CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE ARMY MUTUAL AMD ASSOCIATION. CONSTITUTION. Article I. Sec. 1, The name of this Association shall be the Army Mutual Aid Association ; and its object shall be to aid the families of the deceased members in a prompt, simple and substantial manner. Sec. 2. The business office of this Association shall be at Wash- ington, D. 0. Article 11. Sec. 1. Any person whose name appears on the Army Register may become a member of this Association provided he is under sixty years of age, can produce a Surgeon’s certificate of good health, and is unobjectionable to the Executive Committee. Sec. 2. Application for membership shall be made in such form, and be accompanied by such certificate of health as may be required by the Executive Committee, and also by the initiation fee and two assessments, or more at the pleasure of the applicant. Sec. 3. The initiation fee shall be five dollars. Sec. 4. For purposes of assessments, members shall be divided into two classes. Those who at the date of joining the Association are forty years of age and over, shall constitute the first class. Those who at the date of joining the Association are under forty years of age, shall constitute the second class. The assessment of members of the first class shall be four dollars. The assessment of members of the second class shall be three dollars. 2 Sec. 5. To provide for current expenses, 5 per cent, of each and every assessment may, in the discretion of the Executive Committee, be withheld and passed to the credit of the funds of the Association. Article 111. Sec, 1. The officers of the Association shall consist of a Presi- dent, a Vice President, and a Secretary, who shall also be Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected from the members, by ballot, at an annual meeting, and shall hold their offices for two years and until their sue-, cessors are qualified. At all of the meetings of this Association, ten members, representing a majority of the whole number, shall constitute a quorum for business. Sec. 2. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the President, Vice President and Secretary; and of two other members, to be elected at the annual meetings, and to hold their offices for one year and until their successors are qualified. A majority of the Execu- tive Committee shall constitute a quorum for business. Sec. 3. In the event of the death, resignation, or inability to act. of any officer of the Association, or of any member of the Executive Committee, the vacancy shall be filled by the Executive Committee, Article IV. Sec. 1. The Constitution and By-Laws may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present or properly represented by proxy at any annual meeting of this Association : provided, that the proposed alterations and amendments shall have been furnished the Secretary, in writing, signed by ten or more members, not less than three months prior to the meeting at which they are to be acted upon, It shall be the duty of the Secretary, under the direction of the Execu- tive Committee, to publish such proposed alterations or amendments to the Association not less than sixty days prior to said meeting. BY-LAWS. Sec. 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of this Associa- tion, and of the Executive Committee (of which he shall be ex officio the Chairman); sign certificates of membership, and generally perform such duties as pertain to the office. 3 The Vice-President shall, in the absence or disability of the Presi- dent, discharge the duties of that officer. The Secretary shall keep the records, books of accounts, and other papers of the Association; conduct all correspondence; attest certifi- cates of membership, and issue notices of assessment. He shall make to the Association, at each annual meeting, a detailed report of its business, showing the receipts, disbursements, and the financial and general condition and prospects of the Association, with such recom- mendation as his experience and observation may suggest; and under the direction of the Executive Committee, he shall receive all moneys and dispose of the same, and shall have the custody of the current funds of the Association. Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall have general supervision over the affairs of the Association ; shall pass upon all applications for membership; shall prescribe forms; shall audit all claims and accounts, and decide all questions that may arise in connection therewith ; and shall direct the Secretary, as Treasurer, to draw his drafts for all pay- ments. They shall attend generally to the government and financial affairs of the Association, and shall have power to fill all vacancies in the Committee until the next succeeding election. They shall meet on the first Monday of each month, or upon the call of the President. Sec. 8. The funds of the Association shall only be applicable to the payment of death-claims and current expenses, and may, in the discre- tion of the Executive Committee, be deposited in bank or invested in United States securities. Sec. 4 Checks or drafts upon the funds of the Association to meet the payment of death-claims or other expenses, shall be signed by the Treasurer, and endorsed by the President. Sec. 5. This Association being organized simply for the purpose of conveying to the widows and heirs of its deceased members the gratuity herein agreed upon, no moneys will be collected beyond what are needed to pay death-claims, and the necessary expenses of the Association. Sec. 6. Upon the death of a member, the Secretary shall, under the direction of the Executive Committee, levy an assessment upon each surviving member of the Association, according to the schedule 4 in Section 4, Article 11, of the Constitution; and in case payment shall not be made within sixty (60) days or within a period satisfactory to the Executive Committee, and not exceeding ninety (90) days, the delinquent shall forfeit all claim to the benefit of the Association, and shall cease to be a member thereof. Sec. 7. Any person who has ceased to be a member of the Asso- ciation may, in the discretion of the Executive Committee, be restored to membership provided all dues in default are paid, and provided, further, the Executive Committee shall have power to exact of all applicants for readmission, a compliance with Section 2, Article 11, of the Constitution of the Association. Sec. 8. Upon the death of a member of this Association the Treasurer shall, after the Executive Committee shall have passed the claim, pay over to the beneficiary, or in case there be no beneficiary then to the legal heirs of the deceased member, 50 per cent, of the appropriate assessment, and the balance shall be paid within sixty days thereafter. Sec. 9. Any member may change the person or persons designated as beneficiaries by filing with the Secretary a certificate setting forth the fact. Sec. 10. The meetings of the Association shall be held at Wash- ington, D. C. The annual meetings shall be held on the second Tuesday in January of each year, at which time the Executive Com- mittee shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer, and shall submit a report of the transactions of the Association for the preceding year. The proceedings of these meetings, accompanied by the reports and a list of the members, shall be promptly published for the information of the Association. Special meetings shall be called upon the written request of ten or more members; and at all meetings the absent mem- bers may be represented by proxy, in writing, given to those attending. Sec. 11. The books of the Association shall be open to the inspec- tion of any member at reasonable hours. Sec. 12. Non-delinquent members can quit the Association at any time upon tender of their resignations, in writing, to the Executive Committee. Sec. 13. Moneys paid by rejected applicants shall be returned.