CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. NAME. This organization shall be known by the name of The Connecticut State Dental Association. ARTICLE II. objects. The objects of this Association shall be to culti- vate the science and art of Dentistry, and all its collateral branches; to elevate and sustain the pro- fessional character of its members, and to promote among them social intercourse, mutual improve- ment, and good fellowship. ARTICLE III. MEMBERS. Section i. The Active Members of this Asso- ciation shall be exclusively practitioners of Dentistry res:ding within the State of Connecticut. They shall be twenty-one (zi) years of age, of good moral character, and, previous to their admission as mem- bers, shall prepare a paper, to be read before the Association, upon some subject relating to Den- tistry. Sec. 2. Dentists or others who have contributed to the advancement of the Dental profession, may be elected Honorary Members, but shall be entitled to no voice in the management of the Association. Active members shall become Honorary Members on their removal from the State. ARTICLE IV. OFFICERS. The Officers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and an Executive Committee, to consist of three (3) members: which Officers shall be chosen annually by ballot. The above-named Officers shall consti- tute a Board of Censors. ARTICLE V. SEAL AND CERTIFICATE. This Association shall possess a Seal and Cer- tificate of Membership. ARTICLE VI. AMENDMENTS. This Constitution may be altered or amended with the consent of two thirds (£) of the Active Members voting; provided the proposition stating the amendment has been submitted in writing and signed by three (3) membero at. a previous regular meeting. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. Section i. The President shall preside at all meetings, keep order, state and put questions, regu- late debates, sign all orders on the Treasurer, passed by the Association, and perform all the duties that parliamentary rules may require. Sec. 2. The Vice-President, in the absence of the President, shall assume all the duties of that office, and in the absence of this officer, a Chairman pro tern, shall be appointed viva voce. Sec. 3. The Secretary shall keep accurate min. utes of the proceedings of the Association, attend to its correspondence, preserve the archives, give due notice of. the meetings, and attend to all other duties that appertain to the office. Sec. 4. The Treasurer shall keep all the moneys of the Association committed to his trust; pay them over by order of the President, countersigned by the Secretary, and keep a correct account of the same in a book provided for that purpose. He shall make a full and detailed report of the financial affairs of the Association at the annual mteting in each year ; and at the expiation of his term of office shall de- liver to his successor all funds, papers, and b. oks relating thereto. ARTICLE II. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall be required to procure suitable accommodation for all the meetings of the Association, to select and announce at the earliest practicable period after their appointment subjects for discus>ion at the succeeding meeting. They shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer; superintend ;he printing for the Society, and transact such other business as may be referred to them. ARTICLE III. BOARD OF CENSORS AND MEMBERSHIP. Section i. The Board of Cen«ors shall ascer- tain the qualifications of candidates for membership, by such investigation, including personal examina- tion, as they may deem pioper. Sec. 2. The Secretary shall keep a record of all doings of the Board, which shall not be open to the inspection of any but members of the Board and their successors. Upon receiving a proposition of membership, he shall transmit a copy in writing, with the names of the candidate and the member recommending him, to each member of the Board for his individual investigation. He shall call the Board together, before or during each meeting of the Association, to act upon such propositions for mem- bership, and shall report to the Association only such names as the Board shall approve by a two- thirds (£) vote. Sec. 3. Each propos>tion for membership shall be signed by the person prop> sed, and indorsed with a recommendation signed by one member of the As- sociation. Propositions for Honorary Members may be made to the Board by any active member of the Association, and thall require only the signature of the proposer. A proposition for membership may be made at any time to any member of the Board, who shall at once transmit it to the Secretary. Sec. 4. When candidates are reported to the As- sociation by the Board, a ballot shall be taken, and two-thirds (|) of all the votes cast shall be necessary for an election. Sec. 5. No person shall be entitled to the privi- leges of membership until he shall have signed the Constitution and paid the admission fee. If he omit the same for one year, his election shall be void. ARTICLE IV. DUES. Active members shall sign the Constitution and pay an admission fee of Ten dollars ($10.00), and annual dues of Five dollars ($5.00). ARTICLE V. MEETINGS. Section i. The Annual Meeting shall be holden in the City of Hartford, commencing the third Tues- day of May, at 11 o'c'ock A. M., and shall con- tinue two days. It shall be devoted to the election of officers and such other business as shall relate to the interests of the profession. Sec. 2. Extra meetings can be called at anytime or place by a two-thirds (£) vote of the members present at any meeting. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Association to appoint one of its members at each annual meet- ing to deliver an address at the next annual meeting. ARTICLE VL QUORUM. Ten active members shall be necessary to consti- tute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Association. ARTICLE VII. conduct. Any act of special immorality or unprofessional conduct committed by a member of the Association, shall be referred to the Board of Censors, who shall examine into the case, and, if the charges shall be sustained, report at the next annual meeting, where- upon, by a two-thirds ($•) vote, the offending member may be expelled or repiimanded. ARTICLE VIII. DEBATES. No member shall be address the Chair more than twice upon the same subject, nor shall he consume more than fifteen (15) minutes, unless by consent cf the meeting. ARTICLE IX. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The order of business at the annual meetings, ex- cept when for a time suspended by a three-fourths (f) vote of the members present, shall be as follows: 1. Calling of the Roll. 2. Reading of the Minutes of last meeting. 3. Election of Officers. 4. Report of Committees. 5. Election of Members. 6. Reading of Essays. 7. Discuss:on of Topics selected for the session. 8. Appointment of Committees. 9. Miscellaneous Business. 10. Adjournment. ARTICLE X. CODE OF ETHICS. ARTICLE XI. AMENDMENTS. These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any regular meeting by a vote of two-thirds (£) of the active members voting: provided such alteration or amendment shall have been presented in writing at a previous regular meeting.