in liver, quite steady during the forenoon. At 9 a. m. hard sharp pain in left ankle; at 10 a. m. dull pain in head, left knee weak and painful; at 11 a. m. pain in left popli- teal space, then in right knee, then right popliteal space; at 2:30 p. \i. took 25 drops; at 3 p. m lame pain in sacral region, hinder- ing movement; have felt it slightly for several days; at 3:30 p. m. took 50 drops; at 4 p. m. pain in left hand; at 5 p. m. pain in left knee; repeated sharp jerking pains in left shoulder; aching pain in left hypochondrium, and faint feeling at stomjich, with chills in back, pain in right temple, sharp pain in middle of left tibia, belching of acrid wind, with shuddering. At 8 p. m. took 150 drops, fourth dilution. At 9 p. m. sharp, tearing pain in left knee; distressing pain at epigastrium, relieved by raising sour, bitter wind; sharp pain in left temple, raising sour, bitter wind, with shuddering; burning at epigastrium; right knee very lame and stiff; weakness of right hand ; pain and distress at left hypo- chondrium; sore pain in right popliteal space; eyes smart al 1 the evening, right one worse; pain and lameness of sacral region; feel confused; call things by wrong names; when 1 mean left leg or arm, I write it right arm or leg, and have to change it; con- tinued belching of wind, tasting bitter and sour, with pain in epi- gastrium and left hypochondrium; both knees weak and painful. At 10:30 to 11 p. m. distress in stomach and bowels, with raising of bitter wind; knees weak and trembling. November 25.—In morning mouth tastes nasty and bitter; both eyes smart; pain in both temporal regions; sharp pain behind PROVING OF DIOSCOREIN. 23 right ear; dull pain in front of head; pain and soreness at pie- gastrium; sharp pain in left hypochondrium; sharp pain over right eye. At 8 a. m. took 50 drops fifth dilution. At 8:15 sharp pain in left knee ; sharp pain in left shoulder joint; fre- quent sharp pains in right shoulder; sour stomach ; belching of sour water; during forenoon frequent pains in right knee; also, left shoulder, and sour stomach. At 1:30 i\ si. pain in right knee. At 2:30 p. m. took 50 drops. At 4 p. m. frequent pains on top of left shoulder; quite sharp pains in right leg; acid stomach; belching of sour wind; lameness of lumbar and sacral regions. At 4:30 p. m. took 50 drops. At 7 p. m. hard pain in left knee; during evening sharp pain in lumbar region ; pain in left knee ; pressing pain in both temples; corn on second toe of left foot quite painful; sharp pain in epigastrium and left hypochondrium; spasmodic action of lower jaw; bit my tongue several times dur- ing the evening, when I was neither talking or chewing; sharp pain in left side of chest and left temple; distress at stomach ; hard, aching pain in rectum; distress at stomach; had to unfas- ten my clothes, usually quite loose; pain in right ankle. At 10:30 p. it. belching of large quantities of wind, with a feeling as if both temples were in a vice; occasional pulling, twisting pain in rectum. At 10:45 p. si. took 50 drops. November 26.—Awoke with bitter, sticky mouth; swallow ing caused nausea and shuddering; sharp pain in muscles of lum- bar region; sharp pain in left knee; I felt as though I could not move it; sharp pain on top of left shoulder; sharp pain in front and behind both ears; sharp pain in center of left lung; hard, pulling pain in back of neck, worse on left side; all the pains, except headache, are relieved by motion, but not as readily as at the commencement of the proving; constant desire to swallow, but it causes nausea; frequent sharp pains in region of heart, for a few seconds at a time. . At 7:30 a. m. took 50 drops. At 10:15 sharp pain in back side of left lung and in scapula, extending down inside of left arm ; feel nervous; easily troubled. At 9 a. si. sharp pain in region of heart, and to the left of it; pain in left shoulder; stool light colored, almost white, and slimy; mouth sore. At 1 p. si. roof of mouth sore; gums on inside of front upper teeth swollen; pain in right leg below the knee, worse on the back side; pulling pain in right knee; also, knee lame and weak; sharp pain in center of right lung; sharp pain in right hip joint; left knee weak and painful; hard, pulling pain all day on top of left shoulder, extending to neck and head, worse at the attachment of the sternocleido mastoideus muscle; pain in left lung, parallel with and at the side of the nipple; painin right hand; sharp pain In left hypochondrium, with a frequent stabbing pain, then a dull ache in left temple; dull, heavy pain and soreness in left inguinal region; darting pain in right lumbar region. At 7:30 p. si. took 50 drops; fullness at epigastrium; clothes feel tight; feel dull and stupid ; eyes smart, and lids feel stiff. At 9 p. si. took 100 24 PROVING OF DIOSCOREIN. drops. At 0:30 sharp pain in left little finger; sharp pain over left eye; drawing pain at angle of jaw; left side teeth feel sore; feel tired and languid ; still keep moving around the room, rest- less; sharp pain in left thumb ; dull pain in front of right ear, and sharp pain over left eye at same time; sharp pain in left tibia, near the ankle, which made me limp ; then pain in right tibia; then in right hand. At 11:30 j*. m. pain in back ; pain in epigastrium; pain in left hand. At 12, midnight, sharp pain in right shoulder; pain and soreness in right axilla, extending down the arm, aggravated by walking; sharp pain at epigastrium; sharp pain in right knee and right elbow; both eyes smart, and feel as if dust or eye-lashes were in them. November 27.— In morning mouth dry and sticky, roof of mouth quite sore; right kuee painful, both knees weak; sharp pain in posterior portion of right lung; nausea after eating; pain in right knee, right ankle, and right elbow; sharp pain in lumbar region, extending to the testicles; eyes sore and smart badly; eyelids feel stiff, eyes do not look sore. At 8:30 a. m. sharp, squeezing pain in liver; sharp pain left temple; pain in left shoulder; dull, hard pain in right hip; right knee lame and sore; eyes sore, left one worse; soreness from left eye to left temple. At 1 p. m. hard, sharp pain in left popliteal region; a sharp pain went from the left thigh to the top of the head, like an eclectrie shock, while lying down after dinner the pain was so severe that it made me jump up ; a sharp, darting pain in a right upper molar tooth, (which had been filled several years,) as if I touched a bare nerve; pain in the jaw near the teeth; soreness of the gums extending to the roof of the mouth ; dull pain in the epigas’ trium, with fullness; frequent sharp pain in the liver; very sharp pain in right upper molar tooth. At 4:45 p. m. pain in middle of right tibia when walking on the street, which made me limp and the bone seemed sore, then the pain extended to the left side of the knee joint, at edge of patella, lasting some time, and made me quite lame, then the pain moved to the lower portion of fibula, same leg, but was not so severe; but a hard aching pain. At 6:45 p. m. sore lame feeling of right leg below the knee and in front; violent itching of left foot; severe pain in front and left side of head, over the eye. At 7 p. m. a hard, sharp pain behind the left ear; the soreness of the nose is all on the right side, with a small swelling; the inside of both nostrils dry and sore; roof of mouth sore and troublesome; both eyes smart and quite sore; the left one often feels as if there was dirt in it; itching of rec- tum; left corner of mouth sore. At 10:30 p. m. itching of left in- ternal ear; sharp pain over left eye; the soreness in left groin is worse, is more painful, and extends down into the thigh ; right tibia quite sore and painful when walking, but not painful to the touch ; it is relieved by pressure or contact. At 11:20 took 100 drops sixth decimal dilution. November 28.—In morning mouth sticky and bitter; pain at epigastrium and left hypochondrium. At 8 a. m. took 50 drops PROVING OF D1 OS COREIN. 25 sixth dilution ; eyes sore and lashes stuck together. At 10 a. m. hard, aching pain in left parotid gland. At 11a. m. sharp pain on inside of left ankle; roof of mouth and gums quite sore; in af- ternoon pain in both parotids ; discharge of very offensive flatu- lence from the bowels ; eyes sore ; hard, sore pain on inside of left knee; dull pain in right knee; hard pain on top of left shoul- der; very sharp pain in left side of back, at tenth rib, very sud- den ; made me jump. At 8 p. m. hard pain in left temple, relieved by pressure, but it produces heat in the left nostril; after the pain a sensation of pressure; itching every evening over the lower portion of right scapula; knees weak when walking; darting pain behind left ear; sourness of stomach; pain in right leg, above the knee; darting pain in right hand, feels as if sprained; stabbing pain in liver; burning at stomach; both parotid glands sore, with pain extending to the throat; sharp pain in right wrist; dull pain in left hip; burning at stomach continues; tongue sore on right side; feel languid; pain in right hip, ex- tending down front side of leg, near to the knee; have to limp when walking; inclined to raise wind, but cannot; pain in back of neck. At 10 p. m. took 75 drops; both eyes sore, feel as if there were sticks in them; sharp pain in right popliteal space, which hinders walking; dull pain in sacral region. November 29.—In morning, bitter taste in mouth ; sharp pain in right temple; dull pain in left temple; dull pain in middle of bones of fore-arm; pain in right ankle; mouth sore; sharp pain through the center of right lung. At 7 a. m. sharp pain through left lung, near the nipple; sharp pain in region of heart; had to stop when walking; pain on inside of left knee. At 3 p. m. sharp pain at lower portion of left scapula, through the lung; stomach and bowels feel full, with dull pain during the evening; pain in both temples; tongue sore. At 12, midnight, took 100 drops in one gill of water; after going to bed, eyes smart so badly that it feels as if hot air was coming out of them and passing over the face; restless, cannot go to sleep. November 30.—In morning, mouth bitter; pain in both tem- ples; discharge of dreadfully offensive flatulence from the bowels, with urgent desire for stool; offensive stool; burning at stomach; dull pain in back of neck; during the morning, four offensive stools, each one more slimy than the preceding one, and more straining, perhaps aggravated by drinking part of a glass of (slightly fermented) new cider the previous evening, though I am confident the cider alone would not have caused it; pains in bones of the hands, left one worse; pain in left arm, left leg, and left foot; frequent sharp pains in right lung, one inch below the nip- ple; pain in right temple, extending to the angle of jaw at times, sharp at others, a dull, squeezing pain; pain in front of head and temples, as if lifted up; dull pain in left hip; also, in heel and sole of foot; frequent hard, dull pain in left “ tendo Achilles.” At 8 p. m. severe grinding pain on inside of left knee; pain in 26 PROVING OF DIOS COR FIN. right lung, one inch helow the nipple; it feels ms if it would ar- rest breathing, but is not aggravated by a deep inspiration, but gives an inclination to cough; both eyes smart; eyes feel as if some large smooth substance was in them; dull pain in right temple; dull pain in right elbow; pain in first joint of right thumb, at first dull, gradually growing sharper; pain and soreness of left axilla; feel dull and cross; desire to be alone; do not enjoy society; am usually quite fond of the society of ladies, but now they seem repulsive; sexual desire sadly diminished ; itching over right shoulder blade; pain in right lung, just above the nipple; both eyes smart. At 10:20 »\ m. took 150 drops sixth dilution; restless, cannot sleep; multitude of dreams. December 1.— In morning mouth bitter, sticky and clammy, tongue slightly coated; severe pain in lower part of bowels great desire for stool, driving me out of bed; quite loose stool; one and one - half hour later another small, light colored stool, with much straining ; during forenoon occasional pains in bones. At 2 p. m. desire for stool, with faint burning pain in rectum ; feel dull and stupid, went to sleep in my room, a very uncommon occurrence, awoke with very bitter mouth ; pain in bowels and rectum ; desire for stool, slimy stool; during evening, belching of wind and bitter mouth, the bitter seems to be worse on the sides of the tongue, and back part of it; feel dull and stupid, but feel well in the forenoon. At 8 p. m. mouth dry and bitter; pain in both hypochondria. At 9 p. m. took 75 drops. On going to bed could not go to sleep as usual; had pains in joints and bones. At 1:30 a. m. was called up; hard pains in bones of legs and was chilly, with very bitter mouth. On going to bed at 3 a. m., could not go to sleep, was quite restless. December 2.—Awoke in the morning with mouth very bitter and sticky; pain in both temples; sore pain at angle of jaw, left side; throat seems sore but is not; pain in both shoulders, left one worse ; pain in left elbow ; pain in light lung then the left; sharp pain in the liver ; heavy feeling at stomach as of undigested food; soreness of left hypochondrium ; soreness and pain in right lumbar region ; pain in right hip ; pain in left thigh; right knee is weak and painful; pain in right tendo- Achilles ; sharp, pulling {tain in left hand. At 11 a. m. hard pain in right leg, near the knee, back side. At 2:30 p. m. dark, slimy, offensive stool. At 0 p. m. stomach bloated so I had to unfasten my clothes. At 7:30 p. m. sharp pain in ball of right eye; both sides of tongue son- near back molar teeth; roof of mouth and tip of tongue sore; itching over right scapula every evening; immediately after lying down in bed, a hard but not very sharp pain in left hypo- chondrium, aggravated by lying on right side, but not changed by turning to left. December 3.—Had a restless, dreamy night; in the morning mouth bitter, sore and clammy; sharp, deep pain at lower PROVING OF DIOSCOREIN. 27 portion of left scapula, followed by a sharp pain throug hcentre o* right lung; severe pain in both temples and front part of head; both knees weak, right knee painful; drawing pain through both shoulders; finger nails very brittle. At 11 a. m. sharp pain in right knee, the knee is weak and lame; pain in left side of head, both in front and behind the ear; distress at stomach all the forenoon; dull pain in both temples after dinner; itching over both scapulae, worse on right. At 9 p. m. sharp pain in center of right lung; inside of nostril* sore; lips sore ; knees weak and painful; pain in calf of right leg; both eyes weak and sore and smart badly; eyelids seem stiff; dull pain in left hypo- chondrium when lying upon the left side; dull pain in the epi- gastrium and right bypochondrium. At 11 p. m. hard, aching pain just below the outer angle of right eye; dull pain in left shoulder; mouth sore; after retiring restless and uneasy; left inguinal region sore and painful; pain in both knees, right elbow, and left shoulder; pain in liver, worse when lying on right side. At 1 a. m. mouth bitter, dry and sore; saliva runs out of the mouth when asleep; sharp pain in middle of right fibula ; stomach reels faint and bad ; dull pain in front of head; jumping, darting pain in corns on 2nd toes of both feet; dull pain in both hands; lame pain at head of right fibula; sharp pain in right lung and left knee ; left groin sore and painful; eyes sore ; dull pain in epigastrium and both hypochondria. December 4. — Mouth bitter and sore; pain in stomach ; fre- quent pains in joints. At 3 p. m. hard pain in right knee and ankle. At 5 p. m. pain in left shoulder; pain in right hand. At 8 p. m. pain in left hand; frequent pains in right hand ; frequent dull, pressing pains in temples; for several days, feeling in the stomach as if distressed by food, much worse to - day; bad, dis- tressed feeling at stomach after eating only a little; stomach bloated, have to unfasten my clothes. At 10 p. m. stomach has been distressed all the evening ; frequent sharp pains darting from one part of the body to another; hard, aching pain at the middle of left fibula ; restless, di’eamy sleep. December 5.—In morning, mouth bitter, dry and sore; eyes sore, right one stuck together, for the first time in my life or re- membrance. At 7 a. m. sharp pain in right lung, just below the nipple; sharp pain in left lung, just below the axilla; dull pain in back of neck. At 10 a. m. sharp pain in right knee; frequent sharp pains in center of right lung. At 1 p. m. sharp pain in back, at lower portion of left scapula; aching pain at top of left shoul- der; stomach feels raw and bad; frequent hard aching pains at the upper portion of left fibula. At 4 p. m. hard aching pain in right leg, just above the popliteal space; frequent hard pains in left elbow; pain in right elbow; frequent sharp pains in various parts of the body. At 7 p. m. sharp pain in left lumbar region, that pulled me over backwards, and made me gi-oan out loud; a dull, numb pain extends down from left elbow towards the wrist, 28 PROVING OF OIOSCOREIN. along the ulna; left shoulder is lame and painful; it seems as if I cannot move it, but it is relieved by movement; dull, grinding pain in left lower jaw, between teeth and angle of jaw ; eyes smart; severe, sharp, pulling pain on inside of rir. lame pain in upper portion of left tibia; dull pain from the occiput through to the front part of the head; sharp pain in center of right lung. At 3 p. m. pain in front lower teeth. At 4 p. m. loud ringing in ears, worse in right. At 0 p. m. pain in lower back teeth, left side, extending to angle of jaw and parotid gland; pain in upper front teeth; troublesome itching all the evening over the right scapula, even to soreness; pain in right knee; pain in both knees; eyes smart; sharp, prick- ing pain in region of heart; bad, faint feeling at epigastrium ; dull headache; pulling pain in left tonsil; hard pain at middle of left humerus. December 7.—In morning mouth dry and bitter; dull pain in left occipital region; sharp pain in right temple and front of the head; irritation of throat, left side, extending to the ear and down the pharynx, causing cough; stomach feels badly, sore ami faint; sharp pain in left elbow; dull, hard pain in right knee. At 9 a. m. hard pain in left knee, at head of fibula; sharp pain in lower portion of right lung ; sharp pain in right knee and elbow; sharp pain in right temple when eating dinner. At 1 p. m. drawing, pulling pain in cervicle vertebrae; sharp pain in right lumbar region, pulling me over backwards and to the right; sharp pain in left knee, outside; sharp pain in left lumbar region, pulling me over back and to the left. At 7 p. m. sharp, darting pain in lower portion of left lung; stomach feels full and PROVING OF DIOS COR EIN. 29 distressed ; itching over right scapula ; right knee lame and pain- ful. At 8 p. m. stomach distressed and bloated, had to un- fasten my clothee ; sharp pain in left hypochondrium. At 9 p. m. burning and itching over left scapula ; drawing pain in right knee; sharp pain in lower portion of left lung ; dull pain in left thumb ; grinding pain in lett elbow ; dull pain in left hand ; feel dull; desire to be alone, conversation is troublesome ; lumbar region lame and stiff; violent itching over right scapula, slight over the left; frequent pains through left lung; knees weak and painful; dull pain at middle of sternum; tip of tongue sore; hard pain in right hand. At 10 p. m. sharp, wringing pain in left parotid gland ; drawing pain in right leg above the popliteal space. At 10:30 p. m. sharp, darting pain over lett eye; pulling pain in left lumbar region; hard, aching pain in left hypochon- drium; hard, sharp, twisting pain just below the left axilla; cramp like pain at the epigastrium, all relieved by motion ; eyes weak. December 8.—In morning mouth bitter and clammy; tongue coated brown, and is sore on tip; dull pain in head, both front and temporal region; stomach feels bad and faint; dull, twist- ing, sinking pain in region of gall bladder; right knee weak and lame; hard, twisting pain at first joint of right thumb; every day bloody taste in mouth; dull pain in region of liver, aggra- vated by inhalation, relieved by exhalation; left elbow lame and stiff; dull pain in temporal region, both sides; grinding pain in elbow joint; constant smell in nose, as from bilious fever pa- tients ; dull pain in left hypochondrium; dull pain in lower por- tion of left lung, back side; tongue feels as if burnt. At 1 p. m. aching pain in right elbow; sharp pain over right eye, extending to the occipital region; lame pain in left elbow, alternating with pains in the knees; both knees weak. At 5 p. m. dull pain in back portion of left lung. At 6 p. m. dull pain through right lung; frequent aching pains in knees and elbows; sudden sharp cramping pain in right lung, just below the nipple, arresting mo- tion and breathing for a few seconds; aching pain in left little finger; pulling pain in right popliteal space; dull pain in epigas- trium and left hypochondrium. At 8 p. M. pain in left elbow. At 9 p. m. pain in right ankle; outside soreness over right sca- pula ; distx*ess at stomach; dull pain in right temple; drawing pain in left elbow; hard pain in left temple; eyes smart. December 9.—In morning mouth clammy and bitter, tongue coated slightly brown; sharp pain in left knee; dull pain in left hypochondrium ; drawing pain in left hand ; dull pain in both temples; drawing pain in right knee; both ankles lame and pain- ful. At 9 a. m. very sharp pain in epigastrium, causing me to bend over; sharp pain in right lung; sharp pain in inside of left knee; left wrist lame and painful; pain extending up left leg, from the knee. At 10 a. m. sharp pain at right side of epigas- trium. At 11 a. m. sharp pain in left knee. At 12 m. hard pain 30 PROVING OF DTOSCORFIN. in back and central portion of right lung; distress in left lung, near the heart. At 2 p. m. hard, but not very sharp pain in the back portion of left lung near the lower portion of the scapula. At 4 p. m. pain in left knee; pain in right knee; sharp, darting pain in region of heart, arresting breathing; distress and faint feeling at stomach ; three light colored, loose, slimy stools ; con- tinued desire for stool, stomach seems swollen, have to unfasten my clothes; dull grinding pain in left elbow, as if out of joint; pain in right forearm ; sharp pain in region of heart, arresting breathing. At 10:30 p. m. continued violent itching over right scapula; occasional itching over left scapula; itching of right, internal ear; small balls of wax dropout of the right ear, almost every day. At 11 p. m. sharp, darting pain in left, hypochon- driutn ; twisting pain in front of left ear, causing a numb sensa- tion of the head; after going to bed, severe aching pain in front of right ear, lasting some time. At 11 p. m. sharp pain in the epigastrium ; dull, aching pain in liver, worse on lying on right side. December 10.—At 7 a. m. sharp pain in epigastrium; con- stant distress at stomach, with frequent very sharp pains. In morning mouth bitter, dry and rough, pain in left hand. At 1 i*. m. discharge ol very offensive flatulence from the bowels; no stool till afternoon, very uncommon ; during the afternoon fre- quent severe but not very sharp pains between the third and fourth metacarpal bones of the left hand. At 4 p. m. hard pain through top of left lung. At 8 p. m. dull pain behind top of sternum. At 9 p. m. dull pain through top of right lung; tongue sore ; lips burn ; constant dull pain at the epigastrium. At 9:30 p. m. hard pain in left elbow. At 10 p. m. grinding pain in right knee, at lower portion of the patella; stomach seems bloated, have to unfasten my clothes; dull pain in temples; irritation or throat, with inclination to cough; eyes smart; (lull pain at epi- gastrium, and both lungs aggravated by a deep inspiration, and worse behind sternum. December 11.—Mouth and tongue dry and bitter; bad smell in nose; stomach feels badly. At 2 p. m. pain in upper portion of left lung. At 4 p. m. pain in the upper portion of the right lung; the old hemorrhoidal tumor had nearly all disappeared, but to-day it returned, and is quite sore. At 10 p. \r. both knees quite weak; dull pain in head; constant bad smell in nose, like bilious fever patients; lumbar and sacral regions very lame, worse on stooping; dull pain in both temples, worse in right. At 11 p. m. took 500 drops 8th dilution. December 12.—At 5 a. m. mouth bitter and clammy; bad smell in nose; discharge of large quantities of flatulence from the bow- els. At 7 a. m. hard, aching pain in left knee, commencing in back side and extending through to the front; seems as if I could not move the joint; then pain in right knee; then in left again ; griping in lower part of bowels; pain in both knees; pain in PROVING OF DIOSCOREIN. 31 right hand; distress at stomach, and belching of large quantities of wind ; dull pain in both sides of head ; great desire for stool; dark, offensive stool; distress at stomach, as of undigested food, with occasional sharp pains and heat in stomach; constant desire for stool. At 9 a. m. another dark, offensive stool; pain in liver; distress at stomach; hemorrhoidal tumor quite sore. At 12 m. nausea; sharp pain in liver; sharp pain in left hypochondrium; soreness on left side of nose returned; hemorrhoidal tumor very sore; have to move with care. At 3 p. m. another stool. At 5 p. m. sharp pain extending from the painful hemorrhoidal tumor to the region of the liver; constant distress at stomach; have to unfasten my clothing; belching of quite acrid wind; stomach burns and smarts, and is sore; almost constant passing of flatu- lence from the bowels, with loud rumbling in bowels, left side; dull pain in liver; sudden pricking pain in rectum; itching be- tween the shoulder blades; darting pain in left temple. 7 p. u. feet and legs to knees feel numb and strange; sudden sharp pain at back part of left lung, near the center; burning in stomach and smarting at throat all the evening; sudden shocks of sharp pain in left temple; hard, aching pain in left fore-finger; burning in stomach, extending all over the chest. At 10 p. m. took 500 drops 8tli dilution, followed by dull pain in head and wringing pain in left hypochondrium; then in epigastrium; sharp pain at umbilicus; both eyes smart; dull, heavy ache at epigastrium; dull, heavy, distressed feeling in liver, in region of gall bladder, when lying on the right side; knees weak and painful. December 13.—In morning mouth dry and bitter; distress in stomach an