Catalogue of Duplicates IN THK LIBRARY OF THK College of Physicians OF PHILADELPHIA. FOE WM. M. CHRISTY’S SONS, PRINTERS, PHILADELPHIA. Catalogue of Duplicates IN THE LIBRARY OF THE College of Phy sicians OF PHILADELPHIA. FOR SALE. PHILADELPHIA: WM. M. CHRISTY'S SONS, 1887. NOTE. The books in the accompanying list comprise a val- uable collection of rare, old and modern works in all classes of medical literature, as well as a large collec- tion of medical periodicals—complete sets and odd volumes. The books are all in good condition, unless other- wise stated, and the prices affixed lower than can be found in any other catalogue of second hand books. In ordering, give the number and author’s name or title. Payment must be made by draft or Post-Office order, at the time of ordering the books; which will be sent, at the expense of the purchaser, by express, unless otherwise ordered. Address CHARLES P. FISHER, Librarian, COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, N. E. corner Thirteenth and Locust Streets, PHILADELPHIA. 1. Abercrombie, J. Diseases of the stomach, intestinal canal, etc. Ph., 1830, 8vo, shp., 35c. 2. Abernethy, J. The Hunterian oration for the year 18x9. L., 1819, 8vo, hf. rn., 35c. 3. Abstracts of the papers printed in the Philosophical Trans- actions of the Royal Society of London. Vol. i, 1800 to 1814. L., 1832, 8vo, bds., 25c. 4. Acland, H. W. Biographical Sketch of Sir Benjamin Brodie. L., 1864, i2mo, cl., 20c. 5. Memoir on the cholera at Oxford in 1854. L., 1856, 4to, cl., 75c. 6. Acton, W. Prostitution. 2d. ed., L., 1870, 8vo, cl., $1.50. 7. Adams, J. Memorials of the life and doctrines of the late John Hunter. L., 1818, 8vo, hf. cf., 30c. 8. Adams, J. Q. Report upon weights and measures. Wn., 1821, 8vo, bds., 25c. 9. Adams, R. Illustrations of the effects of rheumatic gout. 2d. ed. L., 1873, 4to, cl., #1.25. 10. Adams, W. New operation for bony anchylosis of the hip joint. L., 1871, 8vo, unb., 30c. 11. Addison, T. A collection of the published writings. Edited by Dr. Wilks and Dr. Daldy, [New Syd. Soc.]. L., 1868, 8vo, cl., 40c. 12. Adelon, N. P. Physiologie de l’homme. 2d. ed. Vols. 2 and 3. P., 1831, 8vo, unb., 10c. per vol. 13. Agnew, D. Hayes. Lecture on the medical history of the Philadelphia Alms-House. Ph., 1862, 8vo, hf. rn., 20c. 14. Aitkin, W. The science and practice of medicine. Ph., 1866, 2 vols., 8vo, cl., $1.00. 4 15. Albucasis. De chirurgia. Cura J. Charming. Oxonii, 1778, 4to, cl., 75c. 16. Alard. Histoire de P elephantiasis des Arabes. P., 1809, 8vo, unb., 40c. 17. Alcoholic drinks, Physiological effects of. B., 1848, i2mo, cl., 20c. 18. Alexius Pedemontanus. Les secrets de... N. t. p., 1670, i2mo, 45c. 19. Alibert, J. L. Malignant intermittents. 3d. ed. Trans, by C. Caldwell. Ph., 1807, 8vo, hf. rn., 45c. 20. Precis theorique et pratique sur les maladies dc la peau. 2d. ed., Tom. 2. P., 1822, 8vo, unb., 10c. 21. Allen’s Synopsis Medicinge. Vol. 1. L., 1730, 8vo, cf., 20c. 22. Allingham, Wm. Fistula, haemorrhoids, painful ulcer, stric- ture, prolapsus and other diseases of the rectum. 2d. ed. Ph., 1873, 8vo, cl., 75c. 23. Althaus, J. Medical electricity. Ph., i860, i2mo, cl., 45c. 2d. ed. Ph., 1870, 65c. 24. The American cyclopedia of practical medicine and surgery, ed. by I. Hays. Ph., 1834, 2 vols., 8vo, hf. cf., 40c. 25. American Gynecological Society, Constitution and by-laws. Boston, 1876, 8vo, unb., 10c. 26. American Journal of Dental Science. Vols. 2-6. N. Y., 1842-45, 8vo, cf., $1.50. 27. American Journal of Obstetrics. Vols. 1 to 8, inc., 1869- 1876, hf. mor. Vols. 15, 16, 17, 1882-1884, unb. N. Y., 8vo, $25.00. 28. American Journal of Syphilography and Dermatology. Vols. 1-5. N. Y., 1870-1874, 8vo, cl., $8.00. 29. American Journal of the Medical Sciences. Vols. 1-26. Ph., 1828-1839, Ph., 1841-1881. N. S., Vols. 1-82. 8vo, hf. shp., $45.00. 30. American Medical and Philosophical Register. Vols. 1-4. N. Y., 1811-14, 8vo, hf. shp , $1.00. 31. American Medical Association, Code of ethics adopted May, 1847. Ph., 1848, 8vo, hf. mor., 40c. 5 32. American Hand-book for the use of the members. Ph., 1872, i8mo, cl., 15c. 33. Laws and regulations, with a sketch of Detroit. Detroit, 1856, i2mo, cl., 15c. 34. Proceedings of the 35th annual meeting. Wash- ington, 1884. Chicago, 1884, 4to, unb., 20c. 35. American Medical Intelligencer. Vols. 1-4. Ph., 1837-41, 8vo, shp., £1.50. 36. American Medical Recorder. Vols. 1-15. Ph., 1818-28, 8vo, shp., #10.00. 37. American Medical Review and Journal. Vols. 2 and 3. Ph., 1825-6, hf. rn., 80c. 38. American Medical Times. Vols. 1-5. N. Y., 1860-1862, 4to, cl., $3.00. 39. American Quarterly Review. Nos. 1, 2, 3, March, June, Sept., 1827. Ph., 8vo, 20c. a number. 40. American Temperance Society. Permanent documents. N. Y., 1843, cl., 20c. 41. American Philosophical Society. Proceedings. January to June, 1878. Ph., 1878, 8vo, unb., 35c. 42. American Practitioner. 1870-1877, 1880. Louisville, 1870-1880, 8vo, hf. rn., $5.00. 43. American Public Health Association. Reports and papers. Vols. 2-7, 1874-81. N. Y., etc., 1876-82, 8vo, cl., $6.00. 44. Amesbury, J. Fractures of the trunk and extremities. Vol. 2. L., [n. d.J 8vo, bds., 15c. 45. Ancell, H. On tuberculosis. L., 1852, 8vo, hf. mor., 75c. 46. Anderson, McCall. Treatment of diseases of the skin. Ph., 1873, 8vo, unb., 25c. 47. Andral, G. Clinique Medicale. 5 vols., P., 1829-1833, 8vo, hf. cf., $2.00. 3d ed., P., 1834, 5 vols., 8vo, unb., $1.00. 48. Cours de pathologie interne, Tome 1. Paris, 1836, 8vo, hf. cf., 25c. 49. Diseases of the abdomen. Ph., 1843, 8vo, bds., 15c. 50. Diseases of the chest. Ph., 1843, 8vo, bds., 20c. 51. Essay on the blood in disease. Ph., 1844, 8vo, cl., 30c. 6 52. Andral, G. Treatise on pathological anatomy. Vol. i. N. Y., 1832, 8vo, shp., 20c. 53. Andral [et al.]. Medical and surgical monographs. Ph., 1838, 8vo, hf. cf., 30c. 54. Andrea de Jorio, D. Indicazione del piu rimarcabile in Na- poli e Contorni. Napoli, 1835, 8vo, unb., 10c. 55. Anleitung zur qualitativen und quantitativen Analyse des Harns. Wiesbaden, 1867, 8vo, hf. mor., 75c. 56. Annales d’hygiene publique et de medecine legale. Vols. 1-10, 20. P., 1829-33, 1838, 8vo, cl., 75c. per vol. [Vol. 3 imp. unbound; Vol. 20 unbound.] 57. Annales de la Medecine Physiologique. Vol. 13. P., 1828, 8vo, hf. shp., 25c. 58. Annals of influenza in Great Britain, 1510 to 1837. [Syd. Soc.] L., 1852, 8vo, cl., 50c. 59. Annals of medicine 1796-1804. Edin., 1796-1804, 8 Vols., 8vo, $6.00. 59a. Annals of the Anatomical and Surgical Society. Vols. 1, 2, 4, 5. Brooklyn, 1879-82, 8vo, $3.00. [Vols. 1, 2 cloth. Vols. 4, 5 unbound.] 60. Annals of the Anatomical and Surgical Society. Brooklyn, N. Y., Vol. 2, No. 7; N. Y., 1880, 8vo, unb., IOC. 61. Annuaire de l’economie politique 1852. P., 1852, i6mo, unb., 15c. 62. Annual report of the Commissioner of Patents for the year 1847. Wash’n, 1848, 8vo, cl., 20c. 63. Anstie, F. E. Neuralgia. L., 1871, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 64. Stimulants and narcotics. Ph., 1865, 8vo, cl., 60c. 65. Aran, F. A. Diseases of the heart and great vessels. Ph., 1843, i6mo, cl. 15c. 66. Archiv fur Gynaekologie. Bands 1-8. Berlin, 1870-75, 8vo, $8.00. [Bds. 1-4 in 2 vols. hf. mor.; Bds. 5-8 unbound. ] 67. Archiv fur Klinische Chirurgie. Band 7. Berlin, 1865, 8vo, unbound, 50c. 7 68. Archives of Dermatology. Quarterly. Vol. 2, 1875-6, Nos. x, 4; Vol. 3, 1877, hf. cl. ; Vol. 4, 1878, No. 4; Vol. 5, 1879, Nos. 2, 3, 4; Vol. 6, 1880, No. 2. One volume bound $1.00; numbers 25c. each. 69. Archives of medicine (Beale). Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. London, 1857-1867, 8vo, $3.20. [Unbound. No. 7 of Vol. 2 wanting.] 69a. Arejula, J. M. De. Breve descripcion de la fiebre amarilla. Madrid, 1806, 4to, shp., 50c. 70. on the causes and signs of acute and chronic disease. Ph., 1841, 8vo, 20c. 71. Armstrong, J. Acute and chronic diseases. Ph., 1837, 8vo, hf. mor., 30c. 72. Observations relative to the fever commonly called puerperal. Hartford, 1823, 8vo, shp., 10c. 73. Practical illustrations of typhus fevers. Ph., 1821, 8vo, shp. 35c. 74. Practical illustrations of typhus and other fevers; of pulmonary consumption, etc. B. 1829, 8vo, shp., 35c. 75. Armstrong, R. The influence of climate on the human con- stitution. L., 1843, 8vo, hf. bd., 30c. 76. Arnott, N. Elements of physics. Ph., 1829, 2 vols., 8vo, hf. cf., 35c. 77. Arthur, R. Popular treatise on the teeth. N. Y., 1845, I2mo, cl., 20c. 78. Ashhurst, J. Injuries of the spine. Ph., 1867, i2mo, cl., 25c. 79. Ashwell, S. Diseases peculiar to women. With notes by P. B. Goddard. Ph., 1848, 8vo, cl., shp., 40c. 80. Assalini, P. Observations on the disease called the plague, on the dysentery, the ophthalmy of Egypt. Trans, by Adam Neale. N. Y., 1806, i2mo, shp., 35c. 81. Astruc, J. A treatise of venereal diseases. L., 1754, 4to, cf., $1.25. 82. Asylum for the relief of persons deprived of the use of their reason. 68th annual report, Ph., 1885, 8vo, unb. 69th annual report, Ph., 1886, 8vo, 10c. each. 8 83. Atkins, D. Medical and surgical cases. N. Y., 1834, 8vo, cl., 20c. 84. Atkinson, W. B. Hints in the obstetric procedure. Ph., 1875, l6mo> cl., 35c. 85. Atlee, W. F. Notes on M. Bernard’s lectures on the blood. Ph., 1854, i2mo, cl., ioc. 86. Atlee, W. L. Diagnosis of ovarian tumors. Ph., 1873, 8vo, cl., $1.50. 87. Aveling, J. H. English midwives. L., 1872, 8vo, cl., 75c. 88. Avenbrugger. Les maladies internes de la poitrine. P., 1808, 8vo, hf. rn., 45c. 89. Avicenna. Liber canonis de medicinis cordialibus. Venetiis, 1555, fo., $2.50. 90. Bache, F. System of chemistry. Ph., 1819, 8vo, shp., 15c. 91. Bacher, M. Recherches sur les maladies chroniques. P., 1776, 8vo, cf., 50c. 92. Bacot, J. Treatise on syphilis. L., 1829, 8vo, bds., 40c. 93. Baerensprung, F.v. Die hereditare syphilis. Berlin, 1874, 8vo, hf. mor., 75c. 94. Baglivi, G. Practice of physick. L., 1723, 8vo, shp., 60c. 95. Baillie, M. Morbid anatomy of some of the most important parts of the human body. 2d. ed. Walpole, N. H., 1808, 8vo, 25c. 96. Baltimore Medical and Philosophical Lycaeum. Vol. 1. Balt., 1809, 8vo, hf. cf., 50c. 97. Baly, W., and Kirkes, W. S. The physiology of motion. L., 1848, 8vo, cl., 35c. 98. Bampfield, R. W. Curvatures and diseases of the spine. Ph., 1845, 8vo, bds., 20c. 99. Bancroft, E. N. Yellow fever. L., 1811, 8vo, bds., 60c. Same, L., 1817, 8vo, bds., 60c. 100. Barclay, A. W. Gout and rheumatism in relation to disease of the heart. L., 1866, i2mo, cl., 45c. 101. Bard, S. Theory and practice of midwifery. 5th. ed. N. Y., 1819, 8vo, shp., 30c. 102. Bardsley, J. L. Hospital facts and observations. L., 1830, 8vo, bds., 30c. 9 103. Barker, F. Puerperal diseases. 3d. ed. N. Y., 1884, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 104. Barker, G. T. Instructions in the preparation, administra- tion and properties of nitrous oxide. Ph., 1866, 8vo, cl., 25c. 105. Barlow, G. H. Manual of the practice of medicine. Ph., 1856, 8vo, shp., 30c. 106. Barnes, R. Clinical history of the medical and surgical diseases of women. Ph., 1874, 8vo, cl., $2.00. 107. Obstetric operations. With additions by B. F. Dawson, M.D. N. Y., 1870, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 108. Baron, J. The life of Edward Jenner, M.D. 2 Vols. L., 1838, 8vo, bds., 80c. 109. Tuberculated accretions of serous membranes. L., 1819, 8vo, bds., 30c. 109a. Barras, J. P. T. Traite sur les gastralgies. P., 1827, 8vo, hf. rn., 35c. no. Barrow, W. Pulmonary phthisis. Liverpool, 1815, 8vo, 30c. hi. Barruel, Abbe. The history of the clergy during the French revolution. 3d. ed. Burlington, 1794, i2mo, shp., 40c. 112. Barth et Roger. Traite pratique d’auscultation. 3d. ed. P,, 1850, i2mo. unb., 20c. 113. Bartholow, R. Materia medica and therapeutics. 3d. ed. N. Y., 1879, 8vo, cl., $100. 114. Bartlett, E. Diagnosis and treatment of the fevers of the U. S. 4th. ed. Ph., 1856, 8vo, cl., 40c. 115. Essay on the philosophy of medical science. Ph., 1844, 8vo, cl., 20c 116. History, diagnosis and treatment of typhoid and of typhus fevers. Ph., 1842, 8vo, cl., 20c. 117. Inquiry into the degree of certainty in medi- cine. Ph., 1848, 8vo, cl., 20c. 118. The philosophy of medical science. Ph., 1844, 8vo, cl., 35c. 119. Barton, B. S. Collections for an essay towards a materia medica, 3d, ed. Ph., 1810, 8vo, 35c. 10 120. Barton, B. S. Prof. Cullen’s treatise of the materia medica. 2 vols. Ph. 1812, 8vo, shp., 40c. 121. Barton, E. H. The cause and prevention of yellow fever. Ph., 1855, 8vo, cl., 35c. 122. Barwell, R. Lateral curvature of the spine. 2d. ed. L., 1870, i2mo, cl., 50c. 123. [Baseilhac.] Nouvelle methode d’extraire la pierre. Bruxelles, 1779, i2ino, shp., 30c. 124. Basham, W. R. On dropsy. 3d. ed. L., 1866, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 125. Bateman, F. On aphasia. L., 1866, i2mo, unb., 20c. 126. Bateman, T. Practical synopsis of cutaneous diseases. Ph., 1818, 8vo, slip., 40c. 127. Bayle, A. L. J. Bibliotheque de therapeutique. Tome 3. P., 1835, 8vo, hf. rn., 15c. 128. Bayle, A. L. J. and Holland, H. General anatomy. Ph., 1828, 8vo, shp., 20c. 129. Bayle, G. L. Recherches sur la phthsie pulmonaire. P., 1810, 8vo, cf., 60c. 130. Baudelocque, A. C. Puerperal peritonitis. Translated by G. S. Bedford. N. Y., 1831, 8vo, bds., 30c. 131. Baudelocque, J. L. L’art des accouchemens. 3d. ed. P., 1796, 2 vols., 8vo, shp., $1.25. 132. Beale, L. S. Disease germs. L., 1870, i2mo, cl., 60c. 133. Kidney diseases, urinary deposits and calculous disorders. 3d. ed. Ph. 1870, 8vo, cl., $1.25. 134. The mystery of life. L., 1871, i2mo, cl., 60c. 135. Protoplasm. 2d. ed. L., 1870, i2mo, cl., 75c. 136. Beatty, T. E. Contributions to medicine and midwifery. Dublin, 1866, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 137. Beaumont, W. Observations on the gastric juice. Plattsburgh, 1833, 8vo, bds., 40c. 138. Beck, J. B. On materia medica and therapeutics. N. Y., 1851, 8vo, shp., 30c. 139. Beck, L. C. Adulterations used in medicine and the arts. N. Y., 1846, i2mo, shp., 15c. 11 140. Beck, T. R. Elements of medical jurisprudence. Vol. i. Albany, 1823, 8vo, unb., 20c. 141. Beck, T. R. and Beck, J. B. Elements of medical jurispru- dence. 6th. ed. 2 vols. Ph., 1838, 8vo, shp., 50c. 142. Beci.ard, P. A. Additions to the general anatomy of Xavier Bichat. B., 1823, 8vo, shp., 45c. 143. Elements of general anatomy. Ph., 1830, 8vo, shp., 25c. 144. Pathological anatomy, the last course of Xavier Bichat. Ph., 1827, 8vo, bds., 15c. 145. Beddoes, T. Observations on the nature and cure of calculus, sea scurvy, consumption, catarrh, and fever. L., 1793, 8vo, shp., 50c. 146. Begin, L. J. The French practice of medicine. N. Y., 1829, 2 vols., 8vo, shp., 25c. 147. Bell, B. Life, character and writings of Benjamin Bell. Edin., 1868, 121110, cl., 40c. 148. Treatise on gonorrhoea virulenta and lues venerea. 2 vols. in 1. Ph., 1795, 8vo, shp., 50c. r49_ Bell, C. Letters concerning the diseases of the urethra. B., 1811, 8vo, shp., 35c. 150. Essay on the forces which circulate the blood. L., 1819, i2mo, bds., 30c. 151. Nervous system of the human body. 3d. ed. 1844, 8vo, cl., 50c. 152. A system of dissections. 2 vols. Balt., 1814, i2mo, shp., ioc. a vol. 153. System of operative surgery. 2 vols. Hartford, 1816, 8vo, shp., 40c. 154. Bell, J. Anatomy and physiology of the human body. Vols. 1, 3. N. Y., 1817, 8vo, shp., ioc. a vol. 155. Importance and economy of sanitary measures to cities. N. Y., i860, 8vo, cl., 50c. 156. Letters on professional character and manners. Edin., 1810, 8vo, bds., 35c. 157. On baths and mineral waters. Ph., 1831, i2mo, shp., 30c. 12 158. Bell, J. On regimen and longevity. Ph., 1842, i2mo, cl., 35c. 159. A practical dictionary of materia medica. Ph., 1841, 8vo, shp., 35c. 160. The principles of surgery. L., 1826, 4 vols., 8vo, bds., 60c. 161. • A treatise on baths. Ph., 1850, i2mo, cl., 40c. 162. Bell, J., and Condie, D. F. History of epidemic cholera. Ph., 1832, 8vo, bds., 25c. 163. Bell, L. V. Attempt to investigate small-pox, varioloid and vaccination. B., 1836, 8vo, cl., 60c. 164. Bellendenus, G. De statu libri tres. 2e ed. L., 1787, 8vo, bds., 25c. 165. Benedict, N. D. Chapman’s lectures on the theory and practice of medicine. Ph., 1846, 8vo, shp., 40c. 166. Bennett, J. H. Introduction to clinical medicine. 2d. ed. Edin., 1853, i2mo, cl., 30c. 167. Principles and practice of medicine. 3d. ed. N. Y., 1866, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 168. Treatment of pulmonary consumption. 2d. ed. N. Y., 1872, 8vo, cl., 60c. 169. Berard, A. Maladies de la glande parotide. P., 1841, 8vo, unb., 20c. 170. Tumeurs du sein. P., 1842, 8vo, unb., 25c. 171. Beraud, J. B. Manuel de physiologie de l’homme et des principaux vertebres. Revu par M. Ch. Robin. Paris, 1853, i2mo, hf. mor., 20c. 172. Bernutz, G., and Goupil, E. Diseases of women. Trans- lated by A. Meadows. [New Syd. Soc.] L., 1866, 2 vols., 8vo, cl., $1.00. 173. Bertholle, T. Des corps etrangers dans les voies aeiiennes. P., 1866, 8vo, hf. rn., 30c. 174. Bertin. De la maladie venerienne chez les enfans nouveau- nes. P., 1810, 8vo, shp., 50c. 175. Bertin, R. J. Maladies du cceur. P., 1824, 8vo, shp., 30c. 176. Berton, A. Recherches sur l’hydrocephale aigue. P., 1834, 8vo, unb., 50c. 177. Beygvrd, E. J. Du rachitis. P., 1852, 4to, unb., 50c. 13 178. Bibliotheque du mededn-praticien. Vols. 1-4, 7, 10, 13. P., 1843-50, 8vo, hf. mor., 50c. per vol. 179. Bichat, X. General anatomy. Vol. 1. B., 1822, 8vo, shp., 15c. 180. Treatise on the membranes. Trans, by J. G. Coffin, M.D. B., 1813, 8vo, shp., 15c. 181. Bickersteth’s treatise on the Lord’s supper. 6th. ed. N. Y., 1851, i6mo, ioc. 182. Biddle, J. B. Review of materia medica. Ph., 1852, i2mo, cl., 15c. 183. Biennial retrospect of medicine, surgery and their allied sci- ences for 1865-6, 67, 68. New Syd. Soc. L., 1867, 8vo, cl., 75c. 184. Bienville, D. T. de. Nymphomania. L., 1875, 8vo, 80c. 185. Bigelow, H. J. Medical education in America. Cambridge, 1871, 8vo, cl., 25c. 186. Bigelow, J. Brief expositions of rational medicine, to which is prefixed The paradise of doctors. B., 1858, i2mo, cl., 30c. 187. Brief expositions of rational medicine. 2d. ed. N. Y., i860, i2mo, cl., 20c. 188. Bigelow, S. L. Recherches sur les calculs de la vessie. P., 1852, 4to, unb., $1.25. [Atlas and text.] 189. Billard, C. De la membrane muqueuse gastro-intestinale. P., 1825, 8vo, unb., 50c. 190. Traite des maladies des enfans. P., 1828, 8vo, unb., 20c. 191. Billard, C. M. Diseases of infants. N. Y., 1839, 8vo, cl., 30c. 192. Billing, A. First principles of medicine. Ph., 1842, 8vo, cl., 25c. 193. Same. 6th. ed. L., 1868, 8vo, 50c. 194. Billroth, Th. General surgical pathology and therapeutics. Translated by C. E. Hackey, M.D. N. Y., 1871, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 195. Birch, S. B. Constipated bowels. From the 3d London ed. Ph., 1868, 121110, cl., 35c. 14 196. Bird, G. Lectures on electricity and galvanism. Ph., 1854, i2mo, cl., 25c. 197. Urinary deposits. Edited by E. L. Birkett. Ph., 1863, 8vo, cl., 45c. 198. Bischoff, T. L. Traite du developpement de l’homme et des mammiferes. Atlas de seize planches. P., 1843, 4to, unb., 50c. 199. Bischoff, T. L. G. et al. Encyclopedic anatomique. Tome 2. Atlas. P., 1843, 4to> unb., 75c. 200. Black, D. C. On the functional diseases of the renal, uri- nary and reproductive oigans. Ph., 1872, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 201. Blackall, J. Nature and cure of dropsies. Ph., 1820, 8vo, shp., 20c. 202. Blake, A. Delirium tremens. L., 1830, 8vo, bds., 40c. 203. Blanchier, P. A. Sur Taction physiologique du salicylate de soude. P., 1879, 8vo, unb., 25c. 204. Blandin, P. F. Traite d’anatomie topographique ou anato- mie des regions du corps humain. 2d. ed. P., 1834, 8vo, unb., 20c. 205. Treatise on topographical anatomy. (Atlas.) N. Y., 1834, 4to, hf. shp., 50c. 206. Blane, Sir G. Elements of medical logic. Hartford, 1822, i2mo, shp., 15c. 207. Select dissertations. L., 1833, 2 vols., 8vo, bds., 40c. 208. Bliss, D. W. Feeding per rectum, as illustrated in the case of the late President Garfield. No imprint, i2mo, unb., 10c. 209. Blumenbach, J. F. Elements of physiology. With notes by C. Caldwell. Ph., 1795, 2 v- in one> 8vo, shp-> I5C- 210. Blundell, J. Principles and practice of midwifery. Ph., 1842, 8vo, bds., 25c. 211. Board of Health of Connecticut, Eighth annual report for the year ending 1885. New Haven, 1886, 8vo, unb., 40c. 212. Board of Health of Nashville, Third report 1878. Nashville, 1879, 8vo, cl., 30c. 213. Board of Public Charities of Pennsylvania, Second and fourth annual reports. Harrisburg, 1872, 74, 2 vols., 8vo, cl., 50c. 15 2i4- Board of Public Education, City of Philadelphia, 62d. and 67th. annual report. Ph., 1886, 8vo, unb., 25c. 215. Boerhaave, H. A method of studying physick. L., 1719, 8vo, 50c. 216. Boerhaave’s medical correspondence. L-, i745> 8vo, shp., 40c. 2x7. Bohn’s hand-book of Washington. Wn., 1858, i8mo, cl., 10c. 218. Boisseau, F. G. Physiological pyretology. Ph., 1832, 8vo, shp., 20c. 219. Bonnet, A. Atlas. Traite des maladies des articulations. P-> 1845, 4to, unb., 75c. 220. Borck, Abnornal positions of the head; Dulles, Fractures of the skull; Dulles, Hydrophobia; Irwin, Sea-voyaging; Jackson, Ovulation and menstruation ; Judson, Talipes cal- caneus ; Keen, Vivisection ; Fane, Shadows in the ethics of the Int. Med. Cong. ; Castorani, Ectropio infiammatorio ; Lebert, Milk food; Leeds, Infant food; Macaulay, Vivi- section; Majocchi, Pielo-nefrite micotica secondaria; Robert- son, Sanitary science. 50c. 221. Borden, T. de. Recherches sur le pouls. 4 vols. P., 1772, i2mo, shp., 80c. 222. Bostock, J. Elementary system of physiology. 3 vols. Boston, 1825-8, 8vo, shp.,45c. 223. Boston City Hospital, First medical and surgical report. B., 1870, 8vo, cl., $1.25. 224. Boston Medical Surgical Journal. Vols. 1-79, 81-92, 95, 96, 98. Boston, 1828-78, hf. shp., $35.00. 225. Bouchardat, A. Annual abstract of therapeutics, materia medica, pharmacy and toxicology for 1867. Ph., 1868, i2mo, cl., 40c. 226. . Elements de matiere medicale. P., 1838, 8vo, unb., 30c. 227. Bouchut, E. Traite des signes de la mort. P., 1849, i2mo, unb., 20c. 228. Bouii.laud, J. Acute articular rheumatism. Ph., 1837, 8vo, cl., 25c. 229. Bourgeois, J. La pustule maligne. P., 1861, 8vo, unb., 40c. 16 230. Sold. 231. Sold. 232. Bourneville et Voulet. De la contracture hysterique per- manente. P., 1872, 8vo, unb., 30c. 233. Bowditch, H. J. Diaphragmatic hernia. Buffalo, 1853, 8vo, 20c. 234. Public hygiene. Boston, 1877, 8vo, cl., 75c. 235. Boyland, G. H. Six months under the red cross with the French army. Cincinnati, 1873, 8vo, cl., 30c. 236. Boyle, J. Account of the western coast of Africa. L., 1831, 8vo, hf. bds., 35c. 237. Brachet, J. L. De l’emploi de 1’opium dans les phlegmasies. P., 1828, 8vo, unb., 30c. 238. Fonctions du systeme nerveux ganglionaire. P., 1830, 8vo, hf. cf., 30c. 239. Braithwaite’s Retrospect of medicine. Vols. 19-66. L., 1849-72, i2mo, cl., $18.00. 240. Braithwaite’s Retrospect. Alphabetical index. Parts 1-50, 1840-1865. N. Y., 1865, 8vo, shp., 30c. 241. Braithwaite’s Retrospect of practical medicine and surgery. Parts 1-87, 1840-1883. N. Y., 1840-1883, 8vo, hf. shp., $10.00. (Part 83 wanting. Parts 57, 58, 59, 82, unbound.) 242. Bramwell, B. Diseases of the spinal cord. N. Y., 1882, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 243. Braun, C. R. Uraemic convulsions of pregnancy, parturition and childbed. Translated by J. Matthews Duncan. N. Y., 1858, i2mo, cl., 35c. 244. Brera, Y. L. Des maladies vermineuses. P., 1804, 8vo, shp., 50c. 245. Bretonneau, P. Des inflammations speciales du tissu mu- queux et en particulier de la diphtherite. P., 1826, 8vo, hf. cf., $1.00. 246. Bretonneau et al. Memoirs on diphtheria. New Syd. Soc. L., 1859, 8vo, cl., 60c. 247. Bricheteau, I. Medical clinics of the Hospital Necker. Ph., 1837, 8vo, cl., 20c. 248. Brierre de Boismont, A. De la menstruation. P., 1842, 8vo, unb., 50c. 17 249- Brigham, C. B. Quelques observations chirurgicales. P., 1872, 8vo, unb., 35c. 250. British and Foreign Medical Review. Vols. 1-24. L., 1836-1846, 8vo, hf. cl., $10.00. 251. British and Foreign Medical Review, The. Vols. 1-25, 1836-47. Vols. 1-39, 1848-67. L., 1836-67, 8vo, hf. shp., $25.00. (Vol. 30 unbound.) 252. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review. Vols. 31- 34. L., 1863-4, 8vo, unb., 60c. 253. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review. Nos. 82, 83, 87, 108, 110-20 inc. L., 1868-77, 8vo, unb., 25c. per No. 254. Broussais, C. Atlas historique et biographique de la mede- cine. P., 1829, fo., unb., 30c. 255. Broussais, F. J. V. History of chronic phlegmasiae or in- flammation. 2 vols. Ph., 1831, 8vo, shp., 50c. 256. Brown, H. E. The medical department of the U. S. army from 1775-1873. Wn., 1873, 8vo> cl., 5oc> 257. Brown, I. B. On some diseases of women. Ph., 1856, 8vo, cl., 80c. 258. Brown, H. J. A voice from the pious dead of the medical profession. Ph., 1855, i2mo, cl., 35c. 259. Brown, J. A compleat discourse of wounds. L., 1678, sm. 4to, cf., 60c. 260. Elements of medicine. Vol 1. Portsmouth, Va., 1803, 8vo, 20c. 261. —— Health. N. Y., 1862, i6mo, cl., 15c. 262. Locke and Sydenham. Edin., 1858, i2mo, cl., 40c. 263. Brown-Sequard, E. Researches on epilepsy. Bost., 1857, 8vo, bds., 25c. 264. Brown-Sequard, C. E. Physiology and pathology of the central nervous system. Ph., 1866, 8vo, cl., 45c. 265. Brunonis, Joannis. Elementa medicinae. Edin., 1780, 8vo, bds., 50c, 266. Brunton, T. L. On digitalis. L,, 1868, i2mo, cl,, 35c, 18 267. Bryan, J. Anatomy, physiology and diseases of the human ear. Ph., 1851, i2mo, cl., 40c. 268. Bryce, C. England and France before Sebastopol. L., 1857, 8vo, cl., 35c. 269. Bryson, A. Report on the climate and principal diseases of the African station. L., 1847, 8vo, hf. cf., 60c. 270. Buchanan, James. A regular English syntax. 5th. Am^r. ed. Ph., 1792, i2tno, 50c. 271. Buckler, T. H. Fibro-bronchitis and rheumatic pneumonia. Ph., 1853, 8vo, cl., 40c. 272. Strangulated veins of the uterus. Cambridge, 1881, i2mo, unb., 20c. 273. Budd, G. On diseases of the liver. Ph., 1857, 8vo, cl., 50c. 274. On the organic diseases and functional disorders of the stomach. N. Y., 1856, 8vo, cl., 45c. 275. Buffalo Medical Journal. Vols. 1-8. Buffalo, 1846-1852, hf. shp., 8vo, $4.00. 276. Bujalsky, Eliae, Tabulae anatomico-chirurgicae, 1852, fo., hf. cl., $1.00. 277. Bulletin General de Therapeutique Medicale et Chirurgicale. Tome 53. P., 1857, 8vo, 35c. 278. Bulletin of Medical Science. Vols. 1, 2, 3. Phila., 1843-5, 8vo, hf. shp,, $1.50. 279. Bulletin of the N. Y. Academy of Medicine. Vols. 1, 2. N. Y., 1862-3, 8vo, $1.00. [Vol. 2 imp.] 280. Bumstead, F. J. Pathology and treatment of venereal dis- eases. 3d. ed. Ph., 1870, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 281. Pathology and treatment of venereal dis- eases. Ph., 1874, 8vo, cl,, $2.00. 282. Bureau of Ethnology, 2d. annual report 1880-1. Wash., 1883, 4to, $2,50. 283. Bureaud-Riofrey. Londres et les anglais des temps mod- ernes. Tome premier. P., 1846, 8vo, unb., joc. 284. Burggraeve, Ad. fitudes sur Andre Vesale. Gand., 1841, roy. 8vo, hf. shp., 50c, 19 285. Burns, A. Diseases of the heart. Edin., 1809, 8vo, bds., 45c. 286. Burns, J. The anatomy of the gravid uterus. Glasgow, 1799, 8vo, hf. cf., 30c. 287. On abortion. Troy, N. Y., 1808, i6mo, shp., 75c. 288. On inflammation. Albany, 1812, 8vo, shp., 50c. 289. Principles of midwifery. 3d. ed. L., 1814, 8vo, 20c. 290. Principles of midwifery. 2 vols. Ph., 1817, 8vo, shp., 30c. 291. Burrows, G., et al. Dissertations on haemorrhages, dropsy, rheumatism, etc. Ed. by A. Tvveedie, M.D. Ph., 1841, 8vo, cl., 40c. 292. Burserius, J. B. Institutions of the practice of medicine. 5 vols. Edin., 1800-3, 8vo, shp., 75c. 293. Busey, S. C. Narrowing, occlusion and dilatation of lymph channels. N. p., 1878, 8vo, unb., 30c. 294. Butter, J. Remarks on irritative fever. Devenport, 1825, 8vo, bds., 35c. 295. Buzzard, T. Syphilitic nervous affections. Ph., 1874, 8vo, cl., 50c. 296. Byford, W. H. Inflammation and displacements of the un- impregnated uterus. Ph., 1864, 8vo, cl., 50c. 297. Byrne, B. M. Contagious character of malignant cholera. Balt., 1833, 8vo, cl., 30c. 298. Contagious character of malignant cholera. 2d. ed. Ph., 1855, 8vo, cl., 30c. 299. Cabanis, J. G. Essay on the certainty of medicine. Ph., 1823, 8vo, bds., 20c. Ph., 1828, 8vo, hf. shp., 20c. 300. Caldwell, Reflex neuroses; Gerhard, Cerebral affections; Hughes, Alienist and neurologist editorials ; Gerhard, Clin- ical guide; Neugebauer, Du bassin vicie ; Beard, Experi- ments with living human beings, Electro-physiology, Lon- gevity of brain-workers, Legal responsibility in old age ; Zehnder, Sectione caesarea; Baudelocque, Cephalotripsie, Compression de l’aorte ; Castorani, Iridectomia. 50c. 20 301. Caldwell, C. Medical and physical memoirs. Ph., 1801, 8vo, hf. rn., 45c. 302. Thoughts on the original unity of the human race. 2d. ed. Cincinnati, 1852, 12010, cl., 15c. 303. Calvert, G. Haemorrhoids or piles, strictures and other diseases of the anus. L., 1824, 8vo, bds., 30c. 304. Campbell, H. F. Uterine displacements. Augusta, Ga., 1876, 8vo, unb., 15c. 305. Campe, J. H. Theophron oder der erfahrne Rathgeber. Braunschweig, 1806, i2mo, hf. bd., 20c. 306. Camper, P. Demonstrationum anatomico-pathologicarum. Amstelardami, 1760-2, fo., bds., $3.00. [Fine clean co|'y.] 307. Carey, H. C. Essay on the rate of wages. Ph., 1835, 8vo> cl> 75c- 308. Carlier, A. Marriage in the United States. B., 1867, 121110, cl., 25c. 309. Carlisle, A. Essay on the disorders of old age. Ph., 1819, 8vo, bds., 20c. 310. Carmichael, A. Life and philosophy of Spurzheim. B., 1833, 121110, cl., 20c. 311. Carmichael, R. Essay on venereal diseases. Ph., 1825, i2mo, shp., 25c. 312. Carmoly, E. History of the Jewish physicians. Balt., n. d., 8vo, cl., 40c. 313. Carpenter, W. B. Alcoholic liquors. Ph., 1856, i2mo, cl., 40c. 314. Principles of human physiology. Edited by F. G. Smith. Ph., 18G2, 8vo, shp., 45c. 315. Carpue, J. C. Two successful operations for restoring a lost nose. L., 1816, 4to, bds., 75c. 316. Carson, J. History of the medical department of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. Ph., 1869, 8vo, cl., 30c. 317. Carswell, R. Illustrations of the elementary forms of dis- ease. L., 1838, fo., cf., $2.50. 318. Illustrations of the elementary forms of dis- ease. Fas. 9. Hypertrophy. L., 1836, 4to, unb., 50c. 21 319- Carus, C. G. Twenty plates * * * illustrative of an introduction to comparative anatomy. No imprint, 8vo, bds., 50c. 320. Casper, J. L. Hand-book of forensic medicine. 2 vols. [New Syd. Soc.] L., 1861, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 321. Catalogue de la bibliotbeque de feu M. le Marquis de Morante. P., 1873, 8vo, unb., 10c. 322. Catalogue and report of obstetrical and other instruments exhibited at the conversazione of the Obstetrical Soc. of London. L., 1867, 8vo, cl., 75c. 323. Catalogue of the calculi and other animal concretions con- tained in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. Part 1. Lond., 1842, 4to, cl., $1.50. 324. Catalogue of the medical library of the Pennsylvania Hos- pital. Ph., 1829, 8vo, hf. cf., 15c. 325. Catalogue of the surgical section of the United States Army Medical Museum. Wn., 1866, 4to, hf. mor., $1.00. 326. Cathell, D. W. The physician himself. Balt., 1882, 8vo, cl., 45c. 327. Same. 3d. ed. Balt., 1883, 8vo, cl., 50c. 328. Cazalas, I,. Maladies de l’armee d’orient (campagne de 1854-6). P., 1860, 8vo, hf. rn., 40c. 329. Cazenave. Diseases of the skin. 2d. Amer. ed. N. V., 1852, 8vo, cl., 20c. 330. Cazenave, A. and Schedel, H. E. Maladies de la peau. P., 1828, 8vo, hf. cf., 50c. 331. Manual of diseases of the skin. With notes by T. H. Burgess. 2d. Amer. ed. By H. D. Bulkley. N. Y., 1852, 8vo, cl., 50c. 332. Cazenave, P. L. A. Le9ons sur les maladies de la peau. 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th livraisons. Plates. P., 1845, fo-> unb., $3-°°- 333. Celsus, A. C. Medicine, in eight books. Trans, by Jas. Greive, M.D. 3d. ed. L., 1838, i2mo, cl., 30c. 334. Census. Compendium of the 10th census. 1880, parts x and 2. Wn., 1883, 8vo, 60c. 355. Mortality statistics of the seventh census. 1850. Wn., 1855, 8vo, cl., 40c. 22 336. Census. Preliminary report on the eighth census, i860. Wn., 1862, 8vo, cl., 40c. 337. Tenth census of the United States. Vols. 2-11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20. Wn., 1883-6, 4to, cl., $22.00. 338. Census of Ireland for the year 1851. Part iii. Report of the status of disease. Dublin, 1854, 4to, unb., 75c. 339. Chambers, T. K. The indigestions. Ph., 1867, 8vo, cl., 40c. 340. The renewal of life. From the 3d. Lond. ed. Ph., 1865, 8vo, cl., 50c. 341. Restorative medicine, with two sequels. Ph., 1871, i2mo, cl., 45c. 342. Champlin, J. T. The oration of yEschines against Ctesiphon. Cambridge, 1850, i2mo, cl., 25c. 343. Chapman, H. C. History of the discovery of the circula- tion of the blood. Ph., 1884, 8vo, cl., 50c. 344. Chapman, N. Eruptive fevers, hemorrhages and dropsies. Ph., 1844, 8vo, shp., 25c. 345. On the more important diseases of the thoracic and abdominal viscera. Ph., 1844, 8vo, slip., 25c. 346. Therapeutics and materia medica. Ph., 1825, 2 vols., 8vo, 25c. 347. Chase, H. Final report on the construction of instruments and their mode of action in the radical cure of hernia. Ph., 1837, 8vo, cl., 20c. 348. Radical cure of hernia by instruments. Ph., 1836, 8vo, bds., 25c. 349. Chenu, J. C. Rapport au conseil de sante des armees. Paris, 1865, 4to, unb., $1.00. 350. Chew, S. Lectures on medical education. Ph., 1864, i2mo, cl., 25c. 351. Cheyne, G. The English malady. 2d. ed. L-, 1734, 8vo, cf., 45c. 352. Cheyne, J. Cases of apolexy and lethargy. L., 1812, 8vo, bds., 30c. 353- On cynanche trachealis or croup. Ph., 1813, 8vo, bds., 35c. 23 354- Cheyne, J. On the bowel complaints of children. Ph., 1813, 12mo, 35c. 355. Cholera epidemic of 1873 t^ie United States. Wn., 1875, Svo, cl., 50c. 356. Cholera in Brooklyn, 1854; Cholera in N. A.; Prevention of typhoid fever; Models of hospitals; Wood Syllabus of a course of lectures, 1844; Introductory lecture, 1884; Ad- dress inauguration of Wm. Pepper, 1881; Smith, action of drugs ; DaCosta, address, 1885 ; Seymour, Nephro-lithotomy; Albert, Caries. 50c. 357. Chomel, A. F. Des fievres et des maladies pestilentielles. P., 1821, 8vo, hf. cf., 30c. 358. Le9ons de clinique medicale. Tome second. Rhumatisme et goutte. P., 1837, 8vo, 25c. 359. Christ Church Museum, Synopsis of the physiological series. Oxford, 1853, 4to, cl., 35c. 360. Christison, R. Treatise on poisons. Ph., 1845, 8v0> bds., 35c- 361. Churchill, F. The diseases of females. With notes by R. M. Huston. Ph., 1843, 8vo, shp., 50c. 362. Diseases of infants and children. Ph., 1850, 8vo, shp., 70c. 363. Outlines of the principal diseases of females. Ph., 1839, 8vo, hf. cf., 20c. 364. Theory and practice of midwifery. With additions by D. Francis Condie. Ph., 1862, 8vo, shp., 50c. 365. Circulars of information of the Bureau of Education. Nos. 1-2, 1877; No. 2, 1884; No. 2, 1885. Wn., 1877-85, 8vo, unb., 5c. each. 366. Civillo, D. Sur les maladies veneriennes. P., 1803, 8vo, shp., 75c. 367. City Hospital of the City of Boston. Medical and surgical reports, 3d. ser. Boston, 1882, 8vo, unb., 50c. 368. Civiale. Medical and prophylactic treatment of stone and gravel. Trans, by H. H. Smith, M.D. Ph., 1841, 8vo, hf. cf., 25c. 369. Traite pratique sur les maladies des organes genito- urinaires. 3me partie. P., 1851, 8vo, unb., 20c. 24 370. Claiborne, J. H. Clinical reports from private practice. Petersburg, Va., 1873, 8vo, cl., 50c. 371. Clark, F. Le G. Lectures on the principles of surgical diag- nosis. L., 1870, 8vo, cl., 75c. 372. Clark, J. Influence of climate in the prevention and cure of chronic diseases. 2d. ed. L., 1830, 8vo, hf. rn., 50c. 373. — Observations on the diseases which prevail in long voyages to hot countries. 2 vols. L., 1792, 8vo, cf., $1.00. 374. Clark, Sir J. A memoir of John Conolly, M.D. L., 1869, i2mo, cl., 50c. 375. Clark, T. Nature and cure of fevers. Edin., 1801, 8vo, hf. rn., 50c. 376. Clarke, E. H. Polypus of the ear. Boston, 1867, 8vo, unb., 30c. 377. Clarke, J. F. Autobiographical recollections of the medi- cal profession. L., 1874, 8vo, cl., 50c. 378. Clarke, J. L. Further researches on the grey substance of the spinal cord. L., 1859, 4to, unb., 75c. 379. Cleghorn, G. Observations on the epidemical diseases of Minorca, 1744 to 1749. With notes by Benjamin Rush, M.D. Ph., 1809, i2mo, shp., 35c. 380. The Clergyman’s vade mecum. 4th. ed. L., 1715, i2mo, 40c. 381. Cloquet, H. A system of human anatomy. With notes by R. Knox. B., 1830, 8vo, sljp., 20c. 382. Clutterbuck, H. Epidemic fever. L., 1819, 8vo, bds., 30c. 383. — Lectures on blood-letting. Ph., 1839, 8vo, hf. cf., 25c. 384. Clutierbuck, H., On blood-letting; Magendie, F., On the blood; Henderson, T., On the examination of recruits; Lawson, T., Meteorological register, 1826-30. Ph., 1839-40, 8vo, hf. mor., 40c. 385. Coast survey 1850. Wn., 1850, 8vo, hf. rn., 20c. 386. Cocchio, A. Graecorum chirurgici libri Sorani unus de frac- turaruin signis Oribasii. Florentiae, 1754, fo., cf., 75c. 25 387. Cocchto, A. Veterum medicorum chirurgica. Florentise, 1754, 4to, cf., $2.00. 388. Coe, G. Concentrated organic medicines. N. Y., 1858, 8vo, cl., 25c. 389. Cohen, J. S. Croup in its relations to tracheotomy. Ph., 1874, 8vo, cl., 50c. 390. Diseases of the throat. N. Y., 1872, 8vo, cl., $2.00. 391. Inhalation. Ph., 1867, 8vo, cl., 45c. 392. Cohen, B. Klinik der embolischen Gefasskrankheiten. Berlin, i860, 8vo, hf. rn., 45c. 393. Cohn, H. Fragebogen gerichtet an alle Augenarzte. Breslau, 1875, 8vo, unb., 15c. 394. Coley, J. M. Diseases of children. Ph., 1846, 8vo, bds., 20c. 395. Collection of cases illustrating Swaim’s panacea. P., 1832, i2mo, hf. shp., 25c. 396. College and Clinical Record. Vol. 1. Ph., 1880, 8vo, hf. rn., 40c. 397. College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Summary of the transactions. Vols. 1-3, 1841-50; N. S., Vols. 1-2, 1851-6; 3d. ser., Vols. 1-3, 5-6, 1875-83. Ph., 1846-83, 8vo, hf. rn., $2.00. 398. Colles, A. On the venereal disease and use of mercury. Ph., 1837, 8vo, shp., 35c. 399. *— — Theory and practice of surgery. Ph., 1845, 8vo, 20c. 400. — Treatise on surgical anatomy. Ph., 1820, 8vo, shp., 30c. 401. Colles, A., The venereal disease; Brodie, On nervous affec- tions ; Bright, On renal diseases; Louis, On methods of examination; Brodie, On the spinal cord. 1 vol. Ph., 1837, hf. shp., 45c. 402. Collins, R. Practical treatise on midwifery. Ph., 1838, 8vo, shp., 25c. 403. Colombat de L’Isere. Diseases and special hygiene of females, Ph., 1845, 8v0> 75c- 26 404. Combe, A. Principles of physiology. N. Y., 1834, i6mo, ioc. 405. Combe, G. The life and correspondence of Andrew Combe. Ph., 1850, i2mo, cl., 20c. 406. Cornil, V. and L. Ranvier. Manual of pathological histology. Ph., 1880, 8vo, cl., $2.00. 407. Committee on Lunacy of Board of Public charities of Penn- sylvania. 2d. report, 1884. Harrisburg, 1885, 8vo, unb., 20c. 408. Complimentary dinner given to Prof. S. D. Gross, by his medical friends, 1879. Ph., 1879, 8vo, cl., 20c. 409. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadires des Seancesde l’Academie des Sciences. Tome 32. P., 1846, 4to, 50c. 410. Comptroller of the Currency, Annual report of the. 1882, 1883. Wn., 1882-3, 8vo, cl., ioc. each. 411. Condie, D. F. Disease of children. 5th. ed. Ph., 1858, 8vo, shp., 60c. 412. Same. Ph., 1868, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 413. Condie, D. Francis. Practical treatise on the diseases of children. 5th. ed. Ph., 1858, 8vo, shp., 60c. 414. Condie and Folwell. History of the Yellow Fever of 1798, with names of the persons who died in Philadelphia from the first of August to the first of November, 1798. (First 6 pages wanting.) 8vo, unb., 50c. 415. Congres Periodique International des Sciences Medicales. 4me Session, 1875. Bruxelles, 1876, 8vo, unb., 75c. 416. Constitution, By-Laws, Act of Incorporation, list of Fellows New York Academy of Medicine. N. Y., 1876, 8vo, cl., 20c. 417. Conwell, W. E. E. Functional and structural changes of the liver. L., 1835, 8vo, cl., 60c. 418. Cook, T. F. The prescriber’s pharmacopoeia. N. Y., 1853, i8mo, cl., 15c. 419. Cooke, J. E. Pathology and therapeutics. Vols. 1 and 2. Lexington, 8vo, shp., 25c. 420. Cooley, A. J. Hand-book of compound medicines. Ph., 1873, 8vo, cl., 30c. 27 421. Cooper, Sir Astley. On dislocations and fractures of the joints. Boston, 1832, 8vo, shp., 30c. 422. Cooper, Astley. Series of lectures on modern surgery. 2d. ed. L., 1821, 8vo, bds., 35c. 423. Cooper, B. B. The life of Sir Astley Cooper, Bart, 2 vols. L., 1843, 8vo, cl., 80c. 424. Cooper, S. Dictionary of practical surgery. 2d. ed. L., 1813, 8vo, hf. shp., 20c. 425. — First lines of the practice of surgery. 5th. ed. L., 1826, 8vo, unb., 30c. 426. Cooper, T. Tracts on medical jurisprudence. Ph., 1819, 8vo, shp., 30c. 427. Cooper, W. W. Wounds and injuries of the eye. L., 1859, 8vo, cl., $1.50. 428. Copeman, E. Cerebral affections of infancy. Norwich, 1873, I2rao, cl., 60c. 429. Copland, J. A dictionary of practical medicine. L., 1858, 3 vols., 8vo, hf. cf., $2.50. 430. A dictionary of practical medicine. Pts. 1-3. B., 1834, 8vo, unb., 20c. 431. Copeland, T. The principal diseases of the rectum and anus. Ph., 1811, i2ino, shp., 20c. 432. Corson, J. W. Management of the shoulders in examinations of the chest. N. Y., 1859, 8vo, 20c. 433. Coste. Recherches sur la generation des mammiferes. P. [18344-], 4to, hf. cl., $1.00. 434. Coste. M. Histoire generate etparticulieredudeveloppement des corps organises. (Plates.) P., 1847, fo., unb., $5.00. 435. Coste, J. B. Sur le role de l’encephale. P., 1851, 4to, unb., 20c. 436. Coster, J. The practice of medicine. Ph., 1831, 8vo, shp., 25c. 437. Cox, J. M. Practical observations on insanity. Ph., 1811, i2mo, shp., 40c. 438. Coxe, E. J. A practical treatise on medical inhalation. Ph., 1841, i2mo, cl., 20c. 439. Medical inhalation. Ph., 1841, i6mo, 10c. 28 44°- Coxe, J. R. The American Dispensatory. 6th. ed. Ph., 1825, 8vo, shp., 25c. 441. — Claims of Dr. William Harvey to the discovery of the circulation of the blood. Ph., 1834, 8vo, bds., 40c. 442. — Essay on inflammation. Ph., 1794, i2mo, cf., 75c. 443. — An inquiry into the claims of Dr. William Harvey to the discovery of the circulation of the blood. Ph., 1834, 8vo, unb., 40c. 444. — The writings or Hippocrates and Galen. Ph., 1846, 8vo, shp., 50c. 445. Coulson, W. J. Treatise on syphilis. L., 1869, 8vo, cl., 75c. 446. Coultis, H. Principles of botany. Ph., 1854, i2mo, cl., 25c. 447. Craigie, D. Elements of general and pathological anatomy. 2d. ed. Ph., 1851, 8vo, 50c. 448. — Elements of the practice of physic. 2 vols. Edin., 1837-40, 8vo, cf., $1.50. 449. Crede, C. S. F. Klinische Vortrage iiber Geburtshiilfe. Berlin, 1854, 8vo, hf. mor., 65c. 450. Cross, J. Sketches of the medical schools of Paris. L., 1815, 8vo, bds., 20c. 451. Crosse, J. G. Retrospective address upon medical science and literature. Worcester, 1836, 8vo, cl., 20c. 452. Cruise of the revenue-steamer Corwin in Alaska. Wn., 1883, 4to, col. plates, pap , $1.50. 453. Cruveilhier, J. Anatomie pathologique du corps humain. Tome 1. P., 1829-35, fo., full mor., $5.00. 454. Cullen, G. Synopsis nosologiae methodicae. Edin., 1772, 8vo, shp., 45c. 455. Cullen, W. First lines of the practice of physic. 3 vols. Worcester, Mass., 1790, i2mo, shp., 60c. 456. — First lines of the practice of physic. With notes by C. Caldwell. Ph., 1816, 8vo, shp., 50c. 457. — Institutions of medicine. 4th. ed. Edin., 1788, i2mo, shp., 20c. 29 458. Cullen, W. Materia medica. 2 vols. Edin., 1789, 8vo, 50c. 459. — Treatise of the materia medica. 2 vols. Edin., 1789, 4to, cf., $2.00. 460. Curling, T. B. On tetanus. Jacksonian prize, 1834. Ph., 1837, 8vo, cl., 30c. 461. Curling, T. B., On tetanus; Marshall, J., Diseases of the heart, lungs, stomach, liver, etc.; Bouillaud, J., Acute articular rheumatism; Reid, J., Functions of the eighth pair of nerves; Laycock, T., On hysteria. Ph., 1837-40, 8vo, hf. mor., 40c. 462. Currie, J. Effects of water, cold and warm, as a remedy in fever and other diseases. Vol. 1. L., 1805, 8vo, 25c. 463. Medical reports on the effects of water, cold and warm. Ph., 1808, 8vo, shp., 45c. 464. Currie, Wm. Causes and cure of remitting or bilious fevers. Ph., 1798, 8vo, shp., 60c. 465. — General view of the principal theories or doc- trines of diseases. Ph., 1815, i2mo, shp., 30c. 466. — Historical account of the climates and diseases of the U. S. of America. Ph., 1792, 8vo, shp., 35c. 467. — A synopsis, or general view of the principal theories or doctrines of diseases. Ph., 1815, i2mo, hf. rn., 20c. 468. Cutbush, E. Observations on the means of preserving the health of soldiers and sailors. Ph., 1808, 8vo, bds., 35c. 469. Cutter, C. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene. B., 1853, i2mo, shp., 10c. 470. The Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology. Edited by R. B. Todd. L., 1836-52, 4 vols, 8vo., hf. mor., $2.25. 471. Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine. Edited by Forbes, Tweedie and Conolly. L., 1833-5, 3 vols., 8vo, cl., $2.00. 472. Czermak, Laryngoscope; Dusch, Thrombosis; Schroedcr Van Der Kolk, Atrophy of the brain; Radicke, Medical in- quiries ; Esmarch, Uses of cold. Selected monographs. New Syd. Soc. L., 1861, 8vo, cl., 75c. 473. Da Costa, J. M. Harvey and his discovery. Ph., 1879, 8vo, cl., 45c. 30 474- Da Costa, J. M. Medical diagnosis. Ph., 1864, 8vo, cl., 75c. 475. Dalton, J. C. Experimentation on animals. N. Y., 1875, izmo, cl., 20c. 476. Human physiology. 3d. ed. Ph., 1864, 8vo, cl., 45c. 477. Vivisection. N. Y., 1867, 8vo, hf. rn., 35c. 478. Daremberg, Ch. Histoire des sciences medicales. 2 vols. Paris, 1870, 8vo, unb., $1.50. 479. Darwin, E. Zoonomia. N. Y. 1796, 3 vols., 8vo, 90c. 4th. ed. Ph., 1818, 2 vols., 8vo, shp., 50c. 480. Davidson, W., and Hudson, A. The sources and mode of action of fever. Ph., 1842, 8vo, shp., 20c. 481. Davies, F. The unity of medicine. 2d. ed. L., 1870, 8vo, cl., 50c. 482. Davis, N. S. History of the American Medical Association. Ph., 1855, 8vo, cl., 25c. 483. Davy, J. Researches physiological and anatomical. L., 1839, 2 vols., 8vo, cl., 70c. Same, Ph., 1840, 8vo, shp., 15c. 484. — Some of the more important diseases of the army. L., 1862, 8vo, cl., 40c. 485. Dawes, R. Miscellanea ciitica—Ex recensione T. Kidd. Ed. secunda. L., 1827, 8vo, cl., 30c. 486. Day, G. E. Diseases of advanced life. Ph., 1849, 8vo, cl., 35c. 487. Day, \V. H. Essays on diseases of children. L., 1873, i6mo, cl., 60c. 488. Dean, J. Microscopic anatomy of the lumbar enlargement of the spinal cord. Cambridge, 1861, 4to, unb., 75c. 489. Delafield, F. Hand-book of post-mortem examinations and of morbid anatomy. N. Y., 1872, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 490. Delpech. Atlas de l’orthomorphie. P., 1828, 4to, bds., $1.00. 491. Demangeon, J. B. Anthropogenese ou generation de l’homme. P., 1829, 8vo, hf. shp., 50c. 492. De Mertens, C. An account of the plague which raged at Moscow in 1771. L., 1799, 8vo, bds., 20c. 31 493- Dendy, W. C. Practical remarks on diseases of the skin. Ph., 1841, 8vo, bds., 20c. 494. Denison, C. Rocky mountain health resorts. 2d. ed. Boston, 1881, 8vo, unb., 30c. 495. Denonvilliers, C., et Gosselin, L. Des maladies des yeux. P., 1855, 121110, hf. mor., 75c. 496. Depaul et al. De la syphilis vaccinale. P., 1865, 8vo, unb., 35c. 497. Desgenettes, R. Histoire medicale de l’armee d’orient. P., 1802, 8vo, hf. rn., 50c. 498. Desruelles, H. M. J. Traite de la coqueluche. P., 1827, 8vo, hf. bd., 45c. 499. Traite du croup. 2d. ed. P., 1824, i2mo, shp., 40c. 500. Devergie, A. Traite pratique des maladies de la peau. P., 1854, 8vo, 5 col. pi.,unb., 1.00. 501. Dewees, W. P. Diseases of females. Ph., 1826, 8vo, shp., 25c. 502. Essays on various subjects connected with midwifery. Ph., 1823, 8vo, shp., 30c. 503. Means of lessening pain of difficult parturi- tion. 2d. ed. Ph., 1819, 8vo, bds., 40c. 504. Practice of physic. Ph., 1833, 8vo, shp., 25c. 505. Dick, R. Derangements of the organs of digestion. Ph., 1842, 8vo, bds., 20c. 506. Dickinson, W. H. Pathology and treatment albuminuria. L., 1868, 8vo, cl., 80c. 507. Dickson, S. H. Elements of medicine. 2d. ed. Ph., 1859, 8vo, shp., 50c. 508. Essays on life, sleep, pain, etc. Ph., 1852, 8vo, cl., 35c. 509. Studies in pathology and therapeutics. N. Y., 1867, i2mo, cl., 25c. 510. Dictionnaire de Medecine et de Chirurgie Pratiques. Vols. 1-15. P., 1829-36, 8vo, hf. cf., $4.00. 32 511. Dictionnaire de Medecine ou Repertoire General des Sciences Medicales. 2d. ed. Yols. 1-30. P., 1832-46, 8vo, hf. cf., $7.00. 512. Dictionnaire des Sciences Medicales. Vols. 1-60. P., 1812-22, 8vo, hf. bd., $6.00. 513. Dictionnaire des Sciences Medicales. Biographie Medicale. 7 vols. P., 1820-5, 8vo, hf. cf., $2.00. 514. Diday, P. Syphilis in new born children. [New Syd. Soc.] L., 1859, 8vo, cl., 75c. 515. Dinner to Senor Matias Romero 29th. March, 1864. N. Y., 1866, 4to, unb., 15c. 516. Dispensatory of the U. S. of America. 9th. ed. Ph., 1851, 8vo, shp., 30c. Same. 13th. ed. Ph.. 1870, 8vo, shp., $1.00. 517. Dixon, E. H. Diseases of the sexual organs. N. Y., 1845, izmo, cl., 40c. 518. Dobell, H. On the true first stage of consumption. L., 1867, i2mo, cl., 35c. 519. Dobson, M. A medical commentary on fixed air. With an appendix by W. Falconer. Dublin, 1785, i2mo, shp., 50c. 520. Dolan, T. M. Hydrophobia. M. Pasteur and his methods. L., 1886, 8vo, unb., 25c. 521. Double, F. J. Semeiologie generale. Tome premier. P., 1811, 8vo, unb., ioc. 522. Drake, D. Discourses before the Cincinnati Medical Library Association Jan. 9th., 10th., 1852. Cin., 1852, i2mo, cl., 20c. 523. — Principal diseases of the interior valley of North America. 2 vols. Cin., 1850-54, 1 vol. cf., 1 vol. shp., $2.00. 524. Dreyssig. Traite du diagnostic medical. P., 1804, 8vo, shp., 35c. 525. Drysdale, C. R. Syphilis. L., 1872, 8vo, cl., 60c. 526. Duben, G. M. Microscopical diagnosis. N. Y., 1859, 8vo, cl., 30c. 527. The Dublin Hospital Reports and Communications in medi- cine and surgery. Vols. 1-5. Dub., 1818-30, 8vo, hf. cf., #3.00. 33 528. The Dublin Journal of Medical and Chemical Science. Vols. 1-28. Dub., 1832-45, 8vo, hf. cf., $16.00. [Vol. 26 imperfect.] 529. Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science. Vols. 1-42, 1846-66. L., 1846-66, 8vo, hf. mor., $30.00. 530. Dubois, P. A. L’art des accouchements. Tome 1. P., 1849, 8vo, unb., ioc. 531. Ducamp, T. Retention of urine. N. Y., 1827, 8vo, shp., 20c. 532. Ducatel, J. T. Manual of practical toxicology. • Balt., 1833, i2md, cl., 30c. 533. Duchenne, G. B. On localized electrization. Ph., 1871, 8vo, bds., 60c. 534. Ducrotay de Blainville. Cours de physiologie. Tomes 1 and 3. P., 1833, 8vo, unb., 15c. a vol. 535. Duffin, E. W. Influence of modern physical education of females. N. Y., 1830, 8vo, 25c. 536. Dufton, W. Nature and treatment of deafness. Ph., 1848, i2mo, cl., 45c. 537. Dumas, J., and Boussingault, J. B. The chemical and physiological balance of organic nature. Edited by L. P. . Gardner, M.D. N. Y., 1844, i2mo, cl., 20c. 538. Duncan, J. Matthews. On the mortality of child-bed and maternity hospitals. N. Y., 1871, 8vo, cl., 75c. 539. Practical treatise on perimetritis and parametritis. Edin., 1869, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 540. Researches in obstetrics. Edin., 1868, 8vo, cl., $2.00. 541. Dunglison, R. History of medicine. Arranged and edited by R. J. Dunglison. Ph., 1872, i2mo, cl., 50c. 542. Practice of medicine. Vol 1. Ph., 1842, 8vo, shp., 20c. 543. — The American Medical Intelligencer. Ph., 1838, 8vo, 30c. 544. — Therapeutics and materia medica. 3d. ed. 2 vols. Ph., 1846, 8vo, shp., 30c. 545. Dunglison, R. J. The practitioner’s reference book. Ph., 1877, 8vo, cl., 50c. 34 546. Duns, J. Memoir of Sir James Y. Simpson, Bart. Edin., 1873, 8vo, cl., 75c. 547. Duparcque, F. Diseases of the uterus. Ph., 1837, 8vo, shp., 25c. 548. — Functional and organic diseases of the uterus. Ph., 1837, 8vo, shp., 50c. 549. Dupuytren. On lesions of the vascular system. [New Syd. Soc.] L., 1854, 8vo, cl., 35c. 550. Durkee, Silas. Treatise on gonorrhoea and syphilis. 2d. ed. Ph., 1864, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 551. Earle, P. Practice of bloodletting in mental disorders. N. Y., 1854, 8vo, cl., 35c. 552. Ebekle, J. Diseases and physical education of children. 4th. ed. Notes and additions by T. A. Mitchell, M.D. Ph., 1850, 8vo, shp., 25c. 553. — A treatise on the materia medica and therapeu- ticsr 2 vols. Ph., 1822, 8vo, shp., 50c. 554. — Treatise on the practice of medicine. 2 vols. Ph., 1831, 8vo, shp., 25c. 555. Eclectic Journal of Medicine. Vols. 1-4. Ph., 1837-40, 8vo, shp., $2.00. 556. Eclectic Repertory. Vols. 1-10. Ph., 1811-20, 8vo, shp., $5.00. 557. Edinburgh Annual Register for 1809 and 1813. 2 vols. Edin., 1811-15, 8vo, bds., 40c. a vol. 558. Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal. Vols. 1-67. Edin., 1805-1845, 8vo, hf. cf., $40.00. 559. Edinburgh New Dispensatory. 12th. ed. Edin., 1830, 8vo, hf. cf., 20c. 560. Edmonston, A. Varieties and consequences of ophthalmia. Edin., 1806, 8vo, shp., 45c. 561. Edwards, W. F. De l’influence des agens physiques. P., 1824, 8vo, unb., 25c. 562. Elam, C. Medicine, disease and death. L., 1870, 8vo, cl., 40c. 563. Elliot, G. T. Obstetric clinic. N. Y., 1868, 8vo, cl., $1.50. 35 564. Elliotson, J. Principles and practice of medicine. Ph., 1844, 8vo, shp., 40c. 565. Ellis, B. Medical formulary. 5th. ed. Ph., 1838, 8vo, cl., 20c. 566. The medical formulary, nth. ed. Ph., 1864, 8vo, cl., 40c. 567. Ellis, G. E. Memoir of Jacob Bigelow, M.D. Cambridge, 1880, 8vo, cl., 25c. 568. Emmet, T. A. Principles and practice of gynaecology. Ph., 1879, 8vo, shp., $1.25. 569. Same. 2d. ed. Ph., 1880, 8vo, cl., $1.50. 570. Same. 2d. ed. Ph., 1880, 8vo, unb., 40c. [Slightly imperfect.] 571. Vesico-vaginal fistula. N. Y., 1868, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 572. Engelmann, W. Bibliotheca medico-chirurgica. Leipzig, 1868, 8vo, hf. mor., 50c. 573. Engelsted, S. Diagnose, Behandling, og Forebyggelse af veneriske Sygdomme. Kjobenhavn, 1877, 8vo, unb., 35c. 574. Epitome of Braithwaite’s Retrospect. Vols. 1, 2. N. Y., i860, 8vo, hf. cf., 50c. a vol. 575. Erichsen, J. E. Diseases of the scalp. L., 1842, 8vo, cl., 65c. 576. On railway and other injuries of the ner- vous system. Ph., 1867, 8vo, cl., 40c. 577. Esmarch, F. First aid to the injured. Translated by H. R. H. Princess Christian. L., 1882, i2mo, unb., 20c. 578. Esquirol, E. Des maladies mentales. 2 vols. P., 1838, 8vo, unb., 60c. 579. — Des maladies mentales. 2 Tomes accompagn- ees de 27 planches gravees. P., 1838, 8vo, hf. cf., $1.50. [Plates unbound.] 580. Essay on punctuation. Ph., 1789, i6mo, shp., 25c. 581. Essays on physiology and hygiene. Ph., 1838, 8vo, hf. mor., 40c. 582. Etherington, G. F. Vivisection investigated and vindi- cated. Tuebor, 1842, 8vo, cl., 30c. 36 583. Evans, T. W. Sanitary institutions during the Austro-Prus- •' sian-Italian conflict. 3d. ed. P., 1868, 8vo, unb., 45c. 584. Evanson, R. T., and Maunsell, H. Management and dis- eases of children. 2d. Amer. ed., with notes by D. F. Con- die. Ph., 1843, 8vo, shp., 45c. 585. Explication des ouvrages de peinture, sculpture, architecture, gravure et lithographic des artistes vivants exposes au Palais des Champs-Elysees 1875. P., 1875, 12 mo, unb., 10c. 586. Fabricius, H. Opera chirurgica. Lug. Bat., 1723, 4to, hf. shp., $2.00. 587. Faithhorn, J. On liver complaints. Ph., 1820, 8vo, bds., 30c. 588. Fawdington, T. A case of melanosis. L., 1826, 8vo, bds., 45c. 589. Fay, T. S. Die Sklavenmacht. Berlin, 1865, 8vo, 20c. 590. Fayrer, J. Clinical and pathological observations in India. L., 1873, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 591. Fenwick, S. The morbid states of the stomach and duodenum. L., 1868, 8vo, cl., 50c. 592. Ferriar, J. Medical histories and reflections. Ph., 1816, 8vo, shp., 40c. 593. Feuchtersleben, Baron E. von. The principles of medical psychology. [Syd. Soc.] L., 1847, 8yo, cl., 45c. 594. Fischer, E. Catalogue raisonne of the medical library of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Ph., 1857, 8vo, cl., 30c. 595. Fisher, J. D. Description of the distinct, confluent and in- oculated small-pox, etc. B., 1829, 4to, bds., $1.25. 596. Fisher, W. L. Institution of the Sabbath day. Ph., 1845, i2tno, unb., 15c. 597. Fletcher, R. Human proportion in art and anthropometry. Cambridge, Mass., 1883, 8vo, hf. bd., 40c. 598. Medico-chirurgical notes and illustrations. Pt. 1. [all published]. L., 1831, 4to, bds., 75c. 599. Flint, A. Diagnosis, pathology and treatment of diseases of the heart. Ph., 1859, 8vo, 75c* 600. — Same. 2d. ed. Ph., 1870, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 37 601. Flint, A. Essays on conservative medicine. Ph., 1874, i2mo, 45c. 602. — Muscular exercise. N. Y., 1871, 8vo, cl., 50c. 603. — On continued fever. Buffalo, 1852, 8vo, cl., 30c, 604. — Phthisis. Ph., 1875, 8yo> cl., $1.50. 605. — Physical exploration and diagnosis 6f diseases affect- ing the respiratory organs. Ph., 1856, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 606. — Principles and practice of medicine. 2d. ed. Ph., 1867, 8vo, cl., $2.00. 607. — Principles and practice of medicine. Ph., 1866, 8vo, cl., $3.50. 608. Flourens, P. Phrenology examined. Ph., 1846, i2mo, unb., 20c. 609. Fodere, F. E. Traite de medecine legale. 6 vols. P., 1813, 8vo, shp., 20c. 610. Traite de medecine legale et d’hygiene pub- lique. Tomes 1, 2, 4. P., 1813, 8vo, unb., 20c. a vol. 611. Traite du goitre et du cretinisme. P., 1790, 8vo, hf. bd., 45c. 612. Fonssagrives, J. B. Traite d’hygiene navale. P., 1856, 8vo, unb., 30c. 613. Foote, J. The practitioner’s pharmacopoeia. N. Y., 1855, 12mo, cl., 35c. 614. Forbes, J. Homoeopathy, allopathy and “young physic.” Ph., 1846, i2mo, unb., 15c. 615 Of nature and art in the cure of disease. N. Y., 1858, 8vo, cl., 30c. 616. On happiness in its relations to work and knowl- edge. L., 1850, i2mo, unb., 10c. 617. Forbes, W. S. History of the anatomy act of Pennsylvania. Ph., 1867, 8vo, cl., 15c. 6x8. Fordyce, G. Five dissertations on fever. 2d. ed. Boston, 1823, 8vo, shp., 20c. 619. — Same. Ph., 1846, 8vo, bds., 20c. 620. Forget, C. Medecine navale. 2 vols. P., 1832, 8vo, cf., 50c. 621. Fothergill, J. Works. L., 1781, 8vo, cf., 40c. 38 622. Fothergill, J. Works. L., 1783, 3 vols., shp., 75c. 623. Fothergill, J. Milnf.r. The heart and its diseases. Ph., 1872, 8vo, cl., $1.50. 624. Fournier, A. Fracastor, La syphilis, Le mal Fran9ais. P., 1869, i2mo, hf. cf., 75c. 625. Francis, ?. W. Biographical sketches of distinguished living New York surgeons. N. Y., 1866, i2mo, cl., 20c. 626. Memoir of the life and character of Prof. Valentine Mott. 2d. ed. N. Y., 1865, 8vo, unb., 20c. 627. Frantz, F. F. Materia medica and therapeutics condensed. Ph., 1868, i6mo, cl., ioc. 628. Freckleton, G. Outlines of general pathology. Ph., 1839, 8vo, hf. rn., 25c. 629. Freer, G. Observations on aneurism. Birmingham, 1807, 4to, bds., $1.25. 630. Frerichs, F. T. Diseases of the liver. [New Syd. Soc.] L., i860, 2 vols., 8vo, cl., #1.00. 631. Frick, G. Diseases of the eye. Balt., 1823, 8vo, shp., 40c. 632. Frick, C. Renal affections. Ph., 1850, i2mo, cl., 40c. 633. Friend, J. Emmenologia. L., 1752, i2mo, 80c. 634. The history of physick. 4th. ed. Part 1. L., 1750, 8vo, 15c. 635. Fuller, T. Pharmacopoeia extemporanea. Amstelodami, 1731, i2mo, shp., 25c. 636. Gairdner, W. T. Clinical medicine. Edin., 1862, i2mo, cl., 75c. 637- Medicine and medical education. Edin., 1858, i2mo, cl., 20c. 638. Gallap, J. A. Epidemic diseases. B., 1815, 8vo, shp., 30c. 639. Galton, D. Report descriptive of the Herbert Hospital at Woolwich. L., 1865, 4to, cl., 75c. 640. Gamgee, J. S. On the advantages of the starched apparatus. L., 1853, 8vo, cl., 30c. 641. Gannal, J. N. History of embalming. Trans, by R. Har- lan, M.D. Ph., 1840, 8vo, bds., 25c. 642. Gant, F. J. The irritable bladder. 3d. ed. Ph., 1872, 8vo, cl., 75c. 39 643- Gaste, L. F. Abregc de l’histoire de la medecine. P., 1835, 8v0> hf- rn-> 35c- 644. Gaubius, H. D. Institutions of medicinal pathology. Edin., 1778, 8vo, shp., 40c. 645. Gavarret, J. De la chaleur produite par les etres vivants. P., 1855, i2mo, hf. rn., 25c. 646. Gendrin, A. N. Histoire anatomique des inflammation. P., 1826, 2 vols., 8vo, hf. mor., $1.00. [Another copy 75c.] 647. Traite philopophique de medecine pratique. P., 1838, 3 vols., 8vo, unb., 80c. 648. Genzmer and Volkmann. Ueber septisches und aseptisches Wundfieber. Leipzig, 1877, 8vo, unb., 25c. 649. Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, I. Des anomalies de l’organisation chez l’homme et les animaux. Bruxelles, 1837, 2 vols., 8vo, shp., 60c. 650. Gerhard, W. W. Diseases of the chest. Ph., 1838, 8vo, 25c. 651. Same. Ph., 1842, 8vo, hf. bd., 35c. 652. Same. 4th. ed. Ph., i860, 8vo, shp., 45c. 653. Syllabus of a course of lectures on clinical medicine and pathology. Ph., 1837, 8vo, hf. rn., 25c. 654. Gibb, G. D. Diseases of the throat and windpipe. 2d. ed. L., 1864, 8vo, cl., 45c. 655. Gibbon, E. An essay on the study of literature. L., 1764, 8vo, 15c. 656. Gibert. Changes of the blood in disease. Ph., 1841, 8vo, 25c. 657. Gibson, W. Surgery. Vol. 2. Ph., 1827, 8vo, 10c. 658. Glover, J. Discourse on the life and character of Alex. Hodgdon Stevens, M.D. N. Y. [1871], 8vo, cl., 15c. 659. Glover, R. M. Pathology and treatment of scrofula. L., 1846, 8vo, cl., 45c. 660. Gluge, G. Atlas of pathological histology. Translated by J- Leidy. Ph., 1853, 4to, cl., $1.75. 661. Goddard, P. B. Plates of the arteries. Ph., 1839, 4to, hf. rn., $1.50. 40 662. Godman, J. D. Addresses delivered on various public occa- sions. With appendix on the injurious effects of tight lacing. Ph., 1829, 8vo, bds., 25c. 663. Goldsmith, M. Report on hospital gangrene. Louisville, 1863, 8vo, cl., 15c. 664. Gooch, B. Medical and chirurgical observations. L., n. d., 8vo, unb., 30c. 665. Gooch, R. Most important diseases peculiar to women. Ph., 1832, 8vo, shp., 20c. 666. — Same. 2d. ed. Ph., 1848, 8vo, shp., 30c. 667. — Same. [New Syd. Soc.] L., 1859, 8vo, cl., 60c. 668. Good, J. M. Study of medicine. Ph., 1825, 5 vols., 8vo, shp., $1.00. 669. Goodall, C. The College of Physicians vindicated. L., 1676, i2mo, shp., 50c. 670. Goodell, W. Lessons in gynecology. Ph., 1879, 8vo, cl., 80c. 671. Goodman, J. Reprints of papers upon gynecological subjects. Louisville, Ky., 1880, 8vo, cl., 80c. 672. Gordon, A., et al. History, pathology and treatment of puerperal fever and crural phlebitis. Ph., 1842, 8vo, 15c. 673. Goupil, J. M. A. Exposition des principes de la nouvelle doctrine medicale. P., 1824, hf. cf., 30c. 674. The new medical doctrine. Trans, by J. C. Nott. Columbia, 1831, 8vo, hf. rn., 30c. 675. Grace, Wm. The army surgeon’s manual. N. Y., 1864, i2mo, cl., 15c. 676. Graefe, A. von. On amblyopia and amaurosis. Boston, 1866, 8vo, hf. rn., 35c. 677. Graham, T. Elements of chemistry. Ph., 1843, 8vo, shp., 25c. 678. Graves, R. J. Clinical lectures, 1834-5 and 1836-7. Ph., 1838, 8vo, hf. cf., 35c. 679. Clinical medicine. Ph., 1848, 8vo, shp., 40c. 680. Practice of medicine. Dublin, 1864, 8vo, cl., 75c. 41 68 r. Gray, H. Anatomy. 2d. Amer. ed. Ph., 1862, 8vo, shp., $1.50. 682. Green, H. Pathology of croup. N. Y., 1849, i2mo, cl., 20c. 683. — Polypi of the larynx. N. Y., 1852, 8vo, cl., 65c. 684. — Selections from favorite prescriptions. N. Y., 1858, 8vo, cl., 45c. 685. Green, J. Practical compendium of the diseases of the skin. Ph., 1839, 8vo, shp., 35c. 686. Greenhow, E. H. On chronic bronchitis. Ph., 1869, 8vo, cl., 50c. 687. On diphtheria. N. Y., 1861, 8vo, cl., 45c. 688. Gregory, J. Lectures on the duties and qualifications of a physician. Ph., 1817, 8vo, bds., 25c. 688a. Griffiths, E. On ophthalmia. Ph., 1804, 8vo, unb., 25c. 689. Gross, S. D. Complimentary dinner given to * * * by his medical friends. Ph., 1879, 8vo, portrait, cl., 20c. 690. History of American medical literature from 1776 to the present time. Ph., 1876, 8vo, cl., 15c. 691. Memoir of Valentine Mott. Ph., 1868, 8vo, cl., 25c. 692. Memorial oration in honor of Ephraim Mc- Dowell. Louisville, Ky., 1879, 8vo, cl., 30c. 693. Guersant, M. P. Surgical diseases of infants and children. Ph., 1873, 8vo, unb., 25c. 694. Guillemeau, J. Les oeuvres de chirurgie. Rouen, 1749, fo., $2.00. 695. Gully, J. M. The water cure in chronic disease. N. Y., 1847, 8vo, cl., 30c. 696. Guthrie, G. J. Artificial pupil. L., 1819, 8vo, hf. shp., 50c. 697. Compound fractures; Christison, R., On the kidneys; Evers, P., On comparative anatomy. Ph., 1841, 8vo, shp., 30c. 698. Diseases and injuries of the arteries. L., 1830, 8vo, bds., 25c. 42 699- Guthrie, G. J. Operative surgery of the eye. 2d. ed. L., 1827, 8vo, bds., 80c. 700. Guy, W. A. Public health. L., 1870, i2mo, cl., 30c. 701. Public health. Pt. 2. War in its sanitary as- pects. L., 1874, i2mo, cl., 35c. 702. Guy’s Hospital Reports. 3d. series. Vols. n, 12, 14, 15. London, 1865-1870, 8vo, bds., $2.00. 703. Guy’s Hospital Reports. 3d. series. Vol. 16. L., 1871, 8vo, unb., 50c. 704. Haan, H. J. De ectopia cordis. Bonnae, 1825, 4to, unb., 25c. 705. Habershon, S. O. Observations on diseases of the alimentary canal. Ph., 1859, 8vo, cl., 35c. 706. Pathology and treatment of some diseases of the liver. Lettsomian lectures, 1872. Ph., 1872, i2mo, cl., 50c. 707. Haines, I. S. Catechism on chemistry. 2d. ed. Ph., 1839, i2mo, 15c. 708. Half-yearly abstract of the medical sciences. (Ranking.) N. Y., 1845-1860, 1867, 1868, 1869. N. Y. and Ph., 8vo, hf. shp., $4.00. 709. Half-yearly abstract of the medical sciences, Jan., 1845, to Tune, 1861, inc., July, 1866, to Jan., 1874, inc. N. Y. and Ph., 8vo, hf. cf., $5.00. 710. Half-yearly compendium of medical science. Vols. 1-10, 12, 13. Ph., 1868-1880, 8vo, hf. rn., $4.00. 711. Hall, F. de H. Differential diagnosis. Ph., 1879, 8vo, cl., 40c. 712. Hall, M. Circulation of the blood. Ph., 1835, 8vo, shp., 25c. 713. Essay on disorders of the digestive organs and general health. 2d. ed. Keene, N. H., 1823, 8vo, 25c. 714. — Morbid and curative effects of loss of blood. Ph., 1830, 8vo, bds., 20c. 715. The principles of diagnosis. _ 2d. ed. N. Y., 1835, 8vo, cl., 35c. 43 716. Hall, M. Theory and practice of medicine. Bost., 1839, 8vo, shp., 30c. 717. Haller, R. Pathological observations. L., 1756, 8vo, hf. cf., 45c. 718. Halsted, O. New method of curing dyspepsia. N. Y., 1830, i2mo, bds., 20c. 719. Hamilton, A. Outlines of the theory and practice of mid- wifery. Ph., 1790, i2mo, shp., 60c. 720. Hamilton, G. Biographical sketch of James Aitken Meigs, M.D. Ph., 1880, 8vo, cl., 15c. 721. Hamilton, J. Midwifery. Pt. 2. Ph., 1838, 8vo, shp., 10c. 722. : Purgative medicines in several diseases. Ph., 1818, 8vo, shp., 20c. 723. Use and abuse of mercurial medicines. N. Y., 1821, 8vo, shp., 35c. 724. Hamilton, W. History of medicine, surgery and anatomy. Vol. 1. L., 1831, 8vo, bds., 60c. 725. Hammond, W. A. Lectures on venereal diseases. Ph., 1864, 8vo, cl., 75c. 726. On wakefulness. Ph., 1866, i2mo, cl., 45c. 727. Treatise on hygiene. Ph., 1863, 8vo, cl., 45c. 728. Hare, R. Compendium of the course of chemical instruction in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania. Ph., 1828, 8vo, shp., 15c. 729. Harlan, R. Medical and physical researches. Ph., 1835, 8vo, cl., 45c. 730. Harley, J. The old vegetable neurotics; hemlock opium, belladonna and henbane. L., 1869, 8vo, cl., 65c. 731. Harris, Rev. J. The great commission. B., 1842, i2mo, cl., ioc. 732. Harrison, H. L. Legislation on insanity. Ph., 1884, 8vo, shp., $2.00. (Privately printed.) 733. Harrison, J. B. Popular medical errors. L., 1851, i2mo, cl., 20c. 44 734- Harrison, J. P. Essays and lectures on medical subjects. Ph., 1835, i2mo, cl., 20c. 735. Harrison, R. Surgical anatomy of the arteries of the human body. Vol. 1. 3d. ed. Dubl., 1833, i2mo, bds., 10c. 736. Hartshorne, H. Cholera. Ph., 1866, i6mo, hf. cl., 25c. 737. — Memoranda medica. Ph., i860, i2mo, cl., 20c. 738. On the arterial circulation. Ph., 1856, 8vo, cl., 30c. 739. Harvard University. One hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the medical school. Cambridge, 1884, 8vo, unb., 20c. 740. Harveius, G. Opera Omnia: A Collegio Medicorum Lon- dinensi Edita. [With portrait.] L, 1766, 4to, $10.00. 741. — Exercitationes de generatione animalium. Amst., 1651, i8mo, cf., 50c. 742. Harvey, A. Foetus in utero. L., 1886, i6mo, cl., 45c. 743. Hastings, C. Experimental inquiry of the general nature of inflammation. Ph., 1821, 8vo, bds., 20c. 744. Hasse, C. E. Anatomical description of the diseases of the organs of circulation and respiration. L., 1846, 8vo, cl., 50c. 745. Hatin, J. A manual of practical obstetrics. From the French, by S. D. Gross, M.D. Ph., 1828, i2mo, shp., 35c. 746. Hayn, H. Bibliotheca Germanorum Gynsecologica et Cos- metica. Leipzig, 1886, 8vo, unb., 35c. 747. Hays, I. Descriptions of the inferior maxillary bones of mastodons. Ph., 1833, 4to, unb., 40c. 748. Hayward, G. Surgical reports and miscellaneous papers on medical subjects. Boston, 1855, i2mo, cl., 35c. 749. Headland, F. W. Action of medicines in the system. 3d. ed. Ph., 1859, 8vo, cl., 50c. 750. Heberden, W. Commentaries on the history and cure of diseases. Ph., 1845, 8vo, 15c. 751. Hecker, J. F. C. Epidemics of the Middle Ages. Ph., 1837, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 752. Same. 3d. ed. L., 1859, 8vo, cl*> 45 753- Hegar, A. Die Castration der Frauen. Leipzig, 1879, 8vo, pap., 56C. 754. Heine, J. v. Spinale Kinderlahmung. 2te. Auflage. Stuttgart, i860, 8vo, hf. sbp., 45c. 755. Heister, L. A general system of surgery. 2 vols. L., 1855-7, 4to, cf., $2.00 756. Hempel, J. F. L. Die Prapositionen der franzosischen Sprache. Erster Band. Altenburg, 1846, 8vo, cl., 10c. 757. Henderson, T. Hints on the medical examination for re- cruits for the army. Ph., 1856, nmo, cl., 25c. 758. — Medical examination of recruits for the army. Ph., 1856, i2mo, cl., 25c. 759. Henle, J. A treatise on general pathology. Translated by H. C. Preston, M.D. Ph., 1853, 8vo, cl., 25c. 760. Hey, Wm. Practical observations in surgery. Ph., 1805, 8vo, bds., 45c. 761. Puerperal fever * * * which occurred in Leeds * * * 1809-12. Ph., 1817, 8vo, shp., 20c. 762. Same. L., 1815, 8vo, unb., 25c. 763. Hill, R. G. The entire abolition of mechanical restraint in the treatment of the insane. L., 1857, 8vo, cl., 60c. 764. Hillary, W. The concomitant epidemical diseases in the island of Barbadoes, to which is added a treatise on yellow fever. Ph., 1811, 8vo, shp., 25c. 765. Hillier, T. Diseases of children. L., 1868, i2mo, cl., 45c. 766. — Same. Ph., 1868, 8vo, cl., 45c. 767. — Hand-book of skin diseases. Ph., 1865, i2mo, cl., 45c. 768. Hilton, J. Developmental and functional relations of cer- tain portions of the cranium. L., 1855, 8vo, cl., 40c. 769. Hippocrates, The genuine works of. New Sydenham Society edition. 2 vols. L., 1849, cl., $1.00. 770. Histoire generate et particulier des anomalies de 1’organisa- tion chez l’homme et les animaux. Atlas. Bruxelles, 1837, 8vo, hf. bd., 60c. 771. History, pathology and treatment of puerperal fever. Ph., 1842, 8vo, bds., 20c. 46 772. Hodge, H. L. An eulogium on W. P. Dewees. Ph., 1842, 8vo, cl., 15th 7.73. On compression of the foetal head by the for- ceps and cephalotribe. N. Y., 1875, 8vo, unb., 15c. 774. On diseases peculiar to women. Ph., i860, 8vo, cl., 775. Principles and practice of obstetrics. Ph., 1866, 4to, cl., $5.00. 776. Hodgkin, T. On the serous membranes. Ph., 1838, 8vo, hf. cf., 25c. 777. Hodgson, J. Engravings intended to illustrate some of the diseases of the arteries. L., 1815, fo., bds.,$1.00. 778. Hoffbauer, J. C. Medecine legale. P., 1827, 8vo, unb., 20c. 779. Hoffman, F. Practice of medicine. L., 1783, 2 vols., 8vo, shp., $i.oo. 780. Hoffmann, G. V. Untersuchungen iiber Spaltpilze im menschlichen Blute. Berlin, 1884, 8vo, hf. rn., 50c. 781. Holden, L. The Hunterian oration, 1881. L., 1881, 8vo, cl., 40c. 782. Holmes, O. W. Homoeopathy and its kindred delusions. B., 1842, i2mo, bds., 15c. 783. Holmes, T. Surgical treatment of the diseases of infancy and childhood. 2d. ed. Ph., 1869, 8vo, cl., 65c. 784. Holthouse, C. Six lectures on the pathology of strabismus. L., 1854, 8vo, cl., 45c. 785. Home, Sir E. A short tract on the formation of tumors. L., 1830, 8vo, cl., bds., 30c. 786. Strictures in the urethra and in the oesophagus. Vol. 1, 3d. ed. L., 1805, 8vo, unb., 10c. 787. Hooker, W. Physician and patient. N. Y., 1849, 8v°> cl., 25c. 788. Hooper, R. Lexicon medicum or medical dictionary. 4th Amer. ed. N. Y., 1832, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, shp., 15c. 789. Hooper’s medical dictionary. N. t. p., 8vo, hf. cf., 20c. 790. Hope, J. Diseases of the heart and great vessels. Ph., 1842, 8vo, bds., 50c. 47 79i- Horner, F. Die Krankheiten des Auges im Kindesalter. Tubingen, 1882, 8vo, unb., 20c. [Handb. d. Kinderkrankheiten, v. 2.] 792. Horner, G. R. B. Diseases and injuries of seamen. Ph., 1854, i2mo, shp., 40c. 793. Medical and topographical observations upon the Mediterranean. Ph., 1839, 8vo, hf. cf., 35c. 794. Horner, W. E. Special and general anatomy. Vol. 1. Ph., 1826, 8vo, shp., 15c. 795. Treatise on pathological anatomy. Ph., 1829, 8vo, shp., 35c. 796. Hosack, D. Essays on various subjects of medical science. N. Y., 1830, 8vo, shp., 35c. 797. — Same. N. Y., 1824, 2 vols., 8vo, shp., 50c. 798. — Lectures on the theory and practice of physic. Ph., 1838, 8vo, shp., 30c. 799. — How to nurse sick children. N. Y., 1855, i6mo, cl., 15c. 800. Howship, J. Diseases of the lower intestines and anus. 3d. ed. L., 1824, 8vo, bds., 40c. 801. — Observations in surgery and morbid anatomy. L., 1816, 8vo, bds., 40c. 802. Hudson, A. Lectures on the study of fever. Ph., 1869, 8vo, hf. rn., 35c. 803. Hubner, J. Verzeichniss der Koniglichen Gemalde Gallerie zu Dresden. Dresden, 1862, i2mo, unb., 15c. 804. Hughes, D. E. Compend. of the practice of medicine. Pt. 1. Ph., 1883, i2mo, cl., 15c. 805. Hulke, J. W. Practical treatise on the use of the ophthal- moscope. L., 1861, 8vo, cl., 60c. 806. Humphry, G. M. Treatise on the human skeleton. Cambridge, 1858, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 807. Hunter, J. Works, edited by J. F. Palmer. Plates. L., 1837, 4to, cl., $1.00. 808. — The natural history of the human teeth. 3d. ed. L., 1803, 4to, bds., $1.00. 809. — Same. Ph., 1839, 8vo, shp., 40c. 810. — On certain parts of the animal economy. Ph., hf. cf., 35c. 48 811. Hunter, J. On the blood, inflammation and gun-shot wounds. Ph., 1817, 8vo, shp., 50c. 812. — Same. 2d. Amer. ed. Ph., 1823, 8vo, shp., 35c. 813. — Same. Ph., 1840, 8vo, hf. cf., 35c. 814. — On the venereal disease. Ph., 1839, 8vo, hf. cf., 35c. 815. — Same. Ph., 1853, 8vo, shp., 60c. 816. Hutchinson, B. Biographia medica. L., 1799, 8vo, 60c. 817. Hutchinson, J. Descriptive catalogue of diseases of the skin. New Syd. Soc. Part I. L., 1869, nmo, unb., 20c. 818. — Illustrations of clinical surgery. Plates 1-8. Ph., 1875-6, fo., unb., $2.00. 819. — On certain diseases of the eye and ear con- sequent on inherited syphilis. L., 1863, 8vo, cl., 65c. 820. Huxham, J. Essai sur les differentes de fievres. P., 1768, i2mo, shp., 40c. 821. An essay on fevers. 4th. ed. L., 1764, 8vo, cf., 50c. 822. Observationes de aere et morbis epidemicis. 2 vols. L., 1752, 8vo, cf., $1.00. 823. Huxley, T. H. Evidence as to man’s place in nature. N. Y., 1863, 8vo, cl., 30c. 824. Hygienic and medical reports by medical officers of the U. S. Navy. Prepared for publication by J. B. Parker. Wn., 1879, 8vo, unb., 50c. 825. Illinois State Board of Health. Conspectus of the Medi- cal Colleges of America. Springfield, 1884, 8vo, cl., 20c. 826. Illinois State Board of Health. Reports 3d., 4th., 5th., 6th., 7th. Springfield, 1882-85, 8vo, pap., 50c. each. 827. Influenza, Account of the origin, symptoms and cure of. Ph., 1832, 8vo, bds., 25c. 828. International Electrical Exhibition, 1884. Report of ex- aminers of electro-medical apparatus. Ph., 1886, 8vo, unb., 10c. 829. International Medical Congress of Philadelphia, 1876. Transactions. Edited by J. Ashhurst, Jr., M.D. Ph., 1877, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 830. J., M. W. Letters from a mother to a mother on the forma- tion, growth and care of the teeth. Ph., 1885, i6mo, pap., 10c. 49 831- Jackson, J. Another letter to a young physician. B., 1861, 121110, cl., 20c. 832. — Cases of cholera collected at Paris, 1832. B., 1832, 8vo, bds., 50c. 833. — Memoir of Janies Jackson, Jr. B., 1835, 8vo, 25c. 834. — Report on typhoid fever. Boston, 1838, 8vo, cl., 60c. 835. Jackson, J. B. S. Catalogue of the anatomical museum of the Boston Society for Medical Improvement. B., 1847, 8vo, cl., 25c. 836. Catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum. B., 1870, 8vo, cl., 35c. 837. Jackson, R. History and cure of contagious fever. L., 1819, 8vo, cl., 60c. 838. — A treatise on the fevers of Jamaica. L., 1791, 8vo, cf., 40c. 839- — Same. Ph., 1795, i2mo, shp., 35c. 840. Jackson, S. Principles of medicine. Ph., 1832, 8vo, slip., 35c. 841. Jackson, S. H. Treatise on sympathy. In two parts. L., 1781, 8vo, hf. shp., 40c. 842. Jacob, A. Inflammations of the eyeball. Dublin, 1849, 121110, cl., 45c. 843. Jacobi, A. Die Pflege und Ernahrung des Kindes. [Tubingen, 1882] 8vo, unb., 40c. 844. — On diphtheria. N. Y., 1880, 8vo, cl., #1.50. 845. Jacquot, F. Du typhus de l’armee d’orient. P., 1858, 8vo, hf. cf., 65c. 846. Jagielski, A. V. On Marienbad spa. L., 1873, 8v0> cl., 30c. 847. Jahrbucher der in- und auslandischen gesammten Medicin (Schmidt). Bands 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29> 3°, 3D 32> 33> 34- 1835-1842. Sup. 2, 1840. Leipzig, 1835-1842, 4to, bds., and hf. shp., 50c. a vol. 848. Jameson, H. G. A treatise on epidemic cholera. Ph., 1855, 8vo, cl., 40c. 849. Janeway, J. J. A brief memoir of John Syng Dorsey, M.D. New Brunswick, N.J., 1853, i2mo, pap., 15c. 50 850. Johnson, C. T. Practical essay on cancer. Ph., 1811, i2tno, slip., 50c. 851. Johnson, E. Life, health and disease. N. Y., 1850, 121110, cl., 30c. 852. Johnson, G. Albumen and sugar in the urine. L., 1884, 12010, unb., 35c. 853. — Derangements of the liver, internal organs and nervous system. Fr. the 3d. Lond. ed. Ph., 1826, i2mo, shp., 25c. 854. An essay on morbid sensibility of the stomach and bowels. Ph., 1827, i2mo, shp., 20c. 855. — Influence of tropical climates on European con- stitutions. N. Y., 1826, 8vo, shp., 45c. 856. Jones, C. Handfield. On functional nervous disorders. L., 1870, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 857. Jones, C. H., and Sieveking, E. H. A manual of patholo- gical anatomy. Ph., 1854, 8vo, cl., 40c. 858. Jones, H. B. Lectures on some of the applications of chem- istry and mechanics to pathology and therapeutics. L., 1867, 8vo, cl., 65c. 859. On animal chemistry. L., 1850, 8vo, cl., 35c. 860. Jones, J. Investigations, chemical and physiological, relative to certain American vertebrata. Washington, 1856, 4to, unb., 50c. 861. — Malarial fever. Ph., 1859, 8vo, unb., 40c. 862. — The surgical works of. 3d. ed. With notes by James Mease, M.D. Ph., 1795, i2mo, shp., 45c. 863. Jones, T. P. Conversations on chemistry. Ph., 1833, i2mo, slip., 20c. 864. Jones, T. W. Defects of sight and hearing. Ph., 1859, i6mo, cl., 45c. 865. Ophthalmic medicine and surgery. Ph., 1847, izmo, cl., 35c- 866. Jourdan, A. J. L. Histoire de la medecine. 9 vols. P., 1815-20, 8vo, hf. cf., $1.80. 867. Journal de Medecine, Chirurgie, Pharmacie, etc. Tomes 1-5, 9, 10, 23-27. P., an ix-xi [1801-13J, i2mo, bds., $1.50. 868. Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie. 3d. ser., Vols. 1-32, 37-46; 4th ser., Vols. 1-4. P., 1842-66, 23 vols., 8vo, hf. rn., 20c. per vol. (Vols. 25, 31, 32, 39, 40, bds. Vols. 25, 31, 39, imperfect.) 51 869. Journal de Pharmacie et des Sciences Accessoires. Tomes 17-27 j 1831-1841. P., 1831-1841, 8vo, hf. rn., 20c. a vol. 870. Journal of a cruise made to the Pacific ocean. Captain David Porter. Vol. 1. Ph., 1815, 8vo, shp., 20c. 871. Journal of Foreign Medical Science and Literature. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 1821-3. Ph., 8vo, hf. bd., 75c. 872. Journal of Health. Vol. 1. Ph., 1830, 8vo, shp., 50c. 873. Joy, W. Bruce, et. al. Dissertations on diseases of the diges- tive, urinary and uterine organs. Edited by A. Tweedie, M.D. Ph., 1841, 8vo, cl., 40c. 874. Judson, A. B. The treatment of white swelling of the knee. Reprint, 1886, 10c. 875. Jurgensen, T. Abdominal typhus. Leipzig, 1866, 8vo, unb., 20c. 876. Keen, W. W. Our recent debts to vivisection. Ph., 1885, 8vo, unb., 20c. 877. Keith, T. On the use of globes; or a philosophical view of the earth and heavens. N. Y., 1832, 8vo, shp., 20c. 878. King, D. Quackery unmasked. N. Y., 1858, i2mo, cl., 30c. 879. Kirkbride, T. S. Construction, organization, etc., of hos- pitals for the insane. 2d. ed. Ph., 1880, 8vo, cl., 50c. 880. Kirkland, T. An inquiry into the present state of medical surgery. Vol. 1. L., 1783, 8vo, cf., 25c. 881. Klein, C. H. von. Tabulae anatomicae osteologiae. Cin., 1883, 4to, cl., #1.50. 882. Klenze, L. V. Beschreibung der Glyptothek. Miinchen, 1863, i2mo, unb., 15c. 883. Knapp, M L. Epidemic cholera. Cin., 1855, 8vo, unb., 20c. 884. Nursing sore mouth. Ph., 1856, 8vo, unb., 20c. 885. Researches on primary pathology. 2 vols. Ph., 1858, 8vo, cl., 45c. 886. Kolltker, A. Manual of human microscopical anatomy. Ph., 1854, 8vo, shp., 50c. 887. — Mikroskopische Anatomie. 2. Bd., 2. Hlf. Von der Verdauungs-, Respirations-, Harn, etc. Leipzig, 1854, 8vo, hf. mor., 50c. 52 888. Kramer, W. Diseases of the ear. Ph., 1838, 8vo, bds., 35c. 889. Kuchenmeister, F. Animal and vegetable parasites. [Syd. Soc.] L., 1857, 2 vols., 8vo, cl., $2.00. 890. Kussmaul and Tenner, Epileptiform convulsions; Wagner, On resection of bones; Graefe’s three memoirs on iridectomy; Selected monographs. New Syd. Soc. L., 1859, 8vo, cl., 75c. 891. Lacassagne, A. De la putridite morbide. P., 1872, 8vo, unb.,4oc. 892. Lachapelle, Mme. Pratique des accouchemens. 3 tomes. P., 1821-5, 8vo, shp., $1.00. 893. Laennec, R. T. H. Diseases of the chest. N. Y., 1830, 8vo, shp., 40c. 894. Lagneau, L. V. Des maladies syphilitiques, 6th. ed. P., 1828, 2 vols., 8vo, hf. rn., $1.00. 895. Lallemand. Des pertes seminales involontaires. P., 1836, 8vo, hf. shp., 20c. 896. Practical treatise on the causes, symptoms and treatment of spermatorrhoea. Ph., 1858, 8vo, cl., 40c. 897. Seminal discharges. Ph., 1839, 8vo, hf. cf., 25c. 898. Lallemand, F. Recherches anatomico-pathologiques sur l’encephale. P., 1824, 8vo, unb., 30c. 899. — Same. Lettres 1-6. P., 1830, 8vo, unb., 50c. 900. Lallouette, J. F. A. Essai sur la rage. P., 1812, 8vo; 40c. 901. Lancereaux, E. Treatise on syphilis, historical and practical. 2 vols. New Syd. Soc. L., 1868, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 902. Lancisius, J. M. Opera. Genevae, 1718, 4to, vel., $1.00. 903. Lane, L. C. Shadows in the ethics of the International Medical Congress. San Francisco, 1885, 8vo, unb., 10c. 904. Larrey, Baron. Relation medicale de campagnes et voyages de 1815 P., 1841, 8vo, unb., 25c. 905. Larrey, H. B. Notice sur l’hygiene des hopitaux militaires. P., 1862, 8vo, unb., 20c. 906. La Roche, R. Medical education and institutions. N. t. p., 1831, hf. bd., 20c. 53 907. La Roche, R. Pneumonia, its supposed connection with autumnal fevers. Ph., 1854, 8vo, cl., 40c. 908. — Yellow fever. 2 vols. Ph., 1855, 8vo, cl., #1.00. 909. Latham, P. M., Clinical medicine; Andral, G., Medical clinic ; Malcolmsom, Cases of liver abscess; Amussat’s lec- tures on retention of urine. Ph., 1837-40, 8vo, hf. mor., 40c. 910. Diseases of the heart. Ph., 1847, 8vo, shp., 30c. 911. Same. Ph., 1847, 8vo, bds., 15c. 912. Lectures on subjects connected with clini- cal medicine. Ph., 1837, 8vo, shp., 20c. 913. Same. 2d. ed. Ph., 1847, shp., 20c. 914. Latham, R. G. The works of Thos. Sydenham, M.D. 2 vols. Syd. Soc. L., 1848, 8vo, cl., 60c. 915. Laurence, J. Z. Diagnosis of surgical cancer. L., 1855, 8vo, cl., 50c. 916. Laurence, J. Z., and R. C. Moon. Handy-book of oph- thalmic surgery. Ph., 1866, 8vo, cl., 35c. 917. Same. 2d. ed. Ph., 1869, 8vo, unb., 35c. 918. Lauverjat. L’operation Cesarienne. P., 1788, 8vo, hf. bds., 60c. 919. Lawrence, W. Diseases of the eye. With additions by I. Hays. _ Ph., 1843, 8vo, shp., 35c. 920. Laws and regulations of the American Medical Association. Ph., 1855, i2mo, cl., ioc. 921. Laycock, T. On hysteria. Ph., 1840, 8vo, hf. cf., 40c. 922. Leared, A. Imperfect digestion. L., 1861, i6mo, cl., 35c. 923. LeBel. L’anatomie de la langue latine. P., 1764, i2mo, shp., 20c. 924. Leber, F. Prselectiones anatomicae. Edin., 1790, 8vo, hf. cf., 30c. 925. Lebert, H. Des maladies cancereuses. P., 1851, 8vo, hf. cf., 60c. 926. Lecarpentier, C. J. F. Itineraire de Rouen ou guides des voyageurs dans cette ville. Rouen, 1826, i2mo, ioc. 54 927. Le Diberder, H. Des fractures du crane. P., 1869, 8vo, 1111b., 25c. 928. Lee, E. Observations on the principal medical institutions and practice of France, Italy and Germany. L., 1835, 8v0> hf- shp., 25c- 929. Same. Ph., 1837, 8vo, 25c. 930. Lee, H. Inflammation of the veins. L., 1850, 8vo, cl., 60c. 931. On syphilitic and vaccino-syphilitic inoculations. 2d. ed. L., 1863, 8vo, cl., 80c. 932. Lee, J. G. Hand-book for coroners. Ph., 1881, 8vo, cl., 50c. 933. Lee, R. Ovarian and uterine diseases. L., 1853, i6mo, cl., 45c. 934. Lectures on the theory and practice of midwifery. Ph., 1844, 8vo, bds., 30c. 935. Lee, T. S. Tumors of the uterus. L., 1847, 8vo, cl., 45c. 936. Leffingwell, A. Vivisection. No imprint, 1884, 8vo, unb. 937. Le Gallois. Experiments on the principle of life. Ph., 1813, 8vo, bds., 20c. 938. Legislation on insanity. A collection of all the lunacy laws of the states and territories of the United States to the year 1883, inclusive. Privately printed. Ph., 1884, 8vo, shp., 51.00. 939. Lehmann, C. G. Physiological chemistry. [Cavendish Soc.] L., 1851-4, 3 vols., 8vo, cl., 55.00. 940. Leidy, J. On the extinct species of American ox. Ph., 1852, 4to, 8 pi., unb., 50c. 941. Leishman, W. Mechanism of parturition. L., 1864, 8vo, cl., 65c. 942. Lempriere, W. Diseases of the army in Jamaica, 1792-97. L., 1799, 2 v°ls> 8vo> hf. cf., 50c. 943. Leo-Wolf, W. Remarks on the abracadabra of the 19th century. N. Y., 1835, 8vo, bds., 40c. 944. Le Roy. Du pronostic dans les maladies aigues. Montpelier, 1804, 8vo, unb., 30c. 945. Letters and other documents relating to the late epidemic of yellow fever. Balt., 1820, 8vo, hf. shp., 75c. 55 946. Lettsom, J. Coakley. History of the origin of medicine. L., 1778, 4to, hf. shp., 50c. 947. Levket, A. L’art des accouchemens. P., 1766, 8vo, shp., 60c. 948. Levvin, G. The treatment of syphilis with subcutaneous sub- limate injections. Translated by C. Proeglei and E. H. Gale. Ph., 1872, 8vo, cl., 80c. 949. Library Company of Philadelphia. Catalogue. Vol. 2, Pt. 1. Ph., 1813, 8vo, hf. bds., 25c. 950. Library of practical medicine. Published by the Massachu- setts Medical Society. B., 1836, 8vo, cl., 35c. 951. Liebig, Baron. Animal chemistry. Edited by Wm. Greg- ory, M.D. N. Y., 1848, i2mo, cl., 20c. 952. Letters on chemistry. N. Y., 1843, i6mo, bds., 10c. 953. Life-saving service of the U. S., Revised regulations for the government of. Wn., 1877, 8vo, cl., 20c. 954. Lind, J. Diseases incidental to Europeans in hot climates. 2d. ed. L., 1771, 8vo, 30c. 955. — Same. 6th. ed. L., 1808, bds., 30c. 956. Linnaeus. Reflections on the study of nature. Dub., 1786, 8vo, unb., 40c. 957. Linton, M. L. General pathology. St. Louis, 1851, 8vo, cl., 35c. 958. Lisfranc. Diseases of the uterus. Boston, 1839, 8vo, cl., 75c. 959. Liston, G. Practical surgery. Ph., 1838, 8vo, hf. cf., 30c. 960. Liston, R. Elements of surgery. Ph., 1837, 8vo, shp., 20c. 961. Liston, R., Elements of surgery ; Cutler, T., Surgeons’ prac- tical guide ; Ricord, Venereal disorders. 1 vol. Ph., 1837-40, 8vo, hf. mor., 30c. 962. Littell, S. Manual of the diseases of the eye. 2d. ed. Ph., 1846, i2mo, cl., 40c. 963. Little, W. J. Medical and surgical aspects of in-knee (Genu-Valgum). L., 1882, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 964. Littre, E. CEuvres completes d’Hippocrate. Tomes 1 and 3. P., 1839-41, 8vo, unb., 20c. a vol. 56 965. Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical Journal, July, 1882. Liverpool, 1882, 8vo, unb., 15c. 966. Lives of British physicians. L., 1830, i6mo, hf. cf., 50c. 967. Livius, Titus. Historiarum, Liber primus. B., 1851, 121110, shp., 30c. 968. Lizars, J. Observations on extraction of diseased ovaria. Edin., 1825, fo., $1.50. 969. Lobb, H. W. On some of the more obscure forms of ner- vous affections. L., 1858, 8vo, cl., 50c. 970. Lobstein, J. F. Structure, functions and diseases of the human sympathetic nerve. Ph., 1831, 8vo, cl., 20c. 971. Traite d’anatomie pathologique. P., 1829, fo., bds., $2.00. 972. Lobstein, J. F. I). General guide for practising physicians. Ph., 1823, 161110, slip., 20c. 973. Phosphorus in the treatment of various diseases. Ph., 1825, 8vo, bds., 45c. 974. London and Edinburgh Monthly Journal of Medical Science, 1841, 1842, 1844, 1846-51. L., 1841-51, 10 vols., 8vo, cl., $6.00. 975. London and Provincial Medical Directory, 1853, 1868, 1880. L., 1853-80, 8vo, cl., 90c. 976. London Lancet. 27 vols. N. Y., 1850-1863, roy. 8vo, hf. bd., $6.00. 977. London Medical and Physical Journal. Vols. 49, 50, 1823. N. t. p., 8vo, hf. bd., 40c. 978. London Medical Gazette, 1827-49. L., 1828-49, 43 vols., 8vo, hf. cf., $20.00. (Vol. 5, n. s., July-Dee., 1847, missing.) 979. Longet, F. A. Traite de physiologie. Tome 1. P., 1861, 8vo, unb., 20c. 980. Louis, P. Ch. A. Effects of blood-letting in some inflamma- tory diseases. Boston, 1836, 8vo, cl., 45c. 981. Examen de l’examen de M. Broussais rela- tivement a la phthisie et a l’affection typhoide. P., 1834, 8vo, unb., 25c. 982. Gastro-enterite, putrid, adynamic, ataxic or typhoid fever. Trans, by Bowditch. 2 vols. Bost., 1836, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 57 983- Louis, P. Ch. A. On phthisis. Trans, by C. Cavan. Bost., 1836, 8vo, cl., 60c. 984. On the effects of blood-letting. Trans. by C. G. Putnam, M.D. Bost., 1836, 8vo, 35c. 985. Recherches sur la maladie connue sous les noms de gastro-enterite, fievre putride, etc. 2 Tomes. P., 1829, 8vo, unb., 60c. 986. Yellow fever of Gibraltar, 1828. B., 1839, 8vo, cl., 40c. 987. Louisiana State Board of Health, Quarantine and sanitary operations of. Baton Rouge, La., 1884, 8vo, unb., 75c. 988. Louisville Medical News. Vols. 1 and 2, 1876. Louisville, 1876, 1 vol., 8vo, hf. rn., 60c. 989. Louisville Review, 1856. N. t. p., 8vo, hf. bd., 50c. 990. Lugol, J. G. A. On scrofulous diseases. N. Y., 1845, I2mo> cl., 35c- 991. Lyman, G. H. History and statistics of ovariotomy. B., 1856, 8vo, unb., 25c. 992. Lyons, R. D. On fever. Ph., 1861, 8vo, cl., 25c. 993. Macartney, J. Treatise on inflammation. Ph., 1840, 8vo, hf. shp., 35c. 994. Macbride, D. Theory and practice of physic. L., 1772, 4to, $1.00. 995. M’Clellan, G. Practice of surgery. Ph., 1848, 8vo, shp., 20c. 996. M’Clintock, A. H. Diseases of women. Dublin, 1863, 8vo, cl., $1.40. 997. Macculloch, J. Remittent and intermittent diseases. Ph., 1830, 8vo, cl., 20c. 998. M’Gregor, J. Medical sketches of the expedition to Egypt from India. L., 1804, 8vo, 30c. 999. Macilwain, G. Memoirs of John Abernethy, F.R.S. N. Y., 1853, i2mo, cl., 45c. 1000. McKean and Elk Land and Improvement Co., First an- nual report. Ph., 1857, 8vo, cl., 20c. 1001. Mackenzie, M. Essay on growths in the larynx. Ph., 1871, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 58 1002. Mackenzie, M. The pharmacopoeia of the hospital for dis- eases of the throat. L., 1872, i2mo, cl., 25c. 1003. — The use of the laryngoscope. L., 1865, 8vo, cl., 30c. 1004. Mackintosh, J. Practice of physic. Wn., 1834-6, 2 vols., 8vo, shp., 20c. 1005. — Principles of pathology and practice of medicine. 4th. ed. Ph., 1844, 8vo, shp., 50c. 1,006. Maclachlan, D. Practical treatise on the diseases and in- firmities of advanced life. L., 1863, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 1007. Maclean, C. Epidemic and pestilential diseases. L., 1817, 2 vols., 8vo, hf. shp., #1.50. 1008. M’, H. An enquiry into the nature and causes of the great mortality among the troops at St. Domingo. L., 1797, 8vo, hf. cf., 40c. 1009. Maclean, L. Inquiry into the nature, causes and cure of hydrothorax. Hartford, 1814, 8vo, shp., 15c. 1010. Maclise, J. Surgical anatomy. Ph., 1851, 4to, hf. mor., $2.00. ion. Macmichael. The gold-headed cane. 2d. ed. L., 1828, i2mo, bds., 40c. 1012. Macquer. Dictionnaire de chymie. Tome 2. P., 1778, i2mo, shp., 15c. 1013. Magendie, F. Lectures on the blood. Ph., 1839, 8vo, cl., 35c. 1014. Same (Ph., 1839, 8vo), and Clutterbuck, H., Lectures on blood-letting. Ph., 1839, 8vo, 75c. 1015. Mahon, P. A. O. M6decine legale, et police medicale. Avec notes by Fautrel. P., 1811, 3 vols., 8vo, shp., 90c. 1016. Malcolmson, J. G. On some cases of liver abscess. Ph., 1839, 8vo, hf. shp., 35c. 1017. Malgaigne, J. F. Atlas. Traite des fractures et des luxa- tions. P., 1855, fo., hf. mor., #1.00. 1018. Mann, J. Medical sketches of the campaigns of 1812-13-14. With appendix. Dedham, 1816, 8vo, bds., 50c. 1019. Mansford, J. G. Nature and causes of epilepsy. Bath, 1819, 8vo, bds., 40c. 59 1020. Manson, A. Researches on the effects of iodine. L., 1825, 8vo, bds., 45c. 1021. Manual of military surgery, Confederate States Army. Richmond, 1863, 12010, bds., 35c. 1022. Marcano, V. Elementos de filosofia quimica. Caracas, 1881, 8vo, unb., 20c. 1023. Marchetti, A. Di Tito Lucrezio Caro. 6th. ed. Tomo t. Amsterdamo, 1804, i6mo, 10c. 1024. Marine-Hospital service of the U. S. Annual reports of the supervising Surgeon-General, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876-77, 1878-79, 1880, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885. Wn., 1874-85, 8vo, cl., 30c. each. 1025. Markham, W. O. Bleeding and change in type of disease. L., 1864, i2mo, unb., 30c. 1026. Marshall, E. D. Life and services of Daniel Drake. Cin., 1855, 8vo, cl., 30c. 1027. Marshall, H. On the enlisting, discharging and pension- ing of soldiers. Ph., 1840, 8vo, hf. shp., 15c. 1028. Martin, J. R. Influence of tropical climates on European constitutions. L., 1856, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1029. Martinet, L. Manual of pathology. Ph., 1827, i6mo, shp., 15c. 1030. — Manuel de therapeutique. P., 1828, i6mo, unb., 20c. 1031. Martins, Ch. Du microscope. P., 1839, 4to, unb., 30c. 1032. Maryland Medical and Surgical Journal. Vols. 1-3. Balt., 1840-3, 8vo, hf. bds., $2.00. 1033. Maryland Medical Recorder. Vols. 1, 2, 3. Balt., 1829-32, 8vo, bds., 75c. 1034. Massachusetts Medical Society, Medical communications. Vols. 3, 4. 1822, 1829. 2d. series, vols. 1-6, 1836-64. B., 1822-64, 8vo, hf. shp., 50c. a vol. 1035. Massachusetts State Board of Health. Fifth annual re- port, 1874. B., 1874, 8vo, unb., 40c. 1036. Massachusetts State Board of health, lunacy and charity. Report of, 1880. Supplement. B., 1881, 8vo., cl., 50c. 1036a. Massie, T. Experimental enquiry into the properties of the Polygala Senega. [Ph., 1803], 8vo, unb., 25c. 60 103 7- Mathias, A. The mercurial disease. Ph., 1811, 8vo, 30c. 1038. Maunoir, T. De la cataracte. P., 1833, 4to, unb., 50c. 1039. Mauriceau, F. The diseases of women with child. 8th. ed. L., 1752, 8vo, cf., 40c. 1040. Mauthner, L. W. Die Krankheiten des Gehirns und Riickenmarks bei Kindern. Wien, 1844, 8vo, cl., 60c. 1041. Maxson, E. R. Practice of medicine. Ph., 1861, 8vo, shp., 50c. 1042. Mayer, J. G. U. Beschreibung des ganzen menschlichen Korpers. Bande 1-7. Berlin, 1783-94, 8vo, bds., 50c. 1043. Maygrier, J. P. Nouvelles demonstrations d’accouche- mens. P., 1822, fo., hf. cf., $3.00. 1044. Midwifery illustrated. N. Y., 1833, 8vo, plates, bds., $1.50. 1045. Mayne, J. A dispensatory and therapeutical remembrancer. Revised by R. E. Griffith, M.D. Ph., 1848, i2mo, cl., 30c. 1046. Mayo, H. Outlines of human pathology. L., 1836, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1047. Mead, R. Account of poisons, etc. (No title page.) 4to, hf. shp., 50c. 1048. — Medical works. Edin., 1775, 8vo, shp., 75c. 1049. Meadows, A. A manual of midwifery. Ph., 1871, 8vo, cl., $1.50. 1050. Mease, J. On the causes, cure, and prevention of the sick- headache. 5th. ed. Ph., 1832, 8vo, bds., 20c. 1051. Meckel, J. F. Anatomy. 3 vols. Ph., 1832, 8vo, shp., 40c. 1052. General descriptive and pathological anat- omy. 3 vols. N. Y., 1831, 8vo, shp., 50c. 1053. — Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1812-18, 8vo, hf. shp., 75c. 1054. Manuel d’auatomie. Tomes 2 and 3. P., 1825, 8vo, unb., 15c. a vol. 1055. Traite general d’anatomie comparee. P., 1828-38, 10 vols., 8vo, hf. rn., $2.00. 61 1056. Medical and Physical Journal. Vols. 8, 10, 15. L., 1802-6, 8vo, $1.00. 1057. Medical and surgical history of the British Army which served in Turkey and the Crimea. L., 1858, 2 vols., fo., $2.00. 1058. Medical and surgical history of the war of the rebellion. (1861-5.) Wn., 1870-83, 4 vols., 4to, cl., $16.00. 1059. Medical and surgical monographs. By Drs. Ash well Car- penter et al. Ph., 1840, 8vo, hf. bds., 25c. 1060. Medical and Surgical Register. Part 2. Vol. 1. N. Y., 1820, 8vo, bds., 40c. 1061. Medical and Surgical Reporter. Vols. 1-37, 41, 43, 44. Ph., 1858-81, 8vo, hf. rn., $6.00. 1062. Medical and surgical reports of the City Hospital of the City of Boston. 3d. series. B., 1882, 8vo, 60c. 1063. Medical Bulletin. Vol. 3, 1881. Ph., 8vo, hf. rn., 50c. 1064. Medical, chirurgical and anatomical cases and experiments. L., 1758, 8vo, shp., 55c. 1065. Medical commentaries for 1788-95. Vols. 3-10. Edin., 1789-95, 8vo, hf. shp., $6.00. 1066. Medical essays and observations. Published by a society in Edinburgh. 4th. ed. Edin., 1752, 6 vols., i2mo, cl., $1.50. (Another copy, 5th. ed. Edin., 1771, 6 vols., i2mo, 80c.) (Another copy, 3d. ed. Vols. I, 3, 4, 1747, i2mo, 45c.) 1067. Medical Examiner, The. Vols. 1-7, 1838-44. N. S., vols. 1-12, 1845-56. Ph., 8vo, hf. shp., $8.00. 1068. Medical Examiner. Vols. 1-4. N. S., Vols. 1-12, 1838-56. 19 vols. Ph., 1838-56, 8vo, hf. cl., $7.00. 1069. Medical facts and observations. Vols. 1, 2. L., 1791, 8vo, hf. shp., $1.40. 1070. Medical Magazine, The. Vol. 1. Boston, 1833, 8vo, 50c. (No. 15, vol. 2, 1833; No. 16, vol. 3, 1835, ioc. a number.) 1071. Medical Museum, The. Vols. 1 and 2. L., 1763, 8vo, $2.00. 1072. Medical Register of the City of New York, 1865, 1873. N. Y., 1865, i2mo, cl., 20c. a vol. 62 io73- Medical Record. Vols. 3-12, 17, 18, 19, 21. N. Y., 1868-82, 4to, hf. rn., $7.00. 1074. Medical Repository. 3d. ed. Vols. 1-20, 22. N. Y., 1804-22, 8vo, shp., $10.00. 1075. Medical Repository. 3d. ed. Vols. 1-19, n. s. 5-7. N. Y., 1804-18, 1822-22, 8vo, cf., $ro.oo. 1076. Medical Review and Analectic Journal, The. Vols. 1-3. Ph., 1824-26, 8vo, $1.50. 1077. Medical Times. Vols. 1-7. Ph., 1870-77, 4to, hf. rn., $4.00. 1078. MEDico-Chirurgical Review and Journal of Medical Science. Vols. 1-4, 1820-24; n. s., Vols. 1-34, 1824-41. L. and N. Y., 8vo, hf. cl., $20.00. 1079. MEDico-Chirurgical Review and Journal of Medical Science. Vols. 1-51. N. Y., 1823-47; n. s., Vols. 1-27. Ph., 1848-61, 8vo, hf. shp., $25.00. 1080. MEDico-Chirurgical Transactions. 2d. ed. Vols. 1-47. L., 1812-64, 8vo, bds. and cl., $30.00. 1081. MEDico-Chirurgical Transactions. Vols. 1-22, 30, 33-38, 51, 55. L., 1815-72, 32 vols., 8vo, $20.00. [Binding not uniform.] 1082. Meigs, C. D. Females and their diseases. Ph., 1848, 8vo, shp., 40c. 1083. Obstetrics. 3d. ed. Ph., 1856, 8vo, shp., 40c. 1084. On the Corpus Luetum. Read before the Am. Phil. Soc., Jan. 15th, 1847. 4to, unb., 30c. 1085. Meigs, J. F. History of the first quarter of the second century of the Penna. Hospital. Ph., 1877, 8vo, cl., 25c. 1086. Meigs, J. F., and Pepper, W. Practical treatise on the dis- eases of children. Ph., 1870, 8vo, cl., $2.50. 1087. Memoir of Edward A. Holyoke. B., 1829, 8vo, cl., 15c. 1088. Memoires de l’Academie Royale de Medecine. Tomes 6, 7. P., 1837-8, 4to, unb., $1.00. 1089. Memoires de la Societe Medicale d’Emulation. 2e ed. P., 1802-17, 8 vols., 8vo, $2.00. 63 logo. Memoires de la Societe Medicale d’Observation de Paris. Tome 2. P., 1844, 8vo, unb., 40c. 1091. Memoires d’un apothicaire sur la guerre d’Espagne pendant, 1808-14. Ph., 1833, 8vo, 20c. 1092. Memoirs of the Medical Society of London. Instituted 1873. Vols. 1-6. L., 1792-1805, 8vo, cf., #5.00. 1093. Memphis Medical Recorder, The. Vols. 3, 4, 1854-55. Memphis, 1854-5, 8vo, hf, cl., 50c. a vol. No. 4, Vol. 1, 1853 ; Nos. 2, 3, 5, 6, Vol. 2, 1853-4; Nos. 1, 2, 3> 5> Vol. 6, 1857, ioc. a number. 1094. Meniere, P. L’hotel Dieu de Paris en Juillet et Aout 1830. P., 1830, 8vo, hf. cf., 40c. 1095. Merat, F. V., et A. J. De Lens. Dictionnaire universel de matiere medicale. 6 tomes. P., 1829-34, 8vo, hf. cf., #1.75. 1096. Merriman, S. Difficult parturition. With notes by T. C. James. Ph., 1816, 8vo, shp., 25c. 1097. Meteorological Register. Years 1826-42, inclusive. 2 vols. Wn., 1851, 8vo, cl., 25c. each. 1098. Metropolitan Board of Health of the State of New York, 2d. annual report, 1867. N. Y, 1868, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1099. Meylor, J. J. Watson abridged. Ph., 1867, i2mo, cl., 30c. 1100. Mialhe. Traite de Part de formuler. P., 1845, izmo, unb., 30c. 1101. Michael, J. D. Praelectiones de sacra poesi hebraeorum notae et epimetra. Oxonii, 1763, 8vo, 30c. 1102. Michaelis, G. A. Das Enge Becken. Herausgegeben von C. C. Theo. Litzmann. 2. Auf. Leipzig, 1865, 8vo, hf. mor., 60c. 1103. Michell, W. Parturition and the use of ergot of rye. L., 1828, 8vo, unb., 25c. 1104. Michigan State Board of Health, 3d., 4th., 5th. and nth. an- nual reports. 3 vols. Lansing, 1876-78, 8vo, cl., $1.50. 1105. Midland Quarterly Journal of the Medical Sciences, May, 1857. Birmingham, 1857, 8vo, bds., 50c. 1106. Mihles, S. Essays and observations relating to the practice of physic and surgery. Vol. 1 L., 1745, 8vo, cf., 30c. 64 iio7- Miller, E. The medical works of. N. Y., 1814, 8vo, shp., 30c. 1108. Miller, H. The principles and practice of obstetrics. Ph., 1858, 8vo, shp., #1.00. 1109. Miller, J. Alcohol. Ph., 1859, i2mo, cl., 25c. mo. Millingen, J. G. Curiosities of medical experience. 2d. ed. L., 1839, 8vo, hf. cf., 50c. mi. Millingen, J. G., Curiosities of medical experience; Prich- ard, J. C., On insanity; Esquirol, On mental disease; Dickson, S. H., On dengue. Ph., 1838-9, 8vo, hf. mor., 40c. 1112. Milman. L’origine et le siege du scorbut et des fievres putrides. (P., 1786, 8vo.) Sur les maladies epizootiques de Saint-Dominique. Au Cap-Francois, 1788, 8vo, hf. bds., 35c. 1113. Milton, J. L. The laws of life and their relation to diseases of the skin. L., 1882, i2mo, pap., 10c. 1114. Minor, T. C. Erysipelas and child-bed fever. Cin., 1874, 8vo, cl., 80c. 1115. Minutes of the proceedings of the committee appointed on the 14th Sept., 1793, * * * to attend to the sufferings of the afflicted with malignant fever. Ph., 1848, 8vo, bds., 35c. 1116. Minutes of the State Medical Society of Arkansas. 9th. an- nual session, 1884. 8vo, unb., 15c. 1117. Mitchell, J. K. Five essays. Ph., 1859, i2mo, cl., 40c. 1118. Mitchell, S. W. Diseases of the nervous system. Ph., 1881, i2mo, cl., 60c. 1119. Experimental contributions to the texi- cology of rattle-snake venom. N. Y., 1868, 8vt>, hf. shp., 40c. 1120. Injuries of nerves. Ph., 1872, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1121. Researches upon the venom of the rattle- snake. Wn., 1861, 4to, unb., $1.00. 1122. Mitchell, S. W., and Morehouse, G. R. Researches upon the anatomy and physiology of respiration of the chelonia. Wn., 1863, 4to, 50c. 65 xi 23. Mitchell, S. Weir, et al. Gunshot wounds and other injuries of nerves. Ph., 1864, i2mo, cl., 25c. 1124. Mohamf.d, Cadri. La langue Arabe et la langue Fran^aise mises a la portee des Europeens et de la jeunesse Egvpti- anne. N. p., 1862, i2mo, unb., 10c. 1125. Monatsschrift fur Geburtskunde und Frauenkrankheiten. Bands 31, 32. Berlin, 1868-1869, 8vo, hf. mor., 80c. 1126. Mondat, V. De la sterilite. 5* ed. Montpelier, 1840, 8vo, hf. cf., 65c. 1127. Monro, A. Works. Edin., 1781, 4to, $1.00. 1128. — Morbid anatomy of the human gullet, stomach and intestines. Edin., 1811, 8vo, plates, 50c. 1129. Monro, D. Observations on the means of preserving the health of soldiers. 2d. ed. L., 1780, 2 vols., 8vo, slip., 60c. 1130. Montgomery, W. F. Signs and symptoms of pregnancy. From the 2d. London ed. Ph., 1857, 8vo, cl., 60c. 1131. Monthly abstract of medical science. Vols. 1-4. Ph., 1874-77, 8vo, hf. rn., $1.25. 1132. Monthly journal of foreign medicine, The. Vols. 1-3. Ph., 1828-9, 8vo, bds., $3.00. IJ33. Monthly Journal of Medical Science. Vol. 5. Lond., 1845, 8vo, bds., 45c. 1134. Moore, J. Medical sketches. Providence, R. I., 1794, 8vo, shp., 75c. 1135. Morand, M. Memoir on acupuncture. Ph., 1825, 8vo, bds., 25c. 1136. Moreau, F. J. Traite pratique des accouchemens. 2 tomes. P., 1841, 8vo, unb., 50c. 1137. Morel, C. Human histology. N. Y., 1861, 8vo, cl., 25c. 1138. Morgagni, J. B. Adversaria anatomica omnia. Lugd. Batav., 1741, 4to, 65c. 1139. Seats and causes of diseases. 2 vols. Bost., 1824, 8vo, shp., 60c. 1140. Morgan, C. De. Origin of cancer. L., 1872, i2mo, cl., 50c. u4i. Morgan, G. T. Inflammation and its effects. Ph., 1838, 8vo, hf. cf.; Bennett, J. R. Diseases of the ear. Ph., 1838, 8vo, 25c. 66 1142. Morgan, J. A discourse upon the institutions of medical schools in America. Ph., 1765, 8vo, shp., 75c. 1143. — Diseases of the eye. 2d. ed. With notes by J. F. France. L., 1848, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1144. — The nature and treatment of the affections produced by the contagious diseases. Ph., 1872, i2mo, cl., 80c. 1145. Morris, J. Irritability. L., 1868, i2mo, cl., 40c. 1146. Morton, S. G. Human anatomy. Ph., 1849, 8vo, shp., 45c. 1147. Pulmonary consumption. Ph., 1834, 8vo, shp., 45c. 1148. Moschzisker, F. A. von. The ear, its diseases and their treatment. Ph., 1864, i2mo, cl., 45c. 1149. Mott, V. Eulogy on the late John W. Francis, M.D., LL.D. N. Y., 1861, 8vo, cl., 10c. 1150. Muhlenbruch, C. F. Doctrina Pandectarum. Bruxelles, 1838, 8vo, 20c. 1151. Muehry, A. Observations on the comparative state of med- icine in France, England and Germany. Ph., 1838, 8vo, hf. rn., 30c. 1152. Mulder, G. J. The chemistry of vegetable and animal physiology. Edin., 1849, 8vo, 75c- 1153. Muller, J. Elements of physiology. 2d. ed. Pts. 2-5. L., 1839, 8vo, 35c. 1154. — Structural characteristics of cancer. With notes by West. L., 1840, 8vo, 30c. 1155. Munter, F. Geschichte der Einfiihrung des Christenthums in Danenmark und Norwegen. Leipzig, 1823, 8vo, hf. bd., 20c. 1156. Mutter, T. D. Lecture on loxarthrus, or club-foot. Ph., 1839, 8vo, cl., 25c. 1157. Syllabus of the course of lectures on the principles and practice of surgery. Ph., 1855, 8vo, hf. cl., 25c. 67 1158. Munde, P. F. Diagnosis and treatment of obstetric cases by external (abdominal) examination. N. Y., 1880, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 1159. Munk, W. The roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London. L., 1861, 2 vols., 8vo, cl., $1.00. 1160. Murchison, C. Diseases of the liver. N. Y., 1868, i2mo, cl., 45c. 1161. Mushet, VV. B. Practical treatise on apoplexy. L., 1866, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1162. Mussey, R. D. Health. Boston, 1862, i2mo, cl., 40c. 1163. Napheys, G. H. Modern therapeutics. Ph., 1870, i2mo, cl., 50c. 1164. Narrative of privations and sufferings of United States offi- cers and soldiers while prisoners of war. Ph., 1864, 8vo, unb., 25c. 1165. Nashville Monthly Record, The. Vols. 1 and 2. Nashville, 1859, 8vo, hf. rn. (Vol. 2 unbound. No. 1 missing.) 1166. National Board of Health. Annual report 1882. Wn., 1883, 8vo, cl., 75c. 1167. National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention, Third. N. Y., 1859, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1168. Nelaton, A. Siemens de pathologie chirurgicale. Tome 1. P., 1844, 8vo, unb., 13c. 1169. Neligan, J. M. A practical treatise on diseases of the skin. 5th. Amer. ed. Revised by T. W. Belcher, M.D. Ph., 1866, 8vo, cl., 30c. 1170. Neudorfer, J. Handbuch der Kriegschirurgie. Leipzig, 1864, 8vo, 30c. 1171. New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Vols. 1-3, 5-9. Boston, r8i2-2o, 8vo, $5.00. 1172. New Jersey Medical Reporter. Vols. 1-7. Burlington, 1848-54, 8vo, hf. rn., $5.00. 1173. New Jersey State Board of Health. 6th annual report. Woodbury, 1882, 8vo, pap., 50c. 1174. New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, The. Vol. 9, 1853 ; Nos. 1, 2, 6, Vol. 19, 1866 ; No. 3, Vol. 20, 1867; Vols. 21, 22, 23, 1868-70; n. s. Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 68 Vol. i, 1873; No- i»Vol. 2, 1874; No. 3, Vol. 3, 1875; Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Vol. 4, 1876; Nos. 1, 2, Vol. 5, 1877. $1.00 a vol., 25c. a number. 1175. N£w York Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. Vols. 1-9 ; n. s. Vol. 1-12, 15, 35 ; Vols. 1-8. N. Y., 1843-60, 8vo, hf. cf., $9.00. 1176. New York Lancet. Vols. 1 and 2, 1842 (1 vol.). N. Y., 1842, 8vo, hf. shp., #1.00. 1177. New York Medical and Physical Journal. Vols. 1-7; n. s. Vols. 1, 2. N. Y., 1822-30, 8vo, hf. cf., $6.00. 1178. New York Medical Gazette and Journal of Health. Vols. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. N. Y., 1850-5, 4to, hf. rn., $2.00. 1179. New York State Board of Health. 2d. annual report. Albany, 1882, 8vo, pap., 75c. 1180. New York State Medical Association, Minutes of a conven- tion held in the City of Albany, 1884. 8vo, cl., 30c. 1181. Minutes of a conven- tion held in Albany, Feb. 4th. and 6th. N. t. p., 8vo, unb., 10c. 1182. Niemeyer, A. H. Grundsasse der Erziehung und des Un- terrichts fur Altern, Haudehrer und Schulmanner. Halle, 1801, 3 vols., 8vo, bds., 60c. 1183. Niemeyer, Felix. Lehrbuch des speciellen Pathologie und Therapie. 6 Auf. 2 Bands. Berlin, 1865, 8vo, hf. mor., $1.50. 1184. A text book of practical medicine. Trans, by G. H. Humphreys and C. H. Hackley. N. Y., 1869, 2 vols., 8vo, cl., $1.50. 1185. Nightingale, F. Notes on nursing. N. Y., i860, 121110, cl.,20c. 1186. Noeggerath, E., and A. Jacobi. Contributions to mid- wifery. N. Y., 1859, 8vo, hf. shp., 75c. 1187. Nomenclature of diseases. YVn., 1874, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1188. Nomenclature of diseases drawn up by a joint committee appointed by the Royal College of Physicians of London. L., 1869, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1189. North, E. Treatise on spotted fever. N. Y., 1811, 8vo, hf. rn., 40c. 69 1190. North American Medical and Surgical Journal. Vols. 1-12. Ph., 1826-31, 8vo, hf. shp., $6.00. 1191. North American Medico-Chirurgical Review, The. Vols. 1-5. Ph., 1857-61, 8vo, hf. rn., #5.00. X192. North American Review, The. Nos. 54-63. Boston, 1827-29, 8vo, unb., 20c. per number. 1193. Northcote, W. The marine practice of physic and surgery. 2 vols. L., 1760, 8vo, shp., 35c. 1194. Norton, S. Causes, prevention and treatment of infantile diseases. L., 1870, i6mo, cl., 50c. 1195. Nunneley, T. Erysipelas. Ph., 1844, 8vo, shp., 50c. (1 copy, bds., 35c.) 1196. Obituary addresses on the occasion of the death of the Hon. Henry Clay. Wn., 1852, 8vo, cl., 25c. 1197. CEsterlen, F. Medical logic. [Sydenham Soc.] L-, 1855, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1198. Official register of physicians and midwives to whom certifi- cates have been issued by the State Board of Health of Illinois. 1877-84, 1877-86. Springfield, 1884-86, 8vo, unb., 30c. each. 1199. Ogston, F. Syllabus of the course of lectures on medical logic. Edin., 1858, 121110, cl., xoc. 1200. Ohio Medical and Surgical Journal. Vols. 1 and 2. Columbus, 1849-50, 8vo, hf. bd., $1.00. 1201. Oliver, D. First lines of physiology. Boston, 1835, 8vo, cl., 20c. 1202. Ollivier, A. F. Traite experimental du typhus trauma- tique. P., 1822, 8vo, hf. cf., 40c. 1203. Ollivier, C. P. Traite de la moelle epiniere et de ses maladies. P., 1827, 2 vols., 8vo, hf. bd., 50c. 1204. Opium Habit, The. N. Y., 1868, 8vo, cl., 75c. 1205. Oppert. Visceral and hereditory syphilis. L., 1868, i2mo, cl., 50c. 1206. Oppolzer’s Vorlesungen fiber specielle Pathologie und Therapie. Band 1. Erlangen, 1866-68, 8vo, pap., 20c. 1207. Ordronaux, J. Code of health of the school of Salernum. Ph., 1870, Ry., 8vo, cl., $1.00. 70 1208. O’Reilly, J. The placenta. N. Y., 1861, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1209. Orfila. Lefons de medecine legale. 2e ed. P., 1828, 3 vols., 8vo, pap., 75c. 1210. Traite de medecine legale, 4"" ed. 4 vols. and atlas. P., 1848, 8vo, hf. mor., $2.00. 1211. Origin of laws, arts and sciences, from the deluge to the death of Jacob. Edin., 1761, 3 vols., 8vo, cf., $1.00. 1212. Ottley, Drewry. The life of John Hunter, and Hunter’s principles of surgery, in one vol. Ph., 1839, 8vo, hf. cf., 35c. 12x3. Otto, A. W. Human and comparative pathological anat- omy. L., 1831, 8vo, hf. cl., 35c. 1214. Owen, R. On parthenogenesis. L., 1849, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1215. Packard, J. H. Lectures on inflammation. Ph., 1865, i2mo, unb., 20c. 1216. Pagenstecher et Genth. Atlas d’anatomie pathologique de l’oeil. Plates 3, 18, 25, 26. 4to, 30c. 1217. Paine, M. A discourse on the soul and instinct. N. Y., 1849, i2mo, cl., 25c. 1218. Materia medica. N. Y., 1842, i2mo, cl., 10c. 1219. Medical and physiological commentaries. N. Y., 1840, 2 vols., 8vo, cl., 75c. 1219a. Palfyn, Jean. Addition de quelques monstres nouveaux et rares. [Leide, 1708.] 4to, shp., $1.25. 1220. Parecer da commissao encarrageda pelo conselho da escola medico-cirurgica de Lisboa. Lisboa, 1882, 8vo, unb., 20c. 1221. Parent-Duchatelet, A. J. B. De la prostitution dans la ville de Paris. Tome 2. P., 1836, 8vo, hf. rn., 25c. 1222. Paris, J. A. Pharmacologia. N. Y., 1846, 8vo, shp., 35c. 1223. Treatise on diet. 5th. ed. L., 1837, 8vo, cl., 60c. 1224. Paris, J. A., and J. S. M. Fonblanque. Medical jurispru- dence. Vol. 1. L., 1823, 8vo, bds., 20c. 1225. Pariset, E. Histoire des membres de l’academie Royal de medecine. 2 vols. P., 1850, 12mo, hf. cf., 80c. 71 1226. Pariset et Mazet. Observations sur la fievre jaune faites a Cadiz, en 1819. P., 1820, 4to, plates, hf. cl., $2.00. 1227. Parkes, S. The chemical catechism, nth. ed. L., 1824, 8vo, bds., 25c. 1228. Parkin, J. Causation and prevention of disease. L., 1859, 8vo, cl., 35c. 1229. Parmentier, A.,et Deyeux, N. Precis d’experiences et ob- servations sur les differentes especes de lait. Strasbourg, 1799, 8vo, hf. bd., 40c. 1230. Parrish, J. Practical observations on strangulated hernia. Ph., 1836, 8vo, shp., 20c. 1231. Parry, C. Hillier. Collections from the unpublished medical writings of the late C. Hillier Parry, M.D., 2 vols. L., 1825, 8vo, hf. shp., $1.00. 1232. Parry, J. S. Extra-uterine pregnancy. Ph., 1876, 8vo, cl., 80c. 1233. Parsons, U. Boylston prize dissertations. B., 1839, 8vo., cl., 40c. 1234. Paterson, R. Memorials of the life of James Syme. Edin., 1874, 121110, cl., 45c. 1235. Patissier. P. Maladies des artisans. P., 1822, 8vo, hf. cf., 75c. 1236. Paulus .zEgineta, The seven books of. New Sydenham edi- tion. 3 vols. L. 1844-46, 8vo, cl., $1.50. 1237. Pearson, R. Thesaurus medicaminum. 4th. ed. L., 1810, 8vo, unb., 25c. 1238. Peaslee, E. R. Ovarian tumors. N. Y., 1872, 8vo, cl., $1.25. 1239. Peirce, C. Meteorological account of the weather in Phila- delphia, Jan. 1, 1790-Jan. 1, 1847. Ph., 1847, izmo, cl., 50c. 1240. P[eisse], J. L. H. Les medecin Fran9ais contemporains. P., 1827, 8vo, hf. cl., 35c. 1241. Peisse, L. La medecine et les medecins. 2 vols. P., 1857, i2mo, hf. rn., 70c. 1242. Pemberton, C. R. On various diseases of the abdominal viscera. Worcester, 1815, 8vo, shp., 50c. 72 1243- Pemberton, O. Clinical illustrations of various forms of cancer. L., 1867, fo., cl., $2.00. 1244. Pennsylvania Hospital. Some account of the, * * * from its first rise to the beginning of the fifth month, called May, 1754. Ph., 1817, 8vo, bds., 50c. 1245. Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane. Report for 1883. Ph., 1884, 8vo, pap., ioc. 1246. Pennsylvania Hospital reports. Vols. 1 and 2. 1868-69. Ph., 8vo, cl., $1.25. 1247. Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Annual report for 1881. Ph., 1882, 8vo, pap., ioc. 1248. Pepper, \V. Catalogue of the pathological museum of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Ph., 1869, 8vo, cl., 25c. 1249. Percival. T. Medical ethics. Manchester, 1803, 8vo, slip., 25c. Oxford, 3d. ed., 1849, izmo, cl., 30c. 1250. Pereira, J. Materia medica and therapeutics. 2 vols. Ph., 1852, 8vo, shp., 80c. 1251. Peters, J. C. Asiatic cholera. N. Y., 1867, iamo, cl., 20c. 1252. Pettigrew, T. J. On superstitions. Ph., 1844, i2mo, cl., 45c. 1253. Pfeifer, T. C. G. De laparotomia. Marburgi Catorum, 1843, sm- 4t0> 5oc- 1254. Pharmacopceia nosocomii Neo-Eboracensis or, Pharmacopoeia of the New York Hospital. N. Y., 1816, 8vo, bds., 20c. 1255. Pharmacopceia of the U. S. of America. Ph., 1851, 8vo, shp., 30c. 1256. Fourth decennial revision. Ph., 1864, 8vo, cl., 30c. 1257. Fifth decennial revision. Ph., 1873, I2mo, cl., 45c. 1258. Philadelphia Board of Health. Reports 1873, 1876, 1879, 1880, 1881. Ph., 8vo, cl., ioc. a vol. 1259. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Annual report 1883-4. Ph., 1884, 8vo, pap., 5c. 1260. Philadelphia Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences. Vols. 1-14. Ph., 1820-7, 8vo, shp., $7.00. 73 1261. Philadelphia Medical and Physical Journal. Vols. 1-3. Ph., 1805-8, 8vo, hf. cf., $1.50. 1262. Philadelphia Medical Museum, The. Vols. 1-6. Ph., 1805-09, 8vo, cf. N. s., Vol. 1, Ph., 1811, 8vo, hf. shp., $6.00. 1263. Philadelphia Medical Register and Directory for 1868, 1871, 1873, i875> 1878, 1880, 1884. Ph., 1868-84, iamo, cl., 20c. each. 1264. Philip, A. P. W. Indigestion and its consequences. Ph., 1822, 8vo, bds., 25c. 1265. The laws of the vital functions. Ph., 1818, 8vo, shp., 25c. 1266. The nature and cure of those diseases, either acute or chronic, which precede change of struc- ture. Balt., 1831, 8vo, shp., 30c. 1267. On the influence of minute doses of mer- cury. Wn., 1834, 8vo, bds., 60c. 1268. Protracted indigestion. Ph., 1843, 8vo, cl., 25c. 1269. Treatise on febrile diseases. 2 vols. Hartford, 1816, 8vo, shp., 30c. 1270. Phillips, B. Scrofula. Ph., 1846, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1271. Phillips, J. On a group of slate rocks ranging E. S. E. be- tween the rivers Lune and Wharfa. [L., ? 1828, 4to.] 20c. 1272. Phioravant, L. Three exact pieces. L., 1652, sm. 4to, hf. rn., 60c. 1273. Photographic Review of Medicine and Surgery. Vol. 1, 1870-1. Ph., 1871, 8vo, hf. mor., $2.00. 1274. Physic and Physicians. Part 2. Ph., 1845, I2mo> unb., 10c. 1275. Pilcher, G. Structure, economy and diseases of the ear. Ph., 1843, 8vo, shp., 35c. 1276. Pincoffs, P. Experiences of a civilian in Eastern military hospitals. L., 1857, i2mo, cl., 40c. 1277. Pinel, P. La medecine clinique. 2e ed. P. 1804, 8vo, shp., 30c. 74 1278. Pinel, P. Traite medico-philosophique sur Yalienation mentale. 2e ed. P., 1809, 8vo, hf. mor., 50c. 1279. — Treatise on insanity. Sheffield, 1806, 8vo, bds., 35c. 1280. Piorry, P. A. De la percussion. P., 1828, 8vo, unb., 25c. 1281. Pirrie, W. On hay asthma. L., 1867, i2tno, cl., 50c. 1282. Pitha und Billroth. Handbuch der allgemeinen und spe- ciellen Chirurgie. Bands 1-4, in 47 pts. Stuttgart, 1865-82, 8vo, unb., $15.00. 1283. Playfair, W. S. On the science and practice of midwifery. 3d. Amer. ed. Revised by R. P. Harris, M. D.' Ph., 1880, 8vo, cl., $2.00. 1284. Ploncquet, D. G. G. Initia Bibliothecae Medico. Prac- tice et chirurgicae. 8 vols., Tubingae, 1793-97. Tom. 1, Bibliotheca, A-H, 1799. Tubingae, i793~99> 4to, hf. bd., $3.50. 1285. Ploetz, C. Schulgrammatik der franzosischen Sprache. Berlin, 1867, i6mo, hf. bd., 10c. 1286. Plumbe, S. Diseases of the skin. Ph., 1837, 8vo, hf. cf., 75c. 1287. Plumbe, S., Diseases of the skin; Willis, R., Urinary dis- eases; Macartney, J., On inflammation. Ph., 1837-40, 8vo, hf. mor., 45c. 1288. Pohl, J. J. Anleitung zum Gebrauch des mitscherlich’schen Polarisations-Saccharimeters. Wien, 1858, 8vo, unb., 20c. 1289. Pope, F. L. Modern practice of the electric telegraph. N. Y., 1874, 8vo, cl., 20c. 1290. Portal, Le Baron. Sur la nature et le traitement de l’epilepsie. P., 1827, 8vo, hf. cf., 40c. 1291. Potter, S. O. L. Speech and its defects. . Ph., 1882, i2mo, cl., 40c. 1292. Potton, A, De la prostitution. P., 1842, 8vo, hf. shp., 75c. 1293. Pouchet, F. A. Theorie positive de l’ovulation spontanee et de la fecondation. P., 1847, 8vo, hf. cf., 50c. 75 1294- Pouillet. Siemens de physique experimentale et de meteor- ologie. P., 1832, 4 vols., 8vo, pap., 60c. 1295. Pouteau. CEuvres posthumes de M. Pouteau. 2 vols. P., 1783, 8vo, shp., portrait, 80c. 1296. Powell, J. W. Report on the geology of the eastern por- tion of the Uinta mountains. Wn., 1876, 4to, cl., 75c. 1297. Preliminary report of the eighth census, i860. Wn., 1862, 8vo, cl., 15c. 1298. Prevost, J. L. Deviation conjuguee des yeux. P., 1868, 8vo, hf. cl., 35c. 1299. Prichard, J. C. Insanity. Ph., 1837, 8vo, hf. cf., 25c. 1300. Pringle, Sir J. Diseases of the army. With notes by Benjamin Rush. Ph., 1812, 8vo, shp., 30c. 1301. Proceedings and debates of the third national quarantine and sanitary convention held in New York, 1859. N. Y., 1859, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1302. Proceedings and debates of the fourth national quarantine and sanitary convention. Boston, i860, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1303. Proceedings Kentucky State Medical Society, 1884. Louisville, Ky., 1885, 8vo, unb., 15c. 1304. Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association, i860. Ph., i860, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1305. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Vol. 21, 1883-4; Vol. 23, Nos. 121, 122, 123. Ph., 8vo, unb., #1.00 per vol., 25c. a number. 1306. Proceedings of the Medical Society of the county of Kings. Vol. 1, No. 10; Vol. 7, No. 10, 1876, 1882. Brooklyn, 1876-82, 8vo, pap., 10c. each. 1307. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1884. Wn., 1884, 8vo, unb., 20c. 1308. Proceedings of the National Medical Conventions held in N. Y., 1846, and Phila., 1847. Ph., 1847, 8vo, unb., 40c. 1309. Proceedings of the Naval Medical Society. Vol. 1, No. 6, 1884 ; Vol. 2, No. 1, 1884. Wn., 1884, 8vo, unb., 10c. each. 76 1310. Proceedings of the 95th. annual session of the Medical So- ciety of Delaware, 1884. Milford, Del., 1885, 8vo, 1111b., 20c. 1311. Proceedings of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia. Vols. 1-10, 1860-81. Ph., 1860-82, 8vo, bds. and cl., $2.00. 1312. Proceedings of the Philadelphia County Medical Society. Vols. 1-4. Ph., 1879-82, 8vo; cl., $2.00. 1313. Proceedings of the State Medical Convention held in Lan- caster, April, 1848. Lancaster, 1848, 8vo, hf. cf., 35c. 1314. Proceedings of the 35th. annual meeting American Medi- cal Association, Washington, 1884. Chicago, 1884, 4to, unb., 10c. 1315. Professional anecdotes. 3 vols. L., 1825, i6mo, hf. mor., #1.50. 1316. Prolix, P. Letters descriptive of the Virginia Springs. Ph., 1835, i6mo, hf. bd., 10c. 1317. Prout, W. Nature and treatment of stomach and renal diseases. Ph., 1843, 8vo, shp., 40c. 1318. Prunet, J. G. F. Maladies nerveuses des auteurs. P., 1826, 8vo, unb., 25c. 1319. Prus. Rapport a l’Academie Royale de medecine sur la peste et les quarantaines. P., 1846, 8vo, hf. rn., 50c. 1320. Prytherch, F. H. Observations on the mineral waters of Homburg. 3d. ed. L., 1853, 8vo, cl., 25c. 1321. Public charities of the State of Pennsylvania, 16th annual report of the Board of Commissioners. Harrisburg, 1886, 8vo, cl., 30c. 1322. Purcell, J. A treatise of vapours. L., 1702, i2mo, 60c. 1323. Quarterly Journal of Psychological Medicine, The. Nos. 1, 2, Vol. 1, 1867; Vol. 2, 1868; Vol. 3, 1869; Nos. 1, 2, 3, Vol. 4, 1870; No. 4, Vol. 5, 1871 ; Nos. 1-4, Vol. 6, 1872 ; n. s. No. 3, Vol. 1, 1874; n. s., No. 3, Vol. 2, 1875. $1.00 a vol., 35c. a number. 1324. Quetelet, A. Sur l’homme et le developpement de ses facultes. Tome 2. Bruxelles, 1836, i2mo, pap., 10c. 1325. Quinan, J. R. Medical annals of Baltimore, 1608 to 1880. Balt., 1884, 8vo, unbound, 25c. 77 1326. Quincy, J. Lexicon physico-medicum, or, new medicinal dictionary. 7th. ed. L., 1757, 8vo, shp., 40c. 1327. Ramadge, F. H. Asthma, its species and complications. Colored plates. L., 1835, 8vo, bds., 50c. 1328. Ramsay, D. An eulogium upon Benjamin Rush, M.D. Ph., 1813, 8vo, bds., 35c. 1329. Randall, Eyes of medical students; Newman, Urethral stricture ; Watson, High temperature; Withington, Con- sanguineous marriages; Browne, The curette; Bell, Classification of mental diseases ; Miltenberger, Purpureal eclampsia; Wilder, Notes on the brain; Memoriam, Flint and Sims; Dulles, Fractures of the skull; Memoir of Hale; Pusey address; Taylor, Contracted pelvis; New- man, Galvano cautery; Carr, Water supply; Sketch of Dr. T. Graeme. 60c. 1330. Randolph, J. Life and character of Philip Syng Physick. Ph., 1839, 8vo, unb., 25c. 1331. Ranking’s Half yearly abstract of the medical sciences. Vols. 34, 35, 38. L., 1862-4, i2mo, $1.00. 1332. Rauch, J. H. Report of an inspection of the Atlantic and Gulf quarantines. Springfield, 1886, 8vo, unb., 10c. 1333. Ray, I. Contributions to mental pathology. B., 1873, 8vo, cl., 80c. 1334. Ray, R. Catalogue of the pathological cabinet of the New York Hospital. N. Y., i860, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1335. Rayer, P. Traite des maladies de la peau. 2 tomes. P., 1826, 8vo, hf. cf., $1.00. 1336. Traite des maladies des reins. 3 tomes. . P., 1839-41, 8vo, hf. cf., 90c. 1337. Reade, T. Syphilitic affections of the nervous system. L., 1867, i2mo, cl., 50c. 1338. Record, Robert. The urinal of physic. L., 1651, i6mo, shp., 75c. 1339. Recueil periodique d’observations. Tomes 2-13. P-> 1755—6o» I2m°> shp., $3.00. 1340. Reece, R. Costiveness. L., 1826, 8vo, shp., 40c. 1340a. Reese, D. M. Medical lexicon of modern terminology. 3d. ed. N. Y., 1855, i8mo, cl., 10c. 78 i34i- Regimen sanitatis salernitanum ; a poem. With notes by Sir A. Croke. Oxford, 1830, i2mo, cl., 50c. 1342. Register of Pennsylvania. Edited by Samuel Hazard. Vols. 1-16. 1828-Jan. 1836. Ph., 8vo, bds., $10.00. 1343. Register of the officers of the Navy of the U. S., to Jan. 1, 1881. Wn., 1881, 8vo, unb., 10c. 1344. Registrar-General. Eighth annual report of births, deaths, and marriages in England. L., 1849, 8vo, cl. 1345. Regulations for the duties of inspectors-general and deputy inspectors-general of hospitals. L., 1859, 8vo, cl., 20c. 1346. Regulations for the instruction, formations and movements of the cavalry. L. [1833], i2mo, cl., 15c. 1347. Reichel, L. T. The Moravians in North Carolina. Salem, N. C., 1857, i2mo, cl., 20c. 1348. Reid, D. B. Elements of practical chemistry. 2d. ed. Edin., 1831, 8vo, hf. cf., 35c. 1349. Reid, John. Physiological, anatomical and pathological researches. Edin., 1848, 8vo, cl., 75c. 1350. Hypochondriacal and other nervous affections. Ph., 1817, 8vo, bds., 25c. 1351. Reil, J. C. Exercitationum anatomicarum fasciculus primus de structura nervorum. Halae Saxonum, 1796, fo., unb., $1.00. 1352. Renonard, P. V. History of medicine from its origin to the 19th century. Cincinnati, 1856, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1353. Report of Harrison et al. vs. St. Mark’s Church, Philadel- phia. ' Ph., 1877, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1354. Report of surgical cases treated in the Army of the United States. Circular No. 3. War Department. Wn., 1871, 4to, $1.00. 1355. Report of a Committee of the Massachusetts Medical Society on spotted fever or cerebro-spinal meningitis. B., 1867, 8vo, pap., 25c. 1356. Reports of the Board of Commissioners of Public Charities of the State of Pennsylvania. 1871, 1872, 1873, 1879. 4 vols. Harrisburg, 1872-80, 8vo, cl., $1.60. 1357. Report of the Commissioner of Education. Years 1881, 1882-3. Wn., 1883-4, 8vo, cl., 2 vols., 20c. a vol. 79 1358. Report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the regulations affecting the sanitary condition of the Army. L., 1858, fo., $1.00. 1359. Report of the Director of the Mint, 1886. Wn., 1886, 8vo, cl., 25c. 1360. REPORTof the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey. 3d. report. 1882. Wn., 1883, qto, unb., $2.00. 1361. Report of the National Academy of Sciences. 1883. Wn., 1884, 8vo, unb., 20c. 1362. Report of the Royal Academy of Medicine upon the cholera morbus. Translated by J. W. Sterling. N. Y., 1832, 12mo, cl., 35c. 1363. Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. 1863. Wn., 1863, 8vo, cl., 20c. 1364. Report of the Secretary of War, communicating the report of Capt. Geo. B. McClellan. Wn., 1857, 4to, cl., 75c. 1365. Report of the supervising Surgeon-General of the marine hospital service of the U. S. 1873, 1875, 1885, 1886. Wn., 1873-85, 8vo, 25c. per vol. 1366. Report of the Surgeon-General of the Army to the Secretary of War. 1886. Wn., 1886, 8vo, unb., 15c. 1367. Report of the tornadoes of May 29 and 30, 1879, i884- Wn., 1881-4, 4to, cl., 50c. 1368. Reports of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey. 1855, 56> 57> 58> 68- Wn-> i855-68> 4to, cl., 50c. per vol. 1369. Reports of the Surgeon-General of the Navyi 1880, 1881. 2 vols. Wn., 1882-3, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 1370. Report on epidemic cholera and yellow fever in the army of the U. S., during 1867. Wn., 1868, 4to, cl., $1.00. 1371. Report on excisions of the head of the femur for gunshot injury. Wn., 1869, 4to, unb., 75c. 1372. Reports on the extent and nature of the materials available for the preparation of a medical and surgical history of the Rebellion. Ph., 1865, 4to, hf. cf., 75c. 1373. Report on the pathology of the diseases of the Army in the East. L., 1856, fo., 75c. 1374. Report on yellow fever in the U. S. S. Plymouth in 1878-9. Wn., 1880, 8vo, cl., 50c. 80 1375- Retrospect of Practical Medicine and Surgery. (Braith- waite.) Vols. 1-11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42-69. N. Y., 1840-74, 8vo, hf. shp., $10.00. 1376. Revolat, E. B. Nouvelle hygiene militaire. Lyon., 1803, 8vo, unb., 15c. 1377. Revue medicale fran9aise et etrangere. Tome 1-3. P., 1827, 8vo, hf. bds., $1.25. 1378. Revue medicale historique et philosophique ie annee. P., 1820, 121110, hf. cf., 50c. 1379. Reynolds, J. R. A system of medicine. Vol. 1, Lond., 1866 ; vols. 2 and 3, Ph., 1868, 1871, 8vo, cl., $3.00. 1380. Rice, N. P. Trials of a public benefactor, as illustrated in the discovery of etherization. N. Y., 1859, i2mo, cl., 40c. 1381. Richard. Maladies des enfants. P., 1839, 8vo, pap., 50c. 1382. Richard, A. Precis de botanique et de physiologie vegetale. P., 1852, i2mo, hf. cf., 50c. 1383. Richerand, A. Diseases of the bones. Translated by M. Farrell, M.D. Ph., 1805, 8vo, shp., 20c. 1384. — CEuvres completes de Bordeu. 2 vols. P., 1818, 8vo, hf. cf. 75c. 1385. Richardson, B. VV. The cause of the coagulation of the blood. L., 1858, 8vo, shp., 60c. 1386. Richardson, J. G. Hand-book of medical microscopy. Ph., 1871, i2mo, cl., 50c. 1387. Ricord, P. Des maladies veneriennes. P., 1838, 8vo, hf. cf., 60c. 1388. Des maladies veneriennes. 22 livraisons. P., 1851, 4to, 9 col. plates, unb., $1.00. 1389. Ricord, Begin et al. De la syphilisation. P-, 1853, 8vo, hf. rn., 45c. 1390. Rindeleisch, E. Pathological histology. [New Sydenham Soc.] L., 1872, 2 vols., 8vo, cl., $1.00. 1391. Ringer, S. Hand-book of therapeutics. N. Y., 1870, 8vo, cl., 80c. 1392. Rivinus, E. F. Catalogue of the medical library of the Philadelphia Almshouse. Ph., 1831, 8vo, bds., 20c. 81 1393- Roberts, J. B. Paracentesis of the pericardium. Ph., 1880, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1394. Roberts, W. Wasting palsy. L., 1858, 8vo, cl., 60c. 1395. Roberts, W. C. Eulogium upon the life, professional labors and public services of Joseph Mather Smith, M.D. N. Y., 1867, 8vo, cl., 25c. 1396. Robertsont, R. On jail, hospital or ship fever. L., 1789, 8vo, shp., 35c. 1397. Robin, C., et Verdeil, F. Traite de chimie anatomique. Atlas. P., 1853, 8vo, hf. cf., $2.00. 1398. Roger, H. Sur les maladies de Penfance, Tome 2d. Syph- ilis ; Coqueluche. P., 1883, 8vo, hf. rn., 75c. 1399. Rogers, J. The present state of therapeutics. L., 1870, 8vo, cl., 60c. 1400. Rognetta, M. F. Traite philosophique et clinique d’oph- thalmologie. P., 1844, 8vo, hf. rn., 45c. 1401. Rokitansky, C. Lehrbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. 3 Auf. 2 vols. in one. Wien, 1855-56, 8vo, hf. mor., $1.00. 1402. ~ — Manual of pathological anatomy. 4 vols. [Syd. Soc.] L., 1854, 8vo., cl., $1.50. 1403. — Same. 4 vols. in two. Ph., 1855, 8vo, cl., $1.50. 1404. — Ueber einige der wichtigsten Krankheiten der Arterian. Wien, 1852, 4to, cl., $3.50. 1405. Romberg, M- H. Nervous diseases of man. [Syd. Soc.] L., 1853, 8vo, cl., 60c. 1406. Rosen be Rosenstein, Nils. Traite des maladies des en- fans. P., 1778, 8vo, shp., 35c. 1407. Rostan, L. Recherches sur le ramollissement du cerveau. 2e ed. P., 1823, 8vo, hf. cf., 30c. 1408. Routh, C. H- F. Infant feeding. 2d. ed. L., 1863, i2mo, cl., 40c. 1409. Roux, G. Histoire medicale de l’armee fran9aise en Moree. P., 1829, 8vo, hf. rn., 60c. 1410. Royle, J. F. An essay on the antiquity of Hindoo medi- cine. L., 1837, 8vo, cl., 45c. 82 1411. Ruckert, E. F. Therapeutics of homoeopathy. N. Y., 1846, 8vo, hf. rn., 25c. 1412. Rufz, E. D’hydrocephale aigue, fievre cerebrale, meningite, meningo-cephalite. P., 1835, 4to, pap., 25c. 1413. Rush, B. Essays, literary, moral and philosophical. 2d. ed. Ph., 1806, 8vo, shp., 40c. 1414. — Medical inquiries. 3d. ed. Ph., 1809, 4 vols., 8vo, shp., $1.00. 1415. — Same. Ph., 1812, 8vo, shp., 35c. 1416. — Same. 4 vols. in two. 4th. ed. Ph., 1815, 8vo, shp. $1.00. 1417. — Sixteen introductory lectures to courses of lec- tures upon the institutes and practice of medicine. Ph., 1811, 8vo, shp., 20c. 1418. Ryan, M. Medical jurisprudence. With notes by R. E. Griffith. Ph., 1832, 8vo, bds., 30c. 1419. — Medical jurisprudence and state medicine. L., 1836, Svo, cl., 45c. 1420. Ryland, F. Diseases and injuries of the larynx and trachea. Ph., 1841, 8vo, shp., 30c. 1421. Sabatier. Traite complet d’anatomie. P., 1781, 3 vols., 8vo, 75c. 1422. Sabatier, J. C, Les lois de la revulsion. P., 1832, 8vo, unb., 20c. 1423. —; Recherches historiques sur la Faculte de Medecine. P., 1835, 8vo, hf. shp., 40c. 1424. Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital reports. Vols. 3, 4, 5, 11. London, 1867-75, 8vo, bds., $2.00. 1425. St. George’s Hospital reports. Vols. 1-5, 1866-70. L., 1866-70, 8vo, cl., $7-50. 1426. St. Thomas’ Hospital reports. N. s., Vols. 2, 3, 5. L., 1871-74, 8vo, bds., $1.50. 1427. Saissy, J. A. Diseases of the internal ear. Balt., 1829, 8vo, shp., 40c. 1428. Salmon, W. Ars chirurgica. A compendium of the theory and practice of surgery. L., 1699, 121110, 40c. 1429. Sanctorius, S. De medicina statica. P., 1770, 161110, slip., 50c. 83 i43°- Sanders, J. On pulmonary consumption. Edin., 1808, 8vo, bds., 30c. 1431. Sanger, W. W. History of prostitution. N. Y., 1858, 8vo, cl., $2.00. 1432. Sanitarian. Vols. 1, 2, 4, 5-9. N. Y., 1873-77, 8vo, cl., $3.00. 1433. Sanitary and statistical report of the Surgeon-General of the Navy. Vols. 6, 7, 1880-82. Wn., 1882-84, 8vo, cl., 20c. a vol. 1434. Sanitary Commission. Circulars 190, 28, 33, 36, 39, 40, 42> 43’ 44’ 47’ A, B, C, E, O. Ph., 1862, 8vo, unb., 20c. 1435. THE Sanitary Commission of the United States Army. N. Y., 1864, 8vo, unb:, 30c. 1436. Sappington, J. The theory and treatment of fevers. Arrow Rock, 1844, i6mo, 15c. 1437. Sargent, C. S. Sixteen maps accompanying report on for- est trees of North America. Department of the Interior. Wn., fo., $1.50. 1438. Sarlandiere, J. Systematized anatomy. N. Y., 1835, ob. 4to, $1.50. 1439. Saunders, J. C. Diseases of the eye. Ph., 1821, 8vo, cl., 30c. 1440. Saunders, Wm. Structure, economy and diseases of the liver. 3d. ed. L., 1803, 8vo* slip., 40c. 1441. Sawrey, S. The morbid anatomy of the brain. L., 1815, 8vo, hf. rn., 45c. 1442. Say, J. B. Traite d’economie politique, Tome 1. P., 1817, 8vo, pap., ioc. 1443. Scarpa, A. Tabulae Neurologicae. Ticini, 1794, fo., hf. cf., $5.00. 1444. — Traite pratique des hernies. P., 1812, fo., hf. rn., $1.50. 1445. Schilling, E. De melanosi. Francofurti, 1831, 4to, bds., 35c. 1446. Schmidt, C. Hyperkeratosis. Erlangen, 1830, 8vo, bds., 30c. 84 1447- Schroeder Van Der Kolk. Minute structure and functions of the spinal cord, etc. New Syd. Soc. L., 1859, 8vo, cl., 50c. 14470. Schurigius, D. M. Muliebria. Dresdae, 1729, 4to, unb., $1.50. 1447A Parthenologia. Diesdae, 1729 4to, unb., $1.50. Syllepsilogia. Dresdae, 1731, 4to, unb., $1.50. 1448. Schwann, Th. Microscopical researches. L., 1847, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1449. Scofield, S. Practical treatise on vaccina or cowpock. N. Y., 1810, i2mo, shp., 35c. 1450. Scudamore, C. Gout and rheumatism. Ph., 1819, 8vo, cf., 30c. 1451. Observations on M. Laennec’s method of forming a diagnosis of the diseases of the chest. L., 1826, 8vo, shp., 30c. 1452. Seaton, E. C. Hand-book of vaccination. Ph., 1868, i2mo, cl., 45c. 1453. Seguin, E. Medical thermometry. N. Y., 1876, 8vo, cl., 70c. 1454. SEiLEh, C. Phthisis pulmonalis. No imprint, 1883, 8vo, unb., 10c. 1455. Select Medical Library and Eclectic Journal of Medicine. Sept., 1837 ; Sept., 1838. Ph., 8vo, unb., 30c. 1456. Selected monographs. [New Syd. Soc.] L., 1861, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1457. Semeleder, F. Rhinoscopy and laryngoscopy. N. Y., 1866, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1458. Senac, J. Treatment of intermitting and remitting fevers. Ph., 1805, 8vo, shp., 25c. 1459. Senn, N. Experimental and clinical study of air-embolism. Ph., 1885, 8vo, unb., 25c. 1460. Serres. Recherches d’anatomie transcendante et patho- logique. Atlas de 20 planches. P., 1832, fo., unb., $1.00. 85 1461. Sherrill, H. Essay on epidemics as they appeared in Dutchess county, 1809-25. N. Y., 1832, 8vo, cl., 20c. 1462. Sichel, J. Traite de l’ophthahnie. P., 1837, 8vo, hf. cf., 50c. 14620. Sigault, J. R. De la section de la simphyse. P., 1778, 8vo, unb.,5oc. 1463. Sigmond, G. G. Mercury, blue pill and calomel, their use and abuse. L., 1840, i2mo, cl., 25c. 1464. Simon, J. General pathology. L., 1850, 8vo, cl., 35c. 1465. Same. Ph., 1852, 8vo, hf. rn., 35c. 1466. Sims, J. Marion. On intra-uterine fibroids. N. Y., 1874, 8vo, bds., 35c. 1467. On uterine surgery. N. Y., 1866, 8vo, cl., $1.50. 1468. Simpson, J. Y. Anaesthesia. Ph., 1849, 8vo, cl., 35c. 1469. Anaesthesia, hospitalism, hermaphroditism. N. Y., 1872, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 1470. Diseases of women. N. Y., 1873, 8vo, cl., $2.00. 1471. Homoeopathy. Ph., 1854, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1472. Obstetric memoirs and contributions. Ed. by W. O. Priestly and H. R. Storer. 2 vols. Ph., 1855-6, 8vo, cl., $2.00. 1473. Obstetrical and gynaecological works. N. Y., 1871, 8vo, cl., $2.00. 1474. Physicians and physic. Edin., 1856, i2mo, cl., 40c. 1475. Sixth annual report of the Secretary of State of the State of Michigan. Births, marriages and deaths. Lansing, 1877, 8vo, cl., 20c. 1476. Skey, F. C. Hysteria. L., 1867, i2mo, cl., 50c. 1477. Same. N. Y., 1867, i2mo, cl., 60c. 1478. Skoda, J. Auscultation and percussion. Translated by W. O. Markham. Ph., 1854, i2mo, cl., 40c. 1479. Slade, D. D. Diphtheria. Ph., 1864, i2mo, cl., 40c. 1480. Smellie, W. Theory and practice of midwifery. 2 vols. 3d. ed. L., 1854-6, 8vo, shp., 80c. 86 1481. Smetius, H. Prosodia. Cantabrigiae, 1654, 8vo, 35c. 1482. Smith, E. Practical dietary. L., 1865, 121110, cl., 45c. 1483. — On the wasting diseases of infants and children. 2d. ed. L., 1870, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 1484. — Same. Ph., 1870, 8vo, hf. rn., 60c. 1485. Smith, G. Institutiones chirurgricae or principles of surgery. L., 1732, 8vo, unb., 40c. 1486. Smith, H. H. Minor surgery. Ph., 1843, i6mo, cl., 50c. 1487. The principles and practice of surgery. 2 vols. Ph., 1863, 8vo, shp., $2.00. 1488. Smith, J. E. An introduction to physiological and system- atical botany. Ph., 1814, 8vo, shp., 50c. 1489. Smith, J. M. Etiology and philosophy of epidemics. N. Y., 1824, 8vo, bds., 35c. 1490. Smith, N. R. Surgical anatomy of the arteries. 2d. ed. Balt., 1835, 4to, cl., $1.00. 1491. Smith, S. S. Causes of the variety of complexion and figure in the human species. 2d. ed. New Brunswick, 18x0, 8vo, bds., $1.50. 1492. Smithsonian Institution. Additions and corrections to the list of foreign correspondence to Jan., 1883. Wn., 1883, 8vo, unb., 10c. 1493. Annual report of the Board of Regents, 1867. Wn., 1868, 8vo, cl., 15c. 1494. Check list of publications. Wn., 1872, 8vo, unb., 10c. 1495. Smithsonian Report, 1862. Wn., 1863, 8vo, cl., 20c. 1496. Snell, J. Practical guide to operations on the teeth. Ph., 1832, 8vo, bds., 45c. 1497. Snow, J. On chloroform. L., 1858, 8vo, cl., 80c. 1498. Scemmerring, S. T. leones embryonum humanorum. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1799, fo., unb., $1.50. 1499. Some account of the Pennsylvania Hospital from its first rise to the beginning of the 5th. month called May, 1754. Ph., 1817, 8vo, bds., 40c. 1500. Southern Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy. Vols. 1-14. Charleston, 1846-59, 8vo, hf. cf., $6.00. LVoi. 3, etc., title Charleston Med. Journal and Review.] 87 1501. Southern Journal of the Medical Sciences. Vol. 1. 1866-7. Nos. 1, 2, 3. Vol. 2. 1867-8. N. O., 1866-8, 8vo, unb., complete vol., $1.00; 30c. per No. 1502. Southern Medical and Surgical Journal. N. s., vols. 1-8. Augusta, Ga., 1845-52, 8vo, hf. shp., $2.00. [Some of these volumes, though bound, are slightly imperfect.] 1503. Southern Review. Vol. 1, No. 2. Vol. 5, No. 10, Balt., 1867, 69, 8vo, unb., 15c. per No. 1504. Southey, R. Nature and affinities of tubercle. L., 1867, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1505. Southwell, T. Medical essays and observations. 4 vols. L., 1764, 8vo, shp., $1.00. 1506. Spachius, I. Gyngeciorum sive de mulierum. Argentinae, 1597, fo., cf., $2.50. 1507. Spencer, T. Lectures on animal heat. Geneva, N. Y., 1845, I2mo, cl., 25c. 1508. Spender, J. K. Therapeutic means for the relief of pain. L., 1874, 8vo, cl., 75c. 1509. Spillan, D. The clinique medicale. L-, 1835, 8vo, hf. cf., 75c. 1510. Sprengel, K. Histoire de la medecine. P., 1815-32, 9 vols., 8vo, hf. cf., $5.00. 1511. State Board of Health of Massachusetts, Eighth annual report, 1877. B., 1877, 8vo, unb., 35c. 1512. State Board of Health of Michigan, First annual report of the secretary. Lansing, 1874, 8vo, cl., 30c. 1513. State Board of Health of Rhode Island, 8th. annual report; 31st. and 32d. reports upon births, marriages, deaths. Providence, 1885-86, 8vo, unb., 35c. each. 1514. State Board of Health of the Commonwealth of Penna., First annual report, 1885. Harrisburg, 1886, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1515. State Board of Health of West Virginia, 1st. to 3d. annual reports. Wheeling, 1883, 8vo, 20c. 1516. Statistical reports on the sickness, mortality and invaliding among her majesty’s troops serving in Ceylon. * * * L., 1841, 4to, hf. cl., 75c. 88 1517* Statistics, medical and anthropological, of the Provost - Marshal-General’s bureau. Wn., 1875, 2 vols., 4to, cl., 54-oo. 1518. Statistics of the United States in i860. The eighth cen- sus. Wn., 1866, 4to, hf. bd., 75c. 1519. Stevenson, J. R. History of medicine and medical men of Camden county, New Jersey. Ph., 1886, 4to, unb., 15c. 1520. Stewart, F. C. The hospitals and surgeons of Paris. N. Y., 1843, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1521. Stewart, T. G. Bright’s disease of the kidneys. Edin., 1868, 8vo, cl., 75c. 1522. Bright’s disease of the kidneys. N. Y., 1868, 8vo, cl., 75c. 1523. Stille, A. Elements of general pathology. Ph., 1848, 8vo, cl., 35c. 1524. Epidemic meningitis. Ph., 1867, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1525. Therapeutics and materia medica. Ph., i860, 2 vols., 8vo, shp., $1.50. 1526. Stock, J. Memoirs of the life of Thomas Beddoes, M.D. L., 1811, 4to, hf. cf., 50c. 1527. Storck, A. Anhus medicus quo sistuntur observationes circa morbos acutos et chronicos. Vindobonae, 1760, 8vo, cf., 60c. 1528. Stokes, W. Diseases of the chest. Dub., 1837, 8vo, cl., 75c. Same. Ph., 1837, 8vo, hf. bd., 35c. 1529. — Theory and practice of physic. Ph., 1837, 8vo, hf. cf., 30c. 1530. — On the theory and practice of physic. Vol. 1. 2d. ed. Ph., 1842, 8vo, shp., 10c. 1531. Stokes et al. Medicine in modern times. L., 1869, i2mo, cl., 50c. 1532. Storia della pittura Italiana. Milano, 1835, 8vo, unb., 15c. 1533. Stratford, S. J. The eye. L., 1828, 8vo, bds., 35c. 1534. Stricker, S. Manual of human and comparative histology. Trans, by H. Power. [New Syd. Soc.] Vol. 2. L., 1872, 8vo, cl., 30c. 89 15 35 * Stromeyer, L., Fractures of bones; Esmarch, F., Resection in gunshot injuries; Stathem, S. F,, Resection in civil practice. L., 1856, 8vo, cl., 25c. 1536. Summering in Colorado. Denver, 1874, 12mo, 20c. 1537. Surgeon-General of the Navy. Sanitary and statistical re- port, 1882. Wn„ 1884, 8vo, cl., 30c. 1538. Surgeon-General United States Army. Annual report, 1885. ioc. 1539. Swan, J. An essay on tetanus. L., 1825, 8vo, bds., 35c. 1540. Swayne, J, G. Obstetric aphorisms. Ph., 1873, i2mo, cl., 80c. 1541. Swediaur, F, Syphilis. Ph., 1815, 8vo, shp., 35c. 1542. Sweetser, W. Mental hygiene. 2d. ed. N. Y., 1850, i2mo, cl., 30c. 1543. Swett, T. A. Diseases of the chest. N, Y., 1852, 8vo, cl., 60c. 1544. — Same. N. Y., 1853, 8vo, cl., 60c. 1545. Swieten, G, van. Commentaries upon the aphorisms of Dr. Hermann Boerhaave. L., 1744-47, 8 vols., 8vo, $2.00. 1546. Sydenham, T. Works, with notes by Benjamin Rush. Ph., 1809, 8vo, shp., 30c. 1547. Tamplin, R. W. Deformities. Ph., 1846, i2mo, shp., 25c. 1548. Tanner, T. H. Diseases of infancy and childhood. Ph., 1859, j2mo, cl., 40c, 1549. —^—,— Manual of clinical medicine, Ph., 1855, jamo, cl,, 20c, 1550. —.—— Signs and diseases of pregnancy. From the 2d. Lond. ed. Ph., 1868, 8vo, cl., $1.00, 1551. Tate, G. A treatise on hysteria, Ph,, 1831, 8vo, bds., 25c. 1552. Tavernier, A. Manuel de therapeutique chirurgicale. P., 1828, 2 vols., i2mo, pap., 25c. 1553. Taylor, A, S, Principles and practice of medical jurispru- dence. L., 1865, 8vo, cl., 75c. 1534, Taylor, C. F. Infantile paralysis. Ph,, 1867, i2mo, cl,, 30c, 90 1555- Teale, T. P. Treatise on neuralgic diseases. Concord, N. H., n. d., i2mo, bds., 30c. 1556. Testimonials of Rai Ram Narain Dass Bahadoor. Calcutta, 1877, 8vo, cl., 15c. 1557. Thacher, J. American Medical biography. B., 1828, 8vo, bds., 30c. 1558. American modern practice. B., 1826, 8vo, shp., 30c. 1559. :—* On hydrophobia, Plymouth, Mass., 1812, 8vo, shp., 50c. 1559a. Thesaurus Medicus Edinburgensis Novus. 1759-1785. 2 vols. Edin., 1785, 8vo, cf., gi.oo. 1560. Thibert, F. Anatomie pathologique. P., 1839, 8vo, pap., 25c. 1561. Thomas, F. R. Discovery, manufacture, and administration of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas. Ph,, 1870, i2mo, cl., 25c. 1562. Thomas, J. A comprehensive medical dictionary. Ph., 1864, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1563. Thompson, E, S, Annual oration, Medical Society of London, i88i, L., 188?, i2mo, cl., 30c. 1564. Thompson, J. H. Report of Columbia Hospital for Women. Wn., 1873, 4to> cl-1 $>2.oo. 1565. Thompson, T. Influenza or epidemic catarrhal fever in Great Britain, 1510-1837. [Syd. Soc.] L., 1852, 8vo, cl., 80c. 1566. Thompson, W. G. Training schools for nurses. N. y., 1883, i6mo, cl., 20c. 1567. Thomson, A. T. The domestic management of the sick- room. Ph., 1845, 8vo, cl„ 25c. 1568. Thomson, Sir H. Diseases of the urinary organs. Ph., 1869, 8vo, unb., 50c, 1569. Thompson, J. Lectures on inflammation. Ph., 1817, 8vo, shp., 20c, 1570. — Same. Ph., 1831, 8vo, shp., 30c. 1571. Thomson, T. A system of chemistry. Ph., j8i8, 4 vols., 8vo, shp.? 40c, 91 1572. Thomson, W. and Twining, W. Diseases of the liver. Ph., 1842, 8vo, shp., 35c. 1573. Thorburn, J. S. Elements of bedside medicine. L., 1836, 8vo, 50c. 1574. Tiedemann, F. et L. Gmelin. Sur la digestion. Traduit de l’allemand par A. J. L. Jourdan. P., 1827, 8vo, hf. cf., 30c. 1575. Tilt, E. J. The change of life in health and disease. From 3d. Lond. ed. Ph., 1871, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 1576. Uterine therapeutics. 2d. Amer. ed. N. Y., 1869, 8vo, cl., 80c. 1577. Timbrel, W. H. On the management of ruptures. Boston, 1809, i2mo, shp., 20c. 1578. Todd, R. B. Anatomy of the brain, spinal cord and gan- glions. L., 1845, 3vo, 3°c- 1579. Clinical lectures on certain acute diseases. Ph., i860, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1580. Townsend, P. Yellow fever in the City of New York, 1822. N. Y., 1823, 8vo, bds.j 75^ 1581. Traill, T. S. Outlines of a course of lectures on medical jurisprudence. Ph., 1841, 8vo, cl., 20c; 1582. Transactions, Medical, published by the College of Physi- cians in London. Vols. 1-5. L., 1785-1815, 8vo, cf., $5.00. 1583. Transactions of the American Dermatological Association; 10th meeting, 1886. Boston, 1886, 8vo, unb., 20c. 1584. Transactions of the American Dermatological Association. < Official report of the proceedings. Balt., 1883, 8vo, unb., 20c. 1585. Transactions of the American Gynecological Society. Vols. 1-8. B., 1877-84, 8v6, cl., 512.00. 1586. Transactions of the American Medical Association. Vols. 1-33, and index. Ph., 1848-82, 8vo, cl., $25.00. 1587. Transactions of the American Medical Association. Vols. 1, 2, 7, 23. Ph., 1848-72, 8vo, cl., 50c. per vol. 1588. Transactions of the American Medical Association. Vols. 4, 6-13, 16-21, 23, 27, and supp. 29, 30-33. Ph., 1848-S2, 8vo, cl., $20.00. 92 1589- Transactions of the American Neurological Association. Vol. 2. 1877. N. Y., 1877, 8vo, bds., 50c. 1590. Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society. B., 1886, 8vo, unb., 60c. 1591. Transactions of the American Surgical Association. Vol. 1. Ph., 1883, 8vo, cl., #1.00. 1592. Transactions of the Canada Medical Association. Vol. 1. Montreal, 1877, 8vo, bds., 50c. 1593. Transactions of the Clinical Society of London. Vols. 1-14, and index to 1st. 12 vols. L., 1868-81, 8vo, cl., $12.00. 1594. Transactions of the Clinical Society of London. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 1868-71. cl., $2.00. 1595. Transactions of the Clinical Society of London. Vols. 6 and 16. L., 1883, 8vo, cl., 75c. Transactions of the College of Physicians of Phila. Ph., 1848-55, 8vo, hf. shp., $3.00. 1597. Transactions of the College of Physicians of Phila. 3d. ser., Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1875-81. 8vo, cl., 51.00. 1598. Transactions of the Colorado State Medical Society, 1883. Denver, Col., 1883, 8vo, unb., 25c. 1599. Transactions of the Illinois State Medical Society, 1871, 1881, 1883. Chicago, 1872-83, 8vo, cl., 50c. each. 1600. Transactions of the Indiana State Medical Society, 1884. Indianapolis, 1884, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1601. Transactions of the International Medical Congress of Philadelphia, 1876. Ph., 1877, 8vo, cl., 65c. 1602. Transactions Kentucky State Medical Assoc., 1877. Louisville, 1877, 8vo, cl., 35c. 1603. Transactions of the first annual meeting of the Kentucky State Medical Society. Frankfort, Ky., 1851, 8vo, shp., 60c. 1604. Transactions of the Louisiana State Medical Association, 1880, 1884, 1885, 1886. New Orleans, 1880-86, 8vo, pap., 30c. each. 1605. Transactions of the Maine Medical Association, i88r. Portland, 1881, 8vo, unb., 50c. 93 1606. Transactions of the Massachusetts Medico-legal Society, Nos. 1-6. Cambridge, 1878-84, 8vo, unb., $1.00. 1607. Transactions of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland, 1886. Balt., 1886, 8vo, unb., 20c. 1608. Transactions of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland, 1879, 1883-6. Balt., 1879-86, 8vo, pap., 20c. per vol. 1609. Transactions of the Medical Association of Georgia, 1882. Augusta, 1883, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1610. Transactions of the Medical Association of the State of Missouri, 1872, 1882, 1883. St. Louis, 1883, 8vo, unb., 40c. each. 1611. Transactions of the Medical Society of California, 1870-71. Sacramento, 1872, 8vo, unb., 30c. 1612. Transactions of the Medical Society of London. Vol. 1, Pt. 1. L., 1810, 8vo, shp., #1.00. 1613. Transactions of the Medical Society of New Jersey, 1882, 1884, 1885, 1886. Newark, 1882-86, 8vo, pap., 40c. each. 1614. Transactions of the Medical Society of North Carolina, 1881. Wilmington, N. C., 1881, 8vo, unb., 15c. 1615. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York, 1836-7, 1840-3, 1844-6, 1850-62, 1864-72, 1875-80. Albany and Syracuse, 1837-80, 30 vols., 8vo, cl., $15.00. 1616. Transactions of the Medical Society of New York, 1852, 53> 54, 55, 56* - 5oc- each- Transactions of the N. Y. Academy of Medicine. Vol. 2, Pts. 1, 7. 8vo, hf. rn., 75c. 1617. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York, 1840-3, 58. Albany, 1858-68, 8vo, cl., $i.oo. 1618. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of Penn- sylvania. Ph., 1851-85, hf. cf., $15.00. [Extra copies, unb., 50c. each.] 1619. Transactions of the Medical Society of Tennessee, 1882, 83, 84, 85, Nashville, 1882-5, 8vo, unb. 20c. each. 1620. Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edin- burgh. Vols. 1-3. Edin., 1824-29, 8vo, hf. cf., $3.00. 94 1621. Transactions of the Michigan State Medical Society, 1867-8, 1882, 83, 84. Lansing, 1867-84, 8vo, pap., 50c. each. 1622. Transactions Mississippi State Medical Association, 1880, 1883, 1884. Jackson, 1880-84, 8vo, unb., 40c. each. 1623. Transactions of the N. H. Medical Society, 1884. Manchester, 1884, 8vo, unb., 20c. 1624. Transactions of the New York Academy of Medicine. 2d. ser., Vols. 1 and 2. N. Y., 1874-76, 8vo, cl., $2.00. 1625. Transactions of the N. Y. Academy of Medicine. Vols. 1-3. N. Y., 1857-64, 8vo, cl., $1.50. 1626. Transactions of the New York Medico-Chirurgical Society. Vols. 2 and 3, 1882-83. N. Y., 1883-84, 8vo, unb., 25c. a piece. 1627. Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London. Vols. 1-13, 15. L., 1860-74, 8vo, cl., $10.00. 1628. Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London. Vol. * 1-13, inc., 1860-72. 8vo, cl., $15.00. 1629. Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of Phila. for the year 1879. Ph., 1880, 8vo, unb., 35c. 1630. Transactions of the 15th annual meeting of the Ohio State Medical Society. Columbus, i860, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1631. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London. Vol. 17. L., 1866, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1632. Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Asso- ciation. Vols. 1-15. L., 1834-47, 8vo, cl., $10.00. 1634. Transactions of the Sei i Kwai, Supplement to. Nos. 36-44, 46. Tokio, 1885, 8vo, pap., 5c. per number. 1635. Transactions of the South Carolina Medical Association, 1871, 82, 83, 84, 85. 86. Charleston, 1871-86, 8vo, unb., 15c. each. 1636. Transactions of the Texas State Medical Association, 1885. Austin, Texas, 1885, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1637. Transactions of the State Medical Society of Wisconsin, 1881, 82, 83, 85, 86. Milwaukee, 1881-83, 8vo, unb., 40c. each. 1638. Transactions of the Vermont Medical Society, 1883. Montpelier, 1884, 8vo, unb., 10c. 95 1639- Transactions of the Medical Society of Virginia, 1871, 1884. Lynchburg, 1871, Richmond, 1884, 8vo, unb., 30c. each. 1640. Transactions of the Medical Society of West Virginia, 1883, 84, 85. Wheeling, 1883-85, 8vo, unb., 20c. each. 1641. The Transylvania Journal of Medicine and the Associate Sciences. Vol. 1—11. Lexington, 1828-38, 8vo, hf. cf., $5.00. 1642. Trapp, J. Praelectiones poeticae. 2e ed. L., 1722, 8vo, 50c. 1643. Travers, B. Inquiry concerning constitutional irritation. L., 1827, 8vo, bds., 30c. A further inquiry. L., 1835, 8vo, bds., 30c. 1644. The physiology of inflammation. L., 1844, 8vo, cl., 35c. 1645. Travers, B., and J. H. Green. Ophthalmic surgery. L., 1839, j2mo, cl., 30c. 1646. Trial of Mrs. E. G. Wharton. [Balt., 1872.] 8vo, unb., 40c. 1647. Tripier, L. Du cancer de la colonne vertebrate. P., 1867, 8vo, unb., 30c. 1648. Tripler, C. S. Manual of the medical officer of the Army of the U. S. Pt. 1. Cin., 1858, i6mo, cl., 25c. 1649. Tripler, C. S., and Blackman, G. C. Hand-book for the military surgeon. Cin., 1861, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1650. Trognon, A. Campagne de l’armee du Potomac. N. Y., 1862, 8vo, unb., 10c. 1651. Trousseau, A. Lectures on clinical medicine. 4 vols. New Syd. Soc. L., 1868-71, 8vo, cl., $3.00. 1652. Trousseau, A., and H. Belloc. On laryngeal phthisis. Trans, by J. A. Warder. Ph., 1839, 8vo, hf. shp., 20c. 1653. Trousseau, A., et H. Pidoux. Traite de therapeutique et de matiere medicale. 2 tomes in 3 parts. T-> 1836-39, 8vo, unb., 50c. 1654. Tucker, D. H. Principles and practice of midwifery. Ph., 1848, 8vo, shp., 25c. 96 1655. Tuke, D. H. Illustrations of the influence of the mind upon the body in health and disease. Ph., 1872, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 1656. The insane in the U. S. and Canada. L., 1885, 8vo, cl., #1.25. 1657. Turnbull, L. Diseases of the ear. Ph., 1872, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 1658. Turner, D. The ancient physician’s legacy. L., 1733> 8v0> 4oc. 1659. Tyrrell, F. Diseases of the eye. L., 1840, 2 vols., 8vo, cl., $1.50. 1660. Tyson, James. The cell doctrine. Ph., 1870, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1661. Underwood, M. Diseases of children. Ph., 1793, i2mo, bds., 30c. 1662. — Same. Ph., 1841, 8vo, bds., 20c. 1663. United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Part 12. Report of the commissioner for 1884. Wn., 1886, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1664. United States Life-Saving Service. Annual Report, 1878. Wn., 1878, 8vo, bds., 20c. 1665. United States Medical and Surgical Journal, The. Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. N. Y., 1834-36, 8vo, ioc. a number. 1666. Unna, P. G. Ueber medicinische Seifen. Leipzig, 1885, 8vo, unb., ioc. (Samm. Klin, Vortrage. No. 252.) 1667. Unzer, J. A. Principles of physiology; Prochaska, G., Functions of the nervous system. L., 1851, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1668. Ure, Andrew. A dictionary of chemistry. 2 vols. Ph., 1821, 8vo, shp., 50c. 1669. Valleix, F. L. I. Clinique des maladies des enfants. P., 1838, 8vo, unb., 30c. 1670. Velpeau. Traite complet d’anatomie chirurgicale. Atlas. [No. imprint, 1837.] 4to, hf. mor., $1.00. 1671. Traite complet de Part des accouchemens. 3« ed. Bruxelles, 1835, 8vo, hf. cf., 35c. 97 *672. Velpeau. New elements of operative surgery. Atlas. N. Y., 1847, 4to, 75c. *673- Elementary treatise on midwifery. Ph., 1838, 8vo, shp., 30c. 1674. Vesalius, A. Opera omnia anatomica et chirurgica. 2 vols. Lug. Bat., 1725, fo., #3.50. 1675. Vidal, A. Traite de pathologie externe et de medecine operatoire. 5 vols. P., 1839-41, 8vo, shp., $2.00. 1676. Virchow, R. Cellular pathology. N. Y., i860, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1677. Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur Wissenschaft- lichen Medicin. Frankfurt, A. M., 1856, 8vo, hf. mor., 45c. 1678. Die Lehre von den Trichinin. Berlin, 1866, 8vo, hf. bd., 50c. 1679. Virey, J. J. De la femme. 2® ed. P., 1825, 8vo, unb., 40c. 1680. Vogel, J. Pathological anatomy. Ph., 1847, 8vo, shp., 40c. 1681. Wade, J. P. Disorders of seamen and soldiers in Bengal. L., 1793> 8vo> 25c> 1682. Wales, P. S. Practical treatise on surgical apparatus, appli- ances and elementary operations. Ph., 1867, 8vo, unb., 70c. 1683. Waller, Lisfranc and Ingleby. Lectures on the diseases of the uterus. Ph., 1842, 8vo, shp., 25c. 1684. Same. Ph., 1841, 8vo, 15c. 1685. Wallian, S. S. On oxygen as a remedial agent. N. Y., 1884, i2mo, unb., 20c. 1686. Wallis, G. New medical dictionary. 4th. ed. L., 1795, fo., hf. shp., 75c. 1687. Walshe, W. H. Cancer. L., 1846, 8vo, cl., 60c. 1688. Diagnosis of diseases of the lungs. L., 1843, I2mo> cl., 25c. 1689. Diseases of the lungs and heart. Ph., 1851, 8vo, 75c. 98 1690. Walshe, W. H. Practical treatise of the diseases of the lungs. Ph., i860, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1691. Walterus, J. G. Observationes anatomicse. Berolini, 1775, f°-> unb., 50c. 1692. Walther, Ph., Fr. von. Fetthautgeschwulste und andre Bildungsfehler. Landshut, 1814, fo., hf. cl., 75c. 1693. Walton, I., and Colton, C. The complete angler. 3d. ed. L., 1835, i2mo, illus., cl., 50c. 1694. Wagner, E. Hundbuch der allgemeinen Pathologie. Leipzig, 1868, 8vo, hf. mor., $1.00. 1695. Wardrop, J. Curative effects of the abstraction of blood. Ph., 1837, 8vo, hf. cf., 25c. 1696. Morbid anatomy of the human eye. 2d. ed. Colored plates. 2 vols. L., 1834, 8vo, bds., $1.00. 1697. Ware, J. Observations on the cataract and gutta serena. 3d. ed. L., 1812, 8vo, hf. rn., 45c. 1698. Waring, E. J. Practical therapeutics. Ph., 1866, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1699. Waring, J. J. Epidemic at Savannah, 1876. Savannah, Ga., 1879, 8vo; unb., 35c. 1700. Warlomont. Congres d’ophthalmologie de Bruxelles. Ses- sion de 1857. P., 1858, 8vo, hf. cl., 65c. 1701. Du pannus. Bruxelles, 1854, 8vo, hf. cl., 50c. 1702. Warner, Harriet W. Autobiography of Charles Cald- well, M.D. Ph., 1855, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1703. Warren, E. Life of John Collins Warren, M.D. Vol. 2. Boston, 1870, 8vo, cl., 30c. 1704. The life of John Warren, M.D. Boston, 1874, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1705. Warren, J. A view of the mercurial practice in febrile dis- eases. B., 1813, 8vo, hf. rn., 40c. 1706. Warren, J. C. Address before the American Medical As- sociation, 1850. Boston, 1850, 8vo, cl., 15c. 1707. Etherization. B., 1848, i6mo, cl., 20c. 1708. Sensorial and nervous systems in men and animals. Boston, 1822, 8vo, bds., 30c. 99 1709. Warren, S. Intellectual and moral development. Edin., 1853, i2mo, cl., 10c. 1710. Waters, A. T. H. The anatomy of the human lung. L., i860, 8vo, cl., 50c. 1711. On diseases of the chest. L., 1868, 8vo, cl., 65c. 1712. Watson, E. Topical medication of the larynx. L., 1854, 8vo, cl., 45c. 1713. Watson, J. Medical profession in ancient times. N. Y., 1856, 8vo, cl., 30c. 1714. Watson, P. H. Excision of the knee-joint. Edin., 1867, 8vo, unb., 35c. 1715. Watson, R. Apologies for Christianity and the Bible. 2d. ed. Edin., 1823, i6mo, bds., 15c. 1716. Watson, T. Principles and practice of physic. 2 vols. L., 1857, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 1717. Watts, J., et al. The medical and surgical register. N. Y., 1818, 8vo, bds., 50c. 1718. Weatherside, G. H., Diseases of the lungs; Williams, On the chest; Burne, Habitual constipation. Ph., 1837-40, 8vo, hf. mor., 30c. 1719. Wedl, C. Pathological histology. L., 1855, 8vo, cl., 75c. 1720. Weekly returns of deaths and interments in Phila., 1874. 8vo, unb., 15c. 1721. Weller. Maladies des yeux. P., 1832, 2 vols., 8vo, hf. cf., 50c. 1722. Wells, J. S. Treatise on the diseases of the eye. Ph., 1869, 8vo, cl., $1.50. 1723. Wenzel. Manuel de l’oculiste. 2 vols. P., 1808, 8vo, hf. cf., 60c. 1724. Wepfer, J. J. Observationes medico-practicge, de affecti- bus capitis. Scaphusii, 1727, 4to, 50c. 1725. West, C. Diseases of infancy and childhood. Ph., 1850, 8vo, hf. cf., 25c. 1726. — Same. Ph., 1868, 8vo, cl., 35c. 1727. — Lectures on the diseases of women. Ph., 1858, 8vo cl.. 65c- 100 1728. West, C. On some disorders of the nervous system in child- hood. Lumleian lectures, 1871. Ph., 1871, i6mo, cl., 50c. 1729. Western Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Vols. 1-32. Louisville, 1840-55, 8vo, hf. bd., $16.00. (Vol. 19 missing.) 1730. Western Journal of the medical and physical sciences. Vol. 2. Cin., 1829, 8vo, hf. shp., 25c. 1731. Western Medical and Physical Journal. Vols. 1-4, 5, 9, 10, 11. Cin., 1827-38, 8vo, hf. bd., $3.00. 1732. Westmoreland, J. G. Treatise on acology and therapeutics. Atlanta, Ga., 1873, 8vo, cl., 65c. 1733. Wharton, F., and Moreton, Stille, M.D. Medical Juris- prudence. Ph., 1855, 8vo, shp., $1.25. 1734. What to observe at the bedside and after death in medical cases. Ph., 1853, i2mo, cl., 35c. 1735. Whistler, W. MacN. Syphilis of the larynx. L., 1879, 8vo, cl., 75c. 1736. White, A. A treatise on the plague. L., 1846, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1737. White, C. Management of pregnant and lying-in-women. Worcester, 1793, 8vo, shp., 40c. 1738. White, R. Doubts of hydrophobia. L., 1826, 8vo, bds., 50c. 1739. Whitehead, J. On the transmission from parent to offspring of some forms of disease. 2d. ed. L., 1857, 8vo, cl., 75c. 1740. Whytt, R. Works. Edin., 1768, 4to, $1.00. 1741. Wilcocks, A. Nature of the temporary star of the year 1572. Ph., i860, 4to, unb., 20c. 1742. Willan, R. On cutaneous diseases. Vol. 1. Ph., 1809, 8vo, shp., 25c. 1743. Williams, C. J. B. Diseases of the lungs and pleura. Ph., 1830, 8vo, 15c. 1744. Diseases of the respiratory organs. With notes by M. Clymer. Ph., 1845, 8vo, shp-> 30c. 1745. Pathology and diagnosis of diseases of the chest. 4th. ed. L., 1840, 8vo, cl., 35c. 101 1746- Williams, C. J. B. Principles of medicine. Ph., 1844, 8vo, bds., 20c. 1747. Williams, C. J. B., and Willians, C. T. Pulmonary con- sumption. Ph., 1871, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 1748. Williams, C. J. B., et al. Dissertations on diseases of the organs of respiration. Ed. by A. Tweedie, M.D. Ph., 1841, 8vo, cl., 40c. 1749. Williams, H. W. Recent advances in ophthalmic science. B., 1866, i2mo, cl., 30c. 1750. Williams, R. On morbid poisons. L., 1836, 8vo, bds., 25c. 1751. Same. L., 1841, 8vo, bds.., 25c. 1752. Williams, S. W. American medical biography. Greenfield, Mass., 1845, 8vo, 5oc- 1753. Williamson, H. Observations on the climate in different parts of America. N. Y., 1811, 8vo, bds., 60c. 1754. Williamson, J. Medical and miscellaneous observations relative to the West India Islands. 2 vols. Edin., 1817, 8vo, cf., 50c. 1755- Willis, F. A treatise on mental derangement. L., 1823, 8vo, bds., 35c. 1756. Willis, R. Urinary diseases. Ph., 1839, 8vo, hf. shp., 30c. 1757. The works of William Harvey. [Syd. Soc.] L., 1847, 8vo. cl., 50c. 1758. Willis, T. Cerebri anatome. L., 1664, 4t0> cf., $i-oo. 1759. — Medical-philosophical discourse of fermenta- tion. L., 1684, 4to, cf., $2.00. 1760. — Practice of physick. L., 1784, fo., hf. cf., $1.00. 1761. Wilson, A. Philips. An essay on the nature of fever. Worcester, 1807, 8vo, hf. shp., 30c. 1762. Wilson, E. Healthy skin. Ph., 1854, i2mo, cl., 30c. 1763. — Lectures on dermatology. L., 1871, 8vo, cl., 60c. 1764. — On syphilis. Ph., 1852, 8vo, cl., $1.00. 102 1765. Winckel, F. Die Pathologie und Therapie des Wochen- betts. 2e Auf. Berlin, 1869, 8vo, hf. mor., 45c. 1766. Winslow, F. The anatomy of suicide. L., 1840, 8vo, cl., 60c. 1767. On obscure diseases of the brain. Ph., i860, 8vo, cl., 75c. 1768. Wise, T. A. Pathology of the blood. Edin., 1858, 8vo, cl., 75c. 1769. Wolfe, J. R. Improved method of extraction of cataract. L., 1868, 8vo, cl., 60c. 1770. Wood, Geo. B. An address on the occasion of the centen- nial celebration of the founding of the Penna. Hospital, 1851. Ph., 1851, 8vo, cl., 20c. 1771. Introductory lectures and addresses on medical subjects. Ph., 1859, 8vo, cl., 35c. 1772. Practice of medicine. Ph., 1847, 2 vols., 8vo, cl., 50c. 1773. Same. 4th. ed. Ph., 1855, 8vo, shp., 75c. 1774. Same. 2 vols. 5th. ed. Ph., 1858, 8vo, shp., 75c. 1775. Syllabus of the course of lectures on mate- ria medica and pharmacy. Ph., 1844, 8vo, unb., 10c. 1776. Wood, G. B., and Franklin Bache. Dispensatory of the U. S. of America. 13th. ed. Ph., 1870, 8vo, shp., $1.00. 1777. Wood, H. C. Animal heat. L., 1881, 8vo, unb., 10c. 1778. History of the fresh-water algae of North America. Wn., 1873, 4to> 21 col. unb., $1.00. 1779. A study of the nature and mechanism of fever. Wn., 1875, 8vo, unb., 10c. [Toner lectures No. 4.] 1780. Thermic fever or sunstroke. Ph., 1872, i2mo, cl., 35c. 1781. Wright, H. G. Uterine disorders. L., 1867, 8vo, hf. mor., 80c. 1782. WiiLLNER, A. Einleitung in die Dioptrik des Auges. Leipzig, 1866, 8vo, bds., 50c. 103 1783. Wyman, W. Autumnal catarrh (hay fever). N. Y., 1872, 8vo, cl., 70c. 1784. Yarrell, W. Description of a species of Tringa. No title page, 4to, unb., 20c. 1785. Year-Book of Medicine, surgery and their allied sciences, for 1859, i860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864. New Syd. Soc. Lond., 1860-65, 8vo, cl., 50c. a vol. 1786. Year-Book of Pharmacy and General Information. Pub- lished by W. A. Weed & Co. Chicago, 111., 1872, 4to, cl., 10c. 1787. Yearsley, J. On the enlarged tonsil and elongated uvula. L., 1842, 8vo, col. pi., 35c. 1788. Young, T. Introduction to medical literature. L., 1813, 8vo, shp., 30c. 1789. An introduction to medical literature. 2d. ed. L., 1823, 8vo, bds., 30c. 1790. Zehender, W. Der Dioptrik des Menslichen. Auges. Erlangen, 1856, 8vo, hf. cl., 30c. 1791. Zeitschrift fur Physiologische Chemie. Band 8. 1883-4, 8vo, unb., 75c. 1792. Zschokke, H. Des Schweizerlands Geschichte. Aaran, 1834, 8vo, unb., 20c.