CLASSIFICATION 0 F gbfrrams m % SMxtm OF DR. EDWARD H. CLARKE, professor of materia medica in harvard university. PuWtsfjeti 6g BOSTON: Rockwell and Churchill, Printers, 122 Washington Street. 1 8 7 0. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by C. IRVING FISHER, M.D., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICINES. GENERAL REMEDIES. Stimulants Astringents. Permanent. Tonics. Arterial. Nervous. Diffusible. Cerebral. Spinal. Anaesthetics. Narcotics, Arterial. Cerebral. Sedatives. Nervous. Unclassified. LOCAL REMEDIES. I. Affecting the Functions. Emetics. Diaphoretics. Uterine Motor stimulants. Cathartics. Expectorants. Emmenagogues. Sialagogues. Diuretics. Cholagogues Errhines. 4 II. Affecting the Organizations. Rubefacients. Epispastics. Escharotics. III. Acting Mechanically Emollients. Demulcents. Diluents. Protectives. IY. Non-Systemic. Antacids. Anthelmintics VEGETABLE ASTRINGENTS- Tannic Acid, gr. 2-5. Kino, gr. 10-30. Krameria, gr. 20-30. Geranium, gr. 20-30. Quercus, gr. 20-30. Gallic Acid, gr. 5-15. Catechu, gr. 10-30. Rubus Villosus, gr. 20-30. Hsematoxylon, dec. Uva Ursi, gr. 20-60. MINERAL ASTRINGENTS. Alum, gr. 5-30. Sulphuric Acid, Dil. gtts. 10-20. Sulphate of Zinc, gr. 2-5. “ Iron, gr. 1-5. “ Copper,gr. £-2, Oxide of Zinc, gr. 1-5. Lime. Acetate of Lead, gr. £-2. “ Zinc, gr. 1-2. Nitrate of Silver, gr. 1-1. Tinct. of Clil. Iron, gtts. 5-20. !. Carbonate of Lime,gr. 20-60. Bi-Chi. Mercury,gr. 1-20—1-8. 5 VEGETABLE TONICS. Simple Bitters, I. Quassia, f 5 £-2. Gentian, f 5 £-2 Columbo, f 5 £-2. Anthemis, Inf. Peculiar Bitters II. Cinchona and its Alkaloids. Serpentaria, Inf. Cascarilla, Inf. Thoroughwort, Inf. Humulus; Lupulin gr. 6-12, Prunus Virginiana, Inf. Angustura, Inf. III. Aromatic Bitters. Cardamom, f 5 1-2. Lavender Comp. Spts. Spices. MINERAL TONICS. Mineral Acids, especially Nitro-Muriatic. Iron, Silver, Zinc, Bismuth, Manganese, and their prepa- rations. ARTERIAL STIMULANTS. Ammonia, and its preparations. Capsicum, rn, 10-20. Phosphorus. Oil of Turpentine, rfl. 10-60. Heat. NERVOUS STIMULANTS. Assafcetida, f 3 £-1. Scutellaria. Galbanum, resin, gr. 10-30. Valerian, f 3 £-2. Garlic, 3 £-2. Ammoniac, gr. 10-30. 6 Oil of Amber, gtts. 5-20. Castor, gr. 10-30. Musk, gr. 5-10. Dracoutium, gr. 10-20. Tea and Coffee. Arnica, gr. 5-20. CEREBRAL STIMULANTS. Opium and its Alkaloids. Camphor, gr. 5-10. Hyoscyamus, f 3 4-1- Stramonium, iff 10-20. Belladonna, iff 5-20. Canabis Indica, iff 10-30. Alcohol. Sulphuric Ether, iff. 20-60. Com. Spts. Sulphuric Ether, m 30-f3 2. Chloric Ether. SPINAL STIMULANTS. Nux Yomica and its Alkaloids. Ergot, f. ext. iff 10-30. Bean of St. Ignatius, ext. gr. 4-1. ARTERIAL SEDATIVES. Preparations of Antimony. Refrigerant Salts. Vegetable Acids, especially Citric Acid, gr. 10-30. Cold. Veratrum Yiride, Iff 2-5. Digitalis, Iff 10-20. Yeratria (the Alkaloid), gr. 1-12—k. Lactucarium, gr. 5-30. Dulcamara, f. ext. iff 30-60. Chloroform, iff 3-10. NERVOUS SEDATIVES. Aconite, ni 5-15. Conium Mac. iff 30-60. Prussic Acid, Dil. gtts. 1-10. Bromide of Potassium, gr. 5-30. Bromide of Ammonium. Cimicifuga, f. ext. iff 30-60. Hydrate of Chloral, gr. 5-60. 7 UNCLASSIFIED. Mercury and its preparations Iodine “ “ Arsenic “ “ Silver “ “ Bromine “ “ Chlorine “ “ Chlorate of Potassa. Colchicum. Sulphur. Mezereon. Pepsin. Creasote. Cubebs. Cod-liver Oil. Electricity. Oxygen. Sarsaparilla. Sassafras. Guaiacum. Dulcamara. Muriate of Ammonia Copaiba. Myrrh. Cimicifuga. Oil of Theobroma. EMETICS. Irritant or Mechanical. I. Sulphate of Zinc, gr. 5-20. “ Copper,gr. 3-10. Chloride of Sodium. Mustard, 5 1-4. Alum, gr. 20. Turpeth Min., gr. 15-20. II. Specific or Nauseant. Ipecac, gr. 10-20. Squills, m 10-60. Gillenia, gr. 20-30. Tartar Emetic, gr. 2-5. Lobelia, f 5 1-4. Sanguinaria, gr. 10-20. 8 CATHARTICS. I. Laxatives. Laxative Diet. Manna, gr. 30-60. Sulph. of Magnesia, § £-1. Carb. “ 3 1-2. Fruits. Mercury. Olive Oil, § £-1. Eneinata. II. Castor Oil, § £-1. Rhubarb, gr. 5-15. Juglans, ext. gr. 20-30. Mild Purges. Senna, inf. Aloes, gr. 1-10. Leptandrin, gr. 2-4. Preparations of Magnesia, Soda, and Potassa. Drastic Purges. III. Jalap, gr. 10-30. / Colocynth, gr. 1-5. Croton Oil, gtt. £-2. Podophyllin, gr. £-1. Scammony, gr. 5-10. Gamboge, gr. 2-10. Elaterium, gr. £-1. Comp. Cathartic P. 3. Indirect Cathartics. IV. Habit. Nux Vomica. Belladonna. Electricity. DIURETICS. I. Kenal Hydragogues (non-stimulating). Squills, nt 10-30. Juniper, inf. Taraxicum, f. ext. 5 1-2. Digitalis, m 5-20. Uva Ursi, f. ext. nt 30-60. Scoparius, gr. 10-15. 9 II Buchu, f 3 1-2. Copaiba, lfi 20-60. Oil Turpentine, Ifi 5-15. Eupatorium Purpureum. Renal Hydragogues (stimulating). Cantharides, m 5-20. Creasote, rfi 1-2. Cubebs, f 3 £-2. III. Nitrate of Potassa, gr. 5-30. Bitartrate ** gr. 20-60. Acetate “ gr. 20-60. Carbonate “ gr. 10-30. “ Soda, gr. 10-30. Renal Depuratives. Benzoic Acid, gr. 10-15. Spirits Nitrous Ether, HI 20-60. Erigeron, inf. DIAPHORETICS. I. Nauseating. All specific emetics in small doses, especially Ipecac, gr. 1-5, and Tartar Emetic, gr. 1-12—1-6. II. Refrigerating. Most alkaline salts, especially Citrate of Potassa, gr. 10-20, and Acetate of Ammonia, f § £-l£. III. Stimulating. Sarsaparilla,f. ext. rn. 30-60. Camphor, gr. 2-10. Serpentaria, f. ext. ifi 30-60. Guaiacum, f 5 h-1. 10 Mezereon, gr. 5-10. Sassafras, inf. Carbonate of Ammonia, gr. 5. EXPECTORANTS. I. Ipecac, gr. 1-5. Lobelia, nv 10-30. Relaxing. Tartar Emetic, gr. 1-12—1-6. II. Stimulating. Squills, TTV 10-30. Balsam of Peru, f 3 £• “ Tolu, f 3 h- Assafcetida, gr. 1-10. Styrax, gr. 10-30. Copaiba, nv 10-30. Senega, f 3 1-2. Carb. of Ammonia, gr. 5. Muriate “ gr. 5-20. Benzoin, gr. 10-30. Tar. CHOLAGOGUES. Nitro-muriatic Acid, dil. m 5-20. Aloes, f 3 1-2. Rhubarb, f 5 1-2. Podophyllum, gr. 5-10. Taraxicum, f. ext. 3 1-2. Muriate of Ammonia, gr. 5-30. EMMENAGOGUES. Aloes, f 3 1-2. Savine, f 3 h~ 1. Electricity. Gin. Rue, gr. 15-30. Tansy, inf. Cimicifuga, f. ext. (TV 20-60. Electricity. 11 UTERINE MOTOR STIMULANTS. Ergot, f. ext. iff 10-30. Borax, gr. 20-40. Tansy, inf. Electricity. SIALAGOGUES. Tobacco. Spices. ERRHINES. Snuff. Aromatic powders. RUBEFACIENTS. Mustard. Oil Turpentine. Heat. Horse-radish. Croton Oil. Capsicum. Tartar Emetic EPISPASTICS. Cantharides. Sol. of Ammonia. Burnt Alum. Nit. Oxide of Mercury. Nitrate of Silver. ESCHAEOTICS. Sulphate of Copper. Caustic Potassa. Chromic Acid. EMOLLIENTS Glycerine. Bread. Milk. Slippery Elm. 12 Acacia. Molasses. Arrow-root. Flaxseed. Glycerine. DEMULCENTS. Slippery Elm. Wheat. Sugar. Starch. PROTECTIVES. Fixed Veg. Oils. Wax. Glycerine. Collodion. Lard. Gutta Percha. Suet. ANTACIDS. Preparations of Soda, Potassa, Lime, Ammonia, and Magnesia. ANTHELMINTICS. Santonin, gr. 2-3. Salt enemata. Aloes, gr. 5-15. Spigelia, f. ext. 3 1-2. Gamboge, and other dras- tics. Pepo, § 1-2. Male Fern, oil, gtts. 15-30. Chenopodium, oil, gtts. 20-30. Ivoosso, § £. The doses given are the average for an adult, and are given in substance and tinctures, unless otherwise indi- cated.