4A*s ^xituit 0! \\t €m. AN ESSAY PRESENT STATE AURAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY. J. P. COLGAN, M. D -'Si BROOKLYN: W. n. Ilogan, Printer, (torn, No. 6, Montague Hall. 1858. 'A 1$ AN APPEAL MEDICAL PROFESSION IN BROOKLYN, IN BEHALF OF THOSE AFFLICTED WITH DEAFNESS AND OTHER DISEASES OF THE E AN ESSAY READ FEJ"ORE THE "MEDICO O^IKURGICAL SOCIETY,'" August 24th, 1357\ BY JOSEPH P. COLGAN, M. D. &c. &c &c. ^-""T. ?ra^: BROOKLYN: PRINTED BY W . H. flOGAN, MONTAGUS HALL, 1858. INTRODUCTION. Mr. President and Gentlemen of "The Brooklyn Medical Society"—Your society, the only one, I be- lieve, at present existing in our city, at least actively— although the number of medical men who dwell therein would lead a person to suppose the existence of many— was founded, if I mistake not, for the purpose of cultivat- ing : First, and before all other objects, peace and good will amongst its members; and, secondly, for the accumu- .^Hrtriation of medical facts and the advancement of medical science; and, lastly, for the diffusion of the medics know- ledge deduced from these accumulated facts. Its mis- sion is a noble, responsible, and highly essential mission, for no individual experience or observation was yet ever sufficient to perfect the physician. There must be a place to deposit facts, and compare them, separate the truths from the falsehoods; and, there must be some point from which these truths shall radiate, like so many rays of light, to guide each member of the profession in his toilsome, and often, for the want of the light of such facts, doubtful path. We have an hospital, it is true, a monument of the kindly feelings of our more prosperous citizens to the wants of the less favored portion, which ought to fulfil much of this mission. But this institution i6 a sealed 4 INTRODUCTION. book, as far as t'ne profession or the public generally are concerned; for neither the profession, nor the public through it, receive any benefit from the vast experience which should accumulate within its walls. No clinical instruction. No statistics of disease or result of treat- ment, or pathological discovery. No doubtful state of diagnosis reduced to certainty, as far as I have been able to learn, have as yet been given to the profession by its faculty. " I have," says Dr. Latham, in his lectures on sub- jects connected with clinical medicine,—Philadelphia edition, Lecture 2, p. 22—" always thought that hos- pitals are not converted to half the good they are cal- culated to serve as schools of medicine—and I think so still. " I have always thought that, in hospitals knowledge is perpetually running to waste for want of laborers to gather it,—and I think so still.'' " I have always thought that, in our schools every mode of lecturing has been unduly exalted above cli- nical lecturing ; and every place where knowledge is to be had, or is supposed to be had, has been unduly pre- ferred to the bed-side—and I continue to think this." None of the gifted and venerable gentlemen—vener- able in consequence of the position they occupy in con- nection with it—which implies, as in the case of Mutter, Meigs and Bell—Mott, Clarke and Charnocan—Cooper, Latham and Brodie—Stokes and Graves—Velpeau, Laennec and Louise, comprehensive and liberal minds, INTRODUCTION. 5 lengthened observation, vast experience, profound know- ledge, and an acquaintance with every thing done and do- ing in the various countries, have as yet been much of a benefactor to the younger branch of the profession by clinical instruction, the only instruction of real practical utility to the medical student, and the greatest benefit hospitals confer upon mankind. "I have," says one of the distinguished gentlemen mentioned above, " considered my business to be ex- pressly in the wards of the hospital; and I have thought myself expressly placed there to be a demonstrator of medical facts. I use the term demonstrator, because it will at once carry my meaning to your minds ; which is, that I have looked upon myself as engaged to direct the student where to look for, and how to detect, the object which he ought to know ; and the object be- ing known, to point out the value of it in itself and in all its relations. " Thus, we see, that an hospital is a spring from which ought to flow clear and limpid streams of truth and science, from which every member of the profession might drink and be refreshed. It is not the property of those gifted gentlemen immediately in charge of it; they are, or should be, only the custodians, the skilful gardeners, as it were, to plant, cultivate, mature and distribute. They should consider themselves as ex- pressly PLACED THERE TO BE DEMONSTRATORS OF *" medical facts .... which means that they are engaged to direct the student where to look for, 6 IN TROD UCTION. and how to detect, the object which he ought to know, and, the object being known, to point out the value of it.in itself and in all its relations. Have not you, Mr. President, and I, and every mem- ber of the profession, and through us, every patient we have had in charge, been benefitted by the existence of St. Bartholomew's and the Meath Hospitals, (to in- stance cases at a distance as of more force than those at hand,) as the poor that were received within their halls and cared for; and as the medical men have been, who listened in the wards of these famous establish- ments, to the distinguished and pre-eminently practical lectures of Dr. Latham, on the heart, and on acute rheu- matism ; and to the no less distinguished lectures of Drs. Stokes and Graves. Who of us have not been vastly instructed by the study of the London Hospital reports; the Dublin Hospital reports; Marsh's reports, and by the clinical lectures oi Goddard, Bell, Latham and Bouil- laud ? This, sir, is not said by the way of complaint; for, in our infant state, much could not be expe:ted, but it is to remind us, that although in infancy it is per- mitted us to act like infants,—in our manhood it is ex- pected that we should act like men It is to remind us, that, it is nigh time to put off our swaddling clothes, and indicate to those in charge of the City Hospital, that it is the vast seminary where the younger members of the profession should be taught to develope that knowledge, which will qualify them to give to the pub- lic, from whom they expect support, the benefit of it« INTRODUCTION. i vast experience, as well as of all the recent improve- ments in medical science. "My business," says a gentleman, addressing a class in the wards of St. Bar- tholomew's, "is with the few individual patients be- fore me ; and whatever good or whatever evil I do, would be strictly limited to them but for your pre- sence. Yes, you are there to take ncte of the errors into which I may fall, that you may avoid them, and so restrict the mischief within its present sphere; and you are there to take note, also, of the good which I may do, and learn the method of doing it, and make it your own, and carry it abroad with you, that it may bear fruit a hundred fold, and be multiplied among all mankind." But as matters now stand, there is no chan- nel in this city through which an exchange of medical sentiment can flow, or the voice of those asking for in- formation be heard. There is no place, whence a truth discovered, can be propagated, or an error detected can be exposed, but through your society. Then, sir, I was right in saying your mission was an essential one. We will cultivate good will amongst ourselves, by comming- ling of mind with mind, so that each member of this so- ciety will be, as it were, the depository of all the know- ledge, and all the experience of all the other members, each freely communicating whatever information he may have acquired by study, or by observation in his pro- fessional avocations. But this society is benevolent, as well as philanthro* pic and scientific ; for the information thus stored up in 8 INTRODUCTION. the mind of each, is to be distributed as opportunity offers, for the alleviation of the sufferings and ills to which our poor fallen human nature is subject. These desirable objects, however, can be perfected by this so- ciety only, by the individual co-operation of its mem- bers, by each member feeling it his duty to bear a por- tion of the burden, and participate in its labors. It is those feelings that prompt me in accordance with the sense of the responsibilities which my membership im- poses on me, to lay aside for awhile the great antipathy I have ever felt to appear, unsolicited, in the front ranks of any movement, and take myself from my retirement, to plead before your society, and through it, before the profession, the cause of a class of sufferers that is very numerous, and whose affections have not, up to this time, received from the profession in our city, that at- tention which their importance demands—I allude to diseases of the organ of hearing. I must confess, that for the honor of our city, and of the profession of which I am an humble member, I have often blushed to think that in Brooklyn, up to this time, not a medical society has prospered; while in every city in Europe, half the size of it, and with less than a tenth of its prosperity—even in the little city of Dublin—not to mention Paris, London, Berlin or Vien- na, several medical societies exist, where medical facts, and pathological phenomena are accumulated and veri- fied, to be transmitted throughout the world as a por- tion of a debt which medical men in that quarter con- INTRODUCTION. 9 sider they contracted, and are bound to pay to the general fund, when admitted to " the ranks of a pro- fession which, even in its infancy—when the world was in darkness—was a glorious science, when compared with its contemporaries." It is to the zeal, the enthusi- asm with which these societies* and hospitals are upheld, that, that little city is indebted for the brilliant position she occupies in the medical firmament,—that she is in- debted for the production of such men as Wilde and Jacobs, Graves and Stokes, Crampton and Carmichael, Churchill and Gregory, Collins and Kennedy, and the profound Coirigan, and a host of ethers who have shed so much lustre on their native city, and benefit on the medical world. In other places, the minds of the mem- bers of the profession are united as if one, for the ad- vancement of their loved science, nere, it would seem that heretofore, at least, each member was a system in himself, separated from all other interests. Here, each member seems to be a positive charged electric, the in- stant he approaches his fellow—they repel each other. Sir, let the cause be what it may—however painful— truth compels us to acknowledge that this state exists, or has existed in Brooklyn—and it is only mentioned and the comparison alluded to, in order to rouse us to an effort for its removal. * Incredible as it may appear, there are no less than thity-three Medical Institutions in and about the city of Dublin. Six lying in hospitals, three fever hospitals, infirmaries, &c, in all of which clinical medicine is taught. 10 INTRODUCTION. A word now as to the reasons for devoting my atten- tion to the production of the present paper, in prefer- ence to one of a more popular and attractive nature. When a student of medicine, during a strict attendance on medical lectures, my attention was never directed to the investigation of the pathological changes taking place in the auditory apparatus. Not even in the wards of the hospital, during a long course of clinical instruc- tion, did I ever receive a hint that the ear and its tis- sues were obnoxious to inflammatory affections, as well as other organs and tissues of the body. In the anatomi- cal and physiological courses, I was, in common with other tyros in the art, taught that there was such an organ in the human body as the ear, and that in a cer- tain portion of the temporal bone were contained the parts connected with the faculty of hearing. I was, it is also true told, that there was an external auditory passage lined with a delicate membrane, liberally supplied with fol- licles or cerumenous glands ; that the portion of mem- brane lining the bottom of this passage, was called the membrana tympani. I was also told of the middle and internal portions—of the semicircular carals, of the la- byrinth, of the ossicula auditus, and of the auditory nerve, and of the nerves of sensation and motion. I was further informed of the existence of an internal passage, having its entrance in the throat, and called after its discoverer, the Eustachian tube. And then I was cau- tioned, if disease occurred in these parts, to be careful how I interfered with it. INTRODUCTION. 11 Now, this is about the entire information conveyed on this organ pathologically, physiologically or therapeuti- cally, during a four month's course of lectures, repeated term after term ; whereas three or four weeks are often devoted to speculations on the seat and cause of fevers ; on the identity of, or difference between typhoid and typhus ; and sometimes a like portion of time as fruit- lessly consumed in teaching the mystery and art of per- cussion and auscultation, and all the physical signs of disease of the heart and lungs, with all the bruite and rale, by tapping and auscultating the lecturer's desk. Not a word on the pathology of the affections of the ear, or of the therapeutical method of relief. Not a word of admonition as to the danger of incipient inflammation in any of these tissues. Not a word as to the frequency of obstruction in the Eustachian tube in certain affec- tions ; or of an accumulation of cerumen in the external auditory passage ; or of thickening; or opacity of the membrane of the tympanum ; or of polypus; or of ab- normal growth of hair—all the result of inflammation, and the sure precursors of deafness. I was told nothing of all this. Who has not felt, before he had been long in the prac- tical discharge of his professional duties, the deficiency of such an education in relation to the affections of so im- portant an organ ? Who, that has been to any extent engaged in the management of infants, has not wit- nessed twitchings and spasms, and even convulsions, for which it was impossible to find a cause or a remedy, 12 INTRODUCTION. until the membrane of the tympanum gave way from pressure behind, and allowed the discharge of puss through the external ear, which suddenly explained the cause, and removed the spasms and convulsions ? Who can explain the perplexity of the young physician, who heretofore looked upon his teachers and class-books as complete and infallible, when he looks over his note- book to find what the professors taught him on this class of affections ; and consults his class-books, one after the other, with the bitter mortification of finding one and the other silent; nay, worse than silent, on the mat- ter. In the writings of Cooper, (both Sir Astley and Samuel) Druit, Saunders and the like, instead of in- structions he meets with lamentations over the neglect paid by practitioners to this branch of pathology. But this did not de'er me,—I sought information from this physician and that, whose position and talent would presuppose extensive information on all medical Bubjects, and received in reply, that " Aural medicine was not appreciated!" "would not pay!!" Yet, I determined still to seek, and had the gratification to find that there were in the ranks of the profession a few investigators, more intent on the advancement of medical science, and benefit!ing mankind, than the accumulation of sordid wealth; who devoted the energies of great and exalted minds to the special investigation of the Ear and its diseases ; and that in many cities of Europe, and in Russia, aural medicine is as well cultivated a oph- thalmic surgery is amongst us. The work of Dr. INTRODUCTION. 13 Kramer, of Berlin, on "the Nature and Treatment of diseases of the Ear," which was republished in Philadel- phia in 1838, had the merit of first directing the attention of the profession in this country to the study of Aural Medicine and Surgery, but I regret to say that the num- ber who applied themselves to these investigations, was very limited, and the zeal with which the subject was pur- sued was not of the most enthusiastic nature, nor com- mensurate with its importance ; however, it roused the Aural Pathologists of Europe to increased efforts for the improvement of that branch of our art; and dispensaries, for ,the treatment of diseases of the Ear, were soon founded in all the chief cities of England and Ireland. In this paper I shall direct attention to the neglect which aural affections have received from the profes- sion generally, and the consequences of that neglect; also, to the labor bestowed on them by some of the most able investigators, and the benefits resulting from that labor; but I shall first show that the improvements in the various branches of pathological science are due to special investigation directed to the state of particular organs in health and disease, and that without special attention they would have remained in that doubt as to diagnosis and treatment, in which they were but a short time ago involved, and ,in which aural affections are still involved for the want of that investigation. ; , ii Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, March 1858. AN ESSAY ON DISEASES OF THE EAR. Since the days of Hunter, Physiologists and Patholo- gists have done much for the advancement of the diag- nostic, therapeutic and symptomatic branches of our profession. The viscera of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis have each been submitted to the special and thorough investigation of pathologists, and the fruit of these investigations are immeasurable. Opthalmic and Dental Surgery and Medicine, have, since that time, almost, become distinct arts, although both physi- cians and surgeons in general are well informed on all the pathological changes to which the organ of vision is obnoxious, as well as of the improved method of treating them; but the affections of the auditory appa- ratus, although meeting with marked attention lately from a few able and indefatigable investigators, have not been cultivated by the members of the medical profes- sion, generally, or by physiologists. The same obscurity now exists in regard to diseases of the Ear (speaking of the auditory apparatus as a whole) that twenty or thirty years ago existed as to disease of the heart, lungs, or alimentary canal. Yet, the diseases of all these parts are now well understood, and the mode of treatment much more certain and reliable. To point out some of these changes will be the chief aim of this paper. Laennec first taught us the use of our Ears and 16 AN ESSAY ON other acoustic instruments in the diagnosis of disease of the chest, but more especially in those of the heart. Whilst we acknowledge, with gratitude, the great bene- fit thus conferred upon our art; and that we could never have arrived at the perfection we have now at- tained in our diagnosis of the dynamic or functional and organic diseases of the important organs, within this cavity, without the aid of his splendid discovery, it must not be concealed that had we continued to receive his teachings in full as infallible, and as'admittingno fur- ther investigation, we never could have deduced there- from practical results commensurate with the hopes they had given rise to. On his authority, it will be remem- bered, we were taught to believe, and some do still believe, that the second sound of the heart was caused by the contraction of the auricle, and he made all mur- murs coincident with this sound of the heart or con. traction of the auricle, to denote disease of the valves, which immediately succeed the auricle in the course of the circulation. And as a consequence of this error he taught us another—namely, that the contraction of each cavity of the heart was the cause of the murmur which proceede dfrom the injured valve immediately beyond itself. The systole of the left ventricle produced the murmur when the aortic valve was injured ; the systole of the left auricle when the mitral valve was diseased. But pathologists did not sit down content with the mere theory of the immortal Laennec, nor did they dispair when they followed the subject to the dissecting table and found the results contradict the theory, but pursued the in- vestigation, until Stokes, of Dublin, to his honor be it confessed, showed us in addition to the distinguishing marks between disease of the internal and external membrane of the heart, that, a valve partially closed that ought to be wholly closed, or partially open that DISEASES OF THE EAR. 17 ought to be entirely open, not only admits a sound by the current in its onward course, but in its return also ; hence, the murmur of regurgitation. The Eustachian tube, the cerumenous glands, or the ossicula auditus, are not more distant from our view, nor obscure, than the aortic valve, or the mitral, and as industrious investigation has removed a portion of the obscurity in which affections of the valves were in- volved, industrious and scientific investigation can, and will remove, the physiological obscurity in which those parts are involved, if the attention of those qualified can be brought to a sense of the importance of such investigations. A few years ago, the most eminent in zeal and talent were unable to distinguish between endo-carditis and peri-carditis ; were unable to anticipate their approach, or recognise their presence in acute rheumatism. Phy- sicians could say that trouble existed in or about the heart, that its functions were impeded, but of its exact nature or seat our ideas were confused and uncertain. We heard sounds, other than those we were accustomed to call first and second sound?, and synchronous with the systole or with the dyastole, and we called them hard unpronounceable names, in a strange tongue; to make the mystery doubly mysterious, we called them bruit and ral6, (bruit de rape, bruit de scie, ou bruit de soufflet.) blowing and rubbing, cooing and whistling, but whether any and which of these sounds indicated disease of the external or of the internal membrane of the heart, who could say ? Indeed, no body knew, until Dr. Latham taught the fact, that whenever the heart was affected-in acute rheumatism, which occurred in 90 cases out of 136, a sound, different from the sound of health, always accompanied its contractions. Eid Dr. Latham, by this, discover a new disease? No; he only IS AN ESSAY ON by close clinical observation, made evident, what had been for the very want of that observation, hidden—in his own words, " made that the subject of sure diagnosis which was before hit upon by chance." Here is great fruit produced from paying special at- tention to a special organ, and to its special changes in a special disease. The Ear, certainly, is not more hid- den than the heart's investments, and the same atten- tion to its first admonitions of disease may prevent future mischief to the organ. It was not until Bouillaud taught us, we were able to attribute the bellows or blowing sound of the heart as pathognomonic of inflammation or irritation of its lining membrane. And how did Bouillaud make this import- ant discovery? Was it by denouncing specialities, as some gentlemen are pleased to term such investigations ? He says—"That we have attentively sought peri-carditis and endo-carditis, and that others have not sought them. And certainly to find we must seek, and seek with much care, and with a perseverance that no hing can weary or divert from its purpose." Nor could we, till Drs. Stokes and Watson, for both, about the same time, and seemingly without the knowledge of each other's investigations, separated the blowing and rubbing sounds of the heart from each other, and analyzed them apart. These indefatigable and gifted men, by persevering in- dustry, and close and long continued observation, directed to a special object, showed that the attrition sound of the heart was produced by two surfaces moving to- and-fro upon each other, and traced them home to their local origin the pericardium. How easy it is now for the attentive student to master, by ordinary iadustry, this formerly so difficult a subject. He need not trouble himself about the cooing, the bellows, the whistling sounds, the bleating, the rasping, the sawing, the to- DISEASES OF THE EAR. 19 and-fro sounds, he has only to bear in mind that blow- ing or puffing, or the like, no matter the key or the rariety, so as it is blowing or puffing is pathognomonic )f endocardial trouble ; and that rubbing or rasping, or to-and-fro sound, is as indicative of pericardial trouble; md, that where a mixture of those exists there exists, ilso, a mixture of endo-cardial and pericardial disease; but in the case of either he can say, here we have endo- carditis—there, we have peri-carditis. With the same amount of industry, and even less talent, may we not hope to see some future physiologist or pathologist reduce the symptoms of affections of the auditory apparatus to the same results as those of the heart. Surely the membrana tympani is not more concealed than the peri or endo-cardium, and yet, little in general, is understood of affections of the former membrane. We have not only learned to detect the presence of peri and endo-carditis in acute rheumatism, but we have, by the industry of Bouillaud, arrived at the probable cause of that occurrence. M. Chomel, in an essay, denied the termination of articular rheumatism by suppuration. This called special attention to the subject, the consequence of which was, that Bouillaud found that M. Rasibroski had reported one case that had so terminated; M. Moreau, two cases; M. Cru- veilhier, in his paper on puerperal rheumatism, re- ported three cases, and Bouillaud, himself, .two cases of acute rheumatism that terminated by suppuration. The practical deduction from these facts is, as the latter seems to indicate, that the true and chief seat of acute rheumatism is in the serous or synovial mem- brane of the joints; hence the susceptibility of the serous investments of the heart to take on inflamma- 20 AN ESSAY ON tion, or some painful affection in acute rheumatism, through sympathy of tissue. Again we find that, that peculiar and interesting pulse called, "bis ferians, or dicrotic, or reflux, or venous pulse," so long a subject of doubt and per- plexity to pathologists, has been brought to a state of probable certainty, by the labors of Bouillaud, whose motto is, that in order "to find we must seek, and seek with much care, and with a perseverance that nothing can weary or divert from its purpose." In a patient in whom this reflux or venous pulse was distinctly marked, he not only felt this double movement in the radial artery, but traced it to the arch of the aorta, where it was evident at the hollow of the sternum. He saw the column of blood in the jugular vein descending during the diastole of the right ventricle, then reflowing into the vein during the systole of the same ventricle, the valve of which was defective ; from which he conjectures that, it might be produced by what he calls •« the aspiration" of a certain quantity of arterial ^blood during the diastole of the left ventricle, allowed by the insufficiency of the aortic valves. This conjecture, it will be recollected, is in harmony with Dr. Stokes' theory of the murmur of regurgitation, but it is only a conjecture and not sufficiently tested, or sanctioned by other pathologists, it is only alluded to, to show that it has been considered worthy of special investigation by that eminent physician. Broussais was not always right, the principals he in- culcated were not always founded on facts, and were not staple; but who will deny him the credit of having indicated the way to a just and scientific practice in gastro-enteritic diseases. He was the means of direct- ing the attention of impartial and scientific investigators in the right direction ; and it must be admited that, DI8 RASES OF THE EAR. 21 the subsequent investigations of many pathologists have proved many of his theories, which were at the time disputed, as regards the diseases of those viscera in fever—correct. Who now thinks of treating flatulency, constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, and acidity, (terms until lately used as masks for ignorance) as idiopathic diseases ? They are, by the advance made by patho- logists in this special branch of medical science, as- signed by all well educated medical men as symptoms or effects of disease, rather than disease itself, and the cause sought out and removed. Would not a medical man be deserving of something more than contempt who should, in the present state of our pathological knowledge of the alimentary canal and its diseases, attempt to remove constipation by drastic purgatives, acidity or gastric irritability by emetics, flatulency by carminatives, without troubling himself to know whether the constipation, acidity, vomiting or flatu- lency was the result of inflammation, irritation, debility, sympathy or nervous torpor ? But such things were, and might have continued to be, had not the attention of pathologists been turned in this special direc- tion. r Are not the parts concerned in the functions of hear- ing as cognizant to our senses, as the parts concerned in the functions of digestion ; and if the same amount of interest be manifested in investigating some abnormal symptoms of affections of the Ear, as tinnitus, dullness of hearing, &c, may not the true cause of these symp- toms be discovered, and thereby a key to their cure ? Another subject of much interest and importance, long in doubt an 1 uncertainty, seems to have, in con- sequence of the attention given to the subject by some of our best observers, and most zealous and successful pathologists, made some advance towards certainty, wfil&Wv 22 AN ES'8 AY ON namely, the recognition of some reliable symptom indi- cative of the proper time and mode of administering wine and other nutritious articles, in fevers and febrile diseases. Up to a very late period, it is strange to say, that the directions given by Hippocrates twenty two or three hundred years ago, had the advantage of being more intelligent and simple, if nst more reliable than any to be met within modern books, which were, "that we were to be guided by the state of the sputa and urinary sediments ; that is when the sputa put on a purulent appearance, and the urinary deposits become copious and reddish." Dr. Tweedie, certainly one of the most distinguished of modern authorities, recommends us to be guided principally by a cool skin, and soft pulse when combined with debility. In regard to the cool skin it may be interesting and instructive to hear how " the Father of medicine" holds this symptom up as fallacious and unreliable. He says :— " When the feet are cold, give neither drink nor ptisan, nor anything else of the kind, but reckon it an important rule to refrain until they become warm, and then you may administer them with advantage. . . . For the most part, coldness is a symptom of a paroxysm of the fever coming on ; and if at such a season you ap- ply these things, you will commit the greatest possible mistake, for you will augment the disease in no small degree."—(Works of Hippocrates Sydenham Society, vol. 1 p. 318). And now in regard to the pulse, the other indication of Dr. Tweedie, it may be no less interesting and instruc- tive to quote the manner in which Celsus, who, like the former authority, is venerable for its antiquity, rebukes DISEASES 07 THE EAR. 23 those of his day who trusted to that symptom as a reli • able indication. In speaking of the proper time] for the administration of drinks, &c, in fever, Celsus says : "We principally trust the pulse—a most fallacious mark (venis enim maxime credimus, fallacissimse rei)— because this is often slower or quick from the age, and sex, and difference of constitution—and generally when the body is in pretty good health, if the stomach be weak; sometimes, also, in the beginning of a fever it rises and sinks, so that a person may seem to be weak, when he can very well stand a severe fit that is just ap- proaching. On the other hand, the pulse is often raised and the vessels relaxed by the influence of the sun, and of the bath, and exercise, and fear, and anger, and any other passion of the mind ; so that when a physician first comes in, the anxiety of the patient, doubtful how he may think him, accelerates the pulse. Now, if the sight of the physician quickens the pulse, how easily may a thousand other accidents disorder it."—(A Corn. Celsi Medicinse, Lib. vi p 74.) Fortunately for the credit of our modern school, in this instance, we are not called upon to decide between Hippocrates and Celsus on the one hand, and Dr. Tweedie on the other ; for M. Littre lately called attention to another indication, which Mr. Francis Smith, the excel- lent translator and annotator of the " Genuine Works of Hippocrates'' for the Sydenham Society, called a most important one, provided it was confirmed by time and ex- perience. It is an auscultatory sign laid down by Dr. William Stokes, of Dublin, and is, " that when the im- pulse of the heart is abnormally weak, and when there is a diminution of the proportion between the two sounds, wine may be freely administered."' We have already acknowledged our indebtedness to 24 AN ESSAY ON Dr. Latham "for having taught us not only when to sus pect the approach, but how to recognize the presence of, endocardial or exocardial disease in acute rheumatism, and how to distinguish the one from the other. We have now to pay a like acknowledgment to Dr. William Stokes, for the zeal and success with which he has for a whole year devoted his great energies to discover the symptoms of the heart occurring as the secondary local lesions of typhus. He has taught us by these experiments that to discover these local lesions the pulse is an uncertain guide, and that while the application of the hand and the stethoscope are both indispensable to detect them, either by itselfis defective. He has taught us that soft- ening of the heart seems to be one of the secondary local lesions of typhus. How that softening is to be recog- nized by diminished impulse, or a complete absence of impulse__by a diminished first sound, or even an absence of the first sound—that in most cases the diminution of the impulse and first sound co-exist, yet that impulse may exist without corresponding first sound, and con- versely, the first sound may be heard, although unac- companied by impulse—these phenomena are most evi- dent, as connected with the left side of tbe heart. Dental Surgery is a new branch of medical science. It has been taken possession of by a class of men by talent, by education, and by special study, every way qualified to advance it to the rank of a science—men who devote their whole time and attention to its improvement, and whom it rewards with its golden harvest. Yet, we know that what existed of it a few years ago was nothing more than a mechanical art, little understood and practiced. Fifty years ago, if a person lost a tooth, it was no easy or trifling circumstance to supply the defi- ciency, and it was to the shop of the jeweller he was most likely to apply for a substitute; but now any num. DISEASES OF THE EAR. 25 ber of teeth may be supplied at a moderate cost, that perform all the offices and functions of—and not to be distinguished even by the wearer from—the natural teeth, and by well-educated physicians. If further evi- dence be wanted of the utility of paying special atten- tion to a special branch of the medical art, I need only refer to the ease with which that deformity, arising from the irregularity of the teeth, particularly the incisors and the cuspidati, is now, by the skill and dexterity of the well-educated dental surgeon, removed without extract- ion, and almost without pain. I saw in the office of a dental surgeon some time since two models of the teeth und gums of a gentleman's lower jaw—one representing the form and "position of the teeth before an operation, with the teeth riding one above another—and the other representing the same after the operation, with the irre- gulaiiiies removed, nnd each tooth in its natural posi- tion. A tooth lost or misshaped is a greater drawback to personal appearance than dullness of hearing or tin- nitus ; hence, in addition to the greater profit to be de- rived from dental than aural surgery, the influence of personal appearance is brought to bear to favor the culti- vation of the former. The voluminous works of the highest order of merit that teem almost monthly from the medical press, and fill our medical periodicals, are evidence sufficient that opthalmic medicine is not neglected, but receives that attention which so important a branch of medical science merits, not only from its special devotees, but from the members of the profession generally and from the public. The truth of these remarks will appear evident when we consider the number of cases of loss of vision that was formerly attributed to what was called gutta serena, a term now scarcely to be met with in modern books. After this, it will be recollected, we had glaucoma as a 26 AN KSSAY )S frequent cause of blindness, although such writers as Tyrrell, Lawrence, Mackenzie, Jacob, and Walton differed from each other as to its scat and nature. At a later date we had, in consequence of the improved method of obser- vation, reduced both of these affections to a very small compass, under the title of amaurosis ; and still f s our knowledge increased with experience and observation, and as physicians became familiar with the different forms of congestions aud other diseases of the choroid ; and the latent inflammations which occur in the various tunics of the eye amaurosis itself became less frequent, so that at this date, owing to our improved pathology and diagnosis, true, uncomplicated amaurosis, not result- ing from disease of the brain or tumors within the orbit, is said to be of i are occurrence. I might, if I did not fear to swell this paper to too great a length, direct attention to the improvements taken place in the pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of affections of the kidneys, liver, gestative and urinary organs, but it is sufficient for my purpose to direct at- tention to the fact, that whatever improvement has been effected in these and other organs is due, and due solely, to the special investigations bestowed upon each, and that the improvement is in proportion to the amount of industry displayed; and, further, that if the affections of other organs and tissues are still in doubt and uncertainty, that that doubt and uncertainty is also in proportion to the neglect with which such organs have been treated. Thus by care, close observation, and special attention to special organs, we have advanced our knowledge of the symptoms and treatment of the circulatory, res- piratory, masticatory, visual, and digestive systems Not only the stethoscope, organic and in-organic che- mistry, but the microscope have been made subservient DISEASES OF THE EAR. 2T to our use in the diagnosis of affections of those and kindred organs. But there is one organ of the body—The Ear—the physiology of whose parts is but little understood, and the affections of which have received no consideration from the profession. Magendie says—" This organ is very complicated; at present we know but little of the uses of the different parts that constitute this apparatus." It may, I think, be laid down as a rule in medicine, that in proportion as our knowledge of the physiology of an organ advances to certainty, does our diagnosis and therapeutics become settled and successful; for, as the pathological state of an organ increases in proportion as it deviates from its physiological condition, itmust appear evident that we must know what that condition is, in order to preserve it in its integrity, and aid it in re- gaining its original position. Mr. Wakelcy, in a clinical lecture on Glycirine Lancet, Lon., 1851., v. 1, p. 291, says :— " In the treatment of deafness, failures of new re- medies are the more likely to happen as aural maladies find no favor with the majority of the profession. Many empirics owe all their success and ill-acquired wealth to this cause." These opinions are further supported by an eminent authority, who writes:—"It is not many years since diseases of the ear were a subject on which the greatest ignorance, and the most mistaken opinions, prevailed, and indeed how could any correct pathological infor- mation be expected when anatomists had not given a complete and accurate description of the organ itself; also, notwithstanding what has now been made out re- specting disorders of the Ear, it is generally admitted that they require further investigation and renewed in- dustry."—(Cooper's Surgical Dictionary—Article Ear.) 28 AN ESSAY ON I am lead to suppose that this society, indeed the profession generally, view this subject as devoid of in- terest and unimportant—I cannot believe it. How can a class of men, who individually and collectively have ever been formost in the ranks of science, as well as in soothing the sorrows of our poor human nature, be without interest in a question in which so large a num- ber of our fellow creatures is so deeply interested, as I shall show by-and-by, by a reference to the statistics of institutions established in various parts of Europe, for the cure or alleviation of those unfortunates, deprived in part, or in whole, of the most intellectual, if not the most prominent and useful of all our senses—hearing- I know by close observation for the last few years—it is incredible to a person who has not given special atten- tion to the subject, the great number to be met with (even in this community)—laboring under deafness, o? dullness of hearing, or some disease of the Ear, which if 'eft unchecked, or to the management cf ignorant quacks or nostrum venders, is sure to lead thereto. Devoid of interest! It is deserving of our highest con- sideration, in ss much as affections cf the organ of hear- ing are, when treated in time and with judgment, which is not just now always the case, as tubject to the rules of a rational and scientific pathology and thera- peutics for their prevention and cure as the affections of any other organ in the animal economy. As a proof that I am not alone in this view, I shall take the liberty of introducing a few eminent witnesses to testify on this head . Druit, in his excellent work, " The Surgeons' Vade Mecum," says. " That deafness is so common and so distressing an infirmity, and, when of long standing, is so incurable, that we cannot too stscrgly urge upon medical practi DISEASES OF THE EAR. 29 tioners to make themselves familiar with the treatment of diseases of the Ear. They should also encourage their patients to 'apply to them for the relief of slight and in. cipient ailments in this organ, instead of allowing them to go on till they get permanently deaf, and then letting them fruitlessly seek relief from ignorant and mercenary quacks." And Mr., afterwards Sir Astley Cooper, in an Essay published in 1801, on the perforation of the membrana tympani, thus expresses himself: " I hope others will be induced to second my feeble effort, and to cirect their attention to the subject which appears to be of the highest importance, and to have been too much neglected by medical men ; for a knowledge of the structure of the Ear is by no means general in the profession, and still less are its diseases understood. A prejudice has prevailed that the Ear is too delicate an organ to be operated upon, or, as it is commonly expressed, * tampered with ;' and thousands have thus remained deaf for the rest of their lives who might have been restored to their hearing had proper assistance been early applied," A more modern, but not less eminent, authority says : "Mankind have often imposed on themselves the un- grateful task of complaining of the neglect with which diseases of the Ear have, up to the present time, been treated, both by authors and practitioners. There was, indeed, good ground for such complaints, when one com- pared the number and utility of the works that treat of diseases of the Ear on the one hand, and those 0*" the Eye on the other. And the very disproportionate su- periority of the latter was remarked, when further, it was considered that the organ of sight in its influence on the mental and intellectual life of man is certain'y 30 AN ESSAY ON rather inferior than even equal to that of hearing." —Dr. Kramer's "Diseases of the .Ear;" Dr. Bennett's Translation, p. 1. Mr. Pilcher, in the introduction to his Prize Essay on the " Structure, Economy, and Diseases of the Ear," for which the Fothergillian Gold Medal was awarded in 1842, uses the following emphatic words : " It might have been anticipated that the immense improvements which have been introduced into opthal- mic surgery by the labors of some of the most distin- guished of our profession, would have induced the edu- cated practitioner to investigate those numerous diseases of which the ear is obnoxious—such unhappily for mankind has not been the result, and thus it happens that even at the present time—in this country at least— Aural Surgery is either almost entirely neglected, or, for the most part, is left in the hands of the ignorant em- piric. In consequence, therefore, of what must be con- sidered a dereliction of duty of the English surgeon, the unfortunate sufferers from these distressing maladies are, in many instances, abandoned to their fate, or compelled to seek relief from the employment of nostrums which it would be but too charitable to regard as being merely harmless in their operation. " It is not too much to affirm, that until the morbid affections of the Eai- be treated according to the general principles of pathology, ' and more especially until the study of these affections be regarded as constituting a necessary and essential part of medical education, it would be vain to hope for any considerable extension of the very limited knowledge which is at present pos- sessed on this interesting class of diseases. ' " We have special works on diseases of the larynx, trachia, bronchia, on rupture, liver, kidneys, generative organs, and even on the rectum. So we have, it may be diseases of the ear. 31 answered, on the Ear. True, as I shall show by-and by—still there is a difference—this marked and impor- tant difference—no physician who lays claim to the title of general practitioner would presume to acknowledge himself totally ignorant of, or incapable to treat, affec- tions of these organs •, but not so with affections of the organ of hearing, as we have seen from the eminent authorities quoted, and shall again see from others jet to be cited. Physicians justly considered eminent, and some occupying high places in our medical seminaries, think it no dereliction of duty to neglect the study of the pathology of affections of this organ, and will not hesi- tate to acknowledge without a blush that they never treat disorders of the Ear, or if they do, that they confine their treatment to simple washing with Castile cr other soap, and a drop or two of almond oil into the meatus, never troubling themselves to find out whether the affec- tion is the result of interruption in the Eustachian tube, ulceration in the middle Ear, or opacity or thickening of the membrane of the tympanum or other integuments of the external meatus, in any of which cases these reme- dies are not only useless but injurious. How few, in affections of the external meatus, ever take the trouble to examine the state of that passage ?—yet obstructions in it are a very frequent cause of deafness, and it is as much under view with tic proper speculum as the os or cervix uteri; and the information to be derived from in- spection in the former more certain and satisfactory than in the lat^r, and the indications, to say the least of it, as reliable. Let us state a case by way of elucidation. Two young ladies wait on their medical advisers—the one complains cf pains or weakness in the back, irregularities in the menstrual flow, palpitations, &c. The other of a con • fused sensation in her ears, dulness in one or both ears, 32 AN ESSAY ON with occasional pain or itching in the external canal, or perhaps a throbbing sensation between the angle of the jaw and the mastoid process, since her last attack of tonsilitis or rheumatism. Now, what is done in each particular case ? In the former, the generative organs are subjected to ocular inspection, and if insipient in- flammation, or even irritation be there discovered, remedies are instantly applied for its subjugation, least it run on to disorganization of the parts. And in the latter—in the latter case what is done? Why it is exactly let run on to disorganization of the parts ! No inspection of the external meatus to discover the state of that passage, although Dr. Wild reports in his book on "Diseases of the Ear," 579 cases of impaired hear- ing, produced by impaction of the external auditory passage with cerumen, the removal of which restored the organs to their integrity and the patients to their hearing; and although Celsus, eighteen hundred years ago, Hil- danus and Nuck, two centuries ago, recommended and practised ocular inspection of that passage. No exami- nation of the Eustachian tube, although Dr. Kramer demonstrated that obstruction in that passage is a most fruitful cause of deafness; and although it is now one hundred and thirty-four years since Guyot, of Versailles, suggested the introduction of a flexible tube into the Eustachian canal through the mouth ; and one hundred and twelve years since Clelland taught us to introduce a catherter into the same passage through the nose, and remove its obstructions by aqueous injections ;»and as if Itard, Deleau, and Kramer had not improved and sim- plified that operation. Thus multitudes are permitted to lose the greatest gift of the Creator to his creature for the want of the same precaution that is used to pre- serve other organs. Is not insipient inflammation and irritation subject to the same laws of treatment for their diseases of the ear. »* reduction in the Ear as in other parts of the animal economy ? The following quotations prove that they are. Mr. Wilde says: " Yet I fear not to reiterate the assertion which I made upon several former occasions, that if dis- eases of the Ear were as well studied by the generality of practitioners, and as early attended to as the diseases of the eye, it would be found that they were as much within the pale of scientific treatment."—(Wilde on the Ear, p. 21.) "My opinion," says Dr. Kramer, "regarding the curability of diseases of the Ear in general, is founded on the results of 300 cases, as they have been recorded in my journal, &c. " Of these 300, 104 were found to be quite incurable, incapable of being at all relieved, and with the treatment of which, therefore, I took no trouble ; the proportion, therefore, is one to three. On the other hand, 188 were completely cured or relieved by treatment, whilst only eight of those who were actually put under treat- ment were obliged to be left unrelieved, in spite of all the pains and care bestowed. " Of the incurable patients, and those who derived but little benefit, the greater number certainly would have had a more favorable, or even an altogether happy lot, had they only submitted themselves in time. . . to proper treatment, or even if they had not been subject to treatment so improper."—(Kramer's Diseases of the Ear, &c, p. 25.) How is it, then, may I be permitted to ask, that f.liy siology and pathology have done so much for the prevention and cure of the diseases of other organs, and t.o little for the prevention and cure of diseases of the 34 AN ESSAY ON Ear. Some answer, the organ is so delicate in struc- ture, so intricate, and its maladies so insidious and in- curable that it is bad to " tamper with it." All this, be it remembered, may and has been said of the eye. Yet, who of us now will neglect or delay the reduction of the most trifling inflammation of its tunics, knowing that if it be neglected in its earlier or insipient state, it may and will progress from tissue to tissue, until it ultimately reaches the cornea, retina, and optic nerve, and destroys>ll visual intercourse with the external world. Will not catarrhal affections of the internal and external Ear, interruption in the Eustachian tube, edima or ulceration of its meatus, caused by Aphta in infancy, Tonsilitisor Parotitis, Measels or Scarlet Fever in child- hood, will not inflammation of the membrana tynipani, a collection of cerumen in the external meatus?—will not all, or each, or any of these lead to dulness of hear- ing, ringing or noise in the Ear, or finally to irremediable injury to the auditory nerve, and its inevitable conse- quence—deafness ? And are they not all under the control of our art, if that art be timely and judiciously employed in their first stages, as if occurring in any other organ ? The experience of all those qualified to judge in the matter,'; answer emphatically that they are; yet, who in the regular ordinary course of his profes- sional duties ever thinks of examining the external meatus with the aural speculum, injecting the Eustachian tube, and applying the autoscope to know the state of those parts ; and yet the early neglect of such precaution subjects the patient to the risk of losing his hearing be- yond remedy. Dr. Roget says, Outlines Physiol, p. 274: " Hearing is always much impaired, if from any cause the Eustachian tube is obstructed, as it sometimes is, by a common cold, which then produces a temporary deaf- ness." DISEASES of the ear. 35 '* There are many pathological facts which prove that the integrity of the Eustachian tube is essential to the perfect function of the Ear. When, from any cause, this passsage becomes closed or obstructed, the hearing is very materially impaired, while it is restored by remov- ing the obstruction."—(Dr. Bostock's Elementary Syst. Physiol., 4 Ed. Lou., p. 720.) " ' This canal (Eustachiau),' " which is of great im- portance in surgical practice, on account of the frequency of its diseases, and the operations which they require. . . Its internal membrane is a continuation of that of the pharynx, and its nature renders it susceptible of the same diseases with the mucous membrane of the pharynx."—(Velpcau's Surgical Anatomy, Vol. 1 p. 28.) " ' The delicate membrane,' says Dr. Velpeau, ' lining the auricle, encloses numerous follicles, in which sabaceous matter sometimes accumulates and concretes, forming small encysted tumors (loupes), known by the name of tannes (acne punctata). There is a cellulo- fibrous layer, very dense, but lamellated, separated from the cutaneous envelope by a more supple cellular tissue. When small purulent abscesses form in this last layer, they excite but little pain, but sometimes burrow with great rapidity under the skin, giving rise to intractable Binous ulcers. When, these abscesses are developed in the former tissue, they occasion very acute pain, and sometimes very formidable symptoms.' "—(Velpeau's Surgical Anat., Vol. 1 p. 24.) The lymphatics of the Ear, according to Mascagni and Cruikshank, pass to the parotideal absorbent glands, and the swelling which takes place in these glands, in consequence of certain diseases of the external Ear, seems to support this opinion ; and it wouid seem to bo still further supported by the following case stated by 36 AN ESS AY ON Velpeau:—' A man who had labored under pustular in- flammation of the intestines during twenty-six days, was attacked by parotitis, and six days afterwards the matter made its way into the Ear through the fissure of Santorini.' "—(Sur. Anat., vol. i. p. 26.) "The obliteration of this tube (Eustachian) is a fre- quent cause of deafness."—(Magendie's Elem. Trea. Human Physiol., p. 87.) " The Eustachian tube," says Miiller, " is never ab- sent when the tympanum exists. Its great importance in rendering hearing perfect is proved by the circum- stance ci its occlusion as a consequence of disease, being always attended with deafness and tinnitus."—Elements Human Physiol., p. 760.) And again :—" All the provisions by which the tym- panum has been adapted to the better propagation of sound would be rendered unavailing if it were to be- come filled with mucous."—(Op. Cit.) The ancients were not ignorant of the frequent occur- rence of inflammation in the Ear, nor of the necessity of paying immediate attention to the first admonitions of disease in that organ, nor of the dangers to be appre- hended from the neglect of such admonitions, notwith- standing it is the fashion with some writers to decry everything coming from our predecessors as worthless, of no practical value, as if truth ever grows old. These writers, no doubt, are ignorant of the fact, that if their own pages were divested of all the matter pilfered from ancient authors without acknowledgment, they would no more resemble their present form than the strong intellectual man, from whom the immortal spirit had fled, resembles the lump of mouldering clay that is left without life or uselfulness. Celsus thus directs attention to be given to the first symptoms of diseases of the Ear, in consequence of the diseases o f t h e ear. 37 danger to be apprehended from delay. He says:— " Aurium inflammationes doloresque, interdum etiam ad dementiam mortemque praecipitant. Quo magis inter initia protinus succurrendum est, ne majori peri- culo locus sit."—(A. Corn. Celsi, Medicinse, lib. vi. c. vii., De aurium morbis. It is only a few years since the wisdom and necessity of such precaution have been fully demonstrated. Mr. Toynbee, in 1851, read a paper before the Medico- Chirurgical Society of London, recording 41 cases of fatal cerebral disease, originating in the tympanic cavity, in most of which discharge from the external meatus had been for many years the only symptom. Mr. Part read a paper before the London Medical Society, detailing a case cf a similar nature, and con- cluded, almost in the words of Celsus, by calling the attention of the Society to the importance of attend- ing to cases of this description in the early stages, when the discharge, often unattended with pain, is the only symptom which the surgeon or physician has to guide him__(London Lancet, 1854, vol. 1 p. 172.) The following passage is strongly in support of these views : '« The apparatus of hearing is simple, very securely placed, and much less prone to disease than that of vision. Its morbid conditions, however, are much less within the control °of art. The cerumen sometimes be- comes inspissated, and accumulated in such quantity as to close up the external opening, and cause deafness. Perhaps the most common disorder of this apparatus is obstruction of the Eustachian tube. Catarrhal affections, which are so common in all climates and classes of per- sons, are generally attended with more or less inflam- mation of the posterior fauces. The inflammation is apt to extend up the lining of the Eustachian tube, and 38 AN ESSAY OH from the consequent tumefaction or morbid secretior, the tube becomes obstructed and the air confined in the cavity of the tympanum. Thus the free oscillatory movements of the tympanum are impeded, and deafness produced."—(Magendie's Human Physiology, by Dr. Revere, N. Y., p. 90.) Before I direct attention to the successful results of the treatment of affections of the Ear, as presented to our view in the statistics published by gentlemen in charge of public institutions for the treatment of those affections, I shall quote the manner in which a celebrated Surgeon and Aurist spoke of the neglect of those affec- tions fifty years ago, and of the manner of remedying them: "Few attempts have hitherto been made by anato- mists to investigate the morbid changes to which the Ear is liable. On this head we are almost destitute of information, at a period when by their labors the diseases of the other organ 3 of the body have been ascertained and the symptoms which accompanied them recorded. But our ignorance will soon cease to be the cause of as- tonishment, if we reflect on the obstacles which oppose our inquiries. These are almost insuperable. Nature has placed the greatest part of the Ear in a situation ab- solutely bej ond the reach of examination in the living body; and as its diseases are rarely, if ever, mortal, morbid ears are seldom dissected in the dead. Such observations as are related have mostly been made on subjects that have casually fallen into the hands of the dissector, and the history of the case is unknown. But it would not suffice if anatomy were able to develope every morbid alteration of structure of which this organ is susceptible. A great object would, indeed, be gained, but a greater would still remain unaccomplished. Before the mind of the practitioner can be directed to DISEASES OF THE EAR. 39 any determinate object, a history of symptoms must be sufficiently distinct. This demands a multitude of dis- sections and a series of attentive observations. " Here, then, the labor and the difficulty commences, but the field is open. Anatomists have, to the present day, avoided this subject, some doubtless convinced of the impracticability, and others disgusted at the diffi- culty of the inquiry. As anatomists have neglected the investigation of these diseases, so practitioners have either abandoned such patients to quacks, or consigned them to the care of Providence. " But although I admit the difficulty in all instances, and in many our total inability to obtain an adequate knowledge yet I must differ from those who thiDk that such cases should be abandoned. I am convinced that the subject may be very much elucidated, if many indi- viduals, having great opportunities of examining dead bodies, and animated with proper zeal in the inquiry, would employ some portion of their time in the dissection of such diseased Ears as chance may subject to their in- spection. By this proceeding many facts respecting defects or diseased changes of structure in the Ear may soon be obtained. In many instances, where a previous acquaintance with the patient affords the opportunty, the attendant symptoms may be ascertained. Thus the observer, combining in one view the cause and the effect, may be capable, in many instances, of inventing means of relief."—(Anatomy and Diseases of the Ear, By J. C. Saunders, Demonstrator of Anatomy in St. Thomas's Hospital, and Surgeon to the London Dispen- sary for Diseases of the Eye and Ear. Lon. Fol., p. 21.) Instead of apologizing for this long quotation, I ask for it special attention. Mr. Saunders' book—valu- able, as it is, to the student of aural pathology, may not be within the reach of all. It is due, as a matter of 40 AN ESSAT ON justice to its author, that a passage that so clearly indi- cates the way to all the improvements that have since taken place, and the method of effecting them, should be generally known, that we may render unto Caesar the things that are Csesar's. Whether we refer to the physiological investigations of Magendie or MuUer; to the pathological of Itard, Himly, or Deleau, to the diagnostic or statistical of Kramer, Wilde, or Tscharner or the dissections of Toynbee—all, all are clearly indi- cated in the above citation. \ Mr. Wilde says : " I do not profess to invent or introduce new remedies. I try to make the well-established rules of practice in the treatment of other organs applicable to the manage- ment of aural diseases. Like most students, I was taught during my apprenticeship theoretically to believe, and practically to observe, that we ' knew nothing about diseases of the organs of hearing.' This was the dictum honestly expressed by the ' heads of the pro- fession.'"—(Wilde's Treat. Diseases of Ear, p. 18.) Having directed attention to the apathy with which the profession has heretofore treated affections of the auditory apparatus, and urged, with all the force I was capable of, the necessity of increased zeal and attention to those affections, I next proceed to give the result of Mr. ToynbeCs dissections. Mr. Toynbee dissected the Ears of 750 persons. He published the result of the examination of 915 Ears. Of these, 303 were in a healthy state. Of the remaining 612, 184 belonged to persons who were known during life to have been deaf. 70 others showed such traces of disease as left little doubt of defective hearing during life ; and the remaining were believed by Mr. Toynbee to be in a state of insipient deafness. The external meatus was diseased in 80, or nearly 1 in I0J. DISEASES OF THE EAR. 41 Of these, 58 consisted of collection of cerumen and epi- thelium ; 13 consisted of collection of pus and epithe- lium ; 9 consisted of contraction of the canal, with alterations in its lining membrane and osseous parieties. The membrana tympani was diseased in 209, or nearly 1 in every 3. Of these, 52 had the membrane white, thickened, or vascular ; 15 had the membrane concave externally or flat ; 21 had the membrane concave, and adhering to the promontory ; 4 had the membrane concave, with de- posits of calcarious matter ; 51 had the membrane per- forated, or altogether destroyed ; 66 had the membrane adherent to, or connected by bands with, the ossicula or promontory. The cavitus tympani presented evidence of disease by morbid collections in 107, or 1 in 6. Of these, 43 had collection of mucous, with lining membrane healthy ; 5 had collection ef mucous, with membrane thickened ; 2 were filled with portions of cerumen and epithelium scales, the result of perforation or destruction of the membrana tympani; 15 had a col- lection of pus, with membrana thickened ; 4 were filled with blood ; 10 with serum or lymph ; 20 with scrofu- lous matter ; 1 with oily matter; 7 with calcareous matter. The mucous membrane of the cavitas tympani was diseased in 310, or a little more than one-half of those examined. In 66, the merrbrane was more vascular than natural; 179, the membrane was thickened; 22, the membrane was so thickened as to bury the whole of the stapes ; 3, the membrane was so thick as to fill the tympanum; 5, the membrane was pulpy ; 20, thickened and ulcer- ated ; 2, it had black pigment secreted beneath; 8, it had blood vessels under it; and in 1, serum under it. ** AN ESSAY ON Bands of adhesion were found to exist in the cavity of the tympanum in 279, or 1 in nearly 3j. Of these, in 130, the bands passed between the stapes and the promontory ; 8, the bands were connected with the incus, stapes, and promontory, 12, the bands joined the malleus with the surrounding parts ; 13, they connected at the ossicles; in 9, they connected the ossicles with the promontory ; 3, they united the tensor tympani muscle and the stapes ; 4, they united the chorda tympani nerve with the adjacent parts. The ossicles were diseased or displaced in 61, or 1 in 10. Disease of the bony parietes occurred in 82 cases, or nearly 1 in 7j. The membrane of the fenistra rotunda was diseased in 5, the tensor tympani muscle atrophied in 7, and at- tached to the stapes in 1. The Eustachian tube presented symptoms of disease in 21 cases, or 1 in 29. The upper part of this tube only was submitted to examination. In 10, i* contained mucous ; 8, its lining membrane was thickened, vascular, or congested ; 3, it had bands connecting its parietes. The internal Ear was diseased in 21, of which 4 had thfe membranous labyrinth thickened , 6, atrophied ; 8, the fluids of the labyrinth were deficient"; 1, the vestibule and cochlea contained bloody serum ; 1, pus; 1, a band across the vestibule. Mr. Toynbee makes the following remarks on those dissections: " The fact of a thickened or otherwise deranged state of the mucous membrane lining the tympanic cavity, being one of the most common pathological conditions of the organ of hearing, is the broadest general results of the dissections ; and as cases carefully examined, noted, and studied as they have arisen in practice, lead to the DISEASES OF THE EAR. 43 same conclusion, I have little hesitation in stating dis- ease of that membrane to be the most usual cause of deafness. What are the history and symptoms of the great majority of cases of deafness unattended by dis- charge ? Cold has been caught, uneasiness has been felt, renewed attacks of cold have added to the severity of the symptoms, advice is at length sought, and exami- nation shows the external meatus deprived of cerumeD. and frequently deficient in natural sensibility, while towards the membrana tampani, its appearance is red and smooth, the membrana tympani is entire, its surface shines, but it is hazy, apaque, or as white as parchment, and, consequently, the handle of the malleus may be dis- cerned with varying degrees of distinctnsss, or cease to be visible at all. Upon a further expiration with closed nostrils, the air, by means of the otoscope, can almost always be heard to enter the tympanum, not gradually, however, as when the organ is healty, but with a puff- ing, bubbling, or cracking sound, as though impeded in its progress." The following statistics which could be much enlarged, if necessary, will show the .correctness of the assertion, that affections of the Ear are as curable as the affections of other organs, if treated with the same judgment and in time: Out of 2,385 cases of disease of the Ear recorded in Mr. Wilde's book, 579 were simply cases of impaired hearing produced by impaction of the external auditory passage with cerumen ; 114, of what, for a better name, were called nervous deafness ; 25, tinnitus aurium, un- accompanied at the time by deafness or any apparent disease; 14, otalgia ; 7 of deaf dumbness ; 2 of acciden- tal hemorrhage from the tympanal cavity ; 7 of congeni tal malformation : 20 of collapsed membrana tympani, and 2 of tumor in auricle—making in all, after giving ^* *4 ANE8SAY0N the largest margin, but 770 cases of diseases of the Ear out of 2,385 cases not directly traceable to inflammation or its effects; or, in other words. 1,615 cases of inflam- matory affections of the organs of hearing, which, if ne- glected in the first stage, or what is still worse, if left in the hands of quacks, or improperly treated, might ter- minate in the loss of hearing, Mr. Wilde says: "In the first portion of the table, out of 706 recorded cases, 85 were set down to ' nervous deafness,' which I am inclined to think was an exaggeration, as by a more carefully conducted examination, and with increased ex- perience, I found but 18 cases out of 1,679 in the second period." Diseases of the auricle and external meatus amounted to nearly one-half of the entire. Affections of the membrana tympani, exclusive of col- lapse, number 219, or nearly one-third of the entire. Diseases of the middle Ear amount to 101, or about one twenty-third of the whole. " When I first commenced the study of aural dis- eases," says Wilde, " I believed that in most cases where I had no positive evidence of disease in the meatus or membrana tympani, the deafness and tinnitus were caused by some defect in the nerve of hearing, or what is termed 'nervous deafness.' As, however, my field of observation extended, and as my knowledge of the healthy and morbid appearances of the membrane im- proved, I gradually began to find that the instances of deafness with perfectly healthy tympanal mem- branes which fell under my observation were compara- tively few, while I daily became familiarized with a variety of pathological appearances in these structures, which I was soon convinced were the result of different forms of inflammation of an acute or chronic nature, diseases of the ear. 45 arising from some idiopathic or specific cause. These appearances naturally led me to pay particular attention to those diseases in their early stages, the only period at which, in most of them, art can be of any avail." (p. 105.) In the Ophthalmic branch of the Hospital to which Mr. Wilde is attached, there were registered 11,233 cases of disease of the Eye, of which 857 were diseases of the retina and optic nerve, and only 341 of these were instances of uncomplicated amaurosis, or about I to every 33 of the entire; whereas in the Ear diseases, as seen above, the proportion of nervous diseases, although the proportion is much exaggerated, was only 1 to 21. Dr. Kramer, although be classes 1,028 out of 2,000 cases as nervous disease, yet it will strike mos,t persons who carefully study his tables, that these nervous affec- tions might, and probably did, originate in inflammation. Of the 2,000 cases, 442, or something less than one- fourth of the whole, were inflammation of the tympanal membrane—of these 45 were acute, and 397 chronic; 154, or nearly one-twelfth of the whole, were inflamma- tion of the middle Ear, 30 of alterations in the Eusta • chian tube; 28 of stricture, and 2 of occlusion ; 4 in- flammation of the periosteum of the cavity__in all 198 cases of disease of the Middle Ear. Mr. Harvey says :—" Nervous Deafness, so called, is too often regarded as a weakness or defect of the audi- tory nerves, whereas it is frequently dependent upon some latent disorder of the general health, not always complained of by the patient, but which will readily yield to medical treatment, as will with it the local de- fect of hearing," and he is certainly supported by the evidence furnished by the following statistics : Dr. Tscharner of Berne published the result of 200 cases—115 men and 85 women. Of these, both Ears 46 AN ESSAY ON were affected in 158 cases—the right in 22, the left in 20. The auricle was diseased in 10 : the external meatus and auditory canal. 163 : the membrana tympani, 122 : the cavitas tympani, 79: the Eustachian tube, 74, and the labyrinth, 72, but the disease co-existed in several of these parts. Of 2,500 cases treated in the London Royal Dis- pensary for Diseases of the .Ear, about 1,000 proved to be curable, or 1 in lj, and Mr. Harvey, surgeon to the institution, remarks: "These included many cases ap- parently of the most hopeless character and protracted duration. It must, however, be understood that the prospect of recovery will very much depend upon the right moment of time being selected for the treatment; and it too often happens that, through the neglect of the patient and -mistaken views, the disease; is, in the first instance, either allowed to run its course unchecked, or is rendered incurable by mismanagement. Patients are too often induced "to expect that a disease unattended with pain will disappear without any assistance from art. Many imagine that a discharge from the Ear, in- stead of being, as it often proves, a symptom of danger- ous disease, is in fact salutary, and ought not to be checked ; others do not notice the gradual approach of imperfection in their hearing until it has become very obvious to their friends ; and in both cases the proper treatment is neglected, valuable time is lost, and at length organic changes are established which no surgical or medical art can reach or modify. It is much to be regretted that, in some instances, this neglect has been in some degree sanctioned by timid practitioners declin- ing to interfere, and thus leaving the patient either to despair, or to throw himself into the arms of the numer- ous advertising quacks, or else inducing him to hope for a spontaneous recovery from a disease, which in fact, requires for its successful treatment the resources of £ I S E A S E S 0*F T H E E A r\ 47 medicine and surgery in their more modern and advanced stage of cultivation." (Harvey on the' Ear in Health and Disease, pp. 36, 37, 2d Ed., Lon. 1856 ) In the foregoing pages I have shown the difficulties attending the cultivation of Aural Medicine, and urged on the profession the necessity of a general movement to overcome these difficulties. I have not let a single point in this paper rest entirely on my own reasoning, no matter how conclusive that reasoning seemed to be, but quoted authorities of the highest standing in the profes- sion, and of universal renown, in support of every posi- tion I have taken. Indeed the danger is, that I may have fatigued by too many quotations. There is one more point to which I will take the liberty to allude. There may not be encouragement enough to physicians to devote sufficient time to the acquisition of the neces- sary knowledge for the successful cultivation of Aural Me- dicine. Saunders and Cooper commenced its practice with talents and zeal commensurate with its importance, but soon forsook it for more congenial or more profitable pur- suits. It requires, in consequence of the obscurity in which physiologists and pathologists have left this organ and its affections, long and closeapplication for its thorough under- standing and successful practice. As Dr. Kramer re- marks :—" It is of the utmost importance to every me- dical practitioner who wishes to make himself familiar with the manual part of Acoustic Medicine, and without the most accurate knowledge of the manual part, he OUGHT NOT TO TREAT ANY DISEASES OF THE EAR, if he would avoid doing injury when he cannot render aid." Moreover, we have seen that affections of this organ are often insidious and painless in their approach, no defect to personal appearance, hence are neglected by the sufferer in their easily curable stage. If the organ of hearing was as prominent as the eye or the teeth—if its integrity was as important to our personal appearance, 43 AN essay on the'multitude would be more solicitous for its preserva- tion—it would claim and obtain their most serious con- sideration in its first and easily curable stage ; and then would, like dental and ophthalmic surgery become, from the multitude seeking relief—Lucrati7e—and being lucrative, it would merit and obtain from mankind—and, Doctors, according to Cuvier, belong to the genus homo —that attention which profitable pursuits always obtain, and many an unhappy, victim would be rescued from a most pitiable condition. If only a part of what has been said be true, that dis- eases of the Ear are numerous, and in their incipient state as much under the control of the physician's skill as any other class of maladies—that when of long stand- ing they are seldom, or with difficulty, curable—that in no branch of medical science are there required greater tact, longer and closer study, quicker discernment, than in the skillful management of diseases of the Ear, and yet that it is an indisputable fact—it is an admitted fact, that medical practitioners in general are unacquainted, or at most but partially acquainted with them. A gentleman in this city has told me that he suffered for some time with a rushing, rolling noise, as he termed it, in his Ears, with dulness of hearing in one Ear, for which he con- sulted several of our Head Doctors, by whom he was, in turn, blistered, and syringed, and stuffed with oil and black cotton without any benefit. He was at length induced to consult a dentist, who, recollecting the fable of the tow n in danger of being besieged, told him his Ear affection was the result of a hole in one of his teeth, by which operation he lost what he considered a good tooth and increased his deafness. Now this gentleman's case was very simple as the sequel shows, for about a .year from this time his deafness left him, with a crack, and a discharge of a piece of dried skin. The crack was nothing more than the oscillations of sound reaching the DISEASES OF THE EAR. 49 drum of the Ear suddenly, which was before prevented from doing so by this dried wax, or membrane, and which any person acquainted with the improvements in f-i Aural Medicine could have removed in a few seconds I say if only a part of all this be true, it is sufficient apo- logy for bringing before this society the subject of Aural Medicine and Surgery, with a hope that these defects m:iy be removed from this community, and that we may, in imitation of our brethren in other parts, open public institutions for the proper cultivation and treatment of Aural affections. In a future essay, I shall trace the history of the treatment of diseases of the Ear from the earliest period in the correct history of our art, marking our advance and to whom we are indebted for such ad- vance : and a third paper shall be devoted to the anatomy, physiology, pathology and therapeutics of diseases of the Ear, as at present understood and practiced by our best Aura] Pathologists. I have only to regret that I cannot bring to the subject the abilities and experience which its importance de- mands: but as the snow-ball increases in bulk by every revolution as the little innocent urchin rolls it along in his path, so in this instance a feeble effort when' put forth with good intentions in so meritorious a cause, is better than no effort at all, and may be kept in motion by the generous effort of some more powerful advocate, until at last Brooklyn can boast of an institution for the relief of so numerous a class of our citizens at present entirely neglected. Permit me to say, in conclusion, that I shall be amply compensated for the labor devoted to the production of this appeal, if only through it I be the means of rousing my brethren of the profession to a sense of their respon- sibilities on this important branch of our glorious science, and if I be the humble instrument of calling the.atten- tion of some more competent to the subject.