CONSTITUTION MISSISSIPPI STATE' Organized April 21st, 1875. YKJKSBUKG. MIS&: KOOERA * GKOdMEj STEAM BOOK .v JOB PRINTERS,- 1875. STATE DENTAL CONVENTION. Pursuant to a call for the purpose of organizing a Dental Association, the meeting took place at the office of Drs. Miles & Askew, Vicksburg, April 21st, A. D. 1875. Dr. J. D. Miles having been elected Chairman pro tem., and Dr. J. B. Askew as Secretary, the meeting was called to order. A copy of the Constitution and By-Laws for the organ- isation having been submitted by Dr. A. H. Hilzheim, of Jackson, was unanimously adopted. The Constitution and By-Laws having been signed by the members present, the meeting proceeded to the election of members, after which the election of officers. The names of Drs. S. T. Gunn, J. B. Doughtry, Benj. Jones, C. M. Adams, B. F. Eager, F. B. Harwood, and C. C. Marshall, was reported for membership and were duly elected. On motion of Dr. A. H. Hilzheim, Dr. J. D. Miles was elected President. On motion of Dr. J. B. Askew, Dr. A. H. Hilzheim was elected 1st Vice President. On motion of Dr. J. B. Askew, Dr. O. B. Hilzheim was elected 2nd Vice President. On motion of Dr. A. H. Hilzheim, Dr. A. Kiser was elected Secretary. On motion of Dr. A. Kiser, Dr. Jas. B. Askew was elected Treasurer. On motion an Executive Committee was appointed, con- sisting of Drs. J. B. Askew, A. H. Hilzheim, and Dr. J. D. Miles as Ex-officio Chairman. Committee of Arrangements, Drs. J. B. Askew, C. M. Adams and B. F. Eager. Dr. A. Riser exhibited his improved Dental Instrument Stand. Also Dr. Adams, with his Portable Dental Chair, both were very favorably spoken of. On motion of Dr. Kiser, of Port Gibson, the Convention adjourned to meet at Cooper’s Well, on the Third Wednesday of August, 1876. J. D. MILES, President pro tem. Dr. J. B. Askew, Secretary pro tem. CONSTITUTION OP THE Mississippi State Dental Association. AKTICLE I. NAME. The name of this organization shall be “ The Mississippi State Dental Association.” ARTICLE II. OBJECTS. This Association shall have for its objects, the advance- ment of the science and art of Dentistr)’, together with its collateral branches, the elevation and maintenance of the professional character of Dentists; the promotion among them of natural improvement, social intercourse and good fellowship, and the cognizance of the interests of the dental profession in Mississippi. AKTICLE III MEMBERSHIP. Section 1. This Association shall consist of active and honorary members. Sec. 2. The active membership shall consitst of Dentists regularly engaged in the practice of the profession in the State, of credible attainment, and good moral character. They shall either be graduates of a Dental College, or have been engagad in the full practice of the profession, for the period of four (4) years. Sec. 3. The honorary membership shall consist of prac- titioners of Dentistry, who have retired honorably from practice, and of persons who have made valuable contribu- tions to the profession. ARTICLE IV. ELECTION OP MEMBERS. Section 1. Applicants for membership shall present their names and residence in writing, with the names of two re- 3 spectable dentists as references, to the Secretary, whose duty it shall be to refer the same to the Executive Committee, when if recommended by said committee as being eligible, the President or officer presiding, shall order an election by ballot, three negative votes being equivalent to a rejection. Sec. 2. All new members'shall be required to sign the Constitution and By-Laws, or authorize the Secretary to sign for them, and pay to the Secretary the sum of five dollars as initiation fee. Sec. 3. Any member of the Association may propose a name for honorary membership, the same rule to apply as regards balloting as in section two. ARTICLE V. The officers of this Association, to serve for one year, shall consist of a President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer, and an Executive Committee of three mem- bers, the President as ex-officio chairman. OFFICERS. ARTICLE VI. The officers shall be elected by ballot, a majority of the votes cast being necessary to a choice. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. ARTICLE VII. POWERS. This Association shall use a common seal, with such device and superscription as may be agreed upon, and grant to all its members, in the manner and form prescribed by the By-Laws, such certificate, under tho common seal, will authenticate and perpetuate the memory of such membership. ARTICLE VIH. The Constitution and By-Laws of this Association may be attested or amended, by and with the consent of three- fourths of the members present at any regular meeting. AMENDMENTS. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. DUES. Section 1. The annual dues of this Association shall be three (3) dollars, payable at each regular meeting. Sec. 2. Honorary members shall be exempt from the payment of all dues. ARTICLE II. privileges of members. Section L Active members shall be entitled to debate and vote upon all questions discussed in the Association, and shall be eligible to any office in the gift of the organization. Sec. 2. Honorary members shall be entitled to a seat at all meetings, and the privilege of debating all questions, except those involving pecuniary expenditure. ARTICLE III. Section 1. No member of this Association shall receive a student into his office, to be instructed in Dentistry, for a shorter period than two years, and shall require a written pledge of honor, from him never to practice, except in the capacity of a student in some respectable dental office, until the expiration of the time specified. Provided, that this law shall not effect students who commenced their engagements prior to this date. concerning students. ARTICLE IV. Section ]. Any member may resign upon written appli- cation : provided, all arrears from him to the Association have been discharged. Sec. 2. Any member may be impeached for mal-practice, gross, unprofessional or immoral conduct. He shall have transmitted to him by the Secretary a written copy of the impeachment, with notice to appear before a committee of five members, appointed by the Presi RESIGNATION AND EXPULSION. 5 ident. And if the report of said committee sustain the impeachment, the Association may suspend or expel such member, by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the mem- bers present. ARTICLE Y. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Section 1. The President shall occupy the chair during the meeting of the Association and shall only be allowed to cast the deciding vote. He may also participate in all debate ; during which time he shall call the Vice President to the chair. He shall preside according to parliamentary usage, and the rules of order adopted b}’ this society. Sec. 2. The Arice President, in the absence of the Presi- dent, shall assume the duties of the office, and in the absence of both the former, the second Vice President, if present, and if not, a chairman pro tem shall be appointed by the Association. Sec. 3. The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the proceedings of the society, preserve the archives and unpub- lished documents, keep a correct list of the members, with the date of their election, expulsion, resignation or death, and make an annual report, shall attend to all correspondence of the society, see that due notice is given of the time and place of meeting, have care of the certificates of membership and their distribution; also the seal of the Association, and shall present at each meeting such communications as he may have received from members and others. Sec. 4. The Treasurer shall take charge of the funds of the society and attend to the collection and payment of all money, as ordered by the President, and keep an account of sam£ in a book provided for the purpose. He shall make a full and detailed report of the financial affairs of the society at their annual meeting, and at the expiration of his term of office deliver up to his successor, all funds, books and papers relating thereto. Sec. 5. The Executive Committee shall examine all applications for membership and report the same to the society; audit the accounts of the Treasurer; act in conjunc- tion with the Secretary as the Publication Committee, and appoint, at each meeting, members to prepare essays to be read at the next regular meeting. Sec. <>. The Committee of shall consist of three (3) members, appointed by the President. They shall procure suitable accommodations for the meeting and clinics ; and for the exhibition and examination of appliances of which they shall have charge. They shall, if practicable, 6 reside at or near the place at which the society is to hold its annual meeting. ARTICLE VI. RESOLUTIONS. All resolutions offered in this Association must be in writing. ARTICLE VII. DELEGATES. This Association shall at each regular meeting elect delegates to the American Dental Association, and Southern Dental Association, being entitled to one delegate for every five and fraction of its active members. ARTICLE VIII. Section 1. The regular meetings of this Association shall be held annually on the third (3) Wednesday in August, at such place as may be designated by the Society. Sec. 2. Special meetings shall be convened by the Presi- dent, at the request of five members; same showing good reason for such request. MEETINGS. No member can hold the same office more than one year at a time. ARTICLE IX. Any member who shall have neglected to pay his annual dues for more than twelve months, shall not be allowed a vote in the Society until his arrears are paid. ARTICLE X. ARTICLE XI. PRIVILEGES. No member shall be allowed to speak twice on the same subject or longer than ten minutes, without special permis- sion of the Society. ARTICLE XII. CONTRIBUTIONS. Upon the receipt of any contributions to the Association, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to acknowledge the same in writing, countersigned by the President. ARTICLE XIII. quorum. Five active members shall constitute a quorum. 7 FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP. MISSISSIPPI STATE DENTAL ASSOCIATION. This is to certify that the members of the M. S. D. A., as an acknowledgement of their recognition of the ability and integrity of Dr have elected him a member of this Association. In witness whereof we have hereunto annexed the names of the proper officers, and the seal of the Association, this the day of. , 18 , President. [seal.] Secretary. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. Roll Call. 2. Reading Minutes of Previous Meeting. 3. Report of Officers. 4. Report of Committees. 5. Election of Members. 6. Election of Officers. 7. Reading Communications from Absentees. 8. Appointing Standing Committees. 9. Selecting Place for next Regular Meeting. 10. New Business. 11. Miscellaneous and \Tnfinished Business. 12. Adjournment.