PHYSIOLOGICAL LAW GOVERNING THE J^peduetien if H uman Sex yri— _ _ BY W Ellis Bradford, M, D„ DIX, ILLS. 1889. PHYSIOLOGICAL LAW GOVERNING THE J^r-eduetien * Human Sex by: W, Ellis Bradford, M, D., DIX, ILLS. 1889. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1889, by \V. Ellis Bbadfoed, ill the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. P R E F A (’ E . The object of this littR* mono- graph is to instruct or impart to the human race the physiological law governing the production of the male or female sex at will (or as the par- ties may desire); believing that if the sex were nearer ecpial mankind would be bettered, homes be hap- pier. crime be diminished, our alms- houses, asylums, prisons, etc., in a great measure be depopulated, and the world at large be wiser, happier and contented. 4 That there is such a law, no one can or will attempt to deny; for everything in Nature goes to prove to the sane man or woman that there is a law governing the least as well as the greatest thing that exists, animate or inanimate, in the heavens or on the earth; and that law is God’s — Nature’s. Nothing- in this world comes by chance, hut by a tixed, unchangeable law of our Creator; in every instance, when that law is complied with, producing its own kind. And all that man has to do is to be governed by the law of our Crea- tor, and the desired sex'will be pro- 5 dlined in all and in every instance. It can not be otherwise, because it is Nature's law--God’s law; His laws are positive, fixed, and can not be changed by man. That I have discovered and know the law whereby the male or female sex may be produced as parties may desire, I know from verifying it in my practice for the last nineteen years. I have instructed parties who had several children in their families, all of one sex, and never had one of the opposite sex; and by complying with the instructions or law I gave them, the desired sex was the result in every instance. 6 Hoping that the world may not denounce me and the object of this little work without investigation, to those seeking for truth and raising families — none others — is this little monograph specially dedicated. W. ELLIS BRADFORD, M. D. Dir, Illinois, 1889. 7 PHYSIOLOGICAL LAW. Every living being is brought into life under a certain law. A seed may be kept in a dry place for a number of years without any ap- parent change: but if a certain amount of dampness and heat is sup- plied, the seed at once begins to ger- minate. The same may be said of man. At a certain age—that is, of pu- berty—he is capable of propagating his species. So it is of woman. At the age of puberty she is capable of 8 yielding fruit of her own kind, if the law of Nature is adhered to; other- wise not. At the age of from twelve to four- teen in some, and from fourteen to sixteen in others, the catamenia is established. At that time two or more ovules ripen in the ovarv or ovaries, one of which is a female egg or ovule ; the other a male ovule. The menses or catamenia occur every twenty- eight days in a healthy female. The first one of the eggs or ovules that passes is a female; the last ones are male. From that fact, which I have demonstrated beyond a doubt, the following law is adduced, viz: 9 PHYSIOLOGICAL LAW. First. If man lias sexual inter- course with a woman at the beginning or during the first half of the flow of the catamenia, and she becomes preg- nant, the child will be a female. Second. If man has sexual inter- course with a woman at the close or during the latter half of her catame- nial term, if she becomes pregnant therefrom, the child will be a male. THE EM). AGENTS WANTED—For terms, address the author or pub- lisher. W. E. BRADFORD. M. D., DIX, ILLS.