T ABLETS OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Br THOMAS COOKE, F.R.C.S., SENIOR ASSISTANT SURGEON TO., AND DEMONSTRATOR OP ANATOMY AT, THE WESTMINSTER HOSPITAL, ANATOMY: — Bones & Cavities of Face; Under Surface of Base & Lateral Region of Skull. Reviews—“ The ‘ Tablets’ now so thoroughly recognised as the most useful analyses of classified study.”—London Medical Record. “A mass of condensed information.”— British Medical Journal “ Present a co-ordinate analysis of all the important points in as few words as possible.”—Medical Times and Gazette. ‘‘In the plainest language they contain, in about tenth the space, the matter which is found in the most accredited standard works; the author is evidently a sound teacher.”— Lancet. “They place the essentials before the learner In the clearest and most concise manner.” Students' Journal “ For comprehensiveness, conciseness, accuracy, and clearness of expression, they deserve to rank among the best books of their kind.”—Aberdeen Medical Student. “Inconspicuous on the shelf, but perhaps the most practically useful little compendia we have seen; they place the student en rapport with the latest anthropotomical discoveries; this information Is not fouud hi ordinary text books.”—Anthropologies. WILLIAM WOOD & CO., GREAT JONES STREET, NEW YORK. 1874. Entered in the year 1873, in the Ojjica of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D.Qt ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. iHE PALATE BONE Presents horizontal and vertical plates, -from the point- of junction of which two plates the pterygoid process projects backwards & outwards, -while from the upper border- of the vertical plate project upwards, the orbital process in front, and the sphenoidal process behind. It articulates with its fcllinv, the superior maxilla, sphenoid, ethmoid, inferior turbinated & vomer. It assists in formin'' -principally, the floor & outer wall of the nasal fossa and the roof of the mouth, and -secondarily, the floor of the orbit, the pterygoid & spheno-maxillary fosste, and the inner wall of the Antrum of Highmore. HORIZONTAL PLATE - Presents : Sup. or Nasal Surface - Smooth and concave from side to side, forms posterior part of floor of nasal fossa. Ink. ok Buccal Surface - Rough, marked posteriorly by a 7}ansz'erse ridge for attachment of aponeurosis of tensor palati, and more externally by a Deep notch, which assists in forming the posterior palatine foramen. A little further back, on the under surface of the pterygoid process, tiro the External & posterior small palatine foramina for external and posterior palatine nerves. Anterior Border - Serrated for articulation with palate process of superior maxilla. Posterior Border - Free for attachment of soft palate. Inner Border - Thick, surmounted by a ridge, which forms with its fellow a groove for vomer; presents posteriorly the Posterior nasal spine for azygos uvulae. VERTICAL PLATE — Presents: Inner Surface - Presents the Superior & middle turbinated crests, above, between & below which are seen A narrenv & two wider horiiontalgrooves, which form part respectively of the superior, middle & inferior meatuses. Outer Surface - Presents towards its middle a Smooth surface, which forms the inner wall of the spheno-maxillary fossa, and is prolonged inferiorly into a Vertical groove, which assists in forming the posterior palatine canal. In front of these is a Rough surface, which articulates with the superior maxilla; and further forwards still a Narrow smooth surface, which forms part of inner wall of antrum. Behind is a Rough surface, which articulates above with the pterygoid process, below with the superior maxilla. t Anterior Border — Thin, irregular, presents.a projecting lamina, the < Alaxillary process, which assists in closing the lower part of the orifice of the antrum, and, forming a schindylesis, penetrates into a fissure of the superior maxilla at the lower part of that orifice. Posterior Border - Articulates with the inner plate of the pterygoid process. ■ Upper Border - Presents the Orbital process in front, the Sphenoidal process behind, which processes are separated by a deep Notch forming the greater part of the spheno-palatine foramen (which foramen is completed above by the sphenoidal turbinated bone). PTERYGOID PROCESS - Fits into the notch between the two plates of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone, and presents: Posterior Surface - Triangular, concave, forms part of pterygoid fossa. Two Lateral Surfaces - Rough, articulate with the two plates of the pterygoid process & with the superior maxilla. Under Surface - Forms part of the roof of the mouth, and presents the External & posterior small palatine foramina for external & posterior palatine nerves. ORBITAL PROCESS — Projects upwards & outwards from the anterior part of the upper border of the vertical plate, and presents: Three articular Surfaces - Anterior,posterior & internal, - which join respectively with the superior maxillary bone, the sphenoidal turbinated bone & the lateral mass of the ethmoid. Two Non-articulak Surfaces :- Superior or Orbital - Forms posterior part of floor of orbit; External or Spheno-maxillary - Forms part of inner wall of spheno-maxillary fossa, and is separated from the foregoing by a Rounded border, which forms part of spheno-maxillary fissure. Sphenoidal process — Curves upwards, backwards & inwards, and presents: Upper Surface -, Articulates with sphenoid & sphenoidal turbinated bones, and assists in for- ming pterygo-palatine canal. Outer Surface - Articulates behind with pterygoid process, and forms in front that small part of inner wall of spheno-maxillary fossa, which lies behind spheno-palat. foramen. Inner Surface - Concave, forms part of outer wall of nasal fossa. LATERAL REGION of the SKULL Presents from behind forwards the; Mastoid process ; Ext. auditory meatus ; Zygomatic arch & ramus of the jaw, which two latter arch over the temporal, zygomatio & spheno-maxillary fossae. TEMPORAL FOSSA Is formed by the temporal, sphenoid, frontal & malar bones, the great wing of the sphe- noid & the anterior inferior angle of the parietal, and is deeply excavated below & in front. Is bounded above by the temporal ridge, and opens widely below into the zygomatio fossa, the boundary line between the two being the zygomatic arch & the pterygoid ridge. ZYGOMATIC FOSSA Is an irregular and imperfectly enclosed space, the incomplete walls of which are formed on the anterior, inner, upper & outer aspects respectively by the Tuberosity of the sup. maxillary bone, Ext. pterygoid plate, Under surface ojgreat wing oj sphenoid as far as pterygoid ridge, and squamous portion of temporal bone. Zygomatic arch & ramus of lower jaw. Communicates with temporal fossa beneath the zygoma, and with the orbit & spheno- maxillary fossae through the spheno-maxillary & pterygo-maxillary fissures. Spheno-Maxillary Fissure - Is bounded by superior maxillary, great wing of sphenoid, malar & palate bones, aud joins internally at i-ight angles writh pterygo- maxillary fissure. Opens up communications between the orbit and the temporal, zygomatic & spheno-maxillary fossae. Transmits infraorbital artery, superior maxillary nerve & ascending or orbital branches of Meckel’s ganglion. Pterygo-Maxillary Fissure - Is comprised between pterygoid process & tuberosity of superior maxillary bone. Joins superiorly at right angles with spheno-maxillary fissure. Transmits internal maxillary artery from zygomatic to spheno-maxillary fossa. SPHENO-MAXILLARY FOSSA — Is the narrow & vertically elongated space comprised between the pterygoid process & the maxillary tuberosity, and bounded above & internally by the body of the sphenoid & the vertical plate of the palate bone. Its upper part is the point of meeting of the sphenoidal, spheno-maxillary & pterj'go- maxillary fissures. It communicates with the cranium, orbit, zygomatic & nasal fossae by the foramen rotun- dum & spheno- & pterygo-maxillary fissures & the spheno-palatine foramen, and has, opening into it, the vidian, pterygo-palatine, posterior palatine & accessory posterior palatine canals. UNDER SURFACE of the BASE of the SKULL Is bounded from before backwards by: Alveolar arch 6° teeth of upper jaw ; Lower boi-der of malar bone, zygoma 6° imaginary line from zygoma to mastoid process! Superior curved line of occipital bone. Grouping points of interest on under surface of skull, the latter may be said to present from before backwards: Roof of Mouth ; Posterior Aperture of Nares : Under Surface of Basilar Process, on ea ch side of which is a Quadrilateral Space, the angles of which are formed by the Condyle of the occipital bone, and bv the Pterygoid, Zygomatic and Mastoid Processes. This space is the Author’s CONDYLO-PTERYGO-Z YGOMATO-MASTOID SPACE. ROOF OF THE MOUTH Is formed by palate processes of superior maxillary & horizontal plates of palate bones, and is bounded laterally & in front by alveolar arch. Is concave, uneven & marked by a crucial suture, and presents from before backwards & outwards: Lower opening of anterior, palatine canal, into which may bo seen to open, laterally Foramen of Stenson for anterior palatine vessels, and in middle line, Foramina of Scarpa for naso-palatine nerves; A groove leading to Posterior palatine foramen for post, palatine vessels & ant. or great palatine n.i Transverse ridge for attachment of aponeurosis of tensor palati; Accessory or small palatine foramina, posterior & external, for posterior or small, and the external palatine nerves. POSTERIOR APERTURE OF THE NARES Is bounded by body of sphenoid, horizontal plate of palate bone, and inner plates of pterygoid processes, which latter present interiorly Hamular process for reflection of tendon of tensor palati, and superiorly, Scaphoid fossa for origin of that muscle. Is divided into two by vomer, and presents interiorly Posterior nasal spine for origin of azygos uvulae, and superiorly Expanded alee of vomer, which articulate with rostrum & with vaginal processes of sphenoid, and on either side of which are Pterygo-palatine canals formed in part by sphenoid & in part by palate bones, and giving passage to pterygo-palatine vessels & nerves. UNDER SURFACE OF THE BASILAR PROCESS Presents in middle line Pharyngeal spine for median raphe & superior constrictor of pharynx, and laterally, Rough depressions for insertion of recti capitis antici major & minor. CONDYLO-PTERYGO-ZYGOMATO-MASTOID SPACE — Y. next Tablet. UNDER SURFACE OF THE OCCIPITAL BONE ( Remaining Part) — Pre- sents : Foramen magnum for cord & its membranes, vertebral arteries & spinal accessory nerves, on outer side of which foramen are Condyles of occipital bone having Jugular process on their outer side, Anterior condyloid foramen in front, Posterior condyloid fossa sometimes perforated by the posterior condyloid foramen behind. Ext. Occipital Crest giving oflf laterally Superior Inferior curved lines, and ending posteriorly in External occipital protuberance, For parts just mentioned see Occipital Bone. SUPERIOR MAXILLARY BONE - 2nd Tablet. MALAR PROCESS—Trian gular, and presents; Ant. Surface - Concave, forms part of canine fossa; Post. Surface - Concave, forms part of zygomatic fossa; Sup. Surface - Iiough for articulation with malar bone. NASAL PROCESS — Triangular, and presents; Outer Surface - Concave, gives attachment to orbicularis palpebrarum, tendo ocnli, levator labii superioris almque nasi. Inner Surface - Presents from above downwards: Rough surface, which articulates with ethmoid bone ; Superior turbinated crest which articulates with middle turbinated bone; Inferior turbinated crest with the two grooves already described. Ant. Border — Thin, serrated above for articulation with nasal bone, and continuous below with margin of the deep notch, which bounds laterally the anterior aperture of the nasal fossae. Post. Border - Presents a groove which forms part of nasal duct, of which groove the Inner margin articulates with lachrymal bone, while the Outer margin forms part of circumference of orbit, and presents the Lachrymal tubercle at its junction with orbital surface. ALVEOLAR PROCESS — Forms a curve of a semi-horsc-shoe shape. Is thicker behind than in front, and presents eight alveolae in adults, five in children. PALATE PROCESS — Presents: TToper Surface - Concave from side to side. Forms part of floor of nasal fossa, and presents in front the Incisor foramen or foramen of Stenson, which is completed on its inner side by a thin lamina of bone directed backwards from its anterior to its posterior border (from the latter of which this lamina remains disconnected in youth). This foramen leads below into the Anterior palatine canal formed by the junction of the two bones, into which canal when it is viewed from below, are also seen to open two other small foramina, the Foramina of Scarpa situated in the suture between the two laminae. - The foramina of Stenson transmit the anterior palatine vessels, while the foramina of Scarpa transmit the naso-palatine nerves, of which the right one is said to be posterior to the left. Under Surface - Concave, rough, forms part of roof of mouth. - Is channelled by a Groove (sometimes by a canal) for the posterior palatine vessels & anterior or great palatine nerve, and presents behind anterior part of lower orifice of Posterior palatine canal. Inner Border - Raised into a ridge w hich forms with its fellow a groove for vomer, and presents in front the Anterior nasal spine. Ant. Border - Forms lower part of anterior aperture of nasal fossse. Post. Border - Articulates with horizontal plate of palate bone. THE SMALL BONES of the PACE. NASAL BONES — Form bridge of nose. - Narrow & thick above, wide and thin below. Present: Outer Surface - Convex from side to side, concave from above downwards at upper part. Presents several arterial grooves and a foramen for a small vein. Inner Surface - Inversely curved ; presents a groove for external branch of nasal nerve. Borders: Superior - Narrow, thick, articulates with frontal; Inferior - Broad, thin, joined to lateral cartilage of nose; has a notch for nasal nerve; External - Articulates with nasal process of superior maxillary bone; Internal - Thick, articulates with its follow; is prolonged backwards into a crest which articulates with nasal spine of frontal & perpendicular plate of ethmoid. LACHRYMAL BONES — Form front part of inner wall of orbit. Present: Outer Surface - Presents from before backwards .- Groove, which forms part of nasal duct; Jlidge, which gives attachment to tensor tarsi muscle ; Smooth surface, which forms part of inner wall of orbit. Inner Surface - Presents a furrow corresponding to foregoing ridge; forms part in front of middle meatus, and articulates behind with ethmoid bone. Borders: Anterior, Superior, Posterior - Articulate respectively with nasal & internal angular processes of superior maxillary & frontal bones, and with os planum of ethmoid. Inferior - Articulates behind with orbital plate of superior maxillary, and, in front, is prolonged downwards into a pointed process, the hamulus lachrymalts, which arti- culates with lachrymal process of inferior turbinated bone. MALAR BONES — Articulate with temporal, frontal, sphenoid k superior maxillary bones, and form part of outer wall & floor of orbit, and of temporal & zygo- matic fossa?. Present: Outer Surface - Convex; presents a small malar foramen for malar branch of temporo- malar nerve, and gives attachment to the zygomatic muscles. Inner Surface-Articulates internally with superior maxillary bone by a rough trian- gular surface, and is "concave externally, where forms part of temporal & zygo- matic fossae and presents a foramen for temporal branch of temporo-malar nerve. Orbital Process - Projects backwards forming part of outer wall of orbit and of tem- poral fossa; articulates from above downwards with frontal, sphenoid & superior maxillary bones, and bounds spheno-maxillary fissure anteriorly. - On its inner surface it presents one or two temporo-malar foramina. Frontal Process - Thick, vertical, articulates with external angular process of frontal. Zygomatic Process — Long, horizontal, articulates with zygomatic process of temporal. Borders: Antero-Superior - Forms lower & outer part of cirenmferenco of orbit. Antero-Inferior - Articulates with superior maxillary bone. Postero-Superior & Postero-Infertor - Are contiuous with superior and inferior margins of zygomatic process. INFERIOR TURBINATED BONES — Thin, and extend along whole length of outer wall of nasal fossa. Present: Outer concave k Inner convex Surfaces, marked by vascular grooves and canals, and the latter of which looks upwards & inwards. Upper Border - Which, from before backwards : Articulates with inferior turbinated crest of superior maxillary ; Forms lachrymal process, which articulates with lachrymal & superior maxillary bones and completes nasal duct; Presents maxillary process, which curves downwards and outwards over lower edge of orifice of antrum of Highmore. Presents ethmoidal process, which ascends to join unciform process of ethmoid. Lower Border - Is free and slightly thickened. VOMER — Forms posterior part of nasal septum, and is frequently bent to one or other side. Presents: Lateral Surfaces - Present vascular & nervous furrows, and naso-palatine groove for naso-palatine nerve. Superior Border - Presents a deep groove bounded by two projecting ala, between w hich the rostrum of the sphenoid is received, and which are overlapped interiorly by the vaginal processes of the same bone. Inferior Border - Articulates with ridge formed by palate plates of superior maxillary & palate bones. Anterior Border - Is grooved above for articulation with perpendicular plate of eth- moid and joined below to cartilage of the septum. Posterior Border - Free, thicker above than below; separates posterior apertures of of the narea. THE ORBIT. Quadrilateral pyramidal fossa looking forwards & ontwards and formed by seven bones, the frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid ( which enter into formation of both orbits), supe- rior maxillary, malar, lachrymal & palate. Communicatee with cranium, and with nasal, temporal, zygomatic & spheno-maxillary fossa? through optic foramen, nasal duet & spheno-maxillary fissure. Presents: ROOF — Formed by orbital plate of frontal & lesser wing of sphenoid. Is concave, and pre- sents the suture between the foregoing bones, aud in front the Lachrymal fossa for lacrysual gland, and a Depression f fovea trochlearis ) for pulley of superior oblique. FLOOR — Formed by upper or orbital surface of superior maxillary and orbital processes of malar & palate bones. Presents the sutures between foregoing bones, the Infra-orbital groove for infra-orbital nerve, which becomes converted in front into Infra-orbital canal; aud also at its anterior & inner part a Depression for inferior oblique mnscdc. INNER WALL — Formed from before backwards by nasal process of superior maxillary, lachrymal, os planum of ethmoid, body of sphenoid. Is antero-posterior in direction and parallel to its fellow, aud presents the sutures between foregoing bones and the Lachrymal groove for laerhymal sae, Crest of lachrymal bone for tensor tarsi muscle. OUTER WALL — Formed in front by orbital process of malar bone, and behind by ante. rior or orbital surface of great wing of sphenoid. Is very oblique forwards & outwards being nearly at right angles with its fellow, and presents the suture between foregoing bones, and the Orifices of one or two malar canals, Small spine for lower head of external rectus. ANGLES: SUP. EXTERNAL-Presents: Articulation of frontal with malar bone & orbital plate of sphenoid, Sphenoidal fissure or foramen lacerum anterius for 3rd, 4th & 6th nerves and ophthalmic nerve & vein. SUP. INTERNAL - Presents Suture connecting frontal with lachrymal & os planum, in which suture are the Anterior ethmoidal canal for nasal nerve & anterior ethmoidal vessels, and the Posterior ethmoidal canal for posterior ethmoidal vessels. INF. EXTERNAL - Presents Spheno-maxillary fissure for infra-orbital vessels & nerve and ascending branches of Meckel’s ganglion. INF. INTERNAL - Presents Articulation of superior maxillary & palate bones with lachrymal & os planum. CIRCUMFERENCE OR SASE — Quadrilateral, looks forwards & outwards. Is bounded by supre-orbital arch and external & internal angular processes of frontal, anterior border of orbital surface & nasal process of superior maxillary, and anterior border of malar bone. Presents Supra-crbital notch or foramen for supra-orbital vessels & nerve; and assists in forming Nasal groove for lachrymal sac. APEX — Corresponds to optic foramen for optic nerve & ophthalmic artery. THE NASAL FOSSiE Two narrow irregular cavities comprised between the orbits & superior maxillary bones, and between the roof of the month & the front part of the base of the skull. Formed by ethmoid, sphenoid, frontal, superior maxillary, nasal, palate, inferior turbin- ated & vomer (all the bones of the face except malar & inferior maxillai'y). Communicate with orbit (nasal duct), mouth, (anterior palatine canal), cranium (olfactory foramina), spheno-maxillary fossa (spheno-palatine foramen), and with the frontal, ethmoidal, sphenoidal, & maxillary sinuses. - Present: ROOF — Narrow, and is from before backwards : Oblique upwards & backwards and formed by nasal bone & nasal spine of frontal, Horizontal and formed by cribriform plate of ethmoid, Oblique downwards & backwards and formed by body of sphenoid. - Presents the sutures between the foregoing bones and from before backwards j Groove on nasal bone for outer branch of nasal nerve ; Half crest for perpendicular plate of ethmoid; Olfactory foramina & nasal slit for olfactory and nasal nerves ; Openings of sphenoidal sinuses partly closed by sphenoidal turbinated bones j Articulation of alee of vomer with body of sphenoid. FLOOR — Concave from side to side, and formed by palate processes of superior maxillary & palate bones. - Presents the suture between foregoing bones & the Upper orifice of the anterior palatine canal; Half crest for vomer, which terminates in front & behind in the Anterior & posterior nasal spines. INNER WALL — Formed principally by the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid above & in front, and by the vomer below & behind, and secondarily by nasal spine of the frontal, rostrum of sphenoid, crests of superior maxil- lary, nasal & palate bones. Has an angular deficiency in front which is filled up by the cartilage of the septum. - Is frequently inclined to one or other side; and presents the sutures between the foregoing bones and Vascular & nervous furrows & Nasopalatine groove for naso-palatine nerve. OUTER WALL — Formed by: Lacrymal bone & nasal process of superior maxillary / Inner surface of ethmoid, superior maxillary & inferior turbinated bones ; Vertical plate of palate bone & inner plate of pterygoid process. - Presents the sutures between the foregoing bones and from above downwards: Superior turbinated process of ethmoid ; Superior meatus, into which open the sphenoidal & posterior ethmoidal sinuses and the spheno-palatine foramen. - Both are short and are situated at the posterior and upper part of the nares; Middle turbinated process of ethmoid ; Middle meatus, larger than foregoing, into which open the Antrum of Highmore and through the infundibulum, the anterior ethmoidal cells & frontal sinuses; Inferior turbinated bone ; Inferior meatus, the largest, presents in front the opening of the nasal duct. INFERIOR MAXILLARY BONE 1* curved upon itself, and consists of a middle horizontal portion, the body, and of two lateral vertical portions, the rami. BODY — Presents: EXT. SURFACE — Convex from side to side and concave from above downwards. Presents in median line the Symphysis, a vertical ridge, at the lower part of which is the Mental process, from which the External oblique line passes backwards, first horizontally, giving attachment to depressores labii inferioris & anguli oris, and then obliquely & becoming continuous with anterior border of ramus. — Laterally above the oblique line is the Incisive fossa for levator menti; and more externally the Mental foramen for mental vessels & nerve. The Buccinator is attached above oblique line behind, and the platvsma, below it, in front. XNT. SURFACE — Concave from side to side and convex from above downwards. Presents the Symphysis forming a linear depression, close to which near its middle are the superior & inferior pairs of Genial tubercles giving attachment respectively to the genio-hyo-glossi & geuio-hyoidei. Below these tubercles begins the Internal oblique line or mylo-hyoid ridge for niylo-liyoid muscle, faintly marked at first, Lut becoming more distinct as it passes upwards & backwards. - Above & below this line are seen near the sym- physis the Sublingual fossa for sublingual gland ; Rough depression for anterior belly of digastric; and more externally Submaxillary fossa for submaxillary gland. Above posterior extremity of mylo-hyoid ridge is attached the superior constrictor of the pharynx. SUP, BORDER — Thickest behind, where it is dejected inwards; presents sixteen alveolae in the adult, ten in the child. INF. BORDER — Thickest and slightly everted anteriorly. RAMI — Are quadrilateral, and present: EXT. SURFACE — Marked by oblique ridges for masseter. INT. SURFACE — Presents near middle Aperture of inferior dental canal, of which the anterior margin forms a prominent Spine for internal lateral ligament of lower jaw ; — and from which passes downwards & forwards the Mylo-hyoid groove for mylo-hyoid vessels & nerve, behind which groove is a Rough surface for internal pterygoid muscle. UPPER BORDER — Presents the coronoid & condyloid processes separated by sigmoid notch. Coronoid process - Triangular, gives attachment by its surfaces & borders to tern- poral muscle, and presents at its lower & front part a groove which is continued downwards upon the alveolar process, and which gives attachment inferiorly to the buccinator muscle. Condyloid process — Consists of Condyle- Oblong, convex from side to side and from before backwards & nearly transverse, its long axis when prolonged, meeting that of its fellow near anterior margin of foramen magnum. Neck — Flattened from before backwards, convex behind, excavated in front for external pterygoid muscle, presenting externally a tubercle fer external lateral ligament of jaw. ANTERIOR BORDER — Continuous with external oblique line; thin above, thicker below where grooved for buccinator. LOWER & POSTERIOR BORDERS — Thick and form inferiorly the Angle of the jaw, which gives attachment to masseter & internal pterygoid muscles and to stylo-maxillary ligament. SUPERIOR MAXILLARY BONE - 1st Tablet. Forms the whole of upper jaw by its nuion with its fellow. Assists iu forming: Roof of mouth, floor & outer wall of nose, floor of orbit ; Zygomatic & sphcno-maxillary fossa' ; Spheno-m ixillary & pterygo-m rxillary fissures. May bo described as presenting a body and four processes, malar, nasal, alveolar & palate. BODY — Hollowed out to form Antrum of Highmore. - Presents : OUTER SURFACE — Convex. Presents from within outwards & backwards: Incisive or myrtifonn fossa for depressor aim nasi, Canine fossa, large & deep for origin of levator anguli oris & compressor nasi* at upper part of which fossa is the Infra-orbital foramen for infra-orbital vessels & nerve; Vertical ridge, which descends from malar process, and behind which is the Maxillary tuberosity, which is rough along its posterior border for articulation with the palate bone & sometimes with pterygoid process of sphenoid. INNER SURFACE — Divided into two unequal parts by palate process. PART ABOVE PALATE PROCESS - Presents from before backwards the Inferior turbinated crest, above and below which are Two wide antero-posteHor grooves, which form part of middle & inferior meatuses, and the former of which is surmounted by the Superior turbinated crest, which lies on inner surface of nasal process; A deep groove which is converted into nasal duct by articulation with la- chrymal & interior turbinated bones ; Aperture of Antrum of Highmore very large in disarticulated bone but . diminished in articulated skull by ethmoid, lachrymal, inferior turbinated & palate bones, and presenting interiorly a fissure into which is received the maxillary process of the palate bone. A rough surface which articulates with palate bone and is divided into an' anterior & a posterior portion by a Vertical groove, which forms part of posterior palatine canal. PART BELOW PALATE PROCESS - Forms anterior part of roof of mouth. UPPER SURFACE — Forms greater part of floor of orbit, and is bounded : On Innek Side - By a thin edge which articulates from before backwards with lachrymal bone, os planum & orbital process of palate bone. On Outer Side - By a rounded margin which forms part of spheno- • i maxillary fissure. in Front-By lower part of circumference of orbit. - It presents behind Infra-orbital groove for infra-orbital vessels & nerve, which groove becomes con- T , ... , , , , . verted in front into Infra-orbital canal; - and at its anterior & inner part a Depression for inferior oblique muscle. Antrum of Highmore or Maxillary Sinus - is a largo cavity hollowed out of , body of the superior maxillary bone. Its walls correspond to the three surfaces of the body of the bone; they are very and contain the infra-orbital & ant .& post, dental canals Its aperture communicates with the middle meatus of the nasal fossm, and is much diminished in size, and generally divided into two by’articu- lation with ethmoid, lachrymal, inferior turbinated & palate bones, beveral laminae of bone project into its cavity, as do also the roots of the 1st & 2nd molar tooth, which sometimes perforate its floor. CONDYLO-PTERYGO-ZYGOMATO-iytASTQID SPACE Is formed by "the under surfaces of the occipital bone and of the squamous & petrous por tions of the temporal and of the greater wing of the sphenoid, and is situated ou either side of the basilar process It is quadrangular. ITS ANGLES Are formed by the Condyles of the occipital hone and hy the Pterygoid, Zygomatic & Mastoid processes.- (Vide these parts in respective Tablets. It is divided in two by a well marked diagonal line obliquely directed from bcforo back wards & outwards, and presents points of interest both in front of & behind it* diagonal line ITS DIAGONAL LINE Extends from the root of the pterygoid to the mastoid process, and presents from be fore backwards & outwards the Foramen tacemm medium closed by cartilage, and crossed superiorly by the internal carotid artery & the Vidian nerve; Rough surface for origin of levator palati & tensor tympani; Inf orifice of Carotid Canals Vaginal process; Styloid process, which gives attachment to the style-hyoid & -maxillary liga- ments and from above downwards to the stylo-pharvngeus, -hyoideus A -glossus muscles Stylo-mastoid foramen for facial nerve & stylo-mastoid artery. IN FRONT & on the OUTER SIDE of the DIAGONAL LINE Are found from before backwards & outwards the Foramen ovale for inferior maxillary & small petrosal nerves and small menin geal artery, and on inner side of which is sometimes found tin Foramen Vesalii for a small vein; Foramen Spinosum for middle meningeal artery; Spine of the Sphenoid for internal lateral ligament of jaw & laxator tympani m Openings ofthe canal for the tensor tympani muscle (above) & of the osseous portioi of the Eustachian tube (below) Glenoid fossa divided hy fissure into Anterior part, covered with cartilage which latter is prolonged ovei the emimentia articularis Posterior part non articular, and bounded behind by the vaginal & au- ditory processes and the mid lie root of the zygoma BEHIND & on the INNER SIDE of the DIAGONAL LINE Are the : Jugular fossa, for internal jugular vein. This fossa ass:sts in forming the /' / Jugular foramen or Foramen Lacerum posterius, of which the Anterior or inner part, smaller and separated from the remainder by a bony ridge, gives passage to the glosso-pharyngeal, pnenmo- gastric & spinal accessory nerves, while the Posterior part, the larger; transmits the internal jugular vein; Jugular process for rectus capitis lateralis & lateral occipito-atloid ligament. This process has in front of it the Anterior condyloid foramen for hypoglossal nerve; behind it the Posterior condyloid fossa sometimes perforated by posterior condyloid foramen for a small vein to lateral sinus; and also the Gfenings for Jacobson's 6° Arnold's ns- and the opening of the Aqueductus Cochlea:. LIST OF THE TABLETS READY ON MARCH 1st, 187i. PUBLISHED: — Cranial Nerves, 6d.; Arteries of the Limbs, 6d.; Bones of the Skull, &c., 6d.; Bones of the Face, &c., 6d.; Ear & Eye, Is.; General Development of the Embryo, 6d.; Circulation, Respiration, Animal Heat, (Second Edition) Is. STILL UNPUBLISHED: Bones — General characters of the vertebrae. The three groups of vertebrae. Particular vnrte. brso. The ribs. Particul&r ribs. Bones of the carpus, first row. Bonos of the carpus, Becond row. How to class scattered bones of the carpus into right A left. (The bonos of the limbs will be ready shortly). Articulations — The three classes of joints. Articulations of the vertebrae. Articulation of the cranium with the spine. Articulations of the pelvis. Articulations of the ribs. Temporo- maxillary articulation. Scapulo-clavicular articulation. Sterno-clavicular articulation. Radio-ulnar articulations. Wrist joint. Articulations of the carpus. Hip joint. Knee joint. Ankle joint. Articulations of the tarsus. Muscles — Head & neck. — Back. — Upper extremity. — Lower extremity. Arteries — Arch of the aorta. Thoracic aorta & abdominal aorta. Innominate, common & external carotid arteries. Anterior branches of external carotid. Internal A posterior branches. Terminal branches. Branches of internal maxillary. Internal carotid artery. Opthalmic artery. Arteries of the base of the brain. Subclavian artery. Vertebral artery. Thyroid axis. Branches of the abdominal aorta. Cceliac axis. Mesonterio arteries. Common A external iliac arteries. Internal iliac A its branches. NervOUS System — Convex surface of the cerebrum. Under surface of the cerebrum. Ven- tricles of the brain A parts seen in them. Cerebellum. Fourth ventricle. Mosocophalon, Cervical plexus. Brachial plexus. Median A musculo-cutaneous nerves. Ulnar A internal cutaneous nerveS. Musculo-spiral A circumflex nerves. Lumbar plexus. Obturator nerve. Anterior crural nerve. Sacral plexus. Pudic nerve. Great sciatic A external popliteal nerves. Internal popliteal A plantar nerves. Cranial portion of the sympathetic. Cervical portion of the sympathetic. Branches of distribution of the cervical portion of the sympa- thetic. Nerves of the heart. Cardiac plexuses. Internal Organs — Tongue. Salivary glands. Soft palate. Pharynx. Regions of the abdomen. Peritoneum. Stomach. Structure of stomach. Small intestine. Structure of small intestine. Large intestine. Rectum. Liver. Under surface of liver. Spleen. Kidney and ureter. Bladder. Prostate. Testicle A epididymis. Structure of testicle. Vas deferens, vesicular* seminales A ajaculatory ducts. Spermatic cord. Coverings of the testicle. Descent of the testicle. Male urethra. Structure of the penis. Mediastinum. Pericardium. Heart. Interior of the heart. Structure of the heart. Cartilages of the larynx. Muscles of the larynx. Trachea. Pleura. Lungs. Structure of the trachea A bronchi. Structure of the lungs. Regional Anatomy & Dissections — Dissection of the scalp. Interior of tho skull A removal of the brain. Dissection of the orbit. Dissection of the anterior wall of the thorax A axilla. Dissection of the upper arm A bend of the elbow. Dissection of the front of the thigh. Scarpa’s triangle A femoral hernia. Ilio-inguinal region A inguinal hernia. Ischio-rectal region. Perinaeum. Pelvic fascia. Side view of the male pelvis. Structural Anatomy — Connective, cellular or fibrous tissue. Cartilage. Bono tissue. Development of bone tissue. Muscular tissue. Unstriped muscular tissue. Nervous tissue. Microscopical anatomy of the organs, Vide above. Physiology —Deglutition. Food. Saliva. Gastric juice. Digestion of food in the stomach. Structure of the liver. Biliary secretion. Uses of bile. Glycogenic function of the liver. Functions of the spleen. Lymphatics A lacteala. Absorbtion. Secretion. The skin A its functions. Urinary excretion. Physical properties of urine. Chemical composition of urine. Functions of the nerve centres. Reflex action. Functions of the nerve fibres. Functions of the spinal cord. Functions of the medulla oblongata. Functions of the cere- bellum. Physiology of the motor nerves of the eyeball. Functions of the 5th cranial nerve. Functions of the pncumogastric nerve. Functions of the facial nerve. Functions of the sympathetic. Development of the Organs & Tissues and Comparative Anatomy — Vide separate list.. ____ N. - OTHER TABLETS on ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY, and also TABLETS on SURGERY, are in course of PREPARATION.