A CHARACTERISTIC MATERIA MEDICA PRESENTED IN REVERSE ORDER. BY NICHOLAS BRAY, M. D. COPYRIGHTED BY NICHOLAS BRAY 1894. TO MY WIFE, LIDDIE GERTRUDE BRAY, whose good counsel encouraged me to give unsparingly the extensive and painstaking research demanded in compiling a work of this nature, this volume is respectfully dedi- cated by the AUTHOR. PREFACE. The present volume of materia medica is intended simply to comprise the material of standard authorities in such arrangement that the student or practitioner will find col- lected under each symptom all the drugs which belong to it, thus enabling the pre- server to differentiate drugs with certainty. The materia medica is the only work from which a prescription should be made; from this necessity was conceived the arrange- ment of the present volume. It is simply impossible for the prescriber to hold the materia medica in his memory. By the assistance of this volume, he can at least control his case, and with care and a little effort, can arrive at the single and in- dicated remedy. The present undertaking was indeed an herculean task which will be understood only by the serious students and writers of materia medica. The symptoms used are the grand char- acteristic and characteristic to the drugs which correspond with them. The former are in italics. The following prescription, taken from the manuscript, in practice, will serve to illustrate the mode of using the work. Mrs. L., aged 53 years, chronic bronchial and laryngial catarrh, also asthmatic. In this case we consult the chapter on the res- piratory organs and carefully interrogate the patient on every symptom in the chap- ter, and each time a symptom is admitted by the patient, each drug corresponding with the symptom receives an underline, or vote. When we have finished we count the votes which are as follows: Aeon. Ars. Con. Cepa. - A ~ Hyos. Bry. Ant,t. Sep. Dig-. Kal^c Ver.a. R^.1- Op. Cim. Kalm. Rrom- Aunm. . Merc. Ign. l’hos. Asaf. Kali’iod.- AninU' Crot.t. Afg-m- Grap-h- —= Cac Plum. _ Kaljb Fen AT&B.- jggjR Bap^ = “ nW Nux^ Nux.v. J° e • rol „ Alum. t • i . Cal,c. — - Pros. §ggH Stram. Spong. Car5o v. The above shows the number of drug's to be thought of in the case, the number of votes given to each one, the indicated one, and the percentage of importance of every drug in the case; should there be a tie in a prescription reference should be made to the chapters on “Leading Expressions,” “Generalities,” “Aggravations,” or “Ame- liorations.” It requires but a very short time to make a prescription in this way and the prescriber is satisfied, moreover, should the case be difficult to diagnose, the pathogenesis of the selected drug will materially assist in de- termining the pathology of the case. In the present work repetition of symp- toms are avoided as many times, less one, as there are drugs corresponding to the symptom, often saving a page or more in one symptom. In compiling this volume the following authorities were used: Herring, Cowper- thwaite, Farrington, Lippe, Burt, Guernsey, Hughes, Dunham, Arndt, and Transactions of the American Institute of Homoeopathy since 1889. N. BRAY, Dubuque, Iowa. June 15, 1896.