Catalogue of the Species of Batrachians and Reptiles contained in a Collection made at Pebas, Upper Amazon, by John Hauxwell. READ BEFORE THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, OCTOBER 2, 1885. On the Species of Iguanime. READ BEFORE THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, OCTOBER 16, 1885, Thirteenth Contribution to the Herpe- tology of Tropical America. READ BEFORE THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, NOVEMBER 20, 1885. Professor E. D. Cope. FOR SALE BY IE. FOOTE, 1223 Belmont, Avenue, Philadelphia. February 4, 1886. 94 Cope.] [Oct. 2, Catalogue of the Species of Batrachians and Beptites contained in a collection made at Pebas, Upper Amazon, by John Ilauxwell. By E. D. Cope. {Bead before the American Philosophical Society, October 2, 1885.) T'he contents of a previous collection made at Pebas by Mr. Ilauxwell are enumerated in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society for 1870, page 553. It included ten species of batrachians, four of lizards, and nine of snakes. The present collection embraces six species of ba- trachians, eleven of lizards, and fifteen species of snakes. The total num- ber of species obtained is, fifteen batrachians, fourteen lizards, and twenty-three species of snakes. A considerable collection was made in the same region by the late Professor Orton, and the species are enumer- ated and described in the Journal of the Philadelphia Acadamy of 1875, 159. A previous collection, made by Professor Orton, is described in the Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy for 18(18, and one from Western and Central Peru is reported on in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society for 1877. These collections form the basis of a general review of the herpetology of Peru, which the w’riter hopes to publish with illustrations at no distant day.* ♦Some species were obtained in tbe same region by Prof. Steere of Ann Arbor, Mich., and my thanks are due to this gentleman for the opportunity of exam- ining them. From near Tarapota come the following species: Dtndrobates trivittatus Spix; Leplodactylus pcccilochilus Cope; Neusticurus ecpleopus Cope; Polychrus marmoratux L. From Toinbez: Ttujo havialiticus Cope; Uyla phceota Cope. From the MamorC River in Eastern Bolivia; Dr. E. R. Heath presented to the museum of Ann Arbor the following species: 1. AmphiSbann alba I..; 2. Pseu- doSryx mimeticus sp. nov. The genus PseudoBryx Fit/.., 1826, is the Ilydropx Wag- ler, 1830, and Dimades Gray; 1813. It includes two banded species, the present 1885.] fCope. HyiiA favosa, sp. nov. The internal nares are about as large as the choansc, and are a little longer than wide. The patches of vomerine teeth are between them, opposite a point anterior to their middle. The head is short and wide, and the canthus rostralis is rounded and concave. The muzzle is truncate viewed in profile, and the nostrils, though opening laterally, are terminal in position. The tympanum is small, being one-half the long diameter of the eye-slit, or a little less than half that of the eyeball. It is a little larger than the digital palettes of the anterior foot. On all the upper sur- faces the skin is smooth. The usual areolalion covers the abdomen and part of the femora. The three external fingers are about half webbed, the web not reaching the palettes of the third and fifth digits. The toes are more than half webbed, the membrane reaching the dilatations of all the toes except the fourth, where it reaches the base of the penultimate phalange. When the posterior limb is extended, the heel reaches the front border of the orbit. The upper arm is bound to the side for the greater part of its length by a strong extension of the skin. A trace only is seen at the anterior base of the femur. Batrachia, one and the P. plicalilis Linn., and two ringed species, the P. martii Spix and P. callostictws Gtlir. The P. mimelicus has a remarkable resemblance to the Hydro- calamus quinquevittatus (D. & B.) Cope, Proceeds. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1884, p. 176. The scuta of the head are as in the P. plicalilis. Dorsal region brown for a width ol five and two half rows of scales. Sides, on the third and fourth and half of the second and fifth rows, marked with a black band, which extends from the orbit to end of the tail, and is yellow-bordered above. Below yellow with two small brown spots on each gastrostege and one on each urostege. Lips black, yellow spotted ; a yellow band from eye to angle of mouth. A few small blackish spots on top of muzzle. Gastrosteges 163; anal 1-1; urosteges 3-5. Total length M. .490 ; of tall .056. 3, Liophis almadensis Wagl. 4. Ilerpetod