SANITARY WORK. To the County Medical Societies, State of N. Y. The Chairman of the Committee on Hygiene, of the Medical Society of the State of New York, takes this occasion to suggest to the various County Society Committees on Hygiene throughout the State, the pro- priety of organization for systematic sanitary work. All the county societies have by this time received the Transactions of the State Society for 1875, containing the second report on Defective Drainage as a cause of disease in the St"te of New York. And while there are several county society committees which have not yet completed their reports on that subject, there are others anxious to proceed with the investiga- tion of other subjects. Therefore, that no disposition to labor in this field may be lost, the following classified schedule, comprehending a selection of subjects of inquiry more or less applicable to all is sub- mitted, with the hope of eliciting many special reports. Air.— Importance of purity; space; impurities from special causes; analysis; diseases produced by impurities ; warming; clothing; ventila- tion. Water.—Supply; means of distribution; source; quantity; quality analysis ; diseases caused by impurities; purification. Habitation.— Boundary, district, division, domicile ; climatology ; physical geography ; geology ; meteorology ; humidity ; buildings—new and old ; churches, ventilation of; church yards and church vaults ; school- houses ; factories ; institutions ; prisons—comprehending structure, build- ing material, organization, care, food and water supply ; space ; aeration ; disposal of slops ; house and soil drainage ; in short, their relations to the health of their occupants and surroundings in all respects. Epidemics and Endemics. ; control; disinfection ; destruc- tion ; prevention. Education.—Childhood and youth, provision for; ages; mental and physical; hours in school ; home study ; precautions for preserving and protecting health ; professional education—physicians, coroners, nurses, midwives. Drugs and Drug Establishments.—Apothecaries, qualifications of; dispensing medicines ; poisons—safeguards; miscellaneous medicine-tak- ing, quackery; “ opium eating ; ” intemperance ; therapeutic value of alco- holic liquors; diseases caused by alcohol; alcoholic impurities as a cause |t>f disease; analysis of alcoholic ljquors. W^MarineW^yieue.—X\v space ; effects of the impure air of vessels on merchandise; vehtilatfon ; food and water; clothing; sanitary relation* respectively of sailjpir and stearin vessels ; canal-boats ; fuel; cargo; stowage in relation to health; antiscorbutics; relative liability of articles of commerce to infection; portability of oisease; passenger vesst ; in.mb , commemal diseased; quar*r»Um. Nuiswic s ?—Means of abatement. Vitaid committees in this regard, on the approval of their respective County Societies, be forwarded to the Committee on Hygiene of the State Society in time to be summarized by that com- mittee in their annual report.” — lE' A. N. Bell, M. D , Ch. of the Com. on Hygiene, Med. Soc. State of N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1875.